West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 31 Aug 1882, p. 4

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0 p ; U A week or so ago & seedy looking tramp carae to Mr. Wa. Flesherâ€"a farmer who hives on the Toronto and Sydenham road, between Flesherton and MarkJaleâ€"seekâ€" | ing employment. Mr. Flesher, who reâ€" qnired another band during the harvest, und not knowing but that the tramp was & deserving object for cbarityâ€"instead of the rcoundrel he afterwards proved to beâ€"enâ€" gaged him. On Monday last Mr. and Mre. Flesher went to Makdale on busiâ€" ness,leaviog their cluldren at home to"take care of the house"â€"the eldest of whom was a bright little girl only twelve years of age. In the course of the day, while Mr. unA Mes. Flesher were yet absent frowm “; Icoom(l‘ eognizant of Brutal Atuu;y':“ (irl near Fleshe home,". . He‘ll be li sion, with iron bars one of these days.â€" Advance. The eigth meeting of the € cil was helbat Singhampton inst. dopted. RERIPC Communications from County Treasurâ€" er re lots 1, 2, con. 10; co. clerlk, co. rates, 1882; clerks of Melancthon and Nottawaâ€" sagn respecting work on townlines; C. W. Ratledge a/o $8.00; R. Little re pt. lot 10 in 7; trustees S. 8. 1, 4, 5, 6, 1, 9, & 10, es timates and requisitions for school moneys; and from 31 overseers of highways, statute ladour retarns, 41 still unreturned. The That C. paid. CC That $10 be granted (equivalent to Colâ€" lingwood grant) to repair townline at lots 26, 27, 28. Commissioner of No. 4 to atâ€" tend to the work. That clerk write ro error in GDUMCIA®YU‘S children in municipality. That $5 ve granted N. Melutyre for building a culvert div. 5. That R. & B. Committee get §2.00 each for their services. Byâ€"law 209 to assess and levy rates, and byâ€"law 201 appointing eollector were paSsâ€" ed. Rate, exelusive of special school rate 8 wills. Cclliector, Wia. Suggitt. That J. Ranseic get $20 for work on townline, at Singhampton. + u ® . * rutal Attempt.on a ittle |Justice Carey Takin Pay for Clirl mgrq?;&horton. { B‘g_'lime. ie \Ga’Sh for WO That J. M;l;;:-o;-on.bo sppointed gnard inn of Avnabelia MeDougall, J. Chiles re bridgo on sideroad 25. Council adjourned till Oct. 18 Members all present CHO® PR P CC away, leaving bis wark also bebind hbim.| mdns Shmetaprr l pFRRT C / As Juu retrested they were followed by | TIIE LATEST XOVELTIES TX the jeers of the band of jokers who had set | up the job. It is almost uodu« to suy ’AMERICAN JEWELLEBY, thut thoâ€"doorstep is likely to remain unutâ€" | mcx..u»u cupied fgr.gome timeâ€"Mail \Golored & Bright Gold Sets, wmas‘t be alzemed rac«rmse. SEALS, That J. Spence get 85 t ion to our costomereâ€" } where patent Mm@CUC! "*/._"0° _ jured a few :u. say Shes . .~m'm:l"|... mlfl"“.'!:" %l days since, will convinee you that the 06~ . T maad is good, and that it is giving satisfa¢â€" | 36g5z wed kihes t Rereara 9‘ 1 ortlagd, Maine followin; ;notiunl were carried : W. Rutledge‘s account of $8.00 be 6gprey Council. ie & + Last minutes & Osprey Counâ€" : on the 15tL for repairing Justice Carey Taking Pay for | His Time. ‘ A young man came into Jastice Carey‘s court, at Carson City, Ner., with the rim of his bat drawn down over his eyes, and reâ€" marked : "Do you know me ?" K« "I think," replied the court meekly, "that you‘re the chap I sentenced for stealâ€" ing about a year ago." 2 e /.. 