West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Aug 1882, p. 3

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of yesterday were chilly, nied by fitful,raw winds, greeable nuture. Snow my fullen in soume P" and at Janesville, rubly south of this city, menon occurred. â€" The of yesterday smys :â€" ‘A nomenen vecurred this 2425 o‘clock, a conclaâ€" this your im certiinly an it has not yet developed â€" This morning it was appearance of rain.and u* down in the ulster clow is disappeared and zight and wurne . Ap Aug 10.) s uich is being Q‘M ( resent is truly remaerkable, . + of surprise to eÂ¥ery one. and bud a esn y ig point, and fears are beâ€" atertauined for the crops, of corn, sorghum, and y be strong ud the &€â€" iving near . Bethune‘s iys:â€"*"*If the T a frost, y must deâ€" ts, and if in the very wiant -u. will make cowing & r" ery day and Frost in the West. ho 4 t im the n ‘h"'l'i”." eter ut the t ereny rous the in, snd dler . hi fall into * continued ui. b‘l-‘, when he w o h.u'.. u. s not destwed lest npou the NEOUS. i the Hessian Frecomme nds ‘wil whent or in the seasom plant sufte~ im to nttack _A second belhune 1% ystem of ng»â€" best way olie the py fommude | j SuE They Wers 'l.i,._ gentleman who left formes a~ that there : hrost visible on the med } V ence tht it Â¥e rext tw the We tdveiem 319 ‘"®, or any discase vimary organs, â€" ag wad Il-lu..j’ cure y that wall, ted â€"from (‘h.“ 8 it a= » most de. at Elro ol furpmse to eÂ¥ery one, be required st this sems maintain & euum roves +o been al,..'“’.“ was not seriously s who Arrived in un e athere ied Hobert Acheâ€" mapel. »ylef .m 8 a tauilor, bad x very L..'"y' the aore, hE Oun w M Movday morp. his bedroom by wb wiat [m #1 the l7ll~ carliest v little suffes. g dn m mudetaiug PW 3 SOU ; MJ hild. operat n n _ _ t l‘ur'»..p.’ C .n. $, is somethirg uy. ustully the wurmest. while this summer # 3tÂ¥ aif of Octohar "C prvscrip sbe pBysiei« Ouh’ every Arcear C©% I tcnoox""'n"'n on ) -uur- a te ~! again, and ag A« c«my.n’i.. 100 grnll’-” Snow in anicd only two d.x. he nineties, is wary, partiey. the tinne regie ‘ap» the eh‘. wl Giugp 4 & Ledor Wa#., Journal, meago and irned | thug ) enrly thig body, with & thromt, the reâ€" »lter . the Tho Aukes bhalf stary. 1t up. of October, the tempera« reo â€"degrees Window _ Blinds Wall Paper JUSTARRIVED L W i2r, S WALLOW, Hairdresser, Ge fm‘\..m Town. ‘um“ y mdn.l: ate. d::. u;i: Arstâ€"class sty le, % I® ©D6 place to Haircutting and ; If voulr Pnow ds mssy l s CO0" CEREIEE Cl m T itter or Exg= at the ¢ T SWALLOW 3 Barber Shop per duay. _ First Cluaw Rarh 'l‘n:'fl l’uy\l’ ur addlition ad lad t is now second to n ne Ing um | attentive bost] tion for Commercial MRsS T. SPROULE Pver Towp REVERE HoTEL watered l ()0 acres Lot 14, Con., 3, Glenelg, no: th of Durhany Roa/. | A new frume barn is on the promises, also a amal 4. _ OV Tenr birn is on ,,’()l: SALE AT a BARGAIX, Let 63 sand part Lot64, Con #, N. 1 R. Beutinck The