West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Jul 1882, p. 4

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> a" 5 % 0 C #+ aw explocion of gae, cnused by a fire. L Mipimrammtmatendiced.. 22 3 At Puris ou Weduesduy twenty p-r-mu, D“"“"“-_‘mh- 14, 1882, mnlflhflnflhnhhmh&opal-ylmug_h”won Svik S aembaakam s# ucss 2 d 02 F 2 P m C eE foree, or being carried thither by the coach as it was found on the cther side of the track. . At that point the bluff is about 6f ty feet in heig! t and 260 feet on an incline from the seene of the sccident. A boy of 17 years had a terrible fate,as hi« senll \n.i erusbed in, and one of his legs broken in three pluces, and his spiual eord broken,> | youne lady who was killed was badly bruis. od, out about the fr0e, and had severe inâ€" Jnries on cther parts of the body. Her body, aiter striking the ol# ahove the railâ€" road trask, must have strock with terrihle w" 9 + & . 1 1 beiow, a complete wreck. Three cut «r the company were killed in the desaent, Boots & Shoes and one died in an bonr after. Two othere % were serionsly wounded, and the rost es.| E*P} i2 M‘;‘: and :“’0 to order on eaped with bruises and scratches. One artest Notice. ‘ Rem mm achen t aretarte |Onbes tm te woot exronce, can . out about the fa0e, un severe inâ€" * â€" & juries on other parts of the bodp. H.r, Dressing and P“_“'f_l_iz done at Orchard hauks utter shuilhe . o ~M""% & On Saturday mornicg, June 24, on the road from Santa Croz to Felton, an 1 ahoot three miles from the Intter *place, in Culi~ fornia, a heavilyâ€"laden coach and four horâ€" ses were thrown from tha mountain road, with I-lclo«-nnqn‘nen to several of the people on the vehlisl«. The party were reâ€" torning from Santa Croz to camp Feltin,| and were residents of San Franciseo. The moon was shining brightly, and the perty waus a gay and joyous one, but its pleasure was marred by a nervous feeling ocgasionâ€" od by the careleasnes« of the driver. Some of the party tmed to get him to rvelinquish the linas to a former driver, who had driv en the party to Suuta Craz on a t gon, which bad beepme disabled, noad for which the conch was substitated. Between tunnels No. 5 and 6, on the narrow gauge railroad, aud at about 12;30 w‘elock, a p in 200 feet from the truck wus reached. when the stage suddenly went over the grate and 3 rolled over and over until it strnek the track ENCE beduthcl 4 ... mese«ssed as tenants for lot 82, con. 9, re. spectively. Jxe. MeNichol assersed in lien of G. Allen for lots 122 and 123, con. B8rd West. Lot« 82 and 33 placed on resident roll to Austin Shackelford as owner ; W. H. Campnign asseossed a" tenant for Plewi« mill instend of Jas, Plewis; lot 122,1 West, and lot 161, 8 FBast, entered on the Resiâ€" dent Roll to Wim, Swmith, owner; Charles White, assossed for lot 177, 2 West, instend of $. Wauchob. L 4 _ _ . .O sewolnger wate made pre « suant to notice :â€" Henry Meldrum Assgasâ€" ad instead of John Gibsen tor his ‘ots at Flesherton Station ; R. »ad G. Neldrum J on lt cup ied e S w o J Bannvon‘s assm‘t reduced....., N. B. Griee do ECY : srwum W.J. Wiute do : Hroues G. Buskin‘s assessment snstained Jolhn Breen asam‘t reduced _ ....., Wi. Fim"'ly do it > /ss 2. Communications were read from the County Treasorer, aud from the clerk of Eoplirusia, The following accounts were ordered to be paid.