West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 1 Dec 1881, p. 3

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Rocky Saugeen, ditor of the Revi, e e #r ; for bad not my : P im connection wiah T nnun‘.. would ; d l‘ ‘. lor', to l‘l % uUr occasiong) corr ‘, but sueh gr0u8 misg osible in the bigh 6 m eonhiu’n.w lads xh .. ... Iu.lo'fi“ * Mattep 0 .mh 1 â€" Belt. je., | 08 All, mo " ’l‘h o ® of seed s e ly and « > leave t Fior of the R regret to bave vurchase.l 1 Thorâ€" ir, urge bre oN. whic® ly be ve 1 t t E:hoc«â€"Home a qimeais Uleid by ¢ nad enrried West «shirs Boar. re will wither sell or orees, or a good work» US MeCORMICK, 2, E. G. R., Glene‘g. . Â¥euingt r what may Hil Farm, i Walkerton, Ont. say that I have tak wherever shown., teamer A/hion was losk the month of the Sink im . South _ America Lst, and the vessel 0 were a total lons. Aw,. Solicitor=, &e. Durham. eit] ® A hote 4y & g,..“-... Â¥ urhang may be ; ven under such l i.'lti.b" n.ake " Common courte. t lal thont wha and t RINGLE, vaneties 1 will flvo-k: brother hr_mr_n a shork & Yoke & the 4. & J. SEALEY. *om 198. Â¥ MacRAE, the «rtival o ht that may be derived to . amd no man must exâ€" he sows on such land 3 I standing varieties of heat have been they all leneral at Vienna reâ€" ume of rinderpest in have apparently reâ€" Liberals and 50 Conâ€" isements. oceue n ts % and 24, ind ALX, Sept. 30th, 18§1. I cluim thag localty to stg T at any rate proclaim e public may appreciate vorth ? Thanking you veen med lum to 1 ug that never. le to have any 1â€"kseâ€" If nako Rivers. E. A. PRINGLE, rs may be well ul after & -n.h ty. henee the neâ€" sting new varie= the durmers of wir own interests ERS, No «<lan Aia spring whest ; a f untold benefit to he United .. tow, 1 trust thers are ed with our samâ€" you up in your is supplied with it Exchange. would induge _':'.':: to impate wi Wiah aocwuess l !'.l falag. .‘"“Pl'll".l’ tow ‘"Al of your newt b pleased with ite n INTERNATIONAL ‘op of 1881 now nine boxes (or nmachine. â€" Come 1 b aboug “ r lbi'il’ to do ’.: Mkie â€" yma +d with .5; it 1 purcaned from Review *PPeaT to be . 1m% it i.‘..;. "‘..OM such 1 am, Sir. truly, 8. CIBBONS, or which J re h““‘ 3 he ayerage tive busliels . we will t i~ #20. 25 Of course sow mng omm to be careful FVer c ceurred, any allusiony r malicious, ruy wheat W hy does he to my botel rtom Vigitor who, slightly ex, and Comâ€" annoying price and PARKER‘S NEW X M A S Fancy Goods! SYT“.\\ ED from the ; k2 Bull, lot 59, South of the tinck, cisht head of young C two Heifersâ€"1 muley steer, 1 and 1 brindle heifer. . Anv and 1 brindle heifer. Any informati whereabouts will be suitubly rewarded Glonelg Nov. 3rd, 1881 Zight Head of Cattle Srtrgyefdi FLTT f\ S ANIN(r the Town of Durham, » i Filty ncres of land, good soil, well improved \‘ RAYED from the premises of the beartifully situated, close to station. Goo€ mill A_" anbscribor about the ist of June, Nine bead "1 | priv lege and never failing strcam on the lot. eattle comsisting as follows:â€"One a dark red, or e For particularsapply to T/ y, & patr matebed red and white, and one whitd R.HILL ’,,-.1.