West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 Dec 1882, p. 1

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1 it for ml’ sateadily in« cchased over and . friends, ites that "* vbls its own aâ€" nes in the mapâ€" â€"The Caleut. report of the wldoopookur, idence in his nity a goodâ€" appears, was nativer, who * for destroyâ€" Ghose, well akeâ€"charioer, _ volunteered ad managed nd and its tail ishion of hig ntting it into he snake and. he left thanal., 000 bulldings, arposest; $1,, , $15,000,000 +. perbaps $1,. and charities; destroys both icago â€" Interâ€" the â€" many accrient -; is. . This ‘ d unavailing in hour and bite. ive. r onts, braimes, sores, mm. ins, and all + piles. lt is tisfaction, . er mts '.'b.._ merud Markge® minty, amd the result actical ox~ ctual reme canused by liver, and > be taken to rgically , smy . f by the n thair owne olfectaal or A dulltc medicine. ncentrated ubstancesy alomel of Â¥ itA l mcly ais CHiCaCO.â€" inst 5.242 _ tvn.di*. barâ€"tenders ; ver ills specially Bruce oÂ¥ E3 10:15 +25 pam. 600 * Â¥: 10 C Oe earen ced Oppostre Parker‘s Drug Store. BEG 1e to-nnnonncn that T have Iu ("orgm:n;:l't:ed !.nuf-ehlnz. o.lhnhm “l: all i C-bi;n';m'l.l:.v?:: uth ut a -3’-':'..“'.- to none inthoColm. All Styles in Stock or made to order Ol‘ Short Notice. New Furniture J k wae e 4 o o mmmmmmmmmmmnind 4o o in [ ipremgcsety wens GEO. XRESS March 3, ragq 'I‘HE anbscriber is and Make l'%--ulhu We LatestStyle Menand Residenceat theOld Post MKce DURHAM. Spring and Lates!Fashions Rosidenceâ€"Opposite the Canada terian Church.{ JOHN ROBERTSON TAILOR AND CLOTHIER ing and atter Bion for Con First Clans MARKDALE, T. SPROULE, Tss Durham, Feb.14, 1878 l)L.\NS. Specifications Furuished. Work Supori tod. Charges Moderate. REVERE HOTEL Cutting done ]'llli bnsinon'rnn’nerl_v carried on by P Alexander Robertson, chaieed hanas antifo ut «urringe, Shop ) has TAILOR X. ;"'CI{ACIIEN J uol F1 sttended and the anle K4 County of (r In all purts of the Goods sold on Cony Reatdence â€" Fergus HiS _ . nddit! Willbe at M wting‘s Hote] day and Fridsy from 10 0‘ (" RADUATE of Ontario C 'louo,’l‘umnm. VETERINARY SURGEON W . M. CLARK, Architect and Builder + ENERAL aAGEXT 0 ind #7_ + Surgery, will visit Durhamâ€" m OfMfce, British Hotelâ€" from third Tuesday (Fair Day) to the end of «very month, where he will be most happy to wait npon all those that may favor him with tgrir put fonage. All work entrusted to him will be per. formed in the iitest and most approved stvle. Rerenuxo® , any of the leading Dentists of To. fonto. Dundsik M 4 Connty of Grey rhanm .. Snles nzl DURHAM St., DURIHAMW ICENSED w‘ & _# .iA CC T rmed in the iitest and most npym::'.od -t'::o ®PERENOE, any of the leading Dentists of To nto. MWead @Mee.â€"Wingham. viko y wep WhevrtntWihen i+ ts hi 2 is 014 42 Solicitors in Chancety, Conveyancers, ote., Owen Sound, have resunied at Flesherton. Office pen every Thursday as heretofore . i Frost & Frost, ];.&RRISTEIGS and Attorney‘sâ€"atâ€"L 4 Bolicitor® in ClnncoP? (mmeacunaacl. â€" ICENX8SED AUC County Crown Attorney June#ith ,1080, he an me ease LERED FRo#T Popular Hotel has bad a large tlon added to it, tbnrmu:hly refitted, and ond to none in the county. Good stubl tentive hostler â€" First clams accommodaâ€" ommercial Traveliers, TERMS af AAtvertisements, “..”, ;'bn wce wr..ten instructions to the ©0 itrury uatil forbigden, and charged at rean MISCELLANEOUS grhum. . _ Money to Loan. HUGH MACKAY, sa bseq uen BUSINESS DIRECTORY ~***_ *CEGark ~_~ / JACKES & PRINGLE, kTTOR.‘JEYB at Law, Solicitors, &c Oflceâ€"Lower Town, Dirham. B.JACKE®, B. A . RoA Prryeate Barber im comuection with the + Last s Pn . Snles attended to in T nable terms. 18 PUBLISHED I Every Thursday, the Oldce, Gurafraza Btreet, Upper Town Durham, + â€" â€" Opg. â€"<TRHMS: â€"~81.00 peryenrin Advance.â€" is $1.%43 it net paid Withib | three ___ JOHN MOODIE, ". ZÂ¥. NIXOwY, . _2 [A@snortest notice , ar Sl»nud Boy‘sClothing | A ftguarranteed . Summer Fashions# regala1) received. E.D. MACMILLAXK TTORNXEX â€"ATâ€"LAW +. "THE CREY REVIEW" . STEVENSON, »pposite Parker‘s Drug B.ore ater MARKDALE urch 20th 1879 RATES OF ADVERTIEING Regui=rly Receive d GEO. KRESS Sr TAd uutel,shclbnrno,anry 3 from 10 o‘clock ®.m.to 5 p. m DUNDALK .Ont MEDICAL. tended t prepared to Receiv YhOYRORE Wakinc a«% DESTIITRv Â¥, Anction Sules attended to Connty, at reasonable rates. nisston. Land Sales carefully le bilis promptly posted up. Al Warerooms, I 8.JEROME, Licentinte N « Sptvommmt GHB eA LE musuels. Whaclca c100CC7, RTC Inser en, and charged at regularvates . J. TOWNSEXD, Pablisher 7 2"S other machine rougest Linen thn’d t also can be eas v hh:ic. Prices range | Che \tons, Estimates, &c Superintende d and Inspe M1., Monwnt Forest, v23 CTIONEER Rexidence and OM to Order. IONEER Londen and On { â€"London and Lan 410_:7!1:-1_;!!1" Pire In LowerTown roprietor J. W.FRO8ST ,LL.B Vetrinary Co wa 0o Country A g00 Presby. » in M c xtznt #3. * 4 ERTISINCG. V ( ards one inch OME snn snntnnnnnenesâ€"»«. 