328 â€"the "That‘s the hairpin I am," repied luoI other shortly, "and there is $20 for my fine." 1 "But you served your time in gaol," said Ahe judge, "and uwe no fine." _ "That‘s right, old boy, but I‘m about to eoramii an assault and battery, and I guess ll'fl settle now. â€"You‘re the man I propose "Oh ! that‘s it rejoined the sourt pocketâ€" ing the soin; "then you cau start in and we‘ll call it equare." "Iho ;;:ung'mm advanced to the jadge and let cut his left. 6 The judge ducked his head, and, rining‘ np, lifted the intruder in the eye with a right hander, and sent him over against the wall In a moment the court was climbing all over the man, and in about threeâ€"minutes his face was hardly recoguâ€" izeable. The man begged the court to let up, whick be fnally did. As the fellow was about to go out Carey went after him with : "Yee here, young man, I Jdon‘t think the fighting you did ought to be nssessed at more than $2.50â€"heve‘s $17.50 in change. 1 ain‘t charging you anything for the fightâ€" ing, but jast for my time. Next time I won‘t charge you a cent. The rough took the change and the next train for Virginia City. Serofula is a depraved condition of the sysâ€" tem often hereditary, and characterized by indolent tumours, glandular affections, bad blovd and a low condition of vitality that tends towards consumption, which is really servfula of the Langs, Burdock Blood Bitâ€" ters care Scrofalous discases from a pimple to an abscess, by purifying the blood, correcting the secretions and giving a healthy tone to each organ. â€"c231. A typographical error caused the Chicago Tribune to tell the truth for once. It stated that a certain Chicago pbysician felt the patient‘s purse. There is nothing new about the statement however : doetors do it every where. REST & COMPORT to the SUFFERING ‘BHrown‘s Housebold Panncen‘ has no oqu-l for velieving pain, both interval and extornal, 1 wures Pain in the Side, Dack and Bowels, Sore Throat, Rhewmmalism, Toothsche, Lumbago and auny kind of a Pain or Acho, "It will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, as its neting power is wonderfal." "Brown‘s Honusehold Panacea," bohl, acknowledged as the ;;rent Pain Relicver, and 0 double the strength of any other Elixir or Lini ment in the world, should bein every family haudy \fox use when wanted, "as it really is the best remâ€" ody in the world for Cramps in the Stomach aud Puins and Aches of all kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at 25 conts a bottle, THOMAS SMITH, Saddler, Tanner Manufacturer and Dealer in Team Harness, Single & Double Carriage Harnoss, Plough Harness, SADDLES, TRUNKS, VALISES, Wares, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, &e. sPANISH SOLE & UPPER LEATHER, FRENXCH & CANADIAN CALFSKIN, xATIVE & FOREIGN KIP SKIN COLORED LINXINGS, & SHOEMAKERS‘ Supplies. Boots & Shoes Orders takes for WOOL CARDING, Cloth Driossing and Pressing done at Orchard c Mills. TORM POWDERS. Hides Skins and Tallow. Particular attention paid to Aro pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and effectual destroyer of worius in Children or Adulia LOCKETS, RINGS, GOLD & Silver WATCHES Y Key and Stem Winders. j Thelatestin Hall Parlorand Bracket C1,0C K # Some beavtiful designs in Silver and Kleeâ€" tro Plated Ware at W. F. DOLLS‘, Flesherton. Durkam, March, 14, 1882. Kept & Shoemaker. A call respectfully golicite in Stock and made to order on Shortest Notice. BELTING. BRACELETS, Also Ladies‘ & Gents‘ Cash Paid for " replied the SEALS, CHAINXS, Cash for WOOL and Cash for Butter, At J. H. HUNTER‘S. Scythes. Rake3, VIGULIUD; ‘ Snaths, Sickles, Forks, Hoes, Horse Pokes, Spades, Shovels, Picks, Looks, Barn Door Hinges, & Glass at bottom prices at J.H.Hunter‘s. Clothing, Hate and Caps, Oil Cloths, Carpets, etc. TE AS the best and cheapest in Japan Doust, Japan Leaf, â€" Young Hyson, Gunpowder, Black and Orange Peokoe. 