West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 17 Aug 1882, p. 2

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M ' THE REVIEW. cgaetmr.--'Ne return match bow-en Darth-m and Listowol was played at the Mm place yen-rd“. and "salted in I \ietory tor Durham of " runs. Durham Club “In in the Ist inning» 28 mm- and In the ttrut 68; Listowel made 27 runs in an ttst, and " in the 0nd innings. “In. you“ of In. In: running onkome it.“ on “it ”can! story all now build. t. In an! damn " R. Forbes I can Incl!“ mill. than In tseeiu'eutly {all numb Um upon am that mum» no hot. to tin look We. naming bin -tteol all-til“ iuiosutuiauad to - that Mi: no be. othiuuovuy. no u A p.va.auaq U, unhin- Joplumhk " ", -__--. In. 2UiiiiT2Tiiia ' m... m. t - Wye! Illa 0min . J- 0,1 "-- Bath-u. an mum-M 3feroerg. "ua ad one o'clock on Thur-any . son " lit. A, J. Drum", unwed Dam. about New ALI. ','araLI.--We In" board can. Numb!» complniut this you aim“ the may.“ of an new punk”. Ind we ban: to thank Mr. James Lawn", tor n basket of um. l'otuoo-glmou at Urge u those at tts. - hrat (all. and I. In“ hopes that with a» " min mm: of um um. pan. ”to will “M by growing tutu largo " Ami Bonuses. so long and favor. ably known u bend miller " the Ayton Mills in Normnuhy, in giving good "tis. lactic.) at Mcxulmicn' Mills in Durham, urban in bu futt chug: oi tho ihrar de. Mun“. ll. ‘1“an be u you)!“ in the other terminu- of Sun“: (in; an be i., in Nonnuby. Linn. Jon B. McLrat: bu "turned to Dubm from his military studio: at Kings- ton. Be mind . First-class armies". "UMtet course." guano-1y. His rank as 2nd Honk-unto! No. 4 Company, lust Banal ion. in aha boon ”zoned u eoufirmed. U. C. “an. m. - c. -, Oat-ch. A bout-A homo belonging to Mr. John Dub, ol (Honour. had it: leg broken one any last week, while working on the tom]. TAo accident oeenrrmt through the horse numbliug, n bad to be billed, Tu Fam.--Ou Tawny last the usual not“, fair was bald Inst was not largely hm. Coma sold " trom '30 to $85, um: vow name. mad working eattlt um sold A from "tt to Mm pat yoke. In. All]. Bonn-non. tailor, bu neeivu] A number "t the no.“ Inperior make and moat lumbar”. Sewing Machines "er Mush! into Durham. Au y person re~ gaming on. would do well to can and in. opoot than before pnrclusiug cinewhere. agarttn for the Grsr. Review “In! 1tau.--Yetiurday we bad a heavy niu storm accompanied by thunder and lightning. Tho doctri- Buid struck tin uh lending to the residence of George ’uksou, Esq. Thu gate was very much Mud. TI! Fats..---' tirst thrmhing we land a! this "awn in this neighborhood in It Mr. June-a Landau, Gteushu many. (thawing) who has a fine crop of Full when! which he is threshing out for seat]. MI. E. McCLocxux, butcher. Durhsm, Killed t all red by Thou. Lauder, Esq., chick when than“! weighed over 100 lbs. “howl; only ' weeks old, Diva-lulu: is too prevalent around Watch. In.) sf that we no told is correct. a this an! invalignlion of “to South Gay mans. Inspector is needed. ”tuna-1m. "kWh“.MI In. "was. B. A. of Arthur has been 0mm) u windy-l for Durham Pnlrlic School. Tho school will re-opon on Tues, All! but. Tu new Kuux Clsurett is now nearly thing“ IN tho brickwmk on tho Tower than“ complain}. It is a tine looking building. and add: much to the ammu- “to of Ibo Town. ---Aet utmordinary lawn of rolling stock blaming to the (inn Western “my of Canada. mm made in Michigan " the “it ot a Car Compnny. After a short attention at twins, ferry, etc. Some hum strongman)! wu main. and lb. nailing nook satin put in motion. "I. En. Scot? is uh Bviait to his mother in am Tun. --On Saturday momma last Quebec mu v“ by on. of it: public-l coating"- imudd-ollin. bonus to tho "h" of M,” it is said were destroyed More the In VII subduod. ~11). War new: from Egypt during the ”It "I bu bun ot a changenbh club “in. Turk.) displaying more than out a '1ttrdaliyinr spirit. Troops are commut- lr ttm'vtttg at Alexandris. The Duke of Cunning“ has arrived, but General Wol. loloy In. not. Arabi bu not been pro- claimed a rebel yet and in busy strength. otsing his position. anain is causing some Durham. August Wth, 1882. A ml company ha been otguuized in Local and Other Items. LL.hklg Milk. Fun. Arrt.w.--Tlses Ireaford Aim-or purlislses a h-ugthy upon of the evrdenee taken at I Corouer's inquest hrhl in St. Vincent an Sulurdty. Aug. 5th, on the nlunll: of Milo: Hullmmhi, of St. Vincent who died from injurim: rucuiyml while at an hotel in Meaford, on the 29th ofJuly: --'rhe following is tho verdict of the Jury : --T'lmt the said Miles McDonald came to him death from injuries waived in Noble's hotel in the town of Union]. on Saturday, 29th day of July, 188tt, on the Milan oi his being m m tdhay with James Camp- belt, in which In the said Milo: Mcbunald receh ol a fall by being shoved by the mid Janus Cnmyball at tho said halal. but as to tho minim] conduct at the an Clum- bcll all. in: an the "ids-co ”Hand in not “ancient to can“. them to (some to a condition; the jury. honour. In) that it. is their duty to was the youth of ~th country uphill the nil "tsnita ofdrhtking to - from which it mainly Imam. wi- 'auauity "and. A man by the name of Linklntcr. who Lad last one band, and um wlioiliug ts. sienna in Tuna“: mm (hue weeks lgu to procun an artithtial one. died in myth trom th- etteet. ot In over dose of chi-kn. An Mom was held on m. lean and n “raid of (and dad "lum- A certain Holland farmer is said to have shown the same bushel of Duihl wheat at the show at Chatuworth for the last M! or seven years, taking _ilrsst prize every titsts. In order tu amid ddectlou he occasionally lauds it to a Mom]. who shuvu it. Last year a noighlor showed it and got first prize. This year he ml! probably show it llilusclf, but the Directors have an eye on him. It is said to be a tuapptifhsut sample. --0, S. clduertiarr. Hummus Trt Nuaaaa.