West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 10 Mar 1881, p. 2

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I} ' iii tr' q" 0 ‘i r.” r'r, $3 9' Sli t?pt, m I y: H Agents for $3316! BMW-V We would again urge those ammo». ,ret"srutrtuari1rtT' Tr1y.2r.!.u' in ar- Ah In“. Web."- - c. new Air‘s-lot Taylor, .-ar.Deu-, hvhou nag-Iii panama skill in itue tho - I‘D Susan]. I». nob: W linu- ruzgemenu " min. at the eon-trua- tiou of tls6 PM Cum] mall tha W was of Union. that sh. onk' in “pound to In iuuutsed in was. u Omaha: the conmwn will begin “muting n the gm: cutting n Cum/n. Baum "pue. “on: have 1’0an an eoat very con-inlet- zbly. the "tin! oi the Boers on the Nth ind. prorisiow', but imam. March 10, "H, --on Friday last Mr. Hayes, who has] mm $15006?ch or President of the Unilo'l‘ States " the Inn! tour you", kid down In. ruins of power, and v” "mended by Hanna] Garfield, the Ptiiderst.eleet. M r. H- is rumpled M having been tb Very rosyutablo tHmmistrator. Scandals and net. of joblucry hue been very few dating hin term of othss,ttnd the power of the cor- rureioesut rink: bu been broken up. But although tesspoetabU, his admimutmtion bu new defieitrrtt in energy. The M of mam service is I foul blot on the chunk! of tho Republic. Mr. Hayes made: barbie "tempt to clean out we Ange-n Stable, bat the aiheaiti" in tho] way proved "too much" " the vigour of _ his "(out priuaiylu. To . wry large) do! ot “W“ however. but and. him-d! specially ”was. During hi. occupancy ofthe White Boast, spiritua- Elm ad intoaimtimt drink- ot ail kinds hvo leon'ogaluld hem his taw; nu! that"! “no” a! ogiatitm my “in “D int-Ilium part of the connin- . - A-A_‘ ith.-- 1W0 - m - ity on the question ot mud Manes mm is no question but the Manna. of the Whit. Mouse in this reaped wu for pod. Mr. thy-’- sumuor. Gsaeral Gui-Kiln“ ot M“. hath-om the an” at tho w thou-ho bu nppomt. oil 'i.Taii-rie",tl', hiatus“! tut an "in a! mg: m! oorrureoartuts will hdl m. Mr. sun. that up- - ' __ac.u-t-t M: i. orrosued “In "He'" -- tuiott is iawthimt but good, in Ippomm to tho principal 0890-411” ot B-tary of Sam. bagtgt" unfamiliar: no aid to In an nub-OI at In. ad -- h N :21 Yolk and div“. douth of General Colby. rip-bl rears to the REVIEW to at once forward their subscrip- tion to this Ofiiee, as we are gvery much in need of money I just now. Mum Broad Cloth . largo supply Grants. Tn Durham Fur will be held on To Tn Durham Fair will be held on Tm- day um, mm ' Domes" has * full stock of Fianna Frtumts and Mouldings. than.“ met with m onthuiutio weep tion in Toronto on Friday last. Dos"! put your no musty. Donn. TE: Dominion Parliament is still in session. but it in expected to be through in n than time. nun Gum's now Me. " I new stock of gooi alumina. dry goods, boo" And no. NEW Goods, M. u. L. Linus. yum-u... Just received smother lot of new spring stock at Grants, consisting of Dry goods, donning. hats, boots tad shoes. AT the and of lasst We: fill of snow took pine in the lamb-cut of this plat Jon Mountains it was an: deep. A Cup" Auction Sale will be held on 1 Monday next, March 14th, at Priceville, of Farm Implemenk. etc. Sale at eleven o'eloek, Jonn Much“. Proprietor. Alex. Brown, Auctioneer. As Auction Sale of Form Stock, Imple- menu, etc., will take place on Lot 15, con. 9,tosnolg, on Mommy next, the 14th inst. M noun. Terms eleVen mouths credit. w... tverGter.oropriewr. Hugh MacKny, As Auction Sale or In menu, ete., will take plat 9, ‘Glenelg, on Mommy n u noon. Terms eleVe Wm. 1veiuter,irgopriewr Auctioneer. A Simon“. Mum“) of the South Grey ‘ Reform Assoriation will be hell in the Town Hall, Durham. on Monday afternoon new. the Nth inst. at 2 o'cluck. All parties in. taunted will please attend M matters of importance will be brought before tho meet. Acouosr.--0n Saturday last when the afternoon tram was shout four miles south M muauk, it WM discovered that an nnxle on . grsia car was broken. The train "backed up" to the Dundalk Station, and Mtcr "ssritetuntt" the on! with the break, tUt for Toronto, but were ' conyko ofhours behind time. ing. Sunni“ fires have occmred in Mount Forest lately. The stables of Mess. Omer on, Robert cute and H. IL Stovel were all destroyed. Mr. M. H. Sloval lost Isis horse, cutter, top buggy, gig, etc. Hts lossis serious, amounting to nearly Moo on which there is an insutanco of .200. Mr. Clark‘l loss is about 9160. Bum: soctwrr.--A meeting ot the Dru-- 1 ham Branch of the Bible Society will be held in the Methodist Clutreb,at 7:30 o'clock on Wednesday the 23rd of March. The Bee. J. F. Manly will address the meeting. As no ootleetion for this Society has been taken up " two years it is expected We friends wxll be liberal when tho eolloetors go “mind. PRICEYILLP. Burma Wstr.