West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 Apr 1881, p. 2

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*#\ . 1 6.! p +Â¥ ) 0 m" ‘ ,\4:. z F " 9 ! I <, t To H} %". #4 u.n“ for ‘h:_ Gm MOW yecormen®imes (o0 0000 ofered by the Porte. 1t is not likely that | , in these circumstances the Greeks will take | , the responsibility of firing the first shot. _ |, .â€"Lord Beaconsficld has been dangerous~ | Jy ill for some days, and although hopes | ure entertained of his recovery he is conâ€"| widered by bis pbysicians to be in a very precarious state. Speculation is rife as to his successor. The FEarl of Salisbury, who is by far the ablest man in the Conservative party, is looked upon as being too much of the fossilized Tory. Lord Cairus is of pleâ€" beian origin, and therefore is not accept «ble to many, while the Duke of Richmond, would only be in reality the fignreâ€"head of the party were he chosen leader. The hopes and aspirations, however,engendered by the illness of the exâ€"Premier may be set nidrift by his recovery, although it is confiâ€" o eC Ts BA Te ‘aume Fomniane y tae S U CC ol nidrift by his recovery, although it is confiâ€" Aentially stated that he intends resigning the Premiership so soon &3 the present sesâ€" sion is brought to & close. â€"The question of the "mereased cost of d .L 260 enc uen â€"The question of the "mereased cost of ‘ Tiving" wader the N. P. has on more than wne cccasion been pondered out in these wolurans. In a recent issue of the ‘Globe® it is very conclusively shown that this inâ€" creased cost of living prosses far more heavily on the working classes than upon any other. For instance, in the matter of woollen goods chiefly used by the laboring elasses, such as cheap tweeds, choap over eo.finpmdwomdnhoinmmotprieo ntuaw s n eP P Th * CVE + ; b dolni in ies 0t per cent. | On medium priced woollens, 88 fine tweeds and over coatings, the increase 4s from 50 to 88 per cent; But, on expensâ€" ive woollens as fine broadâ€"cloth, superfine T‘rench overcoatings &e., the increaso over the revenne tariff only amounts to from 30 to 40 per cent. We have here then two facts establishedâ€"first, that the vaunted National Policy which was heralded as & hboon especially to the working man, bhas materially increased the cost of living, and second, that contrary to the vory clements of sound legislation, itpuumneqndlyon 1 ow CEX . then Emt n CCC yrodncodbytheN.P.hlrom 150 to 200 | per cent. On medium priced woollens, aAs fine tweeds and over coatings, the increase 4s from 50 to 88 per cent; But, on expensâ€" ive woollens as fine broadâ€"cloth, superfine an_____L. mearenatines &e., the increase Over t;lf“ different eluul" ;i the pu;plo. the | oggs ,,.,d poorer classes being the chief sufferers. Read his PP mm EAFERTT |* o .b _As peabdatentintnes of 100 pupils, Since then, the attendance has steadily increased, and now there are 281 pupile on the rollâ€"the totsl number admitted being 498. With the exception P ul ND ANercus Yuwe L. . B L2 anin Abanintintontaty it 2481 pupils on the rollâ€"the totsl number sdmitted being 498 With the exception of two from New Branswick, all these beâ€" -]ongtot.he?rov'moe of Ontario. No less than 202 deat mutes are"still scattered up and down through the Province between the agoes of four and twenty, who have not attended any school for mutes, and who es i ahe s us J 1111A Loo indvincntntaiait. Ayrtoratd the only means which can prevent them boipgsbnrd‘ntothlmnlvumdu those who have charge of thens. Of the 202 who have not attended any achool, 11 are in the County of Grey, 13 in Bruce, and from 1 to 10 in the other Counties of the Province Of the 408 who have received instructior nt the Bollevilie Institute, the County 0 ‘Grey has contributed the large number 0 93 sey 100 ce awi Want ol t e i o a Oe e ic who have charge of thens. Of the 202 who | | have not attended any achool, 11 minthe“ County of Grey, 13 in Bruce, and from 1 to f 10 in the other Counties of the Province. f Of the 408 who have received instruction nt the Bolleville Institute, the County of Grey has contributed the large number of 25, Peel 27, Huron 81, Lincoln and Wentâ€" worth 32 sach, The total cost of the Instiâ€" tute to the Provinee for the last year was $35,526, being §156.50 per pupil. This may be considered a somewhat heary tar .on the ratepayers, but it is as nothing when the noble work done by the Institute is Aaken into consideration ; and it is a high testimony to the philantbrophy of our legâ€" islators that the annual vote for the mainâ€" tenance of this and similar Tnstitations 11 never called in question. The course 0| instruction consists of the clements of ar English Education very similar to the! given in the Pablic Schools. There is als an industrial department where the boy 1 09 i Bommmna Peiand E. instrueu1O7] EETIMIUAT OO 000 English Education very similar to that given in the Public Shools. There is also an industrial department where the boys nro taught carpentry _and shoemaking, vhilothpgirl-minm&odinthoufiom kinds of sewing, laundry, kitchen and housework generally. In the words of the 12 ui it thanks u‘n genital ; DUF ®9"" """_" _ o szonship ;,Mw relationship exiltod\ nnuwmmw‘““”duw.a'w number of pupils. This i'i:_,,..