West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 11 Nov 1880, p. 4

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1| Ap i | luad z2 P 9 0 4 | Loxpos, Oct. 28. â€"A terrible southâ€"west gale is reported from Plymouth last night. TDny break showed five vessels stranded, but the crews were all saved. The steamer Ge/â€" lert, from New York for Mamburg, is detainâ€" ~> L e epmeen * V Lc d . chacks s tlidotl W3 since yesterday. Much property has been | / estroyed and fifty families in the suburbgrof th« city rendered nomeless. The floods “t Leeds stopped several mills and bundreds of | persons are out of employ ment. At Plymonuth the British brig John May, of Stoncham, from Bull River, S. C., Friedeschâ€" shad, drove alougside the Batten breakwater at six o‘clock in the morning, and still reâ€" mains there. Captain Mitchell was drowned while endeavoring to get on shore on the break water. coming in from & Bradford there 1 way trafic was i *. Great Storra in »a buversged inches The Tronk Railway Thursday, . The vear ending Jun gra Ligh The year 1880 promses t« one for the Grand Tewnkâ€" prosaperons . one | for t has ever exnerienced. . ‘Fl sult is dne, largaly, of com 10 inptoved ; ACCidt surrence; and t satisfuction, bot! passenger traffic. TLile is very on? our last. Any f: nud merriment, 1 iruth were but bna ness, and if it rul aud real power in give a meaning t« Would it not 11wh we are 2 Would Tile is very critical. â€" Any word may be | our last. Any farewell, even amid glee aad umerriment, may be forover. If this iruth were but barned into our conscionsâ€" ness, and if it ruled as a deep conviction aud real power in our lives, would it not give a meaning to our human relationship ? Would it not 1uwke us far more tender than we are 2 Would it not oftentimes put a rein upon our rash and impetuous speech ? Would wo carry in our hearts the miserâ€" Accounts able suspicions and jealousies that now so often embiiter the fonuntains of our lives ? Would we be so impatient of the faults of vthers > Would we allow trivial misunâ€" derstand ings to build up a wall betwen us and those who ought to stand very close to us 2 Would we keep alivo. petty quarrels year aftor year, which a manly word any day would compose ? Would we pass old friends and neighbors on the street without recognition, becauso of some real or fancied slight, some wounding pride, or somé anâ€" cient grudge ? Or would we be so chary of our kind words or commendations, our svmvpathy, ourt comatort, when weary hearts nd th «1ont grimige : AMD ENUE eUE |° S C Cse of our kind words or commendations, our sympathy, our comatort, when weary hearts ail about us are breaking for just such exâ€" vressions of interest or appreciation as we have in our power to give. Almost every New England village of much prosperity has its Society for Promotâ€" ing Rural Lmprovement, the work of which is to induce and direct tasteful architecture and gardening. Bishop Clark, of Rhode Island, emphasizes the valne of these soâ€" gieties by doscribing Footbâ€"idge in 1870 and 1890. This is Pootbridgo as it was :â€"*"The houses bordering the main street are all enâ€" closed by rail fences, picket feaces and dil apidated stono walls, with creaky turnâ€" stiles and gates balf unbinged, and drunkâ€" en posts leaning against an old stump for support ; patches ot unshoru grass and I weedy gravel, faggots of bark and wood and brush, tragments of ancieut carts, and brokâ€" ; en ploughs and disabled harrows, heaps of| motthr and stones, piles of bettles and all other conceiÂ¥abie forms of rubbish ll\‘lfllpl‘l’} into the gutter. The barns and sheds and | dwellingâ€"houses are all much of the same | color, if they can be said to haye any