West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 9 Dec 1880, p. 4

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ll”! L ll) 'htt/ i- f [ti', 1H go it I = -t b, r" and eaelt Mm in 1050mm Audio" - _ - whirl; LII Mt ull you tho uattv--ther" nothing an manure 'No {an of I tinker night's Smiling. jaunt}, spicy girl, With sparkling eye and vary cm]. Ruby lips And Moth like pen}, Who - it's trotd--ond I). can't skate-- at! hint. at tho necessity of your putting you all Around her to keep her from pain ', A “I t--but girl, Y... “In very donut, ormrteirt girl, Ottl ths truest, trimmest, prettiest, "when. wrest. proudest, wittiest, The tirtest girl “at I can we, Tho all of all the world for me t." All uh. "r-"Oh I don't ttlk tlust vny in stoop down. and “shun my skates. "d--ut In tasiaesn-1-o"ll. Oh my! in't n fun t" Thou [in no the ice mth . jolly good this With the girl that I love, and at Ink. (Continued) 1 I. The wit of ministers in regard lo their people. Materials of thought are cast tuto I mun but cmimis forms according to the _ humor or win of . preacher. Among such, the" is the comic drollery ot the preacher. --A clergyman had two daughters who we" much too fond of dress. which was a We (lief to him. He had often removed “on in "in ; and munching one Sabbath on be tin oi pride, he took occuion to mr ties, mug other things, pnde in than. AMI waking some considerable limo on the lubjeei. he euddeuly stopped short, ' " t.--but no tntbtttHutrr. . ”an"...5 like trying, no link-her nptrerttir, and onward again, All Ibo bush " swim, we glide, While I whisper " her tsitu-- “Yon'n the guest, brightest, natal! AMI spouting some considerable timo on this lubjoct. ho suddenly stopped short, and aid. with much feehng and ex- Mn, "But, you will say. look " home. My good friends I Jo look " home till my hat “bu." w tteorsrd w. dab 0'" l lying. All [ox tho time banish all Sindhi is the wail of tho preacher. who gin- nttenneo to tho yearning of his soul‘ II“! tho spiritual good of " Boek in the quaint humour.-A Scotch minister thus diatoms“! on the carelessness of his tlock : l "Brethren, who“ you have the church.juht look down at the Duke's swans. They are van bonny nuns. su' they‘ll be seaming that. m’ Iyo dunking (loan that: heads au' bring theirsels wi' tha clear water till they l m i amulet. Thcnyou'll we them Room. ila to tho short. nn' they'll gin their wings I bit by n' tlsey'rs dry again. Now, my hub. you come hon every Sabbath, au' 1 In. " I' over wi' the Gown} till ye're hilly Whit wi' it. But you just gang aw» ham. agx' nit doon by yum firsssiM, gin you wing . bit ftup, sus' ye're as at, as ua, were in the :dmitness of winery to in! “Motion to the on» ttsing uoodful. -A than»: was annoyed by people taik. lng and giggling. m paused, looked at the Iisttarberra, and will. "I mu always a. Munro“ those who misbehuvo for this "non. Some years mace, as I was punching, 1 young man who sat before no in constantly laughing. talking and making uncouth grimacrs. I pamel and "misuueeed I severe rebuke, After the do“ of the Ionics u gentlemen said tonne. ‘Sir. you made a great mistake, that young an in nu idiot,' Since then I have al. my. beau “mid to remove those who mir behave annulus in chapel, lest I should "rest the mist-ho and repro" another td. inL“ During the rest of the service there M u-. may. hashing girl, A why. any, togniah girl, A huh. good‘nnnred, jollyjokingf, Misehiet.ioving, pour-poking, Toning, winmng. oneness. merry. Tun-in], winning. careless, merry. Dating, Jaalsitstr, sprightly. cherry, Livoly, minimal. frisky, witty, In”, my. panting, pretty, UL/e manic» m “diminish“ by main: dd! m pork, lama!!!” Clerical Facetia. Ill miter-thud; nothing duh o'er the ice-truck a Girl. 1 the waters of their eiidying skate with sorrow and I'll whistle Suns male on tho " humour-o and manifest meme!"