West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 16 Dec 1880, p. 4

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2 0 * «i4 C M\ Again.â€"A good story is sometimes told of himself by one ot our foremost New England orators. When a seminfry lad, he had gone ont, tremulously, to ‘supply‘ a conntry pulpit; and, feoling in his bones oceupied with anything, a slight allusion brings it out without reserve.â€"Architect (who has come down about the "restoraâ€" tion") : "Good deal of dryâ€"rot about here !" Garmious pewâ€"opener > "Oh, sir, itain‘t noâ€" thing to what‘s in the pulpit !" ot sever the old man to Hold his tongne or he woulé be put out. Without moving a musele the grave old ma®h Faiged his head and remarkâ€" od, "That‘s his own !" t t pr may be made by any one t awkward plights. If there eause whatever, a break i thought in the mind of pre panses in the delivery of a vimar Fith the mere come he laugh against the e may make him t He eard was grage that tanght my heart t And graco my fowrs relieved. >w procious did that grace appoar The howr I first believed ! rttention d to rude Seotland then heraised his wig. The revelation of his ‘oviginal head‘ of course brongut forth a roar of langhter, which was groat‘y inâ€" rrenced when one of the natives shouted to ome Of Lis countrymen who were near, Mergy#@0 Mr. â€"â€"â€"â€", he las come from 1 Oc after the t They carry on and enjoy a good joke at A Chris the expense of themeelves.â€"An amusing!|â€" EV A4 incident was told by the wellâ€"known misâ€"| A few days ag sionary, John Williams the *Martyr of Er. | in the cooking se rom®@gn": A fow years ago a venerable| Pudding, the th and esteemed brother missionary came to | them that it wor England, and, being rather bald, some kind | to get the recipe | friends provided him with a wig. Upon| Mrs. Courtney : his return to the islands, the chiefs mz’ that, if any one others went on board to weleome him. ind | themselves. that i the some reason that your â€"a sort of natural weaknes el Â¥â€"__"_ .o (Continued.) lfi.n.'u"!, gwhoqun,m-en of wit, and" the} freely exercise their wit both in regard to men and things; but they often reqmire to use their wit in deâ€" fence of themselves. In such rencontres they carry off the victorious palm.â€"A bumptious traveller. overtaking an old Presbyterian minister, whose nag was rauch fatigned, quizzed the old gentlemen on his turnsout. : "A wice horse, yours, doctor, & very valuable Least that. But what makes him wag his tail so, docter?". "Why, as you asked me, I will tell you. It is for| gh many dangers, toil vaalready come ; ak uld from England with ver t to the missionary, n you left here, an Lr 41 can, if they wit rything gr th la is laughter. «sessod the m all unsuspici ation. 1 1 M m th man hay That‘s Clerical Facetia. w more ind after 07 Cue 11 rt 1d alutati and suaros fe w The dau ginning ind proc it not b 1 t t W1 ibtl r tongue was t 1 to 41 noss during your spare time at gveat | do not have to invest eapital in lt. Wolw risk. Those who need ready money, sl to us at once.. All furnished free. m uo abnawia aoug O 30304 SE Our instrue. tions are so silnple and plain, that any one can make great profits from the vvg start. No one can who is willing to work. . Women are as sueâ€" 0 as men. Boys and wirls can earn large sums. hlf have made at the business over one hnmgdo laurs in a single week. Nothing like