West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 17 Feb 1881, p. 1

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restrain himâ€" n In & wet boag icks. Nog We eft. m “ j of your ‘fi 1st in juelph cb month each month h month, Mount Forest, ruary, Apri d Decemben eceding . the t. 15th, n each month * Guelph Faigp y on the en~h month rur houg., urbany, l.d., im ¢a imadly . +Â¥ ad with »t Ronm d uf ittle of Burdugk sday in vack RDSy espect] D BRUCE ith -do.u.‘-_ ‘ up the "u“)nu_i.-”-.' from post paid, worth onme vmnm hn« d c e . ouy of owr y â€" of day in «t Weekâ€" + and hold ug a Drangibt rangeville, ra Fair, rounds, ngeville, â€" May, 187# esday, Thu EARS. ver 1,800 showing FREE. who do Time Tab WiadcGk irs! Munag ATOR ey Faau. ts, â€" Novinrige s when 8 OMPANY FAIRS. 5:40 p. ue 340 p. uze 10 Six of ug I poimomininatives: evmu s « Outilt sent free to those who wish to engag 1444 h 5 in the most pleasant and profitable business Knitfing Stockings & Socks i se qoib ffveist caevirinren In a1l stree on the moskt ttaprared mfmhod..m' wards is easil g;"d::nbo-t lhytn: nv’t“bzg dooy e o rranatice snb 4b s W ever né}. No risk whatever, Nany now «€o008 COrn 608 * ; s | w ers wan at once. eny are m‘ forâ€" Give him a call and support nativeincnstry. | Fanes at the business. !ndu; make as much ue on ce : us [ ne ce w onl cmd 2e T th I# Agent for Wilson & Co. Sewing Machine Manufacturers, Hamilton, which he is prepared to sell cheap for cash and on time. These nachines arereliable and highly finished, fit for any drawingâ€"room. \ VERY important question for ever‘y.: s one to consider as there is nothing more jurtous for n;-nlrfh thnnn:»‘ld :‘aci. hu;(:'v;r such wan very easily be remed and every made to feel comfortable by cdh.ll:f on Willinue Jobnâ€" «tonme, jmur., who bas the appliunces ior Look out for cold weather. Conveyancer, und Licensed Auctioneer Mow are you of for Socks ? South End Bakery, Durham. KR PM OV A T L. Lumber, Lumber, Shingles, Shingles, Lath & Lime, VYETERINARY SURGEON, nserted us ular rates, Q+% measure . Ordinary notices of births, marriages, lsaths. and all kinds of local news. inserted H () seed 8 #a, $1.25if not paid within two months."@ ree ( At the Oice,Garafraxa Street, UpperTown .utest Fashions Regularly Recetved ALEXANDER BROWN, Durham, â€" â€" Ont. Ivery Thursday, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. * IEGak »ARRIS Woney to Lona ilence at the Old Post Office, Lower Town, DURHAM. "THE REVIEW 3TI » Al T THE ROCKVILLE MILLS. Also alarge quantity of JOISTS. Lot 41, Con. 2 W. G. R. Bentinck. Alexander Robertson, TT BM ; , MXROURKN.., «ces «....«+ Y Do. three months....... _ .... 18 ssaal advertisoments charged 8 cts. sftor the first insertion, and‘; cte. ]ntl.::: eack subsequent insertion â€" Nopareil **. 7. NTXCON, ELMYS:â€"$1.00 per yearin Advance MISCELLANEOUS. PALM WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., st8tyle, Menand Boy‘s C Atgaarranteed oiu m i olumn, RATES OF ADVERTISIXG M tten instructions to the contrary, are 1 until forbidden, and charged at regâ€" AY ANTMALS, &c., advertised three for $1, the advertisement not o exâ€" lines. rtisements, except when accompanied ional and business cards; one inch ce and under, per year, ........ $ 4 ches or 24 lines Nonpariel measure 7 nches do. per year.............. 10 r columm, per yeAP.............. 18 lumn, 84 w w we in we ue d W lucmmc . ## cracades ie iale B Frost & Frost, TAILOR, PJ 4. hn E. D. MACMILLAN, XEY . AT â€" LAW, &e.â€"Orrics to Purker‘s Drug Btore, Upper Town, tresh Lime. P. O., May 25th, 1830, DR C. 8. JACKE®, B. A. TB MEDICAL. t.. Owen So )8T, own Attorney riber is zreymred to Receive ‘p, on the shortest notice, and in Suury Du M RS and Attorney‘sâ€"atâ€"Law n Chancery, Conveyancers, etc., e resumed at Flesherton. Office day as heretofore. EVILLE, Oxt., 8. JEROME, Licentiate Dental Surgery, will visit Dur ; Hotelâ€"the last two weeks of he will be most luxy{lo wait may favor him with their patâ€" ntrusted to him will be perâ€" it and most approved style, the loading Dentists of Toronâ€" { Ontario Vetrinary Col moderate is PUBLISHED LIGHTBODY, H wham riago Liconses, Fire and nt.Commissionerin B. R..