West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 13 Jul 1882, p. 4

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L z2 P 4| The loss of nearly 100 lives by the recent wreck of the Ohio River is but another in Ahe long list of marine disasters which deâ€" monstrate the imperative necessity for proâ€" poer and jadicious regulations restricting $be number of passengers which are carried by steamers. As in the lamentable occurâ€" wl.ondonhdyur. the loss of the appears to have been caused by the uster disregard of ber officers for buman lite, in allowing many times the number of passengers which the boat could carry with safety to crowd aboard. The offence in the ense of the Sciote is the more heinous in thas the veese! started back, in direct the ordere of the Governâ€" ”: is who had tred bor up for overâ€" guos. As Lieutenantâ€"General and Chief of the 16th Division he commanded the Rusâ€" sian line on the Green Hill,and subsequentâ€" ly at the passage of the Batkan‘s turned the Turkish left fank, carried the positions at ( the village of Shenovah, and on January 10 eaptured the enemy, who had previously beaten of" the attacks of Prince Mirsky and General Radetsky in the Shipka Pass. He then commanded the Russian advance on Adrianople, which he entered on January 18, again leaJding to Constantinople and cecupying Tolataldja on Feb. 6. These forces, after helding a temporary comâ€" uflh&&mh led back to Adâ€" slanogle Asa he was brave to a faolt, as a sirategist he was a success. As an crator be was adventarous, cspecially | sfter dinacr.as may to seen from his latect spsoch, which the GCsar bad to disown, bueathing fre and sleughter and the cuzâ€" brollment of Earope generally. doubts on the Loftch@aroad. These he held for 24 hqurs, but had to retire with a loss of 8,600 out of 12,000 men and three seeond attack on the iame city he ';I'n-; eritursky‘s Chief of the staff, and led four regiments to the :mu. capturing two reâ€" Plevoa and remained tb;râ€"oâ€"fo: A-'f:v;.min- utes. He then eovered ihe Rassian retreat asd brought off all the wounded. In the staff of the Grand Duke Michael, then Chief of the staff to his own father a cayalâ€" ry General. As a volunteer ho swam the Danube on horseback and led a bayonet charge against the Turkish position. Beâ€" fighting was obliged to retreat. During this retrograde movement, the ammanition baving become exhausted, Skovelof made a cavairy charge by night on the enemy‘s eamp of 6,000 or 7,000 men and routed thems panicâ€"stricken. Being left in sole command, ho took the revolted city of Namangan, aad finally saw Khokand anâ€" nexed to the Russian Empire. During the Russoâ€"Turkish war he was at first on the Rhiva Column. After a brief sojourn with the Carlists, in ordet to study the art of war, he returned to Turkestan in 1875, where he commanded the eavairy at the battle of Khokand, and by a turning moveâ€" ment captured 58 cannon. Being appoint. ed Chief of Staff of General Trosky, he led the aseault on Andijan, and after some days Euki s ___ _ S w UP CC oo EECERT in Turkestan as commandant of a company of Cossacks. In 1871 he went to the Cauâ€" casns as one of the aidesâ€"deâ€"camp of the Grand Vuke Michael,whence he was trangâ€" ferred to the 8rd Battalion of the T4th Reâ€" giment of the line. In the Caucasus be rose to notice by his successes, obtained ouly by disobeying the orders given him as eommander of the advance guard of the Death of General Skobeloff. G@eneral Skobeloff, the famous Russian General, died suddenly at the Hotel Dusâ€" saux at Moscow on Friday last. General Michael Skobeloff was born in the district of Raizsion, near Moscow, in the year 1848. He began his military â€" career vessel put back to port, and is now the cargo. These are made o; iro;“l'bn: ings and flbro!u and oily substances. The W . _ _ _ _ | 26vere h the ship. It was found that the fire had | the best burned a space the whole width of the ship ‘°‘:“'='.’