In " pun-i. . the . (i-roi)'?]',,',',):.:;,',',:- 'tQ C"PeeotayotGi; A Munro-Ta V [Durant .950an BEETS. __ Ann-um 3m [us-IV n -raa Gia' '5 "h. from but his - IAwo debe- '-'-u w. inc-b a... the. an. Aux-0,7 Ll with It“. I ity gnu†lo eairCIP3 y .171“ ll). on tke _ WF \llhni the I uat1fii “who’ll! t,"g't.'t ""'uem"tGa'at H Ir, l Rah! "Ind rd le. m ialtePr_ ‘le Vs". M hr board (Hm lmmc'u [M y an Frunr, ". In. Full M. tyttsk] Fr 37 .1. track not] I the and 'plete, wmk. (WI. and on. “in 1" l "eeomud b _ " *8 paid “by. , “13.30 L. I; - er. 'ndod by H ,'lytstt to CM" _ _ " into by . Ink [kiln]. “mum hob. Hillary Ihip. 3 hip h 1"qu in 9MB . arresrtU In. “In! is no. V‘I;:"')"" w. - - :und “I . ' “my to “:1 â€Rel-rt a... second“ by It. 52:1"...- .|._ Hf Arthur, Ta __ "I. \VQIEW I and "talmt and C , wound a. " tum-d, "sud md ", um] that baA; ml 'r" l;__ -- 1 tiariUld q... wimugcd. Th. itseee.utdal ~ â€PPM. in. en up '" HrlPl’ ‘0'. 't ..r prune- r him who. t' Hume. an rmâ€, !-"?'rml In tho "3!) treioe tho " ml, 8. J. may ood l' "emtuUtq ohrrrsd on 3! In"! - s. Tim May um 9,. ma.‘ Mr.iasaas " . f _ statute hi. r the y“, in Criiurer by th. Izl‘imod .h. POE" """Ddod w. o," Jnhn vlut: wr be Pid_nid" Boll in 'e :9ch hr Juurn to I... .I an th a“ [wing “to“ Cre,lit Goa.. plmnly it. John 1: "hit, wry “hag? ml tim. uea I .... " ‘nvnntiv. “ 1' when h 11M. od Go. rrv\'-d. " N he." " 't'. Ind tho H-tprhmt'. "TWIN". my!) in t 'lu. In mt 1&1ng at Poet 1118 wad 33-59 " POI ode Nu m tismeTe Illlu 5.. inter. J “ebonm “in! >3 paid. _ " w u1t"1'.'"hf tr, md an: thm ieo, hang. “an“. l Nude, ded try h; r and Memi. i ', and I“ . "ago ke "tt " John Id and m l).- Wilaa. 1loee-ed "i', n h- a); I l W. Fr]: In. 7" 'P, "‘ WA. burn. on That-day. MO MFA. In. Tuerdar.oet. um '"s-FCun-n men. - _ -. ___ "___ â€TIM-AI or. "tttnur.). an. Mo-.--" . “fundâ€. Sort. m. mum-At om. "itur, Sept. an. 'ht-rr-At nun. Oct. Ith to ma. o--.--" do. WWI-1,003. at. my,“ to. WM.†an. Plow 'ah'o'"r'at', London. from Wod- u-hyJo’l. . toThaeUr Sortâ€. gt-nav-ht-to. than Monday Bert. 5th to no. mt. r W. 8-1. Mum Walnut and nanny. ?atul and ML. ' ti-t08t. ' Mnynf no worst attach of cholera mor. ‘IO. rett",'thdiUt.t'a' and eolie came and- duly int tight, and themmlt speedy um! tCTN,'.'") be um! to eomttat their £7. clack. . Fowler'u Extract of Wild Strawberry “Me remedy. Keep it at hand 'tr “upâ€. ft luau-fails to can or re- On Friar, Bishop Crinnon, of the Dio. - of autumn“, Uid tho corner stone of a low CM: Church to be erectodin Dray. and. CED:Ee"ur:tSrT:t:TC+ KNIVES. Nails. Glass. Paintwig. 31,15 very cheap and best quality. Hats & Caps,“ Boots & Shoes, Tiaaa .. --i'.r- iiiUit Coffees, (Pure Jim.) Pickles, Wrasse dt llliu'liwells,) (Cramp & Bl:u=kwvlls,) Salmon, Lobsters, Sardix Codfish, and SUGARS, Mucovada. Refined, Scotch, Granulated, Lump and Iceing. Bcythes, Snaths, Cradles, Forks, Rakes, Horse Pokes and :E"iEe"t2r:tsr=TC+ KNIVES- I. 1ill) HUNTERS, COTTON BAGS, GOOD AND CHEAP. mm price in Cash or Goods, for any quantity of Butter. Ladies Silk tutd Linen Handkerchiefs“ A Fine range ot BLACK and COLORED White and Colored Cotton Yarns & Carpet Warps, at Bottom Prices. Winn. July 27, 1881. BLACK LUSTRES from 12.