-m b I trite â€in. that drown. Ion “any"; mam-heap: Mn- un, M u . “may. by the 'te-ts-r-lar-ttths"'" Beit. inh - an applied whit m u . â€mink-“Muham- ,h.dnthuaB_ 'retttheeBeitiott mn- Ithf2tufa'lt,u't,"d'tt “motor-Md! chi-row an.†Thom - illne- ts-.d-iieeVtiemarr. ad. "oerreoh.t+-i"_. -rt.uarta..e_Irttr_ “unvdhdub-tb --Tho opposition cloud by the Bonn of Lordsto the Iii-h Land Bill tsw. brought down upon the unborn on that m! body . who! “on: of indignation. Pub. tie mating: in" hold I" out the country of Liberal Mn. AW all Labomn' aloha. As, tttsd nmwbon my "hormhtory logiuhton" won My bummed. “d Mr. (Mud-Mu Inâ€! but to yiold on. ion to the Lords. The Pun, of all I“. of o’iaiou. with Ibo nonp- tion ofthe high Tory. to" annually mum ' imnua in "donning the action of the Uppor Home. In .o'r"'t'"t". ot this dour- lninod I“ otttto Canadian! sad the â€any. the Lorin “chum“.mndo' noon-pk“ urn-lot. and â€you! the Bill. A com-liais- will that". be in.“ Ind “child"! will 0. My 10- ni†the I’ll - ---'No Ron. Abs. luhonzio. who in at present In Scotland. was [mounted with tho (radon of the burgh of humus. Provo-t Fm" occupied the chairs»! in presenting the Largo-a ticket to Mr. Huc- hnzio referred to him In I Highlander of whom they ought to be proud. and upon in laud-tor, tom- of his public union in Cumin. Mr. Mukonxio npliodnnd took the opportunity of directing “tension to Clank. " u unit-bl. tuid for omign- gntion to all who wished I chum, tUt but land could bo bought and ooh] â€and. - Ind Mr. And than them 1m ample no. and to Ipm for the wholo population of Gust Bums and Inland. On our Bret we will on hand In “all.“ bkgnphicd ml: of Mr. "when“. dag: of In! we“. The proceeding- eppeu to new been of . very impoeing 'tumot.r, arotssutirtg of eddraseee, report- of ofrieil, he. The Lodges now number I†And the member-hip 12,776. end en more.“ of on dining the put you. An eddnee of welcome wee preeented by the Meyer of Random}. to which no eloquent reply wu‘ Dede by the {hand Meet“. The proceed- iu'e vote OlthOIIOd by [may drill.Leeroeee Detainee. Bicycle um, end in the evening by e mend pend diepleyol tirmrorks. -Tbo Gum! Encampment of the I. o. O. r. was hold at mutton! on Wodnoo‘ a t with that buoyancy which button Ah aloug manifested. Tho member: of tlo. I'M-inn In" hem unmanned» Wuh- ihu -n Ind In. Iuriuld bu boon Adm to he prepared " the wont. Canning in tor and u paying tut the country no pun- in.: through I Wrong avian. and that? ttw do“): at the Pro-idem in “no Ionl‘ Ib-vgthuoouldhopponioit. --ProtiUnt uurluld'. condition in daily becoming more nod more anneal. Yes. Om Ray's bulletin- indeed would imheau that rm and in not In distant, but "ali, his Ilmlnlantl prof.“ to hare hops, though ---Aatotur can“ I. Id. I. unnu- na in tho human. Thin now an...» In] be “on in the - has. to tho not“: of the mill, 7", And not In the" Ibo horizon, nth» nebulo- " pn- unt uni M by the 30011351“, In. I it in "puny Win. tho nub, ad on tl am ind. m,- a. pertttlioet, it win proiettitstrrehtorqr- “nub-count n rend, ululvod. In and.“ it and to he 200,000 nil. in dia-ur, nod ‘5. din- lu â€co nt m. from the-ttt out ninety million mil... THE REVIEW‘ hut-.400 Wot-nu. t on. " let-yd... Dunk! _ I loin-do- 1-7000. no... The high "an“. in .“ In in bold in his constituency in "tBeitestl, attqtted by tho be. that on two occasion: the: be â€and hilly-all " '..u-tioe, be I. rot-nod by “has. Mr. Hula-Ii. In. only on. “id. I Ingmar. by bin but “to. who in ma to III. In. John Thompson, mum mom. " Mruia. Him his "tima-t from the leadership of tho Opposition. Mr. lukouzio bu do voted the - you of hi: timq to con- dueung Ibo thin ot the tio_t--for morly all“! m. hoisted Risk Ind Far. mera'-..) loom Conway. of which l be bu boon " mun] yam tho Pres. I ideut 1nd principol Mr. loan“ for the Grey Review shut-oak and- long “duo-In] win. â€or,“ iotill opon to him. His migldonolmlmdonhi Minna-nu fii'liii7ii'l'i'll';A"li7J'lrti'lrd'd'l','or're though ho - but. dlGG udu tho â€smupnhim,uulbo has-Iain WWI-mm " would view ad elasticity. Though he in no Ion." add!“ with the addition an. inn- 'eletute!etro-erenur.n, h.ie'teruly - hayndunono no Madam up..." Liiiiifi, TGGG qrithoqt "ret - his why-sun has. hoH-itrttt-dere __ = icaiGui !i:'iii't,'itii,ti'erl2hl1'r2t whom induct lulu oectrirLia - a GT, ttutdArttt+tet"aid.-tGttrottas" tiiitiiir.tt,"r,),': an " won. HM. MW. Cl. "teeee'llPetturiiajroyye 'ttteheeeeretsteN - “comma-am Durham. August IS, 18S1 r-hgdoln â€n51 "B-na-ttella- at“ IZ-W!“ pg tum cl Umberto.†"'-- Kane." "it? -drFi- his 6h,v_hu beyond-cod to 7 . ,-__._. --__iv "r""""""""-."""' continuum: or You aunt an...» caching. 'ji"ijiiiiiij, which mteared munching win â€any." their [ionic in the lam plane. by {to â€thumb; â€and ""q1. 