é for sisty feet. Five of the beams of the | *"*" deek frame were burned to charcoal, and the | . *A ** si%6 ‘of several others was greatly _ reâ€" River by duced. The whole upper deck was ruin. |Y°*"â€" T ed, and the heat was so intense that it | !* °*¢ melted a barrel of white sugar standing a Duri distance of seventy feet away. The tin ,ul,l:"w"g' enses of oil were blackened by the heat, | and with and the glass bottles were twisted. The band, life total damage was $100,00C. The fire is heep by. | belioved to have been caused by spontanâ€" | berry at n eous combustion among the gunâ€"wads in | #itian is se erplode. After ton days of hard work the fire seemed to cease. Then the vessel eooled, and it was discovered that the vig orous use of water bad been the salvation of explode. After ton days of hard work the | ing mor fire seemed to cease. Then the vessel| Mr. R eooled, and it was discovered that the vig Giv“ :"'.E orous use of water bad been the salvation of Bitters j the ship. It was found that the fire had | the best burned a space the whole width of the ship | °@40try, oil. Coudouohhn&.onr. volcano that right at any moment ezplode, the erow of twenty men worked desperately. Mulytb-'m.mht.uolmu- ketry in a battle. Thomtr{dguh-b ol'lodo.ndthhlhlovinonry direcâ€" tion. It sounded likea fierce battle . beâ€" tween decks. The noise censed, but the fire continued to burn as the heat detected in the vesse! indicated. The crew were in -Mdhnorlotlnr&o,moloflwonld uiihed G VWP uhi ts enses of cartridges, and 10,000 tin truction. ‘The order was given to close all the openings between the decks, so as to ezclude the air, and the holes through Mhmumcmw pamped were tightly plugged. The cargo tenth day at sea a fire was discovered beâ€" low in the forward part of the ship, beâ€" iwsen the fore and main masts, and at the same time flames burst through the deck in several places. Before the fire could be coutrolled the flames ran up as high as the forepards on the main mast, consumed flwhvlwhn-.l,.gum ship seemed in imminent danger of desâ€" T PR AmE CE C CoR Charger, tells a strange story of a fire upon lhv.ddc-'&bhddh-dq.,-a was every bour ezpected to send all of the chip‘verew to Dary Jones‘ locker. The wessol sailed hence on June 15 for Sn uln"nml <days ago in the ie en Hitiew ctmendth "! * £ . VOLLG * & call reap »ctfullr gollet:o attack on °" RTCBHY â€" reâ€" deck was ruinâ€" itense that it ar standing a vay. The tin i by the heat, | twisted. The | . The fire is || by spontanâ€" || gunâ€"wads in |* f iron shavyâ€" stances. The |j now underâ€" | ; a o V 0 kobelaff June 15 for San afternoon of the as it comprised LOCKETS, _ SEALS, BINGS, CHAINS, BRACELETS, &c. #c. Also Ladies‘ & Gents‘ GOLD & Silver WATCHES . . Key and Stem Winders. Thelatestin Hall,Parlorand BracketCLO@OCK 8. Bome beantiful desigos in Silver and Elec. tro Plated Ware at | Colored & Bright Gold Sets AMERICAN JEWELLERY 66 A Call Respectfully Solicited P.SAUNDERS, Saddles, â€" Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Whips, &c. Kept in STOCIC. Durham, March 9, 1882 ° Every Article in shape of Shoemakers‘® FINDI THE LATEST NOYELTIES IX ‘| At Nanaimo, B. C., the land at the back | of the city, through which roads have been |recently opened, is believed to be underâ€" | laid with an extensive and unbroken seam of coal. At Comor one shaft bas been sunk 130 feet, but the gas in the mine is so inflammable that the miners work only by daylight to avoid using lamps. _A five feet seam of hard coal much resombling the Douglas coal, has been atruck in another place at a depth of 350 feet. REST & COMFORT io the SUFFRRING ‘Brown‘s Houscheld Panacen" has no equa for nliovlng pain, both internal and external. ll cures Pain in the Side, Back and Bowels, Sore