} cents I: BLACK CASHMENES, all 1%ol, from t trom 50 cents to " A Splendid Line of Plaid Dress Goods 'Low Prices. In FANCY DRESS GOODS his stock will be found Large and varied and much cheaper, and better value than ever offered before in Durham. CHEAP All Wool SUITS, Only $6.50. Linen Pants only 50e. per Pat, _Linen COATS only $1.25. Ann some your: of residence in this village, we I In. never been lmpenelml, And trust by honesty of public patrunnge. Call And In In, wl A Large Stock of N‘évVGSEi’é - . to hand at LittranUt Wanted DB the mrud “alumni Inuitnb. AT LOWEST mucus. See Our BO cent Pelt Hats. Sheeting, Ducks, Denims, Tweeds, Winceys, Linings, Shirtingi, Hats and Caps, Crockery - The Whip“! in returning thanks for put Ivan, willâ€. to ma that u know pup-rod to all good. a chap to tho chnpou. Having no nut, and upon-u Winds. '"'t"hmmaso"uetrouiGaiii'i". thar utoekia no. com. place counting ot Post Offiee Star; DUNDALK. Dundalk, Sept. m, 1881. Gem Mit Jars in one quart and half gallon, Boots and Shoes, Stationery: I‘ltltlom I. I N81. ms. in Blacks. Young Hysons and Japans. Ith-At mum. Non Soot“. â€'91.;0: -tiii.ri,i,"hf.hf. Ey- hou t' h 635:; Iâ€. 5". w. Just Received at Goods, Cottons, Prints Tum-Dds, and My, - - Very Cheap - - FRESH . R. MIDDLETON. . Mockler’s, l, from M) ch. io " Colored Cushmeres, all Wool to " EXTRA upon VALUE. "__ _ -- v -'"".-.-6.m- -l “My 1'15“" .Pritse. k, Silk South, Lawn, Edging, Buttons, Frillinnl. ae., ae., " J. II, HUNTER. Latest Fabian; menial: Received up. Spud"! value at 20 eta. Ind M can“. - - _ atmriitGiaiTr ‘33 - -- "u" Be u now in . better position than he he been heretofore. to turn out work in the shore line promptly. and and. up in the beat style of the Art, Ind st prim that must drew the trade to hie , , liberal whoâ€! brriorGiiiiGi, hi; Gia oPeaing ot"btuleitetesttyt, M " would “TISHES to return thank- for the liberal ammo bestowed anon him A... J. C. ATKINSON, 'l‘nilor ar; Clothier, t FINE TWO STOREY BRICK I BUILDISG. coat-imam two lug- Sum-s. with Dwelling.- attached. undeniable property in well siluu d in the Town of thun-5 Ter. minnn of I Grand Trunk Railway. 3nd Mtnrtt u trtrieru1ihoptrnimr fox-A Dry Goods md o Grocery Stuns. Tannn reasonable». Farm Mahl- apply at the BEvtEw on", Durham, To Sell or Rent, Ind at Low I“... mmmm. Between the AnalmAmorion Hotel And H. Graham's Store. Dmttaat,tHPt.tst,tatrt DUNDALK, my 61 Blackwellm) Capers, " Lobsters, Sardines, , we as happy in uymg our honed, meaty and fuirneu to merit A dun us. whether you buy or not. ', Patent Medecine, etc VELVETEENS at the right . MOCKLER. at surprisingly " A JOB will bold egg-Spin; the Bridge CM “a Susan am In. b,titli'ilii1'i'iiiii'h! and ' 'g'dtl m “mum . " tmituruto ttttt 't'?derid', on 'ltli'dt smxwï¬mmw Inocu- vinyl-nu n88eetd. The whole Do not fail to attend this Sale and Secure Bargaivps, “as I mean a say, and am fully determined to make the Sale a Successful one. Finest Lines of Granite Ware, Glass Sets My Stock of Crgckery and Glassware comprises some of the A New Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, comprising Men's _ and Boys' Suits, to fit all ages, just received. In GROCERIES my Stock is well assorted, first amongst which is a Large Stock of the very finest flavored Teas, Tobaccos, Sugars,&:c My Stock of Hardware comprises Nails, Glass, Putty, Hinges, -wwuuuwua wuu “awnings m great varmty. mom-rs, 1“enthers, Ribbons, Laces, &c., &e. A Large Lot of choice Shirtings in good pltterns, both cotton & wool, good Ir,, Q+nn1r A: Sia--sa. -- __, j A -. -- _ My Stock of Scotch and Canadian 'l‘weeds-n are excellent and well requiring suits, which we are getting up in First Class Style. MAW“.