West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 2 Dec 1880, p. 4

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fii," A“; ti 52 go Outing their Pictures when. an! in land theypuud timidlr up the man Ind went into the “Mary and told tho "tut they had some to have their pin-nu “in. “In . your. or duly " 'Wil,' aid Zeke, removing his hat, tad wiping his the. with s rod cotton huma- ohiohnhn from the crown. ‘I Jon't know Mt that Quietly. Which come: the et-tt' ' - . ‘-, AL-A|L‘ “in. “no upwind to him that the pnce would depend more upon tho an and “,1. of the pint” than it would upon whom» may at lop-nu), or to-tur, and BO “to: . chi-pend eonsultstion. they con- clad-d that " they Ind joined hands for life it would be bum to put them in one As L "tist- pining them in position. 20h hold "any upon hia comp-Dion and an]: eh -'i1U Ld yon. All may. Mister Bal-- uooon as I up my footemek uwsy. Mum, mum. Polly--' Anrsy want tho up. And the poor crem- tuna before the camera at a rigid as bean polo: dunno: the intervening uncouth, which seemed in we. when. just a the btst, " bud luck would but it, Polly 1nd to sneeze. In 3 few minutes the picture In: "My ( " their inspection. l [ 'WMI, luau logoodueee, Polly, ifit don't [ look ewutet'n a "u of maple sugar, and iest on mutual an e nil lance; bat I don't have quite an urchin' a look about me as I would like to like home. My ue might‘ I bad a little more roach to it, n, it seems to mo to though my left our WM Bot around I little too tar,but the finger ting otyou'rn Ibinel out bemtiful. un' tho brels' pin is alt there. I was too anxious about to git ll any " l o'rt to been. but I dont know u it could I been bettered much. It's tt better lookin' couple than my I see hang. iu' unund hore, to [guess we Won't bother the man to also aim on no agin. Its Inland ot anything I‘ve “or seen in Proton Town. ship, Bu' so 1 gnu: we'll take it along-it': Au improviu Pieter-tho more I look at it tho better I like it. It I'd only bud a little more much on my hair I couldn't tb' been suited better. “than? exelsimed Zeke. You've Mowed the whole bond Mtrtt that Pieter, now, I'll hot . bag 0, ponton, an' uliueJoo, maybe. Why didn't you muzzle it A minute at two longer t' Polly lull-balm]. and said she couldn't to save her lite-the smell of the paint had Alud hot land, and something had to bunk. The mm bad been quick to u: the omorgoncy. 1nd tbrew the cup our the canon. 3nd aid be guessed no "" gnu alumnae ha! been done. Human nun": in about me name in all who Ind in all eonditious or1thr---rr quit. "titdied. Once upon 1 timo. a young lady, who and!“ to Id up with We lurk In order to no on In eloping tour, Adapted the English girl's plan, and the lover was to be on hand at animal: to give the signal. Tho string and for the pednl eommuniea. tion III I mm con]. and one end was droppod out of the third story window into the luck ynnl. sad the other end, of course. attaeUd to tho Gtusel's great toe. And the lacuna mus, that I healthy goat, of the William persuasion, nos. bonnet thal nut. morning to look for tho only worm,' " it were, Ind wandered into the "rd. ARC! outing up all the tomato cans. barrel “was. and broken crockary wartr,ho found the string and took that u . dessert. As soon In the cord was drawn taut, the ttost stood up on his hind legs and gave the cord as