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Grey Review, 26 May 1881, p. 3

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OP 2 t theore ipped when eded the t up ock®, gan. r the back k« Foukt h the it ane wiled d _ omm + amdl w n ter d the innadk were + ..‘ ko uinâ€" rush boak lume man y by the ble t water n who rt remt r that s who rall in â€" were rtion lany »wod pe 16 when tor tw e the m.lo mio clty lmid side o aad d by coumâ€" have bud by ding the her the and the All doal® the On the 11th inst., about daybreak, says the â€" Renfrow . Mereury, Bridget Seully, a young womam about twentyâ€"five years of age, danghter of Mr. John Seully, of the township of Brougham, made a desperate attempt to murder herfather while he slept in bed. She had risen some time before and lighted the fire, soas to heat a quantity of water, which she dashed over him withâ€" out warning. â€" Fortunately his eyes were closed, or he probably would huve been blinded, as the hot water sealded his free him in tear hi When doctors di-g:n who shall decide ? The people often decide by "throwing physic to the dogs," and trying Burdock Blood Bitters, and t} eresult is always sat«factory. Burdock Blood Bitters is the Multum in Parvo of medical science, curing all diseases of the Blood. Liver and Kidneys. _A trial bottle only corts 10 cents. _A dollar bottle may save you many dollars in doctor‘s bills. bl68 | the f brok A Surmia Model School boy was threatenâ€" ad with a thrashing for fighting and locked up in a room until his teacher could get time to udminister the promised eastigation. The lud did not relish the prospect, and make his esenpe ‘:;m the room b‘{ jumping ont of the window to the yard below, a distance of thirty feet. He has not been seen since either at home or at school. The North Shore Miner of the 10th inâ€" stant announces that Mr. James K. Walker has discovered a valimble iron deposit withâ€" in ten miles of Prince Arthur‘s Landing. The extent of this bed of iron is said to be very large, extending for nearly a mile along a high bluff. The quality of the ore has not been tested by assay, but it has the appearance of being a very rich magnetic. purchase the rolling stock, valued at $100, Q00 more. 7 Butmncasi>â€"In Durham , on the 2ith inst. Sutherland, in the 318t, year of his ue Woopiax»â€"In Durham at the residence fnther, on the 2rd inst., Eliza Leggate land, agod 22 yours. A Midland Railway brakeman named Goodfellow came very near being decapitatâ€" ed at Peterborough the other day by a teleâ€" phone wire which had been strung too low over the track. Manitowaning (Algoma) bad its first conâ€" fapration on the 23rd ult,, when Alex. Frinkman‘s harness shop, Bradley‘s blackâ€" wnith shop. Bassingthwaighte‘s enbmnet factorv, and Kribs‘ dwelling were destroyâ€" «d. The origip.of the fire is a mystery. The reported agreement. for the sale of the Grand Junetion Railway to the Grand Trank is confirmed. The gom!s are valuâ€" ed t $860,000, and will be taken up at92} by the Grand Trunk, which will, of course, John Brown, of Charing Cross, had one leg badly erushed and the other broken in three places by a tree falling upon him whils out chopping in the woods. Several exchanges complain that contrary to law, many farmers allow blackâ€"knot to erist in their orchards. . ‘The disease is conâ€" tmyious, and is apparently rapidly spreadâ€" Hoa m ns F1 A man named MeWhirter was instantly killed by a falling tree near Hillsdale recentâ€" ly. He was a resulent of the township of Chinguacousy. ealves. â€" Ouly one survived. A large number of sheep are dying in the neighbourhood of Palsgruve of some disâ€" eause which so far has baffied all efforts to gontrol it. Mr. G Stephen stqaed the Preside f use Fank ot Mog rignt ney of the Bunk of .