A, 2/ , .1} .i'm rhe lan-Q‘Wuiuu of the "an: "lurr, 9m " mug?" Ems: the making of all Public mu bompu‘wory; and the mm: Mailman! during the Kohl School " the traehtrr, in literary subject: has been raised Mt that new. a long course of study u re- quired to pass a First or Second chug ex- auninutiun or “on a Thinanr has the pro- !elsionul "iunlitierttions of teacher» been over'wlml. Normal Schoob no [lovidod " First and Second 'clus when, and db County Model Schools " " went on- ."st on our better Public Schools, us doing new work in mining Third do. low-hm. " a minimum Mammalian:- iently " could be expend. tht “funky nystem n" Education pumml in m and IF, “chock of the Province by yea the simdanl of prolitul “when in literary subjects hum h port for WN, just laid on m Lambda Assembly of O Mini Elli" elt rry tl TIER“ th THE REPORT ON EDI with the M. be Greed thr â€In of the en Count miu Tum hr ""1 In tl â€at mare SM! r of Educ " of tbe County. w. luv. to mom the Dock: on “10th honor this eonhmd upon him, knowing that the dig- nity oftUoitiee will Dammit: his hands. THE REVIEW. Alum-Taylor. q.'. I. “In... Alvin-In 'J’ehlcv. to“! 1 . fol-1 until. Halt! so"... Agants for the Grey Review. Durham. January 27, 1881. an sud the jun tir f m rd M I .Dr. Chm has ban “and Warden ants, m with u tl Paul Syndicau will nah Parliament. T mtry have never bee dt tlmt tl Jii'jiirii)iifiiiiiy., ll. report but m all hands that ou have been I u: muniv'pal doings, ad r the mmplaint in ths P, "Br, Ilicate will no (Imam, uncut. The inter. v never been allowed party victory by the pla all vesu'ons In mm, such your! ex -virtaally Amorimn 'ttwie Med 1 sro " porn "tr Printing. Git-Belg. M.ueeias. [In-m. ed the line inn; ; Tune of Sittia.e Bull's chiefs, with iiitrl an 'lohrusre reported on the way to Fang!“ Bahia to ' ender. Sitting Bull himself, mg with S2rgt United to have "want I as I ‘Still they come.‘ WUtt The snow 1 flakes tho roads are aching bad. Farmers are being odrered from four and three- quanen to five and a half eta all). for well fed and. live-weight to to dolivmd in April. Gne. “undam- ther do: Alexu knee, cutting wrough pants and drawers and tuakiug a. very painful tear the wltuliwidth of his log sud downward towards the calf. The horse nu taught about 100 teetotf or the oomqnoucumight lava been more serious. 'ur il A. 'l'umcr a: gale Standar dc m u ll wh A 110:4me Tstrur--.0n Friday even- ing, Feb. 4th, a Grand Concert will In held in the Town Hall, Durham. The services of Miss; Whaley, of Orangeville, a singer of more than local report, have been secured tor thin Luann“. spun! I...1:-.. “A My H SI u, slipped and Lruku his 103. which was anemia] toby Pr. Ghent. He was thin to walk unaided in two weeks. The wry successful issue of this care reihutts on tl THY. A known» Tstrur-, tlr M' and credit on the surge Tun Masonic Aswmblv yt It ti teacLeru in prancing tsr their work; it is t) the "01 mutter cf regret am they are not. better hir u? paid. m. lam. mm Repeating the had the avenue anr.ual sal-taid to male “when Aslly kn in ouuies in 1879 Bars 8383, being an in- openird crease of " per when and tohmaU ofDroa when!» - day paid muted qhsir " only to .249. The total ntuntor of school. ing “HI ropnmd was 5,123, which have how taught tutil lull by 6.596 teacher; of whom 8,158 were ing Tet males and 8,443 fenmkl, and which have when m been attended by 487,012 pupils, of whom i was on†259,056 were boys and 227,956 girls. The ( the mun tt at arm to relieve the Priueipal. We would suggest in addition that than) be only one session in my om, year. Considcting the time, labcur and expense now required of ' until next r, D tlr mu meeting of hum] Societv v i work; he has Alex. A. Le a very painfu skidding logs 5. m had tm " about to 1 Were present item Mount For. rtou and Ptieeville. The Hall my decorated. Tho music was usd the dancing was kept up to '. flu-cry one soomedto onjny night of Dornoch. ,ils comi lab: Stand, to 7 C0t1glt or Tsink,' oboe, would call it “0‘ ordel of the day sun old and , art of their tim rum Ml t La u'nli 'go number of ladies a I present item Mount Fr ni l fort ml ti blacksmith he Mchughy d Other Items. surgeon in attendance. 2111b! y held in the Town g of the 21tst, was a de. '1: it is a. matter of re- uur uwnspeople were re ft urning. " ‘por Review, lat while skating Mr. George Simp his leg, which was Jayed Ellis, ll. I )elognte, (Home), Clouds at 75eta and given. Admission, 10c. Proceeds applied w. Hookah. [to purchase prizes. Judging from the tal. . , out that is to be had in tho section a good new. luczil matters, , time may be expected. an†as tlcis Weclt The sawmill has at last arrived at Dro. iits,e, ladr-, Manila, more, having experienced grout dimcnlty and: Ora-Coats in bringing it over from Um-riston. It will be put up without delay, when the proprio. le on Tuesday oven- I tors feel eoniident that they will be able to r035, the attendance . satisfy the most incredulous that, although receipts amounted thrsy cannot saw a IO tt. scantling, out of r. 12 ft. saw Inc, that they can manufacture 'f the firm ochssrs lumber of whatever size to suit the public, ., l’ublisucrs or the , without (lunar of "panning the angina, or view, has, retired I doing the 101 tLings that is predicted [ Is on Tuesday oven- rcss, tho attendance receipts amounted tl l f. ll y at present, young, ein, or: in cough- uk kost' as t, has been and unable " Cochran!!! attend d Gres, 1879 W» 860, an. and reeeir. 