West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 30 Nov 1882, p. 2

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$ 0 of Monut Forest, an oil portrait of the Inte Hov. George Brown. rl' will be framed and bung in the Association reome. A curions case of emotherioe is reported from Prescott. A lad aged fonrteen was draen into a grain spont in a large" Wwhent bin snd emsthered before he was tok>u Ou Tue«day Morrice Hall and Library, Ahe gift of Mr. David Morrice, of Montrea!, .s magnifieent and costly structare, was tormally presented by that gentleman to Montreal Presbyterian College. The new Lollege is built near to the Redpsth Museâ€" am of McGill University. I Mr. H. Noble, of Egremont, has presantâ€" ed to the Young Men‘s Reform Association | Gazat reduction on Photos at R. Torry & Co., Upper Town, Durham, who have deâ€" seided to take Photosw for #1 per doz. for one month, commencing December 4th,. They | have a fine lot of Xmaus cards now upon| J, Cam®rox announces that he has now received that famous Pekoe Japan Tea. Parties who have been waiting to lay in a atock caa now have their canisters replen Geo. Irwin‘s stock of Christmas, New year, and other Fancy Cards, are very fine embracing many new designs. A Supreur of fresh lemon (new frait) at T. Jones‘ school Book Depot, Upper Town, specimen copy, l:'l‘. tao Limin place, just outâ€"ide the cor We desire to call the attention of our poration of the town. | This was & vory ser readers to one of the largest, ablest, and ! tous loss as no doubq they would bave fetehâ€" most popular religions newspaper pablis ed ! ed over eighty dollars at the sule nt the ~â€"whe that secnres the best writers in "li\l.a,nuv rate as the othâ€"rs wers sold | for, aountry and Enrope, regm diess ofexpence; ‘ There has hbeen quite a number of sheep has the best and fullest book reviews of m Â¥ | worried recently in and around this tow n, paper in che comntry; has able nrticles npon lm..l It is thime these night prow uy canines fiuancial and commercial snlbjects; has deâ€"| were summanrily dispoSed of, partments edited by specialiâ€"ts nndalomtml' Matnaoont Cngact. â€" 4e Rov. w. w. to Fine Arts, Music, Seience, Religions Inâ€" 1 Leech preached m raing an evening on telligence, Missions, Sehool and Collece, Sabbath last in the Methodist Cimren, Neows of the week, Hyiun Notes,, the Sun | Durham, to lnrge congre gations and ap dayâ€"school, Legal and Ssnitiry questions, ! Grasby‘s Chareh, Normanby, m tho after. Biblical Research (something that ce Ei Eretr: AKt i. s reting of the quarterly Board be found in any other newâ€"paper in t! ‘f held in the chureh here, on M mday last, United States), Furm and Garden, Tosur.| and at which the Rev. Mr, Rupert, chair auce, Weealy Market Reports, ete.â€"in fuet, ' nean ofthe Walkerton District, and Rev. a newspaper which, with its twenty ',wn‘ Mr. Potier, of Hiamover, were present, ar. distinet departments, is suited to "‘f’ t* 'rnn-_ ements were made for Mr. Leech comâ€" quirements of every family, containing a ing to Darlmm to snpply â€"the cireuit until fund of information which cannot be bad the next meeting of Conference, in any other shape, and having a ies Varxey Cmerse Factory.â€"A meeting ealation all ""r-“" geaptisicannd io: Enr- of the pntrons and those interested in the ope. We refer to the Independent, ul.. s Varney Cheese Fretory was hbeld at the York, now called "T‘fC lurgoet, .'l'. * "e""? PFnetory on Saturday afternoop last. A the best." See advertisement, in -mvzluâ€"ri renormownedgemtshowing the stnts If that column, and send a postal cwrd for free | *‘ The furmers are quite capable of judging{ in this matter themselves, and tho m jor» | 1y of them regurd the fixin,; of t :e murket ; and the compuisâ€"ry clauses as a pigce of selfishness from beginning to end. ‘ Local and Other Items. smid, whiech the market is located, and which those so fixing it intend, to injure and deâ€" stroy, if possible, the trade of Upper Town. What we advocate is justice to every part of the town, and no one in the place is more A R‘éiiéii:'fi's.lji.ewspiper. musâ€"statements as there are in the editorial headed "The Market." He aceuses us of persuing & "suicidal" course and endeayâ€" oring to induce farmers not to come to Durâ€" ham. We deny that we ever parsued such | a course, and we are not afraid to ropout’ every assertion we have made in the uuv’ Review in regard to the mean manner® in | Tus MarKker.â€"We s s-r;;on than sur prised that our down town contemporary should put, in a leading article, so muny â€"Premier Norquay, fenring to appeal to the Province at present oas decided |to. postpone disolution of the Manitoba Legisâ€" Isture for a montly and in the meantime will endeavour to bring about harmony in | the Conservative camp. | â€"~w" the editor of the ‘Chronicle teil us distinetly whether be would advocate the use of ‘Marmion" in the High Schools or not? Aud then we will notice what he has to say. «â€"â€"The appoul case of Mel.iren vs. Cald well, has beer decided by the Supreme Court in favor of Melaren,. The case will likely be carried before the Imperial Privy ghull l uty â€"â€"There was great ezcitement and #pecâ€" ulstion in oil, in Pennsylvaniz for the pat few weeks, and it has resulted in the end disaatrously to the ; peenlators, Durham, November 30, 1882 â€"Will the editor of the Ag:nts for thi Grey Re;ieâ€"; ac, Clenelg. EetFance Exam.â€"Mount Furest High 8chool. Labd and Loan Agentâ€"D Jeekson, Jt , Durha NHxt@nntrrmmmmper sns cmes cesc 2. ce REVIEW. * @o«+ Dv. Oâ€"tn, M. P retarood to Wiori THs lssters of a slme strike in Meutreal and a hold on to the last, MibNipeiintenie Oartaiinttaitt ivi ind dll:salds L3 L9R Drptnmees h f . _ | the village there are not balf a dozen _ Iwo .\Vuoo'rx.\a Accivents ,"“""“:‘] ‘" | seholars, while in tha village itself there | Mount Forest lsst week. Younz Frank are nearly enough seholars for one Teachâ€" | Keuvedy shot himself turough the hand | er, and yet they all have to travel over while carelessly havdiing a pistol. Mr. 1. | two miles tu.:;s!l)oo:i Wo‘(l;ell:.vofl:"a Iargle C x 4 i ; titton signed by the residents of the vi ’ S. Armatrong met with an u.