- in the sanctuary with comic et. leet.--'No merchants of a Scotch town were noted for many hard bargains, otut of whom we: tamed Strong we the other re- l upended to the cognomen of Wiley. One ; Sunday the good old minister surprised his haters by invoking I. blessing upon us, "for our enemies Ire wily and sirens. u thou knowest, oh Lord." Notwithaund‘ ing the soleumity of the occasion, few could resist a smile, for All felt how applicable it B. The wit of ministers in "ttard to things. According to the wit or humour, things we placed before us in vttriotts u- poets and curious connections, illumined with the lines and colors of fancy, and wind with nice distinctions, Illustra- tire, of this position, there is the singular ndvico given to tho preacher for the deliv- "o of his i1isoourtur--s ( Begin low; 00 on Mow; Rise higher. And mm tire l When moat imp-sud. Be saleouosud; At the and '11 wum, And sit down in a norm. There is the curious analysis of what con. ntitmos the preisuer.--'Yuung gentlemen,’ l slid the Rev. Dr. John brown to his clue of theological students, ‘ye need three things to make ye good ministers-l- ing, gnce and common sense. As " the lenruing, I will try to set you in the way of it; as for grime, ye must always pray for it; bat if you have no. brought tho com- it; as for grace, ye it; bat If you haw men lease with ya business.' There is the curious dissection of what , constitutes a tsorwsssr,uiott.--Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes in a lecture at New York, said ..-"Tlwris are tour classes without which there is no ttudionets--thir appreciat- ing humor, the resisting listener,the newe- paper critic. and the man that goes out. The first is generally a young and pretty to- male, hot not always. The lecturer is drawn by intellectual sympathy to his lib- tenor, but there is a terrible ootmterpoitre in the resisting listerutha is always a male, and bis face is a perpetual negation to all you anert. The lecturer looks on him be. cause he cannot help it; but there is no use trying to impress one who has no ner- vous system, or a nervous system which you cannot get at. The reporters are gen. 1 orally either friendly orindifieront; yet be- ing flvo minutes in a room is not enough to enable one to report all that is stud. As to the fourth Clue, there are some people who must go out, such as those who are under parole to a wife or mother fora limited per- l iod; bat the class I refer to are those who go out by an organic law. The question was investigated at a National Council at Lectures. Some thought the habit was due to natural infirmity; but that could not be, as it was frequently observed in able-bodied men and women. It was lug- gestalt that it might be owing to the lecture I being stupid, but that idea. was proved false by the President, who remarked that he had seen people go out at a lecture of Isis own. The conclusion was that the habit was owing to a congenial disproportion the mind of the goo: out being able to con. ( min half n lecture-50 he went when his was tall." Now, viewed trnm such standpoints, wit, It is clear, permeates things with the es- sence of Iiyelincss, or impresses on things a tine enamel ,' again, among things tint differ, wit intuitively traces a relation.