color | at all ; cold, bare, dreary, with uo piazus,i tasteful porches and window hoods, or any | other attempt at ornamentation." This,is Footbridge as it is now :â€""Most of the old houses reappear, but with broad piazzas, tasteful porthes, and bay windows péeping out from the vines and flowers, with alterâ€" ed roofs and fancy chimmeys, and rich col« oring. The usly femces aro gone, flowers bloom in front of all the housss, the streets are all reformed, the weeds and rubbish are geen tl.ore no more. Good, clean side walks have beeu laid from one. _ond of thg“yinap A country elitor being asked. . "Do hogs psay ?" says a great many do not. They take the paper several years, and then have the postmaster, send it back "Reâ€" fused." Almost every New Eng much prosperity has its Soc img Rural Improvement, th is to induce and direct taste to the onm. and the roadway is so fine and smooth that :;'en‘.\!t. Bonner would nct hesitate to drive theâ€"mazvellous Rarus or any other of his swiftâ€"footed steeds through the town at any pace of which they . might pe engame. ie TCM L0 Goods mamnee dnb eonverted into a park, the duck ponds into romantic lJakes, with a swaw or two sailing GREAT in â€" last eve i+ much i und 1 Grand Trunk Railway. s of th6 severity of the storm are from all parts of the Kingdom. At here was rain and snow, and railâ€" . was inmeded at Leicester. . Rain iIf yearly meeting of the Crrand tailway was held in London on y. The report stated that the Lall ing June last,the last three months lust week, were respectiyely the 1e Company‘s history. It spoke the prospects of the concern. ‘The | ad mm_ni\w.ud'.' adopted, and a of two thousand, fivs hnudred bavline was voted to Mr. Hickson, DESTRUCTION To PLOEZ&IY, Make Friends. with the Chicago extension. 30 premises to be a prosperous Grand Trunkâ€"in fact the unost me * for the that"rorad ~it} l the Chicago extension, wemises to be a pfnspuflns‘ nd Trunk â€"in fact the most o~ for the that rord it enced. This gratifyiag reâ€" aly, otcourse,to the increasâ€" l rupted, . Ats the Seilly Isâ€" he barometer fell to 23.00 » 4 e + + pace of whick they . might P::nn-m)-boll Fngland. | | < MISCELLANEOUS. ‘ A train on the Memphis and Charleston: Railroad Was sfopped by a man who gave a danger signal with a flag. Then he took :doli'.‘r-rati- mm with a gun at the engineer, |m:u] killed him. He subsequently exphij ‘ed that he was ont bunting locomotives. \ He proved to be & lunatic. in *\ Kunitting Stockings & Socks A young lady who bas been married & short time lately told a "bosorn ‘w there was one thing more asto! an { the readiness with which her lovergave up smoking when they became engaged, and that was the rapidity with which he took to it again after they were married. _ A Southerm Contemporary has the followâ€" ing under the head of "A Misconception" : Look out for cold weather. How are you of for Socks ? VERY important f\ one to cnnumr no 61 jnrdlousfor health than c ‘Cooking Stoves all kinds, Give him a cail and support native industry h SsSTRAW CUTTERS, 4 and 10 HORSE POWERS Box Stoves, Stove Pipes, ELBOWS & TIN WARE ({eel comfortable by calling on Wilitmin Jobn« «tone, junr., who has ail the applianees for Oct. 13th, 1880 The Largest Exhibition ever held in the County. Jopp Took Four First Prizes RAILROAD OR NO RAILROAD, Will be happy to see all my old enstomers and as many new ones as will favor me with their patronage. Durharm is bound to go ahead and so is ROCKVILLE. 