West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 17 Feb 1881, p. 2

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# } | i¢ h 4 «+E) °B E3 4 k » % THE REVIEW. wl m CC Durkam, Fobruary 17,1881. x _â€"Gith to day‘s issue the T.evizw enters | wpon is fourth year t i# gratifying to‘ the publisher to be able to announce that Lis ¢Sorts to supply the pullic with a readâ€" ubi« journal has Loen well appreciated, and . iA L Racise issteadi- that Uhe CIECITEA® ty increasing. Bp «â€"â€"It is announ* e lition of the Bibl weeks. The wor! ”ing on for ten $ dAucted by a join Coraraittee, comp from the leading â€"It is anpounsed that the new reviseo e lition of the Bible will be issued in a few weeks. The work of revision has now been yoing on for ten years and has been conâ€" ducted by a joint Britich and American Coramaittee, composed of learned Divines from the leading religious denominations on both sides of the Atlantic. ‘The work was kupposed to be necessary on account of the great change which many Englis words have undergons since the days 0 James the First, and although the Revise Bible will be somewhat different in appear pobsinemedfivnintrmnenman ons ? /"C. m weee@x CCC COO a ETT 7 ith toâ€" Jay‘s issue the Review enters | L. Fraser and Mr. Gordon, Mount FOre®‘s its fourth year It is gratifying to | Rev. McKay, of Luther, and Rev. P. wblisher to be able to announce that | Straith, of Holstein. . St. Aundrew‘s church orts to cupply the pullic with a readâ€" | choir of Mt. Forest ploce furnished music.~â€" urual has Loen well appreciated, and | Gonfederate. ho circulation of the Review is steadiâ€" | Cuatsworta.â€"Items from the corres: reasing. The publisber. wquld take | pondence of the 0. 8. Advertuser:â€"A pportunity of thanking his fmnd-‘lot‘ Dutchman drove on to the market here . continued support, and would just ‘ last Subbath morning with a load of wheat, st that each subscriber before the ] under the i-uproinion that it vas Zatarâ€" ; opens would endeavour to send 42 | q2y," â€" My, Donold Ross, formerly of this ; oue. By & combined effort of this | village but now of Derby, while lumbering L.e Review would soon be able to apâ€" \in a shanty in Keppel:; had his leg broken in s rouch umproved form. below the nee on Saturday last. Wok O ) y thet tha new revised| Fresnentoy,.â€"â€"We take the following wl Wt 400320fi a & PC eeous 1 plied t Mz ws Met‘ 1 their ant | Monday, l& usual quarterly love was held in th¢ Metl}o was ueae t CE Cns Town, the Rev. Mr. Burwash, of preaching and officiating. . The a was very large, aud the new 8 filled with tearos. The Rev. Mr has been advised by his Physic linquish the work for a time, health becemes better, aud the Conron will be here on Sabba take Mr. Williams‘ place on th ment. The Rov. Mr. Tindal}, of the District was here on Mo: quarterly basiness meeting. T meeting was adjourned for two take M: ment. / of the Di quartesly meeting GraNXG® No. 504 ) Wednasda monthly 1 Dt Marnopist Cuc® t WHD tertainment, the qU®MI® Y * being more than evough, and of the best. The chair was th the worthy Master, Bro. Chat who ealled the meeting to ord tained the company with 3 speech, nftor which the time M until a late hour in ainging, T® ations, diatogues, &e. Ali pre se auiln commeine s @xOmAACAREATY CC CE 0C eing more than evongh, and the quality ; f the best. The chair was then taken by the worthy Master, Bro. Charles Moffatt, who called the moeting to order and eaterâ€" ained the "eompany with a bussorous| speech, after which the time was taken up until a late howr in singing, readings, reaitâ€" ations, dialogues, &e. Ali presont enjoyed thoraselves to the fa‘l and declared it was the best thing of the seasoq.â€"GBAXGER H C unuted to $290.00, irds seating the tx.â€"The Fair I x TLACK Oth TJ triet o their owners or U but the latter course , very hard matier | virch of Holst« ry services on | and 21st of Feb n On d the attendance urch being well f Durham, Messr d others gave #o yokes of oxen eevaalleredy ..‘ ... . . ree. A large number of| PDemxs one of the late storms, one of | © wn. â€" Considerable horse the good citizens of Glenelg lmd.a narrow | t alged in, &8 usual. We ‘escnpe {r(fm m diflicult‘ sitaation. _ His 1 JLer some of the "plugs" ‘utahles being at some distance from the )‘ mcivr owners or they carried dAwelling house he as usual took a light | t.e latter course would not | and went to feed his team, but before he y hard matter to accompâ€" got far he became bewildered and lost his | way in the thoding snow drift. He tried to recover himself, but every effort seemed werow.â€"On Sabbath 188t| ;9 place him in a worse situation, and he vly loveleast and "‘c,"m“f‘ soon realized that he was lost. Visions of Methodist Chareh in tDi8| pome, a bright fire and kind friends floated ‘\‘“f Burwash, of Ha2096®s | gmrough his mind; then thoughts of wandâ€" (iciating. â€" Theattenda9¢¢| pyipg all night in the snow, or perhaps of sud the uer Shed? °* | perishing before morning, . At last a happy s, The Rev. Mr. Wili2m$ | gpought struck him, he put out his light »d by his P hysician t9 Y8* | and discovered that he & uld see further ork for a time, until his| without it, and he soon made out his way . better, aud the Rev. Mrâ€"| and reached home in safety. Thus learnâ€" Tom ar tusinth neat in | y that peoste ce on § n 9 ms PS *\ having too ssuch light. ov. Mr. Tindal}, chairman P was here on Monday at the .T“ wanbk‘‘s Sumn.