West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 13 Jul 1882, p. 2

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W 2 P 1, Micis Puzsyed.â€"On Sunday morning | :lx:cuxrn barn and had a good time gener last, about 3 o‘clock, the steam saw mill at | 9e Colpoy‘s owned and operated by Messrs, | s s J. & J. Kidd caughtfire, and, in spite of} ymllfr g’:"';":af:‘:fdt‘l’,b.m%d buy the moast etrennons efforts by numbers of Oils at M o aints and willing hands, was <totally consnmed. A is at Mowat $, LOWOI‘ TOWD, large quantity of himber piled in the vieinâ€" | D“rh&m, and save HONEY+ agog ‘ ity, although in ereat danger during the| The will of the lage J. C. Woris has ‘been j progres« of the fire, was saved. The fire filed in the Surrogate Conrt Ofice. â€" The | originated in the bosler room. Ineored for schedules show the topa} valne of the noe ‘ #%,6%%. â€"E ho. lxbus ire , cona‘‘r to be 41 793 min‘ NC turned hbome. A very hr‘. nuu;b.t of people were in town during the day, J ip STOLL O e d S °s . 1 1 1 O eer n mve Dt o stopmmes n ~ap maknn rirommamy o P hatroad| â€".. during the eveniu';.' ‘and gave several tl'mn ose yoar. He had always tried to .d‘ Boyne. The Orange Lodges of this disâ€" pieces of instrumental and vocal music, | his duty, "’".‘lm“.'d always lock baek wit triet decided to celebrate the day in Dur| A recitation was given by Master Joe | Pléeasure to his residence in this Town, ham. "The beat of the drum commenced Clark, and readings by Miss Sarah Rom. mursnrnmmernn t lt Hoterts: Spucccmang early in the morning and was hbeard at bough and Rev. Mr. Park. Addresses were Honor Roll. some point a‘most continuously until late in , given by Revs. Mossrs. Salton of Chesley, er uruu:unx ATtox the afternoon. The Durham Lodge MA | Broley of Palmerston, and Watt, a graduâ€" The following is the result of tl;c quart. shalled their forces and after meeting nte of Montreal Presbytorian College. erly examination of S. S. No. 19 Byrewmont the Bentick Lodge, these two met two Miss Hornsley of Lucknow,save two S°233 | held June 80th. Names are ziVe; in ordu: Lodges from Egremont and one fromG1O2â€" ang wa4 heartily encored. Miss Miller of| f worik;~ elg, coming in on the Durham Road, and Durham, gave a piece and also received %| _ T"fth Class â€"Frank Coleridge, John C marched into town in grand style with hearty encore. The proceeds will be deâ€"| Leitch, ( 1 5 banners and music, just before noon. Near. ; vyoted to the Church building fund. Fourth Class,â€"T. Coleridge, J, Scatter, ly every Hotel had one Lodgo for dinner, | mennmnnunls fln nrrroae . W. Scatter. oo O irne bubupts fint cclass strle. In! Bro Bin 1g McGirr‘s Bush, | _ Third sr.â€"J. Hargrave, M. A. Hargrave, the afternoon an eloquent discourse was | O# ths sh o > idey Tess ° géo?ttnon. W. Stephenson, A, Tucker, H P v. Mr. Broley of Palmersâ€" . n the ofternoon of Friday last, a sicâ€" ts â€" f:::,,b’.;f.n}:omoa\i',; Cbur:h which was nic in behalf of the pupil« of S. S. No. 9, Le;{fimi‘fifi.m Leéthh E& Renwick, J. well filled on the occasion. The Rev. Mr. Glenelg, wasl held in Mr. Jas. McGirr‘s Tesac, T-.Le:,'lte, 7. L;mg;:):.rwu' M. A, Wilson of Markdale also gave an address. bush. The attendance was very fair aud Secont <â€"B CWUpicace it s About five o‘clock the visiting lodges reâ€" [those nresent sennseÂ¥ k ul l o .0. Mowat hasthe bost Assortâ€" r1ent of Machine Oils in srham. Gire big a call and compare ** C VOY veing the anniversary of the Boyne. The Orange Lodges of this disâ€" triet decided to celebrate the day in Dur ham. The beat of the dram commencad C Asn is onlge W B m in W dsn ais hss well wherever your lo ion, this pampblet is amply _ sufficient to| _ Dixxsn axp Festivatr.â€"The dinnor was | when all the Furewells c take the starch out of both him and them, | provided in great abundance in the Town | spoken that we may ren Christian communities could not do better| Hall by the ladies connected with the | ful associations in the than seatter it broadcast wherever bis blusâ€" " Methodist Chureh, and something over $20 | land. phemous obscenities have been heard or| was takon. In the evening the Strawberry Signed on behalf read. Price ten cents. Addrese, Clark J Festival took place and was a deocided sucâ€" Braden, No. 315 East 85th Street Now | c0ss. The lower Hall was well filled and | York City. Or pews dealers â€" generâ€" | all the strawberries provided for the occa.| Mrâ€" Armstrong replied ally. sion were disposed of. The Revy, My. | Wauner, and said that ] esmmA l ifi t e e oeeronness | Siniley introduced the various speakers,and | P0 mote than three year The Twelfth. 'otber parties who took part in the enter. | that he did not expoet tro smm !hinment. Miss Kelsey presided at the or. | Yhen he came here to be Yesterday being the anniversary oftha‘ c . . .0 3 ‘he German, entitled "‘Wom; g and A being an episode in the life of that gre tress, Adelaide Ristori, Everybody read the Philadelphia Musical Journal is cévt:u'nly the cheapest and best per of its kind now Lefore the public. Ter One dollar a year in advance, or ten per single copy. _ Pablished by Ch Publishing Company, 306 & 308 Chestu Philadelphia, Pu, Th® Pliladelphia Musical Journal, for May, comes to our table as full of grod things as ever, and presenting an unusually beaotiful ty pographica} appearance. It contains the following highly attractive pieces of sheot music :â€"*Fairly caught," "‘He giveth His Beloved Sleep," and ""The old Cottage Clock," 4 all popular and beantiful voeal selections ; *‘Chinese Serenade," a flowing and pleuing;l melo1y, and "Evening Calm," a capital in-, st umsntal romance, â€" A}] these piecos are by | fam composers, and are the lutest issuew, ! their cost price at the musgic sturea being many times more than ti:t of the currer t number of the journal, â€" The remling matier . cousists of sprightly gossip and varied news l relating to music and musicians the wo; d 4 over, able editorials on musical topics, ai d t the commencement of a heautifui sasinh s2.0. â€"The Liberal vietory in Mamtoba has been confirmed. There have been several reconnts with varying result«, The North Wellington recount is eâ€"neluded, and al. though a desperate effor; was made to gount out Mr. McMullen his election had to be confirmed. It appears strange that any judge should disfranchise any polling place for the blanders and delinguicies of Dopnly-&lurning Oflicer«, when