()ur lucul 'rorttemporary in e recent iuue ducvmms the date "f the Civil scrvnce. That eblutes tatst In nut denied, end those too of the very "event character. Miniutere. in tired trihution. or petronn:e,ere eclmitted to he "rtbteneed by - conuideretiune. other than that "f fltrs.ir. for on»; end ep~ placenta " “thee ere said to beee their chums on e "Heal politicel heritage" on coconut " the eervieee of some progenitor. or on their “alien in the co-religioniet fund," or on the here feet that they have been “umncecselnl in huninoee,†end poe- eibly ruey heve done tome eervm " elec- tion timee, but the queetion of htaeirs doee not seem. in our contemporery's opinion. to he considered on the one side or the other. Indeed. he edde, there seems to be e constent tendency on the part of then eho wield power, to berter the petrouege theyholdliyvirtue of their omen {orthe power to diepenee it. end therefore, our eontemporery you on to cey. tbata"tttat- “men who hee e plece to give ewey ie ti. “eble to be diverted from eeleeting the " “not men for it. not only by bribery or net- “nrel electionJiut he ie liehle to the further “temptetiou of giving ewey plece to en no- “It men becenee that men in hitched by “friends whoee votec ere neceeeery to the “eteteemeu'e power.†Thin ie retherre- merhehle lenguege coming from such e quarter, end our reedere who heve been giving etteution to the way in which pet- ronegc hee been diepeneed et Ottewe will be "utooordum the vine thee pleinly put.eudet the came time, to commend our contemporery " the cendour with which he expoeee the viciomi eyetem of I petronege which preveile in the meuece- _ merit otthe Civil Service. s, fer there ie i' no question " to the necessity of Iutoem/ but, our contemporery edits. “the remedy i " thie ctetc of "tsim in not to be found In 3 the theory of “competitive "aminntie," I tor elter the eenalidete hec peeeed every; teet - turn out to boil? adapted toi the duhee he mey heve to dicchergm"; This in no doubt often the eeee; but it in; humen to err, end in the prceent etete ofl, ethire. the meet pertectly constructed I meehine will not - the ocenrence of ecciilcnte. We inn-t therefore be guided by the light of experience. end ea regerde the matter in hand we have not tar to ceeh. Previoue to 1855. eppointmente to the Civil Service in Greet Britain were mule by petronege, exercised more or leee directly thruuuh membere of parliament. Since then however. eeudidetee to once in the SerVice tenet produce -tiiuate. of health end more] cherecter. Innet eubmit to rigid literery cumin-thine. lergcly of e com- petitive chereeter. end must go through nil months at pro! etion in one of the pub- lic Mio.. lt ell theee test: ere cueccectnlly penned. then the cendidete is edmitted " e junior clerk. but - edveneed over tbeheevh of tried end faithful public ter- vente. " hee en olten been done under Sir John'e regime " Ottawa. The reeult ct thin - relcrm in the English eyetem has so rebed the mute! end moral cheruter olthe service. thetelietter clean! o_, hit-been eeeured, end fewer embenhet‘ the executive Home of the conntry hee‘ none-My Mum“- hthooonal "tsr-Ort-o unwound etc-nodular“. quot-tain- -tirtg him-“don... NIw Poqro---Tu knowing†an Mond- if they an." Wk“. m. d the public in...“ been nor. "Uiently and ooouomxodly done; and. dumb“ npooiu of oorruhiow-- tho entail. of patron... by nomborlo! 'rar1itussottb-tt" been 0min], don. lit, with. This new.†be conducive proof in fnvour of the oo-tities system. It the moat- tho upintiono of our local eon- kmpomy. who bemoan- tho low mu ot Mali†smug paw. non, so much so “than" wholnvo the dine-Jolene. will be a-dtoatrooodtamtoth" in“ oaths In: a July. Mum. any. i. R.; Mow-.01“. I. 3.; Hilla- “Mllzmmnll. -Th. Irish [And Bill In. - the Hmollordqbntlnih W it but been tnlulumd. hull agbemed. Lad Salisbury has boon paetieleir append to tho most important elm of the Bill, sad in this he bu boon hold by . lug. Ins- Jority of the landed Allowancy. who“ in. talent: will wobbly be tome-Int ducted. However. Mr. Glndstono has announced has intention of rarttai"tst to wept Buy lluelullnent striking It the principlo of the L'sll, w. m the "out of the mnjority of the â€one of Lords holding the pound may have vary unwiuly chosen. . 'sorts"". tinn will occur outrun the Lords And Com. munn,tho “we "t which. will only pan the wuy hr .41†“ruler "dorms, In the relation l of hsudlor0 and lenmvt. i -n in», much to ho regrowth“ President Garth†still continu- wean“. ltinqnjto evident from the 066.1 bullo- tilu maul, that during the but fortnight. he has not “tho. m Mud- lo- oovory. that was expected by hu Mn. phynicinno. The mm day-taboo m not " all cumming. “though " than. tin». his sand-nu m "ill Impala). 5nd and south“ ooniHertt of n {nonu- il- THE REVIEW‘ saaii- nun-Wu- “Shook-ry- 300 Am Pgrar--Wrrc ling-bl, 0m. Boots t oho.--J- Willey, Durham. u. I. IMO"... . '-aaoBfq. WM. agents for the Grey Review. an! _ IBo&-Mg. bade-1.1M. --. Durham, August 11, 1881. ClVIL SE “VICE REFORM var Tn: Mahdi-1 Ssblntla School of thin Town will hold a Pie-akin Mr. June. Me. Gin's bush tomtorrom-(PrtdtV) trout. mencing at one o'clock. "I in other _ Brandon}. Trenton, and och" locum“ In" not Iddod . - in the Nut binary. It In a [rest pity the law of (knack. (which in - hobo-om olAlhn’n had an." to be "" 1Utsotive) it not more town, to that not-dul- d this than could get My " Mn. Tum“: Dome-1 loft have on Tuesday morning hunt to attend the Grand Encnmpment of the Knights of the Use.