West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Aug 1882, p. 2

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&D ; ) apg _ +5‘ C Pitheusle,..s... 0, PR on sn t Hets o ue WO Te ]‘ulm.xg ““} R:v"nnr. rnn '\"'..-..--..n..............-..... B. «SOE Bee kte m.s‘ ""Thaq .1 .01 O CintGriPbad tbut.the kpif. LPFeSent: in the afternoon. On Saturday 5;'41.;:':‘: :("'q ".,l:x’".:.""""'""""" 7. +\ he ahen “u;(i-mhc) at 2 p. m., and Rev. Mr. Baker, of ) lf‘d struck a rib and thereby the victims | the grouuds were qniet, until: the evening, Wnnnv.nr.l"‘,. El:-'ululs(}llrk 7 been protested. | Walkerton, at 6. A collection â€" will ln'hro_'“ saved. HMad the knife entered half ‘.'lf"“ th.e trains Legan to pour in their| Hall, h M"’\""li“.' Ql) Eugcrro® Protests. â€"At latest accounts, ; taken up after each service. Btrangers at. an l,uch either up or down from where it | living freishkt and the "Empress of India" | Rowie, MFKnnrw fl: there are election protests resulting from ‘ tending the mectings will be eordially welâ€" did it must have proved fatal, As it was | @Mptied in hep cargo of 600 or 700 souls, M’“,"'""“- B., b MGKO“!‘O................ 0, the recent elections entercd in Ontario. !,om“l' and hospitably entertained by the | *° "8!Y s2sh was made in the man‘s side, | On Sunday morning the Rev, Mr. Carson, Dmdaon. not ont, 6, The petitions are agninst the return 0! | members of the chorch. It is expected He is doug well. Lyons suspects a party | of Hamilton, preached. â€" In the afternoon ;‘}:d;;fi;............ 4 Win. Mullock, Oppositiog, for North York; | thag services will be held regalarly after| *" wb.ose arrest a werrant bas been issued. | the Rev. Dy, Talmage preaehed, At 2:80 IerEresvveq -l-: Jro. White, Conservative, for east Hasting; | the opening. This church is in a rather | He thiuks the deed was committed for a | the auditorinm was erowded, every seat 88. M. K. Dicken>on, Conservative. for Rusâ€" | rough part of the country, where it is difé. | Krudge of thrse years standing. ‘The war. being crowded an hour before, and all| â€" Totals: Monnt Forest 71, Durbam 95, sell; Alex Robertson, Conservative, f-'r'eult, a good part of the year, to get any | "abt was placed in the hands of constable available spots of eminence in the grand oi ie im ind West Hastings; Thos. Baw, Opposition, for ' distance to attend divine services, and no Romaines, and word telegraphed to to dif.| Datural ‘ml)biflnflh"fi.fi'fikm possession Bll'v your "’m' Oil at| North Wentworth; G. W. hu.Oppo.m'ou." doubt if only onge properly set in ruuning | ferebt points, Lap up to this writing the | Of. The camp fire_signds were crowded, lf?m- and get the best kindsâ€"spocial | for West Middlesex; Jas Trow, Opposition, | order, wonld be well attended by all de. Wouldâ€"be assassin bas not been secured, | the verandahs of coltages filled, and Dr, Prices to Thrashers for this season‘s oil. I tor South Perth; L. McCallom, Com-’u-iuaou living in the section. We / No trace of the assassin or assassins bas | Talm&ge ascended the raised platform, u) The Public Works Department have ad. | « tive, for Monek; Sir John A. Macdonald,| hope the people in the back part of Glene,; | been found. ready well filled by an afle choir under | "°rtised for tenders for the construction of | " Conservative, for Lennos; Col. Tyrwhitt, " will see the benefits arriviog from baving| H. W. MoCKLer bas a splendid line of the direction of the lev. C.‘H. Mead, pr| the docks, &0., at Wiarton. 1 Conseryative, South Simeoe; Mr. Jackson, | Divine service convenient, and, uo matter | new dark privts. Call and see them, ~| Talmage‘s. sermon . arrested. attention, 1;] _ The Dearer we follow nature in the treat. : Upposition, South Norfo‘k. In several inâ€" |awhat their creed may be, turn in and belp| @q to Mowat‘s for Che was quaint, elequent, and deliveréd with r:;zmmm we are. |;, stunces, crose petitions Lave Leen fyled a ’ to put this chureh on a good Swhfiilllnd good Coal Oilâ€"now is the time lo.,t Breat . dramatic foree,. »He . selected the | Nature‘s Specific for Cholora Morbus, i¢|a gwast unsuccessful candidutes.â€"O. 5.|so that the services oltpodni.niuum;y | your cans filed, Large reduotions i :" words of . _Joslng â€"forâ€"â€"liis _4e%4:>»*Ther, | t2rv. Colic, and all forms of fiht' , «l pime | be regularly svczred in fetege: |Barrel 5C e e .. ‘I'E;g.:&"&“ beable to stand before Thee o) PMints, . â€" Tt apeedqga_"_* * Bomn I Eugcrro® Prorests. â€"At latest accounts, | there are election protests resulting from | the recent elections entered in Onhrio.' The petitions are agninst the return of | Wis. Mullock, Oppositiog, for North York; | Jro. White, Conservative, for east Hasting; t M. K. D:cken> on, Conservative. for Rasâ€" ' 1 Mar. Weun‘s election for East Bruce bas been protested. atton. en prisoner, she will be over wi clum bim a relel, but if he is vre successful sbe will find so for vasecillating and trying to parties. However, Rritain bas very bold steps, such as* seizing Canal for a thme. and will .. , â€" quueul o 1 2 320 _ oC e eor mrrere ‘cute ‘ig ’ tew large bai got into readizess a general attack on | *®eport 8 or . Arabi is expected, who is ontrenching him. ’ ground, for | self at Katâ€"elâ€"Dwar, and no doult wil}| Sullivan four made rather a itubborn stind as he np-)"""'hi“‘ be pears to be more coufident than ever since| 9n one farm the bombardment of Alexandria, Turkey | Lear that part wtill persists in her iunetive, undecided | tations. _ Ne course and will neither say yes or no to | Orangeville or anythingâ€"whether Arabi is a rebel or not, | have fallen. ] and no doubt intends to pursae the same | "Lorw almost / conrse until she sees how mattess progrou""il’ near two in Egypt, when if Arabi is delented or tak. | Storm it was so as s WWorartnms Crivic Horibay.