West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Aug 1882, p. 4

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0 p ¢ Â¥1 Iy. We roag s â€"r" " wakp FARE 3 2 t1ltuy pUWGZON. Lowlon, Augâ€" 9.â€"Coruclius and Matthâ€" ew Flaherty who, on & recent visit to Ireâ€" land, vm'qhndbytbolrhbyolieond o t C C D* t 16 ME ic land, mMR MEWERCOOOO C OOl F locked ap on suspicion of being implicated C in the murder of Lord Cavendish and Mr. 1 Burke, bave gives * full description of their experigncs as Canadian suspects. Corseâ€" us, in as interview, says :â€"On the afterâ€" 4 noon of the 11th Jaly, shortly after having | fnished dinuer, we were sitting comfortâ€" 1 oblybunonhuul\uudounu at Ballydoff, when we were rather scerprised ‘] to see three officers step iato the Louse. One of theta walked up to each of us and tapped us on the shoulder, saying, "You‘r my prisoner in the Queen‘s name." This was about 4 o‘clock in the aiternoon of a Tuesday, sud we asked the cause of our arrest, but no reason was given, We were then taken to Ballybuoin, and kept in cusâ€" tody until 11:80 in the evening, when they came to tike ns away agaim. I (Corvelius) objected to go out at that late Lour on ACâ€" count of Mat‘s dslicats health, but they paid uo attention to whot we said, and we were compelled to go to Listowel!, some nine miles away. On reaching that pluce ’ 1. WAE .l wefesuss PNEMEC PBE CCC F we were lodged in the police station, wboni they wanled to lock me in the ecll, Lut Mat | 1 surd be would accompauy me, and so they ! 1 let me stop in au outer reora. We were|] kept bere until one v‘clock ou the followâ€"|, iny afternbon, when we were taken upâ€" staire to the office of Mr. Massie, the magâ€" | i istrate. There was uo exammation at al, | but the magistrate told ns we were remandâ€" | ed for eight days until they could get farâ€" ther evidence of our being concerned in the murder of Cavendish and Burke. Thes we produced the certificates given to us beâ€" fore we left this city by Mayor â€" Mereditb, und hLaving the seal of the city of London, but they said any one gould write that, sueered at the papetrs, and hbardly looked at the credentiale. . They vext marched us off to ° Tralee gao), which we found in & dirty #ithy condition. The fare was very poor, and the dishes seemed not to have been cloaned for a long time. When the doors of the prisoners‘ cells were oyened the ;Bub.vu terrible, and could hardly be borne at first. The tea they gave us waus served in a dirty tin, and was so greasy aud bad that it served the purposes of both is T s Cunl . * The Cazadian Suspects. & h e Cl s o ts uh these ruins, which nosubly OJ Sonrs. physic and mediciue, The BDrS% YIO * drank it I became | sick, and was ill for three days from the effects of drinking the stuff, We were kept in confinement fro » Taesday until the following Friday, when we wore released, and the ofhcers said they were sorry to cause us so much trouble, but we told them if they had examined cu papers there won!d haye beeu uo need for the trouble. . ue se s o ie . This is, probably,one of the oldast places ‘ of worship in Syria, aud the prosent ruing mark the site of an old Phcevician temple eonsecrated to Bual, or the worship of the sum. Aud yet there are fewer places of uote of which wa have so lttle information. The structures now in ruins were certainly built toward the close of the third Christian e PmR eentury, begun, probably by the Roman Eusperor, Septimus Severus, and completed by Autonins Pins. There is, on an elevatâ€" ed platform of