West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 21 Oct 1880, p. 2

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" go 5.5 3’1 fit h " We but recital the Align-t numb" of the Ibo“ periodical. The mbertisement it given in gnome; column. It in monthly j. "rral don-tad to the ”Moment and de. '0')!»me of Minna“ and tho Xv! 'h. Wo‘t. uni muting its matri‘mznru we thrd Inc can." m with wall-known Lend-1mm of um. mm 'P ChiofJustic-e Wood, 1m. Pro. 1 “an Bryce. Ind Azehbxshop TaeU. There l m few thtutts an remarkable in the! Nsetommeut, of tho Noah-Won't u the u- Inordiuuy onterptiao shown by the gentle- ..u "fthe has. no much so. an: u that Glob has leeway pointed out, newspaper- I onrood minding In to In {mud in humid. [ " only I for monun' “New. 3nd lur- l “all“ by Mia- whieh have boon onlyi glib "an“, red-ind iron tho “We and In than. Tho mt number of the “Candi. Noeth.Wrut" cont-inc n In” dednl It“. Lou-in; on the 'l-tree. Ind Wop-um of the canny. nrd I“ no unduly {no (In. -thiutt Jihad-o‘- d political patina-Mp. o' duo n in! m that by Purl but.» an 'Nh.. Mm; Pal-lie “ml Tub-u in Umiwh. by lb. Bev. on and injuring moth” so Dr. M. III I. stick by tho “it: All-n. who m in than!“ on lb Babs B., In! Kobe. VII!" - to unplug“ both. My. A ”in theri.tttae% _t'i't;l',7,",r)';p'r1t,)'t, be-tatt-th. cl Np. "-ltir-ta-lrntrtsrioe, -rtu, 'umulion of the Syndicate " tho luild‘mu ot the Canadian Pueiiie Railway 0009 nu! mm to be making any pin-groan Of lit-hula and American cnpamlntu there In noun IS tet, “all it isqnite would: that tho whole manor any resolve itself in- lo tye "tub Allan & Co. One thing is ter- taiu, that Mr. Abbott. Sir Hugh's agent ot the C. R. Scandal 'rutortety. ii at Ottawa and in in daily ttorutottrtiuation with the humor. Tue Mail .um mac“. however. 'Isnt un- wed the Svmlieule will moot u Oshawa. and will be in the “full title" of negotiumu Will) the Onummeut. At the no. time. the organ News to Wish to litr- pon in readers for I sudden collapso of the wh la matter. and depremtn any Ar. vm u imulrersioms (ruin the Globe on th nature of the mngemeuts or the charm» hr of tho principal!) in the negotinttum, bet an pmvurful “tacks of the Canadian Etotoderer might More din-strum to the “Ii-.3300. 0581: John sud his friend Dr. Tapper. " the when» lama out to 1.. in he iuteremts of the annuity. the 0105c and -other member of the Reform Pru- Iill to glad to [in it then: hearty support. "rm, CANADIAN N0BTH.WE8T." -mu great admin] of Cuban. m the Rhine. has he": lately munruted, mod ho week In tommlly opened I», 3 series of dad-mm): "tsitu"." wmchlhe Imperm- ul Gummy. Count Yon Lollkoml many who: awtaieio urn-oa- won present Tho Cube-ital io regarded u the tiutst work In nuckut Gothic ntylc in Europe. It i 631 {on lung and Mt wide. and an towar- ttte (and w the height otWu feet. " mm be. suo In 1248, but tho work for many years bro-twed Von, Mandy. and " the time of we Itlrtuatwn it stopped nltugether. noun-gr. in the Inc-ginning of the present qqnMtr.' tun unique alum!" of in archi- tecture pruned the summon of many per- you». run! aluminium were fanned far and In“ in Gummy for the [nu-pulse of cullect- in {main tn cumplelo the 'vl'k. . These in. but: "caudal Ind the mum is tlte completion at the mo" asagaiiieaat cathe- dral in the valid. -Mairs in the Eurt “on to in II l summit“ prmriuns condition. Tho Al, huinm have manifested I duspoutiou to hold balm, um! Gv.eee I.” uotiiied the European Powers um with or without lid It» will proceed to occupy Themuly. At sin um hm the Sultan. and on the one side be Great Bntaiu and her an... but. and.» the conditions of tiro Balm Tansy no cump'nod With. armed interm- we. will be ",orted to, tsud thraatemd on tim other by his fnlmtiml sttlre.tts " " Inning the glory of Hum to Le "odd: tt under foot by we Christians, is driven to the "no of nuadueu. denounces Ennlnml 3nd her whey. and forbid. hot man to be hunting“) in hir pronoun. This untoward nun of skin may loud to I rupture of no- gunman. and dccluntmu of War. -- ; ..-TU mm of mum in Inland in tut. W. The ArelrbUhop of Dublin has done-mud the attempt: of the Land Leag- nm to stir up the people what the land. lonlo. And " Parnell has, during the laat uni. been man quiet, it u supposed that the audacity of the church may be pro- dtgetiv. of sumo good. Additional bodies of when ha" hon an: to Kerry and Gal. way, when rioting new to be imminent. It u Ilsa natal that the prosecutiun of the may notorious of the Land Langmuir isto be abandoned, on the ground that the re~ ports oz'tlnit muting. an Mean“ and an on mists of vumclty, --au snow storm winch viiteg this home. on Sunday and Mend” Luz has bun altars-worn; " the union in Mira. nu“: and the neighboring sum. Harm. cattle uni Mp bane been destroyed in test nan-hon. him have been blocked in uni am.- ot cighnoten feet in depth, tuul with. [$1301. shipping has sueou,d con- “doubly; a,, ye; no to“ at human lite lass been new)“, It in mum nurtured thatSir Charla Tune! in mm to resign mad to Income . In.“ ot “no C. P. It. Sylrlicata. It is also mud that the Boo. Mr. Chapman. PYmle of Quebec. in Bbont to ulna Mr. Nmn'l [Inigo in yo Dulniuiou Gav. ”not. Ind . It the Hun. Mr. Itoss will uh tho Funnier-hip in Lmer Can-d1. THE REVIEW. Aunt. for the Grey Review, I}. It. “I”... ”I“. Ath“ In... MING. can 6. lot-yd... Giro-II. Durham, October 21, 1880. i Fun. AcchENT is thassaus.