â€"In the abseuce â€"Troubles in Ireland seem to be still ! Mayor, “,“ Reeve, a.t'tbo "q'f“‘, of a smouldering, and murders are of altogether ' e‘rt'muly signed petition, p mcl- imed too common occurrence. This week nll"“‘]"y' Aug., 20th, as a _C"'“' Ho man was shot near Kullarnoy in the most | No doubt a great n"mbf' will f'.'h ad ecol and deliberat way, the leader of a I vze of the cheap excursion '° Niagara party of ruftians calling on some of his | 44. ."o""fl town, who can lift a bat, men by number to fire on the unfortunsty | t*!King cricket. man who died in a short time. Some ten TiErT.â€"There is yet one iudividna of a gaug who murdered a family named least, in the vieinity of Durhain, who, Joyee linve been identified, However, | er from sheer depravity â€" op habit, taking things altogether the rolnlhuuupin’l mean enough to abstract a pourd of seems to be dying ont, from a bugey, while standing in a ) ho n t l l cmreeys......, shed, on August Ist, though the tea THE EGYPTIA® WAR, safely packed in a carpet bag, under The news from the seat of war {_""_””l'::-.n:o:nlflo;::"th“: m;.ti:': :’:;“;;3-'0" past few days bas been rather conflicting, Havor, Evidently there has been very little b.’ud} » fishting done as yet,â€"nothing further than ; Ihu‘.â€"Dnnna'r the past f"f days a gr a few skirmishes, Garnet Wolseley is now ’ many parts of Westorn Ontario bave be in full commani of the British forces in | Visited by very hf‘“'-' thm.ulcr storms 1 Exypt, and nearly all the corps have ar-’c"“'l"'"“'d by hail. In this town only rived, so that as soon as the men can be I few large bailstones fell, but other plac got into readizess a general attack on | *eport 8 or 4 """1‘“‘ of hail upon t Arabi is «xpected, whto is sntrenakines xs.. Larnums k. 1. fnotntiiit inss 4B . 1 ol a gaug who murdered a family named Joyee linve been identified, However, taking things altogether the rebellio us spirit seems to be dying ont, â€"Troubles in Ireland se emouldering, and murders ar too common vccurrence, / man was shot near Killarnoy ecol and deliberat way, the Party of ruflians calling on men by number to fire on the man who died in a short time ® 0 CCCCE PC & UUSH k OÂ¥aÂ¥al zasqy z_ CC HHe at Welsh‘s | years. to gravel roud.â€"Carried. Mr. George Miller Clerk of the B: Elliott, Pediar, â€"That Mr. Pediar be in. Commerce, Durbazc, has been prc structed to expend a further sum of $20 on | and appointed to Orangeville, after mountuin road, known as Campbell‘s rond | of one year amongst us, to make said road passable for public travel, ‘ TRos, Hanbary, of Dundalk, ba; â€"â€"Carried. ’ehned 40,000 bricks from Â¥r. Bow Wright, Pediar,â€"That the Reevre 18800 | thy Darkam Briekâ€"Yard, They will orders for road jobs in Ward 3, as follows : | the wall of his new bluck, Woa. Tucker 02725. D. McKenzie, $3, and I Tz Editor of the REVIEW 14 now Userge MeKenzie, $1.25, % attonding a Convention of Geologists P-ilfr. Wriu.ht.â€".’l'hnt the Reeve issue | Naturalists at Montreal, He took , oulers in road jobs in Ward 4, as fullows ; collection of lveal fossils with him. Bolomon Turner $15.00, G. Fisher #14.70, o e =â€" Cartteds Evax Mac Cornn, better known ns Podlar, Elliott,=â€"That the petition of| »2td of Loch Tyn.o. formerly of | Jolun Teeter and others cannot be enter. | Tyno side, Argyleshire, Beotlund,' oo tained by this Council.â€"Carried, guest of Mr. Malcolm Mcelean, Walke Webstor, Wright,â€"That the following P. M., list week. necounts be paid :â€" To Tâ€"acurERs asp Tnusnn.~Any #&. TK Faweett, privting & advert. $55.25, | son wanting Blauk agreements,for eng: M. Richuduon. stationery, ete., 5.90, | ment of Teacbers, can secure them atp #. J. Sproule, postage to date 2.96, R"fi’ wiiite, SNE 8BE Hhaniesre. =â€"Carried . 1 @ tnwe, and will no‘doubt 707'01 matters to a setisfactory termin Pediar, Wright,â€"That the orders in road jobs in Ward 4 Solomen Turner k15 M is + W DRD *A Wlb t lc thvins s s t 2201 structed to expend a further sum of $20 on / mountuin road, known as Campbell‘s road to make suid road passuble for public travel. | â€"Carried. ’ Wright, Pediar,â€"That the Reeve isaug | orders for road jobs in Ward 3, as follows : | Woa. Tucker $2.25, D. MceKonzie, $3, and ! UGeerge MeKenzie, §1.25, x *T* Leader says they grow Timothy Thorp Wn.'h-t.;fl.:-c‘ .'";:‘;:‘m #1.30, and heads from five to sir feet long round Tar:, Pediar, Wright,â€"That this council grant How loug is the straw Mr. Leader. 420 to complete ditching on 10t, con, | _ M®. T. Sprovix, of the Revers House, swamp roud.â€"Carried. .Markdalo, 'hu n'flnf class barber‘s parler Elljott, Wright, That this council grang) i# connection with the Ffotel, & sum not to exceed $20 as an equivalent| Thz ides of teaching Brery girl to thump to amount appropriated by Glenelg to|m piano, and make every boy & book limprove town _ line between â€" Gley. | keeper, will make potatoes $5 a bushel in 10 olg & Artemesia trom base line at Welsh‘s | years. to gravel roud.â€"Carried. / Mr. George Miller Clerk of the Bank of E"‘O“' P.d‘.f, â€"That Mr, P«llu' be inâ€" Ponytmauss e ; & pommetueddg ic l d â€" 20 17â€" s BDOBt s W2,4 ... & | °Mn# and Oils ure at Mowat‘s, Lower =. *arks for $4 and charge to Ward no. 8. Town Durham, P â€"Carried. Mr. T. Doxaort, who iutends goj p " t A golug to Wobster, Wright,â€"That the following Manitoba, offers his house and l6t 0n Garâ€", accottuts for repairing Boyne Water bridge afraxa St., for sale, l oi parithoâ€"As. Malloy, $2,G. MeKenmie i1.