West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 21 Oct 1880, p. 4

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Unw- tel Gas fivid taaa gained immortal p mad he: with the mul rr.eolleetion that lnrnvh f, I Luuneli muons the wetstergg mli. when she left tor the wild weaken: territory moth In“ luv Lu, rermtsrk to . petrttou at “who yam ago Ill. wt" necnmpaniod by ( 'c3utou'iut., qtlto aaeed him m tutskes . po- he: husband aud was no ruthlessly turn Ltieal .peec'u " that “Hahn" "sort. Hits from her In]. Incl murdend. Tho only Inuwer w... "No, sirt If I mtut show my naniunng membera oftlMrtamily,lts sides the "union to g a w Wu I - not to be mother ma dunuhtorwho 1tavriutitnrrived, “and." l no two Mahhnmbmn Mr. Wnltrr Mug Aa "ed union wan found unwind in _ bought to Guelph After tho tragedy, dud his bonus. " Nihrs, Mich" Ind .600 othis who no “in but. Mn. Uintt Minded noun mu mot-bus. For womb “I. In” I a China to tir. Alana-n Gammon: " tor} of the enum- mu not punch-Ind. el "Moo Sgt-ttot oo-ration " hor hm. mm. . gum. nap-om Mucus-dd ad . dun an...» an body bod tho boy ottls, mhwxml boys» to W hunk-Mil lb. would amps $1,. momy may. hang “and " the -, no a . auburn. ILCh. a! mu. In M.Lo¢aMNlm [wt-3m. "' _ [nu mm A at Cortes' 1Uaud a few days 350 i-7.rli. The in: " mile running titur 'r!'. r' "up! “as. Laden at Murmur-nth Path L; L, Ir ir, e'.; um with his wonderful n-- c m; ' ' tl c', I. in [eduaumuhm Funk r. ml. L c C t hm”. um: um ben “curd tut, en.“ v Ll) 56-7 unit-n sound in I all day " H J. . plum: mun-'11; Morrill of Bunion .-‘.'.L.. :‘c Linn " mo best American to- r.v..i " a u.- e walk in688i, Ind Hugh.- aud A.' m. came to the (rum in a " hon" g'um Jan [have race with 418} Ind 415 2.41” talkative”. Wm. Unruly. Balm. tVpt. “uh. at M, 800 3nd lmm “and 214 out“ 3mm. "rietois. Guubo‘. l Jr _ “a: :uq - in all: at cup]... I 1.03! Tbe thin mm Iii”. ma waL-Aglonn loll: New Cut-mun in bud mu! Icon 1 but mics It Co 3-7.23}. The M on nun-n1 w». L hi Lc.rse 15142.14 turd " P. ct. 1'. .rl. a c may“ bitrertc with " m M a . t New: Mic, the Club " enni for . mi". ' Tu“! Tu; m 1880.-TU present your Las been uranium] in sporting nuunlv as Lupin“ neon]: in nearly all content». At h. Lea-m "u,. of the sauna St Julien', 1379 trailing time of a mile in 2.123 was i." tutu: neeuralml. bin be has hushed it t. 2.ill, Ind Mum] tk law but“ this by huh. humid, human record at" 2.MH. T'n ' " c -u l Wm“: in her trial was made in w; -.. run-la. or a: the mto of. mile in 1.423! '1 ltr. third quurter was nnule at the rat., I it”. making a In]! mile in 1.NI: 1mm»; tum (an: mil. running time a New O‘Iumu-fu 1355 was 1,281.31“! thi, L "i 1.. 'str Leon lent-an until Fen-In made! l "iui. II. but Ira! I “tubal-Iona: Gunny. and nutmhopntclnud-ltttlo c any and Int, No. " Cum! We. Mr. Luann Rhianna. A about! Hand vamed Brown bought tho property " )nininp, Ind Who In” hag-out! this pm'chm. u and: u pail-h. Wit." tenured the "ttttm taf I ,thitrwuaher, and Icing ol an imtustriowt turn md Int-inu- bcang good he won found himself in cum- bruit}. brge:ursataveere. Prowu wk] his 1- n party to It Mr. Nicklaus, of the iirm of aim-aw a Nitlwlls. that tour you! tWo, and trout that time Waters tron".