West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 13 Jul 1882, p. 3

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mm was t been a« tollows, â€"Killed L"-pvrl», 1; Sultam, ed _ Alexandria. 3: ible, 6; Infexible, officers and â€" en . under cover of Bittern, and desâ€" heavy guns of u the un en they clearly Save 1t in amitte d # England 1 perâ€" ons action againet provocation, and ® this line of comâ€" bomtion from the ese alle British troopahiy marines on beard men have sailed Lmu which has tle of **Mistress closed for the fort« had them hodive‘s palace line of retremt ed by the guns It has hoo-' :lâ€" f life, only fre and less tham ol the teat of tively .n'-.- ing from their commutting any is maintained feet upon Alerâ€" most successfully rteen bours‘ firâ€" @# of the yessele lepended on*# hailing from W indow of Tools wite a bulâ€" wble | ouse Woeitia. Oy ships of duplicity n sentenced Hamilton‘s House of Comâ€" tary of the War ‘Ale ',",'"“ 7.30 10y afforded the ent of the s“ pâ€" that by wrote o ter t imge again e sul at Port Said v _ the canal as x wl Jecl‘,""' the Yernment | rew. inces that Tool. the Khdn'n_h. _of Egyptian td bw rt Fl€ w Leon fitted Â¥ptmang 30 t n The al tle canal rg» a lwour the phcity, at u f ¢. He would 4 ally only the Te xe that Dervisch T interfere he B: therefore ut perceive 11 f the more t Tal gin, i 'l.\-. bn “,. ' ‘mlll.r.' is * rench «ul “N«‘u.w WE N p 100, aund u'..“ nerous ”h." ll";p‘.." h.- Pn : > ng ““‘“"“‘l‘iln has Ts stay, rubly 170. t t for the first tin 120 sithation, 1t LC to the i .'; ud E'::‘. tase d reu-lu.‘". Lk on tN& were ‘n ! Jisk be weou; : sbip. As. "¢. the pes. y 10th laani 1 owers Shell T0 r determing. ‘P*+ cuuld by Em brk &n y Rsics .c 0+ _ It is stated the Tark, i C** be sole + Snd h.luu.b- ba cdBculty Arabp \: the uuww h { things Fanks he ]"‘w June 11 were of ist a* the inswp. HECHO Y "Dh.‘ ile “‘Wllln and Tty b". mileg outside a4 hy ut, aud tout AÂ¥ nog sit Un» tuo e "‘“d. Considep tha beitindy . ) Others when Lave |,'~'.“ cap Consul dupp..l } . CCH sk t lhmp. in IAD sUs Comeu} Temained W â€" beâ€"cicte msed a fnuz T clnsses, the loek ‘y to Ing CY pt ie o. that the ‘0 mastep of wi thelre ue wle Porte to “al.. fo #8, bug $ m.u Turkisle d;, #V4002 # thy mid."b.‘_. tug per« will lbip; 'n, NR athizetih n dsc id A 2 5 i0 and ..m’ tees satisfaction in al I‘s Bloo. 4 008M fly â€" ’ Nothing but first cluss + > 40. urchill‘y Blood Bittery try ; File prowptiy attended \hey . soRd im o °""" e Repairing give Horn‘s work a ®~ viuurt have §uCk wide renown M“",""' be sutisiled. ‘li‘."ru' houses lfl'n.’ '-h..; EDbp MeC 1# o uan ko * * :“Ortmhun x-.'.y‘* J & "uet froup ajp lfl "3."‘.:..” ~« s The Rejurenat; No others have Tucxxmâ€" Mr. W Doudiet, and Allard, all the General Assembly, f the crowd and Con verxes baiPindadiiiiak s sc db C them. He had not proceedcd far, how. ever, when some turbnlent spirits, under the influence of ligour, discharged a volley of anathemas. â€" From this they proceeded to make use of stones, thrown at the old‘ man‘s head, but which fortunately missed | their mark. â€" It is very pleasing to nutico' that the number of these rowdies was very small, and thas they received no countenâ€" ance from the body 0# the people, but rathâ€" er, were restrained by them from their rude attucks apon the venernble father who ludlivonlb.nounuol offence. The Noats Whkes s 8 me 1 people L@v ANIPL 3 â€" K ¢+ l"r"‘ b.