Furm comprises 60 weres more or less, all clured with the excepti on of about 5 acres. . On the premises are a log barn and log bouse, small orchard. Smugeen River runs on corner of Lot. For further particulars apply on the premises to Bentinek, August 17 Repairing Farm For Sale. HARN ES S Remeniber the "| UE HARNESS BUSINESS previously condneted by :o.:.u:-‘n hl:nm.. hns been pur Durham Who €° mm 2. " Atrrie Losming Com many â€" Lopdon enshire Life lusyrance Co. Merchantil turance (Co. _ Waterloo Mutual Fire Ins Saugeon Mutual Fire insurnnce Co. A« SUFKHCO Commpaby. Al Beestiacs 2200 Restdenee Forgue mt penses and take Changed Hands Farm for Sale. AI\S 1 am going to Man 4A Bule my House mnd Lot c Upper Town, Durhan ELIouse and Lot FOR SALE. Glenolg, A *ENEi Wool per lb.. Sheep skins... Lamb Skins... Hides per ewt MGW cerceiceaanss. NELSON REABURN ‘ scriber, Lot a(‘uâ€"n"' a@.owner is requested t &A XEW sTocKk or Yf\ 3"" into the F S ’ lor sale of the very bost brgnd;. iarm GP a,l & |CANXXED FRUT rerntires, C | CaXX®D PtSH, aeres Lot 14, Con. 3. GI1 Ig. nort! SALT' IISH, of Darhang Ron?. ‘A hew fmme barn ie on f Varmey CHEESI ol fas s panll emthie "‘Apply o"*" | All purchases made by Townaxpeople ( Potatoes per b.g MitEROY:.....cccccLIEL Spring Wheat TEkENEY +csscecee Chocke .. ccc l ult tf3 is now ready to turn out Light Ontmeai per bar Full Wheat........ Treadwell Whent MOUXT FOREST Advocate; Office Flour per barrel........... Turnips, per bush, Hay per tom....... Peng, *# Dressed Hogs, per 1/ Butter, rolls, per 1b. ** tub daity,....... Fxgs,perdoz........... Potatoes, per baz..... Fal Whent, per bush Bpring Whent +* Larley, «+ Onts, t« NOTICE â€" Stray Cow. Neow XÂ¥iditty, . **... .. Rheepskin«, each B“”"o per l‘..... Exgs, per doz.... \Vuud. tlry' p..- Wool, per lb...... 1g promptly attended to f the place, Ind door ucrth of Purkers Lrug Store . NELSONX REABURX, Aug. ind 1882, d 132. Peas, Hay, por Fall Wic.a. per ba Spring Wheat, .... Flour, per 100 lbs...... Cornm Meal " ++ .. [ er in connecti s Drug Store or fivo for #1. 120000 COCAATOTCY MIWbetcs Noâ€"danger from these diseses if you use Hop Bitters ; besides, being the best tamily medicine ever made. â€" Trust no other, Anteacca tnas.. 1 .. _____ _ C+00 ARursday Oct. 5th, Hollandâ€"At Chatsworth on Tuesday, Oct. 10th. Bright‘s Discase of the Kidneys, Diatbercs. No Huil ie w o mwd is 10000 0C ire Insurance Co itual Fire insurnnce Co. Accidents Ir. mpany . All. l.hulm- promptly atâ€" Kmd Â¥ 2. Tomoxto Ixntitutan, â€"At Toronto 5th till Sept. #5th. Provixctatr.â€"At Kingston, from to Saptember wth. $« Sort: Oner.â€" At Durhaw, on Tuesd nesday, Boeptember %6th and 27th. EA#®t GREY.