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Grey Review, 4 Nov 1880, p. 2

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(lil " V 2.2 20 ll Bond-ck. Touch" Wnnted--& S. No. IO, Blanch. Tush" Wantrd--'3. S. No. 5. Proton. Teaeuee Wanted-ti. S. No. tr, Bonnet. Pig an" "trar-lam um.w. Th as.» Hour-Hour] (PM. Dill- uGeser Waphd-1 Miriam Miti.--Born Bros. "wetsicyrteysusr"--sr""t" Printinl Par m. - Notwithstanding‘ the fact that we have frequent- ly asked our tardy subscribers to pay up, comparatively few have yet done so. This is un- just to us. We cannot afford to furnish paper, ink and labor for years for TPie/t Came gondeuwn, let the better die-' tuna of your conscience prevail Ind remit by the next mail. Do not put it off until pp for- get again, or you are reminded of your duty by the bailiff. Aisha for thLGrey Review, don. t. slur-yd“- Dolkl an». Mun-u" Tank!» ql. --.‘w..v THE REVIEW. birham, November 4, 1880. -it ie with met pleasure that we fry I - to the Ma eomnuruieatiou of “Praise i i p e part of Pnbliio Worship." from the pen h ofthe tue. n. B. me. ofTrinity Chmh.’ Durham. This is a valuable 'roatribtttiort Iothe amnion going on on thie stt'jtet 1 in these columns. and at the present time. when mluy of our renders ere much imitat- 1 ed shout it. it comes very opportunely. It inset toomurh to hope that Mr. Way's Utter may be the mean! of dispelling. It least In part, the mints M ignorance Mid prejudice which obstruct the vision of over union! partiznm. and of enabling even the "tr-meet: on both sides to deal with the attention: in a way cunsistent with the Ipirit l of truth and charity. It will he chewed Mr. Wray carefully distinguishes between the minim-n in the service of Praise and the 'un-tsemis/s-o' distinction not ale. ny- kept in vuw--tuM clcnrly indie-tee the way in which the uou-essentiale should he dealt wttis in the Christian Church nu] by a Chris. tina people. Hom Mr. Wray has the Inpport cl . very dietinguished Chttreltmtttt, and, ve might Add tbooloisatt, the Bight Hom W. E. Gladstone. who, I rhort time ago pve utterance to Views on the non-euca- tide of worship -or, very similar to ttsooo "pres-ed by Mr. Wray on the non- cueutnall in mine. ttr Co; tuisriium. New Advertisements. ow-Township of Proton. 1660 AND 1830 A PARALLEL. i Samuel Pepys. clerk In the Admiralty otBoo in the time of tho cynical Charles the Second. writes in his Diary, under date t66P, that his patron. Lord Sandwich. talk. ing of how good his plan would be to him, said "that it In: not the salary of my - “an Jul make ther man rich but the opponnnny of getting money while u " tho pine." And Lord Sundwich, I hit specimen of the men of his period, than ox- plcmd to bin (thud, the notions of nonli- ty wluch mailed at the tiaser--the King M his oourtiers, minute" And their clerks. nu! public omen!- of all kind: com- I Lining math" to tLoeo the public and I hoodwiuk out snotber. We seem to ban {anon upon Iimilm‘l) ail “not. Ttte In. of would, which thallium Sit John A. Shalom” my! his MD in well known. As the master u, to b the - A clerk in “a Public Works Down. - 33d Kahuna. in was the rahtie, -e.--r-"-r," ,_......-¢‘_‘ f. ..‘ - -------------"" No. It, china: looking out tor' government eon- _ . I , - _-‘l Moon»: the oonfiartstiabrrttt of American -. m” -'-- --- "" tmeta, and is paid, u be confound himself before the Rummy Commiuiou the other day, at the rue of thirty or my dol. ls: I month. This was the ice " com- nmnicuing to print. pawn. Ind contu- ry to as. public Herod. inks-Indian which buns to his knowledge u t govern- ‘ment clerk, but which migtst be useful to jo patrons in indexing for counsels. --- . , 2‘. .-l_ The immorahty oldie (o m and it: up an». and offittiaU of the uveummh ii) tury come to an end. It is probable too that Mr. Chaple-u'a doings II Otto”. " be dsseontisuted. But w long u the chic! otreuder H,minst public morals holdn may, the great pattern uni emsaatplts to when: 1111 men of the Cbnplenu clamp point " a marvel of wisdom and mecca. tho lapp- ing " of Incl; euro-moss u CIA-plan ' null Mackintouh will “but bat little in lo- forming the public so: vice. The election: on Tnesdoy lost resulted in I it large majority for G'arf"std and Arthur l the llcpnbhm Condidetoe for tho Prui- t ‘ decoy out] Vice Pretidency. This relult l he: been looked for for name time. The‘ Democmta. in the beginning of the content, were sure of victory end rested on their "ram while the Republicans were working. Still further the Democrats played bet out! loo" on the term question, the only plank in their plett'unu br which they bed any hope of roaring mything like enthneielm for their Cath" in the country. On the other head General tueiuld,the Republican mm diam for the Pmidency. ll I very shle politieian end personally very popular, and l last but not least the great unity of 06100 holders put forth every Wort to keep them. Ielves in office. To these tttUM" any be ottributed the sweeping majority obtained by the 1upubliestas. New York stete gen oHtrltl a majority of 40,000. Maine. New Jersey. Connecticut, Indiana. Ohio end nearly ell the Northern Stet” cove lorge Republicou majorities, while the South went almost to e men fog the bemoan“. T " In" four new tuivsrtisetnettts " School Tucker: thin week. Wovo.' Worm '.