it ever wa before. _All who emisge wre strprised at the sase and npldik‘ with which they are enâ€" abled to make money, Youcan engage in this busi. nose during vour nawa stas 24 0 2 TCO 77 200B DQ | A 610 at Give How are you of for Books ? Look out for cold weathar. Oct.1 ne Cnitting Stockings & Sdék-s sione, junr., w Hl, $1 m takin st us the parce] th him a cail and support native n mveterate wa rly off its hin#es and VI M 2 TVZC Turnishud free, with full instructions lor com@ucting the most profita ble busiâ€" nees that anyone can cnenge in. The busiâ€" noss in an aewe 40 42222 C SE 1 Outht furnishud free 4( WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., f t that af 41 it â€" or te: it Fit |_ _A ow days ago when two of the pupils 'in the cooking school were making a plum pudding, the thought was suggested to t them that it would be a very good thing | to get the recipe for a Christmas pudding. | Mrs. Courtney was emsulted and said ! that, if any one wished to make one for | themse!ves, that they might make it in tho‘ |G‘ass _ under _ her supervision _ whore rto i important questi Address Thur & Co L tl they wonld h making it thenat haps you‘d better leave out nuoâ€"(;' your own stuff." m al sermon might be to take that me vice." wn vi ed deacon of the plainâ€"spoken sort, greeted him as ho came down the aisle at the close of the service, with the remark : "I noticed that you neglocted toread the Seriptur.* *Yes, sir," r..uymagd the preachâ€" or. â€" ""The fact was that, eonscious that my 1 and that his discourse was rathor longer than the average, if not too long for the best efâ€" fect, he curtailed the preliminary services to the extent of ommitting altogether the reading of the Word. A good, oldâ€"fashionâ€" D "Oh !" was the reply. â€" "Next timo perâ€" M ittit It wa th 0st improved mothods, lntest st motico and ascharses that 4A Christnias Pudding. 1 fa bas all sitor axo Ttms Litrt® Portsr. r the Accrington train one ctoria Station, Mancbester, I tlo trait in the character of Manchester worth publishing. had arrived by train, and i rather large portmanteau . of marching off with it, when porter detected the Bishop, wvified look depicted on his pution silintly took hold of an with the idea of taking it tion to a cab. But **No, no, id Dr. Fraser, and away he TR a 7 Lower Town, Darham yâ€"138, [# ag secing a heavy door «, in which condition of for sonie time, observed allen and killed some robably be Ining. . Fraser, and away he platiorm carrying a huge with more ease than the : done. _T think the lesson i I thought how many of deem it ignoble to carry a remember the case of a youth in this town who a bulky pareel down the ut to shame by his mnsterl â€"â€"Accrington Guardian. there eold vl Pear Sir.â€"It affords re to bear testimony to xperienced from using ors, «For several years i oftâ€"recurring bilious and complaints peculâ€" now [ am entirely reâ€" l by using only -{)ont tors. _ I now beg to reâ€" anks for recommending nedicine. G water paste. A cloath thtly over this, and the ack over the top to serve ich it might be lifted out the wholo was ready for boiled for about six or day, and will be boiled on Christmas day, a pudâ€" requiring to boil from hours. This pudding il'} irs sincerely. Ina Munmtoura be .a little long, I ventared method to shorten the serâ€" n ! everybody made i Willinm Jobn+ e appliances for ‘ar, one teaspoon