â€"‘Lvn accordance mss meeting. The business with the usual eustom, the arden elect ?‘ ovrued for ts eeks. the County gave & mpper.nt the Queen‘s Hotel, on Thursday evening last, to the en ol ooeg ce ied uie r Was vrcu.â€"On Sabbath last wp y loveleast avndsacrement | .,,,,, Sethodist Chareh in $858 | frogy {v. Burwash, of Hanove® | gy k.tâ€"les â€" Whanttendance} .:. { 1 uncleo of Mr. Js the Charch. wir held hore on Tuesâ€" nded by such a large times the case, brt s giyes by Mi. i Durbam, led in suecess. . The proâ€" 0. and will be supâ€" the next issue good, and everyâ€" was quickly bought \ $12 to 24; Steers ng to age and conâ€" t oxen were offered A large number of Considerable horee W t‘s, Durham, it new prints and see his day evening 1 at Grashby‘s s were prosent tein will ; Sabbath Il MÂ¥zr. Marttaxp McCartuy, barri2"©"> "" \; ‘-IOuuge\"me. has been uppoiuted County Judge of Duofferin. ‘The appointment lsy in " the hands of the Dorminion Government. + Mr. McCartby, our readers ato mostly 1 | aware, is brother to Mr. Dalton MeCarthy, ‘ M. P. for Sincoe. : | _ Tea Meermu® at Ceparyruue.â€"Tuesday |. * | evening last a very successful tes meeting |. was held in the Presbyterian Church, Cedarâ€" M ‘vi‘;le. Adresses were delivered by Rev. 8 | . Fraser and Mr. Gordon, Mount Forest; 0| Rev. McKay, of Luther, and Rev. F. l a.ich af Hinlstein. . Sk Andrew‘s chm'cht ntinek m / this Mr. Allon MeAnlay, of Melanethon has sold is farm to Jac. McQuarrie, of Protos {r $1,650. like per Lcal ard NM‘ther Items. Dar. Kisgxax.â€"We are sorty to have to record that Dr. Kiernan has decided to‘ leave this Town, 88 since his residence in Durham he has made many friends, and has been identified with many projects of lats for the moral advancement of the com munity. We hope, however, he will be favored with a share of patronage in Orauge« ville, to which place he has removed, aud we fee} persuaded that he will succeed in cting nmauy friends in his now field of ville, to which we feel persua making many labour. Tus Auurorp Muso®® IN BextmCK.â€" + t Not being satisfied with the reshit of the Baflway AiE_Deputatxon. pnusuat activity," the occnsmon Pnd S ME Ee o amlSiness to first inqueost, John Miller was arrested 0n | _ OQp Wednesday last week a very large deâ€"| starting of the new saw mil}, quite a NUM: 1t is not my business to Acfend the Siratâ€" (BAY® NO U C S o has 3 the charge of murdering his wife, and th? ) putation from along the line of the G. B. & | ber gathered to see the proceedings which | ford and Huron Railway Company. No commenced, and which has ret body of Mrs. Miller «ht exhumed and | Wellington, and 8. & L 1. Railway, num: | were of a yery satisfactory nature, they | accusation, to MY knowle.dge. has been pre. | from this House, which was post mortem examination tmade by DYsâ€" | bering over three hundréd and fifty waited | sawed 4 or 5 hundred {t. of lamber while | forred agaist them by the people, who voted | rmuch nceded in the public int Cook gnd Bonner of Cheslay, assisted by | on the Attorney General at Toronto to s0â€" | we were there. The machinery runBing | the money which you 82y has been equanâ€" j it i8 nudeniable . that there ar | Drs. Landerkin and Lightbody of Hanover. | licit aid for these lines. Mesers. G.McKechâ€"| like a top, as waS expessed by some, @YC®Y* | dered. of the Country in which | The nccused was brought before Justices | nie, F. MacRae, and a namber of others | thing is of a first class order, and is quité & | _ My duty is quite plain aud the course ge.| bonuses have been voted by th Campbell and Gotwalis, at Hanover, the | from Durham, were in the deputation, Mr. | boon to this part of the country. cided upon by me will be persistently and palitics, in order to #e0470 MM trial lasting four days, and a large number | Hay, M. P. P., introduced them, and aiter| Droxmons LobGS 1. 0. G. T.â€"&t ameet: | faithfuily pursued until justice has been Railway facilities when the of witnesses were examined. . The prisonâ€"| a number of the gontlomen including | ing of the sbove lodge, held in their 104g | done the people I ropresent, What Lave were voted with the full assuran \“' was committed to stand his wial at OWen | Messrs, Dr. Landerkin, J. H. Hunter, G. | room on the ovening of Friday 11th instâ€"| we to deal with at the presont juneture ? efforts of the people would be s | S and. MeKeeunic, W. H. Ryau, J. Murdoch and | the Officers were clected for the followibg | This fact, that both the Stratford & Huron ed by aid from this House. The ‘ A VarcaBug ALMaxÂ¥Ao.â€" We have rsceivâ€" F. MacRae bad spoken on behalf of getâ€" | quarter, Bro. Jas. Renwick, W.C. T; SiS| ank the Gcorgian Bay & Wellington are have been all expended, but the ; ed from Messrs. J. C. Ayer & Co., of Lowell | ting Railway aid.