--A. we hare only wood enough on hand to do a day a two we hope name of theme indebted to us and intending to my in wood, will bring it along " on“. Mn. Snmun (Eamon bu sold " farm. lot 18, Con. 5 tls Bentiuck. 100 new». 80 ncm cleared, for 02,300. Possession to be given March, 1882. Maura. Horn Brothers hue purchased the Hanover grut and Bouriug will And on- torod into poesessiou. 'i'ltoy will give their beet ancunuu togristiug and chopping. Soc adv, A. Lawn-is giving great bargains In Silver plated wue, suitable for wedding presents, out do not forget that he is sell, ing on overytlung for cash at Mehareu's on stand, Mount y'ortrst.--.ln4t Tho instrument“ movement in tho Es. tablishcd Presbyterian Church of Scotland, inaugurated in Old Groyfrieu by Dr. Bob. ert Lee some twenty year» no. bu made slow progreu in Edinburgh compared with Glasgow, when "or, State Chm): has now an organ or [ammonium At prount however, a "spurt" is being put on in Ed- I Einburgu, no In: than three orgtuss--st.l Andrew's. Nozth Uith, and St. Stephen'- --bemit lamest randy It the sumo time; while I fourth. St. Band's, is being uh ranged tor, And there is also noun talk at u. Maryhs following, SIBIOCS Accaovxt.---TLt Globe up that on Tuesday morning hat a man who gave his nude on John Meagan, from Dominik. m received into Toronto Hospital. and on examination it was found that be had eno- tained a oommnttod tractor. ot the left leg letwoen the knee and ankle. It was thought ‘that amputation would he ancestry. Beo- son was oomidenbly under the inmurmre of drink, and Ira unable to auto bow on whore he met with the mident. The rail. wny othetaU saw him knocking around the Union Station on Monday night in n drun- ken condition, and it is panned that he had found his way into the oatths sheds, and by some manna or other got bis log broken by n railway eat peeing over it. Local and other Items. A Cunt: of e most horrible neture wee recently committed on the panel: of e young men named Cnin, who lives nee! Tara. The outrage we! pctpetnte-J by toar an“! men, who butchered the un- fortunate victim in end: e villeinone men- ner that it we. at one time thought he would not recover from the injuries which [ml been inth'eud. We understand they several parties suspected of being implica- ted in the came. were created end Int-ought baton the Meghan“. Two of then. med Batty and Brown, wen 'tantidote, end we now in \Velkerton jeil. The" new: to have been some kind ole queue] between the parties, but it is dith- cult to conceive how men could make such he“ of Wivee u to 1,0erth puck taut-nil: m- T.te wanna» in“ to be "xouriog.-tiuulry Eteerprir.e. UNITED STATES. if” hare only wood BJJIIbévn V._'-_- - tender! to the prospectus of am When Syn-tutor, to be found in mother ttie',',') The Sperlutur has than been I. leading; paper, it contains Huge amount of Ruling and news. and u we clpl'ct to have direct railway eommumeation with Hamilton in u {our weeks, thin papa! will be received in Durham a. quickly as any "not. no! math wsiekor than any paper is receivod hue _ ... n ,1 AL- Uni-u. um! Ame. Inc-nu u..- ..7, _ - low. We will club tho BMW 1nd Spa-J tutor together until the end of 1881 for 01.80 mb. An sgrieaitursl - making it: read- ers every Wei-k. has long Men required, and we have It now m the CASH)!“ FAI- Iln. the only weekly Agricultunl puma publsslaed in the Dominion, which in to hand. It contain! m unusual amount of excellent reading matter of interest to the ngricultnrist, besides A goodly proportion of general ileum and literary? enrich of a high order. “contains handsome illum- tiom of various Agricultural. Hortitmltttrsl, am? stock subjects, and altogether in . val. “able Journal. and should he on every tarm. er‘a talle. The merit of being e Winn is very much in its favor. and that with in general excellencies should nuke it e epoc- iel favorite with the farming community. It is a Twenty page paper, and the: in 1 year, with its " numben. glue an anot- moul amount of reading matter at . "? low price. The publisher in offering Ipeciel inducement: to subscribers. will forum! . ample copy free to any one derirsng them, and will lend the paper for the remainder of thin year and all 0(1881 for $1.00. It in published an“ wanna)“. in Wall-ml, Bssmn'os Sacra».- on. KN: B. 0mm. We will club the Canadian Farmer with tho Gun Rm“: till Jan. lat, 1882, tor 91.75 each. Mrrtrmtt Dzarrr.---h feeling of sorrow bu just been out over this community by the very sudden death of Mrs. Juckson, who “skied. I abort distinct) north of this vil. lags. She retired to rest on Monday le) week in her usual 1tealtlt,but was, on Tues- dny morning, discovered quite dead in her"i bod. Dr. Armstrong. of Chnhworth. WM canes} and think: her sudden death mun have been caused by by heart disuse. De. ‘cenwd Wu in her 88rd your. and luv” . husband and seven children to mourn her loss which is deeply felt by her family and the community at large.