West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Nov 1881, p. 2

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W , I 'i ' 'itll? " a: -th, out an! page will he found . syn opul- " a very mute-ting lac-tun air” by Dr. Wilma " tho owning ofthe Evening Ola-u in the 3011001 of Pruiicul Saloon in Toronto. on tho relation of niche. to our; clay Mo. Tho In in which .. live W be enllod . meiemrtaihe In; in which about. bu and. “Winn! W- and anti-11y within thou-“wont, yuan. “ninth-elm» ovary and. in; lino-ins m and man upwind and We M1 of My... " all bin-ls hu- J in. a m mun-u Ante mum-l rum “Joli-it “-tb in“. but. “a km. and in (no cm at mm. of the higher when in the Own Sound Selma]. tho ovidonoo would show that cullnnlon "Uted Minn womlvu Iml the "mind”. We hope. br the orodit of tim Minion. thrr, tlunIl-hholthlnp my Bit be " bad " it swear: to be. At plant tbe M tion Inn In ”totaling” ugly look. i, MV. plop-Iv. loom that tho} Investigatio- w "ought to A olou on Twain, tuning. i - Au iuvomuution is T/ttttr an just now at. Owen Emma! mm cerium irregularities which are said to have occurred in colluec, hull with tho nomination- beld nt Owen Sound in 1978, 1879, 1880 Ind 1881, hm -iallx at tho "tuaittatioru of but July. A number " vitae-us bus but. Grill-in ed. and w for no tho ovidoneo olrudy nd. uuood emu“ an opoioiou to be formed” an conduct at m Mei Wood bu I boon of the moat “proton-No ell-mt". It in not only that no.» of the commutes bu Mon found My of wrong doing in mound-an. “wit ”you All! zoning ont- udo “Home. but an Boon] of Examin- on App-u to In" boon anilcyohhogmu- on “loan" to no tho vorv modest " Insanity. and the strung. vagaries on the primncr Ireful’o the Court won!!! mu: tn jumly the was. But um. mm: to be " canons manna in hiss madman, m that it In quit. pound. that In my ho man kuare that bot. ”firm --The trial of Glttrml for tho murder ,.I' President Garfield is being held at Waeh. mutnu. The defencolmn SCI up the plea Durham. Novem. 24th, 1881 THE REVIEW. In . II. "Idd'ttol. Alain-d" 'Web-e. 4 din C. ‘cl‘nydmo. I-nukl “duh. Alexnodrr'Iam. Art, c, “in strard--Hrudt McKinnon. Cam. Atstray-Wm. Milk. Proton. “WI a Sb... Shop-Janus Moon"; i uuoy (monk-H. Parker, Durham. l "ttrm and 3ui,ehs--B. MeFul-ano. Ii. o. T. M.-iruon. Lucutuh Notice-Late Gm. Lamb. Lo For 'UU-mme. MeGirr. In. And and other spin“ of tho “moonw- " ttis budding, out: on. of them may to J ' and to .uliat the tom" M Nature in we common-at. services o' daily life. Imp: to man the inert mm. eanno on natured tenure“. and moe the Maven "f nature unburvient to nnr needs. .U.l howl-duo. the profound-III culture. the luv“. damn. leaning. has its prawn»! mu ; though that any In ulnw to mum- uu “annulus; but much nlthnt Icienco whetcm has true pane: is within renal: of All. and - hesh aequisition of know L49 '1: s vantage [mama whom-- to win mm conquest... Ones ymhno tnttstored may brunch of nit-nu in its prtteiiesl unr- iumn. you an lilo tho visa Prospero. will: that tom implies, thaw In admin-to up- procintinn of ite IdnutnL-u. w. mount ”tannin I doubt that it will he ndoquntclv {unwind with nil that we tog-in for but you: " such poetical ulna. not only to thin Province, bot to the Dominion of (Smalls. Our country lunch [wetilinrly in and " such pnetiul seiontith, tmin. mg. Wah Human“ public Wallis now in promo-a, stretehuttt - tho Continent from tho 5t. Lawton" to the them ot) the Paine; with agricultural and mining unmea- unsurpassed by thou of my Country in the world; mil just muting on the organization of many now brunch» of manufacturing industry; it remains to be “on whrthor In no prepared to no tum. down-lent on importod still, or to train our own nine" and Inllfll‘. our angina" and mahinisln, our Potters, L‘s-mwuknn. and nlchemints of all sorta; sud to tutu to "eottntnttUhrnx of dill- " Canadian workmen. mgr-hailed and" on: own captains of indnutrv. to to”. the 3mm] problem of nut country's Jottiny. mud to prove tho Dominion ot Canada _ not unworthy of the goodold BritishMoek In“: which it hu- Ipmng. It in nut l without I uminlpurpou that, while uim- l 'tot; It dinning your Bttetstiort to the I win. of Icience M ours-tval in the drulv hm nu of lilo, Ilium given prominence to than miohty {urea which lny " to tl Inlay centurion uuhudctl sud "Indus. I Education. technical or otherwire, in the t “and lover In] mum of which we can . .3zx1ts for the Grey Review. won: at “a any". Then in no toy-l road of any. unhhorlou In“. to my kind olmoful inc-loan. but on. dial. hovloalgoi- natal. Ind In hot . {or can» it provu n Saundra to tho squin- tinn of mun. Tho innit-moi: which now oftors you than Militia. 'ltomthiiurur .quippod so tie, mu "quire- imam-u: ammun- been to in oqnipmont And hub- Ing staff, to tux-hit wut Inch I Peoples" Gallup " Ontario ought to be; but it) the workingmon, fn the nmulut Maul Wot k ”and Lppm‘lll in mtetlr, and only that. who an give an log-hit. 9m may: a- pon to DU." the we“... of Indy-b. or be “do to do thoroughly tho useful " and the Indy“ an be tamqhtwith. y J'"ett of .1: in any any bad popular New Advertisements. {3w} . [11.1. rjai'is:'itififsatiit,, I)" III th . Prtrrrittr. I: as"... "clutch. lira-Iona Bun Fox Sloth-0n Wodnuuky Int, .1: Dr. Lundorhn Nu on: driving m this vicinity bu hounds started P fox in ll" hub nu] gutting in fail chm tho fox jump. ed upon I " near the mad, when the Dr. who Ind his gun with him, fired at. it from the buggy, bringing it down in quink taus. The Dr. Dan: um: um the In: Iii" an I trophy. It in mm:- I will. a. buts {an} an nu. -Uamu Poul. A Sumo: Flue!" Tturs.