/t h “an: tbr 'ef'" Btrvierw, iaTrc. 'ee""" a. 3,â€... Alum! Ter' ..-Thq tnttte of Colondo bu et,tt Count: to be protected from “DUMB: We lulu-y campy. which In: :1; monopoly of in graying huh sulphide†tho people own-OW†the “unconsciou- Ibll nut" which it chug-I. Benton- strous" In" only had sh. “he! of own:- ing the Rail- Co. to unit in pow" - keenly felt by salon-ins discriminat- ing "tea quimnbo oomplnining mam. ' . I --we --t on In†..._ NP--" _ The State in than :61me npponl to Congress " reaction. and hopes for n- it! only by the Own-mm naming the MOI dun nus of Me. Withall “Multan Mun. our Par MM in auctioned a would by) '80!†corporation ie gnaw! â€dram mud in s mm monopoly. and tho Gov- ernment have divested unmulvu of " praetie:d control of MI. How mem. bers an at. M) madly “Whey hue done in this an, with their eye- wide open to ,muaiatgsiiU “use, u simply inconceiv- .ue. Darwin. March a, 1881. "cacti The British newspapers contain langthy when of tho In. Thoma Carlyle. From tho London Time we lam than Culylo was born in I796 M Ecclefeclnn, I village in Duantritushirm Scotland. Ilia who! was . mm of Immune, worth and intelligence. and in my wuyl n remark“. nun. .413. am of as. N. new the I jean. Bow-anon." Luann-w n..- ing to pin . livelihood" 't11C1','U2".) Worldly honor sud round won nottho" o-Lats-trite'. The My uni 1iut'-dtig' loco Mud or!!! baton him, all would not - his Mac will“ In .aa-a. Eh mm will“ do.- "rtuetr' ttret': THOMAS CARLYLE REVIEW i. 2r",,iiusseea' af 'dw mmum to nun to tun-amt damn ma hypocriniu and bow the knee totality and truth." Ibis said that he has bequuuzod his Damtrissshim qrstattt to the University of Edinburgh. to found in andomem for Indigent student. in tho Facnlty of Arts lht m ths Ontario Omen: brosqrht down "solutions providing fog the gaming of dd to seven] nilny oom- ptuiel. u follows c--. I. Tho Ontario Bank tru. Marie Rail. hwy from Gnvonhunt to Soul: St. Marie. . diam-.90 of 800 miles at the "to of M,. It per mile. - -- “than. a“... '."r'V w. -..--- 2. The Erie uni Huron Railway from Bonds“, on Lake Erie, to Dresden, u dia. “nee ot 40 miles, at the nu of 82,000 per 8. Tho Station] and Lake Huron Bail. w-y from Han-Mon to Wisdom . dunno of 6'1 miles, It the rate of 81,000 per mile. 4. The lint action of the Georgian Bay 3nd Wellington Runway. from Mount Forest to Durham. B din-tunes of 16 miles, at the ' of ti,500 per mile. As to tho subsidy proposed who given] to the ssait lino more an be no objection. 1 n in a railway of Provincul or tamer of rational importance. In View of the Ptsei. lie nilwny policy oi mo Dominion Govern- ment, ma construction of this line in a ne- cessity. not only in the interest. ot the older ( Provinm of the Dominion. but of Manitoba in": tlm North West. and when completed, and the North Welt, and when completed, Mun through railway communication will be MP cured at all eeaeone of the year between l Winnipeg and Toronto. This, however, Sill in all (airline. cannot be said of the Strait lord and L. Huron railway. For a distance ret l of from 40 to 60 miles, from Harrieton to on; Invermay, it rune within ten miles of the ti Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railwayâ€; 10 road which has already been heavily nub " Iidiaed out of the Provincial Treasury, so ia that,the country traversed by the Stratford 'dt', line is already well supplied with railway l accommodation, with the exception of a small section of ten or twelve miles square T lying between tnvermay and Wiartorx. lb. However, it may he urged that the muni- , cipalitiee along the line invested their money W. in " on the faith of promises made and I hopes held out that Provincial aid would be T ' given, and we have to congratulate the an Hanoverinns on the success which has I crowned their efforts to secure direct mil. br, t way service. Bat, on the other hand, the Lie ) Georgian Bay and Wellington Railway 1 I runs through a large and populous district, GA which hitherto has been deprived ot rail. Dr ' way accommodation. For the greater part ad , of its course it rune midway between the ‘ , Toronto, Grey and Bruce and the Welling. Ile' i ton,Grey and Bruce nu1wars,tsnd therefore, sex ‘ it may be reasonably urged that, with ta! , the exception of the Sault line, it has ' stronger elaime on the Provincial Treasury than any of the railways proposed to be aided in the resolutions laid before the House. How then, in these circumstances of the Government can discriminate so invidi. 