4| * iel measure... ..... 7 Y ed 8 ¢ents perLine uts perline foreach riel measure . B ANK lrrlqe-,duth-,ud I free of charge . rtised three wéeks to exceed 12lines . I n accompanied by tf-ryi wre :l::'l’"d 6 regularrates . % t D, Pablisher. |Capital M » ECTORY. e â€" | HIs B. m a Grout + % Buysand Col] nitinhtetebteentiteraec i 0n Now T k e _X T DEPOSI‘Ts LAN, ubon whi« R. A. PRINGLE yâ€"222, House fmdes for the |TOWN of DURHAM, County GREY, No. 8, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, Hanter‘s Survey, Enat Side Garatraxa St., North of Jackson St. I ’l‘HESE Lots are benutifully sitnated on the principal Street, in l'pEot Town,opposite | t_.e residence of Geo, Jackson, Esq., they aretvery even, have boen used‘as a Cricket ground, and are Dear to where the prlneil-nl Produce is bmngl into the Town for sale. Since the opening of the Railway to the Town of Durham it has become one of the bast Markets in Ontario and at no distant day, with its splendid water powers, will become a manufacturing place of note. J. H. Hunter, Esq. s now ommgu sommodions Storeâ€"house at the Station, 80 x 40, three stories hich , andothers conâ€" template buildings of a similar kind. Durham is noted for its splendid stores and Hotels. This is a fur safer‘investment than Maunitoba Lots. _ The advertiser solfeits an offe? for ona or an the r u* hite am agn uy _ "COUR L.0%e,. T advertiser solleits an offer for one or all the Lo Apply at this office or to F. F. BECK, &e.â€"Orricrk Upper Town, March 3rd 1892 Building Lots | who has bad a good experience in [Both Oren & Co vered Carriages, and gvnrantees satisfaction in all its branches. Nothing but first class material kept, Repairing promptly aftended to. Before going elsewhere give Horn‘s work a fair trial and be satisfied, A. PATERSOX, Proprietor, Durham June 6th, 1882, | Changed Hands y57 Mon 'I‘UE business f: Easton as “'M changed bands anc the A cnll slicitec. _ Orders left at Adie‘ Town , will e prompt] Durham May 19,1881 IS Prepared to take Contracts for Brick , Stone and Wooden Buildings Sash & Doors kept on hand PLANS, Specifications and Pills of Lumber promptly made ont. & muÂ¥h cxÂ¥seud.‘s G. WARNER, 600 Bash. Fresh Darham P. O., Lumber, L'unrxbéi';fl F ce es Shingles, Shingles, Lath & Lime, Highest market price paid for and Tallow. Call ind examine yourselyes. y10 IMMENSE STo« M MLNSE STOCK of FOREIGN and MESTIC LEATH LRS, Mlso Pindings in groat varicty. A splendia Darham Feb.7th Carpenter & Contractor e o t n es se io evewingg Bm (Capital $100,000). _ Wholes; Remember the placeâ€"a short distance north« Btore and ?Vtr)'thlm( that can bc had to the Post Office, make it as practical as possible, Wnn mmve Nppremmene rormenneniy anmmwnre Send for a Cireular, SHOEMAKER o ~ e e o A FiRSTâ€"CLASS OE AR SE / Remember the placeâ€"a ahovt Aiss c‘( )]{ SAIJE’ T THE ROCKYVILLE MILLS 2 argeq uantity of JOISTS. Lot 41 W.G. R. Bentinek, S ancexamine and you cannot fail to suit irselyes . annery corner of Suddlerand Albert Streets, Lower Town, Durbkam. aloe c ais ies . menase, aas wl e 2p9 NB L2 largestock of Bush,Doors und a duildiug materinls also a stock of Mc Walnut, Rosewood,and Gilt . Plans,3p ind Bills of Lumbermade outon short ullitock of Coffins, Cuskets Shrouds ninesalwaysor hand Askins‘ Putent Metalic Glass Bur kept in stock. ninesal ways t'»-lul] Askins‘ Patent | PRIME HARNESS LEaATHER C tR ORE, Business strictly confidential and costs of louns reduced to the lowest fignre, ']'HE undersigned has of both private and Com on either Furia or Villaze pro Money to Loan â€"Six of the Best iMtmai aa ts cll Aic d General Banking Business TRANSACTED, C /C Blind Faec tory, 'I‘HIS BANK issnes ] Grout Rritain and othe Buysand Collects Sterling F on New York and ail DEPOSITS of $4 and â€" ubon which the eurrer (7'( )'4(; (\ UILDElt,Durhum,keePp on Livematnal ae oc w c s D COLLECTIONS MADE Ou reasonuble terms. and a Capitai$6,000,000 : $1,400,0c0. BANK Of CoMMERCE , DURHAM. Should Call â€"IN THEâ€"â€" _ Vol. V. No. 43 Satisfaction Adio‘s Hardware S EDD. MeCRACKEX ROBT. BULL DURHANM, J. W. CRAWFORD, h Lime. , May 25th, 1880, CANADIAN 1882 attended to 01 24 and upwards Received, i the current rate of inter@st will be