&c. Lower Town, Durbkam Oflice, Hanover,from 8 At home,2nd Con, N.D.R., Mossuges for the Dr. left ut to. y50 ALK. Ont Solicitors in Chaneery, oor east of the Merchants‘ yâ€"50 W. CRaAWFORD, .aw, Solicitor in Chanâ€" r in B. R., Notary Public, & ROBARTS, r. has J. TOWNSENXD. Land Sales,attended harges mude very Â¥Tth, 1879. _ yâ€"64 ‘lburne, every Mon k a. m. to 5 p. m. A. ROBERTSON J. W. FROST, LL. B i a half years, and utany placein the atr lothing. Agood removed to Building, just whore he will f Bread, Cakes, ipplied on the prices. Pastry e this opportuâ€" J. T. RosaRts D fmâ€"116 *m13l y116 y57 y31 y10 The very best material used, workmanship ll:rufluf to anything in the county, having made prize workin the principal cities of Canada and the United States. BL’ILDER.Durham,keeps on hand a large stock of Sash,Doors and all kinds of Building materials,also a stock of Mouldin in Walinut, Rosewood,and Gilt. l’lanl,spoelnengon. and Bills of Lumbermade out on short notice. A tfullstock of Coffins, Caskets, Shrouds and Trim minesalwavson hand Spring and Summer Fashions reguls:) received. Durham, Feb. 14, 1878. AJ Yard Hotel, having commenced business in the above lins would respectfully solicita share of the patronage of the public. Former!y Kister Shoomaker in Her Majesty‘s Hundredth Kegiment. Blacksmithing & Waggon Making. NJ 2RX orommary empl~yment. Those who at once will find a ngor\ road to fortuno. Address H, RALLETT & Co., Portiand JOHN ROBERTSON TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Residenceâ€"Opposite the Canada Presbyâ€" terian Church.} Remember the placeâ€"s short distance va LCE EOmE me? uP as me n, and ‘onng boys and girls make pay. No one who is vm&. to work fails to more money every day than can be mad« in ; at any otdfi:::y‘ empl=yment. Those who e JAMES HANNA For Summer Trade, Fine Sewed Welling ton Boots, only $6.00. Laced Balmor. als, Sewed, only #5. Low Shoes, Sewed, only $4.50. The best French Stock nsed. 'IVHE famous Cavalry Horseshoer has secured the services of a Good Wagenâ€" maker. Business prompt and Prices reasonable. Dundalk, Sopt. 23rd, 1880 hâ€"136. A FIRSTâ€"CLASS HMEARSE To HIRE Collections of notes ind accounts on reasonable W. CALDWELTL To farmers and business men on short dato en« dorsed notes or good collaterals. Sale notes purchased at a fair valuation. Draftsissued at usual Bank rates, m-b.lo at all Banks in Ontario and Quebec. c{0UTH END, Durham, near Cattle And Interostallowed at the rate of six per cent, per annum . Office opposite McAlister‘s Hotel. «kKeobert Davwvis‘ Real Estate CATALOGUE. ky . C .o October, 14, 1880, Farms For Sale 122 CC u00000 ~ â€"â€" giteâ€"of KiginStreek u_ °> > I am also authorized to receive tenders for the purchase of lots 58 and 59 in the 2nd Con., E.G.R., in the Township of Ghml!u. cither together or separately. Tenders to state amount ef Cash payment and number of years nq\Im&d Io: balance, and rate 0 «Anterest. I AM instructed to offer for sale the folâ€" lowing Lots in the Town of Durham on easy terms of g:ymer.t, viz: 8,9, 10 and 11 on the Kast side ef Albert Street,and 8.9, 10 and 11 on the West J No.3, on AlbertStreet, one Range East of Garâ€" afraxe Street, Lower Town, Durham. On the lot is erected a good dwelling House and Stable. The Lotcontains one acre ofland. A good well und fump.nnd a number of fruittrees, on the premises. ‘or garden purposes the land is unom&d. The whole l;:»pony will be sold cheap for cash, or otherwise as may be agroed upoun. For furtb"r particulars apply at the Keview Office, { Durham June 24,1879. PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE Propriector wishes to dispose of Lot No.3. on AlbertStrect one Range East of Garâ€" House and Lot for Sale in Durham. â€"â€"ANDâ€" Blind Factory, ROBT. BULL! Dated at Durham this $th Sept., A.D. 1880 C. B. JACKES, Cutting done to Order. " OTS 115,116 and 117 in the 2nd Range, _A N. E. of T. & 8. Road ; 150 neres, 110 cleared This is one of the best grain farms in the Townâ€" Durham Planing Mill, SASH, DOOR, J. A Halsted & Co., «nogséctenis\ abmmaimdaatihe‘y In Artemesia, in the County of Grey. Boot and Shoemaker, DURHAM Sr., DURHAM. Town Lots for Sale. Vol. IV. No. 1. DURHAM, Co. Grey, FEBRUARY 17, 1881. Whole No. Deposits Received, MONEY ADVANCED EJ DURHAM. the Post Office G. L. DAVIS, Manager, Lower Town, Durham make gront wils to make d« in a week who engage )e Gteo Revicko. north o 138 REPORT OF THE WARDEN‘s ADDRESS. To the Warden and Council of the Counâ€" ty of Grey. GextuexEx,â€"Your committee on the Warden‘s Address beg to report that while the expression of gratitude