M Council a, tho It» you" a... F0; IrcyrjirirWdt ichon 33d Wmâ€. c Web's not“, Aih- hi. (th “Dam and made r Dubai", “I“ 'tlaw No. t b, m. r. Prov“ mud Joh- w. Danna Ctsmrutt, “ - of ms to, a - l, " , n cob Mam“... he "ics" ttaol MCIâ€. M Bhg. won rad . m , ordered to so lleef lunch at it: on al and 'IW,'. Wu" in pm lawl nup- non-III if a“ . on! mr-ist A - mic-l and , “I, Mum-24 tion Rainy. had not b... la vnnnd II. at ot â€.000 a I in the tron- }, the sod. M utter. “one! the Ibo-My to Mal-Hm I. Rona Conn“ -'-_ I John “oth- h " MW L. m - Mun in i the and - veg-uh]. Cnllam, “than U, can. Mano-p. g. m. to much. in.“ ma] "port-C-ut, rl'ullum, "eonded - ho Deputy It.“ Junicxpul Electo- I. SLAT my you! 03mph in!“ t In. {and mm“ I! Council. wtid bi. rem-tho ofthe oition. "Kl of PM“. , the“ IT“? that “mind tho Tho their ob mind H an: In. " Inn (to. I In†Act my In" or ' paid h. thr the u. " ac-C'- "cum by i Peort hr ritual, u URE that at s 'the “I" Mull " use!“ com. l." " a.“ “M†H L. - uiy with L of, and rd n, IQ- " all mr. tou. pert. by Mt A protruded 3.5“. than bnowod. dur. inx which Donn] brill-3| impromptu speoehet, m and. h an. Gamma... WV ‘v'-.wli..' nuns wr-n- punt-Med by Hours. Casey. Guthrie, Gdhes, Sutherland, Robertomlwbm’ne) I‘au‘rsun. uBmt},Blako and Sir Rich"! Ctutwright. This being . prints bombers any. the oran- van and " the Mined debate 0- Mr. Thorn- W's notion (or noda- nzunu And Sir Richard Can'rigbt'u g. meudmenno tho I... Mr. “and that the notion be pt Ton tro-l all unelnrih trom Mr. ht carried 0. d no“. peaches m Dad. hr tho Gag: hm need In no “In! admitting oat uoveruulelll tor the mute " Loup bunch t , the arrtuLition of a Shroud: lino new. Michigan to Cueago. After questioning the lowly oft-he Government) alien in â€liming this tender without “this. con- petition mtd then napkin; I contact based upon it, he defended Mr. Blah from the inconsistency preferred by Sir Chm-lea Tapper. He devoted comma-.51- u..- A, Mr th . u was m 1872. and tho How ' i . - - which they huro received tho nine liaiJ‘wny Itl,tt:c,'t','. trusted by Lt: uh'nnrned. Tho mania.“ Mr. Iuweran, w m speaking unrvnch da. with erius of "lost" from tls tend"! the content. I ranches. ur. Mackenzie [allowed and untested Mr. Make £9er “a the Home for more than two hours. IT,. Prim“: out 'tle! mailed of] . . . . u the ‘n-mier rum ion won 2,tre,1lucg'e',i,"tt',,f, ft,',','.'""", till the mit the Home and their full, .0 n†" " e uqnen To.".".".'. . n o.?."" prcsont contract without eve my: he oxproamd regret at his indbpmritimt the second ofter, Ho thtow N which Would provont him from unsung bility of their nation upon Ibo upon all the details, "f the relative when)“ thytt. and left the rote on tt no much alluded to during “a debate, And tty.' ytyeete..tl '.l""tttt: . , . Itiuisteriiu for f . Cries of Quantum. an lashed tht . u. . profs o J'? emu; member." ttroitt tIso. u than; w of cowardice was. bun beam few rennin. Not , ftit2i h" had been unable to spank at tn "vii.. make n yer, not. , 5 m “age of the disczmion. “o had ever np- 'o/ill',",,", a†Wuhan; ttt t 1 w . . ' ' i, IIC. Ttrs ion was mo . , is“! th" ','le,f:',t'Ci,e Ir, 'iii,'.')),?,"',,',!,'? mm. Mr. Mchngnll wrung tr "Y monupoy m tite . urn-West Ter. and innn indignant tpecch di rilnrms. Having sought to mama them sympathy with the gonthmou frorrt tho graNp of the Hudson Bay Com. and :U.elurtd. tosluro iatli. re puny, he would not now bon Party i)'rei Pet action. plucius,rit under the control of n a...) Sir Charley: Tuneup. what fa um u " the Home for more than two hours. IL enforced it. continued “tuition till the clone of his eluqnent perm-lion. In open- ing: he uproar“! rem-qt at his indieitim, which would prawn: him hon wanking upon :11 the details, w! the relative when)“ Iso much Minded to during no debate, and \nshed the Ministerial pron " preferring ~lmrg m of cowardice: animal him beam m tusd been numb]. to speak at All “din mug of tho disczusion. Ito had ever 00- I tender! the contract. Mr. Mnekenlio tooo tbo Home for more on -.. w... - -1." a... “woman†non: Sir Charles Tu per replied that he had the line of who. dolinnd by the Min. only just "agile! "hrlwmi hdh'“ i.d . li ta that th orpmitio tnur tender. but d not w tune to ten it. lying]: . . I . ll: n It'. sub Therefore he could not tell what course c. g dry . m M 'm _ the Government would pursue. 'f"".. 'T.""""' and before PM“: Sir John McDonald moved tbat the mo- for "Mic-thou “that than tho oonhat. tion tor c-mcnmnco of the Paei:ie'Itait. l'roceeding ho “dyad 8irChar. Tnppor's wny ysolutuy shall. have prtetfe.my. each eru'tsulation. renputing the ttttet of the nil- dsy after routine humus: until it udnspos. road sad the "In. ofthe which" to be 'lt ' , . given, and uncaring into An elaborate, cal- Mr. blue {mt l? , a protest ttgainst th, . b th , motion on thy gnmml that undue pasta enu_tion, he Ihom.'d J e“ Tery gur" Would be prefttrliertl to the country's inter. ths’tha Mackenzie contract III memos: ask. The muziuu was carried on n. divi. ndvunngeous in the country. lion. Mr. Valles. continued tho deUtein French " cu t4. Tapper moved the commence in behalf of tho contact, and Mr. Laurie: 011110 1hwiiie llailway resolutions. again“ it I railroad fro ugh American wing nfian] hm" of tl, Mr. PM (Brant) nut addr-ed tho Homo from m mIi-Sydinto "And-point, dealing with the abject 'aurtstismtr in a Ipoeeh ole-van! hours dmtion. m . lnded to tho evident will. by the mink. “nudists hon my apron-ion of Opinion npnn the Inuit- ox donor“! of tho contact In detail and aid that it would - hom I iovertsme Mr. Flynn, of Non Seotia. followed, mowing bow dim-nou- the "option of tho - qorttme would ba to the Bonn. trynndwhtuimmuo bud-lo! " atian “would impou upon ttte haul and other Provinm. l Mr. 1Urhett, who mm» Gail the opinion of Prime. Edvard kind. on- donod the tonal. Sir John 1(on and _ J. B. Pope, Hon-eon. Ind Bud] kid on the tub maul Mu. in nod intending being in can of Mr. CHI-y, M. P., to patch... on. hudnd In“ an. in the North Wm run-story. The dob.“ upon Sir Chan. Tuppu’n Pa. ( cine Bail", resolution: a. mod byl “to Orrasra, Jan. It. Sound patios- wot-pm“ by New 1..., (mum. (II-non trum.;, “I cue. leton Main" the "tituntio. on!» thrndi. At Home uljonmd a one o'clock. OPIAWA. Jan. 12. 