-'. all two yeurs olk ; a dark brown heifer, one Or F. MackAX Du'rhnn prevish heifor, and a pair red and white steers, all March met teks Â¥ Oy ame yent old. Any person giving information of . arch Hlaiw «tawccrccat BC ul Drug Store, Bentinek . N by the Pro Protom, Ne Lot # con 9Â¥. Tath, 1881 r whereabouts (Glonelg, Nov. 34 YA ME *laintill‘s Solicitor. "WThe N. I>. / C en asl BO0OT and sHoE smwop. â€" Two Calves Astray M vi9% anbscriber, Lot H C to Heifer, about thro ist of Octooer. ‘The Lutter, rolis, per lb * AUA ARMEY4cce«+.. Fegs,perdoz.......... Potatoes, per bas.... Turnips, per bush.... Hay per ton.......... C Eutd meing a2543. WaANe the N. P. Boot, such as the mwoding gontlemen of the Dominion wear. 1 expect it John A. and the Hon. Aloxander comiu‘ to get pair ench of my N. P. Boots. Ail the Mgu rits, and (who would think it 7 the Conservatives 0. are dealing with me, as they know the N. p vot is ue Boot for both wear aund -ypeuunce.l‘ fuir dealing, Repairing done, \] x respects, Ladies and Gentlen e ll.vlmi commenced busines= I solicit atronage mauke the N. P. Boot, such m woing gentlemen of the Dominion wear. I e ir John A. and the Hon. Aloxancder cnmin' t pair ench of my No P pilll C0GOuHng t Fall Whert,per bush ...... }pringWhoM tt arley , «* Onts, 4* :/ Heawen ) ens, tÂ¥ !houod Hogs, per 100 lbs Apples, per bag Fall Whent, per bush Spring Wheat, ....... UVate, per bushel Burley, *Ct Veas, y 15 Hay, per ton........... l‘otatoes, per bush. ... Pork, per 100 ths...... Linef, +# HMides, «4 Kheepskins, each ....... Batter, UE Mc ernncer ce Eggs, per NEQHenecrcenicca ‘Vuod.P.dry, per cord. \‘-'ool, per "».............. Teacher Wanted Carafraxa Stroot ining oneâ€"half e to snit nnrehamer SPLENDID Building o mm ioh tm Town Lot For Sals Ontineal hus c ce e j m raituxa Strcot, in the Town of Durham, it oneâ€"half nere, will be sold whole or in snit purchasor, on onsy terms. Apply t> prictor, Janmes Â¥efi_lr.rh§!: Jf by letter, CCC eR__. Camrmon.â€"In Owen Sound, on the 27th Flora, beloved wite ol‘m. Jolun Cameron 51 years. Mantis.â€"In Mount Forest, on the 18th inst., wi‘e of John Martin, 1 Esa.. aced A1 vc‘. Cattle Strayed. Tonnaxcrâ€"Jacksox ȴ. 10, 1981 on to Burc Cure for a Cough. The most reliable nmedg for a cou cold. ssthma, shortness of reath, son weak lungs and all bronchial troubles, yard‘s Pectoral Balsam. Price 25 cent. «4a_Stras. Anattempt wa* made on Saturday upon the | life of Gen.Teherevine, Russian Minister of the | lutorior, His assailant, a youth, was arrested. . Bentinck AT E uc eeun u2 car outh of the Durham Road, Benâ€" flyonmq Uattle, Six Steers and W L2 C,OCe [ 9200, SIC Steer ANBD Durham. TORONTO MARKETS. Toroxto, Nov. 23rd 1881 _prrson giving information of | _ March 3rd 1881 will be suitably rewarded, | = HUGH McKINNON, #2, Egremont, Priceville P. 0, di94 DURHAM MARKETS. Durnax Dec. 1st, 1881 er 100 lbs............§8 00 to $3 CWnk : ** :. ** â€"~seceverce & UO U : & io _ ‘"66 0 80 to 0 «4 64 o 50 to 0 Lo hi ~8e 2 50 to 3 ent, per bush........ 1 18 to 1 Wheat, rerssesssssees» 1 20 to 1 : per bushel........ 0 385 to C tt ser««««« 0 65 to 0 +4 se« 0 71 to 0 i ton:.................l‘l 00 to 15 ( t!n-rpnmim of the Sab .â€"In Euphrasia, on Saturda the wife of Mr. John Plewes, of 1881 JAMES McCREARY, Opposite the Revrew OfMfice, Upper Town, Durham p®) premises of Henry red and white heif DEATHS MARRIED JAMES MeGTitR, Durham P. 0 HENRY BULL, Durham, P. 0 BIRTES st, on the 18th inst., Jean #., Esq., aged 61 years. Lot, No. 6 u of their $1 9 50 mal troubles, is Hagâ€" Price 25 cents. 1195. 