allowed. un m e te and Company funds to lend Village property at lowest rates Of interest. ~â€"ANDâ€" n and other l"oreinr- é(;;;':;iu; 8 Sterling Exchange; Issues drafts irk and ail parts of Canada., and Examine ‘m,keeps on hand a ,Doors und all kinds of a stock of Motldings in Hlt. Plunl,apecnflcntlonb e out on short notice . A bake anulla CORRD. Hides, Calf Sking D gurranten Stor Uppe A splendid lot of ILLS. Also .Lot 41,Con. 2 Let‘t_,erq of Creait on on by T. y167, To Hik: large amount : Reserve y197 for sale of the very best bund.n. * CANNED FRUT, CANNED FISH, SALT PFISH, Varney CHEESE etc. All purchases made by Townspeople delivâ€" ered in any part of Dorham free of charge. Remember the place two doors north of the Cirenlar Saw, Lower Town, Durham. Highest Price paid for Farm Produncé. A full stock of Corce Liquors and in faet everything found in a well reg ulated establisment of this kind, will be found, and an obliging and civil person | to attend their wants. 1 e"-‘, & -‘- Ol)"(. * OO mt *C > W. P, PATERSON, July 27, 1882. ~ _ e29g DO.â€" Wishes to inform his Friends and the Pub lic generally, that he bas opened a general Grocery Store in the bullding formerly ocâ€" ecupied by C, Leavens, as a harness shop, opposite the McAlister House, A full stock of Choice New DURHAM. W. P. PATERSON Grocer & Liquor Store, y 169 I MEne Snb iss it in ierand fA reduction of ten per ‘cent MOODTE‘S OLD BUTCHER Shop on previous prices. Parties wish chase a Guoj). strong and Warn, the Winter should call and see sertber while he is dignncina af1 e en t V'v', Made at the Enterprise Woollen Mills having done much better than expected nj to the present time. In ordser to prepars for the manufneta®e of Spring Goods he will dispose of present stock at WOOL for Clot® Durham, Sept. 26th EXCHANGE Office Durham GEO. TANNER, Open for two months more, for taking in Exchange NOTICE To Farmers. Actual Business Departm‘t Flannels, Blankets PHONOGRAPHY is included in â€" the Commercial course without extra charge. COMPLETE Special Features for 1882â€"3 STUDENTS may enter any School day in the year with equal advantage, ’ HA\’ING conelnded to give up the Real Patate Business in Durham for & short time and retire to a less responsible occupation I desire to give notice to all (!;mre indebted to me .0n account of arrears on Mortgages, agreemments for Sale of Lunds, Promisory Notes, or Accounts to settle up as soon as po :aifilo. by renewnls, givâ€" inf better securities, or payments in cash, which will always be cheerfully mccepted. And for the purpose of meeting parties for settlement 1 will be at my Office in Durham on the first Monday and ‘ third Tuesday in auny ... _ _3 C PSE Mo 7 Notice to all Whom it May Durham, SETTLE UP! Lhis large and n&lendirlly illustrated newlp?er is published W EB 16 L Â¥ at #3.20 .J'enr, and is admitted to be the best paper deveted to science mechanies, inv entions, engincering works and otherdepartments of incustrial Erogren, publbhad in Anz country. Single copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all newsâ€"dealers. Address, Munn & Co., Kuhll-hm of Scientific American , 261 Broadway, New York, Handbook about patents mailed free, 249 Es REOC Cw > TeeF We continue to act as solicitors for patents, caâ€" vouts, tradeâ€"marke copyrights, etc., for the United States, and to obtain atents in Caunda, Eu%llnd, France, Germany, nnr? all other ccuntries, brirâ€" tyâ€"six years‘ prastice. No charge for examination of models or draw. ings. Advice by mail free, Patents obtained through us are noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has the lurgest circulation, and is the most inflnential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The M!vn]nt-ngen of such a notice every patentee underâ€" stands, . This Inrge and splendidly imatratad welll .00 T Mea in nulal _ o22 000 2etiement | y Office in Durham on the first Mond d Tuesday in each month until further P ATE NT S $5 to $20 2:5d87 sthome. Samples worth ORTHERN Business Principal, Box 72 Oct. 19th, 1882 COLLEGE OwWEN soOUND. GEO. TANNER. . A. FLEMING, Parties wi-shing to pur. g and Warn: article for DURHAM, Co. Grey , 1882 Concern. FINLAY Mac l(Ai?: t2i0 , Owen Sound , etc., the sub Wholesale tf B o e P T Portland, Maine ’ "It‘s a little hard on the boys, Johnny. But never mind, remember you are not in my way, whenever you like to be in here." "All right, that suite me," said Johnoy, and off he went upon his errand, with his head full of a plan of his own, to return: j "*Â¥our welcome. Now there‘s Lanra, she gets dozens of ‘em. Laughs at some of ‘em, and burns ‘em up. Nof at Reed‘s though,. They‘re always writing to each other. _I would‘nt carry ‘em, but I make ‘ew pay meâ€"she gives me nickles, and Reed gives me dimes, quarters, sometimes, It‘s too bad you don‘t get any, Miss Buarke." **Shall I tell you what I think, Johnuny," said his friend gently. **Yes, of course." ‘"Well, I think that when boy‘s sisters ask them toftake a note in a hurry, boys ought to go." = "Oh, Lo* always im a hurry," said Johnuy, deliberately. "But I reckon T‘d better go, or she‘ll give me bankins. She needn‘t say boys are always in the way, B 2l2.01. 