81343]. The " tucker was lit very who! ‘4' late. the erection their mail Uark agri, 'accusc a man, and another to prove it ti L Hall, I Cqurt. People here have got so much used c 19th to wind storms, they don't frighten worth mmL’ncent. There is one thing sure, if the! Hunt, ductedhuvo been guilty of breaking the ; 2nd law, some of his opponents have mum so. an. 3.! Ihavo it on thu best of authority that“ (osialt I tho T. G. 5: B. It. Co. intend to pvoeeed at I liuth- I once to widen the gnugo' without asking Thou. any furthcr aid from tho municipality.’ {The work in to be completed by next fall. ' 'uwn ,1] y...“ emu cu. Anni. -------..--.., I The New York Pant “ya that the con- tinental Railway Company of that city In! [waged to construct I. new trunk tine from New York to Chicago and Omaha, i' my“ the Statues to Chichago 786 miles. \___:_-tmn "‘“n . I 17, of I Oar school is wall attended, from no to F 120 attending. Mr. c. Ihaharu,from Dun idnlk, ia employed as teacher, for our sup- ‘plixuoutary school. And Mr. August ls lagrtia elected " trustee having filled that 'offiee tor the last eighben you". _ I find fur the lust fortniglst wheat has *beeu solhug at 'o'tasaer Creemore at 4 to ‘5 cts more per bushel than in Shelburne or Duudnlk. In it owing to the facility of l, the Broad Gauge or what? _ against 960 by the (louungvI 'il' "m" hues. Show l I am sorry to repdr: the death of Wi Ichater, Esq., one of our oldest and {respected settlerslns death was yor: ’oxpcctud, and his family have tho I pathy ofall that kuowthcm. The lid on: of our county have lost a sh. iitc/c':, I have heat.) that Ian M be one of 1110 new magistrates about ling appointed for the new county of ferin. issued on County. Mrs. mm- wus found lying on the road only a. few rods, from her homo in a dr. ing condition. I have not heudthe Yer. dict of the Jury. ' 'res "-C-""e" -. a.-. nun. We hope they may succeed, as tho success of tho road means prosperity to tha entire country. I The Skating Rink hero is well patroniz- ed ; every evening it is crowded to over- tlowing. Everything is carried on in gen- tlernatdy style. No roughness of any kind is allowed by the gentcvel John Hambury. Duudalk, Jan. 2Wa, 1881 an mg ot the council in Cedarville. Severn! of the old council were presentnnd remem- bered. The old man had to “eat the leek." I believe an action has been itsatiautud to unseat the present Reeve. Tho charge» are pretty numerous, bat it is one thing to accuse a 1mm, and another to prove it in l Tho new Council met at McCullough's ! Hotel, on Monday the 24th. Members all E present.’ It was assorted at the nomination itlmt the Treasurer had not submitted his :lmlf‘ycarly repurt. Mr. Vert was referred _ to when he said “that it had not touched _ Lim,"---" very important matter. Mr. Ca. l vnnngh, the Treasurer, was present nt the council meeting and was asked if he had made the necessary statement last J mm m required by law. He stated most omplmt- I icnlly that he had done so at the last moot. ing ot the council in am informed the ‘y xlzursdny the 20th inst. at the panorama I i"cieeri0e. married by the Rev. Mr. Bark. (well, Mr. George A. Moore, of Bel-town, Harmer, to Miss Annie Hopkins Glenelg. I We hornhy tender our hearty congratula- ltinns. We wish“ was us. l Quite an enjoyable time was spent at [the house of Mr.J. Adams, on Monday evening. by the young folks of this neigh- borlmod, who meet from house to house once nweek for the purpose of singing. While we were there, they seemed to be enjoying themselves “immensely" in tho onlivcnina art, we cheerfully recommend the plan to the young folks of South any. i Again are we owed upon to raise hats and harrah for know ya, that Thursday the 20th inst. at tho nnrson 20m '81 It was announced that a. Tun-nicoting would he held here on the evening of Wed. nesday, 2nd of Pob., when the Rev. Mr. Barkwall will lecture on the anlg'ecbi of "Love, Courtship, and Marriage." Admis- "rton Me. Doors open at 6. It was also announced that on Sunday he would preach on "Satan," and no doubt the "Ole Chap" will feel complimented. A School entertainment at S. S. No. 18, Egromont, is also on the lupin, when dia. lnznlr, rocitntions readings, ote., will be given. Achurcsion, 10c. Proceeds applied to purchase prizes. Judging from the tal. out that ii to be had in the section a good :ninst it gun“ uppmusc, wuxcu and. every one pro- seut felt "tisfied with the result of the meeting, which was closed by the Rev. Mr. Barkwell pronouncing the bcmedietion. normed the proohmaion was Saturday declanng Marin I Earnings Mills by the game}! prtoriaui, Mr Dundalk Items. ~>o0n¢ _______' ' IUAHIEU“ 116:: we doathofWillinm 3:3;ng ue of our oldest and most brother a .th death was very tut. Were talo sis family have tho sym- in the hu mowthcm. The Rubin: Indium y have lost a thumb [Peruvian 'tt head that Ian wa, m 4 Mit.dr,rc, w magistruoa about " g tles wus 1 the new county of Dat. I Lims my I person of all nttondeJ, from 110 to .