West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 10 Mar 1881, p. 4

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2/? m . "'l, I I I; l >9! " {aluminum-o! gmoo,inttto-1igttt mrhitrhthen-ionoftuBitsi. inn" buduponthoDivimwtom. homagonho spun-Soul tunnel-of tb.8tANrth-d"t.ilmrr--tutstWattir- n.1mmloot.hujut boon cou- ylotd. Iii-mu, um that ,rittiinimttertto1tthemirro.turm+ "ttttetine.Mtt-m_iiod. “pop-3600,10. (in. - mbhud‘cu.hmo “I. nun h w II.“ II b etti-.hopetbeasmohtttiei1ibe help. 'real,igt-rtnan,dealt with the circum- stances which hi to the "an. tuition of thoSchlndinooneluioo aim-I. "o-rt-dot-tue-umm.'; nude by the neighbors. who found him am the m. which he had partly chopped. in I kneeling puma. ttmsonseiom, with I hm -hiatttetopo6huhead,nnd . portion Mtho brain protruding. The “a 'II found hail. him. Mme the wide!» ocean-0d in a ttmat my dogs, can Ind birdsmnd cunn- od our, new work on aoologr to be Pt ehucd for her u soon In It can out. In this “tango bullion Oh. lived to the In of 82. Hot wholo property, with the “our tion of n handsome lam to her mum! om "nun. i. " to a grandnims, to hurt, the: her due-u, to n uyhun for dogs. A tune: of cum town-hip. named Fredrick Bennet, started to chop wood in his bub on Wodnudny morning. and not "tuning a the and hour couch wu thick. Foe many you. Ibo had won no linou not my on)" body ”moat but . mon'u droning gown. " In her custom to won . boot on onofoot And o 01:00 on the other. and the - took " hot (Iona. do, or night. “up. to chug. them foe new onol when flit], worn out. She at. wnyo pound the doylighl ham in bed, rio. ing late in the owning and occupying her) night- with cooking Inmptuom mull for) horse]! and hot oomplnion, making I point of iinutang borrow! bolero dawn. She tom 1 One ofthe moot eeeenlrie old Indie: in Europe died the other arat her reeidenee. in the Stunner Bernese. Berhn, where eke land lived in all but nbeolute seclusion for newly half A century. I solitary lemnle serum having been the only human bo. ing with whom ehe “held my person- al communication for more than thirty yen". She we. well of. end denied her. "tfrto1uxrtryin the way of oatintr And drinking, but would neverpermit be: upon- lnenu to be swept or her furniture to be cleaned,” that, upon entering her dwelling alter hot death. the police unthoritios found everything within them. newt the kitchen ttunsih, eovmd with layer: of nucnblo dint. from two to toue inch“ 'No, sir; that'. only my pledge.’ Robert Answered, Itooping to pick up the paper. ‘Your pledge t' ‘Yeo, lit. My tempm plodgo.’ ‘Hey I no it? Robert bended it to him, but] ttontinued hie tench for the mining paper. growing more nervous u the lurch proceeded. 'Never mind, my boy. I don't need toy further telerence.’ said the gentleman. " tet reading the pledge. 't In: willing to tmat a boy who pate Lianne ton prowl-e like this. Tutu, in his own nlmnn' On Sands, In. Romania Lug, of Mon. 