West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 Apr 1881, p. 4

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Par‘} | O , z> J ~] wehbn <, ) . »## A Sad Tale of Life in Mont 41 04 1 t c aitiihecpamniinttis e izetitt e e churoh, Montreal, related the following inâ€" gident in his sermon on Sunday last:â€"A woman had come to his house 086 morn« ing with a Testament in her hands, to give her words more emphasis, and had told how her childrea were at home without food and shivering with eold. A strong vdor of liquor on the woman‘s breath led hilnloopukoltln-'nnhn'ty of her habits, and she proaptly commended him for doing his duty in speaking to her and C Mn Gedatpciatihcs patronizingly, as one giviag a benediction, | remarked that it was impossible to sAy | how much good might result from a word spoken in season. What was to be done ? He could not send her away to retaurn to her starving children without auy food. So he sat down and wrote an order on his grocer for tem, bread, and some other gr0â€" cories, but not one of those articles ever resched the children. ‘Why? Because there was a man contemptibly mean enough to drive a hard bargain with her and take the groceries in exchange for a bottle of whiskey ; and in the afternoon, when 8 gentloman visited the wretched house in 5t. Honry street, he found the children stil erying for bread, while the miserable, deâ€" gaded mother lsy drunk like a log on the w e e e ie e TE I of whom the generality of mothers would | : feel proud. He had no less than a hundred | . heads, and what with his foarful eyes, and || teâ€"rible voiee, there was no doing with |: him. e rebelled against the Gods, and | was at length killed by Jupiter with a flash of lightning, and buried in Tartarus, undor Mount Etuosa. So much for the ancient Anaria. The modern Ischia has about twentyâ€"fve or thirty thousand inhabitants, and is a favorite summer regort, being noted or the excellence of its mineral waters. The soil is extremely rich, the davor of its fraits and wines more than ordinarly deâ€" licious, while the seonery in many parts is unsurpassed in loveliness. It is about twontyâ€"four square miles in extent, and is subject to disastrous earthquakes, One which happened in 1302 lasted for two months‘ and caused great distruction both to life and property® A great deal has been said and written | eoncerning the rights of farmers‘ boys, but | ; nothing about the girls. It is a common | thing for farmers to pY their sous fair wages for their work; yet the daughters do not receive a dollar from month to month. ‘Why should this difference exist between the farmer‘s girl and the boy 2 The forâ€" mer is quite as much entitled to a roward as the latter. In truth the farmer‘s girl is frequently the more valuable of the two. She is expected in many cases to rise very early, get breakfast, clean up the house, and prepare the other vacals required through the day, or if not, to at least largeâ€" 1y sid in all these household duties. In c Aaitian. she is looked upon by father, addition, she is looked upon by father, mother, and brother to entertain company â€"to act the hostess, atleast, as & ereditable second to the mother, and while she may be the flower of the family, and regarded ms a sort of privileged character, yet much is oxpected from her in ton thousand smallâ€" er features of home life. Why then,should she not be encounraged with at least as much pay as the boy? In addition to that the farm house should be made as attractive as possibleâ€"with a piano, plenty of books, newspapers, and pictures ; qultivate a Aaste to se stela far flowers. ete. These features, in the girls for fowers, ete. ‘These featurcs, with a moderate amount of work, should produce a happy and contented