West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 11 Nov 1880, p. 2

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Ji,?,,, h' U 22 g0 Ell 2min In omtraetoer--' . Mg. A ' tu. of alum. Wittyâ€"305m, Ay. Brien t Soon. Toronto. "Tho Wouir tGil"-lormsto. Tho Ming Bud's. Bonn-3.1.133“, lulu: rw.niu--tTii. No. It(riuon. new a}; the "ii-r-ir, Review. 13. mm- Ahm “Cw. L.,-. 'emrtoe, :0!)- " III-7km .-.'rhmna' Otimr, M. P. for North Oxford did nu Manly on Tuudny homing last be. but! than”. '1'de my”. wall in" tho-ghoul the country GU set- in ad inhuman: politician and A devoted “We! “13qu cum. " --2h. Mount Fomt Examined“ been mlpmotod with tho Confederate, and tho no. journal will be known In tho Core - and Bzmim. The Ram-inn bu boon conducted by Mr. John Meharen I. “out 1.th you", and in parting with o broth" journalist we luvs to ex- pluo our "gm that the prnfesaion of jour- nnlinll in Mount Forest lose: 3 member who bu no worthily discharged its duties {at no long n period. The Confederate and thinker bu before it a pronpernus and awful future. and we wish it most cordially our) mecca. .--'ru Mall trouble Moms tobe as frothy on aver, although tho expressed determina- tlon of the Government to prosecuté the lemurs of the Agitation seems to halve upon the whole. I sobering effect upon the most Nebula". of the exit-kin. The whole Press unanimously ammo" the notion of the Governance in this matter with the Heep- tion of mum of the Irish nempnpets and a {aw of the inferior Weeklies which circulate emu the London rougbs. At the Lord 'Gror's hemp“ on Tuesday evening Mr. Gladstone tuelsred that the maintenance of law and order must precede my further ter.ulntion in eoameetioss with the land laws. --A Company has boon termed with s unharmed capitd .of $8,000,000, " the pprpoee of constructing u eunal from Bua. unl'u Bey to Bern-tame Bay on tho cont 1 ot ”Whitman. The neck of land which eonnecte the” bodies of water is not quite b eight miles wide. end for ehont eeveu miles I shallow water wey is at present "oniml fl by two small rivers, the intervening ridge of o mile in width, only ruin. to the height of thirtyd" feet above the sea level. The n and till be without looks end will be ex- ceveted to the depth of tw.utrtivo feet. d When any“; "wing in time of eight ' hour: will be elected on the voyege from Boston to New York and the dengue of I Gaul-1mg Cape Cod avoided. The work in e to be euwpleted in two yam. -We hove on previous occasion- relered I tothe eleime of the stientiJU' American. I e quarto weekly of sixteen peg”, published by Mann t Co., “New York. Every nnm- , in! contains I greet deal ot mutter, chiefly original, end remarkable for its variety and exeellence. Special ettention is given to a, detailed Account of improvements in the venous mechnnieel arts, while et the name the the render is made emulated with the more important tlieeoveriee end obser- vetione in the Natural Sciences. The illne- tnti'ml also ere very numerous and very bountiful. Altogether this periodical in every way worthy of the patronage of the intelligent public. The last number oi the Seiettti.ite hmeriran contains ten full~page illustrations of Captain End} proposed rule-y for transpvrting ships with their 1 argon some: the Isthnmus of Patttttr.tt. This method of counting the Atlantic end Neither occnm is claimed by Captain Earle end bis friend: to be much lean costly than that by the cannloroposed to be con- ehveteil by M. De lamp. and else that ships eon he moved by the railway more quietly and in greater nowhere then by the eennl route. --n will u known to most of our rewi- ere that the French sugar refiners receive e bounty from their Government which eu- nbles them to nudersei! the English reiin. ers in the British mnrkets--tl" elect of which In! been.thnt the who!» Punch peo- ple pay A heavy duty on their eager. to BB to supply the whole British nation with cheaper sugars.thun they could be supplied I with by their own refiners. A few months‘ Mo a Committee appointed by the British Parliament to investigate the matter, re- ported somewhat favarnhlv in the interest of the British relinrrr. However, it ep- pem from recent telegraphic reports that the British Government have declined to entertain the propoeai made to impose oomttarvisline dntien on sugar, that is, that the British GoversuxsetP. retirees to increase the price of anger to the whole British peo- ’10. so that haltwdozen British sugar 11- l tinertt may be enriched thereby. The Brit. ish Government rocognizo the iiii,Uiiil fact that their duty is to legislate in the in. toasts of tho who). peoph, And not tor the peeulUr, benefit of. few monopolintl. The Canadian Government. on tho other 11nd. "erilUe the interest. ot tho whole country Gr the purpolo "ot, vulgar], waking. put. ting money, into the pockets ortho tow. sin Mp0». cotton lords, ioollan mn- futmn .4 am hoe you». th, “a” morning my“. village of Tot.. lord win atmoetUid in‘uhnby and“: wt“ an. that hare our haw-nod in that MM. . The business portion of an "11:30. with“. 0mm of on. “on. w" oet.qut6tr “and. The Inui- "timated a a» 31m and, sound by but: Brinvil'uqte bu loot u: ”teamed rui- dont “I “an B.ett.tr, " the dseth of “rennin-NM. '11!th wo- M nit-Mimi. .'romulup of Glen- The more {all} the policy of the Donia. 