West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Aug 1882, p. 3

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meont Cgmu. i war oune nk Railâ€" tation, . at About tem lt encounter h story is one he anvals of e Story. Thim neighbor ther did not ‘.. never thought with the lost sinpider were founud & pisce a busb, like & iitention, but searching the and children ot over h‘, f the peovle iy‘s work.â€" petition w v® en lost '... «x aboue om to Irine fog help. r that â€" there st bank of the been closed al. _A final ered, it is es will be ill be paid, be held at at 1,125 * near Bell wvered zo at »eil adjourn and 17th of Angust, I the ud fat) $100 an # un from the aving complai i to he place where thg in to do his st t Tike sary and not to ho Caitk, Clerk, woek Inter 28 the MiLls ~lhnt all Path. v the next meot. = the UOUnt to tei a m °en road. c 10 same h“‘h me “-nlf. Bn& 1il be paid .l * 1¢ Pil”lnw P er let .job ‘..'- T] ! be applicd debe, it the Reerg to iml“'.‘ 1 of invest. next meeg. * more M., 8Casiony as .. * expende." .. leet 4 Otherg aski ) foe Jm P 4 Lrnk... ® ‘ DC ‘Le mmew 1 ty of Mrs, The V be stat corner p 3 * Frime "L’h . ooR to this council fp PH h‘h- le rowl, mc "PP'?'M. f work d geirl the little little girh ow the um 1 a feolâ€" owbury , ®¥ it im * application report ty 0 for hig it Tows $10 for t wide 1 6 held Lerg ulohfi.' mep girl rhy ng ku:‘;-’: :'U:‘i:........-......--- wl cererennimemenncnne, nrtit n Tfi reesermemmeemanmeoran t b.23004 oee i zrtsnrrrrenenens rm.m""ltu.g.............. "‘3'“.";......... Mernenecciini e > flg: revspn<egk -o.4.-c--¢.m uy M ..m.o-:...,.. Poas, Hay port B xley, Drossed Hogs, per lwlb- Dutter, rolls, per 1b......... 'z" tub dniry................ 5gs, (loz.................. !fla‘fl::: per has Fall Whent, per l-fi,- Soring Wheat + Wuod Wool, Mides, _ * ' Sheepskins, each Butter, per lb .... E"‘! P”! afll.-... llny,' per Beef, Cormn Moal Shorts, ‘ Bran, | Oatmeal ‘ Fall Whent, Spring Whe Outs, p F1 " wwh 2 0 PP ETT TT "HCTEC is no about it. There is not a mother on earth ever used it, who will not tell yon nt ouso wili requlate the bowels, and %:: rest mother, and relief and health to child. ing like magic. . t is perfectly safe to We eases, and plawsant to the tasto, und is the 1 tion of one of the oldest rnd best femalo ans and nurses in the United States. Hold where. 45 sents a bottle. y207 IN hhd not discover the fran perpetrated till she got h« was parehased from the c as it MOtTXq Moethers! Mothers ! Mothers! ! t \Are you disturbed at night ant broken of Wb o a alits stuius _i d " with the affair BJ V NP t by m The firm of J. & $; M ntes us June Ist. say ing other preparation we can » much coufidence as Hur s it invariably gives the is urdock Blood Eitters cu lood Liver and Kidneys â€" A young woman of Campbeliford went the cireus in Belleville, and in exchange a four dollar bill received some worthâ€" s advertising serip and her ticket. She As a remedy for Sea tation of the stomach a of the stomach and mo orrage, and for all va plaints, Dr. Fowler‘s nature‘s true suecifie _ polve Sn ues s 2 d c ic by a sick child sulfering and ervin wiating pain of cutting teeth ? 1 and yet a bottle of Miks. WIN3LO W SYRUP. It will roliove the poor it ndiately â€"depand upon it ; lllim dw t it.. There is not a mother on cart used it, who will not tall vor ue ... . per bag . per bush, The Times foreshadows that v give below a fair average, barley r than an averige, and cats a go0« Eugland this year. Pollock Cu«tle, in Renfrewsh muost ancient fumily seat in the Seotland, was destroyed by fire on evening. . Lo#s £350,000, », N. R. on Saturday uths have been arrested per "..x:.o.rme.