West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 17 Feb 1881, p. 3

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r of miles of rail. Provinee up to lst t merense the s must m..‘ to onntry insufficientâ€" the roads I h.: I & Huron and io is subsicy, and railway EUO‘WM and & present session A GLQ"_ h.-.) I vled by Mr. Sinâ€" Mouse for areturn ;e the follicles s decsyed. Its n brashy, week sw apploations ear from the l‘ in., 1881. Raulway Corapanâ€" ‘rovincial aid: the vhether out of the 1y Subsidy Pund,* y Fund;" | the ynrm ‘spectively voted. ouncil. lispositionâ€"all u?d“ cither of urely. Ave®‘s rhamcant. a. 1t removes «. By its use ew growth will bhey or © y. light ldoo:?heh. as d cleanses the anes« of youth. ation, i* is in« i is especially \chness of tond ne building Pail e stimulate +oo ood, drink and »»lies with the y of ati= ere dm t ai! nor dye, cambwic : yet keeps it fresh M SLATURE 1. ®RS uch that 1t i# cdicinal tomic, . whose effect way Land Sudâ€" myments of said granted by this ne dollar, For S 1 twentyâ€"five sutferer from nen, Hoarseâ€" t. It is the vi lung come â€"b154 « vay Companâ€" »eo{: voted who showing the Hall, Flesherâ€" th. _ Members air. . Minutes ind amended. n and others tm s of never tried cure, Hagâ€" t away, hor night o n of railways c . "Rutlwege rrunger, D. Arthur, R. ins. â€" Audâ€" Byâ€"law No. , introducâ€" the usual nonts. Om place in reâ€" ents. . On 1t reading v. Un the wing to the members, tructure i flllollld of said nded by Clerk, * Ellen 5; Frank mk Wilâ€" cher. 1 others Artemeâ€" ications lerk of house of Pedlar ah Meâ€" be enâ€" Moved r. that nanut l‘lfl'_‘, a«s and rck 63; 6 P m C t maur l umc w to no of ED the 14; Moved by Mr. Sing, secorded by Mr. Mciugyre, That the Clork be instructed to have the minutes and Anditor‘s Renort printed i> Pamphlet from to the number of 600 by John Rutherfordâ€"terms to be the s me as lest year.â€"Carried. Exâ€"Conncillor Sneors asked lea dress the Conmeil. Leave gra Conneil addressed. Moved by Mr. Sing, scconded by Mr. Melntyre, That the sum of $2.00 be grantâ€" ed to W. Suggitt and Joseph Maxwell each for attending the meeting ot Council on account of the Agricaltural Commission in 1880â€"Reeve to issue orders.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Taylor, That the petition of J. Clark and others for new School Section be taken inâ€" to consideration at thonext meetingâ€"Clerk to notify all trustees interested including No. 1.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr Johnston That N. A. McLean be paid the sum of eight dollars for his service as Audâ€" itor and 8. R. Edwards the sum of $10.00 for 1981 and that Reeve issue orders.â€" Carried. Council adjourned at 8 p. m. Council resumed at 9 p. m. Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mn Melntyre, That N. A. MeL.ean ba nzoini- ed Assessor for the nxnnicifi;fit} for the eurrent year and that a Byâ€"law be preporâ€" ed to confirm such appointment.â€"Carried. 3rd Your C eouncil to proj in the hands « ratepayers fo makes the Ass cipality into w mitted. 4th Your C: any of several assessor. All Clerk to the I tario re ass‘t I M Moved by Mr. Johnston, seended by Mr. _ Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Melutyre, That Charles McLean be apâ€" inted Aucditor for 1881 in place of N. A. s;)eLenn resigned and that a Byâ€"law pe rn-pued to confirm such appointment.