West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 16 Jun 1881, p. 4

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is“; tl " A you" Indy, angina of the late Don. AHA-Id In. Taylor, Belmont. 001mm“. d aid-b on M: by was mm“. It -teets-h.dtmtrt' in: month. tb if. prh Moors Full)“, bulb}. ll "rr-l h In" boon the - A lad Md Eruost Stout. of sum Biahoet, “any“ to nan u nee they] of u “not“. an other day, had In: dread. m Md by tho engine, winch pitch-d “my the ditch. H. In instantly "Thais-s boy I can mm." We followed him with our we and looted " him when he took tus sent after recess. He had a t1ue, upon. manly face. We thought a good deal about. the master's remark. Th'hnt I chunk-r had that boy earned. no had slum gotten what would be worth more to him than a fortuuo. It would be . "upon into the but store in the city. Ind. what in Manama the eonfnlonoe and Inspect 'of the whole community. We wonder if the boys know. how won they no and by other people. Every boy in the neit*borlsood is known sud opinion "a Lmged of him l he has . and». either {not-bl. or unfavorable. A boy of whom the “to! can a, .."I can trust him, he - and mo." will - want emphy- ncd. The fidelity, pron-pun: and in. m which he shows in school no in “a! m wind on rywlzero. m who is thidttittt. but. " h. “wax u. much. A 6000 husez.--We on" visited . public school. At recess! little fellow “no up and spoke to tho “when As he tamed to ., down thrt platform the was!" laid : teruntteu few: mixed with strong. hot use. tea nr come without sugar. Neu. nlgil my be cured by rubbing the part “can! with I lemon. It is nimble, .150, to on" mum. and to destroy Jandruir on the head, by rubbing the roots of the lunir “it. and skin may all»; And used best and For all people, in sickness or in health, “and. is a safe dunk. It cancels bill. human. It is a wpeeitie against worms and skin complui: ts. The pipitthernatted, may nUo be tuned with water and sag“. Jud used an I drink. Lumen juice " the oqnuis county. Ill., which goes far to settle dehnitely that it wss not only a recent wimal,tmt Ihntit .mvived until the life and vegetstion of tu-day pyevailed. the tasks formed etch A full quarter of s circle. were 9 feet long, M. inches in circumference st the blue. sud in their water-soaked condi- tion weighed I75 pounds. The lower iaw was well preserved, with s fall set of msg- gvitlesnt teeth. sud is nearly thsee feet long. The teeth. lb ususl, were thickly ensmel- led. Ind weighed t,aelt from 4 to 5 pounds. The leg bones. when joined at the knee, male . total length of Gl feet, indicating that the sum.“ wu no less than ll feet high. sud " to " {out [rum brow to rump. 0n inspecting the rennin: cloudy s me of tit mus. hark-like material wits found between tho libs, filling the place of the Animal's stomach ; when carefully imperat- od, it proved to he s exwhed mass of herbs end m, iuuiL.r to those which still grow in the vicinity. In the same bed of airy elsy s multitude of smsll (rub wster no! hand shells were observed sud collected which were kindly determined by Dr. F. Stein, ll $ullows;-- Cnvinatun, Penman: county, bedded i we: peat. The tooth were in good pres“ "lion. And Mr. Putin Kent states the ,rheutheUrge bones were cut open th wow. Mill punched. was utilized by th bog whom to "grease" their boots, mu than! chunk- of spam-like substance, 21 h 8inoh" in diameter (mlipuccre) occupie: tho plan of we kidney tnt of the monster During "ll past manner of 1880 an alums eomyleto skeleton of a mastovlon was foam " mile. notth west from Honpstun. Ir M. John Coll-u. Ph. D., fitate Godo- gin cl India. (in. on. Min to. Mon to the mutation that 'li-ls the mum: Millennium]: did an live in new: in... kenneloghu who "w" the gnu antiquity of mu: nponthin - bud upon tho (at that his remains hue boon loam] with than " the mutodon. mll be oompolUd to not other hues of proof " than thoory. We quote from M m, 0eologurnl Report for 1880. Prof. Coilett my: _ . -___ ---' . - - . - . a}; - tho m that his nun-nu hm 3m“;- ttet: t5i,i'i'iiE'li,i' Puts 500- M ',2St,"uf at but "t ll' 'ret, by mud: from in “I". my. .. on room but " vino! " that theory. w. quote from F;::".:s:::?g|:t his "rant to Flt.“ Bunnie: 1&0. Pit Cl' Ce, plus. and py for them. Whiz: Colutt an 1- . .01.th to u a or “" M individual "reeunan of the th,',.', ',,'itl.ut"nft'S,e,: had a?“ book. rem-in: of the mtodu: (Mastodon. mam C'dl,'ll',?l,'l, one oat. teur) found in than 8tnts, in “no" any 0 It; sometimes much etusUr to give In an I "1y eon-idem“. part ". th- Ikele- f d r tUn to no it enema]. " " Irish ton of out: will»! ptovod to be m l greater W e a. t on“ dimrovered, “Attention. orleu condition ofdeerar. Theremuimsuve C',',?,',:',', " said he in . “mum“ voico. than been discover“! ie. ma.rsus, Ponds, Sim: Watt] to your roll.eall. All at " that or other wiry 2,C'i, 'tfteiu:'c1/",'l'li are presiut, snv 'Here,' and all of " that the cum ot the u o ' . " ' ' n the "not: of the Innervation tr It bones "yt, (1)7632?“ 'e, 23:12], to be duly from decay. Spots of grnuud‘m [ms ecu. . 2r"d Gi,', tb moment's ttsought, dition no found at the bmumxt or the 3hr ",'l'l','rl'lf mshs in answer to the non of cial Jntt or In "old bed," of nvprg wlil I Ct',' ("2/'e'r' Who when going to wBr, haw waited A shorter mule and low“ ', " .l'(l'l.. (.3 to LC,,' Lii, the bud of tbet an. In”, consequently their dale does um ',; Plum?! should beglad " Quota the parent, "mm beyond the tutyst recent chuhges .ol I iuuy, . m "e bum; without th head the vnrth's Mixture; in fact, thur Hts-l to be: JC,", tll',',',',',, safe " ti no» Wms u lutc. but. the gulf query Ir, i will“. 'il':')',',',) L‘andhmvn tmed to re. Wity Jul they WWW” “mm: . t h to t: t wh;n after Turner the [winter'- A skeleton was drew/vermin; exeavutingl ts uu . {t tlie Brtist's house on I the bed oftlse eaual tt few miles math f"' I po, he when u tho have ofgetting . Cuvxngtuu, Fcuutuiu comsty, bedded lie,'? 7323;?“ works m. old "om.