% " THs Leader says they grow TimatL= W. Tucker §1.25 J. T. Wright #1.25, ana | . *® y Thort Wuluks 40â€" m c e o Wright, Webster,â€"Tlint the Reove is orders in favor of G. Duncan for #7.40 a W. Parks for $4 and charge to Ward no. â€"Carried. ""T. ~rnight moved, seconded by Mr. Webster, in amendment, that this Conneil grant a sum not to exceed $20 to drain the swamp petitioned by Policge Trustees of Mrealsartrm ... Pr t uk iob e will find some pretex: , and trying to please all | er, Britain bas taken some | ho negctnn + Pitt dn dntidiscnctead.. _l-’oluni?“:;po&’ y Carpet at a low W TUTHifal society, aud that the Reeve | IÂ¥? you want winceys the place to get| Price go to e ienss ovder for same, payable to Tressurer | ther.; is ut Mockler‘s. Mowat has an immense uf said society, Yeas, Christoe Webster, | # x stock of Window Glase which he is clearipg A # "Â¥ )A Rse *) â€" For Tweeds go to H. W. Mockler‘s, a | 3 Elliott; Nays, Wright,Pedlar.â€"Carried, h | out at a large reduction, f * large stuck at the right price. ‘ Mr. Elliote moved, see. by Mr. Wright, Tc t R ow Svovex Deatu.â€"A telegram was reâ€" that in the matter of draining swatp as | 3o L:.‘.F Cricket Club go to to es ceived last night from Rapid City, Man., petitioned for by the police trustees of| °°°"¢ on r.xday + (to mf’"o') C announcing the sudden death of Mr. G. M. Fleshertow, this council is prepared to d,| . THE Post is advueating tne incorPo"®~ | Butehart at Brandon, . Mr, Butchart was the draining on roud allownnee as soon as | tion of Hanover as a separate municipalâ€" | |,, of the oldest,residente of Owen Sonnd, parties whose property is benefitted by the | tY. P aud was on his wes _ 2o2 ry se t work have finished the $406.â€"Tost, ’ Cassmnm mtdocs. : Kss Leicas W wue s uV L assne order for us;. poâ€"y-bh to uf said society, Yeas, Christos, Eiliott; Nays, Wright,Pellar.â€"( that by.â€"law« No« 812, 413, 334. be read a third time, signed, seale grossed in by law book.â€"Carried. Mr. Webster moved, see. by Mr that this council graut $20 io A _ _ _ O _"C #s be ap.| ""C*fIDing beaten down, and t ufident than ever n'neo’ on oue farm almost dc-koying f Alexandria., Turkey | hear that parts of Proton had si it innetive, undecided | {Mi098. _ Near Alliston and ag her say yes or no “,/Omngflilh over three inches a Arabi is a rebel or not, | bave fullen. In Guelph tow nahiy Is to pursae the same | "tortm almost destroyed vegetation s how mattess progress J‘ strip near two miles wide and J abi is defented or tak. | stormt it was so dark that "..___1â€" ver willing to pro if he is in a moas the Suez ‘ed, see, by Mr, Elliott, ant $20 to Artemesin 1 aud that the Reeve * ** ) Sunday Septeimber 8rd iinâ€" f Reverend gentlemen v | the services :â€"J. C. Dy _ f[WRARSI Mclotera . eigned, sealed and enâ€" seconded by Myr, ’ Oysters | storm it was so dark that ‘uo twenty yards. ’ Cavren OrExINXe.â€"â€"The ion the 10th con. Glenelg N thoroughly overbauled, ) | a good pulvit put in und . _ ~TOCCS VPENING.â€"The Daptist Chureb on the 10th con. Glenelg which has Lbeen thoroughly overbauled, Plastered, seated, a good pulpit put in and surrounded by a good favee and gutes, will be reâ€"onanst ... Conneil | Town. 10 L_ACHERS arp Tlusnu.~Auy perâ€" ,aon wanting Blauk agreements,for engageâ€" ment of TencberS, can secure them atp the Reviw office, and save themselve the trcuble of writine Hhan. ... D Anidithibtiahiait ts t ob o 90. LL. c mags.. s_____ CC scres had|been off duty for a few days, Monday beaten down, and the crop on | night he was at Holstein, awaiting the ar. m almost dhlroying; we also | rival of the train from the south. Being arts of Proton had similar visi. sumewhat alead of time be took a stroll Near Alliston and agrin near down the track, As he was returning to over three inches are said to | the station he met two men, one of whom In Guelph tow uahip a terrifie drawing a dagger knite stabbed him, Ly. t destroyed vegetation along a | ons fell rccro«s the track and would have vo miles wide and Jduring the | met his death by being run over had Mrs. so dark that people could‘ut| Acheson and ber son not bappened to come yards, Inlong before the arrival of the train. As Mn : they were going aloug the track Yhey no ::s:‘;.';"iho‘ggz: .l:a: h:::fi tieed the man lying in so dangerous a pu braibr i «ition and Lbelped him out of harin‘s way, verhauled, Plastered, seated, They did Bot s t iban twoot â€" d t put in and surrounded by a AL Uid o h2 iaore fban twon Y yands d gates, will be reâ€"opeued on l»cfo;a the u:uln p,ua;‘d by. After watch. : % s N ing him for a ittle Lyouns recovered en. y ;:e:::r‘:ifil:::.w:l::?::l:f' nough to proceed to the hotel which he| io Dunlop of Durkam at | did aided by the above lady und son, Dr. |‘ Mclutyre of Priceville, . (in Tauner being called, found that the knife| D . m., and Rev. Mr. Baker ot bad struck a rib and thereby the vietims | t t: 6."# sollechion will 'b.,lifo was saved. Had the knife entered half C each service. | Strangers 1 1 | an foch cither up or down from whore it | i kctiuge will be cordially wei. | 44 it wmust have proved fatal. As it was | ©! spitably entertained by the | * ugly sash was made in the man‘s side, | O be chorch. It is expected | U# is dowg welil. Lyons suspeets a party | of s F Sor whous avamy . * Ts .