---A mammoth l Masquerade Cnruteai will be held in the Pricevillo Skating Rink on Friday . March Immune Princess Louiscs‘n Birthday. Mar qnerudcrs will be admitted free by giving their names at thn door. Refreshmenu can he had on the kink. This is to be the htst and best Carnival of the season held on this popular Rink. Admission 10ceuu. Bums cnvsuvn.--ssernnuttAs1 service: were held " Burns Church, Rocky San- were lurid m. Mums Lumen. nun, m... Men, on Sabbath last. Tho Rev. Mr. Park. of Durham, preached ou Sutuulhy. Ind Rev. Mr. sticDatrtuid, on Sabbath twice. Kinny-four cunnnnnicnuts partook of the sacrament. Owing to a misunder- standing we outed that these services l, would be held next sabbath instead uf last, _ hope this mistake will not occur again.1 Hons: Itcutsrm-0n Monday evemng last the dwelling house of Mr. Jos. Young, tbtrout six miles north of Durham, In Ben, linck, took fire and was burned to the ground. Mr. 3nd Mrs. Young were both may when the frm broke oat, and the thun" had made too much headway when discovered to can sttrthistir. The [oasis very heavy, as tho seed grain was destroy- ed, besides the loss. of all the household furniture. Unmnnh 1ccarrr.sr.--0n Sunday last Mr. Alexander McLeod of the Township of Saugeen. while in the act of taking his gent in the family sleigh to proceed to Divine unit-e. fell, and injured himself so seriously that he requested tube carried into his room. His family Phyaician was immediately sent for, um! after a careful oumination of the patient discovered that than or Arur ribs ware broken. However the patient in programing " tivorab1r a could be expected in the circumstances. We may mention that Mr. McLeod is JraGi,t Cnpmin McLeod of Snugeen sud cousin of Captain McLean of the Rocky Summon. Mummy“ sontsz.--The entertain. ment in the Presbyterian Church here on Tuesday night was a. very successful one. The attendance WIS good and the pro- ceedings were of a moat enjoyable chute“: The Rev. Mr. Putnam. pastor of the Ahureh, occupied the chair. Excellent ad. dressee were given by was. Sanderson, Burwuh and Dr. Lauderkin. Readings were given by Rev. Mr, Park of Durham; sud Mr. McGngor. Waiktrrtow,whieh were‘ highly approdtw‘. Several Solos was given in s vary superior mannerby Miss Paterson. Durham; Mn. Ketchmn. Mount Foghst; Mr. Proctor. Bmver and Mr. Poison. Wm. The choir gender. " s number of pieces during the evening inoxeeiuotstyu. AM spending - M tio" the audience a-d, wen Goods, at C. L. Grunts. Darlttsar t your Picmru “my till they Do-shy will Emma them fur a & of goods, consisting of rods, boots and sheen. Call Other Items. weak a "rr tttor it in the Counties to pines. 0n the Cale. ' said to be four [set 'toek of Pictures. m Inns reeeiv M veeeeeeereeeeeeeee"'55=fTt'" g‘opening of the New Oddfel- ii lows Hall, Durham. '0” an tl Seven! mouths ago. Sthben Lam,lthu.1ritt, on. 109, I.0.0.F., of Durham, purchased (Rush, 1 the old New Connexion Church, of this member _ ":nn.al Opening of the New Oddfel- To love HwLDurham. an Hominy Seven! mouths ago. Stephen Lar,lthu.1rittlr thei No. 169, 1.o.0.F., of Durham, purchased (laugh, Wg., the old New Connexion Church, of this member: pres Town, ms! since then have been busy re. Minute! of pm mum. "novating, and fxing up genet- oosttinned. i-nv this building. Op Friday evening Inst Moved by J V - _. ' cu-___ u... any mum On Friday evening in. micron)“ mattered ‘Win the J. new Hell, end on entering the building, to were was“): surprised at the ccnvenient od and “agent unit of room- that this in w In" the moararttetion dorm th ‘ing and occupying. On entering the from , amused ornsll mom pen into It: on ante-room, mi through this into the it main hall, or Lodge room. This room is " handsomely fitted up with a throne on ei. ther side for the N. G. and Y. G., mini ll seat: e11 round, and. the floor corpeted and a: covered withoil-cluth. A number of hemp r tiful picturee end emblems were hung on a the wall, with a flag on either side of the i: N. G's. ehsir-giving the room a very - hmtleome oypearnnce. oft the main hell is mother small room, which will prove b very useful on many occasioni. There 1 . was a good attendance of the members of l the Lodge, with a large number of friends, ' and various games were provided for those 1 who enjoyed them, A nice organ wen l _ placed in one corner and was used. during I I the evening. After singing the, opening , ode and the tending of the prayers by Mr, 3 H. Miller, Mr. T.A. Harris gave a very in- ' , tel-eating address on tho rise and progress , I of the Independent Order of Oddfellowe, . and of the standing of Stephen Lodge. and t showed that notwithstanding many am. culties they had to contend with, they a were never in a more proaperous condition " than at the present time. After a piece by a Min Black and Mini Gun, and at reading, t. "The Bridge of sighs," by Rev. Mr, Park, who congratulated the Lodge on their oc- " cnpying the new hall,tes and various kinds " of rich cake, fruit, etc., Were liberally han- t. ded around to those present. Mr. Miller t. gave