~I. PRINTS and DRESS GOODS of {he Would hereby advise all in search of Cheap Goods that having determine his already commodious premises which would neccessittte the removal of he has determined to offer at a Grand, Clearing 85 current Wholesale Prices, believing that it will pay him better to give hi! ," 1:241 3 'C': A132" . A: , h -, .av- , V. “<4." ' "o? 7n. F, . _ '.r ' ' -' l v, -'v- '. W. T I _ "y, " f Af" .' ', 5"» . -. . , , r. Ci l ‘3: "r Ta“. tdll ,7, - , V" 3‘. â€.4 .. - ' -f' Lu" . Pr , - Started nearly a. year ago, this Branch is now getting well established in Budjeros, at an early date, a Stock of FALL and WINTER Goo DEANS & MCCONACHIE at Badjeroé, in till, The prosperity of the past four years has enabled me to do so to advantage. Increased facilities for buying, has given me a favorable introduction to manufacturers and afforded me the chance of placing into stock many lines of goods which I had hitherto bought through the ordinary channels of the wholesale trade. Good crops, and the, revival of every industry of the country, cannot fail to make the trade of tho ensuing Autumn and Winter, at once extensive and desirable; and I do not hesi.. tate to pronounce myself in a position at the present time, to give every advantage to intending purchasers of Hardware. Before concluding this, somewhat lengthy Statement, I would speak a word in reference to the Business of As .- â€um...†luau can ULuy reuuze preperly ms present condition, by comparing it with the past :-During the first year of my business here I sold ten boxes of Axes, Sixty kegs of N ails and four Cross Cut Saws. My Sales of these three articles during the past year have been as follows: Forty boxes of Axes: three hundred and thirty Kegs of Nails and thirty Cross Cut Saws. The increased Sale of these enumerated articles may be considered a fair criterion of the edvsnement of my busi- ness from its inception to the present time. The people have supported me well. I am grateful to them for their appreciation of my efforts to give them a. Hardware Store such as the locality deserves. ' - A .. I " 7 __ A uusmess man can only realize preperly his present condition, by comparing it with fhe past business here I sold ten boxes of Axes, Sixty kegs of N ails and four Cross Cut Saws. My during the past year have been as follows .' Forty boxes of Axes: three hundred and thirty I Cut Saws. The increased Sale of those mmmnmfmi ovunlnn w"... 1... ne\..-:.1...MJ A 1- _ "g . 1 eccerdingly waited upon Mr. Hunter, and found tint gentlemen busily engaged making and delivering Deeds to parties who were buying or selling leude. m (no be e ibn'et' audience end in a few words favored the object I had in View. and encmraged me bv saying that be hm] hitheno bought his TACKS direct from the Manufacturer, but to encourage home imitttaticns he would hereafter place " orders with me. To most people it would seem unimportant ton-eceiye the Tack trade of e Reel Eetete Agent, but I nmv mention here, thet Hunter’s Reel Estate Agency is not allowed to emulate in n "SleepiuspHtrllow" known only within a radius of a few milee from it! lueetion. The Manager is not a man of this kind. m is intolerant of the quietude which usually pervades the Institutions of e Conntrv Village where the time honored Ink. horn and the dusty quill rnpoee in matterly inactivity on the desk; every unvement of the man indimtes his oppneition to this condition of things. tt the Country bu resourc'es, he is determined to employ every honor-hie means to necnre their develuparneut, and through the agency of this man. buyer end Idler ere brought in. to contact with each other; end the settlement and developement of the country thus accomplished. His system of