â€" M. J. Renwick, Ww. Â¥Y. T.; Bro. T. Renâ€" | stuck for want of funds: To permit either | they had every r}euson to & .lM:m.. a bound volume containing speci.| _ Mv. Mowar said that he and his colleaâ€" | wick, W. See.; Bro. J. Adams, W.Fâ€" S | road to reain in this unsatisfactory state, which they were fairly and equat % \ mons of the various issues of Ayer‘s Alm. | gues had been glad to see those who were | Sis. 0. J ohnstone W,. Treas.; Bro. W. Ferâ€" | will be admitted undesirable, and wore [ to | ed toreceive, has been w ithheld 2" Sage C %UL Snd s tho book suranls especiallyinterestedin the roadsmentioned. | guson, W. Chap; Bro. T. Johnston, W+| decline to assist in relieving them, it would | but I sincerely hope justice w J Sn oi ce repeathten ENE + â€" Then AlKME: Felg‘uion‘ W, 1. G4 Br0â€"â€" donubtless be ('hB.!‘fl.("Cl”LSL'd A3 & d'u’e[ecfiou\“'rhough the Heavens fall" a au ut P 46 .08 bavdniels i eavitces, present session. Even though i le on ohuccasikian Cheers. A VarcaBug Atmaxagâ€" We have recelyâ€" | E. ed from Messrs. J. C. Ayer & Co., of Lowell | tin Mass., a bound volume contaiuing speci.| l mons of the various issues of Ayer‘s Almâ€"| g4 anac for 1881. â€" We find in the book sample | eS | almanaces complete, in each of the followâ€" | H y ‘ ing langaage*, viz.:â€"English,French, Gerâ€"| bt | t man, Spanish, HRolland, Datch, Norwegian, | pt | Portuguese, Swedish, and Bohemian; wlso | ta r.1n page or two of Chinese, with specimens | b | of the firm‘s advertisements in Greek, Araâ€" | b |bic, Armenian aud Bulgarian, the whole | c t-l'urming a book of about 450 pages, The | C g | work is really a literary eumosity in itself, | t ‘s | and we believe fully ten million copies are | t .t | printed by this firm every year. 1 a| Tus Ramwar.â€"At last we are able to | d. !ilcum something in the shape of fact conâ€" ‘ xâ€" | cerning our railway. . Mr. Wraggo came ' dâ€" l' up on Monday to negotiate with onr quar« [v. | riees for the furnishing of stone for culverts in | and bridges along the road,. ‘The bondâ€" roâ€" E‘ holders have determined to go on with ipâ€" | the work of rebuilding as soon A8 possible | in the spring. The new elevator here is to 6g« \ be built nearly opposite the Dry Dock, at rge \n cost of about $15,000, aud a dock front bri | 24° is to be built from the present station ryâ€" | to a short distance past the clevator. A whtfi new station is to be built nearly opposite CeYS 1 the old one, and an engine houseand turn poy,. | table * short distance below in the marsh. prod â€"0O. 5. Tribune. oy of| Pemx4g one of the late storms, one of orse | the good citizens of Glenelg had a narrow xw,| escape from a difficult â€" situation. | His ....n"‘nnbles being at some distance from . the Wl us thig iC w at Says the Kincardine Reporter : Rev. Dr. David«ou bas necepted a call from the Tig. erton Buptist eongregation. The saluary to be paid is $800 and tree marse, gen BPP"i"“d County The appointmentlay in )ominion Government. .o vraarlers are mostly ‘arpexn‘s Supper.â€"in accordance usual eustom, the Warden elect of ty gave a supper at the Queen‘s n Thursday evening last, to the and Town Councillors, Connty , of PnE t c stauid, sober aud induetrionus Labits, has | W been a resident of Durham, and daring | 2 that time until a few weeks AgO. was beâ€" | P lieved to be a #gonfirmed bachelor" and | & although rumour had it that several at . tempts were made to picree his "apparentâ€" | t 1y" impregnable armour, the result was alâ€" | 1 ways a failure, and the aforesaid parsued | the even tenor of lis way, attending to bis| business, and walking blameless before the 4 'peopleâ€"tlxe last man to be suspected of | anything romantic. Yet, 80 far as we are ‘informed, he was net always §0. About ‘%21 or 22 years ago he with his father‘s | family cccupied the "Red Mill" at Guelph, | and while at that place he met his "fate," and both being.wming. ho determined to | enter the state of matrimony, which he accordingly did. After enjoving the comâ€" | panionship of the chorce of his youth" for â€" | about s yeat, the twain, from someé cause | or other, deeided to dissolve the "matri« »| monial tie" and each one, to use a comâ€" "| mon expression, "to paddle their own & \cnm.e." But here the strangest part of our & | story comes in. The lady pursued ber own TE i. We lectoatin semd in of way, living carefully, y by mdustry aud thrift, several thousand doll: aration of about 20 y Town also. Of com rapidly, and it was felt young, and she fe it was whispered arou ED Eon TV PRRCOUC ron expression, "to paddle their own MrC anoe." But here the strangest part of our wit tory comes in. The lady pursued ber own Pr vay, living carefully, yet economicnlly,a.nfl sel y mdustry and thrift, succeeded in saving | U everal thousand dollars, and after a sepâ€" | 4° wration of about 20 years arrives in this | Y° Town also. Of course the news flow| P rapidly, and it was whispered "that he P‘ felt young, and she felt young," and then 1P it was whispered around that a "new partâ€" a nership" was likely to be consumated, and fo â€"and a