y was complainiu' that hig bed t, when his father stern} Pis: t is because you are too 1 nm you can ragoon, on h her bad been reland, exelany D was fiv Yes, he is eland, exclauumed, -.!_ I-'I[ vou‘t have a sonm older t es, I will lose u..“r. it that : heard Jn W PAE ParEs ONDLY, ith Way, 1#7# E WEEKLIES. _ FOR THE EXTENT, ) RELIABILITY OF Tents. «hed in Jum., 18®# ritish North ICA : onis for cvers Wemrly inty sending us three ivec a copy, m.'.“. unt Mook, wortk one he usnal commtesteon. _ Sumple Copy of our led sent free F 1880 FREE. d by A. f;uâ€");.i,; . Subscribers naincé Agents wanted. on Delivery. & SON, Publishers. a O CWECEE COpeineP denee, contributed by vers and pointed writers. CO., LOXDO®, o%T. ut free. 1 publishes a POSTAGE PaiD. SPECTATOR to the m °) H us witt beaie * nourEs, showing Stations, and Sem, ties Towns, Villugâ€" (this Table will be olored Map of the H.u b. ..’ ' 0 recognized ?" ng money '..“.‘ ered, thereby from your “‘ ho wivantage icy that areofferâ€" ile those who do : ‘n poverty. We «l girls to work «. The business nary wages. We !l that you need, to mauke meney ur whole time to ation) r portions of the EGE. (.\;t. _lm. m Copies, Fmu® ind most auâ€" B!lN'lU..,Tuz mturic, Quel Nowfoundland4s British Columi? vies, and other official sources®* ITLE FAIRS, i1 Best and ubï¬'p.' urs respectf years old, she, Taw. was rude to stare NG COMPANY, Haxu.tox, OnT v in cach month re Durham, re Durham., wl'nesd.y in en dunab, and Decem preceding ing " C omdk ‘ly stout lady ; 1a ; but isn‘t * each month y im eu-hM ‘ach month, 4 Mount Forest, ebruary, Avril )y houin‘ “ his irsday \lly of each ND BRUCE rangeville. re Orangeville. day in escb YEARS rgne to Orangeville, rrounds ra Fair each month, Ulle'ph'ï¬ uelph., bn, lay in encb esday, The Fime Tab W RAGGIE ‘al Manag x 1. 00 Weekâ€" in eack «ach A. and Make Up.on the shortest notice, and in the LatestStyle, Men and Boy‘sClothing. Agood Atguarranteed. In nli sizes on the most improved methods, lates: styles, on the shortest uotice and a: charges that defies competition. Give him a call and support native industry. Is Agent for Wilson & Co. Sewing Machine Manufacturers, Hamilton, which he is prepared to sell cheap for cash and on time. These aachines areroliable and highly finished, it for any drawingâ€"room. \ VERY important question for everyâ€" 4 one to sonsider as thore is nothing more inâ€" jnrious fer health than cold feet, however such can very easily be remadied and evervbady made to fool comfortable by calling on Wifliam Jobnâ€" stome, jwar., who bas all the appliances for Residence at the Old Post Office, Lower Town, DURHAM. 'IV[IE subscriber is weptred to Receive and Wake Up. on the shortest notice. and in Look out for cold weather. Knitting Stockings & Socks How are you of for Socks? ‘\‘l' THE ROCKYVILLE MILLS. Also 4 k. alarge quantity of JOISTS. Lot 41,Con, 2 \V. G. R. Bentinek. 1600 Bush. Fresh Lime. Durham P. O., May 25th, i k.« his New and Commodious Building, just South of Mr. James Brown‘s Store, where he will eoastantly keap on hand a supply of Bread, Cakes, etc. Tem and Surprise rufm supplied on the ahortest notice and at vnv{ low prices. Pustry um vde to order. He would miso take this opportu nity of thanking the inhabitants of Darhaio, and .mn-uuunf country, for the patrormge bestowed on him during the pust two and a haif yours, and ;' usualwill supply broad daily atauy place in the own Lumber, Lumber, Shingles, Shingles, Lath & Lime, ISS(’ER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and â€" LifaInsurancsAgont, Commissionerin B.R., &¢, Convernucer, and Liceused Auctioncer or the County of Grey. K@PFarmers, Morchants, and Land Sales,attended &o with punctuality and charges made very moderate. â€" * ~ &/ . Dental Surgery, will visit Dur ham â€"Ofce, Hritish Hotelâ€"the last two weeks of every month, where he will be most h:r‘to wasit upon all those that muy favor him with their patâ€" romage. All work entrusted to bim will be perâ€" South End Bakery, Durham. 1‘]‘::\1( )":\IJ- Bentinek, after noon. Messages for the Dr. left at .. .thorford‘s attonded to. y50 tormed in the lstest and most approved atyle Karzazxcr, any of the leading Dentiste of Toron to. Kusid Orrtcs â€"Winghans. *w19% DUNDALK, Ont. Willbe at Hasting‘s Hotel, Shelburue, every Mon dar aad Friday, from 10 o‘clock «. m. to 3 p. m. Dundelk, Murch 20th 1479. y5t Oct. is , 1880 VETZERINARY SURGEON, 4 2 molisitors in Chancery, Couveyancers, etc., Owen Sound, have resumed at Flesherton. Office open every Thursday as heretofore. ALYRED FROST, J. W. FRO8T, LL.B. County Crown Attorney. June 24th, 1880. y3i ‘\"ILL be at his Office, Hanover, from 8 am. to Noon, Atboue,2nd Con, N.D.R., Lasest Fashions Regnlarly Received McFAYDENX & ROBARTS, BABBlS’l‘ERS. Solicitors in Chtnurz, #&o. Office, one door east of the Merchants‘ Bask Unionâ€"st.. Owen Sound. ) B1 ular rates, Durham, May 13, 1850 weeks for $ aeed 8 lines. _ Advertisements, except when accompanied by writteninstructions to the contrary, are aserted until forbidden, and charged at regâ€" Pricaville, 1040 space and under, per year, ........ $ 4 Twoinches or 24lines Nonpariel measure 7 Thrse inches do. per year.............. 10 Qaarter column, per year.............. 18 Half column, t w ts‘ cver i i+ W One soluma, hie! t uen‘ a in ue un uie C Do. stx moutk*... ............ 8 Do. three months....... _ .... 18 Casasl advertisements charged 8 cte. per Line tor the first insertion, and 2 ets. per line foer each «ubsequent insertion â€"â€"â€" Nopareil measure. Prs{sssional and business cards*one inch ?Odinuy notices of births, marriages, Leaths, and all kinds of local uews. inserted ree of charge. TERM3:â€"$1,00 per yearin Advance #a.31.25 :( not paid within two months. "Wa As the OMce,Garafraxa Street, UpperTown * RADLT X legs, T ALEXANDER BROWN, C. McFarpux®. yâ€"50 J. T. Ronazts, Durham, â€" â€" Ont. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. arbham. Meney to Loan. Lower Town, Durham. _ v7th, 1879 Every Thursday, Alexander Robertson, STRA Y ‘THE REVIEW ARRISTERY and Attorney‘sâ€"atâ€"Law TTORXEY . AT â€" LAW, &c.â€"Orrick . oppouite Parker‘s Drug Btore, Uppor Town, TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chanâ€" . cery, Commissioner in B. R., Notary Public, PALMER, Baker, has removed to MISCELLANEOUS. WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., *. \. NEXCFHIN, RATES OF ADVERTISING TAILOR, PRICEVILLE, Oxt., ATE of Ontamo Vetrinery Colâ€" E.D. MACMILLAN, DB&. LIGHTBODY, C. B. JACKE®, BR. A. ANJMALS, &o., advertised three $1, the advertisement not to exâ€" MEDICAL. DENTISTRY. 8. JEROME, Licentiate J. W. CRAWFORD, is rusUisu®pt Lowes Town, Durbam J. TOWNSEXD. A. ROBERTSON fmâ€"116 y116 y10 mingsalwayson hand BUILDER,Durhnm.keeps on hand a largestock of Sash, Doors and all kinds of Building materials,also a& stock of Mouldings in Walnut, Rosewood,and Gilt. Plans,specifications and Bills of Lumbermade out on short notice. A tullstock of Coffins, Caskets, Shrouds and Trim â€"| TRef» want~d at once. Meny are making forâ€" tunes At the business. Ladies make as much us ino n, and young bovs and girls make great nay, No one who is willing to work fails to muke more m‘;:;:v every dl\v than can be madsin a week at anv ordinary employment. Those who engage .‘w‘gvmugn_-gonmgnfom-p. f 5 Outft sont free to those who wish to engag in the most rlewt and profitable businesw known. Everything new. Capital not required. We will fmrnish you evervthing. 210 a day and upâ€" wards is casily made without staying away from home ever nitht. No risk whatever. Many new: workers wanted at once. Muny are making forâ€" Pebbicinmigy P hP ds t inss BB 21 2. a The very best mutorial used, workmauship aupsrior to anything in the county, having made priso workin the principal cities of Canuda and the United Stutes. Remember the placeâ€"a short distance north o A FIIS®Tâ€"CLASS HMEARSE TO HIBE S()U TH END, Durhare, near Cattleâ€" Yard Hotal, having commenced business in the abovelins would raspectfully solicit a share of the patronage of the public. Former)y M uster Shoomaker in Hor Myjosty‘s Hundredth Regiment. Spring and Summer Fashions reguler received. Durham, Feb.14, 1878. For Summer Trade, Fine Sewed Wellingâ€" ton Boots, only $6.00. Laced Balmor» als, Sewed, only 45. Low Shoes, Sewed, only $4.50. The best French Stock nused. Residenceâ€"Opposite the Canada Presbyâ€" terian Church.} Blacksmithing & Waggon Making. JOHX ROBERTSON TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, To armors and business men on short date enâ€" dorsed notes or good colluterals. Sale notes purehased at a frir valuntion. Draftsissued at usual Bank rates, t.y.bh at wll Banks in Ontario and Quebec, Collections of notes and accounts on reasonable terms. JAMES HANNA 'I‘IIE famous Cavalry Horseshoer has secured the services of s Good Wagonâ€" maker. Business prompt and Prices reasonable. Dundalk, Sept. 23rd, 1580 hâ€"136. W. CALDWELTL And Interestallowed atthe rete ofsix per cont, per annuim . MONEY ADVANCED Office opposite McAlister‘s Hotel. I OTS 115, 116 and 117 in the 2nd Range, .4 N. E. of T. & $. Road ; 150 neres, 110 cleared. h’fmnuoncollho best grain farms in the Townâ€" ship. October, 14, 1880. 