--' knight tram of about 10 or V cur-s of potato“ lot! but last Thundny with a stove in no]: year. Ila pipe pussug Lhrnugh An opening in the door made " the purpouc. The no»; we placed in the middle of the at. and on on. lid. the Potatoes ar- ranged in bags. A mm numb an]: mm trout but to St. Louis trad tho uni: when in man will primal» I “rum. gypsum». They no Ibippod by J. T. Brill of Guelph. Sn. oral Minor out loads Inn hum um any time by other who. iron of any one. This Ante of things on) ~urcoly holp our coming to the conclusion ant some part, or parties are august! in Cattle lifting. and as would be In" for tho (armors tn keep . sharp look-out. Ind if my on. " caught to gin than: the full benefit of the hm in thin matter. Sun Ctmz.--tt is mum sinsruinr the lugs numb“ of outdo that have gone a:- trny in this tieittlsborhood, and of which no trace can u diseovered, while vary few cutie Mo alarmed an being on the prom- " Eso, Clmrttot.-TU Rev. J. A. Town. ;ncml, prnlmlinucr and Into of the Prodpy- lerian College, Montreal, prmtrreat to the congregation of Knox Church. Dulhnm, on the part tm, bUllathn. He wan wall liked. Hold: on Wednesday morning hut for Whit, church, uni in two wash: will be " Port Dowr. The Rev. Mr. Penman, In- "ther yrnlmuuner from Manned, wilt punch Loch: aloe. congregation in two, weeks from no“ Sabbath. 1 Os Friday (tn-marrow) evening: an an- tettstiurueut will be given in the Town Heli, be" uurlar the nun-pica» of we Durham Mechanics‘ Institute. An inter. mting feature ot the owning: will he India Ink sketches: by the Rev. bar. Aalibarv, who ”tout a numbur ot years in Nortlsern iudia. Soul musntinn wan caused in Durham afar days ago when Mr. Petvr Ferguson drove Hmmgh the Town in a veritable "Bus." the tint in Durham. He takes ymmu-xru an or from the Station to my part vi the Town at ten cents, or a trunk and ”hunger for 20 cents. Calm? Anetion Sula of Farm Stock. Implement“. he., on Lot 22, Con. 7, Glen 01g. nLout six [tiles from Mnrkdnle. on Wednesday. Nov. 80th, 1881. Terms, Thirteen tttrutths'eredit. Hay, ml]. H. sin2u, Proprietor. Hugh McKay. Auctioneer. Mn IL Pug“, Dragging Durham, bu just received tt very Imndmmo and warm] ttisttrrrttttettt of Fancy Good: for cltrietrmts and New Yours' present-z. 'tonsite) of Autograph and PLotugrnph Albums, books and I lmmh'ul and one other things. WAnIlM HAHN“! 1m purchased the Sm and Shingle Mill " Bell‘s Camera, at the corner of Egromont. Luther, Pro. bm and Anhnr Tux-rmhigu. He proposes to erect a llama grist will if tlu, farmers of that 500mm will gist a bonus. Accrmmr.-tht Monday night the ox- pren from Palmerston which should reach here at 10:10 did not nmvo until Tucndny morning “out 4 o'clock. on account of something Ming broke on the engine. A MW angina. is now running. Accnm SALE of Farm Stock. Implo- meuts, Furniture. Ae., on Lot 80, Dnrh-m Road, Gleuelg, on Thursdgy nut, Dee. Ist. Tums, 12 months oredit. John Livingstone, Proprietor. Dugnld Mecos. micll. Anetiouerr. _ Passety.--We are planned to notice by the report of the Law Society of Osgood. Hall, Toronto, that Mr. R. A. Pringlo of this Town has puma the examination for tertiiiento of titnetu, an n Solicitor. Qt!" A number of mu. of intermittent and typhoid fever ban occurred in Dar. hou during this full. We an glad to Ielrn that nouly all the patients no convulot cent. hwy”: the Mechanic's Instituto Eu. tertainment 'o-tttore, (Friday) evening. We expert to use B crowded Home. In In helium the tsntertiuttunnt will dolorvos. Tn Station yard here In. boon lonlled and gravolled. but the cannot-ting link be. tween the sidewalk and the Stution plat. form still requires to he put down. Mn. Jun: McCrury bu "eau n Boot and Shoo Ibup opposite the “Review" Printing Oitiee, Durham. Sewer] work a upcciuhy. Tm: Repairer of tho Aonlgnmnted Tue. urnph Line In: hero ”hunky making noon-nary "pairs Ind chungonin the Town 0mm. Tar. Lupuw has rueivod I "ook of Cinrinlmus marlin ia very faueWlldesigms. Also sown] barrels of Coal Oil. Lotyass of the Unitnd Walkman have re- eently been “midi-bod in Owen Sound and Shellunnc. Mn. J. Wovnuxn. jr.. bu removed and opened out I Stuck two dean farther routls. Tn Puimenton Telegraph in to be an Inga) n New Years. {teaches that than no two grooming tut.nu--glmto.. as an. m in its mei. ou- forum ofrio0, brown, he“ Io., of whichano luau i. the “tong" in the proportion of time. of “no - to two of slum. Now in the procoll of eookiug, cane ungar is converted into gluon“ Had "I Iwoetenin‘ power in no " 'iii;,iii) it follows that the economical bouuwilol will dd tho - to the (mi: that “so proeou of cooking in tluite1ted, for in so do. ing in equtlly "not preserve will lo ob. tuned at a much "ducal colt. . not. “hunk-I‘d. In inn-mum of this let II rein to one departmental tho In: no- ly an at cookery. In my. fruit tho timo-houund canton: bu Men to add an - to the Inuit halo" cooking. 8601300 [ Local and other Items. Tho ”twat-story of 11mm Bu 3., Lmmptuu, in bo be light-d ML. 114.. unread. " ulna "you, in Inbscfiptin; lint omiroly. not 3 single death-aunt be. Ina minim in its columns. :' Lanna Wrtvaos.--Mr. John Maettae, ., who has residuil in Privaville for a number in of years, where he in Well and favorably ' knowmhn: sold out hie. business in that I; villnge to Mr. Neil McDuuzild, formerly of Durham, and I young man muted Danton. who are carrying on the wagommahing . business, and left for Winrton with his . family. Mr, MaeRae was treated to an P oyster supper at Carson's Hotel, Durham. , I by hie blather Min-om oftliin town preview: . to his leaving. We wish him success in r his new home, ea we have no (lutiht do a ( t host of warm hirnilr, both in Durham and . Priceiille had neighboring Townships. ', Zion's Du Sratt.