88 per hundred puid for Hides. « â€" J. C.JOPP. A. COCHRANE, DURHAM FOUNDRY. RockyiMe Tannory, Oct., 1880 Oct., 1880, YHE Durham Show, which provos that . his men are "BOSS" at Shocmaking. WM. JOHNSTONE, Jr., TURNIP CUTTERS, Parlor Stoves, All at Lowest rates. n the 1 Coal Stoves, SAWING Machines, most improved methods, latest test notice and at charges that Lower Town, Durham AT k‘ question for every te is nothing more in« 4 feet, however stuich and everybody made yâ€"103 Jâ€"H HUNTERS Good Tweed Suits for $8.50. Good Beaver Over Coats for $6. UNDER SHIRTS and DRAWERS for 45 cents each. Grey, Scarlet and Fancy Flannels ITTalifax Tweeds at 43 ets. per yard, And every description of WINTER GOODS. All at Lowest Prices. J. H. HUNTER. TERESH Arrivals AT H. W. MOCKLEN‘S. COpened this week another Large Stock of the Celebrated Crompton Corsets, Another Largelot of those Eplendid WHITE COTTONS At 10, 11 and 12} couts. A lot of 50 cent KID GLOVES, the Best Value in Town. Ladies MANTLES, which for Style and Value cannot be Equalled, Dress Goods, Clouds, Hosiery, Gloves, Flannels, Ladies wool vests, Shawls, Blankets, Tweeds, &c. &c. Sheetings ( Grey and Bleeched ), Table Cloths, Table Napâ€" w kins, Towelings, &¢. &e. ’ Call and soo the LARGEST and CHEAPEST Stock of WINCEYS in Town. From 50c. a pair up, HARDWARE, Hardware! Cheap, Cheap, Cheap. LOWER TOWN, Axes, in great variety, splendid value; Cross Cut Saws In Lance, Champion, Diamond and Hanlan, Very Cheap. CATTLE TIES, without doubt the Chenpest lot ever offered Tubular Lanterns, Lantern Glasses and Burners; Broad Axes, Logging Chains, all sizes; Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, very Cheap. Builders‘ Hardware, Bar Iron, Scoop Shovels, Manure Forks, Cheap Large Piles of Dress Goods, Winceys and Shirtings, Sleigh Shoe Steel. Springâ€"Steel, Horse Nails, Cutter Trimmings, and General Blacksmiths‘ and Waggon Makers‘ Supplies. Special Inducements to Cash Buyers. The Largest and Cheapest Stoek of Goods ever offered to the Public Another Large Stock of Boots and Shoes Just Arrived, Shawls and Clonds, at all prices. LADIBES‘ MANTLES that caunot be equalled for price and quality, _ Newest Patterns of Tweeds for Fall and Winter Wear, Selling as cheap as before. Don‘t fail to see them before all are sold, as we mean business Gretchen Bows, Muslia and Silk Scarfs, Chenille, Ruchings, Motto Pocket Handkerâ€" chiefs, Damask do., HairOrnaments, Back Combs, Ladies‘ Neck Chains, Lace Gloves, k o ly 0 > *jee» Colomred Lace Mitts, &c. _ _ _ Fancy Goods at John Cameron‘s. Lovely China Fichues, New Style of Embroidered Collars, Always noted for Goodâ€"Flavored TEAS from 35 cents up. Over Coats & Readyâ€"Made Clothing Who are anxious to have their Dvoll‘ixs Houses, Barns and Contents Insured against loss by Fire, can do so at a low rate, in a reliable Company who pay losses promptly. CLOTEING, â€" CLOTRING, CLOTENG ! Burham, Oct. 25th, 1880. Groceries New and Cheap. J. WOODLAND, Jr. Frillings from 5 cents per yard up.~GENTS" REGATTA SHIRTS Rowswell‘s Building, Upper Town, Durham. Sept. 30th, 1880. y96 w- 23rd, 1880, Lower Town, Durham, Sept. 28, 1880 Wall Paper and Window Blinds. ETEARMERSK AND OTHERS Just Received at MOWAT‘S, A Large Assortment of Goods for the Fall Trade, Consisting. of Cheaper than ever. Men‘s Felt Hats, Shirts and Collars, at all prices. Spoecial notice of the Ladies is called to his Stock of Goods, viz : A BIG SH O W. Quality and Price far Ahead of Everything And the LARGEST and CHEAPEST Stock of the CHEAPEST and BEST CORSET in the MARKET, . W. MOCEKLER, JOS. F. MOWAT, IN TOWN. Apply to Agenut Western Insurance Co., Durham. Lower Town, DURHAM. JOHN CAMERON, 5 cts. per yard, J. CAMERON. Pomona Grist and Flouring Mills, GLENELG . These Mills have this Sammer received Mill Machinery, and the We would extend a cordial invitation to all our neighbours to give us a sDan as we are satisfied that we are now in a position to make a ‘The subacriber wishes to inform the