{lo':- A boot and shoe manufactory in Walkerâ€" ton wants a bonus of $3,000 and exemption from taxation for five years. A cow belonging to Jonas Sedore, of Flinton, a few days ago gave birth to four if But she is goneâ€" No more her voice shall join with our‘s in praise No more her merry laugh shall groot our oars ! Â¥Vet she is goneâ€" The dariing of my lifeâ€"her fath sr‘s joy ; The sunshine of our homeâ€"our morning star Still she is gone.â€" A wreath of love she wove around my head, And night and day | watched her suffering bed; Indou."mo Another loss to us : to her a gain, Another vacant placeâ€"another gone, Lisnie is gone, And deep within my heart the saâ€"tnoss rest, For those w}o know her longMid love her best Tis true she‘s goneâ€" We miss her sprightly step, hor winning smile; One sister less to loyeâ€"so meek, so mild, an she be gene ? Companion of our childbood and our vouth, Bo pure, ao gentle, and so full of truth ; Sweet Lizsie‘® gone! But brothers don‘t forget, "It wout be long." Ryle c daught Mro Archibald Flisaboth Mi MacBRas of G] 1 knew her long! Ob, classmates, bro thers, friends, "It wont be long." Wor body‘s in the cold, cold grave, She has crossed the Jordan‘s foaming ware She stands upon the glitcering strand, A golden harp is in her hand ; And while she treads the shining shore, W m Cheer up my heart, For swoether last refrain â€" tat "It wout be long." BHontimek And now she‘s gome ! Btil, Auct, you know she said, "It wout be long. A mother‘s welcome kiss is given ; A Suvior‘s welcome home to heaven. '!'hm.h parted from the friends below , on â€" Mitisâ€"Same placeand dn{.hy the same Mr James T. Plood, Brant, to Miss Mary F Mullis, Exremont. Â¥ot why repine ? Why moury L for the dead * "It wont be long. ut you forget ; * Hear those sweet words againâ€" "Ob pa! M wout be long.* Yes sisters; yeut 0 0 But c‘re she died sho sald, ~ "It won‘t be Tong." A rtem For angeis loud the stzmin projorig. "It wout be long," "It wout be long." CANADIAN ITEMS. aut â€" CnLrOrT . by the Rev. khurt to Miss the sk tantly shirt viin â€" At the Manse, Priceville, by the Rev . Leod, B. A., on the 2ith inst., Mr. Win. G. of Vaughan, to Miss Margaret Muir. itor of the into Wis, Muir of Artemesin. eny â€" MacRazâ€"At the residence of the » brother, Mr. John MucKwe, Priceville, o Wird inst., by the Kev. D. MeLeod, B. A., rchibald MacEachorn, Wiarton, to Miss beth MacKae, duughter of the late Donald wo of Glenelg. omwy â€"At Durham, May 24th, by the Rev; Park, Mr. John Cuff to Miss Mury E. both of Bentinek. Cur® â€" Same place and duy,hy the same, hn C. Hopkins to Miss Ellen Cuff both of hed out of the ho + )ns brother‘s plac ly pursned by She was secured yz amy furthur mi ing Monday was l 1 for safeâ€"keeping LA1ZZIE 18 DE AD. kin peeled off. The pair v, and he at onee beg t off; but before he could l one arm down to the ne wrinn dow bly: sealded with an axe n.. the bwe MARRIED DAETHS { th (On the 18th inst J. 8. Eakin, B. A., Elizabeth llliot ut on his clothes, Mr she sung before. ce the â€" demented and prevented schief, and on odgzed in Pemâ€" Ja have been lded his free The pain woke infli AD Mr. Win t. both 0: on o §0, elhow : then head ___| Full Wheat, per bush Jumes | gpring Wheat +* of her LN Dosnax May 26th, 1881. | Flour, per 100 lbs............$2 75 to §$2 75 | Flour No. %,"* * 2 50 to 2 50 Corn Meal * ** ......... 2 50 to 2 50 'Shurts, w# . %* 0 60 to 0 80 | Bran, w60 s 0 50 to 0 50 |Chapped Hands, Cracked Lips, Tan | Fre cglee and Sunburn. Price 25 | Jents. Sold by all Druggists.â€"f163. | _ Ladies, ifyou wish to keep your | hands soft and white, and your comâ€" | alexiou clear and tr&nslparernt. use | Guibourt‘s Parisian Balm. It cures Pens, *# 70 to Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs 8 00 to Butter, rolls, per lb......... * 19 to **â€" BR URMEY yercarr enc cevine 15 to ESCSAIONUOEesecsrrccerecercrs 11 to Potatoes, per bus............ 85 to | Turnips, per DUusli......... ..