-LNext Fiidny Aug. Mth, In Excursion will take place from Durham to Niagara Falls and IJuiralo under the auspices of the Direct“: of the Georgian Bay * Wellington Railway. The lixcurniou will lcave Durham " 5:45 aan.; Iiolsteiutrtty.eo; Mount Forest at 6:45; and Palmerston at 7:25 a. m. Fur: for the mum] trip ouly 91.50. Good coach” “ii! be provided and no Mum will be waned to make it n cutufortalr'tt 3 id onjoy- able hip. Among tho poiute of interest will be the Towns ot b'truh,ul and I'aris, the City of Iuauttord, Juteruational Btidaa, Fort. Erie. and slang the Xingu: River in vivw of the Rapids. Returning will lean Niagara Falls at 10 p. m. giving excursion- Lu an opportunity to we the tel-chic light. Pussengera desiring to viAt an City if Buffalo can inks street can from Iuter. national Bridge to any part of the city. We understand arrauqoatauta ate now being made to have tickets made good on train by paying 500 (sum to return on Motility, so that nanniuuisls may stay the Ist day at the Pulls. Saturday at Danish. and at the Gtiuuby Camp Meeting on Sunday. The Mount Forest Brass Band in to Accum- puny the excursion. This is the long premium) excursion by the Directors. and would be well patronized out of respect to than: for their success in building the “and. “Anti must he a cobbler. 11. my: he will nick to the iaat."-Bamittott Bud- hr. “Sou Wan.uy."--guHptt Iareum. “nuns: at. Como." “WWW. 'oias Dada. ot 3mm. in on an us eating his but badly. On .. nmiuuion Dr. Yunnan- found it account] to tame 0.qu {ml of the bones in the joint. -Canf:dtratc. . Sun“ instruments have arrived for the use ohm Duudalk brass Gnd sud 't ungomonu no being and. foe I general Futile. “’0me to In the band in {all punk under the MG leadership of the worthy master, Us. Eosatn.-..-ytand. ard. Scams Dnmr’l‘he Rev. Juhn Gum. dinpyed dead while givtug out a hymn in the Baptist Church at Smith, near feta- boro'. He was in his tml, your, and van remarkably bale and vigorous, and had put returned tram I two months tripiu the West. Deceased was a native of Aber. iloenshire, Scotland, and WM ennui-1y pupular with all who knew him. Wtnt.r: Mrs. lteyuulds and Urs, Mehua, of llulkduln. were on their way home from I: visit to Mr. J. Mtwiatu's lust week they wares thrown out of their buggy whilst turning Matlusws' corucruu the! 2nd cau- cesaion, and one of them slightly injured. The horse got rid of the buggy allot run- ning a few rods, lowing in piled up in the fence corner. They had Luau cherry trick. ing, and the whole corner was strewn with the contents of a large Malian-0. S. At. verlUer. We an informed tint Mr. Robert Dun. lnp. of 9th lino, Enphmsia. who wan thrown from his Waggon and bully mm, on the 81st uit., by one of the Waggon whee!- pusing over his head. cumin: eoneussion of the I-min. in not likely to "CDT".-- Muford Monitor. Dttowsrar.-games Ausmuu of Mouton! was found by three gentlemen fUstiug on the water inside the hamm- on Monday. Be In about 26 years old, and w" in the employ of Messrs. McCunn a Smiling. sash and door tnanuFaeturvrs. Ha was soon last on T lmtsduy evening. The can»: of " death is nut yet known. When fouud than was a bottle containing some whis- key in one of bis pockets. There will be B gorouer'ts iupost. Sum: u Nu-r..-' old and iu. firm man named John Jacob Kugler, who formerly lived in Waterloo, committed smile Tuesday evening by hanging lum. self. no had been alone in the house of his son during the greater part of the after- noon. He has been very despondmt dur- ing the last {ow weeks, no doubt owing to bis iutinuity. CRANK!) wm: Fottaotg.--h telegram was received yeqtenlay mowing from tho Chief of police at Datum], asking tlst chic! here to arrest. Charles E. Xngler. a cattle dealer, of Neustadt. who was charged with Emery. Detective Reid arrested Kllgler opposite the Dull'i Hen-l Hotel, on Niagar- street, about ttoou.-roronto Globe. Local and other Items. The ennui“ math in connection with the tarwiuua of the Grand Trunk Minn, at Wiarton wntl “advent-ad ina in! dare. The Amount to " upended in MO,000. . . ' . - ._ . 