- d .:*-s. When Brawn patch-rod " lot, Watt-re, to oblige " friend. granted him a pinc- t ' lard. two feet by fourteen feat, m that he might get his cart tn and out of " yard. When Brown tum Waters took link the Mud. yielsolU then claimed that mun. fence was urea inch" on Lil pro- derty. Waters denied this, and aka] Mr. R. F ram: . lawyer.to look over his papeu. Mr. hm; took the papers. and. weanling t: Wutcrs' statement, Carried the has into tun-t with mt having been instructed to do Fo. The muuer was submitted to nrbitra. t vn,ttttd Mr. Uuwin mneyedthe pram-1y. 9!: luuml than Water‘s fence was built on tl r I re, but that it leaned on Nicki-113' Vida. Tm .( “fed the matter In far as the Km; frncn was oiueerr.ed. Mr. Fraser mm] f r rsrmte, and Mr. Clms. Durand ite. , , Gd “anus taking up the one for " , "1:! run nt went “Quit”! the latter, and he rum-t! in cnmt. Titen Niehollrd lawyer C .nm "pun Wir, for cur-ta. sud Mr. Dar. an“. w " hum] “111»me to Waters. The lat. tvr t.t ,1, t " tl. to Ltteu! court. and mu. ar- rul .i ' u ti o oouty Luke's “whim and . DISH?“ "I!“ mm“ OLD col.- OUkID IA!- we in link-anon enunly. Muyhn'l. A uplc of year. chcu the tel “hon In and. q w..y to Cumin. aud uttlod in Toronto “any yous ago Jacob Waters was A Line Fence. 'h Amber. waning time st was 7.28i.aud this until Fen-ht made md a few days ago mile running titur Runny“ Hum N-cc-Mrs. Laing relict of the lat. William Lama who. to- gather with three sons. were murdered by Indians in Night-aka something over two you: BRO. has returned to the city with her magnum Her return to Guelph im. p mad he: with the sad rr.oolleetiott that when she left tor the wild weatem territory twolvo yum ago lb. was necnmpaniod by her husband And noun no mthlmly turn from her ”do Ind murdend. The only naniunng number: oftlMrtamily,lts sides the mother Ind dnnuhtorwho [unjust arrived. In two Muhhnmbuln Mr. Walter Latina bought to Guelph After the thumb, Sud whomutill hem. Mn. In“. Marlow labia to“). Ame (iomnmentlor "Moo an mm mpmntiun " her lune. Ill] n M tin-tut Indyhui um I ' (lairymnu should study the peenlinri. ties of evmy cow. Some Cows will approx). riutn all they cnn digest to the seeretion 4 I milk, and mm deplete their own Ayu- l tents to keep up a full tlow of milk. Such I ('0'.er should lo especiully well provided , for ; tl.rir gem-twily blu'llld he reeiproea. ; twl. These are the cqu thnt pay for fecal- i :2. They pay back the principal with a huge patcemngo of interest on 3" oxtu‘ fund ng'u them. They are only goo V cnwu that pay for extra teedinie--iu (not. they me only stood cows that my for feed. illu at all. And I dairynmu may to-t Is- surpd tlmt a cow that mil not mpon-l to Imam! feeding by an equal more.” of mi'k in not worth keeping. Ind initud can.