«-:rd W property was de M A steamer with King Cetew nod, arrived in the Thames or A Westminster farmer fell i mowing machine on Thursday ed fatal mjuzies, At a fire on Water and | New York. m million Aol: TORONTO MARKETs on . C oeeenoey ed. Negotistions on the subject are proâ€" gressing. ‘The first detachment of Turkish troops have embarked for Egypt, but Eugâ€" land will not allow them to land unless they agree to remam subordinate to Generâ€" al Wolseley and obey his orders. Aruli, who is kept constantly informed upon al. negotiations of Constantinople, probably perceiving indications of the Sultan‘s early ‘ submission to Englands demands, has a dopted the desperate resolution of marchâ€" ing upen Alexsndria, and at $ p. i. last Tucsday night firing had commenced beâ€" tween the British outpâ€"sts and his advance guard. Heo hus u large body of troops, and appears from his movements to gontem | plate surronnding the city und driving out the Bntish. On Woednesday the Mer forts, near which Bedouins have been olâ€" served hovering, were occupied, and a° vigâ€" orous defence will be m:ade. Rustia has rejoined the Conference from which she withdrew a day or two ago, but her uction in withdrawing from the deliberations has ‘ »xcited suspicion, and her futare action will be closely watched. It is now proâ€" posed that a cullective occupation of the Suez Canal be undertaken by the Powers but it is doubt(al whether this will be ac. eepted by all the Powers interested. Troops are leaving England daily for the| ~ neanse of action, and are londly cheered by erowds who wilness their departure. The number of Christians murdered at Vamanâ€" “ hour, Tantab,and Mahalab is now @stimatâ€" | |., ed at 550.â€"Globe. w per 190 lbs DURHAM MARNKETS Duornax, Aug. $r ton t, per bush NGtkiee xorare per bushel We FOREST MARKETs The straits to whicii the Porte has found Limself reduced bhas caused him to someâ€" what soften the tore of bis communmecations to Lord Dufferin. He bas indicated his willingness to deciare Arabi a rebel on certain conditions, which were not accant MISCELLANEOUS. *es see 800 s+0 tersess4s «00 ORONTO, Aug. 2od, 1882 ~â€"â€"ou10o0ure 0. forit. $1 per porr, J. & 8. MceEschen, Douglas, Ist. saying "‘There is wot & tion we can recommend with mee as Hurdock Rood Bitters, gives the best of satisfaction." litters cures all Jiseases of 1 Kidueys. â€"b229, !y for Sea Stcknees, for any irmâ€" stomach and bowels, for canker h and mouth, for piles and hemâ€" r all vacieties urbuwul comâ€" Fowler‘s Wild Straw berry is specific. â€" L229, man named d in n street m Water and Pike street a maillion dollars‘ worth « destroyed last Monday. The Egyptian War. it average, barley rather leas ze, and cats a good yield in ve the poor little sufferer n it ; there is no mistake mother on carlh who has frand that had been t bome. The ticket ols wo is‘and get him to Subscribe 81 14 to §1 1: 1 20 to 1 21 00to 0 0) 50 to 51 80 to 85 9 75 to 10 00 18 to 20 15 to 17 18 to l:)i 1 50 to 1 60 40 to 45 10 00 to 14 oof 0 75 to 1 10| O‘J-SNOI)‘ % 0@ to 50) v Â¥am l ity w m WIN3LOW‘s sootH *# We# + King Cetewayo, of Zala hadows that wheat wil _safe to use in all , ind is the proscrip est femalo hysictâ€" Stutes. lohr every. 