West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 28 Jul 1881, p. 4

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ft I O » C him. â€" Me was brought before Justice Feldâ€" man, where he told a pitifal story. He said that at one time he was a prosperous pinmber m Ogdensborg, and worth about §20,000, . After . loosing his first wife he married again, andlived happily for a short time, travelling all over the country and gratifving the <lightest wish of his wife, unâ€" til she ruined him with her extravagance. After that she did not eare for him, and beâ€" came nnfaithtul, having intrmate relations with other mien. This was more than be e n!| hear and he determined on selfâ€"de " u. mad iy all probability would have *hed his purpose had not Captarm Enntn disgoverd him. &Pfld‘n sout him to the Poor rnim-'y‘ eda man named Win. Stepl grancy yesterday afterno« bad notieed the man â€" wa‘lk bank of the river for the pa and thinkine that all was n« pro ous belief of that age. Exeept t of the Rosetta stone in 1799 se dissovery in Egypt equals this it valoe. _ All the Sukkara pyram sixty in number will be opened wxOÂ¥ "o nuimoer will be opened possible and new discoveries of probably be made. New _ Anomarte â€" Drscovertes.â€"Several pyramids bave just Leen opened in Sakâ€" kara, Egypt, enclosing the tombs of kings of the filth dynasty. The mortuary chapel of each contains about eighty square metres of the smallest and most elosely writâ€" ten texts giving precise letails of the religiâ€" ous belief of that age. Exeept the finding the poodle. "Woman a solemn visage which can assume, "Woman whastlin‘." p with Farruness Wirz tais Smith, of the Lord Sidmonth" there ing how it onee upset it was when Sidmonut] Bishop Watson got n subject connected witl â€"so trne, we stpp er diaboliealâ€"as 0: illustra tions of the deed, his squint w peculiar and impre tions of & physio John Wilkes is widely know throug the eanvas of Hogarth, who has immortal 1zed his altogether abominab‘e squint in manner which econstitutes the likenes Ahe above is the strangest of the many strange stories recently told about sea serâ€" pents, but as the reciter of it is, Mr. Gibbs says, trustworthy, there seems no reasonâ€" able grounds for witholding its publication in the absence of any other objection than that it is a somewhat strange tale.â€"Globe. The .latest "sew serpant" story comes from Lake Simeoe, and is told by Mr. Allan G. Carava, Dominion Land Surveyâ€" or, in a letter to his uncle, Mr. Charles Gibbs, of Toronto. Mr. Canava has been employed lately in examining the waters ot Lake Simeoe and Câ€"uchiching and the marshes adjoining. A day or two ago le was engaged with an assistant ounn’ning[ the swamp bordering on Luke gimeoe, on the boundary of the townshigs between south Orillis aod Oro. They were in a boat and were moving slowly alovg when their aitention was attracted by a pzeuliar puffing sound similar to that produced by the escape of steam from an exhanst pipe of an engine. Mr. Canava remarked that | wus a strange place to have a mill, upon | which his companion rejoined that the | sound came from the cars on the railway . | But it seems that both gentlemea were, wide of the mark, for in a few minutes he | saw emerging from the water an extraordiâ€" i nary creature, having a head as large as| that of an adult human being, nud] a body resembling a serpent and increasing | in thickness downwards. It seemed frightâ€" ' ened and made a pecular puffing sound J like a small engine. After going out into | deep water it stopped for a short time, and | / with the cessntion of a locomotion therejl was an end to the putfiing noise already reâ€"| ( ferred to. Mr. Canava and his companion J