-- ' Mr. Spurgeon, in a recent scmtou--said to , have been very murr--against the practice of eonfeosion whichhns crept into the 'lsigh' Episcopal chmches, said that he had seat- ched every page of the Bible, and could only thul one instance of it. That was Ja. das Iseariot; “but then," added Mr. Sput- germ, "yon will remember that ho immedi- ately went and hanged himself I" n a l: On a cermm oceasiou an umbnsndor from Epims, on a diplomatic mission. was shown by the king over his capital. The ambassador knew of the monarclt's fame --knew that though only nominally king of Sparta he Wtts yet ruler of Greeee--ttud he had looked to see massive walls rearing nloft their embattled towers for the defence of the town; but he found nothing of the kind. no marveled much an this and l brick." "Sire," he said, "I have visited most of an principal towns, and I find no wall reared for defence. “'11, is this t" "Indeed, sirAmusaador," replied Aged laus,"tlwu must not have looked carefully. Como with me to-morrow morning and I will show you the walls of Sparta." Accordingly. on the following morning, the king led the guest out upon the plains, when his army was drawn up in lull but, do annymnd pointiagtrrouW.to the sexried hosts, he said:--. “Tbere thou beholdest we wall: of Spur. ta-ttatt thousand men, and - man a A cough u usually the effort M nature to expel some morbid matter Irritating the air pummel of the lungs. It may, however, pro- eced from an 1ntiarued or irritable condition of the throat. I slight “all or humor often being r,,",",',',',),",??; Let the muse be what it any, t o remedy should be Hagyar0's Factor u Balm. A purely vegetable balsamic throat and lung healer. For ale by all deal- Ion in nodicme. " 25 cents per bottle-UM Outttt furnmnm tree with In): instruction tor conducting the most pram» Ma bani. “uni that “mum- can l nvuac itt. The bath mess is 50 may to learn. and nut inmo- tions In so tsimple and plum. thut uny one cu: utaiw great pmma (rum tuc ' t FI start. No one can MI who u willing to u wk. Women are " tme- eoumll no men. no” and gm: mu urn [up sum. in)? hue made at tttrr human. our on}: ( hundred am an In . dude 'rock, Nothing like it We! known before. All who cure any unwind " tho we und mmdeMLh v id: ttterr.1R" an- Mw We tummy. ulna-cm "ithubi. wduiuyouwuo timq are“ pttSt. You -araittritturvatywttyliu t. WctAbIIHIO [it “who not! mu) Inn", '3»!!th Wu a n om. Att 'ttlh'li)"i trig. )9 “an. In: A Co.. sum“. luv From the School Journal, He's a Brick, 's ye may go about your no» Blankets, Blankets, Blankets! J' .H. HUNTERS Selling at old prices OVER COATS, Over Goats, OVER COATS! A good Beaver Over coat for $6.00 Good Tweed Coats for $4.50. BOOTS AND SHOES CHEMIST and DBUGGIST. FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. BEST QUALITY, LOW PRICE. THY 0C1: American Horse and Cattle Spice. Barham, Nov. 17th, 1880. A LARGE ASSOBTMENT NOW IN STOCK GROCERIES Fall & Winter MILLINERY. Ladies' Mantles, Mééngle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, New TWBEDS. New Colored DRESS GOODS, Black and Colored CASHMERES. Black and Colored VELVETEENS, Plain and Brocade VELVETTA, Colored and Black Silks, SATINS, PLUSHES, NEW Hosrmty,GLovEs', CORSETS, UNDER CLOTHING WOOL WRAP SHAWLS & SQUARES, WOOL JERSEY JACKETS, SLEIGHING HOODS, CLUE D3, FLANNELS, \VINCIES, BLANKETS, WHITE QUILTS, FUR TRIMMINGS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, MANTLE TRIM- i MINGS. All the latest novelties in But. tons. Also a choice Selection of LADIES' AND MISSES' FUR CAPS. We don't ndvartiso any special line, all our lines are spam "he. CHEAP FOB CASH. Dual forget the 11m. t E. d; A. DAVIDSON 3. Durham. Oct. 26. 