11 , onsly agaiuet the Georgian Bay and Wel on l iington Railway we are at a loss to eesuceive. i) No doubt the Government will have good Ir, a “anon for the course it feels it its duty to O s pursue, and in justice to itself as well a: to S " the snuuieripatities interested we hope three " rename will be made kn rwn when the mat " ter comes up on Tuesday. To any that with. b of holding Provincial aid from the northern C " union of the Georgian Bay and Welling- o , ton Railway will he disastrous to the in. ly " tereste of Durham and the municipalities b. lying between Durham and Owen Sound, tl Itt might seem aomewhat hyperbolicnl, but, as 'rl y. there in no possibility of building the north- y " em eection of this lino without Provincial 1 th mum very evident, that by withholding l he Provincial aid now, those interests will be me seriously injured, and a great injustice done 1 sal to the ratepayers who have contributed to. l ttV wards the building of the road. It is pos It. sible that some connection may exist bo. l he tween this railway policy of the Ontario l BB, Government and a Bill which has just l od passed its third reading, to amulgamate the MF o. B. e W. R. and s. a L. a. B. Com. “. panics, the new company thus formed to ind he henceforth known " the Grand Trunk, wu Georgian Bay, and Lake Erie Railway 'e Company. Three lines will virtually be. Ҡcome the property of the Grand Trunk, bee and it may well suit the interests of that " corporation to make Durham the terminus no ot the Durham branch of the new line, 'P in view of the fart that it hae secured Wint- hir ton as the termmus of the main line. eon But we submit, that Provincial aid to rail- "" ways is supposed to be given in the inter. ).?d este of the people and not in the interests ltr.. of railway companies, and that however the 1ieh proper-ed arrangement may suit the Grand M" Trunk. it in a waitive injury to the munici- tti polities. We hope the Government will bis reconsider the matter and to change the P.†resolutions that a bonus of 91,500 or rather , of 02,000 per mile will extend over the whole length of the road from Palmerston to Owen Sound. This will be doing no morn than I simple act ofjustxce to a large and important action of tho country. The factiousness of In opposition was l very clearly brought oat in the Ontuiol Assembly on Mr. Crooks moving the House ': into Committee on the grants to Public Schools. The members for East and North Grey, lppuehtly possessed of no real knowledge of the "Ujeet,bat union: " ell hazards to have e fiirttt " the Government, â€sued mint the meant system of In- ;pection of the Public Schools, end in fever of the old "stem, and denounced the pro. 90.1, to hue all exemlnetion pope". both _ " Third Clean enroll u Seoomlend First [Clue Teeehen. "unlined by e central eomittee " Toronto instead of by the Count} Boards u has hitherto been the m. Now every one negotiated with the tech that know that the local Impeo. ton and. the old mm mm most in. Mueeleumnd inbomenyimten- one - inmate-t. The, were otUn "ref ee e and for activity in nu- Woman, Ind not on account of this Maul -itios. Unler the up ""0. although appointed hr the RAILWAY AID. FACTIOUS OPPOSITION. cum-in Garment County Councils. they mm either hold the - - ‘ - -4“: "may... MID" -v__-7v, v - degree of A. M. from a rooognized Univer- sity, or pass In examination which u hold to be en equivalent. And " for centul- , ization, there never was a. time when n greater mum of power wu pMed in the hand. otBoariU otTiussteestltotisrtlM"tMoi, now. so much so indeed, that it hinted by t mwy. that tho several amendments to the Edueotwn Aat have gone tether too " in this direction. Tranderrirrg the examin- / ing of the pepera for Third class Tucker» to a Central Bond at Toronto in not central izatiun in my sense of the word. It is simply placing the examination for nThird Class Certiiieate on a. par with that for I Second or a First. It bu been found in the past that a Third class osrtifieato could ' be obtained in one county when it could , t -" a... “Hui-ml in mother. although the be obtained in one county when it coma not be obtained in number, although the examination papers were perfectly aimilu. T bis arose from the {not that. the standard ulopted in one county was higher than chm .__ . . ___ 4|... Dunn! of Bu"P"'" in vuu “an", ' __ - u in the other. For instmee, the Board of Education , r the County of Grey have Bl. waya endonvored to maintain it high stand- ard tor Third class Teachers. wheteao in some of the néighhonng counties there has been less attention pod to this matter, and in consequence an occasional dropping out of students who should appear before the Board in this county. Such irreguiuities were not only nnfair to the Teachers them- selves, hat very injurious to the interests of education. Under the new system uni. formity will be secured, and ouly those who come up to the required standard of attainments will receive a oertifieuts subscribers who are in ar- rears to the REVIEWto at. once forward their subscrip- tion to this 0fiitys, as we are very much in need of money just now. TRY John Ctumsron's Tea, at 25 cents per lb. or 5 lbs. for M. To on a cheap and reliable Watch go to W. F. Doll of Fleshortou. PRIME Cheese, and Fiunun Huddies just arrived at J olm chvaseroa's, Durham. MR. Dam. of Fleaherton has removed his bunch shop in Dundulk to Mr. Donna’ Hardware Store. See adv. CLOVER, Timothy, and other Seeds at Gd). MeFarlsne's Lower Town Drug Store, Durham, at Lowoat Market rates. See adv. II. PARIER, Durham, has just received per atom ship "Seot1am1," five sacks of seeds, Clover and Timothy,at lowest market rates. tice Advertisement. A Soctar, will be held under the “spines of the Odd-Fellows of this Town in their Hall, on Friday, 4th of March. Ad. mission M cents, Children 16 cents. The Tilisonburg Liberal has changed hands, Mr. Wm. McGuire formerly of oraugcsille, having Assumed control of it. We wish him mecca†in ms venture. A CREDIT Audion 5.4; of farm Stock. 