propelled the boat forward a short distance | to have a better view of the creature, upon ; 3 which the pufting recommenced more vigorâ€" ; t ously than before ; and it moved off at the | ! rate of about 15 miles an hour. It carried | 8 its head about three feet out of the water| t as it went. bp The above is the 1 Wim John Wilkes. What was it 2 â€"Buffalo, July 17 5th precinet, arre Stephenson for â€" L i scientihe value w.ll ely ut INn A Pn OO P enet CUTe of P hs, Coxds, Sore Throat, Asthima, Croup, | ..,sw“('mh. Bronchitis, and «s o% Lung Diseases, fed Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfaction, . | \L.\I ILDURW CO., Proprietors Toronte, _ Dreap Bopy Foux» to tm N ‘ ER®.â€"On the 15th of June the man was found im the river at side, a little distance below Hor It was believed to be that of 0 The story of this later personag time ago fully relited. He m pearance at the.Fulls, pretende the desperation of despair over t considerable sum of monevy. a»n tiissing *) Nen a board of eminent physicians and chemists announced the discovery that by comuming some well known valuable reâ€" medies, the most woderful medicine was proâ€" duced, which would cure suct a wide range of discases tha twost all other remedies could be dispensed with, many were skeptical but proof of its merits by actual trial has disâ€" polled all doubt, and to day the discoverers of that yreat medicine, Hop Pitters, are honorâ€" ed and blessed by all as benefactors.â€"Deâ€" \and verat W1 Little R lephant f totoly eor 14th i horse Bears ae said to be very numerous Eastnor. 376 mill the gain rse that he di On Monday 12 V1 ir has Southampton is to have a grist m He gives the population of the earth at 1 billion 487 millions in 1830. It took ten ceuturies for Christianity to gain a nominal The statisties compiled with great care by Dr. Drochester, of Boston, disclose the marvellouns progress which Christianity and especially Protestant Chistianity, has made, l 1 t mmstant iby related. He made his apâ€" it the.Fulls, pretemied to be in ition of despair over the loss of a le sum of monvey, and then was His hat and elothes were afterâ€" d on the river bank and it was hat he had comunitteal snieils CANADIAN ITEMS. Progress of Christianity. Ni wl t1 HMonored and Blest. voted a bonus for the erection te iday last at about 3 p. m. a fire in a barn owned by Dr. Lightbody 2, Bentinek and the builaing was eumed. Insurance amounted to ;I»l:ifl r th Nihilist conspirators against the mcen arrested on the strength of given by the twentieth, who to kill the Emperor, but preâ€" nmit suicide as before reportâ€" med Sammel Moore, living near e working a horse rake on the t, was kicked so severly by the nsâ€" lded Herald. ND to TH® Niacara Rivâ€" of June the body of a the river at the Canada e below Horseshoe Fall, e that of 0. F. Rowell ation under Roman Catholic as 90 mullions. In 1876 it nd uumbered 180 millions, rch in the same time increasâ€" 96 mullions. In 1700 there ns under Protestant rule, there were 408 milhonsâ€" fold increase. â€" Romanmsm illions, and Protestantism r, four times as much as manism. Sinee 1730 Roâ€" 43 uullion to her civil sway sm 215 millions.â€"Evangelâ€" t n Sunday ‘h for some years, « the Rev. Mr. Blan nee to her decense. heart was the imâ€" ath.