inhabitants of Durham and tde that he is now prepared to do The Durham Woollen Factory Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, Cloth Dressing ond Dying, in the latest styles, and at the lowest rates. Done on the shortest notice and in the best style. Flaunels, Tweeds, Full Cloth, and Stock _ ing Yarn to exchange for Wool or sell for Cash Cheap, STOVES, Stoves, STOVES! Call and see before purchasing elsewhere ORGANS AND PIANOS. The Largest and Most Complete Quality of Work Second to none CHOPPING Done every Day in the Week : Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the World. We are now manufacturing Square and Upright PIANOS. Correspondence Solicited. Send for Mlustrated Catalogueâ€" Dominion Organ & Piano Company, Glenelg, August, 1881. Durham, August 17, 1880 Durbatn, Sept. 18, 187 COOKING PARLOR BJ from $20 up. from $5 up. from G All Sizes and all Prices. Cash for Hides and Sking. â€" Truck taken as Cash. HARRIS & C Feb. 12th, 188C CcUSTOM WEAVING! Thoroughly Overbkauled MEDAL AND DIPLOMA, CENTENNIAL, ... ... ... 1876. do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, .. 1877. GOLD MEDATL at PROVINCIATL EXHIBITION TORONTO, 1878, HIGHEST Award at INDUSTRIAL EXHILBITION , Toronto, 1879, Factory in the Dominion, P ta4d °s 100. â€"â€"â€"â€" $\ Mailed Froce. Addressâ€" DONRETNICOIN Best in the Market. ol BA C Dib A s icgain t the old work has also been completely an extensive addition of the Latest Im;!rovemonca an Bowmanvill, Ont. in the Week until further notice â€" A. MOORHOUSE. We will not be undersold and are sclling JOHN CAMPBELL. and Renovated. surrounding Townships, the County. BOX from $3 up. share of their work, em130 yâ€"103 A woman at Lureka Bprings, Ala., lately attempted to elope, but was dot cted by her husband. _ He offered thereupon to pay the expenses of her iutended journey, Qut of sheer womanâ€"like contrarity she refused to go. Travellers and tonrists «hould always be m.dod’ with Dr. Fowler‘s Extract of Wiq wherry, the best remedy in the world for curmg suffering brought on from eating unâ€" ripe or gour fruits, bad milk, impure water, change of water and climate. The [i.runt rem â€" edy for a all summer complaints.â€"bl41, Toddlekins is a very small man indeed, but he said he never minded it at all unti] his three boys grew up to be tall, strapping young fellows and his wife bagan to cut d wan their old clothing to fit him. And then he said hbe did get mad. The remedy that has had the most remark. able success in the cure of diarrhoa,dysent. y cholera morbus, and, indeed, every kind of summer complaint, brought on by eating im. proper food, such as_raw vegotables, unripe or sour fruits, bad milk, impure water, etc., â€"â€"the remedy that is the most rapid, reliah)», and effectual, is Dr. Fowler‘s extract of Wad or sour fruits, bad milk, impure water, etc. â€"the remedy that is the most rapid, reliah)» and effectual, is Dr. Fowler‘s extract of Wi Strawberry. â€" It is the finest remedy for smn mer complaints known, â€" For sale by all doal ers. â€"bl41. Asa train was appronching Cleveland, it parted in the middle, and the bellâ€"40ng enapped off like a thread,the end of it etrilâ€". ing an old Indy on her bonnet. "What is the imatter?" she exclaimed, "Oh, the train‘s broke in two," replied a gentlemen who sat in the next seat. "I should say so;" the old lady said, looking at the brok» en bellâ€"cord. "Did they s‘pose a trifi string like that would hold the train ?