--Tlru, is 1 new eandi. date Among the tcligioul monthlioe for popular favor. his published by A. D. l Junie. It No. 1150, Broadway, New York, ut the nominal eubecription price of fifty Gents per ennum. The t'trsst number, which ie before In is e nut eight-page paper of the name etu u the Chrietiun Union, Chrietian at Work and meny other Ameri. can religioul newspaper» The paper end typognpliy Ire both of good quality end an at.“ hot ofeontrihntnn ere elnedy en- gaged on ite editorial me: While tlistiuest. ly reiicioue in ite tone at is entirely non- dernratiuatiamu. It believee that all the I denominations, while embodying fou. i sidemble of truth in their crude, l still oontein e sprinkling of "rot'-- I the aim of the connibuton end publisher , use toeet forth the leading doctrines at , the Goepel a toehminete - particle t of emu. end they hope by tixiag the lub- ' "Hptiott price-clot, to bring it within t Ithe neck of the pool, which due Chriet t otnputioallritttemud toned). The unh- ' linking eompeny have ”untied I“ to I which contributors ere knitted. to: the d purpoee ol 'simulating A limited not. a! oopieeunouthe very poet who need a mu." btttmautotnttord to take it “ theme-elm Irena thew ot the i' hatnuastor we ehoeld a, iid-eva. to p Typhoid {ever is said to be. active in thin vicinity, and we hear that two children have n ccntly fallen victim: to it. It has been quite Mnmon near Cliirord for some weeks, and the doctors of that village have frequent calls, but!) by day and by tfight. -C'ost. IInuvvcr, Nnvomlwr, gist, 1881. ‘this village. She was interred on tiurMav, in the Humour eemetory, the funeral pro- cesiiun hung. despite the bad Mate of the roads. quite a lame one. A vary excellent sermon wan preached by the Rom Mr Watson, iuemttbout of the Episcopal Church, of which the deceased was a mem- ber. She leuves I husband with two very young children to mourn her loss. We record with regret the dent!) of Mm. J. Scales, who died on I"ridn.v, “In 18le mm, at berhnuxe in Brant Township nm-r his now almost universally sUnitied chemise time is past for the thick skull- to any on the farm and the bright boy to go to town. n is thuught best to ( reverse the operation and having ' our pick, let the tow.) have these who are not clever enough for farmers. Our profess-ion us first in the world and requirel a clear brain as well an strong muscles. In this neighborhood we have a stood supply ot, both and we are happy to say that they are in a fine way of being developed. Therein: no piece where they can be developed no well" on the farm, so we would say: "Just stay on the farm a while longer, boys; don't be in a hurry to go." , Au Fur. . On Thursday evening. Nov. Mth, o meeting was held in tho Glenelg Orange, _ which wan attended by About forty grung- , an and invited lriends ofLoth sues. Those , present formed thomulvoa into on organ- ization called the "Edge Hill Mutual Improvement Association." the object of t which ite-u" in muno implies-to improve its members on well on furnish them with social enjoymont during tho winter oven- ings. Several public men and good sponkon have taken on octivn part in tho organization and no ono doubts its succeu. It is undor the auspices of tho Grunge and l its Proauleut is tho Grange Master, Mr. C. l Motttst. Debut“. esanya. readings, music. ae., will form the programme of the meet- ings, which will ho hold every olttrnuto Tuesday evening, in tho Grango Hall. At the first muting than will he I debate to determine whether it is moro profitable for tho farmer to make stock niping or grain growinghis chielnim. Tho Captains on John Motrst and George Binnio, each of whom chose . force of thirtun to hack him up. As it in desirable to not as much hono- tit " possiblo from then debuts: and dis cusoiouu, it is expected thnt all uubjocto brought forward Will have tolerance to the form or the hmuchold. Something for Entertainment and Improvement. 1 A: Mr. Wm. Bell, ir., was abonHo retire _ to bed Hominy night u In culled out _ by some pen-tie- pming slung the road who met with a. minortune. As they were so- ing home from Durham one of their harm fell over the bunk end Mr. Bell kindly helped them out. They winked him and asked him to come to Mr. Gibbon's, and take enmethiug, but after suing there the lreetmen‘ he received was Puur reeompenu , for his kiudomtc--Cost, thr Hallowe'on If. Mchnio'l cells: mu broken into and batter and preterm: unkemdung with a number at“: has. The dcprudaton betook them-01v" to the woods, “hon dunno. from tho hon“. Wham they enjoy“! their "past. ch. second “In. Mr. Meailtirray's ttooh bu been muddled with. . It villlas 11th that My“: Mr. N. MeGiliirmr'a house was sauna sud sumo pork stolen. A for dsys Mo his - Inn cbsssd around the ham and on Mac going out the thiovu dispersal without taking shy of tho sheep. This u h...__..¢‘t Rocky unseen. Hanover. ', gist, 1881. Dub. Tho pala- Lniud I {and to him“. for tho and lumbar ol loot who and lord to take it [ .7 _ - --__" -.. nun-u-vrIJ ”HUN“ ‘with it in many pub'ie cup-onion Ho 1-.