bome farm L @even 4 t C 0 d + l"l"n a man who hss failed in :‘.il “' ubohonsmvho promis< & t O â€"S2"""" nits to pay on dernand. as a thief. A® PUD®" ""° > 5 iâ€"n'nmd ea to pay, and who frils to PeY M ' h a + ." Is “E_._*‘L“â€"â€"â€"" f B ABRa en C ooo stt t Amxd-wm“""‘" ANOC**"""/._ . hotelin that city on A Word For the Girls. y ACem n t 2 0 00 of Caithuees died in a hotel in * 2 32 afiha he Monday of parslysis of the heart. t 4@ pe Uncle Nick. a benediction, Before marriago the young girl will genâ€" erally know or have some idea when the young gentlman wilkgome to see her; she takes great care to look neat and pleasing u6 F 1 l _kdre ay. waiting to receive him in & tasteruily ®5" ranged room. And what of the youth ? No matterhow much "out of sorts" (as he is apt to term it) he may feel, he will dress in his best, look his very best, and start for the | home of his ladylove. They meet with a clasp of bands and a plesant smile, have an agreeable eyening‘s visit, then part with a kind goodâ€"night. I do not say this is wrong if there is true love in it, but bhow different from the home in after years. We too often miss the sweet face and pleasing | appearance of the young girl in the wife. | And the youth whose only aim was to | please his ladylove, now seems to bave , | forgotten all the little courtesies and geutle | attertions that are needed just as much in â€"| the husband as in the lover, to make home ue ic aees i uk 71 LN cnpedh oonthrondbaniatiats 1 happy. He finds may other thiags to look after, and often utters harsh and thoughtless words. You may §e0 the wife f only a few months in & slovenly dress hair uncombed, the house in disorder, and nearly time for her husband to come home, It is no wonder he is not happy, and may try to give a little advice sometimes, 1 make no excuse for her. She may have plenty to do and more than she can accomâ€" OSios is y .. . MB Mrsuce Innk PS e en e o4 plish ; still she can, if she will, always look ueat, and moot her husband with a smile. Then, on the other hand, the wife may try to keep the sweet girlish ways of other | days about her, but the husband will think to himself,, ‘Now we are married, Mary must not expect me to be the same As beâ€" fore. I have no time for love and loving ways, now there is so much resting on me as the hoad of the house." _ He takes no notice of the neatly kept rooms, and the nice dinner just to his taste, and the loving wife who always meets him at the door with a smile of welcome home. He walks in with a frown on his face, saying, "I wish you would hurry, I have not time to stop for anything toâ€"day," throws his bat in one corner, his coat in another, serapes his | maddy boots on the newly polished hearth, | erumbles over his dinner, then sits and | amokes for perhaps an hour or more (yet ) | he is in a great hurry all the while), and ) | can‘t see how he can possibly stop, to bring : | in an armful of wood ora pail of water to ; | help the patient wife. 1 se e o ce Th nA yp m ECE e s Te And so the days go by, with nover & kind ‘ word or a loving embrace, and the wife is uo longer young, her {ace wears a sad exâ€" pression, for losing the love of her husband she has lost all, so dearly did she love him and so perfectly did she trust him. _ Al too many are the homes of this kind ! And why ? Where is the nead ? I would like if some one would tell me. JTust Try It.