'hh, than it in. I suppose; you have dropped it on the fioor,' aid tho gentle- man who was standing by, with], u I bt of paper fiuttered to the floor. ‘11." you s "oommemution t' ‘Yu. sir.' Robert had boon looking I titanic!) for glam“ . week, and now that he had met with wmething that promised mecca, he van a servant u I boy on be. Hu hand wont down into his jack“ poohHItnp. a handkerchief; but no roeommondution. no emptied “other pocket, and “other, without wee-u. _ Mop Hell reletee e enrione story of e eereeleeted byneeneoledreemzeeripple dreaming thet he hethed in e eertein well home-ll endheweereetoredtoheelth. Lethe. on his video-n peeeeription he re- eovered the nee of hie limbo. The bishop ettnhntee thie Green to " good angel.” Probebly, n Lord Bron aye of prophe- eiee, people note tuliiltmemt of been end end Iorget the tisth---- over the ninty- nine heuleee vine-e, but record the han. dredth that heppened to be "n'tud. Authors, Artiste. end Inn-binn- have “IN ried on their work in their dreeme, m9- timee with more same. then in their wah. ing home. Tortini. en Italian eolnpoeer.‘ dreemed that he heerd e fiend perform on elehonte solo on the violin. He attempted to produce it when evoke; but though hie “Devil's Sonata" ie naked among hie timut productions. the poet declues that it we- so inferior to the math: of hie drum. that he eould heve broken hirinstrua"ttt with vex- etion " hie {nilure to reproduce that beau. tiful melody. Condoreet end Franklin worked out elehonte eelcnletione in their eleep. end remembered them in evoking. Lord Tburlow in aid to here composed part of n Latin poem in e dream: and Sir J. Hemhell bu left e verse which occurred to him in mnilu circumnteneee. Goethe re- eorde that his dream often united tum in " oompowitions. A belief in the truth of drum-7min; has linger-d "on to our on any. It 'h" yot non pnnlout in put "ntuna. MW My has ridiculed Anhbuhop Lad for the can with'hiehlu "cord: " min hd-iry;butthopohbmnomonp~ caution- in thin ruM than was may Mhie ”tampons-Ia. Tho Dodo"! hu. 'emu-iM-d-opt-e, below my put "gggt toot phat. A piano mnkdmnt at tho it.) “but tint-hank! bot-ll the M King. Hunky mo! Pmnee, w ow by evil dream the night Mn; hit min-tic». It unnudiapntulhctthat. in tho mt century. . mud" In diamond tom ii; eigetunatane. of on. of the pm!- of thei warning when!» body's-com Drama That Cane True. The Best Reference. W, LTiir.=CL"Lf1"'""'er, Thom-1m. W T I W 'i'k'qi'i,',9,'rl?iE ',irii'i'4?'t',it4f, o “I, I'mf'Youmouv-m'hdohob 'iih"GaGWl"d8t."A'gttiiii" Subscribe at Once. _ Put down In one corner of your memory for future use that”: that in the your 1900, Fobursry will have but twen¢y~eight deys, although leap yen. The phenomenon occurs only once in 200 years, end elven in the odd hunderad. Many e man hes been crippled for life by en eccident met nth in toil, who might hue been spered from the eurgicel knife had he ',',',g"g,','r, applied Yellow Oil. This valuable remu y should ever be kept " hand in one of eccidenu or emergenciee; it is for internal end externel use; I .peeifu, for all painful in- fUmmatory mu- end fimh wounds. Price‘ M 'rta,--Irtg6. Such a remedy in found in I 25 one bottle of Magyard'n Pastoral Edam. the but than and lung hauler in the world. For uh by all dealers. --bl66. Honolulu is jut now mm“! by . and] pol epidemic, brought on thio0, by the wretched unitary condition of the city. Tm Doouu's waa,.