‘ gether?" Tnx most pleasant, rapid, rcliable and of. ectral remedy yet discovered for diarrho», dysentery, cholera morhus, cholera infantim, and al}l summer complaints, is Dr. Fowie‘®s Extract of Wild Strawberry. It is unszrpass» ed as a reliuble specific in the ahove discases, is weh known as a great remedial agent, and is more bighly valued the longer it is kuown, Travellers and tourists should earry a eupply in their haversack, â€" For sale by all dealers in Medicines. â€"bâ€"141. the Township of Glenels, Yeomun, who died on or a A.D. 1880, ure hereby not prepaid, to the Fxcentors wment of the said Donald or before Their Christian nat and description, t eleims, a stetemon nature of the seen or in defeult there any claim against And all partios i hereby nu{mud to 4 on or before the 237 Priceville this 23rd A FIRSTâ€"OLASS HEARSE TO BiRE Remember the placeâ€"a short di/tance north o ‘t.he Post Ouflice, DUREIA NT Carriage Works. ROBERT MceFARLANE! Carriages, Buggies, Demoâ€" crat Wagons, etc., Of GOOD MATERIAL, GOOD FINISH, and &A LT, persons hol FARMINGIMPLEMXENTS. xOoRTHâ€"WEST: Each numbed contain thirtyâ€" ind will bo iss One RBeUurs Sample copie cents in stump LOVELL‘S Gazeteer of British North AMZERICA : In Pressâ€"To be Published ia Jan., 4881 * thentic deseriptions ofover 7,500Cities, Tow and Villages in the Provinces of Ontario, Quot Nova #cotin, New Brunswick, Newfoondbo Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, British Cols bin, rnd the North West Toxitories, and ot general information, drawan from ofcial soure as to the names locality, extent, ete., of over 1/ Lakes and Rivors; a tanut or nourre, ghowi the proximity of the Railroad Stations, and 8 Lake and River Ports, to the Cities Towns, Vil os, etc., in the several Provinces.(this Table wil} found invaluable) ; and a neat Colorod Man oi 1 Dominion of Canada, Edited by ». a. GBomey, sisted by l("flrfi of Writers, Bubscribers nan respectfully soliclted. Agonts wanted. Price®3â€"Payable on Deiteery, JOHN LOVELL & SOX, Publisher Montreal, August, 1680, A monthly journal devoted to the Settlement and Developement of Manitoba and the North West. Published by Outfit furnish»? free, with fall instrnctions for condnoting the imost profitible busiâ€" ness that auyono con engage in. The busiâ€" ness is so easy to learn, and our instru~â€" tions are so sitaple and plain, thit smy one can make great profits from the vory sigt, No ouve ean fail who is willing to work, | Women are as suc» cessfull ss mon. Boys and girls can earn lurga gums. Many have madeat the business over one hundred dollars in a sindle wook. Nothinglike it evor known before, . All who engare are surprised at the ense and rapidiiy with which they wro o abled to make money, Yan can enguse in this Luisâ€" ness during your spare time at grout profit. You do not have to invest cupital in it. Wetake a‘l the Â¥isk. Those who noed rexdy money, should write to us at Guce. . All furnished free 140 Addres: DRUE & Co.. Agusta, Mxine LOWEST PRTCFS, The subscriber is also Agent tor allkinds JA MES W EID M ANX, TURSDAY, 23rd â€"â€"ANDâ€" Blind PFactory. ROBT. BULL » Proprietor. Has Now on Hand a Good Stock of Addres: Durham Planing KMill, SASH, DOOR, Durham. NONTATNTNG the latest Executors‘ Call and Inspect My St Sclkirk, Masitoba, Caundn. JOH R. McFARLAXNE. NALD M A ni th M NOY., A.9. 1880 JAMES WEJDMAN lkizk, Manitoba, Coana Murcl th Notice. ms Afmin® CHISON, \n 7,500 Cities, Town# f Ontario, Quobce k, Newfoondland vm, British Colum ritories, and other in official sources‘ it ote., sof erver 1800 Â¥ nouire, showing Stations, and Rem, ities Towns, Vil. :â€" s.(this Table will ho Jolorod Mun oi twe bdy P, A, OlObdsX, a 8« ubscribers names ropt« panted. wirable 1 nption ) 1 J d most Cities, T J msed. on W 18t ft »Me Atthe Office, Gerafraxa Street, Upper Tow sy, 31. 