â€"A wellâ€"known field officer was going his rounds, but unfortunately he bad forgotten the countersign. Upon apâ€" proaching a sentry over & magazine the field officer. was duly challonged, "Who goos there ?" the sentry at the same time bringing his vifle to the charge. The field afficer halted, but gave no answer. Again "Who comes there ?" rang ont in the stillâ€" ness of the night. A muffled kind of reply was given. . "The what 9" called out the sentry. The field officer, "Hang it, man, don‘t you know I‘m your own colonel ?" "Begorra, sir," replied the sentry, "I knew it all aloung, but my orders are not to allow any one to pass without the word!" and, | advancing a step netwer to the field officer : | he called out in a stage whisper ; "Thry ‘ | PantBer,‘ yer honor." "Panther " roared ) | the colonel. "Puss, panther,and all‘s well," sang out Pat. A little boy came to his mother recently and said :â€"* Mamma, 1 should think that, it I was made of dust, I would get muddy inside when I drink." "I rise for information," said & mmbox1 of a legislative body. . "I am very glad to h»ar it," said a bystander ; "no one needs ‘ it more." Yellow Oil is par excellence the temedL for Pain, Lameness, Rheumatism, Croup, Demtâ€" ness, Burns, Frost Bites, Stilf Joints, and all flesh wounds. â€" Any medicine dealer can furâ€" wish it.â€"â€"b160. R Grey Review Subscribe at Once, Yourselves by nmaking money when a golden chance is offered, thmbs alâ€" ways Mhfi poverty from your door, ‘Those who always take advantage of the good chances for making money that areofferâ€" ud cicads ~ug qrneenapizmane o Sapi <0 10 4 Anae ty ed, flpmly become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain ‘n poverty. We want many men, women, boys and Er,la to work for us right in their own localities, The business w1ll pay more than ten times ordinary wages. We mfi au expensive outfit and all that you need, free. No o mommu:n&hm nrym‘ . You can te vyour whole time to the or oux‘you spare moments. Fall inâ€" formation and all that is na~ded sent free, _ _ Per Address Ss:xson & Co. Fortland Ma no Having bought for CASH a CAR LOAD of TEAS and Genoral GROCERIES at Great Trade Sale of Messrs. Tees, Costigan & Wilson. ) 2 ies L1 Ja e c acrate Innite L will put up the above in NEAT CADDIES containing 8, 5, or 10 jbs to su‘:t purCha I have determined to make TEA a speciality as one Trial will Show. _â€"â€"»â€" ALSO â€"â€" â€"â€" Good Dark Tobaco at 3bcts per e NB NB NMs â€" olleall ReNCAWe eoai eC O CCC C Superior Solace Tobaco at 45¢., and full weight given. Boneless Codfish The Leading Hardware House Having purchased the Stock from 6. J. HALL, cordia,llyAinvites In nont Boxes contaiaing 85 lbs each for §2, or 6 cents per Ib. Rice of the very bost quality 20 pounds for $1. THE BEST ENGLISH MUSTARD in pound jars at 30 conts each. Cross Cut Saws, Butcher en e EmE ECC CCC 1 ans prepared to give a better quality and better valae than has ever been Offered in this Town. Farmers and others Building will find it to their advantage to buy from me. Don‘t forget the Stand, next door to Parker‘s Drug Store, Upper Town, \ D U RELAM. T. J. ADIE. Javan Tea at 30, 35, 40, 50 and 70 cents per lb. « O © Pustat 25,30, " 35 " hy w Young Hyson " 40, 50, ©<%bo0oâ€" * ~"*~." Black Tea * 45,50, 60," 85 7x o Durham, Feb. 23rd, 1881. HAR DW ARE. Shelf and Heavy HARDWARE Is the Largest, Best Assorted, Bar Iron and General Blacksmith‘s Supplies, Always on Hand. CUT NAILS, Very Cheap. ns ecmmn ann m canane Sm 4 Paints, Oils, Varnishes, omm n n ue seee ns m NO h U NPAE Cubqs Li o0 00. cu0t sys m ie «@ All to visit his establishment Bro Purham, January 13th, 1891. JAPANS, , Jan. 3th, 1881. And every article in the Grocery line. Cheap! Cheap! Chanp ! 