- prmno-d the Earth Ridipg in the In! Do. mini-m Parlutuet,t. Bic wpiuuuent will .1" “.21ch “macaw. - "r%"iiTiTii"lire'u"Cirl't.",'h1 l'." Lieutatuutt.coLtutuniat Higinhothsm, foteyl “a s', h" . l 'rent "' of GuolphJa-n boon appointed t f"ditt. tde,'; 'a. u "out: tun-m Governor in Couuei to t I. in. rut-hip ot tho Boath Riding of “rigggwn. "h. m "ttrr Who than " undo "can! by th. death o plan, . ' . . Prim. Col. Higinbothon In. madam od,'S'.,'tt,'.t'g, 1.t,'i,tt/t,rgtc'e't,t .0 the t'dll'Lh,"ttt',. . 1|qu 1',,teeiidiCi'.rG"i'ilk1'ls1'ddt a“ the p. tall, and u bun intimly ootyreeted,l'iiiiiic .1... M- '- shun-w . A . d. I, 1.. - _ .. - - Ram-mums Btu-name Tumuvzs.- A meeting of the Reform alt-econ of Owen Sound was held in their cummitee rooms last Friday evening. A large "tend. was of electon um prount. and much inure”, was mnnifosted. The party wail vary humnmous in tho conduct of ita basiatsa- tlied, appointing delegates for the town to attend the ttetteml con- vention on the 27th inst. The convention than convened will proceed to nominate undid-ton for both the Dominion sad the Ontario Loam-cum. The Reformer: In the Riding mm oonthtesrst that . gourd election williollow the proton. union of Pnrhatnent, and an pupal! to meet the demand for . content. I Suan.-Tbe entertainment held " Dundalk in aid of the English Church last week proved a great succvss, whether re. gnrded socially or fineneialty. The chair was occupied by the Rev. Mr. Turnbull, who, after ten, opened the proceedings by a suitable address. A oupitel programme, consinting of vocal and instrumental music, "citations, remli..gs, dialogues, (an. wee remarkably well cerried out, Spirited and appropriate eldreuee were delivered by ‘Rov. Men-urn. Potter and Eukine. The ut- mont cordiulity prevailed throughout the evening. The Umuke of ell are due to the managers, the Miss" Howerdaund Mason, whale untiring efforta were mainly imstru. mantel in bringing the evening to each a pleasentnnd succeuful iuue. The pro. coeds, ttflttr deducting expenses. emanated to about MT.--8utburn. Free Pre". ------_----.- neighborhood. Perhaps none have enjoyed more in the services that have just closed than myself, but it neeme that none have hm] more suffering, owing to matters that should forever remain hurled. I would not be human had I no faults. or were I I to commit no errors; but I am not con. minus of having erred knowingly. I am never more happy than when I am point. ing einners to the Saviour. The people of Crawford have been verv kind to me, and the ottener we meet the closer they are _ hound to me. An I visited from house to i hcuse T received the greatest kindncse ; '"ll ‘in one imtnnee woe I repulsed or culdly received hv those who slimsred from me In creed. This certainly uptake well i? r the people of Crawford and gives fresh courage to myeelf. I mu still anxious to no the r,rood work sweep on through the neighbor. hood. Bnt little hm: yet been done com- pared to what may if all continue to work for God in: they have begun. I shall nl. wnyn be picnic-d to he permitted to preach the Gospel to the people at Crawford end hope to meet by and bycwhero prayer shall! he lost in praise. As we feel thet our payer-I for you in the post here been answeredfyou may feel named m their continuance in your behalf, and it is nleo our linen-re desire that the mine harmony nnd good feeling which characterized your connection with m in the put may attend you through all the future. Signed on behalf of the congregatinn, 1 MM EDWARD Boxes. (Loam Asoznsis. l Mr. Spurs replied :--Dton Purrtsn.s,- I am not a. little tnkeu by surprise this an I wing. I came here to lead A payer meet- ing end had no exmetnion of receiving such e token of rum esteem n this. I useuro you that words utterly fail to con- vey to you my feelings on this occusim). When I came to this circuit I determineu to do my duty ms fire: I knew; I feel that I have not done mere than that in this i We feel convinced thet you have been faithful and cement in your work and that God has most Abundantly blessed your labor: in our midst. Our earnest prayer in that he may continue to bless end pros- per you. and make you I still more " fective laborer in Hie vineyard. May you never lose tut distinction Ind haven- born witueu that you are commissioned by God to go forth end unfurl the banner of the Gran. But " time rolls on may your zeal and darotedness to His cause in. ereure. May you ulweye be found girded with the whole armor of God, that you may be ehle to gloriously conquer the three; grout enemies of the christitut-the world, the iush and the devil-end be able to climb with fortitude the npwerd bill to glory. In order to be thus stelJe. strong. wise and victmiuus. you must be e most close and careful student of the Bible, have your soul Well saturated with the worth God has spoken, "for the Lord giveth wis- dom l out ot his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.” l Dm Mat,-.-" new: of the Metho- dist congrogltlon at Crawfold we beg In" to pramnt you with this purse u s mull uugibh: token of our appretOtiott for the zeal and "lf.sturrifiee you have shown for our spiritual good mace you cum. on tho fIattover Circuit. gnd eqwcinlly during the special services that luv. recently been held here. ing " sermon um! " he wu shout to proeud wrth the prayer meeting lt um- stopped by “can. Wm. A. 1"l1'd',1 Bad John C. Me0illivray, who, on balm“ of the ammunition, proumod him with . par» of money and the subjoinod appropria- l, On the nightof th 18th inn. luv. Mr. Spoor wu "quot-ted to com. to the Hotho- dirt Church It Crawford, Bentind, with tho ttmurButtdiattt um horns!!! uh chap of an weekly prayer meeting. Mer his arrival he was told that he would be “poem to punch, uncrowded homo was unticipobd. When tho hour "and u announced his tut: Palm our, Yell. 106, Ind spoke in his own peculiu style on an "Lights of the Bible." After conclud- Dundalk. um I can in a chin-i; diLirCisipi"-' “:33: l"rd,ttt (or tgreat And the : Bar, 0c ' "tun. ago-odd y new. ‘It in thew-ml by and». Ink-oh on . tl", lfocntioul Ind lit-egg. uh daulmm an; cum“) of u-ati.' _ - _ a ..