West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Aug 1882, p. 2

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w9 9 0 Jw | tw the Port there rice David Câ€"eâ€"#eq Jogy Fouzy, editor and proprietor of the | It was Orengeville Sen newspaper, died in that| broat! town on Sunday evening last. He cottled I‘ Jaun i9 Orangevills about twontyâ€"two yoars ago, ; place and commmenced the publication of the frsg two he paper in that section of country. He \vui Loo a writer of cousiderable abjlity, and touk| warnin an active interest in public muutters. He/ selling flled the position of Reeve of O â€"angeviile| Elisou iu 1877, having Lbeen elected to the ofico'p»wor by acclaraation. * I nuks tho SPPemy HEeT more than ourselves, but at the same tim It is our bounden cuty to see that suel i provements are made in a fiir and equil uble mauner to all parts ot the iown, bn such a course bas not been the ease wit] the Tow» Counerl rince we enme bere, bn the reverse has ofter been tried, and with. OU€ being specified in the Byâ€"law would no donubt be tived again. â€" Last week weo soo it stated that the bridgo, abutments and «pproaches are estimated to! cost 12,763 ! On the bill $400, and on the gravelling $1,440 at $1.50 per rod; but then even this is not binding on any one and may oy may . not be followed, but at any rate it appem‘ to us to be yery etrtravagant, but in all| probability the amount asked for would l:c’ insutficient if sanstioned by the ratepayers. ' The total amonnt necessary to levy with rnterest for twonty years is $7,625, or $500 "] for the first year Jown to $262.50 for the twenticth year. We are well awaro that a! J new bridge is necessary on Limhbton street, | 3 but then it muast be remembered that the | prosent one was built 14 yea‘s agont a cost | 1 of $700, so we aro iuformed, avnd it hul h provably cost $200 sinee for repairs. ! & Jouhn E. Morrison, of Southampten, NC Inat should never be san mmnicipality that is alive to ests. There is no one in / would like to ree improy more than ourselves, but at I is Our boundurm Aukc ue .i2. expended. This w the By â€"law to be eovilect seeing a P not state how the to be expended, a: froctory they were there is an amoun ue temporary, aski to be expended building a brids were completely the byâ€"lsa as to We notice that a Byâ€"law ihas lighed for the Inst thres wank s priuci..], the pntbj, that ¢y npou public works, en tue merits or demerits of t only into the politica] stan stitueney m which the pro ituated ; â€" and Kives or reward or puuishment for | port or otherwise as the Now we have long known bhis Ge Bound in the matter of ] ly tells us that Sir Joh somewhat daz erhaps as. ""7« ZAn¢ represented the party purse, it is altogether at n loss to n« for his deafeat. 1t also says, or rath sinuates that as North Bruce has ele; supporter of the Governn.ent, Wint to have an advantrave over Owen Som this respect. This is the doctrine c fishne=s pare ind simple, of which friend is such an emiuent exponent eannot get into its ideas that there is thing bigher or nobler in buman na especially in regard to Politics, than tives of a narrow selfish kind. N.op ie to be wondered at. There is nothing § OX WORBF Biznass ... . ul Tor the Inst three weeks in tary, asking the town to vo expended on "itmprovama for his ds siuuates t ©upporter have an a Mr. Lane purse, it is _ Our contemporery hay Covered from its astonisl; of the election in this ridi aurprise at the election of in North Grey. It seems only qnestion which the eonstituercy would take n world be the getiing of tm provement of Owen Soun T Faips«. it .. . _ T "ohirement of Egystiap «ffuir=, it appears to us to be more like}y to lead to more complications in Eastern maiters. There bas been no more fighting yet. _ Generfil Wolscley has sutled for Egypt to assume command of the lan. â€"There does uot appear to be mne isfuction with the procecdings of the ference at Cmutantinuple. Instea leading to an early settement of Egy affuir=, it appears to ns to be more | to load to HHGEG B0tuniHfcatians 1. â€"as Jrees ridge on LaigLton street _no one in the t see improvemer elves. but ut tha s rnOn6q ely in the durk after reading to how the money was to he is will in all ;rol abality eause be defeated. We never re. a Byâ€"law published that did the money so asked for was I, and even then If Bot ratisâ€" I ere mostly defeated. Bat ipon w\ «<2 JA ! There being so mue & «ie _ P e ie esn [Powers 85 10 Ensren M;flud it Silvignble ot! THE REVIEW | direct control in that > *"Fbable resilt may ho 1 THE BY LA Ag:nts for the Grey Review. 16. #2. Middleton , BDandsil . Veolin C, McHaydem, Glenetg. Danie! Keith , Molstein. Alesander Taylor, Dromerc,. Joia McDonntd, weoss. sel Durham Olls, Praints, et» Mams, Bacon, otc â€"3 een tmed, and withâ€" | , ~* be Byâ€"law would uu’ “_’:”L Last week we see | will k :0, abutments and | “:m"? d tof cost ¢2,763 1| °CY ‘ on the gravelling , sud w but then even this | eCs e and tmay op may | tory. ny rate it -"N‘elrz-{ It w vegant, but in all| that a. isked for would l:.’ Falls a by the ratepayers, | ©Ctore ( AFY to leve wish ' Braueh "" tho town that | provements made I t at the same time | > see that such im | a fair and rqmt-" ot the fown, bat} wiporery having son ) its astonishment at va in this ridine aÂ¥n improvements k SELFISHXES3 awnd sanctioned by ~", or perhaps both, election in this Rid. iutellect ? . August :j!r;i; i682h e oluce‘ power of oil to that of . | asks three dollirs per bo mpten, ' which is said to be wort laflorl Iyyon W2ut anod bran ese about Ita own inte ** @e +4 Advertisements 10¢ â€"J. Burnot Durham H. Parcer, Darkam. the electors of t!,4; | @4 in Scriptare m iy be almost e mmto consideration accomplished before the world f money for the im. | the fret and yet the doing of it und harbor, and a« | covered many years. Now ne the party of th, | the French in Egypt nearly a c t a loss to necount | ~â€"in Algeria laterâ€"in ‘Tunis 82ys, or rather in. | Then we have our own battle of Bruce has elected a | boimbardment of Alsiers and af In our gon vote §5,‘0 h Tes numan nature, , most important tics, than imoâ€"| position. Franc d. Nor ie this| her freedom of n a nothing bet.| Britain is more i tised amongyt | clear handod. P rich it belonge, | perhaps, but the : igher than its | iminable Eastern iug of our litle | Yery far away as pxiuci‘,lg_ the work in the st at which M.?uml rumours of w J. Rmenmas R, expresses Li Mr. Ben. Allen, to think®fhat the of which ou exponent. I wor Catse two noses, two month It was alive when p breathe. OQrherwise t If James Gzy was oul place this matoral ou two headed calf, Alis» Bat the baver and We line Looz Ocor ror HBrn: | _ It will be remer l that a grand cheap Falls and Buffalo, w ectors of the Georgin Brayeb of the G. T. mer. We belisve t bont the 25th of An somewhat : J°urds muekh in & and we have no opening in Durhs s Salled for ; of the lund[ imon elected a rton will ound in e of selâ€" Iut C. H 18 any are of the Conâ€" Instead of the result North West tbip, the prospeots of t! CHANGPD.â€"Mr, int to the Statian g tucir readers of a pers a powder that he clains . aud will increase the i] of oil to that of electric + | For Cleap Groceries go to J * | Durham,. | Hortaxp appears to be infe *| sheep thieves, "| THs Resrew owing to a press o | is a day late this week. I For Oils, Paints, machine Oils, ,nt Parker‘s Drug Store and obtair | _ Ws poticed in Town this wese ’ Hastio, Esq., for merly Mayor of [ He is looking welt, t nd | est knocks ». | tory otten 1 to | so probable ut | turbance sb 1t to the Station Agent &n removed to Mnt _Holden sent to fll his Vicx‘s Iptpustma» Dromerc,. Pricevilte, ; two months ayd on It on the 14th Sept. 3 @tcke®t.â€"Darkham play latter place on Thursd: beat by 45 runs, z. T. Doxacgy has ret HE Caledonian games w know ou the 13th Sent 1 Satâ€" | t be remeinUere o be worthioss 2004 brea} mop th of Angust, and will be the f the season. More particulars in the develo While even the war is in its ra istan 'tbia Eastern Question. â€" Stil beyoud our depth it is instru the dealings of Providence shadowing of future events 1 tion aud the light which R by step throws upon these. son taught us in those matte ind gradual way in which poses are worked outâ€"step b y bit. Some great event for in °o back him up has 0 disable the sick mai cks of his avowed e on repeats itself, and â€" : piggod but conl. e the shape was uat ouly arognd Lhe ic curtosity slonsside direct soversign ty of Eg: of the Sultan which wo sick troan another brea have & quicting effect all ,time. But none the less Egyptian affair be anothe man‘s coftin. And even stated, viz., direct Tw least nominally) in Fgypt be the more mannifest that UsTri®D â€" Moxtsny.â€"The or of this beantifal work of is on our table is as pretty, I as uscful to bortienitarists Paints, machine Oils, eto., call I Drug Store and obtain prices, { ad in Town this week Walter ! conquer and re the Pharoahs. | twouble will be an ia0 Day and Welling .« R. some time thiss this will take nlae 1 get ronp ere has always been Win -I: xohnnge; at conntr 10} H THE FGY nised by t! of th wNumllating ¢ light. He the powder, sett‘ement of this inior.| less than $ question may not be so| each and e _ many of us imagine, and requests p; hape of fightings and wars | thistles aro vars, may be nigher ac.| districts, / we sometimes think. It enforce the o best meant efforts of his | fence. im up has done fully as| gip Ocev: he sick man as the bardâ€" hree Fusar. cb by ally) in Egypt, then it will only off the lrn.in and ran back fifr : manifest that the forces of the | 48 the train stopped at n static tetting themselves contralized | t CAUght up again. Soon A eonflict for, "where the car.| #G@in we noticed a fine pew will the eagles be gathered to. | 00 the side of the track aloye but nobody off after it. Som alwnys been a great deal of| bave gone home without a rao is prophesying in regard to| they bad & night cap with the; Question. Still withoutgoing| TrE Ruru CaXADIAX â€"We lepth it is instructive to observe | ed the number of the Rural C of Providence and the fore. Al‘l,’_."lsl Ist. This fine Agricum future events by prosent acâ€" ; has been published regularly tw light which Revelation step I since this year commencel. a: ""*"5C8 are m who is is made by Woolion re is a grand M in that quarter, and the proâ€" may be the handing over the ignty of Egypt into the hands which would give the poor nother breathing space, and ng effect all round, for & short one the less will the preseutl Aour at DeEdeulars | Of their being rafeete | and terrible disease, Heury of| Tgr recent disast id six pigs | Causes the Standard were dead | but timely remarks id pigs Ladg | Yillago that a repetiti oue eye, 'i be provented. 