ber nd Mr. fied irl‘s ied she vic uld mld her. old rey her he »DO acâ€" ritin n de rry ntâ€" clo tew he te y er, t hn he ly TS decree a A Car miF than in th shores eanlse The marriage of the 1 England, (Dr. Lake) and will take place in Lon after Whitsuntide, and it the Bishop of Durham w Do not drug the sy stem with nauseous purâ€" vatives that only debilitate. â€" Burdock fl'::ul baitters is nature‘s own Cathartic, it acts at once upon the Bowels, the Skin, the Liver.l and the Kidneys, arousing all the secretions | to a healthy action. 1t purities the Blood , and cures all Humors, even the worst of| Serofula, and tones up the Nervous and Deâ€" bilitated. â€"b168. ’ Nihilist much there in the last few days interceed the track of C. L. Grant‘sStore,Durham all occan steamers between Great Britain | w and the United States. Winding their| * G' MOHARDY. way southward over the great Banks of| June ist. 1931. a169 Newfoundland are also countless« iceâ€"bergs | â€"â€"â€"â€" _ of huge and unwonted size. im a N ~3 dietat In the Whole Wistory of MWedicine No prep.ration has ever performed such marâ€" vllous cures, or maintained so wide a nyuhâ€" tion as Avew‘s Cirer®y Prcronat, which is recognized as the world‘s teme«l; for all dis enses of the throat and lungs. 1ts long conâ€" tinued series of wonderful cures in all efunnm has masle it universally known as a safe and relisble agent to employ. _ Against ordinary colds, which are the forerunners of more seri, ons disorders, it acts speedily and surely, always relieying suffering, and often saving hic. â€" The protection it affords, by its timely use in throat and chest disorders, make it an invaluable Nllw-l‘ to be kept ll:Zl on hand in every home. No person can afford to be without it, and those who have onee nsed to never will _ Frow their knowledge of its ecmâ€" position and effects, physicians use the CHERRY Prcronat extensively in their practice, and clergymen regommend it. It is absolutely certain h ite remedial effects, and will always cure where cures are possible. Fom Sare sy ann Deaugrs. awsy after Whitsuntide, and it is probal the Bishop of Durham will officiate Do not drug the sy stem with nause vatives that only debilitate. â€" Bardo bitters is nature‘s own Cathartic, it once wpon the Bowels, the Skin, the and the Kidneys, arousing all the x to a healthy action. 1t purities th and cures all Humors, even the w deat] Censumption. mee certilicates from we.l known parties on inside wrappers. Ladies, ifyou wish to keep your hands and white, and yourcomâ€" gexï¬on and transparernt, use (._ui bonril B.&Lmn cures Channed: d oappee Heads, (180000 Pn ? an uroe A case has come under our notice where the inhuman father of a most promising child an fering from 1 violent attack of Croup, which threatened every moment to terminate fatâ€" ally, actually refused to spend 25 cents upon L cce a o acs o. imapt nayr ow ie‘ O ~ilaiitess 0 * & a l ottle of Witaon‘s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, ‘although. gs«ured by a neighbor that ahe knew it would give the little sufferer imâ€" modiate relief und <#fect a speedy cure. Wiladow‘s WI@ Cherry cures Coughs, Colds Bronchitis, Catarrh, W hocping Cough, Cold in the Head &c., and has saved many from natior that t term For some remson which is not stated a number of gentlemen, most of whom are membere of the Drapers‘ Company, assemâ€" bled in the chnrch for the purpose of viewâ€" ing the body of one Francie Baz croft, who died in 1828, leaving to the drapers for charitable purposes the sum of £28,000, which he had aequired in the position of Lord Mayor‘s office, Ins assiduity in fulâ€" filling the functions attached