- i. C. Gmhuerom Dan 1 Fun A! Dromore Doings. And Mr. Angus? lsgjél; upon to mise our Luto, _ â€V . "u. u. uv vu mm; W I and 1.1.0 building, together with its con- ltcnts, “(as Cullhliwill. We understand that '5: Mr. llil‘f claims to Lave lost 2 cutters and 30 l 2 slcighs in ewnrso of construction. also the *0 matemi for c, buggies and two wagguns, ’f together with tools, We. Formuatcly his prize buggy was not in the shop at the 1 time. There was an insurance, we hear, '. of $260 on the stock 1131 9150 on the build- '. 'uyir--thwtutaeore a An exchange says: Mr. H. W. Longfel- b low can take a piece ot paper, mite a few lines on it, and it is worth iittr dollars-... that's genius. Mr. W. Ir. Vanderbilt can write fewer words on a piece of pipe: and . it is worth titV million doli-tutuetspi. I tal. A country editor can write all over , the paper, and it is not worth as much " , it wu betbrs-.tuv, poverty. [ The Hula-Layne): me has bun do I “My P0'tportedauttil the Uth ot nut.‘ ' month. an“. "Una: ul 5...; w" ttrot. l 'i'etwhvr's om, rem! iturl.orl and like wm- i tltcwn to (1mm L fit." , proumtrul in) in Mud ESPCII. others t.) l '50"! is wus c'ul"u silk 1;; to Cuts. Some took n.“ ._-- l , , I Fun: " Douay.“ I Friday night tho LIL Dumas AYERS, Jan. 21.- attncked and completely (10R vim: army at Ilimtioreis. G President of Peru and Chief liiiii".' Tho Chain“ mm“, I in the hunk- of Clmrillas was 7,000 killed rcs'. 2,U~U'U isiisottcrs. Twoutyaro thousand Perirr,nr, were engaged in the battle of Mimi us. The Chilian loss in both bat. tle., wushcavy, Tho diplomah'o body in Linn mgr. MI armistice, and ask that tho person of Pictoia ho taupeomd. 1 on u. was uithct dance or take tlie consequen- , cos. Some took the consequences, which we are told were terrible, much more than I they expected from a female hav,d. Some , took the dancing, which we Mo told was very comical. Now, Mr. Editor, is it a lpropcr performance, or a proper punish. lmcnt during school hours ' or is a teacher‘ 'justiiicd under the circumstances for pat. , ting her pupils througlisucl: an tolguificd course of instruction ? if so, we would sug- ‘gcst getting J. H. Hunter, M. P. P. to up- ply to tho Minister of Education to have it included in the School het as one of the compulsory branches of Education, so that children of all soctions would have the some advantages. b'nt,---The usually quiet village of Prieo. ‘villo was thrown into most intense excite- . ment caused by a new inuovativn introduc- _ ed into the School by the new school tuis. tress, styled "Daneiug by all NMaomthties and Crowds." It seems that daring noon hour tin: tr 'P' had been dancing in the patch of tiw achool, which, coming to the 'i'ev.clvr's can, she callod them into the AOL-ml and like Herod of old, commanded them to llama 'ruforo her. Some of them pranL-(l mum , they came to learn to spell, others to write, but all to no purpose“ To Me Editnr of the Review, v. The cuurse pursued by the petition. ers is just in reality an attempt on the part of two or three individuals, taking mum. tage of circumstances, to drive away the minister fiom the Congregation co 1 r ry to, there is good reason to believe, the feelings and desires of the 'r0tvgmtutiotv,--an at~ tempt to which, it is confUsntly submitted the church will not, and ought not, for various important reasons, to give ltr, i sanction. ' m. There is no need for another tron. , gregution. The petitioners are not numer- , gun, and those of them living in the county , could all pr nearly all as conveniently, I some of them more conveniently, as re- [ gunls distance, connect themselves with one or another of the congregations of our church in the neighborhood; and of those livmg in the town there is only one iudi i vidual it is believed who could have much .lieieulty in worshipping iu a church where than is the nee of on organ. But besides this, the congregation for the school pence expressed their willingness to remove the ground or grit-mum, thus leaving the po- titinncre no basis on which to prose their petition, nor the Court ground on which to grant its prayer. IV. The organization of another cen- gregution would be highly injurious to the interests of religion in the place and neigh- borhvod,-a consideration to which every other must be subordinate. Nothing it _ may be confidently tufinuct1, has hindered or is fitted to hinder the cause of the Gas- pel so much as the state of things that ' would necessarily be produced by the or. , ganizMion of another congregation in such t circumstances. t 11m. jr, W ar Pa South America, I u. There ia not room for another cou- gregation in Durham. The congregation F, Durham knot large, contistlng before “he disturbance that has taken pluo of only about one hundred and sixty members, and the tiuld is a very limited one;-the population of the town, itis unarstcod, [ being only about one thousand, and there, being besides churches of other donomin- l ationa Presbyterian churches in every ditvsu'ou.