- bees, in Toronto this woek. Mn. Jun Wm." bu jun rescind . large and varied mortmout of Boot: & Shoe. which he is selling very chap. Men's boots at 01.50 not pair. J. H. Hum“. Est., returned from his trip up the Georgian Bay on Saturday but. Mr. Humor Ind Company spent. pleasant time on the Great Mnnitonlin. Btrrren.--Mr. Mcerdy, buying butter in Durham for Mr. J. T. Brill, of Guelph pur- chuocl from the lumen since June Nth to the In of August, 16,387 lb. valued a CI.- 59189. Alan within the all. time 198 Rog. vnlnod " 8t,667, or . total [rumba-e ot over swoon-id. two months. The fall when in gown": harvested. And spring who“ and barley ready to cut. Os Saturday iaat Inland I bony down. pour of “in in him Town And neighbor Then if tb luxury. will it ply. Upon ’ this pint there can be no 11ifurene. of op- iuiou. A suitable site with the necessary improvements will cost not s little, and if market buildings are also considered neces- ssry,five thousnnd dollars will not meet the i outlay incurred. The Town is burdened with I debt, so much so,thnt Mealty is experienc- ed in meeting its tinaneial obligations, and were it otherwise, there ere other matters looming in the distsnee of intinitesly greater importance than a market place. matters which must be attended to if the Town is tooccupy the position which it ought to do. Then as to the trade of the Town there is great danger of its being interfered with if the farmers are compelled to curry all they have to sell to n market piece. This might not have my very injurious etuert in the use of some entielee. but what shout butter, eggs. wool, fowl, and the mnny other articles that are brought here hom the country And offered for snle. If one is compelled to go to the market why not the other, and in such a cue, the law will speedily become I deed letter or the trade will be diverted to other places where no srtiticinl restrictions no set up, Moreover the probable legislation of the mat session of the House of Assembly, as indicated by the Hon. Mr. Wood, will deal with the whole question of market places with s view to remedying the existing defects in the low. and placing the mntter upon n footing just to nil parties eon- cerned. In view of these consideretions the Town Council will consult the public in. terest by giving the report of its committee the six months hoist, and taking no further action in the matter at present. Tn “Independents" of Durham will go to Nomad: on Mend-y next and pity I hue bail much with the club of that Til. Bearttr.--Be" stories seem to be quite plentiful around here just! now, and if we believe all we hear, there will be fine sport hunting them this (all. and hour's granite will be plentiful. The other any one in been in the immediate neighbor. hood of Roaming. nod evm male inhibi- suit of that thriving village at owe turned out end went to the "bear hunt," but they All forgot to provide them-clue with be. Amu, and if “my bed only come layon brain. any would either have had to tun, or em themselves with such ire-pone u “tantrum". But nithottghttttogrmgtt and: VI! made, no bur wu Again noon. Lady n mandrel mod Allan betrayed I Mia Thouuon of Guelph. and it is won. denial what an innocent. kind hearted and obligiug young mm, Allot in wording to " own mum-m. has since an putrlitw tion clini- dulingl with His: Thomson, Tum" Church Sabbath School held their mum! pie-uic in Mr. Meoirr't grove an ThundnyluL Youngand old in " teudunoo enjoyed themselves thoroughly. m m bought to light aimo.t - At e neon: and" cl tth In]: Good a resolution we- ed!“ M ' - minee for the pupa-e at "kotisq o - Ale main site. The In two -et.) which niacin "mnu-aorsNtteef this otset-iirst whothc e who. - in nose-envy, mama-When: per Album first, Mei-now 1trlS "itnowtunth_-es " the led an you". end we III not-wenthuither the citizen: of the m or the fhgrnrrs, in when mama it is profoundly advo- eatod, hove uprooted my opinion on the mbject. It may be, end no doubt u, . con ' mience to both buyer 3nd teller that All goods shall be offered for sole at certain fUod points, a both parties an then be beat suited in to the quality and the price of what the one wean to buymnd the other went; to sell; and in large towns it: may be noose-r, for tho public com I venieneo that none manna to the ease: should be made. Omani- paint no hue the experience of on! neigh- born wgmdenl. A an!“ plush“ been esteblialud It Wuhan. with no dun- uge to the path. In: on - put of the produce sold turs is bought on the public and no! old.-Id'm Fm Ind other place. much larger than Dur. hnnnno market places hive been "thin-bed and we no not “we thnt anybody bu imtrered in connqnenoo. But our, cue must be determined on in own merits. When this Town attains kiple orquadmpU it: present population . market pure my men he neceunry to the public convenience, but in present circumstances it can " best be regarded only a n luxury. Honmxo'a Mtua.--A Union Ssbbath School Pic-Sic mulleld It Hornmg'n Mills on Wedueuisy J nly 27th. The three Schools of the “Huge, Prtstrbytoritus, Cum}. Metho. dist Ind Epitutopal Methodist took part in ma pic-uh. TU this. were well supplied widxchoieo delieuiu, 5nd maple jmtioe was done to that port of the onjo‘ymwt. Mr. B. Blair was uppointed to do. ouir, sud Mono- givon by the Bee. News. Bunion. Wilmott, Lon, Dean, 1‘on “a Plumb-Ion. Tlu KW. Hill- fth'i."k'tut stgtt'tddtt. B".- r. c r m . the om. macr'ed 't,'dfl'fint'f,'X',! “misc. mt. auburn. bud duo manna to an ck"- "thtra_ tho. qm'uwimm In terrei6od ht til. Superior: Tticvasrnituent huh [uteri inland see well deserves its nnme “Super l ior," es the extent of the Lou. and the scenery Alena its shores ere unrivalled, an; undescn'beble. The'gnnd Nipigon Be" wee at M’entered, end shot . tim, sail up Nipigon River, Red Rock wee reoched.