-endent while {:{ e was presented in the proper quarter tryimg to remove the eylinder from a re they would get a school. _ As it is now volver, which hud been louded some tims, | the smaller children of sehool age are kept aud the eylhnder being fust, he placed it on | at home. There t!:." u"vor-l no‘: Imilr}inga kge j . | being put np in village, and we have the table .nnd the trigger 'l(mcbmg fomf: l m doubt it will grow mach larzer than nt thing let it off, the bull taking effect in his | present. a left hand. It is l“’P"‘! after a few '-‘0““‘)"! Formerly bears and wolves were anita be will be all right azain, tck 1 p | EFnctory on Saturday afternoon las C | report was real showing the state o ] Fretory, etc. The checse made this â€" | son averaged shout 12 certs per 14. inz to the exceeding dry weather for i ’l_v two months in the sammer there w t | great falling off in the amount of milk , | vlied, and yet the expense of eollectin was kept up, causing Mr. Blyth, the n |nger and cheese maker, to receive â€" | little tor his summer‘s work. _A purge made np emong those who bad ch made and presented to Mr. Blythe. are sorry that Mr. Blythe is not more | erally putronized by the surrounding fa ‘ers, as be is a hard working and couse | thons ebeeseâ€".uaker, and if the fretory : | only more liberally supported it would | a decited snecess and better for all par f concerned. ,nn the Limin plase,, poration of the town, tous loss as uo deubt t ed over eighty dollar same rate as the ot "‘Thare hius" Emm ssnll. Ulenetg. nny steh rmmenr is entire ‘ Mr. MueRne wil not disng warny friends in the Town cede to their wishes in all be again pomiuated for ¢| | Township, l Sueep Worrtco. â€"M+. 1 nine «heep worried on Mo |_ Cntrem Ruâ€"orextso.â€"On Sabbath De. cember 17th, the Baptist Clureh, Priceville, which has Leen built with bmick, and otherâ€" wise improved, will be reâ€"opened for divine service, the Rev. J. C. Danlop of Durham, to preach morning <»d evening. Ou Tues day evening the 19th December,; a Soiree will be held in the church, at which a numler of speakers will be presout, Ad: mission 25¢. ! Guexzzre Rerysntr.â€"We understand that itis being industriously cireulated that F. MucRue, Esq., is not going to ma again tor Tceve in the Township of Glenels, We Imvze good authority for savine that Aucrion Sace.â€"H. W. Leeson, east fp.nls of Lots 7 and 8, 204 con., Norminâ€" by will lhmave a Public Auction Sale of tarm stock, implements, etc., on Monday next Dec. 4th, st one p. m. Terms 12 montlis eredit. _ H. MacKay, Auctioneer, Mr. Leeson iutends sturting for Euglund on the lollowing morning, ’ Jons CaxERO® they say takes the ‘lead this seasou agniu in his display of Xmas novelties. Puy a visit to his store and have a look at the vurious curionies and you will no doubt mvest 10 some of them. ‘ Batter Lat® THa® Never.â€"Ar. John Dunsmore put up a substautial gnard on \' the soutl sde of Lambton St. at the bridge a few days ago. It the Town Council hud had this little job doue two yeurs ago it wouid have suved the town over seven Lundred dollurs, pose ultemding the evening clusses are reâ€" queated to be present at the Library of the Mectumes‘ Institute an Friday (toâ€" morrow) evening at eight o‘cleck. SLEIGMNG is now tolerably good, and with a little more swow would be first tlass. There is avout ten inches of snow where it is not blown off, Slieighs and cutâ€" ters are in gemeral use, Evestng Crassus.â€"All those who par THE auction sale of F. MucRae, Eâ€"g. took place yesterdaay atternoon at his resi dence in Durkam. There was a good at tewlauce aud the bidding was quite spirit ed. } Ser the beantifol Clristwas Cords (all new designe) at T. Joves‘, Upper Town, ! Darhkam, ® ’ Gorep.â€"Mr. Donalid McDona‘d Darâ€" ham, Lad duve of his horses badly gored by a cow a few duys ago. Dorxoce: will soon hold their annaal Town Asâ€"embly and elect their Mayor and corporate bourd. The Chief Magistrate will probably presile t the Corner. THE auction sale of F. MucRae, E=g., took place yesterdaay aiternoon at his resiâ€" ; nc tpeg n comes. c oneptier 1000005 . crogang stan, i cember, Mz. F. Torry, Bentivck, kiled 8 spring bizs 7 monthe old that weighe.l 680 lbs. Tas Rev. Mr. Chivigqnay, we oanderâ€" stan<, is to be in Durhuin on the 21st D¢ Bt. Andrew‘s Dinuer takes place this erâ€" ening, at the MeAlister House. ented to Mr. Blythe. We Mr. Biy the is not more libâ€" ed by the surrounding farmâ€" hard working and couscienâ€" , Ceatre Wellingtop ! Local and other Items. rday â€" afternoop last. A howing the state of the e checse made this seaâ€" t i2 certs per Ib. Ow ig dry weather for near he sammer there wus f the amount of milk sth J fuctoy ure on are detsrmived to "TUZ fnd evening on 10 Methodist Cimren, congregations and ap ormanty, m tho after. SHIr.â€"We understand striously cirealated that not ;En"ng to ruo again Fownship of Glenels, mority for saving that entirely false, and that t diaappoint his many Townsinp, but will noâ€" ‘ }Ir. F. MacRao had 1 allowing hiwself to ur chairman of the uction this sumimer for , Durham, 1nd which is vled in ue Uupper part, Divine Service on the year. â€" Further partionâ€" Moncday night last st outâ€"ide the eor This war a v ary ser evy would bave fetehâ€" at the sale it the ~rs wers sold for. i number of sheep d around this tow n,‘ "*77 07 muE stp of collecting it Blyth, the manâ€" to receive very k. A purse was would ~be all parties cheese was n gutions be *! _ Formerly bears and wolves were quite | exts at an n numerous, but are very rare at present. | the 12t)) De ; | There were a number of Coons in that | tery agreed neighborhood quite recently bnt they too ing in Kno» \| are disappearing. ‘There is one eoy Coon | third Tues, 'ni-l to be in the vicinity yet, and sever:) The congre; gallant sportsmen have recently attempted Presliytery ] â€" to capture it, but have not so far sueceedr d m., aud adj. | but should one of them . succeed, we have Church on * no doubt but he would feel very much elatâ€" | the meeting ‘ed at his sucouss. f ‘Hoa, _ ‘ Yop ‘ The village contains three elinrelesâ€" Church â€" of England, l’renh_v,’teriuu, and German Methodist. The village mppears to have a population of about three hasd red, and they seem to get a long very well although there is neither a Minister nor lenouer in the village, and a aoctor only cecasioually. â€" The viliage is no doubt badâ€" ' ly off for school necommodation, and it i; ; « erying shame on the tps. of Holland and Snilivaa that they do not reâ€"Arrauge the rections on the Owen Sound Road 89 as to place in the village. We are told that for a mile on either side of the gehool south of the village there are not balf a dozen | sebolars, while in tha village itself there are nearly enough seholars for one Teachâ€" er, and yet they all have to travel over two miles to school. We believe if a large TeE ol in farmen d Bb E NOR U DL N snn n ho T nexe Is still.a resideut of that city that part of the state reclaime wilderness, und tne growth of | lrom its infancy to its preseat of a lurge city of over 60,000 c tion, ces o oo t large num! er of prgâ€"engers. # Close atongside Mr. Buchanan‘s Mr. Privat a young tinsmith from Hanoy er, is vrecting & store and dwelling, wuieh looks us if he meaut business, ‘ Mr. Christian Merklinger, has a sadule | and burness shop in the village, Robertson & Shepperd have a farniture vtore aud have purchased the old Town: Hall from the Township of Sullivan, wuich is to be converted mmto x fuctory, The Somer House, neur the north end of the yilluge is kept by Mr. M. Somers, Eâ€"r some time & reâ€"ident at Traverstouc, Gienelg, _ Mr. Somers keeps firstâ€"cluss ucâ€" commodation for travellers add any one putting up there will be made at bowme and comfortuble, _ Mr. Paul Somers, who hus’ been a resident of Minnmesota, for thurty live years, is on a visit at present to Mr. M. Somers his brother. Mr. P. Somers settlâ€" ed where Minueapolis is now located ana | Is still.a resideut of that city. _ He sa w | SE alnlcs wl 10. 1 ' , Across the stree is Sullivan P. 0. and * | the book binding establishment of Mr. "| William Buchanau, Esq. â€" Mr. Buchanan j Iis a native of Glasgow, Scotland, and settiâ€" ° | ed within about a mile of the village forty "‘ymrs ago. He was rppointed postmaster \| a few years after he settled there, and has remained there ever since. He is a first. l etase workman at his business, and his y( charges are very moderate. â€" He has severâ€" |al sons on farms in the neighborhood. | Mr. Buchanar is an intrlli,'.:entuentlf-mnn, | very gentle in his manner, and the fumily have been noted for their bospitality since they settled in that section. â€" Mr. Buchanâ€" au was oue of the first settiers in that | veighborhood. â€"There are many of the old |â€" pioneers in the neighboring townships who | will weli remember "putting up their fir=t}| uight in Grey" ut Bochavans. ~ Mr. Buâ€"|< clhunan is full of humorous auvecdotes of | the enrly settlement of that section and of; the trials and difficulties to be contended | § with. _ The column ot travel up and down | y tue Garatraxa road was very large previous | a to the building of the T. G. & 6. Ruilway, ,F but alter that it fell off a great deal. Simce! ? the ‘ pesiug of the > ilway to Dacuam tae | 4 truflic hus some> hat increased, aud if uf stuge was rmmu how Durham to Owen Bonuud there is no doubt it would carry a large nuum! er of Dagâ€"eniere . A. Anderson keeps a goneral store door to the Somer house, A short distance farther north boot & shoe shop of Mr. George Gre has faith in the fnture prosperity village, ind who has a good b which we believe hs deserves. | _ The Grey Woollen Mills rare just acros: | the river from the Grist mill aud are a reg ular hive of industry. â€" They are a decided | Lenefit to the village. _ At present ther» are 12 hands emplnyvd“n occasion reâ€" quire the staff will likely be increased The woollen mills it will be remembered were burut down some time ago, and have not been rebnilt very long. Messrs, Shaw & Co. (Futher and Son) are no doubt pushâ€" ing men. ‘The principal manufactures are yarns and Cardigan Jackets, and drawers of a heavy make, and the Messre. Shaw are thivking of going into the manufsethie of Ladies‘ Clouds. They have wholesale orders enough on hand to keep the factory running for a length of tinve. Down the river a few bundre from the grist mill is the saw mil sash and door factory, of Messrs & Persclibacher,who are doiaga ge news, ' A short distar ce farthar north is the Grist Mill of James Haddow, Eag. Mr. Haddow purchesed the mill about five y»ars ago, and mbout three years since it was burnt down. Ita enterprisiag owner, however, rebuilt the mill again in a sabâ€" stantial manner, and he has now a good run of work. The mill eontains three ran of stones, and the river, which is the northern branch of the Saugeen, and runs through Sullivan Tp. to Chesley, keeps up well in the summer. Near by is another blacksmith shop, wag» goa shop, and Pump factory, and an hotel kept by Mr. E. Hanberry, There is also a tinshop } Nearly opposite to Mr. Gillies‘ store is the commodious blacksmith shop of Mr. William McMitehell who has been in busiâ€" ness alout two years, unh is doing a good trade and has to keep an assistant blackâ€" sinith, | obstacles, flourishiug village of Wilâ€" linmmeford. On entering the Village from the south and nfter passing a~poumber of neat cottages the traveller arrives at the: fine store and dwelling of Robert Gilliea,i Eâ€"q., general merchant. The bailding is a handsome stone structure and has hbeen built about two years. Mr. Gillies settled in the village ‘twentyâ€"seven years ago, and lias véry probably been in his present businees as long as any merchant in the eounty, About fourteen miles almost due north of the town of Durham, on the Garafraza Rond to Owen Sound is situated the picâ€" tureeqne, and potwithstanding its many o reclauged from the ;rowth of Miunespolis ts present maguitude er since. He is a first. his busivne«s, and his noderate. He has sever. i in the neighborlhood. an intrlli,-.:entuentlf-mnn, of Mr. George Green, who future prosperity of the of a impulu good business, Sullivan P. O. pop mill and the rs. Krause good Lbusiâ€" _A telegram from the Clork of Bruce Presâ€" bytery was read lutimating that a eall from Glammis Congreyation t'i Mr. A. F. Mc. Kenzie of Kiisyth had been sustained by that Presbytery. It was agreed that Kijâ€" syth, N. Derby and Cruiekshank conzsreâ€" gutions be cited to appear for their inter exts at an adjourned meeting to be held on the 12th Dec. at 1:80 p. m. The Prnl-.