--cosr. Williamsford, Oct. 8rd, 1880, Dromore Lodge, No. 649, I. 0. G. T.-- I M a regular weekly moenng of the above l Lodge, held ia their hall on the evening of Friday, the 29th. The following oitieers were elected and installed for the ensuing quarter, by tho L. D., Jim. Wm. Ramago, viz, 2-1lro. Jar. Renwick; W. C. T., Sis. Flora Runwick; W. V. T., Bro. T. Ilen- ‘Reuwick; W. 8., Bro. J. Adams; W. F. I h'., Sis. O. Johmton; W. T., Bro. T. John, (stone; W. M., Sis. E. Mackenzie; W. I. Cr.; Bro. W. Ferguson, W. o. 0.; Sis. M. J. msawieka.W. D. M.; Bro. Chas. Kun. I age. W. Chap. We uuderstatid that our enterprising ' towusmon Messrs. It. & T. llenwick, and S. Adams are about to build a. saw and shingle mill to cost over t2,000. They are at present engaged in tuking out timber for the building which is to be 24 T 40 feet. They expect to have the engine and Ina. chinery (which is pvrtublc) up in about 4 weeks, from tho Waterous Co., Bruutford. 3W0 wish them every success in their un- lalerlnking, as It supplies n want much felt in the community. The contract " the sealing of Bobtown Metlsodist Church has been let to Mr. Albert Bell toe the sum of $33, hobo completed in December. The members of the Orange Society intend painting their hull shortly, in aid of which they intend holding a social on the evening of Friday. Nov. 6th. Mr. Burkwell of Priceville is expected to lecture on the ow casion. The rest of the programme will be supplied by local talent, by rendingl. re- citations and musk. Admission 16 cents. Double ticketh cents. Ten "and at On Wednesday evening our citizens were shocked by the report of a. tragedy by whim a young man named W. E. Welter bed deliberslely put an end to his existence. He came to Owen Sound in the wring of 1879, and commenced the practice of his plofeseion. being s lend surveyor end ewit engineer, boarding at the Coulson’ Home. 3 He was understood to have been in India st one Numbers he received e um stroke. end wee drawing e smell pension from the East India Compeny. This Inn stroke probably muted his mind, end he bu been been] smut times before this to thrower: to shooe, himself, though not much 1 otiee was Men of it. On Wednee. _ day evening between tim and six he met Miss Moth-n on the street end walked down Hill Street with her. m seid "I went you to give beck tut promise I nude ,ou,"--ierritsg to n time about two months before when he talked of shooting l himself. end Miss Moffett made made him , promise never to think of such tb thing B. gain. She answered that she would not. They Were about opposite the school house when he handed her a parcel, telling her that she would not see him my more diet ten that night, immediately utter which‘ she heard two reports of n [mic], and turn.' ing Around. saw him tall, shot through the Asad, He was immediately eon-id into Mrs. Cunnon'a amp, by parties who won in the vicinity, but lite wu extinct. he luv- ing put tho revolver close to the right side of his head, dud the lull. penetrating the It m not deemed necessary to hold an inquest. Mr. deor was thirtrthmo you“: of age,aml can" from Bull, England. Bo had no mylatires hero, but his " broth. er uddiagin Paisley, who his bun tek. gmphod for, and will come to an chug. of the tsodr.--rit-. A lamp exploded in the how of Mr. G. Wood, Arthur Vikings, last week Md set tire to the cupat. The tuzuers wen ta. uusuiaud before making much headwly. Suicide in Owen Bound. Williamsford. Dromore. .u-.. _-Wa refs: our Teacher's Professional Exa- minatxon. The following an tho nmu of those who panned the late Prnfessionnl examini- liou for Third Class orrtifieato, in the or do: of merit, with the math obtained by such. The maximum No. of math V“ 575. Nun. 803001.. We Ferguson. Owen Sound ... SmClurke. ...... " " ......'.. Elinbetlx ngu. " " ..o...'. Egg. Ferguson, " " ......... J obn Honutock, Durham ......... Annie C. MoKenzic. " " -....'. P. S. Mourns. ...... Magnet Smith, o. Sound Letitia Grier, ... " " Sm Mum), ... " " Margit A. Pearson. Durban Marg't A. Fleming, " " Annie Fiddil. ...... O. B. Arthur Torrie, ... " " Marti; S. Kahuna. Durum \Thomu Smith. " " A. Z. Wright, " " June: Balfour, o. B. Maggie M. Farrier. Durham Samuel GInJin, " " Darid J. Wright, o. S. Ens Gohun. Durham Mary A. Non-is. ... 