â€"Leader. BADl bod summer complaints of lockjaw at Crosse One of them, namâ€" >d some days before y pistol, which he . ‘The other boy be forewarned er‘s Extract of 10wn preventaâ€" bowel comâ€" to the summer ago, theirs where the and their £0ine Mantle Cloths; TWEEDg | Our Embroideries, ' are un Iunhmny , Hosiery and MEXN‘S FELT HATS A Choice Selection of K LACE CURTAINS3, a choice kancy Lustres, White Dress Muslins Dress CG coods, MILLINERY We haye pleasure in announcin« lonsisting of Grey Cottons, White Cottons Sheetings and Pillow Cottons, Canton F Linen Towels and Towellings, Tabling Toilet Mats and Covers, ‘Table Oil SPRING AND SUMMER! Durham , Apul, 1881 1 NOW is the Time and the I,EA\I)IN(}'H()L'SL' is the PLACE Cheap for Cash. of A Large Display of l‘able&:-i’ool;et Je Cutlery, &c., &c. in Barn door I am Prepared to sel‘ a Prices that Cannot be Beat. Cut Nails, Clench Nails, and Finishing Nails very Chsap. Spades, Shovels, Gardan Rakes, Hoes, and Manure Forks. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Japans, Glass and Putty k s 0 tss o seeain . 2 CAR LOAD of HARDWARE THE LEABMNG HARDWARE HOUSE is still at the Front in Prices. Paints and White Lead, which will be found to be of the best quality, in the market, Glass, Putty, Brushes, &e. &c., at prices lower than ever. Give us a call. cashmeres' excellent value Our Stock of HARVEST TOOLS, cower Town, Durham. Lower Town, and save money are bound to sell at bottom prices. arn daoor ROLLERS and Hinges,| DOOR LOCIKS & PADLOCKS. l Carpenter‘s Tools of ull WKinds Buy your Cut Nails and Buildâ€" er‘s Hardware at MOWATS, Any quantity of BUTTER AND EGGS wanted and Highest Price Paid Oshawa Scythes, Forks, &c., Auy quantity of Butter Milk Pans, The Celebrated Brantford STONEWARE: HARDWARE June 23ad, 1881. Just received at H. W. Mockler s. eries, Frillings, Dress Fringes, Buttons, C tedly the best valne in the trade. _ Men‘s and Gloves. Kid Gloves all shades anc Children‘s Corsets : Infants Pu}. is unsurpassed for quality Mantles, Stavnle offer special inducements in Oil Snathes, Rakes and Cradles, A good assortment, AND CHEAPER THAX EVER Churns, Which are Justly Considered the best in the Market. Shun e ioene" ‘ers, Fable Oil Cloths, Quilt Prints, ( »be Prints, C:etonnes, Plain and Fancy ite Cottons, Shirtings, Denims, Canton Flanreis, Honey Co is, Tf«lnlings, Table Cloths. N ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF THE Bottom Prices. and Eggs wanted and highest eash price paid that our Stock is show spécial value Having Just Received a Black Lustres. ColourtcAd Lustres Butter Crocks, inen Handkerchiet:, Black â€" ¢, all the latest designs in Laces Lace Fichus. ROCERIES always on hand es, Duttons, Colcured And Black Silks and Satins, trade. _ Men‘s, Women‘s, Misses‘ and Children‘s all shades and sizes ; Women‘s, Misses‘ and ; Infants Robes and Dresses, 4e ard Fancy Dry Goods 1*=*s J , . W. MOCEKLERKR. in all the newest Styles C« T0 + se JOS. F. MOWAT. variety and quantity and cheapness. now complete s in Upper Town, DURHAM Lagl ce t 0 20 Toreey mey Comb Clcths, Terry Cloths, ths, Napking D‘Oylies Quilts, it Prints, Good Luck Prints, and Pulll & DAYIDSON. Preserve Jars, + Bla.ck an-d COlOlu'e(i LACE to get HARDWABE Ducks, Tickings, Cottonades LE sls W extra good value. and we are prepared to very cheap. Jugs, etc., etc., 140| DPDominion Organ & Piano Company Correspondence Solicited. Send for We are now manufacturing Square and Upright PIANOS Best in the Market. Highest Honors ever awarded to any The Largest and Most Complete ORGANS AND PIANOS Â¥="The Subscriber is also a Practical Paper DURIIA M, Is kept constantly on hand a Large Stock of Stationery School and other Books, Bibles, Writing Paper, Envelopes, Fancy Goods, CANDIES of all kinds, Al}l}gnd and Brazil Nuts, At IRWIN‘S BOOKSTORE TEAS, TEAS, TEAS! CHEAP GCOD CHOICHE 5 lbs for $1. 5 lbs for $1.62:1 5 lbs for $2 Those TEAS Soll We and Give SATISFACTION. Call and Examine Them. â€"> Ane oubsciiberis also a Practical Paper Hunger, C; surance Agent, etc. Remember the Stand, one door South of J. We odland, jr We are selling out the balance of our Stock of IMPLEMENTS and have a few S TT TILIEEKYT .A mS, Price $23, Cash. Only a very few Left, and 1st Come 1st Serve,. FARMERS Look Here! Durham Steam Woollen Factory. Cash for WOOL! Durham, June, 7th, 1881. MEDAL AND DIPLOMA, CENTENNIAL, ... ... ... 