« 25 to FEFMY QOK BOL.sxccccccc«x«secs« I0 O + A case has come under our notice where | the inhuman father of a most promising child | anffering from a violent attack of Croup, which | threatened every moment to terminate fatâ€" | ally, actually refused to spend 25 cents upon a bottle of Wilson‘s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, although assured by a neignbor that | she knew it would give the little sufferer imâ€" | mediate relief and effect a speedy cure. _ __ Onts, Barley Pons, Bran, CC "~â€"AÂ¥ Oatmeal _ * * Fall Wheat, per bush..... Spring Wheat, K. Chaff te (ilasgow. MOUNXT FOREST MARKETS, Confederate Office, May 18th., 1881. Flour per barrel...............$5 00 to§5 50 Outmenl per barrel............ 4 50 to 4 50 Fall WROUE:«scscsersceccsscecsice CA t L. OW Treadwell Wheat............... 1 00 to 1 02 Spring Wheant.................... 0 90"to 1 08 BAPICY «cxecccesccrrccescesecerccec« @0# to O 75 CH4EG c eocencenerccererceccccvecerers Yeekknith Olf PORS »sscascersceccrrsecsessssnssecss EU EO G% Potatoes per bag............... 0 80 to 0 40 BUENEszccccsc«creseserrcercer ces« W Ki ko 16 EGQH. .. «se eex cereve e seren ce ces cx es W it ty 0 BC Wool per Ib....... ............ # 1&to 0 24 BROCKY SEIMG.â€"«..«.«.«sssss«««ss.cokiUikto 1 25 _ Do not drug the system w i h nauseous parâ€" | gatives that only debilitate. â€" Burdock Brc:':d \ Bitters is nature‘s own Cathartic, it acts at unce npon the Bowels, the Skin, the Liver, | and the Kidneys, arousing all the secretions | to a healthy action. It purifice the Blood and cures all Humors, even the worst of Scrofula, and tones up the Nervous and Deâ€" bilitated. â€"b168. ® Apples, per bag Sheep skins... Lamb Skins... Hides per ewt BRHKY ssÂ¥rsexseuses Beef; § t€ vere ies Hides, _ * Sheepskins, each ‘...... Butter, per !b ........... Eggs, per doz........ . Wood, dry, per cord INFORMATION WANTED H W Friday the 27th inst.. at 2 \ LBERT BOWLER, who is of unsound 1A mind, loft his home on Lot 220, on the Toâ€" ronto & Sydenham Road, Proton, on Saturday night the 7th inst. Age 24, has dark hair and Hall‘s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer is a scientific combination of some of the n.ost r.woxrful restorative agents in the vegetable ingdom. _ It restores grey hair to its original color, It makes the scalp white and clean. It cures dandruff and humors, and falling out of the hair, It furnishes the nutritive prinâ€" ciple by which the bair is nourished and supâ€" ported. It makes, the hair moiâ€"t, s ft and vlossy, and is tinsurpassed as a hair dl‘uuug. It is the most economical preparation ever offered to the public, as its etiect« remain a long time, making only an océassioual appliâ€" cation pecessary, _ It is recomuneaded and used by eminent medical men, a.d officially endorsed by the State Assayer of Massachuâ€" setts. The popularity of Hall‘s Hair Renewâ€" er has increased with the test of many years, both in this country and in foreign lands, and it is now known and used in all the civilized countries of the world. o‘clock p. m., sharp, for the pu'gone of nnondin" the l‘-m':r-lufou:q.k- Brother, James Sutherlan Brethren of Sister Lodges are respectfully in vited. By order nlblho W . M. + PurBam, May Mtb, 131. The final details of the settlement of the long pending question of the Greek frontier have been fixed. The surrender of the ceded territory is to be completed within six months. Musselmans â€"living in the cedsd territory will be exempt for three years from service in the Greek arm'ly, an 1 may afterwards continue to remain Turkis‘: subjects.., All the powers agree to ratify the Couvention. Wilson‘s Wild Cherry cures Coughs, Colds Bronchitis, Catarrh, Whocping Cough, Cold in the Head &c., and has saved many from Censumption. _ Nee certificates from well known parties on inside wrappers. Ont at their Lodge Koom on monstkche, wore a blue gro\ fannel shit, dreab dueck pants and straw hat, had on neither coat nor vost.. Any information regarding him will be thankfully received hy_ l:i.: ._orr:v_vi_.g mn!._ ""Rebecca at the well" and other attracâ€" The Liver is the grand purifying organ of the system ; when inactive or obstructed bad blood and ill health are certain results. Burdock Blood Bitters cure all diseases arisâ€" ing from disorderel Liver, Stomach, Bowels or Kidneys, purfying, restoring and strengthâ€" ning. It regulates the Bowels, cleanses and enriches the%lnlnl, and imgu tone to every up‘(‘ln of the body. ‘Trial Bottles 10 Cents. â€"b168. 