--In the none of haven,Ameni I, Timothy DooUmof Ber- rydowoderry, in the County Cure, former. being sick and woke on my legs, but of _ sound heed end worm ttemi-glory be to Renew-do mske this my ttmt and hat: will end old snd new testsment. first. I give my soul to God, when it pisses Him to take W-sure, no thsnks tome. forI can't help it then, end my body to be buried in toe ground of Berrydowndrrry Chevel, where sll kith end kin that hsve gone before me sad those who live otter belonging to me sre buried. psee to their sshes one! any the sod rest lightly over theirbones. Bury me our my godfetlier and my mother, who lie separated altogether st the other side of the chapel ysrd. I hsve s bit of ground eontsining eight tter-ale, onld Irish Bttreg--to my eldest son Tim, after the desth of his mother, it she lives to sur- vive him. My daughter Mary end her husband. Paddy O'Resgsn. Are to hsve l twelve black bonifs. Teddy, my second boy, that was killed in the wor in Ameriky, might hove had his pick of poultry, but " he has gone I'll love them to his wife who died before him. I bequeath to s11 men- kind fresh sir from Hooves). ell tuh" of the see they con lake. sud ell birds of the nirthey can shoot. I love to Peter Marty s pint of pntheen I tsan't hnUh,' Ind they God be merciful to tim. Grey Review’ oxtondod, and ' altogether, hu oppon- oneo in that clam ohaiUnging motto! to motto! oombot. waiting for tho other to knock cl the chip. Bio oyoo no out - wndo rooting on tho word A-moot who“ this? Groot Coo-u! if it ian't o " bill. Wo took it for Iomo kind of chemo that had come in tho mail. But we loo how it io- oithor out devil has boon robbing o bunk. or oomo delinquent Inherit»! ho boon oonettioatotaittutMrd." ‘l A fun] editortelh moi. wonderful m- priee, end tell- it in e moet bubble Inm- ner. m aye: We find upon our table one ot the newest pictntee. It is I beautiful rams“. mull. but mowing greet emetic nun iuita nuke up. The prev-Ilia. colon m green end bleak, the two blending ea harmoniously that the otroet " plea-ins in the highest degree. We ehell not,of eonree, presume to give en exact dewrlptlan of tluupioture, but lane of the chant“! look eo noble, no striking, that we cannot retrain {tom decribing them. The heed l center. or tether the hero of the picture. holds e Iword; hie hat ie thrown on the ground, hie heed thrown back, hie left foot A racking cough. oh why mam? When than in found I porNet can. The hum nu lung- relieve. the Mn. And gives nw Autism out “an. Per IttetteLitriqi.iiGri"ii;,Tiaii"; Wirgl ;l'ld7.'d oil-.11. ts%"d'ptt. van hrttt my..." In "- , Thou who uny- an 'Aiyataid 01 uno- tor Inning new “no... _ Hum urn-J».