“ to his inc~mo,ruul him in debt every ' Bar. If be bay carefully noted the nominative yield " will! by glob ofltU cows. Ite Illulll'l food them tn proportion to their yield. The phases through which the Ptteitie Railway has msle and its present position are drrorilred with Idmimlllo exawtness luv the London WI rid: --"tt Canada climates to mortgage her future largely In order to have a railway for her political pnrpnses that is her "thir. But in this iustamm,pro. riding the capital for the Cnnmltan ihuritie has been tlrstof all 3 rureat pul-lic work for polllicul oljcetsweU a fimuseitd enterprise. then a scheme of profit fur the pulvlic. and, again a cmutmct with nineth men of hmi- l urns at the can of the pockets of the Calm. l diam people." On Wednesday high: as section foreman MrDrmnld was avian (rum Church‘s Falls 50 the Forks an the Credit, he fell through Hunter's Bridge I distance of 40 feet, to the grnmndmnd btrnnco to my.when funnd next morning about ex’nht n'clnek ho mu still alive, although hmlly hurt. tle was u once rrmoved to his home at the Forks, and mmlical will nummnnml. It mu found that he had IO right arm. collar bone, Incl throw ril-n l-lnlwn. twill" beim, cut 1nd l-misod about the head and the face. He died in a few days. For some time the G. W. It, has been replacing the wmden Midge over the Grand River between Elan and Ferent, with an iron one. The structure tit com- posed oftive spans or "when, 850 feet in length. The three principal spans, BGfeet long.|re now in position. One of the" wu onnveyed from the ntutinn on two fl " earshot Friday uwruing and pluccd per Iuanently in position within ths splice of two 1wurs',witltout the iutcrtuptio oftrndie. A doepntch from the Secrctnrv of State hr the culimien intimates that in compli- ance with the request of both Hansen or the Cunadinn Parliament. preferred before the MscKonzie Government left Mitre, all of British North America not already purt of the Dominion. with the exception of Newfoundland and its dependencies, has been placed under the jurisdiction ot the Canadian Government. The Colorado can! fields at Canyon City are: man than 5" square miles in extent, with Wurkiug n ins extending thin-ugh 600 teen as tc,tvd lny diamond drills. The wterkings at prev“! actively employed range Irnm 009 and a half to ten miles, stud are now producing 800 tum daily, which may br iuerea,vl wititout rum 0.x- peuso to '2,000tous. Tuc, cm! is Lituminua. The Mayor of Berlin has been Ian-ed with n writ, issued by a. Toronto l‘nn tina, Culll"{.' alum the town of Berlin 1.0 show cuuge why the said tsorporuiou should not. It"." Hm Rev. John George Euler the Hun of 53.000 dawnges for injuries unstained by slipping or falling " a sidewalk which WV in u dangerous state and condition. The Council of Winghatn has resolved to 1 ffer the T. G. a B. liiillwnv . bo .us of 010.000 to build tr launch to that town, on eosdrtion that the G. T. B. will operuts the same and build a station within the town limits. A by law is to be submltcd to the surrounding municipalities. The New York Contra! and Hudson Biv. " railroad compunv has given an order for “5.000 tons of ruils frumCummella works at 3lsemeld, England. The rails will be o. livered at New Yerk It lower prices than they eould he purchased for at say