West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 14 Jul 1881, p. 3

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"WW5, .'ts, km" on tue.. rtTormtto, - " I had tad N llging to M ho Cram V.“ inn-u “no“. VGJDOId-y m ( Ttse Imiiau..-.,. Wind“ dear. A nd . u- d .165qu . Noun". H. The NH" t! lb. 5,. " - taken In. it. I. In. thou. tut . hrs from a, M r analyst m late'.. in I“. r m“, u. I... In” GM Bl " MI from bu m {Manning - jam" old-i“ kw lady. and N. on tho b, 2n " has. w of Mr. P. . " In cl 1. tir. butch h tutmt by . Driving . rqtt. it Judaic. - nol I paqit.h. mth to! and i. b ith trooth- Iluunuoo on bad- Grey & Bm.. b I lnruvy cutting I. mung can.“ " alum. tho 5. Thu u.- h b an small, gnu. my I». to bob- In“; u mun to... Aitsoeiatioe, - mung tho - win» hm! been f the "r, h with tho s-. rgnun. my was I ha. and the can...“ ’23,!!!) in g“ The log. N "Malachi“ - fluid) in.“ rm in Co... as. My '0"... M hug, 'I "mick-cod Maud-mu, u Mt Wednuby, . The the m 'ahsusp in thq ortho r " lull-II it man braid" an. um; um. h - who of tho owen unlit.- ."ud in “I." ’0- (2...... m it.“ sold I. 'tii." Mn mil who“ ET] ”Jaw no}. ago-”(w tLua, ,qu, . Bhee. in autumn csyatatttitr:i,t; " mm; Inlay. who in mypoud to have an... Indium inch-1mm Gold in nu mnaw_mm. bu h... a. ”Vt. my uuuu lodged in elou proximity to the who. ll. lived tor no you: In". Ind though ho um occasionally than“ of pain. mining how the "no... of the brrtri yawn", died " in! " I rips old “0. Aroet “0.le the he! in: the prove-o of new. had to iso- htodtbo ballot from tho into-lino co.- net with tho‘tiasuen. and tho Continual -uuruititin land had the all.“ od Ant. bnniu‘um 'trtthmttttto-oot. “um“. . . . _ - t The" is much -iatiou at proton! with my" to thr mm of ballot woundl. in Mutation with do shooting of ' dom Gal-Id. not. in on. an. od po’nt: “may Ham" Assocuetos.--Thi. trofmtion MnrmMed " Owen Sound Tuna-y. Tho proceedings connn‘xl discussion of 'hbhnth s'kltool matters, a public wanting on tho “In. snlvjoot Laid in tho owning “dream! by Rev. Davidson and otlmrs. Ort Walnut ghor' hrmon try the Rev. Mr. Dunlap Durham. when] hnnineu was proeee with, and in the owning n minim “in. In held. Rom J. P. not}: pastor of tho church. Owen Sound, 0ch "tho choir. Ind unto-routing may»... to“ of Ibo Home Mission won dolivo " thrWev. 'dr. Ron, of Poet Ihitt, Sudan. M.P. P.. Rev. Mr. byh. of , onto. and». Rev. Dr. bum-on. _ it. In. Judd. Sullivan. ot In. Ihot " by I man with where "019‘.“h Min» lodged in do“ Io tho 'thte. Ho lived tor Mt v and um the hunters I od. In a short that “whip. whom they patching. They then the villa... and. In" man mm, n Fammonz--On buy the people of Elsinore we" of tho pronoun of I Inge hour in Mrhood, Ind tur hunt-line), i [any to go in pursuit of brain. At the close the Queen drove ol the much. and tho Duke of Cmnbridn on her behalf thanked the Communion. The gallon] nppnnnco of the men who mtia. fu-lory, especially the regiment from the maths": counties. 01w mun wu "vetted to In" died from fatigue. The nun shone out hriiliantly In “no in. fnntry regiments. hettdrd by the Prince 0! Waua' tarps. began to tile past, the “mum admins me Amway us they passed, Ind tare buck playing "God Save the Queen." When an In! man had prune-I the unintu- in. point the regimen-In formed tnto two vat uni-circular linen. uni the Queen uni! Royal Family draw through them, the troops pvt-muting I'll". the bands pluving, And the “tiller, Bring a an“. M the elm. the Queen drove " the much. and the Duke of Claim om Ion. their commander who " WAGE we " Wilulnh up. In: cordially neeivml. Tho Can-dim rillnmrn now practising TU at Wimbledon were on the ground not In thortly from an royal mama, their shah)“ deer. mm.