'uw Ill" )Iruhpel' nus own DIM an damn on the Gannon Bum. New mm“ t dorm... work in your hmsttt, “a "mu no Lain; oponcd “my vat. . you ford] this mum to nu sud mint Mr. Aus. llurehisvn of Glam-lg fell on} Saturday last on his hum m, bushing his any at an wrist. Dr. Glam. being gh- setrt the hilt“ limb V” sat by Dr. Chris- toe of “mutton. Mr. Murchisun w“ in Pti-iiits on Monday. The new will in up and); to the top of the third story. And when titsUhed will be one ottLe fiotst sud hast built, if not the best built, mills in the County. Mr. Junio- uon of Mukdule has the contract. Mr. Webster in also rebuildmg tho dam. Mr. Wm. Rutherford has removed his brick Jarrd this year, and is now making brick on tho {uni of Mr. Want". just across the river and numb of the Village. Tue brick in tiru class in quality sud of I nice white or cream color. Dunn. AND Anton Fun. Acciorsr.-.- On Friday last, while the Cricket metch between the Owen Sound sud Pot Elgiu clubs was taking place. Mr. A. H. Jenkins, of Aytou, who was plnylug m- " memher of the Port Elam team, was struck by the ball just above the loll aye. aud the blow was an severe that Mr. Jenkins mu- uncou- seious for several hours. Dr. Bundle". was soon on tho spot and dressed the cut. it the hall had struck a little lower My Jenkiu's would undouhledly have hst the; use of his eye. or had it hit the temple; there is every probability that the wound} Would have Lean fatal. While extending} our lympethv to Mr. Jenkins, we aunt; congratulate him on he nnmm naphtha; trust that at tho expiration of the mum)"; vacation he will be welded to resume his pedigogieat t1auuss.--thoen Sound Aloe]. titer. _ The fair Wu not. very largely attended owing tu the tirtuers being engaged in the harvest. Mr. James Robb drove . tir" herd to his (arm which he bad purchased. The annual meeting of the Presbyterian Church was held on Monday last, and there was I fall nttendnuco otthe managers. The Tussluer. rrqtotled all their liabilities and stipend paid up and a surplus on hand, for the fist time probably Linea the church was organized. Thin speaks well for nil parties connected with the church. and it is hoped the manner: in future mil he able to make their annual reports oqunlty us satisfactory. Mount Force: 76, Durham 69. Th- return match will be played on Fn. dey, itouvorrow,) at m n. m , on the grounds of the Durham Club. Total,...........,....., DURHAM. Bud human. E. Elvar, b lime”, c MuMuHen, ....... J. Darby, b Emu”. c Me1tulleu,.........., J. Mepurlane, nut out......................., A. McKemie, b Buell, c ue1lullen,....., Joe Clark, l, Biaell,c Kilguur............... C. Elxidge, I, MeMollen, c CAlrsou,...,.., W. Rutlwtford, l, McMullen, c Bisrsll,.., B. Clsittiek, l, McMnllon, e Kilstottr...... G. Arrowmnith. In tAtoll, c McMulleu... J. Yomur, In Bitiell,.,.........................., W. McKenzie, b Duell,...................... MOUNT FOREST. m Ilnlingrx. '1'. Buwic. b McKenzie. c Is'. Elvidge,... A. Hall. b McKenzie. a E. Elridge....... J. Gilmm, l, McKenziu, c E. Elvidge,... W. Smith. b McKenzie....................... It, MeMullcm, b C. Eludge, CE, Elvidge Joe legour, b C. Elvidge................... J. Money, b MeKeuzo,....................... D. Smith. b c. Elvidge, c Darby,......... P. humans, l, McKenziu,c E. Elvidga.. W. Bisell, h C. Elvidgo, c E. Elvidge,.... ll, MeMulleu, not out,....-......-. DURHAM, "t “vinyl. Ed. Elviduu. b McMuIleu, ............. J. Darby. b Ewell, o luotmum........ J. McFarlnue. b Bin". c bhuitlt,...... A. hit-Kenna. h Hall, 0 Bisell,,....... Joe Clark, b like", c Kilguur,......... C. Iu'lridv,e, h MtNullen,................ W. Rutherford. l, Me.uulleu,.........., It. Chmick, b Hull. tt Yeoruuus,...... Cr. Arrawsmith, h McMuHen, c Hall J. Young-.1» McMulleu. ._..............., W. McKenziu, nut. out.......-.... Dr. Ghent, Mrs. and Mio Ghent un on Wednesday last week forclsebuieau, Mich. igan. They are expand to return on Sunday next. May they have a pleasant trip. A number otitnpt'ovoutetthi nre uolicnble in the "Village. The tiehooll was reopened on Monday lust, the Teachers being at their posh prumplly. The holidays com- menced a little earlier, consequently the only re-uycuiug uttue school. Mr. E. J. J. Ferguson has secured the Mautitowauiug School. which place be will leave " this Week. On Monday last, the tttty inst, tho Dunn hum Junior Cricket Club went to Mount Forest to play a [which with the Junior. of that town. They were fillud with high hopes of an easy victory, but they had en- dentiy counted without their heat, as they were beaten by 7 runs. The game, how. aver, did after each sidehud its first innings look very promising " ths Durham Club. It stood,--Mouut Forest. 17, Dnham gt. But in the second innings the Mount Fur. esters Mia-ceded in run-rising this promis- ing appearance [or the Durham boys. The following is tho score in full _ Tank.....................17. MO'r.NT FOREST, 2nd innings. T, Bowie. h Mrkemzits,.,................,.... 6, A. “all, h McKenzie, o Cuimck,.......... 0, J. Uibsun, run "UL............,............... 4, W. Smith, not out-...............,......, 8, ll. McMullen,b Rutl"rrford,e MeKeuzie..ll, Joe liilgour, b Clark, e E. Elvidge....... 8, J. Hum-y, L Clark,e Chittick............... H. D. Smith. run "ut..,...,...................... 3, P. Yeomann, b Clark, It h. Mekeirzie,.., 4, W. Biseli, slumped out...................... 4, B. McMnllun, b McKenziu. c Clul'k,..... g. Byos................... 2. wides,...-........ 3. Mr. T. Cankey is going to have his shop built around with white brick, which is on the ground randy. There is . gnu. boom in “no yhonpbato Cricket Match. Priceville. Byes Dyan..." Wides...., Total Totals 25. ...44. 