--Nortu, South, But, and Won, --u a very short disuuce. In these eir. cunrauuces, us is notorious to every one acquainted with thoxn, number congrega- uon could be formed only at the expense of the present one. l. The muting of Presbytery ttt which the case was commend And desk with ma I mall on, math: manor†gnu: the petitioners for the organization of another congregation against was carried only by the casting vote of tho Madonna: pro tem. The following are the reasons of upped to tho Synod of Toronto and Kingston nguinstthe decision of the Myâ€! of tiausweu granting the player of I petition for the formation of another cougngntion in Durluuu-s motion to that effect havingo l-eon comm] by the casting veto of thal, Moderator pro um. I The Organ Question before the Synod. 19utmLaic--hboat 1 o'clock last n tho blacksmith shop of Mr. 'r., was discovered to be on iire; Ewing. together with its con. uusumixl. Wit underglnm‘l "p 51:3,Jun. 2L-T1m Chilinns completely defeated the Pum- ?liratioree. General PicroU, 'ern and Chief of the nrmy,’ ilituss occuyicd Linus without' the 16th inst. Piorula's to p, ravinu Ministerpf war! isomers. The Peruvian loss. -rm Priceville. Mow-Hum mm Its con. l. We undersmudthnt Lave lost 2 cutters and au th female hav,d. Some , which we are told was (ow, Mr. Editor, is it a nee, or a proper punish. ool hours ' or is a teacher it) circumstances fur pat. rough such an tutdiguificd ion ? if so, we would ung- ours, ote., leaving the pc- l to pram their ad 0.: which in Pstoometss I Tue newly elected Council mot at the l Town Hall, on 17th inst, pursuant to sta- I tute. All the members present. Each member made and subscribed the declara- ; lions of t1ttalifhsatioa and offiee. ! The Reeve appointed Charles 1toitat in l .....1:;, __ Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded by Mr. Glencross, That John S. Black be ap- pointed assessor for the current you It a salary of "6.--Carriod. A By-luw mu pass'od 'soMrming thi, foregoing tsptroitttmGttu an auditor for 1881 at a glory Curried. . The Reeve appointed Charles 1toitat in auditor. Moved by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr.. Glencross, That John Lyons be appointed an “an-.. A" "...- . - Moved by Mr. Neil, ' men rcrnrrod to lots Nos. 12, 13, 14, {and IIS, narth of South Street, assessed at owr 920 per new, and compared them (iii:' tho ndiuiuing lands north and west, all assessed at $10 pm‘acro, with {he excnp- 1lion of one lot north, rodncod at Revision Court to something over " per acre. Tho Pttl,lie will ttow see whether there wns cause for complaint or not, and also it _ the Council has followed the statutes and sign]: off tho extra taxes as directed. I have given a fair ahtement and refrain front comment. Let the Public judge their actiom. Ot unduler's street. containing 4 acres, tut. sessscd at $160, and compared it with lots 8, o, and IO, south at b'aMler'g street. each containing 6 acres. assessed for $100 each. There is on the premues a dwelling house, a frame Iran), and a stone stable. I heard voices in the council say it was too cheap, but Hwy could not help it. (This property b longs to a member ortho council. I then referred to lots Nos. 12, 13, It] and 15, north of South Shoat, assessed at UV“? 920 nor nm-r mm im.-..---, , A- I I next showed that lot No, 6, thsiatraz, street, a vacant, unonclorod lot is assessed lfor SLED-Am] commrml it with the fol. lowing lands : lot No. 8, Gnmfraxn street, enclosed and a house on lot, auossed at 5100; 10 Albert smut W. Mo; No. It, Albert street. W. Mo ; Corner of Elgin and anbtnn sued. No. 12, $40 l Corner of Iiineardim, and Lambton “roots, No. 18, l 540; dn, No. 12, em. I also told them, that I eottratrd 2t Iota at M each. but dill not look up tho owners or situation. Sov, ernl voices from the council said they knew them but it would not he so another year. I next referred to Park lot No. 8, north of Saddler's street. eontaining 4 acres, tut. sesswd at $160, and command if ...m. ht- I After the Mayor had nevi my petition to so the Council be stated that he believed that i my cum had been decided on at the last h Court of Revision. I answered him that co it had nM, for wlmn he asked me what I J, complained off, I told him I could not for. I' molly appeal as I hml not received my 1; schedule until May 22ml, eight days after a. time for appeal. I stated my complaint, of it, I which the Council took note and promis'td u to do justice. bat took no further action, ( though the Mayor still persisted that it hurl I . been decided at the Court of ltcvi~ion, till a convinced to the contrary by the Reeve. - The Mayor then stated that my petition , to the Council had been disposed " lit the t last meeting of the Council. I raid that it I had not. The Mayor maintained it had ; . I asked if there was any record ofthmr pro- t needing: on their books. The Clerk nu- . auroral] that there was no recon] of it in l the books, and that there was no action taken on it. I then pointed out that the I Council could take no nation on my peti- I tion at their last sitting, on the Clerk noti. fied me that the Council eat the first Tucs- . day in every month, and the fitst sitting after "calving my petition would he Jann. t ary 4th. On January 8rd the Clerk told ' me that the Council let some days post (of ' 3 which I got no