‘ This piece is n Hudson Bay Poet, in ell-rye of Mr. Deecon. The party were made homily welcome by this gen- tlemen end . Mr. Venor. n brother of the celebreted Canadian Weather Pto. ,phu. The little propeller use here left, and hitch bark camel substituted intend, and peddled by hithful guides, tive in number. n journey of 15 miles up the river wee made to Comp Meander. Tents were put up, the guides collected breaches of trees for beds, and the enthueinstic deciples of Sir Isaac Walton, took out their fUhing tackle, end went into the business ofeecur- ingsome of the tinny beauties of the river on which were sojourning. and in n few minutes several Trout weighing from Gl to 41 lbs were landed. Our friend Mr. He. Allister, is well known es one of the most expert and enthusiastic fhhertr of our cele- brated local streams, but his exploits here- tofore in this "line" were soon entirely knocked in the shade as trout after trout were drawn from the beautiful clear cold water of the Nipigon, from sixteen inches to twenty-three inches in length, and done with a rod weighing half-a-ponnd, with a line forty feet Ion . After staying nearly two weeks tMy returned to Godericli and Mr. McAllister reached Durham on Friday last. The Nipigon is a. rapid turbu. lrmt river in some places, with wide e\p:ln~ sions in others and is a. very paradise for a. lover of the "ily and hook." The following'ge'nclemon won elected munagern of the congregation _ Messrs. Neil McKoclmie, Alex-odor Robertson, G. Tumbnll.ThomM Smith, John Byers, T. Lauder, Walter Nicnol and John Corbett. Moss". June- Dovidwn And Robert Ewing were nppointod Auditors. Itwu agreed tint the unuunl meeting of the congregation be held on the Int Monday of .1111tu in out: out! - your. Dem! or Peer. Totttataa.--The Rev. Professor Terrence, Principle of the Wed. stock Literary Institute, died et Bobcey- goon. on Wednesday. The deceeeed had been prostrated for several weeks " Wood. stock, but becoming tsMieitrntly conveles- escent a week or two since he wes remov- ed to Bobeamson, in the hope of regaining strength. The probability is that heart di. some was the eeuee of his death. Princip- al Torrance was of Scotch descent. entered the ministry " e comparatively late age in lite, and wee distinguished " B teacher-end lheologien. His deceeee " middle ege,be- fore reaching the maturity of his powers. will be a felt loss to the denomination of which he wee e member. It will be re- membered by may of our reedere that Professor Terrence lectured in this Town about three yeere Mo. The congregation was then dumiuod " ter which the Board of Mung." held their first meeting, nnd Appointed. Mr. Thom" Bmith. Clnlrmn, Mr. Lauder, Secretary; 3nd Mr. Robertson, Treasurer. About " ty persons have tsignified their intention of Incoming members of the church. The interim session appointed by Pres hytory to organize the now congregation in Durham, mat with tho people on Mon day the 8th inst., It the Town Hall, receiv- ed the eertifletxt" of members in commun- ion with the church and formed; commun- ion Roll. The number of members put on the roll WM twenty~nine. The congrega- tion was then declared duly org mined. The Presbytery adjourned to meet on Tueedny the 16th instant " 10 I. m. tor the purpose of examining Mr. Wilson, and, it the examination boansteined, to meet Igain at 2 p. m. to ordain. and induct him to the pastoral charge of the emigre gatiort,-hir Chisholm to preach,Mr Eekme to eddress the minister, and Mr. McLeod, the moderator, to preside and uddreu the people. man! and up huh. thr3rqlt an chum! have“ Cochin: and Mhgsitorrlits 1M pun the w I“ d " Joooph. which in ,rdrsettud, Hod will. 8t. Muy‘n and Onion Riven to Saul! St. Mario. At this place tho American m tmiisiimiin-raaa1 shag-lanai the old one, the many of which in very tuneful and substantial, and the work u . inch needed one. The party then nil- od through Teqnunenen Bay And into Lake On motion of Mr. Alex. Itobertaon, sec. ended by Mr.ThomM Lauder." Watt agreed that the name of the Congregation should be Knox Church. _ The Presbytery of Snugeen met " Mes. Intyre'e Corners, on Wednesday the 8rd instant, and ordained the Rev. John Chis. holm, M. A., Ind inducted him to the pastoral charge of the congregation of Osprey. A call to Mr. Andrew Wilson from the congregation of Markdnle and Flesherlon In: sustained, and, Inving been presented to Mr. Wilson, we: tempted. law. B. nous-m. the new†Iank lord " mum: Home. Dark-n- 'as company with mull other an!!!“ “um†“me Km." " ata. "ieh,rbmtthreo nah-ctr Ind-Mr . Knox Church Organization. Saugeen Presbytery. Po the IMitpr of the Eve's-t rrtr4hte-xt'l.i/u' ttriruasofanartth"the time has ccdewhen o1tmetttmstittax about! ba‘tmrtothe doing ole-Town Coll: in has hitherto bag the use. In. 'W by it has an mm"!