to which sitâ€" The most disastrous earthqnakes are these in Italy (526) when 120,000 persons perished, and of Sicily (1598) when 60,000 lost their lives. According to Gibbon, toward 542 each year was marked with the repetition of earthquakes of such duration that Constantinopls was shaken above 40 dayeâ€" of such extent that the shock was ecommunicated to the whole surface of the empire. . This period of earthqnake and plague (642) was the period when the supâ€" erior planets were in perihelion, as they are now. _ Arabian and Persian chromicles record 111 sarthquakes between the seventh and eighteenth centuries,some lasting from forty to seventy days, ro«e nearly all acâ€" companied by wind and foods, or terrible storms of lightning and thunder. Readers of the Relations des Jesnites will remember the great earthquakes of 1668, which shook and tossed the earth for sit months from Gaspe to Montreal, the rival of our earthâ€" quake of 1782 in the Mississippi Valley. â€"Chicago News. l A Drarza‘s Bequ®st.â€"The London corâ€" respondent of the Manchester Esxaminer says :â€"*"A singular ceremony recently took place at St. Helen‘s Church, Bishopsgate. For some remson which is not stated a ente NP} The Greek Gove U no p i they rang In ( MISCELLANEOUS. t t pr Notable Earthquakes. | _ When doetors disagree who shall decide?! â€"__ e The people often decide lui“ihmwilg ghylie e most disastrous earthqnakes are | g the douo,:,u;d trying “nrdock faem in Italy (526) when 120,000 persons | itters, and th e result is always satefactory. fls y Burdock Blood Bitters is the Multum in hed, and of Sicily (1598) when 00.000J Parvo of medical scieuce, curing all diseases their lives. According to Gibbon, | of the Blrod.l.w-r and Kidneys. A trial rd 542 each year was marked with the | bottle only coits 10 cents. A doliar bof.lh dollars in doctor‘s bills, ition of gnrllup;nken of such duration ‘ l,‘,mp,’"x" yere i in dectare,bille { ‘uu;laullnnpl-o was shaken above 40 ; There wus a shock of earthquake Ml ~â€"*Ct "::: extent that the shock was | Murray Bay, Quebec, on Taesday mornâ€" maniented to the whole surface of the |ing jast, No damage was done. _ | he had asequired in the position of layor‘s office, Ins assiduity in fulâ€" the functions attached to which sitâ€" earned him so much unpopularity e populace tried to get the corpse from the bearers, and, being deâ€" got possession of the charch bells, co pack now | travelling soutbhward , \Z be prepared to give the Highest Market f the heaviest that ever passed the| Price in CASH for GOOD BUTTER at f Newflgundland. It mustbe withâ€"| â€" 1 a lase t] Brutal Outrage. ts Tl t} vas made in nccordance with the aneroft‘s will, for hat the Drapers . : of the churech we son have disturhe e. Even, howes is periodical visit, riety be set aside one left who w annte the vieht o Government have signed a rizing M. De Lesseps to eut gh the Isthmus of Corinth, to Egean with the Mediteranean connterfeit coiners have been enéva, who have accomplices ind in France. They have T the church would for any less i have disturbed the dead man Even, however, if the will eriodical visit, it might with ty be set aside, especially as e left who wonld have any ite the right of the Drapers‘ inncroft‘s bequest if they failâ€" with an obligation that would nwe honored in the breach a fi ince resh outrage hus been Petersburg and the new en attempted by the at all costs elebration of Bane: oft‘s which was emba‘me!, cayed. _T persume that pr Dean u0 A § K o uusuecsthinds FOR for it te meeting of the 1 to continue the tered Ipek, and he Albanian inâ€" bly end the inâ€" are to be sent to yptian mone ll"\ mj { Durham mMna hardly ny r the c Tncw [ EiiktKy > ** less Sheepskins, each ®*U | Butter, per lb ... will | Eggs, per doz.... with | Wood, dry, per F hm Wool, per Ib...... ____| Apples, per bag.. t led ns Fall Whent, per bush gpring Wheat * Barley, #* Onts, 4+ Dressed Hogs, per 100 11 Butter, rolls, per lb....... ** MBE MEEY yeccsusseceres Fggs,.perdox...........