a reading, and Messrs. W. lluchnn, r, W. Bose. and Misses Black and Gun, new! several pieces. Mr. Thomas Saunders , . new two songs, Mr. C. B. J nvkes a. read- l ing, and Mr. J. Jack a comic piece. which ' caused great mcrtiment. The cntertaiu. x. n- mutt was first-dass, and was one of the “A most pleasant we. have attended. On Tuesday evening last a Ten meeting was held in the Baptist Church, Bentinck ', The weather was very f1nis. Several loads were taken out of Durham, and brought I back by some of the iriends. The tea was excellent, and the provisions were provid- ed in abundance, rich and in great variety. "l'he Rev. Mr. McDonald asked a blessing, and after ten was over D. heNicol, Ear, Reeve was nppomted to the chair, An excellent choir from Durham, gave A num- ber of choice pieces during the evening and contribute! largely to the tsritettainruettt, Brief nddresees were given by the chairman and Mr. Presser,“ Durham. Mr. Peter Cook, of Bentiuck, can an excellent ad- dress on the early settlement and improve. ments that had taken place in the Town. ship in churches, schools. " Mr. " Townsend, of the GREY Renew, gave an address on the advantages of having right pvirwiples. Mr. Geo. W wner give a read. ing ou "iru1oclieopins:." The Rev. Mr. Dunlop, hi Durham, and 4.0 “Mar of the Chm-ch, gave u good addru _ .'iou pu'wyot- ance and men of renown. The Church was well filled, and good order mm umitr I tamed. Receipts Mo. A euciul was held _ lust evening. The prnrocds will go to. , wards paying off the Yer'. en the pumm- ', age. A match between A, Webster, Merchant,‘ and T. A. Conkey. Shoemnk'ur, came off at I'riccville on Tuesday night hm week and resulted in a victory for the fortuur by c, allots. The following is the score :-- John Much. Dr. Bennett, John McLeod, N. B. (heir, ', John McArthur, Joseph Aussius, l l A. Wcbstor:--0. T. h, conker.-U) The game was played with spirit in true style which shows that curling has not de. generated. After the game was over the players proceeded to the Crown Hotel es- corted by h'. Wait, President of the Curling Club. The Host had a table furnished with all refreshments of the season, mush as Oysters, Cheese, Biscuits, Cakes, in first class style while Tuck furnished good old rye beer and choice cigars. Should any of the curlers of any town or village within 2.5 miles think they could do better than T. A. c. they had better correspond with 0mm} Tea Meeting in Bent'mck. Iloxon Bora,.--Honcr 1loll for School Section No. ll, township of Mc-lnncthon ; marks obtainable 330. Fourth Class,--- A. J. Brew, 298. Seninr 3rd C'lass,--ii. Taylor, 250; E. Montgomery, 118. Jnmiwr 8rd cltuur,--W. Montgomery, 173; J. Lam lay. 136. Sncond Cltuss,---D, McCush. 272; W. Thompson, 260: A. Taylor, 2.76. First clasa,-91. Corbett, 280; L. Brninby, 273; M. Martin, Mr, L. thaham, Te, when Arms PUBLIC Sctioot..--Thc Honor Run for February is as follows, the names up} ranged in order of merit according to class registers-punctual-ity, regularity of attend. i, Inca. and good conduet being also taken in- to eonsiaratiou:--4th Book-Tilly Lung- Ide, Aurdilin chmeyer,‘ Grace Nicol. 2nd 4th Book-Bells Nieol, 8rd Book-- Henry Lippert, Lizzie I‘olsinger, J15 Cock- riel. 2nd 3rd Book-Paulina Vain. Con. nd Seip. 2nd Book-oem Thomas, Pst. ', Walsh, Fred. Doen, Kain-inc Nesligsvriunt" 2nd part dm-Amelia MiiUr,Conrad Damn). Second Division-bmi" Mill". AM”: In '3eetiosv--h. Beim, A. Felling". Emma 2inter. 2nd tuetion--A1es Nicol. Eat. Lippert. 8rd Beetitm--0Gry Weir, Mary Becket. Philip Emu. may“ Chomaa. Average “mambo for the month Ab-A. H. N. Just-m. Teacher- 8cwn Drarss.--an mm, the“ 5 miUs out of Hahn-ton. on Sunday “In?! I Petr,, Mr. Moore, lather of Chas. Moore, ' I.” We! thi- com}, and " - 'Dum ' by hrrottui-9andarrt. Curling. “Ov‘ au. being their regal" uight. H. J. Mid. (hush, Esrg., mayor, in the chair. All an member: present except A. 0'. Malaria. Minutes of previou- meetiste wen rudmd tsoMrmed, Q 1 L_ I: ed 'aus, il Jog a: paid by George in. be refunded " he has no dog: med. Moved by a. McKnchuie, ascended by B. Bull, that the tutditors report of Town and school acczmuts be received sud that; 150 copiusbe printed in duet form wd nbstmet of Town and School moan“ be inserted in next weeks inn» ot nomppet. --csrriesd. The following aegounts Were ordered to be paiir.--hs. Burnet, gour Mrs Buns, "'vo;Arelt. McKenzie, “dawns; Her- {but Mockler. Auditor, M. Moved by G. Mcchhuic, seconded by B. Bull, That the time for the return of the Collector: Roll be extended until tuat meeting of the cuuueiL--Carried. ‘ . I - , I .. mum, -- -___ -- Moved by G. McIicehnie, seconded by' R. Bull,That 81 be accepted in full of Anthony J nmewn's taxes on put of lot " Gurnfmxn St. Wont, and the Clerk be in- structcd to notxfy collect-or ol the was. re- maining portion of taxes on and lot hav- ing been paid by C. Leavaus.