West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 30 Nov 1882, p. 3

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endeavorâ€" they were making it Yet,. how by _ simply whom rew}] the human + will cure effectually ts, such a# ugh, &c. on Liver» ibandoneds i were res= Woslda 1. row, date of od â€" Bitters®, wation. has n on Sat« with other to be Fenâ€" :« shot by p Crinnon bhat cB44. Mainv, and vd sevoral mundated. the Rhine wee f Bottlee Captur | purt= of all luring in it © see ? AM _ WaAs re 14 in 3 pravey® H ewnil thea f T thee APTORD H ‘wre bleâ€" wn very Rev, of the Roâ€" n. He left 1. He coun~â€" H ANc striven o e he portaly h as thege tast : “By "*â€"" _ And hbas donge mtoal ad. this traly rh’mrboo‘ the ben. was in left, and that the | receryâ€" urd thag andt Him o that no t Futhep a ubmin_. 8t paszod tm ”e,, hee W# mt vieawg leantli, Lowth fluemyâ€" ts tÂ¥ wil TY haw #1@ M eft ssiome o0 * )* Crecure, Re §8008, Missions Sunday school, New i inange, Commerce, Irsurnnce, St Aeloctions, unc \Agriculture. &4 B We will Peport in (nll Rev. Joseph brated Boston Mondicy Lectures, wh in January. Ny. Coo® Bus Just return euts‘ trip ronnd the world, and his Winter will attract RYORbOr uttonst... es C225 Anitary . [ C ceess. Tmr INDEPESDENT needs onl to wid to ite alromdy lnrge list been pblished for thirty five ed a would wide roputation as and Miemury Dowspapoer, Tife INDEPENDENT is not d creed and fieli are broader tha Chmstian journal, its aim is to tend Evanyzeliocal religion and the attucks of Materinlism, At] It is free to PDrOVO or critici«e Â¥e 4 OrrT A General Fimume A large amowirt of Me mible rates. Caaurg «s Comumission., â€" Tesarn ‘ Contend for sown. :l_t against sluvery uinsd +. M â€" CCSeil. Addr; â€" "Â¥SClimen copy and lnuintiintninmtinntentmmndiluecsl) K: .. THE IN n | or five for D t 3%% ;E_?'.ENDENT. ! ‘!!IES swaunow LAND & 1 VEYANCE htsp . __"0C4ption " 77 cents, which can be remitt Hp®. Payment of #280 in addit 4 L‘hne. 01 % yeary subscriptio Postal card for tree SPeChmen w. Addracs â€", T C pus lurge p nt writers. Besi/ ~two distinet 'I‘.t Specialists, whic Potatoes, per Turnips, perb Hay per ton. free to appror nations what ace or hindeg Barley, Unts. Fall Whes t Wood Hides, « Slwquixm Butter, per Dressed H. Burley Potatoes Way, per t Beef. + ONE Y Fall Wheat, per Spring Whent, 9“" per b Monr, per Cormn Meal Shorts, Eran, Oatmeal M New and M Gnsting and Ch ually, and s One Fall Floor % Mixed Flour Spring Flour Graham Flour . Cracked Whent . Conrse Shorts Fine Shorts + Bran . % Hen Feed % Ontmenal _ , & Mixed Chops « Ontmeal Seeds h Dust _ . We deliver in any vo m 431 ‘.n‘-.,‘ Darkam, Nov. 28rd,, i;& FLOUR&FEED DURHAM MILLS Are you disturbed at ni rest by a sick child wulfer 'lcmhfln, pain of eutt once nndte a bottle of Mr ING SYRKUP. It wil relie #mimedintelyâ€"denond .. Whent ALLAXâ€"At the risidence of hi Morrice, Normanby, on t Allan aged 86 years anc 5 was a native of Argyisbiy merly for & number of yes resided in Normanbhe t CaF read & ErEXDq yp, Uth‘s Subse 2900Dâ€"W a eP â€"Tny Durham, at the officiating Clergyman, Rev J C "6th inst, Mr Poter Keid, of Eg Aunie Wast of the same Town MclXNISâ€"McDoxa; Dâ€"In Pricevil IP8t., by the Rov. Futher Cassi Innis to Miss ABD MeDamwat+ RELDâ€"W agey .. Irv TOR N.G. & J. McKECHNIE GHAXTâ€"In Ditham on the 27th inst., the wife of Mr C LGnn.l-vl-M.olsdusM.. GMEES