'ttt ttt for t K) Dominion Parliam mt. He Mp of the nudmn Bay Com. muld not now hen party to advr tho comm! of I second He elietod an outburst ofmer. warming the sudden Ma .y the Ministtrrialitm for him. t H“. and showed that ther 1:; min" p: muted the naming rm :mxtlltos of 1872mm: {run- unthrnlantling that “I. Met. i, road should lid and null was would increase the ex. Me on " Charles Tuppor'l " ny "aolutions was roam-0d by run, who speaking in Fund: de. tm rum J country. The het of 1874 lot at all' " "Mind. the basis upon which :wero empowered to Ink construction of the tine. continuation of the Act of mined the maximn amount , should agree to gin for Cunlrlsted Sir Charles t tuw unis the construction mm tho Sault Peninsula n Territorveitu his action mdition upon the Grand 'nmpnny lint “my would me money paid by the Jae Riven: du Loup branch " 1 through line netou in tin the North.) might to no "cue them Bay Com. _ W.“ -- nu». u) mowing "I. phle and our!!!†_ frmnthe Lung- and “pm: It from the mug. Chmp, Asthmh, B: nun-hum. [Lanna-And all pectoral ding-u yield to it promptly. All dedcn hell ik-tstat, Maynard‘. cotton mill, " m,†has been hand. Damage. 324.000. Haggardu Pecturnl Bahama contain- no daa. ml mun-mic "yi",',',': is a purely vegehble t-lirast than. t cum t, 10mm the ,thirem, In.) 9n“. -- Uhr, Al I - 'Pruident; M. Knnnedstt Tier l, emu. 2nd Vice; D. It. Dome, Sec I B. Little,Trettsttrer. Executin f Application " to be made to the Lexi“.- Inre of Ontario for a hill to any! the au- triet of Pun Sound in a county under the mo ofthe County of Soguin. I rmmem; M. Knnnedstt Tiee; Dr.Caen. enn, 2nd View D. It. Hobie, Secretaryf J. II. Little,Trcasnrer. Executive Committee --Dr. Lang. It. J. Doyle, Chas. MoP-ydan Geo. 1iowitt, Gs. Miller. A PM": C'axermr.-An one u . I, lot-o. cpl-in; than, -iit'7.f,'l "eG't in harness tn exchange in whale, or part, for I new 6mbelaaa Cabinet Organ or Piano, " l mend hand Organ. should send their? a we. to J. J. V. Simpwn, Owen L..' "t Mr. Stephenson moved that the debate be now adjourned. A point of order was Mon to the amendment as being preeise. ly nimihr in terms to the first amendment. The Speaker made the rather nice ruling that this mondmcnt was in order, became it VII a motion that the debate on tttttfirst nmondment l'a adjourned. The f,trg,itti,. while dissenting from the Span er‘s mlirg, were tptite mttisficd withfhn Potiort.to tyliourn the dohate. It language, nnknown to the Euclid! 'peak. ing ('nnwrvatxve members, “would to the Governments French Candi“ unwort- nrs to Vote down the proposition of the new Syndicate. lwcaum- it is framed in the interest of Ontario. He defended the fi. nancial standing and reputation of the members of the new Syndicate hom the tCttnders of Mr. Thuumn White, and than denied that tho new Syndicate would not construct the Eastern Section. After fur. ther describing the proposal, he said never were . GovernmoniT followers so ruthless- ly traerifieed by their leaders ttstlto present Ctovermnent'i followers were. The newly-elected Miessta of the Owen The Home Adjourned at 2."25 