Ameri- can foundry. Landon is sending an npphcutinn for the Mailman of tin» Women to than Mercu- Institute. The Rania Geranium in MAW nanny political am. In} the situation at tit. Petersburg is becoming daily mote ox- eiting. _ At M. Holden, Jersey, . month's hard labor Wu the penalty imbued on a youmg “an fordrcsaiug Mun-elf an a 'tltotat Incl frightening a nmubu of children no they left Sunday School. Thelma! bridge recently built Over the Maitland about three miles trout Newry, Perth, tell down on the 4th instant, two days ul'tgrit was impacted and taken off we tsvutrair's numb. Two of the mad respectnlulo citizens of Galveston got to talking pilitica yer-teal“. lou In as obstinate M a Inulo,’ uni-l one. 'But I never make tin-ll! of myulf, like you do.' 'Gentletneu,' said I bvsunuler. ‘such “on: relatives ought now: to talk politics in pablie.' MISCELLANEOUS. " t6 to 323 trg'fa2g'g."utlrglppgt . w.“- at old prison for cash. (Although tho nw material In” advanced (rum MO to 'eyer 0mm. Custumvn In mutt of anything in bx: run will plum can eur- ly, no that none will be nit-maimed. In em- plnr an ”new new“ to sell boom. depending on heir superior merits for his business. Imperi- " QattUV and not chem-pg» h the but; out: NIANUFACTURER ma Dealer in Boots, Shoes, and Leather. 'uvitta mind his Full nook of Good! in now in I Int-luau to Otter I FIRST CLASS ARTICLE W311 Paper and Window Blinds. Always noted for Good-Flavored ITN! #911133 finite: up. Who are ”minus to have thtsir Dialling Plumes, Barns and Canton!“ Insured against loll by Fire, cu: do no at a low rate, an. in a relmblo Umnluny who my lune: promptly. Gretchen Dawn, Muslin and Silk Scarf». Cueuille, Iluuhings. Motto Pocket Handker- chiefs, Dumas]; do., Hair Ornaments. Dark L'ottrlrs, Ladies' Neck Chains, Luce Gloves, Cadoured Luca Mitts, to. Frimngs from 5 cents per yard up. GEN'I‘S' REGATTA SHIRTS. Lovely China Fichues, New Sty}: Sewed Work a Specialty. Fancy Goods at John Guneron's. CASH FOR RIDES. Road!!- “11.17.3111, ”.1“. Ono door South of PARKER‘S DRUG STORE, Upper Town, Durham. Farmers, Builders, Blacksmiths. I'aiutemr, Curriago Make”. Calrim't Mdsern, and the General Butane mil dad yucca and goods to their osatiai.stttiuu, have bought the large Mock of "mlwnre bein'tgillg to the out-to of JAMES BLAIR & co, is now offering to the Public the whole Stock, conaiating of These Mills have chi: Summcr reccived an extensive addition of the blunt Improvements i Mill Machinery, and the old work has also been completely Mid Silver Plated Goods, Mouldings, Bankrupt Bale of Hardware IN DURHAM. Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints. LBWER TOWN; We would extend n car-linl Invitatinn to all mu- neizhlmnrs to give In a share of their wor' as we an: sati,tiol that we are now in a poultion to mske I Axas, in grub variety, splendid value; Cross Cut Saws Tubular Lanterns. Lantern Glasses and Burners; Bread Axes. Logging Chains. all sizes; Sleigh Shoe Steel, Spring Steel, Home Nails, Cutter Trimmings, and General Blacksmiths’ and Waggon Makera' Supplies. Special Induccmcnts to Cash Buyers. Pomona Grist and Flouring Mills, Cfe [JICNICIJG . In Lance. Champion. Diamond and Human. Very Cheap. CATTLE TIES, without doubt the Cheapest lot over omsrail Scoop Shovels, Manure Forks, Cheap HARDWARE, Hardware. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap. Dulhnm, July 24th, 1880, J. C. J()1’l’. Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, very Cheap. Builders' Hardware, Bar Iron, Oils, Varnishes, Carriage Trimmings, Glass, Cutlery, Quality of Work Second to none in the County. CHOPPING Done every Day in the Week until further notice. THAIINI ISRS AN!) ()Cl‘IIlCIIS Glouulg, August, 1831. Sept. 23rd, 1880. Harvest Tools, Harvest Mitts, &c., &c., A1 Prices never heard of before in Durham. REMEMBER THE STAND, Just Received at MOWAT B, Special native of the Ladies ts tsslled to A Large Assortment of Goods for the Full Trade, Consisting of Thoroughly Overhauled and Renovated. It0cKWLLE, t churns:- nomination _ *â€" 1ut'l,'ltliii'il davnhomm Btmhlntonh . mwerd new... Gii7JG a 00.. 1'me . HALL, of Walkerton, Apply to Gr} & A. MOORHOUSL JOB. F. MOWAT, _,ii'ii't",r, FARMING IMPLEMENT: 's, ciiuiue, Iluuhings. Motto Packet Handker- Ag". WusLurn Insurance Co., Durham. I mA-,a-iuar"""" "m...“ EbIItss‘MARY BANKS will)" tIST it we")! I)“ View . i PM '.io'/l'll1'l'et my t',',elt'.u','tlttd an! #5 i " URI-1AM (Carriage Works. Carriages, Buggies, Demo. crat Wagons, etc., Of GOOD MATERIAI". GOOD FINIS and LOWEST PRICES The subscriber is also Agent tor Allkiud. ROBERT MoPARLANE Durham. Proprietor. Has Nowon Hand ll Good Stock of JOHN CAMERON, Lower Town, DURHAM. Gallant! Inspect My Stock. J. CAMERON. of Embroidered Collars, his Stuck of Gnods, viz: and Mantle Making a. McFARLANE. mni30 t-l'2.7 Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the World. The Largest and Most Complete Factory in the Dominion, .--_---t 140 x loo------ Dominion Organ & Piano Company, Jorrtstrpondtrnoe solicited. Send for Illustrated Cuelogue-- ORGANS AND PLAIN OB. Ve are now manufacturing Square and Upright PIANOS. The "haeHher wiilzes to mfmm the iuhalsitantt, ot Durham and we surrounding Town-hips, that he in mm prepared Lu do bUIt Ind lea Minn purchasmg cluawhere. We will nut be un-lcrsold am" tre selling Pure Drugs and Chemicals. Dye Stuffs and Perfumery, Stationery, tre., (cc. PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds constantly in Stock The Durham Woollen Factory .JTOVES, Stoves, STOVES! Lower Town DRUG STORE. Sawing, Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, 710th Dressing oni Dying, in the latest styles, and at the lowest rates. lub. tttth, not In: on the lhortest notice and in the best "rte. 'F'Imm-Ja Tweed", Fun much, and Stuck iug Saru urexchalngo for Wool or we“ fur Cul (heap. G. C. McFARLANE, cams: a: DRUG-GIST. Durham, Sept. IS. Ift7tt, Durham, August 17, 1880. COOKING PARLOR BOX from $20 un. from $5 up. from $3 rp. All Sizes and all Prices, Cash for Hides and Skins. Truck taken as Cash. _ HARRIS J? C GROCERIES Cheap tor Gash. rm. rum-mung For". revv- n' I I. a uh. no" "a "trrtrsat annoy" of In". In damn-m or In! . G. r I--- "., 1"". ”5 In" an M. “an. "viva "N '" w huwi‘s'r’l' I'|"‘i n'o 'trrrrct In - -. ". Ur-tr" nu dunbllily llry have no mull. Price as can: m .aehata.. CUSTOM WEAVING ! Mailed Free. Address--. Best in the Market, X9C93Jt I Pi l(>.