house was rented and furnished, f and our "confirmed bachelor" "turned in"| P and is now an "examplary benedict." We cannot help thinking, bowever, from & 1 wotrldly point of view, that if any wife deâ€" 1 serves the title of "better half" the aforeâ€" 1 suid lady does. We have refrained from I mentioning nanies, but the cirenmstances of this case, we believe are strictly true, thus adding another instance to the adage "That truth is stranger than fiction." The newâ€"we were going to say newly married â€"or at all events the reâ€"well, we will say s the nowly reâ€"united married conple have | our best wishes for their fature hnppiness,\ ! . is sAz is the nowly reâ€"united married conple our best wishes for their fature hap; and may they live long to enjoy the ings of a happy man and wife. Messrs, Dr. Lander} MeKeeuzie, W. H. PR F. MacRae bad spol |ting Railway aid.â€" | â€" Mr. Mowar said t . | gues had been glad , | especially interested â€" | He had rescived 2 g . | but all put together ., | present one in seize o | tation was not mer s | but that they bad al » | bers of the House, e | cessary to convince y Canenenny : T . WBR AECCCOCC Mr. Mowar said that he and his colleaâ€" gues had been glad to see those who were especially interested in the roadsmentioned. He had rescived a good many depulations, but all put together would not equal the present one in seize. _ He know the depuâ€" \mtion was not merely to the Government but that they had also to irspress the memâ€" bers of the House, as it was essentially neâ€" cessary to convince the House as well as the I Arearnment. * Ho coukl not ##y anything Railway Aid Deputation. gessary to COnViNM® PMC *tCCCC Government. _ He could pot more than that the Governmo the subject their best _ ¢ He did not know that on any BEw TT CCC OCECE i casion be had said anything which he ought not to have said in reply to dowtaliuns.\ The House would no doubt take the views of the deputation s0 well expressed into consideration, and he hoped the Honse and the Government would arrive at a sound conclusion. (Applause) ‘ Mr. Hay thanked the Attorneyâ€"General for the use of the Chamber, after which the deputation withdrew. A meax Sran.â€"We believe in the MM*| 59 personality of journalism, and therefore it | ;( is only in extreme cases that we would| pp justify any reference to the personality"0f | p any writer on the press. But when & MAM; | yq in order to get a mean spirited fling at an | y opponent who has beaten him in afairconâ€"| test, prostitutes his position as & jouroalist; | a,, he should be treated without mercy. We is do not believe in making the impersonality | £,, \nf the pressa cloak for a moral assassin. Â¥i ‘The Mail yesterday had an article directâ€" | w ed against Mesars. Hunter, Hay and SiMt | g, clair for the part they took in advocating | 4 | the granting of provincial aid to two lines| q , | of railway on whish the municipal bonuses f\ have been expended, and which were now j | stuck for want of funds, These roads run S . | through North Perth, North Bruce, and h g| South Grey, and that faes is suflicient to 1 y | account for the position taken by the gentâ€" | , | lemen above named, who are imply utterâ€" | : y | ing the voice of their constituerts, Had| y | the Mail contented itsolf with arguing on \' ,. | its merits the question of aiding these roads | y | no fault could have been found with | it | but as it indulged in a bittor, unjust and | t malignant personal attack on Mr. Hunter of it is necessary to enquire what the real moâ€" s tive of the article was, 4 [ The Mail happens to have on its staff a ty journalist who rus ad the Conservative canâ€" in didate against. Mr. Hunter in South Grey Sig in 1879,and we have no hesitation in saying y3 | that had he not joined the staff of that iBe journal the unfair attack on Mr. Huntor at, would not have been nfule. One can read | as | t every part of the diatribe between the ay. | ines that famous 700 hundred of a major» 1 to ity.â€"The World, Feb. 4th. ey.| Tewreeance MaztmNo in Eoeapmoxt.â€"A den | meeting was held last week at lot 11, con. ples 11, Egremont, for the purpose of resusitatâ€" mjy | ing Waluut Gore Division Sons of Temperâ€" ance, which has been dormant for some months. â€" There was very good attendance. Speeches were delivered by Rev. Straith, of Holstein, Rev. D. Fraser, of Monunt Forâ€" est, and Mr. James Murdoch, reeve of Egâ€" remont. The Division was reâ€"organized with thirty merabers according to the rules o‘ the order, Rev. Mr. Fraser acting as D. +. W. P.