“ on“ with maple leaves. Co'oml Gib-I Hill In". their commander who won the Prim tati-our M In) most brilliant noel-trim: ind Hie. over Assembled in Eng the old joudmgdays. Tho Duh of Cambridge, who had gon- eral charge of the day's work, menpiod a poulliol nut to the Fern at the saluting point. and with Her Mujosty Inn Prince Cbmtinn in the antique garh of the Rota. or of Wind-at Put. and an arr-y of-mny on-. in til tU pump and circmunvmeo ol Us. Hon. Grundy» Behiad than: and nketgthe min Pavillion elnsterod the In; l Molt!» TIM. but Scotland in " mad by Lord EMM- old my. " the It.“ Scottish. undo: Colon-l Lin-dam aodreisd by the London hill), lad“ qkkaot Wad. The War We. maintain d it: [lo-tip " wandering, It. - Int-gut " I.” curt-ins lacing “tenth ‘ I be.” At0audline ”large. My " a... Th. tampon under. too, hub “in " lull. and 10,000 nun who had I‘M bit not up during the dar not. lilo the French in Flanders. no Quota. escorted by I squadron of the Boyd Home (in-ml... blue, an." on to ti o I WI. 6p.m. Her 1nristy was :0- oonpniod by hum have“ nu] Princes. Mien. Ind “tended by h Iano, all! in. eltadiant tier Garnet Wouuo. and Sir Fredrick ttoutta. In the but carriage cam. the ( Prince- Lonin,tttcnded Ly Lady Suphfn I luNIunn and Captain Collins Then i um tho other memheu at the Royal I may. Anth- outridem to the Queen's c mrriag., which I!” drawn by four gnyl, i, van mu trotting up from the Cmt'e p to the “nut put. the Buyal Standard T Va run up on tho Batt-tstair It the n saluting point, the lunch. forty five in l numb". played the National Anthemmn.t c. tho volunteers drawn up in long lines pro tl nomad Brmtr, while the artillery batteries w ftrmt n salute. heard distinctly " Primes. tl Hill. m ttte VON-lean in '50 - Volume" [in iow a Windsor A eel Mo- tktard.r, am " mutually. Cummi Thu it. no" men and" mum. 68.000 "no of " told, than our manned " one time on t In In in his». soil line. mm Edward numbed l, Nov, b Ibo i-ion of Scotland. In June, 1860, I death I '5. tho 9.0M Ind Prinee Consort n- camo'to wt time they on l up. of Port Elgin. D. Rev. Mr. Dyh. of Tor Dr. Davidson. “inn. ot Montreal. with whom n dispute rinena mu Proeersd d rousing I missionary Ur. J. P. MeEwou. Owen Sound, occupi until». mum-m on liar-ion won deliver“ Volunteer Review at Lndsor, England. " Wednesday Mr. Dnulop, of Ito won the Prince fnm'uo. The pttmpiu, 1ple,lou two you. or works engine is on] in Hyde Putt, than the ground; " the "'uut'N1u'y I ,hlurma ot bowel ournvr.uul.Liiis." I . vruuloit, of The negroes at Richmond, Ya., ungrat- I I'""?'" d y excited uu‘r a series of dire events, iu. T."".","""' cludlug the attempt to mmder the Presi- y""ee, lent, the illness of the Rev. John Jasper, ad, "emu" famous for a sermon on the revolution of "yrs m' the sun and alumni] the death of a popu , P/very lu- eoloured men, all of which they “tribune Eltrin, D, to the appearance of the comet, which the 'se, of Tor coloured philosopher: declere bee hunted i . and its tirey contents ere but em rt present the earth, which will soon " enveloped. I wounde. Hundreds are being converted " remort- of Puri- l able time- and plane. In the ”has ofrr'nt ..i feetoriee nu mireenlone mien. end eon- Montrenl. l Volaions unions], interfere with Dunne-e, lg .I:.