Woonâ€" In Glenele, on the 1"th inst, the wife of Mr Danicl UGreenwood of a daugh tor. Horâ€"In Orchardville, on the 19th inst, the wife of Mr Jumes Hoy of a son. KOWTZâ€"In A to-,o-thomhnt,thcflfiol Gaorge lgnu, of & daughter. NÂ¥ GoRDoxâ€"In Durham, on the 146h Inst, the wife of Mr John Gordon of a daoghter, f BaNDERSâ€"In Norma nby , on the 3rd inst, the wife of Mr. Thos Buunders, of a son. ] Mans®aLLâ€"In Durham, on the 10th inst fe al.rKClmhull,ol.d.uuMn. the wi , per 100 1i yeours DURHAM MmMarRKETS _ DurHAav, Nov. 30 Meothers !! and Uhopmug attended to panet , and satisfaction rnaranteed. se s B e P 1 .. ... PW consecutive "NT, and thus learn its ubse ‘Ph-'n,u.-'m n be remitted by 2 ": 10 additiop \\ih seâ€" TO DAY‘s PRICES or NTO MAT bushel few , New York »y part of Town est notice. i<h umber of years in Ferg Normanby for the pa MARRLAGEsS Mothers ! ! Mothers ! : DEATHS iR Un S Sier Reid, of Egremont f the same Township, FAlDâ€"In Priceville, on tev. Futher Cassin, Mr. Aun MeDonald, both of mDY. on the 26th inst , Robert are and 5 morths, Decensed fir'yl-h'n-. Beotland. lived fav. $0 94 1 00 of his sonâ€"inâ€"law , Mr °J _ SHag. a Ww ELW , Hairdresser, * Garafraxa §t.. Lower Town. All kinds of Hairâ€" ebe. / dressing etc. done up in firstâ€"class ttvle. 1925 ste, and in thvpfa.:cn.;: 1 best female rhysici d States. floh! overy hk $2 25 per 1001b ooo If vour face is suaburnt, mufi or covere les try one pack.«s . of the juavenatoj ‘w.\lluv s Shaving Parlor, Lambton St west of McFuriane‘s 1 Drug Store, at 25e p Is the place to get your Haircutting and Shavin T SWALLOW‘S Barber Shop T and fw ... 20. __"""* 0C produced at t f and in payment of the moneys fee per bag. | sefwult has been made, there will «400 ue Sale by Public Auction on short. | HUGH MacKAY, AUCn" ti199 96 Oz 14 n of your | ; with the 'V 80, go nt 8 S0oTH le sufferer 0 mistake h who hu! R e that it g it to the j k d. Operstâ€" | the se in mll "* ~AI MaCLAY, AUCTIONEER MICDAUGH House Rotel in the Town of DORHAM Tuesday th Twelth y December, The HNRNNEE, t Puratow sn ie s1 o 0 iL mreiel N 1/ Sule contained in cer tmge which will be prod: ind in payment of the mo tefault has been mude. th. Townships of Gleu:a-l-g Yaluable Farm Propertics or five for &1 W.CALDWELTL _ SHOEMAKER wlso excell kinds. A f ring Work Gents *J Bootmmker the a‘tentior: of Durham NDER 1CUTH F Mortgage Sale bigultâ€" tsnndA + JO8SEPH REID, B. A., L. L. B. (Toront: Clussics and Eagiish. W.â€" K. STEPHENS, B. A., (MeGili Mathematics and Sciences. A. M. SHIELDS, . A., ( Toronto ) Moaern Languages Mt Forost. xov 25th, 1882, adar WEDNESDAY & TIRSAT *AME to the premises of . / Lot 3, 5th Con. Township of 1 two l.nngh. @DOut tue last o« . properttios. imber six (6) in the te contuining 100 acres k btyl Shaving dene. gh or coverediwith pimâ€" rine Se lent Frene} first cluss F k is mude c ASTUTIR A 4 }@venator, sold ut T C3 0 EReRRC & and '»]‘ Will be held in the End, Dorham, form tker in Her Majestys Ser t: of the Public, bef. rog give him a trial in the li Â¥les, _ For W noss I deiy c Mton BSt, ane door at 25¢ per packuge prove |»ro,~n§ , 1 d in certain I1 Sewed & Pegged Boos at9 a m IX THE â€"â€"â€" ch Kip B E_C 2 200C PRUCY wH it a« I make no misfite. My n the Latest London and r W-m’.mamuhip and Chenp. 