â€"Mount F orctt.ConIedamta. Thowas Carlyle, the great Philosopher | and writer died in London, England, on \Suiu.d., morbing the 5th inst. . Lo j 4@ t + ted married couple have for their fature happiness, ce long to enjoy the blessâ€" man and wife. rount nld give us had killed several of TS ADN â€" 00R ycE CAE MAE PW COOTUON CC bors sheep. completed unless Prc 1t might have been had it not been for| Â¥ou assert that 1 the promi»t action of the men around Dro# promoters, have * | more nided with a hand forceâ€"pamp (that | nished by the munic | is kept for sale by Jas. Renwick) in putting | tion can be establish | | out a fire on the roof of & house oceupied by | very serious one, and ,-\ Mr. Robt. Renwick,. Causeâ€"defective | but so far as my ol . | stovepipe." Also the house veeupied by | tion extend, I am ,| J. Dowzer 22 con. narrowly eseaped. poople who are mor / | On Sabbath the 18th. inst. the sacrement | d in the completion of the Lord‘s Supper, will be dispensed in | who have furnishe Amos Chuch by the Rev. D. P. Niven. say have been "was Dromore was on Monday the seene of | implicit eonfidence unusual activity, the occassi0n being the | withstanding your eâ€"| starting of the new saw mil}, quite a numâ€" Tt is not my busi & | ber gathered to see the proceedings which | ford and Huron j aâ€"| wers of a very satisfactory nature, they | accusation, to my d | sawed 4 or 5 hundred {t. of lamber while | forred agaist them 0â€" | we were there. The machinery rinBing | the money which hâ€" | like a top, as Was expessed by some, every* | dered. irs | thing is of a first class order, and is quité & | _ My duty is quit Ir. | boon to this part of the country. cided upon by m ter| Droxons Lones I. 0. G. T. â€"Mt a meetâ€" | faithfully pursued ing | ing of the above lodge, held in their 10488 | done the people 4. | room on the cvening of Friday 1ith in3 | we to deal with ind | the Officers were elected for the followibg | This fact, that bG retâ€" | quarter, Bro. Jas. Renwick, W. G.T;Sisâ€"| ank the Georgit M. J. Renwick, W. Â¥. T.; Bro. T. Resâ€" | stuck for want of leaâ€" | wick, W. Sec Bro. J. Adams, W.F.S: | road to remain it vere | Sis. O. Johnstont W. Treas.; Bro. W. Ferâ€" | will be admittecd ned. | guson, W. Chap; Bro. T. Johnston, W | decline to assist ; ons, | M.;; Bro. Alex. Ferguson, W. 1. G4 Bro:| donbtless be chai tho | Jas. Ronwick Jr. W. 0. G. Lodge meets \ of duty on my P epu. | on Friday evening, visiting brethern made My constifuen nent | welcome. The sacrement of the Lords | Garafraxa Road aemâ€" | Supper was dispensed on Sabbath last ut\ ally towards c y ne. | Amos Church, Egremont, by the Kev. D. | Railway, and â€" .« the | P. Niven pastor of the congregmiion. Notâ€" | fraxn Iiond' the ol n 0 o uc cbandine the severity of the weather “\bnmxses to :xssi:; 1t might have been had the prompt action of the m more sided with a hand 1 is kept for sale by Jas. Rer out a fire on the roof ot a h Mr. Robt. Renwick. C ut | welcome. . 1e SACE®!!C® nâ€" | Supper was dispensed on e.| Amos Church, Egremont, he | P. Niven pastor of the cor ng\| withstanding the severity ive | goodly number were pre® UZUMTT N MCCOCCC ho Officers were clected for the foliow188 | This fact, 1984 P97 777 V Sn unlat juarter, Bro. Jas. Renwick, W.C. T; SiS | ank the Gcorgian Bay & Wellington are have been al eSPCPUUTi ® . J. Renwick, W. Y. TA Bro. ‘P. Re#â€"| stuck for want of funds: To permit either they had every reason wick, W. See., Bro. J. Adams, W. F. 845| road to remain in this unsatisfactory state, which they were fairly an Sis. 0. Johnstone W. Trens,; Bro. W. Ferâ€" | will be admitted undesizable, and wote 1 1 ) | ed toreceive, has been wi guson, W. Chap; Bro. D. Johnston, W | decline to assist in relieving them, it would | but 1 sincerely hope jus M,; Bro, Alex. Ferghson, W. 1. G4 Br9â€", doubtless be charactorised as & direlection "Though the Heavens Jas. Ronwick Jr. W. 0. G. Lodge wests | of duty on my part. present session,. Even t on Friday evening, visiting brethern made | â€" $y constifuents on the Tast sile of the ment fall, (Opposition C welcome. The sacrement of the LOÂ¥dS | Grrafraxa Road bave eontributed very liberâ€" nmxiety to obtain & railw Supper was dispensed on Sabbath last at ally towards constructing the G. B. & W. cipalities have voted bo T.* Ahnech: Eoremont, by the B"V_-_D' | Railway, and the Weet side of the Gara. | rate to be levied each F and the West ©00 05 °/ / oya1 | statutory limit, literally The village of Hopevilie has mado grem.‘ improvement within the last two of thee yoars. A fine saw mill has been erected, which is owned by Mr. Hopkinson, and a large quantity of saw logs have been laid down atit. Dr. Mc(:‘regot,of(.‘mclph,hns a\ l number of men at work fixing up Lbis saw mill, which has been idle for a pumber of years past. M# John Robertson is erectâ€" ing another saw mill at the Saugeen River _ * u. rom. side voud, about three miles ight have been had it not »OD" *** ba ts MB c un dsn inss mpt action of the men around Dro® | promoters, have *wasted" the fuuds furâ€" | POOCF * 00 00 c ladiis ided with a hand foxceâ€"pamp (that | nished by the municipalities, if your assor. | not required in the public i for sale by Jas. Renwick) in putting | tion can be established then the charge is a | word that we have already to ire on the roof ot a honse ocenpied by | yery serious one, and should be investigated, ways in Ontario, and that co: tobt. Renwick,. Causeâ€"defective | but so far as my observation and informaâ€" further aid should be discon ipe," Also the house veeupied by | tion extend, I am led to believe that the tirely disagree with any suc wzer 22 con. narrowly