\--' tery agread to hold ite naxt valnales 22201 _ _ An appliention for mission w ork from Mr. Millard was reid. Th Presbytery ngreed that Mr, Morrison shonld present and hold meetiogs in Sarawak and N. Kedpel and lay Mr. Millard‘s application before the people and if deemed favorable by them appoiut Mr. Millard to that feld till April next. is the tord gbd Griersville Sessionsâ€" to moderate | in a call to a winister when those gougre. gations are prepared. _ Mr. Cameron mov» ‘ ed, seconde.t by Mr. Dewar, That the prayer of the petition be not sranted uas» much as Griersyiie is not represented in the petition, bat that the congregations be requested to come up logather in tins petiâ€" tion. _ The motions were Carried, | Aur De. war disscuted, § The Presbytery appointed that the colâ€" lections for the Preshy tery Fund be taken up on the first Sabbath of Jaunary in all ‘ the congregations unless provision has been otherwise mude before that date, | Mr. Morrison a ked the Presbytery to relieve him of further service in. Sarawak and N. Keppel.~ Mr. Cameron moved, ; secounded by Mr Somerviile, Ihat Mr. Moil risons request be granted, and thanks of the Presbytery â€"givep lrim for biss willins and efficient service. â€"The motion | Was aâ€" greed to. | , The Prosbytery met in Division 8t. Church, Owen Sound, on the 21st inst. ‘ Minutes of the last regnlar meeting were pread and sustrined. â€" Committecs to examâ€" ine Sessim Records woere appointed, and the reports of the said committees awdopted, Leave was granted to the Lake shore con gregntion to sell their old chureh in order to huve it removed from the ground, A petition â€" from Meaford congregation was preseuted, requesting leave to moder ate in a call to n minister, â€" Mr, Bomeér. ville moved, seconded by Mr. C wrrie, Plag leave be granted to the moderator of Meaâ€" tord gbd Griersville Sessionsâ€" to mmiemlel in a gall to a winister when those gongre. } 1 wrote home yesterday and this second letter. Please let me hcar you soon, for I will be very glad to rc & letter and to hear that yon aro all Remember me to Auntie and all my ins and believe me your Affectionate nephew, J. Stewarr J _ 200 C6C TeJ sA0sC , memenios away in your museum. They will add considerâ€" ably to your collection. The prineipal church in Nurenburgh which is protestant was built about 1280 or 1290â€"C00 years agoâ€"It will stand another 600 years in all probability, It contains beautifully stained | glass windows, the colors of which are as fresh looking as if they had been paiuted but yesterday. Enough for N urenburgh, _T have got down to my |regular work, from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. I have to get up early, but then I have boen going to bed about nine since I came here, for 1 ecaunot keep awake any longer. I have not as vet| Fresbytery of Owen Sound. rorth | . We give below a very interesting letter m}“n Dr. Stewart, late of Brucefield, and ‘yie | woll known in‘thie Town svd meighter hood, written from the capital Wil.| The I tter was kindly furnished us by. the froms | Rev. A. McDiarmid of Latona. . > « r oft ~~% Vienna, Nov. Ist. the}â€"*My Dear Uxcots,â€"It will be a week lies, | toâ€"morrow since I arrived here. This in.n g is | goveral holiday with the _people of this een | City. They call it "Decoration Day." The tled | stâ€"eets are crowcded with men women and ago, | children‘ carrying floral wreaths to ‘deck sent | the graves of their departed friends. It is| the | a really beautiful day, the first fine day I| have seen in fact since T have left Canada. | : ) is | Whileâ€"I _ was in London (4 days) the| ; My. | wâ€"aiher was very badâ€"wet â€"and foggy.| j agi. | We made after all a fair passage across the | ] »ed | Atlanticâ€"arrived in Liverpool on Monday ck.| night. We had very nasty westher for| 4 about three days in midâ€"Atlantic. During| ) ag. | all that time ;I could not venture near the | ) te] | table, so that I lost about nine meals. Dar | ( , a | ing the laâ€"t two days I made ap for the loss in some measure. Ever since I landâ€"| e he | ed my appetite has been good. I crossed 1 [,, | the Germaun Ocean between Dover and Osâ€" v.| tend and was very sick the whole way s1 i; | across. I thought I would have escaped To p, |after my recent Atlantic experience, but | q »,. | no. I staid two days in Brussels the capâ€" I 5: ,] | ital of Be‘gium, and from these made my ,| way to Nurenburgh in South Germany m )\ | where I stopped anuther day before eomâ€"| M & | ing on bere. Nurenburgh is the oldest C ip city in Germany. Daring the middle aze« it was the principle city in Europe. | y , | In the 15th and 16th centuries it was in Fou e | it* glory. It has not chanzed any since. e | (2 ?) In the city properâ€"the old houses are 3. . | Still standing. There are hundreds of! 18 buildings over 400 years old occupied by | da, s | people at prosent. ‘The streets Kre very :)l?j narrow. â€" The old fortifications are as they | . , | | were 500 years ago. â€" It is a city of 90,000 infi , | inhabiiants and strange to say it containg| low | only one Catholic church and that a small ! To ong. _ At the time of the reformation (1522) C [tie people left the Romish Church almost | get |to a man. I send you a picce of green‘:},’l’.g moss picked from the grave of the man to 1 who first started the reformatioa in Nurenâ€" / pro burgh. He was called Wilibald Pirkheim img er. He died in 1530. Beside him is buriâ€"| °C ed his friend Albert Durer the great paintâ€" ’ ;'r’::; er. The seented plant is from his grave. | Ont The three little green leaves on a stem I| that picked off an ncenacia tree growing immed. | 4 iutely