“u w them. Ha haJ 22 td y cannot be doubted, a fair trial. The editor of the Cauada Presbyteriar Record was passing through Rimoaski or the nomination day for the general election. Father Chiniqny was with him in his na. tive country, whore in former years ho had beeu well known as parish priest. There was a huge crowd, and several persons recâ€" oxmzing him, one after another came upon the door of the railway car and shook his hand so warmly as to leave no room to doubt their sincere friendship, Byâ€"andâ€" byo the news spread among the crowd, and all faces turued in Uiniie afivanabSame 28 o rabares givÂ¥iug the Act they will have every p sold elused within 2 mme quor desiers have been lug, and it is said the bave done so, though woll clandestinely. A i to secure the rananl .4 ""1 ~BAGLEâ€"In dio‘;;- ‘Ll;-! Rev. Mp. Ie“l’h'm':d, ;r. W . Miss. Levinus Engle, both of Em \miormality in the manuver of voting Act, and liqour dealers declare tint not legally in foree and that they will tinte to sell, They have combined, have employed conusel, declaring they wall tight the queition out to the In 1"&'&(|rrf-'lu|l, whenee the appoul de by the Rrivy Comneil was taken, the perance people have been thoroughly a od by tha delays cansed by the litign and declare that now Slyv sorbfse Ee .. .. . oun*y The decision of training the Seott 4 deal of stir in New several municipali informality in the 1 Act, and liqour dea not legally in foree tinte to sell â€" Tha oF on o o eriades /1 North Wellington, Mr. MeMullen, h: been declared elected on a recount, an news of Mr. Plumb‘s failure to sccure ~th seat will ve received with & sensation of re hef not ouly by the Reform members by also by the groat majority of members 0; the Ministerial side of the House. Hay ing failed tosecure the verdiet of the peoâ€" pie in Nova Seotin the Loeal Tory Gov. ernueut are making desperato efforts to buy off Liberal members, and, bearing in mind the eminent record which the Minisâ€" ter of railways bas earned for himself in ways that are dark, have ealled that honâ€" oralle gentleman to their assistance. Tt is not probable, however, that even the} High Priest of Corraption will succeed in the attempt to defoat the expressed wish of " tha people of the Provinks .__L9L.£.. In Glon~lg, â€"«@. Pucker CANADIAN ITEMS 200 Irons White Lead received at Mowat‘s, L Town, Durham, which is best value and gives the satisfaction. All Leads & anteed as represented. cars Latest despatches indicate that M Brien, Tory, has been elected in Musl Mr. Valin, Tory, returned in Montmor has been protested fot @ofrantion MARRIAGERS ,___._* ~~6" some continue destinely. A movement is on f. + the repeal of the Act in Y. fut public antuion smzme 4. / ... 