masonty, the tuins of a great 5 1+ ®C% \Bise â€" tamwla of Iuniter or templeâ€"whether a tewp pantheon, one can hardt gourts aud a portico, and generally known as the ‘ Thd entire reris seem to foundatidn, Een s CMP 0 C seventwen feet high. The Temple © Buy, on a lowes part of the platforme south of the stractare alrseady vamed a much better state of preservation. smaller to size, bat the architectural is puch more elaborate, Of the 4 2e 11â€" uachar . aW WERTETCOCC cbgrels, erested by ‘Iheoace1u® T0° 2 _0 whe, it is said destroyed the great temp 6 One is struck with astonisbment i9 looking at the fiag.ivencss of the stones of which these buildings 270 constructed. Thegrest colamns are anly in three pieces each. The base and eapitals of the solumus, sad tbe ‘m,hnu above the capitals aro 80 large that we ranst confess that the baildâ€" ers bad facilities for moving and elevating waasses of stone which we do ust possess. But still greator astonishment must be ¢Xâ€" ,uno‘ at the size of the great stones on pPrS®U 1 * 1 arest fooundations of the -J.w- '“w leet WATY *" Mively, cliteâ€"four, sisty three 280 4 8. BV C v se Aud io a 9 eugs"". _ Smd ~ M.‘,.,;'obllm 4 w.w“ml"y- " * L iixe caventy OB Sta Idih‘v : frieuds. â€" It bad been our 1 it nearly al the points of inâ€" ind, and also to go to fingâ€" were afraid to leave the place re for fear that we might be Baalbic. ihe great temple. _ There °0; about thirty feet Jong and ten: ; the north side; on . the west ach fourteon feet bigh, T®sDAâ€" 6B PC**"" .""" and s ball, a tewple of Jupiter 6. uid Albcpauat AbitP® feet loog. Aud in a quar‘y more away, is 906 ready for ., seventy one feet long, foutâ€" ‘and thirteen feet wide. Bat. t attribute this maseive work * i Gle We Fmmnil Ti A veil of mystery The first time 1 . and was ill for se temples is a beautiâ€" alar â€" tensple, propably The court of the great , yuins of a Clristian Theodosias the Groat, very good outrages in Arizons. !n‘gl‘nd'd standing ariy BUMDC!®» counting all rauks, 183210 men. 1 ThoPrbu_ofW-l- has gone to the ‘Contincnt"u/x accordance with the advice of his physician. ' Railey & Son‘s cotton rimills a Bolton, Lancashire, England, containing £0,000 Loss £60,000. ‘The best evidence of the auperior merit aad virtues of Dr. Fowler‘s Extract of Wiid Strawâ€" in omm °:,%'"s::.u%:°z'“"':,.::‘ where itpmhi-’]w‘fl lmwn.â€"cgr. ‘The insurrection in Cores bes reached f the proportions of a great revolation, The King and Queen Lbave Leen assassinated. Japanese menâ€"ofâ€"war have been dispatchâ€" | ad to the sceue of action. Serofals is a depraved coudition of the sysâ€" tem otten hereditary, ‘aud cbaracterized by indoleut tumours, glandular affections, bat bioud and a low condition of, vitality thnrt L ol l1A .48 928 D Aiter s ol : tenis towards cousumption, which is really scrofala of the Langs. Burdock Blood Bitâ€" ters cure Serofalous diseases from a pimple to an abscers, by purifying the blood, correcting the secretions and giving a healthy tone to each orgnu.â€"c231. On Sunday last Mr. John Kerby, one of Normanby‘s oldest residents, departed this life from injuries reccived the previous Friday by a ful in his barn.