\' DEALER 1h Bowvmanville, Out. JOHN CAMPBELL. ' toe "th, Dar-um B. n..2:“ . . - nu p. u.. 'h'I'i."l; "ett-tiast.e--to-oeThrre '" .BmsqyttTtf.'lle mun “our. Oils. IL. was s. In) A!!!" man c. m.. 'ttttt p. In. .m. m mitt mulv- m at may. days wBd much”. 'maadtttiU _ aituikiw.L" - Mum (um: urn-Ion. Wu. mo o. I... In) p. m., rm p. m AM". I” u. an an p. IL. "it p. -. onuonmz. 14outtt perm" '.o a.m.,trs".m.,H!tr' m. A!!!" 11:10.... t:pp.rn,Bs0P"u North. lWJlmmA. Hlbp m. Ankh. “an... up.» We“. MtNth m. 11:45 an. u up I.-.. I35 p. I. Tomxm, GREY, AND mm: RAILWAY CHANGE or m month. _ 7 . Mildm-y - Last Wednesday of each mouth. mouth, _ . 7 1"lurt".e-Tu lest Wednesday in cub month. ' vhslertour-Mouhy More Drawn-ills. shttyullt--teuy banana 0mugeville. a'ssluuree--Wutstsuay [dam Ortutgeville. vaideT-Seouud " oelooday in we): day after Guelph. uerliu--rio,t figural-y in “all month Hampton --Firrt Tutu-my in each 'thott th Listowei--Fin,t Frulay in each month. e'ttrguts-T'uutmuuy following Mount 1": 'rest Ammunk-Fuwenth of Folsetmry, April June. Angina. October mud “(1‘er rt. i'ruuto--t1'tuutruy preceding tl" uruugeviuo Fun. or-ut-Thr Sud Thursday in cub month. G_uelpu-Wirtst Weibumar n sub mnnth. Harrutou--b'rhu y helm: ttWG Dolph hut thas toertittuty9 butane Guelph. knoll-“TLC day before Guelph. 1louguus-Muudasy we» Eton Frir. iLtueitott-rc'yrrfal Palm (it-wank. tho mam or tgt/tis'." l ti't'ttl', a Tutt do“. M an mu t'quII' . ist human "but“ 4.19“- ts, a. w. M, xtl'iltl.S'c", Datluun-Thiui Tuemhy In 'aah month. _ taoestlle- Menus.) Lemu- Duh-w. 'Vuovtr--u"ouusi' my“ Una-bun. Menu! 1"yput--Tiiinl Wtdueuduy in each mum of wanting. Tammi-y an or Into": (all unaniuouchuwum. 'l‘.ouwu.bvc. Night of mung. Tau-nun) an at b4tetuti moon "I up» mama. ”stung hum val-mm. A. ucuieuuits, W. a, J.r‘,duuot.um. nr-os, November w" " in fb, My... - preaehAug at n 'or.;."; tiehc.r4 " g; u p. FL: beaming»: " m. w., k waning Svr "ciruo- Ne 'Suu'.' an Mug, 70-!“ payth " u'rr uuwunu at up. nt.; Want-why tuning, all» via. at u p. ut. Ttaut-v-it-our may" tut "uue "t Mun. l'uOunlev. Roland I . on um um H‘VIA". out any. It" - S.GA1£EUASTI£Y orrr: tl. Thoma- I, oubr, nag-mutt Joh- AJlnnm I). Jar.. .ucs'utrar. (unu- Amu- [nun in L In. " l p 1.. 0mg. bour- fhllu.l.lu. In t p. I. Auk Kc u “do. J'uuummu-r. DURHAM DIRECTORY SILL-4H: north-n- at " a. In. and T p. In. plump) School " , p. at. 1.'..v. M, B, Wray. B. A.. nun-l Mum-h Wroucatss, H. w. “01'ka B. rift”. Dirty. Sun lee tAt n Hashim”: at It I. In.