9 w "Oh, sho‘ now ! Honor bright 2" ’ ‘*Yes, honor bright." & ""Well, I think it‘s shame. You‘re awful nice looking. _ Prettier than our Laura with ali her bangs and frizzes, 1 think." "Johnny, i‘m afraid you‘re a flatterer." "I ‘aint. It‘s what I do think, honest." "Then I‘m muach obliged to you for your‘ good opinion." notice , "Oh, well, boys are always in the way, poking around the house,"said Miss Laura, ‘Come Jolhnuy, take this note and I‘ll .ive you a nickle." "All right, hand over your nickle, then." The small coin was placed in the young uan‘s hand, and dropped into his pocket long with the note, but Johuny still linâ€"| yered in the sewing room. | "Aint a bothering a bit," sulkily, "Indecd be isn‘t. Ilike to ha sard the littio dressmaker. ’ * Well.what do you want 2" says Johnny with a disconteated air. "I want you to tike this note to Mr. Reed‘s store, leave it. T don‘t see what you are in here bothering Miss Burke for any» how." = ‘ "Jo‘nmny, Johnny Hoanter said Miss Laura Hunter, bri f silkg and ribbons into the room where Johuny was loa edly on the sewing:machine t Burke, Y +«Miss Burke‘s Loveâ€" Have you to do with one with whom you have tried every kind of punishment in vain? The next time you are going to strike the blow, stay your baund, and say ; "Well, I have tried everything with you; now I have resolved to forgive you." Who knows but you also may touch the secret chord of that heart, aud find the exquisite limnes of the poet true : Each block of marble in the mine Conceals the Paphian Queen : Apclio robed in light divine, And Pullas, the serene : It only needs the lofty thought, To give the glories birth ; And lo ! by skillful fingers wrought, They captivate the truth ! 3 omemett in, and asked bim what he had to say to | the charge ? â€" "Nothing, sir, only I am ’ sorry for what I have done." Turning a | kind and pitiful look on the man, who exâ€" pected nothing else than that his punishâ€" ment would be increased with the repetiâ€" | tion of his offence, the Colonel addressed him, saying : "Well, we have tried every thing with you, and now we are resolved . toâ€"forgive you !" _ The soldier was struck dumb with amazement! The tears ctart. ed in his eyes, and he wept like a child. He was humbled to the dust ; and, thank. ing his officer, he retiredâ€"To be the old reâ€" fractory, incorrigible man 2 No# from that day forward he was a new man. He w ho told us the story had him for years unâ€" his eye, and a | et er conducted man never wore the Queen‘s colors. In him, kindâ€" ness bent one whoin hbarslhness could not | break. The man was conquered by mercy, and melied by love, Boâ€"in the bardest human heart, Onelittle well Appears, A fountain in some bidden part, Brimful of gentle tears ; It only needs the master touch Of love‘s or pity‘s hand ; And lo! the rock with wat r barst And gushes o‘er the land, C ’ A soldier was ahout to be brought before ! his commanding officer for some offence. ) He was an old offender, and had heen of _ ten punished. "Here he is again," (said ! the office, on his name being mentioned) â€" "Aoggingâ€"disgrace, soli‘ary confinement, _ everything bas been tried with him." Whereupon the sergeant stepped forward and, apologizing for the liberty he|took, said : "There is one thing which has never | been done with him yet, sir." _ "Whai is | that ?" "Well, sir," said the sergeant, "“he has never been forgiven." "Forgivâ€" en !" exclaimed the Cclonel, surprised at ’the suggestion. _ He reflected for a few minutes, ordered the ealprit to be brought in. and aulad im | whar s ho ooo cnl on t ooimd Ilike to have him here," y Hoanter, I want you." unter, bringing a flutter into the small sewing y was leaning content. machine talking to Miss Forgiveness. ry kind of punishment in ’ time you are going to iy your band, and say ; 1 everything with you; d to fargive you." Who | ) may touch the secret | , aud find the exquisite 1e : * ble in the mine * hian Queen ; N ht divine, crene : ifty thought, 1 ‘s birth; 5 fingers wrought, 'f e truth ! ; human heart, pears, bidden