4 ion Governmnt in “(arena to the North- . Went Territories become- knm,'tlu W at ohjectioneble it - to u. Ne John, nil shortly After " return hom Euleml. ell- M, nuanced with greet glee lint Mr. Brno] tel lo’ London had otter“! to porches. en ee- In! tau at 00.000“ etthe footoItheBoeky '1 Mountains. Another railway cepitnl'nt M end e member at the Syndicate. in aid to Tl heve had no interview with the John A. in Moodoneld end mused for the purchase th of three township- in the Turtle Mountain) in district. It is eleo stated tbat the Pseititt Whey Syndioete ere ttegotiating for the (l nominee of the Hudson‘e Bey Compeny'e 01 lands in the North-West. irhieh comprise ir, one-twentieth otthe whole Territory. If p r these or opoeele ere carried to completion it Il will he epperent whot huge leaded mon- in ' opoliee ere shout being created in the I North-Wat, whet injurious inmteno" will i . be than brought to beer on die preunt Gor- l , ernment, no matter how wellinteutioned it ' may be, out! how completely the great body t , of the settlers will for many generations to II I come he placed at the mercy of e handful " of monopolists. The controlling intfttene" il d in the Syndicate is the St. Paul and Mani. ‘ tobn Ruilwa; Company, and from this and n other circumstances which are becoming id I more and more fully known, the arrange- m- {meme being mule br-the Government 'r are supposed to be such that the prairie 1s.rfi.r.' oi tlio_rcad will he built as soon 1:: es pas: iUle, the other sections of the g. ll road irrBtfluitely postponed, that the ir- l Manitoba trade will thus be diverted or i over Amerioan railwlye. and that the lee ‘ road so soon as frnslly completed, will 'll') mi thrown upon the hands of the Government. lid The large subsidise oilend and moneyoffer- lly ed by the Government might, at least have the slimlnw of jttstifiestiom in the event of h the Syndicate being bound to run and main- y . I“. tam the whole line for ten years after its the completion, as then it might begin to pay. loo tlint if tLa Country will be obliged to run _ k the rand to soon as it is built, and at the Run F. J. Hull's new adr't in thial week's issue. ' 1 BUY yourself A good whip " Mow-rs, Lower Town. SEVERAL communications are unwoun- bly crowded out this week. PAM“: requiring paints and oils win find it to their ndvuntlge to buy It Mows'A. Mr. J. B. Reid m received the appoint.- ment of teacher of S. S. No. 6, Egremout. Mown has a. very large stock of splen- did Cboppmg Axel which he is Malling chew. Wooo t-.-W. no badly ad for wood jut now. It ia n scarce article in Durham gen- now. orally. Duxmllv's got . tine spread of pictures and picture ham-s, and if you don't. belief. it cull an! we. Tm: Aotfq of Cross-CHEM" at Month, Lower Town ' is the largest and most varied we hue ever seen In Durham. Last Thursday night a. man named Wal. ter Scan. of Millhruok, fell Mt the Grand Trunk viaduct at Port Hope,and was killed. Oy Wednesday evening next, the 17th inst., a. social will be held in Zion (Blmr'a) Methodist Church. Glenelg. The pro- ceeds will be devoted to repairing the church. A singular accident Enpponod Mr. Dou. old McCunnell. near Booth's corner, Ezra. mont, n low days ago. m tall from I clinir 3nd broke thus of his ribs. m in no covering. Ot? Tm: quarterly meeting held in the Me. mam elttsreh, Durham, on Sabbath last was poorly “tended owing to the bed state at tl o roads. It isintnnded to have mother meeting in two weeks from next SAbell. Szmous Acetmtst.--th" day lately Mrs. Whitmore. of Gleuolg, an old lady nearly 80 years of we, fell and broke her leg at. the ankle. A few years Ago she had a leg broken below the knee, tunl it was a long time in setting. . F. MACRAE, Esq ' Reeve of Glonnlg ha, hoen presented With a petition by the T. G. a B. It. It. Co. signed by the requisite number of ratepayers. asking for tho tub- mission ct a sectional My-law for the north east. portion of the Township fora beam of $4,000. The Reeve intends to can a meet, ing of the C "men to take into considera- tion the By-l'w. Mn. A. GORDON has jot received I fine stock of new Clocks. which he is selling from map. Watches that Are the best of time keepers and very cheap. Jewellery in and: less variety. Ladies' mu, gold and plated, rings, cuff butuns, studs, collar buttons, out! pins, watch chains brooches. ea.- rings, "e.-- good and cheap. Repairing of ail kinds done and warranted to sin “migration. Set " men week. THE xomriwns'r. Loan} and other Items. CRKCII‘I‘ Etrrmrratss"sr.--Att entertain. ment under the Anubis-u of the During Crieket Club wall be given ouFriday "mind. the 19th inst.cin the Town Hall. Dmcingio commence " 3 o'eioek, Befmhmonh " 12. Tickets 81.00 We trust that the public '1)" patronize it well ', our club u young, and dur- iogtupaoeaamttureeroioa good. in have a "would club a good ground i new“!!! and the -eds unto bonle to puncturing one. Between 9 ttnd 10 o‘clock last man night a fire burst cm in John Brown1ée'. outbuildings. on bf M, can. 5.4301111». which were "fiial, contained, Macaw with all Why, min, fowl, . cutting box, tu'"ioGiik of ftivasritine, . Bil m siauvge.tre.tt.t,'i10 stinirreL. _ T . _ In., we“. on- At' W1 1.tyrrilt Another plucking match took pm. on Mr. McQueen’l farm, lot 28, con. so, Egre- mont. on Edd" M, the Irth ittet. TU match was between connections 18, 19, and - ' B, a-_-.. III-Ilia T.... v......, 10. Thu wuther wu hvonble. Seven tearrugtarted awnchowlockmmnory man and boy doing bin bod. Tho Judges were Metal. John Brown, 18th our, Peter were Mom John Brown, tthh can; Peter “Mia, 10th com; Ind Chalet McQuum The work III done to ovanly that the judges bad I hard nutter to decide. but their decision vn Mary. The follow. ing istho list of pm» ..-. Mss's Crass-trt Neil Clark, con. 18, (Watson plough, Ara); 2nd Hugh Cuner- l on. Con. 20, (Fisher & Pulford plough);‘ 3rd, Arch. cure, can. 18, (P-to." plough) ; 4th Neil Cameron, eon. 80, (Walkman plough); 5th Duguld Maun. nel, 19th com. (ihsmiltott plough). Bon' Crass.--" John McQueen. con. li: (Flam plough) ; gud John Bray"). con. 18, lot M, (Mcherry plough).-"?". The regular monthly meeting was held on Tuesday evening. Nov. 2nd. Members all present. A deputation w» present con- sisting of Messrs. Jul. Edge, Chas. Molt», And Arch. McKenzie, asking aid to South Grey Agricultural 8oeiety- The sum of $100 was granted. B. McKenzxo was so. nppointed collector n a Inlay ot tM. Au laddktional sum of 010 mu granted for ex- penditure on Lamhton street in order to have hill mu bridge eat down three feet, alto 810 for repairing culvert on Durham I road. A resolution was passed allowmg Mrs. George Mitchell 01.60 per week for keep of Thomas McFulnm. commencmg Nov. Ist, and to he p‘nid monthly. 