inynhivo jerk. The girl tswoke. The mi 3570 another sudden pull and the amid": 1‘an out o! bod with ”mother- od at, of min. Then she stopped down to lamb tho can] jun as tho ridiculous bout - another violent jerk, and uh. Ion her .nttiiibrium--and neatly lost her loo in the tannin. the can! caning into the and" tUsh. Sh. wrung to the win. Bow and called out in a Imam whisper. “Stop pulling. Chum. I'll be down in I ninth." Than she made “other alert to anti. the cord. but the ”Mom goat and. sov- on! “my bob. with his bed. Ind cub time. tho girl pt. . cty of pain. Apia mo showy called out in duh“. t "Clark's. if you don't stop jetkin‘that way. I'll not come down at an" Blto um. answered by “other nag. yum-ml an or, of mguilh that broU (tom ber lips brought Ur mum into the room. with . look of wigm Ind t lighted ho on M hinted. tho . 'tttdi may"! 3:. bud, and 'tytrr; Rim...) Aiden', big toe was sol-Mo: “to no.“ The and camped. A Gm eomspomlent reports that In." Inn been not. Dutchmen“ of goods (or debt und- in that place during tho put tw.teo nowh- thu " the {mucus an Served Her Right. .‘-.. that the price Mrs. Abnhun Lincoln gets I federal "union of ",000 a your. The Fort Wilma: Herald report: tint any In" but": regular palm-y: through tho now The tusesisment of Toronto his been fired for 1881 at 953,775. 188 Mr. Brough has been tppoiuted City Engineer, The Manny" at": tint a now ttteatgter is lacing built in Scotlmd for tho Lake Bu. perior line. Sh. in being built in Glasgow in commitments, and will be pat together in Collingwood. The nuptyon of Waterloo; who lmve loot 119"in by the frequent colhpao of woodon bridges Indy; mll put in iron bridges n tree port; snd probnbly some of tho wooden “mounte- will be replnced by iron bridges. A curious ineidem is reported from trrriseuld in Elgin Co. The other day at Mrs. Dyna: was driving in the comm, I tlying some “tuck we horse in the face and knocked him down; upset the rig; and [no the My . bhck eye. Two Gannon women asmed Louis: " cabs And Anni. Salaam. were captured in the aet of conceding goods in Stratford a few dlyl ago. Had they got away with that they 1nd concealed about. tUm they would have made 11.130 hm]. As it hap- pened, they only got two months in gaol each. In Draper Township, Mulkoh, tho Itil of A Dutch nettle: in mining her husband to cut a comma of 100,000 feet of logs. In _ addition to her household duties Mid the can of her child. she takes full share at the emu-cut saw. T he couple have ttat our four hundred logs this season and intend to out. than! two hundred more. Non Scotm produced one of the biggest women in the world, the gimme" Mrs. Bates, nae Swan, and now Annapolis coun- ty sends out into the world the smallest child of in age in existence. His name in Dudley Foster, he is three years of age and weighs only sir pannds. no is to be ex- hibited in New York during the winter. l Mr. Wm, Ogilvin, D. L. s., has: returned l, with bis survey party in m blocking beyond the 1tend meridian. They started from n point 65 miles north-west of Fort Illlieo, and continued due west to the Touohwood Hills, blocking out an area of 2,728 square miles oteontry: there being Td blocks, each 24 miles ”use. The party started from here in the latter end of April, and have , been nearly six months at work. The land is pronounced good, n light loamy