â€"At Flesherton, on . STEVENSON, r Hotel has had m large d t o ig, thoroughly refiited, and ne in the county." Good stabl vstler â€" First class aAccommodaâ€" al Traveliers. ‘PRR We ar ig. 18th , 18e AL AGEXN 04 any kind. PelAus aalkll 2 CIICCE, CH G Friduy September #th and th. TOROXTO MARKETS â€" â€"â€" Tonoxto,. Aug. 161 chase 1 by Or @May ELIZA CONXor 1882. ~azar Lambton St tended t FALL EXHIBITIONS. Shaving done. flor conprendiveith piog barrel DURMHAMN MARKKETS. WAML 8. JAMIE o% per bushel...... eb vourg at De per puckage n with the lou. prenmises of the Sub 5, Glenelg, one Rluck Cow to prove property, pay ex THOS. DONAGEHY , Monnt Forest. yadz Bunnessan, P. Dexmuas, Aug. Y â€" London and Lon llas-h-u_anl« Fire In Proprictor ® sccommodaâ€" TERMS s;q mwitolbn I offer for t on Garafruxa Stroet, «in. Apply to TIMOTHY RÂ¥ iX *dasg wdon and 0 18 se | ithen Â¥id: !NevY Furniturs Warercooms or Heryy ( a ; i t s Aug. 17h, 1982, | Wio New Building i oue of ho Einctt High Sehoo! ««...8 00 to $8 06 EiE Special attontion given 10 tha PremncsselL. * s | "Durta s Fuge Oz. 1698, on Tuesday and Wed from Septoember 18th . on Thursday and ’ who has bad a good oxporioueo;n Both Open & Covered Carriages, aud gmnum-n sntisfaction in all its branches. Nothing but first dnulluarhllqn. Repairing promptly attcrided to. Before md“-hcnstv:.lm‘omn ‘fair trinl and | Changed Hands THE business formerly carried on by T. changed hanks wofec®, 6 Corringe Shop has All Styles in Stock WÂ¥ krha yc l _ _0 C ITHE I have 4. Commenced the Manutacture of Furniture in all its Branches, and from my long experience asa Cabinet Maker, I hope to turn out work second to none in the County, > k1 ar y c . C 3 March 9, 1882 GEO. KRESS, ered in A full stock of Caorce Liquors red in any part of Dfirhnm'}i;;‘;>[ charge. temember the place two doors tiorth of the Circular Saw, Lower Town, Durkam. hitrticsfins ts al and in fact everything fonnd in a well regâ€" ulated establisment of this kind, will be found, and an obliging aud : civil person to attend their wants. Ju Toas, ""Suo:n‘s, Toba ccos, 7 ruits, NT °CC Wishes to inform his Frieeds and the Pub. lie generally, that ho lin« opened a general Urecery Store in the bullding formerly oeâ€" cupied by C, Loavent," ns a harness c« BEG leave to DURHAM. W. P. PATERSON Grocery & Lignor Store from Oppostre Parker‘s Axle Grease, Castorine other makes. LARDINE, Castorine, Spermina, Oileinn The largest stock of Machine| P eterboro‘ Oils in Town at close prices. | Now Ready for Ang. 3. 1882 opposite tho MeAlister Hous: A fall stock of Choice New ~tock or made to Short Notice. RACKEX H. PARKER, Durham LDD.NeCRAC a otiicey | Has on Hand a large supply of Fresh Groceries and Provisions of THI8 SCHOOL Ofm hnd' kbn on hgg :t $ No. 1 Flour, Edge Mills, §3, r 100, Reâ€"Opers on 1st September wosk * *Â¥is, $3.00 per 100 Shorts, Bran, mm«icuus«=«»« _ [ This is the place to get all you require EXPERIENJED TEACHERS. inporving, ; PC. High School . P., PATERSON, Crade oil annotmnee GEO. KRESS Sr Drug Store. Heavy .