9 0 I was valued at $8,000. The Chicugo & G. Trunk has just receivâ€" ed ten ot the largest and most powerful passenger engines in the connty. They are supphed with the extended smm« ke arch und are said to be perfect smoke cousumâ€" ers, no smoke whatever being emitied from the funwel, thereby d_»in. _away with persous are employed. They are uow making a carpet for the linrary at the White House apd some for Mr Vaudersilt. They some tinfs since maude for the King of Siam m carpet 100 fees by 84. Its cenâ€" tre, was a three beaded wiite elephant. A earpet made for the King ot Deumark as a present to thie Mikedo represented a menâ€" agerie. One 74 by 52,woven for the Suitan though. they are . yet very costly,. ‘The firm of Templeton & Co., of Glasgow, snll do nearly all the weaving by hand. They have desizning establishments in London aud Glasgow, where nearly one hundred The little town of Axminstr, Devon. shire, England, became famons by reason of its carpets in 1755, They were woven in one piece, but until 1839 this involved so much time that it eansed them to be few in nomber and enormously expeusive. In that year it cccurred to Mr. Templeton, a Paisley shawl manuflactnrer, that the proâ€" cess adopted in weaving chenille shawls might be applied to Axpuuster carpet=, and this greatly reduced their price, al New Virrage.â€"A village rejoicing in the name of Westbank, is «pringing up o the townâ€"line Letween Lather and Proten where the roud crosses the Grand River. being â€" exnetly midway â€" between â€"Beil‘> Corners and Shelburne. Two nice frime stores and a saw mill have been erectes and are in full operation, whilst Mr. Join Hammond bhas let the eâ€"ntract for the erâ€" ection of a twoâ€"story tuyern. Mr. W. Meâ€" Millan of Mount Forest has purchased a "I" wll three of the secâ€"andrels ain‘t raunâ€" ning like jaca rablits !" ejaenlated Harney. "Ill show ‘em,‘ and tucking his sword anâ€" desz his arm, he started in pursuit as fast as be cou d run, but suddenly remember ing his dig iity be came to a hali, and walkâ€" ed stiflly and slowly buck to the plac» wihere the dress parade was to come off.â€" Bijtings. The Sergeant started out in abrisk walk but as his predecessor had a good start, he too, beain to ran as hard as he couald. "Here, Sergennt, go after that man and tell him if ue don‘t stop ranuiug T‘ll hang him by the thumbs." The second soldier started after the firâ€"t, but as the first kept on ranning the second one saw his only chance to deliver the message was to hurry up, so he, too, broke into a run. â€" To say that Harney swore is to use but a mild expression. **See that seoundrel running as if the Inâ€" dians were after him. â€" If there is anything 1 hate it is to see a so‘dier running inste»d of marching properly. Here my man," eontinued Harney to another soldier, "g after that fellow and tell him L say to walk." The following eomical story is told of Gen. Harneywhen he was in command at Caunp Necce, Tâ€"tas. He was an inâ€" tensely digmfed officer, and if there was one thing he detested more than another it was undigmified haste. One evening, Jnâ€"t as be was about to hold a dress parade, he perceived that he hnd forgotten his hand kerchief, aa l as the weather was very hot. he sard to lis orderly : _ "Go to my quarâ€" | tera, quick, and bring my havdkerehnief." The orderly touched his eap, and started for the qunarters, several handred yards distant, _ After he had proceeded a short distance, remembering that there was no time to lose, he broke into a trot. In a few minntes the two waves