12 * good Sugar " $1.00. 11 " Bright Refined %1.00. 10 " Granulated A 1.00. Frosh Table Cod Fish and Salt Water Herring. Golden Syrup Vinegar, White Wine Vinegar in Demijohns. Byrups, OAT MEAL and FLOUR. Great bargains in DRESS GOODS. Cretonnes, Lace Curtains,{Embrorderies and Counterpanes. Immense bargains in 'Rnntg & Shoes. TOBACCOS from 85 cents per Ib. np. Kone but first class hands employed, Prompt attention given to all Orders. _ Charges Durham, July 26, 1882. At the Noted Cheap Store Is the place to get your Suits Made, Coat, Vest, Pants, Overcoat or Ulsterette.] DUTY off TEA Aunounces the first arrival of Teas in Durham, bought with the Duty off, # quently he is now enabled to sell at the following Low Prices : GOOD JAPAN LEAF at 25 cents, previously worth 85 cents, YOUNG HYSON * . 80 _ " $ * ~ 40 : * EXTRA GOOD * _ 86| ** $¢ *% 45 0 " SUPERIOR Quality * 40 " 0 * ‘ 16 50 * PEKO J‘\PAS_- 4 -Il- 50 &4 k «e s «« m ‘a6 New Goods are now arriving, New Dress Goods cheap& stylish, NEW TWEEDS, Scotch & Canadian. New CLOTHING, stylish and cheap, New Groceries, fresh. The undersigned bas also received a large stock of New Dress Goodx from 10 cents per yard up ; Men‘s nobby Felt Hats at 60 cents each. â€" Unpereilas at 50 cents. Parnsols at 25 cents. â€" Boots & Shoos, Valises, and Crockery. Something new in Tea Sets, COrystal Sets, and ornamental pieces. ‘The Choicest Groceries always in Stock & fresh.. Durham, March, 1882. JOHN CAMERON LELSsQLN S | DIPHTHERIA MEDICINE | Is the only sure cure for this terrible discase. It cures cases ensy and withou pain to th* gutinnt. No washing o swilling the throut, so that the smallest child can take it, It miso cures inflamâ€" ination of chest.lungs er bowels, Astima, Croup, bad colds, and if steadily token will break up Consumption To Mr Loeson: Dec 16th, 1881, Doar Sirâ€"My wife and children Luve all been cured by your Diphtheria Medicine, 1 am certain that it is a good cure, MATTHEW SCOTT. H W Lecson Varney. Dear Sirâ€"There is a lot of Diphtheria in this place. Isaw one case where 'ynur madicine was used which proved a snccess after the Doctorsgave it up. I want you to «end me $1 worth at once. t1.198. Yoursete., . GFEO, WOOD. For sale at Parker‘s, Durham. Good News to TEA Drinkers! French, English, and American Fashions Received. Show your neighâ€" Tailoring Establishment, Purham, Nov. 8rd, 1881 bour the "Review" and get him:to Bubscribe for it. $1 per year. Darkham, March, 1889 he Big Push LEESON‘S TESTIMONIALS FTOEELIT CAMEROIT 13 lbs. Musco Sugar for $1.00. Boots & Shoss, St;zun in all grades very cheap. Rakes, NEW SPRING GOODS. Arthur, Nov 23, 1881 ‘\‘l'llh a Reducton ou 4 Tb» and oner, Dec 16th, 1881 and guaranteo to give a perfect ft and satisfaction J. H. HKUNTER. C. L. GRANT. House, Sign, and Glazing, Graining, and Paper Hangin promptly aitended to. Fresco and Banner Painting a Speciality. Charges Moderate.