\[:;clu'xw Oils, West.Virginia oil, Fure Surface vwil, Refined Sperm . oil, f Castor Oil ownspeople deliv AU, formerly ocâ€" a harness shop, s CHEESE ete. that I have order on | 85 to g20mar and ] N OTICE. HA\ ING decided to close our Banking Business in Durhatm, Notice is hereby given that all Notes and Drafte made payable ‘at our office in Durham and which come due after 15th April 1882, will be ayable at the Canadian Bauk J('nm merco, l)urxam, which is hereby suthorized to nccept payment of same, ‘ April 15th, 1882, DURH AM FOUNDRY J. A. HALSTED & Co "Sinall profits and quick returps umergamacem| T. gzzz J MESSENGER. Tapestry CALR PI" BEST VALUE EVER SHOWN IN THI® rai August, 23rd, 1882, [JUST TO HAND A large line of Dark Prints for Fall Trade. Alarge Stock of NEW WINCEY, _ Better value than ever. His Winâ€" cey at 12%c. is worth seeing. Call and see his New CRETONNES. A large stocl: _of New TWEED at > agents! NX H. W. Mockler‘s BOTTOM PRICES. | , August 23, 1882. Bankers. tfile _ CASH â€" GROCERY Spinning 12ic per 1b,, ‘Carding, Spinning‘ TWEEDS, attended to as usual, | LAE # * h * â€" a ' ‘Vj Highest Price Paid for Wool. | l re‘~p« f Wl:ighhoi-ullingum 1 t & A large Stock of Dont Fail to see his THE CoUNTRY, Hanover Woollen Mills We are giving from 3 to 4 cts. above the market price, in trade, for Wool. Spinning 12icts per lb Jane 6 1882, Tweeds, Full Cloths, Blankets, HE Subscriber begs to inform his Friends and the public generally that his " o q adrppAd fire, is _now rebu furnished with z:,o Beae Wrg Which are all of FULL CLOTH, GEOTANN ER, the pablic for the H‘.h-m . W. MOCKLER. wWOOLLEN FACTORY, :flmd‘-u.hdnz .:..'_?-.g!;." TARXS, & kept on hand. e all of a suitable qualty. Caull and Examine. N ‘THI® PART ‘"‘"ig my mo“o. Mt. Foreést Woolien Mil,h. Unions, Yarn &¢, of the past e |;_ C2 2l C.. GHEQ..IRWIN.. I'TQ"'buhAq, qtrgm‘uag, } za% +~ :‘ in ind iagh o age Remember the Stand | Agent for BUTTERLIOK‘S Patterns and Publications. {l _Paper XIanging Done on] shortest n | _ VV eosteelmiaent IB «ie dadleo, Bordering, Spectacles, etc. | Window Blin am, &c. Repairing done Promptly. ; Which he is selling at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Also on hand a Choice Lot of t Ggfi:figfi; STATIONERY, and complete supply of School Books and Durham, May 18, 1882, ' school requisites generally, rrntammâ€"mmâ€"mmy: Toys, Fancy Goods & Cantaarm:_.__. _( UA PaArmn IRWIN‘S BOOK DEPOT. I offer the best assortment at the Lowest buyers. I am selling all goods at F " C e J eng whichâ€"for price and quality are unequalled, Grain Cradles of variqus makes, Cradle Scythg:s,Forks,Rakes &e esmm‘ PM 2+ s mm AMACI{IN'E O‘I 1, I offer the best niunile xsnt m mm moa on 1 Plaster of A Large Stock of Paints, Oils and Varnishes at right prices A Sviendid Asisitians‘«Firrurmn . . _ini d , 7â€" @4 2P Hinges, &c. Windowy Crlass, all sizes, Direct Importaâ€" tion, at Prices which defy Competition. WHITE LEAD, the Largest Stock and most reliable brands, a CHEAPER THAXN EVRR :; ALSO ‘Hardwa,re, Cutâ€"nails, Locl Barn Door Hinges WIROT Gâ€"lass, all sizes 13 lbs. Musco‘ Su 12. "__ good Bu; 11. " Bright Refin 10 * Granulated Frosh Table Cod Fish and Salt Water Herring