13. " it, The finaneiat record of this congregation in my association wit." it us It pturtor,has been honorable in the very higbext degree; end wmebov 1 cannot believe, that God will satrtsr such a people to be " destitute of Goapel ordinances and blessings. I deeply regret, um from want of mum unoug our German neighbor’s, we oould not develop into A self-sustaining change. that it might still have been my priveleue u, live end labor on m the midst of this and the cungrepetiou " Aytun. In con- _lelusiou, while I as]: the continuum” of your prayers in our helm". let me add,tlmt it wilt ever be my fervent peanut). that ,Bod my pruaper hi: own blessed end ,glorig‘u gag! if. {our heats. an! reward Per the Ru inc Dun tim,--A very pleasant amm- comr- red at But tuirmauby Prtsatrytesitut Church on Tubular, evening 8th my. when the knowing valtmbU snide: won mammal! to Mr. Nicol by Mr. W. Calder, vis., on. lugs gilt edged family biblomnd one bem- titul writing dosbL. unevel of complem- ‘3055; and the following to Mrs. Nicol, by Miss M. A. Adair, viz., a richly ornament- (e tea-pot, I silver crust stand. a silver butler dish and knife, tt silver pickle dish land fork, a cake piule. and a tray. Your kind uud affectionate reference to my wife touches me in u tend” place. In going ont and in among you. the has new crlnet anything but kindness. low, and respect. at your hands; and she parts trout you all with feelings of the deepest siutarly regret. l l need not tell you that the tlwught of l parting from you :ill,lms custlnauy mrruw- 'iiul [mugs lo any heart. I like to look u- _ round unce more mu these dear familiar Tim. Since Ieatoe tanning yuu, I have linen a Sharer in all voor jays and mrrnws; I have sat by the bedside ul'your sick and (lying; 1 have mourned with you at the gravel: lu-Iuth over the dust of your helm . ad dead; and it hits also. bout my happy priviloge to unite in wedluck's holy tie, others of you that now tread lifu's path joyfully together. Never in all my goings out and in among you, did 1 fasl to meet with u kindly greeting and with warm hos. pitnlils . The best cvmlorts of your homes Mire ever mine. Truly. miui~teriul wok, 11 it has same sort. trials, has unuy G. lights. The“ venerable grey hands, these unm- ly farm», and these young blooming fuces, [shun ueverforget. For one um] all ot you, “It: ardcut pray" ot' my hum t, it, that you may all when» Christ, mu Alpha and mu Omega of all blessings. Tho {Allowing Lurk,, was read by Mr. D. Grier, to which MLNicbol made i reply itt mlmtnncou under. The wholv pro' Gatling: were complete throughout; and, eonsidrriug the very limited tiuto--two "ss-its which papal-minus were made Med. great credit on all concerned, - pexriully Lhuae good friends who made the purchases in Mount Forest with such sat. ishation. Dun 1%sroat,---At I recent meeting ttt ouresontirewutiou it Wu anuuiusottsly dr- cided that we could not Allow you to take your departure from amongst us, without expressing n-wu in a. "mall manure. uhr particular attachment to you, and our en- tire apprmtiation of your services, whnla connected with this put. of your chnrgu. We sincerelv and heartily regrct thut we tuzs.'to be depth ed uf those Lind and faith. ful counsels that it was your delight tu nu- part. We feel that in losing you a depression has been cut on our spiritual well~heiug Mu congregation which, under existing einsurntstrtrums, we we little prospect of eh. vatiup. MU are nut to he underutuod as in any way implicating you in bringing muttvrs to this issue; on the ooutrary, we commend you for the steps you have taken; because. we believe that when marked Ltleut,eluGtian deporttuetit, aud gentle. manly bearing, are not July prized, a Pas tor is quite at liberty to cast his lut among those who "my properly value such. We ask yon to Accept thuse momentum} for youn‘sellund Mn. Nicol; not, to he sure, tor their pecuniary value but meruly as an expression of that heartfelt regard in which you are held by us, and of that strong attachment that we feel towards you. We are always pleased to know that your domestic joys and trials are shared by one who, by her genial dispositinn, kind ooutsideratiottautt lady like qualities has merited a share of our eonsidertdion and respect. And nuw, Dear Sir, we wish you every Knee-em in your ne'w split-re of labor; and. although we um to be il-‘prired of vnnr valued aRatonitiotvs, yet we rucuire n mous- ui'e at consolation in the tart that we feel assured you will earnestly and faithfully remember in: in yum pleadings " Divine blessings and that “although absent in body gun will he pres-rut in spirit," and, through your ittsbvntuensultty still, muse blessings ta descend upon us. use“. Ms. Dvard I"ew.sos,--1'u events of thi- evening have taken me completely by unr- prise, and filltsd my heart with no, little ‘emutmu. It was but a tow luinutuu ag I. _ that I was instructed its to the great put. I pose of this meeting. My first notice In! me to expect, that we should have singly in farewell prayer meeting, at the close oi which, I should have the privilogas of "hMriug