“i" ”mwydm I Eanve Trish Commissioner‘ s Report for 1871 says M‘mflwhl”h l ‘.-u-o-ouh-“"‘"’w vaing the children of first ©@uting U #scond .fllfld““""w C m Ad.“”flm i that this inâ€" resses far more isses than upon in the matter of | by the laboring m L V . > FL® ;“ supported by subscriptions, legac128, COUC* | O , ; | tions and the foes of pupils. in m‘ ___â€"’vaâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" P] ore| Local ana Other Items. |h o s n M\ All goods "Cheap at Grants." t ing Just to Land at Grants, White and reâ€"| t yer | getts shurts. h rice | _ Bortes has been very scarce in Durham 200 | for some weens past. C , a8| _ A new Stock of Ready Made Clothing | 1 case | just arrived at Grants. ( ons | Figos are becoming more plentifal than | f cfine | ghey were a short time ago. J ' over | _ oall with your butter and eggs at Grants | a 30 us s o and get the highect market price. nted Twz Robins were around & week or two *‘ | aeo, There are a few crows around yet. of the subject. of the subject. Although Bede in 685 records the case of‘ a deaf mute being instructed, it was not until Jerome Cardan in the sixteenth cenâ€" tury wrote & treatise on the subject, that the instruction of deaf rautes WAS placed upon a rational basis and was followed by o o Ts 4720 the Abbe de upon & TRBOMS® 20000 CC 00 aealt‘s y any practical results. In 1780 the Abbe de | ° 1Epee opened the first school in Puris, and | " about the same time Thomas Braidwood opened a School in Edinburgh. The Lonâ€" 1 don Asylum was the first public school in I England. Jt was projected by the Rev. BV Townsend, and opened in 1792 with four|‘ pupils under the principalship of Dr. Watâ€"| son, so well known in connection with the education of the Deaf and Dumb. Since that time these Institutions have rapidly increased in number and efficiency. In the United States and the Continent of | Europe as well as in Cansda, the deaf and | dusnb are adopted as wards of the commonâ€" : | wealth, and are edncated under the special + superv'uiou of the State, but in Great Britâ€" ain, all the Institutions for the deaf and ( dumb, and they are not few, have been orâ€" , | iginated by private benovelence, and are § ‘supporte-l by subscriptions, legacies, donaâ€" â€" | tions and the foes of pupils. -govthfl .M" re‘is siso till 1 the boys|° ‘:: 3 is :m‘k?‘;:; Paisl hen and last, rds of the | !arge that "al|} Ar onorable" | verti tly underâ€" ; wher ed of all| in _ wher All goods "Cheap at Grants." there is no Ile If EEORRE CC OW 20000 d 2Z) Just to Land at Grants, White and reâ€"| the workmen but two came back to Durâ€"| 1 getta shurte. ham on Monday »ight. t Burtes has been very scarce in Durham| «on‘ Ramway.â€"The whistle of the i for some weens past. Grand Truuk engines on the G. B. & W. R. j _A new Stock of Ready Made Clothing | lines, have once more been hear} within just arrived at Grants. the town limits. ‘They have mamaged to Fags are becoming more plentiful than | get to Holstein. Furthor than that they they were a short time ago. & cannot go at present, owing to the ties Call with your butter and eggs at Grants having been laid in snow theroby cansing and get the highest market price. ico to forre, n;mla ml)i.mf :; dzs:r;vâ€"g xk: g run over. Monday last the firss freigh nR LA nad ainitn â€" ieptmnerage nnmge rolntein, oo 5 Arst freight to the Jatter place being a carâ€" 1 Sam I would, .“d m}“ml}‘ f:“:: PP‘ | load for Mr. P. Dizom, ‘The trato retuned olz mwar |. @4 _f1 itse ‘Tha eOmMDADY is now PRTVTNTCCCCCC Quick Wore.â€"Edward Sueppard and William Crozier of Bentinck,cut nine cords and a quarter of m:ple and beech wood in eight bours and forty vainutes,one day lateâ€" ly. If there are any parties who can beat this they would like to hear from them. Wars Parex, Wispow Buixps, &e.â€"Mr. T. Jones, of the Durham School Book Dsâ€" pot, aunounces & choice selection of Wallâ€" Paper, Window Blinds, Books, Fancy | Goods, &e, now on hand, to select from, | Mr. Jones has a fine assortment of goods. : | Call and see. ‘| / our Ramway.â€"We are patiently waitâ€" t F L oceccvck awa ds Po k W. I our Ramway.â€"We are patiently wait ing for the opening of the G. B. & W. Railway to this Town. We understand trains are running to Holstein, but we have not been favoured with the presence of : train this year yet, but we expect to be im a day or two. MetnopIST Cuvrcx.â€"The Meetings ar till kept up in the Canada Methodis urch in this Town, and the attendanc is increasing. The Rev. Mr. Green, « Paisley, has been preaching since Frida n an oo us ~Gennonie . MetHODIST Cuvrcy.â€"The Meetings are g::l kept up in the Cauada Methodist hurch in this Town, and the attendance is increasing. The Rev. Mr. Green, of Paisley, has been preaching since Friday last, and preached twice ou Sabath to large congregations. Aurways I® Season.