'rt-beet-th-o-rf-uit,."' Pros- The question of the use of the Bible in our Public 'Uhoou has been heenlydiecuse- - ed in the Press and out of it. Some main. " tain that the education given in the Schools a. shouldheentirely of a secular character. "at and that the religious training of the young “it should he left entirely to parents and their â€h†religious teachers. while others hold, not =: only that the daily exercises of the School - should be opened and cloud mth the read- ing of a portion of Scripture and prayer, but that the Bible should be used as a text book, and special religious instruction be -. given by the teacher. In the circum- v stances ofthis country it is evident that . the latter. however desirable. is not practi- Lee.. cable; and the Legislature has wisely no l. the whole matter an open question. to he - settled by each School Section as may be "V considered best in its individual circum- Dtt" utancea. In no School Section will there . to he found an entire or even general nose far imity on matters of "faith and practice," P" butstillmore, the Teacher.although nl-la and . it capable to teach the whole "programmer," Oli may be very incapable to communicate qriil religious instruction, perhaps such a per- met son. that even the simple reading of the to Scriptures may he done in such a way as die. to completely neutralise the othset which My such reading should always exercise upon those who hear. At the meeting of the l . Teacher's Association held lest week at "I, Toronto.a very instructive paper from Pro. l .es~ lessor Wilson on “Religion in the Schools" 1 ttf was read before the Association. and from 1 his . . , it we gives few extracts. on account of 1 ugh . . . their merit and " being very opportune at I zen! the present time. On the question of the I j,' we of the Bible in our Pal-lie Schools Dr. I a . Wilson said that where “the entire eom- t TI munityare so far of one mind that, with. I " out causing otrenmr, the school canheopen- i so ed daily-in aemrdance with the recom- , Ttbt mendation of the Council of Public In. l mt ittntetiott--with the reading of the Scrip t tors and prayer. there can be no question l o. auto ite deeirahlenese. But where there n 3.. is a teacher of high principle. with the con- h in straining love ot Christ in " heart.neither in t school regulations nor Acts of Parliament u ls. can shut out the Bible ircm the School: e " tor its precepts will be hourly on his lips. ty " and its principles in all his actions." ti es Questions of a denominational character h of tind no place in a national School System. " bat is there no “such apt lesson " 'Con. ti b sider the lilies of the tUtd, how they ttrow,' at so or that of the '8m"r.-atow no atraneers d, m I" Canaa--'not one of which ialleth to I % the ground without the will of our Heaven- ly father',' or the you" ravens that " ‘neither sow nor reap neither have they h storehouse nor barn, and yet God ieedeth 5- them.' There ‘is the min coming down q n on the mown gram,' ‘the hen gathering " her chickens under» her wing.‘ the good 'f shepherd leaving his ninety and nine to go :1: . in search of the lost sheep; and all else of l 3 moral beauty and wisdom so aptly fitted J to the young mind, - for knowledge; In 3 open to all impressions; and receiving the I? I bias. for good or evil. on which the whole o c t future life so often depends. m must I . have little in him of the true teacher who " ' cannot turn to account the parable of the sec a wise and foolish builders; or the story of for . the unforgiving servant; or the buried and l i nuclear talent. mi. “All this. if done as the man or woman for , possessed oi the true touching faculty well she ' knows howto do it, instead of involving visi , any weariaome "unoniaiutr, will give a , ' lite and a charm to the whole work ot the the [ day. Nor need he - on the threshold ale< of higher moral lessons. m, too, may by] claim as his own that ofthe wondrous boy " I disputia. with the doctors in the temple; Hm of the child sat in the midst of his disciples; J. I or the exquisite story of the prodigal sou, B so tender in its touching beauty and power the , These and so much else in the lessons of l the Great Teacher. lie inllv within the le- of) ultimate compass of your daily work. There oust is the Lord’s prayer. Catholic in every any neonas."l'hywill be done in earth aait h C,': in Beaveu"Give as day oy day our daily Jam bread .' ‘Poepve us as we lor‘ivef 'Amid “a. temptation delivss in trom evil.‘ In all thithesahs-alyampls mentors ced- h ty national up... or education. whseh tUt shall as use-s an no sou-W ha. was! or a...“ - let me as "I nus-abs... is is. “a of "in as _ - my. - boss who. was weave-cw“ be - talus... vie ed by you own “pie. lf we a". sail beehistede-betketttuavimhts. iced Chadians-laud. or a. W‘ the! h at His Ills sad ."-t, but speak little niydhrsqlaw. evolution, or more. ciao the Gown-at opposed the motion, 3nd s'tsor"dttr_tu.,thattuetstunn'. " a van inducing. but that wttatev" amnion might be .trgoed, tho country could not talent. the Imposition of dutie- on food. The Government Ill machined by a Inge majority in . very thin Bonn. Wight". tho British? Homo of Common. . low by- Mo, the mover. I Conan-tin. a the aunt in. taunting. tlmtpreitio-fno Mail for - duh-us. Bircuru. Duh. I member of “Uhhyldlhoi.l.m - "u-hi-ri-tOro, an. M“ bio-w. lib! “mama's-mum's» indomihbvcd M. It.“ Mrth"thi.streidutteies. b “In“ tot-W ht. who a. to to “mmmmhdpvu â€mammal-dunno- “I. khan-uh-piulb di- m buymbl-tyab-ol in. “ All ttte poem and: the Moth km. a! my in mount-mt Mtheiatdetrtite. at hem 'tfMuattiontttNittt-othmtioatoetu; -litiirfrodt-tlm-tthairtrii -rttowiiuotottrill. Thia'u-lud-‘ 'unortutrhsiimpoiitimleeortomr. The talk spins! (a. M halal-ad. bu Manon: ofthe pouiblo upon] of the French TM]. Ind with it. soul-mm. wwwvunpuouownu. wnt.MBmnG. mnhlplhdplohpoliw economy. Tho nu. was in. m blind-ad. bu about ofthe podâ€. roped of the Fund: _ Ind with it "ttUmar" man: will.