011 bp- plicuiou of Steyheu Cuckin he was granted y " " charity. _ Chequea were issued a totuwc--Johtt Moodie, G. Russell and II. J. Mxldaugh, selecting jurors, " and; ; T. Vollet, repair- ing sidewalksJBJZ l Mr. Low" for spikes, [ 91.12 ; J. Dauunore, on contract, 820. Ajudge'r- summons was lead by the Ma. yor in reference to the closing of portions of George, Elgin and Kilian-dine streets on the Edge property, on application of Sun]: Vane Edge. If no objection it made by those interested the Judge, n Owen Sound, i will make an order on the Mth inst. clos- ins laid streets. To the Editor of tha Greg Review. 8nr,--rrs the Blvnw of the 28th ult. there is a resolution pessed by the South Grey Agritmltttrsl Society, " . private meeting held on the 20th. It we: moved by J amen Park, seconded by H. J. Mid- deugh, That having heard the chugee end eotnplaitsts of Wm. McGirr, as set forth in the Durham Chronicle, and having hen-d the evidence ot disinterested parties who ‘Were in atteadsmm, we hereby fully exam _ onto the judges end directors who acted in l the use. ft om such charges, and think that i Mr. Mc0irr, ia making such charges, der. serves the censure of thin meoting. sud we request Mr. MeGirr to retract the chemo: undo by him in the Durhem Okra-tide. i'i':i":ii:i','i,j'ii,ii' that Mr, McGirr'e neme he struck " the liet of subscribers to the South Grey ';Agrieulumsl Society Ami that his subscrip- hion for 1881 be refunded." . Sir, the charges nude by me were that I was awarded two prim ty the Grade Cut- tle Jadges;tlsst the directurs wanted to ounce thejndgen to make a new award; that the judges refused doing so; and that the} direcmrs afterward awarded the prizes con- gary to the judges' decision. Also that the directors favored the showing three year old heifers for two your old haulers. and told the jade" they must award the prizes to the bout cutie. That it would therefore nppnr that the judges Were only uominnlly so, Gt that 'the directors were the actual judges. In the above resolution the ilireetortt"re. quest" me to retract the charge: mule by n.9, I now repeat those charges, and ebul- lcngo the directors to refute than: by comp" tent. “disinterested parties who were in at tendnnce“ and not interested parties with the directors and recipients of their award. Now sir, you, or any impartial person, can see plainly whether the directors can strike my mime off the subturribera' list or not at B private meeting, because I wish to maintain the integrity of the Society, or if some of the directors ought not to be er. polled from the Society in accordance with rule 18, wherein it save "any person do- frauding, or attempting to defraud the Bo. ciety. shell be deprived of any premium whatever at the same Show and be expelled from the Society." It is evideutaoma of the directors wish to defraud me out of the just IWII‘d of the justices, and should there. fore be expelled from the Society, inetesd _ of trying metrike my name oft the subscrib- lers' list for exposing their proceedings. ' I remain, yours km. l anm Medina, Ploughing Match. Cantu ashsoeg..--frott. Mr. Baby he; retired from the Dominion Cabinet and has accepted a judgeehip. Mr. Caron of Que- beg has succeeded him. Hon. Mr. Angers is expected to take the place of the Hon. Mr. Mussel: in me Cabinet, end I shaming of portfolios will take place. The Euphrasia Ploughiug match took place. according to tutnountserruut, and was a compieze tuccess. There were ten ankles, and the names of the prize winners are a: fullowst--Clti" l, Men,--brt Jos. Downs; 2nd Thomns Douglass. Clnsn 2, .ueu.-1et James McConnell; 2nd John Badger. Close l, Boys,--'" Valentine Clark Lind T. B. Myles Class 2, Boys,-- lst Thos. McConnell l 2nd S. J. McKnight. Txr-tses-Fo- on an Mmou- tas.-iqrtain Port, of the propeilor J one i Mi)lor;arrived " Owen Sound on Satur- doy trturttoott from Miehenl's Boy with ”get-3nd MM. One of thes Wh- [In who had boon up the south side of Manitoulin Inland "who; will: the Indians 1-0.er tint on Monthly woe} iatst"..'t1ier of _ ‘4â€"â€" -.-- A -.Ln-. " “In men wore found washed ashore n Home Island, maths Isle of Caves. One man wu te.gd-iostd, to aliorpttrar. anon hail been 3 manager on some beam while the otherworo “no?! clothes. They appuued to but been drowned :bout . Month Before. The" m nothing fauna _eytrttr,r.ttt bodic- eouxa be iiUntitUd, rm Indium puosir than gamma s rough com and leNhatti on the beach. Glenelg. Nov. 8th, 1880. Town Council. To the Editor of the RM. Bm,--1 will now mum an tSonia- ti?m u the “gamut: ot s Cindi“ cut. gym-n spin“ instrumental music. In my tUst letter I pointed oat the opposition be. - ._ ' ' an; new: I yum... --. -- .- mn his tseats/t argument: Ind the Bxblo And it is but jun to out “that - that he bu {omen that objection and on- duvoxed to provide for it by “setting that inatrumental music wu one of the symbol- or types of the ceremonial luv and forcin- ing that he would be asked of wut it I'll the symbol or type his ”not in IO own words " it in toutrd on peg. l9 ofbil pm" phlet. (Instrumental music thenintypicel of the melody of the heart, that is the Spin noel joy, love, néorntion, on, ofttut "inta u we have Lditvisd true praise). It in those “unions that I propose u present to consider. The types and symbol! of the ceremoni- “I al law were designed by God to enable ah men to understand that he intended to do Al for them in the future. end when the work I itself was done the necessity for the type ty or slinduw of the wort ceased. For ia. tr, stance, it is no longer necessary to otrer Pl the taeriiiea of a lamb in the temple.morn- ing and evening, since the Lamb of God , (that taketh “my the sins of the world) tl line‘come and offered Ilia one great sacri- faire. Noris it necessm" that a high riest q y It ' should. for us. enter into a holy place made 11 w-th hands. since our Great High Priest is tor us passed