- .5"- AL--, _. _ [ An Astonish“! Editor. Alla Month-numb of Antonina} Implomonh Rub-50mm“ Stdot m Tenant “Rad'- Kohl.) pe-Painting done on the Notice. '"-d-"th-rehwo-hai-,.ue. Made of the very best Material and Good Workmanship, And ."erartuuintutn_ Ankh work bu beenme in in path you: "'"""'"oo""uuetiomuuauhninuiliiUd2i'i'is7ii'iL"t MVockwillbe Waggons, Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Cutters, eta, - ___- -._ ""'""""F", um Io no general public that he in again "arted buinou in the Hanover Carriage, Work. in the Eaat End, in the building next to Raid’l Hotel, where he will keep on hand Ind link. to order All kind- of HANOVER CARRIAGE WORKS HAN()V'EI{, Ont. We don't advertise any Ipocinl lino,|ll our lines no upm CASH. Dont foxgot the plum LAD" LADIES' AND MISSES’ Ladies' Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Ulster Goths, New TWEEDS. New Colored DRESS GOODS, Black and Colored CASHMERES. Black and Colored VELVETEENS. Plain and Brocade VELVETTA, Colored and Black Silks, IATINS. PLUSHES. NEW ROSIERY,GLOVES. CORSETS, UNDER CLOTHING WOOL WRAP SHAWLS * SQUARES. WOOL JERSEY JACKETS. BLEIGHING HOODS. CLOUDS, FLANNELS, WINCIES, BLANKETS, WHITE QUILTS, FUR TRIMMINGS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, MANTLE TRIM. MINGS. All the latest novelties in But. tone. Aha a choice Selection of Fall & Winter MILLINERY. In. Mr, an. CUT NAILS, Very Cheap. Shelf and Heavy HARDWARE Is the Largest, Best Assorted, And Mnkod st the Cheapest Prices. A Full Stock of HARDWARE. New“ to “no N we BARGAINS in the then linen. CALL AT omm “my will BOON be BOLD OUT. Stock of Blankets at Cost. Ladies' Mantles & Coats at cost. Men's Over Goats at cost. Men's Winter Caps at cost. A Large Stock of NEW mums just to hand At ll. W. MOCKLEB’S. no Sub-crib» wishes to who t ll . h. in. uni: "artod 1mm... C',",'.'.', 1flle? 21.49““??? ed to the getterttl tmtttU Ladies Clouds at 75c and " Darius. on so, mo. "t"iutoousus Dunn. haunt, "th, 1881. Dubai. In. 27th, 1881. A Splendid. Assortment Iron and General B1aoktm1ith's Supplies, Always on IIund. Bu reobived this week a New Stock of FUR. sans in Mink, Seal tPorlinn Lamb. EL W. MOCKLER, W. Mockler Now is the Time to Buy. MOWAT’S ‘ And a good uriety of Ankhdno! REPAIRING pupil, attended“. h Bolling tho his”. of his .H W. MOCKLER. STOCK Ol? J. F. MOWAT, lit. McNALLY. OP Lower Town, DURHAM. special nine. CHEAP FOR ' DAVIDSON '8. 8111140 How.“ an». CAPS. Mi Dominion Organ & Piano Company, Correspondence Solicited. Send for We are now manufacturing Square and Upright HANDS. Best in the Market. Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the The Largest and Most Complete Factory in the Dominion, ORGANS AND PIANOS Deacon the shortcut notice and in the but-1:315. Hannah. Tynan, Pull Cloth, And Stock- ing Yarn to excluuge tor Wool or cell for (Jul: Che-v. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Pulling, Cloth Dressing ond Dying, in the latest styles, and at the lowest rates. The IIbaoribor with“ to inform the inhabitants of Durham and We surrounding Townships, that he is now prepared to do Wb. Mth, use The Ih1rhapr1hroo11en Factory Wall Paper and Window Blinds. Always noted for thmd-1i'1avored TEAS from 35 cents up. Who In unions to have their Dwelling Houm, Barns um! Content. Inland mind loo by Fin, an do to n A low- nto, An in a reliable Company who pay lone- promttUr. Gretchen Bows, Muslin Ind Silk Surfs, Chenille, Bucking-I, Motto Pocket Handker- chiefs. Damask do., Hair Ornaments, Back Combs, Ladies' Neck Claim, Lao. Glovu, Coloured Lace Mitts, he. Frilllngs from 5 cents