~-r-.v-vvl‘-l-I "t"""r""P . Bitt-.xuia, News. : Consider-bl. sensation w“ “mod at ' Port Dover Inst Inch when it was unconne- .' «I that the prim tittht between Holden and \Vhizwwns to take plum on Cnnldinn ter. _ ritory near tUt plum. A boat In» chu- tered Ind tha volunteers ttuUd on! Bttd every maturation and. to [in them ttttd their alnetturl a wnrm meptiun. The fieht, however. took plsco in Ohio near the boun. dary line and was stopped by the oonlublaa of that Sign the: the fourth round. White nnd Holden no under an“. ' Went In... and: to like It.- Breath. with th- Inonth cloud, luv. " ons " all than to nun air, cumin nodu- nuly, at Mari-him but maple food, Ind . take "ttt but of cough "Judi-u, Rag. . yud'l Pet-Mud Balsam, it quail, are. all throat and lung tronblu of adute ct Shauna. {Prion 25ml- tterbottu..-otttt l Clam to Dearsr.-a melancholy no- oidout «and It the with“. ttfMi. In. Palmer, on lot No. M, in the 8nd conces- Inn d Pickering town-hip. A nice. of Mr. I Palmer's got mud with a mlue Md. l Sh. hndhur. in the Malachi. behind l the towel-ml tturrir. “on: huh-d. It 1 is mppoudlhodippd ladle“. Rho-3‘ found dud by he noel. wh- ho was in 1 to din-. Doe-nod no shout - . nu- of no. It...“ It... Vb M D. I A World od _ On. of the mm: nor-11n- modlcinu now heiom the American Pt the " Hop Bitten. You no it everywhere. h in khan with good ,dreet. It Huld- them up It in not u pie-um to the we. u was other Bitten. u it is not 3 whiake drink. " in mm like the, old 'lpili'll7h/,'2' at. kg cm In: dune a world if. good I I There is it new eyst-m which hu been \zreceutly introduced by a 0:11."! worthy I‘gcutleumn l"; the mum of linked: Com. promise. His aim secure to he to form a 'l coalition between the followers of the Bible syntem and those of Mr. Wisemen. The syptem of Mr. Compromise combines meny points selected front the other two.--From the Bible plen it taken the idol of giving weekly, on the Sabbath, in the church. So far, it harmonize-z exactly with the View: of St. Pu"l. It is, therefore. culclileted to win the favor of his mnderute followers. But in order to suit the views of the Wiser. _ man party. it provides thnt the time of l every contributor, and the amount ttontri. huted each Sahhnth, shall he entered on a pertuauentrecord, so that the sum total may appear at the end of the your. anal mny Ive published. The liberal “cheerful giver." muy thus receive hie tttttd otpraise. He may also have the opp-nullity of can» paring his own lumen-hearted lil-emlity with the liberality of brethren whom, hearts Are more contracted. or whose fortunes, ere less affluent. The system is thuu an eclec- tie one. It is not alt: nether scriptural, not ‘nltogether earthy, hut A combination of both. Like cmlitiun mnvemenu general- lv, it has dropped the old lumen-ml Idopt I Hi the title of the “Euvelupe Svetnm." ( Wherever it but Ireen introduced and our. , ried out, " has proved to he very successful; , and many good people helieve itto be u grand step in the right direction, " they I think, to the simplicity of the Seripture l made. Those who have tried both plane, are clearly of Opinion. Juding from rennin. . that Mr. J not) Connyrnmiee mint he I win-r man thet Mr. Worldly Wiseman..-.. t Exchange. I I And what has the church instead of her I Bible mode t Well. aha hae another oom- prehensive system which can be modiiUd t in various wnyr. each " pew-rent', rub- ' seription listv, church-hire, beware, tee r- parties. and pie-nice. She u nut thua eon- , timrd to one single mode. She can employ ' various moditieutotm of thou several . methods; and variety ie pleasing. But i there and all such like methods are of the ' earth earthy. They have been introduced l into,the Church by . certain Mr. Worldly ' Wieemau. who crept in nnawaree among ' the saints long NT. Hie demndante and [ iollowera ere today to be found in every: [ congregation. They cling faithfully. in l eoino form or other, to the principle or l _ ground idea of the ayatein of their ludu’. Mr. Worldly Wiseman. The principle re quires that - man who ghee anything for Church pnrpoeee. shall have hie name. and lump-um contributed, upon a puma» neut reel-rd. no that all men my see how much he gives, and may make eompurieone between hie giving and their own. It any man .tsontrihat" a very lame sum, the principle demandl that " name should he published in all the newspapers. and " pram: proclaimed in all the churches. There 'a no doubt Gut that the principle undo rlying Mr. Worldly “Human any: tum wnu given or at least “ingested, to him by the Devil, who in the father of many wick, ed iueeutious, It is umnli' g bow noun sbe Church ndopted the idea. carried it in. ta prmvtice. built upon it, and perfected Mr. Wisernan'a .rstotu in all ita "rietiss, anhing. indeed, can he more wonderful, mile“ it he how speedily and eotu iletely the Church out out her own 'l'/',ll'ri'd,', i system " " thing to he reviled. The Bible plan it too simple, too ttttred/too modest for this we of progress. railways and murt I gage-s. Why, by Seripture methud, a man l might pttt 310 n bnbhutli into the plate-Jud the world Would never hour a Word about I it. What a world of praise the liberal donor Would lose l-Such a contribution I Wuuld alumni! to 8520 a year. What mor- ' tal in thisagevl' '"tcsttNttrraatsdtelerrroh., I could “Yard to lose the well merited lnuila- I tion due to such nunhondcd lilierality I I But lose it he ceitainly wottld,it the Church returned to her primitive simplicity. if [by end guard the pick into which the [people cut their Iona, when. they m passing into the home of aod.