clay, and is more of a rolling prairie than in this district, end adapted to either a wet or dry season. The season has been the I wettest experienced for some years in the North-West, and, in consequence, more predisposed to frost than a dry one. The l first frost was experienced on the night of l the 23rd of August, but no harm was done, It came again on the first at October, and played havoc with late cereals. Mr Ogilvie my: that with a settletuant of the country there will he lees and a corresponding pro- , tuction of the season for farming. bat tor f the present he would advise MI ploughing , and early sowing in the spring to ensure , good crops. M r. Ogilvie will disband his . man here. and immeditaely thereafter pro- . coed to ottawa.--Winuipeg Time. A man named “admin, hailing from Oshawa, and who for name sen-on: buck Ins operated largely in apples in Went- worth, has um year swindled many firm. em. This season Redman purchused all the apple: he could. paying nothing on them, but promising to give 30e to 40e per barrel more than any other dealer. Al. tttotrt every fruit growerin tho town-hip- of SalttUet And Barton has been Tietint. ind. After the crop was delivered be cleared out. The Elm-non Neres cordially welcomed Sir Charles. and in introdueing him to the Manitoba“. said ..--The courage, eluquence wisdom and modesty of the Minister of Whey. will astonilh the audience, um] will only be accounted for by the {set that the great orator comes from the Maritime Provinces, where mm is a staple and forms much of the food of the inhabitants. Fish is considered the brain tood in the world, and no doubt the greet mm was fed upon wales, which accounts fur his peculiar ttt. lent for telling fishy stones. Dye Stuffs, Dye Stuffs. Dye Stuffs, Machine Oils, Machine Oils, Machine Oils, Paints, French Vinegar, French Vinegar, _ INuit, .Ttlx's, CANADIAN ITEMS. PARKER’S DRUG STORE, Yourselves by minim! money when I golden etmgsee is “dated. £21»an A]. v-yu hat-puns: poverty trom your oor. Those who always tub: "dvautaao of the good chums for muslin“: mhney that-tter. trd, “mama,- beeome would» , thile muse who do um impmvo Inch mum human 'tt way. We mt my men. yom,bny-_ and $1. to wet! for up right In that own Ilmuntien. b, button trtit Per more than) ten set ”truest! Wm. We iiGGiGii expensive outttt and m “It: you mod, in. Mo one who MIMI tail: to make many my my. Yon an devote Tour who]. ttme lo be ',lN, or 'ttlr, your mm mom-nu. run in- m‘cn and l (hm u mch 'y.ttt hms. Anni: Stu so: Q to my.“ Sits as Joni IPI'uit Jan's, Durham. Paints, Paints, TIIE RIGHT HOUSE, Dundalk. Rittt J an opened . Inge stoak of 4"“ -. V a price: which DE " L'ouyryi'fT1(hN. Splendid Value in Blankets, Flannel-s, Winceys, Shirts & Drawers and Clctlnng. A Large Stock of Ready made Suits from 87.50 npwudl. HEAVY UVERCOATS Full $5.50. Special attention :2 Ordered Clothing. - - e-_-rt-sm-mi. r-s., trehrrrt. crrvprCLT “n rxxAimuN TWEEDS IN Mantles d; Dolmans maiiiieder m the Latest Styles. [may lay thatI have tailsd to find " singlc- (-ustumor mm was um, “runny-n- m... quantity and value. cut9l'l'lliG AXES at LOWEST PRICES. BOOTS a: SHOES from the best makers at. a very slight HANOVER GRIST MILL. CHEMIST and DRUGGIST. Dundnlk. Nov. lat. 1880, FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. BEST QUALITY. LOW PRICE. TRY OUR American