1 parte of Byi¢4i, ) o [NOKe we hear, All Of Britain, band in vmf"w each other still -..."“a... And joimad in life and joined in death, in one great cump-c! we shall be First Empire of the solid ourth, And mistrons of the fouming sea, Durhan, July Jzth, 1m89, nmunicipalities BIRTEHES ‘t. on the 22nd inst eÂ¥, of t sou, ~V"Ssirat, Cruchet, Amaron lard, all commissioners to embly, freely mingled with onuversed with therg, ive every place within & month / ""C Caizada Presbyterian assing through Rimouski on m day for the general election. ny was with him in his nl~| whaore in former years ho had vussirat, Cruchet y as to leave no incere friendship, pread among the o Whmm-dad-l.nbo.nnuidc. lwnqninloqnnnlh-!flb. With men who‘ve fosmned the ccean wide, A-dmurmnuytndy'hhdnuhh 'h‘kofinl.u-mldlymdnol. Ahdiunh.lbq;vouwh-d Britain puts the tntter to the proof _ And beldiv anss ... ___ °C SH€ pr Por the Review wglund‘s 1 M the wave, Auso 2ofinnd‘s noble soun to battle more â€"â€" to victory, others to the grave. Our Eaypt‘s sand lnin we hear Th’oh ":‘.::;""’"p:" the clash of aning ; sine buttle doth am Where luto the peasants tiiea thatt furm s now bscamencs Aguin the way cloud low ers «bove I ‘:ln the nrm,n‘a..t wre on the ware Englund‘s nay1. 207 466 0n t ) this direction as the address u fow word +t ay, 2200 . _ en t 40 EFfom Homd _ A movement is on fo«&[('nhu(‘nl % oal of the Act in York| Mixed Chops * opinion seems to favour 0'“"."“‘ ?;::‘d: w that its constitutionalâ€" G:‘ 3 ited, a fair trial. N . of the l'ri\'y tt Act has . t hbas caused a Brunswick. who vince sen thoroughly arous» ad by the litigation, the matlter is settled 200 _ C 00 CCC WtPe |Cetomerk sperk it the high s merits, â€" Wild Straw berry is nd gives the best : remedy for Cholera Moribus, All Leads guarâ€" all Boge Complaints.â€"L225, presented. uank ' The Romume bsth dLâ€" Â¥%. 1 THE was choun. . Chatham liâ€"| Grabam Flour otifted to stop sell. | Cracked Wiru; fayi Shorts A majority of them l 3300 C onl > HEemew . Stk l.i appears to be some 8 1er of voting on the 1 declare tint it is Ei hat they will conâ€" “ . W ve combined, lnfl’ io * Anubiuks Cn t 6 4 The Roman Catholie Bishops and Arch nerme«d. e226 bishops in Ireland following plh. eXxamp o indicate that Mr. 0‘â€" of the Bishop Gilmore, of Cleveland, hu e i elected in Muskokaâ€" issned | cireulars prolnbiting the fem:le rned in Montmorenci, | Wewbers of the cuureh from attending po for corraption in l'mcul meetings and ordering the discuiâ€" Mr+. ‘MeXt p” * h inuance of the Ladies‘ Land Leagne. Pae ie ngiiiit‘y: d s Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!! ! +d on a recount, and Are you disturbed at night and broken of your fliIUA‘. to sccure the | Fest by a sick child nra»n. . (20 2T0Ron of yo the wile of where liqnor is Chathanmy 1i. POETRY words to C Ml 0 C o ie as COs * > *+ I TVUPâ€"MeCHACKEN, [ Lot 13 s GEORGE MacRAE. Durham, 1 :=~ 8*>* 1982, ‘,;l.!l Clmmeig, July L, 1889 *eustay > ned, and l ring that ) the lust. ul decided the â€"tenyâ€" _ ) > | UFSH, 64 sueceed in I Outmeal «* sed wish uf, Fall Wheat, per e Spring