eseaped. people who are more immediately interestâ€" unhesitatingly asserts that Sabbath the 18th. inst. the sacrement | 64 in the completion of that Railway, and | nearly enough Railways in e Lord‘s Supper, will be dispensed in | who have furnished the funds, which you parts being as yét entirel) Chuch by the Rev. D. P,. Niven,. say have been uwasted" have still the most Railway facilities. In m omore was on Monday the scone Of | implicit confidence in the Company, notâ€" such is our unfortunate . st aal activity, the occassion being the | withstanding your assertion to the contrary. | 2 not prepared to deny th ng of the new saw mill, quite a numâ€" | Tt is not my business to defend the Stratâ€" have been some exceptio) athered to see the proceedings which | ford and Huron Railway Company,. No commenced, and which ha of a very satisfactory nature, they | accusation, to my Iknowledge, bas been preâ€" from this House, which d 4 or 5 hundred {t. of luamber while | forred agaist them by the people,who voted | rouch nceded in the publ vere there. The machinery YHBBIOE | the money which you say has been squanâ€" it is nudeniable that the a top, as was expessed by some, everyâ€" dered. of the Country in wh g is of a first class order, and is quité & | _ My duty is quite plain and the coursedeâ€" bonuses have been voted I i to this part of the country, cided vpon by me will be persistently and | palitios, in order to secwi moxons Lones I. 0. C. T .â€"BM a meetâ€" | faithfully pursued until justice has been Railway facilities whe of the above lane, held in their 10488 | done the people I ropresent. What Lave | were voted with the fall as n on the cvening of Friday i1th instâ€"| we to deal with at the present juneture ? efforts of the people would P se Nss " 0 CA t hath the Stratford & Huron ed by aid from this House $ p C 2M memanded. b on u,m 12th side road, south of Hopeville. Quite a fashionable wedding 1008 PMDC on the 7th inst., at Mr. Alexander Meâ€" Donald‘s. His daughter was married to & young man from Streetsville. The Rev. My. Morrison, "tied the knot." The bride was dressed in a beautiful poplin silk dress, | and the brides‘ maids and bridegroom‘ looked remarkably well. A sumptuous feast was served in the evening, and & violin was brought into requisition later on when both young and old enjoyed themâ€" selves for some time on the light fantastic toe. The newly married Couple left for a trip to the Falls.â€"Comâ€" OnaNoRigx,â€"£he &DOOR® 207°0°9 °00000 fa South Grey County Orange Lodge, was ‘ } held in the Orange Hrll, Dundalk, on the i 1st inst. There was & large number of | brethren presout the most of the district and private lodges comprising the County ’ of South Grey being well represented. l""m usual routine of business was transactâ€" ed in a vory harmonions manner. There was a communication from the Orangemen of Toronto, asking the Orangemen of this County to celebrate the next avniversary of the battle of the Boyne in the Queen city which was referrod to the district lodges for consideration. . The noxt annnal meeting will be held in the Orange Hall, | Flesherton Station,. The following officers ; | were clected for the current year, vis:â€"W. ;| C. M. Thos. Ferguson; D. C. M. James | Edge; C. C., Jumes Brodie; C. S., R. Murâ€" 1| ray; C. T. Williata A. Anderson; C. D. O, ) | C., Thos. Fleming; C. L., Sam‘l Fleming. .\ â€"Markdale Standard. NormaxBY AGRICULTURAL Soorety,â€"The T Proton Noews. wlz gea stt to do with the fact Ned on Monday of in his barn, after 1t his and his neighâ€" Je wedding took place it Nir. Alesander Meâ€" ighter was married to & Streetsville. ‘The Rev. 4 the knot." The bride MOS SR ken of the| D®zs*® Sie,â€" pcenssion.| in your next was voted | and much oblig more than pening adâ€" | To the Editor nore Choir, Sim,â€"In y :heevening.\under the he ave a short | share of the : When the | to leave the in . e Bnrk-l ciating with t To the Editor of the Grey Review. Lecislative Assembly, < Toronto, Feb. 15, 1881. Pzar Sm â€"Will you kindly find space in your next issue for the enclosed letter, \md much oblige. gÂ¥ 0urs truly, J. H. HuxTER. ~ To the Editor of the Chronicle. Sim,â€"In your issue of the 10th instant, under the heading of "Application for & | share of the surplus," an attempt is made | to leave the impression, that by my assoâ€" | ciating with the Stratford and Huron Railâ€" | way promoters I have pliaced myself in an | unenviable and equivocal position, or in ‘| other words that I am in bad company. 200 40 L4 fakk a anmErnversy qaR®e MERCCAT CCC 0C 1 have no desire to get into a controversy with the Editor of a newspaper, but I cw1 not allow the article referred to, to go un noticed. 