-th, Sat. n any lard, while John L-iml', run (if Mr. George Lamb. of Glenelg. “in taking a load of manure through I piece of bush, liefweon the farm thoy live an om] unnwlier in: Iliev own. a hiin runny of a tree ww. ~mlr‘only blown chm-u be the “mug wind blowing of the Hun. and the you": won struck on the and ond felled to the ground while tho nnmp fell across the manure. Atrmt fitteen minutes nfter he was found by humane: lyimr on his {no dead, and the team hold fart at tite aide ufliiln. The funeral took place on Mandoy Ind W3. largely “loaded. Much Irmpoty n toll in tho neighborhood tor the family in their onddon Immvomont. Tho demoed WM " you: of no ond nnmnmod. Tgamsrmra than: AaaDmm-An tut. oidout of o voty painful noturo bopponoil to oortof Mr Mich-cl O'Brion, of Arthur Mmlsip, on Wodnoodoy but. Whilst t 'ediutt tho moonino hi: bond got ttaught in tho oyliodor. on benign] it in o vory an" manor. boring " on of liking. aloud injuring not)»: no bully an} De. “ha. the woo in Mar. fund it In. no." bony-“both. tdud'izd on“. no 5mg, no you,» My .3. Hun Pata: or Ssow.--ths Sunday " termrou lust tlua section wan visited with n Denvv mow norm, but it twaited on the grvund n! it fell. Ou Monday it mowed all day and the ground was covered to a depth of rd: or tttrung inchea. and last “one ing the tidds were still white. Out in Gleuelg the snow was deeper than ut Dar. ham. From reports from otht-r place: the storm seems to luv. extended over a Inn-ge- nrm of the won-tern peninsula of ouurio, but in the southern light " compared with he u .rttueru portion. Cr. It., Bauxiuck. on Thursday. Nov. 4th. Fifteen montbs'a man. --Lmhlatt Melton. ald, proprietor. Alex. Prawn. Auctioneer. Ott Tuesday evening last while Mr. S-mmol Edge of (Slouch; was driving near the Paulo terian Church in tins Town. one wilds Imruea Imldeulv fell down and died in a short time. The muse of the horse. :lunzh as believed to ho inthuuuratiuu. Rm Jupp'n new 'u1vertisertwnt in Btt. olher cnlumn. as it shows where prize bouts cat. be obtained. “an: fur Sula by motion. at the office of Ir'. 1nelue. Durham. on Saturday. Nov, 18th, Hugh hhukay, Auctioneer. See pubic“. Doumuv nlwnyn and in PhaWzrnvlm. Dunhle nud Treble F ermtypon only M cts. All Myles and uizva of frames " lowest prices. Kelsey". Old Stand, Durham. Lanna: Innings for ale at John Cam erou's, Durham. For: lmionnural Implonnents. ntm-ea, ettt, try tho Durham Foundry. See adv. AUCTION Sale of farm nook implements, no. on iot 60, (Speuca Buck’s farm) mm. 3, d. D. R., on Thurmdly, Oct. 28th. Tmrlv. motitisU eredu given. b. McCormick. Auctioneer. Ou Tumdny and Wednesday last week the home sltow and races. nude: the num [new of the Mount Fore: Riding um] Driv lug Park hstureiation,'asok place in the pink at the north and of the town. Cum-r Auction SAL: " Farm Stuck unpluumnls. Ie., on Int 24, 2nd com. w, PAY UP. - Notwithstandmg the fact that we have frequ mt- ly asked our tardy subscribers to pay up, comparatively few have yet done so. This is un- just to us. We cannot afford to furnish paper, ink and label for years for nothing. Come gentlemen, let the better dic- tates of your conscience prevail and remit by the next mail. Do not put it off until you for- get again, or you are reminded of your duty by the bailiff. uiian Paeiiie Railway will he sb.oru of a greater part of its usefulness. u a through hm to the Aemlmnrd. The success of the llmlsuu'u Bay route will hugely depend on the length ultimo during which it may be free {rum ice, but even if there is open water only fur three mouth-s in tho year, the luwnessuf freighta wall seriously inter. lero with the success of the Pacific Railway when fully omtpleted, it ever that will be. The people of Manitoba u-e fully alive to the importance M the Hudson Bay route to Great Britain. and mm have Already been ukeu " making I {hurrmgh annoy of the cunutry between Lake Winnipeg and Had. Ron's Bay. Nelson River. which currin- lbe wants of Luke Winnipeg to Hudson‘s Bay, r, hmken in the upper put of its court". by tapida and watartalhrwlsietu ren- der ntwiguion, of coma. impossible. Thiy ditheulty in to be "media-1 by the construc- tion in railroad from Lake Winnipeg to a point on Nelson River. below which it will he tuvtgable for sen-gluing ves,els. When this railway is cmuplete-l and a line of stcniiinliips placed in counection with imlw ptuhitsgt, to Liverpool will he with in a shorter time from Winnipeg than from Tu. ‘ routo. Theo is no (median hat that. when ', this arrangement in carried out. the Cnnu- 1 tion. Wei-enco- of and have boon pluod in nboyancg, and the Roman Catholic» the Episeopulhm nod the Proal-ywuna. who have bad tor tone you: “no.” “uninh- ed and equipped " gm... . Manuel?" course, have united teqstlye ind formed an Uninnity ol Klaus. which aloe-1‘ will hue the pow-'0! New 'usted, Ind before which All “that: in law and" Medicine mm: am foe "gtminntlou. "An achievement of this kind." said Lord Duturin, at Winnipeg, "monk: volume: in favor ohm wisdom, liberalito 1nd Curr.. tian charity of slurs: devoted men." Public School Teachers reqdirs to pun examina- tious which an equal to the standard laid Jam; in Gnario, at last in the mum‘s. An tln, cuunlry became: opened up. there _ will no doubt he a greatdtrmand for Teneh- l erstt at meson: the supply in equal mm demand. Local and other Items. ml wine up»; -uir'iui 4§w;u.60; few-5'14. M H -- . . Surposrn TO n: Srotas.