Mr. Anglia, who followed, Addressed the house tor nearly two hours. He ebl re- viewed the stuteumnta made by the Junie- ter of Ritilwm's, rxponiug Unit foreign character to the di.cetarmiou, and Ihow'mg that they were intended to diMraet attest. tion from the real Mme at stake. Mr. Thomas White. of Cardwell, in tt, bitter end Ill-mlvised speech, showed the Gnvernmont's Inn-Lyn] sneeringly assailed the capitalists who signed the second ten- der as being parties to n dispxcxilile and dis. creditnbe trick and dodge. l Mr. Orton followed speaking in defence of the contract. Mr. Laurier ttfretttivMy disposed of the o'jectirms, but they were retu'rirutm1 by Mr. Langevin, who, in addition, sought to con- wy tho rah-e improssi m that the new con- tract did nut provide for tho trntostrnctiott of the north shore line. and thattlle tuning on thn subsidy was to be nude by not con- structing the Lake Superior lecttol. l Mr. c 1rtwriglrt, wlm- failure], . rebuked Mr. Lnngevip for Inning in the French Thc qwostinn was about h be put when “my. Mr. Methutgall sprung (chin feet, and in an indignant spcccb disowued my Isympathy with the gentleman's conduct, and declined to share in tU rusihotuibititr for their ttctiou, ' Sir Charles Tumor. who fo)1owsrt,l dressed the House for two‘lioun ttiron every coun-ivnble stdject "" that under I considvration. Mr. 1'1 die deprecimd the uproar, and puinhul a), that the tried of the adoption w! the I‘r-mlar’s motion would be to com- mit the Hume and their followers to the prc-yonl titdrnet without even considering the wound mar. He threw the roapomi bility of their notion upon the Government alarm. und lvft tho vote on this motion to tho House [intend the country tsttarwaeO, "4d . .... A. .. _ -- __ an. mam-than (Shelbourue) in a non! and htiius,rspceeh, more] an tuuendrmmt Mthuoifsvt that t) enable the Govern. mun t, lay on the wide the new at?" " the, 'rcotMrawtiort of the IUettU thilwty which may have rrem‘ivrd the debate should be Adjunmml. 'l"ito amendment wan greet, with mics of "lost" from the: Ministerial Mr. Bloke enquired whether the Gov- ernment would lay upon the table the un. der made by the new Syndicate yeaterdny, or whether they would adjourn the debate on concnnanco to give them time to con. sider its provisions 3nd decide upon their comm. Mr. Kirkp-Mrick prodigal] A bill aspect. ing the Berlin and Gnlt branch of the (land Trunk Railway of Canada. Sir Richard Cartwright and Messrs. Blah, Guthrie, Thomson lHuldimnnd), Clancy. Gillian, Pater-on that), 'tor, Whaler, Charleton presented petitions - gainst an Syndicate bargain. Mr. " Sir Chan Tapper than noted ti. ab jammm of the debate, which mu carried, unanimously. . . Mm". can". Pntemn W}. and? Mac-annual (Luanda). spoke strongly l grimst the â€new “1}“! â€ulna both, and urged the necessity of mullet ‘dohy. The latter, in “my... hand "ttat the Hon. do now-album. " vole In: taken on 1.20 n. tu., when it wu de. clared lost. by 48 you to 182 nayl, I m- jority mum“ of 8'2. After recess, the yirtitttrial1stt tog).- uiziuu than Mat. jun-l in to. dub}. And a “do til-cunblvu eunurd. the rm that the object. 