West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 17 Mar 1881, p. 4

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/# } l'l 9 i _ B0\ 9 »â€"~| * zl <4 ) # 4 Ay, C un Wl Now is the time to root slips easily. RHoses‘ heliotropes, petunias, verbenas, gerâ€" aniumse, and many <ther plants, if rooted mrow, will make strong blooming plants for the house next winter. Place the stips in a box containing a misture of twoâ€"thirds good garden soil and oneâ€"third sand, set the box in the shade, keep the soil moist, and the slips will quickly take root and eommence to grow. When rooted transâ€" ’ln‘b.&npoil..ndlhifltohrger ones as the plants increase in size. They do better in this way than when put into large pots to begin with. A small plant in a large pot looks lonesome, gets discouragâ€" ed, and will not flower so L oozatmdf stt To get slips for rooting, do not pinch from the parent plant, but for plants | ¢ that root eamly, cut with a sharp knife, it making a clean diagonal cut For plants | * that do not root easily and surcly, break € about half way off, leaving the slip hanging d until the part that is broken forms a ealâ€"| Jous, which will be in about ten days: then I out from the parent stem and pot in email | | pots. Take ouly the young unripened | shoots, and ifthey do not break readily, 7 bend and cut a little more than half way 6 through on the upper side. 1 The best soil for potting, for most plants, | is composed of a mixture of equal parts of |‘ good rich garden soil and leafâ€"mold, with which a little sand should be mixed. You ean always have a good supply of leaf mold on hand it you will take the trouble every fall to gather a good supply of leaves, heap them in a corner somewhere, and cover with rods. It is better to collect the, leaves on a damp day, as you can then crowd a good many into a small space. Decom posed sods make excellent soil for pot plants. Have a load piled up somewhere and turn them over occasionally until well rotted. Mix one third wellâ€"rotted barnâ€"yard manâ€" ure and alittle sand with this, and your plants will thrive wonderfally well in such soil. For plants that have a stockey, woody growth, oneâ€"half well decomposed elup dirt, mixed with good garden soil, is not to be despised. Chat about Houseâ€"Plants. Doubtless you have all been troubled by the soil drying out too quickly from small pots. I was troubled that way until I hit upon the plan of placing the small pots in one a size larger, and filling the place with damp noss. When you take up and report the plants that you have in the open ground during the summer, cut them back at least oneâ€" third; they will grow and bloom all the better for the pruning. Some people are so afraid ot cutting off a branch that their plants grow into a great straggling, awkâ€" ward thing, just as easy to have symmetricâ€" al plants as to have such seragyly looking thinge.â€"Faxyt Fizuv, in Prairic Farmer. Aur Puvsrorootsts agree as to the tenâ€" ~Beneyâ€"of the eager, restless, and anxions â€"smodern life to produce an excessive, and excessively complicated and sensitive, nervous development. ‘The result is the : increasingly frequent overthrow of mental equilibrium, or in other words, the growing tendency to insanity, so pitifully ilhutnted‘ in our lunatic asylums, How to counterâ€" wet this tendency is the physiological probâ€" lem ofi the ago. There is no possivbility of slowing down. To go back to the easyâ€" going habits of our ancestors is out of the question. Thetendency is manifested quite in the other direction, insomuch that it is predicted that our