“ Thin question m Winkle" tho Beitiatr Homo of Common. I kw My: no. the mover. I RELIGION IN THE SCHOOLS. "All“ -ti_"oeuhed,rusdturi. vision. both good Ind plentiful. Gum uddngingminmmdnllm- 11d upoddlyby the ohildnn. And oven tho-whim not "on. to “king l little huh skin this mum: Welland ofno accident. "aqttsdbw who Inn . 1ittutottoururuktothe "entatmMion'ot “Iowa-pa which Hqtoared totem n._:.. 4--» ' A. - J... MeGirr'I bulb on Fridnylut, w; a; mu “tended, ed thou â€out “and to my boulder. done in this put of the country. I In" tho Added to my 1.11;. Jackal Puma, neural lines, including 1.9â€... work, Brutus, Berlin wooll, Mom. .0. Pttrther.-at" "truth School pie-uh of tho th M. Church. which w held in MM of New York City, I on now promise my customers n superior “tide in picture. to [ Ma. J. M. Burn“, of Durham. 03ers the who]. of his property in this Toms, and I190 . house um! lot in Dund-‘k. foe ads by Public Auction on NI]. ABM 80th, It one o'clock p. an. It " We. Honuhold Furniture, do" will tho!» sold. J. Moodio. Auctioneer. Boo posters. T Bastg Bara.-At e match pleyed in Thar. ban on Monday lent, between their“ and Ieeond nines of the "rmupendirnu," the former won by 48 to 18. Mea. WI. J ACISON end Mine Jeehon of um Town, left on Thursday morning lest for Centre] Ontario, and will be away about e month. We wish them I please!“ visit. Tu Bond ofDiroetorl of the Mechanic's Institute, will meet in the Libra, on Friar (to-morrow) evening a or'ght o‘clock. Mu. P. MAcRn, Reeve of Glenelg, in unable to walk " present. having received A sprein of the cord: of one leg. Tn Public Schools will open to-dny. 100 Evans of Plum mud at Don. nghy'l. Dun-hum. We commend the" extract, hom the - of Dr. Wilson, to the attention attache“, Ind ull~othor| who ban to do with the education of the young. Burn In: 'tvi-Bin'" uncured . any, nay, even in triiuc, buthe repelled tn all sssevsrstion in support ofsuyststemeut ot made by s pupil, until at Rugby every boy d. abhorred the disgrsee of telling Dr. Arnold 3° slie, beeeuse,eeid they. ‘he will believe us.“ I need not tell you thet this emee from no easy credulity, but iron: the astute tore- eight which, by refusing to admit of the assumption that a boy would lie, make fals- n hood disgraceful and mean. The best of I- moral culture is the informal teaching " which goes on in the daily and hourly in. II tercourse of the teacher with his pupils. It n he has the lesson of love end constraining g moral power in " own heart, he cannot If fail to communicate it to them. ‘It drop. rt peth like the gentle rain from heeven upon , the place benesth.‘ It is by teaching such, l. as this that men like Arnold here left ', an enduring impression on the whole gen- 1 t eretien of Englishmen f' Dr. Wilson I thinks thet teaching courtesy and good . meunere, and making boys, gentle-- t men, should be en object with the . teacher, not the gentlemen of the t world, whose sole claim to that des. e ignetion rests upon “attitude end store," i “the bow profound or start thestrie," while . the heart is tilled with all manuerof rotten. t nose, but he adds that "tU christian is the true gentlemen. The whole essentiel ' essence of true gentlemsnlv conduct lies in i the golden rule to prefer another to your. , self; and beyond this, in the example of I Him who “came notto be ministered unto, but to minister, and give His life a rsnsome for many." I address you so a fellow- teacher,and Would urge upon you that we can not place too high A standard before our- selves, or over-estimate the iMo,nee of our offioe as the instructors of a risirg genera- tion. To the teacher who recognizes in his daily work nothing beyond impressing on the minds of his pupils correct orthography and syntax, accuracy in numbers,a facility ', in languages, and a mastery of oucliJ, the l return of the some routine, from your, to l year, can scarcly fail to become a wesri l some taskwork ', and if so, then auc- I certs, in a very high sense, is beyond his I reach. A teacher, as you well know, if he t is to succeed, must have his heart in his work ', must feel it, however laborious, to i he a pleasant duty. But if he realizes fullv d the unquestionable truth that he has to e t large extent the fashioning of those youth. a ful minds, not merely in intellectual ettllurn 1 hut in moral worth, in purity of thought, 1, in truthfulness, manly trinmrritr-m all that, tr makes the good citizen, he will then feel n encouraged through many a weary hour, ft even as the husbsndlnsn in the early seed h time is gleddened with the hopes of s rich 1. harvest in store for, him. n Local and Other Items. "Dr.Amotd,one of England's model “when. not only cultivated the minus "nrtiortoftmth; the you, you, and the lt; a... u De. wan- quay in. deh “Let I en], to undue the per- mu Mths “lent, " the we dwinieb en ‘eeeelntheeteheuduel. Wen-teed:- ‘ere. hold e Mp wt. no ween te- ‘ewedNBtiee. On you kink. my de- Ipua the "a eta-Ind by mg the eon-serve ofrmtr â€entry dull be "erH. 11w: thatbrqrttkhotrrh-tat-rtaat III-u