0:11.56; mu to gun tue. and " ougtho of this MUM) cl 'lllutTrrl, 1 rival Syudwuc a... mi. tt minus 3nd "and _ dba erhmenc. Amciatinn arm-B. Allen; lmc'um- it is framed in the rio. 1Io defended the fi. g and reputation of the new Syndicate hom the ent west a protest omit“! ttts hp mmuml that undue haste Jtdienl to the country's inter. votive, was carried on n. divi. moved that the debate A point of order was ment as being preeise. to the first amendment. i It Preston,Eag..’ F R. MCFABLANE. |ge, £21,000. ' Durham, Jan, 'N, 1881. . I ." and "Call in the tlso,eooelaaion of his A Minis! Itirrcd to 1/?il.'ll,'l'hl swayed orrxwx," J Mi. " of the pppon'tion New wrung†CW OCH-i “I l"iveaiverht A Je,%,t,a'd,fl' iuiif dis?. able one: on hand, and which must below " once to make mom for a ' STOCK. CUTTERS it, SLEIGHS DURHAM Carriage WOrks. kfiiruff biGiiirG7 "x ytEtifepet, "and. I q, WV V1-.-....v...., TA' " .Iltunllv by tho name of BEEN. or any number â€mot. who und in Holmium, can“. [bunt " ven- Mo, will be lttperauy [awarded for Iny in formation that Pa) to their gluon†Dag nul- dmaing fileN 1m. 05 030, no one County. 1mm. U. B. A. one of the ttiris was 'iueytsht,q,t Baptist mluisterbytturutsmg of Rep. in: A “.44-- _--- ~77 _ . _. ' Jiiuoart iiiLLii $178311 P.ruitg A , mount: sud vote; (130 t%iiGi Gi'di't'ir,'i by the 10th (My ot February next, will " that data be mm in Court for Colloction. Potatoes, P" bag Tumipsa, per hush uay, pet bm...... Full Wheat, per bush . gaging Wheat " . ley " . Oats, I '. . Peas, " . Dressed mars, per 100 Butter. rolls. per Ib,... 66 tuhdairv,.........., Durham, Jan. Nth, 1801 Oats, per bu: Barley, " Puma, . " Hay, per ton...... Potatoes, per bag. ‘ Pork, per 100 lbs. Beef, " . Hides, " .. Sheepikins. each . Butter, par lb ......, Eggs. per doz......, Wood, dry, per c Wool, per llc..... Apples, per bag.... F10ur,pcr1001bs... Flour No, 2, " Ct Corn Meal " " Shorts, " " Bran, " " Oatmeal " " Full Wheat, pm.- bus] Spring Wheat, ll. l amil ty, one knpgipg tleLirleretaattts of a wawm. m, rwatinee,oniuiikiaG." an an» daughter of Mr. Geo. Nemstt. Anna“ szvmhtn Durham, on the INh but" Mary Ann. dau hter of Samuel Arrowstnith,aged 7 your: mu? 4 months. BLAH: - In Ghrtolg, Jun.5kh.1981, Mary MnDonlld [Moved wife of John Black. and " an. A [naive of Bouth um. Irtvernoitittiro, genumd. Hum.“ Rummy on the nth inst Emma, halov- ed wife of A. E. Hind ngrd 24 yam", OTICE 1ysrtltgiten that all bank Information Wanted. rule, by tho Rev. C'. ll. Orangutan the lamina: Mr. Wm. Kym, to Mill Smit K; Radium, su of Ruphnsia. Bowemtt-rrorm, On the 11th inst..l:y Ram); A. Neiriarmid, Mr. Charles \Vrek-y Bowler, to Minx Mary Ann “apps, both of Amman. New Advertisements . l MeP.r.r-9trPmtr.--At As ton, on tho Nth Jan. by tho‘N-vJ. Nicol, Mr Hug-Our Helm“. to Catherine, 0140M daughtur of Mr, Malcolm Mo- ' rim, " of the Townrtsip at new», l Miva-ttttsos-at tho P. M. Pr.rmnatro.Mrsrk. {inltylry tyy Rev. c',fl. (Mmpttmp the 13m inn: i Cheaper than Ever. , . c . 