into the heavens. And so it o is in all the other parts of the ceremonial ' law. When that which is perfect is come, i that which is in port shall be done away. or, as our own Saviour says, " came not i _ to destroy the law bat to fultill"n will thus I T be seen that the fulfilment must be perfect ( . as only God's works can be hetero that by l which they are symbolized may be done l away. and our author, in asserting that in. i , strummitnl music was typical of trot praise [ t and is now done away, is just asserting . that in the matter of true praise, at least, or w as he otherwise tlMines it in spiritual joy, love, admiration, ete., the church this high . teen hundred years has been perfect. And s when we consider the intimate union which " subsist: between the different Christian h graces and the imposaibillity oi being par- , feet in one and iaytrtrt in another. and l, what be may possibly include tinder “etc" " it is doing no viulssuee to his language to say that he teaches the doctrine that sinlese i perfection has already been attained by the I whole church. anti if by tho whole church, t then by all its members. I think it is '10 scarcely necesstry to any anything to con- d fate such a monstrous proposition, but i :1 l may be allowed to express mysurpristt that _ it should have been brought forward by a ul miuihter of tue Presbyterian Church, when m the Confession of Faith is so emphatically rd against it. See chapter sixth, "etionfittu he and chapter thirteenth, section second. And finally, I would call on him. while yet there is time to consider his poaition. and ta decide whether or not he means to abide by n. a ' The iTGiyiiiitigeen mama: b'm,--lt seems to be fashionable now-a- days to parade church mutton in the pub- lie [HHS In an urticlo signed ‘Commiltce man.’ which appeared in the 1U:srsw of the 28th Oct, it was brought in u most ox- 1 tram-Jinan! mnuner befor. the pubho, in- nsmuch as it was headed ‘Church matters in conrt.’ It is very well to draw the " ( teutiou of the public to church mutton. but [ not In the way that Committee man Ins been doing of late. We are of opinion that all matters connected with a church ought to be settled by the Church Court. ‘Doro any of you having s unmet against noth- er go to law. de.' To the Editor of the Gray Review. Our object at present is to refer to a r, part of the proceedings ate Congregational e meeting, held in the Rocky Surgeon church , on the 10th My of September. 1877. At a that meeting there was artssolutiptt submit. 1 ted and adopted,thst s {mine church should e be built on the old site in the burying I groaud--the size of the church. as well us l the style of finish, being left for the build. l ing committee to deeide. And in order to get an idea of the size needed, and the pro- i s bublc coat of such a building, there were” tour persons delegated to go to Durham " and find out the respective sizes ot the t Presbyterian and Methodist churches there, and report the sumo at next wimmitteo . meeting. The parties sent were the late t Juo. McKinnon. Jno. McCullum, J. Brown ‘aud Peter Cooke. Under the sums resolu- l ( tion it was ugreed that the congregation l l would take out the timber for the frame, I dig the foundation, and have the material , on the ground. It was also named that , Jun ber should be prareit at the different l saw mills to see whore the lumber would be bought to the best advantage. Peter Cooke went to Mr. Cruwiord and Mr. Wal. lsce to tim) out what lumber could be get for " those mills; he also went to Mr, Bamlwd, simmer, to know the probable cost ot such it building. The only objec- sion raised at that time to build on the old site was. that some of them end that the title was not good, and in order to do nwny with that, Mr. Archibald McKechnie was referred to, and he aid the title was good, thus the matter was settled so far on that day satisfactorily to all concerned. 'Com. mittee man' says that the site was too _ small, and tar that, and other seasons, they _ were oblige! to purchsse a site on the GU, net: side or the mud. All we have to my ', to that is that at a subsequent meeting cell- [ 1 ed by the committee, the ground was mes~ snred, and found to be large enough. Ind T the contract let to Messrs. Crawford and "s Fox, the contact being to build I stone . church on the old foundation l thus it will , be seen thst there were tenders jurited end t the contact let. As to the changes that I) were made attor this. or extras given to - contrsetors, we hue nothing to do. ‘Commituo man' wuss hot. concluding his opium, and in order to one] his revered brow, he takes to imaginary flight to tus mm! spine Egyselejn the‘ahnpo of: was- Church Music. tnpof acme pingaele in the ahIpe ot I weI- thereoek, and from thence he pats forth I riddle, ‘cherished ands} m will have to do llke Semi of old, tar whisper the In. am: to some friend, if there in not mm o- nouuh in himself to give it. In conclusion '9 would ,itvists 'Comminoe man' to read l GI]. la. 8, we think it would nut hu use‘ just now. "For I ma think“): himself 'ritmtttting when he is nothing bIIdeoeiveth Mum"? H‘Cammiueg mIn' should m h" to make my tirther nvchhom, ho will In" to give his nine of '91th kt. no timing aoliw of him. - . . - .., ..',," Psi-scout;- Donna 3106mm“! Pnsnnnux. The Temperance question in the Pan-Presbytarim Hon. Wm. B. Dodge of New York road . pupa: on Tampons)“. Be commend by laying tint it in not lull A century duo. the united ottbetts in behalf of Tom- pennoe commend in thin wintry. The l populntion of the Stun was then about te,. - . l .z :_;...:-.|inn had POP'""""" v: - ~...