1 trnplemeuu, &e, wall take place on Lnt M, I Con 1 8.D.1t,,G'itstw1g,Wrn Knuuhl'a farm, ton Taesd:y,Msrelt 8th. Terms 12 mumb’s credit Dugald McCouniok. Auctiomor. We would again urge jahose Local [mplcmx-uu, Sic, wall take pines on In :16,‘ Con 1 'y,D.it,,G'ltuwlg,Wrn Kuunhl'a farm, on 1uesdv.y,Mtirelt 8th. Terms 12 mummy credit. Ducald McCoxmiok, Auctionnor. Bums cunrels.--Tbe sacrament will be celebrated at Burns Church, Rocky Sm. grew, on Sabbath, March 13th. Sctvices wtll commence on the Friday preceding at 11 o'clock a. m. 5nd will be in 1111th and Gaelic. A Trut Mammy, will be he.“ in the Bap- tist church, near McCullum‘s tiehool, Ben. tinek, on Tuesday. the 8th inst. Bev. Messrs Inmlup, McDianuid, Hughes, Canton. and others are expected to be present. A good Choir will be present. Ten served at seven o’clock p.111. Admission 25 eta. Children l 10 eta. A Moons '3xusos.---Wra. Brown, of Buntiuck, shouldered and carried one barrel of salt. one quarter of a mile then putting the barrel on the ground took itby the chimes and threw it fourteen sad 3 quarter feet. This feat took place yesterday in Bentinck, and was witnessed by J. W. Boulden, harness maker, and several others, of this Town. Yummy: Tum " oactrMtrnatam.- I Frulay mght last a pleasant social evening l was spent in the Orclmrdville Presbyterian church. After satisfying tlseig wheued up- petitcs the compzmy was treated to an ia. telieetual {aunt in the shape of Lhlresses from howls. Messrs. Baker, Straith, Nichol and Fraser, and MLA. Gordon. Reading; Were Mao given by Mr. Jon. Reid, B. A., of Mount Forest, and Mr. McIntyre, of ‘Toronto. St. Andrew's church choir, of ithis town, furnished music, Miss Swan l presided u the orgtuu---confeturau. HOLSTEIN C. M, ANsrvErtsattY Smwmxas. l, -Suuduy and Monday last succesatul au- niversery services were held in gouncetiun with the Canada Methodist church at Hul- stein. b'anday--morniug and ovouiug- l, Rev. Mr, Bugtziu preached tine sermons to good audiences, at the close of each service a very fair collection was taken up. Mum ‘ day the tea meeting was held. The gnarl i, i sleighing ensured a full house, all passing I l a pleasant time. The ladies of Holstein sustained their reputation as excellent “tee setters up," as was evinced by the hearty manner in which the delicacies were partekeu M. Tea over. the meeting was called to order by the appointment of Mr. Their to the chain Addresses were delivered by Revds. M-.Buggin,Btmitts sud Tucker. Good music w furnished by the choir. At the clone the and vote. of thsnh were tendered. Tuesdsy I very pleasant sods] we: held. The proceeds, form collections. haunting sud sods]. mount to shout â€w-W. Dr. Tack, of Orangevino, died madonly nt the America: hotel, Toronto, on Frills, morning last war. The Scott hot was carried in the County of Bunbury, N. B.,on Thttmar by may“. wlulninc majority-Ind to be 4 to l. and Other Items. . Goon iuwsss.-Mr. John Momma: and Junea Young, of Bantinck. sawed and split two cords of two foot wood with 31.00“ tooth crow-1t “I in two how. on Mon. ilsy lust. If any other aver-om some up 7 - _.. . ., --- ham t‘Inln. to thin we Fun! Honor Boll. l Honor Boll of S. S. bio. 8 Normnby for the mouth of February. 4th Chvss--No. in Ctaag spunk. ob. tainable 170; J mos Derby, IN), Alfred Ball 147, Robert Marshall 184, Wesley Bull MU, Barbm Byers te9,LizsissYoung, Ebenezer Geddcu 115. Senior Lrdduununur in ch" W-- Marks obtains“. 170, Andrew Fulton 189, Meander lull 129. Barbara Ann Byers 99. Junior 8rd ct-Number in cuss Marks obtainable 170, Jams Head 166, Helen M. Derby 167, Sarah M. shall IM, Richard Nichol 165. sunu AW, Lillv'lmu on“.-. ---- Senior 2nd oiuas-Numbtsr in class 9--- Marks obtainable 120.Violet Patterson Ith Agnes Geddes 82. David Gilmore 82. lst clour--LiraU Bmntignm, Nelson Ball. George Henderson. Average atwudence for the month 75. Thus. c. smith,'Nuslam Boson Bou..--Tlus following shows the standing of8vil and 4th classes, Latona School, as per Monthly Examination tbr Fubrunry, 1881 .Marks obtainable 800. Fourth class-Willie Skeue. 120; Willie Iadinghlun, TW, Archie MeDougal, 60; Hugh Smith. " Third Claim-George Ledinglmm, IM; Bella Skene,119. Frank Skene,t13. Maurice Buggan, 113. A. J. SKENE, Teacher. Lwrom, Feb.2g.--The people of Lista. wel have had their eyes open to “range do- ings guiugon their midst in the shape of coining base money. Thomas swan keeps billard rooms which human the resort for some time past of " number of loafers. 