Horse and Cattle Spice. h LARGE ASSORTMENT NOW ly GROCERIES r -- _ BEST STOCK OF FANCY SCOTCH AND CANAbIAN TWEEDS IN THE COUNTY To SELECT FROM. ME \SUREMENTS TAKEN AT THE STORE, BARGAINS IN FELT HATS FROM 75 cents UP. IN LADIES MAXTLES THE STOCK IS SIMPLY EXCELLENT and at pricel which will agreeably surpn’so every person. Fall & Winter MILLINERY. Ladies' Mantles, Mantle Cloths. Ulster Cloths, New TWEEDS. New Colored DRESS GOODS, ulvnmce on cost. Be sure and thereby. SPECIAL IN) Black and Colored CASHMERES. Black and Colored 1nilLWimilrlN8, Plain and Brocade VELVETTA, Colored and Black Silks, SATIXS, I'LCSHES, NEW Iros'Irll'A',f'tLO YES. CORSETS, UNDER CLOTHING WOOL WRAP SHAWLS & SQUARES, WOOL JERSEY JACKETS, SLEIGHIXG HOODS. CLOUDS, PLANNELS, “'INCIES, BLANKETS, WHITE QL'ILTS. FUR TRIMMINGS, _ DRESS TRIMMIXGS, MAliTLE TRIM- LADIES‘ FUR SETTS in Mink, Seal a; Persian Lamb, We don't advertise any special line, all outlines are special nine. CHEAP FOR CASH. Dunt forget the plnco. B, * A, DAVIDSON'S. LADIES' AND MISSES' FUR CAPS. PUIC IS T9le CCal S CHEMICALS. We beg to inform the Public that we are now running this mill. Its ex- cellent capabilities and thorough equipment are well known, and ounltlo In to turn out THE. VERY BEST W ORK with promptness and all-inflo- tion at all times. GRISTING md CHOPPING Entrusted to us will be mnnut patch. We Hanover, Nov. 4, 1880. Eras just received his Fall and Winter Stock of Goods, which for price and quality are worthy the attention of intending pur- Chasers. A Call is Respectfully Solicited. Durham, Oct. 26, 1550. Always in Stark a. C Durham, 13th Oct. 1880. and LAMP GOODS: H. GRAHAM. . la. GRANT . Ch Mcig'ARLANE, mp1ean.dlddl. Assortment . Be sure and call when in Town and yot will snve money SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to CASH CUSTOMERS. fa Rock Bottom Prices for Cash. TEE )If Pi" 131 {()'1711 IS MING8. A11 tho latest novelties in But. tons. Also a chem Selection of I Pi' Clri" .‘XS omplute A.usortrucnt of every thing usullly kept in I new and , IN STOCK OF GLASS AND BRONZE LAMPS And a good variety of ' cured with care. and with all possible doll ctfully solicit your patronage. se;-,sr-nuble gonds, which will be ryb' . IL. GRANT. ll . (ERA HAM. PERFUMERY. DYESTUFFS, STATIONERY :111(l d.141 sold . d.141 331110 Fancy Goods, at John oameron's. Lovely China. Fichpgs ”0'01, vuuw- _ a-..%r'*"r -. - .. V_ ,v Gretchen Bows, Muslin and Silk Searfs, (ilwuillo, Mailings. Muttu Packet Handker- chiefs, Damask do., Hair Ornaments, Buck Fondue, Ltulics' Ncek ('huius, Luce Gloves, Coloutvd Luce Mills. M: Frillings from 5 cents per yard up. GENTS“ REGAT'I‘A SKIRTS. - ---. . " -r-n I __ .1 - Always-{lgled mi" Good-Flavored TEAS from 35 cents up. J. CAM EROX. Who Bre union: to have their Dwelling Human, Barnl and I by Fire, an Jo w n . low rate, and in a reliable Company . . . - n The Durham Woollen Factory The lubwriber wishes to inform the iulmhitnnts hf Durham IT that he is now prepared to do Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Pulling, Cloth Dressing and Dying, in the latest styles, lowest rates. Done on the shortest nohce and in the host style. Flaumh. Twcon. Full iug Sara to cxchmge fur Wool or sell fur Cash C'hvap, STOVES, Stoves, STOVES ! Call and Me before purchasing elsewhere. We mu not be unucrsnm am an: n Cash for Hides and Skins. Truck taken as Cash. HARP-31S N C ."I ".""'"T"C7 ..