West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 Apr 1881, p. 3

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in the bottom by two men in a awept away. The ess by the flood, out of the water. ae arrangoments l1 Central railâ€" ente have been tuke pluce. «t Rimouski by fire on Monâ€" luss of $60,000, sunce of $24,000. ud at Nigare on years 10 monthe i pessessions of Gm-ldud-,.,. 1.â€"The water is is fuuin-w. in in the houses, railroad tits are erytLog portends be triecdl not oaly , but as the head ) gyowing tendem~ ta die with Parâ€" roeversed at our @. ’l'hon-. f people opposite »WEDM towin ‘uirns, Virgil, was on Monday moreâ€" Muldlestone, $. h a crosa out s®wt + that had fallem t the hLead by a instantly. lest souns of Mr. much wore to be hors would be a nd lost. Tvvisivns, elics must have sions when the rotest. Forthe remember, His ict inquiry to be msiness. Inreâ€" s Candinalâ€" Vicar mithful throughâ€" m that for thirty taken from the wlds that the bove Lere. 1\" n miles wide are . and could hold e Missouri cattle #2 C have beem ying the o1pemsem movs. . It is stateck in refused to subâ€" aid he eould nok cleating the end# king the unforâ€" wston cut a piece elieved that it ITPMS. iwo after the see~ heir relatives and h that could nok session. . This is ts . offieeâ€"sookers me of his death., d April 1, divects herds in Dakotsa s from bowdos is about six fosk i very sohd. Is tly. Tw OÂ¥er to f this rigorous exz, but if all »mbs have been e not sure how ut suppose it ction has spoil« . to save thenaâ€" day was the reâ€" the water Soll sik n luske, in 1i set apart for the gation of fish dur~ s froum 1st May, woods adjacent 1108 Aro & ‘ma. Myles, was afternoon while con., Asbfield, I. s ’~ G There are indi. For all purposes of s Family Medicine, Hacvago‘s Yarrow ol is at the head of the list, Itis used with unprecedented success, both internally and en-rrlaUy.& It enr..h. Sore Throat, Burus, Scalds, Frost ites, relieves, and viten cures Asthma, â€"b160. ‘The Rat Portage Progress says an imâ€" meuse quautity of railway ties, cedar fence posts, aud cedar telegrapu poles have been A fanatical mob broke into the Protestant church at Marsala, in Italy, lately, and deâ€" »pite the efforts of the police, carried out all the books and furniture, of which they made a bon fire in the Psazza del Duomo. On subsequently entering the cathedral they are said to have received the solemu: benediction of the Archbishop and clergy. ‘The Protestant minister, Signor Lettieri, with dificulty eseaped. The Prefect of ‘I‘rapans has telegraphed to the Minister of the Interior expressing the hope that the ringleaders have already been arrested. A correspondent of the Scientific Ameriâ€" can says:â€""Let any one who has an attack of lockjaw take a small quantity of turpenâ€" tine, warm it and pour it on the wound, no raatter where the wound is, and relief will follow in less than a minute. Nothing beitor ean be applied to a severe cut or bruise than cold turpentine ; it will ¢in| ceortain relief almost instantly. Turpenâ€" tine is also a sovereign remedy for croup: Saturate a piece offlanzel with itand place the flannel on the throat and chest, and in every case three or four drops on & of sugar may be taken inwardly. se Pscific Railway between Cross Take and Selkirk. â€" OQue firm alone got out 230,00) seriously damaged nearly all the remainder. Many of the inkabitants were