0: S. Mar, J. Johnston, " " Maggie Cunningham, Daria Mary Culvert, 0. S. John McDonald. Durham, Goo. Bell, o. Sound ‘ John Bum. " " ‘ Juno: Shaw. " " l Eb. Young. Dndnm Goo. Femnt. org. William Samara“, " Jouph Snell. Barium Duniel C. Buy, o. S. -Trihtote. The following it the list of those attend- ing an. Durlmn Model School for the first term, with tho name ot place “here from: Francis 8. Manama, Ebenezer Young. Nor. manby; Than. Smith, Latent: ; Samuel Gmdin. Euphruia; Margaret Maris Pen- Ion. Ann Letitia Wright, Artemis“; Egrts Gohoen, Maria Farrier, Proton; Maggie S. Kelmm. Bentinek; Maggie Cunningham. Markddo; J. Hematock. Chatsworth; J. McDonald, Pricevillo; Annie C. McKenzie,1 Durham; Maggie Fleming, Invernmy . Joseph Snell. Egremont. Tn: pupils at present attending the Dur. ham Model School, for the second term commencing on'Momlny. Oct. Mtls, Mot--- Mugcie Edge,from Gleuolg; Jessia Browu, Dlulmm; Amelia Graham, Lucindia (ira- ham, Duudalk; Wm. Harold, Homing: Minn; John D. Booth, Eliza J. Booth,5nl. calm Clark,Beutiuck. Several others were uotified to attend the school in Durham, but have not yet arrived. According to announcement the Osprey Agtieulttttad Society held their Autumn Show at b‘chrshum on the 9th all" The display was very oroditablo, upeciully in horses, sheep, grain, roots and ludiea' work. On the ground the “Flying Horses" again made their appearance, and the proprietor seemed to drive a good business. Thorn I was also a. calf with two heads, four eyes i and eight legs exhibxud, but it turned out to lo a “meat sell." After the show. the judges and other members of the society sat down to u. sumptuous dinner provided by Mr. MoAloer of the Fevensham Inn, to which ample justice was done. A thriving business seemed to be done in cakes, gin. gerbread, and loft drinks. The following is a. list of the prize taken ..--Wru.Bristow, J. Hudson, Jan. cttrran,Tltomas Buwu ridge, Charles Edwards, George Bristow, Thoma: Saigeou. DS. Burke, KY. Burke, David Mndill, Wm. Comte. J amp]: Me. Morris, Thou. Hnwtou, Mathew Spofrord, John kirtoo, A. Maui", John Sledge, Jun. Rules. Isaiah Wiutem, J. MoAlaer, Thou. Hells, John Winters, Juno. Winters, Ed. Liuley, Jamel Elliott, J. B. Sing, Gaol-go Alexander, Joseph Tnonr. Wm. Hamill»). I Hickling. J. Sullivan. Swan Bros. and ( J ohu Buckingham. I. I. no. 8, OLBttMA5. The following in the report for October '. 4th Cleuns.--Leila Ada Banu, 67 ; W. D Starlet. 61. Bird clatm.--hhtry Ann Ector. trr; Ema line0titehie, 70; Patrick Morrison, 62. 2nd Cltum.--htum D. Moht, 86; Alice Bulb. 84 l Maggie Collier, 82 ; Ellen sh, Null}, " l Funny McNally, 62. -_- o. I. no. 5. manor". Fourth Chm. (Hugh Oblainnble. MO.)--- Mary Wright 149t HmSuvonaou 60. Third tyouu-Mrk' Obuinlblo 185).-- Nollie Nixon IM, Jenni. Donngh Itt, Willie Writtlst 115. Willie Webster 110, Robin Shannon 91. Third Clan, Jun. (Mark: obtain“. i80) --Mttggto Carrie IM, Gouge Dough as. Henry Wallace 78. Second (Elm. (Murks Obtainlblo 130)- Georgio Rodger. 128, Josiah Gardiner m, Emma Wright 106, Sarah Kinuon 97. A - Second Clam-Junior. (Mu-ks obtainable 140)--horgie Wright 128, Mary Currie 127, Robert Watt 109. Saint] Cltum--ut, Home “hum: 2nd, Walter Wright, 3rd, Riclnnl Gar. diner. -_ Mr. James Masai» entered on his duties l on Month? an Walden ot the Cantu] pti. wn,nnd Capt. Prince an Begislxu of South 1 and Contra Welhngton. William Rebellion wu instantly killed in Hull'l mill Lethhritlgs, on 22nd of Oct. The circulu aw ham, and I. part of it km“! through his head. dividing it from the lips up. The young man had only boon married ' mouth. Oct. .29.-h dusputch from Cnpetown says that Magistrate nape all Isis two clerk. wen mu: dared while 'ttut-tinet, wit. nessing . wu- "tttttte. The Gourmand In: culled out MIX! We Coloninl Mops. It u “penal that four Mutation lam, also been maniacs! by the names, Average attendants. foe October M. W. P. Rush“, Teacher. Osprey Fall Show. Honor Rolls. W. L. Drsom Teach". "an... ......... .-... .o-I-ncl' “u..." 457;; 449; 4181 445 ANI 416 414 8981 8811 881 881 8141 314 8121 bil About "Let everythmgff mid David, that hath breath pram the Lord." With this pious upintion the orttttt Psalmist at Israel 3100- od the wage of Sion, calling upon all mi- mete creation to praise the Lord. With; these words for our motto, I a” upon the Christian render to meditate upon the sub. 1jeet of praise and thanksgiving to our cow-.- uent God. We any contemplate the sub- ject in three “peel: P-- The nature of puke ; miriam and whjeeh of praise; the model and instrument: of puke. let. The Naval: of Praise.--, more u- r pochlly cell the render'e ettentiou to, in t ita connection with voeel end instrumental , music es e pert ot the public warship of ' God. Perhepe there in no oormmtional l topic upon whieh the public mind in more divided, or upon which people hove run l ( into grater extremes. One petty nuke I instrumental music essential to praise " puller!» and herpe were media Solomon 'e temple. Another consider such muteriel euxilleriel as quite ineonltent with spiritu- al worship. One petty consider In orgnu conducive to devotion; mother deem it ob. etructive to devotion. Some nuke artistic skill in the choir everything: to others it in nothing competed with devotionel feeling. One party resend the congregetion u on audience listening to n menial perform- ance of the choir: the other regard the whole congregation as e choir celebrating with heart end voice the pain: of their God and Saviour. To onemind. Heudel'e looted orniono of the Meninh in alone oon.l 1 eietent with the solemnity of public wor- ship; to another, the Old Hundred of revered memory in of too opentio s Iter tor Congregational Pulmody. We offer no opinion of our own but merely present what would amen to be the Scriptural, ntioml, common-sense View of the nature cf