1876. do do BYDKNEY, AUSTRALIA, ... i877. GOLD MEDAL at PROVINCIAL EXHIBITIOXN TORONTO, 1878. HIGHEST Award at INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, Toronto. 1879. Durham, May 5th, 1881 May, 1881. MEDAL AND Factory in the Dominion, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"140 x 100 â€"â€"â€"â€" NV ALTI _0 PA P EeE, Mailed Free. Addressâ€" â€"_â€"_ Noys ste. A Fresh Stock of the NEWEST D Direct from the Manufsctor, in 1DONMILN~TONy J. CAMERON. Dll 20 E220007 INORC qs mucn IM lur\_u, and G\Iwn;u,, hoys and girls muke m.‘.l"“ PNY, No one who is willing to w rk fails to BO\VmVill, Ontc IHON money every day than can be radein a woek « atiihv ordin â€"ry emisls sornt . ‘Thase who enguge 103 j k once will ind a short rond to ( rtune * Ts & Audress H LacirIi a Co. Portland, Meie CAMPBELL and McCONKEY. AT THE HARRIS & Co. Illustrated Catalogue Maker in the World GEORGE IRWINX, DESIGNS , Carpenter, Conveyancer, L , Toronto, 1879, RZBU I¢&IT A M. ronto Lower Town, Durham in v158 5 TuMnt sent free to those who wish to engag ‘ in the most pleasunt ana profitable busines known . Everything new, Oapital not required. We will furnish you evervthing, $10 a day and upâ€" Warnls is casily made wituon: staving away from home ever nisht. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once, Muny are making forâ€" tunes at the businoss. Lndies make «s much he duo n and aasu 202 L E $5 Look out for cold weather. How are you of for Socks ! wive im a call and 7 T iftntatisinins: " 4s diics th .4 4. 424.4 in «ll sizes on the most limproved mmethods, latest styles, on the shortest notice and a: charges that deios competition . ; & &A one to considor as there jurious for health than eold tan vory casily be remedied a to feel comfortable by calling stowe, jmar., who has a}] . Kn‘itt'ir_x_gk StdSE{fiEsulal.é;&;Is Oct.13th, 188 Depar Arrive *The Mixed t1 West, l);] South Depart, 7:30 a Arrive, 100 a North Outft sent free t« in the most nlea« On and after M trauins will run as fol] ToRroNxmo i Toronto Nov rtime ati ith, Depart Durham Nov.25 1880 VERY As usual COPYI 10RONTO, GREY â€" RALLWAY CHMANGE WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., P H A letter is published from concerning his examination ed ruins ol Uxmal and H«),) company with the Unite) Aime, â€" He has been occnyi, taking copies ofornaments a ies, and has discovered no great merit. i1 a few hours produce fatal r; cluldren and adults. Dr, Fow), Wild Strawberry is the most re for all forms of summer comp}, pleasant and prompt in it , dealers keep its. â€"b177. The summer season now rea. and is probilic in developing bo Overâ€"indulgence in frut, imp ing of ieed waters and summe; The first child born in Brandon, X, w T. now a little over two weeks old has bee, § cluistened William Beott Bruu.mu Cu“en He is a grandson of the late Sir Wilicn Colles of Blyth. e Cures _ summer compluints, . , dysentery, cholero morbus, cholerat sour stomach, colc, nausea, vomitin piles and all manner of fuxes, â€"1,; The (‘mgdiu team at Wiml»lodo..' won the Calpore Cup. They muue a totu] £6ore of 609, and the English team 586. . Fowler‘s Extract of Wi1 berry *(‘.nm- -nnnn.:-".........l + A‘ ‘“-" An: icture Rraming Doue in 35 different Styles, HOTOLC ti aftor MOYDAY. 