West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Oct 1880, p. 2

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u _ Z "ct if! --hir. (hawk-nu, a clerk in the Public Works Devan uncut at Ottawa, who was changed with rcccivmg a bribe from a con uncle: of than mum of J. J. Maedotvald. in connection with Suction B of the C. P. IL. Lu :Jdresaed . hut-r to tae Torvuto Mail io defence of his conduct. The letter is n vary Ward) , lududuita and bombastic " law, but iu are“, Mr. Chuplenu says that. WI otlicc Laura. his time is Lia own and that he can do with it as he, pleases, prowl- ud be dues not take mg advantage of any knowledge In: may hum obtained in his of. 'uint-ferr, that Mnedonahl'sstaua"nt untamed. immuehu that he did not} “tempt to dim-do Mr. Smith hom unm- i mgAane-n. Jone. & Co.; titat whoever ms.- him ofmoiting a bribe is a "base! Mud " -aad"; ml than then] In. no mum-o- on tho put of his l") mt clan. Unfomntdy. however, Mr. Cit-pk“ don ttttt they having noun} " mm a... Nude-nu: I. Arr. u. a tough oinIh-hu saving!» mi you that but “an. T l It in 'teff, that Lint-MM who - b'tiitiftt Ian-uh pg.“- u t-isaae' has A 'iiirltil 'tttite-ttttr""'"???, )9 “In _ l ma , is In. nuunuy bung llljd,U(.'U, or winch thc Dominion cuhlribuh 5 one ball. The mutual names: of lituzil no wry great, but as yet undeveloped. The chief exportiu enf- ho, tth'sauogls, sugar. cotton. tobacco, hors. es hides, minerals, drugs, he., an: export- wt as well. For those Canada can exchange lamb“, wheat, oats, iisls, Irutatots, Ae., which Brazil at press.“ weaken almost exclusively from the United States. The "do may become ultimate); ot some im. portaoee,but if it is worthy of Uiuireultiea. 1 ted n .21,th surely can be done by private 1 oatuepritte, instead of being " Law)- cc) Mind out of the public oxehoqncr. --ru Toronto Mail up Hut the, Do. minion (Sacrament has concluded ar- ming-mat. with the Government of Brn- zil for the maintenance ofa line of steam. Ihipo to ply between Montreal in the Sou. mr. Ind 1Ldifas in the wmtcr, and the duo! Braziliuucud South Amexicau iTGo-- IhOIubein being $100,000, of which the Dominiuu euuiribuus one hall. The tsatarul a very low order meantime: hinder the com of jmdu, and iMiet great injury on the humanity. The Globe urges the chafing of a... venue to n distant Ion-ality. an! the hind of the prisoners by a special woman " an early any. -TU trial of the prisoners in the Bid. dulph "way was cunclnded on Monday, Mon Mr. Justin Armour " tho London Ania Court, and ended. as was exrpmeUd, in I most unsatisburtory manner. The “idem “aim. the prisoners was so ”was. that the Judge durqml the jury in such a may. I: to lead every one tnsuppose that they would be convicted. lluwever LU jury could not :5ng on a verdict. This in'duo to the strong fading in the neighbor. ( hood Quin-t tho Duluoly family. a remark. able instance of how wnlimoutal notiunl o!" ---The lady and continued pressure l tl, [is] of Mr. GUdstom, u regards the i trl Bum-n Pom but " length triumphed. th On Hondly the Sultan issued an Trade L coding Data's!» to Montenegro. The dif. ?? M, in this fitr rattled. The other con- F, ditiom of the Berlin Treaty viz ',--the ces- Itt lion of Thessaly and Epims to Greece, and Pt' the internal reforms in Asiatic us well as be Europa]: Turkey. have yet to be carried all ma What the notion of the Powers may as be in the premises, is unknownJmt theBrit- "".) " Cnbirut mm to be determined to com- till pd Ibo Sultan's perfect htltilment of the tnt uipuhtionl of the Treaty. However the b?.' Titan (London) suggests a short respite Ch " the Sultan. n he manifests good inten. tec ions towlmls his subjectl and his mighbors tMN mm. south and “an! ai ireland continue C') in the most ti.toatr,i'actory state. Arms Ss.= nu being duuil,utud umuug; the tenantry, driltintu magma in under eover of the e night, hunch]: have been winked for ns- C .ua,sinatiou, and the "itators vith. Parnell at I with. uud the Irish Laud Lgague,cwmtiuns tin-i: uranium work ot'iutumine the mind: t ofthe iguunmt mummy. Mumwluh the asf,, wnatubula, hr.., 1mm much managed in I the more dtseouteuted dstrivue, and other pl:" matures have he" tukeu to prevent any iv.yu overt cut- ol humane“. Inc Uovern, T mat is said to Lave in course of prcparm be I tioo u “Lune " the uetslomcnt of the Irish on I lard quantum which win In! a are-at boon to I both tin: landlord and ttsuaoi, but the de- er h his but not 3st Luau made known to the 1.ruu public. _ .-2 -1Ggotiuions no proceeding " Ottawn Hm the Govmmont and tho C. P. R. tiyatdieate. TIts must "tmordiuary " lump“ have been mnde,to keep an“ ovary- an.