came together. â€" When they struck, a column of water and spray was seot mto the »ir to the neighe of at least one handred feet. The coilision of the two waves was fol lowed by a loud report that sonnded like a heavy clap of thunder. _ Onve moment £.er this grand meeting of the water> five or six huge watersnouts made ther «ppearance, all within an erea of three or four miles, and carried great columns of water and «pray to the height of several hnndred feet. Atter about 15 miuntes of. this elemental wurfure the lake became ca‘m,. | When at a safe distance they turved to gaze upoun the scene. While thus emâ€" ployed they were startled by a tremenâ€" dous ronring to the northward, and a moâ€" ment afterward a eyclons from that direc» tion struck the lake. Tins sent before it a buge wave which bad soon attained the height of the one comivg trom the southâ€" ward. bhurricaune came a loog, anbruken waye, at least fiiteen feet in height. Enowing that this would sweep the whole line of the pier, all preseut beut a haâ€"ty retreat to the General Harnsy in a Hurry. Not long since a party were fshing from a pier in the lake wheu their attention was attracted by a grout roaring, and they saw a regular eyclone npproaching. Belore the Lake Bébpe, in Califoroia, is subject to tremenuous gusts cof wind, which ru=h down the surrounding gorgss of the mourâ€" Gusts of Wind at Lake Taâ€" | _ MISCELLANEOUS blls c ui lld Th olandndiit Absrattatin, . A9 cce Aibaained CHRmNe avv 1100 0V WuVDs rieueed by trayâ€"| £ PROPRIETOR. | 1. wecount of cinders and smoke. _ Durham, March 9, 1882 _ y200 tor it. $1 per year. , Malignant diphtheria is prevailing at -‘-’.ï¬ I Phlnuurd, Pa. their hozour i1 "J. The secret of gourd health, wit ld of possible. â€" Burd iand | key that unlock s avenue to health inâ€" all the o«grny to W# | sorofulous â€"ea er it | kidneys, skin j bloom of health n=t y he | _ Liqnidation ind | Bank, which fa hot.| jnst been neeo narâ€"| the bank‘s vast A Call R:sp2ctfully Solicited Oi the best QUALITY, and every oth Article in the best style and qaulity of the Trade, Spnish SOLE LEATHER Saddles, Trunks, Valises, . Batchels, Whips, &c. IKept in STOCIK. Where he hopes by Strict Attention to Busiâ€" ness, Good Material, and First Class Work» manship, to merit a share of Public Patronage. Opposite the TOWN HALL, Where he hopes by Strict Attention to Busiâ€" Shoemakers® FINDINGS KEPT IX STOCK. HAarnoess Shop in Durham, wonderfal." "Brown‘s House acknowledged as the great â€"P double the strength 07 any o moent in the world, should be for use when wanted, "as it r ody in the world for Cramps: Pains and Aches of all kinds, Drugwists at 20 ceuts a bottle, {EW HARNESS SHO? Y DU T2 LA V. MUSIC {or EVERYBEBODY. rix Fifty five million dollars were paid ont, nenrly bulf of which sum came from the pockhets of the shareholders. RE~T & COMTORT to the SUFFERING Ph uls P.SAUNDERS, MERRILL‘S I Y C# IZ WY 1 OU & powible. _ Burlock Blood Kitters is the grand key that unlock= the secretions and opens the avenue to health by purit ying and regulating all the oogrny to proper action, _ It enmes ali serofulous mtease >, set« on the blood, liver, kidnueys, skin and bowels, and brings the bloom of health to the pallid cheek. c244 Liqnidation of the City of Glasgow Bank, which fmled four years ago, has just been neeomiplished every penny of the bank‘s vast debt having been prod.. WiILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILmy>yCC8& _ orrzinEss, DY3PZ22!A, B2228Y, INOI25CTION, _ FLUTTERINg VAJNDICE, OF ThE hE £ERYSIPCLAS, AciDitTy