â€" ‘nrvied. Meluntyre MeLean a â€"Carried Moved by Mr. Si Melntyre, That the adopted and priuted Byâ€"lew 106 to appoint 8. R. Edwards and N. A. MceLean, Auditors. Byâ€"law 197 to appoint Charlks McLoan audit>r, in place of N. A. MeLean. Byâ€"law 198to apâ€" rri@d y for keeping Widow MeDougal!, an Inâ€" ggnt.’ Fr:- Co. Treasurer respecting lot 40 in 2nd S. D. R. and 1ot 78 2nd N. D. ®.. the first as not baving been returned and the latter as having been returned on Nonâ€"Resident Roll. From Pallatt & Osâ€" ler, re Lot 29 con 13. From 8. R. Edâ€" wards, Declaration as Auditor for 1881. From N. A. McLean, resignation as Auditâ€" or for 1881. From W. Long, J. M. Burk, and W. Hicks.â€"applications for office of Assessor. From k. Stewart, for the posiâ€" tion of township Inrv:'yor and onfiuu. From W. Milne, bill flour to O. Miller, Indigent, $5.50; Election expenses $4.87, and Requisite for office $7.00. From W. Witers asking remuneration for expenses incurred in connection with the last illness death and burial of Robert Noble, an Indiâ€" gent. From Canada Publishing Co., bill for stationery $10.81. From John Melen, Pathmaster, asking Council to pay W. Perey $2.50 for repairing Road Seraper. From A. Sinclair, asking exemption from Behool Taxes in See. No. 10 he having had to pay in No. 6 Collhngwood. From D. Clark and 67 others, petition to open 20ti: side road between 4th con and Gravel road. From J. Clark .aud 27 others petition for new S. Section. From W. Suggitt and 4 others, stating that Thomas Bullock‘s famâ€" ily are in a state of actual starvation and require immediate relief. From John Stinson and Dunean Meinnes with 4 and 8 others respectively asking to have Townâ€" ship divided into wards. ‘ M The municipal Council of Osprey held its second meeiing in the Orangs Hall, Feversham, on Monday the 7th Feb. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and adoptel. hands of the ved by Mr. © tyre, That the an as Auditor Osprey Council. mm appl mu ment J. R. Sixa, Chairr h Leave granted and ag, second resignation for 18831 be mn th & by Mr f Neal A accepted > me muni mend nt.â€"_| byâ€"Jaw and seid * mentioned stipul respective offices. N Cuuraxâ€"At Hamilton, on the duughter of Edward and Jan manby, aged 18 yours. M<oDoxALDâ€"In Normanby l::: gov.. 5&40, John, n and Bridget MeDorald Remâ€"In Durham, on u;â€". Reid, aged 16 years. Rostâ€"In Durham, on the 1 relict of the lnto Alexanc and 1 month., Cooxâ€"In Bentinck, on the 9 the beloved wife of M NCL=uLLANâ€"At the Genetal Ho on Febri Mth iss1, of in bowels, \‘fig('tuxo McoLellan, d Mcelinn, of the townshin of CooPERâ€"Mol McCommtc wite of Fumtomn of Me. Mr Poviurâ€" H Michael farme. died Moved by Kcenig, seconded by Winkler, that the report be received and adopted.â€" Carried. On motion made and seconded, conncil adjourned until February the 18th, 1881, to meet at township hall.â€"W. H. Rrax, Clerk. t Committeo We cosid araple and s man. urity terday, all the Moved 1y Mahon, that c or otherwise ducted from s making such c socurity to the formance of h mend thut t} l awle w2 t CHmne Dowels, Catherine Mo Lellas, ter of Hugh MeL.elinn, of the township of G county of Grtey, agod 2t years. y n Sunday, the 6th inst., ts Good wife of Mr. Good, -Ju of Artomosin. 