“ m. but as usual to no purpose. as it In: thud y Med out that “no Company "who tmruty millions of Johan by way albino, ttroutrtive million are: of the beat hid in the North-Wert, Ind subscribe by wuy ot stock fifty millions of dollars. Tho Saul: iite. Maria branch which con- tact! the America: with the Ontario sys- tem of nilwnyu. is. to ba put under survey [ at We, and very showy the who]: line l hon Winnipeg to Juspu Valley at the foot of um Rocky Mountains, . distance of I an: mow suileis I --mdoa.dir.r, the third day of Novem. buhn been set up": by tbs Governor. Uuumluadsy of thanksgiving. It is would. that, u on {0mm occniom, the HIV-37.1mm“ iUrsomitaioata will up- - the name day, so that .11 alum and 9nd- may join together in this praise- worthy custom. -.. Taylor, M. THE REVIEW. I. I. Hahn. m t. Her-1&3. Aonts for the Grey Review. Durham, October 14, 1880. Juan to prevent my inst. nu». Tue Govern. Tus: 114qu team-so of prepan- be held en T “summon!” Irish on Mundny. M G a urea! boon to READ the teams. hm the de- eriu this i.» nude known to the hand a. very WEI." at the I nouns in the BM! Tm; friend winded on Monday. Prieevilltt, wi our " tho London, mm purchase J, as was rxpacted. thur Village. nry manner. ThisI Cayman“ prisoners 'r." so 1' aided by Mr. rlnrgnd the jury in l reeitatiotrs,hr, '"r.v one tosupposo _ a”. and ttev. rwictud. However who gave . um a verdict. This in the Towu I ing in the neighbor- The attendant Ly family, ntemuk- expressed th, nimoutal notionl of 4rntertaitumrnt Mime: hinder the _ the! grout injury on ll " are plea Globe urge: the Reid. for sum: a I distant Gntlity, ( of c. Pr. Jaeko an-.." I... - ----. I an1nn {\mnn llubmol. Chock. . T . g nun. numuay IIWI‘IIOOD he uncovered we I Trte ptucr, or ' 0m.-T'ue Pr"" ot;' body ofa man wtuchhad been washed “how. , and an is a. new oi general DOWN-1m " I The body had the nppvuanea of being in the {’pnsent. 1n Guelph it Inn risen from 20 As, game that and was clad in blue over.' ! to 30 cents a (when. l mu " Won 3 more all, dark woo"... “in, “a boots, Nothing 'modemu saw.“ mm in Toronto where In. Band uni would identify them-poo, it Lu Run. up trout 28 to 40 can. 'lil'?,',', it is supposed to u that ot some nah-'- gout" Jil v... obmuod n “on: tiettraus tlttre I unm- mlqyackyi o: “.1ng "err' 3:! mum mn w MO men room to: complunl,‘ m ot tis. "tttrt" sauc-lFaattoss M I has n is . [at but half In. Gutailm, on, Th. sum 3&9“.an South Btu-o} unit; u 5 "er in..m Msy.~g.,- ' mil be oe6tre4 by Iru'otie may); It we' l Fish; (‘uaoxm-Wo have lately seen i, very tine oil Chroma of the Into Hon. George Brawn. at the More of Mr. John Cameron, of this Town, who is appointed agent to ottearo subscribers for this seciiun. The portrait is taken from a pbombrapb by Mecsrs. Nutman and Fraser and the one twleetud by Mr. Brown's family. It is 1 a bust iisoere showing the Dead and shoul- ders, and in nearly life size, being 34 by 80 inches. " is printed by A heavy human- l phic steam power press on iiue plate paper, _ in oil, in eighteen 903m. In point of qnn- i lity it is equal to Bencke‘n Chroma of Queen Victoria, which is acknowledged‘ by All judges to be the best Chroma in the world. A better picture cannot be produced, and rethsts great credit on M. 8. Richmond, Esq., publisher. Orders taken by Mr.9otu, Cunemm t _ " I l'ccca Brawn-A barn belonging to air. ; (Kurt-Its 1lvffatt, 2nd Cum, Glenelg, was imam-yin! by fire. on Friday afternoon, Ist mm. while the family woio attending the Durham show. The barn was a new frame one, situated at tho rear of the farm and contained n quantity of bay and grain. ’l‘nure is a mystery about the tire, and the loan in a ”were one. On Tuesday evening last week, the barn of Mr. Abram Porter, lot 18, Con. 4, Bantinek,took fire supposed to have been struck by lightning during the thunder storm, and was completely do. slroyctl with all the crop of the mun. lei losss will be about 81,000. James Leggett's shop. will soon make a host 1 in our neighboring will! ham with best wish, We are pleased to learn that Mr. William “aid, for some time past in the law offitte of C. Pr. Juckcs, Esq., in Durham, has op- rurd an office in the Village of Chesley. as Land, Loan and General Agent. The of. flee fur the prpsent will be in part of Mr. James: Leggen's shop. We feel sure he will soon nuke a has: of friends for himself Run the advertisement of J. E. Hunt- er in this Laue. Mr. Hunter keeps on huud a very large duck to choose from,and wild at the Lowost prices. ' I Tm; friends of Mr. George, Wood, into of l’ricevilin, will be plowed to learn that he l mus purchased a bookstore business in Ar. l tlun. Village. We With him succein. L Cosir.ttr.-'I'be Modul School mama} aided by Mr. Raid. B. A., who gave two reeitatimrs,Mr. Jones and some othrr teach- era. and Itev. Mr. Burkwel'. of Pricoville, who gave a t'ocitatiou, gave a concert in the Town Hall on Thursday rveninglast. The uttemlaaee was large and select. and all expressed them~elves 'satisfied with the entertainment. I " place inst. menu: taken ofthe. direction of ti.e wind and of other atmospheric conditions. an ascent WM inademnd an aerieljburnoy ac- cunnpliahcd of 477 miles at the rate of 201 mile-s pa hour. This dintnnco in'nuber more than that between the point reached by Captain Nares and the Polo, and Capt. Cheyne expects, that by attention to me- teurulugicul observations he will be able to accomplish by ballooning what has bathed anigatom by water, and ”we the vexed I question of an open polarsoa. i Tums: wanting at c. L. Gicusr's. the subaoi-iptiuu list. We loam from the London Fire Prog that already expen- mcut, in ballooning have been begun in Iiugiaml, with a view to clear up certain prdllemn in aerial navigation which at prubent areouly guessed at. Advantage being taken of the. direction of 1L4: wind the subscript travelling is rendered