per yard up. GENTS' REGATTA SHIRTS. Forelr_0hirra Fichpeg. New Style of Embroidered Collars, Fancy Goods at John Cameron's. H H . ls ah - 1?u'.Ts"e2Jm'hP'"" Bash-amd ”Win-b“. A a. I ' 0-4 . au'4tdheet','.l'firsPrfg [guiltpcrpg‘m' “I", W-*"W-II-9 Durham, August I7, 1880. . Ch L. GRANT l BOR01 The 1 L:Y2uit _ r w 'l i'aiai'l, an only Wm: noun-filly puma the 'tlt1td,aittontuFhtr,rhr-isiGdsriat.r, will]. "ttto-ttmerit a1isrmrvrms Irritation, artdstmtgthensthoDotdtttatod 'rtrrt,raehottrana qtrdittrttrhtgBilio-,attnditm,Weia,ttuts mMncrhgmfimmem“. ”than and trqreeor0hptnitrDi-idtittmi Dimerumd_hittr, Kidney; Stomach. Bomber-mood. FARDIERS AND OTIIISRS Ttt_ttttiirtttitrmttmtttttttmmtii, . mamas. .raeEe.A.t.lly.u.Ei"1h_r.yrti--ae any“... any quhUMA. UENTENNIAL, ... ... ... 1976. do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. ... 1877. GOLD MEDAL at PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION TORONTO. 1878. HIGHEST Awud " INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, Tqronto. 1879. MEDAL AND DIPLOMA, CENTENNIAL, ... ... CUSTOM WEAVING I Has just received his Fall and Winter Stock of Goods, which for price and quality are worthy the attention of intending pur- Chasers. A cm Isis Respectfully Solicitod. C. L. GRANT. Durhum, 18th Oct. 1880. Epoch] notice of the Ladie- is ulled to his Stock of Goodl, Yil: -.--- 140 x 100 .- W-- _--- Mailed Free. X9C9BlLEPtiEC9.N Apply to Bowmanvill, Ont. Agent Western luau-wee Co., Dui.tusm JJOHNVCAMERON. JOHN CAMPBELL. Illustrated catalogue.-- J. CAMERON. World. "... M who his] AU/ti Faur", uGiiiduritu in It " once. " 'f'furl'h"g,'1, w Adda“ In: I: Co.. "urta, - tit tt.etcrfiiiii7/vikTA'A'lli,WlhlfG','l.' m. loud {mun-hie): and a noun Column! Inn of “0 Dominion ot Guam. )1le b P.A. emit.“- Why tfart of Wrttom. 'iG'idd','t' m w y wiiclled. Acum- tun-d. Wrath. " Mm- JOKN LOVELL a SON. ”bu-nu. ¥Ionhu,Au¢uu.leao. w... - - . unmea- 0! unwm. UN” Nova Inn“... New Bntutoviee, Newfoundlnlu Nuandwudhl-nd, mum-I». Bram. col-d bis, and tho North Wettt 'reevt'torie.. .nd "M New lulmnluun. dawn trot" and-Inn” u to the luau luquity. oantmkx "107.11.. 1m and Elven; . um: or III-"II. “Hm” mmxtmtty own Miro-d Mont-"1'“. Lati'ee?. Hut Porta, to the (‘MN rep. ' 9!!!!- - .. ----_-, "‘ . ' - "rr'tTTT'."e'_ I C21,'2,riy,,y.,i, the latest and mod ll _ vum cdmripunnsnl -- 7 Cit ,.Tnm ttfd 'iltnyt E” P,': we??? dl.tfi1i,rsGl','r. ll flu-‘1‘. be ruin-led I. 1-... "A LOVELL'S Gazeteer of British North v “(\‘vm A "AMERICA t " I'm-‘ "T.""'-"",".- tong-M ' 1'.pji':.'iii,',riiiiiiiiiiFiS'i': "Maid-:3: Inna Anus at Law _ “it -iiii,t,ii"ii"iiiiFi"Eyi'i? 'd)'hidEh", hum“ wand-bk o vat-“Mud "a... 'g'ete1leiyiiiiT'aG"G"rta't tefttrufieii'aTiu227.'lCe.,"r'.'r; W...“ whee, pl- "i'sraii'iiii?ttd'c2'au'iret'icTos m. A‘onu "cc-Ive " (‘r-u for on" You" 'ltttgltg: At'. th'.". ”all" .0 ohm been '1' MOO-r. “my.“ o0he I'lr-nr'l Arr-o" idW. woul- = dollar. In plan- of “It Inc-I ea.--.. Send pool card for I In. W to - T;e?cct"P. t "nth. {Lo only I in. ' II I on. an... “0..., . “W" tit'lu't'TA'rutt PHIKTINL co an“ dur. " an nu n.