-J- w ‘cupied this position when he 50th the multitude who put their - into the sacred many. The rich out in much. end the poor widow out h two mike. Were thin mode of authorin- the people'- oontribntion- retuned cud dim-0d. to strictly, we would hen cud cu much has ttf church debt. 'et church mimetic“.- mm. The whole Iyntem. however. Inc been cut out ignominiuusly. People hue been Alicuintcd from it, end it may “he many generations before the church on resume it. Mons may introduce it, Jenn- mny sanction it, Paul may “commend it, but the church of to-dey will not have It. Tho BNe and. of collecting foe an! sts-inet-mai-oe-ts-l Moved try “Wynn...“ stink, is, an: end» wot-hippo:- Ibouldmr' by no! tun Here', " has. the at: tt Rumba-nu" ot lab-u - Hubbub a sum in preparing 'lat, m.u'lu-ulni' mu. Lyman "than. tako :hrvrtrzm, from tohh 'ttrhitre mmdoam is tummy-m. Innate-of hut qtttgmmtiqet 'l'ftl"2'Ll'l7 ttse loot ofthe duvet. an! tho titt" im. ”was! And lac-Id. built br. The. [any on, mama, upon cum the building. Bylaw Ho... at 181. m faked“ --41-ied., Thou should in one of more men to d not! - mm the nppotuunomhol lee by "her, m. by Ind and the pm. into which the autumn; new forum: rtttt,:ittr',?,2t, M be pod u t t they .01). when. the no division. viz: Thou. Burton m. W8! . “n " Ibu- of em POOP. on y , T . iltailt (known In Knuth]; pnm‘ng into the houu of ood.--h- oo- Kuuu 2nd. Bevan-1m 615qu 8rd, Mat. l Norm-ab] "M Carnes kw eupiod this position when he bohsld ttro Maw “can. M. Thu. tr'""'""') Council Idjouruod to multitude who put their money into the l-nJA. R. Bowie, 6th dnidun. 111%,, the M ". of I J'..?,.",?, t't'WI in: right try Hop Church Gttmttttionn. won mm bv Mr. [nu Wang" wtsi, dealt with the caution in nil in - concluding by “unifying his '11“!!an- to allow the mad, not upon-lily in no to "uni- upon foe c you. and clco it the pn- tles inch-Mod concludcd to “cope an road which he bu had "my“ that ho would gin thctovnnhipc funded and Illa aw lint in in conduction cad “Ming. loud by Wichkr. “can“ by Mar. that this council him of opinion that the van: cl the public an a "can! capplictl by . bum mad, an tut up - in “Invent-lo to the mutt-notion of . not mm! on. do not foe! JttrtiBad in akin: Pt tue in tho - of "can. 9:1!th Mid-nun maxim u' unit “he, -..__ffd'lftfj 'tttt the '31-” my an... a. - w:mn iriiiiii'a.% """e sum. a... as!" " son» Lirr, grits: .17}? The Council than adjourned and locom- partied by Hours. C-mil, Wong". Wuhan and other: Ttrd, the ploy-nod mad. to I11. station. " P [gauging byline-c they ‘ Moved by McMahon. ummkd by Blvd), That Brew inspect Crow's bridge on Nor. mtnhy and Mhntn totaling I'M that clerk notify tho (am-whip Clerk at Minto Impact in. it, In tho bridge in "Term to be in nu unmund condition and tut it nmu'n m actuary the new be ompovmd to any than 'tut.-Muteied. Moved by Fttiroureortdmi by McMshon, That. the dark notify tho tumu-hip Clerk of Cnrriek of tho dunuornm "an of the (ml an. new Pittman; on the tomtlitse.-43sr. Owitwto time taken up br do'onnion Ind Mline collector-1' baud: council adjourn- " until 9 o'clock n. at the {alluring day. "tan, ou. 29th. 1881. Council met from mljnnrnmonl of yester- dny. Same member: pro-out. During the first My”: prorreitirwt . drt. estntion nailed on the Cunncil in reform". to Avton Simian road. lmt tho mutter wu- Imstpunml until tho following (lay to Rive the council An opportunity of inspecting the Mfremnt mud: mended. Moved by Winkler, "eocded by rider, That, [have Ind first Deputy Reeve he em powered Merry out agreement between "mountains of township: of Minto and Normnnlry. and Messrs. Ry." cud Boy nullla re Pike Lain Road, and on no other hn<il than said sglorment o"tered itrto at Mount Forest on 8th day of Septunlm'. 188t.-Ahttried. Moved by Blythe, seconded by 31th- lmn. That seloctnrs of Juror- ho paidJiouve " and nae-mt ".--carrrud. Moved by Fisher, wound“! by McMahon. Tim the Treasurer, Mr. Wm. H. Ryan, be refunded the sum of $2.60 oommiuion on sehool and "tGr moneys 1nd cheque: to date.--Carried. Moved by Ill: the. "tsort' by Md! nlznn, This the Reeve rec-ire 027.50 for letting And inspecting aiiftrtatn Town-hip bridges. - Curried. Mama by Faber. socnndrd by Bl.vthes, This! the sum ot 9194 he paid to Junh N, Braun " bridge known as Nmil'a luidgv, as per contract, being very stsrsfaetovil.v cout-sl.--'), M wad by McMahun. mound“ btruth- let. That 022.25 he paid to commissioner of North East din-Inn for ramming al.- >tructiuun in both hunches of the Bonny stwtteett.--Curried. Moved by Winkler. seconded by Mesh hon. Thu cont ot quit claim death. Nor, menby It John and Many viekers,atnouut, ing to " be ptud.--Carrud. Mon ed by McMahon, wounded hy "‘isbcr, That Alumna L In." be allowed to dv work on roads for 010.40 arrears of tan-s against output of Lot M, can. 2, under the supervision of ooittmivsiousr of North Enut 'livtsiou.--Carried. Moved by Moll-hon. soeundml hy Fisher, That Hoary (inland to refund-d " com- mutation of ant-no [abut eolleeted by mu. him. work having ' pmfnnm-cl nudcer. about. otpulttuastsr prodatsd.