17 Comn »isiian Virtne of the v245 ramanship 4 1| eution. __ Wan CA 8 secured by whlh will be offéred . for ul usd noon the following nUFs Service would enl before g «ng elsew here in the line of iMdentu es of mort at the time of Sile ith (10) Concession wore or less,about and Bentinck eneh day High School on , DK 20 & is of Alex. MeLean ts and Shoes all rmerly Militir qTB.-\YED from the premises. of the kJ und rsigned, one white Ewe and Two Lambs. Ewe wita bi. off left ear, one ewe and one ;am do., merked with the letter M on right side with tar. Any information that will lead to their recovery will be thankiully received bh CHAEL REILEY. Pricevills, Nov. 14; 1252. a~ie ay_ expenses unl.l ifiEX MCLEAN. Bentinek Sheep Strayed. power of ALDWELTI o C (Ooa eCE ‘Vpr + OMLO FOTrkS eP | Builders‘ Hardware, Glass, Paints, Oils an | Machine Oils at bottom prices |BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES, Bloawu.,.y o Give me The owner | [‘ Yee vus oaws in HANLAN DIAM | New Improved Champion, Improved C ( than I have ever sold them before | will find it their advantace to m CATTLE CH I tC i am now showing, by fii)’,i t'J; ' yarht ze Largest Assortment of Canadian and _ American Axes I have evier offered .\t J)]‘l.('(h\‘. arisinl A .E . 3% ww OU BOTTOM PRICES, (\21‘039; Cut Salvv;glin HAIiLiAN DIAMBN]) Sew Imnrava; Waiess id FALL STOCKis ARRI VING ‘ and I am now showing, by far, the T im #rtramk .K _ L _ _ mA 1 OSP Druggist, &c. 15 H.PARKE "| CAECDE, and GOODS O EeE pr & 5) me a call before sold and am bo vtslasteminttabmaire‘s ARC & 12YCEC 2SSCOITMCIT of stuffed Birds & Flowers in Glass shades DURHAM. L/ urses, s W allets, Satchels, story Books, LSilbles, ALBUMS, STATIONERY â€"â€"â€" AT X M A S «Eâ€"vurses, Toys, I)()lls; | I gel T â€"<â€"o y ht mh::__‘.: | W is prepared to give first class Bargains in every line of goods ‘WM' LAIDLAW An Immense Quantity of Christmarm® :ryoodn which Canr;.ed_ Gâ€"OoOGse of all kinds, cheap. Great bargains in TDRA 9‘1:{n<“aw’s is what the people say. â€" The best Hen'ings and Figh in the imarket. w arranted. _ No, 1 Flour and Importedâ€"Qatmealâ€" from the best Mills in Canad Haddises and Oysters dlways on hand. _ You will savé mana. g °4 * Haurle Tre.L o s 220 AIN NS and ROPE HAT Stable Lanterns. Haâ€" At Prices which i w6 C 0i cue, â€"â€" e ioi before purchasing elsewhore am bound to sell at close Pr Durham, Nov: 20rd, 1882 1?UL Call at once and see the Large and Well assorted Stock of Goods just arrived consisting o Choice Pattermns of T weeds& Mantle eloths, Dress Goods, Winceys and Shirtings. Also‘s NoT stock of Rants & du.s2 # 4A weeds& Mantle ("lol'hs, Dress Goods, Winceys and Shirtings. Also a No. 1 stock of Boots & Shoes all Warranted Whole Stock. We won‘t be undersold. «45" the best Axe Handle in the Market. | â€" L0 02 CCESRIYY UJ.UDUulg di CCAL OIL by the Barrel qBA HHFY Swede se on ; 2 Sizn of the " DON‘T DELAY vQHIG HALTERS at prices which nterns, Hay knives, Potato Forks a oo is e rith tar. | deuos qusen 6t neittoor Rast of R. Hulls reas.| * Tes8, Goods, Boots & Sho‘?s roeovory' * to all ordunwvm.d te “""‘f two we Â¥ILEY.; â€" Latest Fashions kept on hand. l o dn Durkam, Nov. 8th, 1882. . hosmenld Cheap at L0 eC1 CET E2R00RR T Has removed to first door Ea Alence, Queen ,s"'.:'f‘i"‘, she is ,ulwnfl vvVU 11L UDe ‘New Basket fire & NAGASIKA Much unde | C Give Good Satisfaction. 'Clouds’ SE‘%IYIV&E:’ eLz Try Them. | TD aEdu4. at very low prices my 25¢ JOHN CAMERON.