“ wet peat. The lot tlrvert m gum! pres” I Pm“) a J!.' lowing up animal we "a "mm. Ind Mr. I'crriu hint tstates that f 'f 1cm}? t, k mm for the CM; meat mtt't, when the large bone, was “It. "yen the l ;'l',11','," ‘11:); u told himho “needn't cone mummy stxll preserud, "fl utilized Ly l; I .121. l: LI I'; tttul died the ar before." bog cutter. to "grease", than bouts: Ian Quench. ttv ood story is relisterl of om, of that chuuh "f sperm-hm. substance, I: fill! , l [l.?, ~’T'th;,u’H mm It is said that "mm“. dinnseter iadipAwret oeettiner I ”10“er izmividuul referred to first pre- the plum of tho kidney fat of tho monster. i w mil 1:8 lfe militaire to his wife and I Dunng the paint summer of 1830 an ttltuost 3.0mm lulxse tn hitter after Ruins .t sample“, skeletal: of "cc",','"');,',' my; four] I 1tl?/et'"t,'vr'mtit'2,', ‘Jmed toher moth. Nest mm Imps un, r- 1 o , ' Il,',',':',',',,,':',',);", which goes far to settle ! cr, and rutluim'et'l, 2v,,'y, ma, that I not definitely that it was not only a recent i a real soldier-it a pa . true. in up Into that Why did they become A skeleton WM dim the bed of the canal a IVDIHCI “All” "I 1.301! " TII m1- 0cm or IAN. .ti.sevrbutie remedy known urea: the ditwase, but Pre Use of Lemons. lemon jun bands and ft Lat prueuts it. of it for this put at, rubbing tho we to keep mom d and: are also th in Recent Mon was foam: Hoopstun, Ir as far to sank u are also nple by the map. It also used in in. strnng. hot agar. Neu. it not dog-m recon-.4" "it. n FM”. G -tain n in and“ dock. and villi-”z cure win-Io an". no pol-i“, K. - r ,. m"".e"e" "mm-u colds. winch “a the forerunner, of more uri. uul duet-tern. n mt. quads] and lately. ah syn relieving "tresin ' ".5 on: n msritut lite. The protection it "didl't by its timely use in throat uni chat Ali-union. make, it an iuvduable tamed to be kept A!" I on land in every home. {loperwn on Jud to be “than! n, In! those who In". hoe used to navar will. From their kin-H300! in oun- p . two and “up. ”gym-thymus, A worthy old farmer who thoroughly de- tested taxes and tttx-gatherers, In: once called on by a collector a second time for taxes he had once mid. but for which he hm! mialnid the receipt ; and " u told the story to his friend. "Would you believe it, sir, the fellow begun to abuse me t" "Well, ' said his friend, "what did you do ?" "Dot why I remonstntod with him." "And to wut effect?" “Well, I don't know to what ofreet, but the poker was bent!" "the Whole “In." of lead-e No preparation In: ever perfurmml men mu- vllous cures. or maintained m wide A rupuu- tion " Ann's Cuuuur Pirottar, which in recognized an the wurld'n tuned fur all die- cm of the throat and lungs. L [on eon- tinued uric: of wonderful can. in all chum ha [mule " univerullv known a n ale and reliable agent to omplny. .Attnigsst "dim A._| I- _.L. ,l _ Al " - At a military dinnor, in Ireland, the fol. lowing “M on the tmsst.lisrt: “Moy the man who has lost one eye in the glorious service of his beloved country, never see distress With the other." But the person whose duty it was to read the tou', tteei. dentally omitted the Important word "dia. trcss." winch eompletely changed the Mn- timcnt. and caused no end of merriment by the blunder. The most miserohl nun in the worid in the .lyslx-ptic, and alyspepua ll one of the