by the warden for this hooor done him by elevating him by common consent to the high position he now fills is matter for congratulation, yet feel it is but a scanty acknowledgement of the consideration due him from this Counâ€" cil‘ remembering his long and earnest laâ€" bors in promoting the best interests of this County by development and by economizâ€" ing when commmendable to do so. And can assure the Warden of the pride and pleasâ€" ure it will afford the Council over whose doâ€" liberation he presides to strengthen his hands in the discharge of the onerous dutâ€" ies that must devolve upon him,. The clause relating to Bridgos on boundâ€" ary lines and the exceptional position of the County in the premises, your Commitâ€" tee, beg to request the attention of the Road and Bridge Committee thereto as well as the statutory enactments bearing thereon. Regarding the representatives in County Councils, there being a bill now before the Ontario Legislature embodying, it is underâ€" stood, much of the contents of the memorâ€" ial forwarded from the Council on the matâ€" ter, your Committce are of the opinion that further representations during the current session might be premature. Mr. Reid, of Collingwood opposed the motion, and thought that if the business of their constituents was neglected they would consider it bad economy. ‘The amendment carried. The question of County valuators is not of secondary importance, but in view of the interests involved, believe the matter can be more inte.iigently disposed of by the Finance Committse, and would therefore decline making any recommendation. Your Committes very respectfully acâ€" knowledge the Warden‘s congratulations on the continued confidence of the electors in the major portion of this Council, and beg to sincerely reciprocate the same. â€" All of which is respectfully submitted. J. J. Minvuctox, Chairman. Moved by Mr. McKechnie, seconded by Mr. Middleton presented the report of the Committeo on the Warden‘s address, as follows: The reference in the Address to the aroâ€" cumulated Sinking Fund awaiting investâ€" ment is matter fraught with importance, and that the Warden‘s anticipation may be fully met would recommend it to the imâ€" mediate and careful consideration of the Finance Committeo. We would further recommend to the earnest attention of the County Property Committee that class of insane persons reâ€" ferred to in the Warden‘s Address in hope that any accomodation or protection to whuich they are entitled under the Statue may be afforded them. Mr. MacRea strongly urged his motion, and moved that as economy was the order of the day, the Council should commence at home to economize. He said that the work of the year could by proper manageâ€" ment be confined to two sessions. In reference to the adjustment of claims between the Township of Melanethon and this Connty your committee beg to recomâ€" mend at this session the appointment of a Committee to attend to the matter. Mr. Middleton, seconded by Mr. Sing, moved That the motion be referred to a Committee composed of the Reeves of Glenelg, Sullivan, Holland, Sarawak, Egâ€" remont, Osprey, St. Vincent and Owen Sound, to report on Friday. Mr. McKechnie seconded by Mr. Mcâ€" Nicol,moved to have the motion printed and laid on the table tor one day: Amandâ€" ment lost. Mr. MacRea, seconded by Mr. Mc Keochâ€" nie, moved to do away with the December sessions, as $800 would be thus saved to the County, giving, however, the Warden the power of calling special sessions. Accounts of E. Todd and D. Creighton. Mr. Middleton resumed the discussion of his motion with reference to School monies, and sard that having found that the Counâ€" ty Treasurer received nothing for handing the money to the Township Treasurer, he wished to withdraw tho motion. Motion withdrawn. A communication from School Inspector Ferguson relating to the School visits in his Department. A statement showing that a settlement had been arranged between this County and Bruce in reference to the separation of Wiarton from this County. ‘The balance found to be due to this County was $400. A letter from the Registrar of North Wellington referring to some monies claimâ€" ed as due to him in reference to the Townâ€" ship of Amaranth. An application from Alfred Frost, Esq., to be appointed High School Trustee in place of Dr. John Barnhart, whos term had expired. _ The Warden read