- in own my. undisturbed by unidi- of any sort I“! had to be done, and that It“! waarupon the whole. pretty walt- done. Bat-times change, and with ttte W. new “slings. and new aspirations are brought to them. and new forces are generally putin motion. Ido not for e moment suppose, that our Town Council haerchgnpd fertile worse. or rather, that it has degenerated in'ita pertained", for I am well ewars, that it will compare very favorably with any other municipal body, and I know. that several of its members are very estimable men. But nevextl-elees. the Council has changed. The time was. when the rule seemed to be "no feel no favour," when even-handed justice was dealt out to everybody.snd to all sections of i the Town alike. However this does not eer- l tainly seem to be the ease now. Take the matter of streets and side walks for in. stance, and it will belt once seen how much greater attention is given to those south of Chester street as compared with those to the north' of that unfortunate div. 1 idiug line. Then, there is the opening up of Chester street to the west. No one will deny, but that that street offers by far the beetroad to the stetion. With very little expense it can be made into I first. class highway, almost level, the one slight declivxty is as nothing compared with that on Garafran street from the bridge upmuds--frig1tttul to timid pedes- trians, but infinitely more so to hear- ily laden teams. Now unquestionably, this is a public mutter, tsffsseting the inter. ests of the whole town, and especially those of one section of it, and as such. the opening up of the street should have been carried out under the supervision: of the Board of Public Works. On the contrary, not only was a proposition to that effect thrown out, but the very moderate request to appropriate $100 out of the general funds in aid of private funds already contributed was refused. Such action on the part of the majority of the Council is intolerable and tyrannical, and all the more so, seeing that the Councillors representing the por- tion of the town more directly interested were a unit in favor of the appropriation being made. This sort of petty strife. has cost this Town a great deal in the past, in fact it has been the chiefeause of the Town being so much behind in the race. Better far that new, the hatchet be buried, and that the interests of the Town as a whole be paramount at the Council board. to the utter exclusion of sectional and local inter. ests. Then there are certain internal ar- rangements of the Council that require to be looked into. It is a well known law that no memberof the Council can while he holds oifiee, not " contractor for the council. The hurt of his doing: so disquali- fims him. if it does not disqualify the acts of the whole body. Noni, I find in looking over the public accounts that this very wise provision of the law is persistently broken by some of the members: of the Council. The work that these gentlemen do, or the goods they provide for the public conven- ience may be worth all that is paid. Never- theless. such a prsetice is wrong, and paves tho wey for jobbery and corruption of the very worst sort. There are many other matters in connection with the Council, to whieh,with your permission, I will refer at some future time, unless taken up by an nbler pen. Meanwhile. Exoomu-n wane Bsan.--Whiu re- turning home from Tm on Saturday, night, Mr. Doneld Sineleirhed 1 very ex- citing experience with his teem nude beer. Hie beemhip wee sitting beside the road through the Sullivan "temp. end " soon " the home noticed the brute, they be- eeme very much alarmed end commenced to rear and plunge in e terimo manner. Mr. Sineleir, however, named to main. hin control over them, end eueeedee tn getting pelt the beer. which never dined bomihpoeition. Mr.8inWtrandathth1 wenin the rig, “an" munch hightotted. In tttei-ta-topt. in. my “beer: are " thiekin the Buni- Gamma. Trmvrr.stxrts Pnovmcuz. "ExrrrBsztos.- The Prize List of the Provincitl Exhibition has been issued. The Exhibition will be held in London this you commencing on Sept. 21st and continuing tmtil Sept. 80th. The list in Inge sud oomploto and the pm. vincinl will no: [one may of it. tux-totin- nou for being held in the Forest City. Btatta.-While Mr. Thos. Morrow Jr., was picking raspberries on Monday last, on his farm in Glenelg, 21- miles from Markdnle, his dog started up three bean within four rods ot where he was sgndhlg. The bear: turned on the dog three or four times and finally disappetsred.--8tand. ard. The word FIloon, the name of Ester brook's well known deal pen, in denved from False, th raping hooks suggested by the shape of the Falcon’a beak. . It would be well for the h! pug" of the town to consider, before further hurdcning thermelvel with the expenses of market ground or muket hon-o, that they have now on their mould". a 3.“wa debt of 832,000. In looking over the your: list of last year I found that tht number of ratepayers on the but in 223, which would make the Railway debt on an aver-age $143.49 for each ntepnyer. Youre truly, Dun '%tt,--rn reading the minutes of the last meeting of the Town Council I observed that uonlinlerahlo interest WM taken about the etrtablultment of I market in town, nod that only one ntepayel Ins consulted before the meeting of the Council. We have many other ratepayers in Durham. Why were they not consulted l To the Editor tth the Raina. Durham, 10th Aunt, l881. _awunpu In hi: on . doq."-gura Durham Market. I Am youn. bs., Cruz“. A eyed-l meeting od and Town Council! ,rsaA1itdooiiarehrims. Alla-e when pee-It. The hyacin the cheir. A.“ minediecuuion in NW to the whet. it" moved by G. leXechnie, ‘mnded by B. Ball, Thu W. A. Ander- lm. John Brown and A, o. mum. be ‘end ere hereby eppointed e specie] com» mittee to take into consideration whether; or not it would be Mlvieeble in the genernl interests of the Town to purcheee e market lite end have a market By-Lew introduced resuming the Iele of Fun: produce, said Committee to have power to select e site. Muket site to be dune!!!