the law in the case appears so clear against suci a F ue en coCwevo. Hides h;‘l' n so extensive‘y read, or so larzely | Tue ed as Col. R. G. Ingerso!l the "Apâ€" | ate Free Thought" as his nd:uiren/.i“ quently term him. The mischief K one in the neishboring Republic| * culable, and, it is to be regretted | P9"2 a few Canadian cities aud lowul( 0 C t the influence of his poisoned | 198‘ The Author of this plvuphlat.'l' N 1 Unmasked" which now lies beâ€" a‘"d Professor Clark Eraden, an emi I l'““' rican devine who was well .e-’"l"m with Mr. Ingersoll in his boyhaod | ;I"_"\‘f , and more mature years, and in is "B‘ y hlet holds up a life like picture of | °+ P" ity. obscenity, and utter disre. “""‘ II decency which have character. | W« T WE Nib " Kie C althon / ecscl i. .1 P d Koknts THE REVIEW. o e ie Durham, July 13th, 1882 ~~*~~~++% 44. lals on musical topics, a d nt of a beaut fui serial from tled "‘Wom: u and Artiste,"* in the life of that great ac than tiit of the currer t rual. The reamding matier y gossip and varied news and musicians the wo; a Publiâ€"hed by V(’,';l&l-l'“(' , 306 & 308 Chestuut st. l ‘"The old Cottage Clock," beantiful vocal selections ; ¢," a flowing and pleasing paid to whining =â€"â€"â€"__.. | Journal, for May, | of good Ihln‘.u usually beaotiful |, It contains the |, pieces of sheot b , sona‘"‘y to be 41,794,.0006) 00 Freat ac ly should nelk, w hich periodical Terms :â€" ten eents Chau-ll"l 0 d m oonee Te | those present seemed to have a rery pleas. ant afternoon, amusing themselves with | the aswings and other picâ€"nie &.uusements, ’ After partaking of a very good repast about 4:80 the younger part of those present livâ€" ened up and went in for sport, and when evening came on some went over to Mr. MeGirr‘s baro and had a good time generâ€" ally. Vn the oiternoon of Friday last, a ic« nie in behalf of the pupils of S. S. No. 9, Glenelg, was} held in Mr. Jas. McGirr‘s bush. The attendance was very fair and Mess L ' # E2 ETT TT aroused i Rev. Mr. McDiarmud assisted by Rev. Wa whining Grabatm of E;;moudsvillo, Huron County, Mr. Grabam preached on EFruday, Subbuti morning and Monday, and Rev, Mr. Forâ€" for May, | est on Sublath eveuiuy to large nudiences. hings “’ Crickzt.â€"Chesley cricketers came over eautiful | and beat the Durham Club on Wednesday, ine :h’, Two innings each wore played, Durham, ':h’h[;'_", 1st innings $6, Chesioy 87; 2ad inuings, A ',: Durham 54, and Chesley 55 with 7 wickets Clock," | Foant v | to go down. You‘ll have to get out and ctions ; s leasing | practice boys, and keep the keg off the ital in. i fiBld. New Lopex I. 0. G. T.â€"A new Tem. porance Lodge in connsction with the I. 0. of G. T. was orgimized on F\ riduy evanpâ€" t9g last in the Sch »olfHouse of Section No. 1, Normanby, by Mesors. James Renwick and Wi, Raumge of: Droumes T al... | _ THze Latz Mas., WHAIMMORE.â€"Mrs. Thos, | Wiritmore died at her residence in Glenelg, ’ulmut three miles from Dinham, on Sunâ€" | day evening last, Deceased with her fam. | ily settlod on tne farm on wnich she dien‘ over thirty yeurs ago, heing one of the first "seul--u im Glenelg. Sua was highly reâ€" spected rnd loaves a large family to monp her loss. ‘The funeral whueh touk place on Tuesday last week was one of the largest ever held in this sectiou, there being nearly ciglty teams present. y| Mrraxcrory Acetbp=yr At TrrornBi «| A sad accident occurred at Thombu & Monday by which Mr. John Fergusor t wife, living on the gravel road bet ® there cnd Measiord, wil probably ‘ their lives. As Mr, Ferguson and were driving towards Thornbury they |â€" the mail traiu. . The horge became | fr _ ened, ran away, and threw the old ec dow.; an eimmbanikment. Dr. Hurlburt at once called, and has little, iflny, h of recovery of either. way for a few weeks holiday, and. is thorâ€" {u‘hly recruited for his duties, Hox. A. 3. Harov, Provincial Secretary, was in this town and neighborhood several days this week, fishing. He was accompanâ€" ie l by Edmnnd Yeizh, of the Brantford Ezâ€" positor. Thiir headquarter® was the McAl ister House. They left yesterday for Brantâ€" ford. eelon s ols is 2 | Admission 10 cents. , A Mrettso of Darham Tent K. M. will be held on Tuesday evening next, July 16th. at 8 o‘clock in the Orange Hall. Tuz Acton #ree Prâ€"ss has entered its eigth year. Itis a first class neatly priuted local paper. _ We wish it contmued prosperity. We had a call from Rev. Mr. Eakins <f #umme: holidays, The small boy h;fi; in consequence. Ox Friday evening & social will be hell at the residence of Mr. M. Arm: trong ’ 'l'nziup-rmbytcy-uhnuh. On Friday last a grand pic nie was bold, C day last. in School Section No. 1, Normanby. The | BSrd Tuz new Knox Church is gradually rising | thildren met at School House and nbout cba mdth-wloun.wuxmuw, half past eleven o‘clock marched in pto'.w Tuz School Teachers are out now for their Cession, headed by the Newstadt Brass Prod summe: holidays, The small boy is happy | Band to Mr. Riley‘s bush. Arrived at the 'Obq in consequence. Lush a ‘arge table was laid with provisions ' B Ox Friday evening & social will be hell olt.ba richest kind and after al had been‘! $13. at the residence of Mr. M. Arm.trong | S8tisfied, Mr. Robert Watson, «r, wak : apâ€"t â€"y. Admission 10 cents. pointed to t.ke the chair on an improvised | 4 ,;, A Mretixo of Darkam Tent K. M. wi| PM _ Addresses wore then definened | = be held on Tuesday evening next, July l6th | /J Rev. Messrs. Smllfy and Dunlop o $5. t 8 o‘clock in the Orange Hall, Durbam, Mr. A. H. N. Jenkine, Teacher M Tu® Acton Free Prise hus entered its cig‘h ,o! Ayton:-und Q(r. .f;mn Renwick of Droâ€" | : . amage of Drowore Lodge, abers were duly admitted and he following Officers were installed :â€"W, C, T., Bro. Â¥. T., Sister E. Leeson ; W, Watson, sr.; W C., Drother ; W. F. $., Bro. M. Leeson; Neice; W, M., Bro. Joun , G., Bro, Vince; W. 0. G. W. L. H. S., and W.R. H. Local and Other"Items. OR POVE RUT OT@I ) _ 000 C PC0C He had always tried to do f" t ‘snd :oc:l j::::: his duty, lml.shou.ld always lo.