West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 26 May 1881, p. 4

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;!‘;‘ 1 fl‘ *p J4 they often Qfd f\rl benes of an imumoof size. â€" I have Yeen one tooth of no lees thau | two hand§ wide by four in length. They | also dig out oR the earth teeth like those | used as ‘}""?' defence by the alephants. | They arems ~white as snow and weight) mbout 2amenps. ‘The avimal that proâ€"|| duced thept%j*unknown, but they are brought Wrom:â€" Khorargar (Khiva), where | they fetabed abig price. These teeth are | manufactyr&l into combs, vases, and such l: objects, just as ivory ; but they: are more |* durable than ivory, for the substance never | r Sammel J. Tilden is estimated at from $9,â€"| _ Towns, and Villages of Ontario, witha _ 000,000 to $12,000,000, most of which he Classifiecd Business Directory f P or thr has made on speculation. . He Began tins CITtyY or \I'HI.\"I‘I:I‘,\I‘ practice when a young man, and his intimâ€" Thesamecare and attention bestowed on lile at nequaintahce with \Wall street men Domini n ar d Provincial Directories of 1871 will gave h in ugusnal advantage This has fll.hxb -m‘};:‘.\l‘.‘ ""r.'-;fm ‘r\‘hrrtflx-;xllxlmhglkr’f;v‘t;: b»en yi-ninblvAnnmw ved, until â€"Tilden JOHK LOYELL & SX Pubshdre may x‘ beoonidered the richest bach"> )* Montreal Dec. 1880 lor in America Moses Taylor, with §5, es â€" ie 000,000,i8 thaitmichest‘of our ban‘k presidents, i4 p io H.G. Marquand rates about the same as is ll ["i ') " k . w Jim Keene. Wiliam H. Vanderbilt and | l L \/ his two soms (Cornelins and William) are worth $100,000,000. Cornelins K. Garriâ€" - | son is raraly mentioned now, as he seldom . ‘ appears a» busidess transactions, but he is | ' L 0 0 D P good for a dozen millions. A l stroet Jay Gould is estimated at 9':'0.()"‘1’),000“I R He makes now on an average $6,000,000 | | A year, and henece will soon become a lead | Foae ing capitalist. Russel Sage, though old | ('onl‘:.’;‘cl enough to be Gonld‘s fiather is only rated | , W hoo, at $30,000,000, _ He began life a poor boy, ! (egr t and was clerk for some years in a Troy | \T'm grocery house, where he afterwards became | ~~~~~~~~ a partnor. M made money by industry | and economy, and soon was able to enter | 5 the widst firll of~ railway speculation. | PTOVIDC This gave him sufticient capital to remm'pl to Wall street, where he has been a leadâ€" To be Pul ing gambler m stock privileges. He sells| ‘"*pats, calls and straddles" to the fools who | are addicted to this practice, and has made an immense fortune out of the money tlm_\'{ Z\Ilil \1{2“ throw away. â€" D. C. Mills, who is reekoned , ,"'.’::‘;‘n"n'"’; at $5,000,000, acoumulated the larger part | Or _ OxTARr of his wealth in Califormia, and has als>| nontaining an Axtzpmevias Rexamms.â€"In Bualgaria ) â€" at $30,000,000, and was clerk f grocery house, w 8 a partnor. WA r and economy, ar the widee fid1 This enve him su sideration wI ficrent inte which is uevaily in Counterpanes and less money towards than they do earlior the merchant desire new spring goods, : more roony than do parts pract tray, or which i erna nottoo fine linen, which th ¢~ in quaint patterns of trailing of blossoms in fadeless flosses, nhove & lace border is worked quotation in large German tex lish lettering pnton each of th each text being selected so a quite neross its own side of th the same sort of linen, pieces c three fourths of & yard in size ly embroidered in similar pat ly embr over the Of conrse a careful shopper is always aler? for pretty patterns and good qualities of table linen, opportunities of good bargains coming now and then within hber reach all the year round, bat seldom so frequently or so satisfactorily as during midwinter. Many ladies prefer for their handsome clothes a plain, round _ threaded, and not too fine lincn, which they em‘roidâ€" ¢~ in quaint patterns of trailing vines, buds, of blossoms in fadeless flosses, Sometimes m h pariment, and new o lhnen