West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Jul 1882, p. 4

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9 o \# z2 P hlall‘.‘ Eimira, za~e a mare troubled with heaves baif a piot of coal oil in the hope of curing her of the malady, but the mesdicine bad the opposite effect from that desired. The mare died in cight aninutes after the draught. x | ui) t k 6 is . routediveatiihi i0 huass â€"©% SUPERIOR Quality _ in the bope of curing ber of the maiady,| A CAIll Respectfully Solicited PExo JAPA?‘“:;:y-: but the mesiicine bad the opposite effect a BRe from that desired. ‘l'ho-nndiodind.ht‘ P- SAUNDERS, mhl minutes after the draught. ~ _ °_ a~ Mareh 9, 193. 7ROPRIETOR | The underrigned has also received a 8 1 Flemi Manitoba, has Durham. 882. up ; Men‘s y Fo ats at fla&mu“izrmmu a wetk is your own town. Terms a q,a,'.'u"u...,""' m‘;fi;& Nr. Stophan ‘Morrls for §2605. :806 wiee i k Serezree 0 | Copeial Bote, an d orvament o. and Hogg, respectively, the Reeve asâ€" ma:-m- whes called upou.â€" The Cleck was insiznoted to notity the Collector that the Auditors will meet at Maum.mm; inst., to fnally audit the roll for the year 1881. The Conneil then adjonrned to meat sme wonnerl then adjonrned to meet againâ€"on the 3lst inst., at 10 in the foreâ€" Hibon. J1s. Bnows, Clerk. old warvey to 20 sideroad, together with She 5th line; No. 2, al} the old survey north of 230 sideroad, and that portron of new survey N. E. of the 4th linc; No. 8, all that porsion of the new survey 8. W. of the 4th line, north east T. & 8. Road to. #10 sideroad; No. 4, all the new survey S. B. of 270 sidercad ; to be under the superâ€" ejg_n_l_; Gowan, Bailey, MeDowâ€" PS SCde S Hame TV WEF fou on drain no. 6, nee. 2, till next meeting of council. Messrs. Hustable and Gowan were apâ€" pointed commissioners to let the road job on the Ind con. 0. S. Byâ€"law No. 87 amending byâ€"law No. 86, j was read the requisite number of times and | einded and Robt. Hartley was appointed inetead. The Clerk was instructed to prepare a byâ€"law creating a new polling subâ€"division ator near Riverview. Mr. MeDowell moved,seconded by Mr. Gowan,that 2 road serapers be got at Sholâ€" ‘ burne for the Riverviow neighborhood.â€" T. St. Johns was pard $42.50 for spread. ing clay ana grubbing on 240 sideroand, N. The resoluation appointing Mr. Huxtable to meet the Reeves of Amaranth and Lathâ€" or, or other parties, to define the bound. aries of a Union School Section was reâ€" On motion it was decided to take no actâ€" chen 34. $25 was ordered to be erpendâ€" ed on the 5tk Con. Line, in front of lots 1 and 2, A special committeo recommended the expenditure of $150 on the 2nd Consession as between lots 10 and 12. I; was adoptâ€" ed. Mr. McDowell moved, seconded by Mr, Hoge, thut the sum of $400 be expended on the Toronto and Sydenham Road, beâ€" Aween 240 sider. ad and the 8rd line, 0. S., and that Messrs. MceDowell and Hogg be Commissioners to expend the sameâ€"Carâ€" ote; the Free Press for $5.50 Orders were issued in favor of John Cul liton, for 86 cents; James Fleming for 5( in Section No. 2, nemely 8, Robert Oliver ; draing Thomas St. Jobns ; and . 4. 