children‘s children will look back upou our lives as comparatively serene. Leading physicians and physioâ€" logists, and notably Dr, Browne, editor of the British Medical Journal, hold that the best of all corrections is to be found in proâ€" per physical culture,in patient and systemâ€" atic traning of the organs of sense. . "Musâ€" eular exercise," Dr. Browne says, "has been hitherto thought to expand the lungs, quicken the cireulation,aun‘ brace the nerves but to this must now be added the preâ€" gnaut idea that it also contributes to the brainâ€"growth and mental evolution." And not only is it possible, as Dr. Browne sugâ€" gosts, to fortify the young against the inâ€" roads of mentaland nervous disorders by development of brain capacity, stability, and symmetry, through manual training, but there is gained also, by means of such training, the additional safeguards, which comes from much dealing with the realities, from baving allways at hand the means of healthful recreation, and from the eonscious mbility to do, if necessity compels, someâ€" thing that will win suppors. Every wise parent will see to it that his sons and daughâ€" ters do not grow up to manhood and womanâ€" hood destitute of such training in some mechanical art or technical work as will enable them to go oug into life strong in the possession of such"conscious ability." Anommcmnmin t 4( qz in There are 964 noblemen and gentlomen uow being educated at Eton College. The list includes an Indian Pring « ?uh. 2L lords, 8 counts, 5 baronets, and® « honourâ€" to show you one thing MOFG, PMUMCUITUTAC have invented a short way of boring mounâ€" ‘ tains, which I think will prove valuable" "My dear sir" burst forth the wearied lisâ€" temner, "if you would only invent a short method of boring individuals, you would indeed confer m lasting benefit upon the A Little Miss has a grand(ather who hu1 taught her to open and shut his crush hat. The other day however, he came with an ordinary silk one. Suddenly he sees the child coming with the new stoveâ€"pipe wrinâ€" kled like an accordeon. "Ob, grandfather," ghe says, "this one is very bard. I‘ve had .odtonifi.hllun‘tpiiimontbn ‘They have a good joke on & * peofesecr d"flm " down east, who boing p‘“l into a room at a hotel with another guest, aeked him to raise a window at night, as the air was olose. . "I can‘traise," said the “'“m.'m..gnnwindow. "flnnhod.!‘"“""mm o. .~, which was done. After awhile the m‘“-pu‘hw out anoth k 'n.h'll‘“'“""" But in * * ~ ~ _ 4 ihal he had ouly 14 3998 s 0 l »muWuumux, «~d agt tho gines door of a bock cass» Pauyvex to DesrERATION b‘ely as when in Hnaee W# ewk Nee + â€"*"I only want pointed. PRRRCAC Never make yourself the hero of your own story. The wonderful accuracy with which the carrierâ€"pigeon determines the direction of its distant home has long been & subject of remark. â€"It is evident that they cannot be guided by remembrance, for they will return directly from places never visited by them before. Thers seems to be, as Mr. J. H. Farre has suggested, an undefined faculty, l kind of topographical sense, which enables certain birds and insects to find their way. This faculty is very well developed in certain insects. The sandâ€"wasp for exâ€" ample, boring its mine until a late hour of the day, closes the openiug with a stone and then goes away to a distance, but the next day it can find its home again. Bemâ€" bez also, one of the hymenopterous insacte Kever eraggerate. i Never betray a confidence. Never wantonly frighten another, Rever leave home with unkind words. a a Never neglee; to eall upon your