â€"M. F. Conâ€" federate. The indications of the approaching season sesrf to threaten an anusnal amount of the k various forms of bowel complaints, . Our readers would do well to luppyy themselves with some reliable remedy like Doctor Fowiâ€" er‘s Extract of Wild Strawberry, as a safeâ€" ward against sudden attacks of Cholera, gvlurbul. Colic, Dysentry, &e., that unless promptly treated are often suddenly fatal, Oue of the free pubic wells for the city of Winnipeg hns been completed. It stands at the corner of Common and May streets. Its tctal depth is 82 feet and 5 inches, 40 feet of this being through the sold granite. A stream of water was struck at the depth of 50 feet, and a second and more abundâ€" ant one at 80 feet. Iron tubing five inches in diaweter has been suink to the rock. The water is considered of good quality aud of sufficient abnndance in quantity,. . It rises to within about eight feet of the ground sorface. . Four similar wells are to be sunk. REST & COMFORT to the SUFFERING ‘Rrown‘s [ouschold Panacea" bas no equo) tor velieving pain, both internal mid exteornal. It cures Pain in the Side, Buck and Bowoels, Bore Throat, Rhoumatism, Toothache, Lambago and any kind of a Pain or Ache, "It will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, as its ncting power is woudertul," "Brown‘s Houschold Pansces." boln‘ acknowledgod as the great Puin Reliover, and 0 double the m'englth ol any other Elixit or Liniâ€" mont in the world, should bein erory tfumily handy for use when wouted, "as it really is the bost rouâ€" edy in the world jor Cramps in the Stomach and I PAins and Aches of all kinds," aad is for sale by all | Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. NEW HARNESS SHOP Harness Opposite the TOWN HALL, it . CCC d ooo e cesmecber it tmkfow to Busiâ€" Where he ness, Good TORM POWDERS. Saddles, Trunks, V alises, Satchels, Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Pargative. J1s a anfo, sure, and effectual destroyer of worms in Childrcs or Adults Ixept Spanish IN DURIAM. \ U TTE Sabscriber begs to "'m‘:“f_’f":,_'.'fi}.l.‘: D TY Ofl TEA * C C d NE Ut the beast QUALITY, Article in the best st: A Call Respectfully Solicited P.SAUNDERS, Shosmakers‘ FINDINGS KEPT IX STOCK. 1X THE 1IE Sabscriber beas to announ:e to the Iubsbitants of South Grey and surrounding country that be has opened a AMERICAN JEWELLERY, Colored & Bright Gold Sets, LOCKETS, RIXGS, GOLD .;Vs'iâ€".lâ€";er YATcm vâ€"vK;y and Stem Winders. Thelatestin ntll,l’ulaxmdnuchtCL“l. Some beavtiful designs in Silver and Elecâ€" tro Plated Ware at W. E. DOLLS‘, Flesherton. _ A eall w'flh‘h Pv".‘v UETT LCE re he hopes by Strict Attention to Busiâ€" , Good Material, and First Class Work» mauship, to werit a share of Public Patronage. a week is . Terms and $60 sahbrvamn. uki laniece 3 "a! Portlecd, Maine Purkam, March 9, 1882. HE PREMISES RECENTLY OCCUPIED BY HALSTEAD‘S BANK, THE LATEST RKOVELTIES IN Every Article in shape of BRACELETS, #lso Ladios‘ & Gents® Shop in Durham, Whips, &c. in S'_l‘()(} Ix.. SOLE LEATHER ‘,_U:&l:lTY. and every other he best style and qanlity of the Trade. R INCLUDIN Wednesday. SEALS, CHATXS, one of PROPRIZETOR MILLINERY, MANTLES, Mantle Cloths, WORSTED CGoatings, Prints, Dress Goods, Mantle & Dress Trimâ€" mings, Fringes, Buttons, Silks, Satins, Laces, l HOSIERY, GLOVE3, and all the very latest novelties of the Season. Canadian, Every Lover of a good cup o1 Should try A. DA VIDsSON, The Big Push Is the place to get your Suits Made, l | CGoat, Vest, Pants, Overcoat orâ€" Ulsterette.