4A nig conld mot/ fompany, engine, anc s uataral. | of water are urperati1 be mighttof all the villege ough gside the [ The Standard takes t e how to keep it in order. o much jealousy among the Eastern matters Britain may le not to assune permanent, velitugtop TPTIAX Py purclhase place a Y ove €U°G as well ns| suffer any Ca _ hampored, while | in the seasor is well as more | endanger the i8 not just yet, ; upon convieti uouo Jully nSI Sap Ocovarexor AZ W n as the bard> | Las been shocked to its ¢ nemies. Hisâ€" J ity which bas cast to son if, as appears | over its Railway festivities ) present disâ€" ! celebrating the opening at ing of Egypt , citizens had decided to ere ubt that the I arches, and the hotels |; streets had been decorated ecâ€"=mmeme= | and some of the youths in Items. chief had threatoned to pr In consequence of this tli go to J. Barâ€" decorating hbad decided to over the decorations. Abot J. Burnet‘s, | that moraing a young ma I Turner and some others att ® out their threst, when Char Hested Mm/Jnmer. MceGuire an hotel ke« : of his house and ran them . of job work | in the bushes, and, hoaring ,and MeGuire came up with . 1. oto., call fug‘one of the arches, and D. in prices. having a revolver, McGuira â€" rek Walter | it in order to frighten the boy ‘ Durham. | ed to give it up. wherann a °s | the sitration.â€"CGlobe. +]| â€" Freg ar Parxr2rstox.â€"On Friday )ing mbout 7 o‘clock the large forr | douring mill, owned and worked by F more & MeKininy, Palinorston, too shortly aiter the employees bhad left 1 ’ Tue building being frame, nothing cog | done to put out the fire, About this ty rels of flour was all that could Le &; | The total loss is supposed to be abont { 003. and the insnrence between $8,000 $10 m s not much fear that’, a general European |,, is that Britain mll‘hl order in the land of!\l | th 11 embitious Imperia! is nnother outbreak of their hink. Tt | enforce the lav'v ;nay rts of his 'fence. ly The unfortqnate in ]in Hathway‘s nuill, ; 1' his bands, it is supp fection through the L upon which horses a Lad discharged the nostrils. | It is sast a €udar when th MEROCLIO i Question. As very well have "9° )et been located, Dieo or Graxoexs prise says ;â€"A shook resulting in the deat I the nn'zi.u" * .03 the i |__ _ "*i> 40ronto, Inwa fou if they were oncy oar on | 10F Hie Pull title and Kintsy op 3 _____"SU by Finueâ€" | of an exeursion if they were each one separ. tached to the office o combegees ind 900. ateint lneoded io to tm and t in on puniot the employees i4 elt work, | i & «5. R being fr*mu'u. nothing could be l(;n ?Mh_ Q?‘(,l w.ordod.som‘o,thmg like t‘he fol-. sociate Rector, ut the fire. About thirty bap. 10Wing :â€""Thig train will stop at U‘“’""’ Oa Prid i oi oreh ovild Le saved, . ing and all stations toâ€" Chesley inclusive," [1), ) "OHY a son.0 s is supposed to be a‘.ont £18,> or "This train wi‘ ‘stop at Elmwool and | 4th line, _L“l’l‘“‘“- insurence between $8,000 and â€"al qtgfig;'xo-l’dwn inclusive," ang andâ€"hbad bis left arp *4 * We think if this Plan wes followed a great wrig‘, »ersons having hores affected ders, incur a fearfui re spouneibility o such animals; more particq arâ€" bey make use of them in a way Or the lives of Persons unaware ing aeeted with the loathsome Pilige ent oisastrous fire at Markd Standard to address some sh: remarks to the people of thu.t: a repetition of the disaster may 1. A night watchman, a fire gine, and ag abundant supply uperatively required, but first: : | ed the number of the ‘/Augnsc Ist. This fin has been published re since this year comm ouly sustained the p sample numbers, but ; halp 20 i _ o ~ 4e miereon; so of en each and every year as is suflicient to vent them going to seed ; or if any own â€" possesor or occupant of land knowinp‘y fer any Canada thistles to grow therc on the season to ripen so As* to cause (rf HAnir uzes s rA at ght ta be iuco;'porute«l is the sensible view o "! nas cast to some extent a gl Railway festivities on Tuesday, ug the opening at the railway rad decided to erect four triumy nd the hotels and some of id been decorated with everorn | _A New Mitusr.â€"Mr. J. B. Miller, head , miller for Messrs. McKechnie Bros. Laving necepted the management of the Walkerâ€" ’tnu Mills has removed to that town. Mr. | Miller was well liked Lere, and we are sorâ€" !ry that he bas lelt the place, but we wish of the youths in a spirit . of mis threatened to pull them down lnm prosperity in his new P binson, late of the Ayton 1 Miller‘s place here and is wan had tae spreading thereof, he ; viction be liable to a fine of $2 and not more than $10 every such offence." The pathmasters to see to it that re allowed to bloom within t] Any pathmaster who nevloots _ OCvmeO Go pirce a watch rations. About balf past two & young man ramâ€"d John ome others attem}t:d to carry st, when Charle; Rec} in and re an hotol keepor, c me out | nd ran them o% ‘Ti.e :i allects 0 fata BP OV TT and having eracks upon osed he crnght the is landiing of some boards ffected with tlte diseasa h hem ‘of Thiy hid d, hearing them Reck‘n he up with & party waicL.| hes, and D. w, Mc Lnrcn’/ , MceGuirs asked him for Local and other Ite Dearaace; the best ull, and he die 1 in the 171L of July,. , aud leavas a We eath. His fathor rivur somo thine â€"selted in lhutl g horres affected . rfuire spousibility / more particu arâ€"| " 2C 208, Dtt he refus. ereon & struggle ensy. , in the course of n hich striking Reckin in the cT.