-v_ V - 000.000. The extent of intoxication ind become to greet tint the stteution of the moat eelehnted men wu unrated toward! the menu to be sdopted for its suppression but notwithstending the movements which we” set on foot by Fether MitthOWl, the Wuhingtoniun end the Beboeth School temperance organizations. the extent to which the use of deoholic liquor' prevails in a population now inereued to 40,000,- 000has excited the grunt npprohonlion for the future, end kindled e growing feel. in; that prohibition only will insure tom nhstinenee end prosperity to the notion. After tittr yen: of study and experience. ii am convinced that the Prosbytcrinn f Church could no effect public sentiment I am convinced thus the Proabytenm Church could " affect public sentiment that the laws coull be nmendod so as to provide for the exclusion of the (male, by popular vote, from tall the cities and towns of the country. 30 that public opinion would than come to consider the granting of li. ; quot licensel " license. belonging to what l “a now considered u licenses for gambling homer, the ale of lottery ticket; 3nd houses , of ill-fume. It hm been “netted by the I toturuu tram the Interior Department jhnt in the United Sultan there were 5,600 dis- tillation. 2,000 brownies Ind 175.000 plncns when intoxicnting liquor' no sold, involv- ing . direct outlay And waste of not loss than $700,000,000, and an indirect loss, in the cost to the country of crime and paup- orism. of $700,000,000 more, and in the destruction of not less than 100,000 lives annually. It is said thnt during hat you 10,000,000 of hum]: of beer were drunk in the United Staten, which, according to newspaper txr',etthttiott, would ful n canal 21 l feet wide, and 5 feet drop, extending from New York to Philadelphia, and take tt pump throwing 80 gallon: n minute, run- ning night and day, over 21 year; to pump [ it out. The effect of prohibition It! witness- [ M! in Maine, under the old regime, there t was one drnnhnrd for every tmoftloe popu- lation; 1,000,000 gnllonsof spirits were dil- tilled anmmlly while her liquor bill amount- ed to $10,000,000. Since prohibition there is not . distillery or brewery in the State. the recent sale of liquor umouuting to the ( merest fraction of the former quantity sold. Whereas, the death-rule from drunkennass bu been reduced from M toi in 800of her population. In Vineland. N. J., with a population of 10,000, not a. criminll casc- lms occurred in twelve montlil. while the great prosperity of St. J ohnsbury. Yer. mom. and the happiness: produced as the' result of prohibition in Canterbury. Ear, have been nmarked by every visitor and traveler. The Christian people oi the Mini try are bound to me their utmost "sfiaenee to chunks public opinion, so “in. Legisltr. tim or Constitutional 'o"rtP"!"f,Jw be the or coaiustioaat nmondmank" y be ifraTIt uta"tnTrTttrGa 'iGi",i2,ciiiiT $31-11 States the right to decide by their vote - - sum tho right to denida by their vote thber may will or will not illow liquor to be sold. It was not claimed by the temperance people that prohibition will prevent intan- perance. but that it will go far towards it. as it will go far towards removing I public temptation, which is now the great cause of intempersnco. The license system is the greet obstacle in the way ' f the friends of tnnpnrnnce. .It gives a reel rtsspeetalility to the tame. tasking open I temptstion l which. but for license. would be hidden out of sight ss an illegal business. In canola. lion, Mr. Dodge aid that whet we: to bei dreaded more then the opposition ot those) outside of the Church, was the uuoi 'tttth-tre exerted on others by the knowl- edge that a minister of the Gospel use: wine and other intoxicating drinks st home, or partake' of it It the table of others. The Pretsbvteritutit should commence in their churches the good work of Iteforrmuron nnd norm an "ample to their weak hrethern lvy eounttsutrturing the use ot iutoxitsUiug liquors in any form whatever. Rev. D. J. Mandamus“ of Toronto dotir. ered the following "Liberal Temperance Speech" before the Council in Phila- deltthiar-- I wish to my I few things tttrout the very excellent treatise given by Mr. Dodge the other evening on a very important practi- cal qtstsstion--llau of Temperance. or nth- or that of total abstinence. he mum have said. Temperance and total abstinence are not synonymous. Some of us think that it is a better thing: that I. man should be trained to sett.eontrol-tbu in temperance --tun that he should be kept from drunk. enness by compuisnry nbntiuence. which in the meaning of prohibition. A "reond thing I would my in thin: I think it is fair todis- ' tingukh between two kinds ot seWuuial-- selt.demial ttF; a law of the dttily life on the ) one hand, And self-denial in tho gaining of J, a saeeife. object in A particular use on the l other. Who imagines thet Paul did not 1 keep on eating meet when he said: "If l, meat makes my brother to offend, I will net l no meat." It was only when it was noing l to tempt some brother on some particular l occasion that Paul felt it neccesery to do l without the meet. I think it Wise to die. l tingnish between good liquor and had; for ex’mlc, between fermented liquors and epirituoue liquors. I think it wise to die-. tinguish “cording to the testimonyofmed- l icel men competent to testify between fer. mented liquors which have one ttogt of " feet on the human system. And, moreover. I think it wise to dietmguleh between good wine on the one bend and poison on the other. I think we ehonld eoneider whether positive institution for the promotion of temperance ere not better then men ineti. tations Br 9 aitire inetitutione I new cola-bonus end thine meted with ' then; when you give men good thine , to eet 1nd drink-end I don't object if you; r give them In» beer dong with their oat. i tee: I do not perennelly object to the but t I neintein in the long run more good will I be done by the“ ‘tivi mantel-eating , - then manly rl')')' ery of prohibi- tion. In other watch. t believe. with Peal wen-eta overcome evil with cool. not '. simply with denouncing the 'Til,-Ct, C. (”with Barium) Agenda)": who has 'ustsgeietd {mm the ”at. And who mind an wounded Tw dim. camped not! Wet Elliot. amt”. thair condition an ti,tiate', pm“ Thu. "' as pram! " "mud?! It, - ..___-.