®" Kone but first class hands employed, and guarantee to give a perfect fit uui nMotion Prorapt attention gives to all Orders. At the Noted Cheap Store es nCt‘ GREY AND WHITE COTTONS TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, Eic., 19 NC New Goods are now arriving, New Dress Goods cheap & stylish, NEW TWEEDS, Scotch & Canadian. New CLOTHING, stylish and cheap, New Groceries, fresh. Tailoring Establishment, A Full Line of GENTS Announces the first arrival of Teas in Durham, boughnt wilh InC L 0W quently he is now enabled to sell at the following Low P GOOD JAPAN LEAF at 25 cents, previously worth 85 YOUKG HYSON «* )gipA ** akiiaing t Jvo . : EXTRA GOOD ** Bb "‘ ** *"~ 4b SUPERIOR Quality " 40 " ** * _ 50 PEKO JAPAN _ §0; & * * i ! 60 ‘ 4 With a Reducton on 4 Ibs and oner, French, The undersigned has also received a large stock of New Dress Goods from 10 cents per yard up ; Men‘s nobby Felt Hats at 60 cents each. â€" Umuvereilag at 50 cents. Parnsols at 25 cents. â€" Boots & Shoes, Valises, and Crockery. Something new in Tea Sets, Crystal Sete, and ornamental pieces. The Choicest Groceries always in Stock & fre«h.. Datbam, March, 1882. JOHN CAMERON Darbam, Nov. 8rd, 1881 DIPHTHERIA MEDICINE ts the ouly sure cure for this terrible cures cases easy and withou vln to â€" No washipg or swilling the throut, & smallest child can take it. It also t mution of chest, langs er bowels, Ant! had colds, and if steadily token wi Good News to TEA Drinkers! Consumption To Mr Leeson LV ENT RTCTCCC Dear Sirâ€"M{ wife and children have all been: sured by vour Diphthoria Medicine, I am certsiu thatit is a good cnre. MATTHEW 8COTT Arthus, Nov 23, 1651, _ HW W Leason Varney. r Dear Sirâ€"There is u lot of Diphtheria in this place. 1saw one case where iout medicine was sed which proved a success after the Doctorsgave it up. 1 want you to send me $1 worth at once. â€" €f.108. Yoursete., . GEO. WOOD. For sale at Parker‘s, Durham. Durtham, March, Showâ€"your neighâ€" bour the "Review" and get him to Subscribe for it. $1 per year. Lngefl, A)JUUUYALD q _ PECRORITH . m mcenet I D GLOVES3, and all the very latest novelties of the Season. Also a Mection of | Scotoh & English Twedd. TESTIMONIALS English, and American Fashions Received TOEXFAT CALMEEROLT DIRECT IMPORTER OF this terrible disease. It ou goln to the patient. ye throut, so that the . It also cures inflamâ€" bowels, Asthma, Croup, v pokem will brouk up NEW SPRING GOODS. Dec 16th, 1881 Charges Moderate. Durham, bought with the Duty off, and conseâ€" to sell at the following Low Prices : House, Sign., and1 Ornamental Painter, DURHAM. Glsting, Grainiug, and Paper Hangin promptly astended to. Fresco and Banner Painting a v Speciality. ChargesModerate.â€"Orders left atJ. F. Mowat L. GRANT. Toronto, Grey & Bruce RAILWAY. cnuanee or tim®. On and after Mondasy 12th June, 1882, Trsins will tun as follows: . ROBERTSON. â€"â€"â€"_ willreccive prompt attention Durbam, March 3rd,1881. Mount FOrest, * ;3_:’ T15 * Orangevilie....~** w â€" Cnlodon dane. " . _ ,908, .",. _ = 159 " TGronto...~...â€"atF. itags = #40 * A anixed t will also run between Toronto and Owen pon;‘i‘u Time Fable. i; 1 ET. DOWNES, ount Forest. " Toronto, June 1st, 1481 Dress Goods from 10 cents per gents. em1ig1 5 m ESS C W / "0 he is showing & Splendid Range, Extra Value. PRINTS, nearly 200 pieces to select in _from. _ Extra good value in BLACHK Cashmeres at 50c. 75¢. and $1.00. aleâ€"~ Colored Cashmeres in & .| T Variety of Shades. Black SILKS and SATINS. A Cheap jJine of Dress Linnens. White s Terry and Honey Combs for. Ladies and Childrens Jackéts. Valueâ€" ommane â€". OM Cas) ‘aArstPs ~|BUILDING HARDWARE. I keep theabest Oils in Town & sell them cheap for Cash. Big reductions for large quantities. 135 p.m. Builed and raw Lingeed Oil, White Lead, Venetian Red, N Varnishes, PurT 315 p.m l‘PICTUBE FRAME | A Tarse Stock of all sizes, always on hand. Frame 455 * ‘At the A large Stock always on hand of Nails, Glass, Locks, Door Bells, &¢., &e. A Large Stock of all «izes, always on hand. PAINTERS MATERIAL CAMP STOVE.