m;h:". * Never laugh at the mistortanes of others. i C na Nevyer give a promise that you do not H%'v-l];.g pur I ilfil. E A l 4 N peak h of wn performâ€" * * ' _;:::_" C us ef your one 69 All to visit his establishment Kever send a present boping for one in ce ut Saws Never fail to be punctual at the time apâ€" cro_sns“cf T D'P’ aay which burrows in the sand, possesses the ‘ some faculty. _ If we consider the wize of the insects, and the distance to which they travel from their small habitations, it will seem truly wonderful. Mr. Farre has conâ€" c a l cn t cce ARrdntons t ducted a series of experiments with certain insects, in order to test their intuition in | this regard. A number of female moths were marked for identification, inclosed in & box and carried some distance from their mests. When released, they all wont diâ€" rectly towards their nests, â€" In another ex« periment, they were kept in the box all night, and released in the street of a town where they certainly had never been before. Each moth rose vertically and directed its flight towards the south, where the nests were. â€" Mr. Fabre asserts that this peculiar sense of locality is totally absent in man, or that man bas nothing analogous to it. . On the contrary, it seems that this faculty eithor exists in man in an undevelopd conâ€" dition, or else that it once existod and in the | course of time has been almost lost. The | woodsman, the hunter, the trapper and the | Indian certainly can find their way through | pathless forests, where their more civilized R l fellows would be lost. In cases of Chronic disease which doctors have failed to cure, Burdock Blood Bit ! L7 Pmeee s k au terg has achieved its greatest triumph, . Al digeases of the Bleod, Liver and f(idenyl, Scorofuls, l)iorepoil, Nervous, Debility, Rhenmatiam, Piles Female Complaints and all formse of lost Vitality are promptly cured by this great renovating Tonic. Trial Botâ€" tles only cost 10 Cents.â€"b158. C As the result of a public agitation and & petition signed by over two thousand people, the saloon and tavern licenses in Brockyille have been reduced in number from twenâ€" tyâ€"one to fifteen and the rate has been fixed at $160 per year. HMeadache, Why become a suffering _ martyr to Headâ€" ache, when Burdock Blood Bitters, will surely cure the cause of all varieties of either sic{ or Nervous Headache, cleanse the System, regulate the Secretions, relieve Conâ€" stipation of the Bowels, .purify the Blood, renovate the Liver and tone up the Nervous System, and distresming headache will be unâ€" known* Sample Bottles 10 Cents, Large Botâ€" tles $1.00.â€"â€"b158. Rules of Conduct. ‘Grey Review §Subscribe at Once, Yourselves by making money when a golden chance is offered, thereby alâ€" ways kupinj poverty from your soor ‘Those who always take advantage of the good chances for making money that are offerâ€" ed, Tmfly become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many m ;omon, boys and w to wock for us right in their own localities, The business Per Annum. one in ie ap. | CXO52 Cut ButC of your # in me| _ PA ction of abject of JA] annot be i Peotuey | Lopess bow by them T. Broa : enables NA eir way. loped in Farmers ) for exâ€" late hour 1 h a stone DOD t , but the n. â€"Bemâ€" I>a‘rk us insactse sesses the e size of hich they ns, it will Durbam re has conâ€" mt ith certain ituition in ale moths closed in a = from their . wont diâ€" ] another ex« the box all it of a town I $ d )een before. a ___________/__/â€" P eadin U The Leading Hardware Ho se\HANOVER;CABRIAGE WORKS Having purchased the iSt m J. HALL, cordially