opposite the Latin School. This‘ ‘I:l’“ school which is still in operation was openâ€" | of M ed by Melanethor in 1528, on his way to | shar attend the Diet. The school was for 200| then years previons to the reformation a monasâ€" , “'”?h tryâ€"so that the building is over 550 _vuu.s} :‘nnlz old. ce 10X Jottings From Abroad. anceg here. At times a comes over me which I The constant clattering fue soon tires one. sterday and this is my se let me hear from‘ be very glad to reeeive r that yon are all wull.’ untie and all my consâ€" en going to bed ere, for 1 caunot I have not as yet hacls qqile d 900 CC CAACTH CHIHRTRCL Tees , l «direct from the farmers at their | wagons, This provosal is mude with a View to pre. vent the danger attendant upon farmers leaving their teams in order to go to the market clerk ‘for their check. _ Ifearried out it will necessitate the appointment of a | man for the purpore of collecting the fees, ‘ | unless theâ€"work can be «lone by the Assist ant Market Clerk, Mr. George Knowles, ’whicb seewms "feasthle enough.â€"Guelph | Mercury, « C o °7 C Commbemmmmnee ’ Trs Comnsorion or Marker Ergs | nnderstood that un appeal is to be against the decision of the Mugi+ the case of the Chief Consiable vs, Tovell, which was tried in She Polics recently. Mr. Tovell is an Enamosa er, whoâ€"refased 4o take out a market for a load of wood he had sold . market. â€" He stated that he was afr; leave bis horses alone while he we, the chee<.. In his retion of uppea sustained by the Grangers of the neig hood, who, it is believed, have subs about â€" $100 for â€"the parpose . of on ont the appeal. . These proceedings led to the passage of a résolution i City Conner} instrneting tiie Byâ€"laws mittee to bring in a report At next q ing, respecting the collection of marks 7 cAAAE & baRht ho n By publishing said with the above notice, is quibbling or likely from the market, Sir,â€"In the last is=no of the Chronicle it is stuted that in "Farmer‘s" letter ther are absurd quibbles. . But I never knew that assertions were to be taken as proofs. In the same issue of the Chronicle, there is, over the siznatore ol John Brown, Chairman of â€" Market Commmittee, the folâ€" l lowing :â€""Publie Notice.â€"Ail persons are heraby enationed not to dispose of any proâ€" duce without first ol taining & , Market Ticket, etc." How does this agree with See. 80 of Market. Byâ€"lay wherem it i« stated that "Lutter, cheeâ€"e, luld, tallow, dried meat, maple sugar, egR8, wool, inoâ€" lasses, vinegar, hides, fruit, roots, vege-j tables, stoon skime. aut dunll DL . 1 _ ’ Moved by Pan!, seconded by Lawrence, That the inspector of 8. 8. Ward be inâ€" structod to repair bridge on sideâ€"road at MePhee‘s beaver.â€"Carried. Resolved that, this council do now adâ€" journ to meet ag=in at Holstein on Friday 20th of December next at 10 a. in. R. Lecats, Clerk. . ieb s db it s c t ic 3 dP No. 8, J, Sim at Yeovil; No. 4, J. McCanl at J. MeCaul‘s 1ot 10, con. 10 : No. 5, J Melntvre at Alezander Melntyre‘s, lot 9, con. 6. Byâ€"law passed.signed sealed and ongross ed ant he minutes, Re‘urning officers and polling places are as follows :â€"Poll div. No. 1, R. Legnate at Wm. Ramages ; Poll div. No. 2, J. Ferguâ€" son at Renwiek‘s sh p, lot 10, con. 17 : t o a y us y : U Moved by MeCormick,seconded by Pan!, That byâ€"Jaw 118 appointing Returning officers and polling places be now passed.â€" Carried. L.orn mocikty.for $7200 to run five years halfâ€" yearly conpons attachef bearing inâ€" terest at the r te »f 5§ per cent commene. ing on the {Gth of November, 1882. All of which is respectfully submitted, ’ Jaxms Munrnoc:. | Moved by Allen, seconded by Paul, thnt’ the Reeve ind Treasurer‘s report be adoptâ€" ed and the council fuily endorse their acâ€" tion.â€"Carried. Move! by Allen, seconded by Lawrence, That J. W. Kirbs be paid â€" for mending roud seraper, $1.â€"Carried. | Moved by Panlyseconded by Allen, that the clerk is hereby instructed to pet receipts |‘ for eolicetors in fature printed so that peoâ€" | ple will see the different rates levied f(,'r" all the purposes in the township.â€"Carried. | Who are the Quifufiers P t The Reeve presented his 'report respect> ing the Land Improyenieut fund as fol lows :â€" Moved by Lawrence, seconded by Alon, That George Snellâ€"be paid for mending road. gerapersâ€"sixty five cents.â€"Camiel. Moved by Allen, seconded by Paul, That T. Sim be allowed one day statute labor in 1883 on account of having performed one day more in 1880 then he was entitled to do, extra day having been done by order of the pathmaster for that year.â€"Oarried. Moved by Alien, seconded by Lawrence, That the report be adopted and that Mr. MceCormick be paid $3 for his services.â€" Carried. Mr. MeCormick presented his report of special grant on Glenelg townline as folâ€" lows:â€"Alex. Wilson cutting hill $11.00: William Hornbury cutting hill $9. Total $20. ( Moved by MeCormick,seconded by Paul, That the above report be adopted and that Mr. Orchard be paid the sum of $2.50 ard Mr. Lawrene one dollar for his services.â€" Carried. % Received from Robert Horne the sum of *5.01 as arrears of taxes on part lot 83, von. \â€" On account of ‘bridge near Emniskillen and culver£ opposite Huston‘s place on the gravel road getting in a dangerous state Mr. Lawrence let the job to Samuel Oreunard to put them in a safe state for the sung, of five dollars. Normanby Council to pay one half, . * Moved by Mr. Allen, seconded. by Mr. MeCormick, Thattheâ€"report be adopted and an order given for $7.18 as over expenditâ€" ure »Iso for $6.64 as commission and $1 for special services in connection with Hoistein bri_fige and Haley‘s culvert.â€"Carried. Egremont Councilmet at Hoistein on Nov. 17th. Members all present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last mecting read and approved, ~;â€" the Council of Egremont , still remain notlce, it w.ll be seeu' who likely to send the tarmers Egremont Council. «rdiner prosented )is report for the ® Marker Fres.â€"It is appeal s to be made ol the Migintrate in poas . ed Section of résolution in the the Byâ€"laws Comâ€" t ms next maesâ€" was afraid to id Â¥ EC PR CPTOWE â€"I gh.