| »eileic sc Ihy ZD¢ FLAVOR/ GO TO J. , JOHN CAMERON‘3 |m . , _z E. T | " e P 12vvb W UIICGCdPObL UlOtfllng May Picking C l : Overcoats, from $4.50 up. Japan TEA Suits from $5.50 up. ; Has no equal, Shirts, Drawers, Scarfs, Caps, Hats, At the same price. Please ask for it when | BOOtS & Sh’oes a la"rge Stock' 1h T2 fhore. Aleo ’Dress GOODS in the Newest Styles, Direct Importatione, Basket fire & NAGASIKA“.“ onl m Lt Much_under regular prices. A ispecia Dress & Mantle Maker, |all Dros: defy all Con;[')'evti'tion we are Sife in Stationery a,nd Saying that for ABL"ifclfof ;f:ilo?]{?é STRENGTH â€" | ‘T M es Poge omm e de n proved Champion & _ y m » REMOV ED RS. E. LIMIN, age to purchase from me Paints, Oils and Varnishes. t bottom prices. f Biosbgrg and Stove COAL c tha ni? s J. WOODLAND, Jr +0 I s Irwin‘s Bookstore. } The Goods are , Nov. 15th, 1882, ogy 5. [re 12 3 . 1 _ . JJeb Dargains mm (x‘rrooorio.i, O 105 ~", Wemspriviuy BE Uhri-;tmaf- goods which will be sold cheap. Call and see them, .$ of all kinds, cheap. Great bargains in TPBA Everything you want you can get it at e say. â€" The best Harrings and Figh in the market." Don‘t buy till you see themâ€" Satisfaction _ and Importedâ€"Qatmealâ€" from the best Mills in Canada exchanged for Oats or Cash, Finnan sters always on hand. _ You will save money by buying from me, and don‘t you forget it ! in and everything that will sell WAN TED. _ Remember I sell and buy for cas es Grain "SMALL PROFITS AND QUick RETUEXS," t sb. WM. LAIDLAW, Corrner Store, Lower Town, Dur}mm.’ GOooD§ DELIVERED TO AXNY PART OF TOWn ox EHORT NOTICE rrEE or cHuanor. NOVELTIES â€" e o P up The finest selection shown IX Towx, 9 PARTIES wWOULDp Do i ) WELL‘TO orpER hieh will snrprise orks & Drage, ~â€"â€"ANDâ€" SPECIA T LOwWER Townx, pur HAM CASH buvers , Lince, Lancet CHLA 11 y245 a,_ WHILE STtock 4 Sn + Cheaper 2 | tp, | everybody‘ w«\ Fresh Arrivals \ | & l-)URHAM: Ladies, Mi: '%_-3 Shirts Several Line R TCapest: A Special Discount of ten per cent dl fimsfi GOOds. Rnntn M © Ci mm i n COMPLETE Best & Cheapest Clothing batrstatsitiiootcive tb +462 04 .21 4.% â€"LOS"S too endless to enumerate Durham, Nov. 14th SHELL BOXES & PURSES Toilet Setts, Ladies Compani Fancy Goods suitable for Xmas & New years Presents Unndiakin se KiÂ¥ ow us l o. TCO on mles . "" if V Boe NP A Consisting in part of the Poetical Works of many . Haudsomely bound, Biblas a speciality, Prayer & Books, and Many of the Christmas Annuals & ] Books, Photegraph and Autograph Albums, W Desks, Work Boxes, Concertinas, Litzer‘s M. Org Telephones, &c., &c. GENTS! C000 C007 Ctemenl enfamend They would particularly call the attention DRY GOODS and The Subscribers having determine ‘rh(‘mselvqs’ have leased the Store Dl’ug StOl’e, and hava nnanad NEW STORE â€"__ _ f279°00r Lot of those Extra 1 Capestry CARP I0" B "Gag . REA D Y Large Range of ( Wluch for FROM 371 c Several Lines of DRESS GOOD3 at my 25¢ Japan Tea. Tobaccos from 4A Durham, Nov yeW > ing of Hats, Caps, T‘ weeds, Underc which are of the newest stvles ana At the School Book Depot, Upper â€"â€"â€" OF ALL SORTS NP Ansvtiecictess supply of full size five cent Shee Balance of Stock of Wall Panai Gan:. _ . Ladies Companions, Christmas NOTICE! OoVvVERCoOATS. Price and Quality d 94o @46 dncad tucatih, of several kinds,â€"cheap â€"â€"JUST RECEIVED . 