(,k back wit}: ’b‘ ren by Master Joe | Pléasure to his residence in this Town. Miss Sarah Româ€". < e in‘ aO~nt rk. Addresses were Honor Roll. 0 541‘0}‘ of Chesley, QUARTERLY ExaytNAatron, ind “‘f"* a graduâ€"| o followiug is the result of the quart. ) sbyterian College. erly examination of S. S. No, 18,Egremont, | * Nowcave two songs | holg June 80th. Names are given in order | °* pd. Miss Miller of of merit :â€" poj ind also recerved a F"ith Class,â€"Frank Coleridge, John L. | 44 oceeds will be deâ€" Leitch, 4 lding fund. Fourth Class,â€"T. Coleridge, J, Scatter, | Wi (Feirrcaccraneaay W. Scatter. and fpy! Third sr.,â€"J. Hargrave, M. A. Hargrave, : Girr‘s Bush. R. Garson, W. Stephenson, A, Tucker, H f:;: ’riday last, a icâ€" Seott. Apo i« of 8. S. No. 9,| _ Third jr..â€"W. Leith, E. Renwick, J, | *P° Mr. J McGirr‘s| Leit}, HR. Adams, C. Heudarwu, M. A.| J t« Jnt. l e® Isaac, T. Legate, J. Laughton, Pres was very fair and Second,â€"R. Myers, 8. Hooper, E. Grey have a very pleas. Adams, E. Isaac, D. McKelvey, X, Dow. the 1 themseives with | zer. ilto mic ammusements.| . First A..â€"E. J. Bell, A, Adams, R. Niy. | ‘t0" good repast about | @n, A. Watson, W, L. Dowzer, day, hose present livâ€"| _ First B..â€"D. Hargrave, C,. Myers, p,. | Sou sport, and when | Sterve, J. Hendenou. J. W. Honuby. J.| Ar ports McKenzie, 8. Hooper, N. Hastie. went over to Mr. s conve s First jr., T. J, Hornsby, J, L&uahton. of the good time gener. F. Adame, J, Dowzer, W, Renwick, 7, s Bothwel!, R. Henderson, P'":’ â€"â€"â€" _ W. J. Smarr, Teacher, | *°0" to build buy s re n mae who p Paints and|_ For Builder‘s Hardware try | look i )wer Town,| Mowat‘s. Sign Circular Saw, m“" NOREY: aps 'Lower Town, Durham., sas . . | se non Woris has ‘been | _ Hon. Mr. Mclelan has been appointed 0.97_1;7 t Office. ‘The ,mns-mof Marine and Fisheries, in whieh | COUit® Inc of the noe position ha has huuu..fi. the N/:'l”..”'l' v i twelve months. U of thas, Mr. Ferguson and wife rards Thornbury they met The horse became frightâ€" and threw the old couple Tuesday last. He has De=NT aAt THornBury.â€" red at Thornbury, on [r. John Ferguson and gravel road between ast. He has been a holiday, and. is thor pro bdb:y lose y Rev. W un County, iy, Subbutii & Mr. Forâ€" ’ Fourth Class,â€"T. Co W. Scatter. Third sr.,â€"J. Hargra R. Garson, W. Stephon Seott. Third jr.,â€"W. Leith Leith, 1. Adams, C, Isaac, T. Legate, J. Lau _ Becond.â€"R. Mvers hopes [uow more than three years an 1 a balf, and that he did not expoct from what he heard when he came here to be able to stop more than ose yoar. He had always tried to do his duty, and should always lock back wit}: pleasure to his residence in this Town. wias TR eipiliimaCniat totiliatet 4 vkds 1. 1: to find a preceptor who unites wisdom in counsel, with firmness in discipline, and at the same time gentleness in its administraâ€" tion equal to yoursolf, It is hard to say Farewell, but being necessary we say it with fervent prayers that you may fare well wherever your lot may be oust and when ull the Furewells on earth have been spoken that we may renew these delightâ€" ful sssocintions in the mnnar ‘ast 1. .L. . _ _ , 0 C "°0re to you to know that you will be missed we can testify to that tnet in advance. We already miss you in inticipation from the social cirel», from the Sunday School, from the church, in all of which relations, as well as in your proâ€" lessional enpacity,we bave found you faithâ€" ful in duty, true in your friendships, uml‘ generous in your impulses, your place will | uot easily be supplied. } May we venture to hope that these tridâ€" ing gifts, as you look upon thein in days to I come, will serve to recall some happy me mouries of Durhans, Cld stimiiaka u. :1 4y ADDRESS. 1 s, | To Mr. M. N. Armatrong : s | _ It is due to you and your good wife that 1 | we expiain our reasons for so fnncerimoniâ€" e | ously taking possession of your dwelling, and disturbing your domesticquiet. When . | we learned a short time ago that you were | abou t to sever your connection with our ; | Model School as its Principal, and had acâ€" : cepted a similar position in a distant part of our country, it seemed befitting that we should not allow you and your family to glide away from our midst without giving some slight expression of our apprecintion of your faithfal and successful efforts as a : Teacher daring the years of your residence P amongst us. You will therefore, please acâ€" cept this (cake basket) and these (napkin rings) which though not intrinsically of g grent value are made up of gifts cheerful! YÂ¥ [ contributed, and accompanied with regrets 1 ut your departure, aud best wishes for your t future success and prosperity, and that of' n your family, | _ It is with sincere regret that we have to |announce that M. N. Armstrong, Esq., the efficient and highly esteemed Principal of the Durham Public school, has resolved to leave this Town,for a position in the Prince Arthurs‘s Landing Public Sehool. On the evening ol Tuesday last a number of the seholurs of the scehool and others, repaired to his residence and after enjoying a sociâ€" uble time together presented Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong with a handsome silver cake basket and half a dozen silver napkin rings accompanied with the following ad. dross :â€" i more. Several pieces were sung very nicely by the children under the leadership ! of Mr. C. Ramage, the popular teacher in that section. A four storey cake was then put up to be voted on between Misses Moore and Jamieson, the former winuing the cake. The amount realized being $9.60 | which was devoted towards paying tho) Band. Games and races were then organâ€" ized, there being a men‘s race, 8. Orchard winzing ; a girls‘ race, Miss Grasby coming in first ; and a number of races between the boys. There were also a "tug of war," a bareball match, etc. Mr. R. Watson sang a Scotch song, and the band played a uum‘er of tunes in fine style, and was no 1 doult one of the chief attractions of the| picâ€"nic, which was one of the best we have P seen both for attendance and programme. || Presentation ifi Du:mm Pic Nic iflomnby. ,we bave found :you faithâ€" in your friendships, and impulses, your pluce will A cable despatch says that the Can adian dge, J. Scatter, | Wimbledon Team have arrived in England and will proceed to Wormwood Serubs to M.A. Hargrave, practice. The Channel Islands will also + A. Tucker, H send a strong team to compete for the Kol. 5. Renwick, 3. | *Pore Cup. »derson, M. 4/ | In response to an invitatation by the on, President and Directors of the Toronto, Hooper, E. Grey & Bruce Railway a large number of Ivey, N. Dow. the leading merchants of Toronto and Ham. .. | ilton proceeded on an exeursion on Satur. :ium.B. N"‘Idny. on that line of railway, to Owen , C. Myers r | Sound. _ Osprey! y 579. nR W20d township, 4,915; Onprey, 8,512; Tosorontio, 1,921; Aliiston, 1,009, Tue rateahle aâ€"sessment of these Cstricts reaches $6,200,000, ‘ | _A special cable despatch to the Globe conveys tha information that the delegate of the Muncey tribe of Indians to the Im. perial Government has been most court. eously received by the Colonial Secretary who promised that the Government would look into the claims of the tribe, The Collingwood Bulletin includes in the proposed new county a population of ’ 26.098, up as follows :â€"No 6,971; sma.n'.'