all your hands with a warm amid. hyo. Son will not wonder then, that t am somewhnt taken aback and deeply moved. to meet with so "may, old and young, an I see here this tveuirtgc-to listen to all your kind words concerning myself and my wite,-aml to receiyo at your hand: such valuable tokens of your affection and as- iei-m. Tltergifts you have bestowed upon my wife nnd myself possess a high iulser. ant value ; but that which will be most trre" ciuna to both of us, is the genurnus and loving regard oryoutlearbc, of which these I nil“ are the outward tulieu. I feel that l you have valued on: presence mnung you 1 far too highly, and that we do not a1,,serve) all this ; yet an) I glad like Paul. "uot be. 1 chime I desire a gift ; but I desire fruit that: may "lround to your account.” The Lord i will regard tltis am of low. done to his? servant as done to himself. I Address, Presentation and Reply. moans. recent meaing " “AUDIO." "rtrrritrle Accident in Osprey. I ---- 1 FOUR YOUNG MEN DROWNED. The Fuatr.rtort Adamo: gives particu- has of a terrible odmuity that mama an Wednesday but Week at brew-M's Lulu. 0am, Township. about sinus mil“ an - ... - 13.3-3. (mm U'Illl’ '-"'""e -7 - of that. The Orange Young Britain from Dunallk, Binghempton nod thin! line of Osprey, were enjoying their picnic. Noth- ing occurred to am- tho pleasures of the day until about 8:80 o‘clock. when Edward and “Toto" Mylee. John Regimen, Fran- cis and David Winters. and Wm. Francis Wudom, wear out For I row on the Indus; One of the party. Wm. Francis Wisdom, stood up in the boat, in order to m it he could row in that position. In sonic way he missed hi: footing. and in order to new himself from tKilim, into the miter. put his arm around David Winten' neck, thus cumming the boat, Ind throwing the war I punts into the water, which " thnt point was very deep. Not one oi the party ‘could mun. Without havinatime to utter a single cry for help. the two Mylar, John Hughson, and W. F. Wisdom, sank ire-J nonth the treacherous waters and were ‘ drowned. The other two young men,‘ brothers. Francis and David Winters, managed to reach the boat. to which they clung With the amputation of (leap-1r. nod mooted loudly for help. The crowd on Show who had been struck wnth ensue- ment and terror at the suglden and horrible, death of the four young men mentioned, rallied, and succeeded in rescuing the young Wmters‘ from their perilous poir tion. At about tive o'clock a party com. mencod dragging the lake for the bodies of The" is no doubt that the majority of the public at Montana and the neighbor hood whu beard the evidanuout the Coron- er's inquest were stttisliad with the justice of the verdict mndewd. When it is can- aidercd thut not the fainted. suspiciuu at an Intention to hurt the old nun. who i. now in his gruvekould be uttuched ta Camp- holi,uud that death really teamed from uccx‘lem Wat-that the Injury which caused that]: was sustained by Campbell throw- ing dawn the old mun or nut; nnd also that tin evidence ul' “tune who saw deceased after that occurrence, taken ,togethur with the ouduuw ul the tuedieal gentlemen that the tructure of the bone, might have occur- red in an aged at person, la the deceased by his rolling off the sofa, slipping on the Bour, or gating in or out of the buggy altar Campbell threw at pushed him dawn, it in impound» tn disagreu with tho jury. But whilo the , erdiet of thojairy is very gener- ally trpproved of, Ur. Campbell and " friend.» sltould not run sway with the idea thnt no blame whltovor in which“ to Gumball in tho public mind. It is uppin- out tlmt the whole unfortunate "air Was 1h. result of inJu’gonco in liquor drinking and the (not on nun being portiully intol- icated is no excuse for doing anything to imput‘il I human litm--3tcafunt Monitor. A nun mum] Polar Curran was found on the railway track nut Fern: on Tues. day in I fen-fully mangled condition. The nurrouudiug circumstances are od I suspicion- nature, And an inquest will be hold. the unfurlunute young men. By this time the shores of the lake, which had never be. tors been the some at such is terrible event were Iiueil with hundreds of excited com» try talk. The first body was found be. tween 7 und 8 o‘clock. The others ware reouvered at intervals between that time and 11 o'elook in gluon! 15 feet of water, and at a distance of not mare than 15 red: than the more. The sympnthy of the whole community goes out to the bereaved and .ufflieled pmenls whose wns were out. all in the bud of young manhood. EAL ward and “Toto" Myles, two of those who were drowned, were buns of Mr. Jul Myles, of the Centre line. Osprey Town. ship. William; Francis Wisdom was the only son of Mr. John Wisdom, 34d Line, Osprey, and we» . member of the hd hue Young Briiou'siOge. having joined it a short time prior to the 12th cf July. Latest figures of the result of tho Edith Columbia looal election: gin titueat m. bers to the Opposition, in to the Gom- mont, and four andnu. The Gov. moment will 1mm, nail: 0000 until forced out by In when. vote. The work of Canada. Ploilio Built-y construction bu now mulled 847 mile: west of Winnipeg, nil. being laid at the rule of tin-u mile. A day. The Thunder Bay section will not, it ia can!” BB. nomad, he opoued tor than this you. notwithstanding that for election nun-pm. it wu omoinlly nnnonncod about the mid- dla ofJunothu the roadwuopoud and the but nil hid. t 1tirtutustusaat.