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, . The Clerk handed to council 10 tenders for dnhm as advertised. , that the fo. The Council met at the Town Hail, on Monday July 3rd, 1882. Mewbers all preâ€" mant Council adjourned to meet in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on the 7th Prox., at 10 e‘elook a. m., when all sehool trustees rates Also that the commuissioner for ward No. 9, may expend $20 of is ward appropriâ€" stion, if Gienelg expend $20, and alâ€"o that the said commissioner expend $100 on gravel road between (Henelg and Artemesia, provided Glenelg expend $100 on same road and that any previous resolution conâ€" trary to this be recinded. The clerk to notify Glenelg eouncil. The reeve was authorized to purcliase a lot from Chas. Bellamy on which there is a gravel pit, provided he can procure it for ane Mr. Artemesia to grant $20 on town line Glbul' and Artemesia, from Proton to the Northerly extremity of ward No. . The commissioner for ward No. 1 to grant 020 of ward appropriation, provided Glenâ€" élg council graut an equal amount. ] Artemesia and Proton, provided Proton ezpended an equal sum. The reeve was anthorized to issue orders for roud jobs upon certificute of commisâ€" sioners. The sum of twenty dollars was ordered to be expended on town line, beâ€" Sween gravel road and Nelson‘s saw amill. any pathmasteris list on which the road work of farmers sons and others lisble to perform statute labor is returned unperâ€" formed, and to notify pathmaster‘s that R. McLean Pordy, asked that Mrs. Roseâ€" borough, of Eugeuia, be exempted from Statute labor for the present vear Ra. ssent ordered. Mrs. Thompson, for bread furpished Royles and Taylor, $10.37; John Hargraves, gravel, 6,; W. J. Bellamy, quarâ€" ter salary, $87,50. Orders for road jobs for ward No. 8, to the amount of $102.50, were passed. Also for ward No.4, to the amount of $71.15, MeDowell moved, seconded by Mr. , that the tenders of the following is be aecepted for drainage works Melanctnon Counc;:il. This equncil metin the Towr. Hall, Flesherton, on Monday July 8, 1882. Mâ€"lo-.chfiu.m'... ster, Viright and Podlar. The Clerk was instructed not to Minutes of June session oved, secondod by Mr. llowing be the road divi. ar 1882 :â€"No. 1, all the ; drains Nos, ; and drains ns Ncs#s. 9 and L | drains Nos#,. 2, 8, , A. McCosb.uC". â€"Drain number ; Bruce Kitâ€" ; Tp. Clerk read and apâ€" R. â€" McLean Spanish SOLE LEATHER Of the best QUALITY, Article in the best st Saddles, I N eWV (_}roceries, fres] _ Trunks, ® ’ Valises, Durbaw, March , 1883 c. L. G Sa‘tchels’ M Whips, &c. ’ Good News to TEA D Kept in STOCE. o epetgmermavee C enA t k &n “uuu, Where he hopes by Strict Attention to Busi. ness, Good Material, and First Class Work« manship, to merit a share of Public Patronage, IN THE PREXISES RECENTLY OCCUPIED BY HALSTEAD‘S BANK, Opposite the TOWN HAT.1 Harness Shop i:;vl-)urh-m, IN THE PREMISES Remeumew a_.____ THE Snbscriber begs to announ. Inhabitants of South Grey aud an country thit he has opened a NEW HARNESS SHOP Night of meeting, on or bot. month. Wi. A. Anderson. & recelve Night of Meeting, 7'l;uud.y moon of each month. Visiting H. W. Mockler, W. M.. Geo. m premâ€" D d mt Kenzio, Postmaster he Od ntBhatututica i ais 4 d1 Town u-nâ€"%:m every Friday ove to 9 o‘clock. nual foe $1. ‘Alex Librarian. 8. G. REGISTRY OFFICE Thomas Lander, Registrar; John A : putyâ€"Registrar. Office hours from 10 a . L e _ BAPTIST CiurcH. J. C. Duniop, pastor. sunduL Servicesâ€"preachâ€" ing at 11 a. m.; Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prmmnf at 7 p. m. Woek evening Servicesâ€"Mon. day evening, young people‘s E“y" meet(u‘ at 8 . m.; Weduesday evening, Bible Class at p. m.; Thursday ovening.regular prayer meetirg at 8 p.m. ‘ Feceenmnmnes Audiditectintâ€"lbnicamenie ies dnighinins nsm NT Service every Sabbath at 10:30 a m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. P SSR Ti E4 every Tnuy.aly o. &6 230 p. m. Prayor m:?l’n! every Thursday evening