â€"A. R. Faweett, printiug, §3; J. Rutherford, assossment rolls and achedules $14.25; Robert Curnthers Deputyâ€"Returnâ€" ing Officer, Ward 4, $5.50; u bridge oppoâ€" site lot 27, con. 6, repuirs ordered; also the bridge oppoâ€"ite lot 25, con. 6,to be covered $ #600 appropriated for repnirsa on highways, $150 in each ward, and #400 approprinted foe repniring the gravel romds, $150 he tween Priceville and the Station; $150 enst | of the Station; and $100 on town line beâ€" Aween Glenelg and this township, Glenelg eouncil to be asked to spend an equivaâ€"| s lent. £ An order wase presed for prymer$ of as. sessor‘s anlury, $75, 82 for postage, and §5 p for work impoed vy Government, also ln]: Andrew Roe, repairing culvert,in Ward No|v m This conneil metm.wn H ton, Thursday June 1st, 1882 $10 to be expended opposite lot 28, «. Aween 3 uind 4 cons., provided that 10 days gratis labor be given first. The following accomnts were paid : C. W. Rutledge, printing, $28.00, A. Ray repuiring road scraper, 1.50. Jaa MeBEachern, do 1.75, The reeve freizht on scrapers, 4.00. The clerk, postaze 2.51. Do. furnishiny cenens re« tarns to 16 S. S%, 4.00. Members wore paid to dute, Council adjourned till Agusust 17 at ... °7@ recve was appointed, in connection with the Warden of Wellington, to let and Inspect a bridge over the Gravud river on fownline Proton, and L. Luther. A $10 graut was given for a new bridge 7 siderond, con, 10. A $10 zrant was given to improve thoJ Â¥oad froun Cedurville, west to townline,proâ€" vided the parties interested do 10 duys grul tis labor. A grant of $22 was made to 8. Section } No. 11. A $10 grant was voted 4th con, line opâ€" I posite lot 31. bcrmmubrommn AS, .1 RT or Revistoy.â€" were hbeard and The reeve was appointed With the Wardan af T an:.. The connty treasnrer was requested to erase tazes (arrears 1879) sgninst lot 26, con. 8. Amdm'un'm!oimmtbo Nown line of Egxremont and Proton, from ©o0.{7, north, provided the parties inter. @sted perform an equivalent in gratis labor, and that the Exremont conneil »upplement this graut to the eaid amount. _ The reeve to let and ingpect the work, A grant of $5 was made on con. 6, from 87 side ond, e, providing the parties inter. ested »opplement the same by 5 days graâ€" tis labor. The clerk was instructed to write to the @ounty treasprer to ascertain ifâ€"lot 80, con, 8, has been sold for tazes, and by whom muval ass 1 infninintommatihirndh <. & 4. L1 4 Sth. Members all present. Te minutes of laat meeting were read and confirmed,. Several communications were read. A grant of $10 was MAHG K+ Pncssas. Artemesia Council. vurued till Augast 17,at Dan The following ap» several changes s+++«« ++ $200, acrreres Filkk all, Flesher Cflhfl;i"c on Jaly Tallow. Particular attention paid to _â€"__BELTING. L Cash P‘i.d for Hides Skins 150 SHOEMAKERS‘ | yalo _ _ iouite trictcnd Single & Doublo Carriage Harnss, Plough Harness, SabDLES,. TRUNEKsS, VALISES, Warrs, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, &e. SPANISH SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, CuENCH & CANADIAN CALFSKIN, NATIVE & FOREIGN KIP skIn COLORED LINING3, & to improve Manufacsturer and Dealer in Team Harness, THOMAS SMITH Saddler, Tanner & Shoemaker. Night of meeting, on or bot. month. Wir. A. Apdorson & m(fl: o meeting every Monday at 7:3 o‘clock in tha Odd4 Fellows Hall. Visiting brsthren welcome. Merritt Cochrane, N. G. Wit. A. Rose, Sec. e eocace ue c 00 001 0 Ee Te . /T Night of Mesting, Tuesday moon of each month, Vi slting H. W. Mockler, W. M., Geo. Ia Libraciap OMce hours from 8‘.