---Inl£ unu- oomuuu - w... - . . The» H! a pun-n! "mended in the an“ {out of when a. man. and the 0mm women but! W. Ore child. abortt two you: of up. is running won: with two bullets in his Wk! and with a tiruter that oft, the stump bang torn and - - ---- ..,. .n‘ntion ”an" m... w... -.' .__ - lining spwntly been poidto it. One' nun bu 1min! broken, ad two other: a rolled up in this that.“ u Mush and. Th. museum" it can be termed noth- ing also. v” perpetual by a bend of Gm Vautm from the Sum._ collagen-d of in. eke. we: mounted by . ulna m u... I Ventree from the Stolen. mayo-ed of ' about thirty warriors, med with 890W repealing iitus, which meted the chore ' mentioned -, ooenpo"d, at nine Asaini. I {wince end two Seaman: Indian. teceth- I Ue with their women and children, while , they wen amped about mid-day. The 1 old chief who "undue with the wounded I stem tht the American Indium rode up I end naked what they Were. and upon being informed that they were Aesiniboineeim- medietely opened fire upon them. the fir. in: from the repeating tithrs being quick and incessant. The attacked party im- mediuteiy put themselves behind whet shelter they could obtain, their carts and wounded horses affording them the Menu their te,' were soon cut to peiees by the hells om the Grunt Ventral. The Mini- hoiues. moreover. bad nothing but the} l , trust-locks with which to deiend theruselves , F end the attacking party. eithough better ' sinned and more numerous. kept well out , of range of their smootlrbor". Notwith- t ntnnding the disparity in the strength sud . armament of the parties. however. the Ae- eimhomee deieiided themselver bravely, ' picking off an enemy whenever he cun- . within rangemud prolonging the battle un- . til night-tail, kiilitut seven or eight of the a eneiuynnd Wuuuding other-i, end lining eight at their own petty .rilud--t/sr" men, - two equnws. and three children, two of the e men being Sella-ax Indian. mun 9.... ‘....--__F - The chief than menu’onod hub; that can of the attacking putty. no out and scalped him, taking “so his ritU 3nd un- ridge belt; but bums wort of munition. cried to pasl1 in the cap of one of the 'he',,': _ - ., _ ..-.-__. .. A: “I... nino - W urn - w..- -_‘ - oer cartridges for the purpose of obtahting powderto prime Isis tiiut lock. in claim; which the cartridge exploded, wearing bis loft baud badly. The sealy w" devided, and half sent down to members of the tribe in the Portage, and received with due honor n anon. time pince. while the other [with decorum! with fetrtltsr' And ribhons, and than: outside the amp ot i the wounded men. irs, late mam Pight. The Gran Ventru " the app-ouch of night drove off the panic: belonging to the Ansinihoines, and departed, taking than" kiHed rad wounded mung with them. sud the Asliuibuiues were left with their tents cut to shreds. their ponies curried oft, and their dead And wounded. Burying their dead when they lsr, they nut set them-elves about moving their wound- ed to one of the police Postr, I weary jour. l my which occupied them twenty days. Ind It the time they were visited by your informant were awaiting the “rim of the Lieuterrtrat-Goveruur, to lay their case be- fore him. Our informant, who is . thoroughly re. lilble mun. Also (st-tel tlout they are in a very Impoverished condihon. and were anxious to sell anything for food, offeritsg oven the riihr otetured from)!» dead In dim for money to procure food. 91 the boundary." LITTILL'I vanm Aar.--Tl" numbers of The Living Art for the weeks ending‘ October 30th ind November (in: respect- ' ivcly. contain the followxug uncles: Tue Unity of Nature, by an. Duke of Argyll. Part H, Contampomrv Review; Bush Life in Queenalmd. conclusion. Blulmood; Diary of Lin Tn-Jon'a Min-ion w England. Nineteenth Ocular ; baht-we and Tumu- dengl. Fran" ; (his. I Sketch. Buck. wood ; Juno: muaell Lowell, Gentleman'. Equine J Senior? Couvorottiuns, Lon-', Mon Quarterly ; An Historical Love Match, i Frm'r; On Tho Scum: of History, and How They Cm Best be Utilized. Contem- porary ;.Viciuitudel of Art Treasure, Ma. quina of Art ; A Link between tho Pren- eut and the Thirteenth Century, Times, Standard; Sport in the Olden Time: ths Gum: of Pall Mull. Land and Water ; to. gather with I variety cl interesting shark-r "tides from the Ser'md Satur Say Review; the concluuluu of ‘Adam and Eve? by the “that of 'lhsrotlty Pox,' And tho tuna! umouut of poetry. For fiitrtwo umnbers of silk-{our largo - web (or more um 8,800 pages a you). tho 'ttti-iPOD price (08) is low ; while: tor $10.50 the publishers offer to send may one of the Amorican " mommies or wealth" with The Living Ago for a yenr, but!) postpaid. Littell a Co., Boston, me the publicize". A Dunner": Flu Nu: Pour m.. om.--Tho 1mm of Mr. Jacob Bucks. a tanner thou: two miles from Port Elgin, WM destroyed by tire last Tuesday night between eleven and twelve u‘clockMith all chi: year'l grain and fodder, {our valmshle honey; uuml-eruf hogs, all Lin imple- msnu. Waggon. buggy. Ae, His [on is about 52,500, and We iusunnce islvetweeu ten and twelve hundred dollars, Insured in we \Vnerloo Mutau. BOY Baum to Desrm-0n Mnuday l morning but. Lehman: tlsreo and four u'clock. s fire broke out in the house of Mr. Joseph Stelzick. situated on the pinnacle In": mile trom the village of Donn. The funny being in bod at the time, Ind no help being " band the plates w" totally eon- mmed. together with the eotstentr,witlt the exception of . small gummy of bedding and I sewing machine. The saddest put of the calamity is that a wombat of the ‘ {Imilym lad nbout 14 your: old, was burned _ to aeitb--dterlin Telegraph. The Dunviiie Reform Frau tut.rst---A 1 mm professing to be the agent of “Excel- sior Pump Company," Toronto. has victim. i ized n Inge number of farmer: in the sur- I wounding townships. He induced them mi become agent: for the company with a lib- 1: onl communion. He road the document. which npponrod all right, containing on or do: for two dozen Exaelsior Pumps, um: the privilege of returning what were nu- sold, (Hyman! to be mode when sold, np- I l panning them," thoy “apposed. sole menu: I of the township. All readily signed the document. which tho - retained. A huge IIan in the nine township won oppoinbd. The pump- cum to hand no and. per uproot. invoiced n " mil. Buh-tttttr, soothe: potty nppomd with‘ a document duly signed in the [motivating of the victim toe the an of "o nblo in cub on Siggr cf tU pumpm 2Eli: trick hos been play no oéUn um it thouId In" bomsotm"otsitaalithUiti- and. op- cntion‘to tin my - ofthe had. no not“: how phaiblo the wont my up "or. Tho notin- m no numeral): In this mm in“ the lawn might will be we" e'staskted Iva. now "fir -e"e" _ who tom “my. no nluntion . . . :. n..