moat tr, uhlusume dWuenltie, to remove, Bur. dock Blood Bitters alvuyn conquer it. It sumulatea the mentions, "guinea the bowels. acts nlmn the Liver, udn digestion. and tunes up the entire lyltem. Trial Bottles l0 Cents, Large Bone: 81.00. --bl68. A youngmnu in a dentist's chair in Waterbury, Conn., fancied he was riding . bicycle, and forthwith striking ottt with great vigm pat each foot through a pane of glass UI the window lefnro him. And yet, be {all no pxne,--Riehmoru(Va.) Baton. “W Inn's that fellow doing, John '?" "Why he's n natumlist." "What's that t" "Why one who catches aunts. to be sure y' A Tiflu dispatch says : Aeonfiiet occurr- ed at. Kuulm Letween 70 prisoners and the military guards. Over 25 men were killed or Wounded. and 80 prisoners amped. carrying off rifles. The growth of Winnepeg in something as- tonishing. Last year the assessment amounted to 94,008,470. This year it it 90,039,036. We know of no city in America which has thus more thou doubl- ed in one you. Fmrmeuville was the seen of a fatal mn. nwny on Saturday, June 4. A boy named David Pariah was driving the team of Mr, Irwin White, when they ran away and upset the Waggon. The Ltd's skull was smashed, and instant death was the result. A gentlemen 51w an ol) Highlander one day firsltiug with a bent pin. He said to the man. "Fish will never be caught with that." "Aye, they will," the. man repli- ed. " if they'll only take it into their heads." A per..on overheard two countrymen, who were observing a naturalist in the titml collecting insects, say one to the other: Ir lt9" are 'uttering with A cold do not fail to try Hmn‘ann‘s I'ENDRAL Baum): l it in daily rl'llcving in hundrula throughout (ur llnlnmiuu. " is pleasant and palatable.- M68. England and Russia have agreed not lo interfere in cane civil war break" out in Afghanistan. The vill 'ge of Bradley, in Hampshire, England. has been almost destroyed by ilre. _.-------- no-.‘ ----- Seaforth claims a population of 2,500. Serious Bool, are reported in the Pitta. burg district, Pennsylvania, T ltedfonl's population, 636 ; real estate, 681,812; personal property, 991.000. An invalid sundown eonMed to tim room, sent his urvmt. tn Irishman, to“. what hour it wu by the Inn-dial, which was fastened to a post in the wden. The mnn wu not very long gone before be en. tered the apsattnent wmowlut exeibd. nu the Inn-dual in his hum]. wing: "Here, sir; pny look " " yourself, " it mpstiti" me .ll over." Fol SAL! " ALL mAlIll. Irish Wit. Tweed Suits from $6. His Stock of BOOTS dt: SHOES will be found JH Assorted Ind Aho RIGHT PRICE. JUST RECEIVED, SELLING At BOTTOM PRICES. may Made Clothing the Largest trt ooh in Gents' Felt and Straw Hats Is Belling 5 lbs Good. Japan Tea Dust for $1. 