1880. all!” 1’17}le DllIICz‘rS New Colored and CHEMICALS. Always in Stock 3 Complete Durham, Oct. 26, 1880, Suitable for the season and at Low Prices. LAMP GOODS: If you want Hardware, Mowat's, Lower Town, is the Spot! He keeps the largest variety and sells Cheap. Inspect his Stock of Axes, Cross out Saws 800. &c., before pur- chasing elsewhere. LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES. f YUR SETTS in Mink. Seal &Persinn Lamb, Splendid. Assortment Rock Bottom Prices for Cash. . MCFARLANE, Wholesale Market. notwithstanding the great And a good variety of Issoriiuvtd ofu'cry thing usually kept in . AT Ob' . HUNTER. or' GLASS AND BRONZE LAMPS, PERFUMERY. DYESTUFFS, STATIONERY rise in the and , New Fancy Goodg Lovely Chit}? Fichugs, “UVULJ yum..- - _v_-..v . __ Gretchen Bows, Muslin and Silk Scarfs, Clwuille, Bushings, chiefs, Damask Jo., Hair Ornaments. Back Combs, Lndies' Ne Coloured Lace Mitts, (kc. B'ri11intttt from 5 cents per yard up. GENTS‘ R Frillings 1mm D Gun»: 1w. Jun. -14. - - Wall Paper and Window Blinds. Always noted for Good-Flavored TEAS from 35 cents up. .1 . CAMERON. Who are anxious to have their Dwelliu, by Fire, an do no at ' low rate, an: The Durham Woollen Factory The subscriber wish“ to inform the inhabitants of Durham m that he is now prepared to do Gaming, Spinning, Weaving, Pulling, Cloth Dressing ond Dying, in the latest styles, and at the lowest rates. Done on the shortest [when and in the be ing Yarn to exchange STOVES, Stoves, STOVES ! Call and no before purchasing elwiheru. Cash for Rides and Skins. ORGANS AND PIANOS. The Largest and Most Complete Has just received his Fall and Winter Stock of Goods, which for price and quality are worthy the attention of intending pur- Chasers. A Call is Respectfully Solicited. Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the World. FARME' Durham, August I7, 1880. We are now manufacturing Square and Upright WAN " Correspondence Solicited. Send for Illustrated Calaloguir--- Dominion Organ & Piano Company, COOKING PARLOR BOX from $20 up. from $5 up. from $3 up. All Sizes and all Prices. Durham. Sept. IS, 1879. Durham, 13th Oct. 1880. CUSTOM WEAVING Special notice of the Feb. 1Uh, 1880 MEDAL AND DIPLOMA. CENTENNIAL, ... ... ... 1876. do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. ... 1877. GOLD MEDAL at PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION TORONTO. 187R. HIGHEST Award at INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, Toronto, 1879. Factory in the Dominion, 1- -140 x 100 L. GRANT purchasing elsewhere. We will not l)( XVII Pild FPV Mailed Free. Address---. Ladies L 33;: to his Stock of Geode. the beat style, Funnels. Tweeds, Pull Cloth, and Stock aungu. for Wool or sell for C ash Chew. Best in the Market. 'iiiii/iiyi, of Embr‘qidered Collars, .liu ' Houses, Barns and 1 3113 in a reliable Company Apply to L, John Cameron's. 'A N15 ()1‘IIJCRS Agent i7%hiU%ee Uo., Durham. JOHN CAMERQN. Bo‘wmnnvill, Ont. Us. at. GENTS‘ REGATTA SHIRTS JOHN CAMPBELL. . G/RANT. Truck taken as Cash. ll ARRIS & C and Contents Iniusrxrd hush-t [on many who [my loan- promptly. and we surrounding Township. utr, lersuld and Are selling y-IOS "Am you my relation lo my Siam?" m bin-bod Ind hammered. until the you. Indy Wag pity on him. when! the In“ by saying: "No, but he'd like to be, would'nt you. Alfred?" Card: will Icon u "rut. Mr. R. C. Miner. Dear Rina-4t .5...