part, tears ; 81 our rnickle, then." ced in the young _into his pocket Johnny still linâ€" says Johnoy DECEMBER 7, 18go Letter. hbad to say to I l Cew York. now | DOPIINE yes ; if you say no, responding n« ’“Do'yqu’ know what a serape you‘re got ; fer to ';l:e Independent, of New ‘nrk" nm,‘: inave, eyes half shut, mouth :’:«lc ope® me into ?" "he exclaimed. ‘"She thinks t ‘ exlled "The largest, ‘-h. fllack . the ]’“t' maintaining his position in society only te wrote it ! She lins answered it and she beâ€" Seo Advertisement, in nnother co s canse he las a lurge patrimony. His wif lieves I have asked her to marry me {" and send a postal card for free apecimen belonged to that clase of pgople who nee Johnay burst into a riaging lanugh :â€" _ | °°PJ* w uh va i. no na meto distimzuish them, no title o "Golly, what a sell! I never thought of A Wise Maxim. prineess or queern. She was great in he such a joke [ It‘s too rich for anything." , ‘‘A stitch in time saves nine," not only in hospitality. Jupiter bas the surname 0 ""Don‘t Inugh, you exasperating un‘nd. #{m'm:{ot:l‘ m"‘::",’.":i‘:dd‘:‘ ‘ "The Hunpitnl-le.". und be was said to or I‘ll be tempted to thrash you !" the earlier stages of Colds and Coughs, many | aveuge (the wrongs of strungers. Hnmer "Catch you at it. Hooroar! its too |* ""':h ;:; b‘:'.'::fi:a,m many s case 0f to‘! / extolleds hospitality in his verse. The ;oo;:lrww are you going to do,; Uncle 4&,}'«,"‘“’“ il"nmuw,‘""' were punctilions about it â€"TPsefp & L m ‘| _ "Look Irere, did you send that nonsensiâ€" |cal loveâ€"lebfer E wrote for you the other day 2" | **You bet."" ~ ""Who to 9" "My girl." And John the younger looks Jolhn the: elder calmly in the eye. "Confound you! ‘Fell me her name !" "Her name‘s Miss Burké, and she is a bully nice girl," **Whose name did you sign ?" ‘"Wuy, my own, to be sure. _ I ‘aint ashamed of it." "Did you put Jr. to it." **No. Why should I 2" U cle John could hardly help giving the cool little lad a shake, He dropped into a cha , and wiped the perspiration from bil’ ‘ brow. . ‘ *4 C hi. Aitbatnitints fln dic ho ccicd ts C1 1A 4 t , These last words came as a sudden reâ€" mombrance flashed over his mind. Just then the front door shat with a wellâ€" _known bang. Mr. Hunter hurried to his door and called, "Johnnny Hunter, come up here quick!" "O. K.!1 Coming !" was the response,and up bounded Young America, three steps at a time, and stood unabashed in the presâ€" ence of his uncle, |;, 3 .\ _ _\ _ 646 and it you wish to talk it over you can, Mary Bura®." ’ Mr. Hunter dropped the note in terror ‘and amaze. | _ "In the name of the people !" he cried, ’"is the woman crazy ? SBend her a note ? I never dreamed ot such a thing 1 And how on earth can I tell her so 9 She takes it in dead earnest tooâ€"arncions, what a position? Muke her a cruel joke? No indeed, I could not! Such a modest little thing as she is, too 1 My! it‘s too bad! Somebody has done it, and ifI knewâ€" C great goodness ! hullo, here!" | Joux Huxter." , ‘"Yes, and you‘ll live next door, and T‘l Miss Bark 14 liatdly belien live there, too, most all the time,won‘t I 2" (e Cm I; 'f‘.’“ b % tyk ;h‘\f. bler, "I haven‘t the least doubt you will." .:elnses. jÂ¥ "19 ,De. A . Irle L Aor “0’ "And, see here, Uncle Jobhn! As long , ns PCs from the small Acqvaintante she as she is too old for me to marry, I‘m yery {had with John Hunter that he was not the l glad you are going to iet hu'- € L don‘s! §"““‘ to do such ‘ deed. Sho knew that | knon; but you ought to give me another V | Mrs. Hunter sometimes scolded because he J for doing t.lmt much for you," would not pay attention to the fine yonngl "I‘ll see you hanged first! â€" But, look ladies who visited her, ond she beard him | here, my Iuidiof'-â€"l'm going down stairs to _ say that he wouldn‘t give a quiet little some | Kee h'lury that‘s a pretty name rint it + + ‘ w » _ body for ‘em all. But cu}ald it be he had Jobony ?â€"pretty soon, and if she does say really chosen her 2 ,Was it true that she es, you shall be groornsmian at the wiild. might have a nice home of her own, and | ;};g,"y 8 £ Nok be a wanderer ser\'f’ug from place m‘ “.Done again! Hoowée! Three cheers for ll;lueel? 1t neqntxled Coe ""e'"d.. o te gooet Kunt Mary and Uncle John! Now I‘l] go | it + nor’ Th he ndlorand _ & uuht.hu‘s study up what to do with this greenback ! | some sort of an answer, £o she wrote :â€" ’ Say, Uncle John, do you want any more | | _ "Mxu. HuUxTER.