so Idfiertlt that my very Cgreat advance nuthwnrdc by this means has hitherto been impouihle. Bow. ever the recent successful ventures in bar looniug has given new hopes to the more enthusiastic nmong Arctic explorers, and Commander Cheyne, R. N., a veteran who 'rarved under Sir James Boss, propose: to to go to the Polo in I balloon. His plan is to sail northward: as for as pnctic- able, ray so as to get within four hundred and fifty miles of the Pole, 3 point reached by Sir George Notes in the Redmond then having by accurate meteorolustieal o'merrn- tions determined the mast favomUe oppor. ltnnity to complete the journey in tt tral. [ loom curtain Cheync is not yet quite I cumin its to some of the details, for in. stance, as to whether three balloons will act in combination or free from each other" but so couf'n1ont is he of the succesJul issue ofthe venture that he “in. tends to anguish no depots in cnse of fail. ure." CLituerieal as the scheme may np- pm: to ordinary people, it has received the support and active sympathy of many in the wraith: world. and even so when lllilltlk d a mall) as Lord Derby has LLLI I The ("at Manny Rhieh Arctic 'tttNr _ gaton have that with ivttempting to huh the Pole is the iield of ice which lur- rounds it on a", ids, and atom]: for some four hundred mile: from tho Pole. in Wham" Mon it any be up- Dmnclmd. This ice ibeid Men from my ice new ewahou. It has a solid man on the axis of rotation of our planet and does not split up And Mord lanes of open i water to the navigator, as u the came in the ice fields of Parry Sound and Ikdiiu'. iii) It forms It solid berrier which is impusnble to the navigator, and its surface is so brok- l on up into hills and hollows that sledge Local and other Items. srLannx's Hats and cups, 5 large mum at. C. L. GRANT’S. at Dmmoro on curd “mainly fair, Davha: u Tuesday next, and at P ny. jtctsr's, ARCTIC BALLOOKING. , villlage, and leaveaDnr- wishes for his future "a! good Msutle should sul " “by Durlnln, will M tell takes next, 19th neeville (Haiku; Na. li. Bony Potmo.--.As, Mr. D. Ron-haw was walking along the lake shore, at Oliphut last Monday afternoon be dimmer“! the body of a mu which had been washed "ttore, KEEP yourselves warm by buying of blanket» of C. L. Gums. Third Clam-tutr;" Morrison. 80; Em. eline Ritchie. 79; John McConnack, 65; Mary Ann Letur, (H. - Second Clast--Mary Mice Banks. 82; Ellen Kunuv,81; Maggie Collier, 71; Il. MeCraekeu, 65. Fourth clmrs--lAila Ada Banks, 76; I D. Staples. 67. W. J. Duos, Gleuelg, Oct. 6th, 1880. Teacher. After each name In stated the amount of percentage obtained at the monthly exami- nation t In Bentiuck there is much alarm caused l:y an animal which Ls called a Wald Cat, which seems to he very plentiful in this neighborhood, and the screams would ter. rity the hearts of the most. phlegmatio. - ONE " Tmg Burs. Mr. Cranston has a flue class of young I ladies and gentlemen in the ol I log church. Ho thinks that his classes all overthe town. ,ship are doing exceedingly well so far. There was very good order here for about woven nights, but on the eighth one of the class, tt young upstart, opened his mouth a little too wide. He thought he would run the whole "air. But his temper was tak. en down instant] of carrying on his minimu- vres, and he Pins kept his mouth shut since. I I htipo he will hoop it so while our frieudi Mr. Cranston in among us. He is a inna- ealar young man, though a seomug schem- or, and I hope he will take a warning by this. Mr. Ferguson has erected a. flue stable nml driving shed south of the grist mill which will be greatly to the neconunml:-.tinn ot his supporters. The fmmer wnsDumzld McKechuie. . On Wednesday morning: last the new d quickly spread over this Town that Mr. ',. George Robson. well known in this vicinity . had been found drowned in tho river. The " new: proved to be only too true. Mr. 1 Geo. Woodland drove his hnreo down to l the river, at tho bridge just west of Dur- ham on the road to Hummer, and noticed '. the arm of a man in the water. He quick- ly returned to Town, and taking with him Mr. Jackson Dunnngh they returned nguin to the river, and Mr. Dnnmugh wading into the water, brought the imdy to shore, when it was discovered who it was. Life was ex- [ tmct and appeared to have been so fur some time. The place where the body was. I discovered wan about thirty yrtrh, from the bridge, up the river, and was quite shallow. "the deceased was noticed the previous ev- ening by several parties walking in the di- rection of the bridge. Whether he walked deliberately into the river. or wandered " the road and fell into the water will proba- bly never be known. The body was brought to the Town Hull, and an inquest held by Dr. Gun, Coroner. From the evidence given at the inquest it appears that the de. ceased luft home about mue o'clock in the evening for tho' avowed purpose of obtuiu- _ _ ing some medieine,hut whether he reached I Durham and stumbled into the river on his, l way home or met with his and end-on his ', u ay to Durham could not be ascertained. l The vevtliuoulus jury was"thnt the deceased I came to his death by. drowning while uu- E dex- mental derangement caused by excess. I sire drinking.” l . The new School Home, See. tftH1les