several communicaâ€"| [tions from the County Treasurer, one statâ€" l ing that Government Bonds could not be obtained, but that he had offers from several Building and other Societies at four and four and a half per cent for the County funds now on hand. AnotLer letâ€" ter urging the reconsideration of resolution of previous Council reducing his salary as Treasurer and showing a comparison with! other County muncipalities who paid Treasâ€" | urers more salary for less work. ‘ County Council. (Continued from the Advertiser.) Wednesda_yâ€"E'vening, Jan 27th. Members all present except Mr. McColeâ€" man who was ill at his hotel. C Mr. Kennedy said he thought it was his duty as representing a corporation which imposed market fees, to opposs the passing of a report which sought to take away that power. HMo referred to the great cost to the town for the roads, harbor improve. ments, High School building, from which those in the country derive benefit; and thought that it was only just !.lut the farmâ€" er should aid.the town to the extenut of those market fees. ‘ Mr. McKechnie read report No. 1 of Fiâ€" nance Committae, recommending that & memorial be forwarded to the Lient Goverâ€" nor in Council, praying that the Municipal Act be so amended that all farm produce might be sold or exchanged in any muniâ€" cipality in Ontario free from Market Fees; that the committee could not resommend a grant to the Ontario Rifle Association; that in the settlement between this county, Wiarton and the county of Bruce, as a basis of settlement that the County of Bruce pay $400 to the County of Grey by 1st February next; that in reference to com:aunication of A. M. Ross, recommend that a memorial be sent to Lieut. Governor in Council, praying that County Boards of Selectors of Jurors be dispensed with, and that Jurors be ballotted for direct from lists returned by local selectorsâ€"but the committee could not recommend the lesâ€" sening the number of either grand or petit jurors; also recommending payment of acts. of E. Todd and J. F. Creighton. The amendment was then put and lost, and the report was adopted. Moved by Mr. Middleton, seconded by Mr. Abbott, That the County S»licitor be asked to give at next sitting of Council a written opinion as to length of time the bonds of municipal Treasurers remain vaâ€" lid. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, The Warden read a petition from the North Grey Teachers‘ Association, asking for a grant to establish a teachers‘ library. Mr. Middleton gave as a reason for the motion that the municipality of West Garâ€" Moved by Mr. Howey, seconded by Mr. Wright, That report of Finance Commitâ€" tee, now read, be adopted. Mr. Kennedy moved an amondment,secâ€" onded by Mr, ‘Malcom, That the Council go into Committse of the whole on the reâ€" port. The Reeve of St. Vincent presented & petition from ratepayers of the Township of Sydenham for establishing a fair in the village of Woodford. Byâ€"Law No. 201 to establish a fair inâ€" troduced and read 1st and 2nd times. The Council adjourned till 2 o‘clock on Friday afternoon. Moved in amendment to theamendment by Nr. Middleton, seconded by Mr. Elliott, That the motion be amended by asking for similar aid for the Georgian Bay and Welâ€" lington Railway and that portion of the Toronto, Grey & Bruce Railway not yet aided.â€"carried. Byâ€"Law No. 290, to appoint High School Trustee, was read a second timo. Moved in amendment by Mr. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Fox, Ti.+ the Council fi not authorize the Warden and Clerk t sign the petition referred to in the mo?, but that the Ralroal Company and the Government be let entirely alone to deal with the matter.â€"lost. Moved by Mr. MeNicol, seconded by Mr. Totten, That the Warden and Clerk be authorized to sign & petition to the Honorâ€" able and Lieut. Governor of the Province of Outario in Council, and to the Legislaâ€" tive Assembly of the Province of Ontario in Parliament assembled, praying for aid to the Stratford & Huron Railway Comâ€" pany.â€"lost. Byâ€"Law appointing Co. Auditors, was read a third time and passed. row. (Concluded from the O. S. Times.) THURSDAY AFTERNOON, Several communications and accounts were read, and referred to the respective Committees. On motion, Mr. Wright was added to the Finance Committee. The Treasurer was instructed to furnish the Council with a statement showing the balance due by each municipality, Byâ€"Law No. 290 to appoint a High School Trustee, was introduced. Mr. Middleton moved, seconded by Mr. Sing, a motion to do away with the Warâ€" den‘s Address at the assembling of the Council. ’ The motion was lost. Council adjourned until 2 p. m.