--Csrrisd, From the o. S. u1t1vertiter. Some two weeks ago a horde of rats made their way into a stable belonging to Mr. S. Stanley. of Hullnud, uertrWilliamir ford, and nthwhed a last Sptlug's calf, eat- ing MI parts of the or.“ and cutting holes into the skin in Jditerctt places. One of the knees was eaten into as far as the bone. The poor animal would probably have been eaten up were it not that Mr. Stanley made a raid on the voracious pests just as they were getting tightly to Wurk. He has since poisoned " some two or three score of them. The story seems somewhat incredible. but its truth can he vouched for by halfa dozen reliable witncssos. __-_ ‘ -. A , ‘2..,.. -. .. d ....._ - _ - Messrs. Cliff & Shaw are adding a $1,400 knitting machine, intended for the higher class of knitting, to their Woollen establishment at Witliamarurd. Mr. John Gum), of Con. 2, itolhuad,mrnr Amati. had two sheep stolen out of his barnyard a few evenings no. He oo' had half a dczen ilegees stolen out of bis ‘ham Inst sheep shearing. A number of the residents of that section have missed wheat out of their grannies, and more re- cently cordwood has been Allan. Certain parties are suspected, and are being close- ly watched. ih,uvoii mljuume']. the tuwnship of simvsn, slipped and fell on her own doorstep and hroke her arm. Acctiss:sr--0ts Wednesday evening ls , Mr. John Johnston 2nd line Brant, was unhitchinghiahorsea, one of them kickedI him on his cheek. he was carried into the home in an unconscious state and Dr. Landerkin sent for who attended him promptly. lle sustained concussion of the i brain but under the Doctors cure is doing‘ unwell as can be ospeeted.---Httnot'er Poul. Accarrssrs.--John Ewcns, of Sullivan. who was engaged in the timber huiyueas in the Indian Lands, got both his! feet oadly frozen abont the Ist of Feb. Jre was team. 1 iru,r and felt bis feet very cold, took olfhia i boots and washed his fectin the snow, then put them on again and drove home. His feet swelled and became so sure that Mt. Ewens had to take his departure for his residence in Sullivan, where a modieat man was call- ed in whc.upnu cluse astuuiuutiou, deemed it advisable to have both met amputated, to which Mr. Evans objected, and so re. mains in pain. A young. man, aged 17 years, of Sullivan, got kicked by A horse last week, which proved iutai.-0. S. Tru. buns. Swarm Drausyrcmt.--h'omt two years ago one ham 1tockstetulcr left thin quarter rather suddenly for parts unknown. About two weeks since tho settlement was called on to suffer the 10mm! two mom of its in- habitants, Gordon and Reid. with families. who Min“ ad Dau's example. Yo tears were shed, although there are a few suvrow- 1 ing people. We understand a gentleman I of Godarich and another of Mount Forest are losers to n. considerable amount. It would be a sad mistake for the readers of the Arrow to suppose. in they might from reading the above, that the people of the baundry are a "bad lot." The fact is they are quite the reverse-honest, hard working “in! upright; so much so that questionable eharr.ctcrs fiud no quarter, mm! are obliged to leave at midnight as did Gordon, Reid and DoeksteaiUr with as little ado as p05. tiibhs.--rclWor4 Arrow. On the 21at inst, Mrs Robert Lowery of Tm: Crmsam.--The Commissions" arel unanimously of the opinion that it would I greatly facilitate the proper taking of census itiho public genemllydncluding clergymen, school teachers, newspaper men and all persons having any public connection. to impress the fact that tho census is in no way connected with taxation, and that the information given to onummtors is under the widest order of secrecy. the enumer- _ “on: being sworn not to reveal or to allow any one whatever to give information] gained during tho taking of the ccsus. T the census of 1871 enumemtors made a; preliminary call and left a blank schedule to be filled up by the householder. Thin schedule u dispensed with in the present "ttmu, and etch enumerate: will haves to ‘gein the information tequisite when, be all”: the house. Mannheim-er: and others in laminae should have no hqita. tioningivingthah1ustinkrmation u to their business. Nothing will be revealed by those ens-god in kinda. emu. mu: and hold fmqncnt meetings. - , for the same, and while accepting hind; Town Council. Chatsworth Items. At Cult the Plymouth Brethem have pur- evening lust Council met, -.. o¢Qu< Toronto, Grey, and Bruce‘ Railway. F m the Globe M 6 late ninth. of the Director: of thi Toronto, Grey, and Bruce Railway Com- pany the following latter hon: Mr. John _ - . -,,,,.:,m " m. P", "l "r'""""""" VV Gilded. tended»; In: animation of the m at Maiden: of “is Compupy was read:--" "mo.-- “BoUmlom. England. 1 _ "January 6, 1881. 