â€"The time to ad vertise is, when you have bargains to offer when sales are dull, when specialities are Welas * sns t Ailanck PRESBYTERIAN Crurcu.â€"The Reov. Mr. McDiarmid, of Latons, preached in‘ the Preebyterian Chburch, Durham, on Sabath avening last week. A congregational meetâ€" P e * / 4C .0 iuks : n Hhal £ Re@en PRCCOCBERE D00 9s avening last week. A congregational meetâ€" ting is to be held on Monday next to try and settle their differences in an amicable T C en (meoneraklite n 11000 .e anfiontrimiicnne manner. We hope they will be successfal. ] Tuz Libel sait between Major Allen, of the Orangeville Gasetis and John Foley of \hl-“ldcomoufldtho(iulphn- sizes last week, Major Allen bning sick. We do not know exactly how the law would Mhsnuonhhkind.hflmm. logâ€" feal view of the subject when one person chqunflhcrmwi\h: criminal ofâ€" fence and fails to prove it, the plaintiff hn e arts ECHI C We do uot know exactly HOW MWMAAA C CC mkin.nnoldxilkind.htfiomu\o.. In Toronto it bas been discovered that a ieal view of the subject when one person | S*"SAge manufacturer bas been in thq babit wmbapamvith: criminal of. | of using borseâ€"flesh and other carmon meat fence and fails to prove it, the plaintiff | in the manvfacture of ssusages, ‘Fhe smell Mfihhflwfltmfl)nmmd that arose from his place led to the discovâ€" 0_ 14. . dafandant in the case is put to. ery of the fact. 1x Season.â€"The time to ad when you bave bargains to offer, s are dull, when specialities are n, when competition is keen, rg So.â€"For Watches, and Â¥F. Poll, Flesherton aud stock is the largest and v, and his prices are all sC . We understand olstein, but we have the presence of a but we expectto be Gilbert Saunders of Sarawak, aged ab bo y 27, had his leg broken in two places last :n B‘on‘ .m:: week while chopping in the % .momflll-‘ TW C240 WWknvwem : Ake Sn .. C AH SESpOERREAR OEO OO oo found in another column, consisting of the advertisement of E. & A. Davidson. It will ‘ be seen that several new lines of goods are announced, as well as special values offered in Millinery, Mantles, Etaple and Fancy Dry Goods , Dress Goods ,Lace Curtains, 4Â¥f ISY * o ols ha. Tadies should , and Durham on ; add o‘clock p. m _ and| PrEsEST e all | bourn Fre having resi river. | having l hodist | twonty â€"fiv week, | ethon, on | ) being picipality, tion of his Stocy, | townsbiP cession | manmer: â€" Vessic, March 7t vil 9th. and botwe Moodie, of the to . ‘| denee for with an e :lc:'::l with an wdod is which he ay lateâ€" ied so lao inseriptic an DGSt | prounnet thent» _ | yoays fai te.â€"Mr.] An addt ook Poâ€" | made a of Wallâ€" | A few re , Fancy | made b) ct from, | Mestrs. of goods. Robert loy\,\Joll tly wait ‘;x:]‘;:ns B. & W. ‘ iderstand oi ‘.;l‘ t we have '"nl?l mee of a j pect to be ,( 10 etings are | blacks: Methodist | Elder, attendance | There Green, of shops ace Friday | be ow Sabath to | does : Mantle Cloths, Laces, €0, AMU°°* "~*~ ) make a note of this. ‘ Reroryxt Maeerma.â€"A mecting of the Reform Association of Egremont will be held in the Holstein Temperance Hall, on Friday, April 8, 1881, at 2 o‘clock, p. m« To take into consideration the nolding of a Gravd Reform Demonstration in the South Riding of Grey some time during the surmmer and also to reorgauize the Bo ciety. All interested in the Relu®n®n 06757 | are expected to be present. Kxrearerss.â€"Just to show the enterâ€" | prise of our fellowâ€"townsman, Finlay Macâ€"| Rae, Esqâ€", exâ€"Warden of this county, we may mention that he in company with Mr. Robert Bull, Carpenter and Bailder, with seven workmen, went out into the Townâ€" ship of Glenelg, tirteen miles from Durâ€" ham, on Monday last, the 4th inst., and erected a one story and a half frame dwellâ€" ing House, 16 x 29, and had almost comâ€" pleted before dark, it ouly taking a few hours work from two men to finish it next \ morning ready for occupation. . Who says uC me tePinasham after this?t ‘Al EUE CR Rao, Esq., exâ€"Warden of this county, may mention that be in company with Robert Bull, Carpenter and Builder, seven workmen, went out into the T« ship of Glenelg, tirteen miles from . ham, on Monday last, the 4th inst., \erected a one story and a half frame d ing House, 16 x 20, and had almost pleted before dark, it ouly taking a hours work from two men to finish it morning ready for occupation. . Wh« there is no life in Durham after this! the workmen but two came back to ham on Monday »ight. 'I(imathy Moran is about purchasing the blacksmith shop formerly oecupied by Mr.