--Houry Caldwell, ot Normamh); J. J. Mormon, of Gienclg; and Gilbut Mchcharn, of Egremout. autumn. than: A.--tiitgu c. Rose of Durham. w, notice We fulliug from South Grey who haw passed. In HvUXT Foul-n. Gun: B.--0. W. Brown, of Beutissek; M. c. Black, and James Binnie, of Glen. elg; Wm. Nubmith, of Egrumom. Examinations. There is no list given for Collingwood or Burns. bat they will pro- bably be published. The following is the list " (MEN BOUND. 0mm; B.--itobcrt McDowell, James G. Carrie, Wo. Early, Minn. M. A. Mackenzie. Mary Cooper. Emily (hmhy. John Han nab, Joseph maul-a. James Slaw, Henry Duuhar. Is-ani.--). McIntosh, W. Reid. Alex Armstrong. T. Simian. Charmin M. Duncan, Margaret Hall, Grace Crawford, Jennie Cruuks. Annie Elder, Sun-ah Bop. him, John C. MeG'illvoy, Annie Dale, E. J. J, Ferguson (passed in Latin.) In th May's Globe: is given a In of the candidates whuluused at the Midsummer The tutu(ral took place un Friday of last Weak. Midsummer Examinations. The McDonald-Campbell Case. (Frail thr 01060 quamiayJ A number of merchant. and u law firm of an city are mourning the trickery and departure of I hand “has.“ of the city named Archihdd New. who [an Tor- onto a {IV days time. It twat: that ha came here from Durban. Out., a couple of years Ago. when he bad My been ll school when and than it is said uu du. Mahatma such "togieo himw tut. onvinlala notoriety m text into bushes. a. real osilito mom it No. 16 Adelaide. street East. He won aiso loud Violator for a. well-known legal bm. In his work for minim ho col-riot) to A system of amp. tion which it in aid will came I loss to " “players doctoral thousand don-n. In} Wupruohhe vuueoftaa1 ogtatq ttport' which low of money van sought it turns out tbat he “present/ad (In properties to be worth I great deal more “an who really the cue. it in “nought that this no done by collusion with the owners, because ha obtained mission of die deeds of novel-ail parcels. The pnymeutu of intense upon the money ndvnnood filing behind, and l the parties to whom the loam Wore made it I number of can being absent routod l the suspicious of the tirm. 1nvesuguions were made into the doing- of McLelhu, and it turned out that in - every use he [ml valued property much beyond its actual worth. Finding thing: getting too hot for him ho Jam-mined to leave for the United States, bat thought he would far uish a home the“ at the “puma of the Torouto merchants. He muted u house It 374 'hsaditra-avtruuavutd put furniture, etc. into it, obtaining credit for the folluwing amounu :---H. Graham * Co., “meta. unto! Witd Wuhan, boon Hon mm Jig-Mia -tartVUto-dar gram qmtr, been” it ha paw-r1 rah-bl. in tho yin-taunt oi att tormi of Havel Cumphiut ia. tiditst to the Sun»: m. c281. 0230; John Kay, do,, 677; W. Murray a Co., t210; J. M. Treble, “w; Joumrtou * humour. 'CO; Alex. Gamma“. "r, ll. A. Collins, 0109; J ohu Dixon (carriage), $175; lt. Hay * Co., 6104; T. Neweambe a Co., 5230; hauler Clyde Hotel. borrowed money, too; A. Robertson Raisin Home, tlr, Peusrkin, Queen-street. 'loo; J. & J. Wading, 888; rent to landlord of 374 Spu- diua.arcuue, 9100; Upper Cuuudn_ I' unu- For“: fires in North Sandwich, Mum. m sweeping anything before them. W.. lapl m in anger. md my mm Wily We! ratttbttuioa. Sunday trleile racing: Ha yore logs. though one of the Two tum ectluud on Monday Mum: Buiuon tad Lore-c, Fume, on the but from 1'srregueuix. Thu. lumen» were killed and nix iniumd. uni-um oi att tom; of Bowie! 0mm“: aide» to the Scam m. eat. Tho may running- against overhauling And racing [manger steamboat., union: though any are. appen- to In" no that. upon captain- of than Von-ell. Two u tam Company, "oo " a drawing room suit. As soon u those goods were put into the house he had them packed up and sent to Petmkey, Michigan, the height hill. being mode out in the name of It. Mehr. thnr. his brother-in-law. and addressed to him. This included a Piano and Organ. lie sent away his wife tsad two of his col. dmn,bat ta alto} any suspicion kept two it " children in the city. He then took a Muse on Ann~stroet. and hogan furnishing this as well, and obtained from Uintmnnn * Co. a fine piano. for which in bogus mm» was given. This piano he aim managed to send away, having it unwind at tl.lt' o'. clock one fine morning. lieintzmun & Co. had a lien upon tho instrument. This when his crime robbery, and it is [mama that he may he brought back. Mr. Eugen the may: of the Upper Canada Furui. tum Company, suns time back hecanm ::- binned. and pressed McLuhan for riccunty for the mount owing to his company, which hit-haiku was quite willing in an c. He handed over the deed of a lot of forty. six news no” Galt, “hid: he said “is Worth 11.“. but upon it there was a mortgage ot%500, leaving a halmu-eof $790 to - the amount due. 'l be deed shoe _ 0d that “no had been paid for the land, but this wan mdily “this“. He up- pound new to be at It hms " a mode of nxphining everything. 