‘. m., to 7 p Konzio, Postuamster, L0 e n ws.____ BAPTIST CHURrCH, â€" J. C. Duniop, pastor. s'mdni Sorvicesâ€"preach. ing at 11 «. in.; Subbath & mool at 2:30 p. m, Preaching at 7 p. m. Week evening Servicasâ€"Mon. day ovusfna, young people‘s ;l'uyur mecung at 8 », m.; Weduesday evening, Bible Class at p. m.; Toursday evening,.regnlar prayermeetirgâ€"at 8 p.m. Night of moeting every 3 11 t eC TT Oy Bervice every Subbath at 10:20 a. ma. and 6:20 p Im, Subbath §3hoo! at 410 p. m. Praver meetin every Thursduy evening at 7 1. ra. Pastor Rev. } Smiley, M A. $ e ied Borvice every Sabbath in the To in. and at 6:30 p. m. Sabbuth Sch Bupplied by Presbytery at prosen t Town Hallâ€"open .‘-{;.v -; 1&;‘ 6 D‘_g'oiuc.. xnuuu l!e ..4. yA C e mt Diyino Service every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. subbath School at 2:30 p.na. P"E" Meeting every Wednesouy evening ut 7:30,. Bible Class every Thursday evening at 7:90. Rev. Wim. Park, pastor, Mpiibnadentea ty s d t 2s Thomas Lander, Registrar ; John A Munro, Deâ€" 1tyâ€"Registrar. Gffice hours from 10 n.m. tos p. e DURHAMJODGBE XO.806 OF A Sabbath services a?u a. m. and 6:30 Y m.Sunday Schoul ut 9..0 u. m. Rev 8. K.Asbare 1 ‘ONndaY DURHAM DIRECTORY. t Cz TT edy in in 2 C W aNetd, "as it really is the best n'm’- ®dy in the w orld for Cramps in the Stomachk and Puins and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by all Dru iglste at 25 centa a hateld RBEST & COMFORT to the sUTrERING ‘Brown‘s Honsebold Panncea‘" bas no equat for relies ing puin, both interval anu extornal. It cures Pain in the Side, Back and Bowols, Hore Thront, Theuratiin, Toothacho, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Achs, "It will most surely quicken the Blood und Heal, as its ncting power is wonderful." "Brown‘s Household Panaces," bein acknowledged as the grent Pain Rolievor, and n, double the streuyth of any other Elixir or Lind | ment in the world, should be im evir fawsite uslsc t dn m PV I U«ll, Shefhâ€" 1d, a thiet eleveriy in éniting off the whota of her which hnvs in a plaut down her mude off with the prize. Receutly while a chasing a book of n 1i mothera and nurses Optates ia the guise of Pa and for children teething complaints, give instead tract of Wild Strrwherry infants micht he saved d adly diugs.â€"1227, & 10 t AERET PART SUTCEN attacka of discases, ace those incident to the Sommer and Fall, such as cholera morbus, ons colie, dliarrhora, dy sentery, «te., that often prove fatal in a few hou. a, That ever relialle remedy I‘r. Fowler‘s Extract of Wild Strawberry, should be at hand, for use in emâ€" ergency.â€"b227, #4 ’ Tea mwade fromâ€"common tansy is said to be a eafognard ‘Agninst the ealbgge worm. Sprinkle the Cabbage with thi« ocensionally and the white butterfies then won‘t tunehr thera, use when wanted GREY LODGE No. 169 ’ The faugral of Geueral Skobeleff was at. tended by upwards of a hundred thousand people, including many high official«, The Uzar puid a high tribute to the deseased sollier in a letter to his gister, Among the most prevelant fatal and sudden attacka of discases, ace those incident to the 3nmmer and Fall, such as cholera mm‘lml,l WMs AuBH®) atsknes 4064 i 2C ® 8 glste at 25 cents a bottle T TT mt in 2CAE ENE ECC eured by Borduck Blood bitters.