would the dean- of 3W, end Mute that tighten-ne- which am e “than. You irttht- " ' oerisestomtmsifytm nee itw'uely. The minds of e young mention ere enbmitted to you, unstained en the perehment on which you wnte whet an never be wholly ebeed ', impendble In the we: by which in etteltetion ie mled. Ever remember how wonderfully Meat elu'ldren ere. You leech them, whether you will or no, by your daily life, in word or deed. Every dupley of temper; - tempering with the etrictneee of nut truth; - rude not or irreverent word, is eolnneh oftene eown wrong the young when; to grow no et‘ times may. end choke the good eeed. l willow ifnl. Gama mum. I. And oven toning. :Wohcud; rho Inn Bl; d Mo Mr. J. H. Heard. of Fleeherton. laid the foundation of hie preeent 'rtagttitutsttt . epiery. m commenced operations with , only one hive. From that one hive he now ,' has (1881) cue hundred and thiruen--not ' counting the large number of eoloniee he , sold-ali from the first hive. Lest you he , sold no lees then 26 hives, and he bee el- ' Indy sold e number thie yen. Mr. Head ' the utmost cere of hie beee ', hence, F although last winter wee the moot eevm we have had for meny yeere. he only loet eeven hivee. Out of nine hivee plead in ' the oelhsr, four were loet, out of My~nine in the be-houee, only three were loot. Me. Been! u. elreedy thie eeeeon enacted over 1,600 pound: of honey home the hivee. end will prohebiy get moo pounde more. at therrrabout, before the see-on elseee. This iewhet weeeueueeeeefnlbeeenltureuul‘ no doubt IVE"!!! we... hie ene- ( “tome new,“ leeetto the ht, I for-e80. donned» he. - a! ht I exeelleet mull, uegeeinb, Theda-nie- I Bee Jamel. de'Hhel lab- t -.'.- In, ye- 4 1homao.-on Monday evening lest, on board the “City ot Owen Sound." Wm. Jeckson end Semnel White, two young colored men. had e queue]. end fought. White, who trot the wont of it, then went eshore in Collingwood, and after midnight returned and threw e stone at Jeokeon, which struck him on the lide. Jeekeon end Another colored men nemed Burned“ understand, then cheeed White, win: in run- ;nina ewey from them, eitherjumped or fell " the end of the dock end was drowned. l The body wee recovered and brought in the boat, to Owen Bound, where White’s people reside. Juckeon Also came up with the bout, end wee errested end lodged in geol Mtar hie arrive] here. A coroner wee gsotitUd to hold en iuquest--in {set two of them ettended with a jury on Setur- day men-noon. but it we: dieeovered they had no jurUdietion, en the death took plea in mother county, end no inquest wee Itehl.-_ 8mm! Tie-u. ' A BATCH or Fmms..-tht Monday "en. , in,gtstir' broke out in the hem of Mr. Archibald McIntyre, 6th concession, Ar. thur. destroying it and the contents. In- sured in the London Mutual. Lusa $800. The horn and stables of Thom" O'Donnell. 10:14, 4th concession. Arthur, were dr. , strnJed by 6.. about five o'clock on the morning of the 5th inst. Building inaured for "o, contents 8150, in the London' Mutual. The insurance will not cover the loss. On Tuesday afternoon, the 9th inst.,) tstiro brain out in the barn o John Kennedy, lot M, 4th com, Egremout, and destroyed ‘it and the contents, oonsist'mg of hey. im. plements, sleigh. harness. " The horses were rescued with diffiemlty. The origin of the tire in a mystery. The house, litan- ed close to the barn, bad 9. narrowkecnpo. Burn And contents insured in the Victoria Mutual for OWE-Mount Forest Advo- cats. Mount Forest on the Teeswuter Branohmnd from the Junction on the Owen Sound Branch they have been laid in position to near Ihtuaik--tho new mils being placed on mermaids of the old ones. A large gang M6 now engaged in laying the rails and a large number of men in erecting the bridges. We understand the rails are .130 being laid on the line between Toronto Ind Ornngeville. _ Tm: T. G. a B R.ucwsr,--Bertweett M't Foxes! and Orangeville a unmet of 'tone bridges Ire being put in on the Railway, and the new steel mils have been distribut- ed along the track from the Junction to Cumin OPENING, OWEN BogttD,--On Bun. day. Juy slat, the new St. George Church (EpineopnlJ Owen Sound, Wu opened for public worship. The Bishop of Enron punched in the morning, the Rev. A. N. R. Mulholland reading the service. In the IMmoon the Ber. Dean B on it. of London preached, and in the evening the Rev. Mr. Cooper of Invermay. A number of persons were confirmed by the Bishop at the evening service. The church which will sent 500 persons' was crowded " ouch service, and in the evening a large number were unable to gain admittance. Tu! Pauc--0tl Tuesdny but the mall monthly Fair mu, held in this Town, but there was not so large a number of some on the ground on then usually is, nor yet so [may pooplo in the Town, owing no doubt to the {not tUt the hummus busy with the harvest just now. The prion of cattle was not so high " M tho previous tair, Ind msny of the cattle were driven home Again. The various classes of eattla Were preny equally repressutod p-u-Work. iug oxen, milch cows, steers and heifers. Fun. Aocumn- on THE Cum! VALLIY. -On Thursday morning " the Credit vu. ley train was proceeding along the line our Alton, Thomas Godfrey, o resident of Fame, supposed to be under the iniluenee of liquor, was walking on the track, uni hoedlau of the whistle, was struck by the cylinder of the engine. On examination it wu found that he had been severely injur- ed inunmlly. He was taken home on the 12:20 tmin Ind died about half-past tbar that afternoon. been» at Mo-.