'a: JW,-,'-,'?, Je,%,',o'd,ftf,?r'2,t' Nu Ara,--" Banana»- the mime, the was of Mr. Um. Pix-wall, of: muurhttr. V Ladies, if you wish to keep your han as soft ind white and your com. nlexion clear and transparent, use buibourt's Pm-ismn Balm. It cures ChapPod Hands, Cracked Lips, and Roug mess of tho Skin, &c., on'.y cc Ste 25 cents yer battle, and is sold by all Druggxa a. du9. Hung}. crap, Bronchitis, Gold's, (Tatgnrri: and as: of Voice it has no equal. Be sure uni get the genuine in white wnppen. iTaiG7d"s ttmmmr.-, Or it will lead to serious disease of the Lungs "r Bronchial Tubes. Wilson's Compound Syrup 2/ Wild Cherry will cure it fur you now. It u plenum. to “to, contain. no opium or other injurious drug, and is recommended by the many thousands wlm have used it and Been cured by tt,Por!iertser1et, Whooping Important Notice. "Mo-tr h Me bert Policy.†Our dasly leead in sweetest when gained by hnmst (ml. Hagyard's leluw oil In an honest oil, and humanly spnakingz, u cures more can: or Aches, Yams, Latnenetvs,fititt Jointe, Flesh Wounds, Burns,Scald.-. Bruises, Rheumatism, Deafness. Colds, Sore Throat and Intlaruation, than any utber remedy uifemd for sale. No bean-hold mm be without K--blli0 5 I " .. ;" . " r.:::::.") par ton............., 6 mes, per ba,z............. 0 .per 100 lbs............. 5 " .......'..... 4 4, " .............. 7 "skins, each ............. 0 r, per lb.................. 0 per doz.................. 0 , dry, per cord....... 1 1 [ pct lb................... o: 3, per bug............... 0 I Come and see them. Also a large Stock of Blankets for Sale, Cheap. In Suits. Pants, Vests, and Coats in Great Variety and - Extra. Value, at CLOTHING, - " _. --e_F__r___ u, "M...†u. my Pe.i.teeewyyiriryr thr? “a." ai A 609d Choice, and very Cheap, at OVEH‘Ooats, Over COATS! Over Coats ! TORONTO MARKETS. Tonoxro, Jan. 20t'r, 1880, DURHAM MARKETS. Durham, Jan.10% 1881. t,pr'r'oui...... 0 w, to Want, ll. Chaff... 0 96 to Glasgow... 0 96 to per bushel........ 0 27 to " ........ 0 60 to ' u ........ 0 60 to on.-........... 6 50 to " ba,z............. 0 40 to oo Ibis............. 5 90 to ' ............. 4 00 to ' .......r...... 7 00 to each ............. 0 70 to lb...........,...... 0 16 to "z.................. 015 to , per cord....... 1 M to b................... tt 22 to bug............... 0 ,50 to Stop That Cough, DURHAM, Jan. 20th, MArs'ftTED DEATHS BIRTHS. ......... 2 60 to lh ....82 75 to 2 50 to ZENUS CLARK c151 " c., to 1 P2 to 30 to 30 to (it) to 9 75 to 14 oo Coo to 0 50 to 2 50 to 0 w, to P..'; to 20 to 25 to eo tq 18 Ni M to J. H. HUNTERS. J. H. HUNTERS. " 0 " 75 2 60 0 7 50 0 40 6 10 r, GO i) o 50 20 " 23 ll 18 00 87 66 75 50 50 l7 98 99 oo 20 91 A Pew 1ltarter-ausla of Port Wine. $1.75 per Gallon. _ Raisins, i Currants, 1 Almonds, _ Candied Peel. Dee. 15th. 1880. At PARKER’S DRUG STORE, Always in N Fresh Oat Meal Lake Huron Herring, Salmon Trout, Labrador Herring, dx Always; on hand and exchanged for Onto. Grocery and Provision Store FISH, FISH. WA/i, , UST ARRIVED Durham, Jun. 6, 1881 ‘resh Groceries)' ".00“! Pills†superior to ail Emu put atives in arena}: and vmue, In safety and madness ofacxior‘ BURNET’S Upper Town. DURHAM, Ge.d%FiareaoFs%1-i'?u7,Ck"rc,1i r11t; curing Dir-rs, Abscesses, Feveu Sores, &c. â€my." box. 1131prka a; co. ANTED an Apprentice to Learn Currixgc and “luau Making. _ I Has no equal for 'lr, perTarAem cure Ci 7. In. Cold». sore Ma nth-n. Cronin. Mr1t/Jll'lt Cough. iii%'ii'GT/ and 2'aeVFC, at! lung Dlpeasgu. 