“ me Imquttired pleasure to bear mummy " the baitefit I hue experienced from “W Burdooh’n Blood Rita-n. For "vemlrai. I have suffered from oft-round“ “he. Haul-ch01. byway-it, :ud compumu MI- iarto my sex, Much now 1 an anti"! m. lined from, if not cured by using only 'IL't In“ I bottle of the mm: t t now " tom. turn an m ailment I or Mum]. to ',U',',1,'ld valtubie medicine. I rennin. yours (manly. bus Mus. In Mttraiouaro. bl“ Matti. In Mta.uiesuatres. Avon) mnatr.--A oollectot of the all an we: in the Itdhit ofjotting down guy. thing new he heard, on the hm of cum, letters. le., end thrusting them into hi. pocket. On one occueiou he had In due. cation with a stranger at a {death he... which ended in the collector excitedly tending the other (in he thought) " and On the next morning the gentleman', thoughts turned on the amenity of vindi. outing his honor, and it occurred to him u leun the heme of his antagonist 0. looking " the curd he found no mun, M in place of it, tweed in good legible chu- ecters, "Nothing should be done in u hurt; but catching Betas." The effect at this was irresistible and the remit WM an immediate reeoneiUtiust. Duvhtun-Third Tuesday in each month, Prieeville-- Moudny before Durham. nsuover--Mondtry lu-fore Durham. Mount Forest-Third Wednesday in ea& mouth. thw1ph--Fittt Wednesday in each month, Enrrriston-h'riGy before the Guelpth Drarstour-sa!ursyy. before Guelph. Eioiw-Tlte day bcfore Guelph. Doutritui--Moudry before Elan Fuir. Hatiiutotv--Ctsul Palace Grounds, up day liter. Guelph. Berlin-First Thursday in each month BrsmptotvrrFitt Thurruitryin eaebtmseth LUtoiel---Fitut Friday try each month. Fergus-Th-day/wp/s' Mount Fond. ttoGmottt--b'iftectttlt of Februsry, April, J uuc, August, ()cluuer Ind Hee.mber. Prirurose--Wedtwsday preceding the Orangeville Fair. orangevilie--Tlte gud Thursday in eaek month. _ 1rieshcrtou--Moudu.v before Gringovil'a, i outuhalk-Tuesday before Ornugeville. t'suerburne--WeducsGy before Urangevillo. l Mtrrsviye-tieeot1d Wednesday in each mouth. WUkeatxrrs--The. Itrat Wednesday in out mouth. Mildmny --. Last Wednesday of and: Tll/ff/ll: (11:113., AND BRUCE RAILWAY CHANGE or TIME hnpnrt Arri we ' BouO North Iteptrrt 6:30 a. Ut., lunuonn Arrive 4:00 p. m., 10:10 p.m. TEIZMWA‘HJI Detmrt Mill. tn., “at: B. m.' Arrive 101:0 I. m.. r.lto p. In. "'tto Mixed train . UI only run on Tull-y. Til an; n um tiaturdata. twat-ammo: loath. Depart 6:55 a. nt., 2:45 p. In. Arrive 1:M p. m., 7:35 p. at Fortune M ittt-diate Mum “no I» EDI‘URD “A“! W‘M In Pres-~13 be Puhlhht‘d I. la... IDS! LOVELL' S Gazeteer of British AMERICA t L1 tin-mic dcwripcium clover 't,satcitim,rtm" mm Villages in tbo Province: at Ontario, Quota. Nun. Emma. New Brunswick, Hammad” Prince Edward [shunt Maxim, British Col.‘ bin, and tho North Wvtst Tendtorhu. Ind m geuerul iuh-mmlhnu. tlratvtt {tum ouch! notageqq' an to the nnmma Inn-nun, qu-nt. aux. of MO! - Luke: and Rivers: " TABLE or "owns, showin' the proximity of the Railroad Bunion", uni in... Luke and River Purim to ttus Cities Tutu". VIII-.- m. ete., in the navoml Proviucots,itto TI‘IIO VIII 5. found Invalunhlm ; and n neat (blond Map of m ( Dnmiuinu of (Human. Edited by P. A. cum-v.”- Iiuwdhy a ('vl’lauf Writers Huhwrinm In. /',,l,'pl1llirl'yr"s'Juyd'i.' Annu- wanna. -rarew.t--.tpiMe .- -seer. JOHN LOYELL & BON, Pub“. Montreal,Atqul.1Nm. Dye Stuffs, Dye Stuffs. Dye Stuffs, Machine Oils, Machine Oils, Machine Oils, Paints, Toronto November W'N French Vinegar, French Vinegar, " em l“ruit Jars. J em F‘ruit a urn. --h'S-- MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS PARKER’S DRUG STORE, ‘OXTAINING theWest Ind mm: In- You-101w»: by mskmu money when . “dam rhuwoin “new. anarchy al- ‘lyl hoping poverty from an“: door. Thou 'ho “WI) :3 tah" “his!” " the good chum tor linking lnulu'y tt-ttrer Od. mutiny become wealthy F while than who do Doc mu mob chum ruumu In gun-any. W. "“11th man. women. boys and (fi,',', to work for us right In their own Invalid». ha hummu- ymlny more an ten times He,".',.', yum I. “I _ ., .