Thront, Rheumatisn, Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache, "It will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, as its acting power is wondertul." "Brown‘s Household Panaces," boi acknowledged as the Tut Pain Reliever, and :’ double the lmllfifll of any other Elixir or Lini ment in the world, shouid bein every family handy for use when wanted, "as it ro;ui is the best remâ€" edy in the world for Cramps io the Stomuch and Puins and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggiste at 25 cents a bottle. The Blood is the trus essence of vitality, without pure blood there can be no healthy action in the system. Boils, blotches, pimâ€" ples and the various humors and blemishes of the skin are only symtomatic ot bad bloodâ€" that needs purifying at its fountain head, to render its tributaries pure. â€" Burdock Blood Bitters effectually clense the blood from all humors, obtains a healthy action of the liver, bowels, kidneys, skin etc, and atrengthening while it regulates and purifies. â€"b225, C es week in your own town. Terms and ;ucflz txoo.” Address H. HauuzTt & Co., had The assessment roll at Portage la Prairie having been examined and revised, it is found that the assessment of the town amonnts to $7,500,000. Last year it was only $800,000. During the Summer and Fall peop liable to sudden attacks of bowel con and with no prompt remedy or medical band, life may be in danger, Those experience has given them wisdom, ; keep Dr. Fowler‘s Extract of Wild $ berry at nand for prompt relief, and a sician is seldom requimf â€"b225, A steamer is to be put on the Athabasca River by the Hudson Bay Company this year. This is far northâ€"west for steamers l Mr. R. W. Carmichael, Chemist and Dmg ist of Bellville, under date of May 31st 1882, flnm as follows :â€"*‘Your Burdock Blood Bitters have a steady sale, are patronized by the best families bere and by surrounding country, and all attest to its virtues with unâ€" qualified satisfaction."â€"1295, EDC 908900 . BE ut hi secmiaiih .24 signed by N icholas Constantinovieh, cousin of the Czar, has been discovered in the Russian Ministry of Marine. During the June month British imports increased by £700,000, and the exports by £1,800,000, compared with the correspond. ing month of the previous year, 1 day. came a mockery and a farce. Pastors, church officers and Christian people need to watch most earnestly for the beginnings of evil. No church will go astray in a ruinumfinx. The young people gave up Mmycrmofi-‘udhgnbdrm &A way; then infidel ideas crept in; a great clamor was heard for "more liberties," unâ€" till finally pulpit, pew and fawily alter beâ€" A dead chureh does not become cold and negligent, or formal or loose in doctrine or practice, by any sudden change. It is selâ€" dom‘tliat the ‘transition can be noticed. On the contrery the change is quite unâ€" noticed, save by those who may resollect tbopulndufin.tbodunp.tbcyndo a comparison with the present. They used to enjoy the old time prayer meeting, and fityumbuhowityu first meglected, and then the Sunday night preaching serâ€" vice, family woreship went next, the flm’ went out on the home alters, and the Satâ€" bath school ran down and became dull and | A supply of revolatfonary proclamations W.F. DOLLs® The hay harvest in Manitoba Lbas comâ€" enced. The weather is reported as very 4 KEPT !X STOCK. SOLE LEATHER INCLUDIN Em". and every othor best and qeulity dfihtx.-gkb @ MISCELLANEOUS. A Wise Precaution. V 111 0, OGG, e _ _ e sproorr. New Goods are now arriving, To in shape of New.Dress Goods cheap&stylish, & P0z OINGS NEW TWEEDS, Scotch & Canadian, :E LEATHER New CLOTHING, stylish a.nd cheap, h 125 paakg * New Groceries, fresh. A Dead Church. t remedy or medical aid at a danger, Those whose n them wisdom, always Extract of Wild Strawâ€" PROPRIETOR, ALLETT & Co., _ Portlacd, Maine of b(l'tl’;;:l;;l.;l‘l; e‘ s 1 AL 44 nig J â€"â€".