1 “To the "ieo.Proident and Director: oftho i l . T6701“. they sf Bruce Railway Colnp'y: "as,trLsasrti,--0wittir to continued Ind proapeclivn abuneo from Cnnndn, it to- eomee my duty to pines my position " the Board of the Thronto Grey & Bruce Rummy Company at your disposal, which I accord- ingly hereby not do. In thus closing'my uttuial oonneetion with the compnnyI trust I may be allowed to briefly review the past, as for. " least!“ my connection with the Company is concerned. I wee first elected to the othee of President over twelve years ago, before the Company lied expend- ed any money in works of construction. l The year following I was duly re.elsseterd. Having, however. no desire to further hold office, I declined the honor than conferred upon me. My ehuncotion with the Com. , pony would at that time in all probability have caused bud not a most intiaeatud de. ' pottioufrom the Board of Directorsmmong f whom was a gentleman who I am planned “Mull-l ‘w- .. "" 7, _ - to see now occupying e Beet at the Bond) Q waited upon me with a request that I would O', rennin in ofiies That deputation BO for. n cibly urged upon me the desirability of u withenwing my resignation that I fimUly h consented to do no. Accordingly I was 0 once more elected your President. Then t lbeguu “the winter of my discontent." " These any“! must be remembered. were r the Jerk one: otrailsray building in Cenmle. t The oeeupnncy of a seat at 0 Railway Board and the stumping of. towns and townships I in search of bonuses were not Damnation; , which in those days tended to improve n il merchant’s standing in the estimation of 1 his bunker. We set to work, however. and 1 in due time the railway was built. It has ', always lmen, and still is, meet inertiiyiug 5 to me. that after all our emu-ts in e eon-l trary direction the Company has been want- ing in timuseial 5110605". Having devoted the chief portion M the best years of my life . and my best energies to tlurintcrosts ot the _ Company, I cennot upon a survey of the . peat, charge myself with any vtrsponsiibiltr : " the failure. The gunge,I can, ssuly , my. was not my child. The WI‘OW one of l 3 feet 6 inches most certainly new: would r have had my summit could I have foreaeeu l a the mpid match at events which after- o wards took place. I am not (genre that tileuy of the promises made by me to the 2muttit.tie1ile, on behalf of the amusing" d remain anfuttillod, The great trouble t with the Company, I consider, has 'i, been that in the past the railway " he: elweye had too little to ibr-ts fault which time will cure. There were, doubt. less, likewise other causes contributing to of the want of success of the Cotetor,--- Cr causes which I could not, or which It least I might be excused for failing to anticipau. The Company was most ungoueronsiy, if not unfairly. treated in quarters where such conduct was least looked tor, To tho people who embarked capital in the Company, based on opinions of mine, I can only express my sorrow. The opinions which were given by me were It least tree- ly backed with my own menu. To the members of the successive Board of Dirac- tion ow: which I have had the honor to prams. an :1 the many friends of the Cota. may in Toronto, leaders of public opinion. ! both tank and tile, from Toronto to Own i, Soundtnud from Onugeviiie to Tosuswatcr, l who so nuhiy supported me in puxhiug tor. i ward the railway, I offer my most heart. felt turtkrr, The readiness with which my I cit-mule culls on their time and energiea I were always responded to, and the very general eotdr.lev.eo extended to me in the performance of my arduom duties, funu c pleasant "vis in my uunnory-brightcnitut a period which otherwise I might call a time of strife trnd'eoutiutte.l voxntmn. In bidding you now farewell, I beg to assure ypu that l shall always fuel rut interest in l the railway, nnil siiali not come to hope ithat brighter duys may be yet in store " i it. "I am gentlemen. . "rtesycetfallyyot1rm Jam; Canons." Since the above letter was written Mr.) Gordon sailed from England " Australia. 1 He will, it is \iuzlorstoml, be absent tvous, Canada for some time. His resignation was most reluctantly aredpted by the Board at Directors, and his letter was ordered tu engrossed itutho minute book of the Com- pany. The directors then proceeded to elect a new President. Their choice kll ttpon Mr.W. H. Benny. a gentlemen Well known in Toronto and through the Pro ‘Vince. who has acted " the solicitor of the 2tylo,: Grey. and Bruce Company nincu the railway was unmixed, and who, therefore, is familiar with the details of the Compnny's bulsneaa. It in understood that the directors were to a great extent iatiueneed in their choice of a President by ‘the strongly expressed wish of Mr. Gordon that Mr. Beauty should be his sneeonor. At A meeting of the Directors of the Com. pany held yesterday, " which the newly elected President for the first time presided, the following resolution in reference to Mr. Gordon‘s resignation wu udopted I--. Moved by Mr. William Ramsay, aecomlv ‘ ed by Mr, J. C. Warts. "TUt J ohu Gordon, 1 Esq., having found it