'l‘HE Durham Mechanies Institute. will give a grand Calico Ball in the Tewn Maill, Durtame, on une;o-_u_ini:l..'flfiy. the 47 th to which the public are cordially invited. _ Firstclass music will be provided. Tickets to wdinit Gentlieman and Ladies $100, to be obtained ut Mr. John Cameron‘s, & J. F. Mowat‘s. z‘urther ut \ir. Sohn Cameron‘s, & J. Â¥. Mowat‘s. s‘urther pqrtieuiars uext 3 h. B. BULL, President. While a man was removing the remains from the old English cemetery at London to Woodland the waggon upset, and the toffins rolled into the ditch. Durhame. May 2th, 1881 GRAND CALICO BALL. HE Members of Durham Lodge No. . 306 6. . C. of A. F. & A. M. will meet Address : WILLIAM BOWLER, © 167. Dundalk P. 0 New Advertisements. Ico Cream Festival. DURMAM _ MARKRKETS. Brutal Outrage. TORONTO MARKETS FoR SALE BY ALL DEALEKS er bush 100 tbs.. per bushel Toroxto, May 18th, 1881 JOS. F. MOWAT, See. tions. §1 08 to 1 10 to 65 to 41 to 0 60 to 0 60 to 9 00 to 0 25 to 6 15 to 6 00 to 6 00 to 0 70 to 0 12 to 0 11 to () 0 75 to 4 00 to 7 00 to 01 to 00 to 35 to 50 to 00 to 22 15 to to to to to to §1 11 00 13 00 0 30 7 00 7 00 0) 0 50 05 87 15 90 02 15 11 50 24 21 17 12 40 30 11 16 15 42 16 THE LEADING HARDWARE HOUSE is still at the Front in Prices. The first sitting of the Court of Revision for the Town of Durham, will be held in the Town Hall, on Monday, the 30th May, 1881, at 7 p. m. JOHN MOODIE, Town Clerk. » DOOR LOCKS & PADLOCKS. Carpenter‘s Tools of all Kinds. A Large Display of Table & Pocket Cutlery, &c., &c. h fhme Fanzingâ€"Mill Works has been busy lddmi imâ€" The Court of Revision for the Township of Egreâ€" rmvemnnh to bis MÂ¥ Celebrated First Prize mont, for the current year. 1881, wlll be held at Fanningâ€"Mill, which has fought its way thrrough Holstein, on competion and difficulties to the first rank, and norewore meay ie _ sewise s inss now stands the % nt 10 a. m., of which all parties interested will _plmlue take notice and govern theinselves sccordâ€" ingly. CT ROBERT LEGATE, Township Clerk. May 12th, 1882. b167 Noueohhenh! that the first sitting of the Court of Rovis ofp"(x assessments for the Townâ€" CAR LOAD of HKARDWARE Barn door ROLLERS and Hinges, Court of Revision. Township of Glenelg. ship of Glenelg, for the year 1881, the Town Hall on at 10 o‘clock in the forencon I am Propared to sel\ at Prices that Cannot be Beat. Cut Nails, Clench Nails, and Finishing Nails very Cheap. Spades, Shovels, Garden Rakes, % Hoes, and Manure Forks. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Japans, Glass and P utty NOW is the Time and the LEADING HOUSE is the PLACE to get HARDWABE Cheap for Cash. As one of the Campbell Brothers has rented the Holstein Mill all work left there for Spinning or Weaving will be Promptly attended to. Carding, ~Bpinning, Weaving, Fulling, Cloth Dressing and Dying, Are now prepared to do work intrusted to them in the latest style and at Lowest Rates. They have also on hand a full stock of Tweeds, Full Cloths, Flannels, Stocking Yarn, etc., Which they will exchange for WOOL or sell tor cash. FRIDAY, May 27th, 1881, The undersigned having now thoroughly fitted up. their Factory with all the latest improvements for j Durham Steam Woollen Factory. Durham, May 13th, 1881 May 14 1881 DRUGS & CHEMICALS. SE EDS, SEEDS, SEEDS! Township of Egremont. COURT OF REVISION. COURT of REVISION. TOWN OF DURKHAM. Durham, May 26, 1881. G. C. McFARLANE, At Bottom Prices. JAMES BROWN. Township Cl wi b167 will be held at Having Just Received a day of b167 un < sn PB 7+ C ae je s + £ WALKERTON FANNING MILL Still and always to the Front. \"hile politicians have been discussing the question of Free Trade and Protection, the ever enterprising proprigtor of the Walkerton