or SALF RECCX, THE SToM HEARTCUAN, prRyXc88 HEADACHE, OF THE IN TiR PRENISES RECENTLY GCCUPIED BY HALSTEAD‘S BAXK, 2100 CUCTY SDec‘ee of Creass arising from disoraered 1 /.t, F.ONCYS, STO&MH, movous Ropcy gucAsm And every iv-â€"'w of Mseasa "hl;"frnv†ANTTZCCTY SDSCs of C‘reass arising f T. NMILBULII Her Majâ€"sty the Queen reviewed eight thouâ€"and of the troops lately returned fran Exypt on Saturday, after which the soldiers paraded through the streets of Loadon and were neecrded an enthnemet‘e welcome. ‘There were illuminations in their hozour in the eening, _ The severity of the police has driven the students of the Univer=ity of Kasan, Rusâ€" »in, to disorders resuiting in the close of the Uuiversity, Chartey Flick, an old stage driver atâ€" tompted enicide at Waterloo the other day by taking paris green. The dose was insufâ€" ficient, uwl ho is getiing better. A poiree officer from Dublin has arrived at Jawnaieca with nâ€" warrant for Westgate, the solt confeâ€"sed Puosit Park murderer who has been remauded for extradition to Ireland. The amonnt of counterfeit money canâ€" tured by the Sâ€"cret Service in the United States daring the last fiscal year was $8, 830,000. ME Snbscriber begs to announse to the Inhabitints of South Groy and snrrounding coantry that he has opencd a A Dulnth despatch anys that rich discow eries of silver haye been made near Pigeon River on the Canadiau side of the borâ€" der. Slavers, it is stated, ascend the tribnâ€" taries of the Amazon and capture Inâ€" diaue, whom they sell to Braziliaon plantâ€" The theatre at Pestb, Hoangary, wasperâ€" Ually destrmyed by fire last Thursday night, many persons being injored. METHOD. Ewery Article in shape of CHICAGO PIANO Co [COPYRIGHT SECURED,] PULN & 60., Bowks Git BLQOD, { beanty lies in pare blood and ithout the one the other is« imâ€" A Secret. OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMaAc:!, pryXc$8 _ _OF THE gxin, TORONTO, s and four d. Bent by Show your neighâ€" bour the "Review" and get him to Subscribe Glazing, Graining, and Paper Hangin promptly actended to. Fresco and_ Banner Fainting a Speciality. Charges Modorateâ€"~Orders left atJ. F. Mowat House, Sign, and Flour, Oatmeal and All kinds o Grain Bought and Sold. WOOL, BUTTER & EGGS. Prompt attention given to all Orders. _ Charges Moderate. Grocery and Provision Store, Upper Town, Durham Fresh Groceries & Prov.s‘ ons, Crockery and @assware, Chinn Tea Sets, Stin, Girnite and ‘Glass $Sets, Stone & Glass FPruit .Jarsâ€" None but first class hands employed, and guarantee to give a perfect fit and satisfaction _ _ willreceive prompt attention Darham, March 3r4,1861. Hams & Bacon, April 15th, 1862. T‘he Big Push Durbam, Aug. 3r4, 1882 Millir‘s Mixed Paints, ready for the brush, always Coat, Vest, Pants, Overcoat or A 4e S AANTPED _ _ S 4. N S Upper Town, is the place to get Big Bargains‘ in builders Hardâ€" ware, Paints, Cils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, &c. Call and ses my Great Zulu Breach Loading Shot Gun, JOn.ly $S. F. DOWNES, Leading Hardware Store Durham, Nov. 3rd, 1881 Ornamental Painter, DURHAM. French, English, and American Fashions Received. Durham, Sept. 17th. 1882. Tailoring Establishment, | § From the Best Manï¬fa:ctories have atrived and will be Sold at Bottom Prices. § NOTICE: New Goods are now arriving at the Noted Cheap Store. Beâ€" fore buying an inspection of our Goods and Prices is solicited. Is the place to get your Suits Made, JAS. BURNETS THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR On Hand a Large Supply of â€"â€"â€" A Large Stock Bankers. C.