salt, one nutmeg, twelve eggs and suetl was chopped until fine as flour, and the ve the satisfuction .of Ives and still be sure tlut‘ lone. It was a new idea Agnsia, Maing *+â€"Bâ€"»+ PD°G ANC,. Lhe yel« s and the orange was 16 juige of the lemons ined. The large blue ‘lthough more trouble ers them much better puddings. â€" The dry well mixed tngether] this n ourtney said that in made their pudding ore Christmas, One n this sugsestion and 11 mixed were be industry Montre i mould with a n well butiered v every ristmas pud is before it such it a 108. raisins s eurrants, the grated the grated i lbs bread on salt, one: L4 it with k clath LADIES‘ AND MISSES® FUR We don‘t advertise ‘Sno kmanial Has 21 Lolge c i ll. Ps LADIES‘ en in a twenty l!t]llm?. Wit Mnabils diuttin simtacitind 2 SATINS, PLUSHES, NXEW HOSIERY,GLOYES, CORSETS, UNDER CLOTHING wWOoOT. WRAP SHAWLS & SQUARES, woor, JERSEY JACKETS, SLEIGHING HOODS, CLOUDS, FLANNELS. \VINCIES. 3 BLANKETS, WHITE QUILTS, FUR TRIMMINGS. DRESS TRIMMINGS, MAXNTLE Triy. MINGS. All the latest novelties in But. tons. Also & choice Selection of | Ladies‘ Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Cloths, N: TWEEDS. New Colored DRESS GOODS Black and Colored CASHMERES, Black and Colored VELVETEENS, Plain and Brocade VELVETTA, Colored sana Black â€"Sill; GROCERIE S PFall & Winter MILILINERY Durham, Oct. 26, 1880, American Horse and Cattle Spice.g! A LARGE ASSORTMEXT NXOW IX STOCK oF 1 TE 0 NARL RJs don‘t advertise any special line, all our lines are special value. CHEAP For CASH. _ Dont forget the place. 3 0 in CHEMIST and DRUGCGIST. ;y, lir a nd CHEMICALS, PURE 1DIRTU C s Always in Stock a Complete Assortine: A full line of Lamp Goods, Tabls and Pocket Cutlery Electro and Nickle Plated Goods. Picture ard Cross Cut, Hand and Buck Saws in endless variety ; Scorâ€" ing, chopping and hand axes, of American and Canadian makes at a small advance on Manufacturer‘s price. Thus enagling us to buy in any market, take advtege of all bargains going, the cheapest goods in WE BUY FOR CASH AT Rock BOTTOM PRICES, To every individual in the yicinity of Darham Textend a cordial invitation to visit my establishment, and inspect my Stock whichis NOW FULLY COMPLETE. The Leading Hardware House Durham, Nov. 25th, 1890 â€"__E.J. HALL. LAMP GOODS: FU ETTS in Minl > C % ,h_‘u, po s s,e‘l & Persian Lamb FIRST CLASS DBRUG STORE. _ BEST QUALITY, LOW PRICE, ii iine Q1 Lamp Goods, Lavrls and Pocket C Electro and Nickle Plated Goods. Picture an Room Moulding. Sausage Machines, clothes wringers, coopers‘ & carpenters‘ tools etc. All New Goods. Splencecid kisszsortmen.t C. McFARLANE, Rock Bottom Prices for Cash If you want Hardware, Mowat‘s, Lower Town, is the Spot! He keeps the largest variety and sells Cheap. Inspect his Stock of Axes, Cross cut Saws &c. &Cc., before purâ€" chasing elsewhere. WiNl Not bhbe And a good variety of Lo J OP UR t of every thing usualiy kept in a GLASS AnND BRONZE LA E. J. HALTLL, Undeorsold. . DAVIDSON‘3. 3m140 and PERFUMERY. DYESTUFFS, STATIONERY CAPS. Sillks, , New thâ€"127 ahte® is beas MPS Dominion Organ & Piano Company and secure Correspondence Solicited We are now manufacturing Square and Upright PIANOS Highes Feb. 12th, 1880 The Largest and ORGANS AND PIANOS STOVES, Stoves, STOVES! all and Done on the shortest not Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, Oloth Dressing ond Dying, in the latest styles, and at the lowest rates. The subsacriber HLVAL ANXD DIPLOMA, CENTENKIAL, ... ... «) 1876. do do sY DXEY, AUSTRALIA, ... 