- riots. and with" 890110“ which “tucked the than " composed of Iain. Anim- Baultemx Indium. med» mun and chagrgn. w!ie ,.--TIM, numbers , ham. spring m l bun-u to not: new ant-dun ' , noond hand Ur; , " once to J. J. a ttt29. Mr. 8 . ' ul,'Ja'JlPd,', V continue- wit! ' The rebel! hm rf mam Lord "N'Jhrhym d.rluepl'.,'ai'lrcvtd'i'/at,'t,',t mH1aeityooh Alive you-cub», in Alli-ton huh. oo-ttttnd/es!!" of“ ”magi. 'ittt""hr"ihi'te"'"-ttakiG. A an: C-rar.-.-" ouhvh‘...‘ hog... trir,1'gi'lCill'g or double on c uetertoy"ter, 'tef/tl-tere. tee . Limmum' Oman' -FiG. - - ijxgrvauuufi'wmm . one.“ . . . . ttt29. Bur-00.0w Baud.-. , . yr.frttutrtr,rere. ot the “FM-y uiestrarits bu, Cumin mum. - "w" continue: with tho Bum“ nod 'tgt) Th, rtru pan boon driven on of the u. of atfr from chm inn-um. (that... aa. sump» ,mup.laieta, grin-o ties up: be "an.“ lunar-um Inifw" - Enact of Gl'l Suntan, the (Ma: most mliatrU .peeitbe known tot nu a... ailtnettta. For-do " .11 Drug Sun. I. Murcia-mat in new“ ooltutus.--but. John Inn... pop-dong: for an M thistyycan. met with hif Min a. Township of Rubbed qua menu, by ftstlintt out of m apple tree when in?“ gathering the trait. Ho was no“, " yam of age. Thain-Ind! of children no In: Inuit, from cholen inhuman. dinning, “a u. summer complniuu. who” lua- mgm be tre.. tea-val by using Enact of Wild Mrawhdrrr, Ph’nchm recommend aod no it “manly. lt u n remedy well known and highly vshmd the longer known. " it for a}: at UI (In; Morel, and u within reach of ever, a... 500 nd 1:me In another eohmm,-lsul. Some slur-pen with I plum tin (or... pummwl o profoll to appoint but on “out in a certain section, hut "all, top. I. a. err man who will bib " “a bait 08.1.! Ind then mum won “an 'lt") w. autumn of rum-wry notes, I let: "a duped “can nit!!! ‘I immuno- of timing! ehttrsteter, earnud " bet-tt "oo "d '800 from an villas. of Shannan at d. Thes-ees' otthtt_U one a! 1mt a... cinity. 0-0 of the In» an tr mum. DOM. cinc- now in II. , 1'irt',u"d,' pablieis Wilaon'l Compmln Syrup ot Wild (Than, The moon. which Amad- It: an In can of (folds. Coughs, Midi, Group. T'aootriN Cough. Lou of “do. And Weak Lungs, u Jami tam-dub]; _ Ongimlly prepared to use! the dental for s goof medicine of “I. Lid, in the retail "otxt of the mum. in sale iocrrated " rapidly and to - (med that the mnufmum tut it was ulv use». , to introduce it through the now-pp." Mttr. country in can" ita adoptiou an the union] cure for din-u- of the “spit-wary organ, Every Ieirtg (Inuit in Wank/In OHM. Guibout's Pan-inn: Balm is a naut- an (or Curt“ - Cal-AM Ll... 'tto-re-C"" -.Frr.urrztetIe new au it DUI-lint- - van ..._ - -'__ - _ - - __ Inn-burn. II “to no..." up Glyn - h {It not: hull-g. Tn u -d-l4l On 3mm, the mum: Rhoda Maul, belonging to “a an. line " tho ill-Md Kungnnutt. Iron: uhon In Nana-mm Buy. Furtumuly. tho ”new mad out wore ali saved, but the Mac. "and u 0500.000, is n total loss. " the - ll..." of I“ So premntion in: cut Mar-Ind we]: nun venous cum. or mairtaiusd no rule . rtptrta. tion, an Anni Cm“ Plan“. which " recugmud n “I. wad-V- remod for .11 du- eucn of me throat and lump. in long-tms- tinuod uric. oi wonderful cum in all climate hu- m it Inivcmllv known n . uh and a)“ my to yeor. 'ee' - .-- -'-v - -." a _ v . - oololn. Glam .9: the tannin-en a! In": Ber. iuua diwxdw, it nu speedily and “My. always relieving "drir,i, nad setets an"; life. The plotvctiml it “only by in timrlt' we in thrmst at! that di-deer' nub: n an iuulmble remedy to he kept always on Mud in every home. No person can afford to ho tithout it, lull than who in" ons‘e hood " [ never will. From their knurled-gr of In car prsition dud .ftttt"it"tg I Inc the Caulk! I’m-roan. nun-iv y in thcir prunes. a! clergyman rectum it, It in dual-tel, and“ in in remedial deck. and will any. can whey cup: In Ming. Wihon‘l Wild Cherry- C-P-L-i-Tr-.--,'." -- Ewktr.-ann-t+thrhtot., a. V. a! John Emu-Juli“?- 7 __ - GGLuiicFGr-Ti iii.Gdyeee yffrt tee. ".l_.'.i. - -- WV .r__~___fi ,, in: mtatistor.Mttttttt Faun. on the and an. " an. K. Haven-h. Mr. WM. Epic-t. to In (gm-nu- A, lemma. bad: " We". hsgtvoos-Wi- 0- mm mu m Mount for“ by tho new. " FM. 1A.. If. Juno- Amn- can to all“ has Weir old.“ mm at It. John Wait a) ot mm. E.urnl;L:~ln li-nuuch. In: Roch'illa. on “I 1trt mm. Italy the Novel “(a ot PM (ur- boil. . man at an no oil-Emir. sreiiaklTia, P'obl. on thoNth um, catch. me ot at. Bob“ Wm!“ - at ' DURHAM MARKETS. Dianna. Nov. 'th, "oo. Flour, Per 100 lbs............" 50 to " " Flour No.2," C& i M " ' " Corn Meal tt " ......... ' 50 to , " Shorts. " .. , tttt " l N Bran. " " 0 " to 0 " Outmunl " " 3 " to I " Fall Wheat, pct Mm..." 0 Mt to o 00 Spring 10etst, B. CM... 0 N to -0 00 " 0W... 0 .0 to 0 N Oats, perbnnhol........ O " to 0 25 Barley. " ”my. tt to h 0 50 Pens, " ........ 0 Mt h I) " Hay, per togg.................. ' oo to l 00 Potatoes. per bag............. 0 00 to 0 40 Pork, per 100 tbe............. 5 so to 6 00 Beef. " ............. 4 " $0 6 00 Hides, " ..'........... ' N to tr oo Sheepskins. and: ............. 0 " to , i)0 \Butwr. per lb c................. 0 w to t) ’0 Ems. per dos......... ........ 