edvertisingie uniqe; end travel where you will. the eye meets the word: "Hunter', Real Estate Agency. Nor Town of Dundalk." I ellnde to this matter to show that the Taek trade of A man who make: himself so widely kn )wn by month» of tulvertisnng is by no means an 'toigrtifleattt thing! There no cronkcre in every country end in every locality, who stand ready to predict a ruinous result to the undertakings of any one who u, the temerity to Itnrt anything now. When starting business in Dundalk I met a few individuals of the kind, who did not fail to detail the tous list otrmufottnmm tint would Gemini] lick" my mercantile venture in this place. My Scottish origin has however gave me nu individuality to carry out a line of action, once it has been determined upon ; end in this instance. the wire look; friendly warning, and the grate manner, in no wise disturbed me, I opened the door of my shop and the public did the rest! A In.m'.‘.-.,.,. N...“ A-_ -_T_, s. , . . _ Notice to Contractors. . . . o . . . " 18 Jusn about tour years ago, when a friend m 9rangovillo handed me a copy of the "Duridalk Guide," and the reading of this copy subsequently determined me to settle In this place. The Editorial ability in the paper was such " would find favor in a more pretentious place than Dundalk, and the local contributions were many of them really excellent, and being thus favorably ' impressed I paid an early visit to Dundalk with a view to settlement. The Real Estate Agency of A. G. Hunter was then, as now, in full operation. And I learned that all strangers visiting Dun- dalk male his oititte the objective point whereby to gain information, as to the Agricultural resources and business prospects of the district. I accordingly waited upon Mr. Banter, and found that gentleman busily engaged mnkingand delivering Deeds, to parties who were buying or sollinglands. He [no no a brief audience and iuafew words favored the object I had in View, and BLICJnmued me bv “wing um. hs, hm] mum“ LN...» n i.:.. mu..." x---- Lâ€. n - .. " . . A ...............h l. _--- :. LL,†_ - l I- . - A _ It is just about four years ago, when afriend in Orangev copy subsequently determined me to settle in this place more pretentious place than Dundalk, and the local cont An entirely New Stock of BOOTS and Shoes at unheard Notwithstanding this, however, Dundalk, September Ist, 1881. . J" J-o . N-.... "F""'"'"'"."""), mgneture, appeared 1n this newspaper, announcing the It was my purpose and desire then, as it has been ever sr l‘nnttn Ae 1, "_-- " - . - - - On the 31st day. of January, 1878, an advertisement, over signature, appeared in fhisz npwnnnnar nnnnnnm'n... um; T L- a A, - 1 h " --- 7 - Prospective DEANS' HARDWARE STORE 'mmphiktuiiiiiji . GRAHAM, of the Dundalk, September lst, 1831. regards the present Season, I would say I have smocf'riiiid HEAVY Tllgi11 W. I 11411., a“ ?ATIXCI REE. } of the above will be sold at and in some cases under Cost For Cash or Trade. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash for Goods Dress Buttons and Trimming in great variety - _ . ____. __-__v._v-.v, vvva. A“ V7114 area in this newspaper, announcing that I had opened a Hardware Store in the New Town 2'mGitit use and desire then, as it has been ever since, to have my business again advertised, in the next issue of the EUIDE.