Vinegar in Demijohns. Syrups. Durham, July 26 COEERe__ .0 CC All work warranted to Give Scythes. Rakes, Cradles, GALLERYâ€"Upper Town, Snaths, Sickles, Forks, ht f Hoes, Horse Pokes, Spades, . Shovels, Picks, Locks. Waverly Woollen Barn Door Hinges, & Glass at bottom prices at J.H.Hunter‘s | fha es aeve Great bargains in DPBGG ~aa~ .. Cash for Butter At J. H. HUNTER‘3. * L1 5 the best and cheapest in L-fl.lAb Gunpowder, Black and TOBACCOS from 35 cents per Ib. up,. °7 2500088, Lace Curtains Immense bargains in T~ Great bargains in DRE Cretonues, Lace Cartain y & _ °20 107 c CC CCb And Gefy competition. Give meo a Call before purchasing elsewhere. MEDERnEvtirivirtatisatsnct . Thas A Splendid Assortment of MIXED PAIXTsS, ready for use wWOOL, BUTTER & Eaas Sign of the Circular Saw * + flâ€"ower Town, DURHAM, giong of all kinds ; Forej and Domestic hand at bottom prices. ga Flour "00 EC OCOmE °C aime Grocery and Provision Store, Upper On Harid a Large Supply of Fresh Groceries & Provisions, Crockery and Glassware, China Tea C tse, Fancy Goods & Confectionery a+ OF »BHE . CHONCBEST wanrrimlls e m The Subscriber has received an Excellent Assortment of JOS. F. MOWATs3, and _ PROVISION STorr and PRO sâ€" Lovwer €Larv es t LOWER TOWN, DURHAM _Chop, Oats, &c. Ca for very little MESKL 90 To Is the Best and Cheapest pl » Opposite the Middaugh House ‘, ‘Oatmeal and Grain Boucht â€" ;i 1882n Sign of the "Circular Saw." ‘A» _ 0J â€" D&ACONn, JAS. BURNETs3 Paris and Wate'fv-le_Jiz.ne CZ2°5 Per Ib. up, Sugars in all grades very cheap lbs. Musco" Sugar for 5_ good_ Sugar © « Bright Refined © _â€" "_ Granulated hC 2 the Lowest Prices, Special | in all goods at Bottom Frices and.defy TH _ u. Boots & Shoss ESS GOoops THE A splendid assortment ot JOS. F. MOWAT, Embrorderies and Counterpanes, jeapest in Japan Dust, J;pun Leaf, Black and Orange Peckoe. HIGHEST MARKET PRiCE Por iCal @and All kindsg of} gggght and Sold. © Herring. Golden Byrup _\'iuagnr. ‘ Syrups, OAT MEAL and FLOUR Clothing, Hats and Caps, Ston, , Lower Town J. H. HUNTER , Grnite and Glass Bets, Stque .& Glass E‘rauic . ace to purchase your , Locks, Latches Canned Goods of all kinds, le. more than cost Mits, Spocn,l i:;:anQmun:u to ," Lower Town : Upper: Town, for $1.00. 5* _ $1.00. , Lower Town Oil Cloths, Carpets , Durham, , very cheap, O°ns, Carpets, etc h Young Hyson , Durham. , White Wine L 'JL AMOS _ OF|_Bousinen mss on im ld. Ticket Ag A , MERKENZIE has been 4 a A e ’-‘in!‘n Agont for the .Sc:ll" «-'l‘ i t hpts hmd piry A demengere GGGS. ns milo ho thoot P P at the Post Office, Durhuin. * A. Mc % u.y llth, 1882; Rr. TOTe Tt X". PHOTOGRAPHE ltter, wWORK STRIOPDpy FLRst Pictures Enlarged & F S. k. All work warranted to Give 8 3, GALLERYâ€"-â€"[';-pM' Town, D rks o f 3 Spades, IS Prepared to ‘take fv‘cmhu-h for Brick, Stone and Wooden Bnildings‘ Snch & Door« kept on hand PLANS, Specifications and Pills of Lumber promptly made ont, A call solicited. Sctisfaction Tuereateg ' ouc::”l,-ét n’rufiu lwdv.