1f the course I have chosen to pursue in this matter, should "detract from my legitiâ€" SEun "ue c 4000 °0. cntatabtare SS PAEREVER CCCR CL S ESA mate influence‘" either in the Legislative | t€ Assembly, or in the country. it will unâ€"| questionably be utilised to my disadvantage | V as opportunities present themselves. n 1 am quite willing to admit that the Diâ€"| 8 rectors of the Georgian Bay & Wellington | i iRn.i‘.way Company, with highly commendâ€" | able assiduity have devoted their time|! gratuitously to the promotion of their | / scheme, and believe they have succeeded }‘ in nearly completing & first class road in every rospect, and have obtained value for | the money this far expended. but the road | is not finished and cannot be, (0on the auâ€" | thority of the President L make the stateâ€" ment,) unless every dollar of the subscribed | stock is called up and paid. Itis alleged on {| very reliable authority that a large p°râ€" ‘ t | centage of the stock cannot be eollected. If â€" this is really so the road must remain unâ€" \cumpletud unless Provincial aid is obtained. oe oo aecert that the Stratford & Huron B 1 d i Aichoniiied aichi ie ty The course which I marked out for myâ€" | olf to pursue at the inception of these rival f ailway schemes, I have endeavoured zealâ€" asly to adhere to, and I have the satisfacâ€" ion of knowing that it is meeting with the ipproval of my constituents, including & majority of the G. B. & W. board, and I have reason to bope that my efforts will reâ€" sult in procuring for my constituents, 2 portion of the Railway Subsidy which I have always contended they were equitably entitled to receive from this House. ‘ Yours, etc., _ J. H. Huxte®. hich On Monday last Hanlan Laycock, on the River Th for the championship, an four boat lengths. The population, Toront the asme.â€"sor, is 77,084. te plain and the course deâ€" ne will be persistently and d until justice has been is highly essentine MB PS C o on shape of reliable information concerning S,“\""‘;‘Y f;‘!?dv," 18 the lands and funds set aside by this House Sss _ NU for the purpose of aiding in the constmt¢‘ | h tion of Railways, thould be in the hands of ' Hon. members,to enable them to arrive at ONTARIO | lproper conclusionsregarding the disposition On the Srd M of those funds. ‘The returns which I have | carried with one asked for, when brought down, will materiâ€" the 7th quite a d \nlly assist Hon. Gentlemen by showing exâ€" 1:";::‘110:{l fi;lu(c/:t.:‘ Ee o oo o ds trad * and tor this l ar a will resysect ways in Ontario, £nG Â¥MC**"""" further aid shoud be discontin tirely disagree with any such « unhesitatingly asserts that w« nearly enough Railways in On! parts being as yet entirely Railway facilities. In my < such is our unfortunate state am not prepsred to deny that, have been some exceptional commenced, and which has 1 from this House, which w they were fairly and e sceive, has been with} sincerely hope justic wh the Heavens fal ion,. â€" Even though theGovern (Opposition Cheers.) In their M U ut osanr . cceanmmal mndinidâ€" d of 1‘ DOF @2 | _ On the us | the best & we | w‘ ile spe & point an l | Court of 4P | pmought 1 all | muen im NTARIOQ LEGISLATURE Honor roll for Jan. 1]881:â€"IN im class sr. William D. Stuples Morrison 84; Emeline Ritchie Ann ©Eetor _81',- ‘L':Imm-:, L‘(qo Fea smm‘ ‘ all present of pre\'iu\ll Petitions £ ye Sarah 1 so netlion as folliows:~ Bownianvill Assembly. farmers sssC Council met in the Town Hall, Flesherâ€" n, on Monday, February 7th. Members i present: Reeve in the chair. Minutes f previous meeting resd aud amended. etitions from Alex. Mclean and others e Sarah MeMillan, an indigent person, alâ€" o petition from John McLean and others e bridge on town lme Proton and Arteme~ ia, presented and read. Communications is / follows:â€"1t. Windatt town clerk of Bownanville, with petition to the howse of Assembly. â€" W. Purket, president of the farmers sssociation, with petition to the house of assembly, re the abolition of marâ€" ket fees in towns and cities; wesented and read and ordered to be r-igne:; by the Reeve aud Clerk, and the sorporate seal attached and forwarded to A. W. Lauder, M. P. P., Toronto. Applications for the office of asâ€" gessor received as follows :â€"T. Granger, D. Wright, John Whithy, C. MeArthur, R. Shanuon,J. MeArthur, W.J. Ekins. Audâ€" itors annual report presented. Byâ€"Jsw No. $22 appointing assessor for 1881, introducâ€" ed by Mr. Eliott and passed in the usual way, J. Whitby being the party chosen as assessor. Moved and seconded by Pedlar whd Elliott, that the petition re Sarah Mcâ€" | Millan, an indigent person ecanmot be enâ€" |tertauned by Council.â€"Carried. Moved | and seconded by Eiliott and Webster, that C Messrs, Webster and Wright be a Comumitâ€" tee to examizue the Saugeen Riveron townâ€" Hine Proton and Artemesia, with a view to ) | ecâ€"operating with the Council of proton,â€" in y | évecting a bridge over said stream, com» g littee to report as soon As practicable to | this Couneil the probable eost of etracture ig | ane the proportion each township should k« !coumhme toward the erection of said 4 | bridge.â€"CQarried, Moved avnd seconded by miElliutt and Webster, the Reeve and Dep. 91 Reeve be a committeo to fnally audit the | Auditor‘s report.â€"Carrred. Moved and x) | seconded by Wright aud Webster, that theo ve | Aeove issue an order in favor of Alex. Meâ€" ,p, | Kechnie for ton doliars being refund in geâ€" \ part of faxes ypaid by hins on lats Nos, 201, | and 2)8, 2 E., property having been burut om P n "oticsed to Wim.