Cross Cut Saws, Hand Saws, | Butcher Saws and Saw . Pocket and 'lfable_Cutlery, NAILS at bottom Farmers and others Building will find it to their advantage to buy from me. Don‘t forget the Stand, next door to Parker‘s Drug Store, Upper Town, . U EREZEAMLL. T J. ADIE. HBS received this week & NBW Stock Of Frillings from 5 cents p;a}” yard up. Gmnis nDECG BAAA MARRzCCC n Wall Paper and Window Blinds. Ladles ClO'lldS at 750 a'nd $1’\Always noted for Goodâ€"Flavored TEAS from 35 cents up & J. CAMERON. A Large Stock of NEW TWEEDS just to hand _ . At H. W. MOCKLERS. Ma ne _ .Duwham, Oct. 26, 1880, Stock of Blankets at Cost, Ladies Mantles & Coats at cost. Men‘s Over Coats at cost. Men‘s Winter Caps at cost. Now is the time to seeure BARGAINS in Paints, UJ JAPANS, GL&§§ HARDWARE. Purham, Jan. 6th, 1891. Shelf Broad Axes, Bar Iron and General Blacksmith‘s ‘ Supplies, ’[ Always on Hand. CUT NAILS, Very Cheap. Fall & Winter MILLINERY. Ladies Mantles, Mantle _C_l_g‘ths‘ Black and Colored CASHMERES, Black and Colored VELVETEENS, Plain and Brocade VELVETTA, Colored and Black Silks, BATINS, PLUSHES, XEW HOSIERY,GLOYVES, CORSETS, UNDER CLOTHIXG " WOOL WRAP SHAWLS & SQUARES, WOOT, JERSEY JACKETS8, SLEIGHING HOODS, CLOUDS, FLANNELS, WINCIES, BLANKETS, WHITE QUILTS, FUR TRIMMINXGS, k pRESS TRIMMINGS, MANTLE TRIM. MINGS. All the latest novelties in Butâ€" tons. Also a choice Selection of Durham, Jan, 27th, 1881. LADIES‘ FUR SETTS in Mink, Seal & Persian Lamb, And a good variety of LADIES‘ AND MISSES‘ FUR CAPS. We don‘t advertise any special line, all our lines are special value. CHEAP FOR CASH. Dont forget the place. E. & A. DAVIDSON‘S. T J. ADIE, 1 o s OA WEEDS. New Colored DRESS GOODS, Durham, January 18th, 1881. * Chains, And Marked at the Cheapest Prices. A Full Stock of Logging ‘Is the Largest, Best Assorted, Splendid Meoppeece 2CA o t tedsags Carpenters‘ Tools of all kinds, &¢. hnttom Prices. ring Chains, Trace Chopping and Seo Oils,. Varnishes, the Now is the Time to Buy. MOWATS Is Selling the balanee of his l, PE ETY & an inspect his Stock which is now complote . MOCKLER, Heavy HARDWARE First rate value. =~INâ€" h 4 0 , h fvhetmadmanne & PUTTY, Very Cheap. STOCK OF T _rnzns nce Chains, SPADES and SHOVELS, Seoring Axes, the Stock from edially invites Mockler oF Assortment Lower Town, DURHAM.] . MOWAT, . Ulster Cloths, New Buck Saws, Blades. tiâ€"149 ‘The Subscriber wishes to announce to all his old Customers, and that he has again atarted business in the Hanover Carriage Works in building next to Reid‘s Hotel, where he will keep on hand and make Waggons, And every article in the business, . As bis work and given good satisfaction, he is determined it Made of the very best Material and Good Workmanship, and will be sold cheap. All kinds of REPAIRING promptly attended to, Reâ€"Painting done on Notice. sarCome and examine my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Also Agent for all kinds of Agrieultual Implements Remember the placeâ€"on the Eaut End of the Town, next to Reid‘s Hotel, Main Street. Fancy Goods Lovely China Fichues, New Siyle OLI Linuruiuuick /04 ~" Gretchen Bows, Muslia and Silk Searfs, Chenille, Ruchings, Motto Pocket Haudkerâ€" chiefs, Damask do., Hair Ornaments, Back Combs, Ladies‘ Neck Chaius, Lace Gloves Coloured Lace Mitts, &¢., Frillings from 5 cents per yard up. GENTS‘ REGATTA SHIRTS io megbes _A ce CMiamceclr Who are anxious to have their Dwellin by Fire, caun do so at a low rate, an a The Durham Woollen Factory C Done on the shortest notice and in the best style. _ Flaunels, " ing Yarn to exchange for Wool or sell for *A