__A, - IA! . I ring of lords England line. Dominion informal the tteight organized 11in Pon. of Dr 7 MW...“ ”math-Cm“ [heroin nun-inf; in their Dwain. and t elnetoen mun-mud it It in Aha-"ably eon-u u it: touch-i mm. And will-In)- ~w-- M cur.- m potable. {on Sun at ALL Dunn. No preparation bu over performed Inch Inu- voloul our“. or unkind so 'HI . ”put- tion " Ann‘s ell-III 1’an, which is recognized a the muld'l remody for alt die- one: of the throat and lungs. his I COW. cinual series of wonderful cum in Intimates ha mwle it universally known In a “to and reliable agent to omplny. Axum. ordinary calm, which are the torerunniG of mm uri- ous (liwnlon, n uh -atr Ind "rely, “ways "Having sutferinir, And often suing life. The protection it affords. by its timely use in throat Ind chest nlisunlan, an in it w invaluable round to be ke'pt Min . nu haul in our, home. k', phones- ulna to be wt$hoit If. "pl, ttmoi, "mire once mod " - wil in? their . . . Minn-I _ .1eudeoru.G _ m-.. --.-u-n-ugeul “noun. wanton ad “phyla-n. ”can Cm P.ecrostas oval-ink]. um their mum- --- , and the m of lunacy. u the termination uIThornton'a sonic. to this country. Danger : Beware ; A: you va'uo your -'ifra, beware of opiates In diam-hum muting. They quad! pain, but checking too olddenly, the remit! N Iuttumna inn. Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, made irom the Wil,1 Htmwhmrv plant and other hm'iug vegetablmin Int-n" our: our. for J1 toroa of bowel comanL-J-ITK Twenty-save Cincinnati. ma street. Thirtv Burdock Blood Bitterscnm scrotal... -rynipLu. an t rheum, pilel, and all [union dtle I.l..ul. ('ures dynpopnh, liver com. .I..:... LA: -_-- _ Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry enra- nunuuar complaints, diJrhm-n, slysentery, cholera "tor1rtre, cholera "fmturn, amm- ntomnch. eoli ' nausea, vormt. my "auker, mm, lruuorrhoea, aud all manner of tluxrats. AMT-1 Last week a dunghter of the English Mujor (Zennml Fyen fell into the sea. at Hyeres, Fame. The Goneml‘s wife and Mouth" daughters sought to toluene her, and all four were drowned. A Hutu kwrrttrstr,ir.. -Thrs Hon Bitten Manufacturing I'mnpuuy is one of Rochmster't, weaken: buninen enterprises. Their Hop Hitters have reachel a Inlv beyond all prece- dent, having from their irttrini/e value found choir way Into almost every household in tlur, The Klmlivo of Egypt. It is I. nlmnly decree the total abolition of thr "who!" his dominiuns. l Milwaukeeiu threatened with I During: terrible norm on Mnnday, a Image near Cts'teoon vu struck by tigu'. nine. Mrs. “mm" was horribly mammal and killed. The lightning struck three other NYMJHEI. British Minister Thornton. sailed for uglaud ou \Vcdncsday. He Ihinh tur. ld will noun-r. The various British III- mal mums adopted regulations"! regret the termination uIThornton's sonic. to and " II. Whole _ of load-o 000 gallon; herds [mung perished A disastrvus avalanche is re '4wstaerltuad, 1.300 duo-p with Two battalion: of Turkish troop: hive been ruined near Mecca by iusurgeuU, with a lurs of 250 killed. The G. T. R. has decided to build I new M,000 station at Bunuunl. pt hey of dune who felt it their duty to se- {cede in