97 ‘the Hev: I. Marribon Me. Win, Coosarciy y the Rev. J. Morrison . Win. Cooper, of Xgu.mgu\uys. to Miss Anne Mmud,'ol rotor TomEnâ€"In Beatinek, on of Mre. Charles Â¥Fletcher, %PEMOJ!; t:xe otfr inst., coper,21st con..Fgrome daughter, son still born Mr M Moved by Winkler, seconded by Moâ€" Mahon, that pention on behalf of Germania Fire Insurance Company from ratepayers of township to grant a sum to reimburse company some expenses incurred in proseâ€" cuting partiss for alleged burning of Adam Kellers bars and its contents on the night Moved by BHlyth, seconed by Mr. Mcâ€" Makhon, that different parties be appointed to officers of clerk :ndP' treasurer, nppointâ€" ments to date from final audit of accounts for A. D. 1981.â€"Carried. The Reeve appointed Thos. Duignan as auditor. Byâ€"Law No. 1 of 1881 was passed confirming said appointments. Moved by Blyth, seconded by MeMahon, that John Golden be auditor on appoint ment of council.â€"Carried. ’ The members of Council for 1881 of Township of Nermanby met tor organizâ€" ation on Monday the 17th day of Jannary A, D. 1881 at Township Hail. Preseutâ€" Joun Koeing as Reeve, gohn Blyth as Dep. Heeve, Wi. Winkler as 2n0d Deputy Reeve and Conrad Fisher and Edward McMahon as councillors. ‘Those gentlemen took and subscribed the declarations of qualification and office for their reapccli\'eo&ces. Minâ€" utes of last regular meeting read and passâ€" startling calamity cccurr ‘usday last week, the roof Railway depot collapsif at Mclntyrs‘s ou the ist Monday in March. Carried. ‘Taylor, That this Comncil adjourn to meet mt c Th In J Robert Bell, of a daugh â€"In Glonelg, on the 15th rgo Firth of a daughter, tCRâ€"In Bentinck on ael Feehly, of Biddulph murder ied on Thursday of the result of a ntracted while in London attending eneral rule most advertised cough merely palliative, and smother up a the opiates they contain; not so with 3 Fectoral Balsam; it is composed of loosening. and healing expectorants, from harmless demulcents, roots, 1 barks, that are not only safe but and certain in their action upon the intilnext meeting.â€"Carmed. _ ved by Winkler, seconded by Bilyth, me assessor only be appoiuted for townâ€" irham, on the 14th inst., Marion Black» tuohlnte Alexander Hose, aged 76 years nth., ntinck, on the 9th inst., â€"â€" Ruiledgo ved wife of Mr, Pot.:'(:ook. aged 47 £§71 by K ArrIC 1 ¢ 1 by Winkler, seconded by Fisher, ncil report in comumittee in referâ€" _offices of clerk and treasurer to Normanby Council. ast week, the roof of the Centâ€" depot collapsing under its ow and burying beneath it a train loaded with passengers, nknown number of others who ng in the depot. Those on the rotected by the cars; but the {rightfully ernshed and mutilatâ€" night four bodics had beon reâ€" a the ruing. Normanby, of diphtheria, on the MA milton, on the 3rd Jan., Ellen, ‘.;:wud and Janet Curran, of Nor reported as follows : x the ‘Treasurer‘s security flicient; IJxo. BuytH, Chairâ€" DEATHS BIRTHS med from adjourned of members present. Winkler. seconded by surfaces of the throat and nount of $35,000 for the due perâ€" luties, and would further recome ibâ€"ve appointments be mado by byâ€"law to include all the above itions in so far as relates to the _ All of which is respectfully subâ€" JouX BLyTB, Chairman. ‘Mahon, ssconed by Winkler h lyth, seeonded by MeMahon _ have liberty to cut timber leroad between lots 35 and r fuel.