0 18 to 1 25 to reus agent, owtu 9 00 to 7 00 to 6 00 to Us, which were not acceptâ€" us on the subject are proâ€" first detachment of Turkish ug. 3rd, 1882, 38 00 to §3 2 2 50 to 8 2 0 80 to 1 0 0 60 to 0 & 8 00 to 3 0 1 10 to t 15 to 17 to a James Campâ€" fight in Carl evening. Six in connection es on Tuesday. fell in front of ns to to $1 15 1 21 0 0) 51 so, o mt of your with the 10 0o 8 0o 0 17 0 17 1 50 0 20 oporat that it to the Wall Paper, and receiv 0 6| 800' re, the \Yent 0 ®©JUSTARRIVED Monday bour the “ReVleW" She | Show your neighâ€" \SCHOOL BOOK Window Blinds, If your face is asnuburnt, rouw les try um-gmchuo of the s'-vulluw‘n Shaving Parior, west of MeFuriano‘s 1 Drus 5 |re n» | ols "\Teas, Upper Town, Durbam Guraftuxa St., Lowor Town. dressing etc. done up in Of the Latest Styles, Cheap for Butter or Eggs at the T SWALLOW‘S Barber Shop MOilindatndbaiithi Gidaisi | for sale of the vory best brauds. CANNED FRUT, CaANNED FISI, SALT BISE, Varney CHEESE ete. All purclinses made by Townspeople delivâ€" ered in sny part of Dorbam free of charge. Romember the pince two d»ors north of the Cireaiar Saw, Lower Town, Durham. ‘ MRS. SswWanbnow Haircuttihé Afull stock of Crorce July 27, 18832 ol Grocery & Liquor S‘or Wishes to inform his Frionds an1 the Pubâ€" lic generally, that he bas opened & general lin e ty Store in the bullding formerly ocâ€" cupted by C, Leavens, as a harness shop, aimerclhs $he MB0 B1E 000 as DURHAM. W. P. PATERSON 1 dn the third aula q200 2. °0 °D0 persons menâ€" oned in the third and fourth Sections of "The r Votors‘ List Act," the copies required bÂ¥ snid Seeâ€" tion to be so transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act, of ull persons Appesurâ€" wag by the last re vised arsessment roll of the suid Miumi~ipulity to be enti‘led to vote in said Municiâ€" pality ut Eloctions for Members of the Legislative \ssembiy and ut Municipal Elections; and that sauid List was first posted up at my office ut the sald town of Durham, on t.g- twentyâ€"second day of July, 1882, and remains thore for inspection. Electors ure enlled Npon to examine the said List, and if uny omisstons or wuy other errors are found therein to tuke immediute proceedings to have the said errors correctod according to law, Duted ut the enid Town of Durham, this twentyâ€" socond day of July , A. D. 1882, P JOHN MOODIE, Clerk of saip Munivipality, beus Durham, P. 0. Municlpality of the V oterg‘ Lisflt’;',,f8~§§. ' O(, aeres Lot 14, Con of Darham Roa‘. A the premises, also a amail fra watered, with neter ‘miling s ind ueâ€" f "| Oil: liis on 1 prl= | 100 Axle Grease, Castorine and other makes. H. PARKER, Durham. Sugars, 'Pobuc(eos, EC ruits, R s ts TOTICE is oppusite the McAlister House A full stock of Choice New The largest stock of Machine Oils in Town at close prices. LARDINE, _ Heavy Machine Oils, Castorine, Weost Virginia oil, ' Spermina, Pure Surface oil, Oilena, Refined Sperimn, Cruade oil, Custie LV1 A NEW STOCK or Farm For Sale d229 Aug. 8. 1882, 1 ns mm emnnnommmencemmni en m t Ofe s 5 o NEY .: ! sW VE Ts B C D y _A TY , "LOÂ¥Wer Tow:. DURHAM, | & C Has on Hand a 1: ly of i isi f a : s * ! Machine Ofls., as on Hand a large supply of Fregh Grgf:l?i?ng(}{egzogaim :i il(l)tltc(x)z:ll; 3 ic!:gfelgn and Domestic Fruitt PFISH K No. 1 Flour, Edge Mills, $3.00 per 100, Shorts, Bran, Chop, Oats, &¢c. Canned Goods of all kinis If you ictend painting call at «. Te 5 4 ; * } PARKERS DRUG STORE This is the place to get all you require for very little more than cost "“d\?titinhff;'i‘c:i-“ Agont fot the Prise |~‘‘Small profits.:and auick rotuma" s mo w ud 2B ue abalns 00. . transmitted and obtain Prices. Agent White Lead at a less . buferior leads. Oi].S,‘ Paints [msimitted or delivered to the in the third and fourth Reet List Act," the CODie® rammnica Surnt, rough or coveredwith pimâ€" #o of the Ito)uv.u-lor, sold ut T. ¢ Patior, Lambton St , one door ‘s Drug Store, at 25¢ Der package or fivo for $1. 