â€"I feel sure you wonld‘ I¢ve letts itten?" | not muke me the sulject of a ernel joke, | ‘0ve lett>rs wr? B K : t yet L can hardly believe that the note you | "Get along with you! .cnod' Uncle Job-n. , seut was really meant for me, 1 never; And when John Junuior, danced off m“ ;""’ed “° l‘"{”l" that a "“l’l?' l‘°"‘: :'!;‘ the [ proat glee, John Senior, went down stairs 6 ove ol a noble man were for me.bat i you / M were truly in earnest, I shall be in the 5114. | to see the ,hm’ dressmaker, ’n ing room toâ€"fight, and if you wikh to talk | _ And so it hnppened_ thut the answer to|° it over you can, Mary Bmove » ho wy us oT e h "Mxu. HUxTER.â€"I feel su not mauke me the subject . of yet I can hardly believe that seut was really meant for ; e| Bhe took it np, fromewhat surprised, opened it, and read that which made her catch her breath, while her blue eyes filled with tears. The note read thns:â€" Dearesr Miss.â€"I admire, respect and love you above all other ladies. My heart is yours, and 1 want yeurs in exchange, If you will accept me and be mine forever, 1 shall be forever yours adoringly, Joux Huxter." / Miss Burke could bardly believe her | senses. Could this be a trick ? No, HIJG’ ,felt sure from the small nequaintance she ‘had with John Hunter that he was not the | { man to do such a deed. Bho knew that | MYS, Hubtey S0imelimes «anmdas a.ll.e i7 t The next morning went to her work, a . directed to Miss Mary machine, I wat OR ahneng1ls . 5 10 _OUrj _ 2 [ ) CCC mennwite, Yas doing softie ing, ‘"but I will get up something," l hard thinking, and smal] John‘s connsels He scribbled over the paver and then he ! were having their weight. _ It never took gave it to John Jr., who took it delightedly, Mr. Hunter long to make up his mind. "Thanky, Uncle. When you get a girl| Presently he took a five dollar note out I‘ll help you." of is pocket. and smoothing it over his "I dare say you will. you kambugt Go| k9°6, he said to John Ir;sâ€" «* gn+ ‘ along with you now, and d« n‘t bother me," c See mut')' j ‘[Well give me an envelope, then," Tet you 1" anid Johnny, s "Help yourself, there is the drawer " "Well, sir, if you‘ll promise to keep this Johnny took an enyelope and trotted ofl'l thing mum, and, never, in your life to tell to address his letter, and his Uncle forgot | ar3ybody about that letter, I‘ll gite it you." all about it. en 9. . oi o es "I don‘t have to tell ! Here‘s a sheet of piper ; please write that letter, Uncle and I‘llsend it. Itneedn‘t be long, you know.," "*Well, if 1 must, I must, I reokon.l What sort of one do you want ?" "Oh !â€"any kind 1 Ouly not too silly, just sorter sensible you know, like you would write yourself,." "I have not had much experience in the loveâ€"letter line," said Uncle John, laughâ€" ing, "but I will get up something," ' He scribbled over the paver and then he gave it to John Jr., who took it delightedly, "Thanky, Uncle. When you get a girl I‘ll help you." "I dare say you will. you bumbug! Go| along with you now, and don‘t botherme." "Well give me an envelope, then," "Help yourself, there is the drawer " Johnny took an enyelope and trotted afi 1 *"Unecle John !" cried our small friend, dashing into the room with his usual lack of ceremony, "I want you to write me a slam up, superfine loveâ€"letter !" "What do yon want that for, scaliwag 9" asked Uncle John. "‘That‘s for me to know, and for you to find out! You write it that‘s all," 1 "Which one of the school girls have you , set your heart on, monkey 2" + _ When Master Johnny his errand, he sped upst room. Unele John wa boarded with his sisterâ€" mother, !MIM Burke‘s kin n s, "It‘s too everlasting bad," I ‘aint going to stand it ! 1 Jolhn to help me, and then I you bet!" . ming when Miss Burke k, a small wnite envelope Mary Burke lay upon the was a bachelor, .ndli erâ€"inâ€"law, Johnney‘al subjects ; has departments edited by spec inlists and devoted to Fine Arts, Music, s lSciel ce, Religions Intelligence, Missions, Sshool and College, News of the week, Hymn Notes, the Sunday school, Legal k and Sanitary questions, Bivlicau] Research (something that caunot be found in any other newspaper in the United States), M Farm and Garden, Insurance, Weeklyl Market Reports, ete.