«..«. Potatoes, per bus.......... Turnips, per bush.......... FEWY , OX BOUDsscses ccxc«ce«s Our Invortation for 1881, per 8. 3. Seotland, includes : % CARTER‘3 Imperiat Hardy Purple Top Swede ; BANGHOLM‘S Improved Purple Top Swede ; SUTTON‘S Champion Purple Top Swede ; HALL‘S Western Purple Top Swede ; KIXG of the Swede Purple Top. ‘Nool per Ib.. Sheep skins... Lamb Skins... Hides per ewt HBY cxaecussseces Turnip, Yellow and White MOUNT FOREST MARKETS, Confederate Office, May 26th., 1881, Flour per barrel...............$5 00 to§5 50 Ontmeal per barrel............ 4 50 to 4 50 Fall Wheat....................... 1 98 to 1 00 Treadwell Wheat............... 1 00 to 1 02 Spring Wheat.................... 0 90 to 1 08 BAKICY cccrcecscccreseerscersecc.s1« O 69 to 0 T5 CHWES cerrensreseseressrerserercresss> O 3% to O 86 PEUE cccicecececncerecccuccrcrs ccr ces N U NE OE () J UST to HAND: |\ The Liver is the grand purifying organ of the system ; when inactive or obstructed bad blood and ill health are certain results. Burdock Blood Bitters cure all diseases arisâ€" | ing from disordere l Liver, Stomach, Bowel« ’ or Kidneys, purfying, restoring and strengthâ€" ning. . It regulates the Bowels, cleanses and | enriches the Blood, and imparts tone to every | ¢rgan of the body. ‘Trial Bottles 10 Cents. Turnip Seed Land PLASTRR in Bulk. Uotatoes per bag BUEECX . cxreercrer444% BU TTE R Flour, per 100 lbs.......... Flour No. 2,4 * Corn Meal *"* * .@.4. Shorts, ve\ .. $Â¥ Bran, se o4 Ontmeal _ * * Fall Wheat, per bush..... Spring Wheat, R. Chaff. &# Glasgow. Onts, per bus Barley, hi Ixe“' a4 Huy, per ton....... Potatoes, per_bush Pork, per 100 tbs.. McKExzIâ€"GUNXâ€"At the residence of the bride‘s futher, Durham, on June 1st, by the Rev. Mr. Park, ussisted by the Kev. Mr. McDiarmid J-?hn eldest danghter of Dr. Gun, to Mr. W. K. McKenzic of the Union Pucific Railway Co.. Kunsas City, Mo., U. 8. Kexywpyâ€"ParriwTE®â€"At the residence of the bride‘s futher, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. J. Morrison, Mr. Alexander Kenre Jy eldest som of Mr. Augus Kennedy, to Marzaret second daughter of Mr. Geo. Pailister, all of Proton. Porrenâ€"Rizyâ€" At Hancver, on the 25th May, by RKev. N. 8. Burwash, Mr. Wim. Portor, W.L.'- tom, to Miss Elizabeth Riloy, Hanover, Cnosntâ€"BnuxTâ€"At Walkerton on the 25th inst. by Rev. Mr. Moffatt. M:. Alliston Cr sby, Wal kerton, to Miss Catherine Brunt, Bentinek, VouLRTTâ€"â€"Graspyâ€"At Chamber‘s Hotel, Walkerâ€" ton, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. :. 4 Moffut, Mr. Awron Vollett, of Bentinck, to Miss Rachel Durham, J«ne, 2nd, 1881 APRENTICE WANTED, IMEDIATELY. 10 Learn Harnessmaking. _A boy about . 15 to 17 years of age. Apply at the ‘Grey Review‘ OrF.c®R. laster of Paris, Water LIME, PARIS WHITE, ENGLISH H. PARKER, Druggist & Secdaman, PURHAM, June 2n4, 1881. ‘.\'_ and aflor_)lotnl]ay. _J U \E 5t]x _I_ vgil} Now Advertisements. Grusby , of Normanby faadas J i112 L3 1O19G. ABERDEEN Purple Top ABERDEEN Green Top YELLOW _ BULLOCK ; Devonshire Grey Stone; And Red & White GLOBE. DURHAM MARKKETS. TORLONTO MARKETS Durnas June 2nd, 1881. er 100 lbs............82 75 to §2 ONE CAR SUXDRIES : per bushel VARNISHES, &e and ONE CAR OF OXE CaAR OF MARRIED Torxoxto, June cord 0 Ibs 8 00 to 17 to srresee 13 to 12 to 85 to Â¥rearee 20 to reverses Sf ONCKE $1 20 2 50 to . 