- ”You-(hm "AID. DIWALI.” Poet You -, "'""'"T.yyejfiaiiiG7ii; . Ago-u "cc-Ive " (‘r-u for on" You" lumber. Any puny will" a. It". “bomber- will who I ropy. - you. o0he I'lr-nr'l Arr-o" look. woul- one dollar. In plan- of “It Inc-I ea.--.. Send pool card for I In. W to - T;e?cct"P. t 'r'ilil"Ei. Tli only LIU,"."',".',, """ I ”an.“ n--. Add-1‘7 . SPECTATOR PHIKTINL co an“ dun. H In. 014.01 BALANCE ($1380 FREE. One of the Largest and Be; lies in Canada. Math, PM WEEKLY SPECTATOR mun-n- Dq-u-t cm I. an. nus n. m.. Arriv- 10240 n.n., 4:30 p. M. “A. Kind tum will my run on faulty. I'M darn nd thumb". Hummer with Donut 856 B. and“ p. In. ' um. lard Fm.. tas p. " Font!“ a inumodmo autumn. Tim. Tub EDMUND "It“. Gum-u In“ Touom‘o, Gum, AND Bums RAUJVAY CHANGE or rum Gonth. J - 2glrgterdttti,ttt ()nngoviug. Dundnth-Turmuy foreomugGiiU. tlwtrurtte--Wtsdradrv., bvtore Ununvillo. Mamville-ts'eeond Wv4nerdar in cub month. Wniurton--'n" Int Weducldly in out month. Mi1dmar-Last Wednesday of out mouth. . 7 ,flw- ""'"-"""t I. ‘ thy after Guelph. 'urh-uFirst Thursday in and: month Brampton-Fir" Thuiuday in etch month Lirtoiel--First Friday in ouch mouth. 1%rus--Tluuaduy following Mount Fem. Boaemottt---rifteatu of Fclrruury, April, June, August, October and December, Ptim_roso--Wtduemuy preceding the Orantrevilu Fair. oeqttil,it-TU Sud Thursday in 0“ Toronto November 107. ESTABLISHED 35 Yiiliiii, ,_ .. -'""""J u. - month. qtteitsh--Fin,t Wednesday in each mouth. Mun-.Friduy [mime the Gmlphl’d: I.?r9toertiattuuiy before Guelph. Rua-Tu day before Guelph. pyti--Moniuy befole Elan F-ir. 1Gmiium--C.vrtnid PM Grounds. the I--. -A'n,_ iN,, I, I - ,7; m, m... t 00 In“; Betdou, which 5mm I]. 'l;'lll'itttltt;ttii,tiid,iiii.i 'del mull-Ha ol clan-in. an! huliug '1trnlieirN no“. It I. on. of a... 1'"'Ltetuiii of that unloa- modicum n och [HM mm the beat purifying tonic in the worn Supt My to ch. Begum nine 31,00, bl“. PM. Port, in . [apex on "titkiat n. apintim "u before the French AMA - ,,,_ mm... can. H; "Min-led . per-mp uesrly druwnd “(our hours ot "new rupuuioa, Tb. pouon but! been in the voter an mimites, Ind the doctor armed an hour gnu asphyxia. - *'- “a. on ' um- that he wn enublod to "a”. to I'd I child three yum on “In“ it. 3mm death by pruruuug nus“; ”sputum: on it tor four hours. Anon... trtt'g,'i,tttgt', n somewhat mun a... o :0».an I person hon-Iv an... a 1hrrum--Third Tuesday in no}: mouth. 1ttuvilu-wonay [More Durham. ?9tsottrr-sionaf Lem. Durham. “out t.t,rrr--1isird \‘s'cdnendny in cub A ‘I - 7.6me mm.- "tae me‘gmly round the humanely Mai-Ind room when: Ille nut. In new. " Wad}, "Oh, gnudmnmma. who». mm or m “mm. FIE! Wham: on. tMtrlit on. tor conducting “a: -GaiuuaiWtu" iii: no: can anon: can em 1.. “In tr-G non- lt 1yrlrP' Ptsrttist our inet, MONTHLY CATTLE “in; A LARGE IIGIT- PAH“ PAPI‘ -ONLY-. An? (E) with fulljnlm In on gnaw m ht m 1“th Amd. ". mums-i to ma I yen: old “has. by Ht"'tisuueGtdi'iii four hoary. Aumue ”0th tntnilar 0“. hull! and, drowesud "11501.1 "Nnmtimt. It in the w“... ha 'tor armed an hour VITLE FAIRS. Weak- hand-auh-naU-m' M . a .pr_%.,oatttoa_uet-tasoiiik :21 a: 'l.l,"f/idt'ti'd "" “Companion. i Giuhimn “and upon 'tativeindustrs..l l VERY important quortttott fur own onto nag-Abra thore In unlhlm' mur- In gunman Inc “in than cold bet, Ilvuum-r _ 1.: “I .errqeuytror-rodgmt and 'pp-rl, mm... In MI ecu-I'M by Gunman .'Mtuoo Joh- -u-.. who has.