â€"in fact, a newspaper which, with its twentyâ€"two distivet deâ€" partments, is suited to the requirements of every family. contaming a fand of inforâ€" | mation which cannot be had in any other | sbape, and having a wine cireulation all I over the conntry and in Enrope. We reâ€" fer to the Independent, of New York, now , culled "The largest, the ablest, the best," 1 Ber Advertisement, in another column, 'md'sondnpounl card for free specimen | | _ We desire to call the attention of our readers to one of the largest, ablest, and most popular religious newspaper publishâ€" ed â€"one that secures the best writers . in this country and Enrope, regardless of exâ€" peose; has the best and fulle:t book ree views of any paper in the country ; hux‘ able articles npon financial and commercial Both the Johns kept their #46et, and nobody was ever the wiser for the Incky mistake caused by Miss Burke‘s loveâ€"letter. The newlyâ€"married pair did take up their residence in Encle John‘s bouse, next door where the small advisor of his uncle was géherally to be fornd. until the wonderis that they didn‘t kill him. But it naver even made the rascal sick. _ And so it happened thut the answer to Miss Burke‘s note walked into the sitting room about the time she did, and everyâ€" thing was lovely, ‘There was a wedding before long,; at Mrs. Huniers, Johnuy was groomeman, and enjoyed the "lots of cakes and goodies‘ A Religiou;fi év;;i;;per. **She is henttily, "Oh, She‘ll be all right, I will stick up a little because mauker, but she‘s fine enou, me, ‘aint she 2" 1 C PC TNE 6D arybody about that letter, I‘ll give it 3 _ "Done ! It‘s a bargain. Hapd over money," says Johnny, bolding out nis ] to receive it, Uucle John gave it, and as the mor pocketed it;‘e.wd :â€" _ "Are we going to have a wedding 2" ‘"We‘ll see Miss Burke about that," , Mr. Hunter. re there, too, most all the time, won‘t J 9 "I baven‘t the least doubt you will." "And, see here, Uncle John t leS bard thinking, and were having their Mr. Huntar inss I £0% fots of money, Uncle John. Just go in and let‘s have a big wedding,; and lots of cakes and goodics, do T‘ I sent that letter on my own account, but I‘l] let it stand for you, if you want ber, and we‘ll fix it all up so ! See it?" And the small imp cockâ€" ed up une eye, and looked more aggravat. . ing than ever; ‘ "I would, Uncle Jolhn. _( are always being made fun of. got lots of money, Uncle J. in and let‘s have a big weddi "That‘s an iixdncament.certainly ed if I haven‘t a notion to 1" "I would, Uncle Jolhn. OM h. N _ "0 0"+ _A â€"ever was in such & serape, I‘m sure! Confound it all {" Johnny cooly settled himself, wiih his .‘ elbows on the table, and his chin in his ) hands, which was his usual aititude when ‘ , advising his elders. | *"Well, now, I‘ll tell you what to do.‘ : **Sing it out, quick 1" "T‘d just marry her." "Good Lord !" "Well, I would,"with a sage shake of his head. "She‘s nice and pretty, and she never gets cross, and she don‘t bang her hair, and you own the nice house next door andâ€"law sakes, Uncle John, just get mar. ried and be done with it, and I‘ll come over | and live with you.‘ Whole No. 247 "Lord knows! 1 ; my boy," said tlre elder says Johnny, bolding o;( bis l;uud meanwhile ht, I Enow. Laura cause she‘s a dress enough for you and n your life to te}l ) I‘ll give it gou." Hand over your Old bachslors And you‘ve monkey ;R You see hbundreds of men who are sueâ€" 1| veseful only because thore is a renson at , | home why they are successful; If aman _ | marry a goud, honest soul he makes Ins *| fortune; if be maurry a fool, the lord help ‘| hinc. The wifemay be a silent partuer in I' the firm. There mmy be only maséaline voices down on the exchange, but there ofâ€" : ten comes from the hoar@ a potential and clevating influentse. The an | Shunem, at whose house the pro 1â€" isha stopped, was a great woman and the superior of ber hnsband. He, as far as I ean nnderstand, was what we often find in our day, a man of large fortune and only a modicum of brain«, intensely quiet, sitting aluong time in the same place without woving hand or foot; if you say yes, resâ€" ’pondiug yes ; if you say no, responding no; inane, eyes hulf shut, mouth wide open, maintaining his position in society only be. canse he has a large patrimooy. His wife belonged to that ciase of pgople who need . no nameto distimguish them, no title of prineess or queen. She was great in hor hbospitality. Jnpiter las the surnuame of John « Hang | _ Hall‘s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer has the hearty commendation of thonsands whose "turning Jocks" have been restored by it to their former beauty of color and growth. _ Tt isyin fact, a tniracle in its way even in this age of wondrous improve» mentâ€"a fact to which every one has given its virtuee a test will certify. The proprie tors, R. P. Hall & Co., are men of liberalâ€" ity and enterprise, who give the benefit of their discovery to the world at larze, and have placed it in the hands of every drug= gist in the couniry, that its benefits may be extended alike to all. â€"If there is the loust suspicion of gray hair showing itself npon your head, go at onee and procure & bottle of this celebrated Hair Renewer.