t dt, obont email. end . hattat.'Dt . ham, unopened by ”one. led (Weber fdey)ovoning.. The building in of stone. tndiennexee‘llmtwnem for the pur- -peuforwhiehithnbenrmcted. and m , Boeta eredit upon the centimeter, w. Wm. rum-w, dthio'l'own. Thebnilding was I 'eomfortabirtlrud by new”: seven o'eloek. I The Bnmeenn Choir, under the leader-hip I of Mr. Geo. Binnie, opened the proceeding- by singing a piece, after which I blessing ‘ was asked, and in an incredibly short time every one was supplied with tea and rich cake, made up in every form and style. When thanks had been returned, B, Algae. l Esq., was appointed chairman. After tb; brief address on the school building, etc., l the Choir was called on for another piece. Wm. Ferguson, Esq., P. B. 1., gave an in- teresting address, trying to impress upon the young the necessity of understanding what they read. and to be careful in little things. J. Townsend, of the REVIEW con. gratulated the section on the excellence of the new building, and tried to encourage the young to study. Rev. Mr. Dunlop, of Dnrlmm. spoke on the activity of the young mind, and showed that they should be taught right principles. Rev. Mr. me spoke of eheevfulness, variety of taste, ctc., and gave a humorous and interesting ad- dross, which elicited a great deal of mirth. Mr. M. Armstrong, Principal of Durham Model School, gave a reading “The Rav- ea." Mr. John Bluckrtuve tl humorous re- 'f'vation--loudly a; p'nl.d:tl. Tlu elioiriang pieces at intervals during the evening. in good style. Votes of thanks were passed l to the choir. to the speakers and other gon. tlemen who contributed to the outcutain. _ went, to the indies who had made such abundant provision for the wirwc, and to the ch iirmnn. Proceeds 832.60, winch will go toward; pnrchasmg Apparatus " thc I seluyol. We are pleased to lcnrn that Mr. Juhn B. McLean has been rc-angngl-il for I next year at an mrrcusml salary. 'l'lw ml". l school house lull) he sold on Friday after. 1 noon at llnlllpuxt (our. t Rocky Saugeen Items. Opening ofa New School. a. a. No. 8, (“Juno Honor Roll. Bad Daath. rqirm_ _ - - Te-a. - :3 upnir ; W. roduced to 850.000 pet you. leaving . net surplus of any 'li0,000 amutalh--wUm in tho Ind that pays " In“ 1"-Jhrunt Fond ak Dr. W. S. ('hristoe, Reeve of Artumesia. in a lengthy letter to the Markdale Slandard urges the refusal of my aid by the tuwmhip ‘hn represents to the '1'. G'. d. B. 11.00. In the course of his remarks he "Vsr--"The plea that the road is to utopia out of date. Just think. air, a road that It“ 'samtwt 8330,- ‘ 000, . year, for the, put six you-I, going to stop l T he idea in pnnpootetouu. With not owning: oven “to! "rurtitt m machinery -eltotat 81 [2.000 par "ar-eail band interest Sabbath evening n. social was given lot the bruelit of the Sabbath 8eltool---tmiults, 84.75. Other oulertuinments are to follow through the [all and winter to assist in building a new brick parsonage. Oto: Wm, WAS Tmaur, Holstein, Oct. 7, 1880. , The Mn-thmlist Church of Canada held their nnnnul Dinner uan‘ucinl an Ttws. day the 6th instant (show day). The wet Weather and bad roads for some days he. fore, kept nnmy from coming, and there were many caterers couqrctior, FO thut otti' linunoial results was: not equal to further years. The dinner was excellent. Not- withstanding the heavy min in the evening our social was well "ttended. Tho gross) amount reeeived from dinner and Suciul was 962.61. The literary and musical pa. bulum was of the first order. The, pastor, Rev. 8. Tucker in the chair. Mr. D. Keith read "the man who had a hole un- der his uore,down which everything went." Miss Ida bhields and Miss Mary Keith sang "eome, birdie, come," Mr. ()raburgh read ”the light porter experimenting with gutta _ perehsx"solce," Mrs. Cuhhuie and Mrs. At. kinson sung with tine etl'ect. The Messrs. Mason, of fLtrritston,gtsve tt fine pantomime I exhibition, Mina Keith sung "Kiluruer," Miss Courtice and Miss Tucker sang “Plum tom shadows," assisted by Maura. Mum] and Keith in the churns. Mr. Knith sang "the village blacksmith." Thus a plenum _ sviming was spent. . 1 Dinner and Social at Holstein On Thursday the beautiful ihae made its appearance -rasult, Schools c'1upty--pupils digging potatoes. Asos. The Meat ind banter “Vanadium atten- tion of the crowd ijuil many Were the iu. quwics made to know who Wan the prize of " for the best htiyf. It was cut up and distrihuzcd among'it the visiturc. j The Engineer's Report has been sent in fur the drainage of a portion of the Town 51111), and I hour it is very favorable. The expense is very low. I Know of mm int thud is of little use nuw. can he drained for $30, and iifrecn years to pay it in. Can it be possible: that any person can be so blind to their own interest to oljeet to the) scheme '? I am counnced that as anon as; it is carried out we shall see capitalism " cur midst willing to purchase of those “llul are willing to sell. _ Tist-es-iii/ the order of lhe day, Spring Iwhcm. is worth tl at our mills. Our show at Shelbumc‘ Wt'ft a success. I fouud the white Russian wheat took the prim. The apples won: splendid, suuw weigh- ing 16 mum‘s each. A grant vurivty of crab apples “we exhibited, one kind taken from tt true that pruduced