‘ Elder, and situated opposite Ringel‘s Hotel. ‘There are no less than five Blacksmith shops in the village, two of which will now be owned by Mr. Moras, but competition \dm- not seem to effect the price of work done in that line. â€" Fall wheat is injured tom great oxtent ) in this section and a great deal of it unforâ€" tunately was sown j it is tather singular that there are searcely ever two successive years fayorable for fall wheat. Severni contracts for additional ties for the S. & L. H. Railway have been let and the public are beginning to have confidence in the assurance that the line will be enâ€" ergetically pushed to completion. The assignee has sold by tender the books telonging to the MeSherry bankrupt firm. The purchaser is going to put them into a iawyer‘s hands for final collection, they were kept in rather a loose unreliable manâ€" ‘\ ner, and although the purchaser has never | had the slightest convection with the firm, he will find it an unpleasant aund in same | cases uvnjust task to enforce payment. piace OR .A TMIO! y, but the furious | A roads, made large | J es, and drove it into | 1 that the wind could | r uncomfortable for | t i Edge Mills which |! ir. Zenus Clark for | . now offered for sale ‘ p Estate in Durham. a large number of s34a4 in this ph“-\ u the nolding of nstration in the me time during eorgauize the Boâ€" the Reform cause aged about A man mamie® eBAE CC C 0C 000 places last about a mile and * hal from Durbam, gh. in Bentinck, wnfonnddudinhhMM George Aâ€" morning. We understand that an inquest Georr® "**| w11 be held this aftornoon. by Him who is tho ? ‘that seed time,‘ &e,sb is a living being on Feed is gotting scarce & AEABO BR P ECC t owing to the "exodus." Our skating Rink is about to tumble. ‘Thereâ€" Tero. Dundalk, March 31st 1881. sUSPECTED FOUL PLAYâ€"THE ALORATUNAS® ‘ AT WORK IN KEPPEL. On Monday,. 28th ult., Coroner Cameron was notified of a sudden death having taken place near Mountain Lake in the township of Keppel, and at once gook the necessary steps for holding an inquest on the body of the decensed, a young WwoOmaAD pamed Mary King, aged tweuty, who Las been a cripple and pot very bright in the intelloct. The jury, after viewing the body, adjourned to ! the house of Alexander Patterson, where a ET U T P uethwagdas waere oxanined, ruary, in the year aforesaid, feloniously and mahciously, in the year aforsaid, did incite, move, procure aid, ‘counsel, hire and command the said Mary King the said felony and murder to do and commit against the peace of our Lady theQuean, her orown and dignity.â€"O. S. Tribune. * Tib ‘ Charles noumnmdm-wm,mouegc‘ couple in the townaship of Delta, were burpâ€" ed ont on Thrraday morning. . Mr. Robinâ€" \ son, who 1s91 years of age fought with ‘ | Wellington at Waterloo ; his wife is 95. © ~ We leard that Mrs. King the â€"mother of Mary King, has been committed to jail, on a charge of aiding in the above case. â€" J ons P e *Sbimi P in r * MBALMBMDMW ns C 2 J. Marshall, 188; KEbonezer Geddes, 119;| Nizom, D1 Maggie Henderson, 118. â€" Benior 8rd Class 190 side 1« ‘AY;, | _â€"Marks obtainable 200â€"Alex. Mc. Eâ€" in part of in | pall, 135; Wm. J. Patterson, 126; Androw | ing by fire the | Fulton, 125; Barah A. Ard, 121â€" Junior | and Geo.. 8 0 | Third Classâ€"Marks obtainable 200 â€"Jane | serapers. 40 | Henderson, 176; Helon M. Derby, 167; R.| Township rib8 | Nichol, 167; Sarab M. Marshall, 165; Josh. | Euphrasi , deâ€"| Ball, 168; Maggie Gilmore, 157 Benior | council. iven | Second Classâ€"Marks obtainable 150â€"M.| Accoun ings | Fuiton 180; Wam. Ed. Shewell,120; Hobert paid.â€"W here | Derby, 114; Micheal By°r® 110. Junior| grams 90 ture: | Second Classâ€"Marks obtainable 150â€"Ag. | nished t mding | Geddes, 185; Violet Patterson, 184 John| M. Cler retty | Henderson, 128; David Gilmore 129. Hall, 91 Average attondance for the month 71. | months ost 0f | The quarterly ersmination was held on | of McD« 1 beâ€" | rriday the 1st of April, Therewere 91 puâ€" | J. Bella ce00Y | pils and 24 visitors present. Reg, $8 f any hos. C. Smith, Teacher. . |â€" Peliti gi‘weo *J To â€"Polic to seo s.s. xo. 9. GuzxELG. glon of 4th Class, (possible 850)â€"Elien Colli¢rs | and oth to the | 82 per cent.; Bella Ector, 76; Maggi® Wier:| _ Appl a grist | 75; Susau Nichol, 54; Andrew Matthews: | to borr return | 42. The last two did not study all the SUDâ€" | gtey ar in first | jects. Mr. ; good| 8rd Class, (possible $00)â€"Martha Matâ€" | wrigh to noâ€" ) thews, 84 per cent.; Mazgic Beott 79; CBÂ¥iS: | munio of the | Scott, 75; Thos, Matthews, 75;, Agnes Nich: | gpig eaused | ol. 63; Martha Sharp, 60; Lillie Minto, 861\ i. y home Joln Nichol, 41. e Wrigl a fine| 2nd Claasâ€"Cathoring Crutchly, Sarah prefor appearâ€" | Sharp. 22, co in their | _ 1st Classâ€"(2ud part) TLillie Andrews, 5+) and â€" Reott. that s s neighâ€" | 1st Claseâ€" Tillie Nichol, Wm. Matth®WS» | yefun ) to the Charles Smith, us at aore for B. TowxsEXD, Teachor. $SF i vexbors ayrox pusuzc Scroon. Cari anpnbs Tourth Book 1st Classâ€"Matlida Langdale M c P CC O clen / commwdis BtankBnd s&SP, ster, Honor Rols. e o s ‘The following is the Konor Roll of 8. B.