2 50 to 890 to 70 to 8 00 to 17 to 13 to 12 to 85 to 20 to 0 60 to 0 50 to 6 0 0 0 35 to 0 60 to 0 60 to 9 00 to 0 25 to 6 75 to 6 00 to 1 00 to 1 01 to 1 00 to 20 to 15 to 00 to 70 to 12 to 11 to 50 25 to 00 to 00 to 1st, 1881 to $1 16 to to Oil, dâ€"169 12 00 0 73 0 68 11 00 0 30 7 00 5 00 8 50 0 6° 40 76 8 50 0 64 0 40 0 16 0 20 0 11 1 50 0 22 0 80 0 C0 9 1 05 1 05 40 30 18 28 50 15 10 50 50 87 15 BANK O0f COMMERCE, THIS BANK issues Letters of Credit on Great Rwitain and other Forcign Countries ; Buys and Collects Sterling Exchange; Issues drafts AJ of Proton, on Wednesday, May 25th, a dark six year old Mare, star in forehead and white hind «eet, extra heavy mane, and long in legs. Any one giving such information as will lead to her recovâ€" ery will be suitaoly rewarded. Glammis P. 0., Co. Bruce, May 30th, 1881. Capital $6,000,000 : Reserve $1,400,000. _ _° on New York and all parts of Canada. .. DEPOSITS of $4 and upwards Received, uvon which the current rate of interest will be allowed. General Banking Business TRANSACT ED. Barn door ROLLERS and Hinges, DOOR LOCKS & PADLOCKS. Carpenter‘s Tools of all Kinds. A Large Display of Table & Pocket Cutlery, &c., &c. NOW is the Time and the LEADING HOUSE is the PLACE to get HARDWABE Cheap for Cash. I am Prepared to sell at Prices that Cannot be Beat. Cut Nails, Clench Nails, and Finishing Nails very Chsap. Spades, Shovels, Garden Rakes, Hoes, and Manure Forks. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Japans, Glass and P utty At Bottom Prices. THE LEADING HARDWARE HOUSE is still at the Front in Prices. ‘Grey Review Per Annum. Subscribe at Once, wrraim: ~ ~**Suckil. CAR LOAD of HARDWARE Tweeds, Full Cloths, Flannels, Stocking Yarn, etc., Which they will exchange for WOOTL: or sell ftor cash. L168 Aurham, May 20, 1001, & C As one of the Campbell Brothers has rented the Holstein Mill all work left there for Spinning or Weaving will be Promptly attended to. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, Cloth Dressing and Dying, Are now prepared to do work intrusted to them in the latest style and at Lowest Rates. They have also on hand a full stock of {TRAYED trom lot 8, con. 19, Townsl=p CuLLECTIONS MADE The undersigned having now thoroughly fitted up their Factory with all the latest improvements for Durham Steam Woollen Factory. DRUGS & CHEMICALS. SEEDS, SEEDS, SEE DS! On reasonable terms, and a CANADIAN DURHAM. Durham, May 26, 1881. ASTDTRA YC. G. C. McFARLANE, Jaxtks McArtHcn Having Just Received a y 160 | _Â¥ Â¥_ the question of Free Trade and Protection, the ever enter) riging proprietor of the Wrikerton Fanringâ€"Mill Works ues been busy wdding imâ€" | rruvmnvnts to his nlrosdÂ¥ Celebrated First Prizo ‘unuing-.\lill,\\hivh has fought its way thrrough competion and difficulties o the first rank, aud now stands the First Prise Fanning Mill of Ontario, | and, as in the past, is warranted to separate Cocklefrom w eat, wild or auy kind of Orts from Whent, Cuess from Whent, Orts from Pors, and will clean Oats, Barley and all kinds of Conrse Grains, to per ection. For Chafing, it his no \ equal, It will saye Grass and Clover Seod perâ€" foctly, thue en bling Farniers to furnish their own Gruss anu Clover Seed. whic 1 cost them so much money year‘y. These impr »vements ought to be of the greatest importance to the farmer, more especinlly as «l the grain h> grows has to pass through the funning mill, id if well cleaned, he will receive the highest n ar ‘et prico ; also, if well | cleaned for seed, he grows n )thirg but pure grain, i thus leaving good land ~l=~_ T «" hievindled slerkeds Upper Town, DURHAM. that caxse