two craps this year, named the 'National Policy' second growth Crab. Sir John would have been there to see tho cttetst of his ‘policy.' The beautiful work sent in by the ladies surpassed 'r.ratortltiisg shown before. l Hanover has already received a well merited mead or praise for her recent int. irrovomc'uts, lmth In the GREY REVIEW and Bruce Jrrald. And we sincerely hope that somebody may soon giro us a glorious pair for having granted a few rods of miling to the bridge at llullingor's Tannery, whirl: ie at prawn: in a very dangerunp, not to my in a wry shahhy cundiLiuu. Wo trust this much needed improvemnnt may hr promptly attended to for the honor of our village and the safety of travellers. Cox. _ Hanover Oct. ll, 1830. l Oct. 4th, 1880. , Our Linguist. J. L. Lister, Esq., is ttill actively at Work touching. and organizing classes for German, French, Pltuuoeraphy, em, in Cllesloy. Chatsworth, Hanover, l Elmwood and Chirord. In the latter place he found, on a tenant visit, fully 20 remain, who promise to study German in the event of his forming a class in the village. This speaks well for the intelligence of the bmi ness men and clerks of Clifford who know too much to run the risk of losing gaml eotomerr, or good situation: through ig, nornnce of the German hmgnngo. when 'ley have an opportunity of iseouring thorough and practical tuition at moderate chrrgcs. l A cruel report of tho death of our well known magistrate and “Professor of music“ J. Proctor, Esq., was circulated to some ’extent hurt week. But we rejoice to know that such is by no menus the case. For, although Mr. Proctor is still sumrring from very ‘seriuui internal injuries, received some two Weeks ago, by being throw vio. lently out of his buggy near Ehcrth's Ho- tel, he is not only alive, but so for convales- cent as to he attending to his mogisterial duties. His injuries however are said to have been sutheient to have caused the death of any man nut so fortunate as Mr. P. in having a strong and well knit [mum and healthy constitution. ( fWe report with pleasure the arrival of the Nairn Bros. which took plus Int Sat-1 nix-Jay. These gentlemen pttrelmaed l“ the property recently owned by H. P. Adonis. Esq., Ind we but that they have already taken steps to hue new roofs put upon the mills, and to have everything put into good working order. They have the nppeannoa of pushing business men, and there in tea. son to hope that their arrival in our village may infuse some new life into us in}: bus- iness point of view. We wish them every success. Horning’s Mills. Su2 bylaw to gin tho Arthur? W3; " a, bonus of 66.000 wul laud My he} by a whimsy ui 40, wow >¢->b~ a.-.‘ -- Hanover. "->~ m-------------------- I , . 7 -- , ttotergt wiv-.. The question drawer wn again opened and some of the diffiealti" proposed fully discussed. Meeting adjuurusd " 6:80. (Pl-kin“! Adama. Ind M dar'. PM Mr. fxlucMzustel'n subject. was then taken up vis.: "Teeelsers' duty out side school room." m strongly trgued for every teacher not merely keeping abreast. but ahead at, in intelligence Ind reading, the most intelligent in the neighborhood in which he "aides. An animated discussion Mr. Leoniml then read his paper on "Mistakes in teaching." which was deserv- cdly welt received and appreciated. 1 Mr. Walker then took up his anlject viz.: "Some method of reward in schools". He took up ehiefly the publishing of honor rolls in newspapers and condemned the practice ; m. because it tended to engender self conceit; 2nd. because it wan impos- sible of general adoption for vuious ren- sona. Mr. N. B. Grier argued agirnst the Looturer's opinions. AFTERNOON smssmx. M can”: called to order at 2 o‘clock. At. umdnucc very good. ll r. Jones occupied the first 40 minutes in illustrating his method of "teaching reading to a 4th class." M r. J 's method wns thorough And deserv- edly appreciated. - Mr. Jonas answered Be' proposed to Committee and interest was taken in the tenclxcrs. - Mr. Armstrong read a Irirlu'r and J,m"e an address on "itccitatious." Mr. Arm. strong's paper was one at the must practic- nl ever toad to the association. Mr. c. Ilamage than read his paper on "Tertehing reading to Juniors". Mr. It. argued rah-oueg {or thoroughness from the beginning. Maud and carried that Messrs. Arm strong and Galbraith be a committee to re port on communications lem-ived. The memhcrsof S. Grey 'i'oeher.," As. socintion hchl their semiannual mvoliu-g at Durham. on iloc7th and 81h int-1., in the Selma! ”who. which was kindly grunt- ed by the author ties for the purpose. Pres. Men in the chair. Meeting opened with pruycr by Mr. Leonard at the rhinos! m the President. Minutes of previous mart- ing read autlsttMtsiued. Roll ofOTtcwrs cal!- ed. The President then gave his addrhss. B. Grey Teachers' "Nemo,"if io" prove to my rsatisf,.urtion that iustrtunentat music is wrong! will be. como an attti-otr,ranin. Produce your proof and emplrw ynm' eloquence. 7 Oct. 11th, 1330. vruurr. "Nemo" asserts that instrumental 1011?"