-.. _....- - - nu VIII y mun: ulna wu umw 'r.'---". "-.'. 7 (“an unaware mum and all that you mood. (no. No we win: ettgtNtc' 1.11- to - many vary mm”. Ysstt my my: van: who“ an. to an. .monh your - numb. Full ite formation um; um mm bo tsoedrd out (not .14 a.” 1:“ ...u|~ ' Cayman Sta no main): Durham. Paints, Paints, North “he 0.00.,Gnntnn Run THE REVIE Every np I: u Pusan “H.251! Durham, - - On' Pe 'tegetth?et'T and: a,“ an! a. r en. Twomof “limpahozpal " Tim: inane. do. per Year. ' _ . It “no: min-u, per ycu.. . “all col.l. 6t . ' . . (Dual-II. . q4 r"" no. u; monch' . . . . Do. three “th5 ' ' . Cad“ Mvdimmenu char him ter (5' IM handout. an tor “at nub-quit hum IWIN. . _ l ci..rl. Odin", “in! ot hail. "id all kin-h q rue of chap. STIAY AMHMM wok- fue " the ad md O linen. A-lvMenu. me by writt-iwttrttfu!'? Gerted until (urbuld. at“ ratee, TEIISw-OLOO per 'iriiiifiiiiiiis DIRECTORY udawm: 1yeu,t,'Tri)j,il', tre. (Mrs. uh: 'tsash t'"ioF nun c,.Meeaeovr'h. " Winn-u m l u "can now. hlw' mm "-"'r' I'th-t‘h) Ala-1m» rams-r. (out; (Yawn " JWSGIAIJI'“ no." " - B , H. c, 13": l 115;...“ u. mu” versity ' Month-n1, F but"! T'orrt. Dun-n I Aver whim-sci, war n J.utttortord's MM W/f.,'i//','ffr' ”AMM. MG»: Int rerr Ian-NI. where ho u - all thun- that III " I was. All work mum hand In ttse Iuh-ut w l a I ., t BATES OF “(Lunar n: . can E. D. [ACMHJ 1193st . AT _ LAW -- ..‘......-umn: tbu (H i/iihfiiiii'iusw SURGEON, wttturi.Ortrny' a.) nun-Mr) fr Dual-llJbu‘l'h A A. “.U- av" [I T1‘0RN KY at Law, su,', Jan“... '" u nu. Kl ,.narrtuTii..rtf, k 'Ver-'- m“. Pair PBXCI-lVHJJi. cry ISSUE“ of Matting“ Lircrr [Mela-nun" tr.trrtt.Cou1rii""'t I'm. mad “mu-d "rr-.Me.e""y to with vtosoturuil' It “gnu Orr" Front .mlll~"rrl:~~ South End Iraktrs, Durham Illslf\I( )" -% I A. l PALSH‘JG. I'm. . ND he! um (“u 3-»:th " Ill-m»! "ro Quill-‘5' hal- nu hum) ov. 1‘... orrt sun-nu- .mm‘ mm“ nn-l M k In m". K" mm] _ _ .1, _.I._£-.|u , MAIN - w ___-__ In; of sly-aunt tttr "tttts - “mull country. tor on Mm dud-5' tter tm" t u and mrttt ottttrly I.“ tuna. DB. LIGHT!“ " LL be tl his (wire. I Lumber, Lumber, Shingles, Shinglcs. lath & Lime, ii,Eiaiimia BROWN, WA.“ "tttt Bush. Fresh L Durham P. o., M SOUTH END, [Multan k Yard "Na. in ma mumm- “IUQMVEHII- "lrGMtGirreetrtdl.'. an “an“. "Inn-public. . Tim my be“ 1'ttil'd mm “H8 ttttld' " r um F In att', prhcigml BUN ECU-I‘m. Town. mtrttam puma-I, May I’M ‘Wr shut-nut“ ttt I! "and“ -risa"ettt. Fur ”My Fine tirwe M M, only will Lat-ed all. _ only 'li. bar ""d,gtt "SO. The P - not! not [all duh“ tin "ooth. Woe-‘MWP' T25 . .. - W. l iiiiiidcdhgte's tirriate.tBtru, "tard “m." mcmAN nous. 'l, |wluc Ely-M: 1- in "out?" ' um DH, s'".", twiniu-I‘ " trauma» "QNI Ira-ht“. In -. be WW" * m. "M. w 'liiauuiiiyrPee - -" n..." "t-gggt [of - e _ Links t Alexander Robertson, TAILOR, XEDICAL. (hm- be MT '"tt r Wirtr tor the County " Inga-“Jr“! CALDWELL AUVEBTI bl h G “MIMI i_l .r:x"iorr'" g t seyud. DI'XIIAIJ w”: III-tel. f from m u’rl :1: m WO has! - ds Frost. " to all“ r" WWW?“ yeah “mm to and Shoemaker. an, 1nd 'd hunt-m ll leux. m as " hm I wb in ttary DEBRA)! 'ILN an It u we w a" squd_ IVlling a“)... LowerTou-n, at" “tr. m- in FM tt C " W - _.....-- _ V, {or and! and an - animal: Inna-v.9 Pt MIL! Or tttttt n Berk A nil-.111 d th Bonivr um. 3nd “I an. AIM ltd-m: will“ ' had

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