\ Council met in Town Jall,® Mn.l S1ux OitÂ¥, April 1,â€"The ice gorge at Ko. 8 Normanby for the imonth of March| on Monday April 4th. Proseutâ€"Dr. Chrisâ€" | Yankton has broken, and the water foll six as taken from the class Register. toé, Reeve, Wright Wobster, Elliott und | feet per hour. ‘The dumage to the propert Fourth Classâ€"Marks oltainable 200,â€"| Pedlar. Minutes of previous meeting read | is §75,000. ‘The town of Green lsland, “:. James Derby, 167 Lizzte Young, 162 ; Alâ€" | and approved as Read. posite Yankton, has been swept away. The frod Ball, 160; Barbara Byers, 152; Robert Communications read as follows :â€"Jâ€" iuhabitants could be seen clinging to the J. Marshall, 188; Ebonezer Geddes, 119;| Nizon, Pundalk, re damages to house on | houses AS tbey foated off, There are indiâ€" Maggie Henderson, 118. Benior 8rd Class | 190 side road. Joseph Douner, v¢ refund | cations of a gorge in the Missouri River â€"Marks obtainable 200â€"Alex. Mc. E.\ in part of taxes on rccount of loss of build. | extending seventy miles above Lere. 'l‘h; Ball, 135; Wm. J. Patterson, 126; Androw | ing by fire.}C. 4. MeKittrick, Orangeville, | botom lands five to fifteen miles wide are m 220 ®U""/ °0| ind Geo. Atkinson & Co., Aurora, e road lflooded. The steaimbouts lost so far nre the Rr0ras 4C * | Western. Fontainelle, and F. G. Baiche. Ath Class, (possible 850) 82 per cent.; Bella Ector, 7 75;, Susau Nichol, 54; An 42. The last two did not jects. um 1 cage en ayrox pusuzc Scroon. FTourth Book 1st Classâ€"Matlida Langdale ‘ and John Covil. Â¥Fourth Book, 2ad class, Maggie Ringet and Belle. Nichol. Third Book 1st Class, Lazzie Filsinger and Henry Mew. Third Book 2Zud Class, Paul Plefer, Sarah Filsinger, Alfred Langâ€" dato. s 5 Weics Repmk io ces s e ..-mv-.»:v-j â€"~ $0) 044 Qud Division,ist seetionâ€"W. W. Welsh, wdrow Linn,Emia Zintor. @nd section, Thos. Covil, Alex. Nishol, Kate ILipport. ird section, Flien Young, John Moran, P. Kennara. The monthly roll is compiled frora the elose Regaster in which a xegular record is kept of profiniency,punchmlity and attendance. The average nttendance for the month is only slightly over 80 owing to the pupils leaving who merely attend School dering the winter months. LC L EWIL ce 188. Foarth Class, â€"Marks obtainable $50â€" Minnie Rosborough, 882; Jenuie Johnson, 295; David M. Talbot, 280; Lizzie MeMiilâ€" Second Class.â€" Mn Robert \Wum. Nelson, Maggie Irvine, 141. Homor list of pupilvsv attending S. 8. No. Protou,for the quarter ending March 81, A Faran Acomexr m ParmerstoN®.â€" Early cn Monday morning & child balongâ€" ing to Robert Corrigan, G. W, R., was severely scalded by pulling over a teapot,the conteunts of which fell on the whole left front of the child‘s chest and arms, causing the little eufferer great pain. Medical asâ€" gistance was immediately procured, and towards evening the child slept for some time, but the shock it had received was to much for its strength, and carly on Tuesâ€" ‘chy it succumbed to the injuries. The child was seven months old. FirE.â€"The dwelling house of Mr. Henry Walker, on the 21st concession of Keppel, about a mile and a half from Wiarton, was totally destroyed by fire, on the 25th ult. The family were absentattending a funeral and the only occupants of the house at the time were an old man and a little girl. The fire was discovered by a neighbor, and | every effort was made to save the contents, but without avail. The fire is supposed to bave originated from the stove pipe where it passed through the roof, Loss on buildâ€" McGill University, Montreal has just conâ€" ! ferred the honorary degree of LL. D. on Professor Selwin, F. R. 8., chief of the Canadian Geologipal Survey. ‘ Five trams praesed throngh Loudon an Friday, cootaining 1,250 emigrants and ’thwmdhu'n&;h and Daâ€" ‘koh. ‘The greater uumber will seitle in the United States. Wiarton Echo. B'Tsm’ Teachor. for lot 24, Con 11, on new valley rOid.â€" pusizc Scaoon. Carzied, st Classâ€"â€"Matlida Langdale| Mrâ€" Elliot moved, seconded by Mr. Webâ€" _ Fourth Book, 2nd class, ster, That the Reeve aud Clerk be a come ind Belle. Nichol. mittee to finally audit the auditors report, st Class, Lazzio Filsinger and that two Lundred copies be printed. +. ‘Third Book 2ud Class, â€"Carried. P s oA kc ti¢ emat > Mr. Pediar moved, secomded by Mr L $ ue o m iwthe ~winter months. A. H. N. Joukins, Teacher. Loaisa Miller, Assistant. rilmore, 157. Benior council. F ; obtainable 150â€"M.| Accounts as follows were ordered to be but the inhatifents retDaID IN PNC hnouses, . Shewell,120; Robert paid.â€"W. Richardson, statienary, Tele. | On® bundred t{tonund railrond ties are | Byers, 110. Junior grams 90 cts; Mres. Thompson, Bread fur.