â€"Carried. ‘isher, seconded by Blyth, for 1880 act also as such for inst., the wife of Mr. James zg:cmnut,o( twins, a son und 1ency of inck, on the 12th inst., the ald McCormick, of a son. ick, on the 12th inst., the wif tcher, of a danghter, c RRIED chairiman presented the folâ€" inst. the wif on the 8th inst., the wife of n, Jr., 0.8. R., of a daughter. n the 14th inst., the wife of of late election in tull to be paid. _ ikler, seconded by Mc Aged 18 years ; and on the 112 years, sons of Angus of inflamation of the 9th inst., John Black th inst., the wife of Mr h ommittee at Reckin‘s g chosen chairman. aneil resumed. All y., A. D. 1880, belaid equiri W. Muxg, Cregx. sher ana Di Treasurer‘s s 1 by W of Mr. A. Pal at Buifalo Toronto nto all f IDK For the use of the Amos (Pnab{terhn; Congrogaâ€" tion, J‘romoro. Purties tendering to furnish all material, Plans and Specifications can be seon ut Urémore Post Ofice. ‘The lowest or any Tender may not be accepted. Tenders will be reccived u;i to 12 o‘clock, on the 26th February, 18§1, markâ€" ed "Tonder for Manse," addressed to 1) R. KIERNAN, would intimate to all parties indebted to him, that he has left his books at the Ofice of Mr. Dayid Jackson, Durham, and that by calling at once and settling further costs will be saved. Tenders Wanted. Sheepsking, each ....... Butter, per Ib............ Lgzgs, por dozZ Wood, dry, p Wool, per lb. Apples, per b: Eqremont, Fob. i7, 1861 Fork, B‘:ef, Hil DURHAM MAKKETS. * Durnarx, Feb. 3rd, 1880. Flour, per 100 lbs............82 75 to $2 75 Flour No.2," * 2 50 to 2 50 Corn Ment ** \ **>s.....s... 2 50 to 2 $0 Shorts, €40" + 66 1 00 to 1 00 Bran, +5 "*t 0 50 to 0 50 Oatmeal . * ~* 2 50 to 2 50 Fall Wheat, per bush........ 0 95 to 1 CQ Spring Wheat, K. Chaff... 1 00 to 1 05 14 Glasgow... 1 00 to 1 00 Oats, per bushgl........ 0 28 to C 31 Oats, per busl Barley, 8# Peas, «+ Hay, per ton....... Potatoes, per bag.. Pork, per 100 lbs... Cracked Hands, Cracked Lips and Roughness of the Skin can be cured by a few a.xg)lications of Guibourt‘s Parisian Balm, which only costs 25 cents, and is sold bg all leading Dru&:e;ist.; in Western Ontaria. Try it.â€" d154 Feb. 16, 1881 Wilson‘s Wild Cherry has been nickâ€"named ‘‘The. Old Reliable Cough Remedy," by a genâ€" tleman who has used it for many years, and it richly deserves the name, because its sucâ€" cess in curing Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whoopâ€" ing Cough, Brorchitis, and Loss of Voice has been almost universal For children and adults, in old standing cases and in new, it always gives immediate relief and offects â€"a speedy curs, and is now the standard cure for these disgases. ~Be sure to get the genuine in White Wrappers, as there are mnn{’imitsfiotu. Sold by Druggists and Medicine Dealers. _ _ M. A. W. Dawson, of London East, was found dead on Wedunesday in the basement of the Methodist church, having evidently exvired in a ft. BALED TENDERS Wanted for the Erection of a Manse, c mARat aNTotlilGce. .R and Repaint Has no equal for the permanent core of ___ | *"CP***10& And Repainting Now Advortisements. For Sale or to Ront, 82, in the lith Con., Bentinek The Old Roliable. er cord ALEXANDER TAYLOR, Dromore P. 0 A1. b15t 1 00 to 0 50 to 2 50 to 0 95 to 1 00 to 1 00 to 0 28 to 0 60 to 0 60 to 7 50 to 0 25 to 7 60 to 4 0) to 7 00 to 0 70 to 0 16 to 0 20 to 1 25 to 0 22 to 0 75 to 5 00 7 00 1 25 0 17 0 20 1 50 0 24 0 90 0 50 2 50 1 CO 1 05 1 00 C 31 0 65 0 65 8 00 0 30 Of the latest styles.which will be sold ‘at the Lowest Prices. All Work Warranted to give satisfaction. * A.JAMESON & CO. Waggon & Carriage Builders UPPER TOWN, DURHAM, Haye NOW on HAND & Fine lob. of Sleighs & Cutters A Few Quarterâ€"casks of Port Wine. $1.75 per Gallopn. Durham, Nov. 25th, 1880, Fresh Fruits Raisins, Currants, Almonds, Freosh Grocéries Always in