â€"b227 RNOX Liver Complaict % Is rather an indefinate term, as commonly auslerstood it consists of 1 torpid sluggish state of the Lver, a deficiency or a #uperaâ€" bundange of bile, or an alteration from its proper character. All disturbed action of the nver and biuary 0 gans giving mse to pain in the side, or under the sboulder blade, heanache, weariness, dizziness, wick stomach, . loss of avpetite, bad bowels,wc., are promptly | pured hy somed ie tm cb uill ; E_ dale, and Verpra. [ The Society of Friends is in general a wauing reet, but in London it seems to be steadily increasing. In the past | twenty years the gain has been 1,000. The presâ€" ent membership is 15,113. \ DURHAM L. 0. I« No. 632 E7 mags s ts Abe se d dnc Simeoe County Council will, it is anticipatâ€" ed, reclaim froim 80,000 to 40,000 acres of laud in the towuships of Fios, Sunniâ€" The first fify miles of the Souris and Rocky Monnt=in Railway are under conâ€" tract. Rupid City bas offered »the comâ€" puny $100,000 to put up a station in that MECHANICS INSTITUTE The returns from Algoma give Mr Dawson a majority of 573 over Hon W im. McDougal with two places to hear from. es e o CC Pee the war path in Arizona. A haorrican at flong Kong has caused p-t destruction and the founderng of a British PRESBYTERIAN C. MB The drainage ~echeme Wls uieginis dpmente lrntcnd Double Carriage , Plough Harness, A band of Ind‘ans numbering 150 is on . on oz before full moon in crch Andorson, See PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH POST OFFICE TRINITY CHURCH RBBCGISTRY OFPICFP THODIST CHUCHCH MISCELLANEOUS. wth in the Town Hall at 11 a. Babbuth School at 2:30 p. m; NPY aB rnmacons uw E2 ce C ur Acbe, "It will most surely and Heal, as its ncting power is vu‘s Household Panaces," beip 10 grent Pain Reltevor, and 01 i of any other Elixir or Lind «hould be in every family handy ids "me it #eulie detena n 200C Rev 8. K.Asbury, 1%, A., pas Purker and H. W) Mockflr. \nurses woul? cemee giving se of Paregorie, and Cordials, tecthing and subject to l owel innsic in No folk Market thief eleveriy kncceeded ‘riday evening from 7 $4.. Alex, kobertson ead Dr. Fowler‘s E;- erry, the lives of many ed that are sacrificed to young lady was porâ€" Supplies. ~â€"â€"___ CHUKCH and tm. Archic Mo of her beek hair, propoased by the baca, nud' 1 _ NEW SPRING GOooDs. The undersigned has also received a large"stock of New Drecs € yard up ; Men‘s nobhby Felt Hats at 60 cents each.. Umnereiia, at 25 cante | Reuss alow c n COL CE 2 ECE ESnE boutrefftomeme... J J OEEIDT CAE ReOIDyr~ Aunounces the first arrival of Teas in Darbam, bought with the (Daty fi. a amnfly he is now anabled ta sell at the following Low f COD JAPAN LBAF at 25 cents, previously worth u cents, YOUNG HYSON â€" # go «. _ *. 