--Satitrday hm lt man muuo into town and in ammo , f time offered a tine looking mare for sale t ' 3le John O'Brien. He held it at a very fair price " first, lmt came down tbun one mm to another until ho expressed his wil. linguou to necept 92') for the animal. Thinking trom the manner in which the ’ man acted that things were not altogether ir'qunre, Mr. O‘Brien caused inquiry to bei made of Mayor Swan into what he thanng I WibM but to do in the m utter. Further-l conversation was had with the man regard- }inx the horse. A second visit w" made 1 $0 the Mayor, when the “ranger. becom-l 1 ing through some means ttwar" that he war 1 about to he nabbed. jumped on the home" back null made rfl along the towuline can. l Countable. McGuire and Godfrey, with I Mr. O'Brien. gave chase. They followed :he char for about two mil". end worejun nbout up to him when he dismounted. jumped the fence and made across a tleld to the Lush. Hero much wen made for him without mail. The :00th came home without their mu. They however neared tlt. bone and brought it to town. It is bo. ing cared for by the eutharitieg. The bout. In I dark hay. Minn and 3 bellman high anal about In your old. tro tetym ha " m bun mum of the omree6rhes anal here “be m~ 'sriois t'tMritrgrtroet.r A Mum-mo of the business men of Dur. ham will be held to-morrow (Friday) oven- ing at 8 o'clock p. m. " McAllistex-s Hotel, for the purpose of forming A Board of Trade. and considering the ndvisibility of shortening credits. A full attendance ofull the business men is particularly roquestod. Ttttt townuhip councils of Proton and Melauctlmu met Friday last and submitted hy-lawuiu aid of the change of gauge of Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway, the former for $8.001 and the latter $10,000. Both lny-lnws will Le voted on on Nore, . ber 30th. Consumable building u now going " in Dua- duk. Mr. A. Nubia has had I counts erected " I c031. of hbout 6300. Mr. \‘udden, wagon-maker, in erecting v. neat oottagr on the next. lotto A, Noblo‘l which will cost. show $500. Mr. Pom Mchor is enacting u. nun largo home. this frame oi which in mm up ; but it will be built ow: with brick; when nabbed it will prurubly e.orit #800. Mr. E. Hum- phrie: tusa crack-13 d! able "are. In" the p, " Ollice. cont about 31.500. Mr. Wm. Hicks is uninh- ing two 'tore and the Pro-bywrinn Church bu been planned on the outside, which gives it I nice announce; nd the new English Church in plus- wnsa ill-lac. and “ill Bcon be uni-hull Mr. John limbury is erecting th Skating Rink, la) feet long by 50ttset wide, new by "John Norm] ot tho Gum ." The mun] Bib). Society meeting will be held in tho Method!“ Church, Dundcld, nu Tuesday evouintho Mtlt lust. tlomrat miners an ox- pccsed ta be menu Levi Diummn. the cattle tlust mun son- tssueed at Guelph by Judge Chndwick to three years in the Penitoutiarr. Mr. Donald Monolith! ll snagged for the coming yiar tn bmtioaro. 1. Mr. Chum MeArthur, to tiring, who has given the highest. "Hahn-nun tve tho but two yours. as when" m Sound: No. L his estimated that the receipt; of the Notlurrn Exhibition Wino 81.200. Mu. John Ral1,ir.,taister of hire. Ann Melanin of thin aoighbtortsood; died this morning. Sho had for the Iaat unoo mouths be“: sunning from cnncer. The tur to-dny " Pricevmo was not very may trtttnded. ‘Pricu paid Were very good. A small dro " pus-ed by an. loud to Durhun. Tho rhuxch at Duncan: ig and up tn am. t,taaa order. The young men who ttogtatittttq the 00mm! to. an deserving,“ pub. for tho name! in which “my discharge tho dutibs devolved upon thorn. hurt-u _ Glands. Snow fell to-dar. 18th Oct., so the dopth of olglx- cet-n luck" on tho lech Sllelu are “on going u lull ward. A: (at as memory "new u: back we lune ttot observed snow at no only . date " the present. "Ttters lg not m lob tall pioagldstg done yet in this ueighbuhoml Thrushingis About don a with the oxalanou of a. tow bum. (3min turned out well, all but an spring when. whlah in not much over hut I crop. Full who“ in [-11qu turnmt out well. Lou of it towed thin (all. l Just all" nix o'clock on Tuesday even- ‘iug but the rear pui't of the furniture store ‘nf Mr. Geo. Muthcwu,o' this town, wus discovered to be on tire. The slum: was tut once given. and a large number of resi~ dents were spun ou liuud.uuil want to work with a will. The fui‘uituree-waa quickly taken nut of both the stun and dwelling of Mr Mathews, and water fetched from the neighboring pumps in [mils and puui-ed on the building. For mine time it appeared us if the devouring element wrn tuning ta gain the mastery, as large Volumes of smoke poured from the side of the build. ing, which is. fwood, and the fiauun, bur-t out, but. then- at wmli went at it with re. nown-d energy, and by tearing of the ia. nor sheeting of the wall, and breikiug up the flooring, the fire we! put out in an hour's time. It appears the fire started under the iioor, and spreading to both sides was burning up the wall between the out. or and inner covering. It was a narrow "Feat"' for the building. The loan will probably not exceed 6100. There was an iuaurnuce, we believe, on the building. l The Inn-l monthly fair Wu held here on - but Ind was well attended Ivy both buyer And teller. The roads were not in n my good 'tue for mulling. being emu-d with M - in“ Harrow and slash. BO dietitian did nontoxic to m. until shone ”Tu-oven o'clock. I. m., but In, hut-put eight . lug. number were on the Fair ground and hundred: on the streets end nude leading into Durham. merry of them being mid on the road com. ingin. Anything that we! in gocd condi- tion " the butcher In» quiekl y purchased by name of the buyers, end 1 number of steers and heifers were ulna bought to be taken into ihe county of WellimNon to he fed. Good three-yearn” steers sold " hum $28 to s35; lwr-yeur-old steers Ind heifers from 017 to 822; cows from $20 to 836 according to size and condition. Osen from $83 up to $100. Several large drove- of cattle were driven into Town on Monday evening. uni stayed here overnight. Many large droves left town on Tuesday, end the street. lneenme very sloppy. A large num- ber of [maple were in town and consider:- ble hardness we! done. Fire in Durham. . Dundalk Items. ..