--Cirried. lured by McMahon. "eonded by Wink. Ur, Tlust amount ot contract for bridge on Noranuhy Ind tkrriek towuline (kunwu u Wsceuor'a bridge) 010.40 being Nor. innuby'n equivalent Le mid to haul: Yaw tper.-currud. Moved by Me.uttltotvteeonded by Fisher, That I. commit!“ ho Appointed cyan-hug oi Hus". Rania and Wiuklor to Invent- gak will rouls and when mummy, u mugsmrnlu could he made to take steps to open tlsom.-cameur. A pumion I'M received from Adam Bin, gel and "than to open Gland line on lot ti, mm. " and IT, an" “so on. from John Grupp to open 17tis Ind Itiils can. in front of lot 8 and the tallowiugtssoluuou. pawl thereon. Moved by Fitilter,seeond,td by McMahon. Tim amount ot “5.30 ho paid n mum-Inn on arbitration between Nurmnuhy and Minto Ill reftmsueu to tin; 1"“ Lake road. -Casrried. . The {allowing Rectum“ were ordered tn he paid _ Confederate “the. 625 on tut. count of contract with lowmbip; Duluel NJScluteIu D31 work dam on towuiuse. Moved by Fisher, hounded by Winklct, That the. following palm“ being unuMo to [my taxes, that their hind and "hoo) tn he remitted for present yen, E: tsouth", Widow Gnu: mm Mrs. Jerry 3Uhuv.-- Curiod. Moved by Blythe. wounded by Fallen Tim mnunl gram. 01135 to Tuwunlliy Ag n'culmml ts'omety he pod.--Carned. Moved by \Viukler, seconded by Blythe, That Peter b'eltutiOrboereiupt, trum tuxe- for current your. he Inning lost contents of burn by lir,utuiue.--currieii. Moved by Mr. Blyth, “caudal by Mr. Fisher, Thu! Mich-e1 Kenn: be pmd $28 for work performed on runds for Irrom ot statute labor a: on m div. at lot. 14 can. L-cart" Moved by Mr. Blyth, ascended by Mr. McMahon. “at Mrs. Wal-ll be paid the tum .oY2 for cleaning tlm Town lull, Bv-luw No. tr, at IMU, w“ duo paced continuing clung. in pulling sub divmiou Noe. 8 mm 4, vig: that sub-division No. I shall comprlu 18ut, um. 16th. 16m. 17tli, and 13m oouoomuun from Low 1 to 10 in. dunno sud to “pal cluuul No. 6 and 7 of By-lnu No. 8 ot 1875 attatod by and " Marathon. loved by Bush. “condor! by Winner, That boldnofoollocun be “new with um: ulna.- " follows: Thou. ”urban M in. .6000, Matthew Baruet And Juno. Andorwu; Grow. Kuuu, 'ttd din ",000, Gnu. Rocks": and Noah Wouuer; Bein. min (ill-nor an div. “.000, our... Hold. and Pump Molnar; Matthew Mourns an an. 05,000. David Mums sud William Iaaremgrluru; Thou. supucuaun. 5th dw. M,000, Alexander Mellon-dd Bud Jacob 1Lutpeuay;Atituu M. Down 6th a". .5000, Thus. Home and T. Coon. --cirrud. Numb: Council. isii2 --u "'iiTiiirCGGL" 30;: 71 “W" “id-p.194 " nary pm! If Lou-n11. 1" iiaGTGii.%G MEX-Kin 1131mm - d it.“ Uriah-la ot. WI.- mtgr--tts Duncan. on the nth Inn" ttte - of A. G. lulu, Bm.. of I “at. 'htqNottqr--qa Nun-h, on the "tts Inn ' .- MdeOMomM-d-U‘IW- Cam-l- uau-em.“ up In. umb- vu- it 0. (has. ot n m‘ The muted evolution in Stool POI making in tho new turn" up minim-"C. annulled Ge my writing. Ask " " taetrrookt Tecumseh. Chrtrt- and TflO' mphlo mm. For whohulo “will“. Brown moe., Toronto. __ G. S Sunni. accountant in 0b. Bank of Cowman“. Min. In“ that Town n for mush am Gr Uncle Sum'u D-mininnl. tttp. “militia of Manon .8400 And l the my nun. or nun. " Comp-m- tn HIV Article or {eh-ru- 'hat will m, ynu the moat M. "tor-uma, Wheat FarGture " mating with man: 11min!" Ilium" ttt [an "It! in the W009. People wall” hatl y"ur min. " I public Immune". Succu- unit you hon. Coun- " " "tttM Jan! A. Mmmnun. . CHAD. Y. Dottn, Flow Walurtou. l in. thumping (mm the Run" Hul- nnILz Bu Jon A. Mgcpuxum. the im namely popular Pulm- or "" Mum»! or Cantu. For his kindly worh hr In. tho "new"! think. of Which "no Luna, hunt I: nimble. “in {um-l reg-HI u Arm-u en. dance of lin truly In"! hurt to the run: In- hemu 0f Aeuuctu.-.-" well u 'hrtr Mum-(AL (hawk. With an mnttt' Hum Ind CoNrtsmrTaL eehetee continually mummy ham Hut lull Woet, than an he no failure, on my part to nuke "rat-mar, \Vnnr Er. cumx Inn-chow and joyful mud. uro- thin Continent. PM“. T. Doro Odiee oldie Cedar Rapid. Fire, Lighuung, Ind Tom-(In lawman Compaay, Cum Rrrtm, Inuu, Sept. 29, HN, C. T. "awn. Emt.. Mung" IntrrnattouU . Wheat Exchange. wanna“. um. I Dear sin-Ac Per Four mine-ll we hare with tam-em. I cinnlnr tn etch of mir 800 Farm mun, and um 100.000 lu-m- Mtn- Ilnl' tb-ad) oopiu of our Fan-tr! Jour, nal to the lumen of the North tut. m which '0 mum tho Inulin' to thin (we. fag-m immwli-uly pmrly lulu-Hui urn-plan of about kind in the mmtive Manna. Your plan ie not! cmmmdablp and l'mldd ptarr tha. WM.‘ Grower: of the Jinn-oi sum “Cum under lama] oHirestioo to you. ”an Mlle-J the Cedar Rnpid- Imm- Incn 11oetrparry in your cont-mi“, With but hum- " your mm. r am Vary lmlv you", I. A. Pun“, Smrury. 0'0. of, Col” Rapids Ina-rune: Cn'y Cams Run». Iowa, tuttt.00th, 1881. thes.. T. Dani. Wnhors",. (hands. Guns-Valium“ _ " we uleue of the 'p.'rtWgtttt on Nov. IN. by up In 0 .N. . .e. Peet, w. nan-m. mm ot m. MIM' t"a'r,,l"g,',','t lumin- 2'."td';"i'l.' O ' . . rgll'NtMtx,'f,d,'a"'" Johow- not I wiah you "a" uncou- “twin. -- I have totUnk you (MI mp)- of ynur it wool the "Tun-nun." It mun to mo that , our plan for "tabla-thing .n 1rrr.nssrwssr, Waln- Exvmugul in a tsarritau mm, Ind d carried out will be of gun unim- to Igncul- wrists. C'-."-., Int-n» In-» and (‘0.- _ "w.-.- "um lulllY Ion _ I Great Britain Mid purpom 'iii'rCCll" J' l' cumin unau- mm of Ontario on tho ' following subject... viz.: John Kim, Sir Wnler Scott, Lord Feronuieu, Eiimlmih Pry, Reform. Ind Katerina". Temporal“ L all of which she mom: to Umst ll I not; , tun-surly manner. sud in nu Alma“ huh. l l.