West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Aug 1882, p. 4

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J z2 P 1y F One of the finest buildings in Western *‘ Ontario will soon be reared on the corner of John and King streets in Hamilton. The * buildings will include the Custom House, Postâ€"office and Inland Revenue Departâ€" of powder in the outskirts of Chicago upâ€"| _ _"‘"** ‘March, 14, 1832, waurds of a ton of giant and blusting powâ€" ) \ a week in your own town der was exploded. . The shock was tortvific, | 632"“"“ freo. Address H. £ but fortunately no one was killed. < One of the best answers an infidel over received was made by aa old lady to whom he remarked that he didu‘t beliove in n God he couldn‘t see. "Do you believe you have any brains?" she asked. "Of coure,‘ } was is reply, "Did you ever see them ?" "Wle auswer came faintly, "No." "Did any Oa0 else over seq them ?"â€"and the ! controversy eame to a sydden close, j «â€" â€"Ameng those who were drowned at (he" Serrible cCisaster on the Ohio Rivey on the 4th of July were Mr. E. P. Smith, formerâ€"| ly a resident of Welland, and his three children. He was an expert swimmer, but B*vowh. to save his family he lost A very sad nccident osenrred on Wed nesday last week. on the 8th concession of King, John Cooper, was burned to death. It appears that while Mrs. Cooper was on! wmilking, the child had been playing with matches and set fire to its elothing, and on the return of Mrs. Cooper she found ho eluld lyicg on the floor burned almost to erisp. ~Much sympathy is fely for the ber eaved pazouts. Sepoex Deatnu.â€"The Georgetown Her ald says : It is our painfal duty to anâ€" nonnee the death of Johnnie Tarner, Beoteh Block, a lad 12 years of nge, which took place on Baturday, 15th inst., after suffering intense agony, _A week previous he was taken to his bed and on Monday, becoming worse, doctor Benuet was ealled io. _ He pronounced 1t an absoess on | his leg and treated accordingly. He con . tinned to grow worse, and on Saturday morning his cries of pain becoming unâ€" bearable, the doetor gave him some mediâ€" eine to make him sleep, from which th poor little fellow never wakened. The re~l eanse of his dea b was found out on Sun. , day, when his litle brother rememberes that one evening when ho was walking on l top of the board fence his foot slipped and he fell astride the fence, receiying injuries l which resulted as above. The wisdom and fairness of this judgment | was never questioned. It stands upon the legal records of the Province toâ€"day, and is aceepted alike by bench aud bar as & corâ€" reet settlement of the question raised. In. I deed it is an interpretation of the statutory law that commands the endorsation of the |, law of common sense, If the object were b to show that secret voting had proved a}|! failure, and that the ballot is a snare and | 1 a delusion, then the rejection of ballots beâ€" |‘ eause of blunders (or worse) by deputyâ€"re. ; turning officors would be a strong point, é And, indeed, we freely contess the suspicion that not a few of tho difficulties that| , have arisen in connection with â€" the € eounting of ballots might | if thor. oughly investigated be traced in some doâ€" § gree to prejudice upon the part of officials ‘ w to that aystem of voting, and who in eon. , sequence are none too anxions to simplify | ~ and smoothly work out the ballot system h in the mannor intended. But that ballots | { eannot be invalidated intentionally or | ~ through error of judgement on the part of | _ deputy returning officers is clearly estab. | i lished by the judgement of Chief Justice | 8® Moss, which was fully concurred in by