â€"â€"Orders loft atJ. F. Mowat wili receive prompt attention A mixzed train will also run bet Owes Sound. Bee Time Table. Purham, March 3r4,1881 Toronto, Grey & Bruce RAILWAY. Toronto, Pune 1st, 1801 Moderate, 66 . ROBERTSON. Ornamental Painter, PDURHAM. CHANCE OFf TIME. | after Monday 12th June, 188%, Trains will ron as follows: Cradles, Forks, $1.00. off, and conseâ€" ¢ml9l MILLINERY, MANTLES, Mantle UIOSNS, WUROI Coatings, Prints, Dress Goods, Mantle & Dress Trir â€"â€"â€" mings, Fringes, Buttons, Silks, Satins, Laces, l HOSIERY, GLOVES, and all the very lateat novelties of the Season. Also a Choite Selection of $:45 p.m Canadian, Scotch & English Tweed. A Full Line of GENTS‘ FURNISHINGS. The STOCH Every Lover of a good cup of Should try A. DAVIDSsON, Machine Oils, Machine Oils. I keep theibest Oils in Town & sell them cheap for Cash. Big reductions for large quantities. Boiled and raw Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Furniture and Carriage, the best qualities and the Lowest Price. Paint, Varnish, Horse, Serub and Shoe Bruchcs. BUILDING HARDWARE. A Large Stock always on hand PICTURE FRAME MOULDING, A Large Stock of all sizes, always At the Leading Hardware Store, Upper Town, Durham. T.J. ADIE. PAINTER‘S. MATERIAL. CAMP STO 1B K.. Aimendliin enc torsinnanliagn AARRAASRRGIIAN TY GREY ANDp WHITE COTTONS, DEXIMS, CoTTroxADES, DUCKS, TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS, TABLE . LINEN, TOWELLIn®nG, Eic., I93 NOW COMPLETE. At T. A. HARRIS‘, Durham. Durham MILLS. wHO KEEPS THE BEST Havingrefitted our Flouring Mill we are prepared to turn out work 2nd to none in the County, FLOUR, The HIGHEST Price will be paid for GOOD WEEAT. CALL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED & SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Dusham,{Feb. 5th,:1882. Durham, Feb. 23, 1882. Delivered in any part of Town on Shortert Notice aud as LOW PRICES. Do not go without a . DAVIDSON FOR MANITOBA! Oil, White Lead, the best brands in the market, â€" Fire proof paint, Venetian Red, Whiting and all dry galors. Importations | Oatmeal Exchanged for Oats. DIRECT IMPORTER OF of CANADIAN gQ?’gQ_NfifiOOD& BRU SHES. of Nails, Glass, Locks, Hinges, Latches, Door Bells, &e., &c. Call and sce them SELECTION OF GROCERIES IK TOWXN. on hand. â€" Frames made to order, any size, Very Cheap Mantle Cloths, WORSTED ods, Mantle & Dress Trimâ€" OATMEAL, And FPEED N. 6 & J MEECBNE. of TEA , Caothes Hooks, 1902 The best evidence of the superior merit and 'Wfl' of Dr, F uwlr‘r'ls. Extract of Wild Straw. berry for the cure © mmer Co‘zlun-, is that its popularity and demands -‘EI.M where it has been longest known, r A seam of conl discovered at Hare‘s Crossing, near Odanah, Man., is said by old miners to be the genuine article, l The indications of the approaching seamson sezm to threaten an unusnai amount of the verious forms of bowel complaints, . Our readers would do well to supply themse}yes with some reliable remedy like i;vw» Fowls er‘s Extract of Wild Strawberry, as a saftâ€" 'gi.&"."..:..,e "nn sn / Plot . Andonm orbus, Colic, Dysentry, &c:; th#t â€" tidess promptly treated are oftert suddehly fatal, Herbort Epoucir, who is now at New York, is reported as stating that it is not impossible that bhe may ou his retrrn to Englaud record his im.pressions of the country and people on this side of the At: lantic. His sole purpose in visiting the American coutinent is to reeruit bis lhulth. lb * »*% Yurhamâ€"Third ‘l‘m:::y i1 Do:ch month. Price ore vhua®. luaxer~1londna’bdun- Dursham . Mount Forestâ€"Third Weduesdry in each month am-‘-l-‘mt Wednesday in each month, M nâ€"Friday before the (’Wh Fair. Drayron â€" :l-iurd.