â€"toâ€"morâ€" Connty Property.â€"Sing, Lang, Boyd, Fox, Kerr, Clark, Thompson. Education.â€"MeKechnie, Campbell, Fox, Mills, Middleton. Roads and Bridges.â€"Cameron, Messenâ€" ger, Lawrence, Wright, Clark, Malcolm, Kerr, Blyth, Abbott, Mclutyre, Hall, Vasey, Stark. Printing.â€"MacRen, Malcolm, Campbell, McCallum, Winkler, Finance.â€"Murdoch, McKechnie, Mills, Howey, Sparrow, Donald, Stark, Reid, MacRen, Middleton, McGirr, Totten, Moâ€" Nicol, Kcenig, Kennedy, McNaught, Moâ€" Coleman. The following Stending Committees were reported by the Special Committee,and apâ€" proved by the Council. Mr. McNicol, That the Treasurer, Warden and Reeve of Proton be appointed on beâ€" half of this Council to arrange a settlement with the County of Dufferin on all matters arising from the separation of the Townâ€" ship of Melanethon and the village of Shelâ€" bourne from this County. Carried. Rev. Mr Morrison read the petition askâ€" ing for the erection of a House of Refuge, and setting forth the reasons why such an institution should be established in the counâ€" ty. The petition also set forth that in other counties where such institutions were established, it was found that aged and infirm persons could be supported for less than one half than when each municipality supported its own poor. Mr. Middleton thought a committee should be appointed, and report at the June session. It was a very importaut question for the welfare of the county. Mr. McKechnie had no objection to amend his motion in that way, but thought the whole Council shoulid consider theinâ€" selves a commitioe to gutuer information on the aniject. Mr, Mvies thought the better way was to allow the petition to lie on the table,and let every member talk over the matter amongst his eonstituents, and come pared what to do at the June session Mr.Spencer said out of 1800 cases whieh had come before him more than 500 were vagrants; and over 100 of these were really never proper persons for the gaol, nearly all being infirm. _ He referred to the case of a prisoner afilicted with spinal disease, who for two or three years had had nothing but a hard bench to rest on during the day who was as innocent of any crime as any person in the room. There were also four males and one female in gaol, through infirmity, who had comâ€" mitted no crime. ‘The cost of maintenance at an House of Refuge would not be as much as now after first cost of building. In the name of Christianity and humanâ€" ity, the Council should do something. Mr. Fish said the Council must see the neâ€" cessity of doing something. The classes sought to be reached were indigents,unable to help themselves; orphans; persons affiictâ€" ed with temporary insanity; infirm and affiicted; and some worse than orphans should be assisted by a Christian public. The aeputation t3 urge the advisability of establishing a House of Refuge and Industâ€" risl Farm in the county was then heard. The deputation consisted of Revds. D. Morrison, A. H. R. Mulholland, J. Somerâ€" ville,C.Fish, A.H. Scott, P. O‘Donohue and Messrs. W. A. Stephens, Geo. Spencer,R. Brough an4.C. Rankin. Mr. Somerville said what was wanted were facts,. Last Christmas a young man had died in gaol. ‘The man was suffering from consumption, ang hbad visited him; and it was a great pity to say he had no where else to goâ€"just to go to prison and take prison fare. Moved by Mr. McKechnie, seconded by Mr. McNichol, That the thanks of this Council are hereby tendered to the depuâ€" tation who have so ably addressed this Council on the important subject of the erection of a House of Refuge: and that the petition be received, and the matter be laid over till June session. The committee appointed to report on adâ€" visability of bolding semiâ€"annual sessions reported that they thought it would be adâ€" visable if buisness could be completed in two sessions; but recommended that the matter stand over till the June session,as the question of representation in County Counâ€" eils would probably come before the Local Legislature. On motion, the report was adopted. Thereport of County Property Committee wasread, recommending