| washed away, involving a loss of $85,. s obtainable 150â€"Ag. | nished Sherwood‘s family $3.20. Wm, | 000 to the Northern Facific Railroad Comâ€" Patterson, 184; Jobhn| M. Clark, repuiring climney on Town pany. â€" Au incident of the dasy was the re. vid Gilmore, 129. Hall, $1.65. R. J. Sprou!, postage for 8 scue of fvemen in the woods in the bottom ce for the month 71. | months $1.17. W. R. Rombough, for plan | lauds south of Bismarck by two men in a nination was held on | of McDonald survey, Priceville, $5.00. W |skiff. They had to go through a terrible yril. There were 91 puâ€" | J. Bellamy, quarters salary as Clork and | ise gorge in the .'ood‘l. Four men were present. Reg, $87.50. found in two skiffe with provisions. ‘They s. C. Smith, Teacher. Potitions as follows presented and read: | had prepared for the food, aud could hold wag â€"Police trustees Markdale re communicaâ€" | 9+ geverel days. A fifth mun was found 9. OrkxELO. . _ | tion of statute Jobor. Joseph Honderson exhausted on a eake of ice, _ The rescuers le 850)â€"Ellen Collier: | anq others reâ€"opening part oylw side road. | also visited a eollection of people opposite Eector, 76; Maggie Wier: | _ Application of Trustees of 8. S. No. 12| Fort Lincoin, who were baddled in a single 54; Andrew Matthews,| go Lorrow money introduced by Mr. Webâ€" { hoose that wat high up on a sundbar, lid not study all the SUbV~ | stey and read ® first avd second time. Along the east bank of the Missouri cattle eppenap is T Mr. Wobster moved, seccnded by Mr.| are lying dead in heaps. The living ones _ Alaéh» Matl ts that Riv.law No. 228 appointing | are mmeve skeletons. The herds in Dakota â€" (Neplq t Awes xo. 2, PROTON. ;s â€"Geo. Thomas, R. â€"Emma Qieffer,Ge> covered by 190 siie EOM MAE 00 1 in part of taxes on account of loss of build-‘ ing by fire.4C. H. MeKittrick, Orangeville, and Geo. Atkinson & Co., Aurora, re road scrapers. A. R. Faweott, Flesherton, e lTowmhip printing. | Mr. Miles, Reeve of m Cl _ noliv wiited upon . the and Geo, Atkinson &A scrapers. A. R. Fawe Township printing. M Euplrasia, personally 3 104 Bhis i Pn t e stt mittee to finally audit the auditors report, and that two Lundred copies be printenl.1 â€"Carried. * Mr. Pediar smoved, seconded by Mr. Wright, That the Township printing be gievn to Mr. Wus. Fawoett, of Flesherton, and that all former resolution regarding printing be vestinded. â€"Carried. t oc senny AKe Wfo CKak., P ce en on D 0 Mr. Pedlas moved, seconded by Mr. Webâ€" ster, That Joseph Donner be refunded $240, being taken in pert on necount of loss of baru and eontents by fire.â€"Carsied. _ Gouncil adjourned. The Presbytory met in Divisionâ€"streel | church on the 15th ult. A committee conâ€" k sisting of Messrs. McKinuon and MceDiarâ€" waid was appointed to visit Crawford Staâ€" | tion along with a committee of the Eruce | Presbytery to arsange for its tutuxe supply. The fullowing commmssiomers to the Generâ€" al Assembly were chosen. Ministersâ€" Messrs, Cameron, Somerville Beott and McLarep. Eldersâ€"Mesars. Skeen, 3.| Harkness, MeKnight and P. Christie. Auy of these brethren unable to fil their apointâ€" ment will report to the Clerk of the Presâ€" \bytery before the next meeting. Mueh otf the timp of the mesting was oecupied with . s m e cesc cl Gande "ttn wunsiens meancc e oNA ie t im 1 GebORN) TPs Owen Sound Presbytery. lund 9 days. VE WE mer, snd if possible meet the wishes of | those who had ap@fied for particular men. The Prosbytery agreod that Reov. Mr. Moâ€" Lennan supply Sarawak and North Keppel till October, pmvided $450 per annum be subscribed by the people ; also that Rev. J. Ferguson be appointed as ordsined misâ€" sonary in Wiarton, &e., provided he accept the appointment before the meeting of the Committee on the 28th March. The staâ€" tions to be} connected with Wiarton being Hepworth and McLean on the south, White‘s and Chisholm‘s on the morth. 1t was found to be impracticable to work Berkley in conzection with Williamsford | this summer, as the Presbytery agreed to | ; get a student for the latter. Mr. Rodgers |, gave in the report on the state of Religion, | 4 which was adopted and ordered to be transâ€" | 4 mitted. Mr. Cameron gave in the report |, on Temperance, which was awdopted. Varâ€" ious items of Lusiness were left o till noext meeting. Mosers. Bcott and gmu‘ ' ville were appointed to arrange meotings for Dr. MceKay when he visits the presby â€" tery. ‘The next mecting of the Presbytery was nppdinted to be held in the same place on Apmt 26th. The meeting closed with prayer. 3. Somerville, Clerk.â€"O. $ 4dâ€" | vertiser. smm ce ofp d it t t en mt Baxx Curaxs Curaren» Our.â€"London, | Ont., April 1.â€"The absconsion of the two | bank cletke, Graydon and McEachern, s | causes considerable sensation. 1t appears â€"| they took the keys of the vault with them, 1\ anda man bad to be brought from Torouto to open it. This was done last night. _ It has not been revealed how much was taken, but the amount is understood in some quarters to be large, from ten to fifteen thousand dollars. Graydon was under» stood to live at a high rate, keeping expenâ€" sive horses, fancy dogs and taking a bold position as a sport. It was thought all along he had ountaide resources, but these appear to have been of a hazy and uncertain kind. ‘The parties must have left on: Wednesday Seae PEEeE t 7 Ne Ne NVAE Currie a night. _ It is not known the direstion they took. It.is given ouk that the bank is secured, byt to what amount is not stated. All parties aro very reticent, Benjrniin Lines sold his farm in Carrick ved, ‘\'. J. Berrany, Clerk. lows ;â€"J. | inhabitant house on | houses AS re refund | cations of s of build. | extending rangeville, bottom l8 ra, re road | fooded. herton, "\ Western. Reeve of | lorâ€" upon . the BrsMAI at a stan ered to be but the i nary, Tele.