1°C fowléoYCyX EXTRA GOOD ":85,: . "." gal B D 4% SUPERIOR Quality * 49 « 246 * . __ 50\ us PEKO JAPAN ©# Bq «+ a4 a+ wer oul DUTY of TEA: At the Noted Cheap Store Good News to 'iEz Prompt attention given to all Orders New Goods are now arriving, New.Dress Goods cheap & stylish, NEW TWEEDS, Scotch & Canadian, New CLOTHING, stylish and cheap, 4 New Groceries, fresh. None but first class hands employed, sn Durbam, March, 1883 The Big â€"Push Every Lover of a good cup of TEA Should try A, DAVIDSsoN, Is the place to get your Suits Made Coat, Vest, Pants Overen The STOCIEC of CANADIAN GREY AND WHITE COTTOXNS, DENIMS, cof TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, TABLE LINEN, Eic., IS NOW COMPLETE, Durbham, Nov. 3r1 Canadian, Scotch & Einglish Tweed A Full Line of GENTS FURNISHINGS. French MILLINERY, MANTLES, Mantle Cloths, WORSTED Coatings, Prints, Dress Goods, Mantle & Dress Trimâ€" mings,â€"Fringes, Buttons, Silks, Eatins, Laces, HOSIERY, ALOVES, andiall Inantary Iatast anscadlo ce n . m. . Tailoring Establishment, Bar Iron, WHO KEEPS THE BEST SELECTIOXN OF GROCERIECS Ix PAIXT, WHITE WwASH, KALSOMINE, S1 iBRUSHES Sole Agent for the Celebrated Cut Nails. Locks, Barn Door Hinges, Glass and General Builders‘ Hardware at the Lowest Prices. Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks, Hoes and Citden Spring ‘Importations | [ MOWATS EL «i. Ee D NXA t ST O EB Sign of Circular Saw, Lower Town, Durham. Paints, Oils, Varnishes &c.: Elos‘burg Coal. EXCELSIOR HORSE POKES English, and American Fashions Received Leaf and Armstrong Spring«, Horse Noils General Blacksmiths‘ and Warcon N 64 60 64 L 6¢ With a Reducton on 4 Ibs and ouer. The Finesi Assortment of SHEEP SHEARS I have evor offered. , 1881 , Which I am selling Cheaper than ever. GLOYVE3, and all the very latest novelties of the Season. Also a Choice Selection of . DAVIDSON Jastreceived a Splendid Assortment of Sign of the " DIREZT IMPORTER oF Pants, Overcoat or Ulsterette. â€" 2 Charges Moderate C. L. GRANT SOMINE, SHOE, SCRUB, BANISTER avd STOVE iBRUSHES, &c. &c. f lebrated "MICA AXLE GREASE. JOS.._F. MOWAT, CANADL_H{ COTTON Goops guarantee to give a perfect fit and satisfactio « L. ROBERTSON.! â€" ~~>*~ , Horse Noils, Files, Carringe Primmings and and Waggon Makers‘ Bupplies, ‘ Circular Saw," Lower Town, Durham J JDS. ..,..”"‘-";.:."_2'."53"3.':&{’:“" k Bomething new ea £}7. series ‘bhoce a e < %unm D , COTTONADES, puoxs Drinkers| , TOWELLInG X TOWN. em191 Z2 CAMP sSTOVE The HIGHEST Price 3 JA I ow k Durhass, Feb. Tib, 1682. FLOUR mtaxy:,. OATMEAL, 1 ° C O CCene YEW are prepared to turn out work 2nd to none in the County. A CALL RESPECTFrULLY SOLICITED & SATIGBFACTIOXN GUARANTEFEp Durham MILLS Hav’ing-réfittted our Flouring Mill we «> Durham, Feb.23, 1882 HOO JC At the A Large Stock of all sizes, always PICTURE FRAMTE MOULDING A Large Stock always on hand ‘of BUILDING HARDWARE | Boiled and raw Lin#eed Oi!, White Lead I Paint, V Vatnishes, Furniture and Carriage ‘ the best qualities and the Lowest Price. I keep theZbest Oi Machine â€"Oils, Machine ( diz} PAINTER‘S MATERIAL l . _ Has lately received Large Additions to his : Stock which is Now Fally Assorted.= In â€" D bo S S â€"G 0 O D S «~he is showing a Splendid Range, Extra < _ is Value. PRINTS, nearly 200 pieces to select _ [3 from. Extra good talue in BLACIC & Camhmeres at 50c. 75¢. and $1.00. « Colored Cashmeres in a â€" Variety of Shades. Black °_ iW BILKS and> SATINS. A Chéap line of Dress Linnens,. White x Terry and_Honey Combs for Ladies and Childrens Jackets. Jt Mzy 6, 1882. Do not go without FOR best Oils:in Town & sell them cheap for Cash Big reductions for large quantities. . ~W. Mockler Leading Ha,rdwa,x,'; "-N'Store Upper Town, Durham. T.J. ADIFE. , Serubscand Shoe Brughcs, Or‘, White Lead, the best brands in the market. Venétian Red, Whiting and all dry colors, Call and see them 7Mnlhui~t!