-â€"--â€"-o‘-vu W‘%‘NI €« British imports | the exports by the correspond. year, emist and Dru f May 31st lssg, Burdock Blood e patronized by by surrounding virtues with unâ€" people are "â€" ~@~/ ol AiING GOO0ODS, The undersigned has also received a large stock of New Dress yard up ; Men‘s nobby Felt Hats at 60 cents each. Umpereil at 25 cents. Boots & Si.... w ;. "° °2 C®nts eacl L _ ga 1 _ _ _( eevsmcterd en ts mhe \ . Announces the first arrival of Teas in Durham, bought with the Dut off, and conseâ€" quently he is now enabled to sell at the following Low grwel t GOOD JAPAN LEAF at 25 cents, previously worth 85 cents, YOUNG HYSON ** 80 * #* * 40 _ * EXTRA GOOD * 85 " * 4* 46 . «* BUPERIOR Quality © 40 « « # _ Bqy 4 PEKO JAPAN 60 EN us i # DUTY off TEA Phy. At the Noted Cheap Store Good News to TEA Prompt attention given to all Orders. m Charges Moderate, None but first â€"class hands employed, and guarantee to give a perfect fit and satisfaction The Big Push i Fp NE UTHE _-_ hoveiionnintentnntionmtiominmmmd Jd.V.LU“lU .ufJ.:‘.LV:T, f a d C Of TEA A Large SIbek of all sizes, always :mlnnd. Frames made to order, any size, ery Cheap, ivery Loverof a 0o e [At the Leading Hardware Store, Should ty A. DA VIDSON, | L2X â€" * D) *ERLVEKC Is the place to get your Suits Made, Coat, Vest, Pants, Overcoat or Ulsterette. The Durham, Noy. 3rd, 1881 Canadian, Scotch & Einglish Tweed MILLINERY, MANTLES, Mantle Cloths, WORSTED Coatings, Prints, Dress Goods, Mantle & Dress Trimâ€" Bar Iron, Sole Agent for the Ceiebrated-"_‘fif(m AXLE GREASE." Tailoring Establishment, PAINT, WHITE WASH, KALSOMINE, SHOE, SCRUB, BANISTER and STOVE IBRUSHES, &c. &6. wWHO KEEPS THE BEST SELECTION oF GBOCERIES IN TOWN Cut Nails, Locks, Barn Door Hinges, Glass and General Builders‘ Hardware at the Lowest Prices. Spades, Shovels, Manure Porks, Hoes and Garden f MOWATS3 «2L .A Ee D NPWA 2 1 STO BRBEB, Sign of Circular Saw, Lower Town, Durham. : =A )C of CANADIAN COTTON GOO0 GREY AND WHITE COTTONS, DENIMS, COTTONADES, DUCKS, TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELLING, Ete., IS NOW COMPLETE. bpring Importations! , March , 1683 Paints, Oils, Varnishes &c.: mings, Fri J OEEATF BSl1OSDbUrg Coal. a sull Line of GENTS‘ FURNISHINGS. sSTOCE of CANADIAN COTTON GOODS PRV ANTY WMIFTMMN Aamemaess O 0200100 000 Rakes, Which I am selling Cheaper than ever. The Finest Assortment of SHEEP SHEARS I have ever offered. EXCELSIOR HORSE POKES.â€" HOSIERY, GLOVEs English, and American Fashions Received Leaf and Armstrong Springs, Horse Nails, Files, Carringeo Trimmings and General Blacksmiths‘ and Waggon Makers‘ Supplies. NEW SPRING GOODS. 4Â¥ hid 850 *" ie Â¥e With a Reducton on 4 lbe and oner. x0 Line of GENTS . DAVIDSON CAMEROAFT Sign of the Buttons, Silks, Satins, Laces, 3, and all the very latest novelties of the Season, Also a Choice Selection of DIRECT IMPORTER OF JOS. F. MOWAT, C. L. GRANT "Circular Saw," Lower Town, . ROBERTSON Drinkers | em191 The FLOUR, are prepared to turn out work 2nd to none in the County. & CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED & SATISFACTIO® CGTARAXTEFrp Having refitted our Flouring Mill we Durham MILLS At T CAMP STOVE Durham, Feb. 28, 1882 PICTURE FRAME MOULDING A Large Stock always on hand of Nails, Glass, Locks, Hinges, Door Bells, &¢., &c. Paint, Varnish, Horse, Scrub and Shoe Brushes. BUILDING HARDWARE. HIGHEST ‘Price will be paid for GOOD WHEAT o NC C XECaRE, Mvmdhuymdrononshonuilotkoudnww Varnishes, Furniture and Carriage the best qualities and the Lowest Price. Boiled and raw Linsced Oil I keep the best Oils in Town & sell them chean for Cash. Big reductions for large quantities. Machine Oils, Machine Oils PAINTER‘S MATERIAL. May 8, 1882 H. W. Mockler . A. HARRIS‘, Durham. Oatmeal Exchanged for Oats. Do D RBSS G 0 0 DS he is â€"showing & Splendid Range, Extra Value. PRINTS, nearly 200 piecés to select from. Extra good value in BLACIC Cashmeres at 50¢c. 75¢. and $1.00. Colored Cashmeres in a Variety of Shades. Black SILKS and SATINS. A Cheap Jine of Dress Linnens. White Terry and Honey Combs for Ladies and Has lately received Large Additions to his Stock which is Now Fully Assorted. In FOR MANITOBA! Oil, White Lead, the best brands in the market, Venetian Red, Whiting and all dry colors. not go without a Upper Town, Durham. Call and see them BRUSHES. OATMEAL, And FEED Childrens Jackets. . Mockler. T.J. ADIFE. PRICES, Ciothes Fire proof paint, 192 Sample Bottles 10¢ ; Regular size 61. For aais by all desians. . _ *4 T. MHAICERGUO,.Pr ipatvtecs, Pevento Fresco and wBa.â€"nner Speciality. Charges Moderate.â€"Orders left off gdmm: weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the HMouse, Sion, ann Ornamental Painter, DURHANM. Glazing, Grainving, and Paper Hang 4 promptly aitended to. C uen en lt 22000E PCR WOZ. 1 will vec aive prompt Attention Durham, March 3rd, 1661 . THE KEY To ueaitu. Aro pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a safe, sure, aud effcctual “lw-dmu Cluldrenp or Adulte WORM POWDERS. i , WiWiaieP it ul dnillcin 4+ mnmcmen Beshins 2 then their intluence is bealing. They stimu» late the appetito and digestive organs; they operate to purify and enrich the blood, and immart renewed health and vigor to the Whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowe.J, Mass. NO PP T NC OPMURIMIRTCE virtues of purely vegetable . substances, they are positively free from calomel or any r{:‘?uricuu properties, and can be admip« iste to children with perfect salety. Arer‘s Piuais are an effectual cure for Comulmuou or Costiveness, Indigesâ€" tion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach and Breath, Dizziness, Headache, Loss of M , Numbness, Biliousness, Jaundice, Kbu-uth-. Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia, Colic, (-‘u-imui Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Gout, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered stare of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. While gentle in their action, these Prors are the most thorough and searching cathar» tic that can be emploved, and never give pain unless the bowels are inflamed, and Mi.us. a% i W LCC . mnhL’wuon. Their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, is one of the many proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and lt‘ar‘loctly relinh_lc_ purgative â€" medicine. M ie s ngun t e e Oe applicable to this class of diseases a~t directly on the druvc and lative processes, _ an restore healthy action. ‘Their extenziva & cupsboak inss Lo TETCDIT A+ periment, and are the most effectual rem. edy yet discovered for diseases caused by g:rnnlzem;nthol tl:o stomach, ‘l'iv?.r. nm: wels, whic uire and effectual treatment. | A;etqn'q Fll.u‘nln sbeciallv Combine the choicest cathartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately ad. justed to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. ‘They are the result of _ye.n of c’uml l_tudy and practical exâ€" Cathartic Pills TESTIMONIALS: To Mr Leeson : Dec 16th, 1881 , Denr Sirâ€"My wife and children have al! boon cured ourD{phtb-'h Medicine, I am cert Mubz :.ndm MATTEE W .s('()l'r"?_. 1 Arthor, Nov 23, 1ss1 , H W Leeson Varney. Do-; Birâ€"There is a llc:t of Diphtheria in this place. Isaw one case where your medic used which proved a snccess after the Dort. ) . lis‘k it up. I want you to send ime $1 worth at once 1â€"198. Yoursete., _ GEO. Woop, For sale at Parker‘s, Durham Is the only sure cure for this torrible disease, 1t cures enses easy and withou gmn to the patient, No wnehing or swilling the thront, so that t, smullest child can takeit. It wiso cures inflan,. maution of chest. lungs er bowels, Asthma Croup, bad colds, and if steadily token will break o« DIPHTHERIA MEDICINE FeWienie! Reev W 0h Taininr warst m Avsat Nisimadicasiess . Mildmayâ€"Last W ednesday in each mouth, â€" ereus~â€"Thursday folloving Mount Forest. Rosemontâ€"Fifteonth d'.znm. April, June, Auâ€" gust, October and December. Prtm,;:.