0 38 to 6 50 to 5 C0 to 6 00 to 0 75 to 0 16 to 0 20 to 1 25 to 0 21 to 1 00 to ientlemen ! 85 16 to 23 to 4192 78 to 44 to 79 to 25 to 23 to 21 to 30 to Spectacles Suifable for all. Repairing done promptly and satisfaatorily. A. GORDOX, Durkam, Nov. 17th, 1881, ; Gold and Silver Bracelets. If your eyesight is not very good, try onr reath, sorg throut fclocksin Endless Variety. tii94 for a cough or a to to to JEWELLERY in solid Gold, and plated Gold of the best make. Pins for all Orders and Trades. The finest assortment of Gola Chains ever Shown in Duzham. A full line of ed in this part of the Country Gents‘ Gold Watches, DURHAM, e be d. if 1 H odmcs.?.n.?.t.g ..'.?.m.,,' .qw For a Reliable Tims Picce Either 14 00 Jet Jewellery. your Watch or Clock A. GORDON, $1 2 Fine Residence for Sale or To Rent. 178 0 90 40 ©pening also call on or ade A Comfortalb ness, with ha cheap, newr Miadl ship of Gleonelg. . ( Shop and Woolen House & Lot for Sale Ch‘;; 0 89 46 83 7 60 0 15 0 71 15 06 1 50 0 22 Glenelg, Oct. 27, 1881 1 00 0 16 Business stri 6 00 $3 25 'l‘H CE undersigned has of both private and Com on either Farm or Village vro 18 1 25 Money to Loan | ( )N the nremises of the subscriber in the \ Town of Mount Forest is astray steer sold by us at the Hnl;m mber fair to @ farmer or drover, who before enving town notified us of its loss, but not knowirig his name and supposing he is from the neishborhood of Guelph, we take this means of letting bim kmow that upon proving ownership, and puying expenses, he can have the animal, { A. MACDONALD, 1J. CAMPBELL Monnt Poract Aas as sasd Sapt. 20th, 1381 t Mount Forest, Oct. 21, 1881 Mmeribi dndana i co2cl d n or address the undersigned aged q'l’l:.-\YEl) from the premises of the sub« *." scriber, Lot 8, Con. 1, Garafraxs Road,in Glenâ€" el4, over.two waeks ago, I‘wo Spring Calvesâ€"one a Heiler, light gray color, the other a dark Red Steer. Any person giving such information as will lond to their recovery will be suitwbly rewnwla4 DJOINING the Pi Glonelg, Nov For further particulars apply Of the Village of Priceviile, to Peter Ferguson of Waikerton. s oemittey Un the said lunds is erected a comfortable rough cast house und a good log barn and Stables, There are about 70 acres cloared and the balance is wooded with beech, maple, hemlock and elm, The soil is a lonm part sandy ana rm ch{, and the suid lots ure distunt from the vii nge of Priceâ€" ville less than 3 miles and from the Flesherton ‘ Station of the T. G, & B. R. R. abont 4 .in® . and Studs of the newest doâ€" in N the Dated 15th November Monday, the Ninsteenth day of LCecember, 1881, _ At one o‘clock p. m., in one parcel the followin vnfuublo Lands, viz:â€" & Lots 13 and 14. in the Second Concession 8. D. R ‘n the Township of Ariemesia in the County of Gr;ty. contuining by admensurem »1.t i0) acres more | or less, TER FERGUSON, Plaintif‘s Solicitor MIDDAUGKH‘s3 HOTEL, In the TOWN OF DUBRHAM, on Monday, the Ninsteenth day fortable House suitable with half acre of land, will b ¢ Madl‘s MilNs. Pravee. High ol hteu st Glenelg, the Zird day of November. A. | *‘A* PU¢# of OVER coaTs, 1881. omas rownsExp, ; BOOT: Wibbish GLEXCROgg, ; Executors. _ Post Ofice Address : the best value in the market. A r THos. TowxsEXD, Glascott, Wax, GLENCRORS, Traâ€" fralt, aud DOUGKE in esntc verston. WV wbrwigerd ds & 0 & | D. 1881, are hereby notified to -rn%l' i puid, to the Executors of the last Wil | ment of the said George Lamb, st., : or before Wenuaug 2 CC CCC OCRE THVes of interest. trictly confidential and costs of loans reduced to the lowest Agure. ,Ai ship Meonday, "(Av e House suitable for busiâ€" h half acre of land, will be sold very ladt‘s MHHS, Traverston, Townâ€" x. . Grise Mill, Saw Mill, Blacksmith vlon Factoy, all in full blast. Good for & Shoeâ€"maker. For particulars ‘ Gold Watches Or Sale, Stray Steor. of Gold and Silyer 17. 