damask made to Glass wiping eloths sho ly linen, because of its because there is a linen sutficiently inexpensive the most economical 1 towels shoald be looked ed. Those for the kitel sorted ; some of them : and doomed to the flxe others, always with a taj of them where a roller is take the place of old ful supply of Intchenâ€" incentive to houseâ€"wife}) bu«y part uf one‘s estab From the diningâ€"r9om such tableâ€"cloths as are ent them into nice towe! ly, and keep themâ€" to dents that befall a fre is equal to a 1( I is quite worthy Gould, Sage and Others The table cloths of the kitchen, if they threaten to break, should be cut np, hemâ€" mod, and devoted to the dishwashing deâ€" purtment, and new ones of unbleached lhcen damask made to take their places. Glass wiping eloths shonld not be of elderâ€" ly linen, because of its tellâ€"tale fibers, and because there is a linen provided for glass be to the touch. Therefore the unbleached 'd The l‘noot nL;iu;robl man in the v;or;;d is the material, isâ€"fine, enso6th texture, is neater | "’u"'“ r To :“ d:f!iy;t’l:t:? ‘t"u ";‘:n:'o v‘.'." é"u";‘ hemined and broucht into use in the chamâ€" gdock Blood Bitters always conquer it. bers of dowestica motil they are perfectly ' L' atimulates the secretions, regulates the j ted to the bese| DOwels, acts upon the Liver, ards digestion, white, when they are promote '.nd tones up the entire system. Trial Bottles shelves of the closet and a new supply of| 10 Cents, Large Botles $1.00. â€"b168. unbleached articles takes the place tboy‘ Teacus®â€""If your father should give have ccenpied. _ Pillow slips of unbleached | you tem cents a week for ten weeks, how eotton are treated in the same manner. | much would you, havre at the end of The table cloths of the kitchen, if they | that time?" Boyâ€""I shouldn‘t have noâ€" threaten to break, should be cut np, hemâ€" !thing. If marm didut borrow it, I‘d er highiy snccesatul in Wall street. He’ contly made a heavy purchase of Wali property, and will era6t one of the coramercials build‘ngs in tlis city. A practal Lousewif: has fougd out) pip by experience that the bandsomest COASON | offleer shcetnog, and by far the most durable Â¥8Fâ€" | y ¢} iety, is unableached. Such of ber fam®ly mef as onee insistel upon baving woolle® | J un ; sheets mpon their beds at midâ€"Wintet MT6 | oither lkely to take more than kindly to unb‘eachâ€" e¢d goods. They are soft, fuzzy, and clingâ€" l Md ing, and everybody knows that white, as naturm white, is no longer admired for anything. l womnt Unbleached cottons are . amoug the ele. °0°*% guneies of the 14Ay‘s wardrobe, and 'lly'“m »â€"t for the hnen closet ? If unbleached are | 99**** n# pleaâ€"ing to the eye, they certainly will [h mist te them to t ire almost t some of them should be divided | _ med to the flsorâ€"cloth hooks, and i. always with atapeâ€"loop at each end 4 * where a roller is not in use, should |® e place of old towels. A plentiâ€"!P »ply of Intchenâ€"napery is a marked ’ o e to houseâ€"wifely tidiness in the | , rt uf one‘s establishment. 'L the diningâ€"r9om table linen choose | hi Jleâ€"cloths as are nearly worn ont, l e n into nice towels, hem them nice | l\s; keep themâ€" to lay _ over aeci | s hat befall a fresh tableâ€"cloth, or | 4! hem to the use of the children, who | * almost unlimited supplies of clear , 9# reduct The Linen Closet. |__ MISCFLLANEOUS. . 10 ensive for the purpose of mical houseâ€"wife. Handâ€" loocked over and replenishâ€" ie kitchen should be asâ€" them should be divided from their usual cost er cont. investment, t her carefull conâ€" P D I uN ET m PCP CECC moo-ow!nplduy mmcl.q nPre an. d” make money. Youcan engage in‘tnh‘m ousi. ness urh.?\v-'xrwunon M touguit «. You 0 not havs to ;ni‘{%)w&“ a).e risk. lhl‘ w m to to us at éne %' is‘e «hCs ‘ 140 Address PRUY & Co. Aguasta Maina TWY Aresosimple and plain, that any one can make grest pl’ud&l from the very start. No one can fui} whed@rwilling to work. . Women ato as sucâ€" cessfuil as mon. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many have made at the business over one hundred dollars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known beforo. All who ew aro surprised the ease and rapidity with N they. are an. :&.“n_._-a. money. Youcan engage in this onsiâ€" ‘ Wemu Poeh eC e ~ ME UT Outfit furni¢hâ€"u free. with fo for conducting the most pr ness that suy oncâ€"ean engage ness is so easy to learu. and tio®® are so simple and plain. that AND A THOROUGH Classified Busin“. Directory hastisin in css csw . I of the Business and Professional men in the C Towns, and Villages of Ontario, with a Burdock \ l Broop. Bittiks mdns Cl 2 ic 222y PME TC e hounce that his firm will ‘ubluh a PROVINCE 0P ONTARIO DIRECTOR , in November next, ervivtn Envionce aee | section of the Ohio Mechanies‘ Institute, in | which he made known the important disâ€" | covery of the process for fusing and mouldâ€" |ingiridium, a metal which has hitherto been eonsidered as practically incapable of being formed into bars. John Holland, of this city, who has long used iridium for l pointing gold pens, is the discoverer. The | method consists in applying phosphorus | when the ore is brought to a white heat, | and afterwards eliminating the phosphorus l by means of lime applied with great heat. The new metal has the appearance of steel, r but is much harder, being next in hnrdnoss! &> the ruby. 1t does not rust, and cannet ‘ be injured by gcids. Professor Dudley[ | statec that a bar of it had been used with } gratifying suecess, in place of the negative[ l earbon, in the electric light. It burns f or | sixty hours without any loss in weight or | ‘ auy perceptable change in form. Iridinm] cannot be fashioned by hammering while hot, neither can it be filed. It is monlded ’ into convenient shapes, and then sawed or | ground by rapidly revolving copper «lisks.! treated with emery and water. Great inâ€"| terest has been aroused by the highly practicable discovery, and already many uses for the material have been suggested. Besides its applicalility to the electric | light, it has been found to be superiqy to | platinum in telegraph instruments. Prof. Dudley gave an interesting history of the experiments of chemists and others with | this metal, and he said that it was underâ€" going an elaborate examination at the Cinâ€" [ cinuatti University. Alphabetical Directory | spent it all for a pistol and & box o‘ caps, |and aquarter o‘ a pound of powder." Irâ€"Â¥or are suffering with a cold do not fail | to try Hacvaro‘s Prectoratr Barsax ; it is daily relieving its hundreds throughout our | Dominion, It is pleasant and palatable.â€" i b168. l Lorn Durrzrt® relates with great gusto | that when he came home from India to get | married he found no carmage awaiting him | at the little Irish railway station, and he | had to Lire a common jaunting car. Going | along, he asked the driver if there was any. fnews. «*Nothing," said he, ‘"except that lpren_v Kate Hamilton is going to marry' } that oneâ€"eyed Dafferin."â€"Family Herald. | Reader have you tmed every remedy for hronie disease, Impore Blood, disordered Liver or Kidneys, Nervous and General Deâ€" bility, Constipation of the Bowels, with the | manifold sufferings pertaining thereto * Have | you given up in despair? Try Burdock | Blood Bitters ; it will not fail you,. A Trial Bottle only cost« 10 Cents, Regular size £1.00. Any dealerin medicene can supply you.â€"L168, Cnentster Coxquzrrsxo Iriorust.â€"Prof. W. L. Dudley.delivered a decture in Cinâ€" cinnaéti, May 12th. before the scientific Boldvess in women is unseemly and un natural. It may seem fine to a young woman to have a great spirit, to despise conventionahties, to talk slang, and be "knowing"; but that young women who entertains such ideas may be assured she is mistaken. oillcer, "What‘s your height ?" "Why, the man thkt freasured ime," said Pat, "told me that it was five feet ten or ten feet five; 1 am not exactly sure whigch ; but it was e.ther one or the otherâ€"" Address PRUz & Co.. Aguste Maine® â€" APYil 2ist , wheda thw recruit, wasusked by ns linatructio fita ble busi in. The busi our. instrue ities His Stock JUST RECEIVED, & Ready Made Clothing H. W. MOCKLER Gents‘. Felt and> Straw Hats Is Selling 5 lbs Good Japan Tea Dust for $1. 