we and form n "erptuate commun- ion. In the Autumn of WN Dr. Cumming [vouched before Her Majesty at Duurohin. The auljt-ct of hi, sermon run, "Com muuiou twttl: Hana and Earth." Her May-My walked towards the member at the ch se of the divine service. Bud penonslly thanked him for the sermon to which, she was pleased to say, she had lUtened with l the greatest pleasure. I .w-nty-sovou deaths are reported from innati, nmstunhem occurring in the wt. Thirty ds.ad bodies, including some died on Monday were " the any nu- tker's on Tuesday uniting iarntith. invariably opposed pt Wy of dune who cede in 1842 And to: m we. The pumping capacity of her wat. works engine is only 8,000,000 gallons, u the daily cousumyliuu exceeds 18,000,. an born in Abordeousluu. alumni ' ud ly, Nov. 10th, 1810, and “tho In “In 0, death In. in his 7tst you. Dr. Cunning 3- mmo'to London in 1833. On the W!!! n: he Wu Gui-wished " him Ind w Intiriu We: to the det-hs- of n tho Cntholio Church. Dr. Oil-nil: I. punched before an Majesty, It “and, ' nutmon sfterwndn published and. the y at]. of“8.lution.” Among his beat than 1 work: no, "Apoenlyptio Sketches," “Daily I LW," and “Voice. of the Night." Dr. Cumming publlahod "The Great Tribula. I tion," a volnmeot upwards of 600 pixel. I tasting of the proyhetic descriptions of the coming of Chmt and the end of the dir. pensation, which hu had I large sale ; . companion volume. in 1862, called "Be domptinn Druweth Nigh" and the “Dasha; " Nations : or, the Future, of Europe In Dcleniaud by the Lil U." In there Works great cunts were predieted " 1568 1nd in his work, "The seventh Vial," published in Novemler, 1870 he quotes svidence mum the umt rrlialvle snurcea of the ful. diluent of ull events predicted in the pag. ".N of prophrey. In his prefuee he states Jmt he does not revise or recast a singie rxphumtiuu of prophecy in his former wok, but ul ides lg, mud, in this hot vol. uttte,jurtitied all. Dr. (fuuunlug Mahmud to the E,tetslit,hed Church of b'ortlucd,nnd L,, mania bu actually taken the form, bilimuneu. ct oomph Ml, he: weaknm, and (fruplair A mbl.gman from London my! t-gohr, Cumming, D. D., M. R. & E.. u ttoted di. "no of the Scotch Ulusreh,Utuad. He MISCELLANEOUS. sed alike the principles an. constipation. drtpoi mnlzuche, nervousnm. ul general asbiiitr.C of a. Noted Scottish It is said. will "T utml from ".11 their the]- a water slavery Plaster of Paris, i160sumsr'; Water Lime, I Low“. M, Land Plaster, ii'iiiiii'i: $3 t Paris White, he. ili'.i'ii'i'ii.5,;ii'iiii H. PARKEQ, irti!:lif.!iitl'.ff.f 12 lbs. bright Sugar for Paint Oil and PAINTS Three gallons and upward. at Mmufm turer'u cub: paces. » Lardine Oil, Castorine Oil, Excelsior oil, Olive Machine Oil, Crude oil, Seal oil,&c. DYE STUFFS, OIL: Fil? t! e remainder owns year for S. S. No.7Bx-‘v'h‘k duumwo Commence on 18th u but. up " 'tttions tn Fr, "rut to Samuel Dickson, hunwwnd, 3 o. 5mm, mat outlaw“ held Ind vultsr, mum-d. DURHAM, Ja'.y Uth, ttttu. " tuhdairj,......,...... Eirsrs,perdozC............, Potatoes, per bus.........., Turnips, per bush.......... Hay. per ton................ Fall Wheatper bush ..w... spring Wheat " ...... Barley, " ...... Oats, 't ...... Peas, " ...... Dressed Kngn, per 100 lbs Butter, rolls, per lb......... rG.tinliil,U'ijy 6th, 1881 Wool per ll).. Sheep skins... Land, Skins... Hides per cwt Hay............. MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. Confederate Chloe, July 7th, NEIL Flour per barrel.......,......." oo £085 in) Outumulpcr barrel............ 