killed. The remainder encaroped in the felds. Many nceishbouring villages were destroyed. During ths panie the Eastern Telegraph Company‘s cffice was pillaged. The shocks wore felt in Island of Syra and at Smyrna. Ou Monday fresh shocks of earthquake ocâ€" ecurred at Chio. The inhabitantsare taking refuge on board the steamers. The Goverâ€" nor ana some of the officials have quitted the town. The effects were also felt at Teme. The persons killed and injured are estimated at5,000. The shock was also folt in Carosto, Eubols, and Tinos. At Syra one house fell. The state of affairs in Porn is truly deplorâ€" able, t‘.e unhappy country being a prey to anarchy, disorder, and massacre. _ Many Chinese have been killed and millions worth of property destroyed. The works for the porposed tunnel from Dover to Calais have made such satisfactory progress that its promoters are now able to employ three shifts of men constantly throughout the twentyâ€"four hours, and are sanguine of being able to bore about thirty feet per day when all the machinery is commleted. The Crown Prinee Rudoliph of Austria and the Princess Stephanic of Belgium are to be married on the 10th of May, The new union depot at Chicago will cost £2,000,000. It will be occupied this week, ‘The strueture is an immense one, occupyâ€" ing several blocks. The floods in Spain are said to have left $0,000 persons in want of provisions and to have destroyed $200,000 worth of proâ€" porty. Teramus Eartuqcaxkes.â€"A strong shock of enrthquake wasfelt at‘Chio, in the island of that name, in the Greecian Archipelago, on Sunday. â€" It destroyed many houses and was sont for as soon as possible. . He at onee applied the usual remedies to take out the fire and stop the pain. ‘The child is still in a dangerous state, but it is hoped she will recover. Temnumsey Busyz».â€"Ths Berlin News says :â€"A little girl, daughter of Mr. Amos Erb, near Bridgeport, on Sunday last was sent into the celiar for apples. She took a lamp or eandle with hber, aud while down her e‘oths caught on fire. â€" Her sereams brought the parents down as soon as posâ€" aible, but not before she was very badly burned. â€" Her chin and neek, from ear to car, including one ear, had all the skin Lurnt off, as woll as at least six inches »quare of the breast, also the shoulders und some other parts of the body. The child suffered fearfully and Dr. Wight A meeting of the diilerent Weslcyan bodies in Goeat Britain and Ire.and was buld on Tuesday of the week before last, in London, to consider the report uf the Executive Comâ€" mittee and to make further arrangmements for the forthcoming Conference, Some especial difficulties had arisen in consequence vi the wishes of some of the Wesleyars in the United States of America to have certain matters discussed which had been carefully «1cluded by the original basis of agreement as it was accopted on both sides of the Atlanâ€" tic. _ Dr. Osborm moved, and Dr. Cook seconded, a resolution approving the work ef ie Zseoutive as a whole and especially in the exclusion of doetrinal discussion, The resoluâ€" tion was carried unanimously, and there is no doubt it will be accepted in America, and so will end the temporary difficuity of questions of doctrine, standanis, and polity. It was auggested from America that Friday, August Sth, be observed as a day of special prayer by blethodists thoughout the world for the blessâ€" ing of Gud