- approved of by the Council. Mr. Bun-net thought that u the Town hill . large debt on it " the preeent time, the purchase of e mket bite we: preme- tam. The buying of grain in the way it we: done at the present time wee eoconL ing to his experience the best for the thr. . _ """-."'"""q.""" --_r- w-- 'Ne""'" him. t2jiiiii.iiiitlacf,',iiri5,i"iiCiii': Merl-mun. . P.,i.uodn. vnmntforhin mt, and howuumhdinDurhun. On being broughthmitwu diamond that he VII blind,andtho Racism. taking any on tt'tm,Uthimothiith_tion. It istotr0opedtutthe tthrdtg will 'adearmeatittg.--Bralhgr- M The Masonic Excursion on Friday under the auspices of the Lorne Lodge,8luMurne, numbered between 400 and 600, A large contingent came from Murkdele, Fleeher- ton, Dundalk and other places. The tre'n being somewhat late in arriving " Toronto, the "Empretms of Indie", which wee to have taken the "eursiouitrts to Lorne Perk. had departed without them. The tsxearsionista therefore amused themselves in their own way, which, probably on the whole, wee satisfactory. The party were eccompenied by the Shelburne breee and string bands, who considerably eu- livened the tedioueneee of the journey. The ttthr, on the whole, wee e fintstusia1 eno- eeu. end no ouch, very crediteble to ite ori. tfutatortr.--trhethsrtu, Fm Prue. Pedlere heve been in the pnetiee of " ing tee throughout thin eeetion of the country end then inNieting ooneidenble injury on the locel ten merchant. It wee found neeeeeery et the Jennery meeting of the County Council. to pen e By-lew requiring thou pedlen to [my e lieenee fee at "o, end eubjeeting then: in We to e ttne of not [one then 010 not more than "o. Leetweekthietownweevieited byoee at Wine from Guelph, nemed mm. tttf, end Comteble Melee. tp-ing of yy °W9M 1951824 , ystygqtaint min-t Mr. A. C. Melanie 3nd J. B. Brown both spoke in favor of purchuing . trite, and were not quite “tidied even with the motion but moved the following _ Moved in amendment by A. th Me. Kenzie, seconded by H. J. Storey, That this Council consider that it is in the interest of the Town that I mnket be established and (hot it be end it is hereby re- solved that the following u . special Com. mittee to select end negotiate for an eligible site for the same, and report to the Council at its next meeting. The Mayor, Reeve. W. A. Anderson, J. B. Brown and J. A. Johnston be a Committee. A and drowning accident occurred on Tuesday of last week. A little boy end lit. tle girl, children of Mr. J. Chulwood. aged about 6 and 7 yours. were beihingin the river st the back of their fnther'l house. and got beyond their depth. Mrs. curl. wood happened to see them, end rushing into the river saved the little girl, but the boy noun. Mr. Cherlwood who wee work. ing A short distance away, on hearing of it came to the rescue and succeeded in getting the child out utter he bed been under voter atom ten minutes, too late to resuscitate .trn.---hfsaford Monitor. Mr J amen Burnet in moving the follow. amendment to the amendment, said that I. market would enable the buyers to form a ring, and this would be to lower the price of grain, and that a market would not be to the Interest of . either the fkrtner or the Town. Moved in amendment, by J amen Burnet, seconded by J ohu Robertson, that it in not in the interest of the ratepayers of the Town of Durham that any steps be taken towards the selection of a market site at the present time. Mr. Anderson wanted to know how the Council had arrived at the conclusion that a. market was so urgent as to call a. special meeting of the Council on such short notice. He was not aware that any of the ratepay- ers had been consulted. or had expressed their desire for . market by I. petition. The Council only two or three months ago vat. ed t y motion and refused a. free offer of . market sile,but were now proposing to pur. chase a. market site at a heavy cost to the Town. The following is the amendment to the amendment. A. C. McKenzie said it would have cost more to make a market site out of the offer made then than it would to purvhue another site. J. H. Brown said a. market was now neceasary. Very little grain had been bought heretofore. It would be necessary to have a man at each end of the Town to buy grain as at present, and from the keen competition of other phcel this could not be mottled. m did not think them was much danger of rings being formed. The vote on the amendment was then taken and resulting in B tie, wu lost on the casting vote of the Mayor. A. C. McKenzie and J. B. Brown then found fault with the motion. The amendment to the amendment was then put to a vote by the Mayor, Messrs. W. A. Anderson, J. Burnet and John Rob. ertson voting for it, and the rest for the Council Against it. . Mr. B. Dull supported the motion. m said there was no petition from the rate. payers before the Council in regardto . market. J .H. Brown wanted the word "advita. bio" struck out, and the motion as unend- ed was carried, the membem of the N orth Ward voting againlt it, and the rest of the Council for it. Council then trdjonrned. am“: to A tttte of more than "o. visited by one of ph, and Bum. a'" hon-inc of pumpkin: spin“ An neeident of o no enjoin We oe- eurred to W. not In. J. G M and In. Wm. Glance-e. when mm has Durham on My evening, 6th inat., It. place hop: on lb. Jock-hike, athettttt-dgthattet. Ohmic. by vhieh ell three wen grew to h pond. sud shied miraculously - udder: death. The ham were going Wily down on the out aide ofthe mid bridge, and, owing to the portionin- roughneu of ‘the road, the caninge went suddenly down in front nnd up behind, with the remit " stated. The horses were not running nor do they