| One bu: Bread fur. | washed .25. â€" Was, | 000 to m _ | nanv. , Aesars. Skeen, 3. of id P. Christie. Auy | tha : to fill their apointâ€" seri Clerk of the Presâ€"| con meeting. Much otf | of ; was occupied with | j e Mission work %0 | gha nmer. . Committees | a5 xd to financial matâ€" | of s as follows:â€"KnOX | oy Messrs. Stevenson, | lis ; Kilsyth, &6., C&Mâ€" | no ill; Eapbrasia and Iter and Clark; Ponâ€" F omerville, Seott and | _; pper Field, Mordy (it PP ul 9 EC ) appointing | are now read a|are T ded by Mr. {red se allowed to | on | r for Lot No.| wit aid flot, 1880, | the { pathmaster | ear ormed he be | det s VBictaw. viz. ‘WU at a stanstill, Rrondon is etillinundated, but the inhabitents remain in the liouses, One Lundred thon-_ufd railrond ties are Brsmanc«, Dak., April 1.â€"The water is E> a, | _ &A is understood that the arrangoments 1g | for the transfer of the Cabada Ceniral raile way to the Pacifie Byndieate have been 4. | perfected and will shortly take place. ed | â€" The Roman Catholie College at Rimouski of | Que., was totally consumed by five on Monâ€" »d. | duy morning, entailing a loss of $60,000, partly covered by an insurance of $24,000. * Thos. York, eoloured, died at Nigar on Tuesday morning,aged 111 years 10 monthe . _ | and Q days. Mo was in full psssessions of ‘eet all bis faculties up to the time of his death. Onâ€" \ Au Order in Council dated April 1, divects iay. | that the waters of Puslineh Lake, in the 3». | townslip of Puslineb, be set apart for the uce } natural and artificial propagation of fish durâ€" ply. ti;\g the spaee of three years from 1st May, ner. | 1881â€" ‘sâ€" | â€" In the neighborbood of §2,000bare been and ; subscribed towards detraying the exprsses o A ‘of the Bidduiph erâ€"prisoners. It is stated Auy | that ouly two men in Luncan refused to sub» w Venss 132 L% The residonge of Geo. Cairns, Virgil, was burped on Ssturday, aud on Monday moreâ€" ing the Louse of Chlarles Muddiestone, S. Catharines. . Tloodls in Dakota. CAaANADIAN ITZE e reenme en cE 0 Cw o e to his sottage, about two msiles from Norâ€" wood. He was struck on the head by & falling branch ard expiwed instautly. Last woek the $wo cldest sous of Mr. David Anderson, of 12th con., Ashfeld, were sent to the woods with a oross out saw to saw up the top of a tree that hed fallen down. In falling it ewung around, and one of the lower limbs striking the unforâ€" tunate lad in the back of the meck, killing him instandy. A Frenchman living in Kingston eut a piece off his tongue beeause he belioved that it wagged 100 mmch and often got him into trouule. ‘Fhe final result of this aigor0us remedy remains to be seen, but i all . c uce tongnes that wagged too much treated in the same way thore v counsiderable amount of blood lo#! The Traflc in spurious relics must have reached prodigious dimensions when the Pope finds it necessary to protest. For the first time, so far as we can remember, W# Holilness bas ordered a striet inquiry to be made into the sacre {gious business. In réâ€" sponse to his instruction, the Cardinalâ€" V has issued a warning to the faithful through» out the world, assuring them that for thirty years no bodies have been taken from :::0 N P Ca%e What 0 Ruondon is still inundated, or bottom sole, and coverlug 4 space from the two io the imoie®« 2+ B~++ or Letween the over its edges, of but wnich they of this sigor0ou8s gGCU, but s al much were to be there would be & next under 1# uy mad the outef A“dlhwwo-kywhuhu in Great Britain and Iremmd was buld un Tuesday of the week before last, in Lomdon, h“’fiupfi-u‘flwwfi\'u Com» mittee and to make further arrangimements for the forthcoming Conference, _ Bome “muminmm‘n uf the wishes of some of the Wesleyars in the j Uumldlmtoh.wm ~ mw'fikb hbad been carcfally S «xcluded by the original basis of agreement e -itvanuhthd«dwnAm- f tic, â€" Dr. Osborn moved, aud Dr, Cook MM.tnnhfiuwunvo&d a fluwn..whkudupofllyum mdww. The resolu Mv-mfie-luun\-ullv.mdmereuuc doubt it will be accepted in America, and # will end the temporary diffcuity of question C dostrine «haudtarts andt polity, it wa in Great B Tuesday of to considet 8 mittee and p w * ‘ e wepecial di 4 uf the wis United 8i m‘i \ «xcluded I . as it was i tie, _ Dr. l meconded, A Groat mt P ' ; Mothodist Council doubt it will be accepted in will ud the temporary dif of doctrine, standanls and will ud the temporary difficuity of questions of doctrine, standanls and polity. 