†Friend Townsend, in order to give me ample time for reflection, has allowed an interval of nearly four years to elapse between his last issue and the present one. . g this, however, I have persistently refused to sppiUr,' in a business may, in the columns of a newspaper, until such time as that paper should be a local Journal devoted to the interests of Dundalk itself. I at a Grand. Clearing Sale to Commence on believing that it will pay him better to give his Customers bargains tha, by removal. The Stock is u present well assorted. being tuurrmrasuad nf 3!!me ant-ran. Alh- M P. O. “at, In... at. I... .1 lit lil/fied,',,',' 'ef2iiii2sii2"iki,7,,'i'ii'itil, KW“; cm: I acted no" ' y can 'lllll1h%tS'l'i'Sr'h mm. mm, I" SHEEP CAME Asa-Rm Screws, Spades, Shovels; also alot of very fine Table Cutlery I when afriend in Oranzevi ,' m M -Vt.1., c, aut, do llo,,!,tani,Y1rm.s , 0993’ of the . . l LAKE 219ml!!! .of. the 'rrtteeritttr, l, Goblets, Tumblers, &c., &c. I have also a. Large Stock of Patent Medicines to cure all the ills that Mortal Flesh in heir to. getting well oshs1olislted, and it is the purpose of my partner and myself to place LL and WINTER Goods that will convince the people of our determination to serve them in the Very best way. on_or may: ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO DUNDALK. RIGHT HOUSE," DUNDALK, Jetter to give his Customers burgains than have the gooés damiged present well assorted, being composed of -OODS of the Newest Styles. l Bluebell, and an? other pet-on In No! Cattle, Sheep. Hop or Hones. that he in program! 'ooppt them-6mmâ€. o-saBtoia to." nip-cm]. Applyontbepnmuu 1M " Con, a,a'.jiRiuaiiuGuTGriGraih7ii%"iiu"iii2 THE tgnfmeritrer wishes to mun-u to Dachau. Ind my other pm In and Cattle. Sheep, BogishBorsets, i l'or Sale at " Times. I JAHES Bonn. hummus. - termined on making Large Improvements and Additions to ioval of a large portion of his Stock, which in order to avoid, 80 Days, Terms of Sale are strictly , and the highest price paid. HENRY GRAHAM. Township of Osprey. J. W. Boulden’s il'i'lihtu"a'heurnur.'tme worthy the inspection of those Whit“... Monday, Sept. 5th, at BEFORE BUYING of prices. E88, DYE tmnnm, P f 7 was?! ttt " _ . . "III. Paint Oil and Pm “WW-ulna“ Lardine Oil, Catarina Oil. Excelsior oil, Olive Inching Oil, Crude oil, tual 01.3. thm. "1u'.tgtrgt.t - OILS THIS EAR]! iunu Mirna“- (mu “Mn Ind other on 60* Hay. tf fi?ter"ilN1frufrdrhii has“ DEPOSITS of" and GiGii Mun. noon which) the JI,',',,,','?',, at in“ will be “loved. COLLECTIONS [ADI Capital $6,000,000: Bout" $1,400,000. BANK or COHERCB, Dtriiiuar. 'NntgtMe, " tah, u; J S. "ROME, mm a I will run Dr-h-.- diiMt _oTsffo%g “44...... Mt l'2'if.',iftir, I)"; to hall wary mouth, vb". ho . be mm b 00" upon ut Hume am my Mot bun um .... rougu All workman-cod to um will Inn- formed tn the "tmrt ad In“! mud - limp-unnu- --- " -. . JAMES WILLEY, LOWER TOWN. Damn, BOOTS& SHOES MEN'S LONG some " one - p... Btad """"u.erdrete, ub- 0-- For the Season! an" ItEtmETaat I'-""'-, butâ€... linMvnHflWmuuw L“:mwmummw I anthem“ - I fh,t,dgheege , O I. 22t a. tttiii . . ' us- mm at land. The. at. attdrit " 31.34... 'stfid"ggte N... Iee.e .5291!!- "amd WWI-oh... MACHINE , 1J,ff,le,P.e the Town at but. 10.. 5i,ii??i'ii1i1t,ifit “ma: er... Fowl-“chm†iicGrio".5rE . -.".., AWN-“mat." aduWi'i'"ibTii T W. AW ". In. A ulna: 160"mnei.trtuuateq For Gb-tww mun. ""uiel'P. “In!†200 Acre Fania: "U. “MJ- In In. -lw _' as -5 $1356" 1't,' a titi'lj,iii"td 349.0... Ott P1ttytatru Urn-.3347; SIRE-ARC. but Ivo- ta 0-. In... CANADIAN uiiiTciiik""aT BO “rm"? “HE . M . ' " "" of $ho “a. Dead... at '"tt-'tV. r "in... Guam. “A Youth' m. M m on the m‘ 'V' In“- him Dunn“, ."rGhlJ."f,h'd,'ittt'at.1e “I. KAI. it PT H h