Wheat, * Outs, per b uncil sus. Peas, + ed a good | lay, per ton.... 1 i | beef, 4# _ where in Hides it f o be some Sheepskins, each ng on the Butter, per lb .... Cliar M e e |â€"â€" & E2. NC THE bnsiness formerly carried Easto: w n & Carmi Chlll-:odliu-:u -I:AF s ow «onl old Garafrexa St., Lower Town dressing ete, done un in west COs . TT If your face is sunburnt glm_gry one package af Is the plase to g;t ;(:Il: Haircutting and Shavin ) Oatmeal per bar Fall Wheat........ | Treadwell Wheat | Spring Wheat..... CENIY carres aniserices OME serrecerrrrecerel, POMG cesssercensiutces. r Potatoes per bag. BUESGE@cHyâ€"++<tr6Â¥gee, l",ggs‘................. Wool per lb....... Sheep skins........ Lamb Skins........ Hides per ewt...... Onts, . Peas, Dressed Hogs Butter, rolls, 1 * tub dairy ER&!!- perdoz.. Spring Whent Barley, Fall Wheut | Fall Floay Mixed Flour Spring Fiour FLOUR&FEED Bran DURHAM MILLS. “'m)l,v per.‘[‘].‘ Leys, per doz Wood, dry. p Duarkam, Mhar. 16th, 1882 L Eo ty TV EiC NeR tion of one of the uldest and b «ns und nurses in the United where. 25 cents a bottle, y2n7 LC Mictve tdsc 12 wUlregulate the bowels, unJ' mother, and relief and henlth to ing like magic. . it is perwecily s onses, and pleasant to the tusto o Ssn """ Lo caozCCD TTVE M onea , 7 06 PMM Of cutting tecth 7 If so, 50 wt ouce uind get & boitle of Mus. WIN3SLOW‘$ s00TH ING SYRUP. It wil relieve thsgaorlime sufforer imm diately ‘le)muu upon it ; there is no mistrdue «bout it. There is not a mother on earith who has ever usod it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, um{ give rest to the mother, and relief and henlth to the child. operitâ€" ing like magic. it is perieculy sufe to use in wl Onses, and pleasant to the tuste, und is the prescrip tion of one of the uldest and best fomale hysiciâ€" ns und nurses in the United Stutes, Hul«r every vhere. 25 cents a bottla von? axcruéi-ung‘;;n-l:; of ""C° HCCus * â€" 15 per bag. Cxist: . .. x \>< B : 6 : :s N. G.&J. McKECHNIE, EDi}. MeCRACKEX TO.DAY‘S PRICES or you disturbed at night and y;n sick n:l‘n'M suffering and fetfecace s onl ‘ The English Channel Tannel Company | has submitted to the issue of an injunction |against the further prosecution uf the | work, DURHAM MARKERTS ROM en ven rie cer ere cee 18 C t\ etervenrene, 0 l M restescunseccs : § t NCR s crunt s seie esA 1 seuneminonen‘s wevinie PE: se n enr: ner race cM , per cord....... 1 PME : 4e slhe . + x rek wa‘y B0 per bushel........ 0 40 to * ««+«..++ 0 60 to lerrrrrcserersce»«+12 00 to 36 seecrersccccs t C to 4 rrrssesse++â€"« 6 00 to UHClt ccratccccnss /0 3F tiy U neueonntenene coune HEHG to OBseserecrs.sccsee++ 0 17 to per cord....... 1 25 to Dirrerecbis sersersee Of $H to Donaar, July 13th 1882 bush rrsre:«»..3 00 to $3 25 resees> 2 50 to 8 25 0 80 to 1 00 0 60 to 0 60 2 75 to 2 75 Ierercese C 30 tot I 20‘ errieer. 