138. Farms For Sale «Eeotbert Dawvis‘ Real Estate CATALOGUE. [.0 0 CC O "eideof KiginStook . . * . > Iam aiso muthorized to receive tenders for the purchase of lots 38 and 59 in the 2nd Con., E.G.K., in the Township of Glenelg, either together or __ sepurately. ‘â€" Tonders to state amount cf Cash payment and number of years required for balance, and rate 0 ‘[ AM instructed to offer for sale the folâ€" A. lowing Lots in the Town of Durham on easy termas of payment, viz: 8,9, 10 and 11 on the East side cf Mgon Street, and 8.2, i0 and 11 on the West â€"ANDâ€" BBlind Factory,. ROBT. BULL! ;ump. and a numberof fruit trees, or the premisos. or garden purposes the land is mm&d The whole property will be soid chewp for eash, or otherwise as may be nfreed upon. For turthr particulars apply at the Lxvizew Office, THE Proprietor wishes to dispose of Lot No.3, on Albert Street, one Range East of Garâ€" afraxa Street, Lower Town, Purham. On the lot is aucumood dwcllin, House and Stable. The Lotcon ins one acre ofland. A good well and House and Lot for Sale in Durham. â€" PROPERTY FOR SALE. Durham Planing Mill, SASH, DOOR, 4 ~ dbubedetts sc 2 gmel l € 32. Dated at Durham this $th Sept., A.D. 1886 C. B. JACKES, Cutting done to Order. Durham,June 24,1879 Addvete H. BRarzet: & Co.. FPortiand, sine Boot and Shoemaker, In Artemesia, in the County of Grey. DURHAM S¢., DURHAM. Town Lots for Sale. J. A Halsted & Co., Vol. III. No#~50. Deposits Received, Ebhe 6ren Revicl,. DURHAM. the Post Office G. L. DAVIS, Manager, Lower Town, Durham Raiway Accioext.â€"The Toronto, Grey ,and Bruce train from Orangeville to ‘Teesâ€" water on Tuceday, 11th January, escaped ltrom what might have been a very serious accident. Between the stations of Amarâ€" 1 anth and Waldemar the wheel of one of the cars broke, and after running a few yards on the ties was thrown over a emall bridge, dragging after it the passenger car. The cars were turned upside down in the ditch. Of course a great fright was experâ€" ienced by those on board the train, but the employees of the line, with the assistance of a reverend gentleman, whose name is, we beliove, Mr. Radeliffe of Luther, helped the few passengérs out of the car and up the bank, no one having received a scratch. The post office car was very near sharing } the fite of the others. The passengers were coveyed to th3 nearest station, Waldâ€" ‘ emer, in the engine and freight car. The cars were so completely thrown off the track l that traffic was only impeded for a very short space of time. ‘The passengers were most thankful at the wonderful ounpo.-â€"l Forgus Newsâ€"Record. Tur annual meeting of the Artemesia l al expense would be incurred in the apâ€" Agricultural Society was held in the| pointment of Mr. Stewart, as he wounld Town Hall, Flesherton, on the 18th inst., I have some distance to travel to the perforâ€" when the following officers were electad for |"mance of his duties. the ensuing year:â€"President, A. Down;| Mr. Sing, in nominating Mr. Stewart, Vice.do., R. Oliver. Directors, J. Brodie, | said that no fault could be found with Mr. J. M. Webster, G. Buskin, A. Eliistt and | Edgar, but a feeling existed in the conntry J. Bannon. Directors then elected J. Broâ€" | that the Couuty Town received all the paâ€" die, Sec.â€" Treas.â€"Standard. tronage, and he could vonch f.» Mr. Stew. As I ruderioss drift o‘or the tempest tossed main, While the storm wails around me so drear, Ilook for the smile of that doar face in vaiu, Nor that calm cheering voice can I bear. Â¥et thore‘s light in the cloud, that bangs over my head, There‘s a calm in my sorrow so deep: For I mourn not as those without hope for the dead, And faith checks my tears whilo I weep. By the aid of faith‘s vision, I cloarly can see, The gates on the opposite shore, Where the loved one pass‘d over,are waiting for me, And we‘ll moet to bo parted no more. Then farowell to the cares, and tho ploasuro of carth To its fast fleeting sorrow and joy ; There‘s no pleasure without an adimixturo of pain, No comfort without an alloy. But in that happy land where ay Seviour hath gone, A mansion for oach to propare, There is joy without grief, thore is peace without O‘er the deep hoaving waters while struggling along, As we earnestly boxnt to the our ; The ery of the Bridegroom,at midnight was heard, And my loved one was with me no more. Ch how sad is my hoart, in my lonely estate, As her our (now released) drops astern ; And my frail bark seems tossed on the billows of futo, While o‘er my bereavemont I mourn. We saw the storm decpon, and gathor around, And we felt the reality now, Of the deep rolling surge, with its murmuring sound Whaile the billows broke over our bow. More firmly, each heart to the other was bound, As cuch pledge to our love had been given ; And Gileads buim was applied to the wound, When one was transplanted to heaven. O‘er