eeem to have gone that the Be. cident nt more than on ordinary pm. u no marks were visible next morning on the mad to indieste thet the home m any. neither we» the eel-rinse injured. sue e creek in one ot the cross-bun. tismter, aboatt " in“ of In and was the' GGiriiiir "ririaroii" an: Pert fuhttrr16eshiuie,ut-irtita-iiv. through“ bush L'l', and it U 1t.t,tcP,ye.eelir-a-o-/titrteGm-rreiato pond Both Mice are oonfnod to bed end In bruised on several pane of their bodiesmnd Mu. Wm. Glencrou on the head; but we understand they In progressing favorably under Dr. J menu‘s treatment. Mr. I. C. we: not» badly burns the Mien. one of whom bed to be curled home. Supp" Dttarar.9mtitt. Lemon. lot 19, uh can. Colodouil. died my mddonly o week we loot Wodnoodoy. At brookhot limo)» woo would, in " good health " ho our woo. AM Mt he went out for tho so". go. . little wot and whoa homohnmoho-kodhiowifofor Ada-y ohirt. 5nd whiloinlhooctofpuuingiton ho ooid “It is some. dark," ond in the non inotout an to tho Booe, and "pimd within on hour. Dr. Aldo woo non. tor, would do nothing " the “mm It is somowlnt "toruuhing Mr. Editor, that the Otfieiala of . Township u long not- tled u INtruelg,sttouid have such I {Imager- ous place so long in such I condition. and that n bridge could hathâ€: been built ori. ginally u it should bu. been. The pm. out Council will surely no tit, even At the eleventh hour, to and» this paetoftlur road we, " we tusarrstand quite e few no and more would be unveiling that wey were it eonsideredsat’e. As itis there in . Midge of rough loge none 8 or 10 rods in length without railing of my kind, Ind although it is really I dia. gnce to the intelligence that we ought to expect from from any Its. Council. It is altogether too late to lock the stable door Mr. Ellott moved, ascended by Mr. Podium. that the following persona be Ip- pointed Collector. for the current year a I lulu-y of 022.00 "als, end tint s By-Law be pused " next session giving effect to the sumo. Ward No. I, John Eugen! ; Wad No. 2 W. McIAnghre; Wad No. 8 John Higginbothnm ; Ward N.o. t W. L. Mekee.-carrtusd. ton. in than! and, to: amnion. when the horse is stolen, and in one . life is lost, who can make mpmtion or oom- pensnte for such loss. We believe the strings of the public purse should be tight- ly held, and s1] due economy practiced in fintu1eial matters consistent with what is fair and right, but. when existing evils should call for redress, no right minded man can conscientiously edvoeete imiiirerenee to these evils. Council met in the Town Hull. Pusher. ton, August In, 1881. Members nil pres- ent Run in the chm, minuwl of present meeting rend Ind, signed. Communion- tions from John Crosser Esq..0wcn Sound. S.H.McKitrick Esq..0nngoville, sud Wm.. Milne, EN., Maxwell. mounted end reed Pitition from John Gibson, and others pre. unwd and round. The following Account: were ordered to be paid. John Tnlbot, Gavel, statute Lebor, 08.15 ', Goo. Moore, do., Jo., 92.28; Thou. Lender. do., do., 58.02 ; Wm. Richardson, Jo., do., 91.79. be psid.--Wtud No. l M. William 080.25; S. Henderson “.76 l Peter Maine M.00; Ward No. 2.---gohn Bluuo be]. of specie! grant on Towrv1ints last year 99.20 ; Wm. Hill, 085.00; Thou. Lauder $84.00, Ward No. 4.--H. Fenwick $8684; Geo. Rat. ledge M.24; R. Cooper 010.00; Scott John. sci. 08.00 ; In. Puller Me, John Clinton apecinl grant on To'wn’line Adorned: E Osprey. Mr. Peal“ moved, uondedhy Mr. Web. ster, that C. Bellman be paid 82.00 being statue labor chimed. and work having been performed-A-sd. By.Law No. 828, to mtlmr‘we Trustees S. S. No. 12, to borrow money 329. to re- pes! 824, 880 to levy school runs, 881 to levy rates. 882to levy Police village um for 1881, introduced Ind pund in an gun! wuy. Mr. Webster moved, seconded by Mr. Elliott, tUtin momma with the peti- tion of John Gibson, nnd others, Alfred Ward not! Wm. Parke be notified by the Clerk, to remove their fences off aide rod 180, 1st nnd 8rd Com. W. T. t 8. B. n- tspeetiveir.--carrtud. Mr. Pod!" moved, seconded by Mr. Wright, tut Councillor for Word No. 4 beintmnted toâ€. honking bridge op- poaile Lou " tusd 80 lot N. D. It. the some being in an unfit am for tmvel.-- Curried. Mr. Christoe moved, seconded by Pedllr, an: in order to nettle s mute! between Com'r Wright Ind. In. thmttield the Council do {not the mm of 05.60.40:- Mr. Elliott moved, 3000::de by Mr. Wright, Hut the tppliution of Hugh Me. Pherson routing to Culvertzbo reform! to the Councillor for van! No. L-Carried. Mr. Webster moved, leoondod by Mr. Wright, that the Clerk notify Jouph Gslbnith to man his [once from Gavel- mad allowance opposite 118, In W-.-.- August 9, 1881. Glenelg, August 9th, 1881. Council Adjournd. The new boot sud shoe factory. Wulku- The followmg road jobs were ordered to Accident in M. AFtisusiiirdouncil. W. J. Bunny. Clerk. Acme. ' - M-OOL 'Ysteeiek Wtttt- club.» had died ttt MI residuum. PM one. nor of College sod St. George "meta, Tor. onto,†Friduy morning " 8 o'clock. m was born in London. England. on April CollegeLenIlen. In...aldh â€uh mar. rlad Wilrnot lary. you“ daughter of Mr. Henry Bra-ley. London Eng. Dar- ing the evacuation ol the [onion 8 Birm. inborn. North Midland. railwaya. he wee employed " an engineer upon the m Sneeqnently he weak be Chadian an! Porternonth dockyarda. Col. Cumberland vcame to Canada in September of 1847, and we: appointed engineer on the road. of the Co. of York. m we: alao qtmliiUd aeanarehiteet.and in " the Conn-.1 School. at Hamilton val elected born hi. deeigne, " well " the Toronto Model School in 1852. In