1 H. HUNTER‘S a ® a And Marked at the Cheapest Prices. A Full Stock of . J. ADIE, 8, H;.fi‘dâ€" Saws, Buck Saws, r Saws and Saw Blades. Pocket and Table Cutlery, . Ccurants, Raisins. GLASS & PUTTY, Very Cheap. Now is the Time to Buy. MOW ATS an inspect his Stock which is now complete sTOCK OF J. F. MOWAT, Lower Town, DURHAM. ‘or 10 lbs to su‘t purchasers use e qu Prmco m on t t j e oo en t(.149 1b. Frillings from 5 cents per yard up. Pinte mslss s 00 0 Wall Paper and Window Blinds. Always noted for Goodâ€"Flavored TEAS from 35 cents up J. CAMERON. Who are anxious to have their Dwellin; by Fire, can do so at a low rate, Pn A ‘The subsacriber wishes to inform the inhatitants 0 that he is now pre The_Dfirham Woollen Factory Carding, Spinning, Cloth Dressing ond Dy_ing, i Done on the shortest notice an« VcP c k4 ORGANS T‘ARMER®S The Largest Factory Durham, August 17, Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the World. We are now manufacturing Squars and Upright PIANOS. Best in the Market. Correspondence Solicited. Dominion Organ & Piano Company, cUSTOM WEAVING! rorpuer n se Â¥ob. 12th, 1880; MEDAL AND DIPLOMA, CENTENNIAL, .. .. .« 1876. do do SYDNXEY, AUSTRALIA, ... 1877. GOLD MEDAL at PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION TORONTO, 1878. HIGHEST Award at INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, Toronto, 1879, at notice and in the best style. â€" Flaunds,‘ ing Yarn to exchange for W ool or sell for EPCE s 6 wz mm se e DOMILNION Mailed Free. ;-linh_al,itants of D\\r‘lwu\:\nd tde surrounding Townships, he is now prepared to do ning, Weaving, Fulling, ying, in the latest styles, and at the lowest rates. Apply to :I OHN CAMERON, 8 & Pu e Ccaphe * OPm Houses, Barns in a reliable Cot and Most Complete in the Dominion, 140 x 100 â€"~~â€" A TN 1 AND PIANOS. Ageut: Western Insurance Send for Mustrated Catalogueâ€" tts, &C. GENTS‘ REGATTA SHIRTS JOHN CAMPBELL. RBRowmanvill, Ont. is and Contents Insured against loss ompany who pay losses promptly. Tweeds, Full Cloth, aud Stock c Cash Cheap. CTIHERS Co., Durham. It is a groat and often fatal mistake to take repented drastic purgatives .lor constipation of the bowels, th'(y. induce pile and cause de. bility of the bowels. Burdock Blood Bitters 1s a safe and perfect regalator of the" bowels, aronsing the torprd Liver and all the seore. tions to a healby action acting on the Kidueys, and renovating aud toung the system in the most perfect manner, â€"b160. An lllinois mob whipped a man almost to death to muke lam confess a theft, J, protested his innocencé as long as he was able to bear the torture, and thed declared himself guilty of any charge they mmight \ make. They commanded hitt to tell whae the things were Iridden he deseribed a plage, but the committeo which went 1o seugh found nothing there, for the good rensoy that the entire confession wus fulse. Thep the poor fellow was whipped anew for jy, ing. Po not let prejulice stand in the way of reliof if you suffer from any lingernn; disease, Burdock Blood â€" Bitters Cure others, why shou}d it not benitit you* . [tis a specific for all forms of Blood, Liver, and Kiduey Comâ€" plaints, Neryous Headaches, Goneral Debility , l&;rofnln and all diserses of the Seorstory avatem. â€" Trial Bottles 10 Conts,â€"1160, system. Durhamâ€"Third Tuesday in each month, Pricevilloâ€"Monday before Durham, Hanoverâ€"Monday before Durham. Mount Fovestâ€"Third Wednesday in «ack month. Gm\yh-â€"â€"l’imt Wedvesday in ench month, Harristonâ€"Â¥riday before the Gueiph Faip Duytonâ€"â€"salu'du_\' hefore Guelph,. Eloraâ€"The day before Gaeiph. Donuglasâ€"Monday before Elora Fair. Hamiltonâ€"COyrstal Palace Grounds, the day after Guelph, Bevlinâ€"First Thursday in each month Bl‘lmp‘flnfi-l"il‘“ Thursday in each month Listowelâ€"First Friday in each month, Fergusâ€"'l‘hmmla)' following Mowunt Forest. lhup0||tâ€"l’ ifteenth of February, April U i mnmibnap t c weus l t We ce ue ePCEmUECCC Ew June, Augus$, October and December, Primroseâ€"Wednesday preceding . the Orangeville Fair. QOrangevilleâ€"The 2nd Thureday in each month. Fleshertonâ€"Monday before Orangevilie. Dundalkâ€"Tuesday before Orangexille. b‘hclbumeâ€"\\"ednefiduy before Orangerile, Marsvilleâ€" Second Woednesdey in sack month. ‘ Walkerton~The last Wodnerday in such â€"â€" month. Mildmay â€"â€" month. MONTHLY CATTLE FAlRS, Depart, 7:30 a. m. Arrive, 10:30 m. m Bouth On and after MONBAY. trains will un as followsiâ€"â€" North Wost. hi-l‘-un S%5 w. i. 4230 C007 Arrive 11300 a. m., 445 p.M. owsx sorNP. Popart ©30 a. m., 1200 noon Arrive 400 p.m., 10:10 p.is. enimags w An ies Depart 6:00 a. m., 1145 a. m.