1881 ‘C and Comprany funds tc;lo'n(i Village property at lowest rates m# inkal o2 e l MnAE SE es n 00 08002 § 23 4 M C 20 i0 oi centianaiet x) a l e 3 \an ‘ uo io t on oi ie ied x0 oo es w Ace m w ies io onl eavand gpikedtnacets . winp oo o 1 e ah on t agi esn Co m oo h eepramg t gen Spe S raus 28 °7 ELDER, Traverston P. 0 *b190 m 1e necond Concession $. D. R of Ariemesiz in the County of by admeasurem â€"1.t 10) acros more ty will be sold subject to a reserve #hia ania Wslall en CC on w 22 29 7 PERHETIOR «& B. R. R. wbout 4 miles, ulars apply to Alexander Brown omm MA ARD garca ns .. im w 2 0 it Ro WH will be suitably rewarded. JOHN CAMERON, Latons, P,‘O, l R. A. PRINGLE, Lower Town, Durhaim H176 DOCTOR GUX, Durkam, or, 1881. WILLIAM A. MCLEAN, Muster at Walkerton a large amonunt the plainta, und to particulars *hi7g ~=®CUTTERS and SLEIGHS ‘ Hosiery, &c., &c., All Seasonable Goods bought cheap and sold© at Lowest To Arrive this Week 1 Pr° Goods in Great Variety Shawls, Ladies‘ Scarfs,Clouds. Home mas. c T ... . ©192 |Photograph and Autograph Albums / China Cups and Mugs, Toys an {Confectionery and N In their Season ; WALL PAPERS and Window Blinds and Writing Desks, Berlin and other Wools, M School Books and Stationery ‘The undersigned takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous Friends and Customers for past patronage in his present line of business, and hopes to merit a continuance of the same, and would beg leave to announce that he is now receiving instalments of his / TEA $.â€" Famiiy and Pocket Bibles Noyember 10, 1881 Japan 25¢, 40¢, 503, and 60c which he feels fully confident cannot fail to Rv Groceries, Boots a Durham, November 17th, 1881 ea Sets, 44 pieces, for $2.70. dozon. Wine Classes Ta» l omm ucss3 1 Agoent for Fleury Works StrawCutters, Root Cutters,&0 which he is offering Has now on hand and for Sale, a 1 Double and Single Cuttors Of CHOPPING AXES, BROAD AXES, AXE HAN DLES, &c iarze® Durham, November 24th TABLE CRUITsS, PICKLE CRUETS, CAKE BASKETY, + FRUIT DISHES, BUTTER KNIvVES At MOWAT‘3 ®a.Every body should see this grand display before 300 SHAWLS, at all pricvc;,'s“f;o;w;l up. /1‘ h s z. o / T‘weeds, Flannels, Shirts & Drawers.| Christmas Goods, Christmas ! Aratarria‘s The most beautiful Assortment of Plated Ware Lower Town, Durham, two doors South of Old Stand Durham, Dec‘ 1, 1881. tiâ€"195 Grrand _Reâ€"Opening | AG ds y en Best brand of OYSTERS 14. M[eFATRZI 1A NX IS, the Durham Carriage The largest and best assorted Stock of Ladies‘ and Gents‘ FPFUR CAPS best value in the market. A new stock fruit, and bought in season. Call and Wincies, Dress JOHN CAMERON, CROSSâ€"CUT saws IXTall , and 60c per Ib. Japan Tea Five lbs for $1 Best quality of Black ‘Tea at 75¢ per 1b. T q at as Low Prices as ever sold at, price ot the necessary material in At Prices that Defy Competition 2 L T20° 