necessary, owing to txtmetsee frum Cnusds Ind ill bank, to place his resignation“: Direetor and Pres. ident of this Company in the hands of the Board, and his resignation lining at the lat meeting bean necepbd with great ro- ast. Be it now resolved, That this Board does plan on Record in in minutes it: tpo predation of the very "Ruble union thick Mr. Gordon baa rendered to the I Company during the two)" you: which!» ha Nhrd the President't chair. ttsd in ac- knowledgmeuh of the you "art'titteu, which ho has, during the time. nude on bah]! of in Company. Alto tut the Board hereby Hand!!! to Mr. Gordon in walnut dunks nation of the Presidéncy of the Com [may begs Li-, him that it tUV, tccagnizes . L m-.. the great own which it gander to Pi10P.CA1h'N0N. him. for wuqdfunnly able agtuiakuttiott T? i,TiT, '.4 . 12:31:. ark thin dun-i" his lung , 'fl f)" . "c.1511. 13m. and ’ Ann: d- unn- bushy At tisme It M His “MW the hum. [0011131. I! M with“ M he n won be 'ent oovePo.r Uh aovarnment "wane no. - - _ __ ' [companied by Cum. Guides, A. L' C gourd "mutiu", TW .The lulled: Lib! WI! damned by Mr. Mom,“ President, to tU Genet-d Muxmgeral‘tho Compuxy. and uccumpun. ‘er his letter u rcuiguation, above given, in) the Directors--- "Bomttttmotmr, 6th Jw..1881. ... “To Edmund Wrgggo', 1311.. gonna! M Manager 2'. a. t B. 1uiumirrlod . “Dun tim.-tht resigning the Presidency of the Toronto, Grey. and Bruce Railway d, Company. which I do thi: any, I oattttot H clone my term of twelve yous a one! on President without first circling to you. a T the chi“ omen of the Coupwy. and through you to out: mum of the stair, I', my hearty thunk: foe the attention. can. out! devotion to the Comer which 3 In: dramatized the others of the Cout. . pony during my term of othee. I hove to A thank you all, in addition. for fuelitr to li myself in the carrying out of such view;- us l I have had to offer. I nmstbou testimony “ m regnrd to yourself--" General Manager _ and Chief Engineer of the 1iuts--tutrt you I' hue often hail I most 41th task to per- l iorm in working Mieiently a poor railway. g and tut your duties have alnyl beets t I done to the entire satisfaction of tho Bonn! _ l of Direct-us. Likewise, I desire to record‘ . my appreciation of the WM!" in which l f the trcerotarr'ryetsurer of the Company t , has pesrssrtoott the mum of his ofhee, which I 5 oft-times were no “my tank, psutieului' in f ' the dnys when they Company's fhustteeg , ' more ofa complicntul mturu. 1iicrsr','pmieut 1 a requiring much skill owl gutml judg- 1 u l mom. i " will dunk you further to convey my l thanks ard obligations to all the men en- gaged in me Cnmpmy'l eerviss It has been my fortune to max may of them more than once under most trying circular mates, and I alu'lyu found them "eieert in their work and reasonable in whinin- iug to such maritime: no I was mum. commune) to M): them to who. .. - “URL “in breaking now my connection with ‘tbo Cumpsuy and “Velma the charm!“ associations ofalaege portion of my life, lotus ouly my farewell, naming you of wery good wish for mummy of the road, sud winking both yaw]! Ind than who are Associated with Ind nude: you in the management of the Lisas 11am: and happiness, 1 remain; {In Benjgmin Lawrence, of London ownship. lost a valuable spun a bone a lad wed: by eating when! and than drinking water, which "usetulse had grain to swell until death ensued. Ther had by some means got across to tin gantry gut! par taken of the wbeat found on the thror. Through the pram“ Senator Aikhts has beer sin-unto the Bash tan of “out of Can "tian. In ' Tumugh tltepammt" of the promion, Senator Aikhs has been unmoU'd to u: imitate the Dash trot uf American oii with that of Canadian In order to (aw: the London “ring." who denim by that means to squeeze out (Lair anal} nppawntmtho lull test was last your mammal to 11.5: for cm and P2F' for American oil. T'Mkdin the amended bill now Mime “as waste, has been fizod at 11.53 cu both Chadian and Amarium oils. Little Currlnt.on the Munitquhn Glatyl, bad a as meatiugl:tteV, undof tin " per- sons present " consisted of W. Skippin. sr., and his Emily. Mr. Skippiu is 66 years I of ago. and eouutittisis wife, his sons and their wives, his daughters and their huy‘ bands. and all their children, he has one of ( a funny to and; year of his age. The old l gentlennu mid noun af his iiaoacui'a'aeu' rendered a chnrui very nicely. Mr. Skip- pin, family End in But Gm. _ orszcmatr.--The Georgian Bay Tum. _imortation Company lava sppoimed that orszcmatt.