-.. odin vb”; “film wu allowed but 'pluin manic." f Numoroun other out. might begun. 1rtor-ittasosrtemtit-ns bit notninxnhrthiug ita' 3pm.: Inp- imm cf lhmwM‘h [to nim- 3 7th. The divine! eomiue utter 1iattr.-... In the act of the GenerslA<suuxb1y of the E rk of Scotland. Feb. 8rd, 1616, Session lo, we are told that the Aucmbly agreed with, at a contrary voice to the directory "For the public): worship of God." which shreetory tells us that wont. to “pains God publickly by singing of psalms togeth- er in the wngregatiou'" Mr. Barney, in his "History of India" My. “When the liturgy had boon declared. by an ordinance in the Home of Lordn, Jun. Ath, 1664, I 'superstitious ritual. and the directory by the Assembly of Divine at Wumimtor. tn whom the Turiiiiain "(and alt mu. hn oonmrrning “Union In. mowed; I not form of divine worship ill .tsutriiU" 6th. Zwingu.-lttio Church of Zn ch of which Zwiugle was pastor. was the hit in the age of the Reformations to iutr uce the Preshytcrhu ttem, Ind it In ofi ". est to Prerlrytesriaas of to-dny to se his mm ion on church music. In D'hul,i e's Hi wry of the 1teCrtnation, olmp. 4, ok Ir. it reads, “Evelorig the organs were b. en down on account of their counee on with many wperutitlom pnetier." In e first ecclesiastical constitution produced I: the Betormation they would not cuminu. the organs in the dime-hes, because, said they (see D'htthitrtte'rs Hint. Ref. chap. 8, book vm) “Mon would undernund whet they hear." _ i 5th. Kuox.--in Knux's Itefutatiott of the Mun be uys, "This principle not only tturiiied the churchuf human inventions and p lih corruptiuns, but restored plain niugiug of psalms ummsouqyuaiod by i7 rtrumentnl music.” Blah Luther, an anti-organist. From the cunfossiun of Eekard. Luther reckon- od organs in the pubnio worship of God as on: of the ensign: of Bus}. They are laid wide m most of the Rcfonuod Churches. nor would they be retained among tho Lu. thoruns unless they had forsaken their own Luther." Calvin 'aid that “Instrumontnl music is only tolerated on Account. of the thues and the people. Bat in the Gospel times one must not have recourse to these, he." 4th. ctdvitt.-'rhe quotations in this use no tro long fot inserli .11 here at pres- out. but I refer "Verity" to Stripes Grimm, book I, chap. 18. End. The cahonutiotu of the Christian futherm la the cutechiam pubudmd by Jm.tia Martyr lil the 503mm. century it tundra "The use of we" instruments and other things Jit.dur children (referring to urgans and other thing), is laid aside and plain singing only retained." ba. That Christ and. luix wostlo, "hots ted to sing praio. In Mamie: Mth and M, it “all, Und when they had sung: hymn they wens out Into the Mount of Olives," In Col. 8rd And 16it tends, "Let the Word of Chrin dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and ndmouislniug uue another m palms and hymns and spi. ntuul Bong“, singing with grace in yum- hurt: to the Lord." Eph. 6, 10, it reads. “Spanking to yourselves in. palm: hymns Ind apiritunl RUBEN. singing wanking melody w your beam to Lord.” I now give my muons, with tafozonces. for opposing monumental music. "Verity" says. “(mml lately) there was no organ question. But when tlu- qaesti m aid misc, thr iutelligenue of the Freshwat- ian Church discussed the mutter thormuh ly, and came to the conclusion that it was right." This in a very erroneous way of putting the malt”. The question of iu. utrumeutul music in the union of pram has been tliacusnod lime and again from apostolie times until the present, as I shall show; and as to the Presbyterian Church coming to the conclusion that iustrutuetstal music was right, "Verity" is wrong "gain. The qmstioa of instrumental max-i0 mu diragaisred its difrereut General Asseml:lies,l ouch assembly directing lmw it would [ml in the country our which it had jurisdic- tion. In Canada it is left to the ilimsreut congregations to decide. bat in Ireland in. ntrumeutal music is not allowed, "Verity" then says. “If ever he deacon. it will he in a profane say." Very com. plimeutary, indeed. Surely "Verity" has been badly hurt by my letters when he lull to resort to personal abuse. Basilsly the wwh is father to the thought. At any rate the “premium is not scriptural, as we are told to "Judge not that yo he not judged." In "Verity'." last letter he aye: “Nome seems to think that been” do not take notice of everything he lays, I give my en- Ient to then things. when in reality I do not think them worth answering." Now "Verity" has replied to ml my proofs, ex- cept the first threw nemely: Christ and his apuhtlee and the Christian (anthers. These are the proofs that"%srity" says are not worth answering. I claim that the proofs from the acts and snyiuue of Christ and his apostles are the primary oneu, and that acts and sayings of good men are merely secondary. But "Verity" sweeps my primary proofs away by saying that they are not worth answering. To a. Editor ofthe any M. 