â€"Our readers ought to reâ€" now is the time to cut down ‘histle. ‘The first section of ines connected therewith for ce of the same appended :â€" ie duty of every occupant (:f] i yesdudy 1. 22 _ â€" _ | h ROPeSIP HnEGETS Globe, the loathsome | yq reqular programme had been arranged 3' but tho exenrsionists were allowed to enjoy 8 at Markdale ; themselvos in any way they choose,and af. ess some sharp ; ter secing the place thcronghly the excurs. people of that ionists began to got on the care skortly af. 6 disaster may | ter four o ‘clock. ‘The first train lenving! chman, a fire| about five Pâ€" m. There wers about five | indant supply | thonecad poople present. The treins were / uired, but first !mnda up into four for the reture trip unti] ‘x' incerporated. | Palmerston was reachsd, when two left, ’ sible view of ! one south of gm place, end ons for Dur.| |Lam. The last train left Wisrton about |, Friday even. SOV@R p. m. We thisk . 22000 C smmE Te "__"A°C Humolested, 4 eouple cf h I written ts 41., q 300 "t of Montrent, has yourg man‘s Toronto friends assisted bin 1st Hhatn Tum Rui itc ntt eP :’wriuen to the Bmhop of Toropto, Accept» | §; Shelburne in his troubles, as also did l cam. The last m left Wm.rt:?n about f ing the offor of the Rectuublp of St, James the excited mid.nu. some doze» velicles lay even. Soven p. m. vy, think a groat improve. } Cathedral, Toronto, stipalating, however, | a,, ; fast borses boing placed at his disposat, fourâ€"story | snont could be made in arranging the trains | tor the full title and all the privileges atâ€"| â€"Globe. :y Finneâ€" | of an exeursion if they were eack one separ. tached to the office, This means that Rev, | lA' ok fil'G‘ ated as iuteuded to be ran, avd a placardlw. § on cip o8 e 2 E:-imrf; _on each end worded somethine L . 21. _ 1 be fi " FSuSt way 1 have been d vothing to 2 dnoformed WiIARTOX.â€"Wiarton s centre by a calam ome extent a slo. m n from the Other way Mence." The law ) see to it that no bloom within their ter who neglects to ined $20 each ofâ€". l Melaren to appear +<. Dr...H. Dr. C.E. + UTail bas th everpreon spirit of mis mek for it, got it and a station shortly af. Soon after starting e vnew felt hat lying k aloye Parkhend, . _ Bomebody mnstl it a roof on, unless iscase maj & fine of not n Canada hereâ€" our farmers to subscribing for idge for themâ€" down all | Leau, of Ayton; Alox. Taj Drorsore, the Editors of the Chesley L’nic:y:riu. Hanove | erston Telegraph, the Lis and Slandard, the Stratfo: | and a representative of the T | Ne regular programme had | f' but tho exenrsionists were all themselvos in auy way they c ter socing the place thorough ionists becan to got on the en; ter four o‘clock, The first t about Sire ip. â€"m, Thars es it ie m oneiey AvAl * lormerly lived in Durkam, was fally pro ®t. | pared to meet their wants. His House i red very convenient to the station, and will no on | doubt be @ favorite resort‘to travellers. W 2~ | were glad to meet Rev. R. Godirey, and 4 | family, who resided in Durham previous to S® |going to Allenford, He is as bappy and e | vely as ever, y A large doek is soon to be erected a; i | Wiarton. The "‘Josephine Kidd," a small * | Wiarton steamer, ren several excursions | 1 /out on the bay about six miles and back. | ) / It had an Indian band on board, who en./ : ilivened the trips. We noticed rmeong the | Exeursionicts S. 5. Puller, Eag:, Vieeâ€"Presg. -/iam of the G. T. L. E. & G. B. R., Dr. | M Landorkiu, N: P.AJ AHY Ainakne m o o2 parties â€" q P20 _ "~A" Andian band on board, who enâ€" [, C livened the trips. We noticed rracug tho’fl,,@ Excursionicts S. 5. Puller, Eag:, Vieeâ€"Presg. | and ident of the G. T. LB. & G.â€"‘B; R., Dr, hen Landerkin, M. P., J. H. Hunter, Esq., M. and r.Pr.} D.D. Hay, Esq., M. P. F:; A. 8. asm; McEdwards, E, <q., of Neustadt : D;, Me. | by D Leav, of A; ton ; Aloy. Taylor, ESQ+ Of | vaew T iunsesmbes Cqnilo sulns. NSE lace. Mr. Roâ€"| song Mills is in Mr.| horg s an excellent large onece took posses *" |{CAmSdiay) morning, n! The villago 18 sithetea at the head of th */b ault ful Co‘poy‘s Bay, and will grow int, * "n thrh ing tow : in a very short time. Th ~| s enery is very fine in the neighborhood, j “ A number of fine look‘ng stores have boen "e ected, and several s iw mills. _ A large ";factory is also being erecte l. On petting | off the train we mot our old fried Mr. Jolin ;.\Itu-Rne, formerly of Priceville, who has now a livery and blacksmith shop, and 1s ,abuut to ereet a boat house and will hnve} about twenty boats to hire out in a few days. He is very hopeful of doing »a,goudJ business. ‘The Durham people attacked | the Spence House in large force, and a+‘ shall | through rock; north of Pi s | â€" ‘The Village of Wiarton | with several fine arches, | lags, and the band was wa \‘ tion, and playod a number ‘iog the day. ‘The Cliffordâ€" 'up on the first train and p Io[tuues during taeir stay i ! sad ecausality occurred in which Mr. C, Reckin, form lost his life, as will be seen i umn, and which cast a gloo ple of Wirrton. _ My, Rec (Lursday‘l mornine. for tl e editors of the Tara Leader, rprise, Hanover Post, Palmâ€" & the Stratford Ch ative of the Torosto t Alox. Taylor, Eg;l‘ Railway Excursion to Wiarton B ion, but Mr. Spenee, who Durkam, was fally pro. ir wants. His House is o the station, and will no ) resort‘to travellers. Wo I‘ Rev. R. Godirey, and | § tieir stay in Wiarton, 4 | 40b without money w _ occurred in the night py| > compelled. to raise Reckin, formerly of A\'ton', Othere of the proposed will be seen in another col. IP"““".Y be done withn ch cast a gloom over the peo. | Must admit that they w «. Mr. Reckin died zms/ the good appesrance o ruing,. comfort of its inbabitan ; north of Parkhoad, â€"| Lower town 1s completely do e of Wiarton | was decorateg | ""© Caunot expect Darham to ine arches, evergreens and hi now is, a gulet and Compnt band was waiting at the sta. | POrtant country village, od a number of fine airs dur.