“ the smut-n. ' A I, I DR. KIERNAN. would lithium to all “as "trutttod to 1“:an he In» In" hu- l‘aohg'. tau» "In ot I'll-r14 Jug-"n, hug-0...... Bod tttat he "I'm; u ur.s-s.tu-r.,.tw.- 04m. ttil h. my Knitting Stockings a Socks l " new m you of for Socks, ? Look out for coldweather. TR E anhnrilwr is prnpnr Old MM“- Pun“ the almm " W “00“” Inlet! Mu! II-u A ' 'l nu luau..." a " “out tor lk ”In" t l lowing Indium Inn-I'muwuh " I be I. prop-rm! I.” mllnhuqn fur m l Tim Isthmus mululdr .hl' hug; for“) u.‘{u,;-cm-lu, Raid-ace " menu Po.totlice [.00 Bath. Fro-l1 Limo. Durham P. o., M" Mth, 1884‘ shorten n Ill - in or Lu In" of Omar announduu: l on him durrtn u munlmll a To" Lumber, Lumber, Shingles, Shingles, Lath * Lime South End Bakery, Durham Jieac.NEq bN",.% la. I Mkhhurmu“\u-Inlj" Concepnncrr. and I. m the ('uunt "smut, lurch-ma," h mu: punctuality maul Willi-null " an an "r', O.6.t86tt,t9Mt In. Amy-n. m'm'sl. " q -', 0'"! M'DUHL where, hr wtl ”on all LIA-In (In; n..n In - All I- 4. "drunk '.rurod u: tin: lab-u and Mal-tinnmu ullhvleu VETERlNARY SURGEON lanai ...hg.g" 'e-tore, llrrrlvrd " Lu. to Nun“, Mluunu mm mm, 5 “luck mar noun. Ifulgebl-‘r the " I humord'ammdrd to. Wi I) Botuitoe. m Chancery, rumor-m _ Sound. luv. mums-l u l-‘lulwn‘ on our, Thur-deny " Iwwwhru mun "mar, J, M .FRo Cal-u)- Crown Amway I... I“): "Otto. B Durham.an It. ttmo 7:101“!!er Unudalle E. D. MACMILLAN WiUSyi2 . AT - LAW, r Owen“ lurker- Dru; “on. I I'M. lawn-Wm: “Wuhan "RAY AN I It , UR, Ic,, mln-rr Wuh- tor " the advert-cut I. out! I linen. Aluminum-u. except when "mm-um by qrritteuiuatruetioet. to thr .-.musr_\-. . “and um (armada... and clamp-d u m III: tun, Tim not“ do. per yvar... . ' . “ON“! column, per yen. . _ . ' tutt col-nu. " .. _ .. 0-0 uh... " . . _ . _ 0.. “I want!” . . ... 09. thrcc mum... _ . . . Cad“ advertisement. chug Liar. tor the lint martian. and ' tor out nut-aqua". Inertia; haunt. 1mm ALEXANDER BROWN, Odinsry notice- of bird... 1oatha, “I all kind: “local war no ohrharge. Prelude.“ ned human cusrdu: one inch "no. “I under, per yen, . _ . T . _ I... iele. orf* linen N nulnl'lel Incas-ulr Last Notice- " tt.eta not paid withiutwo mouth-.5 At tV0.%te,taratra" T THE ROCKY! I,” In" Town, l'nrllnm BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Alexander Robertson. Durham, - - Ont logo] I. In... . lug. qt"ottr's of Pro“ dt Frost. ARBYSTEIH and A'vtoruc.rr "turtr.-oi.ooG-'eT'"."v-u, Advance f. ..JAI'KEI.I. B. HORNE" at Luv. Hole-Mun m( h .oory.Commlumuu mu IL, Null” Cu WM. Jt81tltyrtm, Jr., ‘THE REVIEW' MISCELLANEOUS. Dit. LIGHTHODY. ILL ho " hi- on... Humming. Sven-y "AU, u Mud" y RATES OF ADVERT] til y G TAILOR, Z. NIX1).\'. " ED ICAL. lt'liVlLLI Marritutv I ce “UHF-nu DI'XDALI 'ts Haul} DURHAM "F.Air'I" fo Lover Town, burud, u r; “an“ “-11li M! Murry arty of (buy. "d [AIM “It Lire-nod Audio-rm W. k J. TOWNSEND tmi. nu m . m Sued, "rerrow “()IKIZRTWH~ AW! II spur " "my ttrr an 1m te

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