'me-Tots willow. that my aitn in IN ttommutr'tetstioats on “0th Hana" hn been, not to induct the wig-ah to Imam. nud-omnlm. but to dofoml the nuti-orgsniat hm tho can» undo upon thuir opinion by “Pushytarhf w}! "Wi. ity" unpotlvely. “Presbytuinu” having sired his opinions gracefully 'withdrow, " ving "Verity" nomimlly in ta. tUld. Now I clnim that "Verity" has not proved thin the nuti-urgnnisu are wrong, hence he should admit than, in fair Humming. to be tight. It “Verity" h" no other tenuous to give he in . pent upologiat " instruments] music ; and if he has other reasons. bat w thholds tum, he in nu in auntur in con- troversy as well an in church matters. lie is the assailant. and he Ask: me to pro" that anti-orgnunta are right. It our counts at law were conducted in ucorduuce with "Vority's" reasoning them would he very little protection in them. Church Music. sad and the WHOM”. Acton. -herrs ehsrueder'tttt".itsat._ttit_ In new. 1hot"teptrlayiiar1 The commas. on complaint of G. "a. mn, B. Pub: and Wm. Andonon "port. ed Inna; unwind tho nutter meow fully. _ Thin“ hare been (by tho township of Euphtuis we.” Nummahly. William Duh bad 100 hub“- of when stolen. Mr. meow In“ no worth of clawing. And " in cub. tad sound minor dopuduiou Moved hy Mr. McKeclmie. seconded by Mr. Brown, That e great of $10 be mede for the improvement of Cuuuteto street le. tm-en Chester end George alreete. provthr ed en edditiounl sum emanating to 820 be nwided by outside peniee aid placed in the and! of the med end bridge commit- tee and that the full emonnt. emanating to "O, be expended by the aid reed end bridge oonttttitu..--Nrrud. Moved lay Mr. McKochuie. seconded hy Mr. Bull. That the town Treuuror be rs. Wted to purchase I railwlv debenture u norm " (and: will admit of doingso.--ar. ried. Moved by Mr. MeKeohme, uwndod by Mr. Bull. TUat the "port of the special committee uppointod to cumin. Lamitou street he accepted Inn] that the said cum- nnmee be requested to gravel, grade Ind ditch Lambton meet from Gunman at. to the miwny rution grounds. and um I widow-1k be wunxmoud from the poet ot. iiee to the milwny station. the entire Cort nf all not to exceed two hundred dollata.- Curried. Mmod by Mr. McKeehnio. ueondud by Mr. Bull, Tbs: the offer of J. S. Edge of land fora market square to defonvd for anther tsonwiLrratiou.-thtrried. A communication from Mr. J. 8. Edge, making an offer u land on the Edge pro- perty " n market square nu laid harm! the Council. Cheque: issued. Muvod by Mr. McKeohnie. seconded by Mr Storey. that the communication: ot 0. Jackson. H. Puke! Ind Wm. Andaman referring to slleged mm of an: be re- ferred to I special committee. composed of ll. Bull. Juhu Brown and Wus.. Builder: and to report " this meeting of Gounod. --Carried. N. \Vanl......,......,....................3.10 J. Hamlin, quarter salary. Clerk ... l".00 " pmcngem date.............,. 1,41 Allan McFurlune, Work on .m- wnlk. N. Wtsrd........................ 1.50 H'y Yguug, gtyrter sultry, our.- The fhttmee committee reported the tol. lowiug account: and recommended puyv mam '.-. G. MeFarhute, coal oil, 'tr.,.........." 2.35 J. lb, nigger! spikes for ui.lewalk _ _-- By-lnws warn duly passed striking rates. an tolluwra;--couuy rate and. general pur' pnsen,3 mills; railway Bylaw No 67, 71 mull; school rap, ttt tuills--total 19 wills. That on Thumb]. tho and day of Deo.. 1880, at10 o'clock. a. m., " the GIMP» office, lot 19, in the 9th com. the Clerk shall proceed to sum up the num- bor of vote: given for and against this by-hoe. That nut meeting of Coun. oil he on Friday. the 3rd day of December,. 1880, and that the renoluuun calling an outlier meeting of Cnuncil he rescinded. Joust Vin. Tp, Clerk, October am, 1880. Council met pennant to ndtrotisatsseut, Members I" present. Oihessr. Sulpvw. No. 6, " the Oclngo Hull. Dundalk-Nor" B. Middlewn, Dep. Bet. A upeciul meeting of Council “I, At the calla! the Been, hold at Dundalk, nt tho hotel kept by Mr. It. Gordon, on Friduy evening at five o'clock. the 15th of Oct. 1880. The Council were Bll present. The Room) presiding. The result of that meeting was that the By-Luv to and the T. G. * B. Railway intrnduced in put-sumo. of the petition of the ratepayers, uigued by fifty personal-.1 fillud up for n. bonus of eight thousand dolhtrs--snid By-an rend a first and secund time. Also that the Ry-Luw he published in the Grey Review. an often as the law requires, nurl that the vote: of the eluctcrs of Mild municipalitiel shall he taken on sat! By-Law at tho‘pluces null by the Deputy-Returning Oiiieers on Tuesday, the 20th November. 1880, ttotmuarueintt at 9 u‘cluck. a. m.. and closing; at 6 p. m. Polling Sub Division No. 1, at the house SalMtiv'uion No, 8, at tho home of D McMillnn, lot 18, con. IO-pit. Dow. Dep, Bet. 0ftieor. Sub-Div. 4. at the hon» ofRobort PM." lot " can. IV-hun" Fraser, Dey. Bet. Ofiroer. Polling Sub Division No. I, at the Imus» of Jan. Menzies, lot 14, can. 5-Jus. Men. lies, qu. Bet. 0mm. HthDIV. No. 2, at Scarlett'li at", Hope- ville, lot 12, can. 18--hs. Cavwagh, Dep. Bet. 0mm. on motion Council Idjnnruod. 