| _ Whether the byâ€"law be los The Clifford Brass Band wont the old Lambton Street bridg train and played a number| PDAced by n new â€"one. and i1 W tnstea at the head of the Bay, and will grow into a very short time. ‘The in the neighborhood, ok nz stores have boen l siw mills, A ]ar,r:nj ; erectel. On nettin;;’ our old fried Mr. Jolin | {~ Priceville, who has ,' ‘is’ou-ol | ECCCE C OM ARITYY NC GEAAH had to back down again to the nother start was made and the e nearly ascended again when | gain came to a standstill. The |! vet with the falliug rain which |® iused the stoppage. The train )1 n two and the front part taken ood, the rest being left on the|t Elmwood another engine was | d n from Chesley with five or six | h aches to pick up the passengers | tl but the engine left the cars| H n and fetched up the balance | m ion train from near Hanover, nemek i ptrmce eenins mestan 2 C OqUF VP SDOUL 8iX Toet | ~~ en braces fixed to the I P€ l. There is a large | . timber | still standing, | * furnish work for the '"‘ . The road bed is ex. | "* any culting had to bo , i was done was mostly | f” s for the fence and tel. { the latter being built eight of about #ix feet bop, | Flitten to the Bis on about | ing the offer of the mprovs. | Cathedral, Toronto B6 traine | "°C 1 _ Banner| Chronicle, | look exceilent. T],el' We notice by last week‘s Review that io Hanover is in the / this neighborhood was recently honored by ranch of the Saugeen, } a visit of the How. A. 8. Hurdy, Provincial ried. At Hanover a| Secretary. We think he missed a grand rain, but this was the | Sight that he did not ascend the Heiglts e the camel‘s back"â€" | and take a view from thence. after crossing the| In the mccount of his visit we observe scending the grade ) thore is mention made of the hearty reâ€" ‘a mile, the train| «Pouse that was made when a treat was in down again to the | Prospect, and the "sorraw" that was mnn-/ t was made and the |ifested at the disappointment, Being at cended again when|the raising we noticed that some of the 1 0 & standstill. The | raisers did attend to the summons "to have | | falling rain which | some," with alscrity, but not half of those |, oppage. ‘The train | present. t the front part taken | â€" Mr. Archibald MceKechuie, who lives up | c st being left on the| the line a picce north of the Heights, was | t nother engine was | drawing in hay a few days ago when the | c sley with five or six | horses run away and threw the load and w *k up the passengers | the driver, injuring lum rathor severely. | in wine left the cars| He is now recovering under medical treatâ€"| R ed up the balance | ment. '" rom near Hanover, | â€" Several bears Lbave been seen lately in | ti hours delay was| this part of Glenelg, â€"one and a cul, by | va t was madle, and I Mr. Maybourne ; one by Alex. MeDonald ; | S1 iminutes atChesioy [ A00 OH6 BV Mr TaÂ¥ke MB lee 2 on and at . 5. Rainsford shall rut be sociate Rector, "10’ this issne of our pa; *3~ | sad experience that Ir, hcurleninx than the M, and periodien} attacks S.] nematic disorders, P ‘câ€" | by Dr. Ayer & Co. 1 Of!)‘eal'u. aud has prova to Wiarton & This was ach the termiâ€" soon followed " qnently incapal, ‘ ablo effects whio drugs. Our We !grutitmle to Dr. this valuable n cwill save much ; mend it with the ability to do all dfkine, Ark.. N. mmE | tor disorders of this nature, f a sife and harmless one | cumposed entirely of vegata ‘ without either quinine or m other soâ€"called Ague Cure qnently incanable of nant. 1t ; imention of the prop | vertised in onr colun | be a duty we owe to ; their attention to the i. C, Ayer‘s Ague Cr _ Let us then ’ lethargy into wh vigorous and uni a place noted for mercial importa every measure be town will be bene Friday a son.of Â¥Mr We freqnently hear our | that if Dsth+m ever becon ‘ | pertance it will be throng! | tion of manufrectnres ; now pends to any meat extent, /W\ mnst remember that m |attractive places held out to ’hu"e natural advantages ns "ol‘ Durkam. Are then the ers going to sink their cap ’tlmir families to reside in . without sigewalks and wher Shire : aF8 spmalinese uc c~a seen ? C think not We do Canou | We are told that {irsvfllf cannot stand, a village divided n becoma a city, or ey until the feeling o at present exisiing h vrnether the byâ€"law be lost or carriel re old Lambton Street brrdge must be re. laced by a new one, and this ennnot s me without money which the people wil} ) compelled. to raise in some manter. here of the proposed improvements can mafli o‘ /s us 1 importanco, measure benef families to reside in a ut sigewalks and where are sometimes heard . ‘ Other things l:eingeqv TET ° ,____ 8 [‘tolose of them in Lower town {lmiug of the opinion that seme of the talk. ed of improvements will, if made, be a great benefit toâ€" Upper Town and conseâ€" qarently‘an injury to them, and those in Upper Tewn being equally afraid that llw’l Lower Town will be bomaBiked ae 21 o2 opposing itâ€"those of i] being of the opinion th ed of improvements w great benefit toâ€" Upner t1G6 BEodusi. _ _ of then due, T. Ayer for the production of constable @ e medicine . Its ‘im"ly use the ecouple ich suffering, and we recomâ€" learning |th the greatest coufidence in its cided to wit} all that is promisod for 1t.