TY Jan, 20, 1881. ORGANS TCOA RME The Largest and Most Complete Factory in the Dominion, â€"â€"â€"~â€"140 x 100 â€"â€"â€"â€" Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the Durham, August 17, 1880. We are now manufacturing Square and Upright PIANOS. ‘ Best in the Market. Correspondence Solicited. Dominion Organ & Piano Company, CcUSTOM WEAVING! Special notice of the Ladios is called to his Stock of Goods L2 Les a 0 m u_iA As Feb. 12th, 188C mns, Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., MEDAL AND DIPLOMA, CENTENNIAL, .. .. . 1616. do do SYDXEY, AUSTRALIA, .. 1877. GOLD MEDAL at PROVINCIAL EXHILBITION TOROXNXTO, 1878. HIGHEST Award at INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIOXN, Teronto, 1879, II ANOV EE As his work has been well tosted in the atermined it will do so in the future. Al DOMILNION Mailed Free. Addressâ€" Newvgi;;l; of Embr_oidered Collars, in& Houses, Barns and Contents Insgred against loss ind in a reliable Company who pay losses promptly. Applyto JOHN CAMERON, C e . o Siiien ce ns at J ohn Cameron‘s. AND PIANOS. AND OTHER®S TR P NP TE ECC Agent Western Insurance Co., Durham. Send for Hlustrated Catalogueâ€" , Ont. . McNALLY. Bowmanvill, Ont xâ€"108 JOHN CAMPBELL. mers, and to the general public Works in the East End, in the and make to order all kinds of the shortest Tweeds, Full Cloth, and Stock r Cash Cheap. Motto Pocket Haudkerâ€" ck Chains, Lace Gloves, he past 18 years All work will be , viz : 1876. Colpoy‘s Wiarton, 1 S Huron rai Kamwayq and on its loug sine bravery & blie| A brilli the | for the : s of been cons ground. linseed; i 3 , | India ru sembling the youn some p< (keg jears w y 5.T he Hacys s oBf; :lw in sams np’ used {ly discoyer yegeubl is a sped lungs. 3St n:fi:y. dard pr un M Darha Pricey Hanoy Street. Mou:: Guelp * Harri: & Dvait 151 World. Hacvar»‘s PECTORAL BALSM is com of the most healing balsams and yums, p‘m Balsams, which enter intoits compos ition, were used by the natives when America was first discovered and are combined with other vegetable tonics, so hlenfled tugether, that it is a specific for all affections of the thromt and lungs, Thousands of bottles are used anâ€" .my, and it is considered one of the stip. dard Wpa.rstiuus of the day,â€"b158, Darhamâ€"Third Tuesday in each month, Pricevilloâ€"Monday before Durham, Hanoverâ€"Monday before Durham. Mount Forestâ€"Third Wednesday in ¢m month. ; Guelphâ€"First Wednesday in each month, ll.rnsQonâ€"-Friduy before the Uurlp)_l’m Draytonâ€"Saturday before Guelph, Eloraâ€"The day before Gueiph, Douglasâ€"Monday before Elora Fair, IWn-fC5>rnm{ Palace Grounds, the day after Guelph. Berlinâ€"Firss Thursday in each month Bramptonâ€"Firet Thursday in each month Listowelâ€"First Fridgy in each month, Fergusâ€"Thursday follow ing Mount Foresm Rosemontâ€"Hiiteenth of February, April June, August, Octover and December, Primroseâ€"Wedunesday _ preceding the Orangeville Fuir, om‘evfl!e-â€"'l‘he Znd Thursday in ench month. 6 Fluhertonâ€"»)londuz‘lm[urc OQrapgeville. Dundalk â€"Tnesday before Qrangeville. Shelburneâ€"Wedvesday before Oraugoville, Marsvilleâ€"Becond Weduesday in each month. Walkertonâ€"The last Weduesdey in e«ch month. Mildmay â€"Last Wednesiay of each i month. On aud after MONDAYX, Sth May, 1879 trains will run us follo wa:â€" TonoXzo(UN10X $TATION . Depart, 7:30 a. an., 1220 p. m b0 . mm Arrive, 10:30 a. m., 400 p. M., $:10 p. m, South l):#art T5 . im., 1130 a. 1n., S 0. 