! is wrong, but he has failed to advance one single prnnfiu favor of his ttsts-et/n. Ail he can say is that he anlhis friends are oomreiomtionr, I have mlmittul the truth of that. lhnugh I have since learn! d some things that make me don! t it, Now, Mr. t It is idle to any ‘that the numcrnna Pres. i byterian divines following after Knox, rm- , til lately, wore "nti-orgauists." They now or gave a decision upon the matter one way l or other. "Until lutely" there WM no or- . gun question, and conscqnentlv, neither or- I s,nuiisis nor tusii-oy,rstuiUq. lint when the , question (lid arise the intelligence of the ' Prslnyterian church discussed the matter , thoroughly. and came to tho conclusion that it was right. and cure churches par- I mission to use instrumental mmic If they clmxo to do sn. But “Mano" and his friends think the Presbyterian Cluireh is “rang; for they corivcienlioualy believe that instrumental music is wrong and an- setv,itural, and, of cnnrnmn sin; and not up [lair opinirr'ns in opposition to tho calm and deliberate docision ofthe whole Chuwh. l I suppose the anti-organixts will admit ’tlicrc N no harm in an organ itselmmt thet (C,')ii' to think it is act up as a luml of an) jlol, and nrgnxxists render it it kind ofailotu ii',:',.:':',,",.':,,,",.:,". I believe that there is idol worship among: us at the present (lay ; hut. in this Icivilizml asp, there is little danger of Act . i ting up n mutt-rial idol; the idols of our! i day are mum of an abstract nature. Nome perhaps, make an idol at a particular den. i omination, or a particular opinion, or it may be a particular prejudice. and it isjust possible that "Nemo" and his friends are making an idol of their snti-organirm. _ gm,-.itsoe' looms to. think that h... I do not his noise of. everything he aye. I giro aye-eat to' than thh-hen in unlit]! don't think them worth em- werlng. -2hgr. Sever, little in “Nanak" Int letter tint in new; he repent- hie old suction- om and over again until they no getting somewhat stole. There is not much danger of "Nemo" becoming a Pro. dancer. I am afraid his soul will never he no overcharged with feelings of religious Joy that it will beret forth into voluntary long. not to mention dancing. It ever he dance: it will he in nprofune way. I hard. ly understand what "Nemo" means when he says that instrumeuul nuaic in the Mo. saic dispensation u typical of the music of the heart. That u something new, but it is not original: I don't know where he got it. It irt:viG, Ist, that there was no mus- io of the heart under tho old diirpettsation, l and 2mlly, that under the new dispensation we have the music of the heart, and there- fore have no new] of the type. Well, that is one way of getting over the diffienlty. Any one having the slightwt knowledge at, the matter can see the ahaurdity of such an , argument. Have we, as a nation. more music of the heart than the Jews of old; have the Auti.or,r,muisu had more heart music then they who led the praise of the ancient temple; hr has "Nemo" more honrt music than David the grout singer of Isra- el? Whore will "Nemo" find an much music and poetry 0f.the heart than in tho Psalms of David ' Tb, rumnckn the whole literature of the world, both anciont and', modern, and he will find nothing that mu I compare, in that vtspvet, with the songs of] the Bible. mud“. "-TFhit. irruiug " Mr. Chris-. 2t"e1 I.» gunk. , Inn named John no“ in which several took ununut. wet.) ..-.¢ :1 several questions and a good deat of the matter by the ssocia'lc: . be " new f Six of a, other hand of turnip. manual...” 2nd. Jun Farris. Sn mum bonds. Dunn Mo Jiilso ; Lui, Tttac McGrogot. . ft hum. barley, David Stimson Winters. 2 bush. beam. In. Ferris. 2 bush. any kiml spring wheat, D. Min. son ; 2nd, Geo. Glazier. 2 bush pm, John Abbott; Sud, Sun]. Fleming. 2 bush. white one. In. Perrin; 2nd, ht. Mitchell. , bush. blank outs, D. Slinson ', Sud, J u. Wink", 05pm}. 2 hush. Seneca or Clawsun fall wheat, Leanna. Bundle; gud David Slinuou. Pur duck's. but Sumac! Stokes Ed. Noble. Pair turkeys, best Samuel Stokes: It. Chit. Pair lumynd fouls, but R. Chin Geo. Glazier. cu” No. v-rouu'nv. Pail geese, Lost J. W. Metro! Stinson. cuss No. 4--swnm. Berkshire sow, aged, Jan. Bosebo Pair Berkshire‘ sprung 'pign, beat Roseburough ; 'hid John Non-ml. Pair owe lambs, Walter Nicholls Sim-on. Six '8me W. mum; and”. Stiuwu.” . V _ Blzenrling owes, Walter D. Stiuwn. an; and. Wm. an." Lid.--' -. "w Bush. any can kind pasted. Johnston Rum lamb, Ihwsd Stinson; 2nd Bundle. [ y ulnlt‘. (trade cow, Walter Niche"; 2nd, Thou. Lukiug'h. , Grade heifer, under 2 years old, William Gruhun; 2nd, Duncan McMillan. Grade spring calf, D. McMillan; 2nd, ll. Julmstuu. Yoke of Oxen, James Mitchell. cuss no. ur-Nuts.. Aged mm, James Ferris ', 2nd, Ihwid Simian. Shauling mm, J. Bundle; 2nd. David Stinsou. an” No. vn~uoorm Pseteha.rurl,v Rose potatoes, H, Bast ThurmugHu'ed Uni-hum Bu", John Hun-He, Mcluucmun; gnd. Jan. Robinson. Grade Hull, Duncan McMillan. Umuebull, over 1 your old. Edvard Colt or filly, 2 yams old, Wm. Kirby 2nd, Sunni. Nukes. Colt or filly, 1 year old, George Glazier; 911d. Geo. Campbell. Sprung can, Geo. Glazier; Ltd, David Stimson. PRIZE LIST. I cuss no. t-HttrttrEtt. l Best spun draught horses, Sum]. Stukes; gud, Waltur isieholl2s. General purmm: horses, Wat, Acheson; 2nd, Wm. Gruhmu. bptttt rariiage horses, Air, Vuhduuu. Brood mare. w‘th foul by her side, Aug. Glazier; 2: d, David 51mm... Buggy horse, Tltos. Hanbury; ind, My. Graham. Saddle horse. Christoyhcr Johnston. 