110 said the ren- sou he had got the tuau property at such a low kiln was that the owner was ptvtowtt (or money with which to proceed lo Moi. th. This was not satisfactory, and upon making enquiries at (hilt it was learned that the land was all swamp and was Worth only tiM. Affidavits were tiWortt to at the iustauee of Mr. Rogers that he was a- bout to leave the country secretly and in debt, and a topic" issued, upon which he was arrested, Mcwts.T. Bell and u. iliteh. ie gou- security for $800, and he wan tw. leased. In return he gave a chattel tuott gage upon the furniture of a Mr. ltac. Last 'l‘huraday night. howewr. he cleared out, leaving his creditors and hondunen mourning. lie was lut,t heard of in Chi. cago. It L said that a. hunk is Ilsa I heavy looser. The firm for which he tget. ed as tuluator will loose, it u said, several diamond dollm. A few days before his departure he obtained than a tailor a suit of clothing fur lsimsetf and two suits " each of his three boys. This. it is almo.,t needle“ to say, with the uccount " a Wo- man who made covers for his new draw- ing room iuruiture. remains unpaid. Me. Luhan had a very plan-ible and insinuat- ing manna. Ho succeeded in Minding everylmdy with the belief that ho nu pon- neued of considerable property. and Wine merely residing in Toronto for the pun-pow of educating his family. The Busstrm Archbiuhop " Mania cum- minml suicide by jumping overboard from I “and. Recent heavy rains have ruined Gur. man)". crops. which proclaimed to yiohl an most abundant bu "I. of may - The only creditor secured is the u ppm Can-Al» Furniture Company. Tue others will lose. Mr. Arch. Mytyritnn Strips i In “I “I the Tau cl _ For ttttttrt)" 'r" by. Dr. Fowler'u Ex. Ill - n: rum-N70. A Beeeiat M; of tue Beutiuck (“It at! was bold d Chitta’ck'c haul, hue I'm-k an May the 18th Jun. uc Miuqts - Hesiod. “Wilma,“ Dickson. Mo no." and ttmt In bu! oullcg a. 'ee" B-ioat ot Council w like in. mid-um . thin of 0630.50 "M bad In“! much by “A. Town Council of pm... "in“ tho sum of 05901.15 trf 1 M “gunmen: Fund at the cmluof i tU Tmuhip in tho TM“!!! Dept-11mm l M a” vainu oi Ontario. The! the “a! Tovn Council a Durban but] tyled "ehua to tho .my It the Treasury Dupmmm “a that h. lmd but: infonuod that u. gal mm of “001.16 would not be PM! until an chin and. In th- Cuuuc'l ot Durban bad but! “addicted Ind w with. K. ttrreAeq ' the metal." of tins Canal Io uh the Intw-r um tim, Malian an! M with it. The consul [wring onmiucd such it P." no - baton it, it w“ moved by Ile. Duhaao, sounded by Mr. MCCullum, tlat dune-mono! council new 1'"qu w "tuewitlttheourk he I ovum“... k mad . nil-nib: commune .ppuittteg h the TOW" Cathie“ of Durhuu to “h. IMO ”willow I “In “and: by Mm] mum] of Durban to I “I." ofthe Iuoproveaeu Lind ttand " an. Utmlit or (he Thumb? And to new” -etdiugm.--4uuvieg. Council adjourned. TU Bouliuck Cumwil hold it. burl}: min-for a... prawn; yen at Chum}. Hotel, Allan Park, on 1louday lb. hi, 1M3. Mambo“ all pros-wt. “in“... d tuner meeting mud and P" ol. To “Dunc“ ot 1uutiucla--iieatu- your Col-Mb. “maimed to u... "w the Dork-m Tum: council in mg...) in M claim to 3 Mon at tho Lam] ha. WM fmH, beg lava to "Tort um up, not aid Committe- at Durham on this 13th thy of June. and Ila-r an” their claim iuto canudemuuu And and“: "tels ouquliriu u they ware Ok concern- ing tho Mr they lutburuml the lam and clerk to on“: human mum-nut to given tho town of Durham “Jim, an Towuuhip to receive 05,270.66. This a. unemeu‘ being hunted an the nut-mm Ball of the Tuwuship " tho you 1m, Signal. on than Jun 1m... Mr. Duchau "puma Inning "rmud in Divinion No. I. a bum: saw on no nod " ooneersioat' "f" nul- fron Crawford. “I.” o" on“ lino " B. Brunt Tovuubip had“ tttou . sin-nu aunt. and " " mum“ at... in. mm "tme6nd 1min; expend-'1 ut “Vidal No. I. as loll.- : can... a. mi sol s D. KW“: 95195“? “I! i_ti 'e'" 'e. IU, A w nu "f'" w "III. "I “H" W R. "' " calm and Canine tho t t 6 con. " tor naming timber I'm" bstc m bridge. coma. W. 0. It. 75 rent' for rap-Adm: when. can. tr. 11.60 WW" to Buloy‘u huge. on " "ttie" bills. lgt " can. i. tl. D. R. 41mm on " III. 00. can. s, w. o. R. 015 work OB may. lie. B. t ti, use to: var-i" to heioestdo'-4o, 8.9. R.; Mid .20 fot “timid- u lot“- Ouuaoaumam ma " mm! Mr. “and "roeud havirnt “pent!“ in Diviuion 'lt'n.' an bllowt, '. -92 .... my: hue B. SB. "Ito" “I: Con. la 12. 9:” u. “I can. " " an"! " D. it " 0 on NO!“ Road. .16 an hide huo l ' 8. D. iL 023.81 for plant for and. males. "a 'ltr “If plnnh " whom. "tl " culvert an Noun-m Bond. - D. HCXieol. k. Dickwu,J. Mac-Jinn and D. CttmptMi, counuinw. Report onion! to be received and who. od in it. awaken. To the Lianne-i! ot "eutiutt--tieutkumt. -In wood-nee with '.straetiot" Wild at M scuba» of council I beg to land hereunder I summon! ot the uuwuut at interest which In: Accrued to the ist Aug. lauded on Bank Dcpouih on -tuttttl d an actual many ily-Laws u G 1mm. ship. “a: By-lw Nu. 6.for me. 1235.63. lit, J, law No, 4 for l878. 6186.71. By-lu Kw l 6 for 1879, 03.10, and By-Inv Nu. T, Mi.- ' 85. Total, 'WJA'I. D. Campbell 'l'ms' , met. I Petition received {run Ausauder Cum Ind UT our.