at 7 p. m. Pastor Rev. J. Smiloy, M A. IWN DURHANM POST OFFICE. Office hours from 8 a. m.., to 7 p. m entlo. Postmnackae MIDOGiAesaisthommadih c i lc 2c 1 Service every Sabbath in the Town Hall at 11 m. and at 6:30 p. m. Subbath Scbool at 2:30 p. Supplied by Prosbytery at present, n t mCt Divine Service every Babbath at 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Suobath School at 2:39 p.m. Pnger Mecting every Woednosday evening at 7:30. Bible glm every 7 uursday evening at 7:30, Reov. Wii. Park, pastor. L C e emee ww DURKHAM LODOEVNO. 306 OF A Sabbath services n; ]f l: School at 9:30 a. m. Rev f Church Wardens, H. Park DURHAM DIRECTORY. | _A Haxpsous Pexstox.â€"says the Arthur | Euterprise :â€"Peter Gourlay, jr. formerly f a resident of Arcl:ur, joined the American army during the great rebellion, was presâ€" ent at several engagements, and gotsevereâ€" ly wounded. He was shot through the arfa, received u stab in the knee. At the close of the war he was discharged with out eompensation, but a short timo gince, aiter a long wait of about scventeen years he ‘received a communication from the Ad. Jatant General‘s office, yranting him $1,. 199,96, and a pefision amounting to $12 & month for the arm, $3 for the side and $3 for the knee making the respectable sum of $ 3 per month. This is not so bad, as the man we are informed is not disabled by his woands. Every Article in shape of KEPT 34 IX slro?x.m ‘ Large bodies of fineâ€"grained roofing slate | are scatteree over the Lake of the Woods, f which will in time attract the builder‘s atâ€" | tention. | REST & COMFORT to the SUFFERING ' *Srown‘s Houschold Panacea®‘ has no oqnnl | for relieving pain, both internal anu external. I cures Pnnml;n the Side, Back and Bowels, Hore Throat, Rhoumatism, Toothache, Lumbago and auy kind of a Prin or Ache, "It will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, as its acting power {s ‘ wonderful." "Brown‘s Household Panacea," bein, acknowledged as the ,n.t Pain Relicver, and o, double the urnm'sth 0 .ndy other Elixir or Lini ment in the world, shoul bein every family handy for use when wanted, "as it really is the best rom edy in the world for Cramps in t{u Stomach and Puins and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at 25 conts a bottle. ’ If mothers and nurses would cease giving opiates in the guise of Paregorie, and Cordials, ant for children teething and subject to bowel co nplaints, give instead Dr. Fowler‘s Exâ€" tract of Wil«fStrrwlnn’y, the lives of many infants might be saved that are sacrificed to deadly drugs. â€"b227, | The resident population of Portage l Prairie is 2,002 and it is eatimated that its floating population is about equal to that amount. Snmmer and Fall, such as cholera morbus, bilious colie, diarrhcea, dysentery, ctc., that often prove fatal in a few hours. That ever reliable remedy [‘r. Fowler‘s Extract of Wild Strawberry, should be at hand, for use in emâ€" ergency. â€"b227, KNOX Among the most prevelant fatal and sudden attacks of diseases, are those incident to the Snmmer and Fall snch sn slhntent cnnalues !:royorchsmfié." All disturbed action of t; ver and biliary: organs giving rise to pain in the side, or under the shoulder blade, headache, weariness, dizziness, sick stomach, loss of appetite, had bowels,d&c., are promptly cured by surdock Blood Bitters.