praise " I devotional exercise. If I tun not in perfect harmony with every body's opinion, I taut that my remarks will not be altogether dinordent with the spirit and tenor of the Golpel which tells us that we are to sing with the; spirit and with the understanding elm. May we ever esteem the praise of God u the sweetest exercise in the late ofreiigious contemplation ; may our hearts ever re~ spend to this cell, and every chord vibrete in unison with his who competed this so- ared ode ending with the words “Praise ye the Lord." Praia, essentially considered is the lam} game of the soul, the nspimtiou of the renewed benrt. confessing and neknowlmlg- l ing the mercies and perfections of (ind. The public worrhip of God consists of two parts, its essence and its accidents. Praise is the essence of worship, mo devotional lexercise of the soul. Hence. whenever.‘ wherever. however such devotional not: of mind and soul are performed, God In wor- shipped whether there be outward accidents aruueeompaniments or not. It in in this affection that the essence of all worallip consults; ltu: the soul that rises to coup amnion with God, 'tis tlns that constitutes essential praise, indepouécut of nil on trancous tseeoutpattiameat. Now, it spirit- ual afrcetiotts Brtt essential elements of Christian praise, than it follows that nono‘ can praise God but believers who have ex- [ perieuccd these spiritual iuiiaaneec Hence all praise addressed to Deity by other in. strntneuttrlity than sanctified heart. and tongues attuned by the Holy Spirit, is art. ficial, eountsMeit wonliip, n more battles: pageant, in conventional substitute for the essential spirit of praise. The truth is, the same gmditieatiomt Ira unwind tor Accept- nbiu praise as for acceptable prayer and spiritual eommunion with God. Thus while we are not to undermlue, but. appreciate and prize the agency ot vocal and iuMrumeutal manic u aids Ind; adjuncts to praise, yet scripture strirmr) that soul-praise is the exclusivo privilege of believers in the Church Militant. a it will be in the church Triumpbunl. (nah. XXIV. 10. Rev. IN. th) Pniu thenis eaaeutial. ly A spiritual exercise entirely independent of time, plume, temple, tongue, lip, paltry. harp, organ or any nuxiliuy bunks but“: of tho Holy Chest. 2ndly. The materials sul grounds for the p believer'e song of praise are the love of God te in Christ, God's mercies in Providence end p' Grace. They ere all summed up in that 01 one exhaustive word Salvation. The whole I! book of Peslms is s precious summary of a the materials of praise. The inspired men , who composed those sacred lyrics here ex- F hunted all the stores of neture. Providence I hand grace to find subjects of praise. lesvinl [to the Church of God in every mehleued u l selection of experimental pulnody suited l to the feelings. wants and eepeeilies of the t Lord's people. Wherever you open this i blessed summary of sacred melody, whet- , ever he the tone of your spiritusl medians I sorrowful or joyous. in the vslley or on the t mount, you will ttuit something suited lo , your particular one. Is your heart in I tune or out of tune you will find s kindred l spirit there to eheer your sorrow or uneti- I ly your joy; some chord of sympothy vi. brating in unison with your own. Forty of the l’rslms ere exclusively songs of pain l espeeislly the last six; in these the royal ', musician sppenrs to desire touud his voice throughout the universe of mention and F grsce. to call upon all minute sud inni- . mate creation to praise the Lord. In the last he luxurintes in praise, thirteen times he invites us to join him in this Joxology and having exhsusted ell the Inn- ti terinla of praise, faint, tired end varied, f he exelnime in the last line, “Let every- h thing that bath breath praise the bud, for I am exheustod and breathless, my poorl, a harp is tired. As if the Boys] Psellnist l. striking his wesried lyre with his dying it hand wished to leave the seeents of peaitrr n lingering on its strings, with his expiring I l-resth he calls upon the saints in every ' age to celebrate the praises of God, "Praise --. ye the Lord." Sully. I have than far oontomphtod praise in tho mutant. in its essential spirit; we now ask, wlust an um mud-I um) it.. “mucus. of pain in yumio worship t In I this Ind tLo preceding palm we have I \Joscxipuun of new: uf thc and» ad ic. Praise " a. Part of Public Worship. BY M. B. atrnmcnts with which hymns and songs of praise were oomxmnded to be accompanied in Old Testament Limes. Palm cum. 8 ; and CL. But are we to infer trout those expression“ that dating and made are 05- E leutisl uli'meil to whim! worship in tlos. l pel an“. Surely not. It mrsical instru- ment In”. and in Salomou's temple scr- viao any were wind to . dinpumtion of typo. and News. mail“ to what the ‘upmstlo saith of other fieurat'trtt Ind lym- ‘bolie mine- ia the public worship of those times. (Heb. xx. 9 and 10.) In Scripture i idiom psnllery. burp Ind loud cymbal: an l, .igniiietsttt types ofjnbilwt. burly, spirit-‘ at! worship; the loud swelling notau of the hurt strings, the