Vieeâ€"Chancelior Blake, a judgment which ,u'lj though rendered years ago bas never yet ‘1;: been questioned or overridden by any 'lll'lh Judgo elevated to a seat upon the Superior | °* Court Bench, | EO TTR NT Uln this case upon the evidence cor within the proviso that where made by mistake of the deputy officer the ballot paper is not v *the vote is entitled to be con: langnage of the Legislature is 1 ander such cireumstance, it did that the act of the deputy return by whatever motive he mav ba _ [ ._ _ CC TH0 evidence conmes clearly within the proviso that where the mark is made by mistake of the deputy returning officer the ballot paper is not voided, but *the vote is entitlea to be connted. The langnage of the Legislature is plain that, ander such cireumstance, it did not intend that the act of the deputy returning officer by whatever motive he may be animated, should have the effect of destroying the femiscal 5o0 an tains this saving clause : "But words or rearke corruptly or intentionally op by misâ€" take written or made by the deputy return ing officer on the ballot paper shall not void the same." I am of opinion that d s i: > ue T the Act of 1879 (42 Vie., c. 4) w for the very purpose of remedyin feulty. That statute while still the ballot paper: invalid if murks ed upon other than the proper ing es / in s n IpatcAnbatais B sc w ns ‘s h 7 © askt «6 ranc TWE L 3 cleansing, cnulina. astringe the voter‘s list. Under the act of 1874 ‘“,L,m. and healiog medicine, and that would, I apprebend have been a fatal | com ined with other valuable veveta} objection to the valility â€" of the vote, but]tracts«, as in Dr. Fowler‘s Extract of Slunt Kss B esmm asus 12 PA t D ECCC CC NOC TOle tust; but upon a recount the Connty Judge throw out a great many ballots be. eanuse of fignres improperly placed upen them by deputy returuing officers. A po tition being entered the case was carried to the superior court and tried before the late Chief Justice Moss Sid WVieucOccca u. (Prom the Fergus News Record.) A great deal of censure and not a little abuse has been beaped upon tho heads of certain Deputy Retuarning Officers, notably \Inud"ponin( subâ€"divisions number two. Ruil__ hy s 8 i of yoting, and who in éon â€" none too anxious to simplify work out the ballot system b 4 e we cpening a can +» €. 4) was on raised. In. of the statutory dorsation of the the object were lind proved a t is a snare and m of ballots beâ€" ) by depnty-re-‘ & strong point. ‘ere Not Spoiled. _7 _ *T°°C | Bowel complaints. â€"L229 _ rlmz that q:fâ€"/ & nnton ts Feine forire ill rendering [and Arizona for the pu ks »rs plac. out" the Apaches. marks, conâ€" ‘ it words or| _ Pary & Clark Drugzists s . | FEsT & COMFORT to the 87 v, and is "luolwr- “.1..“!.?1” Panacen" or relloving patna, both internal Whu as & corâ€" cures Pain in the Side, Back and sed. In. | Thront, hhoumatism, Toothache, 1 any kind of a Pain or Ache, "It will fitntut.xry quicken the Blood and Heal, as its no wonderful." "Brown‘s Household Pm )n of the | acknowle fged as the great Pain Reli hi e double the strength of any other Eli ect were ment in the world, shouid bein overy f nrov for use when wanted, "as it really is t} proved a edy in the world for Cramps in t{le St nare aind | Pains and Achos of all kinds," and is f Drngzists at 25 conts @ bottle, llots beâ€" "Tommmnennedingniesidnn APak Tallow. Particular attention paid to â€"â€" BELTING. Hides Skins Durham, March, Orders taken for WOOL C Dressing and Pressing d B SP Single & Double PASSed | Bow ol c Manufasturer and Dealor in _ Team Harness, THOMAS sSxurppH Saddler, Tanner Night of meeting, on or bot« m month. Win, A, Anderson, Sec _ DURHAM LODGE XO. 306 OF A. F. & A, . Night of Mesting, Trosday on of before full moon of each nmonth. Visiting brethren welsome, H. W. Mockler, W. M., Geo. Russsll, See, ~~¢ ShkÂ¥y LODGE No. 160 1. 