payment of a numâ€" ber of accounts. The motion of Mr.MacRae to have semiâ€" annual sessions of Council, laid over from Wednesday, was put and lostâ€"nays 80, yeas 6. Mr. MelIntyre said Osprey was ready to pay every cont; Mr. Murdoch said Egreâ€" mont‘s share would come at onceâ€"it was his fault neglecting to bring it along with him; Mr. Totten said Keppel had reduced its indebtedness considerably last yoar and intended to reduce it $1000 more this year; Mr. MeColeman said Collingwood‘s share would be paid up in a few weeks; Mr. Mcâ€" Kechnie said the amount due from Durham would be paid in a few days; Mr. Kennedy said Owen Sqund had the money on hand, but hoped the town would hbe allowed to retain it for a while to use for needed purâ€" poses. Thd Warden said that the representatives of Keppel deserved the thanks of the Counâ€" cil for their laudable efforts in endeavoring to pay off their large indebteducss. was then read, as follows : Collingwood $1538.50, Egremont $513.22,Keppel $7095.â€" 81, Melancthon $1202.09, Osprey $2617.55, Durham $261.68, Meaford $646.16, Owen Sound $500, Shelburne $150. The followâ€" ing townships had paid in full : Artemesia, Bentinck, Derby, Euphrasia, Glenelg, Holâ€" land, Normanby, Proton, Sarawak, St Vinâ€" cent, Sullivan, Sydenham. The Treasurer congratulated the Council on the County finances being in so healthy a condition. The Treasurer‘s return of indebtedness of municipalities to the county, asked for, _ The Warden read report of Inspector of Schools for east Grey, stating that in Colâ€" lingwood thore were 25 schools and 5 sepâ€" arate departments, making 50 schools in all; in Euphrasia, 19 schools; in St. Vinâ€" cent, 16 schools and 1 separate depariment making 17 schools; and that he had visited the schools and discharged his duty to the best of his ability. Mr. Creasor gave it as his opinion that where a Treasurer was appointed during pleasure, his bonds held good while he was in office. afraxa had sustained a loss on account of Treasurer‘s bonds becorning invalid. Report No. 2 of Finance was then read ;;;oâ€" recommending that the salary of the Counâ€" prope ty Treasurer be increased to $1,400 with other fees; that in reference to the communication carri of G. J. Gale, asking Council to reconsider| j the motion of the Council of 1880 in redu¢â€" | pane, ing his salary, that the Clerke salary be iD | from crensed to $600â€"the decision arrived At| pyop being largly due to the improvedl MARDCF | poyp, in which the Assistant Clerk performs his! quoe, official duties; that $25,000 of sinking fund | g3,4, on Byâ€"Law 174 be invested in debentures ever, maturing in 5 years in Western Canada| ;pp ; Loan & Bavings Co.; and $25,000 in the | pory , London and Canadian Loan Co.â€"but BOt | pog p till the Treasurer should get the assont of | pog the Lieut, Governor. _ The report also reâ€"| p, commended payment of account of Mout |p @, real Telegraph Co. and siz months rent Of | were oifice for Mr. Masson. Th The report was received and adopted. Ward The Warden made a few remarks in reâ€" | Statin ference to the part of the report referring 5':: to the salary of the Clerk. Hesaid he had | /;;,p, been the chief mover in taking $100 off his | Town salary last yeer; aud was happy to »ay it| Th had the desired effect, but the Commilice Soné. Several members spoke of the dissatisfacâ€" tion expressed by many to them since they came in reference to the old Board, and as Dr. Barnhart was a member of that board it would be better to make afchange and apâ€" point Mr. Frost. Mr Fox was sorry the question was tukâ€" ing such a shape. Getting into parties over tnis question was going too far, and if we could quiet the matter, it would be better. There was no reason why Dr. Barnhart should not be reâ€"elected. IHe hoped whoâ€" ever was elected would let these bickerâ€" iugs be subdued. The Report of County Property Commitâ€" tee was received and adopted. Mr. Kennedy moved, seconded by Mr. Malcom, that Byâ€"law No. 290, to appoint a High School Trustee, be filled up with the name of Dr. John Barnhart. Moved in amendment by Mr. Donald, seconded by Mr.Murdoch, That the Byâ€"law be filled up with the name of Alfred Frost, The amendment being put was lost, and the motion for the adoption of the report carried. Mr. Kerr complained that many lands were sold unknown to owners, which had they been published in rural