(ofiuu‘uww PRICES. Excbanged for Oats. will : be BRUSHES. N. 6 &J, McKECRNE, on hand. Frames made to order Nails, Class, Locks, Hinges, TLatches, Door Bells, &o., &c. . Mockler. paid for GOOD WHEAT.) . rvIS‘, Durham. And FEED , any size, Very Cheap. Ciothes Hooks, Fire proof paint, 192 Key and Stem Winders, Thelatestin Ha) Periorand BracketC1ACK®: Bome benvtiful c exigns in Silver and Elee . _tro Plated Ware at W. F. DOLLS®, Tlesherton. A onll res3nctrilÂ¥ rolicite GOLD & Silver W ATCHES LOCKET«, RiNGs, AMERICANJEWELLERY ': I’ | Ie f on ToulkdaP B sdi dica l A L 1 4 w chanse the beard to a BHOWN or BLACK at diserstion. Being in one preparation 4t $s easily applied, and prodnce«~ ~permanent cotor that wil} mot wash 6. I wloim. It wi | thicken the f belr, proven and falling \_ Averr It cures ‘flon- and 3 | tanmm aoauns | dextrabls a4. f £7 ENDpNon ‘ food nud color THE LATEST KOVELTTIES i~ & P.dIALL & C0., K28E0A, n n «Hicen softnoss which -li adiniro. _ It keens the head clean, awoot and healilhy, It cures Ttchin=, Crup. tions and Dandrail. As m HATR DIESSENG it 4e very destrabls, gplving the hair a wHicen #oftness wehis sor €1â€"108, Yours ots., GBO, Woo; For sale 1t Parkor s, Purham an., 4 ) 5 00 _ 3 2200004 Medictio, 4 anm Mu'znlwd cure, MATTMEW 8c Artitur, Nov es H W Leeson :nnu y. Dear Sitâ€"There is a lot of Diphtheria i place, J snw one case where yoTranedici1 used wgich proved a anetess sFetr the Doct it up. "I wabt you ®o seart nvo 21 aeorusy Uo Dewr Sirâ€"Mvivef#s aollt ot, f10 e'ndl? your Diphtherta Medic that it is a good care, MA glands without staining the thin. It will Ineroase and thicken the growth of the balr, prevent its Danebhing and falling eff, and thae AYEr BALDPXNTE®S, To Mr Lensng u“uuumya‘llxln "n&m )v:\tn to the ; No or ewilli e throut, so t lm‘u‘mldmm". It also enros ; mation of chest. lunge er bowols. Ast nim bad colds, and if steadily token will by, Cousumption . % Is the only sure cure for this terrinle a gures cases easy and withou pain to th. ns on s OE Cns T . LEESOors DIPHTHERIA MEDICIH: ; es been in mmnt-fi > use by the pubMe es for aver twenty yerrs, " and is the beat preparation ever invented for RESTOIRâ€" ING GBAY HAIR To Irs YoUTRHrUL Copor axp _ LIFE, d V um o t LlQN 34| '*-\&o”’_.r ,o“;, 23 ‘ \.’, + REN EWER&;;? h a 2A + dA HAldy WHISKERS BRACELETS, _ _ Also Lndies‘ & Gents Listowe! â€" First Friday in each nonth. !!'.‘.!_':?“‘L'PE" folloy ing Mount For Kt expplion the raturat ha ns d i t e Rioraâ€"The day before Gueiph, Dmâ€"!ou&,w befure l;lo’c’n 1 n-llfim?lhl Palage Grou ____ @ueinh. _ _ " TCt Wednesday in each lnon‘ nu:fiuâ€"i;u.; hofore the gusiph Faw Prayronâ€"Baturdny befors Guelph. The Pree Ciinrch of "Seotland SÂ¥Aports a not inorenre of 1,598 members. Ts total it 814,027, of whom 88612 nre in the Hig),. lands. ‘The mem! »bip in this portion of Mn"hulo“‘,;y’dammd since 187¢ when “' was 89.942. ‘The gains #re â€"mai, poak o uy °a" T.MILBURN & CO. Proprictors Sold by all Dea‘ors in Nedicine, P hoA BC 4.4 ) INCLUDTNX TESTEIMONIALs: A Dac 1 f'.}:.':lr" ,’7.1_.:‘.J_V'Mh have Thureday in each month . 1’.‘%?:"'_“!'!.‘1"! in each month to the Ihnir SEALS, CBHATXS 4A»» m!.