\ At °T. A. HARRIS‘, Durham. Has lately received. Large Additions to his Stock which is Now Fully Assorted. _ I» e Lmess uie . fi fi Durham MILLS. Having refitted our Flouring Mill we are prepared to turn out work 2nd to none in the County. A CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED & SATISFACTIONX GUARANTEED. FLOUR, The HIGHEST Price will be paid forGOOD WHEAT. Durham, Feb, 23, 1882. Dashaim,_Feb, 5th,‘1082. ishes, Furniture and Carriage, the best qualities and the Lowest Price. Do not go without a FOR MANITOBA! "]zéa,'ding Hardware Store, Upper Town, Durham. T.J. ADIBH. Serub and Shoe Brushes. b AXs 4s gfiéuymurmumwofiauduww PRICES. Oatmeal Exchangod for Oats. _ __I 6 &J. AcKECHNE BRUSHES. Call and see them d, the best brands in the market, â€" Fire proof paint, Whiting and all dry eolors. & o o JS Frames made to order, ockler MOULDING, Hinges, lis ton, CK Tboemsen®" 270000000000 ds Lsh U Burdock Blood Bitters in that Jocality, In | where patent medicines are hard to introduce, & uks n.x.‘..â€"-nh‘flu.‘l' any size, Very Cheap, Ciothes Hooks, where patent MEC""" 2000 order but, »ay thoy, *‘the g2088 last erdered a few days aince, will convince you that the deâ€" mand is good, and that it -;l‘ ‘giviq satislace 1100000006 00 : ut Arpnted tion to our enstomers»" e231. Kutep sr a Freio8t Tratyiâ€"A Bt, Paul, Minu. eorrnpond‘cixt tecords the Killing somé time sgo; by a freight train, of one Of the best kno#u telegraph opersâ€" tors in America; The anfortonate individ. ual, James Bay, & resident of Clinton, Out., had a telegraphic expemence in every cit? on the American eontivent, and was es» pecially well known in the city of Toronto. ~_â€"Globe. 192 \| Eubbath services 1 IHOIL i cerdntunds " School at 9:30 n. 18. Rov. 8. . Asbury ‘ Church Wardens, H. Parker and 14. W. 1 PRESBYTERIAN CBURCH Divine Service every Sabbath ut 11 a p. m. Sabbath School at 2:%0 p. m. . Pra every Weduesday evening wt T:30. | every Thursday evening at 7:30. Rev. ionne h ww cnitiecinle ons * ' ENOX PRESRYTERIAN CHU Borvice every Saubbath in the Town J m . road ait 6:30 pr. in . Sabbath School Supplied by Prosbytery at presont, 4 C. METRODIST CHUCH Bervice every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m Asi» Wfl:‘:hlm‘ "‘:‘2: 038 me. Pss & Thursday eveniug at 7 p. 10. P. Smiloy, M A. P BAPTIST CHURCH. J. C. Dunlop, pastor. Sunduy Sery ing at 11 «. .: Sabbath S hbool i m at 7 plam. Weok evening 5 y ni, yound peoplo‘s prayer 1 w ; WM&‘ evening, Bible Clas Thureduy evendn> yegular provor ino! t 8. G. REGISTRY OFFI â€" pRINITY CHURCH. Eubbath services at 11 a. i1 . ond 630 p. m Bunday Bchool at 9:30 n. 10. Rov. 8. R. Asbury \( A., pastor Sharch Wardone, 1. Parker and 4. W. Mockier. rnpssyrE®an Cuunch. M k o ~_ o. METRHODIST CHUCH, Bervice every Sabbuth at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30p. m, Babbati school at $: 0 pâ€" m Prover amoeting ana‘,l'h“y evening at 7 p. m. . Pastor Rov. J Smiloy, M A. BAPTIST CHURCH. 