â€"Carried, Asâ€" The total amount granted by this to aid in the constructi m of railw ays he "Railway Fund," the "Railw y y Fund," the "Railway Land Sudâ€" und," with dates of payments of said â€"assessor. . Al ahd Elliot, 1 Millan, an 4 tertamed by and secondel he 8th inst. Mr. Blake made one of t speeches made during the session, peaking on the resolutions 40 Ap= n additional judge to the cuperior of Quebec, The other â€" matters t before Parliament are not of very importance. Reeve be a committe@ 30 1 Auditor‘s report.â€"Carned. soconded by Wright aud W Recove issne an order in fay Kechnie for ton doliars I purt of laxes paid by hins 0 and 2)2, 2 E., property ba a ter leing assessed to him count of J. I. Heard i §1.55, and necount of co ench, and 91 cach for post ira to collector of Ward services eollerting polic Markdale, were ordered to lcil adjourned to meet on 7th, 1831, at 19 a im. [il us Asthina, i ness and ? grand «pe< plaints lead § Varions Causes> _Adnncmsnlun, care, sickness, disapâ€" pointment, hereditary pr.d\upontionv-&“ operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to shed prematurely. A* ER‘8 Hair yvigo® will restore faded or gray, light or red hair to a rich brown Or do.r black, a# ::{bo desired. . It softens and cleanses the p, giving it a healthy action. it removes and cures dandruff and humore. By its ®*6 falting hair is checked, and a new growth will be produced in all cases where the follicles are not destroyed, or the glands ducrayed. Jt# efGfects are beautifully shown on brashy, wesk ll‘.nakly hair, on which a faw apploations will uroduce the gloss and fresiness of youth» Harmless and sure in its operation, . it it in« e C 0 0 Gne : sar) i# ulptfil“’ DMas s C n LeCracken 62. JS Class Ir.â€" Mofat 75, Darid Muloney 74; e Banks 64; Robert MeCracken lassâ€"Elien MecNelly, 90; Ellen on, 84; Joce&h Firth, 80; Elen 7J;, Albert (illiams, 78;, Frank Fanny MeNelly, 68; Frank Wiâ€" Wiliam L. Dixom, Teacher. ut ioi n 2200 can it uin P ) P 81; WThomas Morrison 79; ie 76; Dounald McKinnon 75; vks 60; John Mct‘(‘;:m-cÂ¥ $3; think sot then zoa have never tred wst pleasant an efBfeotnal oure, Magâ€" ectoral Bailsam ; A few Aoses relioves t distressing cough, and a twenty five ttle hss cured many a sufferer from ., Rrouchitis, Oroup, Jufluenza, Hoareeâ€" i1 Sorenes:s of the Chest. It is the cnecitiec for all throat and lung 20M Heard repairing sOrApUt imnt of collectors for $20 h for postage, and 150 exâ€" of Ward No. 2 for extra ng police village rate, ordored to be paid, Counâ€" meet on Monday Murch m T(.W‘n ("1'rii ing Ass‘t Act of 1: ate COmp.uh,h. pay for keeping 1 m’ From Co. +¥°8 lot 40 in 2nd 8. D. R. and R. the first as not bevin and the lattor as having I Nonâ€"Rosident Roll. Fro Jer, re Lot 29 con 18. wards, Declaration as A Â¥reom N. A. MeLoan, vosi or for 1881, From W. L and W. HiCKS.â€"â€"â€"fipphcr.: Assessor, â€" From J., Sto® tion of township eNYYeY From W. Miln¢, bill is mw; Eleetion and for office Nniers asking remuner incurred in conpection % M and b\-nal of Robe gont. From Canoda P for stationery $10.81. 1 Pathmaster, ssling €o Perey #2.50 for repaum From A. Sinclaix, askin Bchool Taxes in Sec. No to pay in No $ Collhn Clark and 67 others, p« side roud botween 4th ¢ From J. Clark and 27 new 8. Section. From others, stating that Tho ily are in a statoe ol nct yequire immediate T Stinson and Donean N B8 othere yrespectively as ghip divided into wards Byâ€"lew 106 to appo and K. A. McLoan, Au orel to appo place of Carried Mr. Ds yeoeiyt Mel: corre if he spec uoved b.\' M Melutyre, That adopted and pt Carried. Moved lsy N McLom â€"â€"Carri Moved by Nr Melmm. That Wm Auditor: ¢Lean resign mmrcd to coud ied. M M wb ad: Mobt that ed a paster, asking Coun $2.50 for repairing A. Sinclair, asking 1 Taxes in Sec, No. 1 y in No. 6 Colhngs ; and 67 u'.het».pu.( poud botween 4th con ; J, Clark . aud 47 ot 8. Seetion. PFrom W e etating that Thow: with t1 work J €th ans Osprey pi mitted aund adopto. COMMUNICATH Intyre 1 h3 mupicate Osprey, At fund the a by said so ing to pay Carmod. vt l(fiutvre. That the s ad to W. Buggitt and for attencing 4C mecount of the A 1880 â€"Reeve to Moved by Mr Taylor, That the others for new & to consideration to notify all tro No. 1. â€"Carried Moved by Ms. Taylor, © Johnston That N. A. McL sum of eight dollars for his itor and 5. R. Edwards th« for 1881 and that Roove Carried. Council adjourned at 8 1 Council resumed at 9 p. Moved ‘1‘1 Mr. Sing, ® Noelutyre, That N. A. Me! ed Assessor for the niun current year and that a B ed to confirm such appoiu Moved by ed to confirm such appotu Mnout~â€"â€"1.4+ Rx.Conncillor Sneors neked loave t« Aress the Commeil. â€" Leave granted Oonneil addressed. Moved by Mr. Sing, sesorded ® NMeluly®®, That the Clork be anstrue linve the minutes and Anditor‘s 1 inted i; Pamphilet from to the num m) by John nll(bfli'-t"'-:‘uvm to | $ ime 1344033 wOUbLCi wed I « lnst yenr.~ rute ove 1 netor , sesorded by Mr Â¥ be instructed + se0 ma condcud \r

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