the ever enterprising lg‘o\!M)! of the Waikerton Fanringâ€"Mill Works has been busy adding imâ€" and, «s in the past, is wunnuftd to separate Cocklefrom wheat, wild or any kind of Outs from Whent, Chess from Whent, Outs from Pors, and will clean Oats, Barley and all kinds of Coarse Grsins, to perfection. For Chafling, it has no equal. It will save Grass and Clover Sced perâ€" foctly, thus enabling Farmers to furnish their own Grass and Clover Seed. which cost them so mugh money yeurly, These improvements ought to be of the greatest importance to the farmer, more espedinlly as nli the grain he grows has to pass through the fanning mill, and if well cleaned, he will recdive the highest mukoltlrriee ; also, if well cleaned for seed, he grows nothirg but pure grain, thus leaving good land R. H. McKAY, Proprietor. OHIN awÂ¥ alwriws in tha Fuint First Prise Fanning Mill of Ontario, Free from Obnoxious Weeds that enuse lsbor and yield nothing in roturn. I W atid iinewipp cai Soie Artentiont to the latg‘ ina: _____ provements which I havemade.for _ _ Saving,Grase socd & c;hj,_._(‘oofilo & Chess which / warrant it will do perfectly, thus enabling Furmers to furnisu their owen (irua Seed. Havirg enlarged my Woflflg and added new Machinery,l am prepared to Manufacture extenâ€" _____ sively, eithor Whiocsalo or Retail, _ __ _ Orders punctually attended to, find Communicaâ€" tions ’prompu) answered. Upper Town, DURHAM. Lower Town, Durham. WV OREKES. CAMPBELL & McCONKEY. «... |Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes & Groceries ~~~~ | As I will strive to make it of mutual benefit for both Buyer and Seller. All Goods ,..,.,,,.l Will be sold at the LOWEST PRICE for CASH or TRADE. 'i‘m. . Weare always happy to Show Our Goods. i) ~~~s3 n > 0 L ORANT;: TA"Agent for the Gore Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Galt. Berlin Wools, Fancy Goods, Vases, Toilet Sets, Toys, &c., The undersigned would intimate to Farmers and others in this Town and surroundâ€" ing Country that they have leased the Edge Mills for a number of years, and as these Mills have recently been thoroughly refitted with the most improved machinery for both Morchant work and Gristing, and being both thoroughly acquainted with milling in all its Branches, they feel confident of being able to give satisfaction to all who may favor them with their work. COAopping done at any time. FLOUR, BRAN and CHOP FEED for sale and delivered To ALL PARTS of the TOWN. Sclhool Book Depot, Durham., EDGE MILLS, DURHAM Wool Carding & Fulling will be done as usual by experienced WORKMEN. The Highest Market Frice paid in Cash for WHEAT. At IRWIN‘S BOOKSTORE, DUREIILAM, e Is kept constantly on hand a Large Stock of Stationery, School and other Books, Bibles, Writing Paper, Envelopes, Fancy Goods, CANDIES of all kinds, Almond and Brazil Nuts, Toys ste. A Fresn Stock of the XEWEST DESIGNS in Â¥K=>*The Subscriber is also a Practical Paper Hanger, Carpenter, Conveyancer, Inâ€" surance Agent, etc. Remember the Stand, one door South of J. Wuodland, jr., Lower Town, Durham. W all TEAS, TEAS, TEAS! CHEAP GCOD CHOICE 5 lbs for $1. 5 lbs for $1.62% 5 lbs for $2. Those TEAS Sell Well and Give SATIB!"AOTIOI. Call and Examine Them. I beg to announce that I expect the Train‘in this week with the balance of my Spring Goods. when my Stock will be Complete and I will be happy to see persons in need of OQOur RAILROAD Durham, May 5tk, 1881 May, 1881. Durham, April 7th, 1881. Durham, May 5th, 1881. Also the Revised Version of the New Testament. C NY _ sketen whauat whawed s1 4i «s‘ ds h , BOOKS®S, STATIONERY, To Farmers and Others. GO TO JONES‘S WINDOW BLINDS, Where you will get every thing you want in Direct from the Manufactory in Toronto. THOS. JONES, Upper Town, Durham. J. CAMERON. In great variety. STEWART & LOWICK. GEORGE IRWIN, b168 em1ol *h165. y158 Tes and 8 Partics supplied on the shortâ€" est notice, nm.:-ry low pl'&u He would also take this opportunity of thanking the inhabitants of Durhain