the calm ripling waters we glided along, No sorrow nor care soemed to fear ; Yot the deep,distant roll of the thunder was heard, And how startling it fell on the ear. In the light of eternity seen, And how rugged and bare on our nearer appromch, Are the hills which afar seom‘d so green, When fromm youth‘s sunny suromit, on life we look forth, . How pleasing the prospocts appear, And how onger we grasp for the pleasures shead, And the future wo long to bring near. When I plighted my vows to the one whoin I loved, And our hearts were united in one, We thought not of storms, or of breakers abead, As the voyage of life was begun. Oh how flooting the cares and the pleasures of For the (GGrey Review. Boliloquy on the Denth of a Bolored Wife. And we‘ll praiss him eternally thero. Thcee plants, too frail for earthly garden, In Heaven‘s bright balmy air, Where Love is Joy‘s unsleeping warden, Bhall golden frutage bear. Our love for those whom God has taken Is cleansed from selfish stain ; By time undi:zmed, by storms unshaken, Will pure and strong remain, When darkly fall the shados of oven, And death draws nigh, we‘ll find, We have more friends beloved in Heaven Than eurth retains bohind. Your dosad, like golden chatas, shell bind you To those immortal lho:(n In which thoy rast, till death reminds you That Heaven is also yours | For the Grey Review. In Memoriam. Anl:%lt‘:-on the do.z:’ o?r w m childron, Elizabeth Kope, Mary Aun and Lydin Bowyor. Death swouped from his cloudâ€"hidden eyrie, And snatched from your embrace These budding floworsâ€"these household fairies, In childhood‘s carly grace. No flower too lovely for his viad&â€" No form too fuir can boâ€"â€" Does he delight in pain, or is 1t Love which we cannot see ? | In the bright dawn of youthful besuty, : In childood‘s early day, | Ere came the strife of toil and duty, Your joyâ€"sters passod away. Yet may ye find some hoaling token Of wisdom, love and truth, Fraxx WarumsLey Pontu®. Mtchell, Jan. 23rd, 1881. They are not lost, they pass before us ; They sot again to rise ; Their memory beameth ealtaly c‘er us, Lixe stars in wintry skies. Weep notâ€"your loved; they, early dying, Are saved from many woe# , _ They may not know the pain and sighing Which lengthened yours disclose. Although the cord of life be byoken In early hopeful youth. Weep not for those whom Christ hath folded Bafe from carth‘s weury strife; Tis ours by conflict to be woundedâ€" Theirs to inherit life. BY w. M. C POETRY Mr. Fox wished to know if any addition al expense would be incurred in the apâ€" pointment of Mr. Stewart, as he would have some distance to travel to the perforâ€" ‘mance of his duties. Mr. Sing, in nominating Mr. Stewart, Mr. Cameron introduced Byâ€"law for the appointment of auditors. Mr. J.C. Spragge was appointed by the Warden. Mr. Robt. Edgar, the former Auditor, was again noâ€" minated ; also in amendment, Mr. James Stewart, of Meaford. Mesers. Sing, Cameron, Mardoch, Stark and Myles were appointed a Special Comâ€" mitteo to strike Standing Committees, Finally, I congratulate you severally upon the confidence placed in you by your constituents, and romain, Your obedient servant, W. S. Curtsto®, Warden. Mesâ€"rs. MceKochime, Middleton, Myles, MeNicol and MxeBRae, wore mppointed & Committee to roport on the Warden‘s adâ€" dress, I will duly apprise you, gentlemen, from time to time, of matiers which may be placed in my hands for your consideration. Vic, 48, cap. 26, makes it imperative on this Council to provide for and take charge of a certain class of incane persons, such as may not find a place in the asylums of the Province. As information is received that such persons nre in the County, I feel it but my duty to draw your attention thereto. It is a suitable season for you to consider the subject of asssossment, and whether it be expedient or no to again appoint county valuators. I also beg to remind you of the anomalâ€" ons position in which the County stands regurding bridges and improvements on boundary lines, refusing aid in opposition to the statute in the case. Unless the prayer of your petition to the Government be euccessful and the statute changed, it may be imperative for you to carefully and frankly reconsider this question. The question of municipal representation to County Councils, is again before the Onâ€" trrio House of Assembly. A renewed exâ€" pression upon the subject from you might be of importance. It will be your duty to adopi the statuâ€" tory methods to settle uny financial quesâ€" tion, resulting thereby, and apprise the Connty of Dufferin of your action therein. A telegraum from the offise of the Attorâ€" noyâ€"Goneral,at the instance of the exâ€"Warâ€" den