12 Ibs GOOD BRIGHT SUGAR FOR $1.00. He has‘the best 50c. Tea in Town, i« 49 it. ‘ pc:s â€"....â€"â€"_._@._@_.__________‘@ The Largest and (Most Complete ho | ‘oremprep LAator:f pure HOUS, Factory in the Dominion, Weall Don‘t forget the Place. A Choice Selection of GROCERIES always on hand Our Embroideries, Frillings, Dress Fringes, Buttons, Coloured and Black Silks and Satins, are undoubtedly the best value in the trade. Men‘s, Women‘s, Misses‘ and Children‘s Hosiery and Gloves. Kid Gloves all shales and sizes ; Women‘s, Misses‘ and Children‘s Corsets ; Infants Robes and Dresses, Mantle Cloths; TWEEDS, in Advds ho ubtiniicndrmsniiintini ds v oripapn esn atat iefiielnd eBb Soabi in diddak# T Suubink 4 | whow special values in o Go to MOWAT‘S Hardware LACE CURTAINS, a clioice variety and very cheap Dress Goods, Black Lustres. Coloured Lustres, Fancy Lustres, White Dress Muslins, Linen Handkerchiets, Black «»4 Coloured Cashmeres. excellent value, all the latest designs in Laces, Lace Scarfs, Lace Fichus, Consisting of Grey Cottons, White Cottons, Shirtings, Denims, Ducks, Tickings, Cottonades, Sheetings and Pillow Cottons, Canton Flannels, Honey Comb Cl ths, Terry Cloths, Linmen Towels and Towellings, Tablings, Table Cloths, Napkins P‘Oylies Quilts, Toilet Mats and Covers, Table Oil Cloths, Quilt Prints, Good Luck Prints, Robe Prints, C:etounes, Plain and Fancy L ; Don‘t fail to Try Our TOBACCOS. . SALT only $1 per bar‘l. We haye pleasure in announcing that our SPRING AND SUMMER! A Car Load of GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware &c. Call and get Samples of TXE A®, Cheap and Good. Durham, April, 1881. DURHAM, May 5th, 1881. K&"Any quantity of Butter and Eggs wanted and highest cash price paid Expects to receive in a few days per Grand Trunk Railway Parties about to build will find it to their My stock of Cut Nails, Barn Door Hinges, Locks, Knobs, and general Builder‘s Hardâ€" ware is now complete and has been marked at Prices which Defy Competition. Having made Special arrangements with the Mavnfacturer, I prepared to. offer WHTTE LEAD of very Superior Quality at LOV PRICES,. ‘. 1881 advantage to give me a call â€" H. HUNTER CC27 OO WSuUN6 the Largest Stock in Town T‘weed Suits from $6. of BOOTS &2 SELOERG will be found Mantles, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Before Purchasing Elsewhere. MEN‘S FELT HATS in ali the newest Styles Bought for Cash at Bottom Prices. ill Not Be Undersold. JOSEPH F. MOWAT, Lower Tow Assorted aud the RIGHT PRICE. _ . A LARGE STOCK or MOCKLER‘S Cheap Cash Store, UPPER TOWX, DURKHAM , SELLING At BOTTOM PRICES g the Largest Stock J. H. HUNTER. that our Stock is now complete, and we are prepared to kwhow special values in 1==1, . & A. DAVIDSON. extra good value. 140 Do Correspondence Solicited. Send We are now manufacturing Square and Upright PIANOS Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker i ‘Feb. 123th, 108C ORGANS AND PIANOS Done on the shortest notice and in the best style. _ Flaunels, Tweeds, Full Cloth, and Stock ing Yarn to exchange for Wool or sell for Cash Cheap. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, Cloth Dressing ond Dying, in the latest styles, and at the lowest rates. The subacriber wishes to inform the inhatitants of Durham and tde surrounding Townships, that he is now prepared to do The Durham Woollen Factory AGENC for all kinds> of Carriages, Buggies, Waggons, etc CLOVER & ‘WPIMOTIHY SEED _AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. Five (5) SACKS of SEEDS. ONLY FIRST CLASS MATERIA!, USED and Work Done in the Best Manner, CHEAP,â€"CHEAP, CHEAP! Manufacturers of Tinware &c. EAVESTROTUTGHS A SPECl,.LITY. T ucham, August 17, 1880, D I BE LID anmnd 0 B D Bayr Durhamâ€" Carriage Works. R. McFARLANE, Proprietor. Durham, April, 26th, 1881. MEDAL AND DIPLOMA, CENTENNIAL, ... ... ... 