12 lbs GOOD BRIGHT SUGAR FOR $1.00. He has the best 500. Tea in Town, Try It- A Choice Selection of GROCERIES always on hand. Our Fhnhroideriea, Frillings, Dress Fringes, Buttons, Cnlnureul and Black are an lnubtedly the best value in the trade. Men's. Women's, Minses' Hosiery and Gloves. Kill (Moves all llmdes and sizes; Women's, Children', ('ursetn ; Infant» Robe- aud Draws. Conaiatingof Grey (muons, White Potions. Shirtings, Denimn. Ducks, Tickings, Cottomulur,, Sheeting: and Pillow Canons, Canton Flanntln, [Innvy Comb Cl, tha, Terry Cloths, Linen Towels and Towellings, Talrlings, Table l'lutlm, Napkins h‘l)yliea Quilts, Toilet Mat: and Covers, Tahh, Oil Cloths, Quilt Prints, Good Luck Prints, Robe Prints, Csetonues, Plain and Fancy Pam-y Lustres, White Dress Muslim, Linen Hamlkorchieh, Black and Coloured Caghmereg, exeellent "h"), all tllVycllatest nlesiglu lu laces, 1mm scam, AN") 'IC' UM. Ii/till/T/lL/ll/Fl/EHR/Nr, l)ro~s G oods, LACE CURTAINS, a choice variety and very cheap. Mantle Cloths; TWEEDS, We have plenum in announcing that "ur Stock is now complete, and we In: prepared to show special values in SPRING AND SUMMER I Mlle Subscriber is Bhro a Practical Paper Hangar, Carpenter, Conveyantmr, In. surance Agent, etc. Remember the Stand, one door South ofJ. Woodland, jr., Lower Town, Durham. TEAS, TEAS, TEAS ! CHEAP GOOD CHOICE 5 lbs for $1. 5lbs for $1.6% 5 lbs for $2. Tho-e TEAS Sell Well and Give SATISFACTJEON. Call and Examine Them. Airil 234.1881 At IRWIN’S BOOKSTORE, Dlll " [A NE, Is kept constantly on hand a Large Stock of Stationery, School and other Books, Bibles, Writing Paper, Envelopes, Fancy Goods, CANDIES of all . kinds, Almond and Brazil Nuts, “joys she. A Fresh Stock ofthe NE WEST DESIGNS in Berlin Wools, Fancy Goods. Vases, Toilet Sets, Toys, &c., EAgent for the Gore Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Gnlt. GO TO J ONES’S School Book Depot, 3:31.111 Wall Papers, Eli. Don't forget the ma. May, 1881, Durham. April, 1881. Durham, May 5th. 1881. Durham, April 7th, 1881. IfAuy gummy of Butter tttd Eggs wanted and highest cash price paid. Also the Revised Version of the New Testament. WALL PAPER. BOOKS, STATIONERY, Mantles, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. WINDOW BLINDS, MEN'S FELT HATS in all the news", Styles. Where you will get every thing you want in Direct from the Yranufaetory in Toronto. THOS. JONES, Upper Town, Durham. A LARGE STOCK 0F J, CAMERON, MOCKLER’S Cheap Cash Store1 Black Lustres. Colourud Lustres, In great variety, lt'. & A. DAIrIl)yl(rN. 1851'. GEORGE IRWIN. y158 an“ TOWN, DOWhM, I)'IJI€IIAI\[. Durham extra good value. Silks and Katina. and Children'. Misses' and em101 l 40 Dominion Organ & Piano Company Correspondence Solicited. Send for Illustrated Catalogue We are now manufacturing Square and Upright PIANOS Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker in the The Largest and Most Complete Factory in the Dominion, ----.e --140 x loo-- ORGANS AND PIAN OS. The celebnted Fleury Plow will be sold at “B for No. 12; No. 17 “017. Side bill "r Swivel Plow $14. ll. McFAiU.ANlv'. Dry Goods. Clothing, Hats, Cans, Boots, Shoes & Groceries.