0+ Arrive 130 a.m., 425 p m, B.20 p). uie North. Depart, 1130 @.m,, 440 p in Arrive, 1115 a. m., 5900 p. m West, Deport 545 a. m. lisi an. Arrive 11:00 a. m., 4:45 p.r4. owkx soun», Depurt 6:30 a.m,, 12:00noon Arrive 4:00 p.m., 1010 p.ra, mhole w atite Depart 6:008. m., 1135 a. wa* Arrive | 1040 «. m., 430 p. m. *The Mixed train will only run on Tuosday, The days and Suturdays. ‘ PLP2SMkEADONX south, Depart 8:55 a. m., 245 p. m. Arrive 155 p. m., :30 p. ai Fortime at intermediute stationssce Time Tab BEDNUND» WhAGGE Geners\ Manag MOXTHLY CATTLE FAns WEEKLY SPEOTATMR sums. Iud have j bundred doDars in ever known before at the ease aud ray «hled to wake mor ness during your & # 6 not buve to inv i risk. . Those who t to ns 4t ouce. ‘.\!“ One of the Largest and Best Weokâ€" lies in Canada. BALANCE OF 1880 FREE, Ageata receive 25 Conts for every Yerrls Subscribor. Auy puriy sending us threo Kubscribers wili receive a copy, post puid, ofthe Farmer‘s Account Book, worth one dollar, in place of the usunl commission, 2C s NULML atiue cÂ¥ ns Toronte November 1670 CHANGE cdcg id ud fhacths cce n P ids is Tcinia sls Prwe Send post card for a flu-l‘plu- Copy of our Wookly, which is sent (ree. The ouly t':f"" CUnnada that publishes a Draught ‘olumn, Addreasâ€" SPECTATOR PRINTING CO «PA\Y REEFVI Hardh con, 0 % se::l"':o:; card for ;Vflum'lc Copy s Woeekiy, which l_- worr . tree. . The ESTABLISHED 35 YEARS The WBBKLY MBE PRSSS tgeth Year of Publication) STANDS UNRIVALLED FOR THE EXTENT, GUPERIORITY AND RELIABILITY OF TH! most approved and popular portions of the Werkiy Frpe Parss comprise its Market KReports & Farmers‘ Intelligence, d141 The Westorn News is ever prompt and prime, containing Pm‘::d and records ofl(h-lm.. doings and events, Assize other Legal Intell e, together with Wostern o«r-m.&":&‘.mwfm by anextended corps of able and pointed writers. PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR; POSBTAGE PAID. #@P Send Postal Card for Specimen Copies, Fx*®» Agents Wantod at cvery place, at every poS effice, to whom handsoms commissions will be paic. In Eressâ€"To be Published in Jan.,, 1881 LOVELL‘S Gazcteer of British North AMERICA: â€" _ CONTAINING the latest and most @4 thontic descriptions of over 7,3000izies To®8® and Villages in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebee Nova &sotia, New Brunswick, Newftoundian® Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, Brish COUD) bis, nud the North West Torritories, and Ofh#f orth West Worritories, #007 ° ws to the names locality, extent, eto., of 0ve! __ . Lakes and Rivers; a Takus or wounee, «bo®i0f the proximity of the Mmd‘ Stations, ‘u\'nllu: Luke and River Ports, to the Cities Towns, 11 M bis, sad the North Mest POMAROTIDOCIW O upsont general information, drawn from official 007606 Phe pPoAMnIEY Of 100 ARARDET OA aplacse C 4 m'. and lflvyfl' Ports, to the Cities Towus, N I:I'l:. es, etc., in the several Provinces, (this Table ® ‘l,~ Aw4 found invalumble); aud a neat Colored Map of B# Dominion of Capada. Edited by ». A. CKo®®X, * Dominion of Capada, Wdited by ». A. VHO" _ _, sisted by a Corps of Writers. ubscribers n&ule# $10 at the ease aud rapidity with which TA " 0 .. «bled to wake n';‘uog . Youcan engage in this hC ness during your spaie time at great profi. | You o not buve to invest cupilal in it. We takt al} the risk. Thow who nead ready moncy, should write to ns it 0nc6. â€" All furnished froe 4 l Addlavss Lete & Co., Aguste, Sui® KING OF THE WEEKLIES. Montreal, Augnst , 1880 â€"_ A LARGRK uT. Pricus PAarE®s â€"ONLYâ€" FREE PRESS PRINTINC CO., LONDIN, ONT ‘l“;l’;fl-fim,- soliclted, Agents wantes. Pricog3â€"â€"Payable on Delivery> JOHN LOVELLI & SOX, Publishers OutQt furnished froe , with fullinstructio»® for