â€"L. GRANT. Ulsterette. tiali A. L. ROBERTSON. For sale at Parker‘s, Durhain. Dear suâ€"g{ wife and children have all been cured hz your Diphtheria Medicine. Iam certain that it is a good cnre, MATTHEW SCOTT, = Arthur, Nov 23,1881, H W Leecson Varmey, Dear Sirâ€"There is & lot of Diphtheria in this place. Isaw one case where your medicine wes nsed which proved a success -.&et the Doctorsgave it up. I want you to send me 31 worth at once. 1â€"198, Yoursete., _ GEO. WOOD. Is the only sure cure for this terrible diseare. It cures cases easy and withou pain to the gmuent. No washing or swilling the throat, so that the smallest child can take it. It also cures inflamâ€" mation of chest. Jungs er bowels, Asthma, Croup, wooldn.“udu steadily token will broek up TESTIMONIALS: To Mr Leeson: Pec 16th, 1381. ___Dear Sirâ€"My wifeand children have all been LEESON‘S DIPHTHERIA MEDICINE All work warranted to Give Satisfaction Pictures Enlarged &Framed. R.TORIRY &Co. PHOTOGRAPHERS. T. J. ADIK. wWORK STRICTLY FIRST CLASs GALLERYâ€"Upper Town, Durham a week in your own of em191 up At T. A. CAMP STOVE DRESS Goods a Speciality PRICES CLOSE. CGHOICE SELECTION of Knitted Weollen GOODS MILLINER Y STAPLE and Fancy GOODS. New Fall Goods Durham, ED. 23, 1882. &A DAVIDSON FULL STOCK of GROCRIES always on Hand 1883 | Subscribe for 1883 now, and GET BALANCE OF 1882 FREE / Contains Seventyâ€"two Columns of Reading Matter, and is admitted to be the best akthorâ€" ity upon Agricuitural and Commerc.al matters in the Dominion. THE MONARCH OF THE WEEKLIES The Best General Newspaper THE LARGEST â€" THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY GLOBE Do not go without a Orders and remittances to be addressed Is now daily opsning FOR MANITOBA! IN THE DOMINION. & MILLINERY GoopS. ’Ana have now in Stock the Prottiest Designs in ' Ladies‘ Gold and 8 Iver Warches. { My stock of American Jewellery is also Complete In SETS, | BROOCHES, Newest Style, LACE PINS, ’ EARRINGS, i ALBEKTS, ! FOB CHATNS, Bost Quality, GUaARDS, & I NECKLACES. For Evory Departm TO&!;OVG that the above is corret, I would nsk of public genemily to give me a cull before .. #oing elsewhcre. i AGEXT FOR THE BOSS SPECTACLE. now com and embraces the fo ï¬ifl?&% :;t -hieE‘I“I:nve one of the Lirges! Btocks in the County: Sets, Earâ€"rings8, Brooches. Silver Thimbles, Necklaces, ‘ Lockets, Jharms, Scarf + ins, Gent‘s Setts etc. Ladies Gem Rings a Splendid Assortment. Also I keep on hand the Lu.r‘sest Stock of _ American altham : WATCHES,in i the County. Repairing a specialty, and all work ONE DOLLARK. Durham, Sept 13thb, 1882 Clecks of all kinds and styles kept on hand ONE DOLLAK, Call and see them " THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, . DAVIDSON. AND wrranted A. GORDON. 0 0 D S 0 0 D § 0 0 D S ‘, Durham. ont. TORONTO. Aren‘s Pitis are. an effectual cure for Constipation or (‘mllmw lllnn. Dyspepsia, ll.o-l of 19 te, "oul Stomauch and Breath, Dizziness, Meadache, Loss of Me: Numbness, Biliousness, .lm:k;smhm Eruptions and 8 D!!?. Tumors, _ Worms, Neuraigia, Colic, Gri _ Diarrhoa VDymrw_'"t‘ryâ€"‘ Ge l:IIns. Disorders 9} the Llnr,. and other ciseases resulting from a disordered stae of the «ligestive apparatus. \s a Dinuer Pill they havre no equal. Wile gontle in their action, these PiB *> the most thorowch and searching cathar» t that cm hbe emploved, and never give vain imless the howels are inflamed, and hen thoir influence is healing. They stimuâ€" late the anpetite and digestive otw!boy ovepa‘~ to »mrify and anrich the , and anplicable to this class of ciseases. They a~t directly on the d‘ifflti\'. and assimi« lative _ processes, _ an restore . regular healthy action. ‘Their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized mations, is one of the imany proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and g:rm-tly reliahle _ purgative â€" medicine. ing compounded of the concentrated virtnes of purely vegetable substances, they are positively free from calomel or any ininfloml’mm and can be admin= istered to children with perfect safety. 2: y ire] Combine the choicest cathartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately ad« justed to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the result of years of careful study and &-nrtk‘l ox» periment, and are the most effectual reme «dy yet discovered for diseases caused by ;h-mnl-.v,enu'-nt_ho( the otomn'h.“;hr:'r. ut} owels, whic uire a octual treatment. A:'?Il's mwlm specially Cathartic Pills Owen Sound.. Fiesherton.... Leeswater..... Hurriston ....... Mount Forest Orangeville.... Caledon June. Toronto......... 1», MeNICOLL, Gen, Puss. Agent Toronto, Nov, 16:h Toronto......... Calodon June, Orangeyille.... Mount Forest BHarriston ....... loeswater...... Fleshortom ..... Owen Sound ... Julodon June, * ©;00 * Tam * Poronto.........ar. . 1045 * #:10 * A mixed truin will also run between T oronto and& Iwen Sound. See Time Table. CHAaNGE or Tam®. On and after Monday 80th Nov., 1882, Trains will run as follows : come nowru. :l“or?elh 4....‘f|eup. 7:00 wan,. 425 pan. i which one of his W« yards Yellow Oil inumediate and complete relief, c244 Tue Morar Coxprrion or CHircaco.â€" Chicugo has 800 charches against 5,242 1;â€" quor Saloons; 400 clergymen, evangelists, and layâ€"readers, and 5,000 barâ€"tenders ; only a balf dozen art galleries, and 850 variety theatres.. Out of100,000 bulldings, 8,000 are used for immoral purposes}; $1,, 500,000 is spent for schools, $15,000,000 for liqnor ; $800,000 for police, perhaps $1,. 000,000 for religious worship and charities; $15,000,000 for that which destroys both soul and body.â€"The Chicago â€" Inter. Occan. Dearn or a SNAKE Tax®®.â€"The Calout. ta Englishman publishes a report of the death of a snakeâ€"charmer at Paddonpookur, entirely through over confidence in his power of handling with impunity a goodâ€" sized cobra. The reptile, it appears, was discovered in a shop by some natives, who were about to take meanures for destroyâ€" img it, when a man named Ghose, well known‘ as a professional suakeâ€"charmer, asked them not to do so, and volunteered to tame and subdue it. He kad managed to seize its head with one hand and its tail with the other, after the fashion of his tribe, and was in the act of putting it into an earthern "chally," when the snake and. d nly turhed and bit him on the left thumb, Even tuen the man refused to be tuken to the bospital or to be treated surgically, sa . ing that he could cure hi.mself by the n e of a remedy known as mantras. This he repeated, but his efforts proved unavailing, and hbe finally expired about an hbour and a half after the moment of the bite. Buckien‘s Arnica Saive, The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruiszes, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilllains, corns, and all eruptions, and positively eures piles, It is gnaraoteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by MeFarlane & Co. y Wt t thaiice mss 4 hat he met \'\’t'«'hiu_a accident some etates that he met 1 G, M. Everest, af Forest, states that Hag» yard‘s Pectorial Balsam