lebor and yield nothing in retim. I would likewise call your attention to the lite imâ€" __ provements which I havemade for _ Saviog Grase seed & taking Cockle & Ch * from Whent, es@ which { warrant it will do perfectly, thns enabling y 2i n t eR Cl e piFo weur S hi goog pot oi Durham, Filty acres of land, g soil, well i ved. bonuti(uli\ situated, close to station, G.:xr’mmm privilege and never failing stream on the lot. ‘\Yhile politicians have been discussing the anestion of Free Trade and Protection. Free from Obnoxious Weeds Furmers to furnish their owen Grass Seed, _ Havire enlorged my Workshop and added new Machinery, I am prepared to Munufacture extenâ€" WOR I®s. R. H. McKAY, Proprictor. Still and‘always to the Front. WALKERTON FANNING MILL Lower Town, Durham. sâ€"or Sale, promy CAMPBELL & McCONKEY. I beg to announce that I expect the Train in this week with the balance of my Spring Goods. when my Stock will be Complete and I will be hapny to see persons in need of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Cans, Boots, Shoes & Groceries As I will strive to make it of mutual benefit for both Buyer and Seller. Will be sold at the LOWEST PRICE for CASH or TRADE. QurRAILROAD Jâ€"*"The Subsciiber is also a Practical Paper At IRWIN‘S BOOKSTORE, DURIILA M, Is kept constantly on hand a Large Stock of Stationery, School and other Books, Bibles, Writing Paper, Envelopes, Fancy Goods, CANDIES of all kinds, Almond and Brazil Nuts, "Toys ste. A Fresn Stock of the NEWEST DESIGNS$S in TEAS, TEAS, TEAS! CHEAP _ GCOD CHOICE The undersigned would intimate to Farmers and others in this Town and surroundâ€" ing Couatry that they have leased the Edge Mills for a number of years, and as these Mills have recently been thoroughly refitted with the most improved machinery for both Morchant work and Gristinz, and being both thoroughly sequainted with milling in all its Branches, they feel confident of being able to give satisfaction to all who may favor them with their work. Chopping done at any time. FLOUR, BRAN and CHOP FEED for sale anddelivered To ALL PARTS of the TOWN. Wool Carding & Fulling will be done as usual by experienced WORKMEN, The Highest Market Frice paid in Cash for WHEAT. Berlin Wools, Fancy Goods, Vases, Toilet Sets, Toys, &c., EDGE MILLS, DURHAM 1=*Agent for the Gore Matual Fire Insurance Company, Galt. Sclhool Boolz Depot, Durham, W all 5 lbs for $1. 5 lbs for $1.62% 5 lbs for $2. Those TEAS Sell Well and Give SATISFACTION. Call and Examine Them. Durham, May 5th, 1881. surance Agent, etc. e i Dvond" uiry ce s Remember the Stand, one door South of J. Weodland, jr., Lower Town, Durham May, 1881. Durhkam, May 5th, 1881. Durham, April 7th, 1881. Also the Revised Version of the New Testament. W s ars alw2ys happy tol Show Our Goods. 1OOK®S, STATIONERY, To Farmers and Others. WINDOW BLINDS, sitire thant tlest . | sp> sï¬ th" hib e‘s Where you will get every thing you want in Direct from the Manufactory in Toronto. THOS. JONES, Upper Town, Durham. TO JONES‘S J. CAMERON. â€" C.â€"L. GRANT. â€" In great variety. STEWART & LOWICK. Hanger, Carpenter, Conveyancer, Inâ€" GEORGE IRWIN, JDU IQEH A M. em1él *h165. y158 Givehim a cailand support nativeindustry, How are you of for Socks? 