« 5 onk tb broe Aedieh Pentts bys se » .2 ty o0 «* Couection will be ;( 470 was | service. Btrangers at. | an inck ¢ s will be cordially welâ€" did it wmn ly entertained by the | *° ugly ; rorch. I4 is expected He is dor held regalarly | after for whose ehureh is in a rather| He thiuk: ntry, where it is diff. | Krudge of ‘.u“‘ year, to get any | rant was j ‘10e services, and no | Romaines np.fl’ set in hlunjn‘ forent poil l, attended by all q.. Wouldâ€"be ; in the section. w.l No trace o bagk narknFRr. .: Thasn u.. 1 ing torn down CaÂ¥szep muuâ€"-cflkk,,, 1 100 e e Locail and other Items. | _ Local and Other Items. Barooxa Sausage ;TW. P. Paterson‘s. l Large quantity of green apples at W. P. Tas old skating rink at the bridge is beâ€" I Paterson‘s. + are 14. 3;_ _ _ 2C for a ) the auditoriam ; grudge of thrse years standing. ‘The war. Leing crowded {runt was placed in the hbands of constable | Available spots of Romaines, and word telegraphed to to dif. | Datural Amphithe forent points, lat up to this 'ri“ng the of. The cump §, wouldâ€"be assassin bas not been secured, | the verandahs of No trace of the Assassin or assassing h‘l‘r“'l‘_“‘vb“mnded been found. e & ho &4 UTD a--?uu ' o'l ! this a,..p:20 1, 0| _,__,.â€"" ampbithentrawas taken possessign mE:-r ’mld':‘ ma‘M le lots, lat up to this writing the ; af' The ;“;"l’ fif""-::“a‘“ :l:‘:l °"°:dl;d' Prices to Thrashers for this season‘s oil. E _ irissia has not been secured, | the veranduhs . l es filled, and Dr, The Public Works Department have ad. | w of the assassin or assassins bas | Talmage ascended the raised platform, a} s a iructi w c ready well filled by an able choir under | *rtised for t 'ihrlibo of R ' the direction of the kev. C.‘H. Mead, p| the docks, &0., at 3 ur Mocxkuzr bas a splendid line of 1 a C o N* a The pearer we follow nature in the treatâ€" wh r Call and Talmage‘s sermon . arrested. attention. . I; ment of discase. tha mas. _""C * * priuks, and see them. was quaint, clequent, and deliverseq â€".; ;" | ®®t > Mowat‘s for Cheap| "** 3°2*% clequent, Dast in 00009 @4 d Sxztous ACCIDRXT.â€"Last evening, as e Mr. James Bowes, Sr., of St. Vincent, was ,h‘l', driving into town with Mrs. Bowes, his horse took fright and ran away when comâ€" ing down Manders‘ rock. smashing the 4P | baugey and throwing them both out. â€"Afrs. kâ€" Bowes fortunatoly escaped without much 10 injury, but Mr. Bowes had three of his ribs broken, and sustained other serious burts. [ | He was brought to town, to the residence 4 | of hbis souâ€"inâ€"inâ€"law, Mr, Jno. MceLean, 'J’f.nd Dr. Cameron is in attendance on him, ‘ We ars pleased to learn that be is in a fair |, â€" | way of recovery.â€"Owen Sound Times. A| _A Worb or Warxt®c.â€"A swindle which | I d people should be on their guard against is | 1 worked in this way :â€"Two rognes wntch[l' y | the papers for estray notices. When ouo! a !|is published, one of them goes to look at / t : | the animal. Of course, on application, tbelel unsuspecting farmer shows the beast, and | w the fellow decides that it is not his, nudlln , then he returns to his partner and describes | fn the animal to him minutely. Then No. 2 | en Iguu to the farmer, and after proving by !eu Li# ADOFORCH Masmecsimc.. 12. EL Svovex Deatu.â€"A telegram was re. t I ceived Inst night from Rapid City, Man., announcing the sudden death of Mr. G. M. *| Butehart at Brandon. Mr. Butcbart was ~| one of the oldest,resiGente of Owen Sonnd, and was on his way home to visit his |&riends here. The news was received by expressions of universal regret. THs Graxo Trvsxk.â€"The Grand Trock system now covers three thousund three hundred and thirty miles, an immente stretcl of line to be controlled and nperat. ed by one corporation. This total milenge is made up as follows : OldOn.‘Trnllldllth lines...... :aux.‘u | Old Great Western and affilisted lines............ 3 Midiand Railway of Canada.. ........___ revervcecs* $84 P Chicago and Grand Trunk Fallwey.........,......! 335 4 Detroit, Crand Hayen ond Milwaukeo R‘y....... 169 * AT Mtnoun.-luformatiou own on Wednasduy of a borrib‘g Meaford. The vietim is a resi. hat town, though formeriy | of He had been OB o# 0 Menvaath # 0 1 on a "spree" for: 1e was missed, and found nothing wag Bs 1 other serious hurts. , to the residence {r. Jno. MceLean, attendance on him, â€"Issnue 16 se Wired , S Tapd Bight much farther, he again ard against is | looked around for &A friendly "Clifi," not rognes watch 1 seeing one, but eatcling sight of a light in 8. â€" When ouoI a house not far distaat, he at once. ran to oes to louk at ; the opportune shelter it micht afford â€" awn C im Davids . ] _ CASNED Fmitâ€"Strawberries. }"lums.! f ’Bcnm, etc., at W. p,. Paterson‘s. : : / Tattag® at GRDISBY» €a0Pâ€"â€"Fop kome I . | days camp Meetings have been beld at the / Sn ith, . . | Grimsby,, ground, and large avdiences ad. MeMnj1 | dressed by varioue votalle Rev. Gentle. Bisell, ¢ { men. On Sunday Jast Dr. Talmage wu/n:'"""" 3 ~ s Kilgonr | present in the nfl.erupon. On Suturduy Yanman the grounds were qniet,. until: the evening, Hanev, , | when the traing Legan to pour in their | Hall, n ; livimg freiskt and the "Empress of India" | Rowie, 1 emptied in her cargo of 600 or 700 souls, g::i'dna?): | On Sunday morning the Rev. Mr, Carson, of Hamilton, preached. â€" In the afternoon s the Rev. Dr, Talmage preaelied.. â€" A; 2:80 the auditoriam was erowJed, every seat being crowded an hour before, . and all T°w'i available spots of eminence in the grand Bny natural Amphithuh'\iio'fihn