2 * place to get your and Shavirg done. . P, PATERSON, ANDâ€" ty of the ‘FTown of 1 the County of Grey,. hipiiepentihmets itc Arc d m. _ AlU kinds of Hairâ€" in firstâ€"cluus style. y225 he 'phy griv Roaw‘. A new frams i;l"nâ€"l'l';n um:ll frame bouse. It is well Pn P Wiiralymint Bs w alic Advertisements nd in a well regâ€" im !uml, will be springs. A“;[y tbgp â€" AM. 8. JAMIESON, Bunnessan, P, 0 .« 8, Glenelg, nort] ren that 1 have i person to Liquors st Virginia oil, Pure Surface oil, Refined Sperim, Cuator O.l. â€"â€"â€"â€"CHEAP CASH GROCERY Durbam in gost than "CPPCCAA promptly aitended going du'uopv:‘!m'! work a who has bad a good experience in Both Open & Covered Carriages, he4 gomn‘:.b.u?&:’t‘g::: :lnu.k"lfl'd-lopn. f Repairing prowptly attended to. Befora anine stascx 122 c PD T PDurham June 6t5, 1983 UEEKGANL Fuccccskes 1. NR chauged hands and Changed Hands. ° |Flour, Oatmeal and All kinds ‘-‘:fi/ Grain Bought and Sold. HA\'[NG decided to close our Business in Durham, Notice is he v.ll:u w}l Notes and Drafts made puva Ad County '-fi(ir«-; B ;lo‘-ldom'o w Durham. Su‘es attonded to in Town on reasonable terins. JJCEBNSED _ AUCTIONEER for the _4 Connty of Grev es aeue en e c ie c h w Bs m k 3 t .: WOOL, BUTTER & EGasS Commerce, Durhara, Aug. 8rd, 1882, On Hand a Large Supply of j Fresh Groceries & Provisions, Crockery and Glassware, Ching Tea Set #, Ston, Grnite and Glass Sets, Stone & Glass Eruit .J ars Grocery and Provision Store Hams .«( «"Small profits and quick returns JOHN MOODIE, NOTICE, to. Before fuir trisl aud JAS. BURNET‘S THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR Bankers t d Office in or Country DL 20. 009 CTURO I Nave A. Commensed the Mapnfacture of Furniture in ) all its Brauches, and from my long experience as a Cubm.tlllker.lhopototunmtwu secoud to | none in the County, L Agr es is L a & | New Furniture Warerooms, Banking tmzdy GEO. KRESS, ‘srarrongay _none in the All Styles in Stock or |â€" J. MESSENGER. |Spinning 123¢ per 1b,, Cash.! Match 9, 1883, TWEEDS, Hanover, June 1st, 1882, Highest Price Paid for Wool â€"â€"â€"AT Carding, Spinning and Manntaotnring â€"*â€" fFriends aud the public gencrally that WOOLLEN FACTORY, which was destro by firo,. is now rebuilt . furnished with the Best Mackinery, BEG leave TDNHE Subscriber b i 6 1â€" Friends and tha m.:n.g.. ..fg__,].uform Hanover Woollen Mills, Opposine Parker‘s Spinning 12icts per lb. We are giving from 8 to 4 ets. above the market price, in trade, for Wool. Jane 6 1882. °0 C# C20C0 #A000IMNCNE 0f MIX K Tweeds, Plaster of Paris Full Cloths, o narocly Blankets o e Flannel EL a tw o an'[xlle 'S, which for price and nions, nCls + Ens Yarn &¢, Grain Cradles of vanfilâ€"s in_a}fj Which are all of a suitable quality, ’ M A_ C TV T _ Call and Examine. What FARMER‘S WANT From long The Undersigned has rented MOODIE‘$S Old Butcher‘s Shop at the foot of the Hill. DURHAM, for the DUrDOse of trndina and have on hand an Immense FULL CLOTH, FLANNELS, YARXNS, kept on hand. National Policy Improved per day. T. SPROULE, â€"â€" â€" . Proprietor. '1‘!113 Popular Hotel has had a large addition added to it, thoroughly refitted, and is now second to none in the county. Good stwblâ€" ing and attentive hostler Firstâ€"oluss accommodaâ€" tion for Commercial quya0%j) 270 438 8¢commodaâ€" GEO. TANNER, the public for the patronage of the t >pin: for a continuance of the umo?