4 50 to 4 50 Fall Wheat....................... 1 08 to 1 10 'l‘romlwcllWhent............... l olr to l 05 Spring Wheat.................... 1 F8 to 1 In Barley............................. 0 6') to " 75 ous................................ o 35 to 0 86 Perse..............................,. 0 60 to 0 64 Potatoes per bag............... 0 M to 0 4tt, "tttter..............-................ 0 13 to ll 16‘ F'n,'r,rs................................ 0 re to 0 le, Wool per Urn..." ............. 0 1H to " 22 Eggs, per doa.... Wood, dry, per Wool, per IIs..... Apples, per base. Ot every description at do“ "ter, Hay, per ton......., Potatoes, per hush. Pork, per 100 lbs... Beef, " ... Hide", " .... Sheepskins. each ... Butter. per ll, ........ MACHINE Dunn”: July 14th, 1881. Flour, per llll)1bs............i2 " to " 00 Flour No.'2," hh 3 50 to ll 19 'Corn Meal et " ......... 2 50 to 2 60 Shorts. " " 0 60 to 0 w, Bran, " $t o 50 to 0 60 Oatmeal " " 2 60 to 2 50 Fall Whtsat,pesrtuurh........ l 08 to 1 10 Spring Wheat, R. Chaff... 1 10 to 1 ll " Glasgow... I 05 to l (l8 Oats, per bushel........ 0 M to 0 87 Barley, " ........ o 60 to 0 T Peas, 66 ........ o 62 to 0 65 Hay, per ton..................] 00 w 12 00 Potatovs, per bash. .......... o 25 to 0 80 TEAS. BEST VALUE IN TOWN.' SITGARS. gear Advertisements . )1:me "tt Eur: mount on tho am, Phwlm Jun» beloved was ot W. chum. thrisou, “ad a} yum Ind 3 months. . 87mm On Friday awning the 1M inst. in l IeIh- ertott, the iuiunt daughwrol Mr. and W.n. " m. Strain, and 2 yam and a month. ts'WTtr--ttt Bantinokmn the Mth hit, the iii: ot Mr. John W. Smith. or a. nun. Parm-In Eammont. on tho m: inst, the wile of Mr. June; Purl. of a daughter. '"yu.rs-ly my. cues of than bland. liver an] Kidm complaints, nervous Ind genera and builds up the entire when broken down by slia-..-.u, At a fire at East Bum-lo on Frida) 450 cattle were burned alive and about NO,- 000 of damage dune. Bur‘dgclg_ Blopd Bitters cures all din- Teacher Wanted. Sugars, Tobaccos and TORONTO MARKETS Lower Town, Durham. .. "_............. n uu w 1 tm Vheat.................... 1 F8 to l I” ...............'........... o 6') to o 75 .....'...r....'............ 0 35 to 0 86 .""'.'.r...............r. 0 60 to 0 64 per bag............... 0 M to 0 in .""'.".......m.......... 0 13 to ll IO ........................... 0 re to 0 02 't' “mu... ............. 0 1H to " 22 aius...................... l oi, tn 1 '38 'inc.................... 0 7.1m l 2.5 r CWI................... 4 (m to 5 m) a......................... 7 Oi) to 8 a, DU BEAM MARKETS. GROCERIES. MACHINE OILS, 800 Glasgow... 1 05 to per bushel........ 0 M to " ........ 0 60 to 66 ........ 0 62 to on.................." 00 Ur at hush. .......... o 25 to TORONTO, July 13th 1881 G. (1 MdPARLANfyg, DEATHS BIRTHS ... " One Doll". " 14 to 1 18 to 50 to 40 to 65 to 8 00 to 17 to 14 to " Kidneys, female getreral delulity, 0 70 to o 15 to 0 12 to I M to fl b) to " 75 to 14 to 80 to 26 to 00 to 0 75 4 (m tt 00 to 00 75 to 00 to --bi7tr. 'dlt to to $1 20 l '22 " 2:5 ll 90 40 3/! M) 8 ()0 6 50 l M U 17 O 13! 4! 7H 50 In IC, system 25 t H) .50 P) A Baggm: 150 acre li'tlre.tr Sale Cheap "H 5’! 22 "Grey Review' I c--ttM. ,4 ', Per Annum. Subscribe r"Fl-i iii'iil)'ii .