possession Mowat‘s * of. The camp fire_slgnds were crowls2 nsl A e d mm ie | _ _ "afa counterâ€"petition will be en. tered, embracing charges of bribery on Mr. Plumb‘s part and by ageuts. Three dis. tinet cases of bribery Ch be proven. One of onr honored citizens‘ and a prominent resident of Harriston will be asked to enter the withess box avd tell what they. know of the "true inwnrdnm"nf Tory working. im this section, These gentlemen are members of their respoctive town councils and will be disqualifie@,~ Flem all u.. ... % butrbys _ J "°~* Uine lime expireg‘ Monday) the proâ€" in | per steps will be taken at Osgoode Hall, d | Toronto, Last night the would be mem. > ] ber was in town and met some of the + | faithful with the view to futhering matters, d Theprotest wil} embrace charges of personâ€" +] al bribery. _ Of this thore need be no fear i) and we doubt if even â€" bribary by agents l ean be proven, so fairly did Mr, McMnllen | conduct the contest. St11, should our |townsman be nuseated, Mr. Plumb will | not be allowed to enter the House ns memâ€"|| ber for North Wellington, While he ind : his "vigil=nee commitive" bave been runâ€" ,‘ ning through the vidng hunting up eviâ€"| 4 dence the present member has uot been | a idle. We have Mr. MeMullenr‘s anthority | C to state that n counterâ€"petition will be en. | F tered, embracing charges of bribery on Mr, ; Plumab‘s part and by ageuts. Three dis. tinet cases of bribery Ch be proven. One of onr honored citizenkiana 2 _ . Caxxep Fruit Tory eotem, to annou week (the time expires per steps will be take ’ As we thought. last: woek, weuld be the onse, n meseage has been received by the Couservatives of this rfi}ing from Mr. Rob. inson to go on with the protest. We under. stand that word lirs been given our townJ nc mengndie i4 o a5 ' That Protestâ€" tke genius homo t Withiant Anhdisccaccacs We i s1c p‘eutered pellâ€"mell, without ceremony, and | | was met by the aflrighted gaze of the good lIlnoly of the house and fourâ€"or five of her fair daughters, Our valiant hero, at onee | explained the cause of his unceremonions entrance, and after a short council of war the good dame decided on at once sailying forth with our hero;, soâ€"after avming herâ€" self and daughters with arms that do come readiest in a well ‘regulated household, formed a guard of honor around the brays Antruder and accompanied him to the shelâ€" ter of his roofâ€"tree, without even gotting a glimpse of the terrible monster that had eaused such a commotion, and after Jeav. Sog this «sA L t vonnnree mt ags e tee on o oq n [ d |character, and the pleasant â€" reflections were instantly put toflght, a cudden‘tremâ€" bling seized the limbs of the benighted traâ€" veller, who momentarily sought the shelter of a "Cliff," but not secing one sufficieutly convenient, turned and fled at his topmost speed in the contrary direction to the one he wished to pursue, and as visions of the | huge beast in his rear appeared to him, and not knowing but it was close behind, unueual ewiftness seized h m. a1l beg n â€" ing to realize that he conld not keep up his rapid flight much farther. be nouin ' As we noticed several persons have szen a bear in Glenelg, regently, but the uther night a resident of that" ‘Fownslup, near Traverston, met a thrilling adventure with one. .A young man quietly wer ding bi'l way along the road Ahrough a busb, in a very happy. frame of;mi wil, l’ving recently left the society of ¢wqgg'{gy_nq, was suddenly.startled to see rise up before him a fow feet aad close . to a stump,, one of these terrible monkéfs.. Owing: to the darkness, bruin appeared to be one of the most formidably, lakgek$ and ferociouns : Mr. John Muir, of Bentinck is back from 'Mnnilo&. sick of theÂ¥ far famed ‘country and the outregeous Land regulatious. ... John Simpton of Bentinek had a fiue young borse worth agput $190, choked by getting oats in its lungs whileâ€"feeding on Tuesday, J Guy Chittick is fizigg tip the inside oflns p £9on fleruoon. On Saturday miet, until: the evening, Legan to pour in their L yeue F. 62 +0 fown councils im Ff:om all weâ€"can t abd and C0oRnter. with, some interesting likely to transpire.â€" . ‘Empress of India" of 600 or 700 souls, e Rev. Mr. Carson, In the ‘““l'lloon] announte toâ€"day that Another Bear Seen. ~4/~ Allan Park. C Pn "‘Ro Audiences ad. Ma:\'nllan, R. alle Rev, Geutle. Bisell, e MeF Dr' Ivu'wx. was R:'Wnnr. rnn n ou. On Saturday | XUzour, c &n â€"a Counter petiâ€" tion. elter it might afford, and , without ceremony, and ‘Steps Dad rai. He Lelougs . to 3. "1"> 0 & h McKanzia, MeMnilen., R.. 1. Clark, 60900 dn Unb ind ) F this ’ Yoemans, h ; Smith, not n "nnn\-_ b Cia Hall, h Clark A"t‘."n”nn_ R Bowie, 1 Map Davidson, i a 2omank. hb lnrl,, . anev, o F,. Elfl':‘lgp‘ all, h MeKenzie,,,) nwie, 1y B'pKnn'pia. uks L. h Pn n V o7 Bise!1, t MeKonzin Balfonr, e E. Elvid Kilgonr, b Clark MorXy FOREET, ; R M(-,\[n".”‘ R » In |l‘ Rixall 1 16 .w*® .D'rl’Y- b M E DU“HAM, 1st iuning Clark, b MeMullen, Darhy, e Smith, b MeMulien, MeKenzie, W., e Yeomans, b MeKenzie, A., h MceMullen,.., Elvidge, F., e Kilgonr, b MeM Elvidge, C., 1 Mc.\!u"eu........ Laidlaw, h Bi-‘fl"..'................ Seott, c & h M('.\Iu"-n........... Ashury, u Bisell, b McMallen,, Chittick, run DWber e rerHiÂ¥e ts rirune s MeFurluue, ©06 O06,1.1,,.1:.. / wOUXr rorgEer ‘t6, C., b Bisell,....., arlane, not ¢ l eA 1 ¢ Davidson, b Me\ ". B .h ("arlrr_- MeKenzie, e » b McKenzie. izie, A., h Bisell, e M zie, W., t MeMulien ®, E.. run 086,+â€"2:.5,,. e Kilgonr, b MaÂ¥Xwi )_Clark........ _b MceKenzie M Mess + xÂ¥vnces Clark,.... 7 Elvidge, b Clark / â€"The following is the full score of the gatme of Cricket played at Listowel on Wednesday last week, between the Durham Club, and the team of that Town. The day was fne And the ground in excellent condition. Sotme fine play was made, as will be seen by the score. Everything passed off very pleasantly, and the Dorâ€" ham Club were handsomely treated by the Listowel Club, 1 ‘...u..-..................-... > + Enasst_ ** 898 8e nee+ ark, e MePFarlane. . . ¢ McFarlane,.., "~ Byel. , b McMullen b MeKenzic Bven,, Wides «C Y"Ormmu‘ t*#r8sse 00 Vcc-----o-u.-.o-t-on seasee Lo e MeMullen ¢ree se ues *erreranseraresarsaes Ahenenene nee nee s . ¢ MceMullen rhrerrrsareressassees **x««« *resse e W & PEP Cricket Matches. ** 88888828 ss000 **rtrenneseseane ****8essesa00 ***rte s88s8ss00 ; pree es +00 *he#*88 800 844 804 innings. *Kenzie... 15 ¢**rrre tee se ee 988989 a 00 **rense 0000 Ahtrer se saee ***#+ss40 1*9# 240 , Ast Innings, t M tin 1o. anol . when â€" ne was sent to Barr “I Y‘ k C vspace of thirty daye * !" Tubicate for the *) OF ishery Tuspector Kiel has stopped the :‘ | Americans from fishing in Canadiay waters, 1]| A number of bleam yachis and smal] boats 0, | uuve been oporating in the \'icinity Ol Wolfe ©, | and Siimncoe Islands, Iuspeect>r Kiel inâ€" “‘~ formed theim that they had no right there J l.' uuless licensed. Some of the tourists de: 1, | clined at first to move, but did as 2. .. _ _, | ALLE®~ l ® be Â¥. whiie 41. 3 ~"PM0red him on Bat. mulw.ulgfifamnm urday, whiie the hun;lor was mvliug «lso ber infant on Aug. oth. C about the docks of the orthern _Ralway, mesed the j Time, looking for sealps, red berrings, soap or For :,::;fi“ a the Tee: of Time. _ ny::oxntzfid.dhdm&ar:m C EC of war. e 1e se Pnd dos oW Last Tuesday evening a young ma ’g- named Joln lRodwell was accidentall 12] | drowned in the, bay, 0. Sound by the up 1, | setting of a seow, fie started to +wim t 1, | shore, and savk within a few feet of tlie 8: | bier. He was but recently married, u.¢ g leaves a young wife, * t T & £a td . ‘st to ~,, 5 5_3 5 3 ts telj arce inst., clined at first to move, but did so on th.] ona” 'ml‘;::tu._.:_ml:b.- threat being madoe that the buats would be | =â€"â€"=zâ€"==,..__ _ ‘__* C For ised. . ._ j _ j * BICID, l At Port Eigin, on Friday evening, while ol ® Learn of Floj some youug men were amusing thommselycs Miprieutgs by throwing heavy stones, Mr, Johu Thom. The orange, cocoanut and so0, of Thonison 3108., was Stooping down ‘n""':' “"':W 'hfilt' A stons of 12 pouuds weight hit him op the o':",f,:. ::h and .,,;::‘ land, bead, and knocked him senscless, He t6 | in t. wl;:cnhfitl h& Â¥ o h a * or ) A pamphict (with < l)'mg in a fnt.wal ttute and slight Lopes of price of land, luth'- progh his lecovery are entortained. OPAIGG Aud. cocommunt "._ * Fishert TiispestnsÂ¥i 44c o o ’ The "first General Conference of Methodist Episcopal Church to which 1 men have been admittd us members Conference assembled at Hamilton on W nesday, _ 43\ V NP AeHBU WEh Wolssley‘s explanâ€" In respect to the ravay ’ltiun, and said he regriited there ind been fl:V, the Rev, C, J. 8. Bet | any mihuuderataudiug on the subject, either the abandonmen Yesterduy afternoon the Seventyâ€"Second tbo sowing of fall whent »c regiment engaged the enemy at Scrlpeum, taat laruse may not find and repulsed them, Two of our men kill. fiently advanced to eunable ed; five wounded, The enemy lost 199 | 99 r<ots before winter se men and four guns, remedy proposeq by Rev, o o 5 i n > mm the practicing of a thoroug CANADIAN ITEMS. Iriculture, uo that e l4 ~"BeC to the Yuez Canal. He said | thai ’ever_ylhing would be over in a few days, but that the English mus use the canal for the present. Do Lessips expressed Lims] as fully satisfied with Wolseley‘s explanâ€" ‘ RHIOD; ABC S8L0 lun sawis i44 14 °8. * PAP ing of the soldiers a the entire population, Wolseley visited .1 and explained the #« regard to the Suez C everything would be but that the English i the present. Do Les ;;’ Yerterday was #ignalized by a â€"brilliant * | exploit by a British ferce. A small body 17 [ Of Highinndere;â€"tuarives, and bluejuckets 5* | adyanced upon Sualeif, a village nbout ten 6, miles from Suez, where the enemy was 5. found in force, outnumbering the Brinsh e by three to one. A brisk and steady mus 0, ketry fira was followed by a charge, and Vie the enemy was driven out at the point of ;’ the bayonet with a heavy loss, loosing a _ | number of prisoners and a small cannmon, 8, | Shaleif is of some importance as a strateâ€" gic point, being npon the fresh water caunal and â€" telegraph and railway lines to C:u'rn., 4+ | and the action was brought @bout by the , enemy eutting the freshâ€"water canal M! »| this point. The bank has now been reâ€" + | paired. Nefich, a rebel post near Ismailia, + | was shelled by the gunboats and the enemy |! +] driven ont. Arabi has distributed his |‘ + | forees with the inteution of obstruc:ing the +] British advance upon Cairo. A force cal j culated to hold the Aloxandria division in | check will hold Kafr elâ€"Dwar; Arabi, with a | the main boby, will oppose Sir Garnet | o Wolseley‘s advance from Ismailia, and a )B large body of Bedouins will oppose an adâ€" ! vance from Suez. At eyery available point | i ‘ he is erecting earthworks, and is apparent l‘;l ly determined to muke a desperate fight. The Porte is still harassing Eoglend by |P° petty ragulations, and has applied its proâ€" ::"' hibition of the export of mules from Asia l r".. Minor to Turkey in Enroje. â€" Lord Dofler. # in has informed the Porte that it will be| uu: held responsible for heavy damages, ! of npon, she has placed guuboats at each end of the canal and forbidden passage to vesâ€" sels of all nationalities, whether merchant crafts or not. Instend of Inndin@ at Alas. | _ Monday Ang. 21st.