â€"b227. The Governorâ€"General and Prinecss Louise will visit Victoria. British Colnm-‘ bis, lute in September and remain some _ William Hay McFadden, barristerâ€"atâ€" law,of Erampton,has been appointed Counâ€" ty Attorney and Clerk of the Peace for the County of Peel, vice Mr. Fleming, M. P., DURHAM L. 0. L. No. 632. _ _John Robertson, of Sydney, has purâ€" chased the east half of lot No. 1, concesâ€" siov 10, Sydeaham, from Donald Cume, for $1,400. * l Sm mmentcags MECHANICS INSTITUTE of the Trade, es . us Lokennnmes PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH METHODIST CHUKCH ‘g, On or bofore full moon in each Anderson, Kee L120 0 2007 E0e ce PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. :er begs to announse to the We wau is . TRINITY CHURCH ovo? Monday at 7:.‘f o‘clock in ill. Visiting brathron welcome,. N. G. _ Win. A. Rose, Bec. z.. DUTY off TEA MISCELLANEOUS. es at 11 a. m. and 6:30 % m m. Rev S.R. Asbury, B. A , H. Parker and H. W Moc Y, and every other style and qaulity heslics femsws:~) New Goods are now arriving, fi‘-‘é’%‘fi‘}}‘uh NewDress Goods cheap& stylish, itri&:t :‘\ttonti:»n to Busi. W Wawwe L2000 000 tWescay on or before full Visiting brothren welsome. Geo. Russoll, See, John A Munro, Deâ€" and n-lno!md'ing anad _ F. & A. M a.m. to4 p, and 6:30 p. The undersigned has also received a large stock of New e‘ / e ie e e y _ . i k GCrystal Seta, and ornamuntt‘, ""l20" and Crockery. â€" Bomethinga" L..""*, _ 102 e e um | TOEZEIDT CAdMLEBERCOAy Announces the first arrival of Teas in Durham, bought with agagy m:\ lt‘iml', lo;:ll?-lod g; sell at tho.firflc‘;in:h OI"Dutmy l E.' .“d enuse at 25 cents, i * YOUNG HYSON â€" « 3o « _ ""®Yi°Wly worth 20 *n EXTRA GOOD " 850 4« se se 45 4 BUPERIOR Quality «49 « 6 Py +2 PEKO JAPAN 6 oKN our T ®_ a Lo mt :‘“““ At the Noted Cheap Store ’ Coat, Vest, Coat, Vest, Pants, Overcoat or { Ulsterette. None but first â€"class hands omyloy:d, and guaranteo to give a perfect fit and satisfaction French, English, and American Fashions Received. Prompt attention given to all Orders. ze Charges Moderate. The Every Lover of a good cup of TEA Should try A. DAVID®SoN, The STOCEC of CANADIAN COTTON GOODS BDHRY ANWV ANIYYYARMEE se remesssedl 03000 Canadian, Scotch & Einglish Tweed / Spring Importations MILLINERY, MANTLES, Mantle Cloths, WORSTE Coatings, Prints, Dress Goods, Mantle & Dress Trimâ€" mings, Fringes, Buttons, Silks, Satins, Laces, HOSIERY, GLOVES, and all the very latest novelties of the Season. Also a Choice Selection of Tailoring Establishment, PAINT, WHITE WASH, KALSOMINE, SHOE, SCRUB, BANISTER and STOVE JBRUSHES, &c. &c. n Sole Agent for the Celebrated "MICA AXLE GREASE. Bar Iron, Leaf and Armatrong Springs, Horse Noils, Files, Carriage Trimmings and General Blacksmiths‘ and Waggon Makers‘ Supplies. wHO EEEPS THE BEST SELECTION OF GROCERIES IN TOWKNX Cut Nails, Locks, Barn Door Hinges, Glass and General Builders‘ Hardware at the Lowest Prices. Spades, Shovels, Manure Porks, Hoes and Garden GREY AND WHITE CO"ETONS, DENIMS, Co1 TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, TABLE LINEN E2A RD NV ARE â€"STORE, Sign of Circular Saw, Lower Town, Durham. NEW TWEEDS, Scotch & Canadian. New CLOTHING, stylish and cheap, New Groceries, fresh. Paints, Oils, Varnishes &c.: ESlOsburg Coal. A Full Line of GENTS‘ FURNISHINGS , Nov. 8rd, 1881 Rakes, Which I am selling Cheaper than ever. The Finest Auorum_nt of SHEEP SHEARS I have ever offered. EXCELSIOR HORSE POKES Is the place to get your Suits Made $ 40 Quality +C 40 «« s« i 60 N " 50 4+ as at ” With a Reducton ou 4 Ibs and $ mmrmememeitn l6 6 oofi‘ over . DAVIDSON " VVIIUON3, DENIMS, COTTONADES, DUCKS IRTINGS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELLInNG, Etc., IS NOW COMPLETE. Sign of the "Circular Saw," Lower Town, Durham DIRECT IMPORTER OF MOWAT‘S C. L. GRANT. JOS. F. MOWAT, & ROBERTSON. Drinkers | Cloths, WORSTED | Boiled and raw Linseed Oi1 em191 btlertent 1 CÂ¥ryâ€"+ 4 : L"‘me 4 Oe l ihs bGp s The ‘HIGHBST.'