____ - adults. Price " mm or ' fur " In. [mun-'- lew Dyna-ale my" ,., perfect in every a.rali'oitr they have nu equal. Price 15 mun pct package. F______________________.______...â€"â€"â€"â€"_._.__..._ BURDOGK BLOOD BITTE‘RS T The only Medicine that successfully pura'itts the Ll Blood, acts upon the Liver, Bowen. Skin and Kidney. " while at the same time it may: Nervous Irritation. 'ilMl and srtrengthota the Debilitated System, perfectly and Bill My curing Biliousness, Jaundice. Dyspepsia, Consti- :1- ll pation, Headache, Rheumatism, Dropsy,Nervotus and Gen. "e"" eral Debility, Female Complaints, Scrofula, Brysipelaa, ORGANS AND PIANOS llllit while at the some time it Alleys Nervous Iiritation, 'lllll and strengthens the Debilitated System, perfectly and rNlllll speedily curing Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Consti- Ill ll potion, Headache, Rheumatism, Dropsy,Nervons and Gen. ’ eral Debility, female Complaints, Scrofula, Brysipelaa, Salt Rheum. and every species of Chronic Disease arising from Disordered Liver, Kidneys, Stomach. Bowels or Blood. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFYING TONIC IN THE WORLD. BagreMe Better. ‘"-wl£fl;§9lfifllsflpm.fli'fl Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the World. The Largest and Most Complete mums” “-ou a mum, 1,». J“. - = Wall Paper and Window Blinds. We are new manufacturing Square and Upright PIANOS. Correspondence Solicited. Send for Illustrated Caulogutr-- Dominion Organ & Piano Company: L‘AIIDIERS Durham, August 17, 1880. Durham. Sept. 18, 1879, COOKING PARLOR BOX from $20 up. from $5 up. from $3 up. All Sizes and all Prices. CUSTOM WEAVING ! Feb. 12th, 1860 Specill notice of the Ladies is eslled to MEDAL AND DIPLOMA, CENTENNIAL, ... 'q' ... 1878. do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. ... 1877. GOLD MEDAL at PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION TORONTO, 1878. HIGHEST Award at INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, Toronto, 1879. Factory in the Dominion, ------140 x 100- _---,---. " "it. INwder is a sate, purchuing elsewhere. We will not be l)()311 N IA FPi Mailed Free. Address-- Best in the Market. New Style of Ernbrtitle.rtt! Collars, A ppl y to Agent Western Insurance sure and cleans] destroyer of m in chi!“ a Janis! CAMERQN. Boxvnnnnvill, Out. Barn. and Contents Insure-l astaitust lo" ole Company who my losses promptly. JOHN CAMPBELL. his Siock of Goods, vie q )'1‘l I L311.“ and tde surrounding Town-hiya. T'wevds. Full Cloth, and Stock coior. For 1:!th d undermld and are "lltng Co., Durham and at the we; o. A you“ mun ouved Butes of i'tiiiTrFU boon committed for trial for fut-guy. An Irishman known how to may out. come nil ddrtesuttimt. "What shill I do with this un-ightly lump of rubbish, Put , "Dig I hols sud bury it," Inswered the mm of invention. "Alt, you. Pert, but what an I to do with the dirt I dig out of thehoh t' "Well, sir. I would saving you to dig . hob big enough for the whole of it." A Seventh Ward lady. who was vim“. at I neighbor's. was asked to sing, “a aid tint. she rally could not do so undo: u, circumstances, when a limo girl wont up so her Ind mid, “Plane. Inn'un, is 30. . moaning t" Volumes would In" [may]. in "ringmorts--N. '1. Ex. The: poor tux-Invert; any mm. In wonder why (In: terminus Wu mm,“ from Fort W illium to Prince Arthur'. Und. ing, when the expenditure of 050,000 or 060,000 Would make it one of the tinot harbour» in the world. But then, um: do they know About legislation , In it not the duty of (be duty of the Government to con. ‘Itruct a lumbar at the door of every [when who owns propetty on Thunder Buy tad i. ‘likuly to become a member of the Syndi. oue.