notice), and gave me a no. tice in writing that there would he no mect- '1 ing of tho Council on the 4th, but on the - 17th at 7:30 p.m. I then called the attention of the Chan. , eil to the revised statute: of Ontario, chop. t, 18), Sec. 67, wherein it is stated that any f), uon-residrnt may petition the proper couu- ir oil before the lgt day of May in the year t) following that in which the nqsoeelnont L . made. And ifthe [and shall be found ta J" have been ascensed M per cent. higher than at . . . at other Similar lands belonging to residents, the Council, Judge or Recohlcr shall order the taxes rated on such excess to be struck ‘et off. put I To the Editor of the Chronicle. ilm,--hir you we're at the Town Council but night, and heard a resolution passed, purporting that after hearing my complaint it was found that there was no cause to complain. I hope you will be kind onough to give the following an insertion in your paper, so as the public may know whether I had cause to campinin or not. I gave a letter to the srdstor of he Chro. nicle for' insertion, so that the whale plo- euding'might be “on to the' piWe, but he requd to in“ it " being too lengthy. If you would be so kind as to insert the tol. lowing letter, refused by the Chronicle, I think you would be doing justice to the public in general by showing tlm unfair proceedings. and whether there was room tor complaint or not. I remain, i Yours respectfully, I Jas. Mchn. I I (111190520.qu ot an: my but {petitioned to be equnlized with other property in Dtrhtun, not qply on Lot No. 6, but on other property which is overlook. ed in their resolution. _ '?ntc-Asithn Mugs of the Town Cyuui. ou'Mumhy night last, there III. a. Nation moved by Mr. Anderson, no? ended by w. Bull, Tlat this Council .hsw ing heard It. bloom-'1: complaint of over mamant, no of opinion that there is no ground or reason drown to reduce the M. soument on lot No. 6, Crarafraxa street Wtsst.-4hxrrud. i Glenelg -e (Mica To the editor of the Grey Review. Yours tzspoctfuuy tried Town Assessment. _ 101150 on lot, auossed at stunt W. Mo; No. ll, Mo; Corner of Elgin and No. 12, $40; Corner of mmbton “roots, No. 18, , 915. I also told them his at M each. but did was any record ofthotr pro- jr books. The Clerk 1m- Ire was no record of it in that there was no action seconded by Mr, g Arms M03133 of M.60. uta and prominrd t , further action, i, rsistod that it had t t of Rovidnn. till a: y by the Psoove. at that my petitionl§ _ - __-~ "'"'u""'V. That the collector be instructed to col- leet the mean of taxes on Lot. 28, con 8, S. from George Parsons less H5 by him tv1'fgty in road work and tstsrbiiisd by J. thers. J. TAYLOR, Chit-man. Mr. Suggitt smeared before the coun- v _ v -- "_"".". .. EW. Sing, clttxirmtun--iuport Received. The Com. on Roads and DriJges minded in report No. 2 " follows, which was re- eetvmr.--- Com. recommends Council to wept terms offered by N. of B. C. M. Co. i. a. to pay 025 and fence deviation through Lot29 Con 18 in consideration of right of way muted Ind deed to this municipality. That n... --n_Ai, I . . . 7.. W .. 1,... l That the Beta. of J. I'u1uteriord, 022.42 for Munici w! Stationery, of W. Lang 01.2.5 Fixing Ballot Boxes be paid. That the application ofAugus Bell, Esq.. lk Lot 73. Con g, N. D. Jt.; of Joseph Maxwell for assessor; of offer of Mukdnlo Standard to print, to. In laid over for further con- xiderntiun. That " each be granted to Glover and P. McQueen indigenta. J. R. Sing, Clttu'rtmuc--luoopiliriair' The Committee of Fianna-n! Assessment handed in report no. 1 ms follows:.-- Your Committee to whom was referred the nav- eral neonate and petitions beg to report “.7. AI . - - -- Man-d by Mr. McIntyre, second Mr. 'J'aylor, That the am of 32 be; ed for the use of each Pulling Bout the sum of " be pun] to each of C, tttmineodhtem " the election of Bonito isms orders for the said mm .-Gurrim1. Mu\'cd.bv Mr. Maul: Mr. tiing,That tho can petitions be referred to 'totnuiittees.---Csrvivd. Moved by Mr. McIntyre, sccmniul by Mr. J ohustou,1ysu J. It. Sing, A. McIntyre and A. Mcuirr ire appointed a commune on Fiat: at.) and Atstekutucnt.-Ahsrriid. Muvcdlw Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Sirur ’leo nâ€. -_..- __, .. - Moved by Mr. Sing, second McIntyre. That A. McIntyre, J1 lor and Thumm Johnston bu a committee on Rondsnm] bridges, Moved by Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Johnston. That Joseph Taylor,iThos. Johnston and J. R. Sing be a. committee to enquire iuto lbu validity of the Tretssur. or’s securities and report to the eotuieiL-- Curried. _ . an-“ “gnu queues, mul Messrs. McGirr, Reeve; McIntyre, Deputy ities entitled than Reeve; Sing, J ohuston, and Taylor, Coun- teuded to TIto' int. cillora. Minutes of last matting rend and 'iShli'isf1h"g', adopted. Communications, Prom J.Buth. Mr. Wood. in erford, W. Long, J. Wiuters,C. IP. Horton, last session in: hm Joseph Maxwell, C. W. Rutledge, A. Bell. Trmsuu-r t 1' the L Bella“. * Oder, J. Sterling, and H. iron. I trotitied ‘fim thut bcrger. mouth 0: June or 18! 25' Moved by IAwreue, seconded by Paul, cr That 'i'. Spinn- be paid for mending a road of serat.rer-,t8.$0.