full chord of the re. newewed soul, these spiritual organ: no the instrument' of Christian worship. Then is t ant-tum in Scripture for the nu of intramural music, but no mint. rule or suthority for it. Public worlhip. u we have aid. consists of two putt, spirituality ind mnta-iulity. essential and nomuuntinlu; of the latter the chief are words, wet! and instrument- Il music and bodily postures. If then, tho‘ qttaetMNt of pmyor and praise consists of the inward tsfteetiosts of the will, the question I arise- how far Are vocal ma instrumentsl music essential to and consistent with the public worship of God now. " masiet then, u tn accident of praise essential and con- ducive to devotion t That question I shall not “tempt to amwor dozmnticnlly further than to My ' to tome mind] itia; to others the revels». The name may be said of I pray“ : the uccidcntn of [yr-yer no words Ind postural; than, although not Lentirt to the Ipirit at pruyor. no essential to pub) lie united prayer. With name . form of prayer mm- dovotinn. with others the op- ioaite. Some pny kneeling, tom. stand. _ ins. and some in a sitting mature. To tome minds canton: and only associntmn have rendered instrumental music omen. titrlly Manny; to other minds "aesutUlly dimuble. sent] The defect: cud discordance of our nature require variety. Sacred music cheer: the spirit, cures the distraction of our though“ end tttuw" our duty to become our delight; so that there may not be a} neceucry connection between devotion and dullneel. Variety end contrast ere neocl- ury in the empiree of unture cud grace; without these life would be e dull monotone. The painter mint hove light end shade for Pre"""" oiretst. The skilful compour. tor in music concorde will not dwl)‘ please, throws in hie discord: " certain in- tenele that his concord: may return more pleasantly to the ear. Thus in order to creete harmony in public warehip we have mueic br concord end preaching for dis, cord. Thee-r would be tired with per- petuel melody. BO in the devotion“ em- pirethe mind requiue variety end con- trut to produce harmony. - . . n - A:_AI.. " - “I l""‘"" --â€"~_..,. i It public worship consisted entirely "t I music And singing there would podium be lit“. derotiou; if of continuous praying, l pump: luv. ot punchinglcu still. Bpir. ( ind worship is uni. an Egyptian tank but I ‘ willing service; tho "eetiout cannot wor ship long; torveuey, not continuity. is the anemia-1 element of duration. The mini-- tor needs "tidy and will Bat in the pulpit um! then he cannot create . devotional spirit in all minds ; he may unite in lain dis. eouru the simple patch]: of David, the plaintive mink-sky oi Jeremiah. with the lofty drums of Iuinh; yet dill he cannot move tho aympatlnie: of wine hearers. To the '" of theme who are Juliane of spirit- ual tkeultitss, tho trrtsaeWr in 11qu oat of tune, he is either too tut or too slow ; too loud or too low; too But or too sharp; too doctrinal or too prutiul l or too spiritual. I ly-mimlod " his earthly-minded henna. I Instrumental music nay help to qualify ' thin (mum: tasto in compliant. " then, Christiane. we he" been regeu- l and end received the breath of a new life who our souls, we ere itutratuttuto in II the temple of gnu to celebrate the no. l deema'e puke; we are celled upon to dod- l, ieate that breath to the service of God end} all to unite u we tort can in wugreguion- /d singing. Thu 3 cuisine Comm! Pre". the liveliest type cl Raven; all ”(and end inspired by the name divine ':iiiiii, like the pipes of . well Mined organ; ell eon-piling together in perfect tummy Income one gregt_ igslqughl. sounding iiaTLFidruos! um: high, A Ila-patch from Newcastle. Ont... state. that u can dawn“ abut}. ttat, Git than on Saturday mung. 3nt,--r m» not n little mun-ind to no in ‘Verity'n last letter I deuinl of the not that he WM the nmzlmt in this contraven- By, but I do not " am. my stat-tt u to who w the manila“. nhuuld ha ”can. all without referring to tue tirut Mun of '1'resbytrtUu,' 'Yetitr' and myself. To the Editor of the. Beckie. In Wenty'c‘ tiest letter u and tut hi: object in writing '31 that it might loud to s settlement of the gunman; and it is plum tint bis letter was not in. tended n I up" to mine, trom the tut of my nuns not [wing mentioned in it, “I also from the bet an: In my hrgt Utter I "lid not state that instrumental manic in wrong. " stated by 'Verity' ; but I and, allowed how ridiculou- 'Prssbrteeiatt'tf amnion“ were when referring to Mr. 