877. GOLD MEDAL at PROVINXCIAL EXHUIBITIOXN TOROXTO, 1878, HIGHEST Award at INPUSTRIAL EXHIBITiIOX, Torouto, 1879, The Durham Woollen Factory MEDAL AxD pHN Who are anxious to have their by Fire, can do so at a low Durham, Sept. 18, 1879, Wall Paper and Window Blinds. Always noted for Goodâ€"Flavored TEAS from 35 cents up +o c of,; CAMERON: Gretchen Bows, Muslia and Silk Searfs, C1 chiefs, Damask do., Hair Ornaments, Back ( Cash for Hides and Skins. Truck taken as Cash Fancy Goods at John Camerégg COCOKING from $20 up. Durham, August 17, 1880 Frillings from 5 cents Honors ever awarded to any Maker TFARMER® AND OTIEHERS® CUSTOM WEAVING! seo before purchasing clsowhore, We will actor y in the Has just received his Fall and Winter Stock of Goods, which forpriceand quality are worthy the attention of intending purâ€" chasers. A Call is Respoctfully Solicited. ALNG PARLOR BO $20 up. from $5 up. from ; All Sizes and all Prices. Durham, 13th Oct. 1880. Special notice of the Ladies is ealled to his Stock of Goods, viz : wisl omrcited. ijend for Illustrated Catalogueâ€" Mailed Free. Addressâ€" st notree and in the best style. _ Flaunels, ing Yarn to exchange for W ool or sell fo shes to inform the inhalit Best in the Market . L. GRANT DBOMENIEIECON 140 n the inhalitants of Durham and tde surrounding Townships, that he is now prepared to do Send for Coloured Lace Mi(t;,’;'&'c:-" f Y EN ATEAIYA per yard up. GENTS‘ REGATTA SHIRTS Bowmanvil1, welling Houses, Barns and Contents Iusured against los® te, aud in a reliable Company who pay losses promptly, Apply to 100 ~*_ _ easgtanto"~ Most Complete Dominion. Agent Western Insurance Chenille, Ruchings, Motto Pocket Handkerâ€" Combs, Ladies‘ Neck Chains, Lace Gloves, u. arres i HARRIS JOHNX CAMERON, JOHN CAMPBELL. mitnels, Twoeds, Fall Cloth, and Stock sell for Cash Cheap, . L. GRANT. not be undersold and are selling in the World. BOX from $3 up. ndher e vibv css 2 7 waute ‘ 3 . NWO devote your whole time t ! the work, or only your spare moments. Pull in ,_lw ‘ lomtion.nnf # that in nanced aert tss Co., Durham |_PARKER‘s DRUG SToRE French Vinegar, French Vinegar, JTJem Fruit Jars, Jem FEruit «Jars, Machine Oils, Machine Oils, Machine Oils Paints, Dye Stuffs, | Dye Stuffs. Dye Stuffs, nd Rivers: a o1l. _0 TE CIC. of over 1,800 Lukes and Rivers ; a TABLE or Rovprs, showing the proximity of the Builrond Stations, and Sen, Lake and River Ports, to the Cities Tonus, Villagâ€" 98, Otc., in the severa} Provinces, (this Table will be found invaluable) ; and a neat Colored Map of tha Dominion of Canuda, ldited by . a, c ROSBY, se sisted by a Cor]m of Writers. Subscribers names respectfully soliclted. Agents wanted. Pricc83â€"â€"Paynble on Detivery, JOHN LOYELL & BOXN, Publishers, Mountreal, August, 1880 T tn Pressâ€"To be l’-bil-l;rd Am ;; LOVELI~S Gazcteer of British __ AMERICA ; â€" In Prossâ€" "UAN & Co., 37 Park Htow, New York Branch Oflice, cor, F & 7th Sts., \\'uhius'u;n. D.© 144 irculstinn thme 2i222 CCQAU UÂ¥ the imâ€" mense circulation thus r\-on. public attention is directod to the merits of the now patent, and sales or introduction often easily effocted. Any person who has made a new «discovery or inâ€" vention, can ascertain free of charge, whether n r{nhnt can probrbly be obtained, by writing to PXX & Co. We also sond free wur Hand Maok about the Patent Laws Patents, Cavonts, Trade. Murks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for limcurh‘ advances on inventions, Address fop the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN &Co., 37 Park Haw x2 v. 0 PATENTS The Scientific American. 