25 @f not paid within two | ws nlouiol:::l'l ‘b:ruuu cards one apace under, per year, Two inches or 24 lines Noapartel me Thrae inches do. per year. . . %W gulumm, per year. . .. One columa, d o. six moaths . . o Do. three months . . . . . Casaal advertisements charged Line for the first insertion, and 2 ots for eash «ubsequent insertion "THEREVIEW Durham, â€" â€" Ount 1mea84 n¢ . Prdinary motices of 4eaths, aud all kinds of ree of charge. sSPRAY ANJIMAL®, 4 weeks for 81, the adve weoed 8 lines, Advertisements, excep Advertisements, except when a by written instmotions to the < aserved until forbiddsn, and cha «lar rates, jR McFAYDEN & BL[&R(STRRS. Suli o. Oilice, one doet « Bauk Union«t. Owen Boun 3.3 solicitors in Chancer» €wen Sound, have resumed a open every Phursday as boret ALFPRED PRO®T County Crowh Attorncy TERMS: â€"#1.00 per D BUSINESS DIRECTORY ~~~ UTBCGAL GBADU.\TI‘. of NVict Toronto, and Underâ€"Grad versity, Montranl, . Sungory in i l.'-'.ri‘o“.nur\r. m F I ckidvsa Hentinck, after noon. . M ..uther{ord‘s attonded to “'"J. be at his Ofice, H a34. to Noop “k! hous Mc cmscomatl #7 & Dess histaâ€"Ofboe, Briiish 11 every -â€"ql.h, w»‘cm,hr v ;‘v&â€".- All work entrust formed in the latest s« Jurranrnch, any of Che . s upon all those that m u«> ( * BADU ATT « K jage, Doronto Memey ts Loan BUNDALL , Ont Wili e at Husting‘s Hotel, Shell o day gad Rridey, from 10 a‘elock a Dundals, Murch 20th 1490. C . MeFarcmn YETERINARY BURGEON IBSUER of Marriage Ticenses, Vire and Life Insurancs Agent, Communsioneria is K..A Gonverancer, . and | KAcensed Asmstlowoer for the County of Groy 3 @"Farmers, Merchants, and Land Geloa attonde i> with punctuality and charges inole ver modeprate. Jume 24th, 1830 Gouth End B!lgery. Durham 1R IS M OVA T .. r nstantly keep on hand a «upply £>8. es and Sarprise Partion x sortost notice mnd t very )* 1 14de to W flr would Iill' to very TPhursday .a‘o \h'“h-v:‘ma Commodious 1B * suth of Mr. James Brown‘s Stomre, w ': ;:rol';miha inhabitawite of » inroundiug country, for the patro i4 him during the past two and n 4 Hpan Orgirorâ€"â€"Win Lumber, Lumber, Shingles, Shingles, Lath & Lime, E. D. MACMIL1 TPORXEY â€" AT â€"LAW h Â¥ard Hotol, having commenced business it tlie abovelin. wonld respectfully solicita ahare o the patronage of the pablic . The very best material used ; workmanshi; # or to anything in the county , having mad work in arxlenpfil cities of Canadn an/ ‘ve United Statos . TDORNXEY at 1. %, ®EXC> * . '_lt.\bl'.\'l‘ll of Qutaniq Vetwine 1800 Busb. Fre«h Lime. Durham P. O., May 25th, 188( RATES OF ADVERTISING Priceville, 1080 + usual will supply bread daily aiany ) ARRISTERS and Former)y Master Shoomaker in Her Majosty‘ ) (audredth itegiment . Lor Summer Trade, Fine Sowed Welling ton Boots, ouly $6.00. Laced Balmor» als, Sewed, only #5. Low Shoes, Sewed, only {4.60. The best French Stock nsed. ALEXANDER BROWN, Alexander Robertson, TAILOR, l esidence at the Old Post Office, Lower Town, ’.;;;‘u Parker‘s Drug r NHE anbscriber is W to Receive r “A:@U&utho ortest notice, and in tl.e Latert Bighe Mon and Boy‘s Clothing. Agood Durbham , May 13, 1880 w to soll cheap for cash & Mn e trose are revoule ond bighly xOUTH EXD, Darham Larest Fashions Regulariy Reocetved ptocsgscrotes Is Agant for Wilson & Co. _ _ _ _ _ T THE ROCKVILLE MILLS. . wdarge quantity of JOISTS Lot 41, 4 \\'. G. K. Bentinck. Town, Durhat MISCELLANEOUS. PALMER, Baker, heas Boot and Shoemaker, Frost & . CALDWELL amissioner in B «. NB, 3 A t N6 0 ®, 08. A »8 PUBLISNED PRICEVILLE PR. LIGHTHOI MEDICAL MALS, #e., advertis the advertisement us for ay y drg wing .room w N td & Kl pCRHAM, J. TOMW vearin Advance births J. W. CRAWFORI citors east of #4 n3 ROBAl Frost, gD BR % rers, EEARRTTUCUE, CIICC tor cash and on time nd bighly Anished., 6t one i6 Oxt PR months A. RODERTSO® m ®U T remove n GG

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