1 16 to 120 §3 No per 8 00 «* Bishops and Arch wiug the exampe f (lovel_nud, lhu e ti199, 0 17 1 50 0 20 SsCHOOL BOOK Upper Town Of the Latest Styles, Cheap for Butter or Eggs at the , Durbam. Business College. ._DEPOT, . JONES, pye y213 Cash, New Furniture GEO. KRESS Spinning 123 cts per Ib., Cash. Mr. James Bamnett: Durbam, wilt keep on hand a large stock of first class yarn~ front the above mill, to ehange for Wool. E. KENNEDY, | A large Stock of |Knitted Goods of all Kinds Glenelg, June 21st, 1882. TWEEDS, attenaed to as usual, Highest priceée paid for W ool * ah 7 & Manufacturing WOOLLEN FACTORY Is furnished flm :‘-.-mmeu-m of any THE Thanking the public for the patronage of the past and hoping for m continuance of the same, Waverly Woollen 1 TRAVERSTON. Spinning 121¢ per 1b,, Hanover, June 1st, 1882, Highest Price Paid for Wool |FX esh Grocer leS_ m MG Shackcs Boots & a TWEEDS. FULL CLOTH, . ~ "FLANNELS ooo M d Snd mames an in " l Dry Goods ifi?%x? branch Carding, Spinping, DRESSGOQDS CASHMERES PRJ IE Subscriber begs to inform his Friends and the public generally that his which was déstro J. MESSENGER Hanover Woollen Mills ME Snbscriber be â€" Friends and the publ We are giving from 3 to 4 above the market price, i trade, for Wool. Jane 6, 1882, Spinning 12icts per 1b 1 was destroyed by fire, is now rebuilt and furnished with the Best Muchinery. FULL CLOTH, FLANNELS, YARXNS, kept on hand. Tweeds, > Full Cloths, Blankets, Flannels, Unions, Yarn &c, and Mannfaotnring- What FARMER From long Experignce tention we now Which are all of a suitable Call and Examine, and have on hand an Immense Stock of land scliqtne the oys on ketiy of Hheatieer Ti _ Tnfaintooml| .. _ _ _ ; ____ _â€"CVCS! Ccan be bought at “fi:_“flm“a%“"%zef;fw; [ » t - 000 State o '\u'.._ ',7 ..‘ REVER: Horg:| The DURHAM FOUNDRYy sBS aang, R.EVLRL HOTEL, & O7to HL CULL, Porgus p. . JMBOUGE, Durham MARKDALE, E 1 $60 f _Reelith 160. stâ€"205 T. SPROULE; 2 â€""u2 Proprietop P or t House W" F q 1 « TN oopoinr AHotel has had a large S and Lots for Sale fi%%“gmlfigggg%g% : , A. COCHRAN E. comem esmeene. .. _ "~INâ€" per 7+ E‘h hrsace in a eaity wWOOLLEN FaACTORY CLOTH FOR Woor, EO. TANNER, attended to ag usual Warerooms, Drug. Store. Mt. Forest Woollen Mills, | 5 _ begs to inform his public generally that his d Prraiictreri Di olb m Aaltyalis 5 Aw P ie . . 4 Ne _ ... _ .. . i ie Lowm Ton. DM' hn me FI'RST-CL\SB"EWELLER: !'mn. kept on hand. | [ASBH .xz zns ce s n _ ou" L TT *T s Alsok AuelessoriureptofBesutifut I‘B‘T‘C-ash-f ~â€"><>~â€" _4 The Subscriber has received an Excellent Assortment of= _ â€" _ AT NMMmATPA® ~"A»_® A w : CTF"" patnnee mcz |_ c o uw ~. AHP HEWELIKRY: â€"~~_]IRWIN‘S BOOK â€"DEPOT:; ma« cornsaagcbare illâ€"keep on i Wm P-A.PER, ‘ E c Wodk," [ 3° Window Bl};dé, « EDY.. | which he is selling at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, Also o1 "~* |STATIONERY, and complete supply of roncens» | sn ns and Particular at know exactly 3 to 4 cts. PAUL GaADWay.