4. C. Dumlop, pastor. Sunday Services â€"preachâ€" ing mt 11 «. m.; Sabbath S bool at 230 p m. Pmdm ut 7 p.a. Weok evenin; Servicesâ€"Mon. day 0 nit, yOund peoplo‘s prayer meeting at 8 v. m.;W.dnudAI)" evening, Bible Class at8p. m.; Thursday ever ho rogular praver inecting at® p. tm mmmwbflu‘ John A Munro, De putyâ€"Registrar, Oflice hours from 10 «.11. to4 p Town Hall -omn every Friduy evening from 7 to # o‘clock, mual fee &1. Alex. Mobortson JAbrarian Office hours from 8 a. in., to 7 p. 10. Archie M Kenzie, Posturiaster. PURHAM LODGE No. 306 OF A. F. & A. M. Night of Mesting, Tuesday on or betore f1 moon of each mouth, Wisiting brethron welson H. W, Mockler, W. M., Geo. Russoli, ee N({ll:t oft meeting, on or before month, Wiw. A. Anderson, Bee e 3 WILL CURE OR RELIEVE «~ BILIOUSNES8, DIZZINESS, ~ DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, _ FLUTTERING _ _ , JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIOITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTEURN, DRYNES8 HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, mmggm*m'%.m BOWELS OR BLOOD, , T. HILBURN & 60., **"_TSrtwro. GREY LODGE No. 169 1 0.0 1t supplies the natural food und color to the hair glands without staining the akin. It will increase and thicken the growth of the hair, prevent its blsnching MECHANICS INSTUDUTT DURHAM L. 0. 1. No. G. RBGISTRY OSE pog? OrÂ¥Ic) ;‘;..I-I‘Iâ€".‘ .lir;z‘;r Meeting wt $:30, Rible Class 7:30. Rev, Win, Park, ye full ioon in each ni, sund 6:30 Archie Mc 30 o‘clook Be The State Assayer and Chemist of Mass. Physiâ€" in 11 "THE GREY REY KEvory Thurs tatowwional aed business Carc «paceaad sader . por yeat * wo in ches or 81 linos Nompariel J ureeiaches do . per year cu-dMoo.cnh charged far the .Mlllrrsnu.wd 2 ceiti # tMI»(‘L-“r o. â€" N oupert ow of birthis, 10 31 ginds of pows iusat io 1 SHiray Aclmals, &0 . «d vor tar .l.mdwrd--un not t A Avertisements, excent whor wer . Aok justractions to 196 cout .»utuuu-.u-n churged at 1. POWX® EK TeA W®4: â€"81.00 po+ $1.24 41 now paid 1O eu the 0 Bee, 'gqgmnsé DIRECT ~ 4o " UBGAY D #olicitors 13 @wen Sound, have pon evers Tuars LFREL FKO8T Meney 10 Lownâ€" ja0kKEs & every month , whore upon wli those that : ponage . . All work e# ormed in . the J ate L-mun.. way o El Couuty Orow June 2uch 1880 YETERINARNY Willbe at W asting #ay and Prideytn Pandaik .M «rch TTORNEYS at I L Ofce L owor Town B.JACKES, R. Aâ€" mraATES OF Tronx®} T 1ICENSED _4A County of Gre in all parts Of the Gaods sald on Com: &ttonded and the s« HWend @iice & JOHN ROBERTSON TAILOR AND CLOTHIE Ro Adenceâ€"Opp "...“' site P arker Frost 4 ARRISTERS a § pring Residenceat the T“’E gahaeri aind M ake Uj he Latoain}) he , RADUATE of 0 1ege, Doronto . 127. 4. Durhkam BOUCLDE And See Catting done 7 ALSO THE OLD Roliable Bcofich COLLARE. Alexandor Rob New 5t Garafraxs Sireet MISCELLANEOU®. H0GH MACKAY. £.p. MA HARNESS, HARNESS® Harness Maker, Lambton Street, Post Office, DURMAM, Ias eofifitently on hand a t@lt aapply 7 T700 040 4 Kn drew EoR enmmem To T CCC d 4 F7 and Team Harnoss, made of the best m Annd W ork an d reasonsble charges Collarg a Gpecialty 18 PZBLISEFL AMERICAN COLLARS, Look out for cold waaths DUiRHAM How are you of for Sooks ih;mr;;;;lâ€"s‘)<’ nport nat is# WM. JOHNSTON , 3r rown Ait and Sumt with MEDICAL Oct.15th, 1801 # por yoaria &A |â€" qpoobd . OW oaiiske w o nt In s » ..;"rnrl‘lt\ Oifce tock of 1J wWHILPS. C BRUSU} tood FIT Â¥ o «l h e n + Aay s D TAILOR, ADVERTISIN ‘Their | Working "aâ€";od"Wnrh an pUNDA A T N tes ob . 1 4 , 18786 in & Frost. th Des.8, 1881 CHAS. LEAVE w thye m a«t in wro e heshartest noll06 w1 DURHAM ft 4 PostOU gemedied an byy onl ling 0 we,. who has wll th to the CALI S¢.. DURH r is prop LEATHEP cURrRY IES. BEIJI @14 Stockings & Soc Heguaal eand s G SURGE to Order. A T Antiâ€" a Ea yA# Cuaranteed artson. ‘nfitim Tor ever COMI BROS. t Street M *E e d in dd NO 300 i n nne w l bwoas thar $ ts

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