4 &. one to consider as there is nothing more inâ€" jurious for health than cold feet, however such can very easily beremedicd and everybody made to feel comfortable by calling on {n all sizes on the most improved :qethods, latest «tyles, on the shortest notice and a: charges that lofies competition. Look out for cold weather. Knitting Stockings & Socks J the very liberal Putronage received since comâ€" mencing business in Durhum, ] state that I am now better than ever prepared to execute work of A Superior Quality. As usual COPYING and ENLARGING done in A 1 style, LADIES AND GEXTS®* GOoLD AxD sILVER WATCHRS THAT CAXNXOT BE BEAT FOR TIME PIECES ANDCHEAPNESS. JEWELLERY, GOLD PLATED, JET AND GARNXET LADIES SETS, BRACELETsS, CHARMS, LOCKETS, CUFF PINS, BABY PIXS, CUFF BUTTOXNS,COLOR BUTâ€" TOXNS, STUDS, GOLD PLATED Ax1» BILVER Cnarns. Jem, Keeper and Plain Gold Rings, Silver Thimbles, Spectucles &c. Picture IFraming Repairing of all Kinds Promptly attended to, Pipe Firules silver and me:al made to order. A. GORDON. IN thauking my many Customers for the very liberal Putronage received since com Clocks from $2.00 upwards, BEST and CHEAPEST EVER SOLD New Goods, New Goods, Key and Stem Winders. The latest in Hall, Perlor and Bracket CHLOCE®. Some beantiful designs in Silver and Eleeâ€" tro Plated Ware at W. F. DOLLS‘, Flesherton. â€"%. hi bakery, justsouth of Juines Brown‘s Store, Garafraxa Street, he will keep on nand first cluss Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Biscuits, &c. Tes and Suï¬pfluo Parties supplied on the shortâ€" est notice, and at very low prices. He would miso take this opportunity of thanking the inhabitants of Durh,m and ,urruun-hua country for the patâ€" -o:r' ge bestowed on him during the pust, and us %c will supply Bread duily st uny place in the ‘own. rsre ) + A. PALMER. AMERICAN JEWELRY, GOLD & Silver WATCHES 2ORCTITORUY with, and on the same wpers as Inâ€" termedinte and Second Class, but be‘:)n being adâ€" mitted to examination: must produce from their teachers, or other conpetent persons, Cortificates that such candidutes are, in their judgment, reasonâ€" ably well prepared for examination. Colored & Bright Gold Scts, LOCKETS, RINGS, It is indispensible that applicants should notify me met Inter than the 1st of June, of their inâ€" tention to present themselves for examination. Forms of applications can be had from any County Inspector, The reguintions require that in all cases, the applications be nccumllmnied by testinonials of the good charucter and sober h«bits of the wpplicunt, -i’uod by a clergyman, and dated within & month of application. Clndldut?o for Third Class will be examincd concurrently with, and on the same j Examination will be beld at Owen mecing ut 2. p.m. on Monday the EXCELSIOR Bakery, No. 1. County of Grey TEACHERS‘ EXAMINATIONS. CANDIDATES for Teacher‘s Certificates AJ in this County arc hereby notified that the + DURHAM, _.\RE Prepared to take Contracts for 4 A. Brick, $Â¥0me and Wooden Buildings, Bash & Doors kept on hand. PLANS, Specifications and Bills of steme,jumr., who bas all the appliances for PATTERSON : WARNER Carpenters & Contractors, Lumber promptly made out. A call solicited. Sutistaction guarantend Orders left at Adie‘s HardWare Store, Upper To:m: will be promptly attended fo. Durham Nov.2% 1880 THE undersigned would intimate that at â€" !‘un bcke!y,liuft south of James Brown‘s Store, PHOTOGRAPHY. Durham, May 12, 1881 March 3rd, 1881 For terms apply to A. PALMER, Proprietor. Priceyille 26th April, 1881 Durham, May 19, 1881 OTS 48 & 44, in the 8rdCon. Bentinek, | South of the Durham line, VERY important question for every> THE LATEST XOVELTIES INX A. GORDON‘S. llth dgy of July, 1881. WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., For Sale or to Rent. Done in 35 different Styles. A Call is respectfully solicited. BRACELETS, Also Ladies‘ & Gents‘ IN DURHAM. DURH AM. INCLUDING T. DONAGHY, JAMES HENPERSON, On the proemis 8 Lower Town, Darham. Becond, and Third Clase WM. FERGUSON Presiding Inspector 881. di6i. Kelsey‘s old Stand, y 118. SEALS, CHAINS, &e. #¢.