apon the forthcoming (Ecumenical Cuaference, and the convention unanimously agreed to the suggestion, Some couversation urose on the subject of the guarantee fund. The exccutive had agreed that the sum of £12 102. should be raised for each representative by the bedy sending him, and it was agreed that the guarantee fund should amount to £2,500. The conference will consist of two goneral divisions, the eastern and western sections, with their affiliated conferences and missions. . The eastern section will consist of Episeopal and nonâ€"Episcopal Methodists, an1 the westeru section will consist of the Wesâ€" leyan Conference Methodists and the Methodâ€" ists of all other denominations. . Three working committees were appointed â€"the | Reception Committee, the Publication Comâ€" mittee, aiml the Business Commuttee ;the first committee having power to add to its number, ‘The Confereuce will commence on Wednesday the Tth of September, and be held in two | sessions, the first in London and the second ' in Leeds. I A Great Meth hodist Council. ' MISCELLENEOUS. #4 4e w« JoHNSToNâ€"At Bentinck, on the 25th ult. Mrs. Mary June Johnston, deughter of Mr. T. Tyreman, aged 2 years. Maxox®yâ€"In New Orleans, on March 9th, Bridâ€" !:" Mearoney, beloved mother of Nrs. Edward | eMahon, of Normanby, aged 63 years. "Mirurzmâ€"In Mount Forest, on londz, 28th ult., Ellen Robinson, beloved wife of Mr. Wim. Milâ€" ler, aged 3% yeurs and 4 months. Davisâ€"In Markdale, on the 2th ult.,Chas. eldest ‘ son of T. E. Duvis, Builder, aged 3 years and 6 months. MOUXT FOREST MARKETS. Confederate Office, Mar. 31st., 1831. Flour per barrel...............$5 00 $o§5 50 Oatmenrl per barrel............ 4 50 to 4 50 Fall WhCQt........c.+«««««+«,.... 0 98 to 1 00 Treadwell Wheat............... 0 95 to 1 00 Spring Wheat.................... 1 00 to 1 07 BOFIOY +ss seresssercsencrescereescre A BC h0 (6.80 OS cxrrvcrercrrverntererssesesccese O 88 %0 O 88 POMS ... «ss2830vis axcrrererervccrncns O CY ty & 6k Patatoes per bag............... 0 40 to 0 40 BCE ... s +s se r+s verevevercccs ces vew O K ty O K %ggsllb... g ;(6) to g 20 00. M Mss ceree se rerk h63 ver are to Shee l:nns 1 00 to 1 x.a’ Lamg Sking...................... 0 75 to 1 25 Hides per ewt................... 4 00 to 5 00 HBY assssssseesessssssessseces::.:.: 7 00 to 8 dQ Oats, Barley, Fall Wheat, per bush gpring Wheat * Barley, biha 1 E7 sexeee 00 10 Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs 7 75 to Butter, rolls, per lb......... ~ 21 to Flour, per 100 IBS..« :s cexeee! Flour No. 2, * * Corm Momk ** 58 _seccress Shorts, 46 t Hmn, i4 44 Ontmeal â€" " * Fall Wheat, per bush........ Spring Wheat, R. Chaf... E4 e â€" Glasgow... Wool, per lb..... Apples, per bag OR UTORT J presere ces ceceee Eggs,perdoz.................. Hay, per ton.................. Ueas, C Hay, poer ton....... Potatoes, per bush Pork, per 100 lbs.. Turnips, per bush Warzesâ€"Loxaâ€"By the Rov. Geo. Busxin,on Wedâ€" nesday, March 30th, at the residence of ths bride‘s futher, Mr. Wliss Waters, of Arthur, to Miss Mary Loug, of Normanby. By the same, on the same duate, at the residende of the bride‘s futher, Mr. John Mountain of Chingacousey‘ to Miss Jane L. Bowinan of Egâ€" remont, MceGurxoonâ€"Scantenâ€"At the British Hotel, Durâ€" hum, on the 29th ult. h(ylthc Rev. J. C. Dun« lop, Mr. Walter Kelso McGregor, of Walkorten, to Miss Satah Summers, of Bentinek. Gmanairâ€"FERovusonâ€"At