?ripe will be paid for GOOD WEEAT FLOUR, are prepared to turn out work 2nd to none in the County., A CALL RESPECTF ULLY SOLICITED & SATISFACTION GUARANTEFEp Having refitted our Flouring Mill we At T. , CAMP STOVE ’A Large Stock of all sizes, always on hand. At the Leading PICTURE FRAME MOULDING Durham, Feb. 28, 1882. A Large Stock always on hand of Nails, Glass, Locks, Door Belis, &c., &c. Delivered inâ€"any part of Town on Shortert Woti «Gutow Oatmeal Exchanged for Oats. BUILDING HARDWARE Paint, Varnish, Horse, Scrub and Shoe Brushes. | PAINTERS MATERIAL Botled and raw Linseed Oil, White Lead, the best brands in the market. Fire proof paint, Venetian Red, Whiting and all dry colors. Varnishes, Furniture and Carriage, the best qualities and the Lowest Price. I keep thesbest Oils in Town & sell them cheap for Cash Big reductions for large quantities. Machine Oils, Machine May 8, 1882. Do not go without a Has lately received Large Additions to his Stock which is Now Fully Assorted. ~In D Eo B S S O O D S he is showing a Splendid Range, Extra Value. PRINTS, nearly 200 pieces to select from. ~Extra good value in BLACIKK Casmshmeresw at 50c. 75¢. and $1.00. Colored Cashmeres in a Variety of Shades. Black SILKS and SATINS. A Cheap line of Dress Linnens. White Terry and Honey Combs for Ladies and Childrens Jackets. FOR . W. Mockler Leading Hardware Store Upper Town, Durham. T.J. ADIE. Call and see them OaATMEAL, And FEED BRUSHES. . Mockler. Frames made to Oorder, any size, Hinges, Latches, Ciothes Â¥ery cheap, | Colored & Bright Gold Sets | _ And every apecies of dissase arising from | Hmoper saenerianir 103 _*~7r f=â€"â€""0R Hooks, 1 t‘ PC TCPE gProUus experimenting with unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that these discases may, while so trified with, lm'ou!e deeply seated or incurabie. Usé Aviat‘s Cunmnriy Prcroxar, and you may confidently expect the best results. It is a standard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative power, and is a* cheap as its careful preparation and fine ingredients will allow . Eminent physicians, knowing its composition, prescribe it in their practice. The test of hall a century ba* ::gven its ul::‘nu certainty to cure nl; m' nary complaints not already beyon reach of human aid. A o2 Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Anaiytical Chemwists, Bronchitis, Influenz Sore Throat, Asthma, #amaks an c as C EimE the greatest possible I e@iciency and uniformâ€" PECTO ity of results. It strikes P * mt the foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt relief and rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable, lln.younm children take it readily. In Amlinase Gnull c CC CEWe f TT Key and Steim \\'.‘Jm. Thelatestin Hall,Parlorand BrucketC1,00% ® Bome beanvntiful designs in Silver and Elec. tro Plated Ware at W. F. DOoLLS®‘, Flesherton, GOLD & Silver WATCHES LOCKETS, RINGS, AMERICAN JEWELLERY, Discases of the Throat and Lungs, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BY aLt DBCootsts EvenyynrRE A call respoctfully solicite 290. Wwoop For sale at Parker‘s, Durham CEC ATMT, TeBI Dear Sirâ€"My wife and children have All be ‘..,.