1876. do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, â€"... 1877. GOLD MEDAL at PROVINGIAL EXHIBITION TORONTO, 1878. HIGHEST Award at INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. Teronto. 1879 MEDAL AND DEALERS IN STOVES 1881. CUSTOM WEAVING! Of the Best Material, Good Finish, and at Lowest Prices fas im «* Best in the : Market. S E E D S, The Best COAL OIL in Town. HARRIS & Co. 1DDONM L N TON â€" 140 x 100 DRUGGIST & SEEDSMAN, Durham. (Per 8. S. Scotland.) The 8 H.PARKER, Now on hand, Subscriber is also T ART Addressâ€" iano Company, for Illustrated Catalogueâ€" manvill, Ont.: JOHN CAMPBELL. Farming Implements. N, Teronto, 1879, in the World. 1881. L RRs 2000 CC COPECIRED COPICK, P KWE #ffice, to whom hangu.,ns CVETY PIAC® at every post L010 C OOCOC" HHG BOcial Articies The Western News is ever prompt and prime, fontaining notices and records of the latest doings and events, Assize and other Legal Intelligence, togcther A'n“:ne*m.‘ m‘w“ contributed by n cor t ointe it ..'.‘.. .A:_o_u‘erveln’arnd pointed writers. SeTanos UNRIVALLED ror THE EXTE! SurEriority ano RELIABILITY OF as me n, and young boys and girls make great pay, No one who is willing to work failf to mako more money every day than can be madcin a week wt n y on%i‘nu_v em;‘-lf-,nmsm. Those who engage at once will find a short road to fortune. Address H Parur®Tr & Co. Portiand, Maie A . Q 3 " 2_"_1TCe To Phose who wish to engag ‘o in the most rh-nnnm and profitable business known, Everything new. Capital not required We will furnish ymfiowcythiu. ©10 a day and npâ€" 'l.rd-.v eunili made without staving away from home eÂ¥er night. No risk whatever. Many now workers wanted at once. Muny are making for tunes nt the business. Ladics muke as much The WEBkLy Bd Priss W T C TTE CTRETVERR and pointed write PRICE, $1.50 a YEAR; POSTAQE PAID. BB Send Postal Card for Specimens Copies, Frx® O drmed s 200 $5 Particular Attention paid To Belting, HIDES, SKINS & TALLOW HIGHEST Market PRICE Shoemakers Supplies always BOOTS, SHOES BSHAWL â€"STI‘T(T\F‘;, &'c.. Nl'.r\-l SH .S( LE THOMAS SMITH, SADDLER, TANNER & SHOEMAKER. Durham, April 6th, 1881. south, Depurt 8:55 a. m Ammive 154. u Fortime atintermediate stat KING OF THE WEEKLIES. Depart 6 Arrive 1( *The Mixed train das On and after MONDAY, 5th May, 1879 trains will run as follows:â€" TeRONTO (UNION 8TaTiO® . Depart, 7:30 a. m., 12:20 p. m., 5:00 p. m Arrive, 10:30 m. m., $:00 p. m.) 9:40 p. m, ORANGEVILLE®, Bouth Depart 745 a.m., 11:35 a. n.,5:40 p. m« Arrive 11:10 a.m., 425 p. m., 8:20 p. m» North, Depurt, 11:30 a. m 445 p in. Arrive, 1215 a. m., 5:20 p. m West. Depart 545 a, m. 1145 am. Arrive 11:00 a. m., 435 p. m. FREE PRESS PRiNTiINC C0.. Lompan. ont pporoxTo, arEy, axp BRrUCE RAILWAY CHANGE OF TIME Toronto November 1879 Shelburne \Vt'dlll‘sdmw'ute Orangoville, Mursvilleâ€"Becond Wednesduy in each month. Walkertonâ€"The last Weduesday in each month Mildmayâ€"Last Wednesday in each month. Durhamâ€"Third Tuesday in each month, Pricevilleâ€"â€"Monday before Durham., Hanoverâ€"Monday before Durbam. Mount Forestâ€"Third Wednesday in each month Gueiphâ€"First Wednesday in each month, Hurristonâ€"Friday before the Guelph Fair. Drayton. â€"Saturday before Guelpb, Elora â€"The day before Guelph. lm-ufiu»llum{:y before Klora Fair, Humi::unl â€"grxsul Paluce Grounds, the day after ueiph . * Berlin â€"h{--t Thureday in each month. Brampton â€"First Thursday in euch month, Listowel â€" First l-‘nduz in each month, Fergusâ€"Thursduy fol owmfi'u.,um Forest. Rosemont â€"Fifteenth of February, April, June, Auâ€" gust, October and December, **esemontâ€"~# ifteenth of February, April, Ju“. Auâ€" ©, 06. 3 A d k D) ® . 