0. 0. i. _ Night of mentin;‘:?' @very Mondiay at 7:30 o‘clock in the Odd Fellows Hall, Visiting brothren welcome. Merritt Coohrane, N. G, Win. A. Rose, Sec. Librarian 108 _ I" ’ * CEZREO..........AFF, 1035 * 9:40 " a ‘\‘_\W W Riked trein will also run between Toronto and :mtflt u?.’.°:'&.~.. H. HALLETT & Co., “PD"‘“' Sound. See Timo Tabia ' on > 4. C. Dunlop, pastor. Sunday Servic Ing at 11 n. m.; Subbath Sc{nml at l'ruu-mng at 7 p.i2. Week evening Sey day tyening, young people‘s &mu_wr ic m. ; Wodnesday evening, Bible Class Thursday evening,regular prayer meeti Bervice ever i. Sabbath S every Thursda Smiley, M A. Town Hall School at Church W Hice houre from 8 a, m , ;,; nzic, Postmaster, DURHAM DIRECTORY. 11 & Shoemaker RE *T & COMTORT to the 8SUTÂ¥FEEINCG ‘Brown‘s MFowâ€"cheld Panacea‘" has no equay for relioving pain, both internal ana extornal. 1t cures Pain in the Side, Back and Bowels, Sore Throat, h houmatismn, Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache, "It will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, as its acting power is wonderful." "Brown‘s Household Panacea.," being acknowledued ns tha avaae muil o3 {if68 UTB Borv? The city is fiftyâ€"four miles north of Cairo, on the Cairo & Alexandria Railroac, and is the third city in Esypt. Its population is varicusly ectimated at from 60,000 to 100,000 souts, * Di PL 220 °60. ‘me scene of the late ontrages, may become an important strategical point and a rallying centre for Arabi‘s followers. It is the capital of rehgrous fanaticisem in Lower Egypt, and is, besides, the capital of the Gorbeereh provinces in the Delta. The city is fiftyâ€"four miles north of Cairo, on the Caive & Alntaindaia~ Bm oys /0 2| Sut in Stock and made to Shortest Notice, Tantah, the seene of the late may become an important etyata y Wed mas Linuder, Registr Regustrat. Office hoi us Jn tract years purpe Cash Paid for ; and Pressing done at Orc'b'lr.:l' Mills, Straw'berry; it is an RXOX A woman and two children became lost in the woods near Berry station, Michi gan. One of the children and the mother died. ‘The other childl was found sitting beside the dear bodies. ilionsness, A furred tongue, bad taste in the mouth, J 1 by Pre The growth of tea cultivation in India is stealy and progressive. Some 6,000 neres more are devoted to teaâ€"gardens every year. Last year‘s crop is estimated at 40,000,000 DURHAM L. 0. L. No. 632 MECHANICS IN The probitition amendment has been declared carried in Towa by nearly 30,000 m};rity. The man O‘Brien armested in Veneznela 8, G, REQISTRY orrf urdons, H, Purker .uu«iwll PRESBYTERIAN oft C PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, _ ory Sabbath in the Town Hall at 11 a 0 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. ; Prosbytory t present, Te n enint hi en mn i rle nouiathe enc ts o . METHODIST CHUKCN, ory Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. School at 2:30 ;; m. Prayer moeting Iny evening at 7 p. 10. Pastor Rev, J h Schoo esday c f. Anrual feo an BAPTIST CHURCH rosT OFPICTE e every MISCELLANEOUS. " 0 GtCat Pain Reliever, and of tth of any other Elixir or Lini 1, should bein overy family handy ted, "ns it rnullnis the best româ€" for Cramps in the Stomach and of wll kinds," and is for sale by all nts a bottle. at 2:30 p.m, vening at 7:3 ing at 7:30. it Sabbath at ARDING, Cloth ars fy a formed in New Mexico STTRUTH Supplies. Tp. m 10. P John A Munyo, De com 10 a.m. tog p full moon in each ordgr on valuable veretable exâ€" wler‘s Extract of Wild unfailing remedy in all an cooling, astringent, anâ€" C EPeg EC urpos i purpose of "wiping evening from 7 Alex, KRobertson and r moeting at 8 p ‘lass at 8 p. mas neeticg at8 p.im. RCH, 11 a. mm Prayer Archic Mc W 30 proach ) p.. m e Owen Sound...dep. ’flnhenan., «x 8 Teeswater...... " Harriston....... * (’,‘,m".m" t. s evilie..., " C-.I“:fim.lunc. w Toronto........ .arr. Orangoville.... Mount Forest Harriston ....... Teeswator...... Flesherton..... Owen Sound .. Toronto, June 1st Toronto seting Class Park, On and induy astor 1 6 inotrmnihiiieeteediccicd. 13 & * 1 The undersigned has also received a large stock o vard up ; Men‘s nobby Felt Hats at 60 ceuts each at 25 cents. Boots & Shoes, Valises, and Crock Crystal Sets, and ornamenta\ pieees, The Cloice Darkam, March, 1882, House. Sign,. and Ornamental Painter, ilazing, Graiving, and Paper Hangip promptly astended to. when DUTY off TEA Anuounces t! :.;. MILLINERY, MANTLES, Mantle Cloths, WORSTED fow) Coatings, Prints, Dress Goods, Mantle & Dress Trimâ€" 000| _ mings, Fringes, Buttons, Silks, Satins, Laces, At the Noted Cheap Store Juno Good News to TEA Prompt attention given to all Orders, 23 None but firstâ€"class hands employed New Goods are now arriving NewDress Goods cheap& stylish, NEW TWEEDS, Scotch & Canadian. New CLOTHING, stylish and cheap, New Groceries, fresh. :,;:;:.f Spring Importations enmnaxcrs or Trmr®, alter Monday 12th J anc, 1882 veins will run as Iollows; gorNe xontg, â€" dnp. 735 am, 435 nm ma c« mina W Durham, March, 1882 Th e . DOWNES, See Timo Table Every Lover of a good cup of TEA Should ty A. DAVIDsON. wWHO KEEPS THE BEST SELECTION OF aracerire t© maunt Is the place to get your Suits Made, Coat, Vest, Pants, Overcoat or e rov & 12 dep. . 11;30 a.m Durham, Noy. 3rd, 1881 The STOCIC of CANADIA GREY AND WHITE COTTOXS, DEXIMUS TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, TABLE L1 Etc., IS NOW COMPI Canadian, Scotch & English Tweed. A Eull Line of GENTS‘ FURNISHINGS. French, GoING souts i the first arrival of Toas in Durham, bon quently he is now enalled to sell at the (li("k)l) JAPAN LEAF at 25 cents, pre YOUXG HÂ¥YSoX *}90 t EXTRA GOOD * +86 .# SUPERIOR Quality "* 40 « PEKO JAPAN 4 50 *# With a Hedqcton ou 4 lba Tailoring Establishment, TOETN CAMEROANr e first arrival af Tane in PuosLoa i 22 iin M ha a dar BURHANM 6:16 520 a.m. tas " 1218 " 1286 * 425 p.m EDMUXND WEAGGE, , General Manager HostErRYy, chovre English, and American Fashions Received. NEW SPRINGGOODS. @® A. DAVIDSON 1013 315 p.m S19 * 890 " 425 ® 434 pm. G'M ve 7:00 " ladutt MurBilibc stt id 4 Ait and Crockery, Something ney The Choicest Groceries always in Pure_ Lime juice $1.50 per gal PARKER‘$ Drug Store , and all the very latest novelties of the Season. Also a Choice Selection of Lime Juice mixed with water forms ap ~~agresable n&flfnobiog beverage, July 5, 1882 DIRECT IMPORTER OF Ulsterette. , and guarantee to give a perfect fit and satisfaction zit Charges Moderate. stock of New SELECTIONX OF GROCERIES IX TOWX Machine OILSY C. L. GRANT. CANADIAN COTTON GOODS, 5, DENIMS, COTTONXADES, DUCKS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELLING, OW COMPLETE. H. PARKER, Durham | I ew Dress Goods from Umpvereilas at 50 cen . Something new i aue pure ROBERTSON. Drinkers! ds from 10 cents per 50 cents. Pargsol« _new in Tea Scts, ys in Stock & fresh.. 