“ 6:! p. In. Sabin”. a inn-5 M. gal W, in. ”yawn ”1.. non “aha-min} emu-Au It all Nil-k CIA-nun 'rttirrsrua an only; M 7:45. be: .Wass.Ptrk. 1-5-94 r mum MU. . . Hunk-mu. --t barre been " over. your eulrjurt to n writ-u- dimniet of ttse Maya, often lasing unable to “and In Ian-iota. Your "atdook “laud Hater I'll Mull-Dull- ed Ina mud numb. I Wood . bunk, and um t1'i'i', to a) ttat I In relieved lun- fore the battle nu Ulf mud. I ins-d to c-mnuuv. u I hve Milan. an it “I at may cure. - 7 Two blight little French Canada. bm, am of sown and the on... of 'ight years of one, no ulldclgoin‘ . un- tone. of fifteen days ingn'wnment with bud Ubor in the Montreal jun tor “an". n halful of Apple. " tit. Ntutin, when tur "Ade. For Rape", Mowers, and Thu-Lina w. chine- are. Fulani": M,chine ttil. For "k In G. C. Mel’uIme. Lower Town, and J. n. JMIIWI (Swami Stow, human»: mi29. On Tuesday tart Mr. Mlliam Huang 1 Inc u, 6th mm of Aumwft; "Scotch M” uku'led the tair a Am-. ur. run-mug home after Grk. By in. u. f-mnuc mI-chnnce Mr. Mm." H . wrung door, and making I "out.“ bl to the bottom of the new. striking H- but no severely u to {notar- tho dull In! pu- uluee inumilaility. a. aid on Fab] nift. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Bteaw. berry in thr mt Inner-Mu! Inc-heme tan-I'- for alt uunmur cu" plan-tn, 'yurrltwa,dy.eutr cholera mmlnh, etc, lt, Much we unrul- loun. It wtn like I chum! relief " that minimum-us In .etsruckuetr. ml vomiting it in Bapemitic “our. ten times at: can. Mud- ly good (Milne yuuzng, the old, and the mid. .ue aged. For in. by all aiu.. 'f.ii born & Co , Toroutu. ---br3e Mr. W. J. Maud-y of Wiunireru.ob. mined some very ilo, specimen. of gold- bearing qr2artz from the Lake ot tir. Wendi. There is also one nugget of can “a. -----_---- - H 7-- - -- U! 'WMU Bm'. berry. Tui, gnu-mum: nami- 1W“. " n remedy ("nu unnum- an“... tum yuu dun-baa! It 1i'lt",tiiitt cum It " yuur noun-ch mun t will wailing- a... on. Aw 'uu mug on I In To . '.et I. {are and kit! I Emu» of the bet-“9a.." in your Inner-wk. tor me In m-Ilckuw. Vol-- Hing, and other Irma-inu- "f the nut-much u bum“; n mu trmitivUr can you. Ev" one speaks highly of It. - Mil! Town mu -sli"u4 even “my Wanna; (rum , to n‘cium. slur-- .et, mud tore " “an“: mm n~u.bmtm.ux. A good joke is: told of in exhibits: " h Ay met (Qua) [air who mm the timg pic. tor 'rtster.useloue with I clu'uu. wind. he chat-wares prrwmod to Dr. Church. Dr. Fowler‘s Extinct c! Wild may. born. Tui, “mum-1.... -.-., I - "Caatetet'ne in I uni-hand tmde h...“ ' I so! than. "lime other mu we. au wilt mew. Tom-m on a"A'lt 'ttnr-tm-tes.' - MCBHAM UNA-19 bo, $160} A, F. C A. M ‘:-rvivvm own Sum-nth " may I. In. “at!” mun. 3-1;.an way, u. 2l.'"vutti'"gf.ht “why nanny; " a duck. Put»! In. Itro . MOXTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. DIM "ttt ..l.. 12.00.00. Amvo on gum, manna. E'A'LI’HES 140.4”. tio, I“ I, therb' Care of Kidney Complain. ”4 radiation Intact. .... _ " Tomato, April Hui, “00. 7 fl CHEW tham. 9551i 9. MECHANXL'S' " $1111.11. 1'1th'sa'ryriuuAN l'lll'w'l ”Chum L. o, L. ho.tug, DAR 1'le (‘HUIC‘IL u ryrumuriT cu CECE 'tmt NWT (‘Hl'Bl ‘H cm “I“. t USA" ob'iuce.. Your: hub, t"rt.i.sulr. cum ' I. I witt p: any.” an ' I In mpg" L 'the Mug-h..." in like: Tax“. - -"_-... and, lath. " Bmall PiommOopIod and Enlarged ”mu-Ind my 9a. In“. his: Wu. to ttedqr in “unit mnuldlu‘ MQ-* I’m-o- any. on hand. HAVING 30011:: (ha Photo Buainru biannual on by In. Sod-e), uni “on.