thin yeer he manned ‘Mr. Storm, architect. or partner, and to thin partnership the Province is indebted ‘ for ench tnagtsitioer" building" an the Noe. mal School. the University of Toronto. the Oecoode Hall and 8t. Jaime Cathedral. Var-lone other public work- were built from " plane in diffemut plaeea. In 1060 he wan appointed Chief Engineer of the Noe. thern Railway.end in the following year wee made Managing Director. When he took hold of the railroad it wee a bankrupt concern with trains running at the late at about ten when an hour. The preeent po- eition of the railway in the unseat estimate of Col. Cumberland“: ability " a railroad manager, his reputation in which capacity he- been exceedingly high. A couple at yearn before the Trent affair Col. Con. herland suggested the "visibility of eatah- lirhina a local battalion, and in Itb61 the Mechanics‘ Battalion war formed and the deceased gentleman was placed in com- mand. In the following year, the lech- nnice‘ Battalion which wee oompoeed prin- cipally of iailway men. wan merged into the regiment known an the Tenth Royall. l In 1864 he retired trout the command. and was Appointed on the 18th of Jenna. 1866, as extra eide-de cempto the Gover- uor General of Canada, which position In held until Lord Dufferin left Guide. n. has held many positions ot honor. ouch u President of the St. George'l Sock†all Meehuice' Institute. representative of Cenule st the London Exhibition of 1851. Bank Director, etc.. etc. Colonel Cit-bet. land was well known as I staunch Concer- ntive, end served hie party foe my,“ an representetive In the Commons end Legirlature. He wee first returned tor Algome in the Home of Common from 1871 until the dissolution in me. At the eubeequent senerel election he wee en unsuccessful cendidete. The M recently nude e trip to London Euclend, end when there began to troubled with his heart. After " return here seven! ween ego be we: tsoufind to his room, which he never left. His complaint was fatty de. generation of ma 1tetrt, and It that it wee not thought the: eeriuns consequence would ensue, his ooustitution being pou- ful, but shout 5 week no the eymptoll. grew more thuu alarming, and in the lee two deys ell hone mu ebeudund. theit pereonel otreeta to - of amp.“ fUeitrtt for their liven. Even the mill Reel! wee el-endoned " e time. Denee the“! of smoke hen; like e [lull over the! no?!» almost if not totally o menrirtg {mm tr"' the eeene of the ttonfhurrtstioet, end blinditte ehowers of ashes, driven by e “if! north. west wind, prevent e nee: ewe-veal: to the burning men. The iirs covers en era of mile! in extent, end ie working led hem mm the crepe of the â€were. The toe to needing end mennfnctured timber I very large. It in "id that in thie eeee the he wee eeueed by some mimente bamt.ieq e t',t',1U,'t"rle, to eome one "sie' than yhedemdge. “thence“ feet ofthe eeee. In yeere in the penitpl' dery would be none too heevy e ee: nenthaeeuuewhoeonld be oiittr d not: My. Tune of We? of Ite The funeral of ch. late Liam. Col. Olm- ballad took plus an Sundny mmoon trout hm residence in Toronto. tktoaiat tminl were plnced at the dltpoul of thou-I- ployeel dong tho line of the Nathan. Ind fittoen cur loads were ' to the it}. The “Wait: ceremony Wu oondtmtod " the gave. And many thou-and. of person- witnessed 1nd joined in the pron-don. which wu An hour And a ludf in pain. A given point. The attendanc- tie -ted anything um has "' been noon in Tom. Amun- n Bmcmn.--th, Sande, even- ing at young men nemed Beenhernoil.vho came from Celifornie lest spring end bee eiuee been living end working with " In:- cle. e firmer, e few miles trom Plural" himself on the led side just ebove the heart. It seems ihet Beeuhernoie "and lo merry " cousin. end Incense she end her psi-vent: objected he took e revolve: to one ofthe heck fields end shot himeell. He was ehle to welt heck to the house endbll whet he had done. He seems to keep up well, end suffers verylmle pain. Thedoe- tor think: he will cet over it, but he eeeme determined to kill himself or eome one The Wiurton Echo ny- that lotion! bush fires Ire raging in tho 11"t,'t' ot Lindsay 3nd St. Edmunds. At 'roll t Gum's uw mill, no“ Swift ch. - he had "muned such clue-Min. m1:- 'tuit u too-me people iy thet 'reif V . hood to nbmdof) their bonus, ttget their per-om! otresestn to place. of am». 7_ Guru) Tnun AocmtttN..- Bream. Aug. 6.--ht 4. e. m., No, It heig ht tmin on the Grend Trunk reached Bumptonul proceeding traatwarl bed attained eepeed of 12 miles en hour when it reeehed the eastern ewiteh. This must heve been M open, for the engine and 18 out lea the truck. end efter bumping over the deepen {are short distance ell toppled over the embankment. which ie about M feet high at this point. The bnkeemen end tu- cscnpei l-yjnmping, end ere not mini hurt. A. Reid, the engineer. elm twin to remove the engine. fell down the embank- ment with it end was found elmoet hieleee. At this hour it is impossible to any whether he is dead or eliie. The night ewiwhmen will likely be suspended. The lone will he very heavv. for the engine end can ell badly wrecked. The passenger thine he" been (nurturing peuengen thi- - lug. Booth tthhit. Cumberland. Frugal; bina-aucccsduliu- an: duwn nu luv luv no†“I. depot to mm. It " hupnn n: a.