“.“ 1 worth Mount Forest. m."’- April, June, A, M eadin j lr‘hy.t'i5 \ clans | endorse | * mnd : ecomâ€" mend it PR A great triumph in mediâ€" cipe, &o. &t, of Ma«g in each mony, mist isonse, Jt the day nfie 079 1881 tk up Made + CHAS, LEAYÂ¥EXS, 4 ».â€" MHarness Maker, Lambton Street, uear _ Post Oflice, DURHA M , ; c& .',; EKn Look out for cold weath Ho« are you of for Soc PERY imp» nt question for ev éflg«i&“fi&? thosy f on HARNESS, HARNES A Good FIT Guarante ALSO THE OLD Reliable Scotch CO New BStock of LEATHER, HaRX WHIPS, CURRY CoNBS, BRUSHES, BELL S, &e. his machine is sapable of sowing thro of duck with the same sase as any num‘:fi ean sow two ply, and the strongest linen m uie can be used uponit. Jt also ean he mdjusted to sew the finsst fabric. Prices from @35 to @45. BOULDENXN BRO A. R. is Agont for the Colobrated wit Rewing Wa â€"hincs of Mamitton. Residenceat theOld Post Office, Lowers pURHAM. TE Bpring and Summer Fashions$ raceived. J. and Make Up,ontheshortest notice he LatestStyle SI-n and Bov‘s lothing At;aarranteed . Besidenceâ€"Opposite the Canada P terian Church.] A.4 County of Grey. Anction Smies attom in all parts of the County, at remssambl Goods sold on Commission, Land swlos e attended and the sale hills promptly poste JOHN ROBERTSO TAILOR AND CLOTH Lates: Fashlons Reguisrly Reeel Wilbe at Mastina‘s Hote!l , 8lhelbar @ay and Friday, from 10 o‘clock a .1 Dundalk .Murch 20th 1679 . AMERICAN COLLA (}BADEA']'E of Ontario Vetrina lege, Toronto VYETERINARY SURG] . , 17 """* who has all the appliances i ‘tting Stockings & Soc l_. }).’.“ 00 000 ~weeses o Geeearearntes wpen all those that may favor him with U yonage. All work entrusted to him will formed in the iatest and most approve ReEFERENCK, any of the leading Dentist _ nubds Ailliicc h cA s c ::l'flffio.uumpmvu methods, le ‘w-oflu and a! charger t him l::fl.’é support nativeindne BARBI STERS and Attorney‘ #olicitors in Chancery, Conveyani Owen Sound have resumed at Floshert pen every Thursday as heretofore . LFKKD FPROST, J .w .FRO County Crown Attormay . Durham , Feb .14 , 1876 Cutting done to Ord AAvertisements, u«&t when acco arr. Aep instructions to the contrary, . wautli forbidden, and charged at regula June #6sh ,1880 WM. JOHNSTON, Jr spaceand undor. per vear T woinches or 24 lines Nonpuriel Threeinches do.per your ...... Alexander Robertso ICENSED AUCTIONEER -".!‘l â€"81.00 per vearia BUSINESS DIREC Moeney to Loan. rofessional and business cards B.JACKES, B. A "THE GREY RE 1. Z. NTX O%° JIACKES & PRINGLE, TTPORNEYS at Law, Solici MISCELLANEOU® HUGH MACKA Y E.D. MACMILLAX, TTORNEY â€"ATâ€"LAW, &e. tvery Thur the O‘MBee, Garafraxa Stre ot, DURHAM Sr., DURHAM. & Specialty Des.6, 1881 FPTORNEYS at Law, Solici Officeâ€"â€"Lower Town, Durhaim ) Their New Antiâ€"Galing, Working, Good Enongh aubscriber is prepared to R opposite Parker‘s Drug Bsore, Up TAILOR, RATES OF ADVERTIS 200 UNAn eaold Test, howe becemodiad und ow rybo on hand a {ull npfl.uc.‘ r“. made of the t ma ork and reasonable charges Frost & Frost €7 & Burgery, wall visit 12 â€" Offlice, British Hotel fro Tuesday(Fuir Day) to where he will be most lapp byoulliny on WAimen 4 6 ‘“nul?;‘l:‘c applianee MEDICAL. CALL AT J. TOWNSEXD, Po DENTDHSDE 1. DUNDALK .Ont 8. JEROME. 1 rne . ave R. A. P

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