* Arrive â€" 1040 u. m., 430 p. m. *The Mixed train will M!:Lfll on Tuesday, Thy days and Saturdays. PLESHKERTON south, Depart 855 a. m., 2:45 p.m. Arrive 155 p. ®. 70 p. m Fortime atintormediate stationssen Time Tab \ EDNUND WhAGGEB Genere! Msong WEEKLY | SPECTATOR CHANGE OF One of the Largest and lies in Canada Torante November 1670 BALANCE OF 1880 FREE. Agents receive %5 Conts for evers YÂ¥ enrly Anubscriber. Auy party sending «s three Sabscribers will receive a _ ceopy, post puid, afthe Enrmer‘s Account Book, worth one doliar, in pince of the nswual coamminson. Seud post card for n Som le Copy of ont Woeekly, which is sent t‘:-o-c ':hr enly unr-r in Canada that publishes a Draught Colmmn,. Addressâ€"~ SPECTATOR PRINTING COMPA®T EVY W t now. O8F d14d anextended corps of able observers and pointed ®"€ PRICE, 81.50 A YEAR; POBTAGE PAID. M Send P'ouul Card for Specimen Copies, F®*Câ€" Ageonts Wanted » very P affice, to whom handsome :m :l.n(l:";od- | risk. Those who need ready money, h99‘ "* _ to us at ouce, All tree. [ 140 Address Tauz & Co., Aguste, Main® Un Pressâ€"To be Published in LOVELL‘S Gazeteer of British AMERICA : TS O 10 0 ocdcabatonsind C(K\;T:cl‘;\n:'i(} the latest and most *! hen escriptions of over 7,500Cities, To®P® ;'l::_: illages in t:e l‘n;’vinru of Ontario, Qm*"s‘. fleofll‘ , â€" Now runswick, Newfou® an gfimhdvml Tsland, Munitobr, British Colum$ in, and the North West Territories, and othet general information, drawn frotm officia} sourcer! ?n-o the names locality, extent, eto., of 0Y8! 1 98 fl)‘:m and Rivers; a TABLE or RODTES, whowinf proximity of the Kailroad Stations, and Be8, Lake and River Ports, to the Citics Towns, VAE s , %0 ©40 CIUOS, on uite will be Lake and River Ports, to €i¢ CINCS 2 o j ul ayi]) b€ es, etc., in the several Provinces. (this Table will be found invaluable); aud a nest Colorc 4 Map of the Dominion of Canedan. EAited by ®. A. Cho#EX, 26 sisted by »:c(tm. of Writers. Subscribert narne® resy y soliclted, Agents wanted. Pricc§3~â€"â€"Payable on Deliver > JOHN LOYVELL & SON, Publishert. Montreal, August,1880. & Outt for c nose nost tions aro so tions aroe so simple and pild, MTDTICY x ml;g.a nflu from The very start. NO O0° snh who is willing to work. Women are as 820 cossfull as men. Boys and girls C&B ‘mhe sums. Many have made at the business over o it hanaved doliats in a mingle woek, Nothing x9 I uk wingle Wwees. 7*""" Coepyised Dopart 735 a. m Arrive 1110 a. m. Depart, 11:30 a. m Arrive, 1315 8. in )â€"Monday before Orangeville, Tuesday before Orangexille, â€"â€"Wednesday before Orangeviie, â€"Svcond Woednesday in sautk ©ORONTO (UNIO® STaTIO®X _ A LARGE ©IGHTâ€"PAGE PAPERB «â€"ONLYâ€"â€" ND Pm P PE CC :t:‘:!:h money. '}"X:Gen:;m dn c‘l‘x‘u ‘You our spare 6 Aot have to invest capital in F2 W euke al the not have 10 10V08" PW "ay money, sbould write FREE PRESS PRINTINC CO., LONDON, ONT. _ ILouse, Last Wednesday of eath Outht furnighed free, with L410 "" pug;. for conducting the most profita bi¢ DXE noss that anyone can engage in. Tht DuS" mess is so easy to learn, and OU" instrt n en sivanta and miain. that any O5° “n: ($1) All who ensmze are ®"0°°, lity with which they are #D B OX Cc bonith AXxD BRUCE 35 YEARS 5th May, 1879 en on ion# free, with full instr® :::ll Best Week Jan., 1881 North Aribe Oee, Garafraxa Pre{fessional and business cards space and under, pQr year, Twoiuches or 24 lines Nonpart Turee inches do. per yeat c > Q@arter column, per yearâ€" Mali column, ** ks Qae colum», ** kx Deo, aix monuth® ... . Do, three months . . . . Casual advertisements char Linetor the first insertion, and tor eatk subsequent inserth messure . ' & a f 44. #a.