“ he dropped “hop. "csvu, ta-ru |I“‘_\ mung} d by 3 train whirl: plow-J own l, m. Writing to I frirnd In Landau, Luglux ll, ttttdee dato July Nth. NI Jnvhln tuf'". “I In" adhered manner . an "i deal of agrmtgtts aiooe l cane to Norwood, and hop-ooh to he quite up tn the mark. That [an or deal stronger tlusu I was hm» hath-1 Tltura0y hrst I "d“ Men My " Marlborough Imp-I on Gourd-y " the Mnnnnu Rog-w without alluringâ€); Incon- -sirtteRhim.tt." “John in an every- HIV-hull him ollows very much Wm Pettuno'omatutrwaitgrvrrii oomph. My. An nio- Inu he. on“ 'nut the out“ has “anâ€. am†Vb. CM o Ind-dio- an. w " the 1... Again Can. A “an " “so In. (and ta' Carbon. All the bonds... baring: 101 way an my" Mum} the [ti-on“ in - Gino. but that henfuselto native hi. on the ground! t,t,,uth1ng'ddhtf, bond was: urea-eel» ' .mw-z- r1953“. Meir-tlt.. of (hem Min. - -ltrstugiokirteo" yw on tho dam.w. Two link boys won drowned at Godr ich on Thanh, morning while lvutlnnp u “I. ttMtqUt ofthe river. Up to I late hour “I bodies We not been reeoverod. 0m- - a). "ee' you of Mr. John Msurust i. 5, n... “a this mm prom-am. i. Gu to h†hon made imtsoasiu. but". the tm'ttimtbord out“ not be found sum - b Totottto.--Wal_ rate-.. Tho number of Cnnuliun voter-nu who took put in the war of "“115 that hive boon pill t bounty to fur Ulisyvu is â€an. Thy “I given .35 cull. Three 39-" Ian th-8,0M, who received .20 each, not! two yum ago 2,412. The number 1. king "(hood fut. " will he sum by the 03-.- (iron than. bani-m: Tii,, afloa- nu Chm-lea. Ln-, Me. Henry. Mtit Inuit. Wham funny at -tdittg the summer there. Wmuoceuful he hat he" the depot to rest. In dropped “leap. m od by I min whirl: [in A an tinned Alexander Smith. wm.0nt., was Lullvd on tha- r; "y “Galen. Utah. nn the Hill " " all!“ hen leaking for work and I " ode! of“. on the dollar from Mum. 8000M & Nieuohum, the, are“ “Irma-n “In! 00an to their workman " um“ I riot in Thou“. Mr. Sword win-MIN " life. The mm. acre ' - induced to the can]: {uymuut WIN] . da. bill " tho III-nee. m“ - M.... "a". usll .n A young My ofClnuzun. N. B., frixht- i “al’lL. and â€Amount that run new»; the Boor, I fl'f1"l . . . l dun-l No I Monty dollar an†m attrmpuhg -t "u... b - by dumbing upon ttso human. i furl tl M can belonging to Mr. Nathan 12:“: MW Alton. New goo-boned Ina-[v by l m all test" off MI mum shortly “fur '-ehea to U and-nus] tun Vilma mu. 1...... TIE WOW, they * Bruce Railway â€ploy..- Inn titul1, decided to lu-ld “at pin-ab at Puma-um an. you. " how tutto. nun wnll be urn-HM (mm M. Ma and Listowel. The a». I... not bean and yet. o. WM] naming Idmnkon man “I Wm. Forahee fell from n third - window of the Rum“ 1souse,ts't. Win... and was killed. A mulch Mm tho Wuhan-ton sud NW “at elula Wu to have hm u ttrdr, wanna“; but the bum club "rt. Ativolr me no] hum: an 'iaieod owing to the [not that umhn club but! our won t 'ntsuh.--rcl-pe. qherrrinciple of {we odumlmn for (In blind “I boon oudnmud in twonty-tiw aitie. I“ '0an of Non. tieutia. Bare. '0! visited by tire nguin on Thurs dsr, can. (our Mining; being burned, in a%ditrg that d W Idol t'seuool. ". not plan of worship for the [Meio- " d Christ in hem; qrertad on Yankee M Wilkemm. and pummel: to be c do. - "gunman w the church mama-tun ofthe tou. A Guano“. boy named Louis Coma. “I and two blocks of wood strapped unda- his m to help him to “ma. Ii, come mm he slipped through the appu- Itmmtho 1hmtar nothing at hll hum hold hi. head under valor till In. Wu - AMER Innk- six fort in Ion-Ah out: mcu's um um lulled a It†“on: Amoliaslmrg. It iotktrd that several young mm of Mb" been dvprd by I tram-I'm; “his whoa. VIM wen not will! tur wanted. In“: Wutrsntr.--tian Francine. Ann. 3 .-amheo.. {Alanna}, who mm with A i' a “my†recently killed by in, [ h NO. axiom-a). 1kepartywas " I " W 0.001 the undhillu, sud ulthuuch . th would an no lender. and and not; - mm: the ludum. The mr ' w t detipomurly. The Indium y11 W foetrfivo, M wlruu m um In “(and nine wounded. All the mn a). n N . (hideout, ware lulled. tst' Ion-mp l I ing on the field wounded 3' WI, lilo in going beluad (hr mun- , l CS' “I mod before the Mullen and F m won humuhllud but fort% llnhmv Nk “I; inf-wand he would he raw-"um: d pl The Indium were crmmlululml by l mum... and were under rigid {llhflpll'ltn Ah. I th, JUht the "(lithium cumlnmed many dwrr- t'f “on. and murdvr. Lumpran finullv .s. ft, oqsu, reaching Gunynuuu am tndurmg " w hardship. Fll *‘NIIQ us coming north, will“; my on ir their way. A law “mm". M white, un- n‘purlwl hilru “I at Four tsheep-herded Wt't't' "In: kilo Stu Mateo mountanm. and at. chop men an utttusiug. d I“ "oesh, Mullen them afoot. Mhr “at of the “him um. evident, tr -etii.ier with Indian methods ot light h. .Udian â€out. ind oulnumd soldier. Mn [In-lit ofthe nmhuwnden. Tin-w “My“ than one pun} of In Aee The merus huu- unuoulst, Airisuide, nu...“ tG2GGiuu' Km»; ff h "I -to k mainland nu Are 'i'u"1'l,tul"h the Axum-m. oil, but: toinirrCi i); can't human. “New "aim. Aug. 4.--A" an Wannemdo Alum-h" and flSlth'lfgg took plum on lied I'm-wk. h - llho. Scum Elvin-um “Mr M. and one died. Scout: ropnrl tl..at Hymn.“ to he uudu thc I. ado, Fatal". N. I" An... 4.--o'huil the M Ill-t. â€ports that Indians Wttte -uahedaetdtiied upon nun- Au .oncuuund Milly-nine Mexicans in (Mm-min tiny)“. thietrdm mil“ from here. The Amen- - l-l Mariam were [or a while de- -huu. Tb. tight lasted from 10:30 utr digs. _Ning me- were wounded, one 1.0 India:- m HIM by the Canyon feffti, N. M., My CANADIAN ITEMS Nun. chief of " mar, 0th. Penn; 1 â€any. Full W Hay shoe [Amt them II All RI "new Butte Emu. gm tl and CI Idling br pm ll AM may Sh Br (M w w " Irina \I _ ' " t mo wi an": "tut l)..- (All I†cum-1 " um In" In. an yucky “.4 wil WI you Br ans, "mttt '" p: tor d can] het in or, Alla evil! “I my tact out “It! " "It. tel w 0n .1. felt a. r " u an! No “a.