--Carried, rd Moved by Alhsnprceonded by Paul, That n P. DIJkoon be paid for clawing u hint. a. 1togara---e12.g0.u-carricd. :1 A petition was presented from J. tursties " and 36 others. playing to got lots 20, 21, e, and 22,con. 22, back into School Section m No. 14, said lots being " present part of m 8.8. No. 10 of Glenelg. _ Resolved that this Council do new sud-f jrmrn and meet again at IIuNoin on Mon. day, 14th of February next at 10 a. m.. to appoint an muster and other business. Council mljoumed. The amounts actually levied on the scr- gt', school nations for 1880 were an ii) oqNt-- My, $10, and io Mr. Manrcn ing Cunrt of “cation and pr Order given. Resolved that this Council jnum and meet again at Holst Bomb-ed that the Treasurer pay, Tolls. Returning Cilia-m. 86.50 eaelv-M'2.60; to the Clerk for distribufing ballot bores, Moved by .'dcCormaek,tureonded by Paul, That the report be adopusd.--Carrud. A petition from Il. Gnrdinnr and sixteen others was present“ asking the council to exempt Mrs. D. Mel’hee from land tax for 1880._she being left in straightened circum- "auecs with a large family. Total, 34,721.60. Moved by Paul, second-(J by Lumnoe. That the prayer of the wutiou be granted. -Carricd. Committee rose and reported that the Trc.ssurer's nannies were perfoctly respon- sible. Moved by McCormick, seconded by Psal, That said pctinou be laid away for further itifovmatidu.--Carried, Moved by Paul, seconded by streueo, That the Reeve, Doputy-l’weve, and Mr. Allan be a committee to examine Tram- er's btntd.--Csrried. No. 1 auditor l The members elected made the follow. ing dmtlamtiom" Jan. Murdoch, as Reeve; Wm. Lawrence. as Dcputy-Reeve; Dug. id McCormick, J muss Allen, Gs. Pull. a: Councillors. The Rem-e luring taken the chair, the minutes of hut meeting wu read and approved. Moved lg Allcowceoouded by McCormick Thur. William Mera be nppoiutud auditor. --Carriod. The Council met at Holstein on January 17th. 1881. Council udjoumed to meet at the same place on 14th Feb. next. Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded by Mr. Neil, That Widow McCormick be ex. empted to the extent of 08.50 lanes on lot 21, can. 6, for the year 1880.-Carriod. I “and In amendment by Mr. Ghsnermm, The: Mr. Hall be Commissioner for \Vu:d No. 8.--Lotst Moved by Mr. McMillan. seconded by w. Hall, “at the Commissioner for ward No. 3 be Authorized to repair the bridge st lot 20, can. 1l.-Ahtrried. Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded by Mr. Neil, That N. McIntyre be paid 84 for delivering ballot boxes.-Carried, Moved b Mr. McMiilnn. seconded by Mr. Neil. {has All. Bank Manhun- sioner for Wnrd No. i, Mr. McMillm for Ward No. 2, Mr. Neil for Ward No. 8, And MyGloucmn for Ward No. L-Carried. w- K""". in , uvrquVuu-vguuug um ermmh; Door-Reagan. 01.50 each. Curried. T lond ll Mr. McMillan. seconded by Mr. Neil. Lattlu, exp-mu of tun Muni. eipal Elections be rd, an follow. ; fut ouch polling play. tf ; 'ysputrmttAtrru'ug Ollie- Momma. 11mm. Haley be aid " t,rleit my that A . "’7 "“‘ . . . . . 1 ' his utmost u a 'lllia'dl'llUf2t, nod. [and 'p/pst by /i.t.1?/ye,tt,t . Moved tid",' am. mended Iry',l'yr ditiiua1 no gain frotu land '" Mr. 113.11.. t Widow yeiru, B. p. Lt so, i lwduchou rcfuued, mm in bud ' Icctt Jt"d E.G.B..f:nd In. Priel. lot J, can. ' CFhliiul-cd. l ' . t “onâ€. ma taxes " 18tt0.-cr.r. l The me", name' t _ u . . M VEHIB as hi, ',d'f.','.1ttty,c?iyaau I Osprey Council 9825.12 831.43 454.00 281.01) 878.80 821.60 315.20 'irirt'GUi"Caiirurii. 5.00 " my "'"""""""W, 'rrom1.mtut. Mr. “'ooll: ind 'cri',,' 1; r, J. Wiuters,C. F. Horton, last session he had column ', C. W. Rutledge, A. Bell, Tumult-r of the l‘n-nnco J. Sterling, “a 11. Iron. notitied him that some 1 month 05.1mm or July he _ plum] to an into the mutter r. McIntyre. second-ed by I. visit to the Province ofQ cut {meld} Taylor/Poi. saw tlseAsuitautivasuit?, ll. byâ€: be " cu'mmlttec â€ranged to have tt seldom Ito validity of tlu, Trc.neats speedxly as {mail lc. td report to the eotuieiL-- Mr. Martin new} fur . rcsucctiug the Buxmdnry AI '. Sum, seconded yy, yr. ii7iif nu] fax- a ll: t oi all tl l. McIntyre. Josep.'a luy- unwound and in uscthe Il Johnston J/t tPie.iyutt.1 n Ontario on the lat day (1le adsaud tsri ges.--thurud. the retail prion in each can [ McIntygc, seconded by Mr. Crooks congratulated at J. It.. Sula, A. Mea.tsais in see-king to obtain fur we m appointed roan-mam. .. . - ' anrenc, seam an been“ for an MO.-- Buried. Allsnpsoeonded b be paid for clot! '..'d0.--Carried. was prqseuted In the In) of 32 be granti- ach Pulling Booth and pun] to each of the re. r the election of 1881, ts for the said amounts. lo communications null their respective te It. Leaxrst, Clark G lenclg. for ad vettis, utiug, 53... ed by atlas follow. .'lt, as Reeve; Reeve; Dug. ' Jan. Paul, V. .7. ....-..