| ()XLY FIRST CLASS MATERIAL USED and Work Done in the Bert Manner, I beg to announce that I expect the Train in this week with the bnlnnce of my Spring Goods. when my Stock will be Complete and I mll bu happy to see person- in need oi As I will strive to make itof uuotslhouelit " ln th Buyer and Seller. All Goods Will be sold at the LOWEST PRICE for CASH or TRADE. We are always happy to' Show Our Goods. Carriages, Buggies, Waggons, etc., Our RAILROAD AG: lClV'l‘ for all kinds of Farming Impfements. CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP ! Manufacturers of Trmware dm, . b] AV ESTRO ['G H S A S P [GUI " J11 T Y . Fob. 11th, 1080 In. Emu-'1'»- .-aerisasue, nun-Manda t . . Adults. i'raessmottrstio.t1. "" "tror.rofwsmniaekiur- um. Fur-Ink Now ”(our on In rfert . . dumb“, they have no equal. Price " smut; “wk-get.1c tn every color. For bug!!!" amd Durham Carriage Works. lit. MCFARLANE, Proprietor. HARRIS 32: Co. DEALERS IN STOVES . the only radian.“ tut moan-run: Ttttrift" the ll Blood, acts upon the Liver, Bowen. Skin and Kidney; tl {1" while st the same time it alley: Nervous Imam Illlllllt and strengthens the Debiliteted system. mm, and , , l _ Ipeedily curing women. Jeundioe, Drpepaia, com. L itW, potion, Headache, Rheumatism. Droply,N mom “4 Gen. - oral Debility, female complaints. Scrotum, Bmipelas, Salt Rheum. and only species of Chronic Disease erbium Disordered Liver, Kidneys. Btomaeh, Bowel: or Blood. m" -- - TIIE nes'r mod mums mac lit In: mm. Isa-pie Bottle. Ice. T. unsung} M., my; mum. mom. let-In up. on... Durham, March. 1881. Of the Best Material, Good Finish. and at Lowest Prices do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. ... 1877. GOLD MEDAL It PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION TORONTO, 1878. HIGHEST Awnd at INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, Toronto, 1879. MEDAL AND DIPLOMA, CENTENNIAL, ... ... The Best GOAL ou, in Town. HARRIS & Co. Mailed Free. Addrear- Best in the Market. l)( ))I EN I()N Tho Subscribe} in also Now on hand, C. L. GRANT. Bowmanvill, Ont. 1876. - -.. " - Ytdiido,r,tii,t'hit'gieil'i [ltmwmandn- oitro" ’40. “can um. World. y157 $5 (mm Bent tree n. nu...» whn vi-h tr, "and 5’ tho mun damn! um ”nibble Mum“ “WWII. 'C.'ll'llliQ nPv. mum I not owed. BU Will turnuh mm m r-rvthlng '10 I - itsd ' Inn‘s in mum made r "hum .94.; I“ I", - bouu, Munich. No mi vim-m. In! I; It"ert v 'ttttrot It hm, - Mypr etpye'C,'2'" ,er,v".orsrrrntied u rm. Many m will "r ama n the tttV lun- II-II " - " may. 'sad {mum tat I“ all! “I”. - IPS, Kr one. (new!!! "iriiiFTEififiLititet or TIC. CITY OF' MONTREAL Tho mm an up! Ina-nth"! 1»:va no a. tho,',',")',,'."? nan Prmlm-ml Inn-mum MtMt " "I " ' to k. a I Gii,euu--.8 his 'a't.Wi,' Tll',;, b"(tii%TdlllllraaTG mum nmnicttlun. ___ _ _ of tho "Minn- umy Pror-fott.1 mm to ”NM Tatummd Viqu ot (Dunno. I'm . ©usnuutl Business Dix-961017 Classified Bil-vines: Director! AV] n1 Mnmhnm- Mm "the Mo. Provtrt" " dunno, n; m ' u) m “Miami. trla', to"" noun" "tat his. firm willmlhlinh n PK "mm toyTuuo nun-.110“, in November Beet, Mn,: LOVELL. at the "will"! of In" ' nl Marvin-um- mm "em... “up... i'rnvll'" M to [II at NO l?o be Published in Novem'r, 1881 Lt IV. HIS Province of Ontario Directory . Joni: mviu. t ION. rum-hon Imus! Jtor. um. (n all sira au,, maul itupr 'trims, on um uh trims! uuuuu done; mumm- m: M. Give