0 " to 0 " Wood, dry, por ootd....... 1 an to 1 " lel. per IG................... 0 " to 0 " Anni». not ua............... 0 50 to 0 W Hay, per tet................... Potato“. per bag............. Pork, per 100 N............. But. " ............. Hides, " .............. Sheepskins. ouch ............. Butter, per lb e................. Ema. per dos......... ........ Wood, dry, per ooed....... Wool. per IG................... Applet. yet ug..........- Flour per b-u...............', 9tteee1rrtr btrrret............ Full what....................... Trumbull Wheat............... Spring When. [juicy ........e............_... Fa]! Wltetoer push Drum Hon. loo IU Buytr,yo.lit, yn'.'.'."...".'.'. matBoerdos.T................ Pot-toes. got him”... "imtfrs,rirrrbt" rr.......... Ba" c, pe.' "V- 0" Mn unintu- 70 rout MOUNT FOREST MARK m. Confederate once. Oct. 2ttth, IM- in} SALI- sf ALL Dunn. TORONTO MARKETS. Towns. Nov. no. 1060- ,pt,rerbush...... " 06 to " ttt M " ...... l (l to l If MARRIED. BIRTHS. DEATHS ”nun-nun. ...............u no no; ff. " a in is.“ CHM! gtrotogtm oumlw oumlm ottgtot06 os0to060 oumou 055t00u owmow tt19uttSt) 018M015 ammo” cumim oumlw BMh1M own!” n to TOWNSHIP of P " - all -. I‘D”! - “U0. BAILWA‘ to} - the on. d - , cud - by way " to... W...“ Li.----.-. tuna-Ow If.» ‘u cad mun-0f “Munch-1h. Ind bs " M "" ot '0' APltttt? v: L"h=' ol It ”you “I "ttttl i: pnmw ..._.._H. or 'g'tn'2t'd of; {awn-11W m“ my mum...” mus tin u.Wu (I run-vupumw or eunuch all! p0srt "' tst “m .5. My» or yum o'. Use um 'r7iGinrieuetater.ydP/,: N cuss-“3 'd'. “WW by . _-_-_. -.. .v ct' "ttmere.' u. u! u W b ”WWW W W" "tu'Wllttl con-PM “glamour: ' mun-u at " muuoapasutt amount would h" n.“ and alum. um Walnu- r by "e, 'tee, to pin»... “a Wuhan l let the gum mug“ hum iG%Uoer In An Wanna- " u "on hundred um u -ur. ttt wen-d mu ta"2 in; toust" u... .4 ff.'L'tll', ot hum. lwr " -. on m dub. mum haul-nu ”culluhLu AID WWI the an. ', ray-I11 at we autumn-1 ”meal-1m.) w Lin: I’ll“ h It"! Ton II-lvlp m M, u 0530.1» 0.; " .000 human: in up Wax-n- thu mm. “a". M! otesut IUJ'J Guns-ad one: hummu and than n mama mm knot m w. PBOPOSED BY- yTCiiiivrori-ot9ttu' unmoc-VMW Inn-IIWEWWM = bjeeyee.IV wounduuntm‘ "iGcuCuumeeted I‘m-rumba Ct tum Taiwan}; ul Pp (H “Maw and mm can ttd DEM-l" Juu't" u undo-m we l mm rump-n) bt 000W" “- - amount ot of»! lot “In purpose at mun «ch chum“ " tPsub'% u my. I "" “I the, Mr.“ means by the At! m “at low un- run" - "ad ”um-wan} II mm ot um and '. M (a such IHWI ot ht g. puree, Mal 10m tte,ett u. up w" m. w dollarrr, ruck; m m nertd ot “w n I ONO at Proton um mm "ire/keyed ot the Mun: a}? Prawn sswl N- M pawn ' I P can“. my 1') tty-Los (8.) rtrst (an or. I doD up .0 “I My“ tr'ppoit mamam-wuu . “an an" n- ttt u.- I‘lk_oi_ ommcnm M. or" Moan/m uninit- ol In '"" “w.wmm. um " the 0:13:61de a u.-. m.." s.' " - the sum oi t ml than N ' tute'lt “I 'ttO u “0.“. ot [.1 we.) mm b" ottt" km. human- .11 the cum"! . . v - dam: to bet fur, at we in - mu" I all That J, (lit That ttso “A! EM and "NM: and 0M bound m 'sotttt' in" hum L mug; y a upon-am a» MN! Prr l - ot (In Towuil “q _-"'"" ._v AIM "I." ha thine-r: d t't' up no". or (JUAN nod m m u the Town-Np M Pun-u wth 1 d 0C " b. 'wrnnosf In trawl-Inn- .“ ol the Act relistrtip l-- Um u 001 - - “In“, (nu-mu; Wu" of an Provitv . of mm: No! II! India's mun, rhnpb bud M. .taatt ask-Au u. m 0w Mr It." “wad purl] d: " Ior an unlcpd Cannon of and 1 “I!“ will u tor macaw Ml), out a. you.“ ut-ot "3...“. iGUiGTtisu-rm""'cd m t a Gi liao f I OJ Thot the In” mutt-u aha an dab-unau- or nu) mm. tbr uol- d and damn-u» or m) p - - “my rou"tee . nutm- W (at the mur- bewa. .. u cock t.oomptrtott, u. um "yum 'ttt'a"kit “It! run ovrrl - (had uuk {blur-y far to. Tatum» to Own: bound w ' M at an "dun ot hhmdnrd ' f,r'dL't'ie,t and am we uh I.“ v' and hull nu '" In obi-lawn I“. not “mu I m the Quad Trunk In “dun Tomuto urn-y and urn “my lot the working by Um (. way S",'h'"W, ot an “hid“ 1... any ill Brueo lush...) I on yuan. trout tin- can: dry n! luv. ii.) my)“ - than the um any od II " mam-Ill; an _ _ “A”, . ., - - w - _ - bar born " wow-d by u M. of the and Tram “. "mrrtsolderat"r the 1 'u9.r., Comp-m F um] I wrt he pnnvwd Irln u; ot an. r'rrtxar new " "I _ -- -. ,.,-,_... m. “4.95.2?! km Hi I'm. mm mm M Mn so (wt by to t. ”can“: Gp, Inch-1 pm Inn-l by tho Cht A” may and Inw- nanny - qt “I. Tovvnlhtp N null-Id- NM No. 1 M. in) nu. an rwrohyuu can ho haunted to kc ”an tst and bonus, ' mm". or In" in my“ Wu umununv b W. has: amuplw! \ u n in and: Walnu- and MI! on in“ mm 3»th be "r he. no.) fhptyuu Ila-Int ia", r ___ day In!" M. 7 an “a ituhmhn charted m t Count“ ot [be Taming") ot Paw-m t. d“. dado!- of thet mud m'llnvuu an: "tl un- ByV M an pin»: ul w)momun hmuwm u M a» WI- J-v of In". t'g,eeRr, u mm.” mm on tr ”and: mu u an- hour of uve, . loam) “I 2Mt cub-Annular! "No In... June. lit-ulnar. 1 hr In... Inuit wt: Bugrditr"bret we [human '" Wu. In - Pawnf “haunt-n Ci" O mum-M 1 loan a [whoa Fund. [at Ju, nu in: " I... I‘m. 2%t Dub-6n Ink-n (No.5, mum-u: m ammumm. bt G It mam "3.) That no Fruity the Mtl: , nub-t. Ill). It m oilock m w a the Wig” Matt, Dumb“. th, the said Tow-Imp oi Prom: shut I'M-g. nip-d by tumult, "In pr tsod d. tho tutal summing up of u tt CM " the aid Council. Ind M $.05 ling L ce on I in... 2f..ttrie gl/lt,'.",'.,",',',, ' an. and an nix. Kw; Wia my 7 . of “In. B suw, I "I“ '" “on!!! the J','Cl'2 in opp-nib; the pacing of th" By-lu tta) That on Tin-M51 the I M. "e. " an o'eioek in u MWM’I OM. mush-um Pm, the Clerk of the and Co txttd'l'd spite-unhoh at and I.“ "Ii Brtor. W at TAKE ,syyi5,i,5itt2j't the! . ch y - diS'f.l'lte'iri'lii' by thou-I081 .* ‘ M {ft-thou Inga. h I. - ""‘ ' With: Gun RWY!" n: the \w‘ “Hf" " . " " l common mm it"- mum u, 'iiirTtt'r Ju- maul . “I In I “nu-now I m _ mm . 6 no that with: gl “ run a" tho I ”any Collard! m Sound an to ( h (i “and.“ Bull I that the Whole,- " " on or before I - um um " Trunk Bulw- nv-y and Bruce I “an tn the than] (be: ' In] um Town! and an an will “PIIHII " Dow. a w w .tsautl, "

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