â€"The news trem tln, w_?_'t' seat of war this morniog is of a most inâ€" (F rom the Madiaon, Wir:, Journal, tensely interesting charncter; rnd ir likely Aug 10.) to astonish every conutry in Europe. A| The weather wuich is being experienced Constantinople despatch announces that| in this State .tprueuiomlyw, the Powers have agreed to the internationâ€" | and is the cause of surprise to every one. al protectorate of the Suez Canal, England | That fires should be required at this sen: making a reservation that this internation â€" ‘ son of the year to maintuin a comfortalle al police protection shall no interfere with | temperature inâ€"doors, is something un. her war operations. England has boldly | beard of, August is â€"usually the warmest set the whole of Europe at defiance, and if | month of the twelve, while this summer it the despatches from Port Said be relied | partukes of the frost#" m# Lf riclla _ "'."‘."d.'DlLOme[u‘ E E* CHTEMUI night and continues toâ€"day bohaviour and geveral bear a+0 i T the #ction The Egyptian War. are the ence of the 0 which hy. members | of iIton on Wedâ€" young may accidentally . b)’ the up. | to +wim to J seps, yesterday of the British in [ , 1000 °""" 59+ 118 s8ys:â€""If the Letween the ’l’ull wheat is not sown until after a frost, 8 upon the | the danger is tided »ver. The fly must deâ€" h Columbia ' posit ber epgs Lefore this occurs, and if farmers will slop sowingy wheat in the very mee of the | eurly days of Beptember and wauit uatil, which lay. | say, the 10th or 15th, the plant will make nembers | of | us vigurous a §r0wih before winter ns it ton on Wed. | sown earlier, and escape the dauger apokâ€" ou of." He adds that he began rowing a oung may | beld on the 31 st Of August, ang every day ccidentally | °" two after the experiment was repeated by the upâ€" and the whole was completed by the 17th 0 +wim to | L Sept. The result was that the earliest feet of the | 89Â¥3 did not yield fivre bushels to the aere, arried, y..@| While the luter sown returned from 25 to . " 80 buslhels, admiration of 19 & “"”Cl'l‘-'c.- Lantme l puol Merr Yap A pamphict (with h,:“"". Plorida paper. price of land. 1 . 4 "TOC 1000 Of State) giving NT ToTee DETunewinter sebs in,. & second ’ remedy proposeq by Rev. Mr. Bethune 10 the practicing of a thorough System of wop:» riculture, so that the plant may be strong aud healthy envugh to withstand the atâ€" ,ueku of the fly. A former living near Brtantford bas Wied the Lev, Mr, Bethunue‘s first rewmedy for the fy. Hesays:â€""Ifthe fall whent is not sown until after a frost, the danger is tided »ver. The fly must deâ€" posit her exgs Lefore this vceurs, and if Retbdcamals o aas ud coe TD TR hot will reguiate the bowels, In: thet, and relief ind he ing like magic, 4t ds peats ©n8e8, and fiuau.nt to the tion 01 ons uf the oldest a «Ls aud nurses in the Uri where. % couto n bottle, : _ Are you disturbed wi mds rest by a sick child aaiferi excruciating pmtu of cuti; onse umfnub-»m W tan ING 8YRUP. 1t miy reliov immediately depend upog 80004 46. Thetc is nota n ©Ver usod it, who wal s0u . prange, cocoamnut and lime groves of L C CCC CH «GGugk | of ‘delerium tromens,‘ Monday morp. ing he commutted sucide in his bedroom by deliberate]ly culting his throut with a Fakor, almost severing the head from the body, He then picked np a lasin, und with a horrible coolness held it under his thront, thus allowing the blood to fall int, the re» cepticle. In this posture he continned un. til he becume toy wenk to stund, when he lay down, and died within two hours, He was unimaurried, and it was not deetmed tivteserty Lo hold mu inauest mun «1. lor some time been d» inking very and his debavch Laa btuught on a L#a® i . F |__ An cccurrence is reoported from Clintop 'of a charscter thai atamps it ms a most de. liberate und sehocking sellâ€"n under. â€" Itap. pears that au oll man numed Robert Ache. son,who had been in the employlof Merare, Craib, MeWhirter & Co., ns a tailor, lind ib on BE e o0 2oo C at Bright‘s Disease, Dishet of the kidneys, liver or us Hop Bitters will certsinly you, and it is the ouly thin Dw t T TURRe ® ,, | ons of Miuvesote, and at Jln-vE. ‘° | which is considerably south of this city, to | the snme phenomenon occurred, ": re | d imesville Gazeite of yesterday says :â€" afternoon at about 2.25 o‘clock, a conclaâ€" 9 | sive proof though this yoar is certainly an ! | odd one in weather,it hasuot M‘M‘-l. A | all its peculinrities. â€" This morning it was 1| cloudy, with every appearance of rain.and the thermometer was down in the ulster regions, Later the clouds disappeared and the sun shone ont bright aud. wurim. Aq t| 2 o‘clock the clonds zathered apain, and at ; | 2:20 it began to drizzle, A'-oompnu_ving § the slight rain was snow., 100 geutlemen saw it and will voueh for it. Snow in mid. ‘| summer when the mereury only two days | before was perspiring in the nineties, is | something rather extraordinary, partion. lariy ns the thermometer nt the time regie. tered 60 © mbove zero, To cap the climax or the climate, in 10 Minutes | nfler the snowâ€"fall the sun shone Ont. The fBlakes were small and thin, and had a balf stary. e1 outâ€"ofâ€"season look, but they were plainâ€" ly distingnished," A gentleman who left Sparta this morning informs us that there was considerable whiteo frast visible on the rlino between Sparta und Portage. H4 thinks tnbreeo must have been l|0-‘lrn_\-'d‘ but farmers hoped corn was not seriously injured. _ From persons who arrived in the city toâ€"Jdas from up the Chiergo and Northâ€" western Road, it i@ learned thut there was a slight frost at Elroy enrly thig morning. morning, 4 T 27 SPred YBRUP. 