38.A brionget Wisdiiecsy prececinii in \'r‘l“ RNEY at Law, Solicit Fair. Orangevilie CA sery . Commtandoner in B. B.. N pu‘tguent_fn_w to those who wish to whom handsume The exterior work of the new Eddystone Lighthouse is about two thinds done. Fifty thrl.fq ©00rses of graniie masonary, rising to to the height of seventy feetl ubove high water have been laid, and Hiisty 818 Goup. ses remamin to be set. The old lighthouse has already been overtopped. As the work advances tovards completion the questionp arises : What shall be done with Johp |8muton'- famous tower, which has done such admirable service for 120 years ? One proposition is to take it down to the leve} of the top of the solhd portion, @And leaye the rest as a perpetual memonal oj the great work which Smeaton mccomplished in the face of obstacles vastly | greater than those whico confront the modern architect. The London _ News: says ; "Were Smenton‘s beautifol tower t, be literally consigned to the waves, we should regard the nct as a National ealamity, no to say scandal ; and, if public funds ure not available for its conseryation, we trust that private zeal and munificience may be relied on to save trom destruction 80 in. teresting a relic. It certainly could nop cost much to convey the building in seeâ€" tions to the mainland, and there, on somia suitable spot to reâ€"erect it as a National tribute to the genius of the great architeot," When the presentlighthouse was built, one of the clhief difficulties was in getting the building material to the spot, They were conveyed from Millbay in small sailing vessels which often beat about for four days before they could effect a landing at the Eddystone rocks, so that cach arrfval callâ€" ed out the special gratitude of Smenton, & Upper LEATHER, FRENCH & CANADIAN CALFSKIN. SADDLES, TRUNKS, WHIPS, VALISES, to4th Year of Publication) Depart 6:30 a.m., 12:0 Arrive | 4:00 p.an., 1030 KEPT IN STOCK HARNESS, Monthly Fairs. PAID FOR â€"ANDâ€" will will onl ruu on Puesday,Thure 8 and Saturduys OwEN sOUNT TEESWATER 0 u. m., 1154 SHO t tntionssce Time Tal l6 EDMUND WRAGGE :_4.’6_p. m will be paid T. SMITH tf. Gomora? Mumaper d lighthouse As the work the questiop with Johp h lhas done w# find you will be Properiy Suited and At a Moderate Price. Bours Exp», Dosmy, Hotel CBarges Modorat ___ W. CALDWELL, BOOT and SHOEMAKLZ, Glazing; Or#ining, and | promiptly autend« Fresco and Banner Speciality Tlouse, Ssign. and Spring and Sumn Durham, 1961. I® Agent for Wils #eaw ling Machine Manufuctur r is preprared to sell chenp f hese nschines mrereliicie ar JOHN ROBERTSON TAILOR AND CLOTHIER Â¥ke Latest Style .M Durt 'l"' want a first class Boot or Shoe in the latost styles of fashion, bewed or 3 qzd G ouve your order at the above address, aud you Lum‘ss or, Lum} esident hamest Faubdeons Bhegubmidy Whece se Murham 800 1 esidence at the )1 D1 1" Cutting done to Order. Will be at das ** ‘x‘# MJ B arm ers . M YETERINARY SURCZON F. DOWNES, mm en t iss . mandl = Bulew Durl ©wen m #pon e ALPRT 13\ ALEXANDY SSUPI Ornamental Painter, Jrundalk , M Heov Alexander Adverrt ow semitten anst wnitil forbidde for the first insertic g ubiiey old iomerli Oréinury nol awll daunds of looul a murey | Auiomals for #4, #ro ewhuentis W. i. CLARXK, Arthitect and Build Losirny "I wirhaan Mest) io Loan Professional and business spmee aand munder, q Two inches or 24 lines Nonp Wuree inctus do. por your Quarter columm, por ; our Maif columm, * One columim, * Do. is monihs Do. three month BUSINESS DIRECTORY § LEGAL DURMAM Sr., Di * WR M®S)â€"BL.00 por yoor in Adsmmer At the OfMce, Gurifrax k + »x» RSveoery ~Tlhursdn PHI A NS "TBHE GREY REVIkW® Frost & Frost. ARRISTERS and Attorne; M TrORNXEY â€"Appesite Park MISCELLANEOU®. th« ©1.453 # mot paid â€" Within stwe« ameian t hew s Purham, + â€" > Ont T AILOR, form en y dine whing O RATES OP ADVERII<IX« Shingles, Shingles w 11 DpUiHAM Di () E.D. MACMIII MEDICAL. 1 61 14 M mder, 1876 POMW t} Near Cattle Yard Robertson W Lath & Lim led Paper Ha A M alntin i m« Presh M Always in Stock, Laeh or & P94 Smd M m BU TE oce eced R. DAYV

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