Stock, and will be sold Cheap for Cash cr Farm Produce. Eresh Cat Meal Done.on the shortest ;otieo. SHOP next door to W. A. Anderson‘s. e‘. JAMEBSON & Co. Lake Huron Herring, Salmon Trout, Labrador Herring, &c. CGrocory and Provigi Dec. 15th. 1880. Always on hand and exchanged for Oats. At PARKERNS DRUG STORE, FISH, FISH. ]'UBT ARRIVED at hnfi;n:Iâ€"Pâ€"ifin:;xâ€"x;r-lz;;fl all ?lher purgatives in strength and virtue, in safery and mildness ofgaclion. Now is rux Trwe to suy a Crtrar Corres as I have several New, Haudsome and durâ€" able ones on hand, and which must be sold at once to make room for a NEw Srock. Ca,rria_gg:-_Wérks. CUTTERS & ~SLEIGHS ME@@’S x | y porunp BURNETTS YRT ANT Apprentice to I - \‘r C# »&Emfi%‘kg‘;fi Making. .0;.m Durkna:, Jun. 6, 1881 Upper Town, DURHAM, A Large Lotof Fm.a_-e.u.g. Ointment should be used in conneczxm with %:dnck Blood giuen for curing Ulcers, Abscess e Sores, Price 29 ceats per box. _ T. RIILBURN & CO., _ C Cheaper than Ever, Candied Peel. Apprentice Wanted. ~ R. McFARLANE. -’0' Durham. Sork AcexTs. Toronto. iSsI0n Store thâ€"140 fit%fifvg@g s tss ?fi- s Farmers and others Building will fiad it to their advantage to buy from me. Don‘t forget the Stand, next door to Parker‘s Drug Store, Upper Town, d TT eCE AIVE Broad Axes, Carpenters‘ Tools of all kinds, &c. NAILS at bottom Prices. Ropes, Cow Chains, Logging Chains, Trace Chains, â€" SPADES & SHOVELS, Chopping and Scoring Axes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Butcher Saws and Saw Blades. Pocket and Table C;ltlery, Cross Cut Saws, Hand Saws, Having purchased the Stock from F. J. HALL, cordially invites all to visit his establishment and inspect his Stock which is now complete o a 1N The Leading Hardware House Also Agent for all kinds of Agricultual Implements * Remember the placeâ€"on the East End of the Town, next to Reid‘s Hotel, Main Street #a"Come and examine my Stock before purchasing clsowhere. And every article in the business, As his work has been well tested in the past 18 years and given good satisfaction, he is determined it will do so in the future. All work will be Made of the very best Material and Good Workmanship, Reâ€"Painting done on the shortest Notice. Waggons, Carriages, Buggies, Slaighs, Cutters, etc., The Subscriber wishes to announce to all his old Customers, and to the general public that he has again started business in the Hanover Carriage Works in the East End, in the building next to Reid‘s Hotel, where he will keep on hand and make to order all kinds of HANOVER CARRIAGE WORKS HANOQYVEIG, Ont. Now is the time to secure BARGAINS in the above lines, CALL AT ONCE as they will SOON be SOLD OUT. Stock of Blankets at Cost, Ladies‘ Mantles & Coats at cost. Men‘s Cver Coats at cost. Men‘s Winter Caps at cost. ’Lad.ies Clouds at 75c and $1, A Large Stock of NEW TWEEDS just to hand Jan. 20, 1881. Durham, Jan, 27th, 1881. and will be sold cheap. JAPANS, GLASS & PUTTY, Very Cheap. , Jan. 5th, 1881. T. J. ADTE, Has received this week a New Etcock cf H. W. MOCKLER, W.