â€" ority, sud th ' ‘v’w’. £..0 Toronto uur a U 1noulin, of Montreal, has yourg man‘s 6 Eisbhop of Toronto .~...., |4°4004 _ VC SePms, io be very little interest tuken by the people of the town in this matter and the probability is that the quesâ€" tion of whether the um asked for is to 1e granted will be decided by the votes of a very small proportion of our rale payere, We do bhowever henr it said that the byâ€" law will not be earried for that some of our more influential townspeople are strongly | nnnasine 1 Sypecot sls Wls ' There seems to be very tuken by the people of the matter and the probalility is tion of whether the um aske granted will be decided by U very stmall pronortian af x... . iuto which wa have f. and united action, m not often make then nrouse n.of Mr. David Clark‘s sia, fell off a load of hay, arm broken mabore the "Z‘Rnce, romembe re beneficial to a ps beneficial to it as A 1 The Proposed Byâ€"Law ! The day appears to have been particuâ€" larly unfortunate to Ayton Village, as one person was killed near it, and a former reâ€"iâ€" dent shot at Wiarton: The excursion reached Durham about 3 o‘clock a. m. propriet columns which they had been standing. The daughter jamped to her assistance and foll underneath the wheels of the car. She was instantly killed. The mother was seriously injured. "" _ CPPINges ns great as those Aro then theso manufactur. sink their capital and bring us l cemC:% ed. to raise in some 16 proposed improvem done withont, nevert! that they wonld creat} ‘deal of confusion and unnecessary dula_v.' would be avoided. The retun journey | | was slowly made as each train had to stop at every station. At Ayton & melancholy ’dfnir happened in connection with the exâ€" eursion. Among the relurning exeursionâ€" ists where a mother and daughter named | Drummond. All went weli until Ayton | station had been passed a short distance, |! when the mother fell off the platform on | f *4 w s _ its enterpri prictary | medicines d being eqnally afraid that will be benefitted at thei Kingston Heights. 4 ‘ it is qnite as true that ngainst it<elf can never even a thriving town,and of rivalry and jealousy ourselyes termed As. 20 PC C COTmRents can ont, neverthcless a}} would greatly ald to of the town and the uts. Any editorial elves from the : fallon and by make« Durham iss ard comâ€" mbering <hat a part of the | a town almost re stroet cross. | of but never qual we should ty divided apgminst qnite as true that whola, CivEs. °40 east half of lof 10, rk‘s | wost half of lof 9, c ay, | cent towp hip, 200 re the , ach, of Balope , Aber>.. days ago when the threw the load and im rathor severely. nder medical treat» : he imissed a grand _ascend the Heights thence. his visit we observe le of the hearty reâ€"|, when a treat was in |, James Reynolds the east half of 17 ad | CC 200 CCCAORE AnG €h 4 | ,, _____ * _ And Lorontoâ€"or a good l?ml.n;[‘v: ’ wore alesping "‘_ thc.r time not Over most | 'I‘nmutouinu-â€"ius(uully mranged with his| rode nway. . It is raid some o'f the 1 °$ |flancee to fy with him, to use a common | ”'”’“"0_““ M ere Alibost .'.n'd ho * °CY | fiomre, Then to use lus own words he | after dark for “,“ they anight ouo«T ould | went up "TAke a shot," The young lady| the lost ones, Frery whayl (he story 4 “ bad her trunk n]rondy packed, but owing ’ or,""? most‘dcplon.l»lo in all the auns the |4o ciroumstarces or er which she had no I Mw'"“"i ploneo_:l:&n hy | control she was unable to get it 094 +and4| ‘The Metropolitin Bank has been c aM | § leaving hep worldly goods behind, the â€" up at a mseting held in Montreal, A pag | fritliful girt inade Ler exit from the louse dividend of §2,55 per share will be j t;x.et | :" :11 °“t1’ ""‘ ' u ““" “f“"“'"fl ‘md‘ halb'lftd y and the charter abandoned. | \:"ilh“:l s;::;: ln‘:‘(; lli::;,.]:vefr::. m- w:;"'”:“ iâ€" & walking tournament is to be held “u Calewaray v.'hn'.â€"ih‘o Pag k':ixr rO?OI Walkerton on the 9th of Augast, nn«". I for 'I:ux~ou!r7. il).tlxe mflu'J’Jt"m: tble f‘lrl:m \:lluuble 1 rulin ho Ofle"d'- J al ‘Il:ul awakerted to a sense of t} .'t nt ",[hkely * large number of sootties wilt d ’-lau:l telvgmphed lht; nuthorit:':z 'z:tu.:‘b‘:l?’ _nudo. A * / Lurne to stop the meaways. ‘The coup‘e Jobn Krno.ger. aged nine years, was r N1 alighted nt Shelburne and put up ata hotol, | °*** by a train on the GGrant T"m,k Bs * | Just as they wore about to ®top into a con | wn_;"on Th.""hy ne'nr "h., ketion, M " | veyance to drive to Alliston,some litth disâ€" | Berlin, and tnstantly killed, his head bei “’lunce away, they wore arrested by twg | U Of. * | constables and locked up in a room in the | â€" S«lt bas hbeen «trnok nt Exeter at 1,1% * | hotel. The "sld man telegraphed that he [ fest. There is nbout eiglity feet of sol ; | would be down by the next train, the young | S@lt rock, and drilling is still going on an I man in this dilemma wired his inâ€"danger "w'- througly the salt rook yei. â€" About te ' 5cf-bciu:,' fathersig law asking would he sonâ€" ipmmd.