him a. mul and supp. $10 1a: tail “no“ 'riiluMt to u. rk. “-me 'en.tttll me In“, Boy, and aids can um“. Mum hm": made at tne basin" hundred dun-eh. it: u maxulu Wm k. had arc-r bran Iu‘lurz‘. Ali wlto angina» .11 s.eut' on.» annual-mm with Mulch th Look out for cold weather. How are you of for Socks? nem- on.» and my 'tlrUatt to make mom [was dun”; your " a nut hun- to have rink. Tmos" “no u 'onudniné in: wnth. Depart 8:55 I. tu.,'2a'b p. m. Arrive 1:55) . Ut., CT, 11.11) Fortune " in 'r,rrneuitetcCtatiot- Tittte I'd-h. El DI UID WRAGGI . General Inq- Do not drug the IyItem with mu ntivu that only Ilehihute. Bu n Bitten in unmm'l own (‘ulumq once upon the Bowels, the Skin. 1 tsrtd the Kidneys, stunning all Hu- to u Ilellthy action. It purities n uul cure. Ill Human. won the 1 Scrufula. Ind h-uet up the Scrum bilitated.--bl68. The Fenian: “IVE tmole a an” itoutpt to blow up the Tum: Hull ipun]. Two of the persons puru- irnge have been mutual, and tl" tion with the Peniuu orgunizuu muddy prove" by duclunents [hair plmnvuion. A gnu-m] I" Hiring is esprwtrd in Ireland. 1 Reader have you trlud ev"ry r Chrmnir tlseBqe, Impure "lood, Liver or Kn new. Nervous and G Knitting Stockings * Socks UPI-art Anne. I‘HIBWATVJI 1tottart 'i.0tto. m.. tl:" m1 Anh- 10:!" tb, m., " p. I "rho Mixed mm- will nu]: man , Au) tt mad mar-1n” FLtcti.EIgq'0gr l Liver or k Inn-1w, Nervous all-l Illility. ('mu‘ignwul "f the Hun lulu-Hold 'tut'asiugcpertaiutnur tl I You given up In despair'. 'I {Blood Hiaw- l it " nut (all ' 'Huul-s only cm”: lo (huh, Will”. Any dealer“: mediwm lyuu. MUS. South North Went Three who“ unhin- um In...“ at New Yuri on Wednesday for ovam'd_ in. their vessels wnh paw !xgerg_ Th1. enforcement of a luv heretofore partial] ignomd in one of the fraita of the Lannie: dinner. when doetom sling": 1lt dull drridts The lemme" aci- e W "throw-in m. m, to wimp." and trying Burdock 1'illti' Bitten, and cl 0 result in always 'htu.tetor, Burdock Blood Bitter. a the Multum " Pam of medial science. curing ul am..." of the Blood. Liver and deneyu, A trud bottle only can“ Mt can". . A dull-r hum. "my nu you mny dollar, m doctor'. Mu.- - tmm Amsterdam. by the mm tNrttstttt 1.. Jewish mktion of over 40,000. 'd il ' guy. In, indoed. in the whole of "on. lt the Jews ban futod well. Thor. It I found an uylum. when in most “the, my at Europe they had not u resting J'.",'?':,',',' there they have remained, prosiereo" Ind multiplied. “A tram will rail in Tum)! Depart, 'tio ., .1 Fair. .. V Omusan me 4“", gum-1:4 Thruway m ml: mouth 1'katuwtou vhuudn?‘ In tore ori- in: . ilutottuk--1'uetrtiesy u-Iurv (mama “Hr. Hammad Wadm-Mny bolun- “magnum Mannme Vacuum “annually It: and: "mum t"Weetotr-i, hut Wanna-uh) in each mouth. Hummu- -Lut Wednesday lit um. mouth. Elnru Th" Alan Liann- un- IPO Douala» -MwutLvy ln-luru Lin;- 'Luuiibat li) and Puace (in. nun-um. Burl“. hut T%urtuUy in on: I; "rtuuptots-9ir.t Tums-In) in 1 [Astute] l us! Full“) u. now): rcruluw'l‘hurmmy [uh-m um M: lumemout ' nu _ um nib-mu. gust, “club. r um Dem-m Primrtm- Wuhu-mln) prev-~- d1 Durham Pievilh “mun-r Mum-L