1t was suggested from America that Friday, August bth, be abserved as a day of special prayer by Methodists thomphout the world for the blessâ€" ing of Gud upon the forthcoming (BRoumenical Conference, and the convention unanimously mgreed to the suggestion, . Some conversation uwrose on the subject of the guarantee fund. The exccutive had agreed that the sum of £15 %02, should be raised for each representativ by the bedy sending him, and it was agneo: that the guarantoe fund should amoust & â€" ue cuotcr af t ho P i ie that the guarantoe fund shoul £2,500, The conterence will c goneral divisions, the easterm sections, with their affiliated c missions, . The easters section Enzeonal and nonâ€" Episcopal X RRTRTCCCC PIZ Episcopal and non â€"Episcopal Moth the westeru section will consist of leyan Conference Methodists and t1 ists f all other denominstion working committces were Ap)< Reception Committee, the Publica mittee, and the Busipgss Commutt committee having nower to add to The Conference will commence on the 7th of Sq*mu\nr, and be h« m Ny 7 the 7th of Sept sessions, the thr in leeds "TERMBLY GDUREREEY _*** * says :â€"A little girl, daugltor o Erb, near Bridgeport, on Sund went hito the celiar for apples. lamp or candle with hber, and * her ¢‘oths caught on fire. U brought the paronts down as & wible, but not before the was burned. Mer chin and neek, f war, including one CAF, had : burnt off, as woll as at loa vquare of the breast, also O and some other parts of the child suffered fearfully and waus sent for as soon as poSe once applied the usual remedi the fire aud stop the pain. still in a dangerous staie, but she TermIBUE EaRTHQUAKES â€" """ of enrthquake was felt at Chio, in vf that name, in the Greecian Ar on Sunday. . It destroyed many l seriously damaged nearly all the 1 Many of the imlLabitants were ki yemainder eneamped in the he ncighbouring villages were Daring ths panic the Lastern Company‘s office was pillaged. wore felt in Island of Syra and On Monday fresh shocks of ear curred at Chio. The inhabitant refuge on board the steamers. nor and some of the oficials h the town. ‘The effects were 3 Teme. . The persons killed and uOP 7 We WV ;"mw »t 5,000. + folt in Carosto, Eubola, one house fell. The Crown Prinee Rudoiph of Aastria aund the Princess Stephanio of Belgium are to he married on the 10th of May. 100 e 2 ces Reet The Aoods in Bpain are said to have left, 80,000 persons in want of provisions and: to have destroyed $200,000 worth of proâ€" porty. The new union depot at Chicago will cost £$2,000,000. I% will be occupied this woek, The stmeture is Af immense one, O000p)> ing several blocks. C idst on on 10004 ces O ccnfonte will recover I,ll. IPVTRTT OO The state of affairs in Porn is truly deplorâ€" ‘ hi nblje, Â¥.0 uubhappy country being a prey to | amarchy, disorder, and massacre. Many ; ® Phiness have been killed and millions worth | of property destroyed. F The works for MW puanel from ; ; Mucdlilhvemndnw:h satisfactory | C progress that its promoters ane now whle to | 5 employ three shifts of amen constantly | : w the twenty four hours, and are | j sanguine"of being able to bore about tlirty feot per day when all the machinery is | commleted. | A fanatical mob broke into the ehurch at Marsala, in Italy, lnto «pite the efforts of the police, © all the books and furniture, of w made a bon fire in the Psazza d On subsequently entering the they are said to have received t WWO\( the Archbishop : The Protestant minister, Bigh with dificulty escaped. The I‘rapans has olegraphed to V of the Tutorior expressing the h ringleaders have alreadly been A correspondent of the Scien han aave:â€""Let any one who | spwH e n NA T o 0 ul 0 oo hn E of lockjaw take a amall quantity of turpenâ€" | tine, warm it and pour it on the wound, no matter whore the wound is, and roliof will follow in lese than a suinute. Nothing | beiter ean be applied to a eovere oul or bruise than cold turpentine ; it will give| pertain rolief almost instantly. . Turpenâ€"| tine is also a sovereign remody for croup : | Saturate a piece offlannel with itand place the fannel on the throat and chest, and in ' every case three or four drops on & lmnp!‘ of sugar may be taken inwardly. ‘ For al} purpores of 3 Family Medicine, Hacyago‘s Yenmow ofL is at the head of the list, _ Itas ysed with unpresedented . succoss, wats intervally and externally. . t cures Sorc MISCELLENEOUS. pous Em CF Ca Adas Rencr Throat, Burus, Sealds, Frost Bites, rehov«s, .uduuw-um-â€"uw. | ‘The Rat Portage Progress says an imâ€" quautity of railway ti0®, cedar fouce “","‘,"...a cudur wlegraps poles have Leen out this winter wiong the Canuda .Quwny between Cross Lake and Bolkirk. OQue frm gjoue goi out 250,004 BusxE»> at 44 T were destroyed. ; the Lastern Telegraph | By was pillaged. . The shocks d of Syra and at Smyrna. , shocks of enrthquake oc | * The inhabitants are taking eamers. . The Gover: officials have Q"M s were also felt at killed and injured are The shock was also a, and Timos. AtSyra n s18 mferences at e sail to have leit ot provisions and 000 worth of proâ€" D ble it is whrot in t to tal W 1w ho has an ata intity of turpe n the wound, 1 y u\‘ relief w uts â€" ~Wothé U Mbyt wl at t Chae M Th W tri will cost | py. 1t Protest set & (oan M W Da §

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