--," hen been inhaled that Mr. Neil Bleak, netive of the Tawnehip o! Bentinek, wee drowned on the 13th ofJnne Int, shout 400 mile. weet of Winnipeg in the North West Territory. Hie body wee in the weter e long time be. fore it wee reeovered. It u not eteted how he fell into the enter. Omen Pa-..-), Wedneedey even- in. leet week Mr. Arch. Meekeneie gen e [can pert, " hie residence whieh wee quite e ewe“. The grenade were teeteo fully tized up with Chmeee lenterne, ever- green â€can, etc. The ettendenee wee very 1039an the evening very tine. The "003?“. which will go towerde the Seb- beth School Fund, of the Ptmhyterian Church, amounted to $80. FIIIPM My "mint About 10 o'clock I hm belonging to Mr. Allan War. n... on: an. of Euphndnp m "eqte& by lightning an: Inn-nod tog-am win: nul- an! I My of ur-Maru" Stanl- Local and other Items. r Azeotc--thus of the French Neviee who l wee working " the gravel pit elole no a from one of hie oomredee and ens: being y kept all night in Noneledt by one of the e constebles; nude bieeeoepe in the morn. ' in; by holding out hiehend to shake hands end while the to, Mable wee off hie (and ' he pulled him down on hie thee end deer _ 1 ed, eeying Noneledt wee not Inge enough l to hold him. It ie reported the R. B. will k be opened for Me on the he! of Septem- , her. The deem shovel ie working. load. ; ing Been in 40 minntee, beeping two looomotivee employed taking them ewe]. .--ddvoeato. Fem. Acumen-r er Bo-m.--- morning e “ERIN. fuel “(but oeeurud on the Wand Trunk Beilweyet Bookwood. A hemp named Thoma Faber, who bed been ridim between two Cull fell d in i"fethotPinttu-ummtuv,iiiA end the wheele peed“ over him, mended his Inn terribly, use. We. eerione injnrleelohie heed end body. Peon hi j mete. who bed when“ the detain. I whole, but wee Ilneble to prevent it, the I Thelma! the injured Ien wee kernel. 1 Hewee P"8dt'"erh"nthou-inrh My afhetU In“. a! Deuce] l em wee peered. he III wee t eel-meet! new the m. H e kw t minke new the qqiMiaq he peer teller 1 we» it '6ri-4tttq* In, t The market Wee, in the City a! London have been nbolilbod. Our pupils " our public School did well u the entrance cumin-hon “Onngevillo. Orangm-ille had 80 applied, only 5 panned; from our School 4 applied And 3 panned. We must now give our when In all! fmvther for their caps. ' We ere now in the midst of mrveet with favorable neither. Our pumped-m Load. The crop- of Pall When in the new ‘survey in good. Let III by alt metal any out the draine Act. It will nth Maple returns. The Boot crop looks umlrknble well. Our little Hamlet we. enlivenedlnt week by the visit at e Inge portion of the residents of Punddk. who heartily enjoy- ed themselven on our lake, and In our elud- ed groves. We will extend to them the bend welcome on any future omnion. Five or six dwelling human In or have been erected in Dnndnlk this cums-sonar! no new nearly completed. The new Tmuerv is roofod in, sad the boiler pat in position, but it will be tavern] weeks before the uh us tizod BO um op- erations cln be commenced. The Bne large Bhting Rink embed by Mr. John H-uhnry Int winter in Dundnlk. 0011an on Monduy Int week, lad is now 'otompUta wreck. the timber of which being of A light chalet", u very much broken up, and will be Almost meleu. This wil be a serious has to Mr. mn. bury. On Thursday I Lam-cu much wu plnyed by the Duudolk Club, and the rest onus young men in the village, Ind sfter eaeh aide getting one gum, one oftho tron- taunt. named John Marshall. WM plnoed hon de combat by having his jaw {molar ed. The guns VIII that closed, calling it a "draw." _ On Thursday Int . union PitNie of the Sabbulh Schooln of the Presbyterian sud Methodist Churchel we: held in e grove close to the Methodist Pamotsage, Dundalk. The attendance of the parent: end child ten we. vary brge,nnd 'stvtablesa of the best klnd were provided in grant Almanacs. The children enjoyed thennelvu to their heart's content in "ringing. end other un- usemente. There In . lugs number of swings. _ D. J. Izrard, b. MeFsrinne.................. J. Stafford. c. Landerkin, b. Huril...... B. Bmlev, c. Jschon. b. " ...... Hilburn, E Mttnrltsue........................l auburn, I): MMu"brubutt.....-.............M' J._Thompgott, not out..----., n. unmet, run mo.............................. J. Thompson, b. Hsrris........................ S. Gordon, biMcFuhno..................... you sum. 21m 'mmm.. B. George, L b. m, b. MtsWrune......... B. Hilker, run, out..-,-----.. P. Robinsdn. b, Hawthorne. run out.-----. E, D. McMillan, b. Ituinaon....-........... 6 Gums , e. b'tsfford, b. " ............... 2 J. Keir}, b. Robinson..........-............ 8 Jones, e. and b. Robinson.................... 8 D. McDonoll, b. Hilbumo..................23 D. Judson, b. Thompson..................... , Dr. Landerkiu, not out........................ T. Harris, b. Thompson....................... H. 'foflltr_,_ts. Btyrtltv, y. Thompson... D. Jackson, b. Thompson..................... K. Greenwood, b. Hilbttrne.................. PORT ELGIN. In mm. B. Hiker, o. Landarkin, b. mmu........ Hutthornote. 3912013011. b. Iberia........ iriiirAur/tr. MtsPari-.................... P. Robinson, ty @Fuhno. J. Thompson. b. B-ir....................... J. Btattord, b. 1htrritc.......................... D. J. hard. b. MeWruntt.................. J. Thompson, b. Iumu....................... Hilbnm, run out.........................- 8. Gordon. c. Lnnderkin, b. Mun..." B. Georgemot out.........-.........- On Honda, us. himdtr - 0' quphydilwmm th.auuattttuto-drtetEtgin. n- "ttin-ie-Dru-or'"'"". Tttji-tguilt-tti.-" DURHAM. Gurney, b. Thompa Joana. b. Thompson i. _iauy, b. n D. McFarlane, b. Robinson.................. T. Han-in. b. Bohinlon....a................... D. McDonnell, ti. Robinson Greenwood. tr. 1110mm. b. Bohigoon... B. Mockler. o. and b. Botti-............ Dr. mm b. Thong-n............... D. Hwy-Iggy, nct e----- o. Hera-mu, no! 'N"..............-....... E. D. Hem, b. Tho-et.....-... Borning's Hills. , ortu-tii “in Uirdi%i2i2"i Minibudim {no no than. diuduh-hth-nd. of Hunilton "ta-aid, ham-m“; in" tpplid to the Manhunt-Governor Cl Ontario in Council, {or low." patent nah: “Tho Oahu-i0 Joint Mock Coupuniu' In“: Mt Ant." hoot-panting a con- puyto In "lied “Thu Oahu-lo Wot-sud )Oonpny." Theobjoetfnr which one]: in. vol-pantie; is nought . to - on w. mnntthet- of - Ind would goods, fIegf/'t,T, mun-1' and canon! mn- ho Won. ohaid Comps, mull-mod onuGInVillngo of Elm nth-“duo a! but“. Thomson". t The tote! number of eemlidetes at the ' recent Intermediete end Second-clue r Teeehers, Exeminetion res shout 8,600, y the totei number peered ebout 1.060. or s , little over 29 per cent. Of these 68 took ' mud-clue Grede A, 529 Credo B, end t AM Intermediate standing. The result , beers testimony to the number of undi- , detes who ere sent upto the exeminetion ' without e hope of their peeling. r Tn: Imuncr. of Ntorararzsts.--Mr. J. , B. Trevor-z, the retirin President of the Press Associstion. ml& the following sen- _ sible "Snark:---"-" form theiropin. ion of e pleee. be it city or village, meinly from its newspspers, end ebout the titst thing one uh for is the loeel paper. He glenoee over it, end es it is well got up end its edvertising columns well petrenized. or the reverse. he tor-ms en estimste of the en- terprise end push of the neighborhood ; therefore business men should liberal , pat. ronise their looel pspere. both for their on good end Uttefit of their loeeiity. for es- l'nudly money spent in newspeperl edver- tui-Ovid" the edvertieer iu'BIs his [ 'ertatuu.--tu better leitlont then three times thesumin other-methods of eddnou'ng‘ the public." 1 _ Tn Emu Carer Paesr.-Br the 1 Ontario Gust“ of the Med July. it is seen that Belph Kerr Burgess. of the " of To. I rentan the eonnty of York, merehen: ; J. j Priestmen, of the suns pleas, eommceiel t went ', John Hervey. of the city of Hemll~ ( ton, in the county of Wentworth. wool , -ttattttha-ue*urt,tsftt" city oi. lontreel. in the Provineeothebee. scent; 2 end Issee Behivin IoQueeten. of the city : " 17 A few due no no eccentric pedlar nem- ed George Wileon. well known throughout the county of York, we. found deed in e ehed nee: the residence of Mr. Bell, on the 9th eon. of Hen-them. Dentin we: ennud by exeeuive beet. Now, Sir, if your citizens will listen to the advice of one who would like to see Durham flourish end prosper in everything; they will move in this matter very carefully. in their own interests. Time has been when we were dependent upon Durham for a market, but that time will come again no more '. and if they do anything to the detri- ment of their market they will be the losers, not us; for we have now a clinice of markets end we will sell in the dearest and buy in the cheapest wherever it may be. And l, i hope they will stop ell this petty bickering monget themselves. end unite on one man in building up their town until it stead: in the front renk ottowm in this part of On. terio. If they do not they will - prou- per, for we hove the highest enthority for 'tsying that e city divided against ital! cen- not stead. Tomlin-Hr!“ anâ€. Bi.--" h u xtgthetxtne Woo “your“ mail and}, divided “up†Um all W. Th! divugtsagtrttts-th.nb-t I my - mmumd‘hm- It at-iam-msn-onto'"" I remain yours an. Aug. Mth, 1881. FA Th-tquestion. On Hand-v twelve pooplo ion W tyd mhundnd “daft, injund by I not of...“ tttring II, n I bull iight " Isl-cilia. Tho Tina Nih- I long “I! h I MIMI}: who, the! I to" tHt t1l'C,'a Betglialt who“ prod-an; M "ttmate. “In with ootie- -- ‘W throughout the mouth a Aunt. the yin“ than!!! and by “no. will!“ 0(3ch M you‘i p09! 'PP. The I“ Will may "on†thirty lub- olltoth an. Enact-nod ham“ - his“. and. m. ho M. n (In any.» new by in... all will luck. When picked upturn dead. " eminnuon showed Mink-d W the Anny ieadinatromth.l-t. Ptat “and the typo-rune. of being Jaw-{on Win! the tmin In M Manhunt, and,qu than“: ell!- mmmmmumdmu Wow-{wood Macaw. Shortly Inel- two o'clock on Saturday morning. No. 4 Bath"! Express on 'ho Grand Trunk nu Into 3 cow on the M um Prescott. Ind the - Ind {0mm can were hurled from the truck. link“? 00! Howarth In. inland . killed. Ho died " the post of duty. Vilma his dad body in found his land I’ll on the levee. 