“ tuskitse conned to up”) the Amount Just toothed from tho lam Improvement Fund in ttae iuyrroverutut of Bud-I. no Bu. “no. Gm. " t and who hm ihr aud “a 00.. .. W. U. K. 'gl) nu MM line. "tte COD- " a. db toe ‘JH. mu 3. W. u. B. “hand. 012 an buy- Swamp. Also one Iron imply lludgrsnn Ind IT other: taking for a grunt to imprun My road 80 and 81 ttou.iltaud ll. Petition oa- den-ed to be nominal. 15)“an No. 6tor 18tM, tiutroaiug tlt. following rum '5: Warm! ta he p-r. 2 mills In I " kmlrhlp'o expenm ml improvement... tk null. for Cu. Bate sud dtrlsool equivubul. No run for Brut .\o. 8 " 1878. N lump on ' " iutertst and Sinking faol on By-law No. 4, "78. " with on "y4toe No.6 for "N Inn! 3* will: on liy-lnw No, 7 (or ItbN. Total " manual. 0046.000. Moved by IU. Md‘nllmu, semuMed by Mr. 1nesrriuttarr,--'thu the Gummy Twat"- or In intimated to Nun: L417. cu. l, S. D. IC-Ah-aid. Moved by Mr. McCullum. serouthul 0y Mr. MeninuCI}-Jl‘lmt Myers & Sun lw put] "tora PM wiper, AM u cheque [I itaued.--Cmrrimt. P?'"","' in] Diviniun No. 2.--6wm10" Synonym»: " In: " t ' hm. t2tittt Mi: Lung 18. (Spa. 1 a ti, W. G.il., M31” Mr. McCullmu mun iuuructed to Mullah-1m; " AL. Batman} pt. “Lion. Moved by Mr. Mrniugu‘, wounded by Mr. McCauum, “at lb. mom-y txeois.d from the laud Lupin“ tarut Fund k H" plsed on railway liy-lm No. a, " 1m, the yen. nag] In}: [mung bun called they Md wa. "CNN. Musingtr, Mecaliao, Willis. Nay, Datum. “and by Mr. Diem, seconded by .ur. Memuusrerrc-aut tho pun of Iha [Mun-n. “no“ lute 215ml 3. Gun. “mat not! needed for I 11ml In [nodal our to the owners of aid lots in hru of laud him: toe road round the lull. -Cauaod. Moved by Mr. Dickuun, “(mink-I1 W W. Wiltei--mut . $irtue sum of "MI he ". pended in the improveu"tnt "f numb "tui. low. . in "ivi.iaet No. l, $50, No, g MII, No. ' "l, No. 4 'Mto.-trrud. Mr. Wm... may“ min; expeuded the Innovating. Betntinttit Council. Tho but of the em Rai on Western llmlu a.) . tmareh- hm Hour!) " 1.. Ir I” miles, hon-2m I an Grind ”hunk had swallowed up In the In; reliance Bith the join; M of Direct-bin th min. has ham who - unwed to it “in In“ teeall. the ed Gnu “mam Railway wu III Maud in IN! at thot than “and upuu W. to tueet the w C‘M living on or n -oofthe “mph of Cn mainline [rum llu- Wild-1". ofthi, Portios “duo“ Tina " Fri In": baton u:- n primal Ch - Mtmn,ritssr Din B. Ila-ill. Ear. Mayor! wild: the writer urge. the In to - ummuwmd, i otmbirrg [3511” lo du- coe "u. The Utter in dated. W. ttab. It “we r mu had been In tor f my. Gun. frqu w. and [he u to [WI "itllo Mod . Mun” -ntirw lo 1949 u 'suUwritwd 1' mm. and 12’; maid from I, (be Townslny W1 IRA-r mum. M m .34 only in the He" b Wind.w, than eonnerti via. the Xingu: Itiwr». it in! the mort sun-rml’ul I'D. in Cn-mh. and grmhu m and infhavmse by “In W! linen. Tlu. humuL 'Greuimrg to Gall ond l M d that tlw l *tli,0tl" hum “I of pl". of [hr x) h "Mon. Go? w from Guelph " m to Eineurdtne ". launch from ir w opened in was. Wu“ of thr Lo, can on (he "mm I "id-tsir" I.“ ll Wu .tep fun tlu. with alumni-us turatl min" of the l u I Ml bloss to tho (an ting " I hercr Wm”; Mule trnitie, an". it w..- liuglmln alum-in Li, h t nun-mm. “in: un- WN'. large mm .4 n mum Mm h bt Jovs.itlre mhmlhmuu ol “dbl“ Mil thr tuo lib-m. Tint pulO foul-d higher [Night and In. ' t , kw tmiua, nod Imu- lll'l'ulllllln "on! trunk. The Groud Trunk Tau-om has only it, nun um 1r l, h " tttoA furluhlnMc mmpvuluv bt the Way. it “all“ 1w hop" t. IpeMRh-ul- “lump Inhnwu ti no" ll ill wavy to v‘pw'l yr Wm tlou: that! goto-ally .4 ') his in “km cirruo_ tttfi, Aows (but "ithout ”Mulls the only lmwihL “I “mom by "otvoeutie ' “Nun". Wlout . m. the evils "t upprumti We bar “In uu. ' uh lugs pm...» " the Great \\ ' his not. ln‘ur mile ax trotlir any. ..--"'t'L, l Western in . ht ludw AsiU, the evil» or "mu-mm: . Main-“mu. 'usd lurk l tum at: mum to man [any Kath. and " MI irtto hailing MM " Fasst Saginaw. Mi VII lettiny seamed. Um rccuwry Th. 90’ Mal killed more pe Mum “It " July than E”- - " the lumlurdlm- MI. {to Pemvhm ("new in the inhd'i u h “In use Clsihan im ad} ad- W in the vault. Uur qyrb- Wtrat -ihilated by Pet nu MOI. ad I "It of utermmuiuu “a... I“ the rear ttttti [In h-M tion mm: were “Hod nu] 3,670 my. all“, Milk in (in-at null-ale. this N Immin- "uh 42 Inn-l mm “a and t,t6t remind Ilullli-ts “I Would their own cottttol. TM “(MIMI in I bunch of pr - h tbmuata hu, c ~4me trleaded dun Mr and for an mum-gt- can b - “WI by . Gear. Tor. down m. ' " got bun tted tut a u th. a; a “at dank-1 manna her. “4 Au-r, the Illn.’ mmm‘ul 1 ter. "qrtee'. Elm! " tt tld Htmwh lm’. tteitic for I ‘hulcr- Marian. m. Pt; lull all (IR-I. u hummer “I i will, cum (Junker iermr& ftpmolu, 9nd u mu tot mu I. his more no mun wanton “no ard in Atriea Hume tr a0M0thtt “00 “mm. the": are 40,! b Gin. [0.0004110 ”MULWUJIKJ among tur l - in ludiu and 7,00o,oio m mad Cantu.) Ana. In Alum d“). “NI. men an - - ",000.0un. Most “Amt w M “II”, c235) or "ttat: an? 5, 1, a nuHu-uwv-u _ _ - UUMI‘Lv-Il) loll-'1“ _., "mutt-luncuw..p., :., 2,'dtttttq “I! INN! N1“. " ”Mo. .04 aluuw.) of tui, I [mum mm 't'u' y. ("not _ II ttre in“ " f m All. v.4 ll mm M Pl h “I (“hid tll w

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