“â€" Wednesday proceeding the Orangevili¢, Orangevilieâ€"The second Thursday in each month Fluhomn;loudng.‘ before &‘4% Dundalkâ€"Tuesda Te 0 io. 9."""'!.1""â€"_“’.4:? sday betore Orangevilla. Marsvilleâ€"Second W. ng compounded of the concentrated D) uV iOou L Tid&y before the Guelph Fair. presvon Saturday Cefore Guciph, " Douginsâ€"Monday before 'ua."rur. Durhamâ€"Third 'l‘ud.‘â€"h each month. Pricevilleâ€"Monday before Durham. _ Paeâ€"u1eronso Max.â€"It is very likely we shall bear c‘..n.un'u about "poor hbuman. ity" and eunrliest appearauce on the u‘bo ere long. Fossil bhoman remains are said to baye been recently dirsvvered on the island of Eubcea, and the Greek Goyâ€" ern:zent bave had the Objects conveyed to & $harccfien caet ce cice lc e w 2 â€" < Athens for striet scientific . DOWNES, The Imdon,lq‘..n-imhn..‘ £500 to assist the refugee Bussian â€"Jews who are in distress at Winniper. systom ALL neuoebers nvienywinkie _ Banner Painting a Speciality. y in each month. eday in each month. ',!'.,z!e!-w@- LLs are specially at J. F. Mowat Grounds, the day aftet . nnd in each month regular i ng 5 up EF e gy e T1 AT* °s on the mostimoroved e wst . % 1 the shortost notice and a)« dq. +s +mpetition . A Guve him a calland annport na i spaevacms _ 22 17 _\ Dortant qneetion f, JL muneo.lueruuu re is notbing Jurions for health than sold fort, how mfl.uflyborame-ufll and e soput somt(ortabl e by enlline on ¥¥ ie stone, jaar., WIRO Srun uN ahos ol lccas T7 quinde is Enitting Stockings & S l..‘.’ c 0 97 0o 7e Look out for cold waa How are you af for S« =e_;-u-=yu h;u;d :‘ l-.utn «n eam Harness, of the Good Work :lg‘l':‘:wmhl‘c Oollars a Specialty. Durshem , Des.8, 188;, Oot.thih pee HARNESS, KARN A Good FIT Cuarm ALSO THT Reliable Seotsh New Stock of LEATHI wWHEIPS. Creny BRUSHMES. BIEI And See Thoir Workit BOULDENX A. H, is Agent for the Cobetrentes Rewving Machinos of EB mm hie mnchine ie capaile of se ing thie wi duck with the same mase w Wny othe ean sew two ply, and the stromgost 14 made crn be used npon it It also on wdjusted to sow tho fineet fahric. P, T lu' a ."." :l..l Residenceat the 0 Bpring an ho Latexts Residenceâ€"0O Lates® Fashion» Megalsr!s 98 YEnry AMERICAN COLL! attended and the «a) JOHN ROBFERT TAILOR AND CLQ HUGH MAQKC I‘ ICBNXSEDPD AaUctioxnt 4 County of Grey, Auct: n in all parts 0f the Counts , at ns Goods sold on Commis®ion . l.as «#ay an Wilihe at "t ( i YETERINARY SU Durham . Fel wWM.Jornstox evary month, s wunoen all those pomu®e, Adl so formed in the Nuornmexon, as ronto . JUZ molisitors in Caancsery . C Maean Sannt \avorosamed at i per every Thursiay as horetof LFRED FRO®T, 3 Dundalk > COutti Alexander Rober WWend O M c« * RADUATYJ vouuty Crom June i4ch . 1880 Ordinary notices oi |» 1 kinds of loon! news murey Audmmels, A fo: $1, the advertisom wautil forbidden , and AAvertisements, exoe; ®ir en instructions to t rofessional and Dusiness o apace and un dor nor ys P we inches or 24 lines Noupart Threeinches do. per vour Casual ad vertisem or for the first insortion, qou in ag en t Li sont oo â€"PRRYM®: #1.00 pory auchium Money to Loan BUSINESS DJ bage . k. Officeâ€"1L owor I B.JACKIO8 . 48. A ISvery I‘h) MISCELLA NE Frost & F ARRISTERS and Att DURH A M "THE CGREY TTORXTE Y oulD E.D. MACMII TTORNXEY â€" ATâ€"LA\ the Office, Garafraxa $ opjpos ‘TAILO®R )8Cr RATES OF ADVE rig done to JACKI pposite terian C Di MEDICA 1 J. TOWXSEX @as Ni sb ar t LEGAL A ttore oved math o and a) cbar I8 P"RBLIS ll enpply t anincl w t dae art ic} pt wl PI M harge [aL []

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