.. 'a.eoz-:"suvn::,' ml ('lblliug!«n)d, 4 446 Mamil 2 1 I P e hk *â€"____ Palmerston has organized a Picperty lovmeu' Association. The Directors of the South Wallington Agriculturai Suciaty, on accourt of the late. ness of the season, have decided to postâ€" / pone the Central Exhibition to the 3rd and 4th of October, B Mr. Campbell in reply, expressed his °dlcnmplcte surprise, end tendered bis thanks 8 for the valuable tokons of their eatsem ) with which they had just presented him. " | What he had done for them he considered " / as no more than his duty, and it would * | ever be his highest aim, to aid as far as ~ | posmble those pupils who came to him for ‘ | instruction. He hoped, that while the gift *) would be prized for its own intrinsic worth ° | be would never forget the higer valne 1 which he placed upon it, namely as an exâ€"| : | pression of their goodwill, and as a souvrenâ€" 3 ir of the many days they had pleasantly I spent logcther. Ho would ever remember | fthis as one of the happy days of hi« life ; ,nnd he knew that should a kind Providence be pleased to spare their lives, Lo(h ha and they would love to look back and thiuk & awhile over the time they had passed toâ€" | |, lgether as Teacher and Pupils in No, 19,| 3 ’Afler thanking them again for the shape | W their regard for him had taken, and ar. ranging a few minor matters, he dismissed | * the school for the vacation. Mr, Campbei{ | :‘,e hbas gone on a Visit to New V_.L a. . As a slight token of our affectionate reâ€" ,cnrd, please accept the accompanying preâ€" sont which we hope may serve to call up pleasant recollections. With our present, receive, dear sir,. our warmest wishes tor your health and prosperity, and may you long live to gracs the ternching profession. . . Signed by, Mary Frrousox, y w Macore Crark, Jonx Sxtra, Aurz. Cammroy, Azrcrt. McDianip. ‘| _ On Friday last the pupils of the senicr ‘ | Fourth class of B. S. No. 10, Bentincek preâ€" | sented their Tencher, Mtr. N. W. Camp. | be‘l, with a valuable and elegant Bible and | a bandsomely bound Pootograph Album {uccompanied by the following ADDRESS, Dear Teacartr,â€"We, the pupils of the senior Fourth class take this opportunity of expressing the hich estcem in which we hold you as our teacher, and our approciaâ€" |tion of the earnest efforts you have been making for out advanc« meut, not ouly in |; aiding mequirement of knowledge but in | tnose efforts of forming in us correct habits | which will have a beneficial effect on our| l lives. 4s *â€"â€"â€"wâ€"â€"4 |__ Moved by J. Brown, seconded by R. | Horn, That the Clerk be instructed to frame a byâ€"law for building a bridge on Lambton street, and other street improveâ€" ments and that a special meeting of Counâ€" cil be called on Monday evening next to consider the same.â€"Carried. Council adjourned. Special meetings of the Council were held on Monday and Tuesday evenings last Presentâ€"the Mayor and seven councillors. Byâ€"law No. 105, to raise by loan for buildâ€" ing a bridge on Lambton street and other purposes, the sum of $5,000, was read twice and ordered to be published. | _ Moved in amendment by N. McIntyre, seconded by R. Bull, That the side walk on east side of Garatrara street, be extended from Elin street south to south st. north.â€" Lost. the boundary of the corporation, on the west of Garafraza street from Elm street south to Moodie‘s survey ; also a sidewalk 4 feet wide from Mill street north to Chesâ€" ter street on east side Gurafraxa street and crossings thought necessary by the Bonrd‘ of Works.â€"Carried. Moved by J. Brown, seconded by James Burnot, That the Board of Works be inâ€" structed to build by tender a sidewalk of pine plank 4 ft. wide, from Elm st., south to _ Moved by Mr. MeKechnie, seconded by A.C,. McKenzie, That R. A. Pringle be paid the sum of $100 on account of disbursements and that a cheque be issued for the same.â€" Carried. I Moved by G. McKeelnie, seconded by H. I. Storreyâ€"That the petition of James Willey and others be received and that the opening np of the street referred to be re ferred to a committee compored uf A. C. MeKenzie, the Mayor and the Mover, und‘ report at next meeting of Council.â€"Carâ€" J. Moodie, 2nd qre. salary $15; account to date $5.27. Thoe. Mutart contract on Lambton St., | _ Couficil met on Monday eveniug July 8rd, members all present, Mayor in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following accounts were examined by Finance Committee and cheques issued for the same : Heury Young, $5; second qrts. salary, $13.75. ~ | hnd visit to New York State Com. "‘ness. _ He will he off -l"or.;'v;u W::: The British anilors are full of fight, and R‘Bkuy o CERTCUE & ad s « s K f ’immedxatcly. Pressure is brought to bear ‘,"" tba signal to f-nll to with u'? prover. es “ letin includes in on him to be a candidate for his old posit. | bial avidity of English tars. At intervals | 2t the Ci y a population of I ion, but he firmly refuses, Did hbe run, / alovg the canal are dotted French and Town Dl ws iâ€"Nottawasaca | opposition would be useless, as the muniâ€" English war vessels, whose armed cutters * ; Stayner, l’m:’ cipality alrndy_ feels the loss of his services, and long boats patrol the banks to ward off| . A mar. nam ingwood township, | Many former bitter opponents and some, ¢ a ‘ St. Louis, Mo Tosorontio, 1,921;‘ like myself, not very enthusiastic admirers, any sudden attacks o dynamite parties or VC vet ie > teahble _ aâ€"sessment . sre strongly in tavor of gelting him back., fandtieal Mwas.t.. . _ _ ©6,200,000. +8% * Presentation. keus of their estsem | sti d just presented him. | r them he considered | 46¢ A for s duty, and it would A aim, to aid as far as ilui who carie to him for \ ed, that while the 8ift | moy ts own intrinsic worth | beir get the higer valne A i it, namely as an ex.