1CP,yrfrelra1hy.t 9“!th should be Apprentice Waiiiird." tna h A. Farm Prodmei, triiTt),',t,...Itpi'hi,l,l,i, mg, A Large Lot of _itit'iiii't0lift,, LG E {A an) will be, Iold Cheap for Durham. u -e._-F..wa. a u... SOL; Aunts. Toucan. B. MCFABLANE. “-140 $165 iiiGF a Farmers and others Building will find it to their advantage to buy from me. Don't forget the Stand, next door to Parker's Drug Store, Upper Town, 1 Broad Axes, Carpenters’ Tools pf all lands, dx. NAILS at bottom Prices. EjThe Leading Hardware House (Ropes, Cow Chains, Logging _ Chains, Trace Chains, SPADES & SHOVELS, i Chopping and Scoring Axes/ fPaints, Oils, Varnishes Butcher Saws and Saw Blades. Pocket and Table Cutlery, Gross Out Saws, Hand Saws, Durham, Ga. Having purchased the Stock from F. J. HALL, cordially invites all to visit his establishment and inspect his Stock which is now complete 1 CUT NAILS, Very Cheap Bar Shelf and Heavy HARDWARE HARDWARE Also Agent ( Remember the phtee-- on the Ht‘omo and examine my 5 Ee-Painting done And every uncle in the lamina“. At his work has best: wall and in the put " yar- And given good "tutsrtion, he is determined it will do In in the fawn. All work will ho Made of the very best Material and Good 1lror1atanahip, Waggons, Carriages, Buggies Sleighs, Cutters, eta, Durham, January 18th, 1881. The Subscriber wishes to Announce to all his old Calm and to the M public that he in: again Itartod business in the "mover Claim Works in the Eaat End, in the lanlding next to Reid's Hotel, where he will keep on land and male to order All kind. at HANOVER CARRIAGE WORKS . HANOVER, 0m. JAPANS, GLASS d; PUTTY, Very Cheap. Jan. 20, 1331 The Subscriber Ins] will be sold cheap. Iron and General Blacksmiths Supplies, Is the Largest, Best Assorted, And Marked at the Cheapest Prices. A Full Stock . J. ADIE, ne my Stock helm-o purchasing eluwhcn. Agent for all kinds of Agricultual Impiementl Alxvays'a on Now is the Time to Buy, MOWAT’S Bast All kind. of REPAIRING promptly attended to. End of the Town, nut to [Keith Hotel, Main Notice. STOCK OF . F. MOWAT, Buck Saws, Lower Town, DURHAM Hand. Fic: 113.12%. : 45 . MONALLY. the shortest of Street. L5t wnlbalnppytomull my old em a! nanny an: one. u will ("an with Mr TE Durham Show. which prom that In. men an "BOM" at "oo-hu-. Jopp Took Four First Prize: AT .8 per hundred paid for Kid... 1. C. TOPP. RAILROAD OR NO RAILROAD, Durham is bound to go aha-d - so in ROCKVILLE. The largest Exhibition ever held in the County. Repairing (Ind Repninting Of the lucst style: which will he a tht, Lowest Prices. All Work Wartanted to gin ntiafution. UPPER TOWN, DURHAM Have NOW on HAND I. Fine Sleighs & Cuiters Waggon d; Carriage Builders A.JAIIEyi()N 61:60 Done on the shortest Emir-4:. SHOP next door to W. A. Anderson'.. A. JASIRION _ To. Durlnm. Nor. Mth, 1080. "a“ Watch Repairing a specialty. W. F. DOLL. Duudalk & 1mm“. .. These good. are very suitable I. New Years gifts. I h". L, Colored and Bri t on“ Erna, Jule, Loch-ta. Pius sun, Brawlers. Catt But. can &e. kc. Cum“, Cnrd ro-mi we" Ladteo Compruiotus, Cup-I, B mm». Ky-Iu lb, Forh. £lvur Noon-n: Lockout, rum. ac. IIIJ'I. Tum Sena. Cute Brahma, Fruit duh", trons-ru- d i mun Watches, Jewelry. Clocks to Dali'- Wedding and Gem Rings. ti'., flllJfllllnllli, Ml'. X X X Oysters Who {an the (In to In.