'A. ool'l pamphlet and to the intelligence of tho Anti-0mm“. But 'Nueity' W not to like being cdled an innovator. Do. he deny being the first to give his mm. vir. his opecuclo theory nud the “limbo than: of the Talmud. t If not In must be an innovator In controversy according . his own statements. He again dull in - sumptians when refer-ling to (be ennui. and esltottatious of Christ sud his um He “some: that Christ Ind his apouu' did not pay I mu: to load than: in singing, sud having trimmed thi- ho impliu "at if it I. right to pay . person for loading tho siugiue now, it must duo in tight» to I. In organ. In other woeda, any rib - 'rsuons-whitUr Juli-h at tret-ttttll? considered right mtieqa many (pronoun. m does not don, that “a. New To.” Church did not use iuatratnootq yd. being guided by the sample tad 0:50“an of Ulnist and his quid“ In consider! it an . Handy foundational Tho Putnam pruned -""'"". -__-, - God with inurnmuu, and the um - utoGod. .0th what In exhorted tho people to do be “bully put into mum. In thin moraine no mm “d " a lim- - . . . _-.", III - -.ie"- -- ,, ill: reason via-t Christ and his upon!” pratstised and aborted must. admit “no “M. But why should ‘Vority' in his tinet lottor refer to the “keratin” of the Psalmist, lino. he admin by his ptooou ot mung. that it tho Psalmist Ind exhort- od only to It“. prams. ho (Verity), would {nan trosuider titat iustrutwustal music “I: right. ' - - .... *7 ~~A|_ EY.,..' I...I up... It is pldn that if the monk Paul Ind intended instrumental music should in uud he would so In" stated it u in the can of David. The l‘resbyurinn Church of Cun- udn bu adopted A form of worship. vat Yenty' would imply that it :s nut what " adopts that must be put into pumice. out that the different churches may adopt 5n, form of worship which is not. denounced. If it be right to please the ear with nu out music it also must be right to News the an with prettv pictures; hence the orrou of the Roman Catholic Church. ‘Verny' on tbs authority of 'Verity' do. niu that the nrgun -titsts lust, new dis. cumd in the punt. It would poulmp. In 'setter task- for him to give authority other ohuu ulM4uuugh u might twt be to weighty. "1..., . He denied dull 1asther,Cidvin sud Knox wane auti-orgnuii, yet 1 have adduced my “way. for the “Manuela, in my hut lotto: and he has mt soon tis to Inter to it. Ho admits um some of the Refurmcn ware hutrorganusts. Would '\'unty' kind. ly inform me whu mew Relaunch were. and how the informatiuu Lu been bauad down to as t In the cm of the P11901010:- uu Church in Ireland nut iulopsiug instru- mental mimic 1erity' says that “my my be I little behind the nae, and with oquat 1rrowiety he may in! that an Praliybfinu Prom-puma of today won until My eleven centurion behind tho Hum: tutho. lie Church. Probably 'Verity' mm- by saying that the Anti-organist; m iguoewn um thev an, behind the up I in the out of the Protbytotim Chunk of bound. Tho buildings cumplahd am you. M than in oonstruetioa n Galt,." Mud a 070,000. John Mltbcwson. In old citizen ot Mon. tml. Ind the founder of tho City (in Call- puny, died on Sunni-y night at the minno- ed Mo of 00 yous. Thousands of our hm. anal dc [on - dly from cholera autumnal, difuhmlnnt tt nun-Au mph“ " w on Nauru 'J',','l2%/'i,'l"lt'i; time!) we of Dr. awhi- than! of Wild Strawberry, the [MM moat rah-[dc .preihe known tor Ut -- Ailmwh. For sale It all Drug Sm h ulna-theme” in maths! oohuiii.--bt6t. It is said petitioul m in dream - bout ILutrUusu, which an Loin: that! by fariuett,wlso tin-ruby pledge Wm not to sell on Karim-u mark-u and a. market (an m ulniiubod. The remedy that In: ud the - I'M- ou lllco- u in the cure of Mbmydymwy ttlsol an murhm. "rl, hula-d, out] kud of nun-r oomplasut, human an by can; im. pmpor (god, ea A. J'", "net-Nu. my!» itreorrrtrttita, bad milk. impur- WM, In. ~Ihu remedy lint. u the, most rapid. "Ii-lilo. Ind Jamal, in Dr. Fuwier'u can“ ot Witd titralrsrV lt in the In.“ round] (or Mun- met mplnhnu kaouu. For “I: by MI dul- on.--le. In am uetiott " Induction kid " tho End: Aidan: Mr. Jurtiee Armour malt the 'rigtsituattt remark to the jury us" nu policy hitherto pun-mod by judguu in well cases of directing the jnnu to briue " light verdicts had tnitod otits object, Innu- ly, to reduce the 1|an of much what». uul no thought it Ina than may the ' of bani” "rilieta. The jury Mimi, brought in a verdict [of 02.000 Jnuta'goo. Durham. Nov. St, t880. Dan of the and thoroughly reliable modi. dnu now in In by the Cowling pnhhc u Wit-en's Compound. Syrup of Wild Gunny. 2t new which “and: In In" in can of o. a. tough. Mann, cam. Win-om 2ett [an at who sud “Rut Lungs, " an: MUG. _ “may, twl to wed the lee, (Dani-1"] "punt! h Ir oet no tic-nun for n (and Liu,',',', uf the kind. In the rub] “the uf (to Irritant. m sale Incruud w rapidly sud Lame I" largely "would that w mawttaetarora an it u” "My mat-hat] to intradm it through the mun-paya- oi um 'souittry to damn it. mluyuou u we nun-uni mm for About. at the “window Ms"- ivory bah-3 Mai-4 in Wuhan“: Liam-0 run an: it. I Guam“ Put-mm Burn " 8 PM cm In mind M f4.“ Livo- '.ttggttrr, 4 u a up. In. Fcu'hlo- col 'r' . I'd-0- --" mum-dam "sad ._ " 4.. . 3.01... Tr: has-“I Church Music. Wnlon‘s Wild Cherry. CANADIAN ITE IES. 5 I310. TOWNSHIP of PROTON '0 - all on“! (In- TORON'I‘O. “It!“ all "If. DAILI‘A‘ I all'lll. 8) - Mn no. ct “ In... chom- II‘W‘ b. I.) M bouu- an n:- “In coup-Iv. and no hun- Dch-mn-u ' up I“ O. MOT Ibc- It‘d“ OI - In. In the ply-III a In Mi- 0... and harm. All! "II-Eu the 101mm,. n lawn) “thunk-d u: on "In” 0". fee.1tt.'et “I [\n'uuruuru _ -- ......