| abo will, and as a souven. | _ W they hbad pleasantly Il;\e:: vould ever remember once Py days of hi« life ; uld a kind Providence ir lives, Loth ha and wok back and think uu'flll they had passed to. Clissi d Pupils in No, 10. | Stoct again for the shape | way i had trken, and ar. Eun atters, he dismisseq | 449 )i o self a ton. _ Mr. Campbeil rivers New York State, view | Com. water nrmimmmmnmeent, right, anized a Property | out. Onr South Wallington restan accourt of the late. of lial decided to postâ€" | $2000. tion to the 3rd and | »ver §( and frc to suy, hat the Canadian Reeve, rrived in England | beings iwood Serubs to tho'Tre' Islands will also M ae charmit apete for the Ko}. Gritia 4 this sho vitatation by the ::::‘)fl?? of the Toronto, On di arge number of| ;, going Pronto and Hamâ€" | the table rsion on Satur.| deputy, Iwar, to Owen :l‘“::u:';r' It is eurn 1 to the Globe| a mass m at the delegate af‘{i' Hoj uato the ‘Tas | of Nover 0s conrt. We ha onial Secretary Reeve a f ernment would | port he is ribe, :-erion! ill Town Council. _ng _ OmsS dro impassable o us of their eatsem | streets, just presented him. | Mr. Johu Cameron bought 25 ft hem he considered | 6¢ on Proton St. from Mr. T. P uty, and it would for $15 per fuot. B, 16 8id ns Eis as Mr. Slllull(y] U aPhaMe or on .| _ On dit, *llreudy known that there is going to b spirited ron for the head of the table between the present Reeve aud deputy, The serious part of the contest is that we must soon lose the services of one ol our present able County representatives. It is eurmiseq both candidates will address iA mass metting of the electors in Searlett‘s Hall, Hopevillo, on the evening of the 5th of November, on the situation, Of course they will be timed 1 ! We had the pleasure of seeing the ex. Reeve a few days ago and are glad to re. port he is rapidly recovering from his | serious illness, â€" He will 1. "ak. NOR _ bg publia q.,;__ _ 3 "**ners found on assuming public duties, the suug little | nest exg iu the Treasury (ufter every cent | of lialility had been liquidated) of nearly $2000. This lias since been augmented by aver $600 from L. L. and C. Reserve sources and from Hotel Licouses $250, yet strunge to suy, we have it on the authority of the Reeve, the Clerk, and even the smaller beings at the Conncil board echo it, tha; ’zho Treasury is depletedâ€"n: t one dollur availible, Querry â€"Wihap j as befell our charming little nest 84 ? True, Engineer Gritia aud staf had to be supplied, but this should have been a mere Lagatelle, compared with our formerly magnificent surplus, seli The Townâ€"hip Council ha another session at Cedauryille Cllssion vccurred on the va Stocks and tue enaclments re way Charters.â€"No ameni.., t dullay _ CCC 92000 76, but 1f been "that hat" we could see the po once. We mean the proffessor‘s hat Onr enlightened T We noticed something NUW we did not imulalc.. Mr. Thos, Huu'bury has the , about completed for hie brick t es c acy ooo on merse dOr iD itoba toâ€"day, We challange any village of our size more improvements tiuy have and being made this year, Our Police Trustees have not andited there act‘s for over two yenure. ‘lhe Herald promised two mouths ago thai it was to be done immediately, Our sidewalks aro finnacseniilea " met A22 _ We understand we are to for the Reeveship this year Reeve will be opposed by t uty, Mr. John Agnew. As orators we mauy expect lively BSome ask the question * Jounty representutives this motivnâ€"mot & speech, 1t is sard there is not one Council cau read the oth good. ’ The drainage of S. S,. No. 1, has been going on for some two months and we hear of no progress except in the bills which come in very promptly, â€" Thore appears to be no person to look after the work whatâ€" ever. The Pathmaster has succeeded in spoilâ€" ing our roads. The Reave has very gener orously offered the village $15 to break about three fourths of a mile of stone and level the gravel on the same., One hundâ€" ’red voters will thauk him at nex t election for his offer. Every man of business beâ€" lieves that it would batter our condition to ‘ become incorporated. We pay into the Tp. Treasury every year between $600 and $700, and get $15. A grand union picâ€"nic 1 Shrigley School House on and was a complete success _ Extensive preparations were being made to celebrate "The Twelfth" in right royal style. Seven Lodges were to be there, and we have no doubt they had a good time as the people sre a kind sociable class, A grand union picâ€"ni¢ was held near Shrigley School House on Monday week ioa ult uo tait i/ last Saturday 30 fat steers besi heifers ready for the butcher. is also a large land owner, and Mr E.Potts is one of the princip in that neighborhood. Some of the farmers appear to be acquirâ€" ing wealth rapidly. Two Messrs. Hannon own nine hundred acres of land, and had last Saturday 30 fat steers besides several heifers ready for the butcher. Mr. Sprott is also a large land owner, and our friend | Mr E.Potts is one of the principal residents l Samucel MeCullough starts for Yb agke A handsome new church is just about completed,and other buildings form a thriv. ing little village. A blacksmith shop is also convenient to the corner, kept by Mr. Wood. On the other corner is Badjeros Post fOfice. and general store, kept by Mr. Hecâ€" tor MceQuarrie, who keeps a very full stock of general merchandise. This is an old esâ€" tablished business. Mr. McQuarrie has also a saw mill near by. l Bs mnllint : Bc did not understand it ue 7 Goods, etc, etc. In fact it would be almost impossible to tell what is not found in this establishment, which is managed by Mr. John McConachie, who is a very obliging Merchant, end we believe is doing a good: chie" in front. Going inside will be found a well selected stock of Hardware, boots and shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, Fancy g ' To the northwest of Dundalk runs a road , |straight for nearly four miles, leading to | Shrigley, Badjeros and Melutyre, the two |latter places being in Osprey. The road )for six miles passes over .nenrlylonl‘ country, the swamp of which is being |draine:l and the farms are rapidly beir g.imâ€" proved, After that distance to Badjaros four mgos more the land is more undulatâ€" ing and the crops in that part of Osprey 'lookwoll. Wo noticed a very fine field of Alsace belonging to Mr. Sprott, which apâ€" pears to be m very heavy crop. At the Corners is an Hotel, "The Red Lion," kept by Mr. Stephens, and the house is kept nice and clean and well furnished, so that Travellers will find in it a good stopping | place. ‘There is excellent fishing in the |â€" neighborhood. ‘ On another corner is a neat trim looking ! ( store, with the name "Deans & McConu-l Proton flér:T& palready known that there spirited ron for the head ot n the present Reeve and Dundalk Items. p this year. The preseny »posed by the present Dep. Agnew. As both are born expect lively times. not one man have not andited %"@"Sivg the aut! your‘r. ‘lhe Herald faith, demanding w hat d 2 Cs h Ught 25 ft. frontâ€" Mr. T. Hanbury Badjeros. othore writingâ€" "have we any 6 year."