â€"Carthâ€" age, N. Y., Republican, says One Tuesday evéening a number of ladion | and gentemen connected with the Canada ‘ | Methodist Chureh, Palmerston, drove out ‘ | to the residence of Mr, Henry Prtmore \| (their ehoir master) uind presented him with | an address and $100 in gold. | _ Too Maxy Wriyes. â€"aA man who was apâ€" arrested at Chitago on Monday under the name of Daniel Eastman turns out to he John D. Hewitt, a former resident of Mount Forest, A dispatch from Boff.]. sinteg the following frets about him,. He mar ried Henora Hawkins in Mount Forest, m April 1878, and bad two children, Lanst week he married at Buflalo Alice J. Lamâ€" ont, a respectablé gn} 17 years old4, and after two days it was discovered that he bad mnother wife. When he started for Chicago hé took $300 of the wages belong» ing to a gang of ‘"longshoremen, of whom he was foreman. Detective Murin, of Bufâ€" falo, took hini back to Buffulo for tria}. sls o0 C Gme 2B ToTdk. 19. Do not urge the animal to drink water which he refdres. It is probably hard and un wholesomeâ€" 20. Never allow drugs to be administor. ed to your horse without your knowledge, They are not needed to keep the animai in health; and they may do the greatest ind most sudden mischief.â€"Nep, York. Graâ€" phic. 1 S OmCy m UB ime next morning., l 17. If the horse remains m stable his feet must be "stopped." FHeat and dryness cause erneked Doof und lnmeness, 18. The feet should not be "stopped" oftener than twice in the week, Tt will make the hoofs soft and brings on corne. n ow\ & any stone between the hoof Standing on it af} night, the h lame MeXt muniont.... 15. Look ofter legs. Disense or at all neglected, s ous, ; 18. Let the horse have sof ery day. Otherwise he ow fever or bad feet, 14. Let your horse stand sible, without being tied up Pain and weariness from position induce bad habits an len feet and other diss.l... 12. Also. let his lege band, Nothing so soor It also detects thorns or the animal and enables fortably, tssn < dry, first with a wisp with a brush, Tlis and swent; and allow ach to récover itself a turn. 10. When a horse , the first thing 1s to wa is ©0ol, if he is brougl vents him taking cold 11. "Tlie HeXt Hiln.. s 16. F hi suseth i. probably get a chill if neglected in am . & OO Om , 6. Never clean a horse in hig stable. The dust fouls his crib, and mukes him loaths l his food, 7. Use the curryâ€"comb lightly, When used roughly it is a sourge of great pain, 8. Let the heels be wel} brashed out ev. ery night. Dirt if allowed 10 cuke in, causes grease and sore heels. 9. Whenever a horse is washed, never leave him ti}] he is quite dry. He wilt probAbly sat a siimce * C P 20 CCC CBP OB ”. Ml“ on hotfimoufingnnmmfi hools soft, and brings op lamenens, 4. Change the litter Dartially in some parts, and entivrely in others, every mornâ€" ing, and brush out and clean the stails thor. oughly, 5. Toproo..n-:oodemon your horse NAbUrRN1Y, use plenty of rabbing and brusp. ing, Plenty of "elbow Rregse" opens the pores, softens the skin, and promotes the animal‘s genera) be «Ith. i. â€" _ ___ "orse when in the stable, Nothing so soon makes him perâ€" manently vicioune, 8. Lew the horse‘s litter be dry and clean underneat) as well 85 o8 ton K.. an c mm haa e 1. Nomdlo'u,nub tease or tickle your horse in the stable. ‘The anima] only fecls the torment and does not understand the joke, Vicions babits are thus easily brought on,. 2. Never best i very night look mt <Bas the horse have some exercise ov Otherwise he will be linble to ic cs next thing j s ith a -n':.: ':"ftfzrmm, '"m q’“'. ace bad habits and on other disorcers, often at the animal‘s se or wounds in thae °* thorns or splinters and enables hitn to j ‘er beauty of color and nct, a miracle in its way of wondrous improveâ€" ich every one has given _ _ _, , SGm, and â€" promotes the meral he Jth, _ clean a hotse in his stavle. The is crib, and makes bim loathe )6 curryâ€"comb lightly. When ly it is a sourge of great pain. hP EVC voxtrant» " "Omse comes of & is to walk him 4 is brought in hot or wounds in those parts, if , soon become very dangerâ€" igs to be administor. ut your knowledge, 0 keep the animai in do the greatest ind â€"New. York. Graâ€" 800M Pemoves legs be rubled by of 0! Straw and then removes dnst, {dirt $ time for the stom» d the appetite to reâ€" and see if there is up to the m;ni.h horse when in the the 0 Confined cause swolâ€" and " n Journey , about till 1 e â€"â€" This preâ€" * a strain. , sootheg feed comâ€" will be if posâ€"

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