5th May, 187# impnrtunp question for every mber 1579 Monthly Fairs The 1 ust W ‘mn cold feet, however such nc«died and evorybody maae calling on Willinen Sobnâ€" hus all the appliances for support native industry. Lower Town, Durham, as there is nothing more in late and girls can carn lurge © at the business over one wle week, Nothing like it who engage uo surprised with which they wre en ou can engage in this bust time nt rent profit . Yow pital in it. We take all the r'.‘-nx:}_)‘:zx(vuu) , should write T. PONAGHY, \i l whw J . dn stationssee Time To) le EDMNUND WEHAGGE August, ind ENLARGING done 1 style. man y r Qualit APHY Kelsey‘s old Stand, y lis. uils to muke money © your whole time to moments. Full inâ€" lod sent free, Goners| Manager AND BRUCE Agusta Maine men nre as sue 3 fr0: . your door tke ndvantage of mey that wreofferâ€" hile those who do u ‘u poverty, \e nd girls to work us. Tue business inury wage ; We ull that you need, Portland NMa no Cust "* TPOPtep mi‘o N of the Oelelm vomiting, nomer when a 1, ancmeby wiâ€" States dHirans ate the day after orest., »il, June, Au mers n Orangeville wch month that I wna te work of nth diarn h@.: infantum Consnul months o@lyph. ture of nth month, nth Carker Wh All of "~___F. DOWNES, Glazing, Graining, and Paper Hanging promptly astended to. Fresco and Banner Painting a Speciality. Chargos Moderate.â€"Orders left ntJ. F. Mownts will ~cceive prompt attention. Durham, March 3rd, 1881, Â¥156 _ Ifyo- want a first class Boot or Shoe in | F latest styles of fashion, Sewed or Pogged, ’-!% fl-.uhltm.ov:w'- n'i:!r:,.lll you r will find you will be Properiy Suited und Bour® Exp, Durnax, Near Cattie Yard W. CALDWELL, BOOT and SHOEMAKER, . Bpring and Summer Fashior House, Ssign,. and * Ornamental Painter, Gro DURHAM. i Residenceâ€"Op; JOHN ROBERTSON TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, At a Moderate Price Durham 1881 :Q‘tn( "Mhi‘ut‘“\'lll'lfu e is prepwred to sell cho These nachines arcroiia‘ > for any druw i bpoe Residence at the Ol Di JL and Make Up he LatostStyle .M Durham, Feb.14, 1876 Lates® Fasklons Wegulary Reeeres go with punct J LifeInsarance Agont,Commissionerin # R .& Ceonreyancer, and | EAcensed AsctHomers Gumber, Lumber, Shingles, Shingles, Lath & Lime, 600 Bush. Fre« J. Furnis #ed. Chars l)L\VS. Sp cif Furnished . Wo Cutting done to Order. Willbe at H @ay and Fri * RADT (l lege, 1 Bontinck, aftor noon . M Luthorford‘s attonded to YETERINARY SURGEON, J M S ul We ol Pricevili« Durham P.O., May 2 42 Solicitors in « Owen Sound, have r open every Phursia ALFRED PROST, County Cromn A June 2ith , 1sso. 1 ALEXANDER BR Dundalk . M «urc) PRICEVILL] S8UER of Marrisse I Alexander Robertson, T THE ROCKVILLE MILJ AAvertisements, oxe« wr wen instructions to until forbidden, and ch Do. six months Do. _ three months... Casual ad veruisenients chore for the first insertion, and 2 ccr eubsequent insortion. â€"Nonpor W,. M. CLLARK, Architect and Builder, FLESHELTONX. Ordinary noticos @ll kinds of loonl n Muray Animais, & fo: ‘81, the advertisom Lower Town , Durhar Professional and business space and under, po Two inches or 24 lines Non: Three inches do, per year Quarter eolumn, per your Malf column, # One column, * a arge l;'."'"," PUSINESS DIRECTORY. on 3.~â€" IRGAL PURHAM Sr., DCRHAM At the Offce, Garafrexa Srteot, Upper Tonw Every Thursday,. Frost & Frost, ARRISTERS and Attornes "THE CGREY REVEW" C 0B B Mn d m , 08.A TTORNEY at Law, Solicit MISCELLANEOU®S. subseriber E.D. MACMIL TTORNXEY â€" AT â€"Law . opposite Parker‘s Drug 6 TERM®: ~#1.00 por year in A dvance I# Agent for W TAILOR, RATES OFP aDVERTISING W pposite the C terian Churel ATH .. KE XCFH N. DR. LGHTBRBODY MEDICAL. #4 rocenve nt (G Hotel J. TOWNXSEXD, 3 tr D R R!H A M is prepared t NDALA f Ont I8 PUBLISHED a M o % .. t ont. t OM JOINT®S. 1 Bentinek W Aav â€" 1J th , 1 #R( n B CRAWPORI MITLLA H It Oxe y156 Always Fiel Wny 1%

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