1 now again at "Writy" to withdraw his statement about the anti-organist: tu. ing ignorant. _ -- A “Verity: proof "mind. In. wry much of the on» of In Iridium, who on being naked by an court if he had my antenna! to make previous to the neurone. of the court being pulled, replied. "It the own will allow me, I will produce I. number of witnesses to prove that they did not see we do the act for which I m then! to be convicted." Pencil-l, "Verity" night gut on. hundred intelligent men like “and! to um that any war. not sum thet Mumeuul mu- lid in churches wu diuuuod by promin ent churchmen in the peat. Yet fact- In stubborn thingy sad the statement. of than men will not roman them. and: can". should a. damn nit-p- mm- to pain who urn-em to inuono dual to what the 30mm Cntholio Church and ngu'nst the only Reformer- when they won “panning thou um. than , Oct. lbh, 188ih Durham. tht. 18, 1880. taken-”hill Town Council. Proton Council. Yours, it, N310. $29.91 can waa in " an bylaw sud 287 “that. the Ivy-law lain. defend by 22. The Herald nyu um . now ivy-luv wtil L. submitted without %ur.-otttfoderau. Mr. 3.03M in! "and an Hr page“; a Ptst'stnrer It Owen Sound. '.iiiourtkurtsio-sitttuas-iit , tttami." wag. mg. Tu Arthur Jarustiottitm ovuUntl.y have I lard row to two, Recently I by-luv airman; M.000 to the scheme VII mud on in Goalph. At tiest it was Innouneod ttmt the by-luv Wu dafentod; “an at wu made puhlio that A mimunt_ occurnd um] am it I'D. “RM. ‘Diuatid'udon pro- vuiled; tiunlly 3 recount "I unload. It took plan. Saturday last before Judy. Chulwick. when it I“ found that the "Oh non. Port Hope; Funds Molielcnn. Hum. ilton; William It, Meredith. M. P. P., London; June: Bethune, Toronto; W. H. Scott; M. P. P., Peterlmro'; Murtan 0'. Gun. Ottarm ; Thomas: kunrasott,Torooto; B. B. Odor. Ihuniltout Jame: A. Miller. M.tutheriner, Joun A. Boyd, Turnnto; Jim“ F. Donuiltouu. Poterlroro' ; Georg. A.Eirkpatrirk, M. P., Kingston; Altrid Rankin. Toronto; Richud T. Wllkom. Kingdom ; John O'Dunuhue. Toronto. For tavern! months ptist---in {not since the Supreme Court of Cennde decided that In the Dominion Courts the counsel- NV pointed " Queen‘u Courts) by the Pto. ! vincinl Governmentu could not take pre- lcmlonce. hut naked " orvliner; barristers, ot.--" hue been oonetent'zy um I Ad that the Dominion Government contempluwd making I new hutch oi Queen'- Counsels, and that they would re-iuntute sevenl of the gentlemen whose nah It the Bar had been reamed br the Judgement at the Sn- preme Court of Omaha. The appoint- ment: ere now made, tall as might have I n expected no prinoiruUly Conserve- 1tiv ' but there In a few distinguished ex- ‘rep ml. notably than of Hon. Wilfred Lam r, of Quebec. ex-Minieter of lnlnnd Rev . end Mr. Juan Bethune, of Tot. 1 onto. Mr. Meredith. the Isadora! the op. _ posit' n in the Ontario LaiuGture, who l w”! nted e Queen's Cnuunel by the On- ta Government, and suffered anon: , unity the Supreme Comf- deeision. in now reamed to his former 'status, The following in e hate! the gentlemen npppint- ed belongingto Onteuo t-Thorut" M.ruu. In coheh‘sion. I am happy to nature you “at through your united exertions the ems-e of educnliun lei Idvuncing in um district. I I know from personal ol,t.ervatiott and my contact with our schools that Hannah there is still much to be ”oomph-had end pion- ty ohm m for iunpnnewent. yet that u no pmnuun period E" the“ to much work done. 01' um work so itvtelliReutly, method- ically um} ween-daily pcrlormed u u pm sent, nor was there ever before in the his. wry of we distriet a time when a...» either in or Punting on the proretoiommtpirtul In much tact. study, training. experience, so much energy to cumlmlo. entlulaium to 1 impel. and detrrminntion to mooted and I unrpue as It the present time; but the 1 motto is “Excelsior." I This sum. If augmented by the usual fees from tho ammo mmleuhip Ind “appre- mented by an equnl amount from the County Council would prulmhly when the manner from embsrnument, if any sutsh "iss, tad uuglat ouabll yak either to inns-Ase your library to npwuwla of 300 volumes In in the County of \Velliuutuu, nr perllnpn employ dMiuguiahed but distant talent for the muciution; or, were tho lundl still more largely Augmented (mm mutual or other source; to org-ulna . well arranged excursion of the whole m'cil- mm at reduced rates to some letionul ob. jo-cl. Lesson or Esluhition, perhaps Includv mg the Toronto at Ottawa Modal Schools, or both when in session. I The How. the Minister of Educuim bu been pleat-ed to urer tlu plymem of $25. Lexislnlive grant to our uwcintiou, n che‘qm for which u now ia the hands of Van: "winter. Hero I would mind you to wall amy- Ielt' of Nolwn'l (uncut wautlorogd-Nttw land expects wary mun to do Lin duty"-- nnd to Assume you thnt the was: road to genuine woos“ in for oauls--indiets u well u geuthrmen--to cuter freely Ind heartily on the Luxineu before an In our: individu- nllv nod by column right, um by pointed. pertinent gum-minus mad spirited. yet cuur» “on: and immrsoud diicnsxiun on ouch object, mute such an etching. of idea; as will enable us to carry homo with us on- lighteued viowi, iutolliorut opinions, togi. cal, an well u ptuctietd couclmioul sud improved and successful methods of per- lbrminu our labors. To lid nud direct you in obtaining this debinble cousumwution. I heartin with that one more fitted “an myself occupied this position ; but luring been pinned hero by your authority. I pvesmuo I may tho rather claim your iudaleeums Ind forbear- uuoo With my annulus Ind defects. as well " mlicit your united co-opoulion in pro- mating the Catitiq of education and n In impuruut taetot-tl" success of this Law- ciution. i Allow In. the to ootsgmtuUu you on the very aumptuoua “bill-ut-{uo provided for our onjoymsnt lav the urdunua labor: of the committee Ind actuary, and to invite sud urgo you to punk. ftnrely of the anticipa- ed “taut of WWII and the flow of soul." by throwing; " all "an. and going, each an, hem and noul into the work of the u- nocintion. Tho follow "oeiUtat addu- vu " livgnd " tho opening of an Int this pro- coding: by Wat. Fem P. B. I., fusi- dont of the Minion. Lam m ost-ttr,-.