--TU' margin nny In!!!" sportation Company have sppoimed thuir captains for the ensuing sewn as follows: --"Muaitouliu," Capt. P. M. campus:. "Northern Queen," Capt. A. Cameron; "Northern Belle." Cart D.Tuylor; and the "Emeralii,"Ctvpt, Jud. Foch. The "Mani. mliliu" and "EtuemU" will go on the Sault Ste Marie route; the "icortheru Queen" on the Chicago mute; and the “Belle“ will again trade to Parry Fuuvd. -- f Men anger. The fusion of the two hauling Canadian railways. thozla‘rund Trunk and the urea: Wosmmis again engaging atteluion in Eng- land, the overtures this time coming [mm the Great Western shruxslsoHers, who we aissatirfetl with the gran pn-gresu tmule. by the Grand Trunk during a few ymtrs WINK. dissatirgrd with the gram! Eva-grass hunk by " the Grand Trunk during u few yuan: yuan. 1 According to the Lunduu War” it 'v, m contemplation to replace the present dime. tors with a. board of able and experieuecd mun-y men, ot which Sir Ema" Tying chairman of the Grand, Trunk, is to to tlo, presiding gcuim. The amalgamation is evidently only a. question of time. ad not a very long than either. Fawn Dun In A" Sxow 1harr.---We ? Learn from the Guelph Mncury that 'il young woman was found and on fun rmul.‘ abont th mile east of Aeton on the ex akin; , of March 9.an She proved who His» Catlr erine Keith. aged 18, ssttGre puma: live about three miles from Acum. 1t appears Miss Keith startml about t woek medals l to walk home, a distance of about six miles, i, from Mr. Finlay McCullum'u. Enoch Block, where she had been working, and ‘whmr within about half a mile from home it is supposed the Mun overcome with the eoid and poriuhed. Mr. McCullum thought sh: bad whoa! home “My, while but went: were not “rm that the had Utt Moaliam'a. The mail by which Ibo mnhxrning is one very seldom tear. ollod on. which, cough: be: having boon-9b.: hi; seilt Winn found site wi-ar-ttrr-aria-d frozen stitt. She wu t strong tome look ing girl and soundly M by all who being a hem of 254806 one: M your. The {allowing w (in division t-ALitie, 50,995: sheep. 81.8”, swim- 700. WW Ill!- , The W lumber of cattle exported from mad. dying tbo past year was $0,tt06, “Your: main “Jens Convex." - 'u. el'rasmss. ' mad um BM.\Knox thd can. AnAct whisk seeking. Cour l An Ad we to Anglo Cu "" UI H‘\ I " want a"r. . ems tlar! hn het tetirt _ ' __ ‘Collegon at Toronto. ONTARIO LEGISLATURE GM. and mu. Col, Algermnd "Luca. ed - Sagt'sutivo Wkly. "mteted by a. mm: ot the (36me Geuerm Bod, Gama. St strong. and" tU m. "nand of man. Howud and Kano. Th. Madame in th. [unem- oftU Boas.. -Gll small. Ilia Honor being and on the “the. Tho Clerk Aliment thou and the tltlm f the Bill: that had pound, among on“. thalalluwingz - An Art bismuth City all umwmuauum . 'e" Knox tloitesgr. to m tt An Act to organize the muniaipdity ot " M to testeteAr the sesetttities of “it Anglo Couulinn Manage Cumlmuy to a. (minivan b'uearities Company ILimmd). An Art respecting the Radium “a Dunks Street Railway Company. An Aat In amend the seven] Act "ht. in: to the Tumuw, Grey nod limo: 1lail. uay Company. _ _ _ - in Airesiteotirte the debentun W o! the County of Sim. An het to Imend the Acts mining to tho Credit Valley Eighty Company. An Act to amend the het to inset-pom. the Roman Catholic Bishops at Toto-b lull Kingston, in Canada, in “all Dioceu. An Act amat-tirtg the rm Dover and Lake Huron, the Mmtford and L'una, Ind tlw Gamma Bay and Wellington R. Companies, as u.- Gnnd Trunk, Georg“ Buy. and lake Erin Wily Conan-my. An Act Minding the Plvamis Mutual Fir. Immune Cumpuuy of Outnno. Vanna dump the name ofa, m of Clifton to [but of Niagara Pulls. " M to ittooettoeate the Toronto Bap- an cut-. 7 An My) all”. the Trustees of Bothoi .ou‘repuou. of the tont, of 1haugex ilk. to nil 90min buds. JUx M "rpc1etiug the Georgy»: Buy t Wellington Bailwtry Cnnimay. An Act Respecting the Watorfoo County Mutual 1" 1:9 Immune» Cumy. ot Ott. Ptv,itiott for we duo uauuulnu'nuuu " when An M to men] the Iuserd het otitmt. An Act ramming 1uterpiesauhe. % An Art to amend the Act harming the [mutation of eoaarturrrshiys and bump.- An Ad " 6056011103150 tho Suwinr Coueta; ambush. u mam spam: of pleading up! H.ts"'ter and tutke main-r An Ad to amend the Registry An. An Art to give increucd "utuusertath. his against. iilieit.luiuur whim. An het "opening snow hum. Au Act to [nuke provision fur the admin- istntiuu of iastUtr in the new. County a Dufferin. An not» ”rotating the public mun-st in rivui, mama-ml decks. W L, M to unaud- the GM Data... Act. An Act to make pmvisiuu tor the “My of liturgy employees and the public. l " M is extend tho {mun at the Law iyoeiety of Um Clinch. 