2M40, Special Value, selling rapidly, _ Another large stock of BOOTS AND SIIOES, in Haulan, Diamond e B act‘ w ent saws should give us a call betone We don‘t guarantee the preseut prices for , 1881 ROCEEmRy. Crystal Sets, 4 picces , Revised Testaments THOMAS JONES «JTust Received e are toâ€"day offering Wonderful Bargains in ever exhibited in DURHAM. BUTTER CoOLERS, sUGAR BOWLS, f KNIVES, ES, FORKS, srooxs, KNIVES, PICKLE FORKS, &c, &c. is grand display before purchasing X:nas. presents elsewhere. Is receiving more , and many other things too numerous to mentionâ€" equally cheap, Give us a call. JOS. F. MOWAT f the "Circular Saw " T.oaran Mawu,, + Goods, Clouds, Shawls and Mantles. , a number ever sold at, notwithstanding the material in their construction. Special Value, selling rapidly, . WOODLAND, Jr s, and First Class Sleighs, , Lanes, Clhampion, &e., &e., tock of XMAS. GROCERIE3, just arrived and be convinced. No trouble tc show wo Poul t oA lt uy Ne t ioer e ie Upper Town, Durham Nuts; Fruits ms, Toilet Sets, Vases and Small Wares, Mottoes and Pictures, us n call heftone purchasing elsewhere preseut prices for any leugth of time, of Elegant and Well Made nts, Presentation Books, , Fancy Work Boxes Saw," Lower Town, Durham. $1. Five lbs of Hyson Tea $1.75, Try our Teas, . McFARLANE, y157 Works,| cm192 great rise in the ,fHonie Made Fla,;nels [Shirts and Dra.iavers, Good iA Large Stock of Boots & Show, . M»w‘. pe| Small Profits and quick returns shall be our Motto. wl | _ Ladies‘ Clouds, a large ;ajxji;i;y*z;nd excellent value. ;! Wool Shawls and Wool : Squares CHEAP and GOOD. ’ Corsets, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &c., a large assortment. ed, all new goods, Winceys, Winceys, Winceys Better value than Ever. "[At HARRIS & Co‘s Cheap Cash Store A. Great Bargains in Stoves Durham, Nov. 10, GREY FLANNELS, FaX CY FLANNELS 1OOK OoUT WasaOIllLG AiiS, Perfumery. Best Quality, Lowest Price Try Chemicals. Dress Goods, 41 Cases of Boots Which are being Rushed off at VERY LOW PRICES Good Linen Bags $2.00 Bee our 50 cent Hats. Buy a ‘ our choice Young Hyson Ten: Cash for Oats, Peas Dirham, November 8rd, 1881 Drugs T‘weed Suits for $5.00 Large Piles of AND . C. McFARLANE‘3 , 1881. Colors. COAL oIL i: ots, Shoes and Rubbers at Bottom Piles of Wincies from 5 ets. per yard up, Scarfs, and Clouds, Corner Drug Store, Lower Town, Durham â€"HUNTER * x VELVETEEXNS, a1 eolors, V Is constantly Receiving or Cash, per doz., « ty & Tea Set of White Granite 44 preces Teas and Black Teas, very fine. Highest Peas, Barley, Wheat, Potatoes, Hides. & T e and this week h‘e is getting in , LOOK OUT! Dry Goods and Boots â€"AT Newest Designs a,ndf Jattle, Shcep, Hoge& Horses, ‘EENS, all colors. Verv Chaan * c me ce‘ dsogs e d Wt Lf Rl..p n __ _ _ "_‘"C 4% pieces, only $2.50, Black Teas, very fine. Highest prices paid in ley, Wheat, Potatoes, Hides, &ec, Cotton Bags from $5.00 to U MB oi 4s , bottom price. . H. HUNTER ** . A Large Range of in endless variety Overcoats at all prices rood Value. Men‘s Stoga Boots , Durham. 