the residence of the brides father, on Wo\hwmh\?', 26th March, by the Rov. 8. R. Gilchrist, Mr. Henry Graham, eldest son of Cowel] Graham, to Esther, eldost daughter of Thos. Fergnson, all of Mulmer, McDoxatLpâ€"McGItLLYRYâ€"On the 29th March by the Rev. A. Hcl'imnid.Mer?h MeDonald, to Miss Mary McGillvray, both of Glenelg. MclIxxszsâ€"Warsonâ€"At the residence of the Bride‘s father on the 20th March by the Rev. ‘T. Hadden, Mr. John Mclnnes of Glenelg to Fheobe Ann, youngest dnughter of Wufiam' Watson, Waggon Maker, Pricoville. Davisâ€"In Artemesia, on the 22rd ult., Chas, Mor den, eldest son of Mr, Wim, Davis, aged 2 years 6 months. Davisâ€"In Arumer-in‘ on 28th ult., Ethel Maud, onâ€" ly daughter of Wim, Davis, aged 1 year and 5 months. Tnoxasâ€"In Markdale, on 31st ult., William Wesâ€" ley, eldest son of Mr. Grovenor Thomas, shoeâ€" maker, aged 2 years 10 months. Kieef, < . * Hides, _ * Sheepskins, en Butter, per 1b Eggs,per doz Wood, drv. » Gonnoxâ€"In Durham, on Gurafraxa Straet, on Tuosday, April 5th, the wife of Mr, Alex. Gorâ€" don, Jewelier of a deuzhter. Browxâ€"In Egremont, on the 26th ult., the wife of Mr, Wia. Brown, of a deughter. Eautâ€"In Bentinck, on the 2ith March, the wife of Mr. Wan. Ball, of a daughtor. ~ Inwixâ€"In Durhan, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr. George Irwin of the new Hookstcre, of a son. Guibourt‘s Parisian Balm is a sure cure for Cracked Hands, Cracked Li})s, Roughness of the Skin, &c. Sold by Druggists at 25 cents.â€"d159. dence of its great virtues. _ Be sure and get the genuine in white wrappers and we guaranâ€" tee perfect satisfaction, After it has cured you, don‘t fail to recommend it to your friends it is your duty to tell others what it has done for you. _ Hall‘s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer is ’. oel:'::a‘hc combination of some of the most restorative agents in the vegetable ‘ E.i':..lou. It restores grey hair to iuu:fl::l- color. It makes the sealp white and It cures dandraff and hamors, and fallingâ€"out of the hair. It furnishes the putritive prinâ€" ciple by which the hair is nourished and supâ€" ported. It makes the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a hair dressing. Itis the most economical preparation ever offered to the public, as its effects remain a long time, m:in“ug only an occassional appliâ€". cation necessary. . It is recommended and used by eminent medical men, and officially endorsed by the State Assayer of Massachuâ€" setts. . The popularity of Hall‘s Hair Renewâ€" er has increased with the test of many years, both in this country and in foreign lands, and ‘ it is now known and used in all the civilized countries of the world. k FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS, The Free Church of Seotland is making preparations to hold a great jubiles in comâ€" memoration of the ordmmation of Rev. Alex. Dufl as a missionary. Dr.Dufl‘s ordination took pluce fifly years ago, and he beâ€" came one of the most celebrated missionary } lal orers. \ In the first thce, tuke care of your health, use Wilson‘s Wild Cherry for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, Catarrh, or Loss of Voice. It will never fail you. â€" See certificates from well known parties on inside wrapper, . There is no contradicting this eviâ€" $15,000,000. When the Queen entertained the late Czar shortly after the marriage of his daughter to the Duke of Edinburg, gold plate to the value of $10,000,000 was used. The custodianship of the gold pantry at Windsor is considered an offise of great lf‘ you suffer from any solh'onhhdhiu.o .5: ing from Impure Blood, Sluggish Liver, di nrgcrul Kidneys or inactivity of the Bowels : if your Nervous System is debilitated trom whatever cause ansing do not dispair but procure a trial bottle ofufinrdock Blood Bitters 1t will only cost 10 cents, Large Bottles $1.00. For sale by all medicine dealers.