1 These parties have attracted the notice of the poiice, who have had an eye on their op- erations, and to some purpose. One of the members of the force, by keeping n. sharp look oat, and by talking to some of the men who frequented the place, found out. that counterfeiting on a large scale was be. ing carried on. This same constable had 1carnod that coining was to be continued on sunGy,previuas to a hemy distribution of the “queer" for wlilarrungeuteuts had been made. A raid was arranged for Bun. ' day night, but one ofthe ring-leaders, Geo. Everlcigh, was arrested on the afternoon of that day, and this had the effect of putting me others on the alert. The miners were able to get most of their tools out of the way but when the police visited the place they found a large quantity of metal and other material used in mining. It is believed that about thirty persons} will be implicated in the nefarious business. Lattcrly the winners have been able to turn i out coin which manned into the banks with- out doteetiom Most of it bus been distribute ( ed by visiting hutch, tendering bad money _ and getting good coin in exchange. It is unidtlmt large quantities of the spurious i wink†been distributediu Collingwood and. I Owen Sound. There is souustalk of a not- orious character named Thomas Davidson having dumped and taken the dies with him. Mr. Idiugton, County Crown Attorney, (will make an investigation and ht when some interestesting, if not startling, diseio.. isums will be made. A Coincr’s Den Raided. Human is to mive in Toronto on Friday, SENTENCE!) rm; L.uaasr.--Mark Smith, of Nurmanny, arrested for “to larceny of I mink akin cup at Clifford, and somauded to pol siucu Tusdny last, was that! Micro J udge Clmdmck yesterday. After the avid- ence. which clearly proved the change, the prisoner was comnuited to gaol " one montlt.-- Qudph Mercury. There will be four Division Courts in Dufferin, The First Diviaiun will have Orangevillc " its head. and will comprise ortstsgovillis, Emit Guzman, and Mie‘ Township of Amrauth as flur north " the ', southerly boundary of Lot 26 in each oun- cession. The second Division will com- prise the village ot b'helburne, and that. potion of Amaranth not included in the First Divisiou, and the Township of Mel. anethom The Third Division wilt comprise ( Mulmar, and the Fourth the Township of l Mono. The sittings will be held at a time to be tized by Judge McCarthy. The Clerks and Bailiffs have not yet been tappointed, though, it is pretty generally known who I they will bo.-dihclhtrne Fm Frau. Tarts human-On Thursday night last be. tween tuu and three o'clock R firo broke out in the building Occupied by Mr, J. Brown. svo:.che as shoe-shop and dwelling. The alarm was given by the bell, hut the fire made great headway before being (“Rover- tu. Mr. Brownsoombe was awakened by the noise of the burning, and the Emily made their exempt) without any time to spare. Nothing whatcrete was saved except a. few blankets which the children were wrapped upiu. Mr. Browuseombo had a large stock of leather on hand besides a quantity of made-up boots, all of which Were burned along with all his furniture and personal ; effects. There was 9. small insurance on his stock, but his loss mast be heavy, and at the present time of writing haa not been uncer- i mined. The building was owned by Mr.' _mases Shmnon, and wufonnerly occupied by him as stove and tin shop. be having l “and it tome you: Mo horde: toremovo to his new place of business. since which timeitttaaheenttmur mt. Mr Bind: number of stove: stondin a part of the building, which were destroyed. Reinsur- umon eitherhuildingoutovu. Buioag in diluted “from Win 't000.--0. 8. Abortion. About 81 and. of “on m M on tlst, site for tho new tutholiochumh, Dru,- ton, by the nib-mm of that church, m. siding on the Mth lino, one dsy neatly. -. -" Me-i"" w would like to ttttae mm them. batons. _Number in ch53 Ir-- 170, Jams Henderson 4-» w. Neuron Holstein. Feb. Ihb, 1881. I Minn“. of are Emmont Council. Mum- bou 311 Mount. new. in ttur chain‘ Minute' of Int muting rend and nyprond. Moved by Mr. Immune. seconded by W. Pm], That the Council Meeting: be w in Holstein (at tho yen 1881.45:- rind. Moved by Mr. Alien, mended by Mr. McCormck, That those" person not Is- nused for property do only one day statute tabor.--carrud. Maud by Mr. Allen, wounded by Me. Cormick. Tint the prayer of Alphaus Smith to be re-wnexod to Bohrtain B. S. be bid over for further tyomiumtion.--- Curried. The Council went into Committee on ‘meuot and Printing with Mr. Allen in the abut. When tho committee to“ the cuirmatt mule his report recommending James lark As turtumkor " a. salary of Mo, and that Stoveut Son's tender for printing be accepted. - -- I , I u \l- m. “Mr--. Moved by Mr. Allen seconded by Mr. McCormick. That the report be adopted--- Carried. Moved by Mr. hwrance, seconded by Mr.Paul, That David Cameron be paid for mending road scraper Meta.-carrwi1. Moved by Mr. Pull. seconded by Mr. Lawrence. That Stove" & Son be paid tor Printing and blank forms for euetioas.-- t9.60_--curried. The Reeve reported that $3000 worth of Durham debentures have been purchased at par bearing i; per cent payable lit Feb. in each year and that they we now in the hands of the Treasurer. The Auditors momma! their Report which was oxnuined and passed. "e Moved by hir. McCormick, seconded by Mr. Paul, That 200 copies be printed and that the Auditors be paid " etuslr-AV rind. Resolved that by-law No. 192 to N" point an assessor, Patltmasters and other officers for the year 1881 be now read 3nd pawei1.