still bolds its own aâ€" mongst the many cough medicines.in the marâ€" ket. BHe says that he has sold it for nearl y sixteen years and the sales are steadily inâ€" creasing. One famtly has purchased over 50 botties for yarious members and friends. WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and effectaal destroyer of worms in Children or Adulta Toronto, Grey & Bruce Pre t ai n 4 Analytical Chesists, BhLDb €0 LLL bhueuist® EVEEYTWUERS 4 Or. J. C. Ay.f & ooq dep. ley 220 pm : 11;50 nau. 1:30 p.m GOING soUTR. RAILWAY. health and vigor to the 1881 12:55 :00 EDMUND WKAGGE, Genern) Manager 15 i44 #12 1015 3:10 pan s ."‘ 235 * $:55 !.ï¬ pan #4 "TVO T6 the All Btyles in Stock or I BEG lt'mv‘eL New Furniture Warero K4. R.is Agent for the Colobrated wi Rowing Machines of 80 on d 140 0 dnis machine is capmble of sewinp through ;l.‘ut with the anme ease as any other in wew two ply and the strongest Linen nmde can be used NpoRit. It mlso enup be wdjusted to sew the finest fmbric Prices from #35to 243 GEO. XRES Residence at thool P CR® ETT UP On the shortes ho LatestStyle &'nnd Boy‘s ( Big uarrantee d Bpring and Summer M â€" T17 e day at 1 hiz "UF Outht 100. Addrem T wow 2 Lates Fashion» Residenceâ€"Opposite the C terian Church JOHN ROBERTS TAILOR AND CLOT J. _ mddition added to it is now second to noue in t ing and attentive hostler tion for Commercial Tra per day. First Class Berbor T. SPROULE PHIS | Popular I)LANH, Specification Furuished. Work Sap Red. Charges Modernte Durham , Feb.14, 1876 REVERE HoY awnd Make Up on the «i Opposme Parker‘s Drup ( XENERAL aAG * tario Loaning enshire Life Jnsurnw surance Co. Water] Bangeep Mutual Fire sununce Compan y Cutting done to Or @ttended and the si1 Aa County of Gr In wll parts of the flgud-- id on Com Alexander Robertso Restdonce â€"Rorgus #1., Mownt ® "ICEXS8ED» averio 4 Comnty of Grey, | Hoxide urham. Sales attanAsdas io Wilibe at Musting‘s Hot day and Pridayfrom 10 Dundalk Murch 20th i (}RAIN'ATLL»( Outurro N. lege, Poronto YETERINARY sU Wny s &A .. ®very month, where he will i npon all those that may favo fFonage. All work entrusted formed in the Jatest and n RerrmENO®E, any of the len #outo . W . M. CLARK Architect and Buil 42 Solicitors in Cua Owen Scund have resu penevery Thursday a LERED FROST . 13\Bnstens . Wtheamdl @ ow W ineh s anbscriber is DURHAM Sr.,DUn ICENSED a1 _ County Crown Attorm« June #4th 1880 . Bo: @1,theadvertisement not AAwertisements, excopt who wr.sten instructions to the cop wintil forbigden and charge 4 at < J. PoWasEx Camund ad vertseurents charg for the fAirst insertion . and y cen subsequentinsortion Nonper Ordinary notices of births. m 11 kinds 0f looal nows inserted ’-lnr P e e EECRRRICEE! RNC DUsiness 64 apaceaitd inder.per ye T wobnehes or 24 lines Nonpari Threeinches do. per vour L. opposite Par earham . mwonatl BUSINESS DR Money to Lonn, k. Office Lower 1 B.JACKES, B . A . â€"TRRMS: ~#1.00 porr y $1.20 it met paid TAILOR rofessional and b T °0 announce that I d the Manufacture of Purniti -‘I.‘h my long experien F.I hope to turn out work sec« nome in the County . TR CRRY MISCELLANE: JOHNX Moopnp Every I‘n JACKEsS ‘l“l'OR.\'EYN 1 HUGH MACH E.D TPORNEA O100Kk or made to orde Bhort Notiee. the Odice, Garafraxe MARKD ALYZE. #1% e day at home ensily opular . STEVENSO Oe Powt tX DURHAN. RATES OP apyr Frost & F MARKDAI MEDICA L. AG1 DUNDATA Wns N d n on ac 4 Regui=arls Wheee GEO. KRESS H LEGAL wonared t M N1 8. JEROM 18 PIBLL th umied at Fle as heretofor M Britis} tion with th nd Att & PRIX ACM11, F â€" 1.A W Store ting 1 h w on v208 rha