â€"Not a stone work mlock., have a contest on some in our ap| The New York Herald‘s London specia all A s & lds | 8238 :â€"The din for warlike adyentare in Egzypt continues in Egypt econtinues in. od | cessantly in the arsenals and dockyards, tle | The journals publish columy» upon colump T‘ of the military details of the proposed movy. l::; ements of ships and troops from England, es | Indir, and the Mediterrancan, ¢] _ Alexandria, July 10.â€"Arabi Parha scems :C | fully alive to the necessity of taking such :: steps as shall counterbalance any attack on r | Alexandria, Knowing how deeply Eupg. r|land is interested in the integrity of the * | Suez canal, and believing as every Egyp. t‘ tian does that the canal caunot be main. ; tained and protected by any power that has not a hold on Egypt, be has initiated | ) | a scheme of mlicipltinx England‘s aitack, | | Ships,or even ports, at Port Said, SBuez, P | and Ismwailia would not suflice to protect | â€" | the caval. The walerway is 90 miles long & approached from Egypb by desert or marsh | 3 and a handful of dynamite would choke ! the harbor for days by the disruption of the : baunk. This risk prevents the canal from {boinq considered a perfect military highâ€" | q way. The Delta must be held also before | L4 the canal will bo safe. The British sailors are full of fight, and oo the signal to fall to with the prover. | R bial avidity of English tars. At intarci. | /4 C on ie "Tucal Mussalmane, _ "“~'-“‘."’ . ilbninlacinttctccs : T. 3 â€" ‘nerelore regarded as broken off. The British zaanâ€"of war Dragon isne arrived at Suez. s S caus wA â€" B further period of 24 hours. ‘Plg British & gunboat Condor has been stationed outside . | the harbour to guard the entrance, Ad mira! Seymour lhas gone aboard the Invinâ€" | cible, which will move into the onter har. * ] bour alongside the Monarch, The Bittern now lies opposite the Rusel Tien Paluce, The Ministry continue to declare their heâ€" solre to resist, and they have takon pre" cautions to :nsure the safety of the Khedive in the eveut of troops landing. Araly» Pasha was yesterday formally summoned to Cau:tnuu'uople by the Sultan, but re. fused to obey. _ Two aides of the Sultan, | who recently arrived, eft for Constanti | noplo last evening, accompaunied by Abmed |: Assad and Lebib Pasha, two members of |‘ Dervisch Pasha‘s mission. The secret | ] negotintions which were proceeding are L therefore revardaq .. , T °_ "SuH F C pemeninn 2 ont ROC i0f ‘ tilleations within twelve hours, and warn ing the authorities that if they fail to e« m Ply with his demand fire will be opened upon the forts after the expiration of a further neriod arog 4s . k SRAGH â€" " Three thousand Egyptians under Genâ€" | eral Yussuf attacked the false prophet and were defeated. They lost 2,000 men, four gans, and 3,000 rifles. The fulse prophet, with 700 men, is marching on Senaar, . Amigrar seystouk‘s ULtriatuxy, ‘ Almndru. 9th, 3 p. m.â€"Naval officers made a reconnaisance and saw the Egypt ians mounting guns at the western side of the entrance to the harbour, â€" Admira] Seymour is consequently prepating a proâ€" , clumantion to be placarded all over the city charging the authorities with a breach of foirh Aagkullas . The citadel of Cairo has just been ’streugthened and furnished with stores for a garrison of 13,000 men, in anticipation of an attack on the part of England. It stands on a steep, rocky bluff above the sityâ€"in much the same manner as the Castle of Edinburgh doininates the Seotiish metropolis. ' n | _ Loudon July 7th.â€"The military prepar« q | ations continue. Yesterduy all the officers J | of the first battalions at Aildershot have t | been ordered to embark for Egypt. 1| The War Oflice has ordered the preparâ€" , | ation of tubular wells, capuable of supplying ‘ two and a hall willion gallons of water , | daily, Reurâ€"Admiral Anthony Hoskins, | one of the junior Lords of the Admirality, | has been nominated tor second officer in |command of the naval operations. He will probably proceed at once to dEgypt. Alexaudria, July 7th.â€"The work on the fortifications has completely stopped. During the reconnaisance 98 gunos were| observed bearing on the harbour. The oflicials remainiug at the British Consulate | and the Dritish subjects in the employment of the Exyptian Government embark to.| day. All the merchaut vessels have gone to the outer harbour, leaving the inner i barbour to the squadron. Admiral Seyâ€" | g mour has ordered the Eastern Telegraph l Offlice to be closed toâ€"night, v _ Alexandria, July 6th.â€"Arabi Pasha‘s answer does not satisfy Admiral Seymour, who hbas sent out a sall on the English war ships. â€" His renegade Freuch adyisers are encouraging Armbi to resist, 1 The constitution of the first army corps is now settled. Fiteen thousand men of the corps go from England to Exypt and the rest from India. â€" Sir Herbert Mucpherâ€" son will command the force to be sent from India to Egypt, with General Hughes and Colonel Tanner Brigadier General, It is stated that the Government will summon the Reserves on Monday, o | _ BRITISH PREPARATIONS. 4 | ~London, July 5.â€"Sir Charles Dilke statâ€" l1 l ed in the House of Cemmons that farther g | instructions bad been sent to Admiral Seyâ€" +| mour with regard io the armament of the s | forts of Alexandriawhich would meet any â€" | contingency. Notice has buea sent from ‘ | the War Office to sixtyâ€"one towns in the E Kingdom, including some in Ireland, orâ€" | dering the military authorities to prepare | for the immediate calling out of the reserves | and that be believed the summons would | be issued before the end of the present week,. The News foreshadows English armed intervention in Egypt, and says it would beâ€"penuy wise to count the cost, which the News estimates at from £4,000,â€" 000 to £4,500,000, 4 London, July 6th.