-Oyasw read and passed. idsaveituat the maul)“: of Council be paid " each for 2 days, 920; and the Clerk for registration fees, 613. Moved by Mr. Lawrence, seconded by Mr. McCormick. That this council adjourn to meet again It Holatuin on Friday, the 27th ot May next, at 10 a. m., u “out of revision. 102 _ hummus“. Con. l-Rohrrt CoeUrarse, J. Lauder, Richard Irvine, (home Clever, W. Brown, Alex. Aitkins. J. Barton, w. Thorpe, Jns. Dawson, 1). Robertson. Con. 2 a tr-P. Black, Wm. Lounox. tyumsetordurrd, 8. Queen, George Lamb. David Naismith, In. l’innoek, Matthew Gleeuly, John Harv burgh, James Sharp, Jams Irvine, Wm. Comm, Y. McKellur. Con. 4---Bobert McDonald, N. McIntyre, J. McIntyre, h. Pit-in), Duncan Keith, Gilbert 3le0t1lloeh. Con. 5 & 6.--Cluts. Nelson, Archy. Me. Eaeberu,1t. Hermiston, Duncan Manch- l lin, John McQueen, Wm. Brown. Con. T & 8.--rsaue Sum-nu, James Hewitt, Jun. Sinclair, James Lamont, Thos Hume, P. Keith, Robert Brown. Gun. 9 * to.-). Hunter. Daniel Peekover, Chas. McLurty. Henry Telly, Hebert Waddell, II. Hunter. ' Con. 11 a t2.--Juhrt Hamilton, Andrew Hewitson, N. McArthw,M. Campbell, Ins. S. Bow, Francis Lilwdl. Con. 13 & 14.--l Julmutlmn Wulumly, Alex. Kay, Alex. Humilzon, David Sim, Alex. Geoifry, Jas. Wilson. €011.15 & 16.--James Geddes, Wm. Boles, Alex. Henderson, John Philps. Henry Martin, W. Hester. Con. 17 h 18. -Jolm lienwanmes Shearer, Wm. Snell. Robert Taylor, Neil Clark, Robinson Haw. Con. 19 a 20.-Wrn. Alles, Robert Henry, Jompl: Moore, jr,, Walter Email, Angus McDongnll, Robert Campbell. Con. 21 k 22.--D. Hamilton. ll. Bull, Wm. liar. Egrnve, N. McKinuun, J. McDonald. Sun'l Ay1sitasoeo, B. Hack, C. Durmot. mvxbmn’ut Cons. L-Wm. Brown, John Irvine. 2 & 8.--Edwitt Johnston?! Samuel Or- clmnl, Thomas Brown, John O'Connell. 4.--Wiliiarn Wallace, Archy Keith. " 6.---Aler McIntyre, Peter McPhge. T * 8.--ilobert Bye, Neil Bach-nan. g a 10. --H.5teDottgts1, Archy Mchy, Daniel Isles. 11 a 12.-amm, Troupe, Zekiel Roberts. 18 * 14.--John Calder. " 8 uh-Edward Henderson 17 & 18.-Wm. Culvert. l9 & 2th--1tobert Campbell. 21 a 2e.--John Wilson, William Bar. grave. Curried and Council adjourned. List at ogietsrs appointed under Bylaw Egremont foususil. an": VIEWERS. Comc'2k 3.--J. Vesaio, J. Allen, on, Then. Brown. 4.--Nieol McIntyre, Wm. Wallace. 6 * O.-.? W. Stevenson. 7 & 8.--Itobert Bye. 9 a 10.-iohy MeLar. ty, Daniel Isles. 11 12.--Jatnet, Thorpe 13 k 14,--irohn Calder. " a 16.--Ed. Henderson. 17 * 18c--gohet Ferguson, Jamel Myon. 19 &20.-Robert Campbell. 21 a 22.--Wm. McFadden. Proton Council M par tuliotuaumsnt, met at Cedarville, on Tuesdny the 22nd Feb. 1881, nt 10 a. m. The Council all present. Reeve in the chdr. The minutes real And oonfirrmsd of the two previous Council Meeting: held at Dundllk. Moved by Mch-dle, seconded by Black. That tLe Deputy Reeve end oftioert, for last Municipal Election be paid for their services, else the ownere of the several Polling Houses wording to tho by-lew re. gnletlng the tune including Manger-Cu. Moved by Howie. setsonded by Abbott, That the time of returning the Collector's Boil be extended to the irmtot April non. Moved by Abbott, seconded by Mahrdie, Tun the Reeve issue on ordor in favor of Widow MoDomld for the mm of 01.40 the some being unpaid to the Counter in pay- ing her School to: tor Imp-Curried. Moved by Boom-y. encoded by Block. That the Cloth ho room-cod to lot the Rating by tersdor..-4Wried. Moved by Bukby. mood-d by Abbott, momma», In. having mid†in Proton Council. B. Llama, Clerk. “can of full mac'um of tam agaittst lot 16, can. 18, for 1879, am we “we be re- funded to the “it! Mr. CUrke sud that the Reeve ism. m loud by Maudie. would by AbbottJ m this council grim m to unprov.‘ the town lim, between Proton an! Ear.- tnout “can. T. and 8 of Proton. providing 1110 Township of Egrstrtont mpplemont "Isis mm and than Thou. Buga- be .ppoiuI- ed with: ttomisaioner from Egremont to expend the same.-4rried. ' - _ I I ‘1. A -51- "r-.. ._V _-"" _ Moved by Buck. ucondod by mum. That the Imam of an. "ainss lot 27 con. w, boomed from the Collector‘s Boil, In the mo wu entered though error.- Moved by Radio, "otsadod by Emily. Th“ Thou. Funnel! be nppointod Auditor in behalf of thin Council in plan of Peter Dow not qualitrirtgc-Lost. Moved in umendmeui by Buchwald-d by Abbott, That Andrew Ridden he sp- pointed Auditor in bell-U of this Council torto audit the BtstounU tor ISM-Peter Dow who wan unpainted at iimt Meeting [damning to "t.--ouried. Moved by Buckley. seconded by Abbott, That B. B. Bo. 11 do get I grunt of .20 providing it is supplemental! by an Gov. "ntmsnt.--Csrried. Moved by Abbott, seconded by HcArdle. That the petition of Mr. Hidden and others in respect to the formation of u new School Section, be received and by on the table until next meeting of Council, trnd that the Clerk give the notice required by Statute. -.Ahrrried. Moved ily Abbott, “waded by McArdlc, The the Reeve issue An order in {nor of the Clerk for "o on hi: sultry for 188t.