-aflio. Uppe «Jars Durbam Msy19,1861 G. WARNER, CLOCKS, BCosg Aund in fact everything to be fouud in a FiRSTâ€"CLA8SSs «~EWELLERY BTORE, Also a fine assortment of Beautiful Ladies‘ GOLD BRACELETS GoLD JEWELLERY, PLATED JEWE LLERY, JET JEWELLERY, Carpenter & Contractor, Gold and Silver WATCHES 4 Ay. omeng In order to make room for his largely in creasing Business, has removed into the Store next T. Jones‘ School Book Depot, where he has opened out a Magnificent Assortment of REMOVAL ! CRAND â€" REâ€"OPENINC Mr. James Burnett, Durham, will keep hand a large stock of first class yarn fr the above muill, to change for Wool. kept on hand, Spinning 123 cts per lb., Cash. Glonelg, June 2ist IWEREDS, Knitted Goods of all Kinds Highest price ;uid for W ool Carding, Spinning & Manufactuting wooLLeEx FaCDoRry is furnished with the Miest NMiscris C _ |150 Aore Farm fop Sule Cheap, muntnes LOTS 54, 55 and 56, in Township af B.num-k.x.u B., 4 rmiles from Durham, a Tirstâ€"olusy farm with good buildings and woll watered containing 159 neres ; ubout 109 cleared and well fenced wit} bowrd fence ; slso Over two -Pmmnocchm. Will be sold with al haad C hmplements Rind St0CK just a3 it stands, of separâ€" A10, on ensy terms to suit Purchausey, Also Horse Power ung Cironlur Saw, complete, furlllechtqp for Gush or wil tuke payment im , | carponter work , * Apply on Promiiso® to th. PÂ¥Oprietor, i Pictures Enlarged & Framed, Gnas a 0020099 wORs u*)pmnkd out» * & + sido Agent for the Sule of iCkets for the Grund Trunk Binilway , Pussengory can illldu.. tickets to uy point on the G. ,l‘ K. _ Tickets for Numh;bu whd the North Wast van be had l.l.lo'ct rutes than any Other routes, Can always seen Al the Posg Oflice, Durhun .. WBV inticacliin s Prisads wa l tas pablic FULL CLOTH 2 nleiotmg nemiizes 'PHE Subscriber lin, three Lots for Sule in the thriyi Villag Of Dundalk, On the Lots ure erected '!n‘.:-u (li‘::; D"ell:ng Houses. Alsp 2 meres of Lund for Smle Close to the suid Village, For further Mu,uh.n "PDly to DURHAM, Houses and Lots for Sale _ CCE 20F ":‘: or twas.s.."â€" PWPE of first diviston of Euuber t?.ut‘i‘«un.i: t'::l.n concession wost of ’ the Grurafraxa id, Townsbi of Bentinck. The land adjoins the forporation of the Town of Durâ€" mm -Mhuuhqsto-d&u,l-flb.lflm. and has all the ic Of being close to the onl nlton, i n arteyt on i uo State of c vation , 1 sol ur me â€"e Poss m wgi 15th, It‘u:t 1“!.']‘,, M‘.‘Lpf)i Th aiter Murch W. i. ROMBOUGE, Durhaty Or to N CULL, Pergus P 9. Â¥Feb.16th, 183y , DUNDaArp nNHm lc wl . 2ORX A PHOTOGRAPHERS B4Bharear _ Eumber twont Ticket Agent TRAVERSTON. Bubscriber MWENTYâ€"TWO acres of Lang for Sale, .. 4BAE West purt o quo 200 Land attonded to us usual, wa=" PEwe ruill in this seetion A lurge Btock of FLANNELS3 . KENNEDY. Land For Sale, _ YARXS8, begs to inform . | lic goasrally that his A. MeKEXZIR FLRsT cm 223 JOHX Kay «& Co, i i2 $ o¢ L. O 0o

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