â€"There is intense exciteâ€" ‘ ’mont here over the Egyptian dificulty.The i feeling is that any moment may bring news q of hostility, The intelligence of hostilities t being begun would probably be received 1 with satisfaction in England, so dissatisfied & is vhe public at the way matters have been 1 :‘ going. WAR IN EGYPT. Bombardment of Alexandria. w CCC orunl, OUGL To. o aides of the Sultan, ived, left for Constanti accompaunied by Abmed rald‘s London special warlike adyentare in Egypt continues inâ€" 802, two member. of mission. The secret were proceeding are as broken off, The the surrender of the _4 _3 °02, Fu4ltan d tatle of "‘Mistr °" "PO2 colump of t‘;:;‘;:::‘n’:‘;.: ‘::"I::.":L"‘:I:.:{.,I fnlr ‘ e proposed movâ€" ’duy. d_l"our "l' tlho l-ify,.u'mkfoul- had ']' Ene s t d the Khedive‘s pal .frmn England, u:nin.fl'::::.e..“ A‘l:hi'c :nly 'lm:-‘:f retre un'. the Railway, is also commanded by the gu abi Parha sooems of the fleet, Happily this result has been of taking such Ki"":. "itll- yny mmall Jos« of life, only : itis i i ill A less thi e any attnclf on th'ilrtl,v '::::d. T"L :.:,;d m.:xi u.:uu-t y deeply Eug.|p, battle well, and are comparatively uni lutegrity of the | jured, the enemy‘a shot rebounding from the yp. | armour covered sidey without committing an _ every Egyp. great injury, not be main. en NnEKE + ... y power that| Thirteen Socialists huve been rentence _has initiate¢ | t Prigue to varions terms of teyprie08 gland‘s attack, meué: M Lo t Said, Suez, 0 to owat‘s, wel ce to protect | Town, Durhrm,for Window 90 miles long | Glass. m&m,dlmt,{g sert or mars, | POrtation, just to hand. | j Articles of the Duke of Hamilton would choke household continue to bring â€"{ubulous ruption of the prises ® eanal ffom In Russian Court éircles it is maintained illitary high | that g},4 Czar will be crowsed on Septemâ€" 1 also before Ler 1st, of fight, ana |_ Buy your Ecythes, Forks, h the proverâ€" | Rakes and all kinds of Tools Iuse==s/at the Circular Saw, Lower French and ned outjere T?wn, Durham. . C k ie i) ue masu 2 ard the Invinâ€" he onter har. The Bittern Tien Paluce, Tow Durmrenpoo wiont own, for ow Glass. 200 Boxos. direct imâ€" portation, just to hand. *** Ur [ Malta, July 11.â€"The British troopship Tainar, with one thonsand maurines on board, and the Spanish frigate Carmen have sailed for Alexendria, The attack of the British fleet upon Alerâ€" 'nn(l;i.‘ on 'l‘uc-(l.y resulted most enccessfully op eFerews ... 2 1 duct ,‘,,..l.__“m P owere, hu. 22020 0020 2M O Franch suh. jeets. The necupation of Port Said i8 ex, rs id to take place toâ€"day, petke t Paris, July 11.â€"The agent of the Sues Caual telegraphs to Delessep» that be wrote C | io the naval commandery protesting againat al | the action ~* the British Consul at Port Snd ,. | in preventing vesse)» entering the canal an a violation of 1ts neutrality, and decluring the y Compatny hold the Eritish Government res. f | ponsible. â€" The whole staff of the canal reâ€" p | main at their posts, t A despatch to Figaro announces that Topl. ba Pacha yesterday informe,| the Kkedive he _ | was a prisoner. . A eordon Of Egyptian I | troops surrounded Dervisch Pasha‘s residence , | making efforta to approach the shore to carry off Derviech, but without enceess. â€" The Kheâ€" | dive‘s sons are on beard the Mahronesa, The | popular feeling in Alexandria grows more hostile to Arabi, | _ London, July 11 â€" To the House of Comâ€" mons this evening, the Necretary of the War Ollice read the following :â€"â€"*‘Alexandria, 7.350 p. im.~â€"â€"The total number of killed i+ 5; wounded, 27â€"distributed as tollows, â€"Killed â€"(n the Alexandria, 1; Superh, 1; Suitan, 2; Inflaxible, 1. Wounded Alexandria, 3; Superb, 1; Sultan, 7;In vincible, 6; Inflexible, 2; Penelope, 8. ‘Twelye officers and men landed from the Inflexible, under cover of the fire of the Candor and Bittern, and derâ€" troyed, with dynamite, the heavy gnns of Fort Mex," A despatch trom Vienna save it is aImitte d in Government circles that England 1s perâ€" fectly justified in her vigorous action against Arali Pasha‘s att‘tude of provocation, and 80 long &s Englar 4 .. ». . . N yInostte® on on, SatifJnr" exeniss that Re eoz:im*: d snicide. n}_'nfid Lewi» Port Said, July l 1 has urulo:_rg-cl the enb ’ The earthworks have Leen fitted wip jron shieids to save the gunuers awhd tug machinery of the gans. The shel from the Butish ships are well in range, The English refuse ships have left the harbor. â€" The telegraph sbhip ‘Chiltern‘ is outside. Port Said, Jaly 1. â€"The British Consol by order of Admiral Neymour, has stopped ships from entering the Suez Canal The Khedive has country palace, Adwiral Seymounr from the Minisiry up i evening. | Ii secimned ty tion to fight, a»s bodies seen moving about, V Alexandria, July 11, 7 .. m.â€"D, ’bomb.nlw.eut has begun, the Biitish .1,,;: alone taking part in it. Of the Obbers, thy fAmencnu, Austrian, Russian, £0d Tnlag menâ€"ofâ€"war are anchored two mules OUlside the breatwater, Bave for a somewhat numerous colony of Italiaus and Grecks tiis Enropeans likvg quitted the Clty. Those Wuo T€imained have barricaded their houses. _ Off Alexandria, July | bombardment has begun alone taking part in it. American, Austrian, Rus menâ€"ofâ€"war are anchored the breatkwater, _ The Conference will probably not 3;, Un til afhoire in Ale®nndria are moure esd Tire > dingtanstasthois geverally consider q,, action of Englaund regarding Alerandrig as perfect] y legitimate, The people now appear for the first timg to realize the gravity of the sitmation . It is evident, say those hostile to the prosen; English Government, tonts had Euglang shown auything h!u equal resolutioy ag the outset the existing stute of thingy, in volving ruin to Egypt, would have been 4, voided. â€" France‘s influence in EY DLin u. lu‘.lp gone. Â¥ °> en h mol;.