-- Curried. Moved by Abbott, seconded by MoArdle, That We sum of 02.75 be pnia to J. J. Middleton, being money disbursed by‘ him for share of cost in obtaining opinion! of Hon. Edvard Blake " to the leg-My of the manna! concede!) under By-lnw IN.-- ‘Carried. i Moved by Abbott, seconded by Buckley. That the account of Stove“ & Son for Minute Bout Ind tooo Colloetorts' Receipts amounting to 05.50 be paid. and that the Reeve inns an order to: the ---car. tied. Movcd by Black, seconded by Maudie; That the taxes on the Bolt "ainst Widow Geddes for lot T, can. li, being 01.15. be erased she being in iadigeat oiretunstanees. --ctvrrieil. Moved by Buckley, seconded by Abbott.) Tint hy-luwn tor tppoiutment of Auditor'a I having been read A tirst md second time, be mw read a third time, engrossed in the minutes, and No. By-lnw ggg.-Carried. Moved by MeArdle, seconded by Black. That John A. Scarlett be paid the sum of ti, being taxes accrued on Mo of assau- ment placed Against him It Court of Be. vision.--Ahtrried. Moved by Black. mended by Bucklnv. That By law for firing the ammunition " f members of the council Inning been rend a first a second time, be now read . third time, engrossed in the minutes sad num- bered Br1sw g2ct.--Curriisd. Moved by Abbott, seeondtsd by Me. Arne, That the Gunmen. motive their pay in asto.--C'arried. Moved by McArdle, seconded by Abbott, Tbat this Council do now adjourn to meet " Ballet‘s Hull. in Hupwille, on the first Tnesdsy of April nezt.-Ahsrrie& Jon Thar, Clerk, Hopevme. P. o. Clerks ofhee, Proton, 2m: Feb. 1881. War in South Africa. A Disastrous Engagement MI the Transvaal. Mount Prospect, Sinai, Feb. 2.7.-tutts Culley, with six companies. took possession of the Spitzkup position, mm " Mining. neck. Fi Newcastle, mm. Feb. MFA sewn on I ‘ gagement took place to dsy between the! Boers nod Gen. Colley's force. the latter being driven trom their position At 8pitm hop. There wn great loss on both axles, many British oitietms being killed and wounded. A later teiegmn from Culloy'l camp says: All the wounded coming in ‘lgrec in reporting that Get). Culley bas been killed and only & hundred Btitish have escaped. The Boers charged with lull four times end were about to tetra! when the British were forced to retire be- cause the reserve “ammunition but! not been taken to the extreme summit. London. Feb. 27, nudniglat.--Gett. Col. ley, in a deaputch sent previoul to the en- gngemoutto day, says: We occupied the Majelo mountain on saturday night. It immediately overlooks the position. The Boers are fighting us from below. qu later talent-5m he any“ The Boers no still iiring heavily on the hill, bat hnvei broken their longer uni begun tontove, may. The we: omee he: received the follow. ing from Col. Bond, commending at Mt. Prospect: Gen. Cohev. with " omm. and 627 men. And consisting of infantry end I the new! hrigule, tttld ou Sunday ' night to 1tl'P, ejeh mama. The Beer! Attache him It “won o'clock on I Sande, morning. At) p. m. the tuine l incmued. end " 2:20 it become evident I from the camp that he hul lost the hill end that out men were retiring wider- henvy figs, There ii no doubt that Colby f is killed. .e' - ali.' Wood telegraph: tsorroltorsttng the thaw, says he will total-u to Newman]. on honduy. _ - Another “count of the fight at Spitzkop toys: When the ummnmtion filed the summer In fearfuL Finally the British male . down!“ but unsuccessful tub. The 60th foot ttruttht their guy buck to. d). camp. It in stated am only Inna of m. 58th survive. Tho camp in being (“and " ovary pomt. new $lrt.syprt, Fob. 'r-lt. bu been "iiTiiiiufiGi them? ha been largo ly reinforced by Bo.“ from “ginkgo Free Shh. Duran, Fob. 1r.-ahm columnist of Highland- um 93) you“: of ii7iGiakrihue" ti. rrétreat and hop- throw- ing trtaeteg down an the ndunoing Boon. 3nd subeqmntly reached 01:99 with their ii%iiiiirriir ivLia Boews m. “â€ng been hen-d tll the non» order in his tieor tur the eru “Lama " " Walther-swoon that two “(my We. The um.» has In The oormpondent of the Tim gives tho knowing mum!» of “no ht- 'ree'" MMtuty--" “Spatula in te," 800 yard. mam tho pom T . No my...†wank-tutu“ human-“ho I'm-induct “whoops mewmmn very may, ontuirunawuaa4tusees, ltvuun. 1900a“. to have can“ up qrWtkt tho mum. nu gum. The wutu lone new we “my balm-g 'uyiitLlf. and ' £1. iNroie 1mm ni. frumaaa'. “My mum-ed. but promptly mum an in. Wm “Mount. ' manna-abet “been“ the has at mun-cum. 1Jetetrsitu" Mb. we: 'teetemlr heavier the oun. (scum Culley we: conviction " hummus m4 1 â€We. He kept up musket mum. ttou and: an may by sunk. My am men we Beet the. WM menu» â€-3ng nbogt 60 than to tlse minute. in. mused to I toertiie whey. Uur mu unu- ed. were “and. leoud may. ' m. The Bean climbed the hell, and tuawed men: with a humble tim If, they went down we otbasr side." This eon-ecpondem we: captured by the Beer... why tm-ul m My and gun tyy , W. to return w 2ari. ’u. Roam an" body a a...