-- no to Malamute you on the who of noth- " meeting of cur invention in the $orrn of Durham, tad in pnrticulnr. that we in. “use " gratitude to Dim» Providence. that our nub hue not been invaded by say fatality, though lumy home- in the district lave been affected by the unwel- come Bud relentless visitor. South (in: Teacher's Queen's Counsel. W. Pttrtatmotr. now My (.93, A may outidbom, Imam; hum WWW! for an Bum 'Gamtnotaring c, ap"V ,wbo won "king. Innu- of ",000 trom tho m d WM... an comma! deelitt" to in it, an the - I... Egan wk- drMrgt. I An illustration of an working of the N. l P. in given in the {not tut coal oil in "ll. _ ing wholesale by the [and at Oahu-hum 'tor lie. . gallon nod readied for Me. In Prom“. right um: the rivet, can) ml II " cent-a u unlluu. The moonwlwu of Ca, on“. around by tis. Got-“moat. m eu- dently matting . rich ban-at " tl." er. m of an MIC, who should prose" “and tU imposition now hing [unmod- -ANetrrh Manny. The Buntfnrd Equator an v-hot. with-audio. the N. P. lug. gunmen-I of American cool oil In being upon“. in“ doing-old cheap-r Ila-n an Cousin: In" M. t-ieisa being at u better quality. Tn: Con. Ou. 1lrramr.-1'he, prim of oopl oil in . mm" of general complaint muons s lune elm of tho people. It In“ gone up from Mto " out. per gnllnn. Everybody noun! word m use RIM it. though “coal oil keep. " the [met at which it in now calling. it qrsll In cheap" for tho people to an ttM. The reason thnt ml is no high in that tho Government issued "(alumn- tor Illa I (rule. “lain. the but for Alsatian 'oit to I” dogma. The obj.“ in to “I“?! xlm tho oil burned would be porfutly “to. hut the chat bu boon to emu a Cnnaduu monopoly. which manl- all an cmdo oil in tho oil "do”. St in ammo that tho gum, of the and oil not! should be ttood-atom. of that sold in Toronto is or coal-lo; but . ttmttttinat'oe cl monopolist. should wt be permitted to put npthe pnco. wut witktu him in the prion of cu- maul tad coal oil,tho “Nation-l Poltc.s tr in rapidly getting into did-Var with tlte hon-chorus.“ laboring men. to whom - dollar In." . hunched can“! Toronto Tainan. l The "can In: providing for . higher toot lit-r U-nulhn oil, onlorood at I than than li'.',','::?.,',',':':','.':,"] onl- vnn on tho taut-t. nun-ally owned a [renter maumutcon d the and. ' "ticks. ‘hlt‘l new“! the prion at tin "fist. I ol to I oenuu extent. In bringing about um I remit the, «nude intern-t u and to h". wore. !ml lung Bud vteort"std.v. .111 they luv. now i muted with the retiurrr. In ooe gnu-I cranium mm ' whistle 'h"- tum-urn! oil wane M ’(7-muln u "tSousa/ty u the Sand-m W I Coup-u do.» that of the Uniud Mates. On [by one the "rtiuUm It". jun-1th "ting." and there in an cont-ohm. “may about The dmmm null. Inna.- Anon‘cun up! Cum an. .8". no other [It]... than tu protect nmnntic monopoly of the wont kind. " ,rtrutervoe the proportion of the two at“ in I crud. shim they". of mm equally uh after the but In boen applied. Since the b.. ‘muingnf Aw mtioed oil In. but. Minne- o‘l ten cents pa- gdlnn by tin Ill-0nd (fou- hmy or Loud"; and tho an: of a... an... 1 than» in not yet. In an mick a such xenon! 1 an a petroleum the Gavan-cut would Cort. l unit the but tum." a ttro poople by .ltoar. ling cumpeutnm to work ita hum-nu mM. ind than being to naught this "Meat 1 datemiuntion to lithe light dear that I Aul’ jrtouopoiutn any become rich. " In condemning thin monopoly Ind Allowing Rodpatit And other Inmmmhuu to gr. unnamed. the, Marie simply “undying the" We should likcwknov that new beau-u of the grad unwind-t doctrine that In paw con-trio. hung) con-mm “my: bring- down prion to an vatoul. Incl. The Prom Church in has“ but pn in“: only journal which, in Eur-mu. of the public bah-g u to" u of the qEtqttt of the Government'. mummy, do!“ the mouutrau- wrung. Here in u umplo of minimise. opinion on the ulbjcct. It oom.. from the Manual Star, I dotendor " the N. P. In! the nonope- liuvcmud undet " '.--- du no, but lure-n albly would have, left Bil our ham "abject to tho danger of dual-hon rather “an interfere with the cod oil n'ug'o prom“ Even an n no. sund- the luv u not out better than it Wu Man. It gram n on. plete monopoly to tho was. - in a- ponuiu oil- which In my In“. ad in tho country. The and oil men In Q“. and: paw-n to that hunk mun ; .. - to u to all (and: Iron Devon! snugly woun- tionUt and Cvmurvuivo jvm . d-od that tU Wanna-I. which. The ehid oc- - - -." -'"""*l" If. aq 1td..ttutti,eut/Lii,7c the guru, d iCumm- oil placed on th. _ a. u alpha-tone end "mdmt. in“ he A'meg The in been. Amqvucg u... explosive the. the Domini- "taku, "“5. iner-t with the land object. The I...“ don auntie-ion VII, “we!“ not Find " the inane. of the Cavern-hem, aad a we. not antagonistic to tho public Mann, 5.. the very -." The the an on American oil we. In. n. enued latte-mm. Alum sil m, u... pmvimu laden. heme, uhjocbd to a in u cl Ill-ham, ".il1tt-muaudi"i'i VII put " low I. 105 do”... Uat m the In! for Aviation oil we: low to 1., degree. in deference to en nun-nu. a...