-)"hdo‘r: GIH ph. PFair. Orangeville~â€"The Fleshertonâ€"Bon pundalkâ€"Tacsde Shelburneâ€"Wedr Marsvilleâ€"Becon Walkertonâ€"Thel Mildmay~Last V surmpmnarneoerarmrmce en j PBAPAMTCARTUTUAIUE UedmeatbC C Eioraâ€"The dnx.bdau Guelph. Do-:fmâ€"-.ron J before Klore Fatr. wimilton â€"Ory s Palace Gr>unds, the day after PURHAM DIRECTORY. every Wednesday evening ut 730. Bible Cluss every Thursday evening at 7:30, Rev, Win. Park, pastor, Service every Sabbath in the Town Hall ut 11 a, m. and at 6:30 p. »3. Sabbath School «t 2:30 p, m; Hupplied by Presbytory at prosent, J.C. Dunlop, pastor. Sunday Bervicesâ€"proach. mt 11 a. m.; Sabbath School at 230 p. in at 7 p. m. \\'oel.-h evening ho:&cu Nop. day eventug, youbg people‘s praver m ng at 69. m.’; Weduesday evening, m\.xo Class at8p. m.; Thursday evening regular pravyer meeting ast 8 p.m Thomas Lauder, Rogistrar; John A Munro, Deâ€" putyâ€"Regstrar, Oflice hours from 10 a.m, to4 p, Divine Service overy Sabbath at 11 s. m, and 6:30 Town Hdlâ€"-amn' every Friday evening from? t» # o‘clock. mual fee #1, Alex. HMobertson Libravian, Office hours from 8 a. m., to 7 p, ui. . Archic Meâ€" Kenzie, Postainster, Night of Moeting, Tuesday on or before full moon of each month. Nisiting brathren welsome. H. W. Mockier, W. M., Geo. Russell, See 1. Subbath School at 230 p. m. Prover Meeting GHEY LODGE No. 169 L. 0.0.Â¥. Night of meeting every Monday at 7:30 o‘slock in the Odd Peliows Hall. Visitmg brathren weloome, Merritt Cochrane, N. G. _ Wis. A. Rose, Seo, \ Night of meeting, on or before foll mo month, Win. A. Auderson, bee pURHAM 1.0DGFR NO. 306 OPF A. T BILIOUVSNESS, DIZZINES8, I DYSPLPSIA, DAROPSY, ye INDICEST ION, FLUTTERING , JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, £RYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RKHEVM, THE §TOMACH, HEART BURN, DRYNES8 HEADACHE, OF THE SKiN, KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH And every species of dissase disordered \?IQVER, KiDNEY & T. MILBURN & £0., ****_ TSrontro, and reliable remedy i# invaluable. â€" AY®*‘* Cnrngy Prcrorat is suc!: a remedy, and no otheraoeminently mers i its the confidence of the EHM:. It is a acie entific combination of CHERRY®¢ the medicinal princi« g:lcl and curative ir« e Cz ues of the Suest drugs, » chemically united, of x j } P .:chpowel'u'oilflfl: w»«i} the greatest possi |/f)" efficiency and uniformâ€" Li oc c ccig o Mieike $.0 c ctes â€" We atrdiar Bronchitis, _ Infuenza, ClorgymA®® Bore Throat, Aoth-:‘bn-.. and Ca+â€" tarrh, the effects of Arer‘s Cusnur PEC nually preserved from serious iliness by i8 timely and faithful use. Jt abould be at hand in every bousebold for the ’l"-. tection it affords in sudden attacks. 38 W noop ~<quge 200 CHTPTD® Dlang. “‘"?.s u‘.:odm remedy so eficecious, oothing, and helpful, y m'&sesmmwmmw“ the many mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap 200 s9Lp B7 lt pavsolets §VERATYNEAS reach of bursan aid PRESBYTEUAN CHURCR Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & C#« THE BEST REMEDY ©. METRODIST OHUCH 8. G. REGISTRY OFFICE MECHANCS INYTITUTH TRINITY CBUBCH DUKRHAM L. 0. L..No BAPTIST CHURCH PosT OFPICE , and multitudes are AB* Es aapiana iliweas by it§ entific combination n in exch "THR GREY R & â€"CR@IHS, â€"91.09 peryearia Ees We w‘.‘ under .per yoar. ’W“M Nomparieh un Thresinches do. par year DEX olinauts ahsvand & _ Oréinary notices 1i kinds of looa! n« umo‘"'“‘ .'A"“‘:‘:‘* * rapeminne J. TX mw.wd 2 conts per .wu‘wruuu Konporiel .