§1, 25if not paid Durham, â€" â€" "THE RE VIE W Ordinary ® Jeaths, and a ree of charge STRAY AX weeks for $1, seed 8 lines. A dvertisements, excopt w by written instractions to meerted until forbrdden, an alarrates, TERMS:; â€"§1.00 per year BUSINESS DIRECTORY \LEGAL %» YÂ¥ wm. 0 MODD Restinck , after noon l Lathorford‘s atended t DR. L1GuUTBOI “r“‘L be at his Ofice, n g.m_._hz fiAon_n :l h,“‘,“" 't' Moeney ts Loa®â€" (‘ KADU A K jege, Tor Lower vyery Thursday. YETERINARY W1ll be at Hasting‘s Ho day and Priday from 1 Jume 24th , 1880 _‘; _ MISCELLANEOUS. ALEXANDER BROWN PROEVIL IRSUEH of Marriage Life Insarance Agent,Cs Comnyeyawcors mand . #+ RATES OF ADVEK #@B7F somnens . Ne te with punst South End Bakery, Durham 112M OYV A § .. E.D. MACM1LLA TTrORXEY â€" AT â€"LAW . . epposite Parker‘s Dr9® #Wtore * RADCATE TTORNEY at Law, Boleitor EUA otastomer tin 18. 3¢.., 06 pandalis March 20t) Ao \noâ€"-h"-' and Bouth of Mr. James 1 eeustantly keop 0N b N __4 C uuen WEmmAUUY C" ate. Ten and Surprise Parlo? 2M @horbeat netioo and at very low p" mage to ordor. a would also take t mity of thanking the inhatritants of 1 sarrounding eountry, for the patro® on him during the past £wo wnd a h: we wenelmill aapp) y bread daily atan Town Durham, May 18, 1880. Lumber, Lumber, Shingles, Shingles, Lath & Lime, AECECY six mouth® ... . three months . . . al advertisements cha r the first insertron, an s subsequent insert Pricevilie 1600 Bush. F resh Darkam P. Oâ€", Residence at the 01 THE «ubscrib and Make Up. the LatostStyle r" # Is Agontfor Wil«on e Gewing Mashine Manufacturers, Ha he is prepared to xell chomp for on« Those nachinos asure peliavole and is it ) .2 ame Arawing Fo0h FTown, Derham Latest Fasklons Wegabmr!y Glazing, Graining, Mmemiigy C P promptly aitended to. Fresco and _ Banner Painti EBpeciality. Charges Modorate.â€"Ordors | left at d will receive lw.m\pt «ttontior Durham, March 3rd, 1881. motices of 1 all kindt « * THE ROCKVILLE MILI NC CS anmermk â€" Tot Look out for cold weather. Commissioner How are you of for Socks ! ANJMAL®, 4 Q YERY important question for everyâ€" one to consider as there is nothing more in jurious for henith than ecld feet, however such ean very onaily be remedied and evervbody made to fael comtortable by colling on Mkiticme Aetime lne iuny., who bas all the appliances for a largo Alexander Robertson, PALMER PEA is atyles, on the shortest notice mand &, 0/ defies competition . Give him a call and support native Knitting Stockings & Socks In ’“ «ies on the mont flmprorni ROR T U i natice and 3+ P0 R8LI8®M®1 Oc6.460h , 1860 MEDICAL the advertis Ornamental Painter, DURHAM. u8 . d A 4 m Merchants, and / etuality and C moderate «abscriber nt MER, Baker, ba® ew and Commodiout James Browin‘s Stome lap on hand a supply r the 1 DUNDALA TAILOR, nantity w . G. | wWM. JOHNSTON, Jr., within tw f Ontar for any drawing 4 as hereto! J xX C»®% . resh 1amo. O., May 25th, 188 of} K. Frost. DOW NES, Street, Upj J, TOW® tel . 8 Old PostOfMice, 1 PURHAM. birt 1879 ,on theshortest no en and Boy‘s Cloth fAtguarrantood . R HAccused of JOISTS Aor Partic® * TI8l is Proptrc SURGEON Bontin@s w,. CRAwrPORI Ssign. and Wileon & ( 100 and Papor Hang Ont Lower Towu, Dar â€"an â€"ma~ zm A . 3t §8 11 & w etbeamenr ved mothods, latost and a; charges that Hecobve« R indastry M xâ€"156

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