'I‘HE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large Firstâ€"Cluss Weekly New of Six. teon l'n{.'m, printed in the most bm1 style, profusely illustrated with splendid engravings, roâ€" presenting the newest Inventions, and the most re, ‘out advances in the Art; and Bciences ; including New and Interesting facts in Agriculture, Hortyou!. turc, the Home, Health, Medical Progress, Soeinl Science, Natural Mistory, Geology, Astronomy, The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms, #3.20 per year, ©160 half yeay. which inâ€" eludes postage, Discouut to Ageuts. Sirgle eap los. ten canke â€" ©.dÂ¥%... .. 2s *CeDIUR YONTAINING the latest Ja RaCC L et e d d PR PRTIRR, 1 ies, ten cents, old by ail Newsdenlers rn-«t&l order to Muxs & Co., Publishe tow , New York. The Best Paper; Try It. ka s CC T PeW Aduress 6rrvson & mExswatin ’ Dopart €:00a. m., 11345 a. m.* Arrive â€" 10;40 u. m., 4:30 p. in. *The Mixed train will only run on Tues duys and Baturdays, PLRSmERToN south, Depart 8:55 a. m., 245 p. m. Arrive 1:55 p. m., 7;.‘»";». Jn Fortime at intermediate stationssoe T Toronto November 1879 south _ Deport Arsire North, Depart, Arrive, West. Depart 5; On and aftor MiG® trains will run as follo ToroXTo (t Depart, 7:30 m. m., 14 Arrive, 10:30 a. im., 8 9BROXYro, GBI RAILWAY Durham. merteres? ies dnatnteid o + D Ts ‘rass June, Angust, October and December Primrofioâ€"\vdnudq preceding the Orangeville Fair, Orangevilleâ€"The 2nd Thursda y in each month, Fleshertonâ€" Monday before Orangeville. Dundalkâ€"Tuesday before Orangevilie. Shclbumeâ€"wedneadny before Orangeville, Mursvilleâ€"Second Wednesday in each month, Walkertonâ€"The last Wednesday in each month, Mildmay â€" Last Wednesday of each month. & io oaconnmes COUPYMEMES TS day after Guelph, Berlinâ€"First Thursday in each month Bramptonâ€"First Thursday in eachmonth Listowelâ€"First Friday in each month. Pergusâ€"Thursday following Mount Forest Rosemontâ€"Iifteenth of February, April ; FERVieWs (uneninresr is dradntat o. R n en dVl ntmuloum\'. extont a y ut Em ith Ee TeT .-vi.llll.l u'(xe sex nl;:y be remedicd by Burdock Llood Bic. ts promptly _ The world should be aroused to the deplorâ€" able condition of the females of our land t The enfeebled frame, the J-de, bloodlesy cheeks, hollow eyes, nervous «bility,and the various distressing forms of female weakness, are matters that eyery matron in 0°r our country should consider, _ All forms of dc} ili. ty and irrelgulm'tiu peculiar to the sex mav 12 "1 380 C200 POCuIA CHANGTE d A colored Lady, bonsting the othe; day oltbommadebyher son in Arith, metic, exultingly said, "He‘s in the mory. fication table," Beautifally 1llusirate(i' 36th WEAR {OCD®n 240 w2 an, 11505 w an. . Avrive 11:00 a. m., 445 p.20, owrx sounp, Dopart 6:30 a. m., 12:00 noop Arrive 4:00 p.i»., 1030 p.im, MONTHLY Deg 20 NCBZ ©sttUnshment in the world. tained on the best to: ms. A #pecisl in tha‘» Mcientific American of all Gnmadl Shrcceus d aniette \s In connection with the tetâ€" + outiic Amerborn, Mossrs. &-l,ir'iwn of Americsn and For. vu Aague 22. 