“ Galley outtue tUld, (Banana Bum witipersukty Mart to: the Tran-val it the and of the preset» week. In the lion» of Gamma!“ the tke"tarr of War and we [on of In: an the mom en- gudlwm “New Count and the Boot. ma amended. Timmy-Ev. when m 698 man were am Thu. one... was killed. 9 www.md 7 Mon prima- on. The total Wed W“ as. we wound.d PM, taken prisonm or MM. B.- ..adu' the Mom serdL'e','i"dt,td, at.“ ham shielded to prepare ee tummy 'tiflt."'" to be shipped from Guard“: sud an. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE Inuit nu. Alter routine, Mr. Wood Maud I um impacting mum (can, m moved the tVat menu. no 'utsieutsrgie..tA, ton-un- why the Govuumeut but 4oesidot to hung in each s We. The alien. tom". Mid villages claimed tint. Ill-tho! erected market mummy end gaunt-inm- kuu m Unaware-M denim The all»: Lrrieed an eqeel Uasetit with!» buyer. nad Multan iGoootvsuumtioutU upon-u lot muntemuee. it turn but hit that the {seller would pay a smell fee. Ba submitt- ed --aad he thought the not. and eunu- try would admit ~that It could not he molt- nowhulaed " one mun-at that the right should be given of axing the province at the Gras tur namely the right to sitll--(ler. uetur--tuH the right deli-ruin; {as would have to he pieced upon lan tithe: (hand. He would hut-nee the can of the city of Guelphheeuue it mt-amd in the. and more than tepneented in mutant -touo_ dution. my town: and gtgtte.. The up eel tn the“ lat yen has been â€.960, mirth. meddonmnlol Met feet 0500. In Guelph‘u petition foe “uh tailing unmet fees it mu and that they hut expended for market buildings end pur- poses 8150.“. He “notch“. Guelph With Willi-Ally [amending the Home. but ' he thought that‘he we within†mark in laying that u very mull patina of thet , amount was exlmnstedrtu the helm“. at the ,", tamer or when Coming to the netw- I politun city of Toronto, where of 'dl - they might expect the but accumuuutwu 1 the Toronto 'srritortsttou, out“ that they - have expended for Mt buildings the mum at $220,000. When slut “pendulum . true put in as " pleat it we mutual to thunk ' that tut ample Ltcoeuawdtstiott Would be l furnished. Want Wu the Get, haven“. The tit. Lawrence Market emu-Jed mean» t, modetton for public hunt-India: hutch-:15, yt and merely give the tenure the right to buck up than tumour in the neighbou» * lsood ot the buildup In am an. of " (mir. it Wu no wander that Uni-rm" have upphci " some provision in tut respect- The wonder wu- tlnit they but summed quiet so long. Ills rem-the 'qefied alto to mung otziur chum, in such of which it mm 1 be found thlt provision he been nude " the continua. at the damn. while the leaner and " children we“: QXMa to n the summer um and the will“: am. An nin'nt varying from 0701!!) to “00,000 hue been pad for the right to back up . mot) n. in the neighlumrhood of some buildings Dtt No wonder the ("was had aim in their "night and demmded whet might be culled ' but play. On behalf of the $irmre All sell- 13- " " ama chimed thnt if oat-pontiondhul the power, to esttrbttitr when that the fur- .n mar should be allowed to judge whether ha ha Would lun etuttituent-inwodtttiouluford. ‘ edtojum‘tyhimin Quinlbtheunrket utr Mince. That - should be optional with tw the seller. It In an “My action on on, the part 01th. cities end tom“ and» nd bonding: without colmultilc the thmtee. ' u to the proper umonnt ot wen-mm“. " end they any to the Sum». “bushel all ...u .m, ...., w - -~___v.. n, your luv here, your cord-cod Ibetegml your commodities some min: where, sud you shall stay on the uaarket Sat A Main tiow, and before dealing withus a 0“ you shill pay a tax to m for doing so." Tl» Government's peotroeitiop. was thrt tho mm m1 towns Hwy mstsb1uh with and market fees; that at' at, -uiaa tlst- fee. it an.†be options) mm the iarmrror teller Wham: the mu mud “was markets or um um if gee than ta compell m than! to “lend the nun-Ines for. twinâ€. than before ottenug In. wad: 0W M are several anion and 1mm» “would 2 counties owning county mods. all . impose lull; upon Poe lawn. chimed luyrlhe urban Constituencies that it won un- fair that they should be compelled to have their streets upon lu common for the farmers nut] citizen" onus-la. With the ei. {wens inside. Thu-y contended that they were Fo surrounded with toll gain that they were beleugured cities. so to speak. Ind that I rotusortable than“ out aide the cilia or town should be tree. There m a time when York oouaV nu fully iutstiiim1 in collecting tolls. That time, lumen: wu long put. With the poo-om not work at [ “than the raider“: M York won the pen mom who now trust an an: nu! tIso men I who collected a toll. lie [and no hesiuuon _ in saying that any county the hem up the \uytum of toll gum but not glue." mm the spirit of tha tines. (Eur. Ie). ,“ was the not: upon-iv. way of “DU!