â€" Moclker At H. W. MOCEKLER‘S. Is Selling the balance of his All kinds of REPAIRING promptly attended to. .H W. MOCKLER. First rate value. R. McNALLY. Buck Saws, t jt5 151 A. his men «re "BOSS" at Wbhoemaking. _ Will be happy to see all my old esstoumâ€"rs cnd as many new ones as will fevor me with tLoir THE Durham Show, which proves that his men «re "BOSS® at Whocmak ins. Jopp Took Four First Prizes AT f The Largest Exhibition ever held in the County. Done in 35 different Styles. _ . _ XMAS GOODS in EXDTESS VARIETY RAILRBROAD OR NO RAILPOAD, Durham is bound to go abhead and so is ROCKVILLE. A Superior Quality,. _ _ As usual GOPYING and ENXLARGING done Picture Iraming A. the very liberal Patronage received since comâ€" mencing business in Durhum, I state that I «m now better than ever prepared to execute work of 88 per hundred paid for 1Wides, C us J. C. JOPP. X A X QOysters XMAS GOODS, Durham Kov.25 1860 Gifts, Dolls and Other Toys. â€"FRESHâ€" PHOTOGRAPHY. Don‘t Forget trial Vick‘s HMiustrated Monthly "Ingazineâ€"*? Pages, a Colored Plate in dvery number snd m ny fine Engravines. Price @195 a voms Pice Anvice MBRS. MCDONELTL of the Business and Professional men i;:h;EE Towns, and Villages of Onturio, with a Classified Business Directory oPr Tu® The same care : Dominion and Pr full Viek‘s Plower nand VegetabteGarter, 175 Pages,6 Coored Platos, 500 };:frumar._-. Bor 60 in pader covers; $1.00 in clegant cloth. InGerman Dundalk, Dec.2nd, 1880. Classified Business Directm? of theaniu('sh and Professional men in the Cities Who fans the fire to make it burn, And strikes the iron at every turr, And when he‘s sick who makes Ek'i“ mourn ? JO NORVAL AYX. al Merchants ana others of the Provind of Onterio, of the City of Montroal, &e., bors to an» nounce that his firm wiil k;.u‘uliuh a PROVINCE OF ONTARIO DIRECTORY, in November next, containing an Who rap to help you when you fcll Andtwhere the nmwu broke would Or fix it up to make it sell? _ _ _ oR :881â€"82, To be Published in Novem‘r, 1881 Price $5.00. Who knows so well to work a file, Or mauke a tire stay on a while, And always moets you with a «mile? John Norvel, LOVELL‘S Province of OntarioDirectory M® Who set the irons on your first sleigh And waited putintly for the pay, And shail repest the same toâ€"jay ? Joln Norval, Who monds your hoe, your fork, your spade, And fixes up your m'sd{s blade, 9e ; Andleaves all Blacksmiths in the shade? John Norvel. Jem, Keeper and Plain Gold Rings, Silver Thimbles, Spectacles &c. Repairing of all Kinds Promptly attended® to. Pipe Firulos silver and metal mado to order. A. GORDOCN. ho sbod your horses first of all That they coul 1 neither slip nor fall, But lnniy held that they might baul ? John Norval Who works for farmers night and day And gives them every chauce to puy, Porforms his work the noutest 'ug $ * _ John Norval N thanking my many OCnstomers £ s LADITS AXD cExXT® GOLD AND SILVT®R WATCHRS THAT CANXNOT BE BZAT FOR TIMF PINCB3 ANDCHEAPNESS, JEWELLERY, GOLD PLATED, JIPT AXD GABNET LADIES SETS, BRACTLETs®, CHARMS, LOCEKETS, CUFF PINXS, BABY PIXS, CUHFP BUTTOXS,COLOR BUT. e TOXS, STUDS, GOLD f PLATED AxntI» BILVER Crars. JOIN LOVELL & SOXN, Publishers, Montreal.Dec. 1950, em 147 John Norval on the Gore. Clocks from $2.00 unwaris, BEST and CHEAPEST EVER SOLD IN DUKLHAM. New Goc#s, New C Has opened out a Frosh Supply of Alphabetical Directory VICEX*S Tlustrated Floral Gaide *ka 4k ngraving A. GOnDCXNXE. In Fapcy Canadiau Xmas LOVELL, at the request of severâ€" CITYOF MOXTREAL "orget that Xmasg is COMING, and that AND A THOROUGH d A MAE in A 1 style Just received, T. DONAGHY, ind attontion bestowed on the vincial Dircctories of 1871 will rk. Babscribers names rospectâ€" is of Advertising made known on application. =â€"A s # VEOCH,Roci Kelsey‘s old Stand. y112. E. MeDONELL. e would tell, John Norval 145 ado w Ua j Or

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