F Gum-11w Harrisit" o-t.mu,me Tornntn Novrmher Wht Alphabetical I irectory an mm "ttrw "(Dunn lul- Mot, It". Jul-WW Mania)" bet, W I INN". For»!!! Third Wtult; um”. Fin! “tableau: t In Mott Fruiuy ham-v tl n5 u l, h tummy below t CHANGE or TIME um Third Tutsthry in (- vil‘o 9.iott!ur.bq:tav_" hep-rt 63.0 n Arum 4.1..) p WM. JOHNSTON, Jr,, to:.it lit-pun Arr: . .. Monthly Fairs. AND A THrtttotttt All f tddr, role Inn-ha, H Plume annuals, t mum; In and: umml Thurs-Ia) in purl: m1 't 1.1..) in mull Imam: y [outwit-u Noun! h nth of ' "oruur.v, my: sr and [kn-umb- r. nah) prt-cerdhag the manna Thursday iut ft In tore (mu-um in " 'ebrre Orotgtaullr. “why below ("Mum tl ’rirr otore Iiurittts ry "elirlC, tttt ran "Imam it to learn. Ind u I mun, dun u " the ver" an " u. rk. “nun-l and gins m: " " ttie Inn-hm null-malt. mu Li who 'utguW' Mt , with which th \’--I1(-nlnrugmu Lower Too, Dothattt tun, y, -u can magma In "up bun tum u frost yrotbt' Ya! “mum t. We%uieau"it. rand) money. than” "it. flrl, n "tttiveindusttr Mu! "grttsodr, Ind um B. chm CM :u "mum. Mount. ' a”, angry. Aw“. June, " with an " m. Yeo/tttar, a Fair hay Ill not! now wt In: uh. (inf-I'm "tr. rhu 'r" stutrf. K" a" “IIIIIPUORISIIK- ls Nu: can: W Imam-u rm - c. Noun-4; [no It gngr- urn nun-rim! In“, W..." Mil-wk A, - Tun-day,“ my " rem od y (up Agni“ I“. the W1]. lhrir ath Fenian rum mai» f the l the (by an. rmined n. tuck AL: bhe Elana Wurst of t atul 1).. oth inn-bi r igtgte _ Liver, 'er'Ittom I hung. the out (mum moon. 'tr oth F Ill up. " «i Char; Gluing. Gm W. CALDW ELL, BOOT and Sll()uljil(liil, Ir,",., Sour: mar, Dunn. Sear cuue Howl. pmptly utendmf Fresco sud Banner 1 Speciality. llouuv. Sign. and Ornamental Painter, JOHN ROBERTSCI.’ TAILOR AND CLOTHIFI ll Mn- I Lam': 3r. Lumber, Imrh Conn-gunman and l P',' LIN-cl Fueling " “11:11:11) [In Dur II "" In” rar, mt a tVst elm Boot or Shoe in _ W "rbrMAetoy" 'ee yr Pmrted VETERINARY :31; P201201 W Ctwo" tt mm! Nun OW!!! "ou) 1min. ‘LI'IHIU I "ost "iid -rai Gititutiioiei, awed “a Cutting done t u Frost (k. Frost. IP/ill/ll"',.?,","" uni 'r, [ y §I1l|tul~ III , '1, ., 4 r, _ iFFFuriifeiiiiii.tteirrAeeariod ALEXANDER BROWN F. DOWNES, IRUH A1 wander "or- null-a. . all Hud- of [IN‘BI u. My All-nul- 'ot H, “In ado ru- Alh'orhu-mrnu " IT Jun Hannah t " In!“ turbid-L n, ht " H Do. at: month- Do. that month fun-l “void-Mum". [or the In! it-ttogg. u gumml tun-mun ', w. M. CLARK. Architect and Builds: Mum-l Ind hum! um sud undo-q Taro that“ "I to Miles s Thu- iuoluu de. |Vl "" on column. but you I." column. .. urn-u]; new: I. I...- BUSINESS DIRECTORY LEGAL At tho once. (lush-x- tit >Tl.l'| II .0. Fr yu-nr I. \oh an: . OI... II - paid " ill-In lira-1' ~0IC... Every ’l‘hurmlsu hl'lillAM “THE GREY WI IEW“ ll.L| Till TTOI “.-.J" “I"..II. A TTOIKNIH at Law. 's Km. l. B2MM3EItANE0UF. At . laden“ PM. _ in§1 Durham, - - - HI TAILOR. RATES or ADV F.llTltil Ni Shin I.“ D1 ts E. " XI?" MEDICAL. hl'lm "III: I " tii' M A H " PUIIJHIZD Lath d; Lim to Order tiimtr,"l )crtscr ll 'ii'is'i Fresh Ont I) Seed an

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