â€"Guelph | cow. ‘Three men on the ‘and a number wounded. , A Famarege weut dor 11. Byâ€"Jaw Sand result of twe nty"v';;;; MeRCCIrTC ol Neqmeri in ind dandit® ie M 1 iss ... s ‘to {nrnish English lords with new domoins. j ed, Every person in the Northâ€"West, fmlmaf lcpnnoc(nd with the railway, a s weenlator, | _ ‘p,, negle or a Tory politician, is dissatisfied. ‘The Consum pti country has in four short yenrs, been afâ€" race, l'rap flicted with grievances of which this generâ€" the cough wtion will not see the end. The vice of bronchial monopoly is only as yet beginning to tigh.â€" remedy all ten. If two years of monopoly role will a. | Asthma, B voke these bitterfeelines, what will be tha| â€" ‘Tha Res Deu]mfclwn,g_np’mmcu the 1 LW 20 AEmRUE ‘east, we give them an absolute mon »poly of Northâ€" West traffic for ‘twentyâ€"years | What have we gained by this recklees endowing of the Canade Pucific Company 2 It is possible that we have gained a bunâ€" dred, or even two hundred miles of rail way on the plains more than Mr, Mckenâ€" zie would by this time have built. But what profit is there in these additional miles, seeing that we bave paid three for every dollar »pent in brilding them, and seeing that one maw) brause on o4 C poagn L 0. 00 °+ "OFVI0g Them nutrx. '.â€"d. We exempt them from customs â€" dutâ€" l6s on nenterias cuatering into goustruction. We give them â€" free land for Stiations, sid. ing=, ete. _ We give them a constructive menopoly of the business of bmilding and running trimeh lines, elovators, steamâ€" Louts, etc. And last, but by no means least, we give them an absolute mon»poly of Norti:â€" Wast inalla Kiws l cens " B EPP vl'IIlPl!lly 000,000 in works already . exceuted, 000,000 w« rth of surveys, $25,000,0 wovey, and 25,000,000 a«eres of the P land,â€"which novody will now â€" dep worih $4 an nere. We have griver company the money to build the road also given theimm the road itself. _ We given thear perpetnal exemption from; ation on their works.. We invite the lock up their lands by leaving them um ed. We exempt them from customs los on meteriwls 1 atering into goustrue We give them â€" free land fOP Slitione I'(ll“’ & Compauy,. Ireight rates might then uive been put sown to the lowast point tuat woud furuish a profit on the cunudug Iul the rows, und tue Norti Western popuâ€" lution would nave uad no troubles t . Oonâ€" vend with save tuose nnavoidavle in new souutaes, _ ‘The Dominton would thus luave been about ts time ready to conâ€" srnet t shortest und Cireapent conuection oelween Montreai, Poronio, and the Northâ€" Weat, una would La&ve hud ats hands free to undertake toe North Shore line, Wihint 1s the present condition of affairs ?‘ We buve chaitered a company to build the voua" s kE 5d i qo ud Oe | 44e prolits lnour Lhe mues ol the towu hl{uh woOuld bave veeu mauue by the Governmen ‘ «ud bubse wud Lbue presemption swies to set loors Wodid lave recuupeu laf wute than e Cubb ul the romd, Uuder tiis Aystem the troffic between vlue, Cunuda sud Minumipeg | world diav. neen immensely Ifuclitiated, | With tw. Adverican | Poads Commpeung for business, boe breight biockade of last winter | could not uave cecurred. â€" West of Winuipeg the vuÂ¥erniment would have by Wois sime beou vperalug more than 500 ‘miles of nouwd, Wasdch â€" would bave diad an mdepenaeui [ Somimer ouliet ut Enonder Bay, uud woula vave ucen wbue to Compel tauir terms all tize )ear rouud lrom oue or the uther of Lise greal Americau liues @omnuecting with iL. |, Ine Governmmeat would huve veen in a po milion, U boey lound it eapedicut, to offer he whule coustructed romd upou lease to | . & Compauy,. Ireight rates might then | , ol but@ diunds du our Great Nurlk Wes would Naye veen Oderen 10 ue @anlgratiing pevpaus ol the Wo.ld ut a piice Wituin tue vach ol lue pOutubL lue luea of GALL 40 wt Vbe sAudiessy bomes for tue hnome.6ss, in the Cauadian Northâ€"West w. ula lhaye veen halled g.Auily by lue edlyriibanng Cimoses, â€" Unuci suca a »yobmt s | limil oi MP,. aCaeubie, beviigue@ne wount have pro veouru Fapiaiy anud soualy, â€" Tuere woula uave vseu uo miternutiug of settiers‘ duma «uy apeCiualurs‘. duau io the mnduite duni 26 ol ine cumxiiut. Iue Ploueers |Wouru wk â€"@ mady whnn0st dtom the biiue O Bs viganimg, ue beuellls, uf Puodda, CullCues, auu scuouls, . Tnere woald not have bweiu, «s Liecie is noW, a ledious exaumluation, villy t 1e lonuweu by the discuovery thar ue ul belougs to some speculatur. ~ Puere woula deve veen uo lanu grauls to â€" ran ways, "CuloulZauivh"‘ ~Compumes, or Uo,â€" clmueut duypountes; us vusting of Bq at vers We liu goue whead of Lie uurwu.] 1t was tue essence of Mr. Muckenzie‘s postey buil bag lanu slivuiu ve ghvenu | away «s nulu@bleau» uf sulu o aCluai BELLIGLE ie mvuciite 11008 "Llue iuud 10F bue peue p°¢, big price JOf bue Lvemury," Wuae whive ol buk diunuds du our Greut Nurlk West ve M ul I re thagfonr years of hLonest, unremitâ€" 3 m' 4 ww’*f»ffl\.i]wuy. The . | uew Government found, on mucceeding to d ué?‘.& laborious task of exploring nearâ€" . | ly completed from Ocean to ocean, and a r | large part of the surveys tmade. â€" Wiamni ; | peg had alrendy been connected with the wuter world by means ot the Pembina ) | Branch aud the St. Panl M & M Roilway. : | The greatest part of the difficalt and cost | iy line between Thander Bay and Wiupiâ€" peg had been undertaken, and such proâ€" ] gress haud been mude as would have turnâ€" |ed a large stream of travel through our own territory duriog the past year. The work ut jushing the railway west from Winuipeg would have been undertuken by alr. Muckenzie as a Government work i , the spriug o1 1879, and several hundrea miles Cuousiru ted at this date. Counecâ€" uon woula bave besen made with the aAviltuern i aciue w0 years ugo, aud a seeâ€" ond preat line woulu uave beeu brvugiht lu{ Miluypng. . As 10F bue pluine dlue, tue v1vy Gruma ut woluu ave hud no cuacuity wuabevel du pualing 1b 0P watd ts iabk w» | ue uu@ue ul tut Cuuuity | Fequired, y a au y C1c uucaal Wancu, in but smuorl umue dba «o cutulitanu, buiÂ¥ysu