1 An Act to make further pmvision re- 1 'tPettit'.',' the Central FYI-um. tbe Auduw “are" Ontario Refnmmdury " Females, {and tho Industrial mug. " mm. An Aat to amend ..'o. Ad mp: rting {in luspntim of Asylum. Hotp'uda, Comm-u +tols, and Uetoonatewiettt in this Proviuew. An Act to mum! the Act fur the pm team" of insectivmrns tsud can: birds Imam-m to “has. An het rounding returns rewind from humor-ml companies. one: to will the Act rmtpertine “no uh and management of timber on put/no buds, An Act ttt give incensed gummy to an in) tire insurance computes. An Ant to “new! ttd luv real-96h; the residuum: of birth, marries. uni dentin. An Act to but»: provide " the Idem of dove:- of married women in “rain um. An Act Randi"; the awash-out of mandamus fur infant. r.rididnroratrtr tospie,r" the Joiut Stock Conq-auiu’ Lem Paint Atm. Pot Ant to insomnia!!! the Ssult lite Marie Railway Cuneur. An Ad. to mama the (and etr%itg Mfietws nuJ mixers. An Avt to prewar the mm“ of the Yamaha "ttttAl I“. Me and otuur tveeq. tB81 ~11 sk to _.i:.':,e,i, m;nolu‘ the “aim Statute respecting orte nu! to Ptotwty.. . - tue Au Art to yum-ml the kw suturing to Inn-n mu] ehildom the 1.euefit of mur- mmu on the lives of tiuie husbands wd may“. _ L ' . AerAat will; aid ttrtertaitt [uh-y- Ar, Act "gwatttitte to Her Mujouty our- h-n m a! money to Canny the «mum of Givil (kn-ammo“! fur ttte year It9tt, and " other puma thoreitt momimod. Mer wanting to the antral Ads psrord his H030? was plans"! ta deliver {Le M- lowing speech _ t2eulrevten of fre Legutative Aunnbly F In Enlarging yo! from mum mend. undo at tho present than to you: with“ live Julian, I In". hr ttmuh you {at the 01“!th Mu: amnion you but bestowed upon the lam unaum of buli- nm that his ben Monti» before you. I shalt not hi1 to all the Attention of d',,', MW Government to ttse "ootn. (ttr" in which you bun one man riot“!- od -irast tho My that has also plan. (U the mguitiuu and ooMrmatiott of the Ava! chantry, no [on mince u the 8ed ’day 0' Inga“. m. the northerly and WU. mam of Onuno were de. Mmin'ol. no! I‘d-elm! your domain- tttimtto aim you: unlit support {may Gavel-smut in my MI it any ho new. “7ka and. the truth-alto "an an! union-in the just right. and .d-‘n- dour-wince. _ _ - An SA for father improving the Sch Col. The le,Gutioas of the action indudu m of much inlaid and W. and which I have no dou' t am be found The Mun An Act tn "lead my pay/en: ".Nuetyt he Ad [equating “a University uni Sumac”! umuidmeuk an of 1331. Aswan-mom Amendment Act of ioi'un dub adtoicutrtstiou of .. Dem! Miami Jam SM g... a euuirg and puck“. tsud mm "tue -idoa' " we “mu-mum 3“,“. - ”in our )1;de a will. run. simplifying legal wooed- "Ari-ties you muddy new cl “a of matte- Tim M Wilding Cull“ d LAW. “mums; an a! Mac 5qu Pt"" by “pd-u to nomina- ' of the poopU. than; whim iu Adl " Maetiug the put I“ in than Jamming and tc cipd and We!“ In“. at tor, and givuog iueeeasaed cm 1ios'ineint “was! lumnuce I“ other W to which mud. n well u the mm M: by which the new»: In. pulled. whammy atuurt 1m Wexjnneuoo uf tlw n of the people in mutton a “and weld and nun-mu! in! “am by which thr of a nah.)- to connect. the u “I. with ttse CID-duh Pa bu been nude upphabk w ul and: I road to Sault tiw common-co ma support to in 'astthiattt Ives. tlaeu humus”) an! W. whale mum (whom the settlement of nations of the I'ruvtuer, and I needed taeitttio.- of cuuunum 'igat Win. an! iudtutrurus , I tUO you for the Noemi”) , “I in voting the sapphes n- r- alpluic Mice. Tin) val: in ' wtth" “IMHO ”and " Mum); bind I“ My. I (In M d! lamina: and pm “my went! you until I "tstu I plat-u of iovrtiog your odvire m “an in the conduct. dpublic mm. The “'0'an Seventy Hum FP Giiri ili%i Vanilla! public au The [humid Mary um. l Mr. titteasb" M Gatlbmtu "f Utire AurmMy: It ii Bil “mum's will and ple "All IAgiduth-r Awwlnly be, l, In! this "saiaUtiro Assembly In ly [nun-anal. - in. Honor then " the “no -uegd mum a the k new to I dune. “the limits of Bmutford in population wilt be nbout I In which will be Alum “me. Mr. Kyla. - " Emma-in. lugs bee when“ on the annual of iumnicwnc at trt-ty.--" new oUetioo i. man-red. The ammunition in Hut Surlhumbu L... .nA fad-ton. N. IL, Irv to take plum The nomination in East hm an! Carleton, s. IL. In on the lab hut. and polling an“... A “my etsttolo at lurmug “mi-Henri and Winchutur no] “it oetiatatod M about Att worm-1.. bat and M goo [muons drummed d tho newt dam: in Scum“. The “arm bud data! some day: before m ouaunurtiiioet was reacted. Hindi-pox is "utspettt It [In-H- r at. 8””. “be hell medical men “CV“ to dad with the mm 0. Wall tUUtr lithium In :1 I... nttorUd by it of when: mam “not: have au. tiir Alex-ado: Campbell an .\ I Mum hm Sit Aieaander that me We! City of LL thI. had boo-60W"! in I 0. mm! the eattle being i (ad and mouth (Ii-ow. The: W indicted eattie (you: 1 Jamar: " loull killed. Tint“ Lumh " hump» Jun Hahn “Comm-acid... Tlu. (iot n-rmxu 1.1 in Mid”. "iteorp"'s “we r,r,vrvcd, ”I." vandal NM MM trr thr. hwy“... Tho qu6 " Cnssnmnccinla ol ' "rd tur- in - Pt m m-mrtren wias. Shaq peopl- tUd from the town Ind w, and h it Ms. A lull-lull! tir-um.--" gradud I” d VmsJuguu‘r and Saw u. lu- minou- W. In Haney - “.13..“ I-ar-tttm nu invisible cum. udd, ”“51 w h an beauty of the she. “flu” of the mum: Clo-m br M - K‘W plum“ wm- BU “a.“ “Mauduexl Venu- - or-dur-tt can other “pad- Wt HISCELLENEOUS -uiusasdat mung wPqu-u it a .131de dun no "to! M N“ '0,0ttt eartridttw WE Galt an: gcete you wl nu la: mus. bavg fr on!

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