“ from the maritime Province. " for the Minion of in! uwn- at hevhugheeuou’ried " the inn-nee a a. Government. l0 much the van: tor We Ike. eminent. The Act of he! comm. dome-u considerably the power contented upon a. can! oil ring by the meg-me of the nun-non be. - __‘. ....._.... tom. In tho Int "and union the (Bonn. mat, in in anxiety to am an 00.] Ul "i. had not oesly given the "Gum a only“ honopoly of our autism. but bad cod-nu nu them “to liberty u calling u elm-holy explosive and imbue-a thid. Chat some of the when and totally "All thou.- unro-of “Nit (Mammal [until-p “do- Itmy home- and Ini- you... in - proud by the IIIIIIIOI’OII “accident." which occurred manly um the monopoly was crawl. it would luv. hem Min. to the credit. of the Government it it tad ' the iuiuitive in Invoking in (in: main. bat u the chief aqua points out, it tho! nu --. - "a... u. “with". “durum- "ruminant.“ “a. - h- teodttoed br . primt. “In. an. M. Mam Mup"m.bm 2ttattthttauiliCir'; “In: mm... lawn-.- "ttha. Tho Petroleum tuaiiii. In.“ in. (yaw, cud mead mm e aidemhi. " about tn hum. dun: - 4...;- to “at stock and build“: Ode; to do, "aetioass of the (in: lung. .ard Mi. the nun human“; can] with “may duh; injum». ullhou hapwymdmf Inn on tiro- shins. 18-5"th m the bot ”on. Tho b"obiio. and m-rhnmry w: and t Mr. Kohl. Iona. In; or um.- - of in“. Out" Butt In» manned M “no in “be WH-L m, “ “urn “I (in “alum lu- Iruuco 'r"uteub The his is my“; uunmu-d u “an“ t 000. TI). Mil.“ '0 o. W on Me-. Pmauutmnd L: " A. n o.“ by um... Tm Inu- " “,0-0. I an! " 02.1. in fly G4!" Qua-Id. WI Haiku-9‘ Tee W, .hqitria, '0»:th M...“ “at Lalrretultio but». 3.51; ind Pullout. (in: Btmrrar.--Aboute, ”(NM on ThMy evening I I - ”it. the Vietoru ale-m Loud! Tin-Column - awn. tlot "d in. the put week no loan than three um [Ir-undo this Vicinity hum [mun-nun Inn’s-red. forgetting to [my the "M! on their _ In! lacuna; Minn-l u. may buy unpaid “mm mm." but 1 I.“ behind than myth...“ when. " uni-non“ their Cumming cream B h " “at. number of tenant farm ko- Pmy loin-Mp have lately pannm “It! “I to got rid of pcylm: th “t." Tho Emu. attributes thin " d ”to tho exorbitant rental aid, - in M M. which - I... “I. m and thou Ina Its) grdth which to bop do. bud w propel Willi- I'll]. of Stony Point. " Ila-o an. time last week, and" the -ism that it ltad dint I nun. 0min; he mt out ofdoon, Ind tho be M . Min. in his oeeuard. am no in. aaad M " qrtrat be luppoud vu- W. a. 6ont he]: to the hon» and bis '15“ h Ud Chat . man while Ch Id dab-ling lone upplru. He w I. u undo: tue impression tlost he w and»: In the normal; he Ilt'uuugy Mldmmd nines. It Ir pr all. tutheqrillmtur-ootihe: 'um'" that (In mot WI! not (and. " W M VII nothing but u atom “all. money on vamp". poo" “an“. to any. no one had lll)‘ “up! M " itttorttiott until he wettt hug sud I lip. It hmddut he bought tiny hi I. d I... for Med. plnughhe-i hld II If" Iain “drill over It empty, and l [on] it, .94 than noid tho when for a 'u-ou my we cuppa-ad Lu in A (Al-mot who mettod n hm no“ , Ila-hum nad M out qunu no: uh n dun mp of It. u. turned oeut-d M into cash, uni burm Mg; lo you“. her [0M Village. N-Muwulcu b Chip. I poor an] and wuh I mum-l Myron; wu recently cum-d “pal Not. "ro day." tstatute lut-ur. hue not an m: to hm my one to mm pk... on Mann-r "3strted that. a“ hair- u the was. a. must uncle: duo work Inn-K. and mum her a Lo (In bkhny. Th0 widowi grundohnh "I Mb“ tU .ill.g., Bad Inuit 0- My Moon . Gunnoquoq “I. an.“ two non. in who” pod an M tttiet-t “Volvo",- toust all! M hi. in of Ii: “In“... And . “I. The; can into we uu-uc- l the OM. on foot. A dnry "M [mun on otthem, mth no entry dated “Una Sept. Mt," an! annual "0crdenrsbun,', l 1.." TIM, m now in the lockup. M Tannin. The e-uuwuwn am: lama. nub-Um boon an! m l In: Fungi». The plum wtll be ml; tad to I. export. The 11-404an Ct bre will In flued “l' fur I'R'H'JIALZ tlu. t " “I Mutiny hulldlnuu. H: tlm puplo any lava-u (Immunity of el hi. tum. Sunday was the In.“ any for the r oi [than tor an new Path-mom Inn A “on.” has had n load 0! I.“ I!” o m baud thcmn M beirta tUt the unoun trm.d be the “on.“ track Chou - b W. Th. Grtnor, how M tho 0min proceeds of the ond “M Oxpo-ml the gun". Br-ers" Elwood" :-Two Bu than live aids by nido. Imu- had m but. but only on. bore (run. om chin but“: the thought an divisio- “no robbery." wok u lump! (In dot. can! thus the produce of one in on both plum. and both on pr: Th duckling homo and mnuuhl l " to Jouph Should. than” amt} BUR. thrt., won destroyed by tire on day having. a. use. imet., n i in“. One of Mr. Mick's Dam - all. III M u M. “D In [mining Md tofthe ll! “My. [Quantum nu queue My with titttug coremmnu. W ”in being present. “O Chaim-loo." of tho Ton-um. 4 and It... Built-y a ammo“ w“ W by in on ttte morning of the l tut-M. PM]; no cngmu wen lb building a an tane. Diphtheria invory patient in l own-lap. Partir. 11m. a In. It Who's (nail, have succumbed ,ritkitoka. up. .tts-iontoiesett" 0M and... wgt‘aluly bein Nude-oath raglan-un- M6.ru... 'uiuirtttehiieortgr.u.P. him Hm.“ UM frompoiu -dbrtubiuo0rattveetvqd v Any-baton. mm» but promoted theirl In: not will . We m v A_.viti-borrettimto. cry-adv- tti-elf burn-aw de- To. - ”and a 'soodttetesr', "Wining-1y n‘pitch i you M an: In“ m CANADIAN ITEMS. mu Mud

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