4 few days ago he recei ved over GOOD5, ery Cheap, Dyestuffs a 1 h 'd and don‘t you forget lâ€"t. AY$ lgO 16 receive over Mrmmmremniongs...., e appiitsrsies, Groceries,] ____The Old British. Price. AND $8.75 per doz 192 ; For the Season! ‘BOOTS&SHOES JAMES WILLEY, Latest Fashions regularly Received | W He 1s now in a better position than ne bas been heretofore, to turn out work in the above line promptly, and made up in the best style of the Art, and at prices that must draw the trade to his establishment, TAE _] pHuE Subscriver be to announte to the (r r}nhlio l*lcl(:,l*jyo:.hflt has EM P above d‘:;’nl:] (:‘i«.l;iu:uy (‘mm"oni.:n"u, u":'.‘. &“t : oots.) wz Atsich Durbaen ts Potmeven o the »o8 ouse west o oroi » WX too 1 Jommercia) . The quality of & m'.‘.'..'afi:fii’.":.om bo:::luu*ov-. Pnces. P. MoQUILLAX Durkam, Oct., 23, 1881, L_LC Y Y libera) potmu-,] opening out business i Dundalk, July 21 1861 J.C. ATKIN soON, Tailor & Clot hier, Botween the Angloâ€"American Hotel and H. Grabam‘s Store, dinm Fajiii w NC TOr 82. ‘The price :(“3.-'; dinma Farming alone is $1.50 Should any of our renders desire n eor CANADIAN FARMING, an neyclopmdia of . culture by practical furmers, we wro rendy to nish Whe Grey Review.the BRural Canad and the book, in full eloth binding, with neaur fine ilinebwatinne an 4. 200A T ima sc adt CCN S CIdOL fine illnstrations. all for 42, 4\ dbacs e d T By arrangement with the publisher of the RURAL CANADIAN, the new .:fiueunud P'mw lished at Toronto, whi hus been pron b‘ the Pross to be *n atopa1, publicution of the kind wlld to "compure ravounanLy with the best Ameriâ€" tan journals of its class," we are enabled to offer both papers for $1.60, ‘The rogular nriens $ taalll. For the smdg‘;s;l"m of 8:1.80. LOWER TOWKX, DURHAM, A LARGE ASSORTMENT or "THE GREY REVIEW" GREAT OFPFER Rural Canadian A Large quantity of wantod for which the ISHES to return thanks 4 Canned Fish, Cod Fish, Hering, Oysters, t > and Provisions of every kind Farm Produce taken in October 6, 1881 DUNDALK, ="RUBSCRIBE NOW! I beg leave to intimate that I have opened a Grocery nnd Provision Store Opposite Middaugh‘s New Hotel, Lower Town DURHAM bash Grocery & Provision STORE, A. R. is Agont for the ColeDbratod wj, Sowing Ma *hines of Hloumatton., This machine is oapable of sewing through of duck with the anm» ease as any othor ue San sew two ply, and the strongest Linen ¢ made can be used Npon it. It ulso can be . adjusted to sew the Anau, 5 W8° onn THE subscriber is {upuod to ] and Make Up, on the shortest notice he LatesiStyle l.,lon and Boy‘s Clothing A btuarrantas a Residenceat theOld PostOflice, Iovor'l‘ow-,' DURHAM, GROCERIES C ult PeC f tguarranteed Lates! Fashions Regula» NG a SPECIALTY and at Low Rates. From now till end of 1882 rait, Glenelg, July 20, 1857 j 7 . Noseriber wishes to intimate to Butchers, and other person in want af attle, Shoep, Mogs ofiom-. that he is ) Supply them at i) times. Oxen md“'m specialty . Apply on the promises. Lot 53, Con N.D. R. Glenelg, about 1 mile north of Pricevilie. HE Subscriber â€" Butchers, and as wlso ]ufiufih u;:; Alexander For sue’.t ‘fi Times. Collars whieh the highest |;ri:o-in or trade will be puid, AND GEP of eturn thanks for the e bestowed upon him since n Dumllulk, und be would Mamags un oo kander Bober!:con,- TAILOK, Lower Town The romulay veias . 421. NITOE The regular price of the two can‘t be . LAIDLAW, CD¢CGz00 Tondy to fur» «the Raral Canndian, Lindl. L4 T T Confectionery, Regularty BReceive d {np&ud to Receive shortest notice.and is Boulden, JaAMEs rorp , DURHAM., «_ All kinds of t notice, and in Agood a *

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