“ it hon. And “an. the tron It " can. And when w- uel: who â€.3.†1.3311903†, bud-Ix. Demand, 1m. XMAS A GOODS, Gifts, Dolls and Other Toys. --Fflrys'rr.- 0th Who knows no wett to work I Illa, or make a tin any on A while, And than M you with I Italic? John lend Who net tho 1mm on your tlmt mu And WM pttinuy for tho my, And and! uncut the sun. tetarr John New. Who maids your hor, our fork, III-Mu. And an: up your and}; than, yo And hives All Buchanan in the [M , John land. Don't Forget that Xmas in CITY OF MONTREAL Tho "mt, run and Brtmrttott W o- to wmlllluit um! 'ip,'.vlr1tul,udj,teie or "m 2ll van ot .iw xv . u Bert Imam - has â€lulled. I'd-nun of Advururln‘ â€Iâ€. upon mm. JOHN LOVELL t aux. Publhhan. 1rrls. M(‘J’)()NELL Who uhod your hnm ttmt of I" Thu 'M, could lumbar mp not (all. But an" ." held that they might Run] ' John Hand W110 works tor Yunnan night and .1" And at": mom ovary chum; to M . madam bi: work tho Bosh-:1! - John Nor-n! ~~ma -adrR""ar ol the BUHMII and Proleuiuuu! mot: in my I Torus. and Vin-4a ot Dull-nu, with n t3Uittestt Business Directory of tho humus: and Prob-,'...,. t "m.... g. .. . mm _ In)“; Prim {5.00. NIB. LOVELL, at the Te", of nem- A at March-ah me "than n tho Pronun- of Ontario. ot the cLV of Manual. "rla,1 trap noun“ that M: an. “ligand. a PI. “MI or '.2i2Se' DIRECTOL " in New Inn: mm " .. -- -._- TORONTO John Norval on the Gore. cm 147 To be Published in Province of Ontario Directory - I“! '0’. 'rontreutgroe. um: "u.- M ““11 In,“ " I'-, n Colon-d I'm. in “or: numb“ and many 'l'g2tfeiitiiriitTr. tl 99 . ."'":, m. mm V1.85 I“. m “an best In trm um. Tho Flu-l Gum. mu to“ bow to :4 and an: than M'I flower and " cuwcmlll M6001.“ than & 'ir.'tl,P't, Form in tr, can"; out) mung-m r 11: no“... at tut, Iron 1trtl is rm Hagan Boo?: of Mm Pig“, Ono (‘olound Flown “w, M .0 “In“ tttt H24 'htTatety, yf gun but [19:91! Bad w Years gifts. I in" bought " togolher for m“. on!) and will sell at bottom prices. it will pay you fo give me I call. Ma, opened out Alphabetical Directory yup.) no... = \‘leli'I-i Illustrated Floral Guido “In“. Thue I year Ptvr, Pup“; s'trtsttt,t.aae um turnouts, I Ill DOLL, Duuddk gingham} in COMING, and that Fancy Canadian Km“ AND A THOROI'GK Just received W,‘ _V_._-‘. run! lw-I‘i“, I Berni. I‘ll. I'ICIJMI-utxt LOVELUS 185333}. tond Gi' rru. Inclw,'rvr, Hu- cahwhnunl tiaiii'd Iu-n. Thor an div “on! c" IU/ye" 'rhrvtt " orrsted M "l'lmmu' Ind 0le morn from tre up, War TIHVV'. CHIC Till!"- “'A'I'C‘llltl Gold and M'vorllunl- ing and 0an Fm Alumni“! Si' m wOnd- E. McDONELL 'ra: mourn , JO tt KOIVAL "NI: Supply of Novesm'r, la81, ttbtinh I "6vikFii .h Non-Ibu- no“, 'or an Ind sold " lot of na.G "I Ln? mu