“ REVERE HOTEL CLOTH FOR WOOL long Experience and Particular at tention we now know exactly ; Upper attended to as usual, ‘arker‘s Drug Store. toâ€" announce that I have We bowefaguls c 1 " is my motto. A large Stock of pa z226 UUT PHEDE étentive hostler Firstâ€"oluss accommodaâ€" Commercial Travellers, TERYMS gr ki adct E rgl iB mt B -A_JJ.J’ MARKDALE. Mt. Forest Woollen Mills, made to order on otice. GEO. KRESS 8r the purpo;se THE #+ of trading Remember the Stand PR TeR TTE -l“llul ba tion, at Prices which defy Competition. icvlar at | WHITE LEAD, the Largest Stock and most reliable brands tly CHEAPER THax EVER ; ALSO "ANT,| A Large Stock of Paints, Oils and Varnishes at right prices Stock of A Splondid A stnrbmant ~AMPURTiRE aus uflls Durham. his | Window Blinds | Which he is selling at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. aAi sn c® 4s Toys NAE IRWIN‘S BOOK [A full line of Groceries, School Books l Seed Grain, &c. Empire Horse & Catt‘e Food for Sale. The Highest Price paid in Ddash for all kinds of Grain, Butter, Eggs, &o. Fresh Oatmeal always on hand and exchanged for Oats, ___ Durham, Sept. 8, 1881. Tea Sets, of CROCKERY, CROCKERY. Agert for BUTTERLICEK‘S Pa.ttorn-a and Publications aper Hanging Done on! shortest 1 ~â€"GHEO. IRWT I offer the best assortment at the buyers. I am selling all . April 20b, 18e2. * 12 ~*‘~+*good Su; 11 © Bright Refin 10 _"® Granulated Frosh Table Cod Fish and Salt Water Herring Vineent in MamiLA..." s TEAS Scythes. Rakes, Snaths, Sickles, Hoes, Horse Pokes, Shovels, Picks, Barn Door Hinges, & Glass at bottom price , Fancy Goods & Confectionery OF THE CHOTODST warmrrmrâ€". Ned [IE AS the best and cheapest in Gunpowder, Black and TOBACCOS from 85 cents por Ib. up. Great bargains in DT Cretonnes, Lace Curt Immense bargains in Upper Town, Has just received a very Large Stock Cash for WOOL: and NX .& _ _2 3 ol C [ CAVSe #R0 dely competitior Give me a Call before purchasing elsewhere. A Splendid Assortment of MIXED PAIXNT3 The Subscriber has received an Excellent Assortment of and PROVISION SToREF 10 Tt *IGULD®. Also on hand a Choice Lot of , and complete supply of School Books and school requisites generally. LOWER TOWN, DURKH AM JAMES BURNET, Cash for Butter, At J. H. HUNTER‘g. €ILa rv es t , opposite the Middaugh House rius in DRESS GOons Lince Curtains, Embror THE CHOICEST VARIETIES,. F T CE Te C which for price and quality are unequalled C CWwild ~ 6 graues very clcap, 13 lbs. Musco Sugar for $1.00. 12 * good Sugar " §$1.00, 11 © Bright Refined * $1.00. 10 _"®_ Granulated o &1nn Which will be Sign of the "Circular " Yery Large Stock of Crockery, consisting of China, Glasware, &c Adiitia bea ** $1.00, PI nd Salt Water Herring. Golden Syrup Vinegar, White Wine| work Demijolins, Syrups, OAT MEAT, and FLOUR KT I NY Boots & Shoss ‘8 por ib. up, Bugars in all grados very cho A splendid assortment JOS. F. MOWAT, & Embrorderizs and Counterpanes Lowest Prices. Special inducements to goods at Bottom Prices and defy competition. nedmecal in‘ i. & C Clothing, Hats and Cape, Oil Cloths, cheapest in Japan Dust, Japan Leaf, > , Black and Orange Peckoe, sold very cheap, ) DURIHAM, , Cradle Seythes,Forks, Rakes &c TN ic 2ti i o and Water Lime 2S. Also on hand a llent Assortment of CLOCKS, BCSS , Bordering,) Spectacles, etc. Saw," Lower Town, Durham. MiLts, 5, ready for use olâ€" O [ L & |Ladies‘ GOLD BRA } DEPOT! l I;?d iluefsum BAE Gne d |.C:EL.ET8 . HUN TER. I Pictures Enlarged &« Framed, , Lower Town ces at J.H.Hunter‘s A Brick, Stone and Wonden Buildiugs _ ; Sash & Doors kept on hand notice. [ PLANS.Snecificaiions and Pills of IN | Lumber promptly made ont, A onl] «olicited . Setisfaction gnoreptes * g he4 |norP is t on ieriegys mes wae 14 ) Dactars Afe> 19, 1803 ; Whiey Cradles, Forks, Spades, . Locks, ; Durham, , very cheap, FLOUR, , Carpets, eto. Young Hyson, a &°~!' Gold and Silver WATCHES Mr. James Burnett, Durham ;s msmawe» | hand a largo stock of first cluss > Durham. 