“ could-m ba, - 1.! mm and guru-w u in in: natal-ll; em. in mud (autumn: it” l".',".?.: /'21tf..erfttter haw bum W ,, - 7--.. "--P'P'Ne.'-.. an law-mun m “up mum the L .III'Y 'fesettt.ttoittsiGi and Want [um _ on halal-mound ot - ”out“. w and In." I'd-uh Boter Shem-key '" I! -r M I“ ”not. ' PC on" Trader, Fine SI'I'I-(l Welhu, 'ttet M only ”All. Lam-d Bulwar- A, w. onl M. an Sham. “its. only Ii'lla. The host (he in“ aaa. JraTGaiirr""" "'"' ', me an but mun-nu um! I " iiE1iili'i,'i:itf?u' unl- (mu-t) " . m no no on " c' U . "I. um I 1 " Y“ “I‘d. hnhng canny-ull'n‘ai‘d - Pee" trtttbt r"ttyrttall.t null Soup, END. Durham. n. L "ext It‘d. h-vnu: mulann-nvrd W. CALDWEL Dill-Jun] " 1w 1000 But. Fresh Lime. Dnrlnm P. o., May , A PALMER, linker. he. rm . .. N": and (‘nllnmoM-nn In" South at It. luau Brawn A no", I u. My "re nu ham! n muptrly of In ote. TI. In. “Wynn- I'urlu-I «mph Chm nouns and M van In! pr." M00 - ke Would 'dd, Inko- Mn - linking ttw halmhllnuu n! In: "In country. In: llu- gnu-u m: on“- t a... you hw- um It In." gamma-um Mud 1uilttst an} I n. Lumber. Lumber, Shingles, Shingles, Lath d; Lim Durham M Gallery. South End Bakery, Durh: ICICNI( 'r" l " ISSUBR of Martinga- Ina-Hum, l-‘ur “Gallant-mu- AmLJ‘nmmnu-qml trt " mm. on. lAm-rd Aunt forthe Countx at um Mm. aotert""mosuu t, to It. punctuality um My “admin but... I.) la, um Will hr ct Ra. debt and Frt.V MUM. "no. martin". r' ..'I¢hulnrd'l up _ I TOIOIIVI. and! 'm.attt.Moutrsu. . K4~wer1'uuu,l)urln nu. KI G RADUATE of . Torouuuund t'trl..r Pro-t = Frost. IP,lll1tyy? and Minn-v) l ' “can" MI “Mann-r). rum. nun- 0'. Sound. huu- rn-uuvu-ul at l'h Ilhrrlun on. out) That-4n) u hunch-{arr “In" FIOWI'. J. " FMotsT (Jo-w (Dun Ann-um) “lawman W?,) in “aluminum now my " Se. otBee.our dam nut ot w Ml Immunity-'21: unwind. ALEXANDER LLLC h.- T THE ROCKWLLE MILLS. 4h.- uumyol 101511 Lot u,( Ir. G. It. Benunck. " Boot and Shoemaker, um... "up! when by trrittei""trtwts"tt. u. the um until {urbltldem and cl durum, CTRAY ANIMALS. to, mlrertm MI [or H, the advertiercuscut 1m and 0 lines. 9.. 'tttmonth-.,, w....-. Do. Ohm-ouch. .. .., ' odeorti-mt. ohm-pd I ee the tirrt Amman. and 2 an. "at "bug-um. ioertio" A, J “My latices of huh. MA MI kind: :1 no olchuge. C. [ch runs Into-don! and bun-mu cardr a... Opel- Ind and", pm year,'.. .. Two when or “Ii-u hunpsnel mu M but“ do. per Yell, _ T ' _ _ ltr/g “III, per your. . _ _ (column. .. .. __.. Ono‘oolun. " ."-...... Infect. DIM no”! 00 lacs. "ttttts..--:) per yonrin " ‘31.” If not paid wethia two It BUSINESS DIRECTO? 1 LEGAL _ Auk: 0net.,.Gat'm- tit net Pictures Durham, L L. Every "A, In u r “THE RE VI XISCELLAI‘ +1011; T fo'.“"“li‘... A YTORNEY ttt Luvs Emmi. McFAYlmN l 1mm! ABBXSTERH. tiohcitorm In E. D. '0CMH.LAN, YNBNEY.A'r-LAW. &e, iwmw Dru I‘m-w. r. my.(‘ommimuu muai; " iii/d JQ nuns or Aviuutrrsrr: PluCl'Aii, Int DIWDALKOM 'utr [lull-l Rhul I rt MEDICAL. at ,_, " PUBLIKIIII W M T DON All-Y “I. I” ho, "mow gun lip-(law Cl l . TOWN!!! lifting f local I (In A “Tulip Ito-Inn "CM - mom I: with

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