1t wail relic ve the dhaiely depend upon it ; ¢i 16. Thetbeds not ol hi uy sod it, who wal not tuil )0 gulate the bowels, and 4 *, and relief and health tw e u’h‘fill:. 4t is pertos uy = and ploseant to the taste, us x rnu uf n:e oldest and best d nuvaae 42 21 12 Mothera ! Mothers ! ; h | fruit, ‘The rnins of yesterday were chilly, , | and were accompanied by fitful,raw winds, t ; of a decidediy disagreeable nuture, Snow '[is reported ma having fullen in some por« Ttient of" Minnbuakn"~sus 4 _ ) o COP , gid and is the cause of surprise to every one. ’Thn fires should be required at this nen< son of the year to maintuin a counfortaUle ‘tempontm inâ€"doors, is something up. | heard of, August is â€"usually the warmest | mouth of the twelve, while this summer it partukes of the frosty mif ‘bof October, ’Tuuday night and last night the temperas ture was but two or three degrees above the freezing point, and fears are beâ€" ginning to be entertained for the crope, especially those of corn. sorchnam 11A MISCELLANEOUS wL "" [0 C se ene C® 3B Hiho thig ree In this posture he continned un. mime too werk to stund, when he , and died within two hours, He cuuld & L.2 Snow, Cold and Frost in the West. ~ wung rather ulnnnlinu-y, partion. ns the thermometer at the time regis. 60 © ubove zero, To cap the cliniax a @Minnta Ibn aiills C "ay,, "_%, . [3 OPHLEs afler the the sun shone ont, The flakes 11 and thin, and had a balf stary. season look, but they were plain. nished," .A gentleman who left in MWidunfme Elc lc. _ 7 Don‘t bo.'..-.‘ â€" 7. o katnered apain, and at h to drizzle, At-oom.nu_ving in was snow, 100 geutlemen ill voueh for it. Snow in mid n the mereury only two days perspiring in the nineties, is valline lecrc. .. is °) isagreeable nuture, Snow as having fullen in some * liuwesota, and at J‘l.rm naderably south of this city, phenomenon occurred. â€" The azeite of yerterday uays :â€""A il phenomenon vecurred this about 2.25 o‘clock, a conciaâ€" niglht ang , biulmn-;,':-r Any dliscase @r or urinary OIKAU®, | as rtsinly and lastingly Coure muly thing that wall, s reported | frop; Clintop +4<@a% The best way was not deemed inquest upou | the bnPoa on an H11 L lmtul. _ body, with a thront, the reâ€" henvily, _ HARNES JUSTARRIYVED m _ BOUK BEFOT, 1t r. a B, Upper ""ob-i-‘:r JONmE. *"ap T SWALLOW 3 Barber Shop First Clas® Parber 'I‘fl:’s }’u'r." it â€" Hote wddition d lnd ¢ . it +) is now second to n me i; the Ing on t attentive bostler ] tion fop Commercial Gra., es CC REVERE noTtE; 100 weres Lot 14,Co0, 8, ( the of Durham Ron‘ . A new: promises, also a «00 trame watered , with ame veedr td Li agr -|n|.1u:' WALL # aooe 2° _ aud pe®t Lot64, Cop 2 The Farm comprises 60 we claured with the excepti on « the premisos wre a log barn 4 orchard. Snugeon Ki ver iug For further particula s appl P‘Ol( SA LE .\'1_ J SARA anuort N ust 4s Repairing promptly attended + M&M. Bnd door mcrth of Purke lm{&wr e NELSOX® READU®E Bentinek, August 17. 1ns Farm F; MARKDALYE. SPROULE, @ "‘IIE HA_I!SF.SS BUSIXT Darham, Aug. @nd 1882 Who is now ready to C3 EXERKAL agexy, X Aaric Loroming Commpmaq y enshire Life lusprance C., M suranoe Co. . Waterino Mutual Baugeon Mutum) Fire boumnunce surance Company . Al} Busia ( "AJHF into the i ‘ scriber, Lot 8, Con The.owner is requested + pensens and take Ll‘l w5 eA Changed Hand Farm for Sale Wool per ib slmt‘l: skins. Lamb Skins. condueted by Boulden 1r h chased by NELSON REABURN *A MI A XEW sTocKE 0; T NNE Hrrrinraiansyss. Potatoes per ba (282 Flour per bamel... Outmeal per barre! Full Whent........... Treadwell Whent ... Bpring Whent........ M" "ugn,prr 100 Butter, rolls, per 1i»... . ** tubdu'r‘\,.......... h,"‘ul.............‘ Potatoos, per bag........ Turnips, per bush.... _ May per ton..........__. In the plase to «et sour : ing and Shavirg done nod o_ l‘-fl"‘lwu, per Vln;s-h‘ Bpring Wheat * NOTICE > 1 am going t Bule my House an Upper Town, J F prlor Lambton t s Diug Store, ut 25¢ i or hvo for #1. ARTEMRSAâ€"At Priceville, op 'r:; Bonexorxt.â€"At Molstein, on Wedr Mic:arommenâ€"At Shelburne, Tuo day, Oct. 3rd and ath i Pnoroxn.â€"At Dundalk, on Thurs Holiand=&t Chatsworth on 'ru..,.?jx“ Bright‘s Wisouse of sh« nu.% -N‘M'er fl'&Anl these disoses MOUXT rompsy Advocate! Oflic« Aug. 18th , rsay WTomoxwe Ixmterimar â€" At To 6th till Sept. sc ProsNctaAr. â€"At Kin tom, frow to Saptomber M.r Bormnt GmBY.â€" At Durhom . on T nesday, Boptomber 26th ai.d East Gaaey.â€" At Plosherion , o Priday Soptember 28th and 2 . BSTEVENSON in Commer Korgus K.. Momnt # oree Town _ "ever® | heatdes fome ever made . O any kind FOR SALE. TOROXTO Majug DURHAN FALL EXHIRBT turn out Light or E1 Blinds, C ti Tonoxto,. Aug or coverediwit } ) a remator , soid Hairdresser, AU doinds of Mn stâ€"class style, y225 BARGATIX of mhe and 4 IZA CONXNoq n wit) THO Desmaz n the prog M hly neftit Cur tray Cow D COat mm sp h ® one prictor M A At K I t, Aug. velny TPrust MAlKI Aug. 1€ LY pim 10 00 bt loor 81 9@ from 0 0 0 0 l6 1t the no 0 0 R»

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