4OHN CaMrERox 64 T ;Durham MILLS and conse emi91 The Durham, Feb, 5th, 1682 {‘Ha.ving refitted our Flouring Mill we FLOUR, A At CAMP sSTovEr At the HIGHEST Price will be A Large Stock of all sizes Duthgm, Heb, 2 PICTURE FRAMTE: MOULDING A Large Stock always on hand of BUILDING HARDwWaArE {relivered in any part of Town on Shortect Notice Paint, Varnish, HMorse, & V Boiled and raw Linsced Oi!, White Lead I keep thefbest Oils in Town & sell them chsan for Cash Big reductions for large quantities. PAINTER‘S MATERIAL May 8, 1882, H. W. Mockler 2 0 0 0 C PHADnOrteEtNotice and at Low â€" Ppuops, Oatmeal Exchanged for Oats, Do not go without Colored Cashmeres in a Variety of Shades. Black SILKS and SATINS. A Cheap Jine of Dress Linnens. White Terry and Honey Combs for Ladies and Childrens Jackets. Has lately received Large Additions to his Stock which is Now Fully Assorted. In D m BS S G 0 0 D S he is showing a Splendid Range, Extra Value. PRINTS, nearly 200 pieces to select from. Extra good value in BBLACIC Casmshmeres at 50¢c. 75¢. and $1.00. FOR MANITOEA ! . HARRIS‘, Durham. E ilus oo wl t ce °C Nexlily ARIpHIERE, Very Che 1 Leading Hardware Store Upper Town, Durham. , Serub and Shoe Brushes , always on hand Call and see them OATMEAL, And FEED BRUSHES. i1 be paid for GOOD WHEAT N. 6. & J, MeKECHNIE, Oils, Machine Oils. Nails, Glass, Locks, Hinges, Iatches Door Bells, &c., &e. . Mockler. Frames raade to order, T. 4. A DIR. any size, \ , Ciothes Hooks 192 )| RHPEAT ETTA Y eR | P ITTER‘ SL ATIONA F’ ,\[S g’f”’."""mm,fi 7fi‘j Meadâ€"Ache, C0u* | M.-ljdw | A pPintat,or 2s hour Prodaanaist; [( | en amereanne PRICE ?%%. PER BOL T ‘ Mioxt eeltara 2 101 ME 56d+ and most reliabhle bido,lâ€"pyribher Physicians know its composition, scribe it. _It has been \n(Lh used )‘/eu-. and has won the ungtalif t of anillions whom it has ben Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co ktronag; _ _ UUCHOUS, promotey «ner strength, restores an(f preserves hew! infuses new life and yvigor throus!, whole system. No safferer from a Fall »[28 050y CTOu HCheore By its searching and clea it purges ou; the fo U con contatminate the blobi; and « ment and decay. 1t stimulai« the vital functions, promot« strength, restores .'.mdl presery infuses new life and rlonys is a compound of the virtn, la, .um..??.. m’lmfl‘lkr. yei the iodide of potash and iro lvlood-making. bloodâ€"cleansit (Iil.linl elements. â€" It is the soume i BHACELETS, &« i. Also Ladies‘ & Gents‘ i GOLD & Silver WATCHES 4 hM LRIGAN J4BEW ELLERY IXCLerry Calorsd & Bright Gold Se‘s LOC] AMZRICAN JEX3 t1â€"198, Yours ote., _ GBo 7 {\'4;1‘,;, For saile at Parker‘s, PDurham CMULI 74 a good enre, MaATTey Arthur, N J W Leeson Varney. Dear Sirâ€"Thore is n lot of Diphth place. 1 saw one cuse where your me used which proved a suecess adter the j it up,. I want you to send me #1 wort tf.198, Voure ata ns ECC MT MEDCBUMY D» Dowr ‘ll’-â€""r wife and children ) cured by your Diphthoria Medicinâ€" that it Is a good cnre, ETRCWWT To Mr Loeson Is the only #ure eure for this torri\j ©ures cases easy nnd withou pain to No washing or swilling the thront, , smallost child can tuke it, It nlso o maution of chost. langs or bowels, As bnd colds, and if stendily token wi Consumption. TESTIMONXIATs: LEESON‘S x DIPHTHERIA MEDICINE RiNGS Durhamâ€"Third Tresday in each mout Pricevil‘eâ€"Monday before Darham. i+ n..”.â€"uomh‘{ beforo Durhum . Mount FPorost â€"Third Weodnesday in onel m.-m Wednosday in m’h month stonâ€"Friday before the Guelph Faj Drayron â€"Saturday bofore Guelpma, Fl-m-r‘l‘lu day bofore Guelph, Nonplasâ€"Mondey betore Elore To | ;. mfli:"n- i(::g-hl Palace Grounds, the a DIRECTION8 WiTH EACK APTTLE. PRIOE 25. T.MILEURN & CO. Provrictas 11 n S D oodile guunzanteod to ‘give satisfac. THE ] yie APPLIED EXTERKNALLY ror RHEUMATISM, | NBUna LGIA, CHILBLAINS, | €A4LLOUS Ltaps SWELLING® STH°FP JoryTs, GALLS®, rRost BrTr, LAMENESS, | corys, coxTRACTYTONS®) nnRUTISES, LvMn100, IrCH, DEAPNESS, Pary Iy nack, SPRAIN®, PAIN in SIDE, &o A whole family was serions at Liyerpoo!, N. 8., en Baturd; eating enltivated | strawherric been grown near some currant which helleb are had heenp «prinl illness continued for two days, ASTHAA, ba ar °eX e ATC A which Macvarp‘s Yernow Oln. is t:td to cure or relieve either in | To Diszases, Com which Hacvarn‘e ?fi'f':.