---Fort William Herald. The Owen Sound Tribune report. tin tl" pest season has Mon the most prospu. on the titsuertmut ever had. Tho catch h" passed that of Any former you. while the quality of the tUh and the price mo. ived have been much botter than no hitherto obtained. One firm handled on: 176,000 fish caught Ut Luke Huron 3nd in the Georgian Bay, and cured 100,000 uu l Superior fislt, Another firm secured 200,. ‘000 in Canadian waters, whit. a third, which triad American waters this yang“ not meet with much success. Look out for cold weather. How are you of for Socks? " one to outwith-r ms churn in [Inching more In. turious tor health ton mm bwt, hum-vet 'saels cm very many he nun-rum! and m-vnlmdy mm to teel cnmfumhlu by mum: rm “'Illtnl. John- ston-Jun... wbo has uh the npphumu. tor tn " than on the mod Smpmvml ttsetlois, Istrst styles, on the "toeteet mums and gt chug-u am done: competition. Give him a on!) and support native indmtry. Knitting Stockings & Socks The Largest Exhibition ever held in the County. Jopp Took Four First Prizes RAILROAD OR NO RAILROAD, Durham is bound to go ahead and so is ROCKVILLE. 'Cl E Durham fi', "INT, which wow: that In: mrn urn "Muss" u “horn-kl... Wmho hupp) to no all my on custom"- and " many new one. a nun {not me trith um: “hon-ca. N 0 RT H - w EST! A monthly 'ourttal :10de to an Settlement. and Developement of Manitoba um! the North West. Puminhod by Eat-h number of the (‘31:le 3'0”.th will cnntuin thirtrtwo [macs of very deuirulde mum and will be tuned It the low subscription price a - ”Glut I .vee ip advance. _ - __‘ -t%i7GTiidUiiiCiiGa- a mum of am.- oonta in Dunn“. Addrois.-- JAMES WEtDYMt, BUILDER, Jrurlmno,heeps on hnnd a mileage not): ‘1)! Taking»; true - " " 'dnuuluw'nu an In a a r o o . watuut,uto-rod,tsatd Gilt. 'N,"dtleltttut tsud mu. ot Luann” mud:- out on than notion. ' tullstoAot Comm, (nun, Shroud: And In... [mun-1w” bull band on 13th, INN). 98 per hundred paid for Hide! J. c. JOPP. JAMES WEIDMAN. A FIRIT-(‘LAIK IIEAIII‘E " “III Remember an place 4 than (names a” o the Post (mice. In Pre- " h PIMIIIu-d In In... lull LOVELL'S Gazeteer of British North AMERICA: Roch me Tummy, Oct. 1950. l, tlu-nur rl, wiptinm nun-n immune-mom and “Hum-a m tlo Pun-Inert! of ontario, Qurtrq Nova Bonus. New "rum-wink. Newfoundland PrineeF.rNur" Island. Mann-bu. Bria-h Comm] bin. and tho Kurt): Were Tyrttoetut.etd 0th" genvrd iutorrtrrstirm, drum front 0mm: summed um tho mum». locality. oiut.ete., " um I.“ Luke: um Wivuru; a. up”: or luu'fllzl. Ibo-ll: ttteprorituity " the Railroad nation, and a. Latte mad Rive: Ports, to the, Chin Towns. WU“- trt, can. in ttte several Peoviueeg.tthis hu- will b. found luvuluuhu-r: and . hm! Calumet! In.) of the Dominion ot Cantuia. Edited 'il, P. A. mar. 00- Ii-M by n 2'gt of Wham. oboe-1m In... rrspeettut y unlinked. Ago-nu wan“. -ee.W-P-hte .