‘nzmnlpmum. Medicine. T am cot, that it is a good cure, MATTREW scog; Arthur, Nov 23, 188; H W Loeson Varney. Dear Sirâ€"There is a lot of Diphtheria in t place. Isaw one case whore 'yuur medicing w used which proved a success after the Doctorsgn it up. I want you to send me $1 worth ntaonce tfâ€"198. Yours ete., GBO. whan fh. F B To Mr Loeson Is the only sure cure n::'um 'f""'l* gm.w 1t cures cuses easy and w Rull puiu to the ti No Mm-wmmg the throut, so thay ie emallost can tukeit, It miso ‘curos inflamâ€" mation of chest. Iungs er bowels, Ast),, 8, Croup bad aolds, and if steadily tokes win py.,!""> Pamammnatian THE BEST REMEDY LEESON‘Ss DIPgTHERIA MEDICIN®E Are pleasint to take Purgative. Is a enfe, destroyer of worms in 3b Wodnesduy in each month 'm Wednesday in each month Mildmayâ€"Last Wednesday in each month Sn c P WORM POWorrs. Listowelâ€"First Friday in each mon.t;w“-' lol?n- M. c Infest e ty ons oorts. .. Primroseâ€"Wednesday preceedino tha a.. . __ ... THE LA&TEST NOYVELTIES 1x A severe shock of enrthquake was cg. m “. Uclim on “od“.’.’ last. ‘h-(-fn-h.u. Very litile dnmage was 1,400 houses Imve heen destroyed h :_‘N'Mud‘.(mpnplnmhah::: BRACELETS, â€" _ f Also Ladies‘ & Gents‘ finâ€"’; W-h-ln:"' lay preceeding the Orangeville, TESTIMONIALs INCLUDIN remed: feduesday in each month, _ ‘""®. gm'hu Gusiph Fair. ;&."fi'.’.“.'n. Palace Grounds, "“Y‘M ursday in EThurbday in epch month, 0 tuke. Contain their own anfe, sure, and effectual second Thursday in each mon lay before Orangeviile, th BEALS, CHATXS, Children or Adulig, Snintribcdiee. 4 Ml‘th.lfiu have al been , T 4M @ertaiy it n each mo‘. &e. &c. ville woop ADC Ming urr‘“\. Mloe . in t) on up It > "es 1. 0 2OE DD the m ast im ors ve w‘ on the shorlest notice «2: seempetition . #R wio ». him a catlan mnport «Look out for cold w HARNESS, HAR A Good FIT Guara 4180 THE GL1D Roliable Seotch CO Wew Stock of LEATHEZI WBHIP3, CERLS 4 BRUSHLE®, BFI! ”.Dw,w And See Their Now & f Working, Good A. R. 4s Agenst forthe Celobrate owdagg Mn cBines </ NE m his machine is capable of sewing thr of duck with the same sase as any oth #an sew £wo ply, and the strongest 1 made cas be used upou it. It also e apdjusted to sew tho fnest fabric. 1 from #35 to #43 BOUTLDENX 3 TYE Residenceat theOid PostOflice, I DURHANX. arnegs lhkeg. t:llml-!m. Stree _, "~ _ Post Offce, DURJI A M J and Make ";inn theshortest ho LatestStyle Memand Boy‘s(] ft maurranteod . Byring and Summer Fa»] Latoss: Fashion: Regui=als Bosidenc oods sold on C attonded and th JOHX ROEERT TAILOR AND CLOQ AMERICANK COLL NWilline at 1 day and Pri (+ YETERINARY S8SU every month, w mpon all those i ponage. All wo formed in the Furmurno®, ar ronto. Durbham .Feb.14.1 AJ Solicitors in Chanee O wen Sound . have rosumes pen overy Pharsday as h Frost & I}A“l"fi'l'lfl(.\' and Solicitors in Chance Do d all parts Cutting done to Elead O t c Alexander Robe * RADIT LFBRED FROST _ County Crowan Attorney June2ith 1880. Ordingry notices of births, in 11 kinds of loca} news,insortes uray Amimiis, &o, adue for #1, the advertisement not AAvertisements, except wh i ten instrauctions to the cor wrtil forbidden, and charged a rofessional and business « space and under,per y T wo inches or 24 lines N onpai Threeinches do .per year.. _ Casualadvertisemonts char for the fArstinsortion, and 2 c« aabseq uont in sertion . » Nonpe erhiim . Money to Loan BUSINESS DI â€"PRR M®:; ~©1.00 pory $1.25 i1 mot paid w c w t h n B.JACKES, B. A lewe .1 MISCZLLANE JACKES & PRI TTORNEYS at Law DURHAM "THE GREY . E.D. MACMILI TPORXEY . ATâ€"LAW HUGILI MACK the OfMee, G wratriza 8 epposite Parker CHAS, LEAYVT ibscriber is prof Sveoery Th Specialty 8.8, 128 TATILGO RATES OFT ADVE M O CALML AT I‘] MEDLIC BEX DESTE 4 J. TOWNXSH» WEA LEGA and Att DI SV it 1 t F1 DL Durl G ad

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