- of tirstâ€"class salt wore made frou sont, but the parent replied, "I will give | a little over half a pail of brine, no opinion," Thereupon a mautual frieng f Hugh Black‘s thiegl= imill, five mile | telegraphed explaining matters somewhat, | from Forgus, was burpt last Thureday ev | and the father answered that ho withdrow | ening between ez and seven o‘clock, to I his opposition, The thusâ€"made beppy pair “celher with ull 16y contents. â€" ‘The tire origâ€" ’bastonsd to the restdence of the Met'nmliut‘ inuted | from the durnuce. ‘The fireman minister and Wwas made one, They then | ADd othors wore ut tea sud Lbad been goue barried to the station to catch tho train only a few mivttes when Bames were din then due. By it came an Owen Bound | covered, Everything being so dry, and a constable armmed with a warrant to bring | brigk wind blowing, the buildiug was soon the ecouple back t3 Owen Sound, but upop | euveloped in famwes. This i« the secoud learning the State of affairs ie wisoly do. | tinie that Mr Rinern :5 u* * L & cided to withlinld tha ..___.. c that the their exâ€" Ib.'md. Indicati | the alarmed m | Tororto, and T I' Turuutouiau~im IRancese to fiv wil ’onw, witn whoin she regnlarly ted. The stern parent looked nection with great disfavour, f, ons it is hard" to discover, a {fmv.’uod upon the object of hi. 43, 6 3 _ _ 37 ) _ " _ "APOur, for Whitt Fous. w,,mlur-lml t‘bildrhe.n. onelWis hard to discover, and not only ;l:;:.(;::l:':r:n: y frowned mpon the object of his dnughter‘s Baz, on prrpose to a love, but actnally chose another as her bus» io. > f k] i p band, Indicating Inst week his intention« ey vok it nway w the alarined maiden communicated vrith' vicinity, flfnllgh the w Paronts, and Toroutoâ€"or a good looking | WYOre Sleeping at the 4 Posoutnuriun c bolas y 1, _ _ . _ __O"s #i#mae young souple eloped * |from Owen Sound, were Overtaken through | the agenty of the wires, but obtaining the || irute pareat‘s â€" reluctant consent, . were |speedi‘y uuiied in the bonds ot'unm'mony, and caughi the train for Toropto, where they arrived the same evening. â€" The frets | of the romantic incident are these :â€"The l young lady, a daughter of a wellâ€"toâ€"do cit. | izen of Owen Sound, had bestowed her af. ’fecu'oul on a young business man of Topr ’onto, Wwith whoin se rmenizlg io io 8 M ary deley‘_ Protection in the Reform _ _ never given a thought to the . ** | that has consequently come * ) we predicted. An unexample * | eaused by the reaction after t! and American wars has been * | an unexampled expansion, 7 | of protection was cleverly intrg Y | right moment to secure for it { ‘ | the whole chango, although a |interests of the conntry wore c | the very tine when stimulu, needed, The rosult will certai the shape of eollapse and reacti time what is needed now is the of the country, and this should ,on systematically, rot by the , by clubs of intelligzent persons c who should roud and disea=s a» the literature of the subject wit ing until the real state of the cas ally familiar to the people.â€"Afon noss. 4 A"’l"?; irl inade Lep exit fro: ck in the morning ap t where ber lover was rse and l»m.::y. The worth, whoere they tou} to. In the meantime rened L0 n canuk afal. *o* 49, concession 9, c »ncession Q, 200 rcres, to Johr Friday last has sold his 20r0, to Joun Blro;- | een Sc?thng._fu' $10,. | ___ _ °"" pui up ata hotel, : wbout to stop iuto a con ‘ to Alliston,some little dis. | y were mmrested by twg | reked up in a room in the I DMAD feleernnhal 42e . T mm wired his inâ€"danger asking would he con. replied, =f will give pon a mutual friend _....-..u,. wfl‘.’l‘ in the bonds ofuummony. x truin for ‘Toropto, where "l ) same evening. » The frcis | tll incident are these :â€"The | mughter of a wellâ€"toâ€"do cit. ’: und, had bestowed her af. ": ing business man of Tor lie ) she regnlarly correspond. 16 arent looked upoa the con. > it vli,.fmrour, for what reas. K64 discover, and Dot only | _ ver which she had no ble to get it 0n‘, +nd lly goods bebhind, the v exit from the beuse 10ormDg and hastenad Bound. ud this should be carried I M mm omm , ot by the Party, but A Deploru gent persons e\’ul'ywb('!‘u.l MA Bs .. and disca=s and cireulato ..Dflm"' Th 2:'-.‘1 is suljoct without ceasâ€" 1 Wilson and her little a i state of the caso is generâ€" | :.;:10 "::;: lo:’!wu:nt‘htu + 0 ww ) \ ) people.â€"Afontreal Witâ€" l' boy deud for some Aav 9, 81. Vig. Lhomestead ' is n lo- wnd | +i leverly introduced at the cure for it the credit of , Sui ime people had | t to the question, and ‘ ° come @about which ’ exampled depression | 1ough as far . were concern stimulus was ° AIPIOG0of, |_ °C TZCUIIET5 on the . estowed her af. ’ luku-'flmt he lmfrd them 88 2048 of Toy |?n| heing mo stupid as the rly sorrespond. lieve the panther ftury. la d upou the con. | 10 ©Onnect the cries hbear , for what reas. | 49024 and children., Si the train the fntlxer‘ ) situation s at Shel. ’ be couple | [ 3 _ _ , ""60+ i0 wr, 10 Ime couneil to build A »Dun] s, that he was dealing | sideroad known as Thorps side had bacome through| Allon, Lawrence,â€"Tlat snig ances of the country | be referred to the roud Commiss adberence to the free| W. Division.