-.,......... y 1...:1‘ n All! Win-m an, mud upmu 0cm Inn-human of and. u' "ttl l - uni-tun lawman an “I tonne“ d and Illllln‘lmhl\, . on. than!» an Fen-"nun... u: m. , w aid Mun-In we and run a to a” “I (put; and nu-unm my bt urn-m L: um um um T mm umuuwuu) . but 't 01.10“!” thou-and an]. M a. at an ',egert1g't'2, h... w... “about! Inn um“. on. gnu-M “lick or Iu-ur l i... hul- ol-M than“) p... “I aa an...» aL, Wm“ u “roan-m b “ya! boom to an mums: u: ' W - m u- mums. baa - as. AID WIDE-In lot nun-h pun. who: " mink-Wm tar m It. -" claw-1m ot “My m ' - who mum-I human". I vita-num- (‘muml at um In Town-Np a Proton "tgee" u J.) Thu up an lumen-um) “In ot Mm any“ Um I...“ d Quad of an; Tum-warn) u I ooteret , noun. . bun» " 2xt.", 2,e,tt',,t', ttee 1me t In! pupa-- club um mm $', at'. M ot um. um rec-ms Br. tot - tho purpose don-Md w an and 'uusuesietstt mull ' mm w, W ot Wo mad '1 “\Huutp m r and. (“mum-uni mum) a. Inn) to: the 'rrtl'.: not hm than a mum " on u 'atqrurrt Lu. van ol 3‘: ttttttlet duh-I'M and; "cu, L\ul\' .uu inhuman! ot My funm‘auu An ,4 t“. m. d mm bud [lull] L MW at we Mum " in” at menu mm a», cm can FUN" ot F , l ouatcll was) b; lu-hm " IU.) Fttat m tsid Il-sbm “I. In WW" nylm 1m- " dun In .hot . um Hum) pr, In Lu u luck at Luann-w at. u. Mud w “mm warm: u.) m an um um qta.elo ot in In! datq mantwhu-J- mt " a“. tUst (In? of t; w, " um tlt" e.lg, t no.4- WWI c, (5.! ml durum tue rm “In Minn. 01¢.N11l I “In!” awn w mun; " of ram. - Ina-mu " an mum at “huh I "otuatn on“ be lax-v.1 " oNUq d-hcumumx o} m. In the - ot e234!) 45w h'l Mania to haunt-d n “and mum n. m "oott Luna lterit tl, Eli-luv. J I ur-cm! I gin-numb» ”up: Did“) ot (In Tumh ..4 IT.). Ttey??: (IN-u: (S) {but}. and “Haul u t"iuaeetd""y")mo/8r"t' an. - or "ttts, hum-l oe the Towuhip ul 1" oGrgt "tqrto In gnu-ml- " m a' net-on o! tuo Am rolrsr.np Funny and 8mm 1mm», , haul-mu ot um “mum ”out! " Hun-st», 'a run a.“ mm.“ on. In: um MI tsave I'm-mud " M“. gnawed (‘uuuru ' G "(3M -.-- Vina} Lu m " cult to tor uni C-unpnu), h...) Wilt t. ait%Vrio-uweoot or lush-l uu'l m. ml lam“ up mun-tr vruudul m tur tuba”, two - 0.) I'm (to said urn-mm- "In” no: dam-1 an dub-awn- urn.) was Haunt, m u y “a uni-I M-uluamw} pm mount. uh Mum “my ru-‘ulu- I mania-u "t u..- I , eettg'1', but the “In: haw. nun”; mu. um M “W41: than. nag-.3" haunt In»! ”mm Imam: tun "Y"' a... up...» Luv “A. mud 1m IAIN-my Cum mm ot l .u. an Tm “(ha-u mun! min. t, . .uu. um d tho Ildth " Emma"! Autumn-l can 4 tdl batman uni. tne rum. 1-... ' b t tua - tal- ou In balm. an, 1..“ “Hum, n. It! In” “or "(aux-m Miran th- omud Trunk [Lulu-3 ' m... “dw- Tomato any and ”mm “an“ ' My In tho tam-u: In umhrum 'trut In I Cfish'ig'rtu','ta,ttt [um 91 um Tor, (in, "ruort man! ”mu-an, tor tm ,rais,8hao' tu. but any o Jun-mu ' In. ertstt, " II " “lull-u m, datod "u, 5.;ym.u..... l human. III-rod by Hus I‘ll-rum. um W"! I “when”: Trunk “In” vamp...“ (hams-l u:- Tor-um: (.ru') am In My“ PM) . and tho and autumn-ma . not be comm um: mum) m. u". mm.» " thin - I.“ been [min-d, not In...” " 'iiiriiiTFti-ysyrfeeef m an I.) tun-whit“ In Mon 'gtitidsutt may": n in .Why van-Clue! Ptetrf. m the run in.) cal - - ,ocnpuuy and in rG%GiyFi'oeetive.refi.e,ere.' hull urn-[db not In. no in um Tum”... 1m. PROI’O SED B Y -Lh IN a.) - -- of Ily " an dam-mun- - In ”an“ no: dust we cum-unu- ol m. 'eittnt2t1l.""."lt at may gm» Dunno! ml... was .0! - may: Mau‘r .a u. n" m4. but-oo- “mummy-1M uni huh“ mug-nu: , In" “W "ttts, mm M ruin-n» d t nonhuman-mama”: m“ an hluul 1M.- tug.""' mund- w “w Lsud m "v-h-o" . (IL) All " II [WU Ohm-l hr thr Minn-1m“ Ila-mall o! “a 121‘»th ot Protou mu um mu- " LII-Wu"! “a and mummy-Mun 7&th In uh- on ur" [Sr-luv: u the My». anal h) um 1m tnr6tlh"+ one". Mannheim IuOIAwm rt. E'., fund-v u- -.-. by a Room! . Tm] Tuna-314nm a. cam than“ by 4 than” an um we until-l. - ' In... =dttt'fgLtetltir,"l,tlt1't'y, .9...“ “05¢le ulhu 2f.thett"i't',2', Ole, 11 mm he... Jump kuumaJmt $1.; lain-tum... Q. aTGaLrirdusus, Lot I... an W. w you: "ot. 2eergel't.'trtatt “number (mu hu- - Fm-e. but not. “turn by Jun- I’m-l. ' it; n " "-1.th r u: - u. ta'. 'uth.htW.'tr, by Jun» "mum“, huh-“vau- "io an uuml-r a.“ tte.) MM PM” “a; 2ti'ds dry (If No. “it. "o, " VII u'clmtk In thc ioreatoov " uuulll’ "all, "uudalk, the [kw-x.- of the maid Tutu-mp u Protoo .qu Ayn-III]! In mid“ sign-l by luau“, two "4...... to at. H " tho w alum-nu tr of "no war. ty lbe 1301* ll tho acid ('mmc'l. up! line In...“ tttttttell,'": Mun on huh." ol an m . . in And 'usiroat ot walnut- L; th- y“. d an. Br-utr, and a him unit: a “d the pawn“ mum-w! w gnu-in t- W at this “yolnw. 2ie,hs'.tfStlrt', tro, by mm (m [Jamal-{hing It I "3.; That - _ “I 2.4 day all [hoot-bur. I“. d. but If“ in ths foroooon " MCI-k5 Otbsa, but I. i. u (Function. Gtma.tuc'u" a tho In] and and] My.“ updwuuuhudwh- gum. hr and M than Bruw. UM It I Ttlg'" 1e'lf2at:l Sttt"aitt tra- d W‘ up... u. u - uuzrmJQMM by an (fun-uni ut It: Mun- l my oi Paw-u um um; "ttte (mun has tei *Illl'lli M up a.“ . .sznm mung-per (M 'tL'1,ht2Cr' dluguohl 1hervUr " _ to...th a w M dun"! th., nu up gm am Mil vii-Ion WWI B4 4best ntm m

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