and surrounding country for ':;P mxo bestowed on him during the past, »a %- will supply Broud duily at any pluce in the ‘own. A. PALMER. New Goods, New Goods, LADIES AND GEXNTS® GOLD AND SILVER WATCHRS THAT CANNOT BE BEAT FOR TIME PIECES ANDCHEAPNESS. JEWELLERY, GOLD PLATED, JET AND GARNET LADIES SETS, BRACELETS, CHARMS, LOCKETS, CUFF PINXS, BABY PINS, CUFF BUTTONXS8,COLOR BUT. TOXS, STUDS, GOLD PLATED AnD SILVER Cnarns. Jem, Keeper and Plain Gold Rings, Silver Thimbles, Spectacles &c. THE undersigned would intimate that at his bakery, justsouth of James Brown‘s Btome, Gnrafraxa Btroet, he will keep on mnand furst class Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Biscuite, &e. Tesx and Surprise Parties supplied on the shore AMERICAN JEWELRY, GOLD & Silver W ATCHES A. GORDON‘S. Clocks from $2.00 upwards, Key and Stem Winders. The latost in Hall, Parlor and Bracket CLOCK®. Sume beantiful designs in Silver and Eleoâ€" tro Plated Ware at W. F,. DOLLS‘, Flesherton. Repairing of all Kinds Look out for cold weather. Candidnates for Third Class will be examined concurrently with, and on the mw as Inâ€" termodiate and Second Class, but being ad mitted to examination must produce from their teachers, or other conpetent persons, Cortificutes that suchcandidates are, in their judgment, reasumâ€" wbly well prepaured for examination. Colored & Bright Gold Sets, Promptly attended to, Pipe Firules silver and metal made to order. A. GORDON. How are you of for Socke! L. one to consider as there is nothing more jurious for henlth than cold foet, however a can very easily be remedicd and everybody m PATTERSON DURHANM, ‘&BE Prepared to take Contracts for 4 A. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildinge, Bash & Doors kept on hand. PLANS, Specifications and Bills of Lumber promptly made out. A call solicited. Sutisfaction guarantend Orders left at Adic‘s Hardware Store, Uppor 'l‘o:n: will bo promptly attended to. It is indispensible that applicants should notify me net Inter than the 1st of Jame, of their inâ€" tention to present themselves for examinatio®. I[-‘ntnn- of applications can be had from uny 004 spector, The regulations require that in all canes, the applications be accompanied by testinoniale of the good chnructer und sober hubits of the applionat, li{wcd by a clergyman, and dated within a month of application. EXCELSIOR Bakery, No. 1. LOCKETS, RINGS, County of Grey TEACHERS‘ EXAMINATIONS. "A4 in this County are hereby notified that the next Antormedintc, Bocond, and Third €Clmee Examination will be held at Owen Bound, euvamâ€" mecing at 2. p.m. on Monday the A. the very liberal Patronage received since comâ€" mencing busipess in Durhnm, | stete that 1 am now better than ever prepared to execute work of Givehim a cailand support native induséry, WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., (ANDIDATES for Tencher‘s Certificates ~/ in this County are hereby notified that the N thauking my ifman I the very liberal l{cn-mzx can very easily be remedicd and e to feel o)mn(ofi.hln by calling on 'w‘: stonc,jumr., who has all the applianees for A Superior Quality. As usual COPYING and ENLARGING done in A latyle, Picture lFraming (n all sizes on the most improved methods, latest ityles, on the shortest notice and a; charges thet Knitting Stockings & Socks PHOTOGRAPHY. Durham, May 12, 1881 Durhain Nov, 25 1880 For terms apply to Murch 3rd, 1881 Priceyille 26th April, 1881 A. PALMER, Proprietor. Carpenters & Contractors, Durham, May 19, 1681 BEST and CHEAPEST EVER SOLD OTS 48 & 44, in the 8rd Con. Bentinck, 4 south of the Durham line, THE LATEST NXNOVELTIES IN 11ith day of July, 1881. VERY important question for For Sale or to Rent. A Call is respoctfully solicited, Done in 35 different Styles, BRACELETS, Also Ladies‘ & Gents‘ INX DURHAM. DURHAM. INCLUDING T. DONAGHY, JAMES HENDERSON, (On the prex â€"AT.â€" Lower Town, Darham, WM. FERGUSON SE Kelsey‘s old Stand. CHAIXNS,

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