- --. JOHN LOVELL d' DON, PM. Honk-d. Aug-MAW. Outht furttitrttedhee qsittt “DWI”- tor wnducung me mad man. M. “an that am) one can at - In. Th bull- hen: in go on.“ to 1mm, und our insane- tions BPe no single and plain, cl It may one on. man mu pro a from the vv-r‘ .tatrt. No on can an vim in willing to work. Women no " no- mutull u Ina-u. no): and girls on: can: but punt!- may have made " tttef" '11"! (my. "e Quinn. Many Iuwe made " ttte in man- on on. hundred dollar: in . “new Wool. Noam-m “to it av" known befoee, All who game us new“! u the we and mpiditg with Ihil‘h they" an on- ahlod to tualo money. You an name in an. Imi- nou during your - limo an and prttdt. Yote dn um hav- to haven cool-l tn It. We tdw all cp- mk. Tum who and My my. than“ In" to In at nurr, Att luau-Md he.» no A trtrrus Int: it Co Junta. mu. Blind l":u " ory. Durham "ONTAINING the latest and most III- VERY irttporttuf. qn'enliqufor ever, WM. JOHNSTON, Jr,, ltlktrls. Ila-limbo. (hind-- SASH. DOOR, ROBT. BULL Tua..' (‘A‘ADIAI --atiD-- JAMES “'EIDKAN, Bettkte k, “hobo, CM. Lower Town, hum-m rum. AT , an Aatbeonee,'furarrahtt St , 1 TtgmEt'r.---tt.oo pn- )vuh‘ .5135“! not pm! withiutv -iotsMtttd Iguana-a an Durham, - - Ont - amd under. pct ' v.1! Twine!» or 2mm. soup.” Theo. inchel Jo. per , mm -, column, pm ye.“ Holt oottmu" ' ' T 0n “luau. . ' ' oo. III Inth" 0.. “Her luuulhe Cain] Ith'eruuum nts run W10! the hrvt Inn-um“, an tor out aubseuuc'ut Inn-r1 I'll‘n. ordilul'y 110(er of in“. 3nd all kin-‘1 u no “charge. ITBAY ANHIALS. Brook. for " the ads “I linen. Al'ortnemeuu br writtatssrttstrut , . .I ' ml " -__-- ”and mm) fort annual. THE REVIEW‘ iiiriiiiijss mamrom _. 7 - LEGAL pk 1mm - Uubmot I c.McFart" N ll " Dalian-n lt; 0'“ Bound, ttu . own ovary Thur ALFRED Hm“ Counts l (my. Gad,, Huh Low-HIM! - I. I..."- “mikes-u r, .Mord 'u gu- “'U.L In aux t, I..." To! " .-- _ Ion-mod in thc MIEM ' .m “A!” G ha“ I 1-30!”th WIHM at Hart" “I “a ' ristr,s iiii"iiiiiiiNArw sump- 1; TTOWN t Munro" M. " "th yum! wary nr" II n mad" 3' RATES OF South End Bakery, Durham B]CI\I( " _ I a. “on In: aruientr My! Inn ()rrh‘r \\ i En hrw nu- - Milly .lnlnr _ guru l n Annlsj‘uux storm: mm. M. to order my ot thunk) Imuuduu: t OI Bun Axum; u and ml: b' G-sto Dudslk . I M‘ Frost lic Amusruw " i, Lumber, Lumber, Shingles, Shingle Lath & L I” Bush. Trr r)! Durban 1'. (L. disdain“ anJ'lr “Op-”mum oftlts I rG vary but mung-.1 . m‘nunylhixw It l , iiEiiiiii tls" pmu :g-m Unlhd lbw” .-." than 59.”. !.1 KM “can": 1.: For Dunner Ttado, Fi .0- Boots, only $6.01 Oh. Sou-rd. only . Saved. only N. French Mr ,nmu'n: Tort-nun uni Neville. mo. :xxganLANEous. ALEXANDER BROWN qOCTll ' _ Yarl" 'IBUEB of Marriage I _ [Autumn-Auunm'nm Bum. Mr Mama” Poatoffirt Dl'HHAM. l Eitett,t/,'.tic,", up "l, t-rtetyltr, mum! In “lg-lulu TSi an“ 'uri/i/dr Mun . ”Md (nu-11 , than “chm“ 1" " Lom- Facial-m. , THE 1ytt'ld ll .-tyu't,st'/."" r w.as.aueao'""' “KEY M Law, 5 _ A Coaxial-munc- m M I. I; CALDWELL Boot and Shoemaker FALMIZR Alexander Robertson, h " In“ H ‘1). MMD " . AT " gator-Dru 1Ut PRICI‘ZYILI MEDICAL. burl AT) mt. KI Ow "ueeiber i. tyrant“ n “no.1 TAILOR, ”rs-[In] In END. " " Me“?! w Us " ADVILI mm II In um . .._ ‘v' ' m wwlishl'll“ tor "t.rdr"ttW'"" It Mem H. "tr and [down-rd Am“. NI Hel nth In M link JI .u TI" 64.5w Stock Mu! any n ur‘ghrly Wit. " T081. iced It‘ll " ttno Winn-h “in: 00-,III ttt e

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