2nd. Sn ml. Fleming. Mr. Wm. Doll, of Fltril.evrm, showed a mngnii1eent, assortment of jnwvihry and pinned ware, which alum-ted culhhh‘nd'h‘ attention. Mr. Dull tuso showed a similar n-s'u'tmem M the Hurt Grry and South Gray Shtnvs, which Were much admired. As noon as (ht-judges were thrungh the doors were opened and tLe ham In“ u scene of hustle and sooniilled h) the throng of iuspeotors. For the nape-owe merits of the exhibits we refer the reader to the ful. lowing Mine specimens at poumnnship. tint must have required eomridarabU ingenuity sud patience in producing them. One of these was a diploma lwurdod to Mr. Archibuld Burnett, late of Durham. but not residing in Hopevlllc, as the best horse sinner in thnt section. Cs he lull taken hry,t pm. three years in succession). We must um omit to mention here the prize awarOd to any pupils nitendintt the achouls of.WGne. than nud Proton, and which was accorded Willie Gmhlm. of Dundnlk Willie has seven! ygnrs to practice in before he is of the nae limited to those competing, namely 16 years. The show of rootn, grain, ete., was very good, and there was a fine display of [muse plants Mr, A. G. Iruntet showed a frame with samples of grain, very neat. Altogether the inside show was fully equal to former shows lull in Dumlnlk. The inside show wu held in the Ounce Hull. And the min. root- md Tonia in I tempomy shod built to the front of the hull fur the occasion. There Wu . good display of butter, bread and cheese. The display of fruit, while good, was not It all equal to that shown at other places this (all. The display of Ladies' Work was very fair. as Mrs. Millner had an excellent as sortmeut of ladies' work on exhibition ; hutl while at Flesherton who succeeded in taking l eight tist prizes 1nd seven second, where she had a splendid ansortumnt to compete against; yet at Dmidalk she was only awarded second prizes, where, we believe, she had iufcrim articles toeompa-te against. ludecd.so glaring wasthis the case an several articles, that she has made up her mind not to exhibit in Dundalk again. Mr. N. W. Gowan, teacher, showed iome remarkably air aged owes. Walter Nicholle ; 2nd, D CLASH NO. "--o RAIN. CLASH N0. ll "H'AT'TLE "t J as. Boseborough. . Morrow ; 2nd D, Nicholls ; 2nd ; 2nd, Jun. 11-May and. t,.utrilevole 'ml 3 similar ' mu] South :1 admired. through we :2nd. D, , Juhu J lunch gud 2nd Paul Mr. June Luau uaod upon an "In. tax. ty Wm.ud no Mu. they WNW wan-d mailman-ml In yum-d LI- W" i"; Lo., 3cm ,u an os.".., has“; Mr. Whitby aid In wu- mrpn'ud ture in not were when. co ambition and url dupe:- tho malt-cum bring out an" ”duo. oulogiud the iin. -lity of UM better, Ind M by t:aryitta MJWWI Willilduthywuld nuke it. g l. J. Middleton, Esq., Home of Illa Township, prom "The Judge.," in an “are“ I lone loath. Mr. Dunn ("a menu "ta--ovnrtir and "aiding. “Tho Judges" was replied to by New». Wlutby, lander Ind Walk“. Alto. anti-lying the mum; mm with tho good thing- provided. we fitut Tout rm- posed was by Mr. Hwbury. “The Queen." roph'ed to by Dr. Newman, and James Deane, EN. 11:31)qu (no I but; In good style “The Meteor tstar o( Eth" Sumac! Fleming. In! prise fer Iquulm. It. angct, Ist prime Berim you! work. OYSTER SUPPER. In the owning the judges wd . number ‘of invitod guest- ware entertained a an oyster supper "spared by Mr. ti. McCul- lough. " his bout, and got up in tina-cl- style. In fact an" Wu one of tho but cu- wrhiumenu we have had the plenum of "tending for u number of _ Thom-I Hanhury. Eng" Hedda! of the Society. ooempied “A. unit; cud Damn new!“ Enq.. Vino-Mont, tis. vies-chair. Thoma Ferris. perm. G. R. Middleton ht prim 'iteoomrrut t wanted toilet set. Thou. Mugs, Ind prim fur window curtainm Thoma: Hmbury. Boota & than mom- mended. John Lukiugs In. prim for window our mm. pots. Wm. . --"Ne-ee- -_.. --v-- 0" ent-I-lost, sheul‘uf Fall What--, gluon” value " Chan. MCCoundl. By G. R. MIDDLETON, Meeeuttt-tor ttest, variety of I'otftam--a has sun-t, value 01.60, Jamm Ferris. B ' Tumu- Hn'lun, Boot and shun d'UL'tl' has! collection of Frait-s pair Lady's Boon. value " Jun“ “micro. Ext-us. William Chittick In prize for than can William Chiulck Sud priu worked dip. itoettti Store, 3611001. bury. v -- . -- --_'-.+I... Pump, bert John W. at“. 100 lbs tiour, Tho: Hahn... Fur beat upecimt-u of min [manna-hip an rated by any male nelmlnr "tatmli..st ti", Public whoa]: " human or Mal-"mum {no ttrml'eoshigs “like! rr-or-Koa'. l’sir men's tiuo In: I y. 5mm Thoma Ferris, 2nd prize tue wrath Bow Thomas Pair men'n with, Johnnie: Minn” ; 2nd. Duncan McMillan. Pair New. such. John Abbott; 2M. Samuel Stokes. Hng run-pet. 5 "In. G. It. Middleton; gud, Peter Meiirrp,or. Atty other kind of carpet, Dunc-n No “Allan. Collection of Home phutta. Thu-u Takings ; Em]. A. G. Hunter. 'm. Marshall 2nd prize for tttpor new.“ Henry 1lrnlmtu,%td for motto“. Wax Bowers, Wm. Mmhdl;8¢d. John- Mott Millner. Harlin won! work, mind, Ed. NOW; tud, Johnston Mdlunr. Ir,okea mu. Henry (Salaam ; Md, Peter Met i roger. Crrstehet work, Johvston Hillier. Hair work “on Millnnr. G r Braid work, Wat. Malibu“ ', 2nd, Hoary Gruhnm. liy'A. G.. Hunt}. Estate nod Loan Patch Ouit, John Gnhum. 5 “a. honey, l. Realms; Std, The. Lakingl. can Io. 