- _ _ 7 .'. -.. ........-..c mmuruxmme can to: Drunken-u. Inc of opium, tobacco And narcoucl. sum to: Cucvul. "l..- All as". told b «was... Mop Ilium min, "and", w. I, A I'd-Io. (it ‘0.le "In It 's'ih'l'l'etP,',1ette.t.,treeitttmmstm E,f'to' All "lien-u of the Stem-ch. Bowen. Blood. I u”a;re.“"am-razzmtwfig-"ru’w w and: Complain". MC , s I 000 m cow. 1 OHEMIST & DRUGGIST. (BOP BIT Hors, BUCHU. mum DANDIIJON. Ann 11:: Penn- AND "In Ilnlchom- TtNa or ata, o-rull Ian-nu. TIIEY CURE (A Medial-o, - I Drink.) CONTLIII rsh h K. I. h This, up at ()nce, FARMERS Look Here! Durham Steam Woollen Factory. _ Price $23, Cash. 0.11.va Mud Income lum- Cash for WOOL! Any quantity of BUTTER AND EGGS wanted Oshawa Scythes, Forks The Celebrated Brantford STONEWARE: Milk Pans, Try our New Choice Japan Teas at 35, 40 and 45 cts. Present Price for Butter 17 cents. For Wheat, Spring or Fall, $1.18. June 23nd, 1881. J. IE HUNTERS, Butter, Wheat &c. up in price, DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crockery en. Down in Price, at Durham, June 27, 1881. Just received at H. W. Mockler S. Good News for Farmers __ "'"-""""--, And all kinds of Farming Implements. NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE A GOOD HAY RAKE CHFAP‘ R. MtFARLANE. Darin-um Juno mm FLEURY REAPER AND Mow ER SULKY_ HAY RAKES. Carriages, Buggies I. Juno. Tth, 1081. BOOTS and SHOES from the best Makers are selling out the balance of our Stock of IMPLEMENTS and have a few Dry Goods & Clothing, cheap Snathes, Rakes and Cradles, R. '1secarusase:tudsi/isr'="" Durham Carriage Works Durum, June, 1881 At M, 40, and 50 cents. the Best Value in Town ALL KINDS OF A good assortment. AND CHEAPER THAN EVER 1lulliliililiriN TEA AGENT’EJJQE Chums, Which are J ustly CL naidered the best i ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF THE DURHAM. Butter Crooks, CAMPBELL and McCON KEY. I K d the WWI. ', and In 00.0 In Smut rue r,t-,/),7rl'llue'l'dld"tri-. ' . tune bountiful and" In Stl.- - HARRIS & Co “MW-w _ . . w. £001.". 'hah-a. AT THE ‘. MOCKLER. J. Er. HUNTER. Preserve Jars, ' Waggons, etc., Celebrated in the Market. and Highest Price Paid Jugs, etc., etc., L. Give me acall. C. L. GRANT. , 860., y157 BRACELETS. - id a. Also Lulu-1 and 'TOLD & Silver WEN- Colored a Bright Gold I... LoCKETtt RINGS. AMERICAN JEWELRY. lubiuoryJ an urn-land to 'q-iii-avid-i. sively,erther' Whine-lo or“ Orden punvtuulry "temud ”Add.“ “on: promptly an“. Elvira enlarged my Work-l “wt-mam! “PM!!! to - - __ ,,,__.i_-.._. whiz-h l warrant it will do Mood 'v., Farm”: to turtoa their on?!" Prrrvutueuta 'I'hlch f Gwuaiai- - .I'lll. (Sr-u was 2,515!“ - thet “Hue III")! 5nd riot um h AG. I would likewise cull T.oP,r_tbP'ytloii eq. h.- b- thnn learnt}; ZWTH" - - W Free from Obnononl Woods """. n ee MW" L' h -. - '31." ”worm y an av 10 m n a ('0‘?- through the lunhuxu mm, Ind " roll do.“ wUl um ire the highest meter, ; also." '0. r'lvtstuad tor Tr,', he mun tttY,'r. Iran” I. i ttE.. An-muu. u... __ ,, - - -_____ _., w "um-um"- (‘mm mm Hun-r r'ired. which colt Eh. an M ".nvmv \r-m'h'. Tin-m unpmumvnho-‘ch to of the "mu-u i_rytortty to the In". - and. ms m tho pant, " vaunted h ('M'klvfrul't wln-ul, wild nr Inn kind (I'm Whost, (Wu-uh [rum “lune. thar trom P -. wiurluvtsoat,,, “may uni I" than. Grttittrs,to rrrfwliun. Fer ' may“ tt h I. nqunl. it l sll saw Grrss um “mu - = b.et ly, that I~nnlnhhu Farmer. to 1|!!!