“Y.ofleu of births, n uwbd---.m«d tree of ‘r‘“. #&c , advertised ..m vertisement -\:\’w :‘;--a AAvertisements , ox':q: when acco i etions to the contrar Te Revpibien sud cuarged at regols 1. POWNSENXD, P Mu‘ business cards We a dvelfhaw us Sraat the Office, @rratrare Street A‘[“I‘ORN EY .A . epposite Parker Qwen Sound, have rasumed ¢ ponevery Thursday as here lm'l'wsr. Crown Attorney BUSINESS DIREC «4 * Surgery , wil Oflice, British M Fuesday (Fair Ds every month, where io w ill bw m wpon all those that may favor bi ron&ge . Al} work entrusted to ) formed in the Jatest and m st murgRENCK, any of the lowding YETER WilYbe at M usting‘s Motel, s helbart &ey and Friday from 10 a‘clock a .4 Moeaey to Leanâ€" mxnkiX= MEnl"______ JACKES & PRINGLI J une 240 , 1880 l onemed 1000 PDurham . Bmles attended to i on reasohable terin®, M M*u Voeal and Instrun a lhnited number of Pupits at hers Durham, Auy. 30th, 1882. PDRT T TCCC it lJ County of Grey, Auction Halos attonded all purts of the County, at ressonable rs hnfl on Commiasion. Land Sales carefi attcuded and the sale bills promptly posted uy k oaeed EYS Oficeâ€"â€"Lower B.JACKES, B. A ;l“lll Mwrch 20 € }ENEI&AL AQs tario I ,v_nmug( 17 o Ee eaghire Life Insurance Co Merchiantiis aurunce Go, | Watorloo Mutua) Fire ns Saugeen Mutual Fire insurance Co. Ac @PUOANCLICCCO A01} Rusiness proj T SW ALLOW‘S Barber Sh PERR CCE 0 It your face is sunburnt, rowth o covere@with pi w-u ru- of the Kejuvenator, sobd at # ving Parior, Lambton 6t , oue dc west of McFuriane‘s Drug Store, at 25¢ per packe or fivo for #1. RATES OF ADVERTI ° ICEXSED 4 4A County of Grey surance Company REVERE HOTEL T. SPROULE, â€" â€" â€" TK[S Popular Hotel l nédition added to it, thor Tflls Popular Hotel has had a lar nédition added to it, thoroughly refitted, an is now second to nome in the county . Good stabl ingund attentive hostier First class aweconmnin tion (‘-‘t(lowflll Traveliors. TERM® #1 4 ~7 y 202 UEET CCC Â¥First Class Berber in conmection woith NÂ¥kifebpest the01d PortOfhe¢, Lowes Tow : U I & 0# : PpCBRHAM. MeKENZIE has been appotated ontâ€" m“fllm the Sale of Trckets for the Rauilway. Passongers can puy clase tickets to amy point on the G T.AL. ckets for Munitobes and the North West «an be had «t lower rates thin any other rowtes. Can always be scom ut the PPost @Mee, Darhai. . P sn ce ar e ue Spring asad Summer Vashions, regu reseived. ‘ Durtham ,Feb.14,1878. *‘ Alexander Robertson, «* «â€" PATLOR, RADUATE MRS: SWALLOW, Hairdresser C C O Cay uoi esns / OiHt dsbndin suff Sihad * ENELAL AGEXNT JOHN ROBERTSON . | TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, DPURKHAM $Sr., DURHA. wwpfliu the Cauada Presbyâ€" erian Chureh.} Y ICEN3ED May 11th, 1882; MISCELLANEOUS. ifraxa St., Lower Town. All kind« of dremsing etc. done up in Arstâ€"cluss style. y 8. ASBURY e do. per year vertisements charged 6 HUGH MACKAY . Cutting done to Order. Ticket Agent. H. STEVENSON, F4 MEDICAL. M USIC * in «Ohancer DENTARTER * LEGAL â€"Â¥orgn» 64 »» DUNDALA MACMILLAN , ATâ€"LAW, &c¢ lt“'v 8 Fowp, Durbhai of O s Drug B AUCTIONEE] w. Residence au umed at Ploskert as heretofore . and Ait AUCTIONXEER, for & Frost _All Busivess tended to . k blons Stegular!y Recebved t for the Cotebwa ted wilson 8 Ma chines of Mamiltion. ‘wd“lh(“muwl- 17 pl bs-nun-ny othey machin r tho stronssct Linen threm rwu It also o. be easll the Buest Ssbric. 5.006 Â¥90# MOODTE, JEROMT LAT. 100 maminy ~ 14 ld is prepared t #s., Mewnt Foprest. y J . w .Â¥RO A. MonEXZIE, «1427 t Da Proprietor hiupsnoe / Acesdents romptly + th 1 M the House af regular

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