't-.otrtt Inwncwm. Best blanket. homo-mule, Henry Iha. lmm; Ind, W. H. Peterson. Fullv-d 'sloth, home-nude, Johnston Mil. ner; 2nd, Samuel Fleming. Sntinet. homo-made. 5 yards. W. H. Peterson. . Fl-nmsl. home-tmute, 5 yards, .11 wool, W. H. Reunion. blil CLARE no. Ei-rut-ac-. le lug wugguu, beat. Thom-s 81m. Buggy, bent Thom-e Swan. Plough, best Witsoa, Bros; 3nd Thom 5 lbs. butter. put up in any Rundle; 2nd, N. Stoker. 10 lbs. home~mde chum Md, D. Holmium. Loaf blend, John Idling; Stokes: 8rd, John Abbott. Twain fall up“... David Stanton in. Winters. Twelve plum. Samuel Homing. Twelve crab lpplll. Thea. Roam In. Roubomu‘h. cum In. "-Bagttr unmet. Tub butter, not [an than go lu., Stokes; 2nd, Henry Balm-u; hu, Perriv. vu- W. vtu--rtttrm. Twelve winter I plot. J . l" ' . Geo. Glazier. Pt " “m. T'dn Mutton, Rich. Chur uku.s. Six encumbm, Henry John J. Ferris. Bix elk-om Ruben But hhsConuea. ' Pack with onions. l Kitchen. ha any aim kind “on ; 2nd, Wm. Kirby Lttkitw, Two Wmnkins, iid' McConnell. hnittod Lace. Wm. Mal-shun; N. H. admin. tytitnuusu, Wm. Marshall ; 8nd. Thu I 'IDKE. Equity Quilt, William Me m' coutpae--ir.v Déua's LINN-tr; I, Dundalk. William (indum,Duuddk ir men's cause boots. Incl Thou. Hun Fine shirt. hand made, John L Samuel Blah-a. work, Wm. Marshall; Burl. Liking: bt prize tor mm 111% lery, El Noble; 2nd, lulu-tun cuu no. t'ttt--H " [It-in " worked slip "660nm“ book. but Thom Wm. Muslim ; Rad. Fri" my super, Latinas: Std, Hoary tttt 31mm; Md, Ed. Wnt, mu m J of otuUs, H. Jol- t'eeeis; Ind n.-- John“. ; 2nd. r, ', and. Ch i and. Saul "damn ; 3m, Lai, ; he. ; 2nd, Ju- R. LII-inn ; lion V Julat J “In. ; a“, M u. Ph.-. Den-mu .004. ho hr. Noll. team-dell In- I“. Til-t I mun-mk- he "an“ m at the Rave. Mr. “emu... Par. In “a emu fur the may M's-(24.1%.; m. It.. - A W.r.tst_ ..-t than! “warm-9 M “OM by Mr "I!" VI. Tim the rum! .3... G In pawl " w " -... It.” " to mun M " " M. on“. t, M M Mr, M, m Pmist “It Nu: column be‘w-l to N‘III'H'I' loud hy Mr. Dun-n, awn” Mitun, Than the nonn- (u: in h “Midlh Iz'rpmuilur t - “a. Mind I!" m. Sir-I ht. "W in the Man-k- Carded. M bv Mr. Davis. Inc-mu . ' That the ronz! ('nmvm . I be .etthooied to huIM t dttot M. can Srd, E Moeod by Mr. Eh "ambit. That Mm. “claim-icy. Airs", Movod hy Mr. ttavi Mitiart, Thai the Ila-m - be Mum-sled . I“ M I ttotttraet of I ‘- mu. I kill“. itch qi, can. a! --A'aeeiod ONION I ”I“! of the mount ttri',',',',",',;: t ling plum Cmmi Moved by Mr Neil. Th " the m Mrvod hv Mr. Numb» _ VI. That the ch~rk Inn-nu h. withdraw from tax at " ll 0- Mth cun.. luhl I Mgt mt North, Mark, PM! not at ll..- [nmu-t to uljuurm mt. The tgov. Mr. “Mar. Method: ruined MI eloquent Herman run. His dune-mm» are Very -iuod by all the pmmle of ch Mr. Berwick, the Ounce- hull up Church of r M In two u. - for next wututr. Mug folks. “to Male huh. on 'IU H We lave llml for v.- ".T “Ike numlu-r of' Pt when were readily ham “Wodby Mr. BIL “In”. My! The hurling closed "tth thr, the “0mm" and the um "s "* Bembe Mainly plan-0d with Cue. l M er of tur, elm-rt Mr. MrCuliot w, and a]... l tel-Innu- in Mr. J. J. the "Hun: tmttimonv t Mr. Peter M the good char-u iug hum" hill m, troesht my” I. he had m t: The Pres/tdet Bum-u. of " , the best, h "a“. [kilo three you Mr. him ti of an “re-wit for icoditstt ru‘ improvemenh good NM-IIA.‘ cheese iketory (awry. and “use humi- a Me. McMillan sud n has good nu! IIvm-mnn' “in cammmuly ta into moieties and ”1li “my and dtseussius. U M' building, cu'. Mr. Niddlvhrn WV. and urged I "isliunumst of ot Dr. McWailiau: Inn p. .J hum." coupled vs th tl Ila-n. Gavan, Potter And I; w by unnu- gaunt-nun. Mr. (30qu replied irtactl.v. Mr. Mahala: black llmnkm My " the haunt done hm b.t him. Tun-chm had In arc-II r u thy land to mum the comm Mo cloud with 3 comic rot-nut Dr. MchIlinm to mupwd trow. “NF”!- Mr. Ueorge Ill; [Kind " the nu. “an. urn p'ugmn' and: nude. nun Us lephed In tttes - In furor of hag lawn-hum. Libiblwu I! u Will} the nun“ " MW. Mt A Ila Lathes. Mr. J. Tuwnwnd any of nuprmmu. Mud the Cumin “in; ulna m mu oive “We tode tho When this rum.“ lupin Handle. Esq h Ind “rays dune the tr I. could. lie avg-hr Mtu. McMillan It. Kmuel replied hr John Abbott, Esq. Mun." n 41}:ch “All: Town-sud. Henry Graham. brtth 0(“1'lle bu.- I ‘00. Proton is/n/UU/ii Mr. Thos. Hauhury mod witl, the burn ved the show in t “and to none in thr tr. m [wiped to JreiLiie" nun-w M7 tr. Durham 36 youn- ngu. ' I. (ff-um: w the needed nunnn’ Damn Hellman Em., Vier mid he 4ttuutt to this country m H eomtneueed to Inc-w I lmmci (in. tum-u. lie was prolstthlt Pert Perm" of Ill” Aurirult, Ht. truin, isus, MI m m Atrsrrttamt shows. Hr luul no! «u Ru. but“. can. In”! sheep an Mr. Dunc pmpmed the "Push Dir-e. II a. Ph‘un Aarseulum V" in I "eat {Mn-n. f" In. and M, Owni- qrithemt takttw a priu “In”: Ind again. he believed “Ii rook": dsc new um um nun “on". Berld roots In the gunk-u w M. Me chm-d by gum; new Old] family nlpencnct‘h, ulenelg Gounod allot " nun 11L Dundalk Items m it} " My Ilium. mnmw ll. and In N. MI” I NIH/tr in a land uh I It u.R.--ta, f Dr, It.“ macaw was ring but .uil I ll ”I 'M why I " u tl 1tcWtllutm " " I'ml‘ rr Mr. g " and N m l mini Mr. N tar Hutu

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