is in my hbands, aun>uncing that the Connty of Dafferin was duly established on Saturday last. A matter of no small importance will be the disposition to safe hands, the balance of the accumulated sinking Fund on the R. R. Byâ€"law, now in the hands of the Banks. Communications have been had with several monetary institutions, and reâ€" plies received with offers therefor, all of which will be laid beforo the committee of Finance and Assessment. Matizes of considerable ispportunce swill be brought betore you to be analyzed by the several committees, aud finally disposed of by your honourable Lody. 1f I suceeed to dispense the duties imposâ€" ed upon me satisfactorily, it will be because your ready assistance, will, be always at command, _ + * * * * Council met. _ Members ull present. The Warden in the Chair. The Warden read the following address : Grxtrexzx,â€"¢I shall, in any words at my command, fail to express sufficiently the pleasure I feel in my elevation to the Warden‘s chair, I sincerely trust that it shail not be a misplaced confidence, and I would be recreant to the feelings of my naâ€" tere, did I got sincerely tender you my thauks for such an unanimously expressed confidense. Ospreyâ€"A. McGirr, A. Melntyre, Protonâ€"J J. Middleton, J. Abbott. Sullivanâ€"J. Sparrow, J. Vassey. St. Vincentâ€"C. . Sing, N. Read. Sydenhamâ€"’Wm. Lang, J. Dovnald: Sorewakâ€"R. McNaught. ' Owen Soundâ€"S. Fox, M. Kennedy, R. Malcolm. C h Meafordâ€"A. Thompson. Durhamâ€"G, McKeokinie. The members having been called to orâ€" der by the Clerk, it was moved by Wm. Howey, seconded by F. MacRae, That the Reeve of Artemesin, W. 8. Clmstoe, Esq., be Warden for the year 1881.â€"â€"Carried. The Council then adjourned till ten a.m. Wednesday. A ; kle r. I (From the Advertiser.) The members of the new Council for 1881 assembled at theâ€"Court House, Owen Bound, on ’!’ueflhy, at 2 p. m., when the‘ following gentlemen presented their creâ€" dentials, the first name is the Reeve ; .the second, Deputyâ€"Reeve, aud the third, 2nd Deputy â€"Reeve :â€" Artemesiaâ€"W. 8. Christoe,*T. White. Bentinckâ€"D. McXNicol, J. Messenger, J. MeCallum. % : s * Collingwoodâ€"N. McColman, . Campâ€". bell, Kerr. e Derbyâ€"R. A, Stark,. * Enphrasiaâ€"R. Myles, J. Boyd. Egremontâ€"J. Murdoch, W. Lawrence. Glenelgâ€"F. MacRase, W. Hall. Hollandâ€"\Wm. Howey, J. Cameron. Keppelâ€"Wm. Totten, J. Clark. Normanbyâ€"J. Kcenig, J. Blyth, J. Winâ€" Conntv Town raaiu.a "1, 1 _ "â€" 9 | long spared to enjoy his wellâ€"earned, pos:â€" County Town recsived all the paâ€" ! h::..s;ruh -."3‘.7 confident hmll and he could vouch fur Mr. Stewâ€" | with much sbility.â€"OCompederets. Recerven His Arpomturxt.â€"We are pleased to learn that Mr. John McLaren, of the late Exzaminer, bas received his apâ€" pointmentâ€"Clerk of the County Court, Deputy Clerk of the Crown, and Registrar of the Surrogate Court in Dufferin, the new county lately set aside with Orangoville as county town. * The appointwent to that ofâ€" fice will, of course, necessitate his removal from our midst, which we regret. Mr. MeLsron has been a good citizen, and the receiving of such a trust as above stated shows that he has ths confidence of those in power in Ontario. We trust he may be Mr. Middleton said that the action taken by tne Government in. deasing to nssist railways had received the endorsement of the previous Council. ‘The Toronto, Grey and Bruce Directors had in conjunction | with the bondholders determined to proâ€" iceed without Government aid or further | municipal aid, to make all necessary imâ€" | provements to their railway by wilening |tho gaugo and laying steel ruils. It was | understood that the Grand Trunk had takâ€" en tlhe other roads, and he thought the Grand Trunk had in past years been quite sufliciently aided by the country. The following is a list of the Wardens elected in the different counties mentioned: . Brantâ€"M. Charltn, South Dumfries. Bruceâ€"Robt. Purvis. Dufferinâ€"F. C. Stewart. Elginâ€" M. Payne, Port Stanley. Essexâ€"Geo. Russell, Leamington. Frontenacâ€"J. R. Dawson. Greyâ€"â€"Dr. Christoe, Flesherton. Haliburtonâ€"Henry Bain, Dysart. Huroxâ€"Capt. John Kane, Howick. Haltonâ€"W. Clay, Norval. Haldimandâ€"George Martin, Kentâ€"Win. Hickey, Tilbury East, Lennox and Addingtonâ€"D. W. Allison. Lanarkâ€"Francis T. Frost. Lincolnâ€"Ira F. Culp, Beamasyille. Lambtonâ€"E. McGillienddy. Middlesexâ€"James Armstrong. Norfolkâ€"Thos. W. Walsh, Simeoe. Northumberland and Durhamâ€"Robt. Coleville Ontarioâ€"Peter Christie. Orfordâ€"Stepen Hall. Peterboro‘â€"Micheal Sanderson. Peelâ€"Mr, Swinarton, Albion. Prince Edwardâ€"J. H. Knoxz. Bimeooâ€"O. F. Pheips. Stormontâ€"J. R. Ault. Wellandâ€"Jas. Smith, Willoughby. ‘ Wellingtonâ€"John Prain Harriston,. \ Waterlooâ€"W. Snider, Waterloo. ‘ Yorkâ€"W. Eakin, Markham. Mr. Middleton suggested some amerdâ€" ments to the Common School Act. He said that the Government appropriation for schools in the County was nearly $8000. That the cost of distributing the money amongst the schoois was very large, being $400 per year,. He thought this could be saved if the money was sent direct to the townships instead of through the County Treasurer. Discussion on the motion was adjourned. Council adjourned until 7 p. m. Mr. McKechnie quite agreed with Mr. Middleton as to the propriety of Governâ€" menrt censing to aid railways indiscriminâ€" ately, but thought notice should have been given. In their case Mr. Mowat had said that it would be taken in earnest considerâ€" ation by the Government, and from his kind manner and cordial smile they assumâ€" ed that the grant would be made. Mr. Kennedy moved, seconded by Mr. Middleton, an amendment negativing the origival motion, and leaving the matter to be settled between the railways and the Government. The original motion was then withdrawn, some new light having dawned on its proâ€" motors. Mr. Howey desired to add the Torâ€" onto, Grey and Bruce. Mr. MeNicol said that an implied proâ€" mise had been received of Government aid, and the municipalities had spent their money in construction and were now unable to proceed. & Mr. MoKechnie suggsted the propriety of adding the Georgian Bay and Wellington, which was concurred in. Mr. MacRae would support the appointâ€" ment of Mr. Edgar, he having proved himâ€" self a thoroughly good officer. He thought however, that the auditing of the accounts as heretpfore done, was ‘unsatisfactery. The Minutes of the Council should be takâ€" en as the guide in payment of accourts and other disbursements. He did .not approve of the order system, as it was open to abuse. He spoke in high terms of the reâ€" liable character of the Treasurer and Clerk, but said that the present system of checkâ€" ing payments was such that by the formaâ€" tion of an unprincipled Ring, the County might be largely defrauded. The Minute Book of the Council should go before the Auditors, and no payments of monies not authorized therein should be made. ‘ °_ RAILwAYS. } Mr. MeNicol introduced a motion directâ€" ing the Warden and Clerk to sign a Memâ€" orial to Jieut.â€"Governor in Council and Parliament assembled to aid by money grant the Stratford and Lake Huron Railâ€" way. Mr. Kennedy did not approve of the principle of changing officers unless for reasounable cause. i# being fully qualified for the posiâ€" Wardens Elected. Laak i a¢ # us + Aj0MI, 22. SRCIIIT, 2. V IMVORD, 7 APTCWBICT; !â€:;:l'.::::l.:?..:g:m.‘o:::... Don‘s b“cr., J. MeMoris, Donald Richurdsor. _ Mr. Rymalâ€"If your skins are thin they | five. Tromk., . Yosish Gamey. â€"â€" Moerkials will be touched all the more easily. (Iaughâ€" ‘ Standard. ter) Don‘tlet the people know you are| The members of Cook‘s Clrach, who raw. (Renowed Laughtor.) You let thel(ut into trouble in foreibly removinz the people believe by your sction in puluqlorgu from that Cbu«h, having ex,rexsed through the contract, in spite ofa second their regret for their uction have lind the ctler and much wore fevorsble one, thit snapension resoved fhous thera, (Cheers aud laughter.) Gentliemen opposâ€" ite were not only prepared to support the contract without any weakness of the knees, hut like the old soldicr they bent backward. And what gave tois fortitade? It was the prospect of spoils, p.«under,swag. (Cries of "Order, order.") If the memâ€" bers of the Syndicato distributed two or three millions among some of the geutâ€" lemen who voted for the contractâ€" Lo DitereRs . 5n oGRC, 0o 1 ie 1+ 1/ /20 Little fleas have lesser ones, and so on in ad Aniâ€" He urged that the people should be conâ€" sulted at the polls on this question. Some would come back woundsd, and some would not come back at all; but he was willing to take the chances. The poople had been given no information of thi« con tract, and having been kept in the dark had only to look at the footprints of the same gentlocman in the past to fanc} that something of the same kind mught occur again. He did not hope that anything he could say would influence the minds of the gentlemen opposite. The fist had gone forth, and the key note had been struck by the leader of the Government. Great fleas have little floas upon their backs to The debate on the Syndicate resolutions was kept up till 5.30 a. m. on Wednesday morning. . At twe c‘clock in the morning Mr. Rymal took the floor. He referred to the visit of the ministers to England, and said he did not see