conducting the most profite ble Dut!: ness that anyoue can engage in. The Dutiâ€" mess is so easy to learn, and our iutr:; 2 ES CS C I0E ane 11B CC T ETT EY .l?nu Pc;dcz’prind" its 91 â€""the OnANGEVILLI ($1) profils Imo ois wiling men, Boy in a single wook re, _ All who eng e anaude wt ©N6 DERCTIIT CC dike s n a single wook. Nothing like it re, . All flmw ure surprised splidity with which they ato °U oney . Youcan exgage in this NU spare thne at preat proft Tok e oolled in it. We take al) the 11:05 a .an,, 5:40 p. 15% 1., $320 jp. Mn A+ the 04ce,Garafraxa #4. 31. 25 1f not paid P;sisssional and business Ca space and umder, por y° T «eiaches or 2ilinee A onp Taree inches do. por yeat Qaartor columm, pet yoat Malt columu, ** y Gae column, ** y who. 1ix month® ... Do. three months Casail advertisoments ©4 tLincior the first iusertion, : ir eash subsequont inst Durkam, â€" â€" lvery Thurs "THE RE imea®4 TE Drdinary notices leaths, and all kin ree of charge. sTRAY AD waeks for $1, aged 8 lines, A Ivertiseme! by written inst ow UAE s wserted until forbidd alar rates, T ERMS : â€"81.00 per year i w k. ©0ly BUSINESS DIRECTO * UBGEAL 4 J golicitors in ! Owes Sound, have 1 open avery Thureda ALFRED FRMOST, Coupty Crom# / 1 wrhonm Money to Mon® \\v J1J, be at w4m. to N Rentinek whter in JLathorford‘s atte Lowor Town YETERINARY WWill be at H ast day aud Prids J une 2ith , 18 RiTes OF P NB 1000 0 0 dcidcnaietiih id Conveyancer, and KAcensed Aacth or the County of Grex ‘MOH,“'Irhunlh,l.h-l Land Salos m #e with punetualit y and . chorgos | imade maderato. South End Bakery, P reISNECON A TTORXI IA.. his Now and Commeo South of Mr. James Browa s n nonstautly knap on hand a «ap a40. Wen and Burprst Parrt whortast notise and at vers mage to order.. e would wls mity of thanking the inhabits Iumlndinf country, for th« on hiim during the prst tw ue usgalwill «upply browd dai Pown TTORNEY Frost ARRISTERS Pundulk., March 2 + RADIT Lumber, Lumber, Shingles, Shingle Lath & Li mpposite Park Priceville, 1880 ALEXANDER BROW DR. Ylll‘o he ‘_‘ I PRICQEVIIA4 §SUER of Marriage | Jfe Insursnce Agent,Con PA aturge i.\-'.iin-dy of JO1STS N . G. R. Bentin« 1600 Bush. Fresh J Durham P.O., Ma Dewrbnam , MaY Residenc« TflE subscriber and Make Up, 0 the Latert Style , M o hy Is Agont for Wilson Rawing Machine Manafacturors T UUUG avad to well chomp for: ds 420 Eo dutrcs! w ho is propared to «ell ch« Those nachines wreaelin for any drw MISCEZLLANEOUS. ILouse. Laies® Glazing, Graiming, and _1 5) promptly astended Fresco and Banuoer 1 Speciality. M“M'A‘ Coecurr will aceive . prom T TTE ROCKVILLE MU Look out for cold weat! Commiss How are you of for S A NJ M ALS, «e 81. the advort Q VERY important quest one to consider as thore i« n: jurious for beaith than cold foot cun vory casily be remedied and = CEL o P anguad to feek p.)"E(uflAM: PALMER, Bak Knitting Stockings & S Alexander Roberts In «ll «izes on the most wtyles, on the shortost t dofier compotition. Givehim a cail and support 1 Durhiuio, March Ocrt 13t , 1289 nts, x p. MACMILLI mÂ¥ . AT »JANX A‘TE MEpICAL Durk on . 3 tdsA# Ornamental Painter, DPURHAM PBLISYET at the Old Post OUG pURHAN Fashions Rogalart TAILOR, A CGork wWM. JOHNSTOX, I navar Taen. 17 AGHTH is Office, 1%, 1880 { 0 M Street, UHJ "x J * C »® DOW NES, t moderats past two ho "broad daily ® N 1 VTIBE ,, who has all the applinzot ft gueinrant oW NG1 Frost prompt «ie ind , Aistil . m .\»_::i'lii-_qâ€"{-_}] NB bvrm SURGE w, Cl wafjeorn, $43% «t iinproved methods, tmotice and «: charg Lox 5. Vutrn H y Hoccky WI €on. wtive it P

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