'bro ups-cu Inn-anger: you scrim-1y N it is lagged not hull, hurt. By . r.Itt none the pageant. was hunt-d at no Eh. “but of New gauche-m III-nil!- A w mac-hon. of Shun, 'tt met with I podiu- m In. rook. . nu running to and: a train " Bum may» obs-nod to an (on-rd on in Kerry. all young men {ram sigteen to twenty-on. you'- ot use. The come-aunt they uvonlly nuke render it alumni oar- tain am they were pro-out " the manic, but tho two lint Imam! mum the when of having loudly done the dead, and on. _ The Rapid City Btoadard oomph-o that Mayor. of bud Hound Uduub luv. been notitusd that all "lea made by mm. ofthr govorument unoe June In haw. bum uncalled. Ind mu w some nuance. ut- tleN have arstrerittutscd (rent hat-dump tls- by. The outer to am cam, " appear» dad not mob 0mm. tall burly two months utter tt was to take 'rtfeett, and many of the fume“ having put in «up. And built homes. are " consideuhle Ion. Tho polio. believe that they hue noon!- ed the guilty puma in tho “few-mu mur- der we at Ottawa. Their was an n- ?ocanly. Kelly, O'Brteu, Nehru, and croomuun tield u w-uumu. on Thurs“, was» “new by . famous now. which 154:0:qu tuutusl: in I humble mum. boom» bmknu‘ In: um and " hut on. of " riba. A little girl, suing the child'- peril. and to frigutea the brute us I]. but while it run.“ it drugged in View: with it. Ill" mu. one WM than“, "and. but It In impossible " him to live. A mu: in Toronto cm his ttsmutheott- day. lie was only marred the day privi- ous. Be in likely to recover. lit in “id to have was.“ severely, lately. from uv tuuunatory rheumatism. Loveque dial Bishop. I Fund: Cau- dnn who turned 5 Widow u. Uudorich tad than deserted her. but wit. in Ottawa. and another down the river, mung thus when Irving. 11. VII A run-nun WIN. in Ottawa. The extend" mill of the Georgia Bay Lumber company, " Waubuunheno, Wu warmly dutmyod by fire on Sunday thor- nuon. The desputch sates tut tho origin of tho tire " unknown. Mrs. I'. Hourly. of Arthur, lost hee buy [and during the Late American VIP, and unjust been iulunuud um “I." in the mm ofeou00lyiuq to bum in din U. 5. Treasury. The lighthouae keeper " Bird Bosh. near the .dugdmeu Island. his son, bad In assistant were kulted on Salinity by the tog gun exploding . barrel of gunpowdc. The County of Wellington tiabUth School Awmt‘wu will meet. in Chdmet'a Church. Elan. on Tuoaduy and Walnut day, 6th and hh of September non. one. Weiberg. 3: CruiUton Put. -- -e An old man named Wo‘hullmt Ell-Ln- Lenten to death early on Thursday mom. ing in the ocular“ of Oman. The Muir. der mu the outcome at a charivui. Mr. W. McBride, B. A., formerly of Aruott who bu been Appointed Wm of tho Richmond Hill High School. will hue I allay of 01.000 . you. A boy Aged eleven years wu Ground in the Grand River not: Bldr, while bath. iuy.?tSuyrot Atpr" tly' pound can A when†. . Ttttd nun-m. dis. 2tt2tretr. war-5 "wk in The loan- by the high tides " the had on!†Bay of Fundy are now entwined " about OKLOOO. Grout qiuuttitUs of In, and (mu have been destroy-ti. no man; you: M Pree' my. N. s. The Th0 Owen Sound Council in either-tin. u when. for the oomlndhuou of the town indebbduou. Tho downturn debt mom " In]. Ann Imps-ovation. m column“, being and. in tho unaware of steel you. Es. torhrook'l m ofbuporim- ole-llama. For sale by all canon"- [WWI-in on Human. u. during tho sum “a. Ti.' at: ya". “m _ A. t W.0¢ilvip, “you“ about» Mild slow will a . . m m, o"1M,000. "im/ii " A 3-50: of tumbling hill: nu IN“ a»: no incinzhuu‘ tht township of “down. John Caulk: and "mas around for duh“ 90 'tdet 'r.'e, than Joseph Bullet, Lobe. TH! "r'tmieotiivs.tou and . " the i?fp2,f,'led Fun mil m mm, on. Bomomhor. be hut u The Cum Tempennoe het w , tho county ofCupe Bret: tt by . mm†of nearly 400. ' . Mr. Wm. Diokison, “can of (Burial than" [rain " b 'u “k ma Inn! hi. Amiâ€? jihad†but by . manly of an“; GT." alum, M. I Mr. Wm._Dioki-on. have of Cut-ink VI. can" from his buggy on Sum-thy In; rook-ad had his um broken An hoist fatality occurred on Month, at the Bovmnville Furniture Works. Th. vagina vu A boy ot twelve, named Bah-n The ttetstiott of unbmitting the 8ttott hat in 'i'lllrl2", will be discumd u n tau- ponnco convention ad mn- may. a. the 26th inst. A Inge piece of virgin coppu sham pure to all Ingram“ was ohuiuod hum I mine nu: 1mm. The Imation of the mine in . â€out. A bayou-old Ind of Newport town. lbip.Que., lunged himself on Friday ho- 'aumsltionouseroraeed hunk: at the table for up“. Ellemm. ,V __v'â€"vâ€"- "h "I to “18.600. An sued mun nun-0d White am: to own the ruihny " cursug Cross, wu struck by the apron new In study killed. A little boy mod AlbanI‘mbc. while - JfggtS"'ae'h" the aturhet ties o- “Ligand [I’M II [ - All. lisp. "will" in For, "" "lat Ch In in In: “It! you. and m tt'i1'.12rt - “all no"! r"rr'ntly. _-_- Shh WIN†'uidmnr--mrie: c to“! an! M. mm .. the arnndumlh go't"sg%t1efaetT.AiirFii'l"ik'is7 L "other " dunno ; and the grout A p- tn'P"att'1tye, attiidmet--taiU,u, Fp9u, all. Oun- In- only on. child out] L%tf mount no. only two childm. no that ttse i “I. attitdme ye. In. Ede!) hnwn 1mm: _ ,v -. ___ """"""_q%6W" In .11. Oun- hu only on. dual om not. can only two child-won. no that lb: m“. ‘1“... d Mm. M.) haw “my“ mm and longing". In - m of our nigh} to Heh.. “you “I. Iner- thou-kindli- Emu his. “a .u mum; at nag... ooid. -p. chauf- eiutte, and out; la- d ... on .