the necessity for going to England to make a contract with au American company, It could have been done more cheaply on this continent, but perbaps not with so much pleasure. Speakâ€" ing of the stroke of genias which the Minâ€" ister of Agriculture was said to have receivâ€" ed in England, be said he thought it was like the siroke Paddy gave the wood chuck. The first time Paddy missed the wood chuck entirely and the second time he hit it in the same place. (Laughter.) He, speaking of t‘e one sided character of the contract, said it could only be explamed on the theory that the Government entrusted its interests to the man who handled the swag in the Pacific Scandal, and the Sy nâ€" dicate had also left their interests in his hauds. In regard 40 the new offer, Mr. Rymal said it had been charged that it was & political dodge, that it was a tmck; that it was intended to give a ery for the elec tion. Perhaps there is sometLing in this. Perhaps all those propositions are true, but then there is a saving of $12,500,000, or four dollars for every man, wowan and child in the Dominion. As to the political comâ€" position of the two Syndicater, he didn‘t find any objection made to the first because a number of its members are Reformers. Mr. Bannermanâ€"They are all Grits! Mr. Rymal had no doubt that if the bon. gentleman ran an election in Renfrew agrin and wrote to the wolicitor of the Syndicate for another $10,000, that he would be able to get it. (Lnugliter.) Ortawa, Jan. 25 An agreement satisfactory to both poliâ€" tical parties was entered into mcross the floor of the House by Sir John McDonald and Mr. Blake that a division on the latter‘s amendment should take place at that sitâ€" ting, each side being allowed four and a half hour‘s speaking, and debates after wards to take place on the specific amendâ€" ments, covering only the subjects touched by those amendments. The debate on Sir Chas. Tupper‘s Pacific Roilway resoluâ€" tion was then resumed, when several members spoke for and against the Governâ€" ment scheme. Mr. Glen, of South Ontarâ€" io, in seconding Mr. Blake‘s amendment delivered his maiden speech, which bore every trace of careful preparation and thought, being replete with valuable statâ€" istical and other information bearing upon the question. Mr. Rymal folloved. The greatest compliment which esn ve paid to his speech istto state that while nearly every other speech during the sitting was interrupted more or less, his was listenod to with unbroken silence. His points, presented in his well known charateristic style, fell with telling force. Dr. Orton, of Centre Wellington, tried a tilt with him, but retired worsted from the contest. Mr. Scott, of Mamnitoba, spoke next ard while adimitting that at the outset he was opposed to the contract now swallowed it whole. Mr. Bunster spoke for an hour upon every conceivable subject, from the Carâ€" narvon terms to the antiâ€"Chinese question. The debate was continued by Mossrs. Fi set and Gilmour, favorable to Mr. Blake‘s amendment, and MacInnes of British Colâ€" umbis, and Elliott, of Peel, iu behalf of the contract. * ‘ Ortawa, Jan. 24th In reply to a question by Sir Richard Cartwright. Sir Chas, Tupper, announced that the rails had been laid on the Canadâ€" ian Pacific Railway to within ten miles of the western boundary of Manitoba. When the order of resuming the debate on Sir Charles Tupper‘s railway resolutions was called the attendence of members was slim. Mr, Auglia continued his speech, which had been interrupted on Friday night, and gave numerous reasons why the contract should not be ratified. Parliament. At the annual meeting of Osprey agriensâ€" turai society for the present year, the 1o. lowing officers were elected :â€"Presidect, Win, Guy ; 1st Viceâ€"President, R.Y. D. 2ud do. do., Jos. Taylor, Directors, Jowisl: Gamey, Ed. Lipley, J. K. Sing, Ne Moâ€" Lean, A. MceGirr, J. Winters, G, Browster, sr., J. MeMornis, Donald Rickurdsor. Masoxtc Assesmiy.â€"A social nsseaily was held in the Town Hall, Durkom, «s | der the auspices of the Duham Masoms | Lodye, on Friday evening ls . The b=} was tastefully decorated with searlet bung inge, enrtains, pictures, and | masonic +yi0â€" bols of various kinds, and proseuted a moâ€"t tasteful appearance,. Thore was a good number in attendanceâ€"quite a lurge rep( sentation being present from Mount Forâ€" ext, â€" Dancing commeneed about 10 w‘elock to musie supplied by Megsrs,. Colleli (sicâ€" lin) and Komold (piano), and it is ncedleâ€"s to say the mnsicians discharged their duty to the satiefaction of all, Some time atier mooplight refreshments were served in the International Hote!, adjoining the Midi, The roM was an excellent one, aad reâ€" fected every credit upon the judgment zud good management of the worthy ho« and hostess. â€" After refreshwonts the d eing was resumed, and was brought w n Close it an advanced hour in the morning. The entertaiviament throughout wes of a most pleansing chauracter. ‘The lodge is to be congratulated on the success which 1 ttend» ed the affair, and io securing a unanimous verdict of upprovul frorm all preseat.