bue willicuities wl diu« AudUuusi Day atéuuin, t Cumpliuttiun wl ord dUa0ten ies ol pliatue in a you wuuld uave vueu Cunmu‘s pask y lue ht ie wudh wodld mame veeu Cumpliuciey dur very | wbure iure Liall U4¢ $40,000 per mive ammouâ€"] vy suvsiuy . pald ib ue Byidicute. ue /l whiuie ul nc callavagaut bnuu subvaidy, 12,â€" | ( wuU ucies ‘lcl' “‘ne' Wakad w ‘Ilflbull& Vadue o. [ wb aciaiol pDou,u00, Wouuid nave Lead Bd\ GU, t w1ud Lue diimmu Pelksiued ut Selemeut. | " se We have given the The Situation in the Northâ€" * (From the Globe.) t When Mr. McKeuzie left office ne beâ€" eatbhed & Lis successors the results of impose on settlers might have been a with the prineiple of local t. Our nstioual road has sonthward and made to pase ot that which is bext adapt. nt, but that which suits the The necupation of the counâ€" 20 203200 2CEFCICiOl¢ In new ‘ne Dominton would thus bout tits time ready to conâ€" rtest und Clireapent @onuection been firmly planted. |ians, C has gone out of its way | a brothe lords with new domoins, fhed. he Northâ€"Wesr, nnlen' railway, a s ecnlator, To new , is dissatisfied. The Consum short yerres, : been afâ€" race, l; ud Minuipeg | world dray. ly ducuiniated. | With tw. is Commpeuug for business, Ckade of last winter could M C076 °C Hem» 1C00CY a" patmonary Complaints, such as poly role will a. | Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping ough, &c. what will be the | _ The British ship Rochester, from Liverâ€" | pool for Philadelphia, has veen abandoned _ “ in a sinking condition. â€" The crew were resâ€" ; ll:l- on North , cned and landed at Liverpool. slands, of the A Vexed clflrr--. ee for London: Even the patience of Job would hecome a np soon after | exhausted were he a preacher and . endeavorâ€" ~f her crew of , 0& to interest his andience while they vr": ryi , keeping up an incessaut coughing, making rying to .“eh”imlmmlhlt for him to be bheard. hY“’ b:l; ; | herv easy can all this be avoided by #im adlan 1, a rail. 'n:iu. Dr. Kiu". New Mnm('m. he track bÂ¥ & . ption, Coughs : and Wolds, Trial Bottlee re â€"were killed\ piyws~ away A MeFarane & Co‘s Drug i Etoreâ€"2, relLiers many _hbeen‘ avoided. fi'mrly _planted. ondition of affairs 2 upany to build the he company $32,. 1y exceuted, §3, ‘8, â€" $25,000,000 in acres of the picked all now deny is e have given the | y the distcovery thar 1e apeculator. | Tuewve lauu grauls to rwn Commpimuies, or Go\â€" itton from taxâ€" invile them to in suech a , and bave bUPry «y» Davy & Clark, Druggists, Renfrow, date of June 3rd, srite, â€""Burdock Blood Bitters, though comparativeiy a now preparation, has ’ t «ken the lead in this locality as a blood puri~ fier, our sales of it being equal to that of all other medicines used for the purpose during the last year." b244 A detective was ahot in Dublin on Satâ€" urday nightwhile in compary with other officers watâ€"hing men aupposed to he Fenâ€" inus. One of his nesuilants was shot by m 'l-rotlur ohcer and several others captur« hand for (Tul-l:, Coughs, Astiin and Pulmonary | troubles geser yard‘s Pectoral Balsam, It x ‘onsumption, but it will cure t some conditions leadimg thereto. The â€"rivers Fuldja, Laim, Neckur have been overflowed, towns in Germany have â€"twen Ruilway traflic on the banks « is snspended, Tnarlow Weeq \leueud.xy mori ness, w "IAmvton, and while he was there he was indefatigable in his â€"labors, trivelling through the limits ef his jurisdiction. In Ius live as a bishop he had ordained or brought to the dicrese aboat 25 priests., Deceased was a good speaker and preachâ€" er, and rauked very high in the opinion of tne priesthood. His mild rale and kind KDitit wom Kar Irim Hin Laen uif Gesk ano and eisewhere took part as one of the the. ologiaus. _ The late bishop, before leaving Stratford, was great y esteemmed by lus people there. Asa mark of respect, the Saturday evening before he left for H «mnils ton, he was waited on by the priests «f his diocen and presented with an address wad peetâ€"râ€"l cross, and cbain, ring and or zior. On the following evening after the close of the service, a number of the leading layâ€" men of the conzregation came forwar. and n ue ic e us P L an assistant to London: and Inter en charge of several of the missgons diocese, including St, Mary‘s (wi built a handsome stone chuvels), als dulph and Kimkora, In 1858 he w pointed as parish priest at Btratford, he bnilt one of the finest churches n Poronto. â€" After some years he was Viearâ€"Genera} of Longon dincese, seversl councils held m Torouto, C and elsewhere took nart as ana af 11 Pn ihih driter deguises dsc wsa .: conuty, Irelard, and same of an influen tial and wonmlthy tamily, « He was educat ed in the best sehools in the north of Ire. land, and came to Canada in 1850. Subse. quently he extered the Theological Semin. ary of the Saipicar Order in Montreal,and in due time qraduated with high honops, He was ordained into the priesthood in the spring of 1854 in Toronto, by his Lordsabhip Biskop De Charbonnell, and was sent as ed, His people had not even he was all till the telegram eam General Keenan announcing Mis Lordship was born in 181 E ECRECCOT 227 VOF Teb etit of lhis bealth and a rest, He was in uis average good health when he left, and it was with the greatest surprise that the sad news of his sudden demise WAhK Waanie. _ On Sunday evening a teleg am | was ceived at tnmilion from Jacksooville,} ida, announcing the death of Very j Peter Franeis Crinnon, Bishop of the man Catholic diocese of Hamilton, He Hamiltor on Monday, the 18th inst., companied by lns secretary, the Rev, J, Cleary, on a trip to Plorida for the ) Ag, ubtedly r Colds, monary Pectoral p Btriving to reclaim the drunkurd, Bursting all the chains that bound, Giving food to those an hungered, Casting manna ali around , j Thou no bigot, narrow minded Holding to pec uliar views, Nor, by zealotâ€"pc ssion blinded, All but Carromints to refuse, But an earnest, consinnt winuerâ€" FEvangeliea] and brond â€" ‘Of the soul of fallen sinnor, Whomesoever, home to God : Men shall holf thee in remembrance, For the good which thou hast