â€"Carrie 1, with a country which! Lawrence, MeCormick,â€"1 ; Ne mul s eFtecs: l h on s PPDEY L2 Party. bri Are no more fre an the Conserva True, the Conser 11us was lcutfmeoth tainly come in | at 10, a etion. Mean. / Coun the education Rer | ~°~* "*HTOugin the salt rook “‘": Ai-"lll ten con. | Pfltlnd.- of tirstâ€"class sult were made from give | * little over half n pail of brine. &£0000000 2C COWMIS, AUd & 1IeHOT â€" J addressod to ;. Wright, corn merchant, London LEnp., anking that a remwittance be sent to Eig‘ficld, Ont., and signed II "Thowmas Clork," vLich is copposed to be | the nume of the uniorthuate weylarer. Me ‘, was seen ulive on Suvday, and tive +uppo#» ition is that Le bud gone mto the wousle t\ ,l ©leep, «ud died frrap #xpm:ura. The boly "mas boong it too Bs 6211, * the European n followed by The stimulus lar as the rcerped. ai '“'ulkertoa on valuable priz |likely a large | made, ’ â€" $6ln EKrue® The Metropolitin Bank has been closed uUp at a mseting held in Montreal, A final dividend of $2.55 per share will be puid, and the charter abandoned. A walking tournament is to be held at Walkerton on the 9th of August, and, as valuable PHIEBE BPb brinn sHill i. io | rods away. It is a thoreahouts were a! llfler dark for four the lost ones, Ever of the most dlepJoral Mi(‘!li&lu hinnaae 11 e meme The man was tolerulbly vus about §5 years of 8 were fou;d 74 cents, sed to Mr. Wright, cor at perâ€" ' ing of council, and Trust The j be levied.â€"Carried, free| _ Allen, Lawrence,â€"7T}, rva> !lm exponded on roads ;] ser. | our read imrprovement to, l awrence, McCormi« and Treasuror be p eo into the best and safost ing the said fund and r ting.â€"Carried, Resolved that this e meet again on Thursday the I on pravel road, Paul, Lawrence ouncil then aJ th No chidren. Sti}l siopider were he searchers, who found a piece man‘s dress tred to a bnsh, like a pMrpose to AHrRAOL attnusice iol A Deplorable Story the council nbou-t tl:e pathmaster wants him ; bor as being unnemaees *°~° *CWATRCL attention, but oo mwany withont searching the muigh the woman and children e nt the time not over forty It is said some of the people were almost afraid to go ont r four they might encounter «_ Every way the story is one leplorable in all the aunals of 6 tolerully well dressed 5 years of age. Iv the I 74 cents, aud s letter _ Allen, Paul.â€"Tlat the same be Paid pry vided X manby paid one half, Buy here. after o such sccount shail be paid Mulasy applichtion be first made to this eouncil f,, a speciel grant.â€"Carried, Mr. Burgess elaimed giq for hewed cedar culvert 3 feet wido feet long on the pravel rand 8 are being offered, it is number of entries will be Minutes of the Pove the members present chair. Minutes of last vounol about the place ;bv;;“ imauster wants him to do his #trture as boing ennecessary and po, ,) eard them. Tlis neighbor ipid as the other di not beâ€" t etory, but never thought cries beard with the lost rrie wan towing ahbong Levied to him for he away, â€"A week In ncighbor that the the west bank of t yourned this council put i. L «sare. ( Holstein, July 22 he Pgrewmont Com presont, Haeva port ut 17th adjourn and 6 August, Counci] CXt meey *Carried held Lere MM'. road, ®pplicati ONer for 'l“nn.“" ® job to ute Inbor . l"orl,s.u .""'.Plfil. bridee «.. CXt Mept 4 that pplied Y »Znd, Counci] eve i» " is not q Prescuted â€" suine 4 earu hig ins for 8 B to hig re Alled he put and thig Mr un the 1882, All ling and the »â€" Smimemper burre|,. 'filigngut. Flour per barre} w Hogs, per 100 1b, 9 , roll«, NQF Bb .s+xse+1s i Conbdsiry,............... Fall Whent, p Boring Whoat B aley, Mides, ++ Bheepskins, »# Butter, per 1b &‘u, per doz vod, dry, p “'Wln ml' “n.. Flour, per Corn Meal Bhorts, Bran, Oatimeal Fall Whent Bpring Wh Onts, 3 May, Beef, din m ediatod y who at it. 4 ever used it, adi regulate mother, and ing like mung enses, and pl tion of one o ains ind moure where. 25 o« ©as IN "to the cirens in for a four dollar less advertising «id not â€" dissove perpetrated till , was purehased f MOot‘ xT eton youths } with the Are y i\ per ton...., hh cer L at beer gruuts tation of t\ Of the stom orrage, an d plain ts evenin most nucie uol ting and get $VRUJ it ,‘h. T'"ll give below a than an ave l'lu‘lnud thi per At n fire Kew York property w w.on mowing a ed fatal n Meothore it nod, mnived in appears from his plate sumronnding tbhe Butish. On forts, near wh.ich «erved hovering, w orous defence will rejoined the Cop: withdrew a day or in withdrawing trc »xeited suspicion, will be closcly wat posed that a coll> Buez Canal be und but it is doubt{al « eepted by all q Troops arn leaving seans of action, ane exowds who wilness mumber of Cluisting hour, Tantah,and M ed at 550.â€"Globe. per buys) As a remody f HAK, @ucdi TORONXTO y A Wexti DpURrH The strnits to wine Limsel{® reduced has what soften the tome « 40 Lord DofFerin, | willingness to deci. certain conditions, w) ed. Negotistions on gressing. The first d troops have cmbarked land will not allow t they agree to remam s al Wolseley and oboy who is kept constantiy negotiations of Const perceiving indications , submission to England dopted the despernto 3 ing upen Alexondria, Tuceday night firing / Aween the Butish outp guard, | He hus a large [ ¢ it MISCELI It FOREST »Mank:e: @te, Office, Auc. 21 R aaner wi ORO NT wi D) 1 from the M othore The Egy ind Meahala M LLA f1 10 on 10 00 bil W mu\'J the () We 50 40 BO 18 O () 18 18 Wia

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