â€"Conâ€" federate. All returned to Mount Forest in their different sleighs highly delighted with their evenings‘s entertainment, and only hope the Durkam Lodge may favor us again with an opportunity of spending such hbappy houre, We wony add that the Monnt Foresters came back deeply (and heartily) impressed with the besuty of Durkuia‘s fair daughters.â€"Advocate. Nays.â€"Allison, Arkell, Baker, Banverâ€" man, Barnard Beatty, Besuchasne, Bennit, Bergeron, Bill, Boldoc, Boultbee, Bourâ€" }bun. Bowell, Brecken, Brooks, Bunster, Banting, Burnhbam, Carling, Caton, Cimon, Colby, Cockburn (Northnmberland), Conâ€" nell, Costigan, Conglin, Coupal, Coursol, Carrier, Cuthbert, Daly, Daust, Dawson, Dessulmers, Desjardines, Domvilie, Don!!, Drew, Dugas, Elliot, Furrow, Fergias~, Fitzsimmons, Fortin, Fulton, Gault, G: gault, Gironard, (Jseqnes Cartier), Gar ousrd (Kent}, Grandbois, Hackett, Hacket, Haggart, Hay, Hesson, Hilliard, Hooper, Houde, Hurteau, Ives, Jackson, Jones, Kaulbach, Kilvort, Kirkpatrick, Kranz, Lundry, Lane, Langevia, Lanter, Lite, Langley, Macdonald John A., Medonald4 (Kings), MeDonald (Cape Eretov), Mucâ€" donsald (Pictou), Melonald (Victoria, N. S.), Macmillan, McCallum, McCarthy, Meâ€" Conville, McKay, McQuaig, McDougail, McGeevy, Mclanes, MeLenuan, MeLeood, MeQua««e, McBory, Manson, Masson, Masâ€" sue, Merner, Moffatt, Moutplasier, Mousâ€" seau, Muitart, O‘Connor, Ogden, Orton, Quimet, Paiterson (Eâ€"ser), Pinsonnanit, Platt, Plumb, Lope (Crompton), Vope (Queens), Poupore, Rjchey, Roberison (Hamilton), Rochester, Ross (Durd>>, Rouleau, Routheir, Royal, R yauy Margu: te}, Ryar (Montres!), Rykert, 5 lmsz, 8e it, Shaw, Sproule, Stephenson, Strau, , ! & »e, Tellier, Tilley, Tupper, Vauis~, Vail. ~, Vooâ€" mase, Wade, Waiince (Norfoll), V nce (YOl’k). White (CRI’:IWt‘â€â€˜-, Wihite Gouir ew}, Williams, Wright.â€"1s0. Â¥xas~Messer:. Anglin, Bain, Bechar", Bilake, Borden, Bourassa, Brown, Burper, (St. John), Burpee (Sanbury), Cameron (Huron), Cartwright, Casey, Casgrain, Cockbnra _ (Maskoka), Damont, Fisct, Fleming, Geoffrion, Gillies, Gilmore, Clen, Guun, Guthrie, Haddow, Halton,Huntingâ€" ton, Killam, King, Larue, Laurier, Macâ€" donpell (Lanark), Medonneil (Invernes), Melssae, Malone, Mills, Oliver, Paterson (Brunt), Picard, Renfret, Robertson (Shelâ€" bourne}, Rogers, Ross (Midd!lesex), Rymal, Scriver, Skinner, Smith (Sir A. J.), Suthorâ€" land, Thompson, Trow, Weldon, Whecler, Wiser, Yoeâ€"54. Messrs. Tasse, Weldon, Domville, Mcâ€" Carthy and Mills followedâ€"the latter speaking for nearly two hoursâ€"when the vote was taken on Mr. Blake‘s amendment, the division being as follows: tience. . They (the Opposition) iad the inâ€" ternal matters of the Liberal party in hand and when they wauted assistence they were not going to the Tory party for it. (Cheera.) Let them run their sn mackhine and let them run it curefully or they would run it among the rocks where they had often landed it before, and it was his humble prayer that the people of Cannda would plunge it there a secona time. (Loud applause.) vwile man Riake. (Laugh:or) Hypoc a» ey could go no further, They had donounâ€" ead him in season and out of se«son aod in declining health. Ministerial cries of "Ho, no." Mr. Rymalâ€"Yes, yes. When in declinâ€" ing health it was not Lenesth the ; vrentest of them to refer to him (Mr. Mackenziâ€") in terms of reproach. â€" Bat gestiomâ€"» opposite might possess their souls in PB« These are plain matters of fact, and alâ€" though I am not in a pusition to prove them I beliove they are true as much as I believe in the Evangelists. 1 consequentâ€" ly oppose the adoption of the bargain, and will vote for the amendiment moved by the leader of the Opposition. (Applause.) Aund while he had the name of the latter on his lips he desired to refer to the exâ€" pressions of regret by the Conservatives ut the late leade} of the Opporition being deâ€" throped, whait a good man he was, and what a pity it was that such a good man as Mackenzie had been supplantes by 154 Mr. Rymailâ€"â€"You don‘t know what I am going to say. ‘The illâ€"gotten gains which the syndicate, through the wickedness of the Government, are enabled to distribute in order toâ€"what? Corrupt the electors. they are illâ€"gotten gainsâ€" TORONTO a ies d