“th g [LID-- _ . ...l 'Fr...,..- g .,1 _.l 17-, - ,7‘ AL Wuhanonqu 19th. In. -"eV" u-“'-n<'.“lllluc .l-ulllu I.“ tho. owr //'crrrrGiir' proprimr nub. WM Fummwhml “lurks him but: bust h- Prov"rutusby t Mn iff,",,",',?, (‘rlehmbd Ptmt "tetdngattu.cttiO has» mum ita “y m cuuumuu: and mummy. m Mu, tuat full, - mm “and: the First Prlse Fanning Mill 010nm. R. H. MqKAY, Proprietor. Still and always to the Goat. r . it . . I . ll 1liut,tee,i/yp,uyit..t.et,dietet, WALKERTON FAN N IN c, MILL Some New Denim)! in CLOCI B, Walturt and Mahogany Cues. Repairing of all kind: Prompt” Attended to. All Work Wan-mm Ladie's and Gent’s Gold and Silver Watches, Key & Stem Winders. & Colored Enamelled Locke“. Mm n tttte mock of GENTS CHAINS, Silver. gold & ml; GOLD Ind BLACK BRACELETS; GOLD. PLATED. JET t GARNE T LADIES SETS. Necklets dg Lockets. Black THE LATEST NOVEL?!“ II A Pine Stock of WEDDING RINGS II ways on hum! Ind made to oedar. The very hm! paw-rm in Genet-n1 Banking Business 'nlA.Nhac'rLU A. GORDON '8, Durham. Sign of the Big WA tot. DEPOSITS um .....'.".'.;w..a. Bree-i" uuou which the curt-mt rule ot WW w01 be allowed. "-7, _....... ”no" nun-n: or (7mm mu 1 Grant Frltnin and "User Fur-inn Gaunt-in; than and Colbscter hurling lacuna,” ; Ian-m. on New York and I" put- “I Vina-tn. nu..m....... .. -- 'I‘HIS BANK issues, Lotte"! otCreait GrotttPritain and “um. v -.A.v._.. .. A JEWELLERY! BANK 0f COMMERCE, DUEHAM. Ian? ougLEc-rmns MADE _ V - "___. __. "um-- nmI'n'I It... "mural. unmet. he tetll hep an Ind and“ 'Beware, Cut". Paul-y ' Illa-Inc, Ar. Ten and Email-baa Parries Ql'tlt"! on to M an autumn. u. us.) Lm p cm. He would Ibo 'sh, mun , mmrtuuily ot thallium! "IO “IMHO. 't Dunks.” uni , um mun“: ~.nlu L ' ... . .Inugu bl-atuwui x-n him during: the pun,ch an mu.) um “mu; Bun-l an; ml. an) mm m In. A‘uun. 1 his bum-BC} Gunfruxn Havel. .rwaot. (than. RE I ' JC', - -vrcwIWO um er"uytet 1xould i V T his huh-nu iuretsa,"tr, ..¢ ',1YP.e"sur that " 1iatuilrsrp.I.iparserr,"tii." : THE LATEST PM'TElthti IN . -"H -- my \Iillm. I"! 11 Brick, Stone and Wooden 811%. Sub t Doom by: on land. PLANS, Specmoatiom and Bum of Lumber promptly made out. k on." .nu-.m_< Order, loft " Pow. win be um ' can touch-d will PATTERSON ct,, DI'RIIAM. A. lanai p, _ -__H _-".'--...... -- w...“ You-vIr-z~0ue A but no " LiGi7laU%","d; and www.md 2UT. bode: nut-omen; mm how hum, no Veil-L hack-:1 I Pair hind whit. I... 1'l on. ytum . . emu: ' “JIM man i'a"cafdl'i tll ho "(my zeta... HUG. will“). tart all. coma. Eon-nut, PM]. F. o. “um um A -- Urden we at Adlai Enron-n In“. Una ‘oun, will be promptly attended to. Duhm.X-y 10.18:. - Canadian d; American .. 21114;. “an“ IQ! Hannah-rh- ‘, - - -----, "------- Cal tle Strayed. STRAYED from tl,. preumu ofthe ab- .. ':.ellltpat'tat 'la1,','.'.te,a,,u,HritsEiigyiir "hon, my Mt, ms: L - "u. un- In" or "III... J Ftdte Ian- on Immune] sol. In.“ Im ‘mully M, No to “an. ooif 'qtvilrrr A“ - hum: stream on the lot. For Wuhan-ply I) Carpenters a Contractors DURHAM. 1lta.r1y'.r.rered, to like (‘ontrnd- l III-ml 1,eyrjyii I l Ute um- n. NV6 " I ISIS. ital $0,000,000: Reserve $1,400,000. On renouulule terms, And the lctcat style. in CANADIAN For Sale. YNING the Town of I -AY- untsnulh "tsi “nu..-" TPP I. . he will In... .'.'.trPyry (“PM Al-Io B. IL “out “Ragga“. " A. PALMER ', and I An In.

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