3 | And in fact everything to be fouud in m FiRSTâ€"CLASS IEWELLPEY STORE Also a fine assortinent of Beautiful large G. WARNER, Repairing done Promptly. DURHANM, C 8 Pf‘ll."d to ‘lk. f‘m “ PW SPVOOTTY en on GOLD JEWELLERY, f PLATED JEWELLERY, IET JEWELLERY, Carpenter & Contractor, In order to make room for his h creasing Business, has removed Store next T. Jones‘ School Boc where he has opened out a BÂ¥ Assortment of GRAND REâ€"OPENNC. REMOVAL ! A. GORDON, Durham, Highost price paid for W ool § A luv;::u;l of Knitted Goods of all: Kinds, TWEEDS, A. GORDOoN®, Sign of the Large Watch. bam, May 18, 1882. Carding, Spinning & M anufacturing wWOooLLeEx FACTORY Is furnished with the MRewr Mackine maill in tlis tec Mow., All Waverly Woollen I TRAVERSTON o "HE Subseril-er GALMERy yut A MOKENXZTE lins been appointed out» * Side Agout ior the Buie of Tickots for the Grand Tronk Ruilway, l;um-m-ru can tickets to NY poiut un the G. T. in "‘m: Manitobu ulhlll..u' North Wost vup ve had at lower rates than any other routes. Cun always be seen at the Poat ©Gi¢e, Darhum lewe Sraocs ce meife, 0E Or _.o-l-:‘uunx::. ®» 22. 36. 4 I-dalfl h'.lun Purheam, a rat 8 M _ with goo. baildi M well mtered, contudning 159 wores ; Abolfi“(m.nd and woll fenced .~.5. bowrd fence ; Qver ‘two Sores of an orchard, Will be sold ui(t all om ps, implements and stock just as 1t #tunds, op separâ€" Ale, on onsy terms to suiy PUnChuiusey, Also Horse Power and Clreular Baw, complete, for sule cheap for cush or will take pavment i carpenter work . May 11th, 1882 #vi90 Ui wa 1 FULL ChLoTH, FLANNELS A wanâ€" THE Subscriber hasdlines Lote for Sule * in the thrivi vil ‘ of Dundaik, the LOts wro ene:a:l"';.“v‘u- G«h:g; Y"Qullin‘ n---:.' Aisw 28 ©0res Of Lund for Bule close to thie emid Villuge, For furthor pcruculnr.a apply to s KEXXETH MeAUCLAYy, Duzdalk, March, 30th , jsso aass Bentinck, May 4th Apply on pl'vlllm to the work warranted to Houses and Lots for Sale bages of pli.20o06 Reliiway , Pau l 192 220 m\unltfn. Uf being Qlfirhr the Town with low Inxos. ~It is wet} eleared M w §000.state of cultivation. . 1y bemedd in lots or iD One pareo] . Possession W1Ven after March 15th, For furthey Particulars Apply to W k. houuocu‘ni. Durkrm Or to H CULt,, Pergus P .( Feb.10th, 188; «being wz¢ _ | / 4Cres of Land for Bale, 4 . being Woase pillioi the first «Mvision of Bot mnumber IWentyscicht, ip the it convession weet of the Guratraxe Boad, Pow uslup of Benutinek. Phe td uGjoib® the SOFDOTKt 3 Of the Town 0f Durâ€" bam,. aug les along ngoocuoqd,n-utl-hhv. u‘hu-uuundmu te# Of being Slose to the Town with low taxes “tl dn avuiny 2Â¥ 2 9 #00d at.s... _ 2W t DUIDN DAz ‘DOIRIR Y A c« PHOTOGRAPHERS‘ Ticket Agent WEX Ty Attended to as E. KENNEDY, STRICTLY 129 pablic yoaoral kept on hand, ets per 1b., Cash, y Durham ; will keep on of first cluss yarn from to clhnuge for Wool, Yâ€"Two Upper Town, » Dazham YARNS, &4 begs '9 5 inform‘ hig has been appointed outâ€" he bmle Of Tickots for the Passenrets ean pubk UP# usitud Give A. Mc MRst proprietiy, JOnX Kay cid ges 7 sitas dils ‘KENZIR, DP Chtt payment in of any 1 ) C i" iz $ o L.

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