- NHth-M “at-t oftime h Dr. I“? W of Wiid Shawlâ€, “OCH-19*!) out. Iâ€. dial-n “d "tthue Giiv' {7-7}me l Ola-Al. on»... 111.44“ it his. An [ Mk Ta.. n. "3.53%.?! _ - - Hi ‘7 (a, _ ...f.. ..-. c' t"' h“ Ii. the he Jil nan-Mr to an an, Inn _ H. I. “the†cured by the luv u: " ' 'tittom. n All-pd All that burning tbrit :H -the appetite for linuIL .04.. " “WV. Md hr hut n-nuxmul sonic-Id“, mfw-mth-n any. "r' India-dab. b mun. Ao in. cups- :1 yeegrfiiiiiiiSiia' Minor! thot Invr rm. M“ mâ€. "A {w M of mm I’ll cured n! n A-- act aâ€? liquor, thteh had m. In» The Chill-Peruvian In: bu taken a - tam, I'M the Pertwian chums» urn humm- A tom of 400 (dubs. ' be. “a “PA-Loo, bud Alma“ tut-Hy "stsitribt.d. “DP-tuna: And “(JIM XII be- In“ March. Gunnerâ€, Moutrr, undo-coo mount to our mum-non. Tur Mnn Gammon-M Amman to Ann. but all in“. and will nus-cu. A cube. inmrmctiun in Muneeponr, India"! being 510me put down by the law-m. Scum-mu uu-n have lure!) aloe-led not! chm huudrwl itt'prisoned. Ram "in. us being deurmtnleti “Hiya-kin Mud for arm-nos Litmus. The Prim-MW“: Will beam the m-lh m":- , 'et. .. “on†a: tue. nun-It. of the lrugr Dcvoulu‘m a Clue-swarm. It". were killed and furtv -lr 'lla, in no encounter In {Wm-u “in" mod pop-m In A Midlnuu .0". Th...) Munch"! sud Ina-L he.“ lulu-ct Igor on lt‘nnuut ..{ Hanna-Won a! public yummy Ildmlli. I diMinmi.hed member of tin Italian Alpine (Tluh,and two gum“ were 0?de by In “Al-ache while at. m“. “out of Monk ttom, A nut-ht diction. whipping mum-nu in "(WWII [mu tiewfo"udlotd, "mind. If; a. My“ the new Aron swarm-r “Ma 0- metthm M Mr. mer, 'teronded by M r. hi5]. th. mud] then $400de to meet W- -, the Mh of Heph-mlmr an. I“!!! â€Inn’s. Clerk. ------- ----- Bobs“. Oliver. â€.50; lilundle, ll m. 'tt.at.-tareud. By-hv No. 16 for levying n "ttts t9tttt _lollsu- for tlo. vurn-ul )vm . the Minute number at tum Oren. "MO; James Mun-n. Inn“: J SOON-n, .101â€: 11illituu Nltlit “L“; Elijah Page. IHII; Jana V i', Ion. .121â€; Jam†Trtidsion, " "mae Wm“. 027.0"; “Alum: In 010m; John McDonald. INA“; ll “M6881â€: "oar, l'ulwn. 0.1m; . New“. .32.“); John Mohunuhl. 92.: w. l Men, 06.00 ; Jamwn l'urr). on Billie". 017.50: Juhn Nun “.98; Henry Kin-lam. "5.2.6: .1 Sorutt, "MO; John “Mm-m. NH Mr. McDowell moved. serrmdr mor, the uudennentionod pullv dismount“; mum“ thrir nupm-li' " 'tmd jobs Luv but] certitiod h an! and counmimioum : 1m It. Blue moved. serondod Ho‘s. that 'il,, Treasurer rum-in thktett “.01. being tate, duh "ll mad “I. in the M Con. N. I P", 1fttttt. AIM from “UM. Arm II. bring in!“ due on Ls,1, 5 um “I Coll. ti. w., " the you†"G't -Caraied. It. My moved. wound“! by Mr, M, have“. an “em. um and Coeltett I I elm to mm. and rerun upon u. tfllrhi!itr a".' f.h. it!“ I bridke or Inn‘lm tfl,'dtfl1 7 T d building I bridsie or Im, 'ltr, the not! “her. on Lot 25, Con oping mod mtmsite Lot as. Co, B. WM. Mr. Wnar moved, Eventide-d Ly Mr. I 0,.“ the mm " John lmllu-r h . tineS00voterr' hm and an m 'lu!"d'flfdl'i to 015.65.:nd thr "INN " The hu. Pteu. "hive " mhvnt: - “It be M. madam! the Home» at“ (or the "ttae.---;'" It. Home“ mowed, Hamlet! Cnet-et, tut the postage account at Beomt for the quaeter ending WM: Mug to 04.25 te paid.- A'aom - ~77 -- -.. "|ll(l III Ill‘l" S'ti,tg,i,t, Snag. beitw In]! up“. .u may: n on wwuluw lu-lwu-n MdhaaeqiU, Ind Atuamuth.--turried tdr. CM moved; anaconda-d by Mr. new, that ulu-n-u the Council of .0 w. Mo-y pr"porw vxperMmg 1'h'l'1'hfltd', on the banana: Mun-m: luau and Gummy, it is nwulwd that “I. WIMP of Me loam" expend R Mn- an. and that the Clerk mrtify thrCoumut “My to Hill otreet..- (‘un ied. Mt 2ltit.' m I the Ile 'd'8LfltSl,Url , “Wk. in com BrmH.-4eriod. Mr. "on: move 0,. thnt the 1teeve of Mr. Iuewiek, [u . "7-. -- ..... u. uu- '"""P"N h likely to "in ftom . uuu l‘rnnh‘lll H “I "k this yeNtr. this Ihtutwil Is trot “on of tt.siue aid sale “he plhl‘c mm] " " d Ittttit.--4'arried. nu. “be..." pleasant. mum of I-ta-in-dana continua. Amie-John Butuefoed, Juno- .un. no in. Pun. ad Edna! Beta at. W MD. J. Pub‘ Quin. boa-k I',,!,','.:?':'.,'.:' an W. ll. sun, and Panic. lion h. m. Faun-on and Johnston. l It. KM Mud. mood-d by Mr.‘ Oahu. In th. Chiba i-tod w mil,“ Han an Mag of “ht. mo.- of midqt addi. Hummus. t:'i'i"iii:1i'viiij) -h-rt-.-rae. in IBM moved. wounded by Ir l a“. M With mgr-rd to the pruuoui (M- PM Ind thirty others. in may; Ibo my M Homiueu, 31.11.. l, 'req l l nwue'tuumu ul M In 'a%'li'l, it u) n-mllwd 3,1.†In Bailey and "up: he “branded b, Ola-lino a» mid mt. and â€pull la- Um f,hetelti,u not} meeting, In to thr Jr w- mm, 0] I.†uGiidTiluirii, adjourn It. [In gloved, nommled by Mr 1tEWGELLANEOUB. Iii-Mann. Town Hall, on . Bailey moved, .tseouded lry Mr, 5. a In Reeve or Deputy tteeve not Wuhegl culled on by. Mr, Pd. I‘m†with the um ' My aloud. would by Mr. 1, U the Clark instruct the “huh-n hi. and in View of the rompliew let'?. - twp: a nounmxdu-m ifâ€. mid “not." and, wilt be "rqrtimd " the "Hue.-- 33"“ My “in. a ua- IL “manic-Pint Hobo-m. no. Bundle. Hunk tis I“ ft I Dru I†" (N Mr a." u an. â€â€˜1'... Bail Mr 4""- “and . mama. Mt. " 0N ttee. bun Um flint Fhsil W M Karl Fluid hood iprmt W Int " Mm S" 'Mum “rt rn LI lull: "