22_ T ovinces of Onturio, Quebeo Brunswick, Newfoundland, 1, M.m:itnlm.“:ntiuh Colum West Territoties, and other drawn from eficial sources® ty, extent, ote., of over 1,800 TANLE or Rrotrrs, showing Kuilrond Stations, and Sen, . to the Cities Tow ns, Villag» Provinces, (this Table will be PV brvamed w ."I(f'\'lD‘A\ .« 5th May, 1870# nL l se ,':Vtvi'}'v‘ Paints, years experience, and stationesoe Time Tab EDNMUXD Whagar Geners! Manag Yadmalers, domit by Publishers, 37 Park and most auâ€" Paints, Jan., 188E Na peo Tuesday, Thu North with the FAlRS, O# n# & ‘*‘THE REVI Atthe Office,}Garafraxa Street, Upj Pratessional and business cards ; space and under, per year, s T wo inches or 24lines Nonparicl Three inchesdo, per year. . . . Quaartor columm, per year . Mali colwmn, ** B2 Une coltumm, * +345 %% Do. six month® .. . . ... Do, three months . . . . . . Casdal advertisements charg Line for the first imsortion, and for @a*%. subsequent insertion €R.$1.251{ not paid within two me Advertisements, excopt whe by written instructions to the nserted until formdden, and c wlar rates, sTRAY ANIM ALS, «e., advert woeks for 21, the advertisement : weed 8 Tine#, mo®#ure, 5> C. B. 3 ACKE®, Ht. A A TPORNXEY at Law, Solicit« «ery, Comunissioner in D. R., Ns Lower Town, Durham y Tth, 187 MecFAYDEN & ROLAL BAHBISTI‘ZI{S. Solicitors in #&e. Oflce, one doer east of the Bauk Untonsst. Owen bound 4 J Bolicitors in Cha Owen Sound, have resu: open evory Phursday s ALPRED PROST, versity, Mont Lower Town . Bentinels, after : ,.utherford‘s otl constantly keap on 1 #%0, Toes and Surp whoritest notioe @n made to order. Me nigy of thanking the surrounding countr on im during the past two ai ? msual willsuppl) bread daily own hamâ€"Office, Briti every month, who upon all those th romage. All work formed in the ls RarIEnENCR, any very Dhurs Durham, â€" â€" Ordinary notices of birt leaths, and all kinds of local ree of charge. B . LifeInsurance Agout, C« sshoin e in Conveyanoer, and AAcoused A#w 49 YardHotol, having comine the abovelins mould respectfally the patronage of the public The very best matorial use or to anything in the cour 'Un‘il. the principal citi United States . Pormer)y Master Shoomaker Mandredth Isogiment . For Summer Trade, Fine = on Boots, only $6.00. 1. als, Sewed, only #5. 1 Bewed, only $4.50, French Stock n Wws Will be at H Aay wad Pri #38"Farmors, M on to with punciu: South End Bakery, Du TiGIZNMTICO»P NA T A . PEX a R.e his Now South of Mr. Jas Lumber, Lumber, Shingles, Shing Lath & ] 1. wnd Muke lfg.on the short the LatestStyle , aund Bov‘s $ iguarrantec YETERINARY SURG 1800 Bush. 1 Residence at theOld Post 01 DURHAM Sewing Machin« he is prepared i Those nachines BUSINESS DIRECT Meney to Lean. C. McFarpes June 2ith Durhnm , May Huap Or TERMS: â€"$1,00 per yearin Ads Dundalk , Mor Pricevilie, 188 «OUTH EXD,. In Laiest Faskions Rogulsuly Nt * RAD ALEXANDER BRQ PRICEVIH S8UER of Marriage Durham P. O TPORNXEY â€" AT â€" LAW, &e. ; MW‘.IM Btome, Uy Frost & Frost. ARRISTERS and Attorney‘s F subscriber is proj RAD Alexander Roberts a l Boot and Shoemak RATES OF ADVERTISIN MISCELLANEOU . CALDWE ‘TAILOR, Is Agont f« DR MEDICAL. DHR. K1 TE of wn Attor: Th Bd n d m B 60 4 MACMILIAN, P M Amnk BLISYTE1 r Wilson & Co. Incturers, Hami l very id whe wb tar r the venp forousih ableand bighit qfayfâ€"rocm . J . NOW NS wW. CRA WIJ dn EU wtr al a PR

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