†inn roads. Ind it would In " the M "h Mesh of York for some higher war was: in Audubon-blur toll gum. Kimmy di not prawn by my not of that Home to penut‘lh- to "tako eeeee.aee FritrCit1idrrtGirti i." Tho Government 'if,htfd',',t,r, would In some reciprocity. t . proposition w that when emu ms! toqrttg won surrounded by road: upon Which toll. were impound! tttst they Aou14 nat t 3;; .7517 Hia‘und towns until tho tom." we" then down for I "Humble dictum. smut! such ciao: 1nd tore, Their In seven! mam: of do. tai) tu uni“ in Committee. It was the tf/lt" at the Ggwmnt to uh: the _a peiat maxim "patenting iiUiid'UC'iiiiiuFiiiriiirety"tet,'d ( uthe constituencies. The time during Frhtyit the armor on I treo mm» mu re- 11mm. and u to vat m . Insoluble dio tattest." the Wright of the to!!- wen “onions yet to la considered Ind new: upon. I'll mm! was". Toucan, Feb. " iii;ii "3w: FW 2Pt'u',t,'el7 --eneir-tue'"ut u H d M W tor “Mum Forthaoesytutrimr. -m-ulcbr “In“. an oqttal tor hold urn-men 1 - M: m out (man found --her-oeth'cuot"e new 'iGaiGkiursou-rwiotastd"'n1 a-ou-set-os-'"" “I“ Ahab-nut)“ mo: II sot thmrmgn In. hmhubuMe-hhtmv oair--so.to""H'."tt1? -iUr--ts-""'o""'"' Imh-Idh “out“ mit M. "qarit,r--tevt"utrr?, ot-mari'?"'""" MAI-hum to.“ {Hi-M w.†the tubal.“ In duh-l and by ttw gtoev mum - . _ -- .,..... ... u Fira- wan-Led on llwlul‘ Ul‘vhcuk' nomad nun-av" t "an“. u adv-u w 01'0" " -.-at-t-uf't"tt uni-um “can an hum the but d Mar m .iiGG-mtu-e'e." mum Woul- in the Symm' ' Dâ€! "calmlwy In“ mmumuwmw puts, ‘uwww aerator“ Po"' q u - h “an“ try ttw noble Aug} .‘II “to “In: tks' ' Mm». , “b I“ Poll Inmate I - no I a†in oe'". thy balm-hay be? (It ‘io orb-be miTia.ue-tsteettt.tt.'v" asiiiiuu---tt'ieu""' “tn-Mnunouu mum-M WI. - m M m Mw bod - ,mGTiaaomtteet'"irt'.T.'f “hastening-mu coohutu u. tus “out can. but mailman u: M - leu hum! bt k I; ia cucumbh ow â€macaw-NM" than cam-ma houws "we lama-J an “M “a ham in Taio, "ya' on I“! M. - pnou were Armand or killed I- . otliidmt d "a will -als, on tl Katalin-5 Chi-n “an time Mo. asiirGats â€mu-um M "w M week FM Oliver I» M I futon.» " disorderly cunducl. In.†ooaaeiat" in Isis hum“ mm; W by.“ on the and mad when d - by u turn from the otter of [hut A 8.“: Cunt-1. have. “m tun" â€5|wa inâ€. gain; Elan". ningh- m d - toeiuetc u: an tlc, n he. 'mt<*a" (who: l 'rttan m will. hand (he, IhnuLl u-ml a one.“ J. J. V. Summon, om am. he comm ot tbs Church. 0th“. with tieeu, (an to the floor mi. thaeo w“ no the" would lave be tt Edie Five“ ho durum an and tum-m wslt chit-l um. q In. at" timt "Molt ml," bot t 6M chuck Yellow oil at. . rowcd III M mum-l use. nu a man hadn't-Ind than either. Yelluu Mum the "and; for I'm", Rh-tery Group. Mann-u, 1 - ' - I II ‘,._I. .. ili"i"i5iiiii"i'oiu, Gut all tieoh “um “sci-chloral: tum-I- it. 4.}: Th. not hand-iv. tue that and in Colour; " u number blob out ttt P. Gnhuu‘u bunt It“ in Midis Nook on Sunday a“ I o'dock. tad Many dest, but - sunny building. TI Mme-l to Rankin} block, , the land to tite ground. Lam "Allan-I Md mun" "11.4w! my, All Ill [ooh redfow to an )nulrlll'I-d (A): " It - lo. qsirstrd nod blue, Au nut lay " $0th Ht "use! to your hwy; dram-- th-ate' " land we and. nlugguh blood. m the toetsid -etiomr nud “w I)“ wdl - it Vanni, brighumn. the sup 'u Myâ€. Old Ck Ii. ill chrodul up" ma" Mood Bim- cure All urn-mu dis. any, puffy than“. and .teeogttwn the d N Br“. hold " livable. on tn I by. “wallowing ottieets were d.-ctm!:- ', Pt-idmrt, P. O'Coeutor, of Waiurtotr, tirst ', Vb-Mblt. Wm. Miller, of Kincanlim-u £00004 VBO-Pmsidem. D. E. Fauna-uh, l W; W, Wm. Pringh'fulrussf riiiiaiGnuctrti.snrc1eonrt'rw" i ace-fig: Wm. Byte, of mama“. - MIT Bituminous Yuan“,- "W." my! the Landau eorrorponsbmt d .0. CM Muicat iaeord, “It thc â€Quid may in the world, and the Mm“ have hcen sud no Mhhmd tsith and uint - all Mood 31km. warp-m all betid. Ttre M that the, I‘m-nun at the count! was - “an â€H.000 tter cu- m “an mp- for the sale of plum “in. - more than . gum“; natio- nal man “an a pining thouglst. ". mu a bong-incl: he. in lum- La. h- math lmge cum- made w on. M in thought to the mum of u [not to tue mudu Mee, mum tl" “do“ dars,aiter during nearly tin-n - OM landing a life " will-ct) and a“. We" and commit'mg nearly KISCELLENEOUS W whom they could on (he fuec of h “I! Owl. would on threir drtstis, “at“ - thoir peace witlt l" M'c-n bymudnuhur . GGiau -. Rhianna Ant-Mined†" cm.- Ttin tha - mad mun-u l'u-r “at“. Mia, nib M remuu . - by HE; only II Maud IP'IL- man my. " in mac-dad null - -"--_ ’* _ u - m m- It in nun-um ' ad by gnu-It not!“ Inn. and My I‘M by the B†All." of Hun-chu- mm TL: wseala.ti.tr d “an an: new†CHM with “whit u my)...“ W in this colmry 3nd in (mum: hunk. Ind h h m hum and and in all the cmhm! with! a the world. â€qywl' chllnl Mair Raorwer a ,Omvu. with tue tufter. ll to a†Boor on Sumhy flu - tmnideotiUty Lag6 "IE-.9!“ POETRY mid I.) “Ml-chat meA-llh Mull Fin-"w mwm. WV. tire M h†“(at u number M , P. Ornltaaa'e but and bu-.. sauna-Menu“ mdMW-lb" no muse. W * boon I lament..l Kthe Mom Association we a chhlo. on Fri My all 01.4mm. trittao4hr m m4 1km will»!!! “not“ " A wen hum his AM My morn Br My“ I38- “we. M which a. Loess "r, In In!“ my. w â€GIN-d an t Hoe, do not I van Hm; cl: â€a, “It“. at wand: “HQ.“ n. - II“! - to unit - ‘hvi-eu goqblt. I" or but. f on Piano. , M Uh enduring: won "all“ " I‘M " " matd Imam: ads like: In“ . h (at am ("I‘llll‘ nodal i you " ’"1 mu: an Au , out) d