8, 1882. IN DURHAM Lamb «AralLl NE NTXT~ â€"â€" Another Lot of those D RORCMITUEE 1 "Ci¢ased the iitore directly opposite Parker‘s , and have opened out a Large Stock of N s ' ETET _ _ CA to )K LADIES DLESS GOnDsS, SATINS ‘S, a Good Btock, Gl(()(,'l‘l]l”i%. the x ii»hoes and Clotl‘l'ingif(-);' the nex‘ two weeks. J J. H HUNTHER. ds, New a. _ GOO GO%, N. Mockler‘s. ons, CUhristmas, New Years, China and Wax DOLLSs. , Stockings & Gloves, , Concertinas, Litzer‘s M. Organs ephones, &c., &c. cHINA MOTTO CUPS & Saterre v A Exl! Stock of 12e nve cent Sheet Music. of Wall Paper Selling at Cost, FOR THE FURNISHINGS| €J _ a d CE Ee OV vw’ at bottom prices. .__Try one pound as a sample of Atfl'\"“ mm _ _ THOS. JONES. are unequalled in t! MADE sSUIT3 »termined to _ HUNTER‘S JOHN H. HUNTER & Co . will be given for cash on GOop VaALUE, Great Bargains o+ La 2 Goods for F School Books BOCTS & SHOES of his friends and the Stock of 8, Underclothing, Ties, Collars styles and at Lowest Prices. 40c¢. u pâ€" ; cents up. at Less than 2‘ 5 ‘fig| from 350 Ct=, s MOCKI_ER- Overcoats, Extra GROCERIRS xtra Value and more coming n# section commence of many Authors & SAUCERS, VASES and Birthday CARDS, arm Produce. NS, SILKS & VELYETS, the choicest in the Market, Town, Public generally to his Wholesale Prices. r &"I‘iymu 4j «& Picture s \Vritiug of Country and v242 cm244 business for wive him a catland anpport hativeindustry" in al. «izes on the mont in?rm;d ‘ne sty .« on the shortestnotice and a; deflss compecition 1 Py sn uen Es P 4 &. oneto considerns there is nothing more |';_ jurtonsfor henlth than cold feet, however auch onn very onsily beremedi+7 ard everybody made to feeloomfortable bycalling on 'lh-l:.. stonc,jenr.. who has all the appliances € Knitting Stockings & Socks Oct.13th, 1861 How are you of for Socke! CHAS. LEAYEXS,â€" _ | Harness Maker, Lambton Street, uear Post Offce, DURHAM, Mn ‘enainnitonhenen, ut punii etCarring Good Work and reasonable charges Collars a Specialty. Durham , De#.8,/ 1894 : > vsen Look out for cold weather.. HARNESS, HARNESSâ€" Repairing prom;?ly attended to HARNESS â€" L oF P CWP PRTTTT Remomber the pluce, 2nd door nurth of Jirug Store. Durhun, Aug. 2nd 1882 THE HARNFES$ BUSIXESS previon«ly ©ondncted by Bouldan is i2 l . _ VERY important question for e Who is now ready to turn out I Bread alwnys uu'h.ud nt WM. JOHNSTON, Jr . He has also erected a New 0 prepared to supply fin t cluss all parts of the town R. PROSSER. Durhaim, Nov 1st, 1882, thiig Changed Hands. Who have been there-. IT PAY®E to go twenty miles to Watch, Clock, Ring They All Say so| NELSON REABURN condneted b)r Bt;;ll:l,l:ll { ’"r’hl‘ chused by e 2C vurhaim, f NO#K. . Avi “HY-;A (_Imlnrsiglmâ€"llmâ€"u MARKDALE the Town of 7[)1-1}-1:;4:1“ «pply to East part Lot No: 1, -"‘)01151 neres ceared Sna m 2. £°2 " T 16.Afi c 18T CLASS PAIR of SPECTACLES From the Peoplea® Jewelier, Wrwacclc id â€" 50 pores 45 wores c and orchurd on th were will be resery PROUS Who wee now Durluu)u: S n PV next door to McKenZie‘s Boot Town, where he Will heep all Ing® Lot No.93 in the 3rd « 30 weres, wbout 45 anc.. Dated 15th August, 1882 C200 MTO _ Following Farming Properties will be sold on rensomaian 22 J â€" " 2C /0 No.S, Wan, Hun'&",fiun'cy. Sth, Lots 1 and 2, Presbyterinn Burvay,* # 6th, Lot No. 15 on the North side of Mn Street in the Villago of Markdule, close to the Railway station, with a good frame houge thereon. If the awbove }-ropenim At® 801d the very best