â€"b160. Queen Victoria‘s gold and silver plate which is kept at Windsor is said to be worth Ask your draggest for a trial Lbottle of Burdock Blood Bitiers, it wiil ouly cost you 10 cculs, and a few duoses will pruve ils cllicicucy as a health resturing Tomicâ€"regulator of the Bowels, Liver, and Kidugys. _ It is specife tor all discases arising from impure biuwl disordered secretions.â€"b160. Hazel nuts are found in great abundance on the serubâ€"covered hills nldvoododhmh‘ of Manitoba. **â€" tub dairy How to Make Money. DURHAM â€" MARKETS. dry, per cord TORONTO MARKETS. Toroxto, April 6th, 1881 per bushel MARRIED Durnax April DEATHS BIRTHS. $1 07 to $1 10 1 13 to 1 20 10 t 0 62 to 7 50 to 0 25 to 7 00 to 4 00 to 6 00 to G 70 to 0 16 to 0 69 to il 7Tth, 1881. 2 10 to $2 T5 2 50 to 2 50 2 50 to 2 50 1 00 to 1 00 0 50 to 0 50 2 50 to 2 50 1 00 to 1 02 1 01 to 1 05 1 00 to 1 00 0 32 to C 34 to to to to 0 64 0 30 1 2% 5 GO 6 50 0 18 0 13 0 50 2 50 1 02 1 05 1 00 1 50 GOLD & Silver W ATCHES Key and Stem Winders. The latest in Hall, Parlor and Bracket CLOCK®. Some beantiful designs in Silver and Elecâ€" tro Plated Ware at W. F. DOLLS‘, Flesherton. A Call is respectfully solicited. HIGHEST Market PRICE Particular Attention paid To Bcelting, | Also on hand, and made to measure, all kinds (Sewed and Pegged), made by workâ€" men who took all the First Prizes,for boots, at the County Shows held in Durhaim, 1879 & 1880. AMERICAN JEWELRY, SsaADDLES, TRUNKS, WHIPS, VALISES, SHAWL STRAPS, &e.. SPANISH SOLE & Upper LEATHER, FRENCH & CANADIAN CALFSKIN. BOOTS, SHOES â€"ANDâ€" j 5 Shoemakers Supplies always KEPT IN STOCK. HIDES, SKINS & TALLOW FRESH EGG§ and GOOD FLOUR Colored & Bright Gold Sets, LOCKETS, SEALS, THOMAS SMITH, sSADDLER, | TANNER & SHCEMAKER. Lsather, Hides, Boots, SHOES, &c., Has now on hand several hundred pairs of A Raxe Citaxor.â€"Any one havinga good horse, spring wagon, single or double set of harness to exchange in whole, or part, for a new firstâ€"class Cabmet Organ or Piano, or a secoud hand Organ, should send their address at onee to J. J, W, Simpson, Owen Sound.â€" ti129. TANNER, CURRIER and Dealer AGEGN‘E for all kinds of Farming Implements. Carriages, Buggies, Waggons, etc., }=5" Agent for the Gore Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Galt. j THOS. JONES, Upper Town, Durham. W all â€"P apers Barlin Wools, Fancy Goods, Vases, Toilét Sets, Toys, &c., In great variety. V Also the Revised Version of the New Testament. April, 1st, 1881. Durham, April 6th, 1831, K. Sechool B0z T Factory Boots & Sheos, Cash for Hides. J. C. JOPr. Durham Carriage Works. R. McFARLANE, Proprietor. THE LATEST XOVELTIES IN RINXGS, New Advartisements. Durham, April 7th, 1881. taken in any quantity in oxchange Suitable for all at vory low prices, J. C. JOPP, Of the Best Material, Good Finish, and at Lowest Pricos. BRACELETS, Also Ladies‘ & Gents‘ BOOKS, STATIONERY, HARNESS, PAID FOR GO .TO, JONESS