‘.','!‘ Am ® medicinal virthes, offere , while disease becomes 1 Avriat‘s Sansarammia S4CH Copcentrated curs .h_ _b}' §ur the |n'.;l. chea) TAKEN INTERNALLY ror covens, S SORF THROAT, ToRONTO, oxr Monthly Fairg d Ware . DOLLs ( \ benetited ,â€" on Baturday Ins and |i for for nerioug'y' pat CHLOCH 8 erries { :.!A"“"".-'.Au u"oollnmh‘ lay in 6a¢h monn. th ve all been Sm Corteq w s0or9, w fi'w‘ led liseame Lirowk Phgure noe. © Way month monty th uj Th soned L ‘l_' had It i l _ m ~~CVRIUGE T NP h&*‘l"it\. m ont im uroved a0thod P Ol.hmomntf.',n.mv.. ind a) eduur &Nu a eatland support nativein ‘A ":N-pmum question for F as there is nothing .:-;-,-',E-_g.a.“““.h::. thote is nothing %0 feel q03 1. 54 . SoTarm®died and evervbod | 10 CCCR m C Huswll the applianc &ig_mx Stockings & S How are you of for S CHAS. LEAYEXs®s, Harness Maker, Lambton Streot, 1 Post Office, DU RH A M , b%fly on hand a {ull supply of Harnoss, made of the best , W1 t '.utucmchuga Look out for cold wea Oalhx: a Specialty HARNESS, HARN Oct. 1898 , 182; A Good FIT Guaran ALSO THE OLD Reliable Scotch CO New Stock of LEATHER, Ha wHIPS, CURrRY Ccorn BRUSHES, BELLS, &e. And Bee Their New Antiâ€"Galin Working, Good Enonch BOULDEN BJ Rewing Machines of §lmn his machine is enpable of sewing thr of duck with the same ease as any oth can sew two ply, and the s«trongest 1, made oaun be used upon #t. Jt also on wdjusted to sow the fAnest fabric. P from @35 to @43. A. K. is Agont for the Colobrated Residenceat theO14 PoatOffice, I x pURH AM. Bpring and Summer F receive d Dirham . Feb.14.1878 THI asubscriber is prepared t and Make Up, on the shortent not be LatostStyle Menand Boy‘s lothi h iguarranteed . Residenceâ€"Opposite the Canad terian Church .‘ Lates: Fasklon: Reguisrls AMERICAN COLL JOHN ROBER) TAILOR AND CLO I ICENSED AUCTIONEE 4 County of Grey. Anotion Buls In all parts of the County, at roms Goods sold on Coummission. Land 8 @Sttezded and the amie bills promptiy DUNDALK Willhe at Masting‘s Hoto] .5 @ay and Priday from 10 o%ci Dumdalk .M urch 20th +074 VYETERINARY SU ewery month, where he will be mo« mpen all those that may favor bin Fromage. All work entrusted to i ‘umod io the Jater! and most « REKOF, mny of the leading 1 A.Z #olicitors in Cbancery, Cor Owen #ound , have resumed at Flo penevery Thursday as heretofor LFRED FROET, 3 , W wWM.JORnNsTON, Cutting done to Alexander Robe â€" _ County Crown Attorney June #ith 1880 for the firstinsertion, and ? cen sabesquentiasortion . ~Noupert Ordinary aotices of births, m a 11 kinds of looal news inserted Siray Amimale, &o , adver fo: @1, the advertisoment not t AAvertisements, except who wer ten instructions to the cont watil forbidden and charged at rotessional and businoss cr C apaceand under . per yo Fwoinches or 24 lines Noupari Threeinches do . por voar Meney to Lonn RADUATE of Ontario Ve BUSINESS DI â€"PRB W®: ~81.00 per y lege, Torout« B.JACKES, B. A l'., #» ‘~ ( l\ x MISCELLA N DURHAM Sr.. DURH Every JACKES & PRIN TTORNEYS at Law, "THE GREY HUGH MACK » E.D. MACMILI TTORNEY â€"AT â€" LAW, . opposite Parker‘s Drug #*ou FTORNEYS at Law, Oflceâ€"Lower Town, Durh fable by onlling on M i1860 '-o._ho baus all the applian the Oflce, Garafraxa TATILOR RATES OF aADvyE CALL AT MEDICAL *7 & Burgery , will w OfMfice, British Mot Tuesday (Fair Dayvi won seA a J. TOWNXSEN Wingham 8. JEROM

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