â€" boron Station P.O;, Ont, ‘8 WANT, reâ€"."" _/ y ponmm 1oie dsorderimess! Snectsclesâ€"efC. ‘ Window Bli;i;lé, &c. : Repairing done Promptly. ! Which he is selling at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, Also on hand a Choice Lot of 2k« G()RI)ON. STATIONERY, and complete supply cf School Books and Bign of the Large Watch. , school requisites generally. _ Detpsm, May 18/1009. . _ _ _ _ _ Toys, Fancy Goods & Confectionery|G. WARNER. â€" . OF THE CHOTINRST vwanrmare. quality, ° 2220 "I" be sold very cheap, ! A full line of Groceries, School Books ’ f Seed Grain, &c. f Empire Horse & Catt‘e Food for Sale. The Highest Price paid in Jash for «ll kinds of Grain, Butter, Egge, &c. »F‘ruh Oatmeal alway« on hand and exchanced fas f.i. Tea Sets, Agent for aper EC CROCKERY, CROCKERY Allkindsof Farm Pradi@i; in tra;c;e at Highest Prices ALL SHADES, Dress Shirts, Ties Dnl‘hlm. June 1 ;_’ "One , April S0in, ses, +C â€"__ _ 27558 AAKEL, wWoRrK STRICTLy FIRST CLASS, And by Buying your teady Made Clothes Pictures E nlarged & Fram ed. at HUNTER‘S you can save $5 (five dollars) on mm All work warranted to Give Satisfaction, one suit, and at the same time have a Large a.nd Handsome GALLERYâ€"Upper Town, Durkegs, stock to choose from which is not often to be had. yair "At.| with two %l The DU J. WOODLAND jr Right House; cheapgoods/;?gé Upper Town, DUR Has just received a very Large Stock of Crockery, Sept: 8, 1881 JAMES BURNET, BUTTERICK‘S Patterns and Publications. [anging..Done on shortest n Cheaper than ever m _ _ _ _ 29 **Tide ie anrnd Dress CGreoods, «Eâ€"acâ€" tories, and Bleacb.ed. CQttcn_s, Just Arrived. Sallin~ 3 J. A. HAL ______NDPJr., Lower Town,| _ *A #4tsTeD ¢00. N \:~~.‘_A._“_,j s dollar saved is better than 3| R®â€"TORRY &0 dollar made." PHOTOGRAPHERS, A Large Stock of 4T etwwy" THE CHOICEST VARIETIES, ts & Shoes, Crockery, CGlasware, “\ér}g Hardware. Which will China, Glasware, &c , Collars, sdesy â€"Just Arrived. S;lIin"g 1an ever. We won‘t be undersold Call and be convinced. GEO,.. knives! can be bought at > DURIIANX, J. H. HUNTER. ALL Conors. Late & Nobby Felt Hats exshanged tor Oat. ________ | Gold and Silyer WATCHES, 2t 1 0T * = Alsost fine assortwept of.Beantiful "*~â€" |LOGKS, Boss lerine.) Speetacles, etc. Repairing done Promptly. a Choice Lot of A . GORI)()N. 1 Books and Bign of the Large Watch., Durbam, May 18, 1882. m Latest Patterus, PRINTS Cheap. In order to make room for his largely inâ€" creasing Business, has removed into the Store next T. Jones‘ School Book Depot, . | where he has opened out a Magnificent ":CGRAND REâ€"OPENMC. GOoLD JEWELLERY, _.~~ * K ~*,¢ PLaATED JEWETERERY* ** And fvn'f{ct éyrr)'q-in'd'b be Tound tn a * â€" GORDON, int on 41. . 7. KOTs can mh-. y . 0 VO 40y point on the (."'f K. ‘Tic for Manitoba aud the North Wost can be had ut lower rates than any other routes. u°[ 080 48 at the Pace A s oo f , 1 l2 _13 °09 eP veen nrpoinhd out» 4 & s side Agent for the Sale of ‘ickets for the Grand Trunk Ruil way , l'uumgen ©at purchase lickouwunypumt on the @: AS0LCCT Maniila . CCZ 6 A , MOKENZIE las been a * wide 4 ... 4 5 + HAS D loine t... 220 d «4joins the o bimin. wird he, ut o on aoou‘ As l the ad Â¥an * ...M of cultivati Pooeranel onl v Or to L CULT,, Fergu \\ DUNDATrp the T\VE.\'TY~TWO acres of Land for 8 ale, bOILG West part Of tha sizus es 2o MQnairos a..0.220850 Agent. (¢ t <Z O U 0

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