INCLUDING WINDOW BLINDS, IN Wheré you will get every thing you want in CHAINS, (¢ The Suabscriber is also &e. &c. S Now on hand, Depot, Tonders to state amount éf Cash payment and number of years required for balanee, ana rate 0 terms of Y’nymm.t. vis: 8,9, 10 and 11 on the East wide ef Albert Street,and 8.9, 10 and 11 on the West side of Elgin Street. Iam also authorized to receive tendors for the purchase of lots 58 and 59 in the 2nd Con., E.G.R., in the Township of Glenglg, cither together or I AM instructed to offer for sale the folâ€" lowing Lots in the Town of Durham on easy terms of paymen.t, viz: 8,9, 10 and 11 on the East LX Fifty neres of land, good soil, well improved, beantifully situated, »lose to station. Gooc¢ mill privilege and never failing stream on the lot. For particulars apply to o. . t M PROPERTY FOR SALE. l‘ OT 82, ‘in the 1tth Con., Bentinck. _4 For terms n.prly to Mr. Hu&h Rose, Durham, r D. Darroch, Collingwood P. 0. D. DARROCH. Dated at Durhaim this 6th Sept., A.D. 18860 ; C. B, JACKES, Fob.17, 1881, March 3rd, 1881 .4 South of the Durham lino. For terms apply to _ ___ __ March 3#d, 1831 : OTS 43 & 44, in the 8rd Con. Bentinck, DJOINIXG the Town of Durham, Town Lots for Sale. For Sale or to Rent, For Sale or to Rent. or Salse, JAMES HENDERSON, On the premiscs. ®R. HILL, OrF MacKAE, Durnam *h156 Lower Town, Durham emiol MElchigan. Just received another lot of New Spring Goods, Consisting Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes &c. ~ 1881. CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED h AT LOWEST MAREET RATES. New Goods, Goods, Goods! Five (5) SACKS of SEEDS. E>4"The Subscriber is also a Practical Paper Hanger, Carpenter, Conveyancer, Inâ€" surance Agent, ote. Remember the Stand, one door South of J. Woodland, jr., Lower Town, Durham. WALL PAPER, The Subccriber wishes to intimate to the inhabitants of Durham, and surrounding country, that he has just opened out an entirely School Books, Writing Paper, Envelopes, Fancy Goods, TCYS, &e., &c. He would also call special attention to his Large Stock of MEX‘S FELT HATS in all the newest Styles. A Choice Selection of G@ROCERIES always on hand. Our Embroideries, Frillings, Dress Frin Buttons, Coloured and Black Silks and Satins, are undoubtedly the best value in thf.:'rulc. Men‘s, Women‘s, Misses‘ and Children‘s Hosiery and Gloves. Kid Gloves all thades and sizes; Women‘s, Misses‘ amd Children‘s Corsots ; Infants Robes and Dresses. Dress Goods, Black Lustres. Coloured Lustres, Fancy Lustres, White Dress Muslins, Linen Handkerchict:, Black â€"4 Coloured Cashmeros, emflatvdnz.‘:l.ltll‘phw designs in Laces, Lace Scarfs, ichus. LACE CURTAINS, a choice variety and very cheap. Mantle Cloths; TWEEDS, Comsisting of Grey Cottons, White Cottoms, Shirtings, Denims, Ducks, Ticki&.rfm Sheetings and Pillow Cottuns, Canton xd..;:u Honey Comb Cloths, Cloths, Linen Towels and Towelling®, Tublil:f‘. ‘ble Cloths, Napkins, D‘Qylies Quilts, Toilet Mats and Covers, Table Oil Cloths, Quilt Prints, Good Luck Prints, MILLINERY, T BLD and G A BR D B IN ® 'M' ro mv c cmg‘;r.‘tluw.!‘mcki- now complete, and we are prepared to ols t show spevial values in New Stock of Stationery, Durham, March 24, 1881. Durham, April, 1681. Linen Towels and Towelling®, T.bl(i)T'. "Tabl Toilet Mats and Covers, ‘Table Oil Cloth Robe Prints, C:etonnes, NEW BOOKSTORE, f DURILAM. KF3"Auoy quantity of Butter and Eggs wanted and highest éash price paid. At GRANT"S. Of Elegant and Artistic Designs, and at extremely Low Prices. SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS! CLOVER and TIMCTHY FARMERS, ATTENTION ! Mantles; Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, NC i t * ; commugd Ie is 4 c ie . )‘ ) + tA ue /4 Rs w o ‘.'