papers, it would have been known, and the lands reâ€" deemed. * Mr. Sing urged that the cost of such adâ€" vertising could not legally be put against the lots, and the county would have to bear the expounse. After a discussion the motion was put and lost. On motion the Council went into comitâ€" tee of the whole to â€"fill up Byâ€"Law 290 and 291. A vete being taken, it stood 17 for Dr. Barnbart, and 16 for Mr. Frost; and the Byâ€"Law was accordingly filled up with the name of Dr. Barnbart. Woodfori on the Friday previous to the third Tasday of each month, was amended by striking out the fees proposed to be put on articles for sail or exchange, after which it was passed. Moved in amendment by Mr. Malcom, seconded by Mr. Kennedy, That the Counâ€" cil go into committee of the whole on the report. The special committee on Treasurer‘s securities, reported that the security turâ€" nished was good and sufficient. On motion the report was adopted. Moved by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr. MceColeman, That the Co. Treasurer be inâ€" structed to have all lands liable to be sold for taxes adyertised in the newspaper, in so far as such sale effects sach municipaiâ€" ities, in addition to the advertisement reâ€" quired by the municipal law. A desultory discussion took place on the account of J. Farewell, for publishing adâ€" vertisement of Teachors‘ Examinationsâ€"a a number of members contending that he had published it without a direct order,and therefore it should not be paid. The report was finally passed. Report No. 1 of Education Committee was read, recommending the appointment of Alfred Frost as High School Trustee. Moved by Mr. Cu;npbell. seconded by Mr. Kerr, That the report of Education Committee be received and adopted. Mr. Kennedy was in favor of such an institution if it were made clear that only the deserving poor would receive benefit thereby. The motion was carried. Mr. MacRea read report of Printing Comâ€" mittee recommending that the County Printing be given to J. H. Littleâ€"his beâ€" ing the lowest tender; and that accounts of J. Rutherford and J. Farewell be paid. Mr. Malcolm said such an institution as the petition asked for would in a short time become a selfâ€"supporting one, and he would give it his hearty support. Mr. Kerr said Collingwood paid $400 to $500 a year to indigents, but believed his township would rather pay it than send their poor away from home to an instituâ€" tion. Some would rather die than have to leave their homes. Mr. McKechnio then read his motion as amended, by adding that a special Comâ€" mittee composed of the Reeves of Collingâ€" wood, Egremont, Sullivan, Euphrasia, Keppel, St. Vincent, and the 1st Dep. Reeve of 0. S. be appointed to enquire inâ€" to the matter, and report at the June sesâ€" Byâ€"Law No. 291, to establish a fair at The Warden read a telegram from the Warden of Dufierin, F. C. Stewart, Keq., stating that a Comumittee hsd been upâ€" pointed to ineet a committee from this Counâ€" cil to arrange matters relative to the separâ€" ation of the Village of Sheiburne and t..e Township of Melancthon from tuis County. The Council adjourned till ih of Jus Moved by Mr. McKechnie, seconded by Mr. Blyth, That a special Comuittee be appointed to take into consideration the advisability of introducing a comprtehenâ€" sive schome by which the gravel roads and birdges on seme, also bridges on township and county boundary lines in this county, may be kept in a good and efficienut state of repair, ard report at noxt meeting of coun> cil.â€"carried. Mr. Sing replied that some boxesnecded fixing to retain papers properly, which were now lying around in & luoose aund uuâ€" safe condition. It would not cost much, but something should be done. On motion, the Chairman of the County Property Committee was instructed to take the proper steps to repair the South Grey Registry Office, Mr. Middleton read his report as Conuty Director of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway. The report stated that since last session the Co. Director had mitended one moeting of the Doard of Directors at Torâ€" onto, at which it transpired that it was the purpose of the boudholders to carry out with the least possible delay, the originul intention to widen the guage, lay with steel rails, erect an elevator at Owen Bound, and effect euch other improvements as will cuable the road to efficiently do the work required ofit. Mr. Middlcton was unable to give the council any assurauce that the road when completed wonld he opâ€" erated by the Grand Trunk, as it moy be difficult for the T. G. & B. R. to meet fuliy their part of the arrangement owing o failure to carry more than $94,000 bouuses; and that it was intended to abaudon the idea of more aid. Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Howey, That the Clerk be instructod to notify the T. G. & R. R. Co. to make a proper crossing at 50 side road Holland, or otherwise provide m suilable deviationâ€" carried. Report of County Director of T. G. & B. R. and report No. 8 of Finance Comumittee Moved by Mr. Myles, seconded ‘by Mr. Malcom, That the County ‘Treasurer be inâ€" structed to pay the Clerk his salary quartâ€" erly in advance as herctofore; and that the Clerk also get the refund of $100, which was taken off his sulary last year.â€"carried. Mr. Maleom hoped that after hearing xeâ€" port of Finance Committee and the Warâ€" den‘s eulogy of the Assistant Clerk‘s etlici« ency, the motion would puss without disâ€" cussion. The motion was carried mecordâ€" ingly. ation of a part of Shelbourne from that township, which claim they had siuce reâ€" duced to $323.85â€"which amount had Leen tondered by this county. Amnmranth, howâ€" ever, now declined to accept this, preferr» ing the original claim of $540,. The reâ€" port recommended that the latier sum be not paid, considering that Amaranth was not cutitled to it. Mr. Sing said the County was not reâ€" sponsible for the bridge, it not being over & river, and moved that the clause be struck out, which was carried, and the reâ€" port as amended was adopted. Moved by Mr. Konnedy, That the last clause of report No. 1 of the Kducation Committee as adopted be struck out before the minutes are printed.â€"carried. Moved by Mr. Murdoch, seconded by Mr, MacRea, That the Reeve and Depury Reeyes of Collingwood be a Commiitee present to the family of the late Willinzs White the resolution of condolence passud at last December sessionâ€"carried. Mr. McKechnie read report No. 8 of Fiâ€" nance Committee relativ to a claim of$540 Mr. Clerk sensibly supgested that as matâ€" ters in reference to applications for bridges were in such an unsatisfactory state, Counâ€" ty and Township bounduries should be placed on the same footing. It would hbe better to raise a fund to keep up these bridges, and those townships that bad none, receive an equivalent. He thought this would prevent squabbling. It was perhaps too late to take up the matter now, but it should be taken up again, Mr., MacBRue asked the chairman of the County Property Comumittee if any steps were being taken. to fix the South Groy Registry Office. The first clause was passed after a short discussion, but the second elicited a lengthy debateâ€"some of the members contending that according to statute they were bound to provide their proportion to maintain bridges on county boundaries, and moreâ€" over the County of Bruce had granted $150 for said Lridge; and others maintaining they were not so boundâ€"the bridge being not over a river, but simply over a emall watercourso; and that ifliabls for county boundaries, and both applications suould be treated alike. The Council then adjourned till 6 o‘clock on Saturday morning. The report of Road and Bridge Commitâ€" tee was read, recommending that the apâ€" plication for grant for bridge on town line between Proton and Egremont be laid over until it is seen whether the Logislature, amends the Manicipal Act in raference to bridges on boundary lines; that the appliâ€" cation for a grant for a bridge at Hanover, on the county line between Grey and Bruce be entertained, and that the Reeve of Bentiuck be empowered to expendasum not exceeding $150 on said bidge. A motion for the adoption of the report was lost, and the Council went into comâ€" mittee of the whole upon it. wore so weil pisased with the incuensud ofâ€" forts of the Assisiaut Cletk to sorve the Council, that they cousi uut resist the apâ€" plication, and did not kuow but he might haye had $200 more it he bu! asked for it. The Warden went on to say thui it he counâ€" tinued to discharge his duries tint he might look forward with curimnty to the Clerkship when his father was deud, aud calculate upou it as luoog as he pleased to TORONTO

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