doneâ€" Kindly doeds that bear resemblance To the brightness of the sun . Grief is here for yet one other Radiant light from oarth hes passed ; Joy in Heavenâ€"a "younger brothar" Christ lhas welcomed home at last : Many men there are who believe thag nembers of that Chareh of which Fay Stafford was a "buraimg and a shi» lisht" will be permitted to pass the por of our Futher‘s Mansion ; to snch as th I would suggest our Savior‘s test ; + their . fruits ye shall know them." 4 who among Canadian clergymen lins d more for the temperance and spiritua) , vancement of his fellowmen than this tr evangeiical divine. In the neigh horh of Lindsay, Father Stafford was loved,i, ored and respected by believers in eve ~reed and doctrine. Death of Bisv!ic');rc;nnon. London, Nov. 19th, 1882 |-ul_ monary * Ig To dn en should we bewail theor , %’*"‘glfilh if they could 9 No , the Suvior for whom weally Thou liast lahbored toiled and striven Bhall give thee a Passport freely To the highest reatms of henven ( Thy whole life was intercession For the noble, for the good, Btriving to break up oppression, Loving ull the brotherhoo . Dear, familiar, though unknown Friend of temperance, thou i. the host medicine to keep on Coughs, Astluna, Broncuitis troubles geveraily, is Hag» Balsam, Jt will not cure ut it will cure those troubleâ€" Pisl \_NMENmoRtTAN, London: and Inter w;;'gi‘\'- urul_nf the missions in that alier â€"_ 20 1008 he was Apâ€" riest at Btratford, ® bere finest ehnrches nort) of Laim, Maiu, and lowed, and several + hbeen â€"innndated. banks of the Rhine mnon, Bishop of the Ro. cese of Hamilton. He left mday, the 18th imst., ue t secretary, the Rev, M, ip to Plorida for the bep. *# esn . Mary‘s (when-fiuov ne chnvel), also Bidâ€" on demise was neceiv. d not even beard thut egram eame to Vieap nouncing his denth, orn in 1818 in Louth y peacifa‘ly on ‘ou hugeriu‘ illâ€" PATEXR fTarpropp diveese, and in outo, Quehea OREST Crry which Fx{{l; and a shining ass the portals ‘i;.'hlmrho& Very Rey ue soe mude ns theay est : "By +" _ And lllh (‘ou toal ad. "C6,hon. in Qvery that no Fathep or ily TE I...’G.Mh'l,lhf th us le J'U.'.-.M'- BUDSC ADLion , us 4 & 'Q'Q‘.- which en be remjrt m . l'-Mouzamh whditic4 "',-llcuh.cn,m r SAPd 1OF "irag ©PUCimen o0) â€" Address Nitemary, educationid, plilos, + T lowo ariisles, we furni\n Witht no o l!.... We pay “_flt prices t CedP SR ERErE £" Coxi and wanis, We pfu‘u.h- we magazine writors poems by Ameriea and Englund (we 1, joa Tennyson‘s lnst poom), . Mw,!’.lnfltu tio Imedvil mnd politicn ::Il poutend for soun: m Maiust sluvery “':‘ Oueida Comu aegaingt mormeopis, T: needs only to be } to wdd !fi_? darge list of frie :& pul :l:‘fnr birty five years an a would w reputntion us the i4 -dr-n pows)mper, TDMk INDEDENDENT is not 4. aomina ereed and field ure browder than any (‘mh::- journal, “i. nim is to strengti tend Eyvanpeciion} re igion and to defep the attacks of Materiniisn. Athoisnn, w It is firee to @pprove or criclo. ., im auny mominations whatever it i. 3. ./. in advance or hinder the progress of the Clurbst. cmd P A ME ME M PC DR t la OrrICzeâ€"One door South of C L G Gaurairaxe Bt, Durhmm . 07 A"K. and Mortgages P urv-l'|-m"d. N #d for parties in Mortgazes and oth A General Financint WB unsl mewe A large amownt of Money to lend at wible nates. Chaiges Modorate Fa Commission, Rasarances Efacta+ o. orEY MOXEY to Lom mu ; LAND & LOAN AGT VEYANCER, Lana y weolsigo one Jnt prove property , pay « THE INDEPENDE givil service and t« ies ud S o ind t Teas, id Dressed Hogs, per 100 1i 8 Butter, rolls, per 1b......... Pcm,perbu............ 0 Turnips, per bush......... ... HHY EL b0Urrrrrerrennl...... BB Qnts Glenélg, Nov, 29. 1882 C INDEPENDENT & asn ..."-7. Niew B Bpring Whoent Barley, k and in tb-‘li" per po st privelples which :", 1 T"fn-nm ANDEPENDENT is dosi I"u‘l'_l W].I-l:!.' 4 'm 1smmb A =trgy NAME on the I":“”f“ so 4o Wood, dry, ‘\'nol. per 11 Ontmeal _ * Fall Wheat, 1p9 spring Whent 0*! per Poas, Burley ‘ll'allln- ©y, r ton.. Beef, oo as Hides, â€"* Sheepskins, enc Butter, per 1 .. Dressed Hous.. Monr, per 100 1i Corn J«nl x* !‘l(.‘l, aa % DAVID JACKSON Gnsting and ( aally, and New Advertisoeme Fall Flour Mixed Plour sl’""‘l Flour “"‘Mlh F ‘nur Cracked Whent Conrse Shorts Fine Shorts ukn ; . Hen Feed h Oatmeal _ , j Mixed Chops Ontmea] Seeds ## Dust We deliver in Darkam, Nov. 28rd,, 1882 FLOUR & s T’I‘.l for r.8¢)°8.on........ Are you disturbed ns night a freat by a sick child mustcr ing an excraciating pain of « uttng t ®mee and get a bottlo of M us w j INGBORUP. it wian reltove the immaediatel y depend upop it whout it. There is not a mothe eweor used it, who will not tel) \, will regulate the bowe!« and mother, and rolef nncd borlth t Ang Hike magic, it is perfectly . #asesand pleasknt to thie tists tion of one of the oldext and i. mhs and nurses in the United s where. 25 cents a botti. uT «mm en nemenme mm mm mm DURIH A M \ a t 4 4 ALLANâ€"At the nisidence of } Morrice, Normaniy on Alan wuped n yeals and was n native of Aungy ach merly form number of x BR Wiaiy J Durham, at Clorgyman , Re mr Poter KReld, Amnie Watt of the same I MCdNXIâ€"McDoxa; Dâ€"In Prj §98t., by the Rev Futher C Inuis to Miss Apm NMatill TORONTO nay read m fow c0, 77%, and satisfaction pom N.G.&J. McKE Tasarances 1 MATRES D00 C menem Gakex woonâ€"In Glenely . 0 wife of Mr Daniol Green BoYâ€"In Orchardvilie, on th MirJianies .o; f & «on . BIRTP GHAXTâ€"In Darham on the ot No. 16. 5th d DURHAM Mank1 PMUntion as th mper, NT is not dongo; broader than 4 it in is to w eligion and to 4 eriilisin, Athois 0 or cnilucise in ever it bilfoves the progress of oal affairs Typ and idens and ery and the in; minunity To i 'r ~Jn Normanby on . Thos Bnunders, of a WUBALLâ€"In Durham , op Of Mr BC Marshal) of a !'r prem Â¥TZâ€"In Ayton_ on the 39 George Kunts, of a daui RDoXâ€"In Durham , on th Mr Jobhn Gordon of a a.. It To DAY‘s PRICJ O4 in Do wara mont) the thor PY " Mothers MARRLIA M ART h DYr Wapes bo th us lear and tak 10. Mac H rt Of a dn N1 on the MeD wt t ATH tt 1 Re T raa Of m whive ©3 40 ON)

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