title will be given ree from all encumbrances, * Also the .. e us c The W. Stamac °_ 22006 M house and kitehen, good stable well fonced, front fence pminted oft wahter on the PDolaisos, The East hats West Side of Cor house nnd lsita,. REMOVED L0t N0,99, Con wites from the cured, a new fra .2 and a . )3 2C"" Property brine Park Lots Nos. 2 and 3 on the north side uf George stroet, # nores more or less, well fenced , front fenced with pickets, one and a half nepes Of in turiy ing young orchurd and very convenient to the Tonuulway atation ttuld T A. D. MeKEXZIp °_ MWky Lot No.1 on the West side «nd South of BHunter street, Hunter‘s store house, well fo rume hnfldlnuu, good cellurs & most convenient residence good businoss stand, Park Lot No. 8, w hhlguhmn; t ~â€"__ 6 THE following valuah}» town Propertien will be sold on reasonable tormy or will be Renuted for a term of verry ©Xxthuige for Farm < _ Ust, Lot No.1 on the West side of Gaurnfiraxe stromt ind South of BHunter 8treet, onnosit, Mr. J. H. Munter‘s store houso, wel} fenced asd ul .0 Time Buildinee .224 °60 In the 'rowi That most desirable mm *4 # l‘“’ENTYTWO acres of Land for Sile being West MUT of the first dévision of numharl:\'v'omy«ii'hu- the 1st C0ncestdon vuu the Gurafraxy Houd, Township of Bemtimck . The land adjoing the ©0rporation of the Town of Dur DMM, Abd lieg along a m-l&“,wmmv. and humthoul\nnhf« of being close t. the Town with low taxes , tis wel} cleared rmd in n #00d Stute of Cultivation . Wi"l be sold in lets o in one parcol, Possessinn ©590n Aftep March 15th For further particulare ADply to W.d, uolBOl‘(}h. Durhane Or to H. CtLL, Fergus P. O, Fob.llul.lw. ww aad ces L0 about 2} miles frc 8, for Two Gir] Apply ut onee A GOOD OPEXNING VALUABLE PRoPERTY Fop Sale * CCRID, on lflh. l‘;.vâ€" "’"“"'o‘:; Fop Sale. toup 2. " 1t CDeSter Street containing 4 4 lour:flnclonm an d Md'l Btreets on :.l'n'r-ml;he!u. Eligible lorbllldu. purposes. Wiy TAOS. JOXPS, Book Store. D'll’hln.?inv 15th. jams ost half Lot 17 S e ~ Park Lot for sale, ra(;’.'.r..,.!ff_’f;.(‘h"br ETd Cin in about 16 0 S20 COR. W. T. & ®. K. Glenelg, wbout 45 ncrey cleared and good lo, build~ ut 24 miles from Murkdale Station °D. G . & Nov . 23, 1882 Of any kind. 1 Can 2 42. 0090 Touse 7 Un the premiscs, ’l'lu:‘imlw- wnd one e rc-«rvecl during the life Of the occuâ€" «re how betweeu 5) ind 85 yeurs of th4go.) dakit W. F. DoOLL, ip us [ _ * V pPeFTIL sold on reasonnble termy 0f puyment, un OTS 1 ores cleared on the pren FINLAY MacR NELSON REABURXNX Tth, 1ego on. 0, Glenelg the T.G. & B. 1 frame house 1 PL"?"": for l-.l.. If of the West half of Lot ountess street, with u , 'lu-nJ good stable and ow ing fal s U unly, own of Durham County of Grey, Land For Sale. a New Oven « 2 and 3 Pponite the Hucview » to lewrn the Tuilori 10th, (on. 2, Normmuntre #ituate whout 2 pr For further 1 Boot store, Lower op ull kinds of ight or Hen vy McDonalds, Uppor removed his almp Necus l c d ', ‘\'""h MO hr M‘(u‘ For tur partionlare iipl3 up w . auio L 100 weres more or loas R.ut Murkdnle, 75 wores and two log barns . S Tn“nn'n! e« 4, N.D rough oust j y 198 AE, en and is Bread to d 132 Parker‘s hard aand s whd | would yB vine w Oftica Tuiloring ousi. White R., _f“f'lalc, or a 9y CA c ---.‘",Inu‘, Jolcisor PArticularg Durham buy a PRING Ii » i2 the llo.n the taxt «clasy e C # sed

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