“ (llama. All” delieetiue one or two lecture: in Taroum Ill! cmu- up In Furllll, and in! swim. (leeward the “edit-did pulpit In tho (nmoomunl than uddimud . " y Inge lam muting in Si. AuIln-w'l In. byterisn Clinnh It about 6 p. m.. when the hm Presbyterian and the Mahdi» r-mgngutiom can)» Walther. Hvro, u at Snoodsiule (Twang-timid Church. when the tttoneGd twin the nrniuun much, .1. nnponrml to make n rpry goud iinpmuiuu, On T'yedty slu- ulolirrml an 'uidrem on John Enos, which In": hUrteumt b, with close Miami-m Incl elicited the warm-at vote of thank from Bow. Mr. Sim-Hie. who wan evidently hmhlv dolighwl with the true Protestant and Ewing-Ii"! ring which Munich-rind but nlile dalmatian. of tire gr"! Scottish Raf-runw- or) “to we in which he livocl. Wo uiuli her n'umlnut lute-om during liar tour through (mum, and feel that both her loom" Ind "WP“! nilalrum are roll 'tvleulatad to man of ("It Ipirimll Ind iutelhtetrml winnin- to young Ind old. Sh. trrtnren with Chg 'lnululc object of Minn-ting . M inntruetitur her Ivar." uni of railing 'ui,', " s "Sol. diem' Home." which Ill. is “martin; In Inuit. England. Having long lubond u a Ini-sinnnry gum-mp! mhluh. IllO feel, much ancnumci in the work and Illa lunch and of a "Home" tor them in which they may mu their loiann hour, remand from the temptation of the ‘upmmm. = Col. -Nee -.... wml’enuw lee. Iunr in Grout Bnldu. sud AIM: blond with much Ion-pun“ in Nun Sena. sun" you: ago. when do. hml (‘Illh to punch m spat in must of the Protestant Church“. She camel now to Cnuuh nth an»; u. when! mama-ls from mm” In“... i., Mr Dun Sm." International Wheat Exchange ‘3'“:- tttttrs, uymnof inure-c to min] of totte m We have In! I very plan-mu Mani. time during the put Nook. on an“. of tU Week of Prayer nppoinkd br Mud, of the Y. M. C. A., and "tttreial. lr on account of tho sojourn of “Ina Temllluon Unstrung“ in our man. The nun. of this “land Eruro Indy is, w. 'mnmo. {unih'u to my Canadians. a “an be truly said of hot “at her mm. "u in tho Churches." or at [out In lumxy unhexn. She in qeeli and rum-ably known " . Christian Worker and temper-non lec. mnrin Grout Bnuiu, and I'M: [AI-oral In“: much acceptance in Nun tieota mun Years .00. Illa-r. Lin "-J - lt ' Iona by mail". nun-dad l, h.ots, that “HM-nor of Nordlli!fxfj: ruin- have mm, from thin council to uh when"? "tre Qty In nut-u...” in built by 'lg."t'd M “MW" I'm” . f "you! M, Mus-on. In.“ by Fuller “can! ' “an Wm. can 1.1-“: Pf tt wpeur, Forgml. Nov. ittth, 1.8] ee, W“ tHtl, m. Ne . _'.__..-u a, wmkkr, tut Wm. INirt u paid the anln of 080, “mwa. chm ot comma of land“. Imam (hm u 'reuttrteuni' budge; (an I I», “a f?.yekt"aaCa'i'dt C uncil . mood to and mu 0 Tao-III}: them In] of Don-ab: " 'il 0'“ n. In. .7.‘_ - .._V_ __ mun-mu otLor, be5tuoe' ‘Mu'lluftou: T. Dork '"" can!“ I‘m. You" hi tMtu, MARRIED DEATHS J. A. Pit-Km. Samba- BIRTHS. Oum,!hv. mm. IMI --->o or (In Imam: in to Punt», and Inn “etlmdiut pulpit In I addressed . ‘01 st. Aurlrew's It. wt 8 p. m., mm: Ind the Mothwlinl. other. Hun... at and Church, who" a main“. ucek, sh. ryuoud uupxouinu. lwnol In olden. in you on "ttur, u 10 TP. Glut. PARKER’S XMAS and NEW YEA Fancy Good ' Inu- -i-4 tin-.14 Ida null“! la the Cull £59.14 pay an nun. to ttte [um an - at Juan-"J " r.matt TOWNSITNII, I I WILLIAM Guzman "sh - - t“: M.TMII|KD, Gin-mu. w. but Wu. It." Chi-hum mm"- " all ”mm-am use t .1 Au...- unv-meu ”l mu can clam 'terqrgttq. ul "l «flunk Pref a...) Aw”! "lt"""'"""'""'"- h "hit, ot tuvurtg. n. u..- u. ‘0 mm on or chum the D. "a. an Inn-by mam: p.44, to the. Rum-tun of mast ot an and "ore at hot-In 30-day. tho Wted do“ " January . ' um I I-rlndlw VII-nunwu . b " In" lot a, Futt, hurl. N4“ ' " ' .vm [II-Hun -t lnnla\ Eight Head of Cattle Sua: m. . pull a .n t guy-ML hm hm gnu! n) their when a (Kuhn! Hun unnlgunng "nu-hull Ion-(mt. Nov In, I’ll {‘in Pro tun.- A f'.".',",','?',: I 11ml "N In. arnuunu " John A.artd tl . Instr town at m) Grtte. and orho nu Lug In! dud“ 4. v1 Ron: , ' 'rm- lbw-L gm“ F.n In ME Nov ouorwt, Now .4. In M, Nurtat Wool, par'llx.‘.. Applu. per In.4 rm LI. pang": I In: dqa.lu, any. par mum... 1hn,tou,isor hunt Pomp» 100 (lsr. But. " . Hid-o. " .. Illuminati. ouch . an“. per ll, ...... ' ’l. per dor....... yuod. dry, pm r Duh-Ink Full Wind. per huh Bria. Wheat. ....... oat.. par bud"! My. .. “our. r 100 IU, Gom nl u .. “or“. u u laws, n u The Gov-rum Gen, m! . III-ind on Tun-thy no. In." A mixer eeu-l sum. “A. Italian Chamber ot U do! by first shunting: h min. Ind when pram-m». In; " rexolver at Sign“: " “Khan-h maid in WWII Gummy In: "00- of anaemia}; 2iicii."iLi, BE? 1:, a. community and a momma “in. m “and on Fri by nation Imam. u-lnch hem MIMI; but the mo“ deptoeed an k the that]: from "eitomrot "ti lion " the be of Allan Tumor, -er2___c_er. . If. M Idiom“, of “I " “HM. In robbed on fwd“ bum-u .1“ r, . trump he lad mg. “I tU Nd: inst. Tho p. in meow-u and the hump m Guelph god. " “0 “It! in of . VI Chao-'. firm. Wanda; II - 'uitl, in the launchipof "Khan. I wall-diam...- ofkety loot. a. body in _ count. Ll. BPIJ‘INDHD I Town Lot For Sal [00.” 003.8,! “JUL low Advertiqema‘ inuutl bu.“ 1ilxecutor's Notice. .h'll.ul my: ”speck. Indie: um] (in Cattle DURHAM MAI rh,. N. and SHOE S ulnM m V M In. In. will ak - Meeti: My June will) m the FOR " Ot llama Nov m Store, MAW I9ttrh.., " I Ih‘l My My.» St: - he it " Al FTP" Ming the T II: ml IIIJ tti at Ina-u)- rared Jill In all»: Amt! RF.'"" " a can: Dogma: tKET ti I burl " tt 7t 0 " “to: 0 t we "IKE Ct on M M iti

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