“;.':-Ir?, .,‘M_.:"L ,"‘J'*-‘“ufl mm3 L ttioe 1 o _ at S E BE D S, At Lowest Market Rates At FÂ¥HY T DRUGGIST & SEEDSMAN, Durham. (Per 8. S. Scotland.) G. C. McFARLANE‘S, H. PARKER, GEORGE IRWIN. E. & A. DAVIDSON. LOWER TOWXN, DULHAM, i ea s atxR D Phth s 40 1 oo I L TE d 1881. extra good valne. y158 140 JUST ARRIVED at Grocery and Provisicn Store Fresh Oat Meal Always on hand and exchanged for Oats. Fresh Groceries Always in Stock, and will be sold Cheap for Cash or Farm Produce. A the very liberal Patronage received sinee comâ€" neY DoR hn trer propared to arewute work at A Superior Quality, As usual COPYING and ENLARGING done in A 1 style. Jem, Keeper and Plain Gold Rings, Silver Thimbles, Spectacles &c. Lake Huron Herring, Salmon Trout, N thanki Customers for Ifiunl?yllil-;:flmmrp:ndqm” Promptly mitended to, g Pipe Firules silver and metal made to order. A. GORDON. FISH, FISH. Picture Fram Done in 35 different Styles. Thoroughbred Purham Bull FOR SALZ, AND GEXTS‘ GOLD ANXD SILVER WATCHRS THATCAXXOT BE BEAT FOR TIME PIECES ANDCHEAPNESS. JEWELLEERTY, GOLD PLATED, JET AXND GARXET LADIES SETS, LBLACELETS, CHARMS, LOCKETS, CUFF PINS, BABY PIXS OUFR BUTTONS,COLOR BUT. TOXS, STUDS, GQOLD PLATED Anl» BSILVER T Hmbfin three yeurs old,â€"is of a romn colons, First clhsos I J t.\'“gbuw.m .lmh; & on Juot No.66, 4 Adl w6 miles from Durhoms, WALTER XICHOL, A. GORDON‘S. Clocks from $2.00 upwards, BEST and CHEAFPEST LEVER SOLD IX DURHAM, New Goods, New Goods, \'l'v en is 2422000000 cns es it Se ty ‘ottage, balonging Waltet Hoastie, o@ }g‘-:. SBurook wa.ud:uu ths rives, knuwit _ _ 1 Riverside Cottage. e remndy n eammape Troon, 012: &e., in bearing. _ Presession given on the 16th of May mext, Apply to k HAXNOVER, Oxt. T§=fly all who -.,"-.:." prop to Hanover ~Carriage < Works, PHOTOGRAPHY. Durham Nov.25 1880, Dundalk, Dec.2nd, 1880, I" 16 Whougghon‘uu Wn‘z.lmd“ And wai patintly for P83, And-hnllrcpdth‘uncu;d‘n!' Who knows so well to work a file, Or make a tire stay up a while, And always mouls you wisy :-.*l C e( JubhnNorval, enda hoe, peenver= ves .’oh # Who ran to help you when you fell, And where the rig was broke would tol, Otluuuplonmfltufl,"L_" % Wh fans the Glenelg. March 10, 1881. Who works for farmers night and doy And gives them every chance to pay, Performs his work the noatest o ig\ they vould matiny ship mat d co er nor S at nemily Tnild daitine? oi tw s John Norval. Pmm.l-nh“.m. ylite John Norval on the Gore. t;-"o-z::â€" s, &c., in Tull boaring. Pressssio ven on the 16th of May mest, Apply to €, L. GBANT. Durham, March 31, 16881. tds TORONTO BURNETS Waggons, Carrigges, Buggies, | gll other articles in his line of business on W . X. OLARKE, Architect and Builder, Farming Implements. ""'"‘.{.":m.fi' Hotol, Miti R. McNALLY thoroughbred Durbam Bull, "Frauk," rising e veurs old,â€"is of a romn colons, First elmes her articles in his line of business on the hnotice and made of the best inaterial. He is also Agent for Hsuse he fire to m the fron at A Large Lot of T. DONAGHY, Kelsey‘s old Stand, M-i*" Johun Sorval

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