* The wonlthier classes “'e:: | Arabi‘s sole sim was to be sole master ,; the position. They therefore withdrew u; together from the movement, and this 4; the more when they more flu.u-pocu,i: they did not clearly perceive, that the Sul. tan took the side of the would â€"beâ€"dietrtior, In mddition to this Arald aroused a Tamauy. cal fecling amoug the lower olnsses, th, felubs, from umid whose ranks be himsgy sprang. ‘The rioters of June 11 we}, of the lewest ranks of life, just as the iusny, gents wore in the Bepoy mutioy, . "p, t of a Christian" came buck to hife as B COliingy epithet in the streets, Cl 20002 CRF KuPO th@Awhole of the EgypU®a cibBoulty has mainly dopouflgd on$ the Uuneq ent circles that England 1s perâ€" ied in ber vigorous action apainet a‘s atttude of provocation, and Inglard pursues this line of conâ€" [ imbet ho ombositinn . Beame dhe Lo. don, (Eag.), July 10ih, There seems liitle doubt thut fu LCC SKH party. These aliege that Dervisg] Pl::‘l has received orders from b4t Porie o bry to arrange . almost POY | time for 4 brief Turkish occupation. . It is stateqg thag Ih assured Arab1, that the Turks w uy eome as enemie , or interfere in AOY Way with the existing atute of things, but sulely boet,nnquuro;mn Powers insisg upog the step being tuken, and when this SkLig. fuction bas been ufforded the Durkish g;, vision will, alter a sh o r; sSlay, evacua 4 the country, un q2 _ 1N CECU the shore to carry ch, but withont sueeess. . The Kheâ€" s are on board the Mahromesa. ‘The celing in Alexandria grows more Arabi, visers is full of duplicity by no hardet nawme, H everybody, Lut really . Mownt‘s, Lower Cexandria, 1; Superb, 1; Naltan, _ 1. Wounded Alexandria, 3; ultan, 7;]» vincible, 6; Inflexible, 8. _ Twelve officers and men the Inflexible, under cover of e,CAm‘flr and Bittern, and derâ€" Duke of Hamilton‘s t to bring â€" fubulous THE BOMBARDMENy, ck Opposition from °"* agent of lh“zulep- that | ders protesting ish Consul at P 1our received | p Y UpP to five o‘cl red to be theip det odies of Woobs a ~â€" The P rkation of seut bis funjly dils (!m.".i, "l p 3 the Srubn, Euymmu were i U Collld Just be uy inces that Topl. the Kkedive he _ _of Egyptian neha‘s residence ""t of the Suox )* that be wrota otesting againat sul at Port Snd ¢ the canal as a d declaring the werniment res. enocessfully .~'v at least ‘g.a " He R: it e would fiib ploy, ToK : abip. As 0VC, the peo. Hy id Uiopg â€"Colern * Cou! a+ ho will were still Consul Do Th h a midnight,~ E) bitoughoy lluouum.‘ to dig D& le asy ... __"" from m &.""“.......“g,:,:-;;- teelige t o stt ty i Miwors bave pre) S10, tomn" Ded mm 2s .lln'n 1 Thepmores to South hom ga ies . Lt suffapers f} on°] 266 the best, 6 infunt Oo-u(.',"’""fl!h It ., J o ie Hu: Agec .-lu‘.,.. ames *.'-‘hh d i + NSears *! the late pA,5..500204 inst years. Buaroecy :E;ou; by the Rov, a Tuoxrinâ€"In Glenâ€"ig. on t Mr. W .G. Pucker. of . «ver, when some turbulent sp the influence of ligour, dischar of anathemas. Frop, this they to make use of Stones, thrown man‘s bead, but which fortuna their mark. Jt ;» very pleasing that the number of these rowdie small, and thas they received nc ance from the llod)’ 0* the people er, were restrained by them 4 rude attacks upon the venernble had given them no cause of offe Rev. Messre, Coussirat, Cruche Doudiet, and Allard, all commi, the General Assembly, freely mi the crowd and Gonversxed wirl. a1. Rej â€"_ _ "~/ "Fomith . Bitters -"'-.....m"‘.’:.._“ . oooid known The editor of the Can, Record was passing throw the nomination day for th Father Chiniqny was wit tive country, where in for been well known as paris was a huge erowd, and we ogmzing him, one after no the door of the ruilway car hand so warmly as to leg doubt their sincore frien bys the news apread amon all faces turued in this dire **Pere" began to address a then.. He had not proc kimas s CCCY ) to Miss. l‘vm-:l-;:::. In I"rcdrru-lun, whoner by the Brivy Council w perauce people have bee od by the delays cansed and declare that now (} they will have every pl wold closed within a mo quor deniers have beop ; ing, and it is said the bave done so, though . woll clandestinely, A ; to secure the repeal of County, but public 0pini giving the Act, now that y cunnot be doubted. a The decisior tu'm'nu the Bec deal of stir in several munici ilfomuh’ty in 4 Act, und |iqnur not '“""“,\' in fo Kintte to mell, * have emplo yed they will falt s ernment are making . buy of Liberal memb mind the eminent ree, terofrailways bas en ways that are dark, }., orable gentleman to 1 is not probable, Jhowso High Priest of Corrapt the attempt to defoat c the people of the Provi, news of Mr. Plumb‘s failus weat will ve received with w lief not ouly by the Reform also by the great majority a the Ministerial side of the ing failed tosecure the verd pie in Nova Scotia the Loe, 200 Irons White received at Mow: Town, Durham, w best value and give satisfaction. A}] fl anteed as represen htut‘oqntelmindiq Bmen, Tory, has been el Mr. Valin, Tory, returned i has been protested for . North Wellington, Mr, | been declured elected on 4 MARRILAGE ipg 3o. FZ08" compact we First Emvire of ce solid And mistross of the foats Durhkam, Jaly 124. rrny. olmed in h Fenhis When pesse comes down , dndinartinl sounds .....3 ‘Ir-“ tain . hand lll hold each other stil Nâ€"â€"IH Markdale on the M MeDiwrinid, Mr. w ie Engle, boti, f Euph Consda, fair dsughtor of 345 ttae unto thy well e atherland should aid Make for thyself a nol} Come forth with a1 thy « Aund tram then: ro.d; t Bo when to battic they go The7ll deuniicss fight 4 nmomietpal DEATHS B ¢ next we henr of comy To rob the victors of the To drive the British from For which they waged a Ns emooid Aud mnxious milions 1 Nore‘en at night do the But wait the news frox The mews somes in of vie Of bowsted forts in ruir Of ancient prestice well The part 0f soldiars noi Deloved wife of Bhe was a nut ® Bi&y;:: Where peace and Ondor Englund stens in to q With men who‘ve ronmnn Aud for their country 4 While othor nations idly .‘z to Nl'; their \\:‘ puts the matter And beldly goes to mee apread among the d in this direction ned by then frou on the venernble fith no cause of offence oussirat, Cruchet, A lard, all commissio embly, freely mingle onversed with them. Amin the wur oloud io the British flee ‘:&d‘nd'- nOble s Bome to viotory, othe Egypt‘s sand plai neonbon o enpl w sinoke of battle dog Where lute the pousa; CANADIAN ne after nnother [ t mon the manuer was with hin "ein Tormer yeq as parish | pries , and severnl pe U lealer to ‘Ot'. a friends is PID®, on the 1 vife of Donald & metive of Bo, Whitmory life and ; ng desper mbers, an the genor us alp, ng the cr Charge ... d ohn Ageq mst., My Line its con declare lppe 10 vemen |5" t AL ing to the 12 lres ult t it »nthadl L Eli ble

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