--wu u: pullout Mr. Hay moved In adrcr,a to the Ljuuu u. Htrth?voritor, paying an: be will “use , to be tet,ettt this Home u. return of any _ carts-awn ence " WM . have paused between 'ttttdll.',,',',',',',',',','?,,'::',': io mud the Govérnulcnt of the Dominion In respect to the Land Improvement Fund. Mr. Wood mid he bud no obiee6ion to tho motion passing, but there was little cor- respandonoo to bring down. He admitted that the 'mtttietpalita should have had the money long Mo, but it bu] been impossible to locum cosmonaut up to this time. Ho bond however noon to cited one. The House then went into Committee of Supply and voted the sum of 8346.250 for the “pen-u of civil Coemettt. â€Ninth" [narrows hom {urging J._18§l,rto an date . ___ "v... -uuuuuy J. 100‘: . of die passage of Ibo Supply Bill. "'""e " .. -..v.. u: locations and “he first hauling of some bills, Mr. Merrick Asked if the returns ordered to be laid Inform the Home in 1879 with rclerreuco to cer- tain 0.1 so Lodge organizations vac ru'ly. Ho had not seen them. Mr. H: r ly said it my: prepared last you for want-um, aud he thought u had been Payout“. instead of mum was his custo, come to a cone and he would l pomwinn d u toil-boom. uwuth of " pansd In an i; I. visit to the saw tueas,is arranged io 1 speodxly as In Mer the. presentuion_of petitions. Mr. Hay moved an nil-cs- to the new It lt.(ln-n-..-.. ---, . -. ’ Thu Mr. Creighton enqu ted the sum of “24; certain municipalities lauds by the arbitrati, and Quebec. wilibe pa ities. entitled theret-J. Agor- tho presentation: The mum: was carried After tho mum Mpetitions the As- teta2ersG'etuhal introduced a “All to cumul- idate the Superior Gonna, establishing ua. xforuu'ty in pleading and practice, sud who {unhmr proviziou for the due Administra- tiou of Justice-tuid, was read a tint. mm. the second reading to take place on Frida y next. u’ - - â€"--â€"-- - thoroughly disriutit,titu1 that: district were with their pm J ustico could not be properly And the people could neither I a",'". m.tmimeal 1mttuuimstiua f Dr. MoLauglin proved by 'statutes that the numbers at roprewutuuvc- was unm- eriu ptopottion to the pouyla in Omaha than in may of the "they Provinces or may ofthe States of the Union, While the out per head for Government In: to». Mr. Rudy wont um (man: In this dip action and cited auburn“) Wu . hi- eoutention. Us denounced the m- iuwu Govern-nu (at its“: at the boundary -tion. The Adressyna than mod. Alter the presentation at petition Mr Waters resumed the debate on the Add"... After entering li, protest about ya. [hallu- dary dispute, commending mln.. .ppmut- went and work of the Agricultnnd C'ous. mission. nod deeuriua “and! in tuvor of new Parliament buildings, In tutu-d iuu uttoutiun to school mutton. u. 1.»me out that Mr. Lauder Wm. eutisly wrong in hit statements. sud quoted from than regul- ations of the Education Deputmenl to show that the people Ind no goodcause foe a grievsnce with aspect to ogilae shoel- booh or inspecton. Dr. Robertson (Halten),nvc I no. tum to the boundary discussiuli by showing how l valuable the li-niuv River district My was fer agrieslvural pupa-es, n11 how 1orougltly distiutiaticU the with“ in that ciisuict were with their present position. J usiim could not be property “lambasted. 1nd tho people can†neitlwr eujo "hoot not municipal orgstuitnstion. a [now than large immigration to My Hint would commence in spring if this dilputo wen) settled. _ V -"- "an... --a â€use“ “at of the Provincial oxelmquer. mum; with a briefrufereuce to the Agricultud manna}- domnud ')sptseinlly Do we topic: of that“? And drnuugu. Mr. Calvin Aired at some umm hi- kvourite subject. of muuidpal nmmom. and after brie! speeches from Mean... Her- rick, Naval. Sinclair, and thuUrville, the debug wa- “journal. Mr. Hay pointed out that “A. control of Vldumtiunul burdens was _ltsrgo'ty-susash mun: largely than u generally .t'etu.aod-- iu the hands of the people (“munch no approved of grunting Aid a the (manic Ptusilio Juncuon Railway. man “roundly as a eolouisatiou mad, but believed tdso that other raids which lmd expanded their municipal bonuses would be “.ng out ,Iol., II“..:, . I ' House than uljoumod. "pm-no.1- in tl" Spouch' on if“: bounds: y ’Eesu'ou. but chumrized the region in _ pate uonoof hub Important» to the Province. u. and“: cons. length on me out of an Public and High School sputum, sud on the dissutmfuctiou telt mu: tlse changes in text books, the inuseferaua, of inspectors, we manta of subjocu on LC. prugmmwe, and other females of pawl uduuuisuation. Mr. Hay pointed out that “A. control of tdueatioudl burdens was _ltsrgo'ty-susash mun: lamdv than is ununrulhy -...... H. l Mr. Young devoted Ina-cut his aspen tome discuaaiou of an "iuur"iu' u Speech 'aw legislation in 31mm " dons. Mahmud" not merely done-emu n Hon. Mr. Mania resumed Go duLue m the Address. m comphiud of the a“. sure of the Dominion Gown-went In can. noctiou with we bouuduy mum! and ts. pudiaml on helm†of tho Censuhhtnu party the chime mu they wore w tan: d abolishing the Local Wham» ONTARIO LEGISLATURE Moved h Me. Bing, Beseoudsl I; lit. “dawn, {but the Council â€jouruyuuu the seventh a, of February to Iuttt m Fevenlnm. and that the Clerk to iutrtruet. ed to get notice: my»! and potted Ill' of such 'noetirtg.--4ugeimt. land by Mr. Siugfbiclnhulv 1','v" Ptetoty Tm J. Taylor L. 'ill, hereby mammal to apply " gm L. 'd the lute it. Gibson fus the Cantu.“ We mm!» munici mm . cw. A l J Moved by Mr. Sing. gonad by Tuylor. Thu Niel A. McLean be app ed Mu» fue tu coming youu-car, 2'glhie, nominated Snuud ll . as his auditor for 1881. mm"; “mm statements. u custom. lie (Mr. Crook.) Ind cuuclxisinu rogmdiug Lou books, I!†Shurliy pug the Mor.. in the Mind . IN,'.',', an: 3"†it li_eX_pec in pa tp 4 â€271.635; iiiTiiiiie7 niygmqu.’ QELZH at "an on mummy.“ nammom. (speeches tram â€can... Mer. Binclu'r. sud “mm. the A: A, I be paid to the mumm- eto. Also whethex it Uia. are“ to the municipalities mounts com to than , 1851. till paid. rnrly. saw that due. J colututuuiated with the Jrovinco of Queue and mum: time shout tho July he would be pre- m under. He lud ptud inn-0 of Quebec. and slum l‘wunurrr at on“... and t settlement. ttfic-eau u TOWNâ€. Gu. 21 Tonoxro. Jan. 20 sea mm a J: Tonal“). Jun. to, up. w. Mela-uni. he in. gaiu from land Mac-Mod " I“-.. - I , _ ft? 099%!!- Ind bd-vQ may dorm a. Tulane. in, 18, '10. awarded to We! achwl Tomno. Jun. It W. Maas, C Ontario yrae4eiuth, ll "rfpisuiut. iuu-4tiis.g. oukd by IU. . u Bad u b the In," anlfblgmu-J I Radon: ii We“): hu ecu- eon- " " TU lt M petition. against the Bit â€in marriage In]: I 1lesmsased w h I“ want the miitieatiou of “Railway coutmct wee prawn Mr. 3001* "nd . II “PM a†tirtdimte 1mqrattt of the Sudan! Policy, “a Mo- of public my. and and McGovemmonu. Mr. Flown; moved th. I dun this“. Mr. Maxie at length when eontmat, “an. my of the an and. by to “50W dur cm of an“. The debate was aluminum] â€and, â€Mum! Sproulc, in can“. Tite Utter party pat an Ivy-hung tut the hen w to to imilt by the lame ch. In!“ I .eostmetod the Union Mr. Care, followed in W" qreeeh, in MM. ld tttet WWI-a! mum Alter routine busing; way anointing: was re: White, of Cnrdwell, ml to: nearly tum, hour: urns. the member ior t W'ioll M. deft annihilate new om but may avoided ion, .00.“ by Mr. G alum. amendment. policy ofthe, Mmkenzie the "tying [whey cl th mom m net funk. m by an elaborate compu- ions, tether â€Mantle ' tract. In! "at its pmvir. dinninuhgoous to the a fore should not be mall on In “all. The in Cl“ that I better offer l it Contracts the contract And My concludes wit it ia not in the ink nut " the 'toutta" should he _ eluded I tive hours' spu- ed Opposition cheers. SE Word rum. in Able for it: We“ 1m It. Blake who “was“! rogwt It bit chonziu'r memo, through norm» i.lu, l and regretted that the Premier had ttt t It uh“ than"! MEL-um to make u! tattttt, M to " position or IE. . MIN gloat-ion. Mr. “Ink! de6sa6ed trr. "dumb. Ind mnintnnn d that his com-u Ind our been 'smsictstit not but been inspired by n desire. that tl:, roul Ila-H Io be 00::qu that u... an atioet Hannah“ should not I-v marma- M. m “an entered into a mm d Jro vitw ohm comm upon um qm "tout f i" on to tho Government to punuo. such coma ratifying the pn-n-nt t'ot.tritrt, an“. on new tendon, building Um pram: section done It preacnt. ac. In cumin» In!“ 15qu patent-u! Ah mama the 1% Rummy " by Mr. Blah moved t the Mule, and the Ho A“. Niko-d autumn Mn; tho qouttttetton l atsd “suitab- Iuiiroesd Cot: Mt Syndicate. and Cr. glowing reference to tw- 1m when the Canadian l'chEv qlteougk line sutl have her: w upon the new , lid. Cull-us from Min Woe in gctternliti, I“. in admitted that im] od " his Alumnae from I day night, sud he rem! m was atmsut, undu moon from the sum- him to his speech at aad ill Albion to the r min espilahsta had Who]. work, he IJvaum-J "ntitm that this was t and “Mu-out to tiw like! tho Gmrnmcul' than. Mn; to the m M inttty eharaetorized it tb emditaUe, and tliars pl Dotted to [Home the Pr, chimed an: under the We“ would hau- In Why the bu of May t Hebe.†removed {In ttte In lauda- sud tiat Wading the I‘cspr of “a mu ducked. ', dkuaraed in monk-nee wit] My.“ - virtually tmdemt otUr to Inaibd an ad tho M Brunch. Ji W the clauses made “In! nothing to My aim a an chum grunting I DWI“ claims; In: I'm the unscrupulous t ". m on Bir Charlm, -ting the deinn Paeiii “and by " John hreDom until it o'clock. His apoeel lain. in " but style. Pos, duo to his Wind indi: partially to the (Immunity of t -erelt was pitifully lubuul [lion to the contact prom- Hit and“ Tipper. in reply to Bile. W tut he would lay up “I. “43“!" my conunumcutmn , might be received “wading “w J,, 1m “H.000 to thotmdit of th. (jun-n: " “it, M " W. P. Howlaud J: (I Man with their u-udrr lot m. "In Canadian Paritie 1mm. Mr. Blanket-nuanced. amide! up" leach-um Wuderiu " H- onda." that the Hana. Ind puma “tempt-in tkthtitttt. [Whom W the tit. Paul ii In were tremeetged by Ii-r wâ€. Borden Niobium}; u WSW. Ind PAH-run Mi. mum presented I pain; , “no.“ of Trade forthe e dirgeitmtio. of the astute vi it tuittoa-inattueti the contract with with: with a. x he humus